➡ This text emphasizes the importance of understanding cosmic events and their influence on our lives. It suggests that being aware of these events can help us align with the universe, improve our lives, and achieve our goals. The text also criticizes common birthday rituals, arguing that they can limit our potential. Lastly, it highlights the significance of the monthly union of the sun and moon, suggesting that it can help us realize our dreams and aspirations.
➡ The text discusses the importance of understanding your personal cosmic events, such as the monthly matrimony, solar return, and titi pravesh, in relation to Ayurvedic practices and wealth manifestation. The monthly matrimony is when the moon transits your natal sun placement, the solar return is when the sun returns to its degree at your birth, and the titi pravesh is the angular relationship between the sun and the moon at your birth. These events are believed to recharge your spiritual energy and provide insight into the year ahead. The text also mentions the Nakshatra birthday, which aligns with the titi pravesh and represents your birth star or moon placement.
➡ The text discusses the importance of understanding astrology and how it can impact our lives. It suggests that by knowing our astrological charts, we can better align our actions with cosmic energies to improve our lives. The text also emphasizes the importance of self-improvement and using astrology as a tool for personal growth. It concludes by recommending the anime “Spirited Away” as a metaphor for the journey of the soul.
➡ The text discusses the importance of good karmic actions for the mind, body, and soul. Good actions for the mind include positive thinking and breathing exercises, while for the body, they involve physical exercise and travel. The soul’s good actions are related to sound, such as chanting mantras, which produce uplifting energy. The text also emphasizes the need for constant adjustment in life, as everything is always changing, and the importance of maintaining balance in all aspects of life to ensure beneficial circumstances in the future.
➡ The text discusses the importance of understanding your astrological birth date and how it can help you align with your cosmic imprint, leading to personal growth and improvement. It emphasizes the power of astrology, which can be used to change your life patterns and create the life you want. The text also encourages reaching out to experts for help in understanding these concepts. Lastly, it discusses the concept of Venus as the morning star, explaining its significance in both mythology and astrology.
➡ The text discusses various cultural practices and their connection to astrological events. It highlights how different cultures, like the Aphrodite cults and the Hindu culture, align their rituals and celebrations with specific planetary alignments. The text also mentions the significance of the sun’s position during Halloween and elections, and how these events are interpreted in different cultures. Lastly, it touches on the potential influence of astrology on the outcome of the upcoming election.
➡ The speaker is unsure about an upcoming event, possibly influenced by astrology, and is leaning towards a certain outcome but acknowledges it could go either way. They encourage listeners to stay informed and use their personal power, emphasizing the importance of self-care and hard work. They also mention the value of understanding divine timing, as it’s a tool used by successful people. The speaker ends by expressing gratitude and promising to return soon.
See, the title of the lection of the lecture is Birthday Rights of Passage Reclaimed. Yes, yes, yes. Well, it’s kind of a. This is like the third part to the series that we’ve been kind of loosely doing. And last we kind of. We talked about the, the deep, these and learning the, the lunar phases and things of that nature. So we touched a little bit on birthday rights. So I kind of want to bring it all together today. And yeah, there’s a lot of planetary energy going on this week, which is kind of why I wanted to, to present this at this time.
So that, that way, you know, before the sun goes debilitated, before there’s a full moon this week, at the same day that the full moon is, is the same day that the sun enters Libra, sun going to be at the exact degree aspecting, you know, each other. So it’s a lot of energy going on. Venus is now in Scorpio. So a lot of, a lot of friction, a lot of energy going on this week. So I, it would be a good time to present it so that, that the family can go into the, the dark times of the year with this gnosis and, you know, prepare themselves for their own cosmic events that are happening simultaneously with the.
The Loosh Factory’s theater stage. Exactly. A lot going on with that. So, yeah, you’re the best person to bring to the forefront. So I’m gonna just let you cook if I have any questions. I will reserve most questions for the audience towards the end, so you can do your thing. Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah. Where are we? Oh, that’s not what. It’s always, it’s always something. Hold on. Okay. All right. There we go. Right. So, you know, we, we must remember we talk a lot about astrology. You know, we, we, we loosely talk about it. We’re entertained by it.
But one of the key things that we have to remember is that throughout antiquity, astrology has always been among one of the Great mystery schools, right? So the mysteries of the cosmos, which are the mysteries of the soul, which are the mysteries of karma. So as with all mysteries, there are rights that are to be performed by the initiate to support the mysteries and extract the fruits, right? So that’s, that’s where you know, the con, the whole foundation of jythesh and Vedic astrology is, is based on this, is, you know, performing certain rights, having the knowledge of those rights to, you know, extract the fruits of your karmas and mitigate other karma.
So I am aware that for many people Vedic astrology is like reading philosophy, right? It’s like either either it makes your brain feel like mush, you know, makes you feel kind of dumb, or that it’s beyond your comprehension. However, with all things, especially with reading philosophy, the more you engage in it, the higher, you know, awareness you, you gain. And for all, you know, all of those who have, you know, ears to hear and eyes to see, I encourage you to just, even if you utilize the simples, the simple tools, they can aid in gaining control and mastery of your life.
So to be interested in astrology, the first principle is to know the cycles of karma. And we talked about that a little bit in our first meeting about what is the birth chart? What, why are we even interested in it? And you know, the birth chart is a scoop of your karmic bank that you now have been served in this lifetime. Does that make sense? That makes perfect sense to me. Exactly. So that’s where the, again where the birth chart comes in. The birth chart is a representation of the energetic signature pictures of the karmas. Right? The chart represents the colors or colors of your karmas, both bad and good.
Right? Because the karmas are the actions that, you know, that were, that we’ve performed. You know, it may not have been in the last lifetime, it could have been 50 lifetimes ago, but it’s still, it’s, you know, the colors are representing the quality of those karmas. So I’m here today to bridge the gap between the static and the dynamic principles of astrology so you can gain clarity on how jy this is used and applied again. We, you know, have been doing a loose three part series and, and now it’s kind of coming to, you know, its full ripening of being able to know the diff the two different angles of astrology because of Vedic astrology.
Because I think that’s where there’s a lot of confusion. Right. So today we’ll go from being a minister, right? A minister or a mini star to A mass star. Right? So already previously know the logos, but today we’ll learn the ergos, which means the work. So we know the, you know, the, we know the overall, but today we’ll learn how to put the work in. Because again, you know, as metaphysicians or occultists, you know, we’re, we’re like athletes. And with any, with any sport, so to speak, or any, any, anything, you have to train, right? You have to, you have to train yourself to.
