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➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, linking symbols, rituals, and events to secret societies and ancient bloodlines. It suggests that current events are influenced by these hidden forces, using examples like the Los Angeles Fire Department’s symbol, Snoop Dogg’s Baphomet chain, and the Tesla incident. The text also mentions the Mass of the Phoenix ritual, the symbolism in Twin Peaks, and the potential significance of the number 32. It ends by discussing Mel Gibson’s recent appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast and the prediction of California’s fires.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, touching on topics like the Illuminati, Hollywood, and the media. It suggests that certain events and media content are not random but part of a larger, hidden narrative. The text also mentions the significance of the number 10 in various contexts, and encourages viewers to question mainstream narratives and support their content through Patreon.
➡ The speaker discusses various connections and theories, including the idea that the path of certain fires forms the Hebrew letter ‘shin’, which means to consume and is associated with feeding demons according to Talmudic information. They also mention the trident symbol appearing in various contexts, such as the Biden name, Ukraine’s symbol, and the 9/11 Twin Towers. The speaker further explores connections between Hollywood, sex magic rituals, and Talmudic mythology. They also discuss the symbolism in movies like Mufasa and Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare, suggesting deeper meanings and hidden messages.
➡ The text discusses various interpretations of Peter Pan and Captain Hook, suggesting they represent different aspects of Greek mythology and occult symbolism. It also explores the symbolism of the Tick Tock logo, suggesting it represents time and Saturn. The text further delves into the symbolism in the LA Dodgers logo, suggesting it has Masonic and occult meanings. Lastly, it discusses the concept of ‘smart cities’ and suggests that downtown areas could be command centers in these cities.
➡ The speaker encourages people to visit their Patreon page, named ‘The Spiritual Shade Room’, for long-form content. They also invite people to follow them on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook under the username ‘Aniosaru’. They express gratitude for being invited to speak.
He does these zoom calls, like, weekly and monthly, and they’re absolutely great decodes. And so we’re going to kind of go over some of the information that he’s got that I also added onto with these smart LA 2028, these wicked smart cities. It’s going to be absolutely nuts. So smash that, like, button and let’s introduce our guest, Anya Saru. How are you doing, my friend? I’m doing great. No fires, no ice. So everything is cool over here. And it’s a pleasure to be back on the platform, brother. Oh, man. So let’s just jump right into this.
These fires that are happening, we were covering it in Hawaii. We were like, right. The. The first people to show how the blue was symbolism with blue Hawaii and how they were setting up these wicked smart cities in these grids. And we could see it through the symbolism. And I learned this from you, how the symbolism goes deep with color coding as well. When you were showing the Netflix symbol, that, like, opened my mind how that’s actually an ancient symbol as well. So with America being on fire on one side, all over the news worldwide, and then being icy cold on the other side, it was very, very symbolic.
And we saw the symbolism before the big football game with Snoop Dogg, where they were showing the blue and yellow before the Ukraine thing kicked off. And we see that same color coding here with the blue and yellow in California. So I just thought that was interesting. What’s your take on how symbolism even goes into color coding? Frequencies? Yeah. Spirits communicate through colors. In actuality, visualizing colors, the subconscious is called quantum chromodynamics. So the occult, secret societies, the symbolism of colors has been used since ancient times to activate portions of latent energies connected through waveform, or the length of waveforms in the mind.
So everything that they show you, the color is picked deliberately to encode some type of symbolism that’s beyond what the standard person is looking at. So if you look at Movies, the covers of different TV series, even into the cartoons. All of that is relative. When they put the particular associated archetype, there’s a color that’s associated with the archetype, and there’s a planetary frequency associated with the color and the archetype. And that’s all based on union in deeper aspects that. That throughout history, the occult societies have been utilizing. Right. And then we see how important this is with this red and blue, not just in America, but we see this in the Middle East.
This is a poster up there for the 201. The inauguration will be on 201. 201 plays a huge role. We’ll get into that. But also the UFC fight, which is part of the cave for the plebes to watch. Plato’s cave, how everybody’s in the cave, football and all that. The. For the common man, like myself. I watch ufc, but look at the. This is the new cover. And we just see this like all over the place right now. And the red roofs. But continue. Yes. What’s your thoughts? Well, we know the Mulahadra chakra is based in red.
When we think of the root chakra, that’s prototypically the root of the ritual. So our e. Our lower emotions, our desires, what we want out of the material realm is rooted in red. And red is associated with what? Satanic demonic energy. So this ritual that you have uncovered, I, I don’t even know about the red roof. So this is new to me. And this is great because we know the blue ritual happened in Maui with the blue roofs. And it’s funny because Wendy in our Patreon group, she’s the one that discovered the, the Mary Poppins and the Sumerian connection to the bag.
