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➡ The text discusses the experiences of Birdio and Dion Fortune with secret chiefs, often in parks. It also explores the idea of joining a Gnostic church, with the speaker sharing his experiences of empowering others during the Great Arabia Working. The speaker also discusses the concept of the Secret Chiefs of the Third Order and the Black Lodge, comparing them to Eastern traditions. Lastly, the speaker touches on the government’s lack of knowledge about ufology and the occult, despite the presence of individuals within the government who may have contact with ascended masters.
➡ Area 51 is not about extraterrestrial life but about developing advanced defense weapons. The speaker believes that looking for flying saucers undermines our security. He also discusses the concept of “tulpas” or thought forms, which are temporary beings created by the Black Lodge, a group that exists outside of time and space. He ends by sharing a story about a man in black who visited a family after a UFO sighting, suggesting that this man could have been a tulpa.
➡ The text recounts a series of strange encounters with mysterious figures, often referred to as ‘men in black’, at various UFO conventions and events. The author describes these figures as appearing and disappearing inexplicably, with one even claiming to be a ‘man in black in training’. The text also delves into the concept of ‘egregores’, collective thought forms, and their potential use in projecting non-physical beings. The author concludes by discussing the power of individual will and determination in countering these mysterious forces.
➡ The text discusses the history and myths of beings called Atlans and Titans, and their departure from Earth due to radiation. It also delves into the story of a hidden world universe, the existence of portals, and the practice of Enochian magic. The narrative then shifts to the history of Aleister Crowley’s OTO lodge, its change of leadership, and its transformation into a hub for beatnik culture. The text also mentions the establishment of the Mount Palomar Observatory, the story of George Adamski’s alien contact, and the controversial figures associated with him. The text concludes with the mention of Charles Manson’s brief association with the OTO lodge.
➡ The speaker discusses various lodges and their differences, mentioning Charles Manson’s interaction with the hippie community. They also talk about a comic strip that seems to depict a secret ritual involving sex and the star Sirius. The speaker then discusses the Temple of Set, its founder, and its diverse membership, denying any Nazi affiliations. They conclude by stating that the lodges they know don’t discriminate based on race, creed, color, background, or sexual orientation.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including the interpretation of certain philosophies, the existence of supernatural beings, and the use of psychedelics. It also delves into the idea of beings from other dimensions or realities, and the possibility of these beings interacting with humans. The text also touches on political figures and their influence, as well as the concept of secret societies and their potential impact on society.
➡ The discussion revolves around the concept of the Black Lodge, a term first used by Madame Blavatsky and the founders of the Theosophical society in the 1870s. The term has been used in the magical community since then and is associated with various organizations. The speaker also warns against joining certain schools and encourages listeners to stay away from them. Lastly, the speaker encourages listeners to buy his books for more insight into these topics.
It isn’t blown completely like that. That guy in Russia who screwed up, he trusted Putin for safe passage. Don’t try that at home, especially if you live in Moscow. So, yeah, I would have. I would have to see in more detail, but that’s. That’s a quick study. And Annie, I give you major points for coming up with. With an upside down view there from. From above. No problem. No doubt. Have tampered with it by now, too, but they had their time to do it, right. Yep. Yep. They certain. And I mean, you know, that’s. That’s what they do with an air crash.
They take the parts. In this case large parts, take it to a empty hanger and try to reconstruct it and then deconstruct strike to see what happens. Right. But for a while there, if there was a enterprising news organization with a drone directly overhead, it would tell me something. Boy, that. You know, I think I’m going to save your title slot here because it is so in tune with what I am trying to say. I kind of wish that was the COVID of my book. Really? Yeah. That’s terrific. Especially with the being of the Black Lodge beaming towards the identified object, shooting out the pink gray, which is right out of Philip K.
D. And the acolytes of the Black Lodge beneath. It’s just. It’s perfect. Oh. It took me about 30 different AI searches to put together the right terminology to get it to get the look that I got. So I did. That’s right. I’ll send it on to my publisher, if you don’t mind. I don’t think it’ll wind up on the COVID I’ll send you the regular version without the stuff on it and. Okay, that’d be great. Yeah, I’ll send you. Set it right on over. It’s fine. But let’s talk about the Black Lodge. Wow. The. The book, you guys, We’ve been talking about this book on Patreon for almost a Year now.
Now. And I feel like, well, since we had our last interview and first question, well, I want you to go back in for people who are laymen and break down the difference of the secret Chiefs and the Black Lodge again. But before we break that down, is it true that there’s classes in Romania Caves being taught by demonic entities by these people? Like that kind of like shocked me when I looked into the Wittenberg schools. That’s like something straight out of a. A movie or something like that. Like if that’s even possible. In European civilization there are three schools that are, shall we say funded by the Black Lodge.
There are also schools in the Orient and they have names like Agarta in Tibet. Now that may be defunct in that when China invaded Tibet they were not real particular in who they machine gun down. And according to Ravensb, both Shambhala, which was a teaching school for the great white Brotherhood, the secret chiefs of the third order or whatever you want to call them. None of those names are on their boilerplate door. You know, welcome to the just isn’t like to. But Shambhala, they machine gun every aspirant there and they somehow broke into Garda too, which they killed every one of them there because the People’s Liberation army really doesn’t care about either of those.
Also they’ve been manipulated, heaven knows by the Black Lodge, but. Right. They figured they were exterminating potential descent because they’re so worldly minded. Yeah, well, I said that there were. One of your listeners said something to the effect of there were military drones. Oh yeah, that’s certainly the case. And they are more sophisticated and that does kind of sort of almost explain the more sophisticated sightings. But the fact that some of these drones are even so called drones are even located at the more or less exact location that classical UFO cases took place. The Wanna New Jersey Reservoir case, which started out as a hoax by a friend of mine who was prone to hoaxes when he got drunk enough.
And I have detailed that in some places because the one surviving person who was present for that spilled the beans to me and now denies it. I don’t. I wasn’t there and I don’t do hoaxes, don’t like them. But these people were my friends and you know, in their lifetime I wouldn’t say anything. They’re long gone on to their reward, presumably. So the Wannacue case started out as a hoax and then became real because the phenomena is capable of molding itself to expectations. And now you have all of those New Jersey cases of drones. Well, if anyone is listening to the audio version of this, I’m making quote marks with my hands or duck marks.
That’s Jim Henson. I’m sorry, the, the reality is that those so called drones seem to be conforming to UFO patterns and the fact that some are being seen in conjunction with Forbes large orbs that seem to be contesting them for airspace that sounds like Black Lodge versus secret troops. So I’ve heard. I’ve read what is his name. He wrote the Serious Mystery, Robert Temple’s new book A New Science of Heaven on the Plasma Cordalewski Clouds. So there’s these plasma clouds in between Earth, the moon and the sun. And in the book is suggesting, I want to get your opinion on this, that these UFOs or these plasma or plasma drones, all extraterrestrial incidences or cryptids or whatever we see weird here could be coming from this Cordaluski cloud.