Yes, train yourself in consciousness when it comes to metaphysics, but you also have to, it’s duly important to make sure that you’re applying what you’re, what you’re applying what you’re training for or you’re applying what you’re learning. So, you know, again, bridging that gap between the dynamic and the static of the, of astrology. So the birth chart itself is static, right? It will not change. The planets are there. The planets are representing again, the quality of the colors of the chart representing your karmas and then transits. The transits are the dynamic level of astrology. And this is really, I think this is more so what should be highlighted because you get your birth chart, the birth chart is telling you the quality of the chart, right? Transits are telling you what you should do, how you should do things.
The transits is, are basically unlocking the fruits of the karma or unlocking the, the negative karma to be mitigated. Right? So the, the, the transits being the dynamic level of astrology, this is the principle of the mystery which allows one to see the past, see the present and see into the future, right? So what is the transit? What is a transit? It’s the progression of the celestial bodies that animate everything on Earth. So as with all energy, there’s a factor of quality involved, right? There’s a, as we said last time, there’s a quality of time. Just like there’s a quality of food that we, a quality of air that we breathe, a quality of our clothing.
Time has a quality to it. So astrology or Vedic astrology highlights and it, it kind of gives you an idea. Not kind of, but it gives you an idea of what the quality is based on transit, Right? Right. Stars are in an angular relationship between one another. And these angular relationships are. They cause cosmic events. Right? And cosmic events are the gateways that transmit the light codes. Right? We’re transmitting light codes. We’re receiving light codes. We’re transmitting light codes. And so the wandering stars are doing the same thing. Right? So there are several times of Year where each of us has a quality of time that opens up a pathway in our favor.
Right. So it’s part of the mystery rights to connect with the source at that time. So performing rituals and specific, at specific times that match the frequency of the day provides efficacy in aligning your intentions with the multiverse. Right. So we all, we always have to remember that it’s the cosmos that determines the event, not the calendar day. So something that is occurring on October 14th, you can’t, you can’t think that it’s going to occur the same, the same thing will occur on October 14th next year. The stars are not going to be aligned in the same place.
So that’s again, how we, you know, we get trapped into the calendar. The calendar. Because you have, if you have a mindset that every, you know, somebody’s birthday is on October 14 every year, October 14, the stars are going to be aligned the same way. No, it’s not. Is it truly their birthday? No, it’s not truly their birthday. It’s just the calendar date of October 14th. So that’s why, you know, having the higher knowledge, you look to the relationship or the transits of the, of this, of the planets to then say, oh, okay, these, these alignments will occur at this, these degrees in this minute.
What does that translate to in the calendar? Oh, that translates to October 14th. Okay, fine. Right. So it’s not the other way around. And that’s really a really important principle to keep in mind when it comes to the transits. Right. So having awareness of your opportune moments enables you to align yourself and level up and expand your reality. Right. The cosmic events host gateways of ascension, and that’s what we want. We want to ascend. We want opportunities, we want auspicious outcomes. You know, that’s the goal of joy. This, the goal of joy. This is to bring energetic influences to the highest level in this time for favorable outcomes and to maybe get a better birth chart next time.
Right? Exactly, exactly. So again, this is just representing our, our karmas and how, you know, things are always being recorded. Your actions are always being recorded, your deeds are always being recorded. So whether you’re aware of it or not, the record still plays, the recording still goes on. Right. So many have been, you know, have been as a culture, and I mean society culture, not like, you know, fine culture, but like many of us, have been indoctrinated to celebrate the relinquishing of our rites of passage, which in turn afflicts the areas of money, monetary gains, enjoyment, prosperity, relationships, and domestic happiness.
So by knowing your own divine timing, you improve your subtle energies known as your ojas, your the. And you also can gain cities and bhutis. Now, in English, this all translates to vitality, lucidity, radiance, opulence, occult powers, intellect, a life of affluence. And tapping into, you know, basically reclaiming your rite of passage enables you to tap into these things so that. That way you can improve your life. Because what is, what is astrology for? It’s to improve your life, right? It’s not, it’s. It’s to tell you some things, but it’s. It’s. It’s an active, you know, an active type of subject study.
Right? So let us consider, Let us consider how most of us were groomed into the practice that nullifies the birthday rights. So a child is born, right? There are rights that are performed. Whether someone knows that they’re performing rights or not, there’s still rights. Rights are performed. The child to protect their prana. Yes, right. The child solar return. And they have lived one full calendar year. But instead of announcing that they are in their second year of life, we tell them that they’re only one years old. Right? Right. Like instead of announcing that they’re in their second year of life, we say they’re one years old.
So that already is energetically putting them in the past and restricting their expansion. Right? So then we take, we take a, A cake, we, you know, put it in front of them. We. And for adults, too many of you know, people do it as adult super. With a candle and instruct the child, or instruct the child or the adult to blow out the candles. Make a wish and blow out the candles. Oh, blow up candles. Now what in the retro great ritual practice is this, right? Like, right, right. Like never in any ritual, especially that of manifestation, is it wise to blow out your flame.
So because in that same moment, the individual has just nullified the ritual aimed to projecting their desired fulfillment. Right? Fire is the transport. Right? Fire transports and transforms messages into matter. We know that the ether is water, okay? We’re living in water. We know that the ether is the cosmic waters. So the ether is holding the memory for the message to be retained. So if, if you’re sitting in front of a flame, you’re celebrating your life, you’re making a wish and then you’re blowing out the flame. No, the flame goes out on its own. You, you let the flame stay alive and it goes out on its own.
It carries your messages or it carries your intention. It Carries your mantra. That’s why a lot of people do mantra in front of a little. A little lamp, a little deeper, you know, oil lamp, because it’s carrying the message. Okay, so. So we see how again, these mysteries have gotten degraded and molested other cults, you know, because it’s their attempt to weaken. To weaken the individual and capture their energy through psychological operations that get people all riled up and misdirected, right? So just being equipped with just this, this tiny amount of knowledge, like, just like, like my te.
One of my teachers said so greatly. It’s like once you know the inner workings of your birthday, you’ll never celebrate your birthday like a fool ever again. Because it’s foolish. You get what I’m saying? Like you’re. If you. And then, and then, is it really your birthday on that date? Like, is that your power date? When is that day? Right? So again, being equipped with these tools, one can foster a lifestyle where you’re in alignment with the cosmos. This strengthens your antenna and you’re able to receive and receive stronger transmissions and send out stronger transmissions, right? There’s.
There are monthly and annual cosmic events that serve as your personal gateways to transmit codes to Swaga Loca. I think that. Well, this is just. Sorry, this. I’m kind of ahead of myself with this or behind myself with the slides. But this is a representation of the, the angles, like, you know, you. The. The patterns that these wandering stars create. So again, think that on the same day every year that, you know, the pattern is going to be the same. You know, so this is, this is really important because this gives us a visual, you know, not true to scale, but a visual of the three.