She found something today that you remember. You remember the Lucifer thing in, in Denver? Yeah, yeah. He just put up something else. Something else blue in Colorado. She sent me it. I didn’t get to look all the way through it. The article says the city already has Lucifer and now they have a big blue bear. And it said so it says, it says, now meet bow B, A A apostrophe A L. Denver’s third blue entity. So if you could type that in. Denver’s third blue entity. It says, the giant mountain goat with red glowing eyes is the best kept secret of Buckley Space Force Base.
There it goes right there. Wow, look at that. So we have the blue, you got the red. And we know in quantum physics have blue shift. And you had. You have red shift, blue shift and red shift. This is on a quantum Level. They’re. They’re. They’re using quantum chromodynamics with the color to represent the shifts on a. A very. A smaller level atomically to what they’re doing and manipulating energies in. In the reality and things. So, yeah, with the red is interesting that you. You found that. That’s. That’s very. That’s very interesting. Just saw it today because I’ve been looking into this red blue frequency going back to the words and etymology with the l lectrons and the electrons, how you go to court and you get charged or you charge your credit card.
So all these words and terms go back and we got to go back to the terms. Where are they coming from? And then you can see what’s actually operating the world. And this was a house that caught on fire. I think it was a church standing in Washington years ago with the red roof. And this is the one house that stood with the blue car and the red roof in Hawaii that they focused on. So they made short for the plebes to focus on the. I love say. That’s my new word, by the way. I want to start saying plebes for the.
Just the common man. The. The esoteric is for the red roof to focus on, not the blue roof. Because we know that it was the blue roofs of the Rothschilds or the Scientologist and whatnot. But this is what most of the world looks as the red roofs. And this was just shared out by some mainstream influencers. The. This red roof. And everyone’s like, oh, it’s miraculous. This Catholic man’s house in Aladena, even though it was made by AI, it’s a fake image, but it’s still in the consciousness of society that these red roofs are so important and symbolic.
And we see these symbols and rituals go down on these massive world events. Like right here was the Olympics or the Super Bowl. And right here after the super bowl, it said. Broke the Internet, after Usher said Let it Burn, right there was that Let It Burn song. I think I got a slide of that somewhere. I wish I could find where I put that slide. But it all goes into secret societies and the occult. And also with Usher, don’t forget she. He had Alicia Keys at the Super Bowl. Then we have the. The Francis. The Francis Key Scott Bridge.
We got that go down. And also Alicia Keys, one of her most famous songs is called Girl on Fire. Well, we had the Olympics. The, The. The logo of the Olympics, if you could pull that up, is the torch with a girl’s face. The Olympics and also there was a woman in a substation set on fire recent. A lot of substation rituals which is connected to the underworld deities when they do that. And also in the Matrix, there’s a. A lot of subway themes in. In Squid Games, they recruit you from the subways. So the Girl on Fire.
So you. Right here you see the torch. But in the. If you look at the, the torch, the flame, you can see a woman’s hair form with her lips in the middle. So Girl on Fire in this whole year was about a female possible president. They kind of reversed the polarity of that energy. But they did have a red wave consume America. You get it? And that, that, that’s pertaining probably to what this whole. What we’re decoding today. Wow. Wow. Yeah, the red wave happening. Here’s the Usher, symbol of the fire. So these are priming us through hypnosis to what, what’s to come.
And the TED talks of Los Angeles, Wicked smart city. This was planned during the lockdowns in 2020. And right here’s the. It’s all for the 2028 Olympics, but it’s, it’s also much deeper than that. It’s not just for that. But speaking of the red wave, we do see the rise of the National Socialist movement on the Internet. I’m not sure if it’s actually happening in the world, the real world. As you can see, a lot of stuff’s AI generated. But the Los Angeles Fire Department right here you can see it’s the Iron Cross of the National Socialist.
I won’t show it too long. Or the Knights Templars, the Assassin Order. Right here. The Hashashins and the Knights Templars work together. The Knights Templars were worshiping Baphomet. Snoop Dogg had the Baphomet chain on, lighting the Olympic torch, which was created by the National Socialist movement as well. So it is definitely deep rooted in symbolism of color coding. Ancient secret societies, ancient bloodlines as well. And through the memetic magic, these memes are how things start to happen. Whether that’s the beginning of the year with the Tesla. And then seven days into the year, you got something going on.
And today’s the 14th, so maybe it’s a 7. 14, 21. There’s so many astrological alignments happening. Whatever’s going on right now is exactly what went down in 2020 before the lockdown. So we’re going to see a crazy year this year for sure. Yeah, it’s gonna be a reflection. A lot of things that happen in 2020. You’re going to see a rendition of what happened with that occurring. They’re already talking about other, you know, certain things we can say we can’t talk about on here as developing with that, with him coming back in office. And he represents the, the Messiah, son of Joseph Trump.
