Bright Insight Promotes a Dark Lie: Jimmy Corsetti the Richat Structure…

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➡ The speaker is upset with the misinformation spread by certain individuals in the truther community. He criticizes their lack of qualifications and accuses them of using his criminal history against him. He also claims that these individuals are part of a large disinformation campaign. The speaker promises to expose these individuals and their false narratives, particularly regarding the location of Atlantis.
➡ The speaker is challenging the popular theories about ancient civilizations, particularly the idea of Atlantis being located at the Richat Structure, also known as the Eye of the Sahara. He argues that these theories are based on misinformation and lack of solid evidence. He also criticizes the government for spreading false information about history and science. The speaker encourages more scrutiny and intellectual debates to uncover the truth.
➡ The speaker discusses various historical and archaeological topics, including the geological formation of the Richat structure, the introduction of iron into the historical record, and the discovery of King Tut’s tomb. They also mention the discovery of honey in an ancient Egyptian tomb, highlighting its antibacterial properties and its significance in ancient Egyptian culture. The speaker ends by mentioning an upcoming conference and a Q&A session on Twitter, where they plan to answer questions and engage with their audience.
➡ The text discusses theories about the Ryshack structure in northwest Africa possibly being the lost city of Atlantis. In 2006, George Alexander and Natalis Rosen suggested this idea after noticing similarities between the structure and Plato’s description of Atlantis. However, this theory relies on another theory about a comet impact 12,000 years ago, which is disputed. The text criticizes this approach, arguing that it’s based on a mistranslation of Plato’s work and that geological evidence suggests the Ryshack structure is much older than the proposed timeline for Atlantis.
➡ The text discusses the Ryshack structure, a geological formation that some believe could be the lost city of Atlantis. The author disagrees, explaining that the structure is likely the result of underground pressure and volcanic activity, not a man-made city. They also mention that no evidence of civilization, such as ruins or artifacts, has been found there. The author also highlights the work of researcher Tony O’Connell, who has done extensive research on Atlantis, but does not believe the Ryshack structure is the lost city.
➡ The text argues that the Reichak structure cannot be the lost city of Atlantis as described by Plato. The author points out that Plato’s Atlantis was an island civilization beyond the pillars of Hercules (the Atlantic Ocean), not in Africa where the Reichak structure is located. The author also notes that Plato’s Atlantis was submerged under the sea, while the Reichak structure is above sea level. The text further argues that the timeline of Atlantis as described by Plato does not match with the existence of certain elements like Egypt, Athens, seafaring vessels, domestication of horses, canal works, and the use of iron tools.
➡ The text discusses the historical dating of Atlantis, suggesting it existed around 1300 or 1200 BC, not 9600 BC as previously thought. This is based on seven facts from history, archaeology, and anthropology. The text also argues that ancient Egyptians used lunar months, not solar years, to count time, which has led to misunderstandings about historical timelines. Lastly, it mentions the Ryshat structure, a geological formation, as a possible location for Atlantis.
➡ The text discusses different theories about the history of Atlantis, based on various historical records and interpretations. It suggests that the timeline of Atlantis, as described by Plato, might not be literal but symbolic, and that the civilization’s founding, war, and destruction couldn’t have all happened in the same year. The text also argues that the fantastical elements often associated with Atlantis were added much later and are not found in Plato’s original writings. Lastly, it criticizes some modern interpretations of Atlantis’s history, arguing that they lack evidence and are misleading.
➡ This text talks about the history of the Sea People’s Federation, a mysterious group that sailed from the Atlantic into the Mediterranean around the 13th century BC. They took part in the Trojan War, invaded Egypt twice, and wiped out the Hittites. After their wars, two new cultures, the Philistines and the Phoenicians, appeared in the Mediterranean. The text also discusses the theory that Atlantis was destroyed around 1135 BC or 1123 BC, after the fall of Troy and the Sea People’s invasions.
➡ The text discusses the controversy around the existence of Atlantis, a mythical city. The author argues that many researchers, including Corsetti, Hancock, Carson, and Lacroix, have made errors in their theories about Atlantis, even after being corrected. The author also mentions multiple floods and cataclysms in history, but insists that Atlantis’s existence is not supported by historical records or anthropology. He criticizes these researchers for promoting unproven theories and ignoring contradicting evidence, suggesting that they might be intentionally spreading misinformation.
➡ The speaker believes that Joe Rogan and other popular platforms may be suppressing certain information or perspectives, a practice he refers to as “gatekeeping”. He suggests that these platforms are avoiding debates and discussions about controversial topics, and he’s calling them out for it. He also mentions that he has been blacklisted by some networks, but he remains committed to sharing his views and information. He ends by discussing an upcoming event and some personal matters.


Afternoon, my friends. See that chat’s rolling. That’s good. I know you guys are going to give me an audio check here in a minute. I’m not even talking loud. It it glad to see so many moderators in the chat. Thank you, guys. Kind of need those moderators more and more. I seem to be ticking off a lot of people. Didn’t mean to start that way. I just wanted a seat at the table.

Now I’m just going to have to attack the whole table. And I’m cool with that. See, this is going to be an amazing presentation. Yeah, this is going to be an amazing presentation, guys, because the truther community is a shit show. Absolute shit show. It is amazing what people, content creators, some of these guys, they really throw out that I’m a published author deal to gain that clout.

But when you read their books, they’re not qualified. Self published books. Absolute garbage. Full, no bibliographies. I get offended by that. But you know what? That’s their business. That’s their grift. But behind the scenes, hey, behind the scenes, some of these people, hey, they’re doing all kinds of stuff. Yeah, I got some of them emailing my criminal history to anybody who will listen, but they won’t dare say nothing in public because it’ll make them look real stupid.

I don’t give a damn. All that’s out on the open. I got videos talking about it. I’m not proud of it. I was 17 years old. Shit happened. It was 34 years ago. Get over. If my criminal history is in any way a defense against your shill research, then by all means, get after it. Get after it, because I’m not backing up and don’t even care. But yeah, I get emails from a lot of people who show me the exchanges between famous people, man, that you wouldn’t even believe, man, shit talking.

But you won’t hear any of these people on these platforms calling me out. So, yeah, this video is really in response to, to, uh. I’m going to inform you guys of the business. This isn’t just this dude, Jimmy Corsetti. It’s not just Matthew Lacroix signing up on the wrong team and turning around, having to toe the line, holding on to Billy Carson’s belt loop everywhere he goes. It’s not even really about Billy Carson, Graham Hancock, they’re all in on this together.

This is a massive disinformation campaign and it has been coordinated with expertise. Oh, yeah. Guys, there is no way. After you guys see this presentation, after I go through this data set and show you this new chart. There is no way anybody’s going to be able to think these guys are this dumb. No, this is basically a, you’re the public, therefore you’re stupid. And we can say anything we want to.

And with a little bit of good video and music and some talking heads and some agreement, we can make you believe anything because you’re dumb. This is the position of these men, and you’re going to see it in this video because I promise you, these men are not this stupid. We’re going to get after it. Guys, you already know I’m going to bring you the business. This will be my last Atlantis video.

There’s no need. I mean, I’m even going to show you more data that you’ve never seen, I’ve never brought to your attention. I went ahead and went deeper in my files, pulled out some more stuff, but especially concerning this Richat structure, you guys need to know about this because it’s been heavily promoted, and I don’t think everybody’s on board with it. I don’t think Randall Carlson’s on board with it.

Isn’t he a geologist? Somebody tried to educate me on that, but I really wasn’t paying attention. But something like that. I don’t know. But, yeah, these guys, there’s a bunch of them. I got a list. I’m building a list. There’s people studying my channel and then real cleverly taking material, repackaging it as their own because they ain’t got anything. Yeah. I don’t have any respect for the entire Gaia network.

None. That is the most shill trash garbage research I have ever seen, and it’s easily exposed. And if I have to make it my campaign in the next five years just to dissect every narrative that they’ve put out, I’ll do it because it’s nothing to me. Once you have all the data, you have an endless amount of resources to pull from to easily put these presentations. Look at me, guys.

It’s nothing to me. I’m putting out three to four live videos packed full of data, some of them going three and 4 hours a week. Yeah. Why isn’t anybody keeping up? Because I have a very unique history, and that history is data mining. In prison for decades, I didn’t have anything else to do but collect data, collect information. I wasn’t even trying to really put it all together.

It just naturally came together. Tie found the Phoenix phenomenon. That’s how I found Nemesis X. That’s how I found cross cylindrical parallels and all these amazing palindromic patterns in history. Just like Franz Boaz said in the 1890s, if you record enough facts, the answers will fall to you like ripe fruit. Just happens. With the acquisition of more and more data, you’re able to disseminate fact from fiction. And I can throw all this away, which I’ve never presented in archaics because by the time you guys hear me do a presentation, I had ten times that amount of data.

But I had to remove anything that didn’t really fit or was just bad data. That’s what we have to do as qualified researchers. We have to be able to remove the draws in order to show a product. That’s what we have to do. The problem is in the community now, it looks like CGI. Good storylines, eloquence, the ability to pronounce words correctly, and having talking heads, agreeing and nodding and yes, Manning.

Oh yeah, that’s true. And having multiple faces in a video, beautiful video clips. I guess that’s how truth is presented in today’s community. I’m low budget. I don’t spend any money on my videos. None. All this I’ve already told you to pass. I got free Google downloads. I can go to Google apps on my tablet. You can’t do it on a laptop. You can’t do it on a home computer.

But on my tablet I can go to Google apps and just download all these free apps and do all these thumbnails and image manipulation. It’s never costed me a dime. There are hundreds of these services. Nothing. I’m not going to have this huge budget. I don’t have any video budget whatsoever at all. Now I do buy video clips from Shutterstock. All my video clips are paid for. It’s cheap.

They’re just little ten and 22nd little video clips that I put together. Most of my long videos you’ve seen were all from my motorcycle or my van, some of them from the jeep. But all my road trips I document. Yeah, other than that, it seems like facts are omitted from most of the presentations that I’ve been reviewing lately. And it’s all this fantasy that’s injected. But the fantasy is presented as professional as possible.

So by the end of the presentation, you’re left with more questions than answers. Well, we’re going to get to that here, because by the time we get done with this video, you will no longer believe the riceat structure in Africa has anything to do with Atlantis at all. At all. You’re listening to a man who believes 100% that Plato was describing something real. The Atlantis narrative is a description of something real, but it also went through many, many filters.