Like it’s almost like a supercomputer that produces these portals that things come in and out of. Because he just, he suggests that 99 of the universe is plasma. We’re the 1% that’s not. And a lot of the things they’re hiding in MIT and other prestigious establishments is that whatever intelligence is, Is in that 99. They may look at us as almost, I won’t say jealous or envious, but how we have it here isn’t like anywhere else out of the 99. Experiencing the physical, the third dimensional, how we experience it and our output of how much energy we can put out in our bodies could be interesting to something from another sector of plasma verse, so to speak.
So do you feel like these Quarterliewski clouds could possibly, from Robert Temple is saying, produce these phenomenons that we’re seeing in the sky? Well, my regard for Robert Temple is enormous because I think the Serious Mystery broke a great deal of ground. It has gotten pushed back. But the fact is it deals with the possibility of visitors from far far a field. And that would seem that in his more recent book to be contradicted in that. But I’ve always suspected that anything, any being that claimed to have come here from the star Sirius is unlikely because Sirius is a relatively young, very hot star.
But you can’t deny the knowledge that various tribes in West Africa, including the Bozo and what’s the most famous there, there’s several tribal stories that seem to have knowledge of the, the Dogon, the Bozo and there’s a third group of as well. But they’re probably not the only ones. They’re the only ones that the French explorers found in the 1930s and they were. They were focused on on the Dogon because the do they spent a lot of time with them and basically were adopted into the tribal structure. This newer book reminds me a great deal of the book they Live in the sky the first book by Trevor James Constable who wrote it under the, you know, more or less his name Trevor James which I think the name of the book kind of gives it away.
It’s written by Trevor James and he took infrared pictures of this is in the 1950s of these plasma like creatures that lived in the sky. So I’m not saying that Temple was inspired directly by that. I’d have to you know look at this index but it certainly falls in the same general direction as that. And I would say plasma type beings near the earth would probably coincide with the secret Chiefs and with the Black Lodge. The envious would be the Black Lodge and those that sought to bring me to a higher level would be the secret choose again the names are conveniences.
There is no office call the Black Lodge Incorporated Ltd. There just isn’t. I wish there were. It would be a place I’d like to crash, you know. Hey, I’m just bringing this camera in. Wanted to interview your. Your cheese. And the same is true of the. The great brotherhood of post human beings. Yes. So my question is, is that because I read in Birdio’s and Dion Fortune’s text on the secret chiefs are they usually come to you in parks? I don’t know why but I’ve seen like three occasions out of them. I think one came to Birdio and Hyde park and Dion Fortune experienced one in a park and it was someone else.
I don’t know it was Sean Woodwork or somebody. But they. There’s a trendy little thing going on with them visiting people in parks. Something magical about parts everyone. So what are you forest. The thing is the people that go into the forest looking for them often disappear without a trace forever. So you know there’s a downside to that. A city park is fine and the park that Bertio mentions I happen to know is you know, city park. And that’s probably. It’s the same park that those who follow the history of American political life. That was the part that the demonstrators against the Democratic convention in 1968.
That’s where they camped until they were shoot out of there and it caused a great many injuries. Gosh, I was young. Bring back some memories there. No, no, it brings. Brings me to the mirror and who is that old guy that was taken, I guess, at Arabia Mountain, where I did many, many empowerments, hoping that long after I have gone on that people will continue to do the work without being dependent on these organizations that tend to make you there for all, which is not peace at all. That rhyme. Spitting a little rhymes there. But how do people join a Gnostic church? I was looking, I was trying to go to an.
Watch a Gnostic church service or ceremony or something like that, and I was looking into the Gnostic ecclesia. I was trying to see, look into research of trying to become a, A reputable person in the Gnostic church, even, you know, down the line, a priest. How would someone go, go find a way to do that? Is it conventional for you to find that, or do you have to find someone that’s a part of the Gnostic church for that to happen? Because I don’t really see a whole lot on the Internet. Well, during the Great Arabia Working, which ran almost 20 years, I gave that empowerment.
If they asked for priests or priestess, that’s what they got. If they asked for, you know, full Episcopal credentials, that’s what they got. Because my attitude was spread the wells around, no doubt there will be people who will misuse it, but most people who receive it will use it properly. Since the end of the Great Arabia working and it ended basically when people stopped coming and people stopped coming because it had been saturated. People came here from New York, California, a lot of local people from England, from Denmark or Sweden, from Scandinavia, all of whom were, you know, they got what they came for.
Oh, and all over Latin America. I mean, that’s, I’ve always said to these people, okay, you have the empowerments now, there’s no duty attached to it, but if you pass it on, pass it on to as many people as come to you in peace and it will spread like a flower opening to the sun. And there it literally has done what I hoped it would do, which is spread far beyond just me. But depending on, on where you’re living, I am sure that if you wanted to have a priestly coordination, somebody near you will be glad to do it.
And if not, I can twist their spiritual arms. Okay, yeah, not a problem. You can go to the. Put that out on the worldwide free illuminist group on Facebook, okay. Otherwise known as fraud book. Or you can put it out on the Ecclesia Gnostica Universalis, the EGN news site, and theoretically I’m the moderator of that. But it doesn’t take active moderation worldwide Free aluminous and free illuminism. Is. Is. Is that yours or. Well, yeah. I don’t mean it belongs to me, but yeah, that’s okay. Where have I gone? I have. Yeah, you disappeared. Well, let’s see.
Removed from stage. Did you do that? I didn’t. Might just need to reactivate the camera. Yeah, he’s still here. Expertise. Help. Help. I’m being. I’m being. I’m being oppressed. Oh, man. Try cam. There we go. That’s what I was gonna say. Look at cam area. But we’re back. I am the martyr to the cause. No, I’m still here. It does that. It’s the. The system that I have, the Razer system, which is mainly a gaming system. It was gifted to me and it’s great for gaming. However, it does have the habit of turning itself off now and again.
Ah. I never really answered your question about the. The Cliff Notes version of what’s the difference between the Secret Chiefs of the Third Order? Please do. And the Black Lodge. Okay. There’s an equivalent term in the Eastern, mostly Buddhist tradition where the object in Buddhism, at least in theory, is to attain to Buddhahood, variously defined as entering Nirvana. Variously defined. But there is an office, if you will, called Bodhisattva. That’s someone who has attained to the level where they can become Buddhas themselves, but who previously had taken an oath. Oath not to enter Buddhahood until all sentient beings have entered Buddhahood and they become basically the teachers of humanity.
That is the Eastern equivalent of the. The secret sheets of the Third Order, the Great White Brotherhood, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. 50 other names. The Black Lodge is something that I don’t find an Eastern equivalent of, but suspected there is one. I just. That isn’t my deal. My deal is mostly west, the Western magical tradition. But just as those who have taken the oath of the Abyss have a responsibility to assist others, once one has attained to the equivalent of Body Satvahood, that is the becoming incorporeal immortal beings, you have the duty to lift others up.
