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➡ The text discusses the importance of self-love and healing, the struggle for freedom, and the impact of societal pressures. It also touches on the power of feminine energy and the need for global peace. The author then transitions into a discussion about a live video chat, where they discuss spirituality, metaphysics, and occultism. They also analyze recent political events, particularly focusing on the U.S. presidential election and its implications.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the return of Trump to office, the rise of Bitcoin, and the symbolism of the elephant in relation to the Republican party. It also mentions the potential for a technocratic era under Trump’s leadership, with Elon Musk’s involvement. The text further explores astrological signs, particularly Scorpio, and their significance. Lastly, it discusses the concept of a ‘moon child’, suggesting that Trump’s son, Barron, might be one, and his potential future role in a technocratic agenda.
➡ The text discusses various mystical and spiritual concepts, including the significance of the number 14 and its connection to the fish symbol, the importance of the Pole star, and the idea of humanity evolving into a higher state of consciousness. It also touches on practices to enhance melanin, the role of light codes in DNA upgrades, and the importance of living a magical life. The speaker encourages self-worship and understanding oneself as a higher reality, and mentions various resources for further exploration of these topics.
➡ The text discusses the concept of voting as a form of high magic ritual, where people unknowingly participate in the desires of the elite. It also introduces the idea of egregores, cosmic energy fields that are built over time through human emotion and energy, and are used to control us. The text suggests that political parties and elections are part of this system, and that people’s energies were manipulated during the election. It also hints at potential future upheavals related to Trump’s legal issues.
➡ The text discusses various political and social events, focusing on the Democratic party and its supporters. It criticizes the portrayal of certain figures and the use of celebrities in political campaigns. The author also discusses various conspiracy theories and rituals, including numerology and gematria. The text ends with a discussion about Prince’s sister’s death, suggesting it was part of a larger ritual.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and symbolic interpretations of events, including the death of Quincy Jones, the significance of the number 444, and the symbolism of the color purple. It also delves into the concept of archons, entities from another dimension that supposedly control humans, and the idea of sacrifices in Hollywood. The text also mentions a TV series called Teacup, which supposedly predicts future events. Lastly, it discusses the idea of entities attaching to the human spinal cord, as depicted in the movie “In the Mouth of Madness”.
➡ The text discusses a TV series where characters travel through trees to enter different dimensions. The series also explores metaphysical concepts and the idea of the human body as a portal for divine entities. It references the use of hypnotism and ancient Egyptian rituals, and suggests that the series is revealing hidden truths to the public. The text also mentions a movie about a multiverse, where a powerful entity called the Anti Monitor is sent to eliminate anomalies in the universe, and the solution to defeating it is to combine all multiverses into one.
➡ The text discusses a complex narrative involving superheroes, magic, and multiverse theories. It mentions a ‘miracle machine’ that needs to be powered by a sacrifice, leading to Wonder Woman’s sacrifice. The text also discusses various symbols and rituals, including water rituals and the significance of the trident. It ends with a mention of a government document about penguins and the pineal gland.
➡ The text discusses the significance of melanin, comparing it to the pineal gland in penguins and its connection to spiritual experiences. It also explores the idea of water as an intelligent designer, suggesting it has a role in the creation of dimensions. The text further delves into the concept of melanin as a spiritual architect and its value, which is now higher than gold. Lastly, it touches on the topic of religion, suggesting it’s a trace of an invisible entity left by ancient gods, and discusses a multi-dimensional war happening within social orders.
➡ The text discusses the spiritual and scientific significance of water and its connection to consciousness, quantum physics, and DNA. It also explores the concept of the pineal gland as a spiritual tool, and the idea of sympathetic magic, particularly in relation to the Fish God and the Pope. The text further delves into the symbolism of the fish, the toroidal field, and the importance of understanding water in a new light. Lastly, it touches on the power of thoughts and the potential of the pineal gland as a weapon.
➡ The text discusses the concept of ‘zinging’, a mental technique to influence others. It also delves into the relationship between mind, thoughts, and matter, and how our DNA is influenced by frequencies. The text further explores ancient legends and myths, particularly those related to Freemasonry and the figure of Oannis, a fish-like being who brought civilization to ancient Mesopotamia. It also connects these ancient stories to modern events and symbols, suggesting a continuity of these ancient mysteries in our current times.



White fluff dropped even more that it needle point never quit the roll when it got tough I just lit it up and smoked it like a joint Learning how to flow I’m drinking water now, now I mean I’ve been drinking water it’s just flowing now, now, now Random bl down random all the way down down to my ances can you hear me now? Now at the al light the candle can you see the light? Once my currency it’s free and I just got to be free hey hey what does it mean to be free? When every month are stressing to pay the lease when children dying off in the street the billionaires is letting us get fat off greed and what does it mean to be free? If every time I look in the mirror I judge me when they told me my pigment was ugly how could I ever expect somebody to love me? Self hate all in the subconscious Healing yourself is a lifelong process Instagram making it seem trendy Wearing crystals ain’t going to solve all your problems Send up prayer for those stuck in violence North Philly all the way to Chicago Free the Congo, free Gaza Free the world Releasing all the trauma we felt enough pain the mother divine feminine not the ghost in the shell not the original sin Sekhmet serpents Fearless lioness Worlds in my hips Life on my lips and I’m a count of 10 better come again or we cause curtain See it in my eyes Feminine rising Other babies worldwide I’m on the front line Totally on my side in a lullaby baby don’t cry Better watch how you comfort the mother Rings on knuckles I rumble for the mother Other babies in the wombs worldwide with the mother I’m sharpening my tools I vibe for the mother Better watch how you play with the mother Aiming at your jugular what you say to the force an issue I’d rather maximize my force potential Kinetic energy focus like a laser beam to split you I wield the black lightsaber the Sith Lord Dark Vader sword Dark ranger Fortune untold It’s all danger New music, new day Old God always criminal empire United nations under one state Death star millennium Digital gunfire Lithium Lyrics to ro mainstream so underground we hitting them in the belly of the beast Non affiliate lone wolf killing killer script I play the Buddhist flute Roll up the script the flute more 6 dismissing who it with me not you Rock steady feed the crew before they turn their F on you today you totally turned up and chasing fus they put bodies on the corner just to make the news all right, family, we’re back.

You guys let me know if you can hear me right now. Give me a thumbs up in the chat. We got a lot of power outages in our area right now. Try to take out the video. The power just keeps going on and off. I don’t know why it hasn’t been doing that all day until now. Okay, sound is crisp. There’s no glitches in it. I remember last video, the Omni Aqua video was a lot of glitches. Nobody let me know it was some glitching going on, so we should be good. Man, what is happening with the family? Shout out to the YouTube family.

Welcome back to the Spiritual Shade Room. If this is your first time catching a live video, the true occult newspaper in Camafist Academy all in one. We’re here to bring you alternative news of spirituality, esotericism, metaphysics and occultism. That’s what we do on this channel. We get down, we get busy with it. Get real busy on what’s occurring. I see y’all up in the chat. Shout out to Adonijah. Shout out to Jules is Queen. I see you up in there, Porsche, Janae, Lloyd, Lady Rock and sheer. I see y’all first time. Shout out to you, Oracle one.

Yeah, you guys just keep me updated on how the mic and how things sound. What’s up, Elena? I see you up in there, Elena. My bad. Elena Green. The Patreon family is up in here. I see Bernita as well. So, yeah, this is very, very interesting day, right? Man, what a crazy last 24 hours shoot. Last 48 hours. We got to go in and break this stuff down. Of course, if you don’t know the model of how we do things, we do something called hyper lucidity, where we have to break down what happened during the last couple of weeks.

I don’t do YouTube videos too too often, maybe once or twice a month. So I cover everything that occurred within the last couple of weeks, and I give you the esoteric mystery, the Gematria mystery, the codes. I show you the stripped. I break the strip down and show you how you should begin your own strip. Don’t get caught up in the network of what they’re doing. All of their egregores. We re explain what egregores was on Patreon. I might go over that again so you guys can understand what an egregore is in a magical system and how these warlocks and witches use that.

There’s a reason why Agatha or Agatha is all all along is out in the Marvel universe talking about witchcraft. That’s what’s taking place right now. But Trump is back in office. Trump is back in office. And we’re not here to celebrate any victory. We’re not here to be here to say we told you so or anything. I thought Kamala may have won. I thought the gematria showed Kamala and I told everyone that the was saying that the astrology was showing Trump. Right, right. A lot of us didn’t see that coming. But Kalini had already predicted a Trump victory.

She was explaining that his yearly TT in his chart was way stronger than hers. And she’s a, she’s a Venus, I guess, a Venus rising. And Venus is in a bad spot in her chart. And for Trump, his Jupiter is currently in his 10th house of career in government. So he’s currently is in his Jupiter Mahadasha, which means a major period. And plus we talked about the magana chakra. The ancestors got the strength so they rarely, rarely will lose. She was talking on and we, we’re glad the Democrats burned and lost. You know, we’re, we’re glad that the, the Democrats did not seize back over control over America.

We got tired of all of that. I’m not saying the Republicans is better or whatever, but the Democrats have been absolutely horrible when it comes to that blue. Remember I broke down the color blue and color physics is 666 tetrahz. 666 tetrahz. Anytime you see that blue associated with the elite regime, when they’re pushing that blue stuff on, on you, it’s going to be something detrimental. You saw it said Dagon. Yet wonder if has something to do with the dog tribe. Yeah, the word dagon is an ancient word. We’re going to get into that. We’re going to get into that.

So yeah, let’s talk about it. So Trump will be the 47th president in a blowout win and they really wanted a gyrasy with Kamala Harris. That’s what I started to notice. Some type of misandrus gynocracy. They were, they were pushing the pro choice thing with abortion. They kept pushing this stuff with abortion and hot the bringing out the hyper sexualized puppets because right before the election they had these women on these drums for Kamala and they were speaking about abortion rights and things of that aspect. But they were really talking about human and child sacrifice. You know, the, the red was symbolic to that.