Remember, there’s hundreds of years between times the story of Atlantis reappeared in the historical record. Yeah, Plato received it 200 and something years after somebody else recorded it. Solon. Yeah. Plato never met Solon. That would have been impossible. Centuries divided them men. So those men were divided by centuries. So Solon had to have had it written down somewhere for Plato to have received it. There’s a filter of centuries there.

There’s another filter that Solon got it from the priests of Sais. The priests of Sais said it was on the temples. That the story was told on the temples. Well, I’m going to tell you what other stories told on those same temples in Egypt. The invasion of the Sea People’s Federation. Where do they come from? The Atlantic? So we have a lot of historical verification. But the problem is we need to deal with these anachronisms because it’s these anachronisms that Graham Hancock is guilty of ignoring.

How do I know this? Because I’ve been through the man’s bibliography. And if he ever wants to challenge me on this, I will use only his bibliography just to embarrass him and show him that all the facts showing Atlantis was not the younger, dryest period, it was not 9600 BC were found in the very books that he mentioned in his bibliography. Therefore, there’s only two conclusions to derive from that.

Either Mr. Hancock is a liar or he just put books in his bibliography he didn’t really read. Yeah, either one of those aren’t good at all. And it is a matter for debate. If he doesn’t like anything coming out of my mouth, that’s a public challenge. I would love to debate the man just using the books in his own bibliography, that his dating of Atlantis is totally falsified.

So, yeah, the whole ancient aliens deal, too. I got another video coming out on that, too. It’s all such a farce. Since when? Since when does anybody believe the government? Really? Come on. Come on. Government has lied about history. They have lied about education. They have lied about science. They have funded scientific organizations that in themselves are nothing but intelligence operations that are designed to lie to you about the world you live in.

The government is responsible for all this. The government is 100% controlled ops. It doesn’t matter if you’re republican. It doesn’t matter if you’re Democrat. It is still the same shit show. And anytime somebody thinks they get up and change, they call themselves a libertarian. Have we ever elected a libertarian into any. No. Why? Because they’re not a part of the program. Therefore they’re omitted. This is archaics as well.

Archaics isn’t a part of the program. So right now what are they doing? They’re just totally ignoring, which is the worst thing they can do because this is like a contagion. More and more people are sharing the archaics material. It doesn’t matter how many times Corsetti, Hancock, who is the mother? Paul Wallace, it doesn’t matter how many times the ancient aliens franchise, Gaia, we already know. We’ve already run the exercises.

It doesn’t matter how many times they keep deleting references to archaics over and over and over. More and more people are waking up to the fact that this is a massive disinfo network in what is the so called truth or community. Yeah, none of these men can back up their claims with data sets. None of them. Is this Jason just running his mouth? Apparently not, because they’re listening to me right now.

And none of them have publicly called me out to a debate. Yeah, none of them. That speaks of volumes. Volumes. So since I have the floor and since I am unopposed, you guys can get ready for some really tantalizing videos because I’m going to go ahead and just go full frontal assault with all my data because all this crap that’s out there, I do have some colleagues that I respect and I’m in total agreement with.

I mean, we got people out there. You guys know. I’m not attacking everybody. I’m just attacking those who are putting out shill research and won’t defend it. Yeah, I like John Levy. He asked the right questions. You guys know I got much love for Martin Leakey. Yeah. We can’t ignore Robert Seifer. The man is on a mission. He’s a lot like me, but he’s attacking a whole different thing.

And I’m all for get on. You got to get on X to see what Robert Seifer is really doing. He’s doing some things on YouTuber, but he’s on X every single day, put out stuff. And so am I. One of my moderators, would you please put my link for Twitter? Because I engage in the comment sections on Twitter every single day, probably more so than I do on YouTube.

And I’m not on Instagram. So yeah, I told you 2024 is going to get nasty, guys. It’s going to get nasty at this point. Yeah, you can defend him all you want, but if a man will not, no case gain defending Jimmy Corsetti. That’s good. I applaud you, man. You should always defend your heroes. Always. I would never take that from have to say. I will have to say that there’s going to come a point in time when these men are going to either have to come to the table, we’re going to have an intellectual, mature conversation about the facts, not mudslinging, and we’re going to get all this right and see what’s left.

Or they can continue to engage in these petty silences which are only going to critically hurt them more and more because the public is getting fed up with misinformation. And once the accusation of disinfo is put out there into the field, it doesn’t just go away. It doesn’t. People begin asking questions, they begin scrutinizing. And the worst thing that these men could have ever had was something like archaics all of a sudden rising and showing people not only a totally different way of looking at the same facts, but also adding more facts that were omitted by these presenters.

I’m going to show you in this video, this data set is amazing. We’re going to get into it. Bella B. Me, too. I’m sick of the truth of community, but a few out there that I’m really resonating with, I’m not just talking about just the people who present research. A whole bunch of these hosts. A bunch of these hosts out there, yeah, they’re just as bad because they cherry pick who they’re going to talk to and who they’re going to not to.

So a whole bunch of these hosts, I’m going to start reaching out, scarring their asses up, too. Believe me, I have no backup in me. There is no one in the YouTube universe that I fear. I do not fear scrutiny. I do not fear mudslinging. There isn’t a single thing you can call me or say to me that will ever change the facts of my data. None. So get after it.

Mmm. Chat’s going good. I’ve been running my mouth too long. Let’s get into it, guys. Hey, cowgal, earplugs in. Take me away. Yeah, man. Yeah. This is going to be fascinating, guys. So first of all, I need to show you a picture. I need to show you a picture of what exactly we’re talking about. You all need to know. Thank you, Gucci. All right, let’s see. I’m going to remove that from studio, present this share screen.

Share screen. I got to talk out loud, guys, or I’ll mess this up. All right, so I’m now screen. So I got just two pictures I’m going to show you here. So my thumbnail is bright insight. That’s Jimmy Corsetti’s website. I posted the links in the interest of fairness so you guys can see for yourself the ancient aliens narrative, this long Anunnaki history that does not exist, that I’ve corrected in archaics and shown the source materials.

It’s all promoted here. So is the younger Dryas, Atlantis dating. All this is heavily networked. All these men know each other. They’ve been colleagues for a long time. There’s a reason why they’re putting all this out. And this is the riceat structure right here. But I’m going to show you a better one. This is on the thumbnail, but I’m going to show you a better one. This is 25 miles across.

It’s huge. Guys, let me show you better. Here’s a better picture from an aerial. Here it is right here. As you can see, it’s not level. It’s got tucked into the side of this mountain range right here. So this is southern Sahara desert in West Africa, technically Mauritania, I think. I did a video on King Juba II of Mauritania, or at least he was the subject matter of one of my videos.

This is the Richett structure right here. There it is. Now, what you need to know. Coming out the gate. Coming out the gate. Guys. The ryshack structure theory about Atlantis does not belong to Jimmy Corsetti. Most people believe he brought it to the table, but he did not. I’m going to explain. Let me quit presenting. Listen, I tell you guys all the time that you’ve got to go into the specialist material.

This is something that Graham Hancock ignores. And believe me, like I said, I’m willing to debate the man anytime he wants to debate it. But the specialist academic, peer reviewed material that is published on all these type of things. Listen, academia has absolutely dismissed all these theories. The academia knows the ryshack structure is a salt dome. As a matter of fact, it has concentric rings which aren’t really perfect, but because at different times, subsurface pressure ballooned up and form salt domes at different times of different sizes, when a dome collapses, the edge of the dome forms that ring.

Later on, another salt dome from internal pressure builds and another salt dome balloons out. And then once it caves in and collapses, the size of that dome forms the next ring. This isn’t just me telling you that. I’m going to show you an actual peer reviewed scientific paper on the reichat structure. So if it’s true that somebody told me Randall Carlson is a geologist and that he disagrees with this assessment, then I’m going to have to agree with Randall Carlson that, yeah, this is absolutely not the Atlantis deal, but don’t take my word for it.

Let’s go through the data set, because this has long been called the eye of the Sahara, and you have to pay attention here. Let me make sure I’m not sharing my screen. Okay. It is important to understand that this didn’t just suddenly appear. This structure, this geological formation, would have been there the entire time Egypt was a civilization, Libya, Mauritania, all the way through the entire history of the Berbers, all the history of Tripoli and the pirates of Tripoli, all the way up to the pirate war with the United States in the 18 hundreds, all the war of Tripoli, all this time, that structure would have been there.

Locals would have known about it. It would have been understood that there was a weird geological formation. There’s something weird way out there in northwest Africa. It would have been known. So even in the days of Plato, this structure would have been known. People were living in that area of the world. They just weren’t living in that barren structure. Total. It’s a wasteland out there. But I’m about to tell you what they did find out there that completely collapses the Atlantis narrative for that region.

Atlantis was real, but Plato said it was somewhere else, and I’m going to show you that, too. So it was in 2006 that George Alexander and Natalis Rosen, they discovered that the ryshack structure, from aerial photography pictures, vaguely resembled what Plato described Atlantis to look like. They’re the first ones to theorize the ryshack structure could be Atlantis. So this is 2006. So in 2008, they actually went to that structure, boots on the ground, studied it, surveyed it, wrote all kinds of stuff about it.

And I’m going to tell you what they wrote here in a minute because it’s very relative. This is boots on the ground researchers who went to go prove a theory. They wanted to prove that that was Atlantis. That’s why they went. What they wrote, though, is very integral to understanding what the reichat structure really is. So in 2013, this theory appeared. Jose Hernandez put out a book called a celestial impact and Atlantis.

This guy now bridged the Atlantis story with a comet impact, but he associated the ryshack structure to possibly being Atlantis. So somehow Jose Hernandez, in 2013, had gotten a hold of the report of Alexander and Rosen from 2008. I don’t know what the chain of custody is on that, but somehow he got it. Then five years later, our guy, Jimmy Corsetti, in 2018, on his YouTube channel, Bright insight, he popularized theory.

He put the theory out and these little small tabloids picked it up and then bigger newspapers picked it up, and then next thing you know, he becomes famous for. Jimmy Corsetti gets most of his popularity for putting out the Reiche theory deal. If you go to his YouTube channel, you’ll find out these videos go back six years. Go back six years. And every time he finds one little thing that could match Plato’s deal, he does a whole nother video on it, re spiels all the same old BS, and then adds his one new detail.

And let me tell you, all that is going to collapse by the end of this video, and it’s not my fault. And I don’t even feel an ounce of sympathy because this type of shoddy research needs to be eliminated from the field. Millions of people have watched these videos. When you add up all the views and you got millions of people believing some Bs. So I showed you the formation.

