Spread the Truth




➡ The speaker discusses the movie “Wicked,” suggesting it has themes related to melanin and blackness. They argue that the movie uses symbolism to degrade the main character, who is portrayed as a powerful figure due to her melanin. The speaker also connects the movie to broader societal issues, such as racial stereotypes and the portrayal of black characters in cinema. They conclude by suggesting that the movie is a representation of the “magical Negro” trope in American cinema.
➡ The text discusses the story of a magical artifact called the Grimory in the world of Oz. The Grimory, created by ancient magical beings, contains powerful spells but is unreadable due to its ancient language. The text also explores the origins of El Faba’s magical abilities, suggesting they may be linked to a mysterious serum and her heritage. The narrative also delves into racial undertones, the concept of birthright theft, and the manipulation of power structures, using the story of Oz as a metaphor.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of self-awareness and personal growth, emphasizing the need to understand and change habits that don’t serve us. They also highlight the significance of dreams and imagination in our lives, suggesting that they can be a bridge to other levels of consciousness. The speaker offers consultations to help individuals navigate these processes, and also mentions the use of certain plants and practices to enhance dream states. Lastly, they touch on the mysterious nature of cats as interdimensional creatures.
➡ The speaker has been feeding cats with both canned food and parts of a chicken, like the heart and liver. He suggests that observing the cat’s choice between these foods can lead to profound insights. He also mentions his upcoming activities, including a return to Patreon, and invites listeners to contact him for more information or consultations.
➡ Mattel, the toy company, mistakenly linked an adult site on the packaging of their movie-themed dolls, causing controversy. The text also discusses various interpretations of the movie ‘Wicked’, suggesting it contains hidden themes and symbolism related to astrology, mythology, and societal issues. It also criticizes Hollywood for casting immigrants in roles of prominent black figures, which the author believes is a deliberate attempt to cause division. Lastly, it mentions a controversy involving Cynthia Revo, who made offensive tweets about African Americans.
➡ The text discusses various symbolic elements in a movie and a TV series. It suggests that the goat in the movie represents a gateway to the gods and the loss of speech among animals symbolizes their marginalization, possibly reflecting real-world prejudice. The text also analyzes a TV series, suggesting that the town’s lack of electricity and the appearance of a spider could be products of a character’s imagination. It also hints at the possibility that the characters are not who they appear to be, suggesting that the entire series could be a dream.
➡ The speaker discusses a complex series of events and theories, including a story involving characters named Matthew, Sarah, Elgin, and Fatima. The speaker also delves into theories about tachyon energy, which is believed to slow down the aging process and reverse decay. The speaker also mentions the importance of DNA potentiation, which prepares one to receive tachyons. Lastly, the speaker talks about the significance of the heart chakra and the goddess that resides within it, which influences our decision-making process.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of spiritual practices like chanting mantras, using a 528Hz tuning fork, and maintaining astral hygiene to connect with the divine within oneself. They believe that these practices cleanse the soul and open up chakra portals. The speaker also mentions the significance of celestial bodies and their movements, suggesting that they mirror our spiritual journey and assign us roles in our spiritual ascension. They emphasize the concept of ‘clear cognizance’, which is the ability to understand esoteric lessons on a higher level, and believe that this understanding resonates differently with different people.
➡ The text discusses the complex concepts of Gnosticism, Christianity, Freemasonry, and other esoteric beliefs. It explores the idea of accessing a higher state of consciousness through meditation and spiritual practices. The text also delves into the symbolism found in various religious and occult texts, suggesting that these symbols represent deeper, metaphysical truths about the universe and our place within it. It emphasizes the importance of personal spiritual growth and understanding, rather than relying on organized religious groups.
➡ The text discusses the concept of spiritual energy, particularly sexual energy, and its role in spiritual growth. It suggests that by properly utilizing this energy, one can achieve a higher state of consciousness, referred to as the Creator’s mind. The text also delves into various mythologies and spiritual systems, suggesting that understanding these can provide insights into our own spiritual journey. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of individuality in spiritual growth, stating that each person’s path is unique.
➡ This text discusses spiritual and metaphysical concepts, suggesting that we are all part of a multiverse with different versions of ourselves existing in parallel realities. It explains that through spiritual growth and understanding, we can access these other realities and even control our actions within them. The text also explores the idea of light and darkness within us, representing our higher and lower selves, and how we can harness this energy for personal evolution. It concludes by suggesting that some individuals may choose to remain in these alternate realities, experiencing life through a different lens.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of parallel universes and dreams, suggesting that when we dream, we’re experiencing different versions of ourselves in these universes. They also touch on the idea of the physical body being a machine for experiencing reality, with only the mind and soul able to traverse different realms. The conversation then shifts to chakras, viewing them as emotional bodies that need to be sorted through for spiritual growth. Lastly, they discuss the impact of habits like smoking weed and drinking on one’s ability to dream and remember dreams.


176. This is one big strip. Numerically, with all of this, Biden equals 201. Okay, interesting. That’s Ashley St. Clair. She. She’s now. She’s like 19 or something, or 17 or something. What’s going on, Cherry? I see you up in there. Aloha. Yeah, they got this stuff going on. So that’s what the Hunter Biden thing is about. It’s connected to the PDF stuff. And. And Biden was the one talking about no one is above the law. He the one who wrote the crime bill. Your son got caught with guns, doing drugs, having sex with prostitutes. The videos all over the Internet.

And not only did he pardon his recent arrest, he pardoned all of his arrests. See, that’s what the media ain’t telling you. He pardoned all of his arrests to tell you what’s going down with this thing. Now, before we get into the lecture today, I want to talk about some stuff. They came out with the movie Wicked. They came out with the movie Wicked, and there’s some things connected. This is the main little thing we’re gonna go into. I might go on the front after this a little bit too. But the movie, you gotta understand this.

You gotta put how you feel about what I say aside, and you got to understand because you’re going to miss a jewel if you get into your feelings in. In the social norms about what I’m about to say. Okay, the movie Wicked is about melanin. You can take it to the bank. You know, that’s all I do. Because when Bobby set the precedence that this thing is about melanin, I pondered why this, why is this always talking about melanin? I’ve never heard the word melanin mentioned that many times. But melanin is the technology of the stars in the spiritual realm.

For. For humans, for the stars is dark matter. For for humans, it’s a spiritual plane. It’s a. It’s an intelligence. It’s the essence of the intelligence is what the melanin is. When you study the book, the Physics of Darkness, which I’m gonna get into today, you better take it to the bank. That’s what this movie about. Let me. Let me prove it to you. If I don’t know what I’m talking about, let me prove it to you. The whole movie is about reiterating the stereotype of blackness being ugly or blackness being ostrich, ostracized and evil. And you have a come around talking about, well, if the witch of the west was played by A white or Hispanic or Asian person.

Your whole theory falls. No, it doesn’t. You can switch out the race. It don’t matter because I come. If I’m gonna tell you something, I’m gonna have something to back up what I’m saying. And if it doesn’t back up, I’m gonna have something that backs up what I just said. Then you’re gonna have to deal with it, how you deal with it. Let me just give it to you off bat. The movie is about melanin because her mother is played by a melanated woman, which she isn’t melanated in the rest of the Broadway plays. I did extensive research to give you this.

She isn’t melanated in the Broadway plays, but they had her melanated because they had to select this Caribbean actress named Cynthia. Cynthia Erivo. Which black people, nor white people really like her. I’m not trying to be a bully by saying that, but they really don’t like this chicken. And I’ll explain why in a minute. I’m explaining why in a minute. But that don’t have nothing to do with nothing. That’s Matrix stuff. I’m just telling you what, what, what she. What she represents in the movie and the symbolism. Let’s discard the celebrities stuff. Okay? So you said, okay, you saying it’s about Melanin because her mother is black.

You got to get out of race and all of that. Her mother’s name is Melina or Molina. Molina or Melina comes from the Greek word melis, which means black. Melis Melena Molina. Melis means black. Now you know why they had to get her for this. This is the biggest Broadway movie of all time. Did you know that Wicked is the biggest Broadway movie of all time already? Now it’s big because the stereotypes towards the melanated people and them assuring that she’s gonna die because, you know, Dorothy kills her in the end. It’s about this witch by the name of L L Faba.

Somebody put a thumbs up. I’m pronouncing that right. I have to find. If I’m not pronouncing it right, but it’s. I think it’s El Faba or El Faber one. One of them. I can’t remember. I watched the movie once with my son yesterday. It was the, The. It was just too many rituals in the movie. But we got through it. I could stop there, right? I could stop there. Tell you the truth, I could stop there. That could be the end of the breakdown. But we Gonna go deeper. Yes. Wicked is the prelude to the wizard of Oz.

Wicked is the prelude to the wizard of Oz. That’s why it’s so big, because it has a enormous fan base. They was extremely mad. They made the. The witch black. But they always do that. They did it with the Lord of the Rings and all of that. And they sell DEI di di DEI over and over. But in this case this might be dei. I don’t think she was the best selection for the role. But I would give her credit. She did well in the movie. Enough. She did well enough. And the numbers back that. So the movie.

And now they all articles talking about the movie is lgbt. All of this. So you see this symbolism here. It’s also about Kamala Harris. You know the AKA colors. You got the pink and green. Even though she lost. They have have to have a symbolic type thing. And I broke down how Kamala could possibly get back in office to go watch that video now. Yeah, the black being evil. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blackness being evil. Now her name is El Faba. The word L, it means in Hebrew a God, a deity. Might, strength, power of the Semitic language.

So when they call her El Faba, she the only one that can. That can do this magic. They even the top people. The wizard. And what is her name? Miss Morrible. Her name is Morrible. Like horrible with an M. They didn’t even have no powers. How she. How she did. How she had. So she is a God. Literally in the Witch of the west is a God. That’s what they ain’t telling you. Now her other half of her name Faba comes from the root Greek word meaning bright shining, radiant one pure and happy. Cheer, cheerful, demeaning.

But it means bright or pure because the. The melanogenesis the darkness produces the light. Okay. The. The darkness produces the light. They also saying that this movie is a multi dimensional version of Oz. And I said we’re going to talk about multi, multiverse, multi dimensional aspects today. So this could be a multiverse of the thing. I also noticed the trope of them turning the monkeys in the movie into flying monkeys. There was some numerology with the Gematria in my research that connected the monkey pox. The Flying Monkeys138 Cynthia Revo138 Monkey Pox138 but when she turned them into flying monkeys they opened this ancient book.