In, in. In. In Vedic philosophy, they refer to as the three worlds, right? The three levels. You know, you have Buloka Boova Loca and Swaga Loca, which is interesting because it has, like, it gives a new take on the word swag, like your swagger. And I really think that that’s coming from the Akashic remembrance of Swaga Loca, because it is in Swagaloka or Swaha. If you say mantras are ending like those who are into mantras or become. Become a mantra fanatic like myself. Like the end of. There’s certain. There’s certain suffixes that get put on the end of.
Of a mantra to kind of direct it to its right place, so to speak, or direct it to where you wanted to go. And some of them are ending with Swaha, which is the, the sound of this Swaga Loca. So this is where, this is where the Nashakras are up here where you know, Loka. Then you got the, the planets and then you got the, the fixed stars and the Nakshakas. So again, when we are tapping into the energies of our personality birth rights, we are able to connect up here at that time. And that’s what makes it really important.
Because you know, it’s not every day that you have an opening. Now you can say you can do good deeds. Yes. Karmic actions are being recorded. You can do your mantras every day. You can do your meditation, your breathing exercises and all that every day. It definitely does plant seeds in the ether that then you know, again, with all seeds they blossom. It takes time. But there are certain times of the year where you have an express route to carry your codes, your light codes directly to Swagaloka. Wow. Okay, so again, examples of the events we talked a little bit about last time.
So we’ll get into them a little bit deeper today. So one is what I call the, the monthly matrimony, right? So inside of each of us there’s a self generating battery powering a current of consciousness. Right? So every 29 and a half days the moon, which is the cosmic mother, unites with the cosmic father or the sun, where the sun was at the time of your birth. Right. So again, the moon is transiting, it gets to a point where it’s transiting your sun sign. And that psycho physical seed is planted in the battery known as the solar plexus.
Right? So that’s what’s stimulating the oil through the currency that’s flowing through our bodies. So we all can achieve healthy and fruitfulness by saving these internal seeds each month during that transit. All right. The generative seed assists with procreation, manifestation because it holds pure light or the creation within it. So by saving and nurturing these seeds, we propel our realization of our dreams and aspirations. So we can, we also are able to flush out traumas and dilapidating markers from the body. So the whole, the, the, the, the monthly matrimony is very, very important because the quality of the information in the seed will det which fruits will emerge.
And that quality is determined by the state that your body is in on that day. It’s really like a three day period because it’s, you know, the day before, the day of and the day after. But the quality of your, your body at that time will determine whether that, you know, what type of fruits will emerge from, from that seed. It’s just the same way that we, you know, we have plant, we plant seeds for, for, you know, flower and prance plants or, or food. It’s, you know, it’s the same concept. So knowing your personal day of the month when the matrimony occurs is very important and beneficial because your inner sun has a relationship with the outer moon concept of it.
Your inner sun, your solar plexus has a relationship with the transiting moon. It’s like the, the divine mother coming to visit your house, where your father is, where your soul is at that time. So you got to think inner nurture for outer nature. Inner nurture for outer nature. Right. So again, in order for, for wealth to manifest, and this is, this is taught in a lot of Ayurvedic practice, like in order for true wealth or continuation of wealth to manifest, there has to be a health and vibrant, unclogged manipura chakra, which is your solar plexus. That’s where your wealth is coming from, from your solar plexus.
So again, to know when you know what time of month that seed is being planted, you know, you can’t do anything but, but grow from there. Right, Exactly. Sorry, let me just say this. You cooking. Oh, thank you. You’re cooking. I, I listen, I want my people’s listen, I know a lot, it’s been a lot of, a lot of energy going into it. No, I’m really, I get really excited because I’ve, A lot of American aborigines are now remembering the Vedas, remembering the cosmic laws, and I’m just the one to give it to you. Like, I’m like, I’m just like, yes, come on.
Like, if I could contribute to the consciousness, I’m all for it. And I see that a lot of people are more and more interested in it, so why not try to make it more simple so that, you know, in the age of Kali Yuga, that’s what we have. We have these tools to make life a lot more simple and to extract all of these, you know, the mystery rights that have been, you know, kept secret or, you know, pushed out of remembrance. Right. So we just described the, the monthly matrimony. And then there’s the solar return, right? That’s when, that’s what we really have been celebrating as our birthday, the return of the cosmic Father.
Right. When you have birthday on October 14th, and then next year you’re celebrating your birthday on October 14th again, excuse me. Then that’s really, you’re celebrating your, your solar return, which is fine, but it’s really Only acknowledging the father, you know what I mean? Like it’s only acknowledging the sun. Like what, what created you was, you know, two different energies. You had your electric, you know, your electromagnetic together not, you know, something else. So again, it’s important. Not really in terms of astrology, but it’s something to be celebrated. Maybe it’s not that important, but it’s important.
So then you have your, your titi pravesh. And this is where, you know, you have your maha moment, so to speak, your grand rebirth, right? So the Titi Pradesh is like the return, your teeth, your TP return. And it’s the, it’s the. When the cosmic father and the cosmic mother, the sun and the moon are forming the same angular relationship that they did when you were born, right? So it’s the mind and the soul uniting. And that’s the truest union of your bir day, your most spiritual day of the year, signifying your relationship with the great power, with the source.
So on this day, like your batteries recharge. That’s why it’s called, you know, a new, a rebirth. You have a birth chart that, that gets used at that moment for that year to give insight on what you know, things are going to occur that year for you, so to speak. And in the same, by the same token, you can also use the transits. And what they’re used for is to see each time a, a planet goes into a. Another sign, what house is that in your chart? You know, you do things to stimulate that house, you do things to resolve that house.
You know, hey, it might be your power time where you’re supposed to do the most advertising, open business, you know, or whatever. So different things, you know, warrant different energies according to the planetary transit. So again, your titi pravesh, your most spiritual day, on this day, your battery recharges and it’s like shedding of old skin. The opportunity to make your mark and improve your health and tap into your prima materia. That’s, that’s what that titi, titi pravesh is, is for. And then again, so I’m a little ahead of myself, but so monthly, your monthly matrimony, these are your important cosmic events.
You got your monthly matrimony like we described, which is when the moon transits your, your natal sun placement. And this is sidereal placements, not tropical placements. And then you have your solar return, which is when the sun goes back to its degree that it was when you were born. And then you’ve got your titi pravesh. Again, the angular relationship which is of this between the sun and the moon and the titi. Because that’s important. It’s the sun, the moon and the titi that you were, that you were born in. And then you have your Nakshatra birthday.
Now this kind of, this matches up or aligns with the titi pravesh because each year on your cosmic birthday, your titi pravesh, the moon may not be exactly in the Nakshatra that you were born in your birth star. Okay, so your moon placement is known as your birth star. It’s known as your, your jama, your Nakshakra of birth. Right, where the moon was. So, so for example, if one year it’s in, it’s in Taurus and it may be. Well actually let’s, let’s, let’s look at a chart so I could tell you, I could show you what I’m saying instead of.