And that’s why he’s talking about these things, you know, acquiring Greenland and these other aspects that I spoke about in that six hour video that we did on Patreon that’s, that’s packed with info. But, but also, this is also connected with the Mass of the Phoenix ritual that Aleister Crawley spoke about. And I brought up Twin Peaks late in that video because in the Mass of the Phoenix ritual, the symbol of the Los Angeles Fire Department is a phoenix bird with the. What you found the Templar iron Cross in the middle of the bird. And we know that Hunger Games had the.
Also the Girl on Fire connected to Alicia Keys. Girl on Fire. Then we have fire rituals. Yeah, this is Mass of the Phoenix ritual. It’s more. We, we read. It’s Libra 44. That’s where it comes from. Libra is the particular ritual it comes from. And in it it talks about consuming cakes of light. The cakes light. Remember when we did the video on the Arby’s Illuminati symbolism and in the, in the Arby’s Illuminati symbolism, remember they brought Cal McLaughlin from Twin Peaks who played Doug. I mean, not Doug. He played Dale Cooper in Twin Peaks. And in that particular commercial for Arby’s, they showed the potato cakes coming back and it was cakes of light.
He was consuming the cakes of. Well, in the Mass of the Phoenix ritual, they talk about consuming cakes of light. Just type in. Yeah, yeah, there it goes. There it goes. Yeah, yeah, that’s it. That’s it. And I brought up photos so people can see the photos and everything, but. Oh, no, this is a new commercial here. This is a new one, bro. I didn’t see this one. I didn’t either. Yeah, but I, I know what I smell, what you’re stepping in. Yeah, that’s wild. Right, right, right. But there’s a new one where they show the actual cakes lighting up and they show a UFO delivering the cakes back.
Yeah, yeah, there it goes. There’s a symbol of the potato cakes. Damn. If you look at. Go ahead. Oh, I don’t know. I’m just looking at the. How many spokes there are on here. I bet you it’s 32. Yeah, the Jesuits with the 32 and whatnot. Because I got some slides actually I’m looking out for March 2nd, which is going to be the Oscars. The. The three two. The 32 plays a huge role symbolically. The 32nd floor in Las Vegas, the Mandalay Bay was created on 3:2. So there are a lot of 3:2 stuff. So I end the Sampaku eye right there of this in the fight.
I’m doing a prediction of the fight. I got the Jake Paul one wrong. So it’s a new hypothesis of mine. With the Sampaku Eye, there’s the Illuminati eye, which we’ll get into in a. In a second. I guess I could get into that later. I’ll let y’all know the prediction I got for the next UFC fight. That’s happening right after the Trump inauguration on 2, 201. Interesting. Yeah, I got to look into that as well. But the funny thing is with the Phoenix. The Master, the Phoenix ritual that I was speaking on is that Twin Peaks has.
Yeah. So if you look at the mass of the Phoenix ritual, they talk about consuming cakes of light right over there in the right corner in Twin Peaks, there’s a specific part of the series called Fire Walk With Me. Twin Peaks. Fire Walk With Me. And the thing about it, Twin Peaks is about using the Babylon, the. The lilith. The Lilithian energy, which is the. The Lilith energy. The. Because the Laurel Laura in the series is figured out to be archetype of Lilith. And the Fire Walk With Me is connected, if you understand what’s going on with the Black Lodge and everything in Twin Peaks is connected to what happened in Los Angeles, because the fire started in an area called Santa Monica.
Now we know the acronym of Santa Monica. Is that the acronym? What is the word when you rearrange words? Anagram. Anagram of Santa could be Satan. But, but, but Monica. St. Monica is the patron mother of saints. She’s the patron mother of saints. So we spoke about how the Master, the Phoenix ritual is a divine mother ritual to birth. So they’re using in. In Sex Magic and Aleister Crawley’s whole moon child mother mythos. They. They believe that Donald Trump is this moon child. And I spoke about what the moon child is. It’s about birthing a divine entity through human flesh, but using the Babylon, what they did with Marjorie Cameron and what’s the guy with the rocket, JPL using Jack Parsons to birth the moon child.
So I’m just. Just correlating. This fire ritual is very much a Kabbalistic ritual, and it’s connected to Crawley and the limit rights. Right. And here’s one more thing, Donut. The police chief name is Kristen Crowley. Yeah, yeah. The police chief’s last name’s Crowley. Oh, man. And. Wow, that’s nuts. And Crowley, you’re talking about Jack Parsons, who was connected to L. Ron Hubbard of Scientology. And here’s the Scientology base in California. They got the blue roofs, just like the Rothschild’s blue roofs. But you got Tom Cruise. Right. Kicking off the Olympics for this year, and we’re still in the year of the dragon.
I had someone comment, we’re not in the year of the dragon. We’re in the year of the snake. Now, the year of the dragon ends on one to eight. Then we go into the. So there’s different calendars. So that guy who was mad, he’s on the Jesuit calendar. So there’s different calendars, the lunar calendar, there’s the Hebrew calendar, There’s different calendars. But I definitely look out for the. The Chinese calendar. They’ve been around longer than, you know. It’s a very old empire. So it’s kind of. Kind of what I. I look. Look out for as well.