Let me see if I can find. It’s called the Grim. The Grim Warri. I told y’all about the Grim Warium. The Grimory is This ancient lemorian book, book of language. Hold on. They got an article on it and none of them could read it but her. Look, she never seen the book before. She never read the language, but she was, she was able to read it because she had the melanin. So the whole movie is about degrading her ass. I’m telling you, throughout the whole movie is real bad. But they, in the end, they, they can build her up to have this magical power because they know they’re gonna kill her in the end.

It’s the whole magical Negro theory. Look up magical if I don’t know what I’m talking about, look up magical Negro theory. It’s a funny, it’s a funny version on it with Jordan Peele and key. And Jordan Peele did the magical Negro. If you want to get a laugh out of it, this ain’t nothing but the magical Negro over. Ain’t nobody donating y’all ass. The magical Negro is a trope in America. Cinema is a supporting stock character who comes to the aid of usually a white character. Magical Negro characters off the possessor, special insight, mystical powers, old fashioned word Negro, magical black character.

This ain’t nothing but because the whole movie is about her saving these animals that can talk. And in essence what they’re saying in the movie is that she is the animal. You know, three fourths of a human, that whole thing. You may not believe that, but I’m telling you, that’s what it is. It’s hard for you, some people to swallow that. Like I, I didn’t see that. That’s, that’s fine. I’m just telling you my angle, my clear cognizance of breaking these movies that down over years. You can say I’m biased or whatever, but I’m telling you, that’s what it is.

Now in the Grimory, this book. Let me see if they got a picture of it. They say there’s a power powerful magical artifact in Wicked. It plays a pivotal role in El Faba’s evolution. The Grimory established a powerful tome full of ancient spells whose lore established during this, this extended wizzle mania section of the song. Okay. The Grimory was created by the magical Wise Ones who lived in Oz ages ago. So they gotta, they go, they gonna do a couple of movies. This ain’t the last movie. The Wise Ones transcribed their magic into a book which became the Grimory.

However, the ancient language was lost over the years, making the magic inaccessible for generations. Even powerful sorcerers like Madame Morrible can only translate a Few words. However, the wise ones left a prophecy that someday a powerful magical figure would be able to naturally read the Grimory and that becomes her. They said why can’t she read it? It was never made exactly clear. Where El Faba’s magical potential stems from is the melanin. It potentially has something to do with a mysterious serum. Now this serum is also talking about melanin too that she took from. From a stranger.

The stranger is the wizard. So this is another ritual they do. They always have some type of weird racial tone to the parents of black characters. So what I’m saying to you is this guy right here, the wizard is her father. Now if that made sense in the film, she should have been a biracial character. But they got to do weirdness of biracial tones. They do things like that. Well you say she got dark skin. I mean green skin and all that don’t matter. I understand societal norms or liberal thought. I get it. So this is her father.

And her father was going around doing the Jeffrey Epstein. He started to impregnate a bunch of women around. I’m telling you was out of the book. He started to impregnate all of these women around Oz and he, he gave them this magical serum. But only the black woman actually birthed this magical child. That’s in the thelemic Alistair Crawley text. Look up the magical child. The Lima and I spoke about the magical child a bunch of times on here. It says they looking for the babe of the abyss. The magical child. Basically she’s a homunculus. She’s a created life form where this magical potion, it.

It births her into the world. And her, her mother is killed by her stepfather because he was so taken back from his child being green that he made her drink milk flowers every day when he got her pregnant again so they, they can have a natural born child. And she birthed a, a white child. I told you it’s always weird. Which is her sister. But from the milk flour she died because her father was he. He didn’t want another green child. So he overdid making her take or drink the milk flour tea. It’s always some very weird stuff with racial tones because they do that a part of the mind control.

But anyways, so he’s her father. That’s the secret. That’s why he wears green. That’s why he’s in the Emerald City. And the whole movie is about stealing the birthright inheritance from the moors. That’s what occurred in history. But there is some chakra Stuff connected to it too. Now, the original monkeys. Because when she reads the grimory, she, all she wants to do is help the animals because she’s the only one that can speak and have a connection with the animals. Even her teacher at Sheath University. H S H I Z. She university or is it Shiz University? Her teacher is a goat.

That connects to the Baphomet. Remember I told you from that book called the Sufi? They said the original representation of the symbol of the Baphomet was the Negro head. The Moors who taught the Europeans at the University of Salamanca, the Mystery school, the Knights of Templar came out of the Salamanca and that’s what birthed the Illuminati, the Moorish knowledge of Spain and the technologies that they were looking into at that time. That’s why Trump, in his Mar A Lago establishment in Florida, he has the plus ultra Pillars of Hercules in the background on the wall. This is called Moorish Arabesque art.

And the plus ultra was, was these pillars called the Pillars of Gibraltar or the Strait of Gibraltar, where the Moors hid the knowledge from the Europeans of how to traverse the currents of the sea and reach the New World, which they had been traveling to the Americas long before then. That’s why indigenous folks were there. All of this is documented. All of this is documented. Even Christopher Columbus. His. His. The pilot of his boat was a Moore. Go look that up. The pilot of Christopher Columbus ship to America was a Moor from Spain. So Trump already know what the deal is.

That’s why he used Moore’s Law when he said he don’t pay taxes. He’s using Moore’s Law. He’s a part of the Order of Saint Tammany. Look that up too. The Order of the Phoenix. It’s all about alchemy, which. The dark night of the soul is another reference to melanin or the Milano, the mela, the melanosis of the soul. There’s a darkness to it. But the black people in general represents the darkness of the human race. The dark contingencies of history dwells in our subconscious. So when they birthed a melanated green child, it was actually Osiris, because a lot of melanated children.

I’m not sure if European children have this. I didn’t see the research on it, but they get these green spots on their back. I had it on my back when I was a child. They get these green spots. I forgot what they call it. I think it is. I think they say it’s called Chrysala or. These are different Colors. Okay. They get these spots. Y’all can put it in the chat. You say your baby girl had it. Not to say I don’t fully believe that black people were green at one time. It’s magnesium. Okay. But I think it represents something.

It represents something because Osiris, he’s green and he’s the God of the dead in Egypt. And Al Faba was killed by Dorothy. Well, I figure out in the book that she actually wasn’t killed. She faked her death. Probably talking about faking deaths on the Hollywood stage. Now, let me let you hear this. Then we’re going to really break it down esoterically. Then we’re going to move on, realize who’s the real villain in the wizard of Oz. We grew up believing the Wicked Witch of the west is the villain of the story. But is she? Think about it.

Her sister gets murdered and her shoes are stolen by Glenda. Shoes that are silver in the original story and belong to her mother. And what about Glenda, the Good Witch of the South? She literally used Dorothy to kill the Witch of the East. Not to mention she avoided telling Dorothy she could have used the shoes to go back to Kansas. You’ve always had the power to go back to Kansas. I have. Then why didn’t you tell her before? But rather she left Dorothy going through the yellow brick road to meet the wizard who actually left the kingdom right after.

And by the end of the movie, by using Dorothy, she eliminated all her competition in the realm of power. So who’s the real villain? It took me. That’s a Wizard of Oz. Yeah. She killed. She killed the Witch of the west and the east for. And the. She got the wizard up out of there because she exposed the wizard or accident though. And that. That’s what made Glinda, who was played by Ariana Grande. That’s what made her take over power over Oz. That’s the truth. And that’s always been the scapegoating of. Of how they do things.

I think she’s a figure of representing. Even though she’s not fully European. She represents the white power structure of how they can swipe birth rights. Because everyone thought she was the. The good guy. But if you watch Wicked, she is the most despicable person ever. She’s the most despicable person ever you can meet. And anytime. There’s another thing. I want to talk to my, my, my goddesses. Y’all need to be careful wearing these septon rings. I’ve been seeing a lot of occult websites talking about how the Septon ring. New age feminist movement is a mind control object.

There’s something I looked up that bulls were given septon rings so that the user could put a pole or a stick in it so they can control the bull if it got out of control. So there’s some type of spell work with the septon ring that you got to be careful, careful of. And I noticed she had it on. But they’ve been talking about this on. On these occult back pages that most of the feminists you see today have this septic ring, septum ring. So if you got it, be very, very careful playing around with these energies.

These people using with that archetypes mean something. There’s some rituals going on with it. There’s a lot of. Ms. Andrew. There’s a lot of things going on with it. What’s wrong? You want to see Arbor? Hold on one second, guys. Let me put Aubrey on. All right. He watching Auburn in there. So there was an article came out that Wicked dolls they. Mattel had apologized for mistakenly linking the adult porn site on packaging for the movie. It says. However, fans have noticed that on the back of the boxes, the packaging links is to a porn site.

You see that they did that intentionally because the name of the movie is Wicked. They did that intentionally for the kids so they can look at that to program them. It looks like the Rahu glyph. Let me look at Rahu Ad be on it. That talking about the septon ring. Yeah, it does look like Rahu. And you know Rahu, that’s my makarka. The Rahu deals. There’s a lot of good connections with Rahu. But the one thing about Rahu you got to be careful of, Rahu can give you a false, illusory aspect to people in certain things in your astrological chart, especially if it’s in your.

In your ascendant moon or your sun. So you got to be very, very careful with that. Yeah, that’s a great catch. Adonisia. Adonis would be on fire. You guys get on Patreon. Adonis be on fire. You said the green has something to do with Aurora. Probably so. But the reason why people, or mainly the black community, had a problem with Cynthia Revo is because back then, Cynthia Revo made some disturbing tweets about African Americans. We don’t even accept that name no more because that could be anybody. That can be Elon Musk. Elon Musk is an African American.

That was a title given to us by Jesse Jackson in the 1980s. Some. Some CIA stuff when he was running for president. But black Americans pretty much. She was talking, you know, y’all baby mamas, y’all on Section eight. You know, the same old tropes tropes that you hear because she’s from the Caribbean. She’s not from a black American. She. She’s an American. But she. She came over later on. She’s an immigrant pretty much her family, I think she’s second generation or something. Her family came over or she came over recently. Yeah. So I mean, some of them be like that.

Some of them be like that. In Hollywood is picking up on that. That’s why they making immigrants played a roles of prominent black figures. You notice Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, all of these people. Black Americans aren’t allowed to play their icons anymore. The elite have noticed that. And they said we can use these people that feel that type of way and. And do something to divide. Divide these people even more. So you got to be careful with that. Also some of the mysteries was Osiris with Osiris actually the periodic table of elements. Some.