And even if you look at the picture of mulch, these women that were drumming for Kamala, there’s these, these people in the background drumming for Mullock. So there was something connected with that, with the abortion, but it’s a gynocracy, because the ritual, which I’ll get to, is on black women. I’m getting a little bit ahead of myself saying that, but I’m. I’m gonna get back to that in a second. But they were trying to use the pro choice angle and have a gynocracy because they had Kamala Harris right before the final week of the election dressed as the mustache man.

You can’t even say his name, but addressed as the mustache man, by the way, guys, I’m getting over being under the weather the last couple of days, so you see me have to pause a little bit. I’m still getting back 100. I got my water and my tea right here. Trying to get back to 100, but I knew I need to. I needed to do this video for you guys today. So they wanted a gynocracy through a matriarchal symbolic tokenism with the Hindu, but we. We smoking on that Hindu Kush today because I think it would have been very much worse off if she was selected off the ticket to run the country, but it failed.

And now I’m going to give you some hidden angles to this thing. Like most podcast researchers, decoders probably don’t look at the angles we look at, or they probably will. They have other angles that we don’t look at. But we have a lot to cover, and I feel like the presidential stuff has to be dealt with. So you can all know what to look forward to. Now with the Trump getting back into office, this all happened under the mula nakra. This happened while the moon was in mula. When you think moolah in a slain terminology, the moolah, it resounds money.

Thank you. Thank you, guys. Yes, I’m trying to get back to 100, but that sounds slang for money. And did you. Did you guys see the jump in crypto last night? I posted that today on Facebook and Instagram. Bitcoin went up to like 74, 000. And of course, Trump and gematria equals 74. So does magic gematria in Christ. So the, the. And the thing about it, when you think of mula, the mulan, the chakra symbol is a elephant gourd, or gourd is called a anastra or anustra or something. It looks like a trident. It’s a. Some type of training mechanism, an instrument used to train elephants.

But that sounds like. Because the. The Republican Symbol is the elephant. And the moon was in Moolah. So it’s connected to the elephant you see in Ganesha. Yeah. You said mulahadra is the root chakra. Right. And that connects to the red, you know, America, freedom, and Edom. Edom is Adam. Adam is Adam. Which is the red man or the red king? The red stone that has to be purified in the waters. We’ll get into that a little bit later. We have to cover that. You say he’s been very open about crypto being the leading currency. Trump will be the last president.

What I mean by that? Not the last president ever of the United States. He’s going to be the last president because he’s going to undo a lot of things from the old regime. He’s nothing but a mechanism, a occult mechanism to undo things, to bring us in. Into this technocratic transhumanist era of existence. With him teaming up with Elon, he’s getting. Getting in with Elon and bringing a technocracy to this government. And they’re going to make it seem like he’s Christian. They’re gonna make it seem like he’s Christ. You said Dirk said they’ve been dealing with pneumonia.

A lot of people have been dealing with pneumonia, you know, so a lot of rituals. Yeah, we got to talk about that. So. So in Western astrology, right now we are in Scorpio. And you know, and they say this. Scorpios, in this, their sun sign, they have an elephant’s memory going back to Ganesha and that elephant energy. And Ganesha is representative of Jupiter, the Jupiterian energy of. Of Trump, you know. Yeah. Elon trying to push the neuro link. But guess what? Scorpio is a water sign. That’s why we’re talking about the Order of Dagon today. All of this happened during a water sign, you know, because it’s associated with deep flowing.

The mysterious nature of water, which mirrors. Mirrors the Scorpio traits of intense emotions during this time. Profound intuition. I had a lot of crazy dreams. I have some spiritual beings visit me on the Day of the Dead, which I might cover. I might save that for Patreon. But crazy when we figure that out in the chat, what they were and a strong desire to dwell into hidden aspects of life. Exploring the deaths. Like a body of water emphasized in cancer and Pisces as well. So there’s some things connected and they say a brave new world. Remember they before he got shot, or it looked like, you know, he got shot.

We don’t even know if this stuff is fake. But remember, they showed the Red Hulk in the new Captain America movie coming out next year, A Brave New World, which used to be New World Order, but they wanted to change that because they knew the decoders would have hopped on to that. But they’ve changed it to a Brave new World and they had the red Hulk like the red man they call Trump. And guess who changes into the red man is Harrison Ford, who plays the President in the movie. And he’s under some type of mind control in the movie MK Ultra.

Some type of hypnotism or artificial synomialism, which I’ll break down. Me and Donut might get together and break that down some more, what that is. But he’s under some type of mind control. But he gets shot at in the movie. Assassination attempt on the President by the first Captain America, Isaiah Bradley, the black captain. The first Captain America was black, was melanated. So they’re using the melanated energy real heavy. But Harrison Ford’s birthday is the same day that Trump had the assassination attempt with the fake ear. Whole blood pack thing. So they use that whole Red Hulk thing and it’s a part of it.

So you’re glad to be on Patreon? Yeah, yeah, we’re gonna get busy on Patreon. I haven’t done as many videos as I did in the last couple of weeks because I was under the weather and I was booked with so many consultations. By the way, if you haven’t gotten your Gematria consultation, you guys need to get your Gematria consultations right now. You can email me at startribe777gmail.com or hit me up on any of the social media platforms and we can get your consultations done. Whether it’s spiritual consultation. Doesn’t have to be directly Gematria, but if you want a Gematria life decode, I can go through the numerology of your life, numerical value of your name, your astrology and everything, and.

And get it all done for you. You can read. I’m gonna send this. I would send this to you so you can read and see how I do it. I did one earlier today. Shout out to Jose, we got a good session in today. Then I send you all of the information in the Heavenly Chorus meditation video. So that’s our little promo for today. But yeah, then you got the Negroes. They’re called the. The. What do you call them? The. The house. Not house slave, but There was a QAnon term that I found in a document for melanated people who overly support Trump.

Y’all put it in the chat. I, I’ve talked about it before. My email is star tribe777gmail.com 7star tribe777gmail.com One of my mods, please put that in there for them. But yeah, they, they were, they were bringing out these, these melanated people who overly support Trump, of course, AB because he wore the number 84. We showed you the connection on Patreon, the 84 to Butler, Pennsylvania. That’s why when Trump won Pennsylvania, it was solidified he was going to be the 47th president. You see what I’m saying? He said the green light heart light dragon. Right, Brenda? A lot of things connected with it.

But the 84 is connected to that. By the way, from the last plandemic when Trump was in office to the inauguration when Trump will get back in office. His inauguration date is exactly 1776 days. That’s the founding year of the country, in the founding year of the Illuminati, if you didn’t know that Bavarian Illuminati. And Trump is from Calstad, which is in Bavaria. Trump is from where the new Illuminati was created. And if you don’t understand the significance of that, this year when baron Trump turned 17, Trump turned 76. This is high magic here because Baron Trump is this, this nephilim genetic moon child.

He’s, he’s, he’s one of the, the top moon child on the planet. If you don’t understand what a moon child is, go back and watch my video, the Black Lodge, the moon child mystery unveil. Go back and look at my Black Lodge video. I break down everything with the moon child. He is, he is definitely a moon child. The boy grew to be 7ft or 6, 8 overnight. Not to say you can’t have a growth spurt, but neither of his parents or grandparents are close to being even six. Six. I believe everything is about Baron, really.

Baron is the real Luciferian figure here because the word baron means lord. It means lord. And they’ve been raising him for a long time to be the, the, the one of the lords of that new technocratic agenda. 20, 30 age. They’re going to raise him up and try to make him president in the future. Yeah, yeah, we know. He was in a book about time travel, Baron Trump by Ingersoll Lockwood, which I believe was a part of secret society Freemasonic Order, about time travel. And we spoke about how they can’t they? Can’t they? They learn when they first developed time traveling technology, they couldn’t send adults to the future.

They had to. They had to send children. We broke that down on Patreon, like last year. You go back and look at all the documents, the classified documents. The reason why in the anime movie Akira, they had all of those old children. Let me pull that up real quick. They were saying when they sent the kids to the future and they came back, they, they turned into old. They shriveled up and look like old kids. This was called the Chrononaut Project. The Chrononaut Project. So they were sending these kids and once they learned to perfect the technology, then they were able to begin sending adults back and forth with this technology.

So you got to understand that. You say he looks like Damien from Omen. Yeah. Go back and watch the movie Akira on esp and psychic children. Oh, my bad. Where am I? All right, so everyone who participating in voting, they, they participated in a spell. The etymology of vote means a vowel, giving your offering or a prayer, a wish, a vow or a promise. You’re participating in the wish and the desire of the elite agenda. So it definitely was a high magic ritual for you to participate in that. And just look at the selections we had.

He was either voting for bowel or mullock. You know, the Democratic Republican Party ain’t nothing but two heads of hell. And we the people are. Ain’t nothing but the suffering in between both heads. So you were selecting between two demonic apparatuses of egregors. And what is an egregore? Let’s clarify that once again, because most people are under control today. They’re, they’re mad at people for, for putting Trump in office. And people are happy that Trump is in office. Now. We are. A lot of people are tired of having a lot of these illegal immigrants here. And I, I understand that if you live in cities or certain places, I think the, the Republic, the Republican Party will do diligence in, in eradicating some of that.

So magically they serve a purpose for certain agendas. But it doesn’t mean that we should be loyal to these parties because really, I believe we should have like eight parties. If you want to have a natural political system, if you want to believe in that, you need about eight parties. And every party needs a chance to win. It can’t be just two parties winning all the time if they really wanted people to believe in something. But an egregore is the cosmic energy field, which all designated Operators will have access to to form of egregore. There must be a covenant of magicians that set their minds on a specific waveform to be effective.

One person in the ritual, when setting up an egregore, will, will represent the universe in his conjuring. But a group of the magicians represents the multiverse. So one person represents the universe we’re in. And you have a group collective that represents the multiverse. That means the energy will assume several different forms in higher and lower vibrations. The egregore pertains to any symbolic pattern that has served as a focus of human emotion and energy, which builds the egregore over time. So it needs that. It needs your emotion, your participation in it. That’s what voting and all of these things are.