But these are crazy grand narratives. The great narrative that Charles Schwab talks about. This is the grand great narratives for the common man. So when we see these rituals in this Playdoh cave, right. In the womb, the matrix, the womb. It’s. It’s a story for the esoteric, but there’s an exoteric story. So there’s double meanings to what we see on the world stage. Now let’s talk a little bit about Mel. People are he. He’s now the hero of the world. You know, he’s gonna save everybody. You know, and it goes into these oligarchical bloodline families that I cover.
But, like, Elon is gonna save us. Every. Everybody’s gonna save us, but they’re all married to each other. Can you tell us a little bit about Mel Gibson in this house burning down? Well, I see he’s been on Joe Rogan, and Joe Rogan made a prediction. Well, he didn’t make a prediction. He had an episode on the 201st day of the year in 2024. He brought a fireman on, or ex fireman. I don’t think he was a fireman at the time. And they made a pre. He made. The guy made a prediction that there’s going to be a time when California would be able to put out these fires.
That’s been happening. So everyone was raving about the prediction of the fire. But it’s interesting. It was on the 201st day of the year. And we’re talking about the 201 date with Trump getting into office right now. And 201 of, of course is the big Jesuit number. There’s 201 steps on the Great Step Pyramid in Egypt. 201 limestone steps. And we know the Great Pyramid is right there on our dollar bill. And all of the connections to the secret society is through the, you know, the, the rights of Egypt and the pyramids. So with Mel Gibson, he’s coming on there, he’s saying that the fire is interesting.
He said, why do these things, you know, happen like this? So he’s kind of dog whistling to some stuff. But going back to the mass of the Phoenix ritual, he’s about to drop a movie. 2025, Passion of the Christ Resurrection. And here, here we go. We have the, the, the Jesuits is connected to Jesus. He’s coming out with a Jesus movie which he, you know, he did the Passion of Christ originally. He’s the one that had the movie with Satan looking like Barack Obama in it. Wasn’t that in the Passion of the Price? I think that was, that was the same movie when they showed the hooded.
It’s definitely. Yeah, it’s, it’s all used to divide and conquer. Yeah, yeah. So I don’t know if that’s the same movie. I may be incorrect with that. It probably is. Yeah. But I remember watching the passage of the, of the Christ though. And so they’re gonna movie theater. Oh, you saw it in the movie? Yeah, everybody went out to the movies. We watched it at my grandma house. You know, we were a big Christian family so we had to sit down and watch it together. But Mel Gibson has been spotted saying a lot of racist things.
They have recordings. You can, you can listen to it. And let’s just say people can change. He is definitely connected to the Illuminati brass. If you look at the history of his movies, go back to the, the history of it. He’s connected to the brass. So everyone thinks now he’s trying to save the children, you know, and do all of this type stuff. Anybody that comes through the Joe Rogan experience, you guys need to go up on, on awareness who these people are because they, they are absolutely the complete opposite of what you think they are.
It’s the Mockingbird Media. It’s the CIA. It’s, it’s, it’s. And the CIA was created by the Knights of Malta. You know what I mean? That’s something that will never be broaden up on any of these mainstream podcast or these mainstream influencers that are just pushing people. Here’s another one of the road scholarships, which is the Rothschild scholarships of the 200 one day, July 20, where they go into the great narrative. It’s the manifesto of the nwo. Like that you see right here on LA Strong, the rwo, or Hollywood Hogan with the nwo. And he’s been a pretty big figure with this election as well.
You know, a lot of stuff will be left out of the conversation, and we won’t be part of the conversation as well. So Elon says you are now the media. Where. What is the media like? Right? What are. Where does that word come from? The. The Meads and the. The media. And you know what? The National Socialist man, the Mustache man, he went to prison. And a Jesuit wrote his manifesto called Mein Kampf. And then he wrote the Power. Right. Well, I wonder what happened with Andrew Tate. He went to prison and now he was just released out of prison.
A manifesto. I wonder who wrote his manifesto as well. And if you question the narrative of the people fighting the narrative, it’s Then you’re like, oh, you’re just a J. You know, that’s why you’re saying. But they don’t understand stuff like Game B, which I’m going to be getting into later on in this month, that these narratives of the WEF and whatnot, you got the counter narratives of the wef, which is funded exactly through the same pockets of the wef. It’s like. It’s the, you know, Healian dialect they call it. Yeah, WWE Raw, too. You gotta look at WWE Raw.
Got a lot of stuff. Topanga was on WWE Raw right before the fires. And Topanga. Topanga, I think it was National Forest or. Or that area of Topanga in California is right by Palisades. It got caught on fire when she just happened to be on BWE Raw that night in Los Angeles. Really Shout out to Topanga. Topanga, Topanga. Wwe, she’s a juggalo. So I gotta. I, you know, whoop out to. To. To Danielle Bishop. I don’t. Yeah, so she. So Topanga’s there. See, this is how it works. It’s like through the. It. Like, you’re not gonna get brainwashed by just one little thing.