Somebody pointed out that this is actually showing Osiris over the sarcophagus. I mean, Anubis over the sarcophagus. The sarcophagus is Osiris body. In the original hieroglyph. That’s Osiris body is the mummification process of sending a person to the AMD that. That’s what you’re looking at when you see this. You see the broomstick originally in the mythology was a phallus is a penis. It’s something sexual in it. It’s a sexual nature. So that’s someone. Let me go through the. The esotericism. Let me go through the esotericism real quick so we can get on, move on. So it’s good that the stereotype of blackness is ostracized and evil in the movie because they’re letting too much fly out at one time.

So now we can see the interpolation of hidden themes to the melanin by them doing that. The movie began with ships in the water. I’m not gonna spoil it, but I’ll just say that these vessels in the water that Glinda was coming over, she was coming over in them ships to go to this to the university is saying that you’re born as a vessel in water like in. Like inside of your mother’s womb. You’re born in her amniotic fluid in water. And remember, being born in water is the same thing I said earlier with XRP currency, everything is water.

And it connects to the. The wizard of Oz also connects to the whole Moorish whole thing with the scarecrow being representative of the straw man. The straw man is the uppercase name that they put on your birth certificate. That name is registered, I think, to, like a certain family or something like that. You’re nothing but like a stock to. To. To these elite families. And then the. The birth certificate, if you go look at the tin man, the 10 men represents the 10 number that’s on the birth certificate. That’s the hidden information behind that. They’re talking about what they’re doing in America with law on your identity when they.

They stole your identity in the birthright. And that’s for everybody. It started with indigenous people, but they do that to everybody now. So that’s a straw man in that analogy from the first three films. Now, Oz, the city is representative of the spiritual realm. Oz is the spiritual realm. But instead of the tornado that originally brought Dorothy and Toto to Oz in the original film when she came in through Kansas. Oh, my bad. The original tornado. I didn’t mean to do that. Oh, they won’t let me blow it up. Hold on. Let me go to another one.

We all see it right there. Y’all know what happened in the. In the beginning with Toto and her had to go through the tornado to come to the eyes. Of course, the tornado is the. Is the Kundalini energy, the centripetal force I always talk about in Toto represents the serious dog star. That’s the mystery esotericism of that. El Faba, her life experience becomes the storm. In the movie, it represents the storm or the tornado that supplements the original three films of Dorothy coming through the tornado. Munchkin Land, where she’s born, is the root chakra where she triumphed over her trauma and displacement within reality.

By the time she got to the university, she had already been dealt with with called being called names, being called green and animal and all of that type stuff. She dealt with that in Munchkin Land. So she. She was already insensitive to what people were calling her. Glinda, the Good Witch is Venus in the sacral chakra, the sacred chakra. El Faba’s father, her stepfather. You barely see him there he is the demiurge. He represents the demiurge. In the movie, the flying monkeys can also be the demiurge, or the flying monkeys can be the archons as well.

But the demiurge, the wizard is Y. He’s Yahweh. In the movie, he’s yeah. You said Oz is identical to the hyperborea map and Munchkin Land is where the pygmies are on the map. That’s interesting, Josh. Yeah. Everything is tied into a trust. So Sophia is El Faba’s mother. Molina. That’s Sophia because she birthed her with the. With the elixir, with the. With the melanin. With her name being Melina and melanin, she birthed her. Her birth changed Oz forever. That’s Sophia being the mother. And then she, you know, she was. Later she. She passed away. That’s. That’s a analogy too.

There’s something metaphysical. The university they went to is the crown chakra because the school’s main color, you will see, is purple throughout the whole duration of the movie. And they have this library with winding shelves of books. And Glinda is telling her and El Faba’s love interest that immense knowledge of the past and. And spells of the current age was all in that library. But she didn’t even know. She didn’t even know what the word library meant. Glinda is very. She pretty much a dumb person. She don’t. She don’t really know nothing. But people think just because she’s beautiful that she knows everything.

The animals, the animals in the film that can speak, that is eventually hunted and put into cages. They had to find a scapegoat, you get it, for why things were happening. Negative. And even the wizard said at the end, when you want peace in a society, you have to find a villain and deem something the villain. They were going to make the animals the main villain, but they ended up making El Faba, which is substituted as the black melanated person. We’re going to make it seem like you guys are the villain. You’re. You’re the ones out here committing gang activity and messing up your community when everybody knows the government and.

And other influences of power has something to do with it in this and has something to do with the mental conditioning. But then they. They’ll, you know, come out and say, oh, you got a victim mentality. And that’s the ritual. But the animals represent the throat chakra because they can speak. And the movie is about them losing the ability to speak. Madam. Madam. I don’t know. That’s a horrible name for them to select for a person. She represents Jupiter and Juno. She’s the teacher. She helps El Faba access her magical power because she has extreme power, telekinesis, all type of stuff.

She can do all type of things. And also, I meant to say that Dr. Dilliman, the goat is, is Saturn in his planetary representation. You know, the goat also, the goat represents the gates to the gods and she, he’s her only friend in the tv. I mean, in the movie is the goat, but it connects to the Baphomet and it connects to Capricorn and he’s the one that expresses to El Faba what is the true essence of Oz. What. How are these. How do these people really look at you? The animals lost their ability to speak.

I don’t. I can’t remember why. It was like something was occurring in our. In Oz. I don’t know if they’re going to reveal it. They didn’t reveal it in the movie, but they may have covered it. Let’s look that up. But it was something that was occurring that caused them to lose their ability to speak. In the book, the animals lose their ability to speak over time, symbolizing their growing marginalization and helplessness. This dynamic serves as a poignant allegory to real, real world prejudice. So I guess they talking about racism or something. El Faba learns from her history professor, Dr.

Dillerman, that someone is caging Oz’s animals, resulting in them losing their ability to speak. So I guess putting them in a cage, that could represent putting them in slavery, lost their, their ability to speak. What’s up, buddy? No, you can. Can’t do that. Hold on, y’all. You don’t got the yogurt refrigerator? Hold on. Let me get that boy. This boy be taking everything out the refrigerator. Be bringing the juice and everything. Yeah, I know that’s good for his digestive track. That’s why I just gave him some so I could put him. Put them to bed after this video.

So the sacral chakra is the love interest of El Faba and Glinda. And that guy, their love interest eventually becomes the Scarecrow. He’s changed into the Scarecrow by, by El Faba in the wizard of Oz. But the, the Ajna or the third eye chakra is El Faba, of course, because of the magic. So I didn’t want to stick too long on that. But that’s what was going down in the Wicked. That’s what was going down in actuality. It’s all about melanin. I also wanted to show one more thing with the flying monkeys, that the original picture of the negro was depicted almost like a flying monkey.

This is back in like the 1920s, so that could be some ratio undertones as well. And they blamed her after the monkeys became distressed from being given bird wings in this. I don’t know. Mike might have some homunculus trans. Trans mutational type things and alchemy. I don’t. I don’t got the full aspect of that, but that’s some strange stuff. But I seen people on the. The post talking about it. But yeah, I’m just saying with the septon ring, it just seems like there’s this Ms. Andrus I’m not going back but this Ms. Andrus connection I’ve been seeing develop in the.

The feminine half in the community. And Megan Thee Stallion them came out with a music video called. What is it called? Rock Body or something. You know, the rock is always connected to Freemason. Freemasonry and they came out with this music video. It’s called Rock Steady. And they killing black men all through the music video. And then somebody came to my post and said of of course a melanated woman came to my post and said that hey, y’all been killing us in movies and stuff over the whole duration. And I said well, if that’s the case, which I know I don’t remember no movie where the movie is about black men killing black women.

I don’t remember no movie by that. But let’s just go with what you’re saying. In the movie, the black guy goes to jail every time he goes straight to jail. Not saying that makes much of a difference. But there what I’m saying, the consequences of it. There’s no consequences in this. This is. This is the expression of their art is killing some black men in this. So that’s what they want in the programming in the next generation, new age Gen Z generation. A melanated woman that you know killed or kill them. Kill the kill these Negroes.

If not symbolically in your mind, that’s what the symbol is. And then they got the T rans colors in the background. So it’s all connected with the programming here. And we have to be aware and recognize what’s. What’s going on when they do that now TV series from we covered it on Patreon. I won’t do the full breakdown. You got to get the Patreon to get that. But the from is about the Kabbalah traveling through the tree. You see they made the melanated man D tree in the new poster. This is one of the most watched TV series in the last couple of years because people can’t figure it out.

It has a huge cult right now following and in from they they’re they’re stringing together finally, some aspects that make sense. I spoke about Harold Perano starting the series at 59. Negro equals 59. He’s 61 now. Crisis equals 61. So I would be surprised if they kill him off in the last season. It has to be some type of savior complex in the last season. But what we’re discovering is that Ethan, which I said on Patreon, his name represents Ether. Ether because the spider also connects to Isis. The weaving of the Creatrix is through ether. Get the book.

Get the book by Kenneth Grant. What is that Kenneth Grant book? I read that in On Universe B. Hold on. Kenneth Grant Outside the Circles of Time. He talks about the Ether and the Creatrix in the Web of Isis in. In the. The TV series, Ethan. People are now putting it together because this new villain popped up in the last episode called the man in Yellow, which ain’t nothing but the Necro con. Necronomicon’s version of Haster. In H.P. lovecraft’s books, the man in Yellow, people starting to put it together that Ethan throughout every season has yellow on.

I don’t know if I got the pictures in here, but I’m gonna put the full. The full decode on Patreon. So Ethan is the man in Yellow, and his imagination is creating the town. How do I know that? You notice the town doesn’t have electricity. You remember when he said, jim, you shouldn’t be digging that hole when the voice, the archon, or the monster on the phone said, jim, you shouldn’t be digging that. That hole because they figured out that there is no electricity. Well, guess what? A little boy would have no common sense of where electricity goes.

His imagination is creating from. You see, and that’s what I’m talking about today with the dream worlds, is all about your imagination. I mock imagination. You get the eye in the mock the imog. The third eye, Ethan, is ether in Ether innate. It ignites the imagination. So the spider. Remember the spider drawing? Then you got the big spider in. In the forest, and he’s like, what the hell this spider coming from? You know? Also, we figured out that his mother is the reincarnation of the first woman who went to Fromville. And the villagers that she came with sacrificed their children to get immortality because they listen to the.