In the golden dawn and the AA system, which is a copy of the golden dawn and they are derivative organizations, you have an obligation to the teacher at the next level above you, who has an obligation to you to help you attain to that next level. And you have an obligation to your immediate student below you to bring them up to the level that you’re at, which you cannot transcend until you have brought them up. That in the end, those who follow that path, and it’s difficult now because all these claimants to be the golden dawn or to be the aa, the real A, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah.
The B O T A, they aren’t. They are not lineal descendants and they don’t necessarily. Okay, Lucy rose up. You are correct. And that’s what I hope to do to. To be the hundredth monkey that learns without any direct. What interesting comments. I hope they’re being seen by people. You have a very perceptive audience. Yeah, I just want to make sure I show their comments to know that we appreciate them. But sorry if they’re a little distracting. No, it’s just that usually programs that I’m on keep the comments away from me, which may be just as well with some of these.
Like I. I once did a program for the disclosure group and I came on smiling saying there’s no such thing as disclosure because the government don’t know Jack. And I lost their audience right away. That guy seems to be talking at random. No, I wasn’t. I was telling them the truth. Based on long, long experience, probably I know more than the government knows. That’s. I’m sorry to tell people that because they want. But they don’t ask me. If they ask me, I’ll be glad to tell them anything that I know and what I don’t know, I will label as such.
And you. Do you think that’s on purpose? Like. Because I think. I mean, I would figure the government has some type of a cult guru around them trying to tell them some things and maybe there’s some initiations or they’re unknowing that it is a cult initiation. A lot of times it may be certain tiers of information, but the. You’re saying the main aspect of government intelligence when it comes to ufology or these other type things, maybe they’re not. They’re not. They don’t have really no insight, as someone like yourself would. Correct. That doesn’t mean that there are no people who are in government who don’t have contact with one or both of these hidden ascended masters, to use the theosophical term, good ones and bad ones.
But the official governmental inquiry. I would recommend people take a look at the minutes of the CIA panel that was convened in 19, early 1953 after the invasion of restricted airspace over the Pentagon and the Capitol and the White House during the summer of 1952. UFO flat, one of the great classical waves. The reaction then, given the circumstances at the time, was to convene a panel of experts. Experts to decide what to do and One of the things they decided was private. UFO groups are unregulated. They’re a danger to national security for a variety of reasons.
Some of them caught up in the paranoia of the early 1950s. And some of them are perfectly legitimate as the March on Area 51. Area 51 isn’t about flying saucers. Area 51 is about developing next generation Defense Department and DARPA weapons that have sort of kept us at peace at the nuclear level since August 9, 1945. That’s a very long stretch, longer even than I’ve been around. And the reality is there has been no additional nuclear weapon used in anger since then. And I think that staying ahead of the game there is a good thing. So I not opposed to keeping the next gen planes and drones and things of that sort secret.
And I really think uologists looking for flying saucers from Alpha Centauri or wherever they’re from this year are doing a disservice to their own security. And that of all of the good guys that aren’t part of the access of evil out there, I would be glad to name them because I’ve been on the list for a long time. Oh, I’m looking at the katanas above my head gun my father picked up in World War II and you know, it’s just, it’s not to worry about. But point being that I don’t think being nice to the Russians or North Korea or Iran or China for that matter is what we should be doing.
Just fueling things that could have really awful consequences for us and for them really, since the principle that has kept us out of a nuclear war is mutually assured destruction. And you only need one person with a kamikaze mentality in charge to make all that go away. Which would make the Black Lodge very happy if we all blew ourselves up because then they would have no rivals and they live forever and are unaffected. End of speech. This was an unpaid non political and I’m not announcing my candidacy for anything. I ain’t going there. Well, the disclosure thing is, it’s happened too many times in the history of ufology for me to take it seriously.
I mean there was when I was about 10 years into my ufology experience, the Air Force announced with great ceremony, we’re closing down Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book consisted of a middle echelon officer, colonel or major or captain, one secretary and one enlisted airman. That was it. Sorry, that’s not a high priority project. They really weren’t in interested in flying saucers. They just wanted it to Go away. By the way, the CIA panel result from 1953, somebody sued for it under the Freedom of Information act and the entire thing is published on the Internet. So just look for the CIA panel 1953 on flying saucers.
The term UFO headline not come into existence, let alone UAP, which is, I think an attempt to manipulate people into thinking of it as a phenomenon and not things. So I, I’m old. I use the term UFO or flying saucers because that, that we do. Yes, that’s conventional. I mean we’re, we’re part of that. That old school of using the terminology. Yeah, I, the disclosure people think that they have found something new and most of them come from a, I don’t know, an engineering background. So they’re looking for nuts and bolts. Physical craft, just like our probes on Mars, only with inhabitants in them.
And that’s the wrong track. And the notion that the government, you know, has. Fill in the blank. The secret development of relations. Yes, prophet. I am the last prophet and I say the Raelians are wasting that, but are very artistic. The general feeling that I have is there. The only thing that could be disclosed would be things that would compromise national security. Security, not because they have aliens pickled in a bottle at Area 51 or in the, I don’t know, other. What is, what is the cavern that they’re supposed to have Human alien interaction. It’s, it’s not the case.
What, what is the case is that private ufologists and paraphologists have delved far deeper into the phenomena and a few of us have done the crossover into occultism and know that these things are part of a broader spectrum. And I don’t think that. I’m not saying anyone who has ever been in government doesn’t know this and that they don’t actively manipulate the government. They certainly try. I’m saying that the government is unconscious as a, as a corporate entity, is unconscious of these things. And I have no reason to think otherwise. Makes sense. Sorry guys. You know, you let me disclose the real disclosure.
Seek it out with Rick Hillberg and Gene Steinberg and me. Don’t get the four Air Force guys that really don’t know much of anything. No, we thank you very much for this. And yeah, I don’t really even listen to all the disclosure stuff. I mean I’ve been on a lot of ufology channels and connected with groups, but I just have a different outlook. That’s just how I am. But going back to the Black Lodge, what is like you were explaining tolp us on the last video and how these things take form. We were comparing examples with the show Twin Peeps and we just had the passing of the.
Was he, he was the writer or the producer? Correct. Was a co writer and co producer of talks about. David Lynch. His name David Lynch. He just. How soon they forget. You see, he’s not cold in the ground. I’m just, I’m just gas at you, you know. But, yeah, but the, the, the, the deal is, and I should say this if I may, plug another thing that I did. Yes. On the 24th of this month, which is imminent, look for a memorial program on one of the prominent podcasts in which I participated that is all about David lynch and the connection with the occult world.
Other people have done things on lynch and there are a lot of people who are fascinated by Twin Peaks, but the people doing this program are all very, very hip to the inside story there. And which is why I insisted on the title the Real Black Lodge Revealed. Because Twin Peaks is fiction, but it’s fiction dangerously close to the truth. To quote the title of Jim Mosley’s autobiography. Tulpa is a thought form. There are various ways to create it. The, the Black Lodge tends to rely on it far more than than the secret chiefs would. But the reality is that the Black Lodge is incredibly wealthy in part because they exist outside of time and space and have all the time in the world.