It is entirely theoretical that this is the lost Atlantis. And to make matters worse, this theory absolutely requires another theory to be true in order that this formation even be the ruins of Atlantis. I’m going to reiterate that the theory that the Reichak structure is Atlantis absolutely requires that another theory be true. Reichat’s structure as Atlantis requires that the younger Dryas impact theory be true, which is only theoretical, and a lot of people are not on board with it.

This theory holds that a comet impact happened 12,000 years ago. So Graham Hancock, Jimmy Corsetti, Billy Carson, Matthew Lacroix, and a whole host of others in the ancient aliens franchise, the Gaia franchise, and a bunch of independent researchers, they have all been toeing this party line because that’s what it is. This isn’t factual, it’s not historical, it’s not even scientific. Therefore it’s political. This is where we’re going here.

Lacroix and a host of other popular researchers claim that Atlantis was destroyed in this event 12,000 years ago and that the ruins of Atlantis are the ryshack structure. By combining these two theories, they conclude that the ryshack structure is therefore, ergo, lost Atlantis. Do you see the problems here? This is the archaics analysis. And we cannot use a theory added to another theory and pretend that we have suddenly discovered a fact.

That’s not how this goes down at all. In fact, we’re going to shred apart both theories with just one single series of unbroken facts taken from Plato’s narrative on Atlantis. Let me check my chat, make sure everything’s still going. See? All right, eyes wide open. You’re going to go see the eclipse in Texas? Yeah. I’m not impressed with eclipses. I am impressed with the fact that the eclipse path is going through all these towns, called that in that it starts in a town called Jonah, Texas.

I find that really interesting. I may look into that, but right now, I’m doing too much study on the Olympiads because I got to release my Olympiad rituals and breaking of the SEALs video concerning 2024. I mean, the cat’s already out of the bag. Six months ago, I did a video explaining to you guys what’s really going on with the migrant situation, all the fifth columners, and how in 2024, they’re going to have all these sleeper cells activated to attack infrastructure in all western countries, and they’re going to blame Islam to wire up Christianity to go help Jerusalem in the Middle east.

This is the whole plan in a nutshell. I just gave it to you in 60 seconds. That’s what this is all about. And technically, in the field, this is the breaking of the second seal that’s coming up. That video is coming, so. All right, chat’s going good. So, to make matters worse, these two theories, they’re linked to the Atlantis narrative of Plato by a single statement. Listen, guys, Reichak structure requires the younger Dryas impact theory to be true.

And then both theories added together are only attached to Plato’s narrative by one statement, where Plato said that the destruction of Atlantis was 9000 years before ago, before Solan’s time. So this is critical to understand that these men are adding two theories together and bridging them to the Atlantis story by a statement, a single statement of Plato. The reason this is so important is because this 9000 year period is not only a mistake, but it was a mistake that was corrected by another scholar alive in Plato’s college, who went to Egypt and found out the truth of the 9000 years and corrected Plato and said specifically, specifically that the Egyptians count a year as 30 days.

This is a lunar reckoning system. He corrected Plato and his name is Eudoxus of Nidos. Not only was he a student of Plato, he went to Egypt and learned at the same priestly colleges. So this is what the entire ryshack structure depends on. Ryshack structure. Theory depends on younger Dryas, 9600 year BC theory to be correct. So adding a theory to a theory, they are only tenuously connected by listen, guys, 7000 years of history, all the way to one little statement that was mistranslated.

How do we know it was mistranslated and misunderstood? Because I’m about to reveal even more data. I’ve already revealed a bunch, but I’m going to reveal even more data that it was widely known that it was never 9000 years, it was 9000 months. It’s crazy, guys. It’s just crazy. So if the 9000 years does not support Atlantis dating to 9600 BC, then the entire ryshack structure, as Atlantis falls apart, the younger Dryas impact theory connected to it.

Atlantis absolutely falls apart. Over a hundred podcasts and published books by Graham Hancock have promoted absolutely false information, followed by Billy Carson, Matt Lacroix, a whole host of authors and presenters on Gaia, ancient aliens. You guys know the spiel. You guys know the spiel. That is how weak this entire argument is. But you guys already know I’m never going to leave it at that. I’m going to overwhelm you with data.

This is going to be a sealed type data set. Now, let’s see. Let’s assume, assuming arguendo, that we’re going to believe that the ryshack structure could be Atlantis. This is what these men are actually trying to get us to believe. According to geologists and scientific papers, the ryshack structure, it’s a geological formation. That’s why it’s called structure, not because it’s architecture. Geologists claim the outer ring. Now, you guys know I’m not a uniformitarian, but these guys are.

And geologists claim that the outer ring of the salt dome is ordovician sandstone. Okay, this is far beyond the archaics analysis, because I’m not a uniformitarian, but Ordovician means that the outer ring of the ryshock structure, according to uniformitarians, is 441,000,000 years old. Now, the inner rings are younger, but only by millions of years. Geologists point to structure as being remnants of a collapsed salt dome. Corsetti has actually gotten on a podcast, I think it was with Joe Rogan or somebody, and said that the salt in that area is because it used to be under the ocean.

Now, I can agree that that would sound okay, but there’s another salt dome right next to the ryshack structure. And geologists have pinpointed that as this is a salt dome too, these domes just collapsed. So this is from internal heat and pressure pushing forth subsurface materials to the surface, and it comes up and balloons up in domes. This is why a lot of mountains are hollow. Anyway, there’s a researcher I do put my name on.

His name is Tony O’Connell. Do I agree with everything Tony O’Connell has asserted? No, but I do agree with most of it. Tony O’Connell has done a fantastic amount of research. He is one of the unnamed elite experts in the field who none of these people cite. They don’t give this man his proper credit. He wrote a book called joining the Dots. In joining the dots, Tony O’Connell lays out more information on Atlantis than any living author today.

It’s awesome. Goes through the scientific reports, goes through the traditional records. Tony O’Connell was very aware of the problem with 9600 BC younger Dryas. He’s very aware of all the problems with the 9000 years and that it was something else. He’s even published some phenomenal material showing that it wasn’t 9000 years. And he didn’t even go by the eudoxis interpretation. He showed it by other species of arithmetic that were known in the ancient world.

And in every case, it abbreviates it to the historical record. So anybody wants to do a real deep dive on Atlantis way deeper than I go. He just doesn’t abbreviate all his data sets like I do. But Tony O’Connell joining the dots is an excellent place to start. Not Graham Hancock. Graham Hancock doesn’t know shit about Atlantis at all. So Reichack structured geology has abundance of red, brown, black, gray, even yellow rock with very little white rock, just like many other volcanic rich regions.

The reason I’m saying this is the geology reports are basically explaining all these colors are in abundance here except white. There’s not a lot of white. But in Plato’s narrative, there is a focus on black, red and white rock. And Jimmy Corsetti goes in there and say, hey, look, man shows pictures of black and red rock, but he doesn’t show all the other pictures in. Nor does he cite the fact that the rice shack structure is almost devoid of white rock.

This is cherry picking, guys. It’s just cherry picking. It’s ridiculous. So these formations, the ryshack structure, 25 miles in diameter, and the concentric rings are just the former shells of domes that became caldera. Just like they’re trying to lie to you about asteroid impacts in Arizona, Canada and New Mexico. And they got these giant bowls, these crater impacts, these craters that are all over the world. Yeah, uniformitarians will always tell you, oh, that’s an asteroid.

No, it’s a caldera. It’s from subsurface pressure and then explosion underground creates that caldera. It’s ridiculous what we’re told, but caldera geology is not even a mystery. They’re all over the world. Kind of makes you wonder. I mean, even in the Book of Genesis, the great flood, half of the water came from the firmament above that collapsed. The other half came from the fountains of the great deep.

Well, if that’s the case, then they had to blow out somewhere now. So let me see. Oh, Tony. Absu. Tony, Absu. I’m going to agree with you. A stronger argument would be volcanic. The salt theory has been disproved. I don’t know if I can’t agree that the salt theory has been disproved. There’s too much salt there. But I do agree that it was volcanic. And I can see that volcanic activity can also involve salt, but, yeah, it’s neither here nor there.

The Richach structure is packed full of salt. But geologists also say that it was volcanic activity. There’s volcanic rock there. So either way, it’s not Atlantis. Either way. So these formations, guys, are 25 miles in diameter, and the concentric rings are the former shelves of these domes that later became caldera. So this is not a cityscape, but the result of subterranean pressure breaching the surface not once, but multiple times.

There may be a flu underground, a massive vent cave system that goes even deeper. Where all this comes up every few thousand years, we don’t know. We don’t know. So no civilizations. There’s a fact you need to understand. No civilizations or cities in the ancient world were this massive. Nothing. Babylon was not 25 miles in diameter. Not Thebes, not Memphis, kdesh, Tarsus, Hatusis, Yugurt. The twin sister cities of Yugurt and Rashamra together aren’t 25 miles across.

25 miles. Nineveh, one of the greatest cities of the ancient world. Mohenjodel, Troy, Carthage, Rome. None of them are 25 miles across. It’s crazy. There’s no architectural ruins or evidence. No statuary, no pottery fragments, no human skeletons, no evidence of any infrastructure at all. At all at the Richach. Now, I said infrastructure. There’s no evidence of any of this destroyed or whatever at the ryshack structure site. None of that.

Now there is, though, in the Bemini, in the Atlantic, where Plato said that Atlantis was underwater. We’ll get to what Plato said here in a minute, but there has been architecture found under the Atlantic, quite a bit of it as well. So, Noah, we also have the two people who first came up with the Reichak. Structure theory on Atlantis. Like I told you guys, it wasn’t Jimmy Corsetti.

It was these other two individuals, Alexander and Robert Rosen. But in 2008, two years after they saw these pictures from the air, in 2008, they went back because they needed. They wanted to be famous. They wanted to prove, hey, we found Atlantis. They go back and they studied that whole area, and they were sorely displeased. These two never again tried to claim that that area was Atlantis. They went there, studied the whole.

After a thorough examination, they produced not a shred of evidence that there was ever a civilization there, never in Atlantis. In addition to that, that’s particularly damning. But in Africa, there are tribes that have ancestral memories, oral traditions going back many thousands of years, even to the matriarchal period, which is before the patriarchies, long time ago. There are african traditions of the vapor canopy world. There are african traditions that go unbroken, just like native american traditions.

Indigenous cultures have these oral traditions that are preserved through ritual, kwipus, and dance. And this is mnemonic enhancers that allow them to preserve these traditions because they are coupled with a physical activity in the world. And nothing in Africa. No african traditions ever point to the ryshack area as ever been inhabited by some civilization and all that. None of that. None of that. The only thing even remotely, and it’s still far away, but the only thing even remotely in the region is timbuktu, and that was on a major trade route.