The mother of monsters, which is a Japanese spider goddess, right? Leads the manifestation. But they even noticed there was another person’s face in the mirror right here. If you look closely, that’s not Miranda’s face. That say, this is the face of the original woman. So they’re not even in their real lives. This whole thing could be a dream. Nobody’s who they are. But that’s what reality is in the physical plane anyway. You aren’t who you thought you was. Remember in the first season, Boy is actually the full card in the tarot deck because the dogs was chasing them in the first.

You got to go back to the first season. I know it’s far removed, but he’s the full card. He’s playing the fool. That’s why he’s leading everyone. But he’s leading. The fool is. Is walking with his head up. He don’t see the cliff. He doesn’t see. He can’t connect the dots on what’s. What’s to happen. But he’s leading with his pride. And I could break the full. Full card down even more. The flower, the what the dog represents. But I don’t have time for that. Jim, Ethan’s father and Miranda’s husband is the hangman. Remember they showed the rope when they were trying to build the tower to communicate with the outside world like the Tower of Babel.

They were showing you the rope right here. And remember when he hung upside down, he was stuck upside down for like a day. All of it is symbolism. All of the symbols. Wait till I break down the full from series. We waiting on season four. But wait till I get into the bay of Canadian native indigenous people. That’s what the whole show is about. In the first ship that. That landed in the Bay of Thuck region in Canada, the ship was called the Matthews. And the first family that we see enter from field, their last name is Matthew.

We’re gonna break this thing down. They had to kill the black man again. And he was on some dumb. He deserved what he got. I don’t. They could have did it another way. But he deserved. I don’t think he deserved to be killed that way, but he deserved what was coming for him. But they showed a. A Confederate or a Union. He’s a Union soldier with one eye. That could be his reincarnation. But this is the one eye symbolism because your girl. What’s her name again? Sarah. Sarah previously was possessed by the creatures in the town which.

The creatures in the town are the Archons. Once again, just like the flying monkeys in Eyes. But the creatures in the town started to speak in her mind and convince her what she was and what she wasn’t and what she needed to do to free everyone from being in the trap of the dimension. They’re in this pocket dimension and can and can’t escape it. So she. She interrogates Elgin, which is the black boy, and ends up what this is what she says. She says, quote, boyd hasn’t allowed for this place to take his soul, but this place already has my soul.

So she was willing to do the. The. The egregious thing to make sure that they got what her name. Fatima. Fatima back. Because Elgin had kidnapped Fatima so she could feed the monster that was grown inside of her, which was Smiley being reborn because they’re immortal. Some real crazy stuff went down in this. In this season. And anybody noticed the boy of white grew overnight. I don’t know what that’s a symbolism of, but he just grew overnight. People were making memes about him like how this grew in one day. Of course he has to grow in real life.

We don’t. We understand that. But they were just laughing, you know. And we broke down to 47. So you go on Patreon. We went through the rest of it, but that’s what’s going on with from right now. So let me get to the lecture real quick. I want you guys to send the video out like it and re watch it later on because it’s gonna be some interesting stuff we’re about to get into. So the name of the video is Nos magicus tempor. Nos magicus tempor. It stands for in Latin, our magical time. We are in our magical time.

Now, today is the te of the moon. I mean, today’s te of our moon is Shukla Paksha Dwitya. Shukla Paksha Dwitya is the waxing phase. We’re. We’re in a bright Fortnite moon tonight. And this is the phase when the moon leaves a period called Amavasha. In Vedic astrology, Amavasha is a. Is a period where the elites gets. Gets the most power out of their black magic. It’s the. The new moon. And when it leaves, I’m a vasha. It. It enters into purnima, which is the full moon. That’s what we’re heading towards. And this is a time.

The reason why I tell you that this is a time in this titi when something you lost will be returned to you. That’s either metaphysical or is actually matrix based from the physical. Something’s about to be returned to you. So everybody come back in here for the lecture. Tell everybody. Come back. I know sometime them shows some people don’t want to hear it. I get emails saying I don’t like, you know, I want to watch the show. So some people leave and come back. So the next paradigm of our assignments is in the synesthesia of our spiritual upgrades.

We were speaking about the last two weeks on Patreon. How to potentuate. Potentuate your DNA with light codes reacting to this thing called tachyons. Let me get in my notes to read that tachyon information. What is the tachyons? The function of the tachyon is to slow down the aging process and the supply the energy of the the subtle organized energy fields within you. But it causes entropy to decay. It reverses decay. And it was the prima material of the ancient alchemists of old. Hold on one second. Tachyon energy is the condensation of unlimited zero point energy.

Take that note. The condensation of unlimited zero point energy slowing down the speed of light. Let me see. I have my photo for the tachyon, so you can see it up here on the screen. Tachyon. I thought I brought that photo over. Give me one second, guys. Okay, here it goes right here. So the tachyon is the condensation of a limited zero point energy that slows down the speed of light. As soon as your subtle organizing energy field has conversed or traversed into the tachyon field, it becomes the frequency of a smaller energy unit called pions.

The pion will expand and evolve into a muon. And this on a subatomic level is what’s happening in your dreams. I’m explaining it all in a minute. So the. So first, from the unlimited zero point energy, there is a derived tachyon energy that is conversed into a frequency of what’s called a pion. Then out of the pion it becomes a muon and finally into electron. Zero point energy is what we’re speaking about and how that occurs within the torus or the vortex. We’re going to give you a different perspective of it today. Tachyon energy simply means, means energy that moves above the speed of light or at the light speed threshold.

And pyons is just below the light speed. Muons is below light speed as well. But the tachyon, the pion pions are first elemental particles of the tachyons. So we’re talking about the fractalized form of what tachyons is. It’s units of pions. Breaking down the physics real quick. Now, what the tachyon energy is doing for frequencies is, is organizing. In developing your subtle organizing energy field into perfect forms, it does this door during a duration of a lifetime. That’s why we told you to go even in the beginning of the video, if you came here later, you’re probably a little bit confused.

But we. We spoke about or discussed how the. The tachyon energy plate that Bobby used to wear and I used to wear. I wore it for seven years. It changes what your clear cognizance is. Your spiritual ability. Yeah, we’re going to talk about superpowers, all of that. We get into that in a minute. You said is the signal of thought faster than the speed of light? Absolutely. Absolutely. It’s faster than the speed of light. So from pion to muon. The muon has a subtle energy, subtle organizing energy field. We call it a sof 10 times bigger than the pion, which is below light speed.

So when the self of the muon is reciprocal to the tachyon, the orbit of the subtle organizing energy field expands. That’s what happens in dreams. What is talking about? Let me go back to my notes. Today we’re going to discuss deco it. Oh, decoherence within the multiverse which is called many world theory tactical clear cognizance, the mysteries of dark matter and dream physics and how to utilize it. But we’re going to do it from a Hebrew perspective. And I’m gonna bring it back full circle so you can see it from a much larger DNA perspective. Well, I’m gonna start with the DNA because that’s what’s most important.

Potentiating your DNA right now prepares. Prepares you to receive the tachyons. Because if you don’t do nothing to potentiate it, you ain’t really doing. And I’m gonna tell you how I’ve been receiving my gnosis. Even when I met up with this entity called Nema way back when I dropped that video famous video of mine called Nema. We just got it back. Shout out to B Swords for sending me the flash drive with all of my old channel videos on it. I haven’t seen that video about three years. Uploaded it on. On Patreon. So the tachyons come from the potentiation of your DNA with light codes reacting to our bioenergy field.

We’ve been instructing the family to purchase this thing called a ME 528 tuning fork. What is this thing going to do? It’s going to help to begin accessing scalar waves within your heart chakra. That’s why I meant to say El Faba also is the heart chakra. The green also represents the heart chakra. Inside of your heart exists a goddess. Inside of us we have a. A goddess that lives inside of our heart when we make rational decisions instead of outside of the emotional because the emotion can affect the Goddess because it’s a feminine energy. But the rationale is also a part of this goddess figure within us to make clear, concise decisions of what we do in life.

And that’s my yacht. There’s a video of me on this other guy’s. I don’t mean to call him other guy. This. He’s a good friend now. His name is Mark from my family. Thinks I’m crazy. Shout out to you Mark as well. There’s a video coming out when I break down the Mayott continuum. Excellent video. It’s probably going to come out in the next couple of days. Mark needs to send me that video. We’ve been waiting on it for a week, but we did it last week and it’s going to come out real soon. And that God is inside of you is a form of Mayott and Lakshmi in the Vedic text.

Yeah, Mark. PS Yes. Yes. Shout out to Mark. Yeah, yeah, that one was a good one. Me and Mark got deep. We covered the metaphysics, we covered some of the transhumanism. We also went into the racial matters. We got. We got real deep. That’s a real down to the downer of brother right there. We dealt with it. So this 528Hz tuning fork is going to help access the scalar waves of the heart chakra of that goddess in you. So you tap it early in the morning and you sing or harmonize your mantras that we give to you in your Vedic astrological reading.

There’s certain mantras that connect you to the Nakshatras that your soul was born from. We can calculate these things. You also what Kalini said you have to. You can utilize the 528 frequency. She was telling me what she does that’s very powerful. And what I started to utilize is uttering the chakras mantra. Sounds like vom ram lam. Then you have to open it up, open up the rest. It takes time. It takes. It doesn’t happen immediately, but she says when you utter rum or bomb, when you sing that in harmonized with the 528 tuning fork, that’s how you open the portal.

This we. We just opened it. For some people it takes a low marginal time. Other people, it may take a week for you to open up that chakra portal. Because what is doing for what she’s describing? You’re cleansing the dinginess, the dirt, the smog from around your light body. That’s how the soul communicates is through the sound. So you’re starting to clean. You’re doing astral hygiene of cleaning yourself by doing this repetitively in the morning and before you go to bed. Or just find a period during the day to get. To get it in good. But I like to do it when the sun and the moon is in certain positions.

You can get this from Amazon. You get this thing for $20. We don’t make nothing expensive. It ain’t mine. It ain’t my product. I don’t know where it’s coming from, but I got mine. And then yeah, you can get the Nikola Tesla positive energy purple disc one and that on as well. You say how do you feel about singing bowls and their effects of. Singing bowls is cool. The Tibetan singing bowls, we used to sell that in the shop. But I. I like the 528 frequency because it’s the same frequency as water. What did Jet Li say? Be it be like water.

Be like water. That’s. That’s a big mystery. So at the beginning of the year we discussed this super boy that was detected. Who Remember that? Put your hand up. You remember us talking about this super boy that they started to. They started to call it a cold spot. This article came out new approach uses observe local super void to give expansion of the universe to an extra push and solve the Hubble tension. Then they put the chaos symbol right here and all of that plasma. That melanin looks like the plasma and melanin that I’ve been showing people that connects to the brains neuron tacits.

