Amazing Finds Facts Gifts and Knowledge

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– Jason Marcades: Over 50 unique items that were sent to me, donated to Archaics by you guys all over the world. More old books, chronological material, ancient mysteries, some real antique relics here. If you donated what I’m presenting, then tell everybody in the comments section.
– The King of the Golden River or the Black Brothers. We’re going to take these out of the plastic. Are we?
– Jaker: These old magazines are awesome. Gives you a window into how things were. Any of these articles are free. I’m going to do a video using original photographs and data from the San Francisco the Great Earthquake.
– Attendance of over 200,000 breaks all previous records. Yesterday’s fair attendance was 207,000. I like some of these magazines because they show a window into the ancient world. All about history, Victorian medicine.
– Discover the surprising story of the medieval game of destiny. Explore the history of tarot, and an encyclopedia of every card, every single card. A video on the zodiac does not go back to ancient times. We’ll definitely get into that next book.
– This is a give back video. This is just to show you guys things you have coming in the future. I want to give personal thanks to those who have utilized my PO box. This gift right here was sent to me by somebody, and it’s for Meetups.


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We came from distant space, and even what some might call somewhat of it’s. Um, this is Jason I’m here with Big John, and I’m wearing a shirt sent to me by Grindel Dark. Grindel Dark.

The intro music to this video was also was also a tune by Grindel Dark. And this is a give back video I’m going to share with you guys. Over 50 unique items that were sent to me, donated to Archaics by you guys all over the world, not just the United States. We have some really intriguing stuff to get into. More old books, chronological material, ancient mysteries, some real antique relics here. And if you donated what I’m presenting, then tell everybody in the comments section. I have no problem with that.

I got many letters and cards from you guys. I got stacks of them. Well, we wanted to basically show off the new additions to the Archaics Library. This is all stuff that came after Big John and I went and bought up all the antique books in North Carolina on that trip. This is all stuff that’s come since then. And it’s an amazing treasury. I’m wearing my Explorer’s cap because that’s what we’re doing. We’re exploring some amazing stuff.

This huge book. It’s a lot more than meets the eye. This was donated. All he wanted to go by was John. So we’re going to honor that. But John, if you’re in the comments, man, I want to let you know I really do appreciate this. This is a treasure. Big John. Look at this. Get a picture of that. Look at this. Chronology and history from the creation to the year of Christ, 1753. It’s incredible. Look at this. The artwork back then. It’s just amazing. Just amazing, dude. Just amazing. The calligraphy. Look at this title page. That seal is really cool. Yes. The calligraphy is in micro. Calligraphy these people. Just amazing. Well, we got to move on. We got a lot to go through here’s. Just a real just get a one picture of that. This is most of the subject matter in this in chronological order through history. This is a gold mine of chronological material. There’s so much data on each page. I got to read a couple of quotes. Where is this? Enter not here if thou art ignorant of chronology, for thou hast not yet got the handles of history. This is the translation of an ancient Greek inscription put into this book. So we’re talking about something over 2000 years old. It’s awesome. If thou art ignorant of geometry, presume not to enter here. What does geometry have to do with world history? Only somebody new to my channel would have to ask that.

All right, look at this. I need to be quiet. I’m getting too excited. So show real quick with how this book is arranged. We’re not going to go through the whole book showing you how this book is arranged. It’s very old. Look at this. It gives the Julian year, like he’s using Archbishops James Usher’s chronology, old Testament chronology, which starts at 4004 BC. Now, we already know that that’s slightly wrong. That’s 134 years off. But that’s okay. In Archaics, we have already corrected that chronology and show where he made the error. But this was the year 710 of the Roman Julian calendar. And I find that really, really intriguing. Really intriguing. You guys know the Anunnaki Ner chronology goes over 600 years before the Phoenix and the Anus Moody calendar went. So I’m really curious, what records did the ancient Romans have to have begun their calendar almost at the exact date of the Anunnaki Nerd chronology for the appearance of the moon? It’s very interesting. So look at it. You see how it’s arranged here Big John. Now, these are just the initial tables, but as time goes by, look how they add calendars. There’s a lot of pages in this book, guys. I’m being very careful with them. I’m going to flip toward the middle of the book so you can see as time passes, look at all these new calendars, new timekeeping systems every year. It is in each system, basically what happened, who was alive, going across major events in world history that happened. It’s all written in calligraphy. This is amazing book. I have a lot of work to do with this book. It’s got a big index. It’s got a huge index. But this book is the history of the world up till 1753. Thank you, John. Yes. I wasn’t talking to you. I’m talking to John that sent me the book. Oh, well, him too. Thank you. Thank you, too, bro. Kiss my whole ass is what you go on YouTube? It might. It depends on if you edited it out or not. Sure.

All right. These books. I can’t. Donna Ableman. Donna Ableman, like Jay Hart. Jay Hart has provided a lot of books, some of them right here on the ledge. She was the first one to really start sending boxes full of books of her finds roof. We’re always going to be indebted to J. Hart of Florida and think about that. But somebody started following her example. Her name is Donna Abelman. Donna Abelman has found some real treasures also. And here’s a whole stack. This is the last box that Donna Abelman sent. It, too, is astonishing. We’re going to get through this. I’m going to start small. One is, thank you, Donna, for sending me this. I will get into it. These are the old penny magazines. These are on file. Oh, that’s cool. Yeah, there’s going to be all kinds of beautiful there’s a lot of videos are going to be in here. That’s awesome. These are the old penny magazines. I’m going to definitely look at those and screenshot a whole bunch of stuff. I appreciate it. Donna, that right there gave me multiple videos, but anything donna Jay Hart and all these other contributors have provided. You guys know, they’re not just donating to our case, they’re donating to the whole family, because you guys get this material.

This past two weeks has been real. Hectic here because we’ve really been getting organized, catching up on emails, delegating responsibilities, because the growth has been faster than we’ve been able to keep up with. But we’re almost on top of it now, and dawn has gone into overdrive, just getting everything ironed out. It’s hard to get her to stop.

Yeah, it’s kind of hard to get her to stop. But Donna provided these books, so here we have, and we’re going to go through these pretty fast. Don’t want to turn us into a two hour presentation because we got some treasures, you guys. Some of these books I promise you, you didn’t even know existed. They don’t publish books like these anymore. But this is the story of the art of building, so we’re just going to go real fast. The artwork in these, man, it’s just amazing the level of detail that’s in here. This is from 19 two, the story of the art of building. It’s basically an encyclopedia of American architecture. I know a bunch of those Tartarian guys love this book. Goes into all the different styles. I don’t want to really open it right now, but this is from Donna Abelman. We’re going to stack that right there, go to the next book.

You can come get this. This is beautiful. Joe. How did she find that? Phoenix edition. Beautiful. Joe. What is that? Marshall? Marshall Saunders. This would be fiction. The archaics fiction library is getting large. Guys. And pretty soon we’re going to have a whole PDF library of every book we have in Archaics will be a free PDF. We are not going to charge for that. You guys are going to be able to download all these PDFs of all these books. We got to get him cataloged first there, Big Dog. Yeah. I have faith in you.

Oh, no. This is from what’s that? Original copyrighted 1893, published 1902. Nice. The Phoenix edition. That’s good. Thank you, Donna. All right. Yeah, this is going to be a good one. I’m probably going to spend a whole weekend reading this. Outlines of Ancient history on a new plan embracing biographical notices and illustrious persons and general views. They got some long titles back then. Yeah, they did. 1833. Did you get that clear? Yes. 1833. Let me show you guys how much data they packed in these old books. Look how tiny this is. And it’s almost 700 pages. Yeah, man, they were trying to teach things back then, guys. It wasn’t watered down. This is amazing, man. Yeah, this is amazing. I’m going to get lost in these books. All right, anotherOne by Donna. We’re doing a video out of this book because I’ve already tantalized you guys, enough about the mound builder. Civilization isn’t what archaeologists are telling you today.

In the 1860s up to about 1912, before the Smithsonian completely censored everything. What was being found in those mounds and in those burial sites is nothing. What you’re finding in modern books.

This is Ohio archaeological and Historical Society Publications. Volume One. This is a hardback copy of multiple archaeological magazines which are demonstrating the things that were found in the 18 hundreds. Yeah, we’re going to have a field day with this. Yeah, man. This is all the archaeology of Ohio from 1730 all the way to 1885. Yeah, guys, this is the data.

