Celtic Ancient Origins: Decoding the Bloodlines of the Anunnaki ‘Gods'”

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Celtic Ancient Origins


From the captivating pages of ‘Keeper of the Celtic Secrets:’ Unveiling the Astonishing Truth – Ancient E.T.’s and Their Profound Impact!

Imagine this: the architects behind the pyramids, the bearers of mathematical marvels, and the custodians of science and astronomy weren’t just mortals. They were Extraterrestrials, delivering wisdom beyond our comprehension. 🛸

Now, brace yourself for the astounding revelations that await. Dive into the hidden wisdom buried in the annals of old Irish legacy, charting the genesis of races:

  1. The Origins of Light: The Caucasian races, descendants of the Anunnaki, bask in the legacy of Elohiym godhead. And guess what? Ancient Israelites? They’re more than history – they’re the lineage of the Elohiym royal family itself! 👑
  2. These Are The Bloodlines Of The Anunnaki ‘Gods’
  3. Untangling the Threads: African races, the rich tapestry of black heritage, carry the legacy of evolved Homosapiens and the enigmatic hybrid Adams. These are the EVES, weaving their story into the very fabric of humanity.

  4. Unveiling the Eastern Enigma: Behold the Asiatic or Mongoloid races, often cloaked in mystery with their YELLOW-tinged skin. Their ancestry harks back to the Nefilim – the displaced royalty from Hibiru, not to be confused with Nibiru. Pause and absorb this: Hibiru, also known as Hebrew. Are you keeping up? The Nefilim, once towering ‘giants,’ once held sway until the Elohiym family cast them down to walk among us on Earth.

  5.  Unveiling Earth’s Chronicles: The Enigma of Indigenous Races

    A captivating journey awaits as we delve into the mosaic of human origins.

    🌍 Let’s decipher the enigma of the Indigenous or Native peoples – the vibrant BROWN or RED races – and discover the remarkable tapestry of their lineage. A) Unearthing Ancient Lineage: Enter the stage, the original residents of Earth – the Homo-Erectus, evolving into Homo sapiens, also known as the Neanderthal. A remarkable saga unfolds, marked by the Ice Ages’ ebb and flow, the Great Flood deluge, the grip of famines, diseases, and the unyielding force of natural disasters. Visualize a race with ebony skin, coarse black hair, and striking features bearing the hallmark of type O Rh-positive blood. This chapter though vanished, echoes through the annals of history.B) Illuminating the Heritage: Now, let us introduce the original hybrid ADAMS – the forefathers of the brown-skinned [RED-skinned] indigenous and native communities.

    An exquisite blend of Anunnaki lineage and Earth’s evolved people, these ‘Adams’ are a testament to a shared heritage that spans continents and islands. Their legacy, etched in time, unfolds as An interconnected tale, binding diverse lands under a common ancestry.

  6. Prepare to embark on an expedition of ancient wisdom, a saga that bridges time and cultures and illuminates the unbreakable thread that weaves through the tapestry of humanity. Open your heart and mind to the origins of Earth’s diverse children as we uncover the riveting tales etched in the storybook of existence. 📜🔍Note: The Adams had lighter skin tones compared to the hybrids known as the Woman, called `Eve’. The Adams and the Eves naturally possess Rh-positive blood, which connects them to the Earth.C) Unveiling the First Woman: Meet the original Eves – the primal hybrid woman hailed as the mother of Africa’s black-skinned populace. Rooted in the fusion of Adam’s DNA and Neanderthal essence, she bears a unique genetic makeup – one-fourth Anunnaki, a testament to her celestial origins. Although her hue may be less intense than the earliest Homo sapiens, the black-skinned legacy remains an undeniable part of her essence. Her bloodline carries a profound purpose: Safeguarding the survival of Earth’s natural-born beings, on the brink of vanishing. The tapestry of all black-skinned African races finds its origins in ‘Eve.’ 🌍D) The Nefilim Enigma: Once reigning over Hibiru, the Nefilim, a race cast from the celestial realm, found a new home on Earth. Known as the ‘fallen giants,’ they etch their legacy across Biblical passages and St. John family chronicles. The Nefilim emerge as the forebears of the Mongoloid and Asiatic communities, their origins marked by enigmatic type B RH-negative blood – a code distinct from our planet’s. E) The Emissaries of the Divine:

    The Elohiym royal godhead, bearers of an illustrious lineage that extends to the twelve/thirteen tribes of Israel – a family intertwined with EL and Enki’s bloodline. This legacy encompasses the multitudes of Hebrew people, the white race transcending Celtic, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and Anglo-Saxon ancestry. Within their veins flows a narrative that unravels through time, unifying faithful Jews and many Western white races alike.

    Note: The genetics of this group are likely identical to ‘F’ below, as both groups are descended from the Anunnaki race. However, ‘E’ signifies divine leadership, specifically the ruling royal family. The original blood type of these descendants was RH negative, which means it originated outside of Earth.  Today, science does not have an explanation for the origin of the Rh negative factor. However, according to ancient beliefs, it is believed to trace back to the divine Elohiym family godhead. The members of this royal godhead were forbidden to marry and have children with individuals of different blood types.