But the ryshack structure, nothing. Additionally, the riceach structure is positioned to a point that its concentric rings are not even visible from ground level. You got to be in the air to see the structure, or on a nearby mountain, you would be able to see just. It’s ridiculous. Guys. There’s nothing in the traditional record about this, and there should be. But here’s something that is inescapable. There is no one listening to my voice who should misunderstand how important this singular fact is.

When geologists, anthropologists, other scientists went to the Reichac structure and surveyed the area officially, they found paleolithic tools, arrowheads, all kinds of flint wedges. Paleolithic tools were on the surface. That is a real problem for anybody who wants to hold that a super civilization is under the ryshack structure. When paleolithic artifacts are on the surface, no good. There’s just no way that paleolithic arrowheads and flint wedges and tools could be found on the surface of the Reichak structure after the destruction of Atlantis.

It’s impossible. All right, so let me check my chat. See things are going good now. Yeah. See, this is what I call cherry picking, guys. If you’re going to research a phenomenon, you need to come out with everything you find out about it. Man, this is ridiculous, man. How there is way more facts, way more facts that show there’s nothing to this region. It has nothing to do with Atlantis younger Dryas, ICE age, comet impact, none of that.

Way more showing it doesn’t than the little tiny tenuous one thing that links it to Atlantis. And that is a vague resemblance to a description Plato got. But it’s about ten times bigger than the description Plato gave. It’s ridiculous. So thus far, really, like I said, the only link here to Atlantis and the Reiche structure is what it looks it. That’s it. But the hard cold truth is that the Egyptians could easily, easily had of known about the location of the Ryshak structured geological phenomenon through the entire history of Egypt.

It could have been known and it could have been in the notes and the priests would know their stories about, okay, there’s this weird deal. And then they could have had theories as well. As. Well maybe that’s that lost civilization that’s in our records on the temple wall over here. They could have made the connection as well based off similarity. That’s it. That’s it. But we’re going to see, we’re going to show from Plato’s own narrative because I’m going to quote whole passages of Plato.

That is going to nail the coffin shut on Reichacht theory. There’s no way. The only way for the Reichact structure could be promoted as Atlantis is by ignoring a bunch of facts in Plato’s narrative. Got to ignore them. So let’s get to it. Let’s get to it. Let’s see. All right, so that’s my first series of facts. My very first series of facts in this presentation is what I just gave you.

But those facts went in all different directions about the actual Reichak structure. So now as I go through this presentation, I’m going to be honing down. You’re going to be seeing more and more sophisticated evidence presented. This right here is my second series of facts. This is Plato’s. Atlantis could not be the Reichak structure. So let’s get to it. Plato wrote that Athens enemy came from beyond the pillars of Hercules.

That’s the Atlantic Ocean, the Strait of Gibraltar. Plato’s criteria for Atlantis is an island civilization in the Atlantic, not Africa. African interior disqualifies because it’s not an island. Now do you understand? Why it’s so important for these younger dryest theorists to link Atlantis to that period of time. They want you to make the association that, okay, well, Ryshack structure could have been the Atlantic at one time. The whole world changed because that was the younger Dryas period.

Everybody knows that at the end of the last ICE age, 12,000 years ago, there’s all kinds of changes. Only problem is Atlantis of Plato wasn’t 12,000 years ago. As we’ll see, there’s no way it would completely defy the Atlantis narrative. So remember, the ryshack structure as Atlantis theory absolutely requires younger Dryas theory, because they need that 9000 years mentioned by Plato to be true, even though other greek scholars in Plato’s day said it was a mistake they got to have.

It’s the only thing they have that links the ICE age to Atlantis. Is that one statement? It’s the only thing they’ve got. So to base so weak a connection to a series of theories using Plato means that every part of Plato’s narrative has to fit what’s being promoted. That’s what I’m going to show you. These guys can’t cherry pick from Plato and then ignore everything else. That’s called lying.

What else is it called? I know some of you have gotten upset with me about how aggressive I am in my research, but when is it not called lying? When you know the truth and say otherwise, when is it not called lying? That’s all I was raised to believe. So does the ryshack structure look like an island to you now? JM Allen is another researcher that I have a lot of respect for.

In his own book, Atlantis the Andean Solution, he quotes Plato, who wrote, it was possible for travelers of that time to cross from Atlantis to the other islands and from the islands to the whole of the continent. Atlantis is described as an island, but it’s in a chain of islands, and the chain of islands almost is connected to a continent. That’s not the Richach structure. Plato wrote that Atlantis, quote, was swallowed up by the sea and vanished.

The Richach structure is like 400 meters above sea level. That’s not under the Atlantic Ocean. Plato also said that the island of Atlantis completely disappeared. The Richach structure is fully visible. So Plato said that Atlantis was submerged beneath the sea beyond the pillars of Hercules, the Strait of Gibraltar. This is the Azores region. There’s islands out there with very ancient ruins, and there’s a lot of evidence that those islands have sunk.

They have sunk just like on the other side of the Atlantic. We now know in 19 two, the entire ocean floor around Martinique and San Frere sank 3400ft. Didn’t change the sea level. Here’s the bottom of the ocean, here’s the sea level. But when they did their sonar soundings, it says before 19 two they knew that the area was 600ft of water. They came after the great earthquakes and volcanoes of 19 two did it and now it’s 3400 foot depth.

The ocean level never changed. The bottom of the ocean did. Kind of makes you wonder how many times this has happened. Because every civilization that’s attached to a coastline has stories of islands and other kingdoms that were further out and sank. Yeah, seems like continents are fixed, but islands and all that, they just reappeared. Davis island. Remember the island that appeared and was put on navigational, English and dutch navigational charts 100 years later? Once it had people on it just vanished.

You had to take it off all the charts. Upheaval and subsidence is very common for islands, it’s just not common for continents. Ryshack structure is on dry ground and it’s far. Yeah, just. It’s ridiculous. Anyway, Plato wrote that the submerged region of Atlantis, get this. In Plato’s day, the submerged region of Atlantis was still a hazard to shipping in his time. And they had to watch out because the bottom of the ships would hit submarine architecture and would get caught in shoals of mud and all kinds of flotsam and jetsum from when Atlantis was above the ocean.

Yeah, this is Plato. That doesn’t sound like the ryshack structure. Since when have any ships sailed over continental Africa in the recorded history period? Hasn’t happened. Hasn’t happened at all. Yeah. These facts right here completely remove Reichak’s structure from the equation. This is Plato. The ocean at that spot has now become impassable and unsearchable, being blocked up by the shoal mud which the island created when it settled down.

Are you guys familiar with Ignatius Donnelly? Atlantis, the anti diluvian world. I don’t agree with everything he says, but he goes into a lot of detail and he cites the shipping logs. When these captains used to get stuck in the Sargasso Sea, the Sargasso Sea was this vast area of floating garbage and seaweed. It’s in the middle of the Atlantic. In the middle of the Atlantic was this huge area ships had to avoid or they get stuck in it.

It’s not there any longer. It’s not there any longer. But it was there in the 16 hundreds, 17 hundreds, 18 hundreds. It was there and ships had to avoid it or they get mired down. All of that is evidence of a surface right there. It is since sunk, and it can no longer support the Sargasso Sea. But, yeah, these are in a lot of old books about the Sargasso Sea.

It was avoided at all costs. Apparently it’s ancient because it’s no longer there today. But apparently it was in Plato’s day because ships had to avoid it. All right, that’s my second series of facts. This third series of facts, like I said, each series of facts is getting more and more defining and sophisticated. Can’t get around them. This is seven anachronisms of the younger, dryest dating. What I’m about to read to you now are seven things that are in Plato’s narrative that could never be true in 9600 BC just can’t be true.

They can only be true much later in history. Seven anachronisms of the younger, dryest dating. Number one, Plato’s account involves Egypt. Egypt did not exist in 9600 BC. All the authorities will tell you this now. You do have some golden donners and some ancient aliens, wing nuts, and some people who believe that the emerald tablets of Thoth is actual history and not invented in the 1920s. You do have some people that I’m talking about, Dorill’s version that Billy Carson tries to promote as fact, that are going to believe that Egypt did exist that long.

But even Egyptologists won’t even dare to claim that Egypt is even anything that old, not even half that old. That’s crazy. Plato’s account involves Athens. Athens did not exist in 9600 BC. And Matthew Lacroix pathetic attempt on their live damage control video that he and Billy Carson did. It was so embarrassing listening to him try to describe that proto Greeks were living well. Proto Greeks were using sticks and stones, not naval battles.

It’s crazy. Absolutely crazy. They’re asking you to suspend your disbelief to the point where you’re basically being asked to be a dumb ass to accept it. So Plato’s account involved involves Posiadin. We have definitive dates for Posiadin worship in the Mediterranean. Wasn’t 9600 BC. Plato’s account involves seafaring vessels and entire fleets, navies that were at war. These did not exist in 9600 BC. Plato’s account involves domestication of horses, even to the point of horse baths.

These are stone facilities where horses were. Walked down into them. They gave them full immersion bathes. Yeah, horses were really taken care of in the ancient world, especially during the reign of Posiadid, God of the Mediterranean world, God of the sea, and earthquakes. This is Posiadid, not 9600 BC. All right. Plato’s account involves extensive, sophisticated canal works. These did not exist in 9600 BC at all. No infrastructure like that has ever been found anywhere in the world older than 25th century BC, 2500 BC.

Nothing anywhere in the world. Plato’s account involves the use of iron tools and implements. Iron. Iron smelting. Well, our anthropologist and archaeologists can tell you affirmatively that that didn’t exist in 9600 BC, but they can also tell you when it did. So this series of seven facts absolutely narrows down the date for Atlantis, the atlantic war with Athens, to 1300 or 1200 BC. These seven facts completely collapse.

Atlantis was the younger, dryest period dating of 12,000 years ago. We don’t even have to go by the mistake of 9000 years that Plato made. That was later corrected by Eudoxis. Well, how do you have to mention that just these seven facts affirmatively date the entire Atlantis war with Athens to the 1301, two hundreds BC? Just that it’s not Jason telling you this. This is history, archaeology, anthropology, the academic research, peer reviewed materials.

We’re going to go into some of them. That’s what this is. This isn’t Jason telling you anything. All I’m doing is itemizing seven anachronisms that are apparently ignored by everybody pushing younger Dryas Atlantis theory. They have to ignore all this. They can’t mention it to you because it collapses their whole narrative. It’s crazy. So check my chat again before I go into my next data set. See? All right, chronologically challenged.