Mammoth bones, humans that were nine and a half foot tall. Yeah, guys, I’m not playing with you. That’s what was found in Cahokia Monks mound. All those areas in the Ohio Mississippi Valley. Thank you, Donald, for this book.

This is another really good this is a modern book, but it’s based off ancient writings, ancient disasters and crisis management and classical antiquity. Yeah, man. You know why I know this is going to be an awesome video?

Why’s that? Because you’re going to take good pictures of all. Of course I am. Yeah. All right.

Here’s another one, man.

Donna Donna found some treasures. Look at this chronology of ancient and modern history. Let’s look at the title page. Look at this. 1871. That’s a pretty sophisticated word for 1871. Synchronology. I like that. Synchronology of the principal events in sacred and profane history. Isn’t that what arcade does? It’s synchronology. I can start using that word.

Isn’t that what I do? I find cycles and epic cycles, and I show mathematical precedents. I show how things are in a construct. Sounds like synchronology to me, man. A man in 1871 coined a word from which I am about to bastardize. 1869 is when he wrote the book. 1869 is when he did the forward. Look at this. Look at these old books, man. Tell me that’s not awesome. Oh, that’s cool.

1869. Tell me this isn’t awesome. Look at that chart. When we render this into PDF, it’s going to have that attachment so people can put that chart on their wall. Oh, yeah, for sure. All that’s going to get done. Oh, look at this. Look at this. It’s all in order. Oh, it’s all date. Here’s the BC date. This is a chronology for real. This is just like Chronicon. Look at that. Look. See that? It’s a BC. It’s counting down. BC counting down. BC counting down. Still count. This is just like Chronicon, except in Chronicon it had a lot more data, but this is arranged the same way. And I also show 41 different ancient calendars and what year it was on each calendar. I got you individual events. Oh, yeah. The Morovian Kings, King Clovis. Oh, here’s a bunch of events in the Dark Ages. Yeah, guys. Man, that’s why I’m not on board with Fominko. That’s why I’m not on board with the missing 1000 years and all that. I’ve got way too much Chronographical material. I have notes for almost every single decade going back to the first century Ad. And I can’t imagine that India and China and Japan like nihon shoki. I can’t imagine that all these other cultures, they would have been on board with that. You know what I mean? Yeah. They have chronology. That’s like a worldwide conspiracy kind of a thing. I don’t know. Yeah. I’ve never been on board with a large chunk of history. I’m like, maybe add a couple of years here or take away a few there, like, okay, you might be able to get away with something like that, but 1000 years? Yeah, I don’t know.

Do this, dude. 1913. 1913. Here’s the title page. Somebody kind of wrote over the title page and handwriting, but there it is. 1913. Ancient history. And this one, I believe, is going to keep you busy for a weekend. Yes, it is in there. Lots of illustrations, lots of ancient sites, maps. Let me get those encyclopedias done. I’m only, like, halfway done with those right now. Yeah. Every week, Big John takes seven volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica from 1910, and he photographs all the good pictures. My files are getting huge on all these images because they’re going to be used in future videos. But when he’s done with that, he’s got to start the 19 two. The big oh, yeah, those are big books. Huge books. Look at this right here. Ancient Mariners. Thank you, Donna. This is a modern book, but again, it’s going to have some really good stuff in it about ancient into the I’m not really into the narratives. I’m into the pictures, things that you just yeah, I’m into the pictures. I’m into the illustrations, actual photographs I already know a lot of the text is watered down. Some of it’s going to have value. But really, this has just got beautiful freezes and reliefs and all kinds of things, man. It’s just awesome.

So thank you, Donna, for that. We’re going to have a real mess here in a minute.

Donna also provided this newspaper. I’ve already shown you a few videos of newspapers from 19 two. Here’s another one right here. This is the actual newspaper from 19 two. The evening, Argus. Look at that. Weather prediction fair tonight, probably showers Thursday. Fresh variable winds. Fresh bearable winds. I love these old newspapers. Yeah, man. So we’ll be going through this because I got a lot of 19 two newspapers now. Oh, man. Police say yacht Stewart Kellyander committed suicide, as at first reported. I don’t believe that death was not suspicious. The very fact that they put that real big death is not suspicious means that death was definitely suspicious. Yeah, man, nothing’s changed. All right, we’ll get to that later. It has some things about wow. Yeah. We’re going to have to do a video on this. Even the classifieds are fascinating. They always are, man. Yeah, I like the advertisements and the old stuff like that, too.

Okay, are you ready for this? Donna Abelman’s? This is the last in Donna Abelman’s collection. We’re going to pull this out. The plastic. Come here and get a picture of this. What is that one? And now what? Antiquatitis or whatever. Chronological tables of ancient history, synchronistically and ethnographically arranged, compiled from the best authorities. Look at that watermark. All right. This is oxford. Oh, my god. I don’t think I’ve even opened this yet. I don’t remember if I opened it. Let me see what she said about this book. This one’s fragile, guys. Oh, that’s why it’s fragile. This is 1835. Oh, wow, man. Guys, this is 180 something years old. There it is. 1835. And it’s really good condition. They were publishing some big old books back then, weren’t they? Yeah. Principal eras of ancient and modern times. Okay, well, here’s all the dates chronologically arranged. Different calendar systems, different sources. Here’s an alignment of fundamental eras, indian eras, chinese eras, jewish eras, persian, mohammedan, egyptian, assyrian, and Ethiopian eras, grecian eras, roman eras, french, english eras. Yeah, guys, you got to understand, a lot of these cultures had their own writings on chronology. The Francish annals from the French, the ancient people of Gaul, the anglo saxon chronicles for Britain, old Britain and England. Then you had the Nuremberg chronicles for Germany. Yeah. Guys, it’s really hard for me to believe that all history is fake. There’s a thousand years made up. I can’t see any evidence of that, guys, because the more I look, the more I see that history has been redacted, history has been rewritten, history is not missing. We’re not going to go through this whole book. I just want to show them just how much data is in this book. And this is page after page after page. Look at that. There’s no sense of going through the whole book. No sense of going through the whole book. There’s a lot of pages here. See these tables? Look at that. Oh, wow. Aristodemus, urosthenes, elites,Sure! Here is the text reformatted into natural paragraphs for easier reading:

“A video about. Remember when we went to the Frost Bank in Conroe? The bank manager found out what I did and donated an old book off his shelf, not even knowing what it was worth. But the letter of marquee on the inside, which I kept, shows that whoever bought this book a long time ago paid $1,227 for that book. What’s really interesting is that only 100 copies of that book were ever made. The book is very old Indian history.

Oh, this is Victoria Wake. Victoria Wake has sent some books, too. Quite a few. I appreciate you, Victoria. Look at this Indian. Oh, this guy’s written several pretty interesting books. Look at these old books. That’s cool. Yeah, a lot of these old books, they have, like, flip out maps and charts and stuff like that. This is from 1894, and it focuses on the year 1001 all the way to 1761, when India began to experience its Muslim incursions. So we’ll put that one aside, see what this one is.

Look at that. Beautiful book. Come on, get a picture of that. They really took pride back in how they made books back then. Yes. Open it up and see what we got here, man. Somebody wrote this a long time ago. That brittle paper. All right. Look at that. A Brief History of the United States. This is Barnes Historical series. The date was originally 1871, but this is a 1900 reprint. In the year 1900. This is a reprint. Look at this pen and ink artwork. Because, you know, I’m a pen and ink artist, so I’m always fascinated by these. In prison, I drew all the time. My logo is all pen and ink, archaics logo with the hourglass and the symbol disc in the back and all that. Yeah. And then there was one that you did that had, like, almost like a reaper like figure.

Look at this. Artwork would never be found anywhere but in this book. Look at this. Look at that contents. This was done for this book. Yeah, man, I love these old so. Yeah, you got your work cut out for you here, too, bro. But look how detailed that is. People don’t see pictures. You would see a picture like this in one book, and there would never be a reason to put it in another book. A lot of this artwork has been lost. Look at that, man. That is awesome.