It’s got to hit you everywhere with Bound and Dew, with like, going into the grocery store, going into the Walgreens and seeing all the magazines that go. You turn the TV on, you see the T, then you see your mainstream influence influencers telling you what to think. And then you got the Hollywood films. In Hollywood we’re in the Wood Dragon year, you know what I mean? So there’s some, some magic going on there. So much wild stuff. And I, I predicted the fires as well. Could I play a little clip real quick with the, the astrological alignments? Absolutely.
So people say that Joe Rogan, that, you know, he predicted that. We also predicted it on this channel last month through the astrological alignments. Now for a fire type ritual to go down all the way into January as well. But that’s one prediction and that was just because of the astrological alignments of Mars go going retrograde. And even this Luigi guy, they were showing his. This book with the house on fire. So there was just a lot of little priming stuff that, that went into to all this with, with these astrological alignments. And here’s another clip I want to play real quick as well.
I did this video last year with Olay Demigard and he talked about the paradise and Ani and I, we covered the paradise fires quite a bit. I mean we were on the, we. We were like on it, you know what I mean? So he just pointed out how paradise is always on fire. I’ll play a clip of that from last year. Because today in the mainstream it’s hell comes to paradise. Winds back up 70 miles per hour. You made a Paradise connection that I thought was interesting. Paradise Lost, if you listen to media, when you had the paradise fires, these are not hand picked or just random names.
They have handpicked them as part of the operations, as part of the psychological warfare. I think the Paradise Fires and where media kept talking about. Lost Paradise. Paradise Lost. Paradise Lost. Paradise Lost. And you had exactly the same script used in Maui. Paradise Lost. Lahaina. The Paradise Lost. Paradise Lost. And when you look at that book, Paradise Lost is about the fight between good and evil. When an expression is used that over and over and over again, you have to ask yourself, whoa, what is going on here? All over the place. So many different TV channels using the exact same wording.
Paradise Lost. Paradise Lost. And so I don’t think that that was a coincidence. I thought that was a good thing to bring up since we’re seeing all that. It is. And let’s look at the author of Paradise Lost, John Milton. And you had the Milton hurricane. That was the first crisis in 2021, the first big crisis in 2024. John Milton was. The hurricane was named after, after him. And, and he has that connection as well. But 10 people died in that hurricane. Milton and 10 people died in a Los Angeles fire. What is the connection to that? When you think of the word Satan is.
Is almost analogy to say 10, like S, A, Y, T, E, N. Say 10. You had 10 people die in both tragic events. Also there’s 10 Sephirothes on the Kab, the worlds of emanation. So it’s connected to kabbalistic magic with the 10. And relative to the Godhead, it’s 10 portions that, that builds the four worlds up to the Godhead. And Satan equals 10 and God equals sin and Gematria both equals 55. Two and five plus five is 10. And also like we are in the year of the X as well. And 10 and Roman numerals. Yeah, that’s.
That’s wow. Like, that’s how they use words like say 10. Right? Saying you’re saying Satan, you know, in it. That’s why a lot of these names that are on the world stage. What are you invoking when you say some of these people’s names? That’s why I always like to look at so many different things. Like Hollywood as the wood of a holly tree. They’re writing the. The grand narratives. And the Oscar threat. The Oscars will happen on three two. Yeah, just. That’s when the Mandalay Bay was created. On 3 2. And then the super bowl coming up as well.
Yeah, the Super Bowl. Usher, Let it burn. I’m just going through some of the articles of. Of the these smart cities. So what else, what else is on your mind? I also like to remind everybody that we got almost 2, 000 people up in here to please smash that like button. Go over to the Patreon as well. Go sign up to Anya Saru’s Patreon and my Patreon. That’s how you can support us over on the the Patreons. Go subscribe to Anya Saru’s YouTube channel as well. And if you can’t, you know, do the cheaper than a bag of Skittles, 4.99amonth.
And on Esaru’s Patreon, just give this video a like and share. And I got Ani’s links all down below. I appreciate that, brother. And yeah, this is the same thing what I’ve been saying. Somebody said 10 people died at the Travis Scott event too. So that’s interesting. So. Wow. Yeah, so you have all of those connections, but yeah, the smart cities. Also, if you look at the path of the fires, it forms the Hebrew letter shin I was highlighting in the six hour video we did two days ago. And the shin is the trident. It forms.
But the word shin means to consume. And I went through the Babylonian Talmudic. I read like damn near 15, 20 minutes worth of Talmudic information on how fires and wind are used to feed demons. How we get fed is different on how they get fed. And I just went through a bunch of verses, you know, verse after verse of verse speaking about how incense and burning. They said that Yahweh loves this. The. The. The savory smell of incense and. And burning of. Of animals or trees or different things. So I think it was a they. That area of California into an altar almost.