Are we going to coin that? That’s a good one. All right, Chad’s going good. All right, I need to stop sharing that. All right, moving on up, moving on up. All right, this is my fourth series of facts. Here we go. Fourth series of facts. Remember, at the end of this presentation, toward the end of this presentation, got an all new chart you’ve never seen before because I just drew it, but it’s going to put all this into perspective.

Fourth series of facts. Plato’s 9000 years was corrected in his own lifetime. So we have you guys. I know I’ve already mentioned Eudosis. Eudosis studied in Egypt and lived during Plato’s life. Therefore he is the most credible when asserting that the Egyptians reckoned a year as a. Can’t. You can’t get around that. So, matter of fact, for anybody new watching this presentation, I’m sharing my screen right now because you probably didn’t see these, and I would hate to leave them out right now.

I’m not going to spend much time on them. But there is no getting around these chronological facts at all right here. Ancient authorities on Plato’s 9000 years actually being 9000 months. First of all, where solon heard the story from was the priests of Neith. Look at that. Priests of Neith at Sais who related the Atlantis story. They only employed a lunar calendar. Eudosis of Nidos is not the only scholar to correct Plato.

Eudosis of Nidos, Lactantius, Plutarch, Macrobius, Usubius and many others all knew the ancient Egyptians reckoned a month as a year. All makes sense. Look at this. Diodoriculus wrote, it was customary to reckon the year by the lunar cycle. Since the year consisted of 30 days, it was not impossible that some men live 1200 years. This statement is why I called Matt Lacroix a hypocrite during the Billy Carson Matt Lacroix show.

But nobody could see my comments because they blocked me every time they gave y’all misinformation. I corrected it in the comment section and screenshot it in my video. I showed the screenshots where I corrected all that, but this is hypocrisy. Matt Lacroix would cite Diadora Siculus on Atlantis research, but specifically not mention this key integral fact right here from Diodora. Siculus. Yeah, that’s cherry picking. As a matter of fact, we’re going to get into it, but that’s called practicing exclusions and that’s why I can’t stand these dudes at all.

At all. So Manatho, egyptian historian Manatho, he mentions 9000 years, but he was corrected by Julius Africanus saying it wasn’t 9000 years, it was 9000 months. Yeah, that’s a historical correction right there. Here are the historic scholars who wrote the 9000 years was months. Thomas Bratterween in the year 1340, he said that Plato’s 9000 years was actually lunar reckoning. Historian Robert Argod about the year 13. He claims that about the year 1340 BC is when the Atlantis story took off and that the Atlanteans were the sea people’s invasion.

Pierre de Alli has 1370 BC and that the 9000 years was lunar reckoning. When you use the lunar reckoning system, it drops it down to the 14th, 13th and twelveth century BC. It all depends on which system you employ, but it’s not 9600 BC. 1572, Pedro Sarmiento, Galboa. 9000 years was in reference to a lunar counting system, not years. In the year 1577, Augustine Zarati, quoting Eudosis, supported the 9000 years being of lunar periods, not solar years.

Yeah, guys. Oh, Graham Hancock’s aware of all these. Every one of these he knows about. Eugenias phylolethes 1721. On babylonian and ancient greek calendars, it was moon counts. Yeah. These are scholars from hundreds of years ago. Sir Isaac Newton in 1740, in his chronology of ancient kingdoms, wrote that the Egyptians exaggerated the 9000 and had been caught doing this many times. 1752. John Jackson, in chronological antiquities, he wrote that egyptian years were months.

You can’t get past this, guys. How did a convicted felon in a prison cell put all this together? How did that happen? But these guys have been out here in the free world promoting all this, and they didn’t know about it. They just didn’t know about all this. Come on. If they didn’t know about all of it, it’s because they haven’t read any Atlantis books. It’s as simple as that.

It’s as simple as that. Graham Hancock, he’s a little bit different, though, because his bibliography show that he was very well aware of many of these authors. Yeah, I put him in a different class 100%. So I’m not going to show you the new chart yet. Before we continue in this vein, this old Oto Silberman in 1930 wrote Plato’s dating of the Rise and fall of Atlantis, 9000 years before Solan’s time could be dismissed right away.

If such a civilization had existed, it would have been entirely forgotten long before the rise of Atlantis. Just curious. Just an interesting little point. That’s not a data point. That’s just an opinion. Just an opinion. So I don’t want to avoid this either. This is the Journal of African Earth Sciences, September 2014, concerning the ryshat dome in Mauritania. Here it is, isolated cretaceous alkaline hydrothermal complex. This is the title of the article.

Scientific paper. It says it’s an eroded geological dome 25 miles in diameter, exposing sedimentary rock in layers that appear as concentric rings. Igneous rock is exposed inside, and there are spectacular rhyolites and gabros that have undergone hydrothermal alteration. And a central megabrescia. I think brescia is a type of rock, but, yeah, this is the Richach structure stuff. I’m not done with that. Hold on. This is the same article.

Piston caldera. Let’s see. In addition, it is noteworthy that all intrusive rocks are in the external part of the complex, whereas volcanic rocks are almost exclusively restricted to the central part. This strongly suggests a model of piston like caldera collapse, preserving the central part from erosion. This is the ryshack structure. Here it is. There’s your Gaia, ancient aliens version of Atlantis. Ryshack structure is a geological phenomenon. Let’s see.

All right. I’m not done. I’m trying to find something relevant here that I don’t want to. We’re going to go back and finish this data set before I continue with there. Stop sharing. Yeah. All right. Now, the sase reckoning. This is the egyptian priesthood at sase that preserved the Atlantis story. The safe reckoning, reducing 9600 BC to about 1350 BC, is further evidenced in none other than the writings of Herodotus of Hallecarnassus.

That’s a place in Turkey. It’s one of the greatest greek historians of all time. He recorded that the egyptian priest told him that their dynastic beginning went back 17,000 years. So this is Herodotus. I have that book. I’ve showed it to you in my library. Herodotus of Haller. Canassus wrote this book 2400 years ago. I have an english translation. The Egyptians told him when he was in English that their historical records went back, not their astronomy and all that.

Their historical records went back 17,000 years. Now, those who are promoting this Hollywood Gaia ancient Asia aliens version of history use statements like this to justify the younger Dryas narrative and all that. But the truth is, it was an egyptian lunar reckoning. 17,000 years to the Egyptians was only 1416 lunations. It was 1416 moons. The egyptian moon counts are what were reckoned, not the sun. In fact, in the Book of Herodotus, it specifically says why the Egyptians did not trust the sun, because the sun had altered its course four times in recorded history and the Egyptians could not invest their faith in a heavenly body that was not going to maintain some type of cycle.

But the moon had never done that. The sun had stopped in the sky. At other times, the sun appeared on the horizon and then went back down. These are temporal pole shifts, it says. Other times, the sun went dark and it wasn’t an eclipse. Eclipses were understood. Sun went dark for a different phenomenon. This was unacceptable to the egyptian priesthood. So they used the moons to reckon time.

1416 years before Herodotus means that the egyptian historical records of the priesthood began in 1866 BC. And that is perfectly acceptable with what we know from Professor Waddell and his researches on the egyptian colleges. That did start around that time. It was still 300 years after the last great reset called the great flood. So everything fits perfectly. Once you use the right calendar, everything fits perfectly. Now, Olef Rudbeck, he’s a scholar in 1700, so this is 300, let’s see, 18, 1924 years ago, Olef Rudbeck first mentioned that the dating of Atlantis.

One would need to consider that Plato describes the use of iron by the Atlanteans. This forces a date. This is what Olef Rudbake said. The very fact that iron was mentioned forces a date of at least 7000 years after 9600 BC. Younger Dryas dating. He didn’t say younger Dryas. He just said 9600 BC. So that right there is very condemning. I’m telling you guys now, these guys should have known all this.

This has already been researched and decided there’s nothing new to add to the Atlantis narrative. Researchers centuries ago had already gone through every single statement of Plato’s Atlantis and determined when it happened and where it was verified in the historical record. And it was never the ICE age. It’s ridiculous. Another, another historian, Diaz Montexano, studying very old translations of Critius and referring to the fifth century ad writer named Proclus, who wrote a commentary on Plato’s writings.

He even said in his commentary, Proclus said in his commentary that the 9000 years of Plato was not literal. He said that this is Proclus 15 centuries ago. Proclus went on and said that it was a common practice in the ancient world to provide specific numbers that had or that represented indefinite values. Yeah, it’s like they just really didn’t know exactly when. So they just threw out a big number.

And throwing that big number out in the ancient mindset basically told them, okay, well, it was a long time ago. That’s it. So Diaz Montexano’s research puts the Atlantis story between 6000, 107,900 years after the younger, driest 9600 year BC, dating of Graham Hancock. That’s terrible. So J. M. Allen, who wrote Atlantis, the andean solution, he also published that the Plato was referring to lunations, and therefore it wasn’t 9000 years.

It actually abbreviates it down to the war of Troy and the Sea People’s Federation. He said that. So this is 1200, 1220. This is 13th and twelveth century BC. Now, Manatho was an egyptian historian, and he wrote a book called Egypticaya, or Egypt. I can’t pronounce these old weird ass words. Egypticaya, Egypt, Tyka, or whatever. Anyway, he wrote that the Egyptians employed only a lunar calendar, and this was an egyptian himself.

So we’re kind of beating this up. I get it, but I’m trying to overwhelm. We’re just beating it up. The other charts I showed, this is all new information that wasn’t added on those other charts. So we also have to consider this, too. Plato’s own account of Atlantis is not without contradictions. Yeah, guys, Plato’s scholars have long known that Plato made a critical mistake. It’s a chronological mistake, and it has nothing to do with.

Well, it kind of does, 9000 years. But this is what he said in Plato’s narrative on Atlantis. It’s so extensive and it spread through three different texts, that he said that Atlantis was founded 9000 years ago. He said that Atlanta in another place. He said Atlantis went to war with the Greeks 9000 years ago. That’s two separate events being founded and then going to war with the Greeks.

Then he also said 9000 years ago, Atlantis was destroyed. But he said all these statements. Well, all three. The founding of a civilization, a war that civilization had, and then the destruction of that civilization could not have all happened in the same year. Additionally, other statements of Plato say that Atlantis had a very long period, like a golden age of history that lasted for a long period of time.

Okay, well, that doesn’t fit in the 9000 years. You understand. You see the problems here. And then he also said that a short time after the war with Athens, Atlantis was destroyed in a mighty earthquake and it was swallowed by the sea. Okay? That’s a lot of history there. This is another problem with the 9000 years, and no one can use that to date Atlantis to the younger, driest period.

