➡ This text discusses various historical events, including earthquakes, celestial phenomena, and changes in civilizations, which the author believes are connected by a cycle called the “Phoenix phenomenon”. This cycle, repeating every 138 years, is said to cause significant global changes and disasters. The author predicts that in 2040, this cycle will cause major upheavals, including cities being submerged and widespread volcanic activity. The text suggests that these events are part of a larger pattern within a constructed reality, influenced by opposing forces of order and chaos.
➡ The Phoenix is a significant phenomenon that contradicts the chaos caused by the archons. It’s a real, provable concept that reveals patterns that shouldn’t naturally exist, suggesting we might be living in a construct. There’s a hidden object in the sky, known in ancient times as the Phoenix, which is due to return on May 16, 2040, and this event will greatly change our world.
We have a few videos following this rapidly that you’re going to see some amazing patterns. The Phoenix phenomenon is the origin of many ancient calendrical systems. It is the origin of the calendar the entire world is operating, operating on right now, the Anno Domini system. I have a video which shows how the Roman Catholic Church created the ad calendar to cover up the Phoenix timeline. That video is very compelling. Now, in this presentation, I’m going to show you the 138 year Phoenix phenomenon. No sources, no details. You can go to the original playlist, you can go to my published books.
This right here is just to educate those who want a very fast presentation that they can share with other people. If you want all the proof, you can go into the playlist, you can order my published books, or you can go on Facebook and see the hundreds of articles that have been dumped over the past three years on the phoenix. In the year 4309 BC, the Phoenix appeared and ended a 930 year old civilization. The only records, traditions, ancient texts ever found that mentioned the origin or reason for the phoenix were found in the records of the Gnostics.
These gnostic texts claim that the phoenix was designed to be a keeper of the calendar. It was to be a witness against the archons who were the lords of time, the manipulators of human events. We have found over and over, referenced throughout ancient texts, chronographies, modern chronologists like Stephen Jones. And in the chronometry of the great Pyramid, we have found that the year 3895 BC is year one of the ancient Annas Mundi calendar. It was a cataclysm so horrific that the survivors thought it was a new heavens and a new earth. This is year one of the pre flood world, year one of the vapor canopy period of Genesis.
Lithospheric displacement. There is a 30 degree pole shift. It causes the new heavens and new earth to appear. Fiery flaming, sword in the sky. And this is the beginning of the timelines, basically that all other calendar systems are attached to. 26 53 BC is in the vapor canopy period. We have traditional flooding in Ireland. It must have been a particularly bad flood. A poisonous inundation of the sea. And the seven lakes are overflowed. Independently. Zechariah Sitchin in his earth Chronicles books, records that at this exact year was a major disaster. According to near eastern texts, 22 39 BC is the great flood in the month of May.
It is the day of the vapor canopy collapse. It is the day the sky fell. It is the first year, the birth of the sun. The origin, the very beginning of the heliolithic age. This is the 1656 year Annis Mundi. This is the end of the pre flood antediluvian world. It is caused by the phoenix. In ancient texts called the Appin. Cataclysm at this time is confirmed by doctor Barry Warmkessel, who calls it Vulcan. The deluge was predicted and told to by Noah Manu, Anapishtim Zusudra. Antediluvian period being over. This is the mandate of heaven changed.
In ancient China. A new star appeared. Hundreds of cities are shoved under sea. It is worldwide volcanism, continental quakes and mud. Floods. Red rains. Cosmic dust. Fallout. Temporary polar pole shift. The entire episode is mentioned in the book of Jasher. And the sun darkened for a long period of time. 1963 BC. It’s a temporary pole shift. There are quakes. Bodies of water are moved out of their places. Mentioned in the near eastern records. Mentioned in the Hindu Ramayana. And also mentioned in the ancient greek text as occurring in the days of Zeus. 1687 BC is the ogygian flood.
Cataclysm at this time is confirmed by doctor Barry Warmkessel, who calls it Vulcan. Jacob foreknew of the darkening of the sun. The people of Tehwanaku in South America predicted the coming of the sun disaster. Heliolithic maritime empire collapses. New World age. In India, 25 year darkness and famine is recorded in both the Mediterranean and in the ancient americas. Minoan linear a begins. Giant object is seen in the sky. The sons of the sun dynasties all collapse. The book of Jasher, the bamboo books of China. Marcus Varro, Augustine Julius Africanus all record this event. The Kraken floods Joppa and darkens the sun.