Okay, all right, hold on. Let’s get here. Right. And relationship. Yeah. All right, let’s go to. Come on. Okay, so let’s go to astro seek. Can you still see my screen? Yes. Okay, so we’ll go to. Down here. We’re using astroseek.com. we’re going to go to astrology sidereal astrology calculator. And let’s say. Oh come on, don’t do it. All right, so let’s say that we have person A and we’ll call him Hattie Hot. Right? So let’s say body was born. Hottie Hottie born. What is it? October 14th today and it is 2024. And let’s say it is.
What time is it now? It’s 3:00. 3:00pm Right. And then let’s. Okay. All right. Now it’s important here if anyone is using this website, you want to always choose your whole sign because if you don’t, the, the houses won’t line up with the, with the zodiac signs and then it’ll, it’ll start getting messy. And then the I am Namsha is Lahiri. Funny thing, a couple of weeks ago I realized that we’re now in. Not now, but we’ve been in the Aya namcha is at 24 degrees. And I, if I’m not mistaken, the Ayam Nasha, it doesn’t change.
It like changes like once every. I’m not sure if it’s 50 or 72 years. But we’re now in the 24th Ayanamsha in the year 2024. You know, so. And then there’s a lot. There’s been a lot of like, you know, eight and six action, you know what I mean? The, the two and the four, the eight, the Saturn, the two and the four, the six Venus, you know, so, so I just find it really interesting and, and you know, because yeah, I’ve seen a lot of 86 gematria actually of yesterday. I’ve seen a lot of that going on.
That’s the, that’s, that’s marrying this. The Saturn and the Venus. How we talked about last time, the two, the two gatekeepers of the west. Right. Saturn and the Venus. So they’re, they’re playing a lot because the Venus is known as the, the overlord of the animals and humans, whereas Mercury is the overlord of the plants. So Venus is, you know, hosting a lot. Hosting a lot. Okay. So and then coincidentally today we’re I think believe we’re in Shatabishak, which is the 24th nakshatra. And that has all like a cold. Studying astrology. So it’s really, the lineup is really interesting.
Okay, so we’re going to do calculate the sidereal chart, right. So we see here, this is pretty much what’s going on right now. But then if we wanted to, you know, say next year, what would be going on at this same time assuming that next year would be this person’s birthday. So you go to sidereal transit chart. Once you click that, it’s pretty much going to give you the transits. Right? And the outer wheel is the transit. The orange or the outer wheel is a transit. The inner wheels to birth. Right. So again we see that, yeah, the sun will be in the same place.
Wait, actually no, this is, I gotta go a year ahead because this is the same date. My bad. At sometimes I, I make a little mistake like that. Okay. So even though these lines get kind of weird, but we see the sun next year would be lining up pretty much fine solar return, right? But then look at the moon. Next year the moon is going to be in cancer. Next year it won’t be where the natal moon is, which is in Aquarius. So again, if somebody was looking to celebrate their birthday, their true birthday, if they’re doing it on October 14, then that’s not the day, that’s not the, that’s not the rites of passage.
That’s not the day that, that you’re activated. Right. That date is very important because again, you don’t want to celebrate your birthday like a fool. Okay. And then this is not given the, the fifi, but it will also fall on a specific deepi now, if Today is the 12th Fifi, the 12th lunar day, it is not guaranteed that next year, on October 14, that it will be, you know, the same 12th lunar date as well, the same 12th deepi. Okay? Take that in consideration. So all those things again with. With astrology, all the details matters, right? It’s.
It’s about the degrees, it’s about the minutes, it’s about the zodiac sign, it’s about the Nakshatra, it’s about the titi. It’s, you know, there’s a lot of. There’s a lot of levels involved. And again, that’s why, you know, I know it is a complex subject, but sometimes with just a little bit of tools, one or two tools, you’re still ahead of 99 of the zombies that are walking around in the street clueless, okay? You can upgrade yourself. You can. You, you, only you can save you. Nobody can save you. And the great thing is that we have birth charts that enable us to have the cheat codes, you know, on how to.
On how to save ourselves. Right? Wow. So it’s really important to know your. Your timing, right? So I’ll give you an example. Right? Let’s go back here and let’s look at. I took a screenshot. Let’s look at. Because the last time we talked about Trump, right? So we see that according to his birth, his original birthday, his Titi pravesh for this year would have fell on or would have occurred on Thursday, May 23rd to 2024. Remember we said that he was born during the full moon? That’s what that poonima means, full moon. So, okay, Thursday, Jupiter.
Okay. All right. To it, depending on how you know, how knowledgeable the individuals are, but just knowing the date, let’s just go by the date. So now, just for kicks and gig, go here and let’s go to. So I already saved this article, right? Because I was curious. All right, okay. Trump holds his first rally in New York since 2016. And this is on May 17th of this year. Boom. So he’s holding this rally. When is he holding this rally? I don’t know if y’all can see that, but when is he holding the rally? Wow. May 23rd.
Right? Just say his Titi Pravesh is on May 23rd. Wow. Okay, I see that. Right? So he’s using his power to gain public. You know, to gain. To gain public energy, to gain public awareness for himself. So that. That way, his. It energizes him. So, you know, of course, I’m not saying you go out and you start campaigning. But who knows what he did? He may have had a spiritual time during that day before, before, before, you know, he. The. The public event. But I’m just showing you how these people on the world stage, they are also using these same concepts.
Okay. You know, 77 years old. Like, you know, so. So look, I notice Crotona sounds kind of like that other word. Oh, it’s okay. Okay. It sounds a little bit like another word in 77. That is the Christ number. And a lot of people died this year at 77, even our brother Frank, frankly, Beverly. Frankly. So, yeah, they’re. They’re. They’re messing with this. You’re. You’re dead on with this. Yeah. So, you know, I just. This is. I mean, I mean, I know that we’ve already been proving that, you know, these, these events are aligning up, aligning with the.
The Nakshatras, with the cosmos. You know, their. The energy is there. The energy is there for the taking. Right? What are you gonna do? What are they gonna do? They know exactly what they’re doing. They know exactly how to use. Use these. This. This energy, you know, so you want to make sure that you’re still. You’re using your. Your energy and not, you know, giving away your power. So going back here. So again, another way to look at this. Each month, you know, or each planetary movement, you want to see where. Okay, where are the major players? Where’s the sun in your chart this month? Right? You know, where’s.