And the more energy that is put into the pattern, the more potent the egregore will form around it. This is how the gods and goddesses formed around every religion of theology in the past and the present. Egregors are at the centers of the vast charging of specific kinds of power. This power is defined by and contacted through traditional symbolisms. Deity worship like Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, the spirit of Christmas. All egregores. The devil, the Grim Reaper. Racism is an egregore. One thing that we should understand, the fallen angel genetics. You got to understand what the condo buffer is and pertaining to the moon.

I’ll get into that today if I can. But there was a. A different energy, a lower vibrational energy bot body stored within us that tilted our chakras about 3 degrees tilted off his axis to pertain to how the planet Earth is tilted at the same degree point and angle. So we could be in a trap system towards the moon. And the egregores are set up that way to be reciprocal to the kundabuffer, which is. Which is a mirror reflector. A and no cathode to the Mulahadra, your root chakra. Which is why the world feeds through negative energy in their root chakra.

Sex, sexual desire. Or there’s their desires in general, what you desire, which isn’t a bad thing all the time. But over indulgence that we come to understand with this fallen angel technology. The Book of Enoch. The word Enoch means one who has walked with God. But the name Enoch is set by a cultist to represent a ancient group of adepts who kept the flame of occultism burning through the dark centuries. So that is a clarification that the Enoch is a spirit entity collective. And they program these egregors to control us. So I hope that explains how they were reciprocating our energy in and out of this election and utilizing it.

And that’s why you have a lot of people button heads today. Let me check the chat, make sure you guys good. All right. So I don’t even know what y’all talking about. So Adonijah was talking about in the chat. Shout out to Adonijah shares great information in the chat. In on Patreon. You guys go on Patreon, get some info from that brother. It’s coming along pretty greatly with his research. But we discovered that Trump, he, he, that Elijah said that Trump was declared the winner of the 60th presidential election in the six lunar Titi of Skana Shashti, which venerates the God of war.

It happened on a Tuesday, you know, war on 11. Six like 6:11. The time of his assassination attempt was at 6:11pm that’s when he was declared Victor today. Now the whole Trump roller coaster actually begins and ends with this immigrant prosecutor. Now Jorge said that they just dropped the case. So this may be, that may be true. But I just want people to know what’s in the works of why they were, they were trying to get the, the, the case dropped anyway. This, this judge and prosecutor from the same place that Trump is from where he grew up in Colombia, but he came to Queens like Trump.

Juan Merchant Trump is supposed to go to court on November 26 for falsifying business records of concealed payments to ironically a porn star named Stormy. And you know, you get that they the slogan of Qanon and Trump is the calm before the storm. And you have Stormy, it’s all occult rituals. But November 26th is the 330th day of the year. There’s that 33. But check this. November 26th to his next birthday is 201 days. His birthday on June 6th. You see that 201 connection we always tell you about the 201 top Illuminati number. The 201 never fails.

So they could literally put this dude in jail and cause another uproar like January 6th. So don’t be surprised if they play around with Trump, try to lock them up or something. Now Jorge did say that it was an article came out and said that Trump was already cleared because he’s, he’s president now. He can, he can reverse all of that stuff. But I’m just letting you know that sometimes rituals work certain ways. So did they, they try to lock him up, put them in jail That’ll be another Gen 6 type thing that happens. That was finalized with 277 votes.

Two, seven. You hear me? All right, we back. So I don’t know. Okay, so 277 volts. We’ll just get back right into it. It says the power is out. If you guys didn’t see that, I said earlier that the power could go out. Go ahead, get it ready to cut the TV on. So we’re. We’re going through a lot of power outages out here. And we knew that there was going to be some type of blackout type ritual. And it’s coming on the day of the Trump win. Ironically, we don’t have about five blackouts here already, but 277 votes is the 59th prime number.

Biden in Harris won the 59th election. Freemasonry equals 59. Trump equals 47. He became the 47th president or. Yeah, for number 47. Now, this was a huge ritual because Trump wrote the book the Art of Comeback. Trump wrote the book the Art of Combat. Didn’t find it. And we should have seen this. This coming because Kamala’s father. You look at Kamala’s father’s name, his name is Donald. Kamala’s father name is Don. You see? Good. Yeah. Okay, go ahead in there. Now they got to do work. She didn’t cut it on. Hold on one second, guys. Let me cut this off for my son real quick.

Come on. All right, I’m back, guys. Make sure the kids. All right. So, yeah, so his. Her father name was Donald. And yeah, it’s just an evident ritual. Now, a lot of people don’t even know that Kamala or Kamala was already president before. In 2022 when Biden got some type of coloscopy surgery, she became president for 85 minutes during that time. So she technically has already been the first female president. They’re not going to tell you. Female president. See, that’s how the ritual goes. You just got to know. And it’s connected to certain dates. So he, she.

We got a female president, but people are too dumb to realize it was a ritual. They weren’t going to let her stay. President is all a game. Is all the theater in a show, it’s all a game. So. And of course, it had to be some type of butt surgery with Biden because you know how these people are obsessed with sodomic rituals. But, yeah, there. There ain’t no more. You better think a union member. You don’t have no more of that. She’s going to be quiet. They’re not going to have her out. They’ll probably let her do her little final speech and stuff and you’ll see her dress down as a Hindu because they’ve been portraying her as this black woman and melanated people have been following up with that crap, said Bbl Biden.

And you have like the whole entire Democratic plantation in tears. Y’all see Van Jones? Lord God, let me show you what Van Jones said. Fair use, by the way. Fair use, Fair use. Fair use. About the people who are not a part of anybody’s elite who are hurting tonight. There are African American women who know a little bit about being talked down to and a little bit about having their economic dreams crushed, who tried to dream a big dream over the past couple months. And tonight they’re trading in a lot of hope for a lot of hurt.

And they were hoping that maybe this time, this time one of their own could be seen as worthy. And once again, they’re facing rejection. And that hurts. They thought tomorrow morning they’re going to walk out with their shoulders back a little bit, maybe able to breathe for the first time and feel like they belong someplace. They did everything that they knew how to do and it’s going to be harder than it should be tomorrow for them to hold their heads up. And they’re not the only people who are hurting tonight. If you’re a tran. If you’re a parent of a trans kid, your, your child’s face was used as a springboard to power for somebody.

What the hell is Van Jones talking about? What the hell is Van Jones talking about? That’s what I’m talking. When it comes to these people, these Democratic shields, man, they’re the most delusional people in the world. They’re the most delusional people in the world. So that’s why, I mean, really, when people, when Trump won, it wasn’t that he won that people was excited, it was more of trolling the Democratic shields because they’re the most brainwashed NPC. And NPC ain’t nothing but a 2024 new age term for a clone. We were, we just wanted to troll them.

That’s all we wanted to do to make sure that they look stupid. They talking about these immigrants about to get deported, these illegal immigrants about to get deported. Somebody posted this video. A little entertainment, grandma. Getting down of these, of these illegal deportation, mass deportation. Walk up in the club, high as hell because we full of drugs. What game you claim? The way they wear them hats don’t get too close, be careful we be strapped. We put it on the map we keep our cheese and flaps and if you see me in the hood you better give me I’m known as a veteran My picture should be stamped for Smokey Sister Hollywood they wild over there.

Yeah, don’t get it ready. You get the help around here. We can have fun with it. Family we can have fun with. There’s nothing wrong with having fun with looking at this theater. There’s nothing wrong with having fun. Grandma was getting it. These, these buck broken democratic plantation flunkies all look stupid today. And Van Jones was going to cry no matter what. I’m pretty sure he’s crying right now talking about a T ran’s kid. These people will say anything for their propaganda soy boy feminists. The sword boy feminist all it is that Internet is undefeated. Now this whole thing was a ritual on the sisters goes back to the gematria of diamond and silk.

Remember diamond died. Remember the Trump supporters with black women Remember that they killed diamond last year in the death from diamond the diamond’s death date to the presidential election date Yesterday was exactly 666 days. The ritual was on black women. Now you get it. Now you know why they kept calling Cam Kami a melanated woman. Diamond silk equals 666 Sumerian gematria. So the Kamala rollout was, was a reset ritual to black women. It was never about that. They galvanized the left’s feminist shield brigade and they were using the shield brigade to pump this Asian Indian American who isn’t a lick of black or black American.

Then brought out the most hyper sexualized women in the record industry. They brought out Glorilla Cardi B Megan thee stallion hypersexualized melanated women that work for the corporate liberal media. The corporate liberal media constantly praises these type of people. So they brought out the most hypersexualized women in the black community so they could have the ratchetness, the energy of the ratchetness and the slutty mentality to promote and hide behind while they’re acting like see we, we brought these black women out. We, we brought black women out. But it was holes, a bunch of holes with money and that that money can easily be taken away.

And it’s to show you black women they’re saying basically black women you should have the right to control your body and black men, you should honor these black women and their pro rights. But by the way Democrats are secretly promoting abortion as birth control to the ratchet Half of the melanated community, if you happen to understand the agenda. That’s all they were saying. That’s what that was. Yeah. Megan stallion was a maga moon. So they were saying, we gave you cardi b someone who has admitted to drugging men in her whole stripper days and robbing them.

Or we gave you Glorilla, someone who admitted she wants her man to ejaculate in her food. Or we gave you Meg the stallion, someone who admitted in a documentary a week ago of lying on Gail King’s interview about sleeping with a guy she claimed that shot her. And by the way, they did ask Gayle King about about Meg the stallion’s response and she said she didn’t care if Megan lied. No accountability. But on top of that, they had to go further with the rituals. After bringing out the holes, they brought out Kelly Rowland and Beyonce. Now the Kelly Rowland ritual, the R B and fashion mogul, they had her dressed in an oversized zoot suit next to Beyonce.