It’s all the same thing family. It’s all the same thing. Why people say you talk about melanin. So much is connected to the. I’m talking about. That’s why. So the super void was detected by these astrophysicists out there in the Boaties and Draco constellation. Then we had the mother of dragons comet past Earth earlier around that time. Now if you understand what’s going on. Everything out there is happening inside of you. You don’t believe it, that’s on you. But you gotta recognize this. We can see in hermeticism, which. Hermeticism simply means the study of melanin. Bobby broke that down.

Or the study of alchemy in melanin. How everything within the super force of kinetic potentiality that’s between the stars is a reflection of correspondence to the programming. Down here in the lower spheres as above, so below as within. So without that super boy was an indication that the cold spot Generated, if not one, but multiple portals inside of the Earth’s Kundalini back into our spirit bodies. Hold on, guys, I heard my son in here. I don’t know what he doing. Hey, what you doing? All right? Family all right? Playing with them monster trucks. So multiple portals inside the Earth’s Kundalini in your spirit bodies.

We have electro genetics alchemically responding to the cosmic theme of cycles that generates the cold fusion. Now Mark, if you want to read more on what I’m talking about. Mark Balfour wrote a book called the Sign of the Serpent that I speak about frequently. It’s taking me time to get through, through this book. It’s called the Sign of the Serpent. They don’t even have it really online anymore when you look for it. The key to creative physics. This was a gem of a book they’ve been hiding. Yeah, we’re talking about inner alchemy. That’s what we’re speaking about, inner alchemy.

But we’re going way deep into it. The Sign of the Serpent, the key to creative physics. In the book he’s talking how the serpent, the Naga is a word etymologically rooted in a another word called the Seer Bin. The Seer bin means the light of Sirius. The light of Sirius indicating in creative physics that the ion movement in our intracellular membranes operates in patterns to the avatars that are present within us, within the ether. So we have several avatar bodies. Just like we have several chakras, we have other states of consciousness. So if you got a lot of chakras, that means you have different emotional bodies.

If you have different emotional bodies, that means you have different spiritual bodies, different logical metal logical bodies. So now you’re, you’re creating a theme. You’re. There’s a whole world living inside of you. Bobby used to talk about, or maybe a whole universe living inside of you. And if there’s a universe inside of you, black holes, white holes, that means that there’s deeper themes. Whereas these universes have cascades or reflection mirrors of other universes, which means inside of your mind is a whole multiverse. I’m going to break that down for you today. So our breathing via technique.

So while you’re doing these exercising of cleansing your, your chakras, your aura with the mantras, the 528me frequency, also playing the heavenly chords we gave out on Patreon to everyone. How the harp instrument is different than any other instrument on the planet. And putting a metronome on it to access the subconscious. And your meditation, changing your Breathing technique, Hatha yoga, Raja Yoga, Sushumna, the Sushana Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Dragon Breath. There’s all types of techniques what, what you’re breathing, the shifting of your qigong or your. There’s another qigong technique too I’ve been reading about or qigong practice I’ve been reading about that I might mention on Patreon soon.

I just gotta see what the implications is of what, what this particular author is speaking of. But the breathing techniques you use implicate something called a causal reaction to the medium of ether to give a unique rise to how we alchemically draw out the light codes within the celestial dance. Big note right here. Or by. By way of saying celestial dance, we’re talking about the ongoing interaction between matter and space time. The spiritual work we put into. The spiritual work that we put into recognizing patterns of the alchemical process that we inhibit in our day to day karmas is determined by the celestial body’s movement that gives us roles.

So we’re saying that the celestial bodies is mirroring, is a refraction of mirroring movement down here and has given us roles while we’re in our spiritual practice so that we can become these different expressions of the deities recorded in history or biblical figures. If you want to go with the Bible, you could be Jacob, Matthew, they’re all the same archetypes. Deity, deities ain’t nothing but archetypes. Archetypes ain’t nothing but deities, psychological nodes of experience. So there’s you, you become, you’re. You’re going through this enlightenment day to day through your karmas, determined by the celestial body’s movement to give us roles in the enlightenment so that, so that we, we can become the deity’s expression within the spiritual process of ascension.

The reckon is the, the whole thing is a recognition that we are in a specific deic pattern that gives rise to clear cognizance. With clear cognizant simply means you see esoteric lessons on a higher level. Psychically you almost you, you are a psychic of esoteric lessons of the soul is where clear cognizance means the recognition that we are in a specific dedic pattern that gives rise to clear cognizance of the underlying role that we take on esoterically so we can see realities, cataclysms with the divine. So the reason why my information resonates to a lot of people or resonates to people differently, that’s only because my clear cognizance of the metaphysical through taking on these roles of these deities have rendered a feedback loop into what’s called the transcendental Creator’s mind.

That’s the Gnostic God. Or they call it the Alien God in John John. Honestly, Honest John’s book. What is it called? The Alien God by Hannes. Let me look up the book. It’s a Gnostic book called the Alien God. Hans Jonas Message of the Alien God. I knew I was up something with it. Y’all know I gotta up one word. It ain’t. It ain’t a good video if I don’t up a word. It’s too perfect. The Gnostic religion and the alien God in the beginning of Christianity behind Jonas in that book, he’s talking about the same thing I’m speaking on and how in these meditative states in spaces, there’s.

There’s something you’re supposed to be accessing in codes. There’s a feedback loop. Feedback loop after you’ve taken on the light of these deities and the Creator’s mind is buried inside of your subconscious. There’s always been there. There’s many creators in the process of creation. But religion is forcing us to worship the physical creator of this cookie cutter dimension which limits the kinetic potential of your soul’s expression by worshiping something else outside of your alchemical journey to become the Christ even Jesus quotes in the Bible, you would do greater things than me. And these different denominations of Christianity created by these patristics of the Christianum fractalized the information from the ancient practice of raising yourself up to be the Light in the physical form.

Then the Freemasonic tradition used Christianity as a. As a vehicle to simulate the priesthood system of becoming the light. And we covered that on Patreon class last week. How all the freemasonry ain’t nothing but a Gnostic drama played out in the Lodge by what they call apprentices to the master mason. Which ain’t nothing but how the light. The master mason represents the light or Lucifer, and the apprentice represents the physical body that was slain by the three ruffians. Which ain’t not. The three ruffians are the archons in the Gnostic text. We covered all of that on Patreon.

We. We covered a whole mastermation masturbation ritual. But you must understand this. No group is ever going to get you to the level that you. You are going to be at. We only use knowledge in echo chambers to encourage the integration of merging our essence into the universal currents of reifying our conditions. While in this cocoon form called human, you become what’s called in the. The book the Physics of Darkness by W.H. mueller. The Cosmo Zoan. When you’re longing to reify your condition in this cocoon called human form, you become the cosmozoing that wants to become a part of the dimensional Turing wave of the void.

Everything is a Turing wave in this complex system of morphogenesis. We are in the fourth wave process in physics to become totally a totally different light pattern. Unlike the rest. They call it the Shining trapezoid In the. In the occult in W.H. mueller’s book. Let me put this book on the screen for you. I don’t know if they got a picture of it, but it’s called Necro Yoga. The Physics of Darkness. A must get book that we covered on here already. If you haven’t started reading. Yeah, they got a picture of it. Yeah, they make it look all evil so they can run all the people they.

That it ain’t for away. They gotta make it grotesque to run your ass away. The physics of darkness. He explains this new light out of the fourth wave that you’re becoming out of the. Out of the synthesizing of this system of morphology. Morphogenesis. The morphogenesis process in Hebraic terminology. He displays the process. It’s also called, this new light is also called the Syrian light or the light of Inky in the Sumerian text that allows us to communicate. What’s in the Gnostic? The Gnostic, what is it? The non commodity library. They call it Konoma, which is the void.

It allows us to communicate to the void. And inside of the void is the medium of ether which our multiverse avatars, its conscious fields is located in the void, in the black holes, in the dark matter, all of these. It gives us access and rise to another universe. So I’m getting ahead of myself just saying multiverse, but let me explain this. The Physics of darkness book Mueller wrote describes something called the aim. The AIM is this thing projecting out of this cosmic form of Buddha’s head. It’s also the one eye symbolism. This is how you project out of your body when you’re in hyper.

Hyperspace. We all also gave you the book Surfing through Hyperspace. The aim is called the Ajna. The one eye symbolism is a meta psychological symbol for physics on a subatomic level. And the eye is nothing but the zero point energy field. Big note, the eye. The. The eye that you see in Illuminati, they’re describing the zero point energy field. In the zero point energy field is the nucleus of Cosmic matter. So now you know what’s in the zero point energy field, the nucleus of cosmic matter. Yeah, we going real deep today. So our body is Adam, or Edom in the Sumerian text is called Udumu, which means the sunset of the underworld, also signified by the animals, the sheep and the goat.

The sheep and the goat are both enigmatic animals of Christ energy. They’re enigmatic because they don’t. They. They act a certain way that we can’t figure out why they do what they do. Then you have umu out of udumu. Udumu. Umu means mother. And another etymological root term is uman or umun u m U n, which means blood and tissue. So we have this blood out of the blood and tissue, the mother, the sheep and the goat. The sunset of the underworld. Essentially, they’re talking about this feminine energy coming from what is proposed to be the black sun inside of us, inside of our body, then within the tissues, layers of, you know, the.

The layers of skin deep inside of our body. So the sheep in the underworld signals in the text, Tiamat, the Egyptian Mayott. In her, in her true form, who is the mother of the serious star, she becomes the symbol. She becomes symbolized as the sheep and the goat and the sheep and the goat becomes the symbol of Sirius after the flood of Noah. Hold on, buddy, close my door. Ut dumu means storm mother. This is a big note right here. If it. If I’ve lost you, just take a pause because we go. We got. We’re going to cover exactly what I’m saying.

We’re going to finish it. I’ve seen a lot of people dropped out. That’s good, because knowledge is a privilege to break you through it. Udumu means storm mother, which makes reference to, in the Kabbalah something called the bearer sheath. Keep that term in your mind. B E R E S H I T H so you got this word called UD dumu U D D U M U and you got beresheef. The word udumu means storm mother and beresheeth means in the vortex. Now what does in the vortex or the storm mother represent? It’s the same thing in Kabbalah.