    This unique restriction is also said to have influenced the Israelites’ 40-year journey in the Sinai, during which they sought to ‘purify’ their bloodline by marrying exclusively within their race. This momentous period allowed them to cleanse their heritage and uphold their identity. F) Unveiling the Ancestral Web: Enter the fascinating realm of the WHITE race, tracing their lineage back to the Anunnaki. Amongst them, some bear the prestigious legacy of the Elohiym – the royal family godhead reigning over Hibiru’s political domain. Yet, it’s worth noting that not all within the white race share the Elohiym lineage; some are true descendants of Anunnaki citizens. Diverse by Design: Initially sharing blood types, as mentioned earlier, intermarriage with the BROWN races and other creations led both groups towards a more significant presence of Rh-positive blood types. In the intricate dance of genetics, Rh-positive reigns supreme over Rh-negative. An Rh-negative mother might birth ten children from an Rh-positive father, yet only a solitary Rh-negative offspring might emerge from this unique genetic pas de deux.

  7. G) The Melting Pot of Humanity: Behold the captivating spectrum of mixed races, a kaleidoscope woven through intermarriage across diverse peoples. India’s vibrant mosaic, the Aborigines of Australia’s storied lands, the Blackfoot of North America’s vast expanses, and the Polynesians – each a living testament to the intricate dance of lineage reflected in varied skin tones, facial features, hair hues, and blood types.H) Echoes of Lineage: Wander through the corridors of history and encounter the descendants of Esau, spanning lands like Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and beyond.I) The March of Time: Traverse the annals of generations, from Cain’s descendants to the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans, each chapter a thread in the intricate tapestry of human heritage.

    J) Sands of Arabia: Venture into the lineage of Ishmael, where the legacy of the Arabs unfolds, a captivating tale woven through time.

    K) Threads of Elohiym: Unveil the lineage of Jacob, the descendants of the Elohiym godhead, intricately linked to the twelve/thirteen tribes of Israel. A rich tapestry stretches from Celtic landscapes to the heart of Western white races.

    Eternal Scientists of Genesis: The mastermind, Enki, conducted DNA manipulation and cloning experiments in earthly laboratories, fostering diverse features across human races. From blonde-haired Aborigines to the exquisite black-skinned peoples of India, Enki’s touch echoes through the ages, painting a canvas of intricate variety.

    Out of Africa, Across Time: Genetic studies, like mitochondrial DNA and the Y chromosome, paint an intriguing portrait of our origins. A chorus of genetic diversity resonates among African races, narrating tales that span millennia. An unbroken thread links us back to a small population of Homo sapiens that once thrived in the heart of Africa.

    The Legacy of Neanderthals: Neanderthal echoes linger through time as their DNA weaves a narrative distinct from modern Europeans. As the ancient chords of heritage reverberate, they reveal that modern Europeans stand apart from Neanderthals of Africa.

    A Universal Odyssey: From the far reaches of continents to the minor islands, the mark of black-haired, ruddy-skinned people has graced the Earth since the dawn of ‘Adams.’ Created by the Elohiym, these beings emerged to fulfill tasks that the Anunnaki deemed beneath them – a living testament to humanity’s enigmatic origins.

    The Anunnaki Tapestry: Across time and space, the lineage of the Anunnaki unveils itself, with white races standing as descendants. A symphony of traits – red, blonde, or light-colored hair, eyes that mirror skies, and a shared legacy – paints a portrait transcending history’s bounds.

    Amidst Threads of Destiny: While the Israelites walk in the footsteps of the Elohiym godhead, it’s essential to recognize that not all white races share this lineage. Enki’s foresight propelled Elohiym descendants to stay, safeguarding a royal legacy amidst Earth’s realms.

    Of Hebrew Heritage: Beyond distinctions, both WHITE and ORIENTAL races carry a common ancestry – they are HEBREW, their origins tracing back to Hibiru, the planet of myth and legend.

    In these luminous pages, the St. John family journals unveil an intricate tapestry of races, a heritage interwoven with the cosmic hands of creators and champions, painting humanity’s story through diverse brushstrokes across the canvas of existence. 🌍🎨

  • Tommy Truthful

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1 thoughts on “Celtic Ancient Origins: Decoding the Bloodlines of the Anunnaki ‘Gods'”

  1. Avatar Of Tamara
    Tamara says:

    As I wrote from my adopted father Scottish & my Husband both the same tartan. From the Leprachgan to our Ojibway video by Jaguar Bird called little people in his video. Had an encounter where my native partner wouldn’t stop speaking on them as we told him we can’t speak on them after dark they’ve been known to take children never seen again. Like in Paru our men guard & protect as the firekeepers can’t let the fire go out once the lite ceremony begins. Having taken Hyland dance since 5 & making sure to have a bag pipper @ my father’s burial & my wedding raised with everything all stories he came over @ 11 they gave him an orange never seeing one. When I realized my husband’s family was a generationaLCatholic Political World Leader my son’s permanent teeth came in having a double row, When my husband’s piano player was hired by The Black Crows like many songs & movies she talked to angles was like it was written about me & my son as refusing to call him the 4th, I went to Tecumseh wanting Patrick but pushed for an Irish Catholic Name so Raven became his middle name his father had so much control & a shit father I went so opposite to everything he asked because I could. I never gave a shit about $, and could or would never be bought.

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