And it formulated the trident. If you trace, you know, the areas of where, you know, the. The portions burned up, it makes a trident. And we know Biden, his name connects to the Biden. We know that Ukraine, their symbol is the trident. We know 9 11. If the connection with 9 11, you have the opposite. No is the, the building had tridents on it. The. The Twin towers had tridents as well. Right. And that’s this Hebrew letter Shin. The Hebrew letter shin makes the trident. And you had operation trident. Isn’t that when they buried bin Laden? It was operation trident or something like that.
So you have all of these connections, and I think in. In not in Leo, I think inky or in one of them is God is a trident God in Sumerian mythology. So, yeah, there’s the trident. And what pertains to that. And also another connection is that with the. I see what you’re saying. Okay. Right here. Okay, okay, I. I get it. I get it. So right here. Because I, I could read Hebrew pretty well. And I’m happy you brought this up because I connected some dots on. On my Patreon as well to some Hebrew letters for the la.
But as you can see right here, the trident, the three prongs down here and then it connecting down there. Those are the three prongs up here. And then this connecting it right here. Right, right. Yeah. You hear? That’s exactly what it was. If you connect it, you gotta, you know, no ley lines too. Because the picture I had it like showed the ley lines and then the connecting of the ley lines and all of that. And then they like, like, we don’t even release that, you know, really to the public. We. We leave that exclusive to the people on Patreon that’s serious about the research.
But you kind of see the three and how it connects right there and how it comes out is birthed out of the Palisades, which comes out of Topanga. And Santa Monica and all of these things. And it’s interesting. Kenneth Fire. You see Kenneth Fire over there to the left. Well, Kenneth Grant wrote a book called the Outside Circles of Time. And he’s the one that mentions the mass of the phoenix in his book. He, he, he highlights the mass of the phoenix connected to sex magic. Hollywood is a big sex magic ritual. And what they’re doing exclusively, you know, in, in their houses and also speak.
People are talking about the tunnels. The tunnels could connect to the Talmudic mythology, to Sheila or Shala, the underworld, the seven layers of the underworld. And you have the seven layers above the firmament, above the waters of the waters above the firmament, the seven classical planets, which. Everything, everything in existence down here is about the emanations of what’s coming out of this. The seven classical planets in the seven heavenly worlds. They call them locust. And Hindu astrology or Vedic astrology, same thing that’s. That’s occurring down below, which below is called the Tohu or the waters of Chaos, which is the underworld.
Then we showed how Epstein island had the same seven stripes going across the. You know, the blue and white stripes, which represents the flag of Israel and things of that aspect on his establishment on Epstein Island. So if you disconnect it all is a fire ritual. Definitely you were accurate in predicting that. Remember the film that came out around the same time Leave the World came out last year was Mufasa came around the same time. And what was Leave the World about or one big event that happened in the movie, the ship hitting the banks of the.
Of the beach, and the ship was called the White Lion. Well, if you watch Mufasa, the new Lion King movie, Mufasa’s father in, In. Well, really Scar’s father, Mufasa’s inherited father is a white lion. He’s a white lion in the movie. So you have this white lion connection. And Leo, or fire, which is connected to what Maga in Vedic astrology is, is a fire sign. Leo is a fire sign. And you have the white lion around the same time that Leave the World came out. They. A year later, they come out with Mufasa. They actually kill the guy who originally played the voice of Mufasa, of James Earl Jones.
He also is Darth Vader’s voice. He. He gets, he gets off what some people say is a natural death because he died. But we know numerology, we know these things happen. But whatever you want to think, you guys, but we’re just highlighting how these are connections. That’s undeniable and then that assassin was holding up the Mufasa Happy Meal. Right? Right. Female assassin. Luigi, where is that? Yeah, I mean, because that is like the story for, like, me and you when we were kids. And now they gotta repackage the same story for the. The children, the. The.
To have them for life. And also, I want to show you some other stuff I found that nobody’s pointed out. And this is like that secret stuff for the Patreon members. But y’all lucky. Y’all get in some of our Patreon member only content because we are here with Oni Asaru at the Spiritual Shade Room LA LA Olympics logo. Because I grew up going to Hebrew school, so I learned Hebrew, how to read the Olive Bet for over 13 years learning it. So when I see symbols in Hebrew, I. I notice it quicker. So nobody’s noticed this yet.
So I’m just flexing a little bit. No, I’m anxious to see this, bro. I gotta see this. Yeah. So I’m trying to. So here’s the Olympics logo. Wow. Yeah. For Los Angeles. And it’s. I’m trying to make it full screen. So right here is the yud in the Hebrew Alphabet. And this is bet or vet. Yeah. So BET is the home. Yes. Is the divine spark. Right. So it’s the divine spark of the homes. In a sense. Maybe right there. So you got Hebrew letters right there in the Olympics. Are you pointing out the. The flame stuff as well? Because this is all like Kabbalah magic.