It represents the spiritual process. Means that you are inside of a vortex. You see, now didn’t we just talk about the wizard of Oz and. And all of the stuff that we were speaking about? You are inside of a vortex right now. This process is also transliterated into the word Rashid or bear. Rashid. It used to be Bearashith now was Berasheed, which means in the shed of the vortex from the other side. Now what do they mean by the other side? Now we’re talking about multi temporal consciousness of our avatars. That means that when you dream.

Hold on, I’m gonna wait to say that. I’m wait to say that. Let me slow walk it. The word sheed in Hebrew is also a term for demon in the backside of the tree of life, the tree of death or the Klipa they call the citra atra, which is our subconscious. The chiral points of our subconscious is the traumatic interruptions in our life is when the rhythm of the universe produces spatial temporal actualization. Only through your trauma is the way that you’re going to become spiritual. That’s the only way. Why you, why you made it to the video in the first place.

So these chiral points is the traumatic interruptions in life when the rhythm of the universe produces a space spatial temporal actualization. Then you, then you go into the vortex, which the vortex is where you. Where the Torah gets this term Taurus. The Taurus field is the creative power given to us by God through the 22 channels of the tree of life, or our chakras, which are the tree of life. Biochemy, luminescent lights within our body. We got thousands of chakras. We got 22 channels of it out of seven main ones, 22 paths of the soul. You can look all of this stuff up.

This ain’t nothing new. Everyone knows about it. If you’ve been in, been in the esoteric, you understand there’s 22 channels. We then get the arrival of this Hebrew term called shin. Shin meaning the root function to the speed of light. Remember that? The root function to the speed of light. So we’re talking about a functionality of how this Taurus field gets to spin and become. Become a function to the speed of light. That word earlier I mentioned, shed, that was for demon. It becomes shin and it eventually becomes sin. Hold on, I got a graphic for this because I know some people, a lot of people don’t.

They can’t get this information because you need. You need to show certain people pictures for them to focus. And I understand that this is the shin. This what becomes sin in the bot in. In the Bible also, sin is the term for moon. In the Sumerian astrology of planets, the word sin means moon, but it also means sine wave. That’s the serpent again, the nephew, it’s the sine wave. Now the word shed, which means demon. Then you get Shin, the root function to the speed of light, then you get sin. It means sexual energy in the human dimension.

Sexual energy in the human dimension. So if all of us have sexual energy, but it means if you’re not utilizing your sexual energy to increase your spiritual prowess, then you’re wasting your sexual energy simply by not just using your sexual energy to go into a physical, a physical endeavor with yourself or with another person is when you’re, you’re beginning to become a sage. You’re taking the transference of cold fusion from one core, your, your root chakra to your crown, to your asana, your throat. You’re taking it and you’re putting it somewhere. I’m explaining where you, where you’re going to put it, but it’s going to be through your imagination, you see? Right.

But it has to be a spiritual orgasm. Instead of just wasting, your shukra, your sperm, your venous energy, your Venusian energy has to be utilized. And there’s a way to turn your sexual fluid into an actual vortex inside of you. It’s. It’s hard to explain, but I’m. I’m gonna go in it, I’m gonna go into it. Right? They support in the lower frequency. Right, Brian? So the sexual energy in the human dimension is sin, shin shed and the resistance of light against darkness, interacting with the shin, the speed of light, or the functionality. We are given something called the rush.

When we interact with our shin, when we interact with this functionality, the rest will, will bestow to us the Creator’s mind. Now we get to look at reality of what’s occurring. When I explained earlier, when the planets are in a celestial dance, you’re taking on these different forms of deities through the algorithm, astrologically of the planets during different times. This cosmic dance that we’re in right now, that becomes mythology with characters and archetypes, you can enter into what created the dance in the first place. It’s not the creator of the physical, it’s a transcendental creator. They call it the alien God.

The, the. It’s called Xenos or Shimayim shim Shamayim or there’s all types of terms for it, but it’s this pre existent energy that comes from the black dot, which is the monad in the Gnostic text, the one, the Absolute. That means this is before all of this. This before Yahweh is before all. It’s almost out of this dimension. When you can enter the rush by doing what we stated before, you’re now in the Creator’s mind. When you’re in the rest state. That’s when the cold fusion is in your head. Exclamation point. You have now risen the vortex spiral into your head and you’re keeping it there.

Remember, the powers of the. Of God that he gave is the vortex. Is the, is the, is the swirling or the, the spin? It’s in the head. Now you have to imagine these things too. It starts to connect. You imagine a gold cord slowly wrapping up your spine. And imagine, imagine centripetal force moving up and you can hold this, this energy in your head that you brought up through meditation. Very rare aspect. Once it’s in your head, once you enter the Creator’s mind now you will create something, a Hebrew word called the quaff. A word meaning breaking through the waters of the flood.

What does that mean? Remember I told you in the Omniaqua Corpus video that the original flood, Jehovah in the Bible or in Lil? In Lil, wiped out creation. You heard about the Noah story. The, the real story is, is the Atlantean suit or this, the Babylonian Atlantean story where they explain that the creator of this realm got mad because humans were popping out of their body. They were soul traveling out of their head. And the sound of them popping out of their body got aggravating to him because they were going back into the. The fish form into the cosmic water is just meaning becoming a form of light.

All of these words, you know, it confuses people. But they were going back to Sirius. And Jehovah was mad because the sound of us coming out of our body made him angry. So what he did, he sent a flood down to the lower worlds. And he says, I will make sure they won’t make that sound anymore. And it was an esoteric analogy. Analogy to burying our souls deeper into matter so that we couldn’t reach our ships to star travel. Soul travel interdimensionally inward. So he buried our soul deeper inside of us so we couldn’t access the light code.

That’s what the flood is. I just said if you enter into the Creator’s mind, you can create this Hebrew word called a quaff. A word meaning to break through the waters of the flood. That’s exclamation point. If y’all not listening right now, you’re gonna have to play this. You’re gonna have to play it back. The word coif is Q, O, P, H. Yeah. Inky is, is nothing but our higher self that was traversing the cosmic waters. Inky is Poseidon. Matter of fact, the the shin symbol is a symbol of Inky’s trident. See, every video I put out on YouTube is supposed to be a piece of the remedy to getting out of here.

From various in interpretations for you to recognize your own way of how to do it. I give out so much information so you can, you can sift through it and you figure out how you gonna do it. I’m not gonna tell you. I’m just giving you enough so you can sort through it and you make the decision on how you’re going to get the out of here. I can’t do it the same way you do it. You can’t do it the same way I do it. But we can meet somewhere and understand it. So by breaking through the flood, the shin will give you the ability to manipulate magical will of the deity that you took form of.

That I explained earlier during the astrological transit of the cosmic drama, the particular Nakshatra you have now, the magical will to manipulate the energy of that deic sequence. And yeah, it ain’t for everybody. I know you said melanated challenge. Your melanated challenge. Melanatedly challenged. That’s hilarious. Oh, okay, I see what you mean, apb. No, don’t worry about that. It’s not melanatedly challenged. This ain’t got nothing to do with being melanated or not. This got something to do if. If you understand what you is. See, it’s the same story of the hair and the tortoise. You may not get it as fast as everyone but the person who said, oh, I know that word.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. They spitting out, oh, that’s, that’s this letter, that’s this and that. Because you work methodically at it, you will gain the. The. The. You will gain the ability to traverse out of this reality at the end of the day. And that’s what it’s all about. Well, yeah, I’m not saying that directly to you, apb. I’m just using what you said as a teaching lesson to someone who’s listening. If you don’t get this, that’s completely understandable. By breaking through the flood, the shin gives you the ability to manipulate magical will of the deity that you take form of.

As I explained earlier, during the casual astrological transit of the cosmic drama, when we are living in the frequency which modulates day to day, we become stage performers of that deity every day. You are performing just like these actors. You just don’t know it. The only thing difference is these spiritual systems, they allow these energies to Possess them. I’m not. I’m not going that route. Ain’t nothing could take me over. I’m me. So we become stage performers to recognize through clarity, declare cognizance. That the spiritual task is to obtain a new angle of light from the fractalized shedding through the shin.

We obtain that light formula and Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliantly nail the performance of the stage. The. The stage performer will nail the performance. Brilliant. Lead tongue twister. So you will nail the performance if you obtain the light formula. Does. Does that make sense? God damn it. This is about a hundred years of. Of synthesizing something in a goddamn video. That’s why I put my head when I give you this. Trust me, it’s not in any book. It’s not in a book. So you brilliantly nail the performance. Then you download it into your light code. Now you’ve become the bearer sheath in the beginning, the storm.

Now you’ve become the vortex. Put a 1 in the chat if it makes sense. Now you become the vortex here. Now that we’re the bearer sheath, the storm. That’s why all of this stuff is about the storm. The calm of the storm, all this. The storm is Hebraic Jewish apocalyptic esoteric analogies of the soul that they ain’t gonna tell your ass. Here. At this point we synthesize the new download and new information and is given to us to complete the next portion of our journey. You’ve been made renewed for the new cycle that you must conquer.

That’s the whole Jesus concept. Now you have become the Christos. It’s called the 12. T, a V in the Hebrew system. The towel, the cross. You are now the cross. And in magic the cross must be negated. So your lower cells that exist in the cleopath, the back side of the tree, or your trauma or your beastly desires will not be fed. From the 12’s new energy is new light that it obtains from the vortex. You don’t want to feed your lower frequency, you want to starve it. The beastly energies is in Beth, the root chakra.

The beastly energies must remain open and separate from the upheaval of energies given from the new. From the rise of the new ideated spiritual mind. So that the vortex can. The vortex can be evolutionary positive, opposite from the involutionary negative. Your lower selves is the universe of darkness within you. And your higher self is the universe of light. Both will be penetrated. Pause. But in due time. But both together represents the formation of what the letter X represents. That’s why we’re in, we’re leaving out the year of the X. The light fertilizes the darkness, releasing phallic fertilizing energy into the matrix which forms a field called memory.

Memory is the Hebrew word mem, Hebrew for water. Now we, we circled all the way back to the water. This mem, or this field that’s released through the light in the darkness is morphogenetic in nature. This memory field is the nucleus in which all creation criteria is necessary for the individual, for the individual’s evolution to be stored. The, the cabalist or the cabal calls this nucleus loose L, U, Z, which means core, the essence, the bone, or the concentration from which we, we derive the name Lucifer. This is the storage area of consciousness, like a computer.