It’s just ridiculous. Now we’re narrowing things down. This is my fifth and final series of facts. This is not going to be a three, four hour, guys. So this is my fifth series of facts. So one of my favorite researchers on Atlantis, Tom O’Connell, who wrote joining the dots, said he notes that the important fact that nothing in the Atlantis narrative of Plato is remarkable. Everything mentioned were things that actually existed in the greek world and in greek history and were known in Plato’s day in the fourth century BC.

There is nothing fantastic about the Atlantis story. There is no fantastic technologies. There’s nothing mentioned in the text that was any different than the world that Plato lived in right then and there. All the fantasy about Atlantis was introduced over a thousand years later, and especially during the Golden dawn period of the late 18 hundreds, all the way up to World War II, when people were inventing all these fantasy Atlantis narratives and you hear it.

All this stuff that was added to the Atlantis narrative is not found in Plato. None of that’s found in Plato. The majority of people who hear Atlantis already have things attached to it. They think all this psychic stuff was going on. They think all these energy weapons and think about all these flying vessels and ships. And none of that is mentioned in the Atlantis narratives. None of it.

It was all created later by creative license, by newer and newer mystic writers who were adding more details that were never in the original writings. Plato’s narratives on Atlantis are very dry reading. It’s like you’re reading about an actual event in the world history. And because it is so mundane, it adds to its historicity, it adds to its historical value. It shows he’s not embellishing. The only thing he embellished in was numbers.

And now we understand that the numbers that were conveyed were conveyed from Egyptian into Greek, and maybe a zero was added to every number. We don’t know. But that is a very popular theory. The conversion from like, decimal or sexy decimal or two different operating systems that were used in the ancient times. There has to be a reason why Plato’s numbers are all inflated. And yet the story seems so very real.

So this is what the scholars have conveyed, not me. I’m taking from the notes of men who have gone far deeper on the Atlantis narrative than I ever have. So the Atlantis destruction narrative does not involve a pole shift. There’s nowhere in that. There was no asteroid, meteorite, bolide, cometry, no comet impact. None of that is mentioned in the destruction of Atlantis. It is very simple. An earthquake and Atlantis was swallowed in the sea.

And that the whole destructive period lasted for one day and one night. That’s the Atlantis narrative. Anything else is creative license. Anything you see on these guys videos showing all this catastrophic stuff happening to the world, as a matter of fact, it probably only happened that one little area. We just don’t know. We just don’t know anything else was creative license. So you guys can understand why Billy Carson blocked me from his live chat.

You can understand that now, when he and Matt Lacroix jumped from the Atlantis to younger Dryas period, I instantly blew their chat up talking about, hey, man, you need to produce a single Plato reference to snow, ICE, ICE age. Well, how did you make this jump? You’re telling the story of Atlantis, then all of a sudden Matt Lacroix just jumps all the way to the ICE age. And there’s no predicate for it anywhere in the Plato narrative, anywhere.

He just made the jump as if it’s a fact and you have to believe it. Why? Because you’re stupid. That’s exactly how these guys talk to us. They talk to us like we’re dumb asses. Listen to these guys. Billy Carson and Matt Lacroix. They literally talk to you like you’re supposed to believe this because they’ve done the research. Billy Carson, do your research. You just got to do your research.

This is coming from a clown who borrow lifts stuff from other people all the time. Yeah, man, got no respect for this level of hypocrisy and disinformation. Yeah, I’m not giving them any breaks at all, so let’s go on. Before I go off on a tangent. They couldn’t do it, so they blocked me. They blocked me. There’s nothing in the Atlantis narrative that even infers ICE age. So ridiculous.

So the ryshack structure is 1900 miles by sea to Athens. Guys, I don’t know if you know this, but there are no naval invasions in the history of the world that covered that distance until 300 years ago. Yeah, spanish armada went all the way to England, then got trapped on the coast of Scotland and Wales by a storm. And yeah, they might have went that far, but they never made it home.

But that’s all within 300 years. Yeah. Guys, these are wooden ships. I’m not talking about d Day. Normandy was like, what, 2800 miles, something like that. I could be wrong about that. 4000 miles, whatever. But this is in the ancient world, naval invasions didn’t go like people invaded their neighbors. They didn’t go 1900 miles with a fleet of ships to invade people. It’s ridiculous. And this is what a lot of scholars have called attention to that distance concerning the rich act structures.

And that’s a long way. That’s a real long way to invade by sea. That’s a real long way. So it’s just logistically improbable. The historical record provides us an explanation of Plato’s narrative. In the 13th century BC, after the emergence of Athens, the Sea People’s Federation that sailed from the Atlantic into the Mediterranean, participated in the Trojan War. They invaded Egypt twice, they attacked the Greeks and totally destroyed the Hittites.

Every bit of this is in the historical record. Who these people are has been so mysterious to academia that they labeled them what they were, the Sea People’s Federation, because they came from all these areas. They’re all named that are island chains and all the stuff in the Mediterranean towards Sardinia, Spain, Gadesh around Gibraltar. They came from the Atlantic at that time. The Azores were much, uh, let’s see.

Got people working outside, so you might hear some heavy equipment. Oh, by the way. And as soon as the Sea People’s Federation war was over with and all that, we have two new cultures in the Mediterranean that suddenly appeared who were a part of the Sea People’s Federation, and they built their own civilizations and they became mighty unopposed. They are the Philistines and the Phoenicians. Both of them just suddenly appeared right after the Sea People’s Federation invasions.

And the Hittite empire was no more. They were completely taken out. So there are many academic studies that show that around 1177 to 1130 BC, a great collapse of the civilization occurred in the great Mediterranean. Dark age began. It was earthquakes, a sky darkening and disasters. These are the reports of the time, guys. They’re the reports of the time. So let me show you this chart. Before I do my summary, all I have left is my summary, but I need to show you chart because my summary is going to put every bit of this data into perspective.

All right? Apparently I need to go present, share my screen. All right, just so you’ll understand, before I show my new chart, I’m going to show these two old ones. This is the archaic chronology. This is the historical period, 52 39 BC, including the corrected Anunnaki calendars. Remember ancient aliens, people, Zechariah, sitchin, they messed it up bad. And they have this going back 432,000 years into the past, which is absolutely a marvel version of history.

Yeah, that’s your pinwheel version. This right here corrects the Anunnaki chronology back to 52, 39 BC. Here’s the 600 year Anunnaki nerves. How’d that happen, man? There it is. 600 year Anunnaki nerves. Oh, my God. My screen is sensitive. All right, here they are all the way. Here’s five ner. All the way to the great flood right there. There’s five nerd of the great flood. Our point of interest here is 1135 BC.

Do you see this? 1135 BC. It’s a red circle because that is a documented, widely documented Phoenix phenomenon date. But also 1123 is a very well documented nemesis X object date. They came right here, right here within twelve years of each other, right here on that chart. That is when Atlantis was destroyed, because it’s right after the fall of Troy and the invasion of the sea peoples. Plato is right.

It was a small span of time after the war, and that’s what we have. We just don’t know. Which one was it? 1135 BC, or was it 1123 BC? Because both of them were very destructive, but they were destructive for different hemispheres. Now, that chart is 5200. No, it’s 7344 years of history till 2022. That’s when that chart was drawn. Here it is again. Here’s some perspective. There’s the whole 7344 years of recorded human history right there.

Here it is. You can see where I have an arrow. Sea peoples and Atlantis. This is when this happened, right here. So what they’re wanting you to believe is that Atlantis actually happened 8000 years before Athens was even built in 1344 BC. They want you to believe that Atlantis was 9600 years BC. Absolutely crazy. It’s just crazy. So this leads, you guys have seen this chart. This is just the elements of Plato’s Atlantis narrative and what we know of what was going on with the war of Troy.

We know that in 1250 BC, or thereabout, members of the Sea People’s Federation, who are represented by Posiadin, are enslaved to build Troy’s walls. It’s also the oldest known winged horse, relief. And the winged horse was the symbol of Posiadin. Posiadin was a symbol for Atlantis. So in 1229 BC, Posiadin attacks Troy. Here it is. He attacks Troy. Posiadin and the Dan, the Danan and the Atlanteans are allied to Mycenaea.

Mycenaea hates Troy, but the alliance is because of the fear of the Hittites. The Hittites were huge. The Hittites backed Troy. The small kingdom of Ilium was a gate to the Dardanelli’s, and it was the gateway to the Black Sea. And these people, the Hittites, were controlling the Black sea trade routes. So the Sea People’s federations of the Atlanteans wanted access to the Black Sea trade kingdoms. There was a bunch of kingdoms up there and they wanted access to them.

Kingdoms such as Bithynia and Pontus. I’ve told you guys about Mithridates. They wanted overland access to the trade routes, like of Tigranes and Armenia. But they couldn’t do it with the Hittites in the way. So they took the Hittites completely out. And in the Aegean and Mediterranean, the Mycenaeans, who had survived the destruction and later become Greeks, recorded all these histories. The Atlanteans couldn’t record the histories because their civilization went underneath the Atlantic.

So here is 1229 sea people’s attack. They also attacked Egypt. And I showed that in my chronicon. And then here’s 1135 BC, the Phoenix cataclysm Atlantic destroyed. The Dark Age begins. But it could be 1123 with the pneumothus X object. We just don’t know. We just don’t know. But at the bottom we have a chronology. 1700 BC, Posiadon, usurps Neruis. 1375 BC, Athens is founded. These have to be understood in order to chronologically date Atlantis.

You can’t ignore these things. None of this. Egypt attacked the Philistines. The Philistines were known to be a part of the Sea People’s Federation. Yeah. All right. So now, having shown all that, let me show you my new chart that puts all this into perspective, and then I’m going to give you a summary, making sense of all this data in one clean cut paragraph. I know you can see this.

The title Atlantis is not younger Dryas, 9600 BC. Do you see this small circle here in the middle? This is the historical record right here. It only goes back to about the 20 eigth century BC. This is the historical verifiable record. And even after the historical record we have, here’s the rise of Sumer, Egypt, Babylonia, Harappa, China, and the Andean. Here are the super civilizations that emerged after a reset that destroyed the civilization that built the great pyramid.

These civilizations, we have their writings and they talk about things that happened all the way back to here, but we don’t have any actual writings that go all the way back to, like, the 3038 95 BC Phoenix. Recently, we have not a single human writing goes back that far. But we do have writings from these civilizations that tell us about these events. This is the historical record right there.