Oh, pay attention. Come here. Look at her face. Look at her face. Look at this picture here. Look what they did to this woman. They put a sign on her scarlet Letter, and they put a muzzle on her mouth so she can’t defend herself. Watch. I can zoom in. Okay, zoom in. Look, scarlet Letter is on her chest, and they put a muzzle yes. You see how the Pilgrims are ignoring her? You see how her child is sad? Yeah, man. Isn’t that something? Wow, man, we got to go through here. Yeah, we’re going to have to go through this book. Tables and maps, charts. All right. Wow. Okay. That’s sad, man.

Here’s another great book. I appreciate that. Can you read it for me? This is Ackworth, Georgia. But I can’t read that name. Is that a Rhonda? Rondellar Is that A-R-H-O-N-E-L-E-R rondelar. Yeah, that’s what it looks like to me, but I could be wrong. Listen, man, I’m sorry. I don’t know you donated this book and sent this beautiful card from Ackworth, Georgia, but we cannot read your sign off your name. Do appreciate it, though.

Oh, wow. Okay. Come here and get it. I’m not going to open this book for obvious reasons. This is a lot of glare on the book. Well, this is a book by William Buchanan. I’m already familiar with the book. The subject matter in this book is only for archaics TV, just like the Protocols. Yeah, I can’t discuss these on YouTube. This book is absolutely packed with a lot of the type of information that I reveal in arcade TV. So I do appreciate that. Thank you for sending that to me, because I can do a bunch of videos on that in between my new series. Hats off. So this was sent can you read this? It’s another one, man. People send mean I can read the letter, but when they write their name is that Fiera Fiona Hera? I can’t read it, dude, I don’t know. All right, well, we put it on YouTube. Starts with an F. Starts with an F. I appreciate it. People get especially when they write incursive, like, the body of the letter. They want it to be very legible when they’ve signed their name. You sign your name a thousand times, you know what I mean? A million times in your life. So it’s not usually as legible as, say, like, a letter that you’re that is that the Charles Dickens one? Yes. When John and I and Don were in North Carolina, came across this little tiny book. It’s by Charles Dickens. It’s called the cricket on the earth. Careful, the first couple of pages of that one kind of fall out. Somebody put 19 2 January 2319. Two in here. But that’s an owner of the book. Later. This book is actually older than that. Cricket on the herb. Look at that artwork. 1898. Look how they use that red and black ink together on the watermark. See, man, they really took pride in their books back then. So I’m showing this because it’s not a new or a donated book, but I’m showing this because this is my third or fourth Charles Dickens book. We bought this for, like, $108, right? It was, like, $110. They charged a lot of them. Yeah, it was pretty expensive. I don’t know if it was quite that much. No. Yeah, it was in cellophane. Yeah, cellophane, man. It was the one they had in the glass case in the back. This is an expensive book.

But I’ll tell you what, when we got back from North Carolina after buying that book, this is what I had in the mail. I want to thank you. La Maniti. I believe that’s Maniti. Did I say that word? And I’m going to plug you man, because you sent me these. And believe me, absolutely worth showing your business cards after I saw what you sent me. This is the person that sent me this with these letters. He said, hey, man, kudos, man. I love archaics. I’m a lover of old books, too. I wanted to send you the complete works of Charles Dickens. 1868 editions. He said, I personally pulled these books out of an old warehouse in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the year 1973. Oh, wow. My birth year. Oh, that is your birth year. They were in a huge pile of everything. So look, here’s a really awesome yeah, I appreciate that. I appreciate it. Here they are right here. Come look at these beautiful books. We’re just going to look at first one. The Complete Works of Charles Dickens. Again, look at this, man. Yeah, this texture cover. This texture. Love these books. This one’s, 1862. Wow. He put a note in each one. Yeah, but this is all Charles Dickens. Yeah, there’s a lot of writing. It’s got some illustration. Oh, look at that. Look at that. Okay, you already know what time it is. You’ll be taking pictures. Guys, the archaics photo library is getting amazingly huge. All these old books. Big John takes pictures, all of them with megapixel camera. We make sure that we preserve all these. We’re preserving them independent of the PDFs and independent of the books themselves. So, yeah, the pictures are worth a thousand words, guys. You already know that’s. Come on, get close up of this. This was donated.

Okay. Not all books are books that are recognizable to us today. Here’s some ancient cuneiform. You can zoom in on that, right? Yeah. This is an artifact that was donated to me. It’s very interesting. I don’t know much about it, not going to pretend to know about it, but there is an app where you can pass cuneiform tech a photo of Cuneiform into this app, and it will translate it for you. And I’m probably going to do that and let y’all know what that’s talking about. But Jahar Ali, who was the photographer at our first and second meetups, sent dawn a present. It was Don’s birthday recently, and the present was so amazing, we didn’t know what it was at first until I went to playing with it and found out that it’s an ashtray. Yeah, it’s amazing. But I’m going to have to be honest with you that this isn’t the one she sent. Oh,No. There were two of them, wasn’t there? Yeah, she sent one for dawn. That’s real beautiful. It’s more feminine, I guess, but it was so cool. And I’m always entertaining guests, and I’ve always got people in the van and stuff. I ordered this one when I found out where this is getting mounted in the van. Oh, you’re going to put that one in the van? It’s going to go on the wooden console. Oh, nice. So this is going to get mounted on the van. So when people are in the van, they got something to put their ashes in because they’re going to quit putting it in stuff that makes a mess, cups and stuff.

Here’s another donation that is just blowing my mind. Now. Lord Matthew Prerogative, way back in the day when Archaics was just a little fledgling trying to get more than a thousand subs, his handle is what used to be Lord Matthew Prerogative, tax assessor. Then I saw it was Lord Matthew Aaron Express something I can’t remember, but he keeps changing it. It’s a long handle, but he sent me a coffee grinder that I still use and he also sent me a stamp. Remember the Archaic stamp of approval? Yes. Well, somebody else just sent amazing stamp, Archaics letter block. I’m having a hard time focusing on that. I think it’s the sun. Yeah, the sun. Well, I kind of got like a little bit of a can they see that? Yes. So when you come to the Archaics meetups from here on out, we’ll be hitting you with that red ink and stamping Archaics onto your skin or onto your clothes. Right here. Is that the stamp that we’re going to use? I think would be a good use for that. I don’t know, to get people in and out the door. Like that one. It’s changeable. Like the letters come out. They’re individual. They’re not all together. They were this are all glued together. No. Oh my God. No. They come out. I was messing with it earlier. You can kind of change things around. Yeah. So, I mean, we could glue it together and use it for that. It can stay just like this. I don’t need to ever take them out. I’m good with that. Thank you for that stamp. We will put it to good use.

So we have Debbie Shaw. Debbie Shaw has also donated some unique materials. Here’s two of the books that she donated. Check this out. Let’s do this. This is just a primer, but I like these old school books. I like them. This is Rome old primer for Rome history of Rome, 1890. You know, it’s not going to be it’s a small book. It’s a primer. But I’ve told you guys many times and in many presentations, it’s always in the most unusual places that you find one little nugget of information that puts a whole data set together, just a whole bunch of data points that you’ve been collecting that don’t really mean a lot. And then at the weirdest place, that one extra data point creates that whole data set. That’s why I read everything. So yeah, that’s a nice little book. Let’s see what this is. GTS. Is this? Ross christian? Oh, this is bacon’s essays. I was flipping through this the other day. Listen here’s, Bacon’s Essays, one of the most profound and deepest thinking, metaphysical, occult, historian writers ever. Right here. Bacon. Yeah. Guys. This is 1896. I love this book. That’s all he said all the time. He says the ancient authors in ancient times, in times of distant antiquity I’m jealous of Bacon because I know the man had access to books that I’ve never read. You know what I mean? I’m jealous of books that were completely off the time and stuff all through this book. That’s what he’s talking about. He’s always the veracity of the claims of the ancient authors comport with one another in this theory, and then he provides a whole series of facts that allows you to know, okay, wow. They all said the same thing from different languages, different time periods. I love Bacon, and I’ll probably do some readings out of Bacon. It’s just so much. It’s just so much. Trying not to make this too long, guys.