So they have accumulated great masses of wealth and they employ for their nefarious work people like mercenaries who are willing to work for anybody and members of the underworld, the criminal underworld, they’ve employed them since, since Lilith, I guess. And, and just people who are, I don’t know, candidates for the Black Lodge looking to ingratiate themselves so that they can become immortal too, which is they’re more likely to get eaten by the hero than they are likely to become immortal. But that’s, you know. But sometimes their best approach is a temporary being that cannot do what a mercenary can do, which is change allegiances.
I mean, if you’ve ever read the Prince, that was one of the great flaws that Machiavelli caution princes about, which is if they’ll hire to you today, who knows who they’ll hire to tomorrow if they’re hiring to the high bidder. So we’ve seen some of that in recent history. So sometimes they use tulpas, which are thought forms made into temporarily physical beings that will do things. Like a person who maybe saw a little too much in a UFO related case, a knock on the door and it’s the black eyed kids scared the bejesus out of them.
Or it’s a man in an Air Force uniform saying, tut, tut, never talk about your experience with the Ford Fairlanes that came out of the flying saucer or whatever. You know, that’s a real case or, or whatever. Anything that they think is too close to the truth. The knock on the door may be a human who is in their employ, might even be a government agent. So gum sheep or anything, because they do investigate occasionally if it’s something they have a direct interest in or maybe a tulpa. And sometimes people are good hosts, as in one of John Keel’s best cases, which was, as they say in New Jersey, down the shore.
These people had had a really interesting experience in Cape May, New Jersey, which in those days was quite remote. I understand it’s more popular, touristy place now, but this was, you know, 20, 30 years ago. I guess more time keeps on slipping into the future. This actually put it, corpulent guy in a black suit, pasty face, black hat on. In other words, appearing to be a man in black came into their house, asked them about their case, and was doing kind of the standard man, man in black interview with the intention of intimidating the witnesses when he looked at his watch and became very antsy and began to want to leave.
Now, Cape May at that time, as I said, was very remote. So he made his way abruptly to the door and slammed the door behind him. And the people there, the couple, maybe children too, I don’t remember exactly. But the case is well known because John Keel made it his business to make it well known. He interviewed the witnesses. Thereafter, they immediately opened the door, thinking the guy would be on the way to his car, because how else would he have gotten there? No car, no overweight man in black, no man in black at all. He had vanished into thin air, and he had not arrived in a vehicle unless it too had vanished into thin air before he had even had time to get to it.
So apparently they lived on a cul de sac and there wasn’t any way it could have disappeared through ordinary means. I had a very similar experience in, I GUESS it was 1968 at the National UFO Conference, which that year was in Charleston, West Virginia. West Virginia during that period was a real hotbed because of the Mothman case and the Silver Bridge disaster and a lot of UFO cases, places including I come from a country much weaker than your own. Which was captured real well in, in the movie based on John Keel’s Book on the subject actually was very true to the book.
So one would wish it was more true to great barkers up on the same subject during the same period. The Silver Bridge, which is dangerously close to the truth. So anyway, so I was at the convention and I noticed this guy, hasty face, black hat, black outfit, looking for all the world like ordinary human being. But doing. Not attending any of the sessions or anything at the convention, just being there, observing. So I thought, you know, I. I was very busy because I was involved in the convention, but I thought I really, in those days, I was doing a lot of 35 millimeter photography.
Some of it introduced read, some of it just high speed film, which back in those days, that was really film, you know, it was physical film that you had to develop, right. So at one of the breaks in the convention on a. On a Sunday afternoon, which, for those who don’t know, West Virginia was then a dry state and Charleston, West Virginia was a dry city, meaning alcohol was prohibition. Still obtained. Was also a very churchy place. So we were in a hotel in downtown Charleston, West Virginia. We went to a restaurant directly across the street and the guy followed, followed us there.
The key thing is on Sunday, to use a term, my father used to use a lot referring to his own Main street businesses, you could shoot a cannonball off and not hit anybody on Main street on a Sunday in the rural south and as far north as West Virginia, that was certainly true. There was nobody else to be seen. The guy, well, he didn’t come into the restaurant, but he stood at the door and I pulled something I would rarely do. I jumped out of my chair, breaking the chair, ran outside and got in front of this guy with my camel.
And he froze and looked directly at me. And I took a picture of him. Which has seen the light of day. Not Reese, not so recently, but not until maybe 10 years after the event. Because I try not to be part of the phenomena. I try to be an honest observer of the phenomenon, which is difficult to do at times, especially if you do field investigations. This was not a field investigation. This was a flying saucer convention. I just had had the presence of mind to stop this guy. And I said, who are you? And he said in a.
Let me see if I can do it. I guess you could say I am a man in black in training. And I guess I was looking at my camera for a moment to make sure that I. You had to advance cameras in those days manually. One, one frame at a time. He got past me and went down a side Street. Now, he was not out of my view more than to be generous, 10 seconds, probably less than that, that I went to the corner and looked down this long straightaway street. No side streets off of it.
No. It looked like warehouses. No buildings that had doors that were open and no traffic whatsoever. And no foot traffic whatsoever. And he was gone. He was not there anymore. And as it later turned out, there had been a disturbed human being, the son of a mayor in a little town in Ohio. I think my friend Rick Hilberg ran this down. Who had been, for all intents and purposes, temple temporarily possessed and used in such a way that his projection had appeared at our convention, had also appeared to Mary Hire, who had. Was a reporter for the Athens, Ohio messenger just across the.
Just across the river from. From where all of the action was going on in West Virginia. I mean, it’s as close to being West Virginia town as you could be. She was the reporter on the scene, I think, even before Keel. And she was local. I mean, don’t be deceived. Athens, Ohio might as well be in West Virginia. It’s just across the Silver Bridge. So this being visited her under the same circumstances and disappeared just as quickly. And as near as I can tell, this was not a true Tulpa because a true Tulpa has no material existence at all.
This was the case of imprisonment. A real person, maybe a disturbed person. I’m not in a position. I’m not a psychiatrist. I’m not in a position to evaluate, but that’s the way the information came to me. And this person appeared at our convention. Appeared, not intentionally to me personally, but the way I reacted was deliberately not predicted. For guy sitting at a table with 10 other ufologists, eating dinner, you know, let alone jumping up and having my camera ever ready because that was. That was my hobby at the time. Taking black and white still photos in very, very low light.
In other words, candid photos with. Without a flash. Which is where I got zillions of photos back then of various conventions without attracting the attention of the people I was photographing. Sneaky Allen. So some of them are. That’s interesting. No, it isn’t. It’s dangerous. Well. Well, I had to ask that. So we magically. They speak about egregores, you know, group collective thoughts, like what are the black lives capable of magically? Because I’m looking into the Mount Paliber research that you covered in the the Real Secrets of the Black Lodge book and what Crawley was doing. Or some people was up there.