So here, here it goes again. This, this word doesn’t even mean what they said it means. We’re talking about a storage, a mainframe storage for the computer, for that new light to download. Here we receive supra, supra sensory perception in real life. Just like just as the Christ did the Christos. We’re in, we’re now in the deity time to perceive what eras that the chaos within us. We’re here, we’re now here to perceive what errors in the chaos within us needs to be ordered or rendered back correctly for the next transmutation. Now we broke through that.

Now that we broke through that. This is the dream no half. We’re going into the dream nose. What is the dream means the multiverse. That’s what all of these little pockets or these bubbles of faces is. It’s nothing but different multiverse forms of yourself that you, you’re dreaming of their reality, they’re dreaming of yours. And, and nobody can break this mystery. In metaphysics there’s like one or two books on it and they’re, they’re real vague about it. In physics, nodes are produced when two ways of the same frequency. That’s all of these people have the same frequency.

Or if not if they’re different frequency, they’re the same person, just in a parallel reality. Nodes are produced when two waves of the same frequency traveling in opposite directions interfere destructively with each other, effectively canceling out the wave displacement at specific points. This phenomenon typically occurs with the standing wave system, where reflections create waves moving in different directions. So I explain what no’s are. The different dreams are the different heads of what’s called the kedosha’s network. The kedosha is the, is the, the. They call it the head of the Holy Spirit. It’s like the lead. I preference this word, the Yakada.

But it’s the top portion of what we call the higher Divine Spirit. It’s called the Kadosha. Our dreams are different heads of the Cados network. So the Divine Spirit has a network and it works through the multiverse parallel avatar bodies of yourself that you dream about all the time. And they’re dreaming of you or they’re dreaming of the other multiverse realities of yourself. Think of the dream nodes as different living parts of receivable memory in the stream of supersensory waveforms from the unconceivable fractals of Gnosis. These are the tachyons I mentioned earlier that rises out of the melanin, the primordial permeating intelligence within the essence of darkness called the anti PI equation.

In the Physics of Darkness, 3.74 we even have the number for it. In the Physics of Darkness is the other side. 3.74 signals the other side, the side that sink into darkness with the fall. And it. And it broke up the vessels called the Allahims. That’s the different avatar bodies. It’s called the Allahims, not Elohim. The Allahims, they. They were severed from the outside, the living part of God. Any portion of God that’s above the torso. If he had a. Had a body, if that. If the concept of a body, anything that’s above the torso is the outside.

This created a. An odd polarity that caused a rift in the androgynous primordial worlds. It is from this rift in space and time that the current universe becomes evolved. We can there therefore equate cosmic evolution to a outpouring of light, a universal flood of light that’s suppressed in the Taslalim, which is the shadow. Suppressing our shadow, which is the melanin, once again goes right back to the same thing. This is where Sophia hid the light from Yahweh. In the Gnostic text, she became the shadow, or it’s called the shade. She slumbers inside the. The shadow within us.

And when we slumber, when we go to sleep, we enter into forgetfulness. We enter into her, but we forget what’s happening here. This is the death which is the. The shadow is oblivion, the end of memory. The fractals of light in the tachyon produces a bridge over the water that means to another conscious field where the Allahim slumbers across time. These bridges are where are where multi temporal awareness develops inside those who activate the Shin Inside of their vortex, they become aware of how to slip into the third tree of the Kabbalah in the Klipoth, which is the new light.

Remember, Kabbalah means receiving light. Kleepath means suppressing light or rasha. The third tree means awakening the light, transmitting light codes to the avatar’s light codes. And we become awake inside of a parallel reality. This is how to enter into another conscious field. Literally. I just gave you the whole manual script on how to do it, where pronouncification can imbue into the Ajna and crown chakra to begin a brand new storage of memory. That means on the other side of the multiverse, the conscious field becomes a storage mainframe for you to have a new memory. That means working with the third tree in the dream nodes is where in the branches of the third tree is are the nodes.

The nodes are the unlimited angles of prescience into the esoteric world. What did I mean by that? Basically, when I say Claire cognizance, when you have a divine psychic nature to process esoteric information, some of you are understanding exactly what I’m saying. Some of you is like this right here is crazy. The access to that clear cognizance to understand what I’m saying, you will realize what I’m saying is gold. This is something that is beyond what they’re discussing in physics. If you don’t understand it, you’re limited in your nodes. And it is what it is. I mean, you just have to do it either another lifetime or maybe when the process, when your Saturn is right in your chart, maybe it makes sense then here the initiate may want to stay abroad in another cycle of light.

So what I’m saying is some people will be able to literally enter into that other multiverse. That means the other parallel version of yourself. You can literally enter into the world while you’re asleep. You will be fully conscious in the other world and have full access to that avatar. Biggest secret. Some initiate initiates may want to stay abroad in another cycle of light. That means in the other universe, the parallel universe, and dream the day away. In universe A, each parallel conscious field is an angle of light outside the light continuum of this universe. It’s a reduction process to tap into the primordial light continuum versus the holographic light streams.

Since that super void open, the bridges to the multiverse have opened up in the pineals phenom, phenomenology, that’s what they call it. The bridges to the multiverse have opened up in the phenomenology of the pineal. That means nothing. You’re dreaming 90% of the time is a reoccurring memory here. That means that we are getting abstractions to begin a comprehensive a comprehension to reduce down the clear clairelience that people ignore. Perfect movie is the movie parallel to. See what I’m talking about? That means that majority of the time when we’re dreaming, you don’t know it, but you’re not dreaming of memories you had here.

You’re. That super void was an indication that the bridge to the parallel universe, the multiverse, the other versions of yourself, you’re fully dreaming of. Of different versions of yourself, and they’re dreaming of you. That’s what’s going on. That’s what’s happening right now. I see the time, so I’m gonna open it up for questions. We’re gonna end it there. We’ll expand, expound more on Patreon. Let me put a link in here if anyone wants to come up and ask a question. Let’s keep it under five minutes if you do, because I get out of here soon enough.

Not. We’ll get up out of here. We’ll. We’ll prepare for the next Patreon video later this week. Let me exit this stuff out up here. Yeah, that was a long one right there. Family, we went on a roller coaster ride. It’s no problem. Thank you, brother Phil. Y’all can put your questions in the chat. If you don’t want to come up. I’m still listening to you guys. What’s going on, brother? Peace. God. I’m a little loud in here, but peace. God. What’s going on? Okay, Brian just came in here to chill out. That’s my brother Brian right there.

You said, will the physical body go with the mind? No. No, it will not. I don’t know what you mean when you say go with the mind. I think, which I’m in my understanding, transcending beyond this realm. You got to be a little bit more explanative. What you mean with go with the mind? You said, do you see a relation to the 60 houses in the show evil? Yeah, I broke that down plenty of times this year. That. This is the 60th election, I broke all of that down with the 60 houses of evil. But I don’t know if that’s the correlation to the multiverse.

I don’t. I don’t know about that, but it could be. It could be. It’d be interesting to look at that angle. No, the physical body is done. You can only take the Mind, the physical body, is here to be a machine. It’s nothing but an organic machine here for you to experience the lower spheres of reality. The only thing that can traverse is your mind and your soul, which is a part of the same thing. It’s a working system of each other. You said I got a vocabulary app with widgets. The word today was transcendent. Phones tapped by higher forces.

No problem. No, no problem. Sin. All right. We didn’t have nobody come up here. Ain’t get no question. So hold on. We just got one from Black Knight. Are the chakras a part of our karma? And can they be an aspect of shadow where chakras ain’t nothing but your emotional. Your emotional dissonance that you have to correct so that you can expand into these areas of metaphysics that I. That I lectured on tonight. The chakras are the emotions, the emotional bodies, and they’re. They’re nodes within the spiritual continuum of your existence that you have to sort through so that the.

The centripetal cold fusion can make it up into the pineal or the. The upper areas that they call heaven. In the Bible, it’s called the upheaval. But it has to make it back and become a seed planted back in the consciousness to grow again. Same thing you do in the physical world with what you’re doing when you plant. You got to plant stuff for you to survive. You got to plant spiritual aspects of yourself to survive in the spiritual realm. Same thing. And you do it through the Kundalini, which is the. The kundalini and the chakras are the tree of life.

So you got. You get the concept of the seed growth and all of that. Go ahead, brother Phil. I’m listening to you, brother. Yeah, yeah, that. That’s good, brother Honey, I like what you’re doing. Keep. Keep it up, you know, just. Just letting you know to keep. Keep that thing going. If you get a chance, check out some silent films. If you go back and look at some of these silent films, they drop a lot of interesting jewels in them. You know, not. Not hearing all the. The cop, the talking and all that kind of. But the imagery and then the words that they put on there.

So check out some silent films from 1920s if you ever get a chance. Very interesting. I’ve checked out silent films. Like, what is Charlie Chaplin in them Autumn people or something like that. I used to check them out a while back when I was in film school, so I know exactly what you mean. So. God. What’s up, Brian? All Right. Going back to the chakras. So I’m just re. I’m reiterating this. I hate big words to myself. Yeah. Sex is always, always, always has been within and lives within the lower frequency. And that’s how we get it twisted.

It’s very. It’s a very difficult thin line. Right. You said what. What is in the lower frequency? Sex. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. In the lower chocolate. Very thin line. Right. If you do it correctly, you know, you read the correct book as far as how to sit and all that stuff. Yeah. What’s his name? What’s the brother’s name? He’s like. Like. Oh, he’s Filipino. Something. Tia. T. But I know you’re talking about. But yeah. Yeah. It’s a very thin line. Right, Right. You talking about the astrological brother. Hello? Brian, your phone went out. Might want to come in and come out.

Can’t hear you. Hear me? You hear me? Yeah, I hear you now. Go ahead. I think it’s a T. T. Mia. I think it starts with a Mia Or. Or T. But he talks about. He talks about the. The power, you know, keeping your power, keeping your chi. Your power. But he wrote. He wrote about two books. Like, one book for men and the other book. He wrote it for women. As far as keeping that sexual chi within you, don’t lose it. It’s life. Your life. Right. I know you’re talking about. Yeah, yeah. You know what I’m talking about? Yeah.

I just don’t. I just don’t have it in front of me. But, yeah, it’s a very thin line. I’m just like. I’m just making this way to myself. More importantly, it’s a very thin line. Oh, you went back out. You went back out when you said thin line. What is. You hear me? Yeah. You know? Yeah. You hear me now? All right. Bet. Yeah. Oh, it’s my earphones. No, you gotta. It’s a thin line. You got to know how to do it correctly. Yeah. Montauk. Shia Montauk. See? Yeah. Adonis. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah.