Where’s the sun stays in one sign for 30 days, right? Then you have Mars in your chart. Where’s Mars in your chart? Mars is staying in a sign, for. It comes back to the same sign two and every two and a half years. So it’s slow, but it’s powerful. All right? A lot of people are getting activated because Mars is returning to us a point in their chart that is activating them to, you know, have public notoriety, to, you know, have more. More income, whatever it is, right? Then you have Saturn, you know, returning every 29 and a half years.
Whoa. Right. Saturn is staying in a sign for two and a half years. So if Saturn is in, for example, if Saturn is in your six, sixth house, transiting, what are you doing? Right. Sixth house is about that. Work is about the service is about your health, is about your physical body. You want to use that time to, you know, input these good karmas, these karmic deeds, because these are your rites of passage. This. This is what it is. You. You’re either adding to your, your karmic bank in a positive way so that you can gain fruits in this life.
You don’t have to wait until you pass away for salvation. You can benefit from the work you put in, in this life. That’s how you use it. And if you’re using it the proper way, you’re gonna, you’re gonna always be busy because you, you’re working on yourself. People want to improve themselves. Oh, I want to work on myself. I want to improve my life. All right. There’s tools that you can use to improve your life. They’re really, really simple, but you have to put the work in it. But you have to be aware of them too, you know, so, you know, the, the Ayurvedic thought, which is, includes Vedic astrology is all about improving one’s life through transmitting and transmuting energy, right? This is through coordinating one’s lifestyle with the vibrations and the resonance of the cosmos.
So we should always tune the physical body to energize the celestial body. And I had a image that I thought was capturing that. It’s pretty much a bit older, but you know, I’m sure we’ve seen this before. But you know, you’re energizing this body so that, that way it can resonate through here and improve. Improve here. Right? Again, this, this, these images is again about cosmic respiration. There’s an inhalation process and there’s an exhalation process. So, you know, knowing where the pendulum is is important for you for your free personal. Again, here we go. This is what we talking about.
That’s why they always put the Venus here. Because Venus is controlling man, so to speak. You know, Venus is the, is the energy of, of, of, you know, the, the arm, leg, leg, head. So you’re oscillating these energies, vibrating these energies. So you want to again always tune into, to the energizing your celestial body. Because part of the mystery rights are, are good karmas, right? Good karmas, yogic practices, good deeds. And each, each, each one of us, or I should say because not all of us may, you know, maybe with a soul we have. I know there’s a lot of NPCs that still tune into a lot of things.
They mean that they have a soul. So each living being of the living soil has a soul that has a soul, has a duty. Right? And what is the duty? To overcome obstacles and to direct the soul to, to purity. To go from a young star or a youngster to a mass star. Right? A master that’s that’s our goal, right? Mastering self in life. Going from the young star to a master. The quality of the soul is important. Thanks spirit. Have you ever seen this animates is Spirited Away came out in about 2001. It’s called. Yeah, somebody sent that to me.
I did watch it. Yeah. So it’s a little slow, but it’s really interesting because it, it gives you the, it kind of gives of how the soul like what you can do to your soul. You can either, you know, spirited it away or you can, you know, bring it back to it. Its pure, its pure state. And I do like recommend if anybody, you know, likes, likes to watch anime, watch this Spirited Away because it’s, it’s very telling. The parents, they go on this, this journey and they take their child with them, they get cat, they get taken.
Taken by all of the greed and, and they get loosed. So it, you know, it’s very, it’s very synonymous to what we can do in our lives here, right? Because all of our karmic actions are performed on the mind, the body and the soul, right? You got the. Your karmic actions for the body, your karmic actions for the mind, your karmic actions for the soul, right? Your good karmic actions for this, for the mind are positive thoughts, perception, contemplation, pranayama or breathing exercises. And then you have your good actions or good karmas of the body, right? What are the good karmas of the body? Physical exercise, physical labor and in some cases travel.
Good karmas of the body is traveling, right? And then you have the good karmas of the soul. Now what, what is the soul? What is the good karmas of the soul? Right. Soul is sound is heard through sound. Soul is heard through sound. And as they say, let your voice be heard. Right? So it’s very interesting because in Sanskrit as well as in ancient Greek, there’s an etymological correlation between the word for soul and the word for voice. And watch, there’s box. These two, these two words, when are, when they’re looked up, are they very. They relate to each other because the soul is heard through sound.
And that’s why mantras are important. That’s why planting seeds are important. It connects you back to source. You’re chanting or listening to mantras produces uplifting energy. And you know, you Honor, you honor your right. All right, so let me just make sure that I’m right. Hold on. Sorry guys. And they do talk about like from the primal light has to come from the primal sound Fields, the light is produced in the sound. So without the sound. Right, right, right, right. And that the only way that your, that that your soul can tap into the. The divine light is through your voice.
How else. How else do you, do you. How else do you put forth what your soul, what your soul wants, your desires for your soul, your. Your intentions for the soul. Right. Thoughts. Thoughts matter. But, but, but also with thoughts, there’s the sounds. That’s why the throat chakra is very important. Wow. So here, here is just the. Depicting what’s going on with the, with the sun and the moon and how the, the principles of Ida Pingala, which is the shakti and the Shiva, how they’re coming together, the cosmic mother and the cosmic father uniting. Then we also.
It’s giving, it’s depicting your, Your breath work, your breathing. All of these things are correlating to the quality, you know, of the soul, the quality of your, of your. Of your rights. Right? All right, again with everything goes in and out of focus. These are the Grahas. You know, they’re not again, always say, not physical, planetary places where people can land on, you know, but they go in and out of the same way that they can go in and out of focus when we’re seeing them with a telescope is the same way that you, Your body and your, Your cosmic body goes.
It goes in and out of focus. So it’s always important. Like I always relate, relate life to EDM music, right? Where you see the DJs, they’re up there and they’re every, like every song, they’re adjusting knobs. Everything is an adjustment. You can’t just put in one action and think that that’s going to carry you. Like, okay, yeah, you’re reading, you’re in your. You are, you are feeding yourself knowledge, elevating your consciousness, but you can’t do it one day and think that that’s going to be the, you know, that that’s going to be good for. For forever.
You have to constantly adjust because the Grahas, the planets are constantly moving, are constantly creating. So therefore your life is all about constantly adjusting. And these are the, these are the rights. That’s the work that you put in. You know, I just had this here because we’re, we’re about right here right now because sun is about to go into Libra in a few days. So I just wanted to give that visual on again where, where we are on the sine wave, on the cosmic wave. And there are many points on this wave that act as gateways for each of us, you know, gateways.
You know, he see, Trump took the gateway, he took, he took the doorway and he ended up having a whole, yeah, we’re going to do the rally. I’m quite sure it wasn’t his, his decision to do that. Someone advised him, but he’s no, he knows who, who’s advising him. It’s the oracles that are advising him, it’s the astrologers that are, that are advising him. It’s not just by happenstance. Right, right here we’re just reminding ourselves that everything that we are doing, all these rights are creating chakras, creating universes, you know, for, for us. So the power is, the power is in your hand for sure.