Kathy Katz. Right here. Kathy Katz, Universal University Boulevard. All right. Appreciate this, but Kathy sent this book after we did the book on the Great Wall of China is actually the ancient Roman Silk Road. She sent yeah. Oh, I remember with that presentation with Martin. A lot of people have been sending me stuff. Do you know Martin sent me another picture showing a whole we didn’t have it. When he and Max Egan and I actually did these presentations on the Great Wall of China, we didn’t have this photo. But there’s a photo out. Is it the one where the wall is collapsing? It’s full of sand. It’s full of sand. I sent you that picture, sucker. Yeah. Oh, did he use it? You know what? So I bet you either that or that person sent it to both of us. Yeah, it might have been, but I got it from Martin Maliki’s. I just talked about it. He says, man, that’s on my video. Yeah, that’s pretty cool. It being full of sand. That’s a weird. So Kathy writes very beautifully. Look at this. This is like calligraphy, man. Not really. It’s printed. Oh, yeah, she writes nice stuff. But she’s telling me the value in this letter of things that I need to see that are in this book. So let’s look through this book real quick. Oh, yeah. You’re going to be taking pictures, bro. No, look, there’s the war tower of the Trojans. That’s what this is. That’s the war tower of the Trojans with a horsehead. Remember, the Sea Peoples came in, they built the Trojan horse, man, it’s awesome. All right. It’s in another language. That’s why she’s telling me in English in this letter of what to look for on what pages. But just because it’s in Spanish or Italian, we can still get these pictures, see? Yeah. Oh, yeah. We can still get these pictures. Yeah, those are some good ones, too, so thank you. Look at that stonework. How the hell did they do that? How the hell did they do that? And how come I’ve never seen a picture of this statue? Anywhere before that’s seashell, that’s hydra, that’s cracking. These are tentacles down here. Huge ribs. See, this whole thing is like a creature going into a seashell. Why? But it’s just like, shine on that picture. It’s just kept following it. Yeah, lights. No big deal. All right. Yeah, this is packed. Oh, my God. You’re going to spend a whole weekend taking pictures of this. Oh, wow. This came out. That’s incredible. Oh, it still goes, dude, it’s still going. Oh, my God. It’s still going. What is all this is ancient Rome. Look how many pillars and stuff are still standing, man. That’s pretty crazy. There’s too many earthquakes. There’s got to be. I honestly believe that different dynasties rebuild the older ruins all the time. You know what I mean? How’s something going to survive that many earthquakes over 2000 years? How’s that happening? They say that the stone like ancient concrete. It has something in it that causes it to repair itself every time it rains. Basically, once the rain saturates the stone, it breaks down and repairs any kind of, like small cracks and stuff like that. And that’s not something that we’ve replicated with modern construction. Now, I don’t know how true it is, but Donna Abelman sent me a whole stack of articles that she wants me to check out, too. Things that we’ve discussed, like aquatic ape theory, things that just randomly came up in archaics discussions. This is the man in the middle of Phoenix bourbon. So she just I don’t know. We’ll have to go through those. I don’t see the relevance right now for this video because we have some other amazing material. Look at this. The art of Rosicrucian. Somebody went through a Rosicrucian library and sent me a bunch of pamphlets. So here’s another Rosicrucian pamphlet just sitting in there. Yeah. Rosicrucians are really interesting. For 108 years, they stay underground. They do not proselyze or anything. And then for 108 years, they come up and they disciple, they open up their chapters and they do massive publishing and all that. Rosicrucians are unusual. All right, so Rosicrucian, Rosicrucian. Bunch of hermetic principles. Iona books. Is this Rosicrucian Bride of the Isles, or is this about ancient England? Scotland. This is Scotland 1914. Bride of the Isles, an ancient Scott book from the Silence of.Time. Time silence borrow. In the heart of today is the word of tomorrow. The builders of joy are the children of sorrow.
Triad. That’s a Welsh triad. I was just telling people on archaics about a year ago, bro, about the Welsh Triads. I had read the Welsh Triads, a English translation of them when I was studying Taylorson. And one of my favorite bards, he says, I vouch. I do not vouch. Safe my secrets to slaves. Yeah, I love that. Dude. Didn’t we have a these are all triangles. Tell us in the bar book that you passed to me. Yeah, we were still in prison, I think. Yeah, that’s where I got that from. Yeah.

Okay, so we got some ancient Scottish material here. I can’t read Chinese and Japanese, but the artwork is beautiful. These are old. Look at this. Old Japanese prints. Some of the artwork is beautiful. It’s all Japanese. I’m going to have to figure out what just old. There’s no English translation anywhere. Even the side margins and ads are in Chinese or Japanese. Yeah, I’ll figure it out.

Rosacrucians again. The masters among men. So what does that mean? Do I need to do a video to figure out what they’re talking about? Rossi Crucians. The masters among men this is all about the soul spark. 1773 seal of the Rossicrucian Brotherhood. I wonder if this person was even allowed to send me these things. The ancient mysteries. Okay, so we got something to check out.

Oh, look at this. The King of the Golden River. Told you guys. I got a lot of very old antique children’s stories. I’m going to have a archaic children’s library of all these old books on PDF for all you homeschoolers out there. 1905. The King of the Golden River or the Black Brothers. Uhoh, okay. Alright. That’s old, isn’t it?

Yeah. You’re going to need to come over here for this. We’re going to take these out of the plastic.

Are we?

Yeah. This right here is World events. The world’s events. Fifteen cents. July nineteen oh two. Here it is. This is interesting. We flipped through these before. Just showing you guys some of the ads are awesome. Gives you a window into how things were. Look at that stone of Scone right there. There’s the Stone of Scone. Jacob’s pillow pillar. The pillar of Enoch. That rock has many of names. Let’s see. Old westminster Abbey. Look at that main door. Westminster Gothic Cathedral is what it looks like.

Yeah. Huge echo chamber.

Yeah. These old magazines, people used to get these every month. It was like, this is what the family educated themselves with. It had reports about all kinds of things, all kinds of is. We had all kinds of stuff going on in the Philippines, the Boer War, in Africa. The Boer War was like a genocide.


Look at these old deals. Webster’s Encyclopedia dictionary. Look at that. Do you know that I have dictionaries in my library that are way older than the books advertised in this 19 two magazine?

Oh, that’s crazy.

I’ve had dictionaries from the 17 hundreds now.


Yeah, man. Crazy. Loss of weight is dangerous. Keep the fat stammering. You heard the old ways. No money required. Any of these articles are free. Those are beautiful chairs. Look, the furniture and chairs they made back then are nothing like we have today. They took great pride in what they made back then. The standard of excellence.

Jaker look at that. A butt lift. Look at that. A natural body brace. Look how that fits her butt and goes right through her crotch area. Free trial. Free trial. Free trial. The washing machine is free, ladies. Free. The bigelow wire fly killer. It looks like a broom. They call it a fly killer, but it’s a broom.

All right. Yeah. These are awesome, guys. These are awesome. I’m only showing this one, although I have more over here. I’m only showing this one. Those particular ones, the world events ones, I’ve already gotten images out of these.

Yeah, I remember. So those will be on future. We’re not taking the cellophane off until.

This is the Pittsburgh Post, April 1919, six. I have two books about the San Francisco horror. I’m going to do a video using original photographs and data out of the San Francisco the Great Earthquake. There’s a lot of controversy behind that earthquake, so we’re going to get to the bottom of it. I have two books from 1906, seven and eight or something in that area right after that. And I also have this newspaper, Artem. This whole newspaper is dedicated to the massive disaster that happened to San Francisco, the earthquake in burning of the city in 1906. So thank you for sending this to me. This is going to be a valuable source of information because it’s right then when it happened. So you guys are going to love this. And other YouTubers are going to hate me.

Here it is. The St. Louis Post Dispatch, may 19 four. The greatest of the world’s Fairs. Impressively opened. Look at that. This is all about the world’s Fairs. We’ll open this one. Yeah. When we’re ready, we’re going to open this one, too. Attendance of over 200,000 breaks all previous records. Yesterday’s fair attendance was 207,000. Wow. Opening day alone was 185,000. Yeah, man spanked. His daughter is sent to jail. Wow. Okay. Yeah, we’re getting all that.

Check out these real quick. These are magazines that were sent to me. I don’t know if they’re going to have any value, but it does go off into Victor Lorray, who I’m interested in, 1890s. He was doing excavations, and he’s not very well mentioned by Egyptologists, so that’s already a red flag for me. It makes him more endearing to me. We’re definitely going to go through here. I like some of these magazines because they show a window into the ancient world. Look at that. Greeks were fascinated with hydras and Krakens. It’s a whole story of that. The three mystery mummies. Yeah.