They had some. Some telescope and doing all of these strange things. And I’m thinking to myself, what are they capable of magically? Because. Because I see from a standpoint how Crowley describes a black brother. That’s someone who didn’t complete really the. The paths or they started to use the science to empower themselves. They didn’t cross the abyss fully. They went into the ego. They started to just use it to empower themselves. And they didn’t want to cross and fuse back into the universe or fuse back into the. The great divine. They wanted to be just get right there, stop and just get all of the information to big themselves up.
So what type of magic are they capable of? And as far as egregors, how. I mean how would that even go about to project a being out that isn’t really physical, but it’s enough magic for someone to perceive it. How. How is that even possible? What are we dealing with, with, with these people? Well, the, the aggregor that they project is that they are the ascended masters, the secret chiefs. And they don’t present themselves as hi, would you like to become evil? No, that’s not. That’s not their style. They can come like a smell like. I heard that one woman’s she smell roses sometimes when.
Hold on. Take your time. Me off again. Can you hear me? Yeah, we can still hear you. Foiled again. Well, that’s what you do in a way. That’s the secret chiefs tuning in and saying how do you counter their egregore by your own. You know, if they’re claiming to be what they’re not, be what you are, be your own best self. And that’s where they don’t have any power in the complete secret cipher, the Euphanates, which is about to come more become more complete. If I have my say. There is a section in the. Towards the middle of the book, the first book secret cipher, where it is suggested that the way you can overcome them is by your own act of will and determination.
If you’re a shining light, you are an antiseptic to their misdeeds. Even someone who is deep in their clutches, there’s always a good chance that you can eat the sound of one hand clapping, wake them up. And I’ve seen that work and I’ve seen that fail. But they spin this Ecuadorian that they are, well changes. You know, they are the. The ancient tarot who are survivors of in caves, not the hollow earth, but in caves within the earth that have the ancient mechanisms that were left by the beings called the atlans and Titans then get incorporated into bits.
And the Norteds, who have never come near stars because stars can always become radioactive, they left the Atlas and Titans. According to Richard Shaker, who I knew they left with when the sun became sufficiently radioactive. Then they started aging rather than growing. They grew as in the redwoods. As long as they got sunlight and water and nobody chopped them down, they continued to grow. But radiation reaches a certain point. Anything on the surface of the earth began to age. First they went to the caverns and then they left. That is the mythos of the Shader Palmer hidden world universe.
It has more than a grain of truth, but I think it’s doorways to other realities. Not. Or portals is a better term than doorways. Not. Not something that actually exists in caves. It may be in the mouth of caves and on the top of mountains and at points where I’m getting deep in the weeds here. Ley lines converge. Well, I’m just saying that there are portals that one can conjure up in, especially in Enochian magic. I’ve done it. The trick is to close it when you’re done with it. I remember you saying that. Yeah, because. And here we get to Mount Paloma.
Yes. I don’t know what came first, but I can tell you some of the Earth early signs of what was going on. Not too far from Mount Palomar there was the. The only surviving lodge of Aleister Crowley’s oto. It had. It had a. Undergone a change of mastership. And when they say master in an Otio lodge, they mean Master Crowley, who was in his late 60s, early 70s and in poor health, was thinking about moving to Southern California for the. Not for those fires, but for the better, better climate and circumstances than he had in England in the boarding house he was living in at the end of his life.
Still able to shoot up apparently. But you know, that was an established legal remedy for asthma, despite the fact that some people say it was addictive. Oh wow. So anyway, so he was super managing this lodge known as Agape Lodge at the time in that had been active since the 1930s. His lodge master ran afoul of Crowley for one reason or another. And Crowley, being somewhat sadistic person, wanted to get rid of him in a graceful way. So he said congratulations in a letter. You have become a God. You are no longer of an earth earthly presence.
So you must go to the mountains and become a hermit and stay away from the lodge and any other human beings. And then somehow he appointed a new lodge master who shall we say was an early beatnik. This was in the mid-1940s. And he had all of the things that you needed to become a LaunchMaster in the OGF. A he existed, B he had gone through the primary degrees and C, Crawley at a distance had made him a ninth degree subject to the inner secrets of the Orphan Order, which I gather at that time. The intervening degrees which exist in practice now, a lot of them were just sort of skipped over.
You did the primary degrees for a second and third and then you were skipped tonight at the discretion of the grandmaster of the order at that time, Crowley. So the lodge became Jack Parsons home, known as the Parsonage. And they were. They were doing legitimate OTO initiations and doing legitimate OTO stuff. They were also doing beatnik stuff and put out advertising, which is discouraged and began attracting all kinds of people. Among them Robert Heinlein people basically in the disaffected proto beatnik circles of the late 1940s, early 1950s. Because Parsons, I don’t remember the exact words of the ad, but basically said all are welcome here.
Communists and atheists and beatniks and fellow traveler. You know, just giving a whole list of what passed for high weirdness among people who would be in Southern Cal at that time. Now this is not that far from from which coincidentally, and I use that term advisedly, I say there are no coincidences was just the observatory slash science center, so to speak, was being organized by a gentleman of impeccable credentials who was advised by what he described as an imped. Imp. In other words, essentially a fairy who’s telling him, yeah, concentrate on looking at the sun. Yes, and this guy in turn founded Mount Wilson Observatory and one other.
I mean, I’m not a great follower of astronomy except the astronomy that’s being done by the unfiltered orbital, the Hubble and the jwst, those that are outside the atmosphere. Because anything within the atmosphere you run into the very problems that we were discussing earlier. Anyway, so the Mount Palomore Observatory was coming up just at the time that George Adamski was floating his story about contacting an alien being as science fiction in the early 1940s, which nobody bought. So George, who lived on what he called Palomar Gardens, in fact he was a co owner, I believe, and had a little, as was very common at the end of World War II, these little guys, diners that sprung up, a lot of them were called Silver Diners.
There’s some recreations of them now, and maybe even a few that survived. But basically they were mostly returning veterans of World War II that had some money in their pocket and they started these little quick order restaurants which were the grandparents of McDonald’s and you know, all the fast food restaurants that have come about since when I was a little kid, I used to go to one of those run by a guy named. Called Peewee, that was called Peewee’s Place and they made really delicious chopsticks. But I’m a vegan now, so I should say made 50 expense.
In any case, the George Adamski set up shop and said to some of his early followers, which included some very unsavory people like George Hunt Williamson, people that had been, and this is all discussed in the book, people that had been part of the I am movement before that, the, the Silver Shirts, which was the U. S. Equivalent of the Brown Shirts in Germany and the. The Black Shirts in Italy. In other words, outright fascists. And Adamski, I don’t know that he was a member of those groups, but he certainly, according. I did not know Adamski.
I was actually in D.C. when died at a secret meeting myself. He died down the road given a speech and was buried with honors at Arlington. Not because of World War II, he was a veteran of World War I. So that was sufficient to get him draped in a flag and buried there. But my friend Jim Moseley, who was not a bigot of any sort, said Adamski was a Jew hater. And that would coincide with some of the people that were assembled at Palomar Gardens just down, just down the road a piece from the Palomore Observatory.