And you don’t think that was intentionally a ritual? Why? They had Quavo at the Atlanta convention for Kamala in a see through silk shirt feminizing the melanated man. You see, it’s got to be a ritual ritual somehow on the melanated community. And Beyonce dressed up as Prince on Halloween. Now let me break this ritual down. Let me break this down. In Gematria, the number in the purest cipher for Lucifer is 115. Now Lucifer is called the prince of air. It’s a prince ritual because we showed you that the whole Olympics this year was about Prince. And we showed you how they had the purple skies during the whole Florida hurricane ritual.

We showed you the connection to the purple and how John Morant, the player from the Memphis grizzlies came out with his purple sky shoes the same week they had the aurora borealis ritual. Yeah, purple rain. You see now during, during the Olympics it was all about Prince and Celine Dion was connected to it. When they had the. The woman who got her head cut off. I forgot the name of the woman. They had that ceremony in the opening ceremony. Her name was Maria Antoinette. French Revolution equals 227. Prince equals 227. Opening Ceremony 227 Celine’s full name.

Then they talked about how Paris had a rainy Olympics near the scene river. The scene scene in Gematria in Satanic gematria equals 227. Connected. Connecting back to the waters says Paris 2024. Swimming training canceled over scene pollution. All water rituals in the purple rain. So they also had Missy Elliott in the purple. When NASA announced that they put Missy Elliott’s hit song the Rain super duper fly and transmitted it to the planet Venus. They are doing major rituals. They’re not playing no games. But they put her in the purple because she’s lgbt. Then you remember Kamala and Hillary and Michelle Obama and these other president wives all wore the purple connected to to lease Lisa Simpson in the pearls, which is Venus.

Venus is representative of the pearls going back to Prince. And remember the Drake and Kendrick battle. Kendrick was representative of. Kendrick actually performed with Prince and Kendrick was good friends with. With Prince. Hold on one second guys. What’s wrong buddy? All right, I’m back guys. God dang kids. So what happened? They killed. They had to kill Prince sister. They killed off Prince sister. Where is that? Where is that photo? So they killed off Prince sister for the election. Gotta find it guys. Give me a second. Thought I had all my photos in order. If not, I’ll just pull it up randomly.

Hold on. So Prince sister was killed for the elections. Ta Nelson. All right. Some crazy stuff going on. Let me just pull up her picture. Y’all see that? She passed away. You see, I didn’t even know she had. He had a sister till yesterday. So Prince sister dies on the election date. 3,119 days after Prince’s death. Lucifer equals 319. There’s a song Prince did called 319. What was the name of that song? There’s a song he did called 319. See this? So prince death, the 3119 is the 4. 444th prime number. Purple equals 444. USA 444.

Now check this. She dies. This is the big ritual. She dies on election day and she has a son named President. I said God damn. That’s it right there. It’s exclamation point. You see how these rituals take place? Put a 1 in the chat if you understand that. All right. So it is about purple rain and the activation symbolically of that gamma of radiation, the ruach radiation that was activated in the atmosphere. Excuse me. So that’s why they had Beyonce do that. Also for Kamala’s whole loss they had to sacrifice a Hindu girl. Going back to the mulch rituals.

They did sacrifice a child. 19 year old girl was put in a oven in the Walmart bakery and cooked a lie in Canada. Now Walmart Bakery equals 201. We told you about the number 201. We’re going to continue to tell you about it now the girl, the 19 year old was in three movies. London signs, Princess of God and the Bridge to the Soul. You remember the Francis Scott Key bridge. They’re talking about Trump bridging the, bridging the currency to this new type of currency that’s coming. And the bridge also connects to. Or the Francis Scott Key bridge connects to all of these people who were given the, the key to the city.

Going to prison like Trump. Not Trump. Did he be given the key to the city? I’m pretty sure Trump got the key to the city somewhere before little Dirt got the key to the city. All these people that get the key to the city. I think Lil Wayne just was given the key to the city. So they about to take Lil Wayne down. It’s connected to the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Key Bridge, you get it? And he wrote the American Star Spangled Banner. Francis Scott Key and the name of the Pope is Francis. But one thing we got to understand out of this election, they’re all this.

The, the, the left and the right is two wings on the same bird. They’re working together and going back to the purple with Prince. If you combine the blue and the red, you get purple. So there had to be a sacrifice of the purple, which is Prince’s sister in the Vesica. The vesica is representative of the, the feminine goddess. Out of the two parabolas, the pair of balls, two ball came. And the Janice, the Janus deity or Jane. Yeah, the double headed God. Yeah, yeah. Francis Scott Key connects to sex and birthing rituals. What’s going on? Lyn Lynn, I see you up in there.

How you doing? Ms. Erica Lanier. I want to reach out to you. I was supposed to reach out to you months ago, but if you get this, I want to speak to you. You said ani, life is good when we laugh and have fun. Maybe to simple people, life is good regardless to me. But there’s more things esoterically to the world. Some people come here to be serious. Some people come here to enjoy the Matrix. I’m not here to do, do that whole thing. Now they sacrifice one, one of the original groomers, the original groomers in Hollywood, Quincy Jones one day before the election on Diddy’s birthday.

Diddy’s birthday is November 4th. So Quincy Jones dies on Diddy Diddy November 4th. I mean Quincy Jones dies on Diddy’s birthday for November 4th. And they said Quincy Jones, the freemasonic connection is that he bought cocaine once from Malcolm X and did it with Ray Charles and fell down some stairs. A lot of Masonic connections with this guy. He also was the cab driver in the Fresh Prince of Bel Air opening with Will Smith in the. The Bell Air. The. The Sumerian God of air is Bail, which is Lucifer, the Prince of air. So he’s the taxi driver.

He died at 91 and his full name, Quincy Delight Jones, equals 91. And people think that they can’t sacrifice older people. He was 91 years old. He just died. You guys are wackos. You’re schizoids. Gematria is stupid. You see. Yep. Quincy was grooming MJ and he died. Matter of fact, speaking of that. Hold on, let me. Let me go through this real quick. He dies 66 days after what would have been Michael Jackson’s 66 birthday. You see that? He dies 66 days after what would’ve been Michael Jackson’s 66th birthday. He died on a Sunday. Equals 33.

Michael equals 33. He died on the 235th day of the year. Society of Jesus equals 235 and 91. And he was sacrificed for Kamala Harris Quincy Jones and Kamala Davey Harris equals 152. Remember, Quincy spoke out against Trump and the election came down to Pennsylvania, which equals 152. So that was a ritual. All right, the TV series you gotta get is Teacup. Let’s get into the the TV series you need to be watching as homework. Then we can finish up the lecture and get up out of here. The TV series you got to get is Teacup.

Are they predicting a new Black Swan event with them wearing the mask? Is there another Black Swan plan Demic coming because Trump is in office. Teacup came out on Peacock. The Peacock angel is Malektas. Excuse me, let us is the Peacock angel, which is one of the original Lucifers. Look up the Peacock Angel. Now in the TV series Teacup, they’re talking about these meteors and this. They’re talking about a non corial entity instead of people thinking of extraterrestrials or aliens being a physical thing. I told you the whole alien aspect is dimensionality has nothing to do with something physical.

Scandal riser Peacock. It’s interesting. Let me get these people up out of here. Y’all got a make sure y’all watching the people up in there as. As it was the Peacock too. Travis. Shout out to Travis up in there. But they’re talking about these meteors that’s been hitting Earth for a long time. The great old ones is connected to the meteors, saying they were Messengers from out of outer space that these meteors bring these certain energies from different dimensions and planes. That’s where we get our minerals from. And he was reading a book, but it was all connected to a tree that this non corporeal entity comes and sets up.

The non corporeal entity needs a host that’s going back into the archon. Whole aspect will get the book surfing hyperspace. We talked about this book on. On Patreon. We’re going to go back into it this week. I wish I could talk about it today but I got too much going on today. And I don’t know when it’s going to cut off with us facing all of these blackouts that we’re having here. Surfing through hyperspace. What you what you’re going to come to understand that the. The Archons the well in certain astral dimensions and in hyperspace. And the ancients figured out what sounds to make how to pronounce these specific archon names.

What planet is connected to the different archons and the rituals that’s performed to make sure the Archons do not affect where we traverse back into the transcendent God’s rim after death. So we don’t have to come back and repeat the Samsara’s will of being human again. So there’s a map to understand how to get past these archons that that rule over us. But these archons were finding bodies the hop inside. Similar to what we spoke about with Egregores when we talked about the Kunda buffer that was installed through nephilim symbiotes of genetics placed in us at the creation of the corporeal shell of the human being.

The spinal cord is one of the the mechanisms that can get us out of here and is also a mechanism that traps us. It represents the rod of Moses, also the serpent. But they say that there’s. There’s hackings of the archons through the spinal cord. And they showed that in a movie called in the Mouth of Madness there a spinal cord entity. Hold on. In the Mouth of Madness there was a entity attached to the guy’s spinal cord. You see they have a picture of it. This is a must see movie if you haven’t seen in the Mouth of Madness.

In the Mouth of Madness is a must see ULT movie. Is one of the old ULT films that sets the standards for generations to come. It’s all about the Necronomicon which we’re going to talk about today. Y so is any rendition of a portal is ye these ancient Names are very powerful. Discovered in a suic Moorish grimoire or Arabian Grimoire of dark magic that Lovecraft’s father kept in his library. Let me just put in Spinal Monster and see if that pops up. But anyways, they probably won’t find it. But there was a spinal monster in there that was attached to the back of the guy’s spine.

I used to show people’s pictures of it, but you guys can go and. And check that out. But they were showing you how the archons attached through there. He says a Clyde Barker movie. Probably so. I’m not sure. Probably so. Now in the movie, these entities have to take over someone’s body and they set up this invisible barrier of a trap by. By bringing this tree from another dimension into the physical dimension. They have to set up this tree that has this iridescent illumination to it connected to the. The kabbalistic trees in the TV series. From they’re traveling, they’re traveling through the trees to get in and out of the.