All right. So all about history, Victorian medicine. This might be pretty interesting. Somebody just sent me this magazine. People send me all kinds of publications based off things they hear on the channel, and I’m cool with that. Look at that. That’s a real photograph. Bunch of doctors getting together, doing surgery on this poor girl. Look at oh, no, man.

Alright, so Phoenix by Dan Fogelberg. Not what you think. This is a music book. Any musicians out there? I’d be real curious as to how this music sounds. Phoenix. A music book. I have another music book I’m going to show in a minute.

The book of tarot. Explore the surprising story of the medieval game of destiny. I didn’t really think much about this book until I started flipping through it, and then it gave me a rundown on every single tarot card. First it gives you the history of tarot, and then it gives you an encyclopedia of every card, every single card. It’s history, what it means, what the symbols mean, all that. And then the back of the book well, back of the periodical is the different types of sets you lay out for different stuff in the readings of the cards.

So I have already done a video on the tarot, and I showed from my own education, from reading old sources and books, that it doesn’t go back beyond the 13th century AD. And its ultimate origin wasn’t among the French nobility, and it was a card game. And how it developed after that rapidly in the 15th, 16th, and 17th century to turn into the tarot we know today. The reason I did the video is because a lot of people have invested a lot of time and energy trying to convey that the tarot cards go back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, and they don’t. The ancient Egyptian symbols were used in the French versions of a deck of cards to play games. They weren’t even omen decks till a hundred years. Yeah, I catch a lot of flak, guys, for basically showing the historicity of different things. Tarot is one that’s not old.

The zodiac that we have today with ares and Gemini, it’s not even old. It’s not even old. I got a video on the zodiac as well, too. Does not go to ancient times, guys. The oldest zodiacs are all stellar and lunar. The solar zodiac that you’re familiar with is almost brand new within the last 23 centuries.

Here’s several books, some of them from Donna Abelman, some of them from Kathy, some of them from Victoria John. There’s just they’re all mixed up. Guys, we’re gonna go through these fast.On. Check this out. John the world’s famous orations. Now my favorite order is Cicero. I’ve read everything that we know Cicero has left to posterity. I like Cicero. This is 1906. This is all the famous public speakers about them. I’m definitely going to read it, but it’s probably not going to be a video.

This book here is essentials of American history. There’s old George. Old George with his wig, because that’s what he was. He was a wig. 1902 by Thomas Bonaventure Lawler. What the hell? Somebody drew that. Oh, yeah. Look at that pen and ink work, man. Christopher Columbus. Look at that nose. We already know what’s up. Your name is Crystal Vale Cologne. We know who you were. 1492, the day that the Jews were being kicked out of Aragon and Castile. The same day that they were being kicked out was the exact same day that Crystal Vale Cologne took his ship and sailed to Cuba. All right.

1886. Short history of the early church. 1886. This will be good, too. Yeah. This will be added to my Christian origin of Christianity section. History of the Christian church. Wow. This is a big book, man. Starts with Plato and Socrates. Oh, yeah. I’m already into the end of this. History of the Jews. History of Latin Christianity history of Early Christianity constitutional history of England. Okay. This guy is going to be very, very in depth. 1875. William McPherson. We’ll definitely get into that next book. Yeah, we’re going to do a video on this book, guys.

This is the soul of Lilith. Yeah. When dawn saw this book, she almost tried to take it from it. We’re about to have a wrestling match. The soul of Lilith. Look at that picture. The symbolism in this picture. That’s the frontest piece. All right. I love some of this.

1892. Not a drop of her blood was human, but she was made like a soft, sweet woman. Dante, Gabriel Rosadi. Yeah, this is going to be good. There’s going to be all kinds of quotes to take out of here. Older fiction, like Charles Dickens. Older fiction? Yeah. Writers back then were far more capable than today. Today it’s bullshit fiction. Here’s Dorothy. Who is Dorothy? The English Illustrated magazine. Okay. This is another anthology. Oh, it’s like those harpers. Yeah, I got a whole library full of Harper’s. But that’s good because Harper’s had all kinds of awesome articles back in the day, things that, you know, dudes would dig up something in their backyard, plowing a cornfield. Next thing you know, archaeologists would be out there digging up they find this old monument called the Kensington Rune Stone. And then yeah, you find those things in Harper’s Magazine. The original findings before they standardized the archaeology and then started giving you a spin to everything they found. Yeah, it’s crazy. Yeah, this is good. This is good. This is going to be packed full of all kinds of historical and cultural stuff. Look at this pen and ink work. I’m always fascinated when I see all this. This is a window into the ancient past. Who cares if it’s not a photograph, you know what I mean? It’s a window into the ancient history. It’s like, wow, it’s badass. Look at this pen and ink work, man. This looks like a Dungeons and Dragons module, dude. It kind of does. Yeah, man, all of it does. I can run a Dungeons and Dragons game and sit here and say, okay, here’s where you’re at. Right? Here’s where you are. You walk into the tavern. This is what it looks like on the outside. Yeah. Wow. I’m sorry, guys. I get distracted. I get lost. I get lost in the aesthetics. You think they don’t know that about you?

Yeah. Let’s go with the practical reference library. Let’s see what look at this. Beautiful. Oh, wow. Alright. 19 three hills practical reference library of general knowledge. This is going to be like farmers almanac. This is going to be like old Benjamin Franklin. Nickel. Nickel magazines. Yeah. 19 three. So this is going to have a lot of data. It’s going to be interesting. Okay, look at this. Here’s an older volume, the English illustrated magazine. Look at this. It’s a lot older. Same book as this one. The same book as that one right there, man. But I love that artwork. It was packed full of artwork, man. You’re going to be busy, man. You’re going to be taking pictures till Jesus comes back, I’m telling you.

1894. You know, lately I’ve been getting everything organized in my life, trying to get it to the point where I have reading hours every day. Oh, no kidding. Yeah. Don and I need to get back into presenting videos that just blow people’s mind with historical information. And I’ve kind of lost that. And I’ve noticed that in the past four or five months, as Archex grows, it gets more popular. But I want to go back to first principles. I want to go back to what really made the channel so popular, this innovative. It’s just dynamic historical material that most people never come into contact with and showing what’s real and what’s imagined. And I know it pisses off a lot of other YouTubers. I get it, you know what I mean? But it comes to the point where what do you want to do? You want to be known 20 years from now for putting out a whole bunch of BS. Man, just because you wanted your analytics high? You want to be known for providing value that is timeless because people know you that if you’re not telling the truth, you believe you are. There’s a huge distinction. Yeah, there’s a big difference.

The story of eclipses. Oh, that’s cool. This is the story of eclipses. Oh. And I’m pretty damn sure that some of this is going to be some phoenix phenomenon deals because all scientists claim that anything phoenix related is just an eclipse. It’s just an eclipse. Even though the traditions always are very careful to tell you that a battle between two empires like Lydia and media that were fighting each other for five years all of a sudden stopped a battle in mid career because of an eclipse, when eclipses were very well known at the time. No, something else happened, and it just happened to be 583 BC. According to the historians, the battle was the middle of the month of May. That’s the phoenix. That’s a Phoenix year, and it’s the time of the phoenix of the year. Additionally, it’s also the exact time that Thales of Miletus had predicted two years earlier that the sun was going to darken. And he didn’t say it was going to be by the moon. Yeah, you take all these things into consideration, something else is going on. Like Charles Ford says Charles Ford says there are many documented occurrences of the sun going dark that have nothing to do by the agency of the moon. Charles Schwartz said that in 1919 and then proceeded to give us a bunch of examples. Some of you guys are all this is 1902, so some of you guys will know you’ve heard of the dark day of New England. I believe it was the year 1790, the dark day of New England. So we have a lot of ancient sources. Oh yeah, a lot of citations here to old test. So we’re going to enjoy this evolution cruncher. Got it? Got it. What’s that? Evolution cruncher. Found it. I told you guys about this book. I read it in prison and then it was so valuable, full of information that I could not keep it to myself in my locker. And I wanted other people to know this information. Guys, I talk about fossilized jellyfish. I talk about fossils that are impossible by evolutionary and natural selection. I tell you guys that the entire natural selection evolutionary model is the only scientific model that was funded and it’s the only one that became power. It became all pervasive. But the truth of the matter is, there’s a whole host of scientists who have all published in this book and they show that carbon 14, potassium argon, the radium dating, all the relative dating methods from ice core dating dendrochronology, they’re all bullshit. This is from scientists, guys. They’re showing artifact after artifact and test after test that have been conclusively proven that every element of the theory of evolution is completely falsified. The data has been manipulated. It’s all bullshit. This book is fantastic. It’s over 1000 pages long and the book is getting increasingly difficult to find in its original. There is a new version out there called an updated version.I don’t know anything about it, I only heard it’s just a rumor. But I have the PDF for this book and it’s going in the archaics library. I’ll be giving it out for free. But this is the actual book that I read. Dawn found it for $15 in an old thrift store when thousands of other people who have emailed us looking for this book told us straight up that all internet searches come up dead for this book. Can’t find it.