For sure. Again, so, so then depending on the craft level, because then you would ask, okay, depending on the craft level, what does, what can one do to, on their, their grand events, right? It’s usually, you know, having yourself in an upbeat, an upbeat mood, doing cleansing baths, meditating, contemplating breathing exercises. We all know that the mantras, simple rituals to affirm your goals and desires. A lot of, you know, a lot of it is done using the five elements. You know, anytime that you’re doing these ritualistic practices, practices for yourself, you want to make sure that you have, you know, your fire, your water, your, your air, your ether.
Did I miss one? I think I did, don’t remember. But anyway, so having all of those are very important. So it’s important to maintain your sovereignty, which includes your time using your time productively. That’s true self employment. So regardless of if you’re, if you are employed or not, if you’re working for someone else, it’s important to work for yourself. How do you work for yourself? You’re living a life of balance. We are balancing the gunas, you know, the three, the modes. You’re balancing the elements, you’re balancing the directions because everything is, is directional, everything is elemental and everything is a modality, right? So in the event that your soul returns here in another body, the good karmas that you have added to your karmic account produces more beneficial circumstances which again like we said in, in it includes a better, a better birth chart for you next time around, you know, but anything can always be improved.
So as you radiate, you create operating at full capacity. Capacity. When you’re operating at your full capacity, your intuition is sharp. You’re able to manifest opportunities, you’re able to foster auspicious outcomes. So you know, tapping into your soul rights. This allows you to operate at full Capacity, your cosmic events give you an opening, a gateway for you to do that. So remembering that during these transits you’re receiving, you’re able to receive light codes, you’re able to, to transmit light codes. So, you know, again, we are all metaphysical scholars and like athletes, we have training to do with this scholarship.
The training consists of consciousness, but it also consists of application. And that’s why Vedic astrology inspires. There’s action, right? So you must claim your right. You have to claim your rights because if not, we know that the loosh factory is more than happy to harvest all of your unwanted energy, right? There’s, they got little guys outside with the Ghostbuster backpacks, vacuum up any energetic energies that you don’t want. So you don’t want to, you know, you don’t want to control your life. Okay, we’ll take it for you. You know what I mean? Give me that, Let me, let me, let me get that off you real quick.
Right, right, right, right. So you know, again, if you’re here, if you’re here, it’s a result of unfinished karma. If you’re, if you are listening to this, if you’re viewing this, if you’re interested in astrology, especially Vedic astrology, it’s more than likely because you have an unfulfilled desire in a last life that you haven’t fulfilled and you’re here again. Or you. It’s a new desire of the soul to accomplish. So you taking interest in this is just completing a previous desire. So I encourage you to keep at it. I encourage you to stand in your power, to operate at full capacity, use your time wisely on your solar path.
Your solar path, right? So knowing that timing is everything, knowing that all Vidya or knowledge has to be put in practice, right? Video in action. And timing is everything. And we had this slide last time, but I kind of doctored it up a little bit more to put of the, the Om in front of these seeds, these sacred syllables, so to speak. And this is a practice that you know, on your monthly solar, I mean, excuse me, your monthly matrimony, your titi pravesh, all of these things can be heard, can be enunciated to improve the quality of that day, improve the quality of your soul.
I think that one thing that I had wanted to mention about the chart we were talking about the, the moon placement on the Titi Pravesh, that can change. And in that being different, within a few days of the Titri Pradesh, you’re going to have the moon in A specific Nakshatra, it can go forward or it can go back, right? But knowing the day that it falls on the specific Nakshatra is a two day period because the titi pravesh is going to come first and then the nakshatra that you were born on will either become full before that or after that.
I just wanted to make sure that I reiterate that because I think that I lost that train of thought when we were on that topic. So again, using your, using your birthday as your rite of passage, which is what it’s supposed to be used for, knowing that there’s a true astrological birth date, you can calculate it yourself. You can, you know, have an astrologer calculated for you. If you’re, if you’re, you know, have followed through with a little this quick tutorial, you can find it yourself. You can email me, I can help you with it. Like if anybody is interested, you can actually email me, use code Ani and I can help you with determining what your titi pravesh is and your monthly matrimonies are for this year and next year.
Usually people have like a whole, like a one year calendar for it. So again, if you’re able to calculate it yourself, brilliant, right? If you’re not, you should probably have someone who knows how to calculate it for you. That way, you know the dates in your own, you know, personal calendar, you can prepare yourself and make sure that you’re operating in your full capacity at that, at that time. And let me, let me just say this, you guys are hearing how powerful this information is. You need to go ahead and hit up Kalini. I’m telling you right now the way how I do my decodes with Gematria going into your ascended sun and moon, I would have never known that there is this vast amount of information about frequency vibration in the soul without getting the, the understanding from how she understands it.
So when you have a Yotishi, a guru like herself to be able to come on this channel, you have to take full advantage of it. So reach out. I just put the email in there. Some of my mods repost the email so they can see it and like the video and share it. Share the video right now. You know somebody right now that needs information like this, they’re a knucklehead, they probably need some insight, you know, so, so share the video and like it, right? Like you said here, we all have access to quantum technology, which is what we’re calling astrology, right? And it allows you to change the reality to Configure all the patterns of your life and create the life you want.
Because as you become in alignment with your cosmic imprint, you know, the puzzle pieces begin to fit together. And with the puzzle pieces fitting together with anything fitting together, what happens? Things be. Things get unlocked. Right? That’s what we’re all here for. We’re unhear. We’re unhear. Excuse me. We’re here to unlock the fruits of our life. Like we, you know, you can always make things better. You can always improve on everything. If you’re. You’re here to improve the soul, this is one way to do it. And, you know, thankfully, we have this knowledge readily available, so that.
That way we take. We take the guesswork out of it. We take the guesswork out of it. Oh, here is our capturing again. With any rituals that you’re doing for yourself, you always want to make sure that you start out with this as your basis. You want to have your ether, your fire, your earth, your air, your water. And these are examples of those things. They’re pretty common in pujas. Just standard practice. So that’s one to grow on there. And what else did I have for you? I think that that might be it. Oh, so here’s a.
Just an example here. I was just giving on with the transits, you know, again, knowing which house the sun is in, you know, if the sun is in your fifth house. Hey, get creative, you know, have more. Have more fun in your life. More entertainment, you know, be more romantic. You know, these are the ways that you input into your. Your karmic. Your karmic bank, you know, and mitigate whatever karma, negative karmas that you have so that. That way you can foster favorable outcomes. And it. I mean, it’s really. I know it’s easier said than done, but it really is not hard.
