1902 Book of Orphic Wisdom from 1529 AD Book

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➡ Jason Arcades found a 1902 family heirloom book while traveling in New Mexico. The book, originally from 1529, is about the Orphic faith and contains thoughtful essays, epigrams, and sayings from Albert Hubbard, covering topics such as the value of intellectual honesty, the inherent nature of truth, and the power of helping others.
➡ Beauty is a spiritual condition often overshadowed by misconceptions around greatness and talent. The true nature of an individual isn’t always obvious, the average person often gets stuck in a developmental rut, and an element of discontent can drive progress. Despite some dissatisfaction, we should strive to spread kindness in the same way that lawyers follow their duty. This summary is based on a 1902 publication derived from fragments of a 1529 book, brought to light through a friend’s family heirloom.


Hi, guys. It’s Jason Arcades. com. In our travels through New Mexico, we met up with some of Dawn’s friends. One of them is Madie Kestrel, and she pulled out a book, a family heirloom from 1902. I was shocked by what I found. This man in 1902 had repackaged an older book book from 1529, and he admitted it. He cyked that book. The book is about the Orphic oracles, the Orphic faith.

It’s profound. What I saw in here, I took pictures of. I want you to see what I found. The book is amazing, and it’s something I could not keep for my community. So I hope you enjoy this presentation. The copyright date is 1902. The book is by Albert Hubbard. Here’s a picture of the man. Here. The marbling on the inside of the jackets is really unique too, to that time period.

Here’s the COVID page contemplations of Orphic Faith being several short essays, helpful sermonettes, Epigrams and orphic Sayings, selected from the writings of Albert Hubbard by Helios Hawthorne. At the end of the book it reads so here then endeth contemplations as written by Albert Hubbard, printed by the Roycrofters at their shop in East Aurora, New York, USA. Press work finished in October 1902. The title page after the decrtalis of St.

Gregory, as done by Jeannes Petite at Venice in 1529. The ornaments designed by Richard Krueger. Presswork by Otto Franz, and the composition by Charles Rosen. It is doubtless true that stupid men, by remaining quiet, may often pass for men of wisdom. This is because no man can really talk as wise as he can look. Mother Nature is kind, and if she deprives us of one thing, she gives us another.

Happiness seems to be meted out to each and all in equal portions. We desire at least a modicum of intellectual honesty. And the man who shuffles his opinions in order to match ours is seen through quickly. We want none of him. Writers seldom write the things they think. They simply write the things they think other folks think they think. He who influences the thought of his times influences all the times that follow.

He has made his impress on eternity. It is only in prosperity that we throw our friends overboard. The ideas that benefit a man are seldom welcomed by him on first presentation. There is no secret society that has corralled truth. Truth is in the air. And when your head gets into the right stratum, you know it. No one can impart it to you until the time is ripe. And when the time is ripe for you to know, you do not have to ride a goat in order to understand.

Nature punishes most sins, but blasphemy, sacrilege and heresy are things that nature does not provide any punishment for. Therefore, man has to look after these things himself. The best souls often suffer most, while baseness and flaunting pride go free. But pain is not all pain. Wit and insight are saving virtues that only the strong possess. You can only help yourself by helping others. This world of ours, round like an orange and slightly flattened at the poles, is the home of a class of men and women who make up the holy order of the elect.

The initiates, strange to say, know not of their membership and for the most part never heard of the order. They may be rich or poor, college bred or unlearned, bond or free, but between their spirits ever is a mystic tie of brotherhood. They recognize each other at sight. They are the people who preserve the receptive heart and hospitable mind. No one knows a thing for sure until he has told it to someone else.

We deepen impressions by recounting them and to habitually suppress and repress the child when he wants to tell of the curious and wonderful things he has seen, is to display a two by four acumen. Lovers of truth must thank exile for some of our richest and ripest literature. Exile is not at all exile. Imagination cannot be imprisoned amid the winding bastions of the brain, thought roams free and untrammeled.

It is ridiculous to suppose that a youth can shut himself away from the actual world of men, women and things in a college for a few years and then come forth in direct mortals in the way of life. The only men who should preach are those who can and who have done things. The sense of humor consists in knowing a big thing from a little thing. If everything in this world happens because something else happened a thousand years ago or yesterday, and the result could not possibly be different from what it is, why besiege heaven with prayer? Man does what he does because he thinks for the moment it is the best thing to do.