So I don’t know how she got it, but when I was talking about it in a live video, in the middle of the video, she Googled the book, found it in an old thrift store, sent them $15, and a week later we got in the mail. It’s right here. Evolution cruncher. I’ll be doing videos out of this book to show you what I’ve been telling you guys about all this data that I’ve been pulling out from the scientific community, from scientists who have lost their funding for telling the truth. It’s all in this book. I’m trying to read that book. That book’s awesome. I want to read it really bad. My life, man. It changed the whole trajectory of my research when I realized that all this scientific, this book allowed me allowed me to be unchained in my research.

Meaning, when I was doing all my historical analysis, my interpretations were always within a box because I can’t go out of the perimeters of what’s scientifically accepted. People won’t understand what I’m talking about. I won’t even believe it’s too much fantasy. But then when I realized that the true fantasy is this scientific model that we came from a monkey, whether we had chimpanzee in this model, and every bit of it was completely falsified.

And they got caught time and time again by other scientists who confronted them. And those scientists lost their careers. They lost their publishing contracts, they lost their jobs. Listen, when I realized how pervasive the deception was and how even Charles Darwin, who’s quoted in this book, was really stressed out, how his original theory, which didn’t have a lot of evidence, had been taken by these rich elitists and funded. Charles Darwin, before he died, said, there’s nothing truer than the fact that the history of the world is punctuated by repeat and devastating cataclysms. Charles Darwin said that, which is a catastrophist statement.

But they used all his theory to promote uniformitarianism. This book, when I read this book and I was free of that dungeon programming, that science is true. When I was free of that, I was able to take off with archaics and able to put together all these feats, phenomenon, theories, nemesis, X object, the informed field of the everything now makes sense to me because I’m not thinking within the box that was carefully laid out for me. I’m thinking beyond that box. You got to read this book. I got to read it. So beautiful book that was donated to me. This book came all by itself. Beautiful book. Look at this. Travels in the interior of China. This is a travel log. I have told you guys in videos about two years ago the importance of reading old travel logs. Now, David Hatcher childers maintains the tradition of the travel log in his books Lost City, his six or seven Lost Cities books. But that’s not really the real travel logs from the 18 and 17 hundreds.

I’ve read several of those and they will educate you on how the world really was. You guys know, not a Brad Pitt movie, but there’s an old movie from HBO called Seven Years in Tibet. That book is actually modeled off an older book that I read about Seven Years in Mongolia, where a guy for seven years, an Englishman, traveled among all the Mongolian tribes and all that and the things he saw that no Westerners had ever seen before in the highlands of Mongolia and in northern China.

It is amazing, these travelogues. The Chinese tackling mack in desert, the things these people experienced and they saw, because in the travelogues, they actually tell you what the belief systems are of the local people. And I learned all kinds of Phoenix phenomenon data about the black star of the Gobi desert and how it appears and turns the desert to glass. And this is why the cities and mummies that have been found under the sand were there is because the coming of the black sun. Yeah, man, it’s these travel logs. They provide details you won’t find in historical books. And these are the memoirs of people who’ve actually been there, boots on the ground, living among those cultures. This is another one of those travel laws. Let’s look at the look how beautiful this book is. Dude, it’s heavy. Too heavy. This was written by somebody who traveled in the probably 1870s and 1880s through southern China. This is everything they saw and heard. Yeah, man, this is awesome. Yeah, this is where you’re going to find some gold mines. Look at that pin and ink there. Look at that pin and ink, man. Yeah, there’s a lot of pictures in here, too. So we’re going to get to those travelogue. I will be reading that. I’m going to do some posts and maybe some videos out of this book. Really unique book.

Yes, it’s a modern book, but it’s modern english translations of ancient Mediterranean texts on the creation of the world. Creation texts from the ancient Mediterranean. It’s awesome. Mycenaean tablets, old texts from Nassos, old Egyptian, ancient Libyan writings and traditions. Yeah. All we ever hear on the creation is the western, which is Judeo Christian creation. It’s all we ever hear. And those are modeled after the ones we also always hear about. The Anima elish, the Atrahasis, the arrows, epics, the Karsag tablets. That’s all we ever hear. So no, man, this is awesome. So we’re going to get to creation text, which I promise you, we’re going to see fragments in here of Nemesis X. We’re going to see fragments in here of the Phoenix phenomenon. We’re going to see fragments in here of things that we’ve been discussing archaics concerning the cosmological knowledges that have been passed down. We’re going to see that.

Alright. The Merchant of Venice. Okay. This is famous literature. The Merchant of Venice. It’s famous. Oh, Shakespeare. Yeah, it’s famous, but it’s not why the guy sent it to me. So when I opened this book, there were 2.99% sterling troy ounce troy ounce coins. When I opened up this book, they were taped on the inside. It was a donation to Arcades maybe he me to read The Merchant in Venice, too, and that’s probably cool. It’s one of the Shakespearean deals I have not read, so I’ll probably go ahead and read it.

But I just want to thank you, man. You know who you are. You can put your. Name down in the comment section. But I just wanted to give thanks, man, for what you did. You sent me two silver coins, add to my collection, thousands of you. I know it’s been thousands because I looked at my Podia analytics. Also, there’s at least 150 of you that I copied and pasted over a three year period. When I mentioned this book from 1893, I mentioned this book because I was not a believer in the zodiac, astrology, interpretations and all that until I read this book.

When I read this book, which is dated from 1893, it nailed me to a T. I’m a Gemini, and I am a Gemini. That’s published in this book 100%. It nailed me. But I’m also a critic, so I read Aries, I read Taurus, I read Libra, I read Capricorn. I went through Leo, I went through all the houses, and none of them apply to me the way Gemini did. This book woke me up. And when I said that in the video about two and a half, three years ago, there’s at least 2000 of you wanted to read it, and you got it. And for any of you who are listening to my voice, let other people know what I’m talking about because you received that free PDF from me. I know you did. I know hundreds of you listening to this video received that free PDF from me, and I’ll keep sending them out for free. But that is an amazing book. 1893.

Oh, that’s from Grandma Barbie. Grandma Barbie. Barbie. Grandma Barbie. Oh, man. Nice. Alright. That sounds kind of hot. Alright, here it is. Influence of the Zodiac on human life. Eleanor Kirk. The version I read was 1893. This is 1894 right here. The version I read was…Booktree published the original edition. Oh, nice. Booktree published the original edition. This is the second edition. Yeah. It’s got tables on the human body and yeah, this is just it’s got a lot of it’s awesome, jim and I nailed me to a T. It was amazing. Made me a believer. Made me change my mind.

All right. Okay, guys, this is antique gems by longinus. This is Longinus’s only surviving poem. It’s Long. Now, don’t get intimidated. I want to show this. Don’t get intimidated because it’s literally 260 of these little paragraphs. So it’s not near as long as you think, but it’s about a boy and a girl who were taken from their families, adopted into separate families, and how they were raised, and it’s the story of their life. And there’s entries. All kinds of things happen. I’m telling you guys now, I believe in the preservation of just amazing stories and stuff in the comments section, if you want me to do a reading and show, because John has already photographed every single English translation page. On the opposite page is the original Greek. I didn’t have him photograph the Greek except for one to show an example of what he was reading. He’s reading the translations, so while he’s photographing the translations. So I have all 260 of these already edited down and ready for a video. Thanks to John’s work, he’s already gone through this video. I just don’t know if it’s a priority. Is this something you guys want to hear? This is going to be an audio book. It’s going to be a single video showing the text of what John photographed right here. And I will personally read it. I’ll take a day out of my time if you guys want it, and I will read it and I’ll upload it to Archaics. But this is an ancient 2000 year old epic poem. It’s a drama. So if this is what you want, it’s called Antique Gems, and it’s by Longis. It’s the only surviving Longis poem that we have.