Brian. Brian. The way I like to look at it is, you know, they say boxers and athletes, you know, don’t. Don’t be. Before you, you know, get in. You know, get in the ring or whatever. Right. It’s bad for me. Yeah. You got a greater chance of winning, so you know that for the knees and how funny that the knees was. Was. Was the one to explain to every single fighter, it’s bad for the knees. You’re going to fall you know you’re gonna fall on your knee. Yeah, right, right. Let me get to these questions that.

Do you feel that the great separation between good and evil will be realized? Good and evil never existed. Only perception says. What’s the first steps would you say one should take when beginning to do their shadow work work? The first thing you have to do is eliminate a habit that you have that no longer serves you. When you start with that, then we can start to deal with what main chiral energy of. Of a traumatic experience that’s at the core of why you embarked on this path. Something happened and that’s what the consultations is for. We always get to the bottom of it.

Said what we need to set any particular sort of intention to get further in our dreams. One thing you have to eliminate smoking weed that. That will completely destroy everything because they got some type of nanosynthetic technology that ain’t no marijuana you’re smoking. And I’m just. I’m not saying. I mean y’all the gods you can do what the you want. But how it works. From what I heard over the last 10 years, anybody that smoke weed, they’ve been having problems drinking, dreaming, or at least remembering their dreams. So it’s been an issue all of that. All of that crap.

So that’s one thing you can do another. Another thing is repotentuating your DNA that I started the lecture on potentiating your. Your DNA. Yeah, drinking too. Drinking too. Yeah, drinking in. In that. But drinking. That’s if you’re a drunk, if you just take a little sip. I mean like if you just drink two times out the month to get a spiritual experience. Nothing wrong with that. They don’t call that spirits for no reason. Some people can work with it. That’s a. That’s a type of magic too to work with alcohol. But some people use it. They use alcohol to escape their trauma or escape the.

The world that the. The circumstances they’re in. That’s what all drugs and substances is. He says sex can be a bridge. Appreciate y’all. Appreciate you Angela and Cherry and who else I missed somebody else that left too. I appreciate you see what else have lavender essential oils in a diffuser when you go to sleep, help with dreaming. Do not immediately get out of bed. When you wake up, try to close your eyes and remember the dream. Right, right. That sounds more like a statement. Elicit mind says what kind of intention would I need to set before sleep to enter these other levels? Well you’re not going to just enter these levels.

You have to live out the mythology of the magical universe you create. That’s why Patreon is important that we show you before we got to where we’re at today. It took me years to put the process together to understand what it’s about. Every aspect of it is a part of it. The movies, the TV series, all of it is a part of your living universe and the magic of you creating your, your, your, your, your, your internal prognosis of the situation that you’re in individually, because we’re all individually going through the light codes. But every, all what you’re watching, all of that is, is all integral to the whole thing.

It’s just some people don’t know how to alchemize it to, through the imagination to that. That’s why they try to take your imagination away when you were young. It’s the most important aspect. That’s why in the, in the TV series from, you’re gonna figure out it’s the boy’s imagination the whole time it was his. Im so living the magic is just as important than dreaming yourself into these interdimensional. My bad. I had to mute your mic. I ain’t mean to remove you, but this is the same aspect that, that or what you’re asking, but you have to live it first.

My bad. Brian, you, were, you, were you saying something or did your mic just come hot? No, it got hot. Okay. You said damn. Eliminating a habit, that doesn’t serve you. That’s deep. Exactly. That’s the first step I do in the consultation. I go through all your habits. We, we talk about it, we sort through it. Then I say, you can’t do that no more. And then when you leave the phone, we go deeper into some more advanced stuff other than that. But when you leave that phone, it’s up to you to do what we talked about.

I can’t help you. I can’t do it for you. But most, most of everyone who’s done the consultation, they either emailed or they text me back or they called me back and said, look at where I’m at now just by doing that. Can I ask you a question? Yeah, I’m listening. How much is consultation? At least tell everyone Besides myself it’s $60 for the minimum. Consultation is $60. I don’t really put a time frame on it. We just talk until we get it done. Prototypically an hour or two. It don’t take all day because I get directly to it and we work through it and a gematria decode that’s.

That’s $80. I haven’t changed those prices. I used to do all of this stuff for free. Y’all can ask everybody in the Skype group. I did it for free for five years. So your little 60 or $80 is worth every. Every single penny. But we have to work on you. You’re. You’re. What you’re going through. Hold on. I gotta. I gotta mute you real quick. Ryan got stuff. But what you’re going through is individual for. For you. It’s not for everyone. It’s for you specifically. I got you, brother. I see your message, brother, in the back channel.

Let me see. Everyone is guided with different things, right? That’s right. Charles. Don’t. Don’t look at everyone. Look at. You got to look at what inspired you. Sometimes you have to take talisman of what inspired you. What I mean by talisman. Things that go back to your childhood that you. And this is another answer. Black stars. Things that. That took you back to your childhood, to that emotional state you have. If. If you need to. You have to get back active. Even if it’s an action figure or whatever it is, you have to start all over and get back into it.

And the dreams is a signal that you’re in the waveform. If you’re starting to dream and the dream is coming in and you’re. You’re recognizing there’s a standard of dreams that you’re having, and it doesn’t resonate with a memory. It rep. It almost resonates with a. Something outside of what you experience, but you know, is you then. You’ve known. You now know that you’re entering into that state. You’re now entering to that level that we talked about. No, that’s confirmation. Guard. That’s confirmation because I was. I was. I was. I was. I was texting about animal.

Animal speaking, speaks the pocket guy. And now you tell me this. The way you told me is like, yo, yes, you’re true. I won’t. I won’t reveal that. That personality that. That’s been in my lifetime as a child, in my childhood. But I was in the gorilla realm. You know what I’m saying? I’ll tell you that much. I was in the gorilla realm, and it was yo, Right. But it was like it was me doing the scari, not me being scared, you know? Yeah. But I’m all right. Peace. God, I shake. Yeah. So that aspect, you take something that represents that and you start to incorporate.

You got to start to incorporate the talent, the talisman, something that represents it. Then you got to understand at what astrological time what deities is permeating around that time. You got to understand the mythology. This is this deity. Once you, once you understand the archetypes, that’ll help you see the more knowledge you have, the more angles of light that you have to work with it. To work with with it. If you’re limited in one portion of knowledge, then you have to sometimes go blindfolded and get the job done. And you can get the job done. It’s kind of like shooting in the dark.

You might hit the 1 out of 10 times, but the more you know, it’s clear sighted, it’s clear sighted and you. And you can reach it. Go ahead, Brian. I thought you said something, brother. All right, let me go ahead and close out. Let me see. I think I got one more question. You say you had listened to one of the lectures. You fell asleep in your dream state. We had a conversation about the lecture. Fortunately you didn’t write it down. Yeah, that was your higher self. That wasn’t me. That was your higher self, Angela. It just used me just as an avatar to relay some information to you.

But see, we don’t think it’s important enough. Yes. So the, the magical aspect of the reality is passing you by because you didn’t think it was important enough. Go ahead. Go ahead, brother Phil. Yeah. Brian. Brian, for you, if you want, you can, if you say in the gorilla realm, you can probably get you a snake plant. Put that in your house. And then there’s some things that have helped me in my dream states. Depending on where you’re at. I’m out in the middle of the damn deserts in the middle of nowhere. So a rosemary grows really well.

So you go back there and grab some rosemary, throw that into a pot with some water. You can use filtered water or just regular water from the tap. And then put that under your bed. So infuse your water and put that under your bed can help with your dream states. And you can use either a wooden bowl or a, a metal bowl. It depends if you in some where they gonna collect all that mold and whatnot. Don’t use no wooden bowl. So that, that helps. Helps helps me out. It might, might be something useful for other folk.

And then if you get, get a chance, you got cats or some or like wandering ass cats are following you back backyard, go and put a little bowl of food out for you. They’ll, they’ll, they’ll also help you in, in the dream world and whatnot. Yeah, we Talked about the significance of why all of the cat talk was this year. Because the cats is a dimensional creature. It’s an interdimensional creature. It’s something else on the other side of the multi. But I haven’t quite figured out what it is. But it definitely. When they walk around, if there’s a.

Certain cats carry more frequency than other cats, but if there’s a lot of them around, if it’s a collective around, you’ll notice that, that, that, that, that, that shifts in the reality with them being around. Definitely. Yeah. Yep. Oh, go ahead. No, you said snake. L. Yeah, it’s called a snake plant. It’s a, it’s a plant. Yeah. If you just look, you know, just look up snake plant, you can go to a Home Depot or Walmart. You’ll get, get one of them things. Yeah, yeah, man. Yeah, I’ve been feeding cats for the past three days, man.

They have the door, they had the window, man. I’m just feeding them from the window. Yeah, brown and white and all black. Yeah, that’s good. Yeah, they’re on the block. That’s good. If you get, get, get a chicken. Go, go and get a chicken. Get the gizzards out. You know, the heart, the lungs in the, you know, the gizzards or whatever they call them, you take that, take that and, and feed them. Put that out there. Plus take a, Another, you know, regular can or either you can use Friskies or whatever, some wet cat food and watch what will happen if the cat decides to eat the live, you know, the, the chicken, the actual heart and liver and all that versus the canned food that, that cat’s going to take you into some, some magical places beyond this, this world, depending on your thoughts and your intentions on how you want to see it and how you look at it.

You know, it works for me. Right? That’s what appreciate you guys. Thank you. So, yeah, I’m. I’m gonna have to close out with that family. Get to work. Y’all have any more questions or you want to inquire for the reading or the consultation or information in general? I just be talking to people sometimes. Just email me@star what, what is it? Underscore. No T Underscore. Spiritual Shade room. True Coat newspaper. And we’re gonna be back on Patreon this week, so we’ll see you guys. Who, who? Original patrons or new patrons? We’ll see you guys then.

So with that, our employer to the ancestors I’ll see you guys next time. Peace. Peace.

  • Ani Osaru

    Ani Osaru, the Consigliere, holds a distinguished position as the Boss's trusted advisor and the third-in-command in the family. A beacon of wisdom and enlightenment within the Black community, Ani stands out among the self-proclaimed teachers. With unparalleled courage, Ani dares to shed light on the agents and gatekeepers that corrupt this community, impeding the pursuit of authentic knowledge.

    Ani Osaru (@AniOsaru) / X (

    The True Occult Newspaper

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