Do you see what’s in front of it? This gigantic circle is 6800 years of no documents, no history, no archaeology, nothing concerning Atlantis, none of this. And yet this is your 9600 BC, younger Dryas, Atlantis, dating of Graham Hancock. This is what Corsetti, Lacroix, Billy Carson, Graham Hancock, and a whole host of others all want you to believe. They must think you’re a dumb ass to believe this.

Right here, 6800 year span is corrected by the lunar reckoning to the 13th century. You see that center statement right there? Yeah. Because a simple correction made in the days of Plato by his own student Eudoxis, who went to Egypt and found out that the Egyptians were conveying periods of time in lunar months, not solar years, was right here, made everything make sense. There’s your Atlantis. 1350, when Athens was built and became a threat.

All archaeologists will tell you Athens was built around 1344 BC, when it was built. All of a sudden, all the shipping lanes and all that, they were threatened. The Sea People’s federation were now threatened by this new power, so they went to war. Here’s 1350 through 1135 BC, which is a phoenix date. This is your Atlantis dating. This is what fits all the facts. Even the seven anachronisms I showed earlier, it’s all here.

Here’s the bottom. 9600 BC. Atlantis not supported by ancient authors. It’s not supported by chronology, it’s not supported by the historical record, and it’s definitely not supported by anthropology. But you know who does support it? Corsetti, Hancock, Billy Carson, Matt Lacroix and many others. So you have to ask, how in the hell could they have gotten it so wrong? And even after publicly corrected multiple times, how is it they’re even doubling down? How is it you’re not even capable of saying, hey, you know what? This is very compelling, and I’m going to have to include this into my paradigm.

I’m going to have to wrap my research around this. Instead, you double down and it doesn’t even make any sense. It is the worst thing a researcher can do, because this isn’t going to go away. This is only going to become more and more and more popular, and it actually calls into question a lot of other things. Now, here we are, way over here in 2024. That’s us right there.

It’s actually ridiculous. Just drew that chart this morning, guys. All right, stop sharing. So I got almost done. Almost done. My friendship. Oh, wow. I got to read that. Eleven. T s eleven. I’ve never seen your name before. But in his book, the Bible is history. Werner Keller. That book is in my bibliography. I read that book in prison. An archaeologist posits that there may have been many floods, hence many earth cataclysms supporting Belikovsky.

I agree. I’ve already documented the capture flood when the moon appeared. I’ve already documented the nemesis cataclysm. 52 39 BC. I’m pretty sure that was flooding. But the capture flood is in the historical record. When the moon appeared, that was a flood. The Gihon flood. When inky appeared with 50 anuna, one third of the world was destroyed. It’s called the Gihan flood. 34 39 BC. 432,000 turnings of the stars.

Later is the great flood, which is twelve centuries. 22 39 BC. The flood of Noah, 552 years after that, which is a phoenix cycle of 138 years times four was the year 1687 BC, the ogaijian deluge and the 25 year darkness that followed. So, yeah, there’s been multiple floods, no doubt, but Atlantis is positively dated here. In addition to that, we’re not looking at a flood event that destroyed Atlantis.

We’re looking at a subsidence event, which also is in the historical record as happening off the coast of India, when the kingdom of Dwarka, suddenly a big, huge island kingdom off the coast of India, just sank. Yeah. Happened to Davis island. It’s happened to many islands. It happened to metallan in Yap. It happened to Easter island. You think Easter island was that size when they made those statues? Hell, no.

Easter island was a huge volcano mountain. It was a huge civilization. They had timber force. They had everything they needed. Then, all of a sudden, it just sank. Ocean levels don’t rise. All the ICE caps in the world can melt. The ocean levels aren’t going to change. Not going to change at all. Look at the iceberg. Icebergs are almost all underwater already anyway. All these things that we’ve been taught and told are just absolutely in error.

They’re wrong. Let’s see. I got a little something to. So I’m going to summarize this real quick. Original theorists of the Ryshack structure, the original theorists who claim that the ryshack structure could be Atlantis, they studied the site, and they found no evidence of it. And they faded away. They found no evidence of it. They faded away. There is zero evidence to link Plato’s Atlantis narrative to any events 12,000 years ago.

The cylindrical error was a mistake, corrected in Plato’s own lifetime. The correction of 9000 years to months is so well documented that only deliberate deception can be accused of these men, or they are the worst researchers in the world. You don’t get it both ways. There’s overwhelming amount of information I’ve brought to the table. There’s no way you didn’t have access to this data, just no way. These men have added an unprovable theory to another unprovable theory to act as if they have discovered a fact.

Geologists have concluded that the Ryshack structure is a series of collapsed salt domes, and that such a salt dome, such a salt dome event structure is right next to the rice shack structure. There’s no mystery here. Not only has architecture, no architecture or pieces of ancient structures or anything been found, but the scientists surveying the Reichak structure actually found paleolithic tools on the surface. This proves an unbroken surface timeline wherein an Atlantis would be impossible to fit.

There are no cities in the ancient world even close to the size of the ryshack structure. There are no african traditions of locals in any civilization. Concerning the ryshack structure, evidence that water passed over Africa is not evidence of Atlantis. The same water damage is found all over the world, greatly in the western states. I have documented this in my own videos, showed hours and hours of video footage in the background on a lot of my freestyle videos, showing you this water damage that has completely devastated the western states of the United States.

That’s not evidence that Atlantis was in the United States. Plato’s Atlantis location is beneath the sea Atlantic, beyond the Straits of Gibraltar, which are called the pillars of Hercules. The Richach structure does not qualify. The seven anachronisms in Plato’s narrative involving Egypt, Athens, posiadon navies, horse domestication, canal works, iron tools. That’s seven right there. They force a chronological conclusion to the 14th and 13th century BC. None of these existed 12,000 years ago.

The atlantean invasion against Egypt and the Greeks is found in the historical record. It is called the Sea People’s Federation invasions recorded on the egyptian temple text, and they happened exactly in the 13th century BC. All of these elements presented in this video prove that the Richach structure is not Atlantis and that Atlantis cannot possibly date to 12,000 years ago. The only connection between the younger Dryas period and Plato’s Atlantis is in the minds of men who are unqualified to teach Plato’s narrative.

I’m not claiming to be an expert on Plato, but I know more about the Atlantis narrative than all four of these men combined. All four and demonstrably so. Did these guys even read Plato? Did they even read Plato? Is there another version of Plato out there that the Gaia and ancient aliens community distributes? That’s not according. That’s not a part of the actual text of Plato that we have today from Timmyus and Critius, or how you pronounce it, Timmius and Critius.

I don’t even care. Are there two versions out there? A version I’ve never seen. How can you be so wrong? That’s my question. I am proposing that these men know precisely what they’re selling. That’s what I’m proposing. This level of research promoted as fact is an insult. To pass off as fact. So weak a theory against the weight of so astounding a body of evidence to the contrary could only mean that this is intentional misinformation.

That these men think you are stupid. And to continue to promote these policies and pretend that they have not been called out, pretend that these errors have not been corrected. Come on, guys. We got to use our heads. The silence is deafening. That’s my point. The silence is deafening. Isn’t that what the government does every time they’re caught giving you wrong information? Yeah. What do they do? They give you more wrong information so you forget what they’ve given you in the past.

That’s what they do. Practicing exclusions is the deceitful practice of cherry picking what to reveal while hiding evidence that contradicts the position. This is precisely what these men have been caught is. Guys. Graham Hancock’s own bibliographies prove that he has read almost every book I have on this topic. But he had to ignore all of this data in order to promote his younger Dryas. Atlantis lie. Then the others followed Hancock without checking the sources and seeing that there was way more data that was being obfuscated.

Then there’s Billy Carson, who will promote discoveries from the back of a cereal box. He’s the worst. He’s the worst. Have no problem telling you guys that. Absolutely. Going through archaic material and then lifting some of it as if it’s his own. He’s already been caught. It’s crazy. From this point onward, it’s real easy to show who’s gatekeeping, who is a part of the agenda. There is no way that overturning all of this bogus Atlantis and ancient aliens research isn’t interesting as hell.

There’s no way it’s not interesting. So why are all these huge platforms and podcast hosts so damned quiet? Why? Has anyone notified Joe Rogan and told him that there’s an ex con out there who has totally made these men look like school children? Does Joe Rogan know that these school children have been on their channel promoting a bunch of stuff that another guy has come and overturned, and yet these men won’t even defend the integrity of their own claims? Yeah.

Does Mr. Rogan know that? So, the reason I’m throwing Joe Rogan out there is because there’s a lot of accusations out there in the field now that Mr. Rogan is controlled opposition, that he’s a part of an agenda as well. So let’s see. That’s all I’m asking. Let’s see who’s out there. Really, gatekeeping, because information like this, once it’s released into the field, it doesn’t go stagnant. It only grows.

Yeah. I don’t understand why these people just don’t. They don’t get it because they’re not true historians. A true historian understands the mechanics of our reality and how these things these grassroots efforts, they honor the energy that is expended when they are introduced into the field. I don’t matter anymore. I could disappear tomorrow. And this won’t go away. It won’t. It’s already been put into the field. This is how our reality works.

I have whole videos explaining all this. Technically, I could tell you right now my work is done because it is. Because as soon as I stop doing what I’m doing, the field itself will energetically align to others and they will begin mass producing all this material. This is how the field works, guys. These men don’t have a clue how big this is going to get. And I’m not just talking about Atlantis.

I’m talking about correcting all this misinformation that’s been put out there because these are not matters of opinion. Data sets don’t lie. Men do. Anyway, I know Hancock’s been on Joe Rogan. Who else has been on Joe Rogan? So I’m really curious myself. What would Joe Rogan’s defense be? How would you package that when a bunch of people start asking you, hey, man, these guys were all on your channel talking about all this and you.

Yes, man, that shit. And you were nodding and all that. You’re not offended that it might have all been bullshit and they blew smoke up your ass? You’re not mad about that? How would you like to be introduced to a guy who can prove it to you out of his head with no notes and come over here and just give you all this data and only wants to do it because not one of these men will step into the debate field because they know what’s going to happen.

They absolutely understand how they will be critically mowed over with information. No one wants to go through that. And I don’t blame them. I don’t blame them. But this isn’t going away at all. So it all remains to be seen. It remains to be seen if Mr. Rogan and a lot of these YouTube platforms that are real huge are a part of the gatekeeping apparatus. We’re going to find that out real fast.

Yeah, real fast. Because it is newsworthy. Yeah, it is newsworthy. When people who have been publicly putting out all this material and then all of a sudden they’re scared to debate it, that’s a problem. Not one, not two, not three, not four, but 20 or 30 of these people. How do I know? Because I’m calling them out. So, yeah, that’s my presentation, guys. That’s my presentation. It’s only been an hour and 51 minutes.