And I like the notate for all the anti Semitic people out there that. The. The National Socialist, the. The. That. That whole group, they were using Kabbalistic magic. The queen at the House of Lords, that whole ceremony of knighting the queen, that is a cabalistic ritual. And this isn’t. This goes back to Sabelle and not. And nobody knows that people just get lumped into these different camps are. And nudged into these different camps for divide and conquer purposes. And so I just want to notate that as well as I bring up this. Yeah, that’s. That’s true.
That’s very true. But you know what? That. Is that like a fairy or something? It reminds me of. Is it windy off of Peter Pan? Oh, yeah. So what would that mean? That’s that little, like, fairy and Peter Pan, like the Pixie fairy, if you did. You know, the new Peter Pan movie just came out and they figured out, like, I put up on my page, that Peter Pan is really about a demon. Right, Peter? Oh, okay. Tell us about that. They were Talking about how Peter Pan. So in the new Peter. It’s called, like, Peter Pan, the Nightmare.
I think it’s a new movie that came out 2025. Everyone’s talking about it. And, you know, the Pope opened up the doors to St. Peter’s Basilica. Now remember that? Remember what we just said with that? So St. Peter’s Basilica. Yeah. Neverland Nightmare. I’m sorry. That’s what it’s called. Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare. So they’re showing the real true aspect of Peter Pan and Wendy, which was a fairy or a pixie. First one. Let me explain what’s actually going on. The boys that’s recruited by Peter Pan and Disney, they never age. Right. What we figure out is that he’s imprisoning them.
He doesn’t want them to age because he wants them to be prisoners to or slaves to him in the real mythology of Peter Pan, so that they don’t grow up. The ones that escape him, they actually grow up and they become the pirates, like Captain Hook. We figure out Captain Hook which represents Saturn. He. He was the first child or boy. What do they call them? Neverland Boys or Wonder Boys or whatever the name of the boys that he. Lost Boys. They’re called Lost Boys. He’s the first. Captain Hook is the first Lost Boy that Peter Pan ever came to.
And if we look at the symbolism of who Pan is, Pan is the Greek God, a goat God, going back to the Baphomet and the connections to Jupiter. Amen. Which is Yahweh. Yahweh, Jupiter. Amen. And this is the. Why Satan is depicted as a goat, because they use the goat as a scapegoat to represent the devil. There’s nothing in the Bible that describes the symbol of the devil. What is the devil? Biblically, they never describe what the devil looks like. So the. The. The scapegoat becomes the symbol of what’s in. Is it Aquarius? No, it. Is it Aquarius? No, not Aquarius.
Capricorn. Capricorn. Capricorn becomes the scapegoat for the symbolism of the devil, because that is the planetary ruler of Saturn. Saturn is connected to goat. So Pan is where the word. Oh, go ahead. The hook is the Saturn hook. Yeah, the hook. The hook is connected to Saturn. But you have the goat. The goat as well. You know, the goat is connected to Saturn. So that becomes the scapegoat. You know, the symbol of Tick tock is actually the seagoat. If you look at the. The original symbol of the sea goat, it’s the same thing of what the tick tock symbol is.
And everyone’s talking about tick tock, but you think about tick tock is related to time and Saturn, so it still goes back into the Saturnian energy with time. But the original statement I made is that Wendy, the. The symbol of the pixie or the fairy is very interesting because they said that Wendy in the Peter Pan series, she’s the like the original pixie. She is the first female allowed around the Lost Boys because she’s recruited through Peter or Peter Pan and she escapes him. But, you know, but you know, do you know how she escapes him? She gives away her family’s bloodline.
The firstborn female throughout the bloodline is in the original story is to be given as a sacrifice to Peter Pan. So that’s how she escapes. So I think it’s a analogy to a cult esoteric science of how they get these children through that particular term, we can’t say. And they’re either raised up to be surrogates to energy or energetic formulas that they do through the occult, through Disney. These child childhood stars that we see. We see that, that Tinkerbell, is that. Is that Wendy or is that another character? Oh, I don’t know. Let me see. Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, I think this is.
Yep, that’s her. That’s her. That’s Wendy. Okay. Yep, yep, that’s the same character. So I gotta look into. And the whole like Captain Hook thing, you know, Captain Hook, that’s a. You know, it’s about the pirates of the Caribbean going back to the skull and bones and all that. Like, this is all interconnected ancient cults and all that. That’s. That’s going on. It’s crazy. It’s wild. So this tick Tock, it would be the sickle? No, it’s the seagull. Look up the seagull. The original seagull symbol. The symbol of the seagull is the exact same symbol. The, the Capricornian seagull symbol is the tick tock symbol upside down.