Of the secluded pocket dimension of that town. And from similar to the. The Lost TV series where they figured out they were in a purgatory, a pocket dimension, but they use the melanated guy. Remember I told you these new TV series and movies, they always got to connect some type of melanated person to, to the aspects of, of the magic and the metaphysics. Now on the right is going to say it’s a dei higher. They’re going to say, oh, dei. But really the. The Occult Guild of Hollywood was given direct orders from not only entities from the Black Lodge in the White Lodge, but it’s a planetary frequency where they have to unveil certain secrets to the masses to take us into new ages because there’s certain entities that have to be brought here.

And the body itself is a portal for gods and goddesses and dedic forces to incarnate as human beings. That’s what the zodiac is. It brings great people down here and horrible people down here. But it has to play out in this big alchemical mixing here down in the physical world. And we all, we are all playing a role down here. And they. In Teacup they had this melanated guy. Now when you think of the teacup, it goes back to the movie get out when the white family was using that teacup in spoon to put the person under hypnotism.

Here the hypnotism is a form of artificial synopulism where the entity enters into someone else’s body through the opening of the mouth. Ritual in The Egyptian rights look up the opening of the mouth ceremony in Egyptian rights says opening your mouth is ancient ritual perform to enable a deceased person’s spirit to interact with the living world. So this opening of the mouth, you look in teacup, they have to open the mouth for the assassin. The assassin entities or extraterrestrial to enter into your body. You better take this information serious guys play around with this stuff. But he was talking about a critical brain.

He’s talking about the pineal gland brain. When he talks about this. This white boy who, who was starting to understand that he was trying to say they were showing here the dichotomy of the more in his student. Because the Moors taught the European the occult science and. But, but the European had to be open, had to have an open heart chakra to receive the information. So even though everyone else they were laughing at this melanated man when he was telling them high advanced information about non corporeal extraterrestrials taking over people’s bodies and having advanced technology, they were laughing him out of bars and stuff.

But the boy took to the liking and because he had an open heart chakra to receive the information even though he gets killed, he gets, he gets enlightenment because he’s taken out of the reality of the matrix and he’s put into what’s actually happening now. He’s trying to explain. The melanated guy is trying to tell the guy that’s above my pay grade to understand how it works. But he says there’s some type of invisible death trap cage that these entities can set up. We’re going to go and break some of this series down. But the, the invisible cage is set up by the tree which is going back to Kabbalah.

It’s talking about the three worlds which we’ll get into in a minute again. And they’re talking about this liquid that’s produced from the tree which looks like the chakras, but it looks like some type of iridescent or a caladial scope Caladoscope of colors. That’s a poison that you must drink. That’s melanin. What they’re talking about is melanin. They even have it in the stone. I told you what the stone is. I’m gonna go back in the stone. Today we’re talking about the water kings of Daca. In the Order of Order of Dagon TV series is called Teacup saying you go ahead and drink it up.

They even have the fool, the idiot in the, in the TV series name is Donald. So they have the whole Donald Trump thing in it. He’s representative of the T. The T. The. The full card in the tarot deck. Even have the dog attack them. Just like the tarot card. I think I’m gonna show that in a second. His wife got murdered for going into that invisible. She’s playing. She played the. The hierophant. They’re not the hierophant. The. The hermit. The hermit tarot card. She’s playing that. And then she sacrificed. She’s playing the hermit here because she wanted to go back to the real world.

But she didn’t know about the invisible barrier. She was too low of a vibration. Here’s Donald right here getting bitten by the dog. And one of the first tarot cards of the fool. The dog actually bites the dog is biting the fool. See? Where is that tarot card? But one. I can’t remember. I showed it. I think it’s this one that. One of the first ones. The dog actually bites the fool and he’s getting bit right here by the dog. And he’s the fool in the series. The dog gets killed too. And then the melanated man knows he the one.

He’s the one who draws the line. He’s the one who can walk back and forth over the line because he has. He possesses the. The iridescent liquid from the stars which is melanin. Explain this science in a minute. So get the series Teacup. Don’t forget to watch the series from about saving the children. The Akui children. We’re getting closer to the end of the series. And Tabitha and Jade is the key to understanding it. Understanding what the bottle tree is to keep going back to these. These trees. Kabbalah Khalifa. Get the series from. Because she had to be pushed out of the watchtower.

She had to die to get back to the real world. That’s part of alchemy. The. The whole death and rebirth. She had to die. Then she came back to save her family. All of these things are connected. Now where are we? The movie. You have to get. You have to get three movies. It’s called Justice League Infinite Earths. I’ve been talking about this for about two years. The last movie came out like a week ago. The final third addition to the movie came out a week ago. They knew people would be distracted. So they. They snuck and brought it out and knew people wouldn’t watch it.

But I went and watched it and I finished it because I saw the first other two. And we’ve broken that down on this channel. If you Go through some of my videos. If you go on Patreon, we’ve been breaking this down. This is about the multiverse now in the new series they have this melanated being. They have this being that has the power to destroy worlds. Called the Anti Monitor. It is in the comic books but it’s. They make it pure black and it has a armor that’s impenetrable by the heroes. But it made it all melanated for a reason.

Because the Anti Monitor isn’t the enemy in the movie. And they figure that out now what they had to do. This thing was so powerful they had to hide all of the multiverse worlds in a alternate dimension. Sort of like in the Lovecraft book it’s called the Shining Veil. Is outside of time and space and the Anti Monitor couldn’t find him. But the Anti Monitor represented it. He represented an aspect of God. He was a great old one. He’s the antibody of the universe. When an anomaly happens that shouldn’t happen and it needs to be eliminated, they send in the Anti Monitor to destroy it.

So he wasn’t the bad guys. Most of the times you watch these movies the bad guy isn’t the bad guy. It just depends on how you understand why is he functioning the way that he’s functioning. He has to do a job. So they up battling this thing. They don’t know how to take it out. The only thing that could solve it, which it was solved by the melanated man once again. Lex Luthor. Here’s Lex Luthor here. Him and his other melanated guy. I don’t even know the name of this superhero. But both of them are the smartest people in all of the multiverse.

He tells Lex Luthor and the other guy tells the rest of the superheroes that they have to create something called a. A monoverse. They have to combine all of the multiverses and make one. One world where everyone who separated through the multiverse will become one being in another world. Because they didn’t know how to defeat this thing. But the Melanated woman, she was a. A villain. But she came. She became a good guy. I think in the comic book. I forgot her name. She said that the Anti Monitor is a defense protein for the universe. She said you’re.

It’s a anti. It’s a immunoglobulin. She figures it out. She figures it out because that’s what your soul is for the universe. That’s what the soul is here to do is to clean this thing up. It’s radiation. I’ll explain that another time. But for them to create this monoverse, they had to activate something called the miracle machine that the original monitor hid in a pocket dimension. And they had to use Black Canary’s daughter to teleport there and bring John the Martian. Dare to do so. She said, where are we? He said, we’re in between vibrational planes.

Close my door. Close my door now. The whole thing was through John Constantine was the reason why it happened. So magic powers these vibrational planes. They’re saying it’s magic, and his name is John for a reason. John is Elijah in the Judaic text. He’s the messenger magic runs the multiverse. Now. They had to use. They try to figure out what type of energy to power the miracle machine. Once they brought it back, the Green Lantern said, it looks dead and needs a resort recharge. And he’s the only one that’s dealt with the most advanced alien technology going back to the melanin.

But the miracle machine had to be activated. And what did it want? It wanted a sacrifice. So they had to. It wouldn’t sacrifice anything. They had to sacrifice a immortal. And the only immortal of all the superheroes was Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman had to be sacrificed. And that’s what created. Once she sacrificed herself because she represents a Nana. She’s a representation of a nana. Now the only. The. The biggest gangster out the series was the guy called the. The question. I think he’s a superhero too. In the comic books, the specter is a God that oversees someone who does a crime against that that affects the multiverse or the universe.

He comes and passes judgment. And he. He. He basically saw they solved the problem. So he. He let John Constantine go. But John Constantine. Constantine. Constantine chose not to go into the new universe. He chose to be punished. But the question was against her. They were trying to tell him to go into the monoverse. And he said, why would I go into a false universe as a false history? And the specter was there, like this, telling the truth. He said, I reject that on principle to be a part of a false universe. And he walks away from the portal.

So I. I commend them for doing that. He was. He was standing on business. He was like, if we gonna be defeated, let’s be defeated. Let’s not make no false. But yeah, some people can look at it as a singularity. I’ve seen y’all put it in there could be a singularity. But it definitely was something to it. Another series. I want you to check out connected to this whole Dagon thing I’m gonna break down in a minute is Dragon Ball Daima. We’re coming at the end of the whole Dragon Ball thing. Hopefully that’s been going on since my childhood.

And in the new Daima series, for them to pass dimension dimension to dimension to dimension, they have to go to this fish being called Warp, which no one can go into another reality without going into this fish. He. He decides whether he wants you to pass from one reality to another. So they. Akira Toriyama, in the year of his death, the year of the dragon this year or the year of X, they installed this new character called Warp. And it’s a fish. So it goes back to what we’ve been telling you, that the connection to the fish.

Matter of fact, let me explain that real quick. Quick. Now that we’re. We’re talking about the fish in pertaining to Dagon, the word fish, it comes from a Mesopotamian word. It’s. It’s a Mesopotamian word. Let me explain this real quick. The word fish in Mesopotamia, Mesopotamian was pish. Later becomes vish in. In the Vedic san strip like Vishnu. And fishes were called the leaders of the celestial host in the ancient text. When we’re talking about Cthulhu in the Necronomicon, its Mesopotamian name is Cal Tulu. Culu is the fish. The fish, which means the water being who is caught within the net of time.

Like a net in the lake. The net was weaved by Isis. Even. Even on the Internet. We, we explain on Patreon how people hack your emails and social media account. They use something called fishing. P H I S H I N G fishing. So they fish accounts. The word Culu or Cthulhu means the one who is arising from the dreaming. That’s us. So that’s just a little bit to explain when we get into the Dagon information. But I got a couple more stuff to cover before we get to that. Now going back to these water rituals.