Art is not a thing separate and apart. Art is only the be beautiful way of doing things. It is only in prosperity that we throw our friends overboard. Men are ever forsaking fortune when she is about to smile. To satisfy the God within is the poet’s prayer. The individual who does a great and magnificent work is on close and friendly terms with God. He is the Son of God, and it is necessary that he should feel his kinship in order to do his work.

We grow strong through doing things. Only second rate men have exalted aims. The great of earth simply endeavor to do their work, not to be great. They meet each problem of life as it presents itself cheerfully. Bravely manfully be the duty, high or low. The great navigator dies in innocent ignorance of the fact that he has discovered a continent without love. The world would only echo cries of pain.

The sun would only shine to show us grief. Each rustle of the leaf would be a sigh, and all the flowers only fit to garland graves. The thought of the love of God cannot be grasped in the slightest degree, even as a working hypothesis by a man who does not know human love. Mediocrity always fears when the ghost of genius does not bow down at its bidding. The books written behind prison bars by men in forced exile and by those who paid the penalty of honest expression with death largely inspire earth’s highest thoughts.

The world’s saviors are often society’s outcasts. Every author is the hero of his own tale. Make no mistake, when he pictures a man that is wise and good, that man is himself or the person he would like to be. No joy can be completely apart from a love that loves the whole world’s joy better than any separate joy of any single soul. Listen closely and you will detect the minor note in the voice of every man of decided worth.

To join this brotherhood of consecrated lives requires no particular rites of initiation, no ceremonial, no recommendations. You belong when you are worthy. Those who belong to the brotherhood feel the absolute nothingness of the world of society churches, fashion, politics and business, and realize strongly the consciousness of the unseen world of truth, love and beauty. Sheep and cattle go in droves, while a lion simply flocks with its mate and lets it go at that.

Whenever any good comes our way, let us enjoy it to the fullest and then pass it along in another form. The man of a consecrated life may mix with the world and do the world’s business, but for him it is not the true world. For hidden away in his heart he keeps a burning lamp before a shrine dedicated to love and beauty. The adept only converses at his best with the adept, and he does this through self protection to hear the world’s coarse laugh in his holy of holies no.

And so around him is a sacred circle, and within it only the elect are allowed to enter. A man’s word is only valuable when it is not for sale. No organization ever contained within its ranks. The best organization is arbitrary and artificial. It is born of selfishness, and at the best it is a mere matter of expediency. We are children in the kindergarten of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be.

The success of an individual is usually damnation for his children. Luxury innervates and kills. And this is the reason that the race has made such slow and painful progress. All one generation gains is lost in the next. The great nations have died off from the earth simply because they have been successful. Two consecrated lives constitute a congregation, and where they commune is a temple. No one knows a thing for sure until he tells it to someone else.

Is truth a thing to hide in a ginger jar and place on a high shelf? Man cannot advance and leave woman behind. All success consists in this. You are doing something for somebody benefiting. Humanity and the feeling of success comes from the consciousness of this. The brotherhood of consecrated lives admit all who are worthy and all who are excluded exclude themselves. I’d rather be the stupidest Claude in nature than to possess all knowledge with no one to whom I could communicate it.

The beauty with which love adorns its object becomes at last the possession of the one who loves. Beauty is an unseen reality an attempt to reveal a spiritual condition. Great men are not so great as we think them and dull people are not quite so dense as they seem. It is really a question in my mind whether the great man ever existed. Seen at an angle across the distance so the light strikes on a certain facet of his being.

We say the man is brilliant. In his own household, he is probably considered something else. He is great to us only because we do not know him. He does a few things well, but special talent in any direction is purchased with a price. If you have much skill in certain lines, you are lacking in other directions, like a chain. A man’s real strength is in his weakest part.

The average man is a victim of arrested development. The passing years bring an increase of knowledge only in very exceptional cases. Health and prosperity are not pure blessings. A certain element of discontent usually seems necessary to spur men onto a higher life. The chief offense of some philosophers is that the world as it is does not please them. They are like a guest who yawns and scowls and sneers.

He is quite determined he will not have a good time and what is more, he will not allow others to. All lawyers are officers of the court, servants of the goddess who, being blind, never sees anything of their little lapses. Kindness is something we receive and have to pass along in order to keep it. All right, guys. This is Jason. I hope you enjoyed this presentation. This was a book published in 1902 based off orphic fragments from a book in 1529.

I found it very compelling and I’m glad that a friend showed me this family heirloom. I do not have this book in my possession, but I don’t need it. I now have it in video form and I hope you guys liked it. .

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