All right, come over here. Look at these books. We’re spread these out. Recollections of a California pioneer. This is another travelogue type book from the 1870s, 1860s. These are very valuable, especially when you find them in their original compositions and not redacted. So these are actual copies of the plates, you know what I mean? Instead of a newer version that’s been sold. This is what the man saw from the 1860s, 1870s, and his experiences as a pioneer and a gold miner in California. So you get some gems in here, too. There’s some pretty interesting historical things in here because these old travelogues also disprove some of these real wild, radical theories about different areas, like California being some sophisticated pre 19 two. Some people have taken the Archaic data and have completely wrapped their own ideas and theories around it, and there’s no evidence to comport. So it’s just weird. This was donated. I like that. That’s going in the archaic survival library. Remember, I told you guys I’m putting together a survival shelf of how to rebuild an infrastructure fast without electricity. All the pre World War II engineering is amazing because you can build a whole infrastructure and never use electricity. So I have a whole collection of books on how to do that. Food of the Gods by H. G. Wells. This is like my fourth or fifth book in the Archaics Library by H. G. Wells. HG. Wells also wrote a complete history of the world. I have that book as well. So this is an 1888, the dawn of the food, the discovery of the food harvest. I don’t know. So we have to check out what he’s talking about. H. T. Wells is one of those deep thinkers. He even wrote a book about the future. Universal history, ancient history. Now, what’s valuable about this book is that I’ve quoted this man before in the past. I told you. This is by rollinson. So here’s George Rollinson, 1887. Ancient history from the flood to the commencement of the monarchy in Egypt, in Babylon. Yeah, this is beautiful. All the different dynasties. Yeah, this book is packed. Look at this. This is rollinson. This man is a historian. I know people. Some of y’all are going to screenshot this. So you look. This is just a table of contents. It’s packed. But that’s who I quote. That’s why I cite him a lot. Yeah, you’ll never get Rollinson to ever agree with Flamingo. I promise you that. Yeah, all these are chronological tables, different things. All right, we’ll put that over here moving fast. I don’t want this video to go on terribly long.

So this right here is an 1854 edition of just Matthew through Revelation and the Psalms of the Old Testament. This is the New Testament. New Testament. Yeah. This is just the New Testament. 1854 was what, 146 years plus 2023 is 180. 87. Yeah. 189 year old New Testament Bible. All right, this one is the Healing of the nations. We’re going to have to do some book binding on this one. Yeah, we’ve got some stuff that needs repaired. Look at that. Pen and ink. These are not photographs, bro. Look at this. Pen and ink. Isn’t that amazing? Healing of the nations, 1855. Nathaniel Talmudge. Yeah, it’s packed full of historical references. Poems of the nations. Yeah, this is going to be a Christianized version of world history. Oh, is it what it is? All right. Heart songs. I believe. Oh, just like that old one. This is a music book. Look at this. Oh, is that the other music book? This would be awesome. I need to get in touch with a musician that can read this. Melodies of days gone by for the archaics library. We need a musician who can play these old music books. I got I mean, this is a piece of history. Now, these are Melodies of Days Gone By, but they’re old songs from the perspective of 100 years ago, 1909. Heart Songs. Look, the entire book is nothing but music. Pirates course, man. I want to know that pirates chorus, man. I could have the next archaic theme song in this book and not even know. Archaic theme song? Yeah, man, I know. I get carried away. I’m sorry. That could be in there, man. Okay. The works of great classics. Oh, check this out. This is ancient Babylonian and Assyrian literature, guys, don’t get me started on Zechariah stitching. Listen, guys, babylonian and Assyrian literature is not Babylonian in Assyrian history, just like Shakespeare is not true history. It is literature. Yeah, man, this is it. This is look at this old book. What’s that in the book? It was a bookmark of the person that sent me the book. Look at this, man. That’s crazy. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Yeah, the colonial press, man, they took such great pride. Look at that pen and ink, man, I could do massive video presentations. Just the images that I’ve seen in these books today. Yeah, the Epic of isdu bar, man. I read that. I do need to do a video on that 19 one man, all these different okay, here’s a list. Here’s a full list of all the epics that are in this book. Look at that. Look at that, man. Do you know that each one of these could be a video? Look at that. Epic of ishtar and isdabar. Temeh is restored to life. The king becomes immortal. Babylonian exorcisms. Oh, these are additional tablets and cuneiform inscriptions in the back. 159 to 294. Over 150 pages of extra cue form. Inscriptions of just different topics. Babylonian exorcisms. Academic hymn to Ishtar. Antianils of Asher Nasipal sacred poetry. Talismans and exorcisms. Babylonian charms. Inscriptions of Tiglath pulasser I. The revolt of Heaven. The legend of the Tower of Babel. Not the Genesis version. The Babylonian version. Isn’t that interesting? Academic poem of the seven evil spirits. Chaldean. Hymns to the sun. Academic proverbs and songs. Babylonian public documents. Babylonian private contracts. The great inscription of chorusbad.

And I got to put this book up. I’m 50 years old. When am I going to have time to put videos out of all this? All right, mysteries of the Kabbalah. This came from the Rosicrucian Library, 1922. Mysteries of the Kabbalah. You have to read this book. I read it in prison. Oh, yeah. I’ve been watching some videos here lately where people mention the book. Listen, man, I’m like, dude, you got to read it, man. You do. You really do. This is the Kabbalion. This book the hermetic principles. Yeah, man, this is it. What’s up? I’ll take it home today. Yeah, you need toBooktree has a paperback edition of this exact same book. I’m not plugging it, but it’s booktree 1800, 700, tree. I’m not trying to draw a drum. No business for man. As for Paul ty yeah, but the Kaibalion or my boy George? Yeah, George is there, too, helping him out. Oh, they got new help. Lewis. Oh, did they? Oh, I didn’t know that. Lewis is redoing the whole I haven’t met Lewis. The whole booktree website. Oh, nice. They got help. Shout out to Lewis. Get out there, Lewis.

And of course, for anybody who’s really interested in the Kybalion, paul Tyce of the booktree in San Diego, he does provide a paperback book. And it’s the same. And what’s beautiful about it, it’s not a rendition. It’s the original facsimiles. You can see how old the book was when it was photographed and put in that book. The cabalion’s. Awesome. This is the wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus. Trismegistus means the thrice. Great. Yeah, let me have that. It’s deeply spiritual. It’s deeply philosophical. It’s got some historical material in there. But it is a book that will open up your mind that ancients were far more intelligent than we give them credit for.

Okay, we have the magic presence. I don’t know anything about this book. This came from the Rossicrucian library. The Magic Presence. The magic presence. St germain Press. Oh, we already know who St. Germain was. You know who he is? I don’t. I’ve heard the name, but I don’t know. In the late 16 hundreds, this dude, looking like he’s 50 something years old, appears in the courts of Europe, and he astonishes people. Oh, you’ve told me about this guy before. Yeah, it’s like he left for a long time. Come back when the children were old, and it didn’t seem like he had ever aged 90 years. This woman lived till she was like 92 or 93 years, and she was already like, 92, 93 when St. Germain showed up in some obscure keep, or the nobility were having a ball, and she remembered him from when she was like eleven or twelve years old and how he had not aged. Today, hers is just the most authentic account. There are several accounts. People were writing letters to each other, like, who is this dude? He knows everybody, speaks every language. He’s an alchemist. He can do all these things. And there is like 175 year period where he was just periodically visiting all the courts, but because they didn’t have telecommunications back then, they weren’t able to just get onto him. He was just a passing intrigue. He would stay 30 days at this court and then be gone, and nobody knows where. And then by the time they catch up to him, he’s already left that court in Prussia. By the time they catch up to where he’s been for the last 30 days, he would be in France, entertaining. And it’s just so crazy. He is the Count Desert St. Germain. A lot of books were written about him, but they’ve kind of faded off. We don’t know much about that book. We’ll get to it.