There was a flood in Spain that killed some people. So this was one ritual. 158 people died in Valencia, Spain, Spain. They keep doing these water rituals. Started with the hurricanes, but they’re continuing it. Then you had this 33 year old melanated woman who jumped over the Niagara Falls waterfall with her five month year old baby and nine year old son and some type of MK ultra sacrifice because she’s 33 and I told you the Negro number is 59. Black History Month ends on the 59th day of the year. Negro equals 59 Freemasonry equals 59. So some type of water ritual.

The Vatican also announced over the last couple of days that they’re. They have a new mascot named Loose so that the Vatican has a new mascot for his two 2025 Jubilee. A cartoon mascot called Loose, which means light to engage the younger audience to guide visitors through the holy year. Loose is a LGBT icon. And if you type in Vatican’s mascot loose, you get 201 again coming out with a new TV or cartoon series called Little Nightmares. Loose ain’t nothing but Lucifer. She has shells in her eyes and her pupil. That pertains also to the water rituals as well, but it also pertains to Venus.

Venus with the shells. Loose is the Vatican’s mascot. She. She’s holding something called a stain. The sting is a sorcerer’s ritual staff which would which was used in Wicca. So a staying, a traditional staying is a staff. Let me show you a picture of this so you know what a stain is. If you look up what a Biden is. That’s why they elected Biden in offense. A Biden is a type of trident. This is what abident is in all of the Neptune rituals they were doing recently with the water. A stain is similar to a Biden.

And Loose holds this stain which was made from the horns of at of antlers. It was a magical weapon to represent the horned God, the aspect of the protector of the and the destroyer of the life giver. So it definitely was a. A Wicca symbol for this cartoon character to be holding this type of staff. And you can see it on all of the witchcraft tattoos of of Wiccan and aspects of that. Speaking of Biden, did y’all see Biden bite biting kids on Halloween? They got this dude in full MK Ultra out here. I don’t know what the hell they’re doing with Biden nowadays.

Yeah, he’s out there biting babies and stuff. He says shell equals hell reincarnation. Right. Gabriel called him Little Horn. That’s interesting. See what else is going on. Make sure I covered everything that’s significant. Okay. So the penguin series also is another water symbolic TV series that’s out. I want you to watch. The Penguin is really about the woman in there, Sophia, which the Gnostic goddess is called Sophia. And it’s about her rebirth in the series. She’s reborn into this sexual symbol. She goes into the underworld Ishtar form of herself. She crosses the threshold once her family gets her locked up for some false things that she didn’t do.

But she’s battling the Penguin for control over Gotham City. Of the crime syndicates. She’s. She kills her whole family to become the top person in. In. In the Italian gang syndicates. But you’ll show. It’ll show you that the Penguin. I don’t have the picture in this file. Let me see if I pull it up over here. The penguin has this trident. Let me see if it’s in this file. The Penguin’s car has a trident. This is his car here. And it’s purple, just like we talked about with the election in Prince. So he rides around his purple car with a trident.

Of course it’s a Maserati. But the trident is symbolic. They didn’t choose that car for no reason. So there’s more trident rituals. And he’s using this melanated. Boy. He’s using this melanated. By the way, his top hat is connected to Freemasonry. We’re gonna have to talk about that. Remember I did the video with Donut? Donut, the documentary on the Illuminati penguins. We got to go back into that. And why penguins? Scientists discovered 2022 that dozens of beheaded penguins washed up on the Australian beaches. Why? Because penguins. There was a government document that they were finding information on the pineal gland from Penguins in 1973.

That the Penguins have a similar pineal gland to humans or melanated people. Because penguins is connected. Connected. There’s something in the melanin within penguins they found here. Something connected with the melon in there. So frozen penguin pineal glands was uncovered in. On. On a Argentina Beach. So the. There’s talking about the pineal gland in the TV series. And they got the mushroom connection up in there. Mushroom is the drug in the series. But they make the mushroom into these little red crystals. I said that might be representative of the A word. The a chrome word because you get high off that in the pineal gland.

They actually ingest pineal glands in the skull and bones ritual called the obscene rights. The highest high on the planet. People ask me why are they collecting penguin pineal glands? When you ingest a live pineal gland is the highest high you can have and highest spiritual experience you can have here. And that’s like the dark side black lodge type of methodologies to reach these hyperdimensional planes mentally. They said biting Biden, Y’all is so crazy. Said trident means finance. Oh, yeah. I don’t know why I told Donut we can get together this week and. And talk about it.

We’ll get your mama close the door. Close the door, Jaleel. So, yeah, there’s a lot of things connected. You see, there’s a flood in there, too, of Gotham City from the movie Batman. All of these floods and they have the power outages. They got the FEMA truck in there. But there’s this melanated boy that can barely speak. That was a ritual for them to put him in there. But he’s using. Remember I said he mysteriously always have this melanated person. They’re going to look at it as a DEI higher, but it’s something mixed mystical in a cult about them putting these melanated people in there.

Also, he has the free Masonic floors in his kitchen on the tile wall. And what did he say? He says, you and me. It’s you and me now, kid. To the end. You know, that’s him using the melanin. Said felt like your block was blessed. He’s talking about the. The black part of the hood when I roll down your street. Okay, so that’s that part or portion. All right, let’s get into some of the lecture. Also, I want you to go get the new Venom movie. If you haven’t seen it, I’m gonna get ready to decode this Till death do they parts connect to melanin.

Venom. The. The Last Dance. Melanin is similar to how neurons looks in our brain. Look at this. There’s a connection now between melanin and brain cells. Showing the natural brilliance. People keep saying melanin is a. Is a myth. It’s not a myth. Melanin is real. If you look at a melanocyte in the neuron, they look similar. They look like a Cthulhu, a Cthulian being the receiver of messages. The melanocyte sends messages and signals molecules. A neuron receives the message messages. Also, melanin is known as gray matter, which enhances the ability to communicate. And the melanocyte makes melanin which help.

Which stores melanin and helps it send messages better. Melanin has a sensory nerve ending that connects to the brain. Those nerve endings relate information about the surroundings to the nervous system. So that means that melanated people have two brains in their heads and in their skin. Really, three brains. And here you go. This is the big one right here. This is what melanin looks like on a microscopic level to the universe. To brain cells. Now you get it. So people been asking why you’ve been talking about melanin so much and why we can’t just leave Race out of it.

Because I’m not saying that other races don’t have melanin. Other races do have melanin. You have to understand what melanin is in its full symbolism to connect the solar, the polar symbolism to what it is in consciousness. Because melanin is also esoterically the spiritual architect of higher dimensionality. It creates higher dimensions. It is the creator. It draws the dimensions. So this is some real high, high understanding that nobody’s talking about. You only can get it on this channel. By the way, shout out to Michael Bell for posting that. We need to get Michael up on here.

I’ve been wanting to get him on the channel for a minute. That’s the God for back in the day. So if you want to see what makes us different, we are self, individual beings. It’s like tiny little balls, like snowflake balls. Right? Right. Yeah. Melanin is $500 per per gram. It’s worth more than gold now. So that’s the melanin mystery. So you can’t look past that. Melanin is also a form. It’s the physical form of quart gluon plasma. If I were to pour. So look at this, it’s 5, 2 hertz. Hold on, let me play this.

Hold on, let me see if I need to play. So I don’t know if I captured what I needed. No, this isn’t it. What is water esoterically? This is. This is other melanated woman doing research on it here. It goes right here. Show you this. I’d like to introduce you to the idea of water as an intelligent designer here. I exposed water to my friend’s photo, removed and froze using a special method. And it designed her face. I showed the ice result to the water and it designed a negative of her face. I briefly placed my thumb in the water and then froze it.

And water designed a thumb with a chip in the nail. I chipped my nail in exactly the same place three hours later. Here. I used a conceptual word of ego. It’s a word I have no visual for, which removes any mental projection. And water designed a person with big shoulders, a small face and a giant balloon head. I used the word milk as an influence. And water designed a breast. I wasn’t thinking of human milk, so this was a surprise. You notice that the ice designs are not photocopies of the influence, but more of an interpretation.

And to me this is clear display of some kind of awareness. I honestly don’t think we know what water really is yet. Water is an alien. Water is a Hyperdimensional intelligence. Water is a hydrocarbon. It’s a melanin network connected to understanding portal physics. Y’all don’t mind, my son is in the background. Y’all know how little kids is. He’ll be okay. So when we’re looking in the portals and trying to understand it, they’re not going to understand it until they understand what water is from a quantum sense all the way up into a, a the hydrocarbon aspect.

So from a quantum sense it’s court gluon plasma, then it becomes hydrocarbon physically. But the network is within the Akash or the great space, the dark waters which the spirit broods itself. It’s literally called the waters, which is the cosmic basis, the origins of matter. The order of Dagon is the people that understand that water is the portal. So the, the people designing the CERN machine is all designing and designing it on the portal. Physics, they’re using the flat Earth model, they’re using the Hebraic model model, the Hindu model, the different Native American models of portals to reverse engineer and, and crack a code to dimensionality.

The stone which is Christ is formed out of the waters of the soul. I’m gonna talk about that, if not all today, I definitely will get into it on Patreon. So let’s, let’s get into a bit with the lectures about the water kings, the last of the ancient souls. Here they have the DNA symbiotes of Inky, which is the Sumerian God of water to. And he’s representative of the, of the ones who can traverse the cosmic waters to the waters above, back into the Sirius star, the black sun, the understanding of melanin and the physics of darkness.

The first part is understanding the physics of light, which does not consist in a dog dogmatized rejection of religion, but it’s in the transmutation of the elements of which religions are made. And the transmutation brings about the inner reorient reorientation of the soul in the completion of what religion literally means, which means a reconnection. Religion is just the visible trace of the visible signature of the invisible entity in which reality that the gods above or the gods of old left in the sands of time. They are the water kings of old who fell beneath the waters of the flood, buried beneath the abyss of the mingled souls of the original ones.