So on the other side, not too far away, just up a piece in Pasadena, was Agape Lodge. And when that folded, early 1950s, I think, and Parsons had. He was a pioneer in rocket assisted aircraft. He blew himself up, or somebody blew him up. In any case, he was gone, the parsonage was gone and Agape Lodge was gone. There was only one survivor of Agape Lodge who formed his own watch, the Solar Watch, which depending on who you taught you. So the guy’s name was Ray Lefting. Well, I don’t believe he’s still living, but he was.
His OTO credentials were fine. The official OTO says it was not our lodge. He said that it was. So, you know, it depends on who you believe. You know, do you believe Grant? Do you believe Moto? Do you believe Bill Breeze? Do you believe. It just depends. Well, Lettingwell never claimed to be the head of the oto. He claimed to have an OTO Lodge that he was doing initiations at which attracted late meatnik early hippie types. Among those who were attracted. There was one Charles Manson. Oh wow. He was around very long. But it accounts for the fact why the OTO official OTO traces its lineages to Agape Lodge, which is crucial to its language.
The Grand Lodge for the whole world is called Agape Grand Lodge now, but doesn’t trace its origin to the illegitimate lodge of acknowledged OTO 9th degree Ray Leffingwell. The Solar Lodge. Yeah, I want to learn about the Solar Lodge. There’s a long and fairly infamous article on the Internet about it. I saw it, I read it and TV series Castle Rock is based upon it. The Boy in the Cage. Well, I mean it, it was sort of a precursor to the Church of Satan in some ways. But in fact it, it never ceased to be an OTO lodge.
But it seems to have had an open door which attracted a lot of the same kind of wacko people that, that Parsons had called cultivated to his long term detriment in the. In Agape Lodge in Pasadena, which again, pop. Skipping a jump to. Now I know people who think that there’s a direct connection between what I’m about to say next and Agape Lodge during Paul Parsons period. There might be other people who, who think yes, the Solar Lodge would do something like that, but not Agape Lodge. I, I don’t see that big a difference, frankly. I mean, you know, if you’re visited by Charles Manson, that doesn’t make you Charles Manson.
I mean, he was presenting himself to the hippie community as a fellow hippie, not the felon, the excon. Aspirant to musical fame and racist bigotry. That he was right, wasn’t his. Come on. And so that, you know, that made TAR the Solar Lodge in the eyes of the official oto. It makes it pretty much no different from the Agape lodge of the 1930s and 40s, which certainly was neither racist nor, nor visited by Charles Manson, who I don’t think had even been well. And maybe he was born, but he was probably a child or you know, somewhere in jail, which he did a lot of doing before going to San Francisco with flowers like everybody else.
It was the thing to do. But what happened next, whatever the origin is as follows. The. There is a comic strip and I’ve had words with my publisher about the origin of the comic strip in question because it is in the style of 1930s comics, which I have some expertise in classical comic book folks. I’m not a comic fan. I don’t have anything to do with the Marvel universe. Now we did Invite Stan Lee to one of our New Year’s parties once. But that’s, you know, that’s before. Before the Marvel Cinematic Universe or any of that came about.
This comic strip. To pick something that immediately when I saw it probably on Twitter when it was still Twitter and I saved it to my desktop and probably forgot about it until it showed up again years later and I realized, oh wait, this is within driving distance of the. At that time only active OTO groups outside of Switzerland had a diff. A different makeup altogether. Do you have the comic in front of you? It’s in the book. I don’t. I. I don’t remember the name because the name isn’t important. There are several different comics attached to each other and some of them are clearly from a later period.
And the general verdict of the later ones is they have to have been written a good deal later because they make reference to public figures who are well into the 1990s, even into the 2000 2000s. But if the period piece attached to it from the 30s and 40s and again it’s not a comic book, it’s a comic strip such as you would find in a newspaper in the 1930s or 40s. It shows a group of people by night who were like apparently involved in the Alistair Crowley Bestal. I don’t. Not saying they were members or high degree members or whatever, but they snuck their way in or were invited in to the observatory, pointed it towards the star Sirius which plays such a heavy role in a lot of the things that we are discussing and essentially performed what used to be called.
I don’t know what the term is still current. A non symbolic Gnostic mass which means that the priestess is naked and has sex with the priest in order to draw down the power of the star. Oh, I’ve thrown their secrets away. Well it had been a secret since 1920. Something really. But if that is a depicting a real event and who. Whoever drew it certainly had direct knowledge of it because. Paraphrases. But it’s clearly taken from the ritual and is sufficiently initiated to know what the innermost teaching of essentially the whole tradition that comes out of Tantra in the east.
The works of P.B. randolph during his travels in Egypt and the Levant and from him to the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light to the her from the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light to the original OTO under Kelner and Royce and thence to various manifestations of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light right down to moi. So you know that’s. And the Celestial Lodge of Sirius, which is the imprint that publishes my books currently, so I will speak well of them at all, at all costs. But apparently this ritual occurred once, maybe more than once. And it would not be too much of a stretch to say, given that the establishment of this observatory and several others were from a guy who was listening to an imp as to what he should do.
And I understand he eventually, as will happen to people who are under that kind of influence, wound up spending his latter years in a mental facility, which is a very sad thing because his, again, his astronomical prowess was astronomical. I mean, he was. He was fixated on. On solar symbolism, but he was basically the founder there and the founder of Mount Wilson. And whether he was in the thrall of the Black Lodge or just listening to a being. Oh, come on, guys. I heard someone talking about the, the, the. The imp. It was like in a Solomonic circle.
What’s the guy name who speaks about Admiral Law? You guys put it in the chat? No, he talks about. He talks about the, the laws of the. The maritime law a lot, but he said. Oh, Charles. No, it’s not him. He looks kind of like the guy. There is a little myth of him being. What’s the guy that came out of. He started the Temple of Set. Yeah, funny. Eyebrow, proud. But he. He looks like him in reverse. It’s like his nemesis or something. Yeah, Jordan Maxwell. Yeah, okay, but he talked about. Yeah, a lot of people that were Temple of Set who were raised in the Church of Satan, and then the Temple Set have defected, so to speak, and I have.
Don’t do that to me. I know how to undo you now. Yeah, I can’t find it. I can’t find the picture. Okay, well, that guy was also said to be a CIA person, but he was also said to be a Neo Nazi, which. Jordan Maxwell? No, no, no, no, no. The guy that founded Temple Set. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know about him. He. He was. He started some of the mind control projects in the military. Yeah, well, exactly. And I don’t think that he was non sincere. And the Temple of Set has been accused of a lot of things, but it certainly is not the.