Four leaf clover can’t be wrong. A romance of two worlds this might be fiction. This will go into the archaic’s fiction library. I’m already liking it because 1898, artist studio, Hotel Mars and its owner, Zara Ivan, sympathy in the Air. Okay, we don’t really know this is going to be fiction, guys, so we’ll get to that. Like I said, don’t get offended by me going fast in these books. When the Archaic PDF library is available, I promise you guys, I’m not charging for it. 100% of everything will be free downloads of the Archaic Library. Some of you like your fiction. You want to read some relaxing stuff? I got plenty of it in the library. A lot of old fiction books are in here.

Alright, this is Rossicrucian library as well. Second of the Great arcanums. Eulus affectional, Alchemy. Oh, wow. Look at this picture. That might be interesting read. Yeah. For those new to my channel, I have done presentations like this before where I’m showing a lot of books that are in the library, but none of my presentations all stacked together can actually cover how many books I have. I got a lot done man. It seems like every time I turn around, you’re like, oh, yeah, I got, like, 50 more books to add to the library. It’s like, what? Come on, man. Where are you putting all these books, dude? This is the last yeah, that’s the final book. And then I got something special to show you right here.

Gaskell’s compendium of forms. Social, educational, legal, and commercial forms. This is another piece of history. Another piece of history. Look at that ink work, man. I’m so impressed by these. Look at that ink work. That’s Gaskell right there. Stunning, young man. Wow. I can’t even get these pages apart, but I have to. That’s the title page. Okay. The young men and young women of the United States and who wish to master at their own homes the most necessary forms and laws of business and society. This is interesting because this is really what the title says it is. It’s exactly what the title says it is. It gives a history of all these documents and then an index in the beginning. And no matter what you want to do, you want to sell land, you want a title, you want a deed, you want a passport, you want a letter of marquee? Do you need a specific type of receipt? Do you want to petition the library of Congress for access to the library or whatever? Everything. How to write a divorce. Every single legal and commercial document known to man in the United States of America is in this book. How to write it, how to draft it, how to sign off. Everything’s in here all business. Yeah, a total breakdown of Roman numerals. Everything. Anything that you’re going to find in American documents in this book. It’s huge, man, huge. All kinds of graphs, charts, and tables for public measures for all kinds of different stuff. Look at this. This is from the 18 hundreds, bro. Look at that. That’s 1880 occupations. 1880? Yeah, man. It’s just crazy, man. Dude, I just saw a badass painting. Didn’t you see it? And look how the United States look at the United States. The United States don’t even look like this today. Look at this. This is before several areas even became states. That looks like a time zone chart also. Yeah, it’s kind of cool. Well, I see that painting, man. It’s awesome in here. Look at that, man. It’s a horse racing. Yeah, I guess. Showing the fastest times on records. Oh, this is like a Gizmo. World’s records, too. This is like an almanac too, man. Here’s all the military branches, navy department forms that they use, individual municipalities, all the forms they use. Look at that, dude. Look at that pen and ink work. I’m so glad you have a camera. You got your work cut out for you.

Alright, last but not least, but not least. So a few people have done readings of Awaken the Immortal Within. They’ve done pretty good. P money’s won. Recently, a lady contacted me, and I’m very familiar with her name, and I apologize for not being able to recall it off the top of my head, but she’s been in the comment sections a lot on archaics. She did a reading of Awaken the Immortal Within that I’m going to use. I don’t know if it’s going to be for a video or how I’m going to use it yet. I might do an audio download, I don’t know. But she did a real good job of reading Awaken the Immortal Within. The first four chapters of Awakened Immortal Within were actually read by the voice of Batman. There’s a new Batman movie coming out in 2024. 2024. I think that’s when you said it was coming out. They’re filming it right now. Yeah. He’s not the Michael Keaton. It’s only when Batman’s in the suit, he’s the voice. When Batman is not in the suit, it’s the actor’s voice. But when Batman is all suited up, he has a slightly different voice. Well, that guy is a professional voiceover artist, and he’s doing not only Awakening Immortal Within, but he wants to read all the other archaic books as well. Oh, wow. So that’s very interesting. But it has nothing to do with Vince Dugar. Vince Dugar here. Shout out to Vince. He sent me a proposal. Vince Dugar has some really awesome comic books, and they’re all weed based. Marijuana. Oh, Lord.From the Dank Side. It’s all about smoking weed, man. Bong wars. You know I’m a Star Wars fan. Of course I had to read that. I laughed my ass off. Say bong wars. Atomic Spider. Mites from Mars. Weed Wolf. Weed Wolf. Yeah, there’s more. There’s more. I think. Don’s got two of them.

Look, check it out. These are really well put together comic books. These are like new comics. They’re brand new. It’s a three man because look at the back, like the advertisements and stuff. It looks like old comics is what it looks like to me. It’s done in the style of the old thirty s. Forty s? Fifty S era comics. This is like a three man team. And this is what they produce, all these comics. So they want to do archaics comics before they start on something as deep as the archaics research, which I’m not going to tell them no. I’m not going to tell them no. I’m going to give them the green light if that’s what they want to do. But I went ahead and put them on my Faith Lord saga first. So they said, hey, give us some time because you got a lot. I’ve got 50 episodes of the Faithorin saga on my other YouTube channel. For those new to my channel. You don’t know. I wrote a seven book fantasy epic series about a fairy apocalypse. So I’m going to give them a green light on archaics. But first I put them on the Falorn saga for those new to my channel. You don’t know the Falorn saga. When I was in prison, I wrote a seven book fantasy epic series about a fairy apocalypse. And I basically encoded my belief systems into this story because I’m very well aware that one of the best ways to that light’s going to drive me crazy. Yeah, it just started doing it. No, it’s been doing it the whole time. You’ve been focused on books. It’s glaring on my anyway.

Yeah. I have another YouTube channel called the Phaloren Saga. And there’s 50 episodes there’s 50 videos already on there that go deep into the story. But I literally have a I mean, the story is already written. I just got to sit down and read them. And I already have all the graphics and video that goes with it. So I can do it fast. I’m just short from time because I’m trying to get my life all in order. Big John’s trying to help me, other people trying to help me get more organized so I can just massively produce all this content.

But they’re watching those videos right now, and they’re going to get back to us. But I would like to see comic books made of the Falorn Saga. But if not, then we can go ahead and do archaics comics. That’s cool, too. Anything to get the message out. Anything. But all this is theirs. They sent me buttons. They sent me stickers. They got a really interesting thing going on. All these stickers, man. They’re awesome. Awesome. Bong war. Bong wraps. That’s crazy. That is crazy. So that’s these guys here. Silver that pretty much wraps up my presentation. This is a give back video. This is just to show you guys things you have coming in the future. And I want to give personal thanks to those who have utilized my PO box and sent these books and these magazines and these old newspapers and sent gifts. And out of the kindness of your heart, you’ve provided these things to our cakes. I appreciate that because this is really just giving to the community, because that’s all I do with spiritual alchemy. I just take this material and I turn it into presentations, and I give it back to you on YouTube.

So, you’re not going to check out the little speaker that was donated? You’re not going to spit some funky, funky rhymes, man? Hold on, man. Come on, man. You got to spit hot fire, bro.

But I will say this. Hold on. It will do feedback. But I’m telling you, this is a fantastic gift. This gift right here was sent to me by somebody, and it’s for Meetups. And that speaker is very loud. We have it on a very low yeah, we’ve got it really low right now because it will blow this house out. But it comes with two speakers just like this. And I really do appreciate it. It is fantastic gift. And we’ll use it for smaller meetups, like 20 to 100 people. But anything other than that, we have to use bigger speakers. But this thing gets loud and it does not distort. It stays very clear. So I really appreciate this too. This was another donation to our case. Thanks, John. I forgot about this. Yeah, no problem.

That sums up this video today. This is a give back video. I just wanted to show my appreciation while I had my explorers hat on and informal video. But you have so much content all the way. Guys, believe me, archaics is just getting started.

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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1 thoughts on “Amazing Finds Facts Gifts and Knowledge

  1. Avatar Of Taylor
    Taylor says:

    Wow, what wonderful books, so very interesting, can’t wait for your further posts and podcasts, thank you Jason 🌸🩵

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