They call them Dagon, Dag or Dagus Dagon. It is them or they who gave who who is in the grave which is the sea. The sea has become the grave. The sea from which they Once drew their life force, the light. So the water is also a form of light. Is liquid light in the cosmos. This grave is the human soul. The place of resurrection is the grave. So we’re in an allout multi dimensional war happening in dimensionality within the magical egregors that they’re programming inside of the social orders. They have been attacking the waters. I’ve been speaking about recently.

They have literally the word fishes. I can’t say that word. But you understand they gave the jab to fishes. It goes back to the dagon My thoughts that we’ve been covering with melanin in the electron cloud. The fish God is what the Pope is trying to imitate in sympathetic magic. Where he wears the mitri hat which represents the pine cone of the pineal gland. Give me a. Give me a one in the chat if you’re still with me. Give me a 1 in the chat if you’re still with me. So they want to become the Fish King, which is the God of Babylon.

Sympathetic magic. The fish God lies in cold waste. Which is the cold fusion system within the spinal cord. Only the enlightened users of the world that have the calling code in their DNA can access it. We talked about how there’s a species of Horus. Horus. The. The haan being isn’t relative to everyone. There’s a special light genetic code. And there’s a calling code within a person’s melanin. Because melanin synthesizes the electrons and photons within the body to give you give access to higher information. So if this pertains to you, you have that activated calling code. You’re one of the chosen ones.

As Beale will say. Shout out to that brother. And it’s all a secret that they’ve understood with ruling the world with light, which is Christ. Going back to pertaining to Jesus being the fish. You know when we grew up they used to have the little symbol hooked on Jesus. And they had like the fish, the symbol of the fish. Let me pull that up. Which is the vesicle Pisces, which is a sacred geometrical secret to portal physics. In the middle of two parabolas. Which is a toroidal field of what we enter when we were in the state of meditation.

The toroidal. Oh, they won’t let me pull it up. Let me just put a parabola so it won’t be too complicated for everyone. Okay, so the toroidal field is two ends of the spectrum. I’ll get into that in a second. Bobby said a long time ago the reason why they’re giving the jab to fishes in the sea and different marine life. They have to corrupt the marine life and Bobby Himmet said is an all out war. When they corrupt the marine life’s biological genes to hack the system of water. The water produces a de idic involution to what melanin is in the physics of darkness, which is a form of water, the Akash, there is a confluence of two seas of signals to a convergence of two energy streams.

That’s why they call it a stream. They’re talking about liquid light, which is water represented. Represented in the magical tradition as the red old in the blue old, resulting in the equilibriated light. Or we just told you what the word Cthulhu means and skip over that stuff. Water. Let me see if I pull up the graphical water. Let me just find a simple one. So water is a literal being. Water is the reference to the flow of collective consciousness and unconsciousness within grid systems. Water is that which creates reality, in which we learn through experience. The word water comes from a German word called wazar or wazar.

It means virgin source in older terms. Water in Akkadian was called mu and Sumerian it was ah or mwah. In Egyptian it was ma. In American Native American tribes, water was known as moo. There’s these water dedic lineages referring to gods and goddesses, extraterrestrials rs, who allegedly came from the cosmic waters, especially in the don tradition, Ama who created a biogenetic experiment called humans or the human body. Then they returned to the sea, implying either subterranean bases or waters above basis. The molecules and water can act together in a collective way, which allows water to organize and communicate in ways that classical physics can understand.

Water molecules in nano channels can exhibit quantum quantum tunneling which smears out the positions of hydrogen atoms into rings. This phenomenon occurs in rock, soil and cell walls. Understand we’re in Scorpio, by the way. We’re in a water sign. So to understand water in a new area that you never looked at, it is important to your consciousness. But the word you should look up is called jump. Jump conduction. In science and quantum physics. What does jump conduction conduction mean? Con. Jump conduction is when water is able to transfer vibrational information through a process which is jump condun.

Conduction, which is similar to how computers establish a coded history. That’s what they’re studying right now. They’re studying that right now in. In quantum physics to understand what water’s jump conduction is. In computer programming, it’s the same thing. So we are combining our series and understanding this of the cosmic waters that we did. Previously on Omni Aqua. Knowing the Black Sun, Sirius and his Dagon connection to the God weapons called the Sid eyes, I talked about the Dedic powers of the master. You guys go back and check out my Black Magic 363 interview. We finally made it on that channel.

Shout out to Brother Rich for giving me an opportunity to do that interview and share it with a bigger audience. I spoke about the three Syrian stars, A, B and C. There’s a physical twin binary star out there. There’s the. The twins are feminine. So Sirius A and B, the two stars. It corresponds to a quantum unbridgeable gap of dimensionality that’s located in the energy bodies from the heart inside of us up to the head, which is where the parabola exists. So the original parabola and we have a harmonious interaction between the two sides of a polarity that is in accord with the dynamics of quantum polarity, which can be best described as interdependence.

Learn that word interdependence, which is the essence of spiritual evolution. The powers of the Syrian is pineal activity. So the pineal, which is the black dot, which is the bija dot, it represents access to the Syrian waters, which is a spiritual dimension of where Sirius is called, the city of the White Central sun and other traditions. This is where the Kachinas in America, the aquatic ancestors of the multi dimensional fabric, pass off information to the light codes in our DNA. The language of our soul is created by vibrations modulated through the chakra chakras. Each chakra resonates to a sound or vibration when vocalized as a mantra or prayer.

The calling code is powered by our mantras in accordance to the Lunar mansion gateways to Swaga Loca and Petri Loca, as Kalina Kalini was talking about on her last video. By the way, if you haven’t seen the last video, Kalini’s interview, we need to get that video up, get it up in views, because that’s too much information in there for people not to see that video. The calling code is a synesthesia of the melanin which manifests as a electron cloud of light, which is a creator entity. So melanin is a creator creature, it’s a creator entity.

The Taurus is the mind. So we’re looking at the Taurus field, we’re looking at the mind here. This is the two balls is the parabola expansion of the mind. That’s the two parabolas right here. I just showed you in that image. Okay. The flower. So when you think about the seed of life and the flower of life, there’s a difference. So when you talk about the daisy of death and the flower of life, the seed of life is showing the mind. The flower of life, which is called the daisy of death, is showing faults, showing chaos.

There’s various thoughts that exist in very various Taurus field or tori. Ugly thoughts make ugly the original intention, which is the development of a beautiful mind. Beautiful thoughts create a beautiful mind. And the Taurus is like a mind containing within it a flower which is the flower of life’s blooming varity of mandala cymatic thoughts. So certain thoughts grow from. Grow from with within the Taurus. Just to bypass being trapped in our own minds, we can explore the minds of others and even plant the seeds of their flowers in our Taurus. And that’s what you do. And you listen to YouTube videos.

You’re exploring my mind and you’re exploring. You’re planting a seed in. In your own mind. But there’s also a science that we covered if you ever are in trouble abilities. If you get the decode the Gematria life decode with me. I show you what entity is inside of you based on the positions of your moon, your sun and your ascendant. I show you the deity. But the reason why I brought that up, I show you the superpowers, which is called the shakti of that deity, which is the special ability that you have. And in that special ability, I show you what you’re capable of doing.

What we’re all capable of doing is using the pineal gland. It can be weaponized. There is a God weapon called the Sit Eyes that is utilized in the science the sit eyes. We did a class recently called how to zing a person. And Bobby talked about it first. It was one of the first people that talked about it. How to literally zap someone. It’s called zinging. But we do it in remote viewing. If you’re ever in a situation where you need to manifest something for the better of your well being and a person is in your way blocking you from getting to your.

Your well being, you’re. You’re able to zap them, zap these individual. I mean he’s hit them with a light from your mind and cause them to. To make. To force them to do something or act in a certain type way for you to get what you need to be achieved done. And it’s called zinging. I did that Whole video, you can find it on Patreon. I can’t do it today. But zinging is, is, is what the science is. We’re going to go deeper, we’re going to do A Zinging Part 2, maybe this week or next week.

So the mind is a male Taurus field and thoughts are a female Taurus field. And you need to create through both, which is matter, which is the sun. And you negate the female, the daisy of death through the Trinity to create a duality of maleness which is the mind. Magic thoughts are of the cymatic patterns of the same song in light is the result of the song being sung. DNA is simply the pattern observed by the observer at the time of the observation. We are all stardust being shaped by the frequency. We are all different compositions of notes in octaves.

There’s 13 notes, but the two, the first two are the same beginning in, at the end. So we can all, we can all say that the octave is 12 notes. And the ego within us is simply producing mental images from the frequency from the first and last two octaves being fed upon. And our DNA acts as the bridge for the frequency which carries the intelligent design. But it seems the brain is the receiver of information. In the heart is the filler which is the processor of the information into emotion. Both enables the soul to move appropriate appropriately if one chooses so via emote motion.

Now let’s get back to the science. So we talk about how the design just now of light works with water in your DNA. But going back into understanding the culture of Dagon within the structure of Freemasonry there’s a continuation of reverence for Sirius that we see is all about the ancient legend of the humanoid. But the fish like being called Oannis or Oanis or Anis who brought the ancient Mesopotamian working tools, civilization, law, writing, architecture. But the Oann has established an initiatory priesthood to carry forward knowledge. And one of the forms of the knowledge is Freemasonry.

The old Annis is often depicted as a fish man with the sirius over his head that is his later priests. Oannis is said to have spent days among men in the nights in the death of the Persian Gulf and in the Byzantine Eastern Orthodox Patriarch Church Photius informs us the beings arrive from the sky in luminous eggs which was put down in the gulf. The fish God symbolism shows up in the stories of the Mesopotamian or Docton dog on later taken up by the Canaanites, the Phoenicians and the last Carthaginian Genes before the destruction of the Rome by the Romans.

The story shows up in the form of the wonder working prophet Joshua, the son of Nun, which is really Yeshua, the fish’s son. Later reflected in the story of Jesus, which is Yahoshua, whose sign was the fish, the Vesicle Pisces, the vessel of the fish, whose chief disciple was a fisherman called the big fisherman who could walk on water and produce fishes. Miraculously, his card became the hangman in the tarot deck, formally called, formerly called the drowned man. So he didn’t know the hangman used to be called the drowned man. The Freemasons also revere, revere another guys of the same story, John the Baptist, whose feast day is June 24, accordance to the summer solstice, the Syrian days, the Dog days, the ancient feast day of Oannis.