It really is easy. All you just have to do is know what it’s going on, knowing. Know what the timing is, and you can, you know, you can help yourself. You could help yourself. We talked about this power of fasting and all that, so. Yeah, I think. I think that that might be. That might be all that I have for you. Okay, open up. Questions or let me see how much time have left. Pretty good. Yeah, I was trying to really keep it, you know, kind of short because I know last time we. We did a whole.
We did like. I just want to make sure that I keep it. Keep it short. So again, I. I want to definitely say, you know, send much gratitude and thank you to all of the tribe members who have contacted me who have gotten replaced reports. I appreciate your appointment. I appreciate your kind emails and messages. It, it motivates me and lets me know that I’m definitely on the right path. And I thank you for your interesting questions that you send by email. And again, if anyone is interested in knowing what their divine timings are, you can hit me up@kalinia gmail.com mention ANI and I can help you determine what your divine cosmic dates are so that, that way you can take advantage of your rites of passage.
Right? And right now, guys, I’m a little bit backed up with consultation as far as Gematria decodes. So give me a couple of days because I see your emails flowing in and I’m a reboot on Wednesday because I got to get a lecture going for Patreon and I have to do Another one on YouTube coming up in this week or going into the next following week. So give me a day or two if I haven’t emailed you back and we’ll get that back flowing. But I saw one question they were asking the God self elevation was asking you about, about the mystery of what is the Venus morning star thing, like in the connection with Lucifer or you know, the morning star with Jesus or what is the Venus morning star mystery to you and your understanding? Well, well, there’s a few.
Well, you can look at it two different ways. So you’re either going to look at it from a mythological standpoint where Venus was the overlord of the cult of Aphrodite. This goes back to like the Bacus cults, the Aphrodite coats and all things, you know, the same thing that we’re seeing today, you know, trans everything and you know, the hypersexual occult practices. And then you have your astrological perspective where Venus being called the morning star or evening star just differentiates the time of the year it is and what Venus transit is doing. At one, one time of the year it’s called the morning star.
At another time of the year, it’s called the evening star. And it was, with it being the morning star, it also also was called Lucifer, which just means light, right? So it’s just really a title I like to like. I would really want people to kind of take out the, the dark side of, of of the word Lucifer because it really is just meaning the lightbringer, light giver. And that’s another name that they, another title that they use, used to identify, to identify Venus. You know, so they made that, they got it out of the Jewish text, his name was Hillel Ben Starr.
And they just took that because that literally means morning star. And they just incorporated in, during, you know, the Gutenberg Press, they just said, well, we’re going to create a character and. Right. Yeah, right. And the same thing. Okay, they get again, acknowledging the guy named Jesus as being the, the morning star. Right, because it sounds, it sounds like. Yes, like, you know, like he’s the God. Like, how could we make it even sound even more satiable or enticing? Right? Oh, the morning star. Okay. Well, technically the sun is the morning star too, because it’s rising in the, you know, in the 80s.
Therefore it’s like, what are we talking about? Are we talking about Lucifer as the sun or are we talking about Lucifer as, as Venus? Because, you know, technically they both can be. So that’s how it then gets hijacked and then trickled down to, oh, you know, the son of God or Jesus or whatever, you know. So nothing, you know. No, no, no, no, nothing, you know, too dark about it. But then when you get into the practices that are done at times of the year when Venus is the morning star, evening star, I. I’m pretty sure you can see what time of the year things are getting real active.
And that’s like now, you know, so, you know, there’s all, you know, cult worship with the Aphrodite cults that now have different names to the, you know, they’re doing their practices during this time of the year too. You know, it’s interesting that that whatever happened in Israel on. Was that on Friday or either Thursday or Friday? It. It’s lining up with the Yom Kippur also, which was also the last night of the nine nights of the goddess. I found that really interesting that that occurred at that time. And that was like right before Venus was either Venus had just entered Scorpio or was about to enter Scorpio.
So. So their, their Yom Kippur, whatever. However, how is Yom Kippur is aligned with the, the. Because when I looked at it last, last year, it was on the 10th lunar day when the sun was in Virgo and the. And the moon was in Capricorn. So it’s something about that alignment. I haven’t narrowed it down just yet because I’m still research on it. But it’s something about that alignment that they’re calling their New Year Yom Kippur and they’re doing rituals at that time, whether there be Saturnian or Venusian rituals. It just, it’s really interesting how. How that Lined up.
And I’m like, okay. So that’s also reminds me why it’s important like the, the Hindu calendar, it is not about like appropriating another culture at all. It’s, you know, ridiculous for people to say that. But the Hindu calendar, it gives you insight to planetary alignment and they’re doing their festivities and their rituals during certain planetary alignments. So when you see that two different cultures are doing or celebrating something at the same time, it’s the coincidence is that the alignment of the stars are the same at that or at that time on that day. You know, one using it for, you know, a nefarious purpose and one is using it to improve the self and, and elevate the divine femininity.
You know, in this case, you know. So, yeah, I found that, I found that interesting how that lined up. What about Halloween? Is there anything that you ever saw astrological that why they would do that or. That’s just something I know is on the Satanic holidays and the Satanic, The Church of Satan, they have that in there. But do you know anything about that? Well, Halloween is usually synced with the day. The day after Halloween is usually more significant than Halloween because that’s when, you know, a lot of cultures celebrate, you know, know, the Day of the Dead or things of that nature.
In Hindu culture, it’s the. It’s known as Diwali, which is the festival of lights. And it’s celebrated because astrologically the sun is in Libra at that time. So remember, the sun gets debilitated. So it’s like the fall of the sun because the, the sun is losing its light and it’s going to the underworld. And that’s kind of how we projected it. Where was it? Here, when the sun is going into the underworld here, that’s. That’s kind of lining up with Halloween, that point. Ah, okay, that makes sense. Halloween, because the sun is going into the underworld, right? So the, you know, the, the demons, you know, demon time and all that.
But it really isn’t. It’s really just a celebration of lights. Like I said, that’s why they light lamps, you know, to bring in the sun. For example, let’s say somebody had the sun in Libra, right? And right now, in a few days, sun was going to be going into Libra, right? Sun debilitated is in the west, so to speak, because the sun rises in the east or northeast really, but the sun rises in the east and it sets in the west. So the west is where the sun falls. So to Speak. So one who, who is astrologically aligned with that or anyone can do it, to be honest with you, because it all, it helps all of us.
But you would. There’s a practice where you would light a, a lamp, a oil lamp in the west side of your. Your home every day while the sun is, is in Libra. So that, that way it ignites the sun in your life. You hold the flame in your life while the sun is debilitated. You know, so little practices like that, little rituals like that are what’s a. What is aligning with these calendar holidays, what we, you know, calling Halloween. It’s just a celebration. The sun going into the underworld. And shout out to my brothers in the chat, Josh and Chuck, they keep me up on my, my vetted, my Beta gnosis.