In the Perseus story, easter island is abandoned. And the Avellino eruption buries the cities around Mount Vesuvius in this year. In the following 24 years, the vapor canopy attempts to return, but does not. After 25 years, the darkness is over and the famine period is done. This is the origin of the seven year biblical famine. In the story of Exodus 1549 BC, three suns shone in the sky. Unusual storms. The sun dimmed in the sky and the sky turned red. There are recorded tsunamis. Historian Castleton notes that in the Cyclades region there was a cataclysm. 1411 BC, temporal pole shift and then a restabilization.
A new star appeared. Meteoric fallout. Sky turned bloody red. Flooding. This doom shape appeared as recorded in the Colburn Bible. And Egypt is absolutely devastated. This event is the origin of the ten Plagues story in Egypt, which is combined with the sky fallout of the israelite conquest of Canaan, when the Canaanites had rocks from the sky raining down upon them. 1273 BC. Atreus predicted the sun darkening and won the kingship of Achaia. The sky turned bloody red. The sun darkened. Socrates, Archilochus, Seneca, in Thyestes, Euripides and Electra, it all mentions this event. It is also found in a cuneiform tablet in the annals of king Merciless II of Hadi.
1135 BC. Cataclysm at this time confirmed by Doctor Barry Warmkessel, who calls it vulcan. Tuatha de Nian predicted the sun darkening before the battle of Moitura. Mediterranean dark age begins. Minoan linear b collapses mandate of heaven in China changes from a comet. Then a comet darkened the sun. It was bloody red. Over Babylon. There are mediterranean tsunamis in a dust. Rain afflicted the world. 859 BC. The phoenix symbol appears on an assyrian relief commemorating the fact the Assyrians were expecting to see it that year. This relief is famous and it shows the israelite king Jehu bowing in subservience to the assyrian monarch.
The year 721. BBC the assyrian inscriptions show that a new world age began. These new world ages were like ancient India. And they are connected to phenomena unusual events that occurred in the sky. The kingdom of Israel falls to Assyria. Almagast of Plutarch mentions this event. So does Ovid. Marcus Varro record the sun and the moon. Darkened clouds are seen in the heavens far beyond the sky. There are flames across the sky and noises like sky quakes. The event is also observed by chinese astronomers and mentioned in roman annals. 583 BC. Thales of Miletus, a phoenician by remote descent.
These are Israelites predicted the darkening of the sun in the month of May, 2 years before it happened. And it indeed occurred to. This is the Vandenberg data. A new calendar at Delphi begins. Also a new calendar in the japanese imperial period of the sons of the sun. Begins, the sun is eclipsed. And this is recorded on a monument at Yasilakaya. 445 BC, archaeologist Dajong recorded a disaster caused by an object in the sky, widespread fires. Estimated death toll was 830 30,000 people. In this year, a solar eclipse, or a darkening of the sun occurs, according to the Chinese, and the stars appeared in the daytime.
307 BC is a phoenix year, just like every other year enumerated in this video. However, we have varying dates for different things that happened about this time. This doesn’t mean they didn’t happen in this year of 307. Some of them are dated 306 or 305. And it’s just. It’s been so many, so much over 2200 years that it’s just impossible to really narrow it down from some of these ancient traditions. One of them is a broom star, a comet that appeared and was noticed by China to be very unusual. Greece recorded the exact same thing. It is also found on the parian marble.
Now, this is also the timing for when there was great disasters recorded in Europe and preserved in the Dutch Orland manuscript. 169 BC. We have records again from China of sky phenomena. We have perhaps a meteorite or comet. In Italy. A torch is seen burning in the sky. In 31 BC, again, over Europe, principally Greece, a torch is seen in the sky for many days. That these accounts are back to back 169 BC and 31 BC is an indication that a. The phoenix phenomenon was, you know, in older times described as a sky dragon is also disguised as a giant wolf that eats the sun or eats the moon.