Oannis means John. The Grand Lodge of the Speculative Freemasonry was founded June 24th, 1717 to honor the St. John. June 24th for 1947 was the tradition of the first flying saucer that took place in the specific northwest. The Anis myth was linked to the Celtic Godan legends of Jonah or O Onis, the Babylonia, Hebrew and Chaldean myth. The biblical Jonah swallowed in disgorged by a great fish to teach the Babylonian city of Nineveh. Now you will see that the movie Jonah came out this year and we talked about the eclipse happened directly over area in a town called Jonah.

So they’re playing these Dagon mysteries on us now. Recently in October, they did another ritual. They did a water ritual, whereas they were speaking about this. I don’t know if I have this in my official. Let me go back to the library. They unveiled this thing like in 2022, but they didn’t really expound upon it. But it’s called Water Soul. It’s in Jersey City in the Jamay Plinza area by the waters and whatever water is near there. It’s called Water Soul. Now in this art piece they did, which they showed the Twin Towers in the background.

If you can, you can see the Twin Towers in the background. But it’s the vow of silence that the Masons do. The Masonic vowel of silence. And they called the statue Water Soul. We know that it happened on 9 11, this whole incident with the Twin Towers. But guess what? Trump is the 45th in the 47th president. If you add 5 plus 4 plus 5, you get 9. If you get 4 plus 7, you get 11. So it’s 911 all over again with him being elected Another magical ritual. And this water soul whole statue that they put up is connected to the ritual, connected to shin, the Hebrew letter, which shin represents the tail of the plane on this coin.

You see how the. In the Israelite shackle coin, it shows a plane heading towards these two towers, but the tail of the plane is pointing at Shin. This happened 33 years before 9 11. And we understand that the Hebrew word shin is connected to the trident mystery. The mystery of the trident. Okay, so let me see where we at in the lesson. Put a one in the chat. You want me to continue with the Oannis mystery or do you want to open up for questions before we end it out today? Put a one to continue to Owen is mystery.

Put a two to continue or do questions. I noticed what time it was just now. It will go based on that. Y’all all right? All right. I want us. Want me to continue with the Oann is mystery. We’ll continue deeper. So one of one of the ancient words for water is G la C. G la cg. No, G la cg, which means dormant water in some native traditions. We’re not sure if it’s olmec or sand strip. And there’s something pertaining to the aspect of water called the. The omphalis, the om phallus. Monday, I want you to look up this thing called the own phallus.

Monday. Let’s see if I still got. I showed the picture earlier. Okay. This is a picture of this grail cup is supposed to be similar to a grill chalice, which is another mystery of Dagon, but is actually showing metaphysically a. A spaceship or a extraterrestrial ship or how the technology works. But it’s also showing you how dimensionality works within itself. So the ship is also dimensionality when you’re looking at it in advance. Spiritual aspect of physics. The omphalas mundi is an area within the paraboloid sequence of the cosmos called the omphalis, which is the navel of Earth.

The naval connects, you know, to the whole maritime law. The navy naval is also pertaining to water. So this area, or the navel of the Earth, is the central point in which terrestrial life originates. In the Vedic India lore, their altars were regarded as a micro. Microcosm of this. Its parts represents the various parts of the universe and its construction as being interpreted as a repetition of the creation. In ancient Egypt, the same process of creation is in another process, coupled with Osiris and his transformation through the underworld. Therefore, there’s a mystic pole constellation in. In those ancient Times given to the name the tomb of Osiris.

Osiris is another God, a fish God that’s. That’s hidden in the mystery. Or a Christ God. More than a fish God, but all of these great gods are fish kings or water kings. Let me just decode this real quick. So Osiris is caught in a five fold bond which connects to the pentagram, the bases of water man himself one of the stages. Stages that is to be achieved which is necessary in the experience of death in life. The Egyptian mystic system. Osiris has to be dismembered and his member, quote unquote, his penis is eaten by a fish.

So they have the fish here that eats his member. The fish who ate the members represented fish is his soul. The member is the. Is the pineal gland. His penis is the pineal gland. The penis of God is the pineal gland. So he’s the first Jonah or Jonah in the well. Okay. Thirteen limbs were recovered. Osi. Osi. Isis recovered his member from the fish. Here we encounter an important polar symbolic number 14 expressed in Lovecraft’s 770 mystical steps leading the venturer outside of the dream, which, you know, I think Trump just turned 77 resident recently. So it is further importance that the number 14 is related to the letter none, n u, n which a nun is in the church or Babylonian nunu, that is that means fish designating the whale.

Nunu also means water being. In both Arabic and Hebrew alphabets, this letter occupies the 14th position having the numerical gematria 50. 50 is the number of quaff, which is the world mountain and suf sufism. Being being 50 plus 50 is 100 like 5 to 5, which is a wing one side and a wing on the other side, representing the mystical flight of the bird of fire. The 14 refers to the mystical fish savior identical with Oannis in the Chaldean tradition, which according to Barrosos, Oannis came out of the Red Sea to bring culture, science and the arts of the people of the Near East.

Oannis is depicted as the fish man with the restoration of the polar tradition. Given the polar tradition guys back to the earth, which is the science of the Kundalini. It’s the science also of the area of the mother in the skies, which the watchers of the Nephilim in history they watch this one area and they realize we all rotate around these this one central constellation, which is where the pole star is. The Pole star changes like every 26000 years, which is a Christ year. That’s one Christ year. Oh, and it says the fishermen within that polar tradition, the fish can emerge from X exile in Earth.

And this planet will be changing its lightness for its return back into the octane, which is the eight. Once the dust is cleared off and the ice caps at the poles melt away from the heat of the black light that he exudes. So going back to this black light that I’ve been covering all the way back in my Sufik video, keep referring to this thing. All right, let me see. All right, we’re going to leave it at that family. Let me open it up for questions. I’m gonna do that briefly and I’m gonna get ready to get.

Get on off to work. It was great doing this with you, doing this with you guys today. Hope you got something out of the science. Of course we could have went, you know, way deeper. There’s a lot of things to talk about. Let me put the link in the chat. Make sure you join Patreon patreon.com/spiritual Shade Room. If my mods can put that in there for me. The link is posted. The link is posted in there. We got any questions? So what are ways to enhance the melanin on the water? That was the whole video about drinking more water.

There is another cheat. There’s cheat codes. Taking pheno analyzing. You can take pheno analyzing watermelon. That’s why they always make fun of black people eating watermelon. Eating different melons increases melanin. Enrich parasites. There’s some other things you can do as well. Meditation increases melanin. Said, do you think there will be new water kings that lead humanity? Humanity is over with Lisa. There’s nothing else to lead. You are the water God is the point of the video. If you’re moving into another dimensionality of your consciousness, you’re already becoming the water God because you were the only one that could have received an information.

These other people will call it crazy and schizoid. So you’re becoming that. Humanity is done. There’s nothing else for humanity. It’s time to become the soul. The soul was here before humanity. So how do I spell the Sheila Jeet thing I was talking about on Patreon? The Sheila Z. You spelled it the right way. Ultra Instinct. That’s how you spell it. We got any questions? Black Knight Said Bobby said cherry juice or black? Cherry juice for melanin. There’s another way. Said there’s certain text that speaks of our DNA being upgraded. Can you expound on that the upgrade comes through the light codes.

It’s the, it’s the way that you receive knowledge and light is knowledge. So the way that you can open yourself up into another understanding is by changing ritualistically what you do day, day by day. That’s why I tell you in my Patreon classes, you have to live a magical life. We’re going to start talking about the totem science. When we look into your Vedic astrological chart, we do your decode. We’re going to look at what deities pertain to the area that you’re in and see how it pertains to your astrology. So you can start wearing those totems, putting those totems up and enacting the mythos of that particular deity in your life.

I’m not talking about worship. The VMAT2 gene they discovered is the worship gene that makes humans worship things, which is nothing but a warship of the archons. The worship aspect is, is not, it’s not a higher hyper dimensional way of, of evolving. If you’re going to worship anything, worship your own soul. Worship anything outside of you is your death. That’s what people don’t understand. I’m not talking about looking in the mirror saying oh, I look so well. I’m, I’m worshiping myself is another form of it. It’s understanding that you are not what you believe you are and you’re worshiping a higher reality outside of this thing and you’re looking forward to it.

It’s like you’re doing time on planet Earth. So is there any literature on light languages? Look up the book. There’s a book on theanine wheels. It’s called like the Ofanine. I posted it before. That’s on light language. And there’s another book called Twilight Language that talks about the language of light. See what you say guys saying swifties. All right, I see no questions. Nobody came in the link. So I’m assume that’s, that’s all. That’s it for today. I appreciate you all. Make sure you inquire. Email me at Star Tribe 777. By the way, we do have the sacred plants back.

We do have someone else offering that. So if you’re looking for sacred plants, email me star tribe 777gmail.com also for your life decode or spiritual consultation or your own Patreon if you, you know, look forward to videos every other day. Go, go to Patreon. I should be doing a couple of interviews this week. I’ll be on LY Channel this week. I will be doing a urban X breakdown of the election on Patreon this week with black Dots platform. I’ll be on Donuts Channel probably this weekend. And I’ll probably be back on Black Magic 363 either in the middle or end of the month.

So with that, our employer to the ancestors. Peace. See you guys next time.

  • Ani Osaru

    Ani Osaru, the Consigliere, holds a distinguished position as the Boss's trusted advisor and the third-in-command in the family. A beacon of wisdom and enlightenment within the Black community, Ani stands out among the self-proclaimed teachers. With unparalleled courage, Ani dares to shed light on the agents and gatekeepers that corrupt this community, impeding the pursuit of authentic knowledge.

    Ani Osaru (@AniOsaru) / X (twitter.com)

    The True Occult Newspaper

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