Oh, wow. Yeah. See these. And since these symbols are deep in the. The psyche, they just reuse it as. As well. I was also showing on the Patreon. Y’all gotta subscribe to the Patreon because that’s like this content that we’re talking about right now we reserve for Patreon. So make sure to go subscribe to our Patreon because it’s a great way to support us and like. And share the video and as well, because this isn’t possible without y’all. So I’m sorry. I’m sorry to correct that. It was. It was actually Tinkerbell was the fairy and Wendy is.
Her bloodline gets, you know, pretty much sacrifice. Her entire bloodline gets sacrificed. So thank you to everyone. Corrected. Correct. I haven’t seen Peter Pan since I was a kid, actually. Yeah, Peter Pan. Pete. Peter Pan. Pan. And all these different names of different gods that are used in the color coding goes into so much. Go back. I’m sorry, I interrupt you. He was talking about the symbol of the la. The LA Dodgers. It looks like everything’s blue with the la. Everything’s being charged up for la. So we got the super bowl and Kendrick Lamar, who performed at the super bowl before the war, and now he’s performing again.
And the LA Dodger symbol seems to be new to me. I didn’t. I’ve never seen it like this. I could be wrong, but I thought it looked. I thought just like, there’s 12 right here. So there. Well, you know, tribes of Israel, 12 zodiac signs, 12 inches on a ruler. But it also, I thought, looked like Akhenaten a little bit, which, you know, I’m not. I haven’t, like, dived deep in the symbol, but the, like, the sun rays coming down. This could be the sun rays coming down. It could mean so many different things. Looking at symbols, do you have anything on that? This kind of looks like the Pisces logo.
Yeah, I know. It’s very Masonic. The. The baseball. It is. The whole baseball field is the Masonic compass. It’s playing straight out is the Masonic compass. And yeah, it is about the game of reincarnation. If you read deep into it, how you get home, the first base. And all of that is about how to reincarnate this. Some occult stuff to it. And then this is the Masonic compass just at a tilt as well. If you just tilt this around, I see it. And did this. Isn’t this go into, like, racist, like, gematria stuff? I’ve heard. Yeah, 42.
Yeah, 42 is. They killed Chadwick Boseman, the Black Panther based on him doing a movie called 42 and Chadwick Boseman. First. First of all, he represented the Wicker man because he had Chadwick, you know, that’s going back to the burning rituals. But, I mean, he didn’t die by burning, but he was a sacrifice. And they’re looking for the new Black Panther right now. They’re looking for someone new to play Black Panther. Black Panther. But there’s something called the Black Panther Curse like there’s a lot of people that’s from the original Black Panther movie that’s being just killed off and nobody’s talking about it in the news, but it’s, it is connected to the Dodgers winning the super bowl, the Los Angeles Dodgers winning and the Los Angeles Lakers winning the same year in 2020.
So yeah, Chadwick, the number 42 and the Dodgers has a long history connected to some, some of that stuff with the gematria pertaining to his stuff. Yeah. And so I like to end it with this as well with the whole smart city, the wicked smart city that this came out in 2020 and I read it and been doing these reports on the Patreon. But if you look at the way LA was built, the grid lock wasn’t working, people couldn’t get out. And unlike Arizona, I’m in Arizona. So it’s already a smart city. I still think they can Paradise, Maui, Arizona.
But what it would be for would be to get the smart city working because Arizona was built under a gridlock from day one one. It was built as a grid and California has all these hills so it wasn’t burnt with it. So a narrative we’re going to hear with Trump, we’re going to see a ritual. Another prediction I got is, and I like to film myself and what I say to prediction so I can play the clips is that we’re gonna have a ritual on the highway system on 128 highway. That was kind of where my head was going because it’s all about creating the new grid system for the wicked smart cities of the LED light bulbs and all that.
But with we you were showing with the, the shin and the grid system. If you look right here, downtown would be the, the, the center. So downtown is the center point of the command center of, of the smart city. So all around downtown was burnt because downtown would be the command center. That’s why downtown wasn’t hit for it. So maybe that’s something to look out for as well. That’s crazy. And we are here with Ani Asaru at the Spiritual Shy room. Make sure to go subscribe to Ani. Got his links down below. All you got to do is click that button and go subscribe.
He puts out long form content just like we do over here. It’s not just some little meme that people share. Like people are going to be sharing this little red home how it was saved. Although it’s an AI generated image so you can’t be just believing in memes. Memes are used to mind control, all y’all. So you got to get the long form content. I thought I was sharing the screen when I was was doing that. So get the long form content. Go over to the Patreon. Anything else you like to tell people where to go? Yeah, just go to patreon.com T H E underscore Spiritual Shade room and it should pop up as the true occult newspaper.
And come on over to YouTube at aniosaru and follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Aniosaru. And I appreciate you for having me on, brother, as always. Yep, yep. You heard it, everybody. Much love and God bless.