And at this period of time, for some reason, it was being described as a torch in the skydehe. So, earthquakes in Asia Minor, an earthquake in trolleys in Ilydia, in many cities in Ionia, Myesia and Aetolia, all fell from quaking. So, 31 BC, the chinese Han dynasty records a sky phenomenon. There is also a macedonian record continental quake from the Aegean to Judea in. In the month of May, during the battle of Actium. Now the Yucatan is absolutely ruined. It is the final date found on all ol Meka steels. A sky dragon is actually seen to fly over Egypt.
246 AD. In a old. In the area of Kent, an old Britain annal, a bloody sword is seen in the sky. And there is a rain of blood from the skyd this. And at Lincolnshire, England, the ocean overtook thousands of acres of land that were forever lost to the sea. In 384 AD, Lycosthenes, in his chronicon records a bloody pillar in the sky. Now, there is an anachronism here. Because of tampering with the calendar by the Roman Catholic Church to put the justinian plague data in what they had recorded in the Justinian plagues. As I revealed in my own video about the creation of the Anno Domini calendar, it’s.
The Roman Catholics really messed this area up because they removed ten years from the calendar. And a lot of references in old text to 394 AD are actually 384 ADHD. Believe. Believe me, the papacy has done us no good in the preservation of historical integrity. So, during the time of Theodosius, there was seen an object in the sky. Bright globes were seen at night, and they seemed to merge into a sword. That’s very interesting. Instead of a sword passing across the sky, which would be a comet, different independent glowing objects passed through the sky and then merged together into a sword.
Just the opposite. In September, european earthquakes throughout Europe all the way to November, there was a day. There was a period of darkness over Asia Minor. Night turned into day, and it was recorded to not be an eclipse. 522 AD, the dark age begins in Europe. C. E. Britain, on the reign of Octa of Kent, mentions something appearing in the sky as well as the welsh annals. Earthquakes in the Aegean. 522 is the. Is, uh, earthquakes devastated Olympia, Greece. Sky dragons were seen over Britain. A celestial war of monsters. They rained great drops of blood, which were followed by famine.
The Kent tradition records that a strange star appeared attached to a light ray that ended in a flaming dragon. Now, in those records of old Britain, it’s said that a celestial war of monsters occurred. 522 is also the end of the mosh culture of Peru, which totally vanished. It is an archaeological enigma. 522 AD is. Was not the creation of the Anno Domini calendar. It is what the Anno Dominique calendar covered up. The phoenix timeline. Like I said earlier, in this video, I have. I have a. I have a presentation about the papacy in covering up this great event to hide the Phoenix phenomenon.
The great darkness that appeared over Europe by Zantium, over the empire of justinian and the justinian plagues. And many of the sky phenomena that occurred at that period has. Has purposely been misdated in modern records to cover up the phenomenon. In the year 660, we have a single reference. It’s from ancient Scotland. There was an aurora like phenomenon in the sky, and the sky was said to burn to in the year 798 AD, there are quakes, a dark sun. There is flooding in mayan cities. Constantinople, there is an obscuration of the sun that lasted for 17 days.
This is definitely not an eclipse in Ireland, the snows were so bad that both men and animals perished. In the year 936 AD, over Belgium, there is an obscuration of the sun, and the sun turned blood red in a clear sky. 138 years earlier, in 798, the maya culture was decimated. But now, in 936, the appearance of the phoenix ends the mayan culture. In 1212 AD, the ocean rose up against the land in Holland, and 306,000 people drowned. In July, over France, colored rain fell upon the people and a halo appeared in the sky, a shower of blood.
At Caen, three crosses appeared in the sky over Philae. Also in 1212, the winter at Novgorod, Russia, was so cold that it destroyed the early harvests. Children were sold as slaves for bread. In 1212, quakes visited the Middle east, and the children’s crusade was a story that was invented by the authorities of the time because they could not explain how hundreds of thousands of children across Europe mysteriously vanished. In 1626 AD, an earthquake in Italy destroyed 30 towns. 17,000 people were killed. In this year, the Chinese record a sun darkening and meteoric rain that fell upon the people.
In 1764 AD, astronomer Hoffman in the month of May, watches a dark object pass over one fifth of the sun’s surface, as half a million Europeans see it with the naked eye, traveling from north to south over the ecliptic. In the same year, in the Ganges, India, an earthquake killed great numbers of people. In Germany, a tornado destroyed caused much deforestation at a place. Forgive me for my pronunciation, Meclinburg. Also in 1764, the Philadelphia bolide meteor, larger than the sun, exploded in the sky. And in 1764, in the month of October, blood rains fell for several days, also at Rennan and Cleves.