It doesn’t have the bar. The marks of Nazism, except. Yeah, yeah, Michael Aquino. Yes, Aquino. He. His successor was a science fiction writer in Texas who probably doesn’t have a bigoted bone in his body. He resigned. It went back to Aquino who went on to his whatever reward. And the. The last I heard, the high priestess of the Temple of Set was a woman of Color. And that isn’t something that hardly happens in a lot of Nazi groups. So you know, it’s just. And I mean I have inside knowledge there from one of my wives, we’ll put it that way, who was a priestess of the temple at one time before she said there is a colored woman that’s a priestess and Temple of Set now and probably therefore appointed by.
By Aquina. So makes sense, yeah. What little I’ve been able, because I have no interest in being in it. There are gay people, there are, dare I say, trans people involved in the Temple of Set. There are ordinary Joes, and there are people of every color and creed, background, etc. And the whole membership is 2 or 300 at maximum. So it has a bigger impact than its membership merits. But then apparently the OTO has dropped a little over a thousand at least in the US at this point. So the, the extreme right will say that the Temple of Set has became.
Has became woke. I suppose. So I get to read. The extreme right would have all the signs of being part of that. They would either have to be fascist in their political organization, which would mean they would not really be fond of democracy of any sort, or they would have to be part and parcel of the racial theories of not Nazism. And that certainly is not true of any of the major bodies that I’ve seen. Although in the last year or so you see a lot of antisemitism on elite campuses. So no, it’s hard to say, but I don’t.
The ones I’m acquainted with. I mean the OTO I have many, many critical systems of. But it doesn’t care about people’s race, creed, color, background, sexual orientation or pretty much anything of that sort. And are there people who are neo Nazis? Well, not since Jim Wasserman passed away. My arch enemy there is, but has no, none of the Nazi as an organization. None of the Nazi regalia or stuff. As my lodge master first Lodge master said to me upon taking initiation, because I happened to take it with a guy who had a Nazi belt on which I didn’t notice at the time.
The lodge master of course didn’t say anything during the initiation, but he said afterwards, boy, that guy really came to the wrong lodge. And I think that would. It’s. It’s closer to being libertarian, I often say of the Thalamic philosophy. It’s Iron Rand with a little occult razzle dazzle throne. That doesn’t make it evil, it makes it stupid. I was sharing the wrong thing the whole time. Sorry guys. I found it, though. So this. Could this be the little imp that they mentioned? Oh, yeah. I mean, an imp takes on many forms. It can be. Well, again, it’s like all of these things trace back to a single thing.
And it’s like a lot of people who are under the spell of the Black Lodge as opposed to being members or having ill intentions or whatever, they transcribe the messages from Ashtar. Well, at least Ashtar uses a real demonic slash in name because Ashtar, Ashtaroth, Ashtara, Ishtar, all those are the same. Babylonian slash, Akadian slash. Going just going back in history. Evil deities of war and lust that you go back to and then became in medieval lore, the demon star or Astaroth. And now is posing as a being from whichever star they’re claiming it’s from now and is channeling through a variety of people.
And I would say the lore about the medieval version was this is interesting because it goes back to one of the medieval grimoires as claimed that he was not a fallen angel and that he had traveled to America and become part of the hierarchy above of, you know, secret chiefs. Above Aaron. Yes. And now he’s claiming to be in extraterrestrial being who is interested in the welfare of all of us guys who are trying to, you know, get through the day. It’s. It’s something to be avoided. And in answer to your question, the second one, the one on the right looks very much like that.
So that would call itself Mephistopheles. And the one on the left, I believe is supposed to be the one that D and Kelly conjured up. That was sort of the transmission route for the Enochian system which I have used. It can be used for good and for evil. The best way to use it is to. As you were mentioning earlier, I’m not sure if it was on the program programmer before, but we were talking about which of Crowley’s works are reliable. And I said, well, you can within limits trust 777 and vision and the voice, the record of his scryings in North Africa.
I, I have tested it and found it to be consistent with my own experiences in the Nokian working. So, you know, it’s as, as good as it gets. And just remember to. If you invoke, don’t forget to banish. Actually the one that’s as close to anything that probably described or is the one with the hood figures which are. Well, take Yoda out of there. Hey, I’ve seen Yoda in a, a, a trance off of Psychedelics I’ve seen his face appear when I made contact with a being called Nima. Well, that’s when I researched and I found Nima Narajara of the ice.
What was their lodge? The New Isis Lodge? No, that was Grant’s lodge, I think. Was it Maya. Maya, The Maya Lodge, something like. Yeah, I was. That was her deal that the. She subscribed to Freighter a cop. God’s announcement of the Eon of Mott, which is another way of saying, forget about Thalima. This is the eon of truth and justice. Right, Right. So. And they. They have a site on. On Facebook, too, which technically I’m a moderator of, but I don’t know how I got to be, because I don’t even go there. But you’re. You’re more than.
Well, I. It’s open to anybody, I think. What is it called? I have no idea. But if you go to Sorona on. On Facebook groups, I’m sure you’ll find it. Okay. But, yeah, I made contact and I saw a Yoda face. And I was. So has. So has everyone. Not everyone. Many people that do psychedelics, going at least back to the 1960s, it was what first alerted me. This is during the, shall we say, the Timothy Leary era of psychedelic experimentation. There was a book during that period called the Varieties of Psychedelic Experiences. And because I did not do psychedelics but was interested, as were all the people who were involved in Paris, paranormal stuff back then, I read the book, and one of the things that struck me was lots and lots of people independently were having trips wherein they encountered the little people or one or another version of that.
And that has continued on up to Fowler. Arco. No, the South American drug. Whatever. It’s a psychiatric drug now. The Salvador. Salvador, no, it’s. You know, the name shows how much psychedelic stuff is on the top of my head. Ayahuasca. Yeah, ayahuasca. Okay. I said Pau de Arco, which is the South American American herb. But it isn’t psychedelic. It, however, is a cure for many conditions according to the indigenous inhabitants of South America, which may be the indigenous inhabitants of the survivals of Lemuria and Atlantis. Terms used guardedly. Right. So where are we now? We’re about there.
I guess we can close it out with a. A Q A, if anybody’s interested. Okay, Y’all, y’all come on, or I won’t think nobody’s watching. Okay. Okay. Do we have any questions? And we appreciate you so much because we want to reignite the insight into the magic, because I feel like there is a, a mayot here going into the Trump musk golden age quote, unquote, quote, if you want to look at it that way, because I’m really think that. Tell me that two years, two years from now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m with you with that. I really don’t get down with most people thinking, you know, he’s a savior archetype and there’s regime.
I like some of the stuff RFK is doing, taking some of the red dye. But everything has a polarity once you understand the seven laws of hermeticism. And I don’t, I don’t. From what I understand, even looking at Marina and Brahmovich, the witch of Hollywood, saying that Trump is like the, the chaos magician of the ages and stuff like that. You just gotta just, he. You just gotta just heed when you hear and you, you see certain things. They anointed him a little bit too much. So I’m on the side of. I’m not a supporter that I respect a lot and whose views are not too different from my own.