So I can take some Q and a too. I can definitely take some Q and A. I’m not in a real rush. I do have an appointment at three, but it’s an online appointment. I’m good. Yeah, that’s right. Did you ru. Data sets don’t lie. Men do. That’s right. Yeah. You guys open invitation, as many of you as possible, man. Email Joe Rogan’s people, let them know this ain’t going away, because then they’re always looking for qualified guests.

They’re always looking for people who are going to educate and entertain. I get that. If they don’t think this is entertaining and they don’t think this is educational, then you know what? They’re gatekeeping, 100% gatekeeping, because they’ve got some real boring people that go on some of these podcasts for want of something better. They just don’t. So a lot of these big podcasts, they keep a whole list of all these potential deals.

What shocks me is some of these real big podcasts, they haven’t reached out to me at all. So it kind of makes you wonder because I’ve got emails from people swearing up and down that some of these huge networks have blacklisted me. They have literally told all these people, do not communicate with me. I already know they’re blocking all the comments in the comment sections, but the refusal to debate what you believe and hold to be true and what you have so willingly put out to the public sector for consumption, that’s very telling.

That’s very telling. Now I ain’t going to talk like that. I’m going to let these guys make it. But yeah, 100% guys. It just makes you wonder. They got to know all this information is BS. They have to 100% believe that what they’re putting out is total crap and that you’re a dumb ass. There’s no other way around this. You guys have seen the data and it’s always been available.

It’s always been there. It’s always been out there in the field. Anybody could have put it together, and many men have. Like I was telling you in this book, yeah, Tony O’Connell, he’s already put most of this together. 100%. I like David Ike. David Ike gave me my start. I was a brainwashed program, southern Baptist Christian. When I got a hold of my first David Ike book and it woke me up.

Yeah, I remember. Was it? And the truth will set you free or something like that. That wasn’t the first one. That was the second one I read the first one I read was children of the matrix. Had me looking for lizards everywhere. Yeah, man, I remember that he woke me up. That led me to what was. Oh, that led me to Bill Cooper, William Cooper, Sandra D. I have a really good video called tetrobiblos.

Tetrabiblos is where you need to see the zodiac information. Zodiac is about 22, 23 centuries old. It was created by the Greeks. The Vedic scholars even admit that the zodiac was imported by the Greeks around 250 BC. Yeah, the babylonian zodiac wasn’t anything like the greek zodiac of Taurus. Libra. Gemini, the mool appen of ancient Babylon, was only six signs. And babylonian astrology didn’t even regard the zodiac at all.

They were following the Pleiades, Arcturus, Orion. The babylonian zodiac was very big on the wanderers, the wandering stars, what we call Venus and Jupiter and all that. It was really big on the star Sirius. But the most important object in the sky to the ancient Americans, the Maya, the Olmec, and to Babylon. Assyrian Sumer is recorded in the Venus almanacs because they religiously watched the star Venus in the sky.

But, yeah, the zodiac that you know of, Taurus, Leo, all this, it was literally created about two centuries before the Old Testament was laid out, because it was just a bunch of random writings. And then somebody around, most people don’t know this, but the Old Testament is not much older than the New Testament. The Old Testament was a bunch of writings that were all mixed up and there was no congruency and agreement.

And then all of a sudden, as Christianity appeared in the world, the Old Testament was suddenly put together in the form we have it today. But it was a bunch of scattered. Yeah. Shiva. Of course I’m blacklisted. Of course I’m blacklist. There’s no doubt. There’s no doubt. Yeah. They’re having phone calls about me and exchanging emails about me right now. I can’t believe I survived this whole show on a single cup of coffee.

All right, today’s. Oh, what is this? All right, so we have 19 more days, 18 more days or so until our meet up in Houston. Riyadh Ali. Yeah. This guy was light work. You’re right, Don. Scheduling her surgery, she’s been wrestling with what mean, you get to choose your own surgeons. So with her medical plan, she. So things kind of backed up a little bit. Thank you. Things kind of backed up a little bit.

And we have to do these raffles because we have everything set aside and we’re having to print up. It’s over 1000 names, but we’re also giving out like 20 packages now and then another 1520 packages later, books from the 18 hundreds, archaics merchandise, stuff like that. So all that got put back because she’s been dealing with her medical stuff. I don’t want to go off into a whole lot of details.

It’s a procedure that can only be corrected surgically. That’s it. And it’s from being given the wrong medicine when she got food poisoning. So, yeah, other than that, she’s doing really great. We just got to wait different things on the meet up. She may not be there, guys, but I have the whole arcade. The whole archaics team is going to be there. There’s a lot of us going to be there, but she may not.

I don’t know. It all depends on her surgery schedule. Yeah, I’m sorry, guys. This presentation was a little short for me, but it’s not necessary. It’s just not necessary to make the presentation super long at all. And I mean, it could have been three or 4 hours, but I don’t want to bore you guys with the minutiae. Minutiae. Let me give you an example. I could have gone into extreme detail about the geological formation of the Richat structure, but it would bored the hell out of you.

I could have gone into a lot of detail on actually quoting every single one of these ancient authors that I show in these charts concerning the 9000 years of Plato was only 9000 moons. Yeah, I could have spent 2 hours just going through that one little data set. I could have bored the hell out of you on giving you all the peer reviewed scientific papers that prove that iron was not introduced into the historical record.

Iron utensils, iron tools, the smelting of iron. I could have showed you all the stuff that was known in the peer reviewed materials, but my God, it would have taken an hour to get through all their assessments. And all they say is 14th, 13th, twelveth century BC is the first iron implements are introduced into the Mediterranean. Same thing Plato said, I don’t want to go into the minutiae, but I keep those notes.

I keep notes on everything. As John, he is so tired of going through my notes, but I keep notes on everything. I keep those notes because one of these days I might get a knucklehead that thinks they’re going to take me on some chronological issues. That’s when I’ll pull my minutiae out. That’s when I’ll pull out my material that, hey, look, you know what? You’re not arguing with Jason, you’re arguing with peer reviewed scientific papers right here.

This is what they said. I said, so get Jason out of your mouth. All I’m doing is presenting the information and how it chronologically backs up everything. Oh, Jamie Robbins has seen some of my stuff, but, yeah, I got to keep it. I got little four terabyte drives. I got them everywhere. I got them everywhere. I got so much stuff you wouldn’t believe. I get lost in my own material sometimes.

Let’s see. Howard Carter’s Atlantis ring. I never heard that. Howard Carter, in 1922, discovered King Tuden Common’s deal, and then like twelve or eleven people on that archaeological expedition actually fell to the curse of Tuden Common. I mean, this is the tradition. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but a whole bunch of people died. Really, back to back to back to back within two or three years after discovering that.

And there is a curse on the tuden common artifacts. I think it was written over the door. Can’t remember. But I’ve never heard of Howard Carter’s Atlantis ring. I don’t know. But I know that just like in the tomb of is, the tombs are where we find so much awesome stuff, such as it was long held that there was no intercourse between the Americas and the Mediterranean. Well, now we know there was cocaine and mummies, tobacco, tobacco pipes, corn, maize.

Things that are only found in the Americas at that time. There were no predicates for that here in the Middle east, and yet they’re found in egyptian tombs. Another thing that was interesting in Howard Carter, when they had discovered the honey, they had discovered a vaser or m four or something, and the egyptian hieroglyphic sigil let them know it was honey. They broke into it, Howard Carter, and them tasted it.

Honey is antibacterial. It does not decay. The honey that was poured into that amphora 3000 years ago was still just as edible and fresh as when Howard Carter opened the tomb and ate some of that honey. Honey is awesome. In ancient egyptian sigils, we find the bee was a symbol of divinity as well. Yeah, the bee was divine. Honey has medicinal properties. It is 100% antibacterial. Yeah, guys, I’m just rambling.

I’m going to go ahead and get something to eat and then turn around. I got a conference at 03:00 so that’s why I changed the time to noon. I was originally going to go at 02:00 and then I had an important conference set up like weeks ago and then turned around. I’ve been waiting to talk to these people for a while. And then they educated me and said, hey, you’re going live at the same time we’re supposed to be talking.

I’m like, oh, my God. Felt like a dumb ass. So I turned around and changed the date to noon. But, yeah, I need to go ahead and get ready. It’s good. Thank you guys for joining me. Hit Joe Rogan up. Tell him, man. We’re tired of waiting. We’re tired of these people running. Yeah. So that’s about it for Atlantis. There’s really no reason to go into Atlantis anymore.

Am I banned? Alex? VK, you’re not banned. We’re all looking at your. You’re not banned. We’re all looking at your comment. Yes, I agree. Local honey. Local honey does wonders for allergies because your allergies are entirely local. I get it. You’re absolutely right. So, yeah, I’m going to go ahead and take off, guys. We got some presentations on all kinds of different things coming up, but, yeah, we will be talking about the ancient aliens again.

We’ll single somebody out for that one because, yeah, there’s a lot of crossover between all these false narratives. Atlantis, this old Nickelodeon version of history, ancient aliens is all in that. It’s terrible. Absolutely terrible. Yeah, man, there’s too many questions for me to entertain all that, guys. I just can’t. I apologize. It just happens that way. But I will be doing on Twitter, I believe it’s tomorrow. I got to ask Don what the schedule was, but on Twitter.

I’ll announce it on YouTube and deal. I am doing a q a on it’s. But this is Twitter feed. I’m going to start a Twitter feed. And in the comments section, we’re just going to go off and I’m going to be answering questions, typing up the answers to questions as fast as you guys ask them to do it. We’re going to be doing that on Twitter. I’m not into the Twitter space type deal.

I’m just not into that. I’d like a feed because I want people to go back and read. I want them to read what the answers were, compare notes, something to do. But if you like that idea, I’m probably going to do that tomorrow. Probably spend about three, four, or 5 hours just doing a q a on Twitter and just getting a whole bunch of stuff out. I thought about doing it on YouTube, but I’d rather do it on Twitter.

Let’s see. And what are my moderators for? Anybody who wants to join on the Twitter q A? It’s going to be some hours. Anybody who wants to join one of my moderators, would you please post my twitter account so people can meet us there? And I will give you guys a day in advance. It might be tomorrow, it might be tomorrow, so I’ll let you know before the sun goes down today exactly what time we’re going to do that.

Shadow will. I’m probably doing that tonight. The tiny hats video for archaics TV. Yeah, I just got a conference. I got to get out the way. Then after that, there should be nothing stopping me. I already got the video prepared. Already got the video prepared. And having said that, I love you guys. .

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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