In 1902, in the month of May, an unknown star appeared. Quakes, volcanic eruptions, red rains, dust veil Charles Fort. Later in the Book of the Damned, who was alive at the time. In 1902, he wrote that 1902 was the other dark age phoenix again transited, bathing our world in hundreds of millions of tons of red dust. All over the world, volcanoes in Guatemala and Saint and St. Martinique killed about 40,000 people. Again, evidence of a soft reset. Unusual events happened in 1902, where the entire world stage erupted with new companies, new inventions, new texts, new translations of older texts.
It was as if everything in the creation had been holding its breath, just waiting for the pass of something to be clear, so they could move forward. As shown in this thesis in my presentations and books, this every single date that was just itemized is on a timeline of multiples of 138, 138 years. Some of them are back to back every 138 years. Some of them are 276 years, or 414 years, a cursed earth period or a phoenix cycle of 552 years or 690 years or 828 years. Every single one of these are divisible by 138 years.
The phoenix phenomenon leads to the conclusion that in the year of 2040, in the month of May, May 15 or 16th, the sun will darken by the phoenix. There will be lithospheric displacement. Oceans will slip their basins. The cities of New York and London and hundreds of other cities that are on the coast will be shoved under sea. There will be worldwide volcanism, continental quakes and mud floods, red rains and cosmic dust fallout. This is in the eschatology, the 6th seal of the apocalypse. It is the 6th sky dragon of Mother Shipton. It is the black son of the Hopi.
It is the Fenris wolf that swallows the sun and moon. In the weird of the gods, the ragnarok, which means the day of darkness. It is the fulfillment of the phoenix icon, the 33rd degree of freemasonry. This leads to 138 years more, to the final year, the ultimate collapse of the simulacrum itself in the year 21 78. These things are better understood by watching the playlist and seeing the videos or reading the books. This is a simple presentation to familiarize people with a very basic concept so that we can move forward. And I can now show you some very profound patterns that the Phoenix phenomenon throughout history shows us.
It is my intent to show you the patterning of our world. History is the absolute proof that we live inside a construct. This beautiful holography is basically run by two opposing forces that seem to be working in tandem. One of them is order, and the other one is the induction of chaos. Now, Phoenix maintains the order. It is keeper of the calendar, the archons, the lords of time that influence people and cultures to create different time keeping systems. And introduces type one, type two, and type three resets, soft and hard resets all throughout the history of the world, trying to get humans to basically forget the timelines, to forget where they are in the chronology.
From the very beginning, the end was fixed. Phoenix keeps the calendar. But all the chaos outside the 138 year context is there because the archons, whatever the archons are, be they cataclysm protocols of artificial intelligence x, or be they actual some type of intelligences that move freely through the construct, I don’t know. This is for greater minds than I to assess. But whatever they are, they cause chaos and they induce human retarded development. The Phoenix does just the opposite. The Phoenix is not only the keeper of order and maintainer of the calendar, but the Phoenix seems to undo a lot of the things that the archons have implemented in their sowing of chaos and confusion.
For those of you wanting to know more about the Phoenix, the links below are specifically for the Phoenix Archives playlist. The Phoenix the Phoenix charts different chart packs in order to fully appreciate the material that I’m about to reveal, it is good to have a very working knowledge of the phoenix. My archaics veterans already know. They already understand these things, and this video wasn’t for them. It was just a reminder. But the Phoenix phenomenon is real and it’s demonstrable. It’s. It’s easily shown. That’s why I have absolutely no fear of criticism. It is a. It is an unassailable thesis.
But what’s not unassailable and is entirely subjective is the data that I’m going to reveal. Using the Phoenix dates, I’m going to show you patterns that cannot be true. They cannot exist in nature, but nonetheless, they’re there and they too are demonstrable and they are source backed. But they just can’t be, unless we’re living in a construct. There is an object hidden in the sky. It has been here many times. In ancient times, it was known as the phoenix. It is approaching perihelion. It is located at 23.5 degrees north of the ecliptic and is presently in descending node.
On May 15, 2040, it will return on May 16. Our world will be a very different place.