Yes, yes, they got to them brothers in there. And what about this two moon thing? Do you have anything on that? Like what’s your thoughts? Is it bull crap or is it focus? You know, I mean, I mean unless you, you know, it’s the hocus pocus. Switch the focus again, right? You know, the sun is about to. The sun is about to be debilitated. That means that the government is going to lose power, right? That’s why they hold the elections when the sun is debilitated in Libra. Because the elections are, is what’s invigorating the sun, right? It’s the, the government, so to speak.
It’s giving them some power at the time when they don’t have any power. You know, that, you know, so, so yeah, so the two moons, I, I really didn’t even. I just laughed because it’s just like, okay, what else now? You know, blue. Blue beam project, like what’s, what else is going on now? You know what I mean? So I don’t, I wouldn’t pay attention to any of that. I mean I’ve never heard in, I’ve never read in any of the, the lore of throughout antiquity that, you know, there was two moons that are. That and what you, you know, it’s, it’s just, yeah, they go back into that Nibiru stuff and try to do the mythoposis, create a mythology out of the hologram projection that they want us to focus on.
Right? Focus on what we need to focus. Focus on. Exactly. Which is you’re claiming your birthday, right? Is a rite of passage. Like that’s what it’s about. Like what are you performing your rights? They don’t want you to perform your rights. I told you, the guys outside, you don’t hear them. They got the, they got the Ghostbuster backpacks. They’re ready to harness your energy. So that’s what it, it’s always about. It’s. It’s been that way for some time and you have to be able to operate on, you know, secular time, but you also have to know how to tell time.
You always gotta, you know, have to. You have to know what time it is, you know, in order for you to tap in to those rights, you know, so. Makes sense. Anything about Super Bowl, February 9th? No, I haven’t looked into it. Okay. I know there’s a lot of Egyptian stuff when they do the touchdown. That’s like the Maya when they put the hands up and the Vestica Pisces is the football or no. Well, it’s all you think about that. It’s all. It’s always going to. I, in my opinion going to go back to, you know, Egyptian because that also.
It’s also the, the partner to the Aphrodite cults and the Bacchus cults. Like Egypt has a lot to do with. With who. What. What their. What their. How do you say it, what they’re masking themselves as. But it a lot to do with the. Under the, under the foundation of what. Of where they’re from. Like, not from, but what they. What. What their practices are. So. Yeah, Osirian drama, right? Bacchanalian rights. The party. The party of raw, inviting the gods. And they all came to the party and Ra said, let me, Let me get all y’all.
Sucked them all, ate them all up. So, yeah, they’re just redoing that. But see, I’ll have to look into it to see because of course the Nakshatras are always going to play a key role. Always. Just like when they had the, the hurricanes last. Last two weeks right before Mars was coming out of Arjra. Nakshatra and chakra is all about storms, you know, rule, rule ruling by Rahu. Rahu being in Pisces in a water sign. So it’s, it’s just, it, it makes, you know, it makes it available for, for these orchestrated catastrophes to be. To be carried out.
To be carried out because the Nakshatras is holding the energy or supporting the energy for. For them to be done. Yeah. And again, like I always say, you can use this energy yourself if you’re tuned in, you know, for sure. Okay, thank you so much for having me again on. One more question before you go, one last one. I have to get you with this who wins the election from what you’re. From what you understand. Oh, wow. You know, I’ve been thinking about this not, you know, every day, but I’ve been thinking about this because it really is from the birth charts.
It kind of is. Like, it’s, it could be either one, because the Chameleon, she’s, she’s. Her, her Titi Braves is around that time, too. Around November, early November. But then, like, you know, Trump with the Maga, you know, you know, it’s. I, I, I, I don’t know. I would say I’m, I’m leaning towards the Chameleon right now. Yeah, yeah, I’m leaning now after what I. You guys go on Patreon to get that video. So I’m leaning towards that. But guess what? I hope I’m wrong. Not that I’m a. I don’t know, because it’s like it, I mean, it’s, it is lining up to be in her favor based on her birth chart.
But he’s got a strong. Like I said, I call them the Gemini twins because both of them have really strong placements that it could be. It’s any man’s game. It’s any man’s win, so to speak. So, you know, I’m not sure if they’re trying to line up her victory with her Titi pravesh, you know, and then there’s one of the, One of the mahavidyas gets celebrated in November. 2 Around that time, you know, it’s, it’s in, it’s the, the Kamala. The Kamala Mahavidya. So it’s, it’s, you know, a lot of it, it astrologically, esoterically, is lining up for the chameleon, you know, But I, he, he’s got a lot in his chart that shows that it could be his too.
So I don’t know. I don’t know. That’s understood. And Vishwa, she covered that on the last video, so I don’t want to have her backtrack right now. But I, Yeah, I appreciate you so much, Goddess. This was a classic, classic, classic interview. So much information for you guys to dissect here. Hold on, let me get this out. So we get back to the stream. So, so much for you guys to dissect here and you guys see where to contact. I’m gonna post your information. Make sure you guys donate to Kalini at Mentos M E N t o s $20 sign Mentos 20.
And it will be posted in the video’s description. So once again, I Appreciate you guys. We got a lot of stuff lined up. I gotta get my brother Josh on real soon. I gotta get two Vedic astrologers on in this month so you guys can have, have great information and awareness of what’s happening. Right? Right. Yeah, big up to Josh and, and thank you so much. I’m still wet behind the ears in this science. I’m learning every day. And I’m very appreciative to have you come in my life and break this, this, this down. It’s like almost long study.
Let me be clear with that. Like you’re. Once you’re a Jyotishi, like you’re a Jyotishi forever. Like, you know, I’m a student forever, right? Like it’s, there’s multiple layers. I don’t even know if one person could learn it all in one lifetime. Right. But again, every tool you learn, it gets you that much closer to, you know, unlocking the mystery, you know, so, you know, so again, take your time, but use it practically. I will. I’m gonna take my time with it and I, I appreciate you. Is there anything, any last words you want to give to the family before we depart? Yeah, just, just to remind them to stand in their power.
Stand in the power. Use the rights. Use your birthrights, you know, tap into your divine timing. Know when is your time, you know, make sure you, you nurture yourself inner, inner nurture for outer nature. So that comes with. You got to put in the work. You got to put in the work. And it’s not that hard, hard, but it is favorable. That’s why millionaires you are using, are using it. Because the divine timing, it works. There you go. You heard it from mama bird. Thank you all so much and we can’t wait to have you back on goddess.
We’ll be back real soon, guys. Be on Patreon this week with that our employer, a Usulu Ashe to the ancestors. Thank you for this and we’ll be back real soon. Peace.