Jason was publishing about the Mayan long count not ending in 2012, way back before 2012. This dude is shaking the nest. His discoveries on calendars and ancient moon and day count calendars is putting some of these guys to shame. Remember we are actors, we are paid to lie, we are rich because we are good at what we do. Anyone at this point who can’t see that the Jews copied Babylonian tablets to write Genesis is blind. Jason’s dark scriptures playlist shows this perfectly. That the New Testament is a collection of forged texts put together centuries after the events they depict.
This guy is called our the entire ancient aliens community to debate. Like Tyson, they ain’t getting in the ring. Jason says one who is properly informed is not easily deceived. I would like to see Jimmy Corsetti or Matthew Lacroix debate Jason about this Atlantis dating issue. No one’s real key interested in Bill Carson’s opinion anymore. His findings on the procession hoax, the change of the year from 360 days to 365 man, this changes everything in archaeoastronomy. You know, I’m not a doctor. I have no medical background. I’m an actor. And even I know Atlantis was the 13th century BC.
Jason has dropped massive data sets on the Old Testament, not even being old, but from the Greek era. You think we took you for a ride? Wait till the new Christian Reich takes control. It won’t be American and it sure ain’t Christian. I couldn’t believe it. I mean, you know, when Jason showed that the Jewish calendar was completely made up, I mean, you know, damned, how are we going to know what year it is now? Yeah, the Shar being a day and not a year totally murders a lot of books out there. That’s the reason these guys don’t want to talk.
Jason killed their little pet theories. It all came true. Jason said I was going to be a part of fake news, just like Billy Carson. I tried to sniff Jason one time, but Big John stopped me. I think Jason would have been into it though. Don’t forget we are actors. We are paid to lie. We are rich because we are good at what we do. [tr:trw].