Think of him as a savior. Not necessarily in the religious sense. Some unfortunately think that. And what I would say to that is he’s no savior. Whatever, you know, views that he’s channeling. I have respect for a lot of his followers who are feeling displaced and disowned and left behind, but he’s not their savior. He’s a diversion, like a diversion. And that doesn’t make me disrespect anybody who thinks that he is something. Well, almost literally. Jesus, come back. The. The reality is he’s not. And sooner or later a lot of these people, some already are figuring this out.
Or if they, if they take my Social Security, I’m on the street and my friends, you don’t want to put me back on the street because I was a street warrior for a long time and I’ve still got a little juice at the can. If you follow the meeting, you’ll be fine. You’ll be fine. So we have a question from Masonic traveler. He says, so are the secret chiefs aliens? Allen? Or. Or who were the ones Crawley was in contact of, such as I was. And Lamb, I guess that’s what he’s referenced. Yeah, that’s what he’s referring to.
It depends on what you mean by aliens. If you mean by aliens beings that are sentient but non human. Absolutely. If you mean beings from other planets in our universe, in our galaxy, in somewhere on a nearby star, or what the old thing was when I First got involved from Mars. They come from Mars. I would say, in my judgment. No, that’s a. That’s a blind alley that has been walked down since the end of World War II with zero results. You hear about crash saucers, find one. You hear about alien beings working with humans, show me one.
I think that these beings all trace to either something really exotic like we were talking about Robert Temple’s proposal and going back to the they live in the sky 1950s thing. But it’s either that or something like the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. They come from other brains. Bra. Nes. Other membranes. Yeah. And that they have found a way to come through to us. Just as in magic, we make doorways to them. Powerful. I love that. I love that answer. And I can respond to that question, which is any connection with reports of shadow people in the Men in Black? Absolutely.
I think they fall into three categories. Tulpas created by the Black Lodge. Real government agents that are following out the CIA did the about to get rid of the private UFO groups. Our flying saucer groups. They compromise national security for a variety of reasons. Which we’d have to do a whole program on that. Yes. They are actually agents of the Black Lodge trying to scare the bejesus out of people and having a pretty good record of success there. Shadow people. Men in Black. By the way, he’s credited story consultant, but my son Alex was the story consultant and was actually a chief writer on a book book.
On one of the sequel books about the shadow people. It’s called Return of the Shadow man or Revenge of the Shadow Man. He’s not real keen on that because he doesn’t get a full writer credit on it. Oh, man. Feel free. Well, I mean, he gets a credit, but you know, if you got a credit, you get paid no credit. Nobody knows. And I guess we’ll do this last question because we gotta let Mr. Allen get his rest. Hey, I’m just getting started this, but I haven’t eaten that. If I don’t eat, I turn into a pumpkin at midnight.
I agree. I’m gonna need some food too. Where did the concept of the Black Lodge come from? I think that’s a good question to end on. Yeah. There is not a single answer to that as we use the term now. It came from Madame Blavatsky and the founders of the Theosophical society in the 1870s. It goes back a little further than that. When Blavatsky and Colonel Alcott were in Egypt during their trans channeling thing and they got kicked out of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light by, I assume by Paulo Smedeman, who was a surviving Coptic magician with the ancient secrets of Coptic magic.
And then they decided to move on to India and these Theosophists. I mean, I’m really abbreviating the discussion there, but she, I think, was the first to use the term Black Lodge. But I think the Black Lodge has obviously existed possibly even before the human race, but certainly since the dawn of humanity. We have understand that. I use the term myth, as Joseph Campbell uses it, not to mean falsehood, but to mean legendary based in reality, like Troy. I’m not saying that the Iliad is word for word, or for that matter, Genesis is word for word, but it sure has a correlation to actual history.
Maybe not Genesis, maybe judges, but in any case, the, you know, attention. That’s what I went to school a long time ago. You know, when the dinosaurs. But it’s a term of art that has been in magical community use on a broad basis since circa 1875. It was adopted by the Golden dawn, the AA, the various organizations that pretend to be the golden dawn and pretend to be the AA and pretend to be a bunch of other things coming forward to right now. But I would say that the repository of understanding of it are those organizations that can trace back to Metamon, to Peter Davidson, which wound up coming to America.
Even I would say to his associate Thomas something or other. He went to California and founded the. The Church of Light, which is still around. As far as I know. They have carried idea forward to the present. Thomas Burgoyne. Oh, yes, Thomas. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Got his book. He really disliked him. He wrote the Light of Egypt, Volume one, and then according to his followers, wrote the Light of Egypt, Volume Two after he died. You know, take this under advice after he died. It is very bolderized. You take a lot, a lot from P.B. randolph. Yeah, really.
Crowley seems to have totally left Randolph out. I will not presume to understand what the reason for that is. The same reason he left Krishna Murty out, but we’ll leave that for another program. We get it. We get it. We thank you so much for coming on and blessing us with your knowledge this evening. You gave us so much insight that I. I don’t see anybody else giving in. I don’t think they possibly can give it. So, man, it’s always a treat to have you on. And we have to do more shows. We have to. I think we can get more creative, get people up here and have some phenomenal things.
In 2025. So I thank you for your community service and helping us understand this stuff and giving us the. The text for us to read so we can. Because, shoot, I have to. I have to read like a chapter or two of the Black lot, Seekers of the Black the Real Secrets of the Black Lives at a time so I can absorb and appreciate and also do my research. Because it’s like, wow, I’m just. I was stuck on the schools in wit of Wittenberg for a month. Well, if you find it, don’t join it. That’s all I can.
They’re not. Not friendly people, but they’ll be glad to have you aboard. We can give you powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. That’s from Superman. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. It’s from the 1950s version from George Reeds, who, by the way, way killed himself or was killed. And the next guy to play Superman, of course, had a tragic accident and Chris became a quadripede. I. I would say stay away from. Stay away from it. Yeah, there’s a. There’s a story there, but we’ll save that for another time too.
Yeah, I’m staying away, Scott Aaron. But put my point of view out there. There ain’t no such thing as a Superman. Y’all heard it song. It’s a. It’s a good song that I often remember for people who are into the Marvel Universe. I’m definitely am. I’m enjoying. I like the new Captain America. A lot of people don’t, but yeah, you guys stay away from the Voldemort Wittenberg schools of Hogwarts and. Well, it definitely isn’t, but thank you for coming on. Dr. Allen Greenfield. If guys, if you’re looking to get in contact or look into more information, every.
All of his links. If you want to donate everything’s in the tab. Click the tab and all of his information is there. And donate to the Spiritual Shade Room. We like to have guests like this and we want to continue it and increase our. Our knowledge into the esoteric and the occult and spiritual realms. And with that being said, do you have any last words you would like to tell the people before we close? I don’t want to be crass and say buy my books, but if you found this interesting, please, please. It’s the only independent source of income I have.
Buy my books. Thank you. And thank you for allowing me on, honey. I appreciate it. There’s no problem. So with that, everyone, I will say our empoya I say to the ancestors and peace until the next one. It have a good one. Peace out.