Chronotecture of Civilization X by Archaix
➡ The text elaborates on the distinctive features and superiority of the Great Pyramid in Egypt over other pyramids worldwide. The Great Pyramid is noted for its single monolithic construction and durability, withstanding time and catastrophe while other pyramids are just accumulations of refurbished and rebuilt structures. The pyramid also symbolizes beginnings and ends, life and death, and encapsulates complex ancient Egyptian theological concepts in its structure.
➡ The text discusses the significance of the number 2040, which repeatedly emerges in the measurements and calculations connected to the Great Pyramid. These calculations, initiated from the rectilinear measurements of the structure, suggest an encoded geometrical timeline projecting the calendar date of May, 2040. Claims are made that this mysterious recurring date is not coincidental but might be a message from the ancient builders of the pyramid.
➡ The text discusses the Great Pyramid as a comprehensive calendar, providing measurements that total to different historical periods. It also suggests that the pyramid’s construction may signify advanced technological knowledge in ancient civilizations. The construction and its completion at 1080 A.D, along with the connections to the Maya and Sumerian calendars, is indicative of its relevance in timekeeping and chronometry. Furthermore, the Great Pyramid is often referred to as the Altar of Agony, possibly because of its historical and possibly sacrificial significance.
➡ The text discusses various ancient cultural traditions, particularly linking ancient Egyptian, Hindu and Sumerian myths. It discusses key numbers, like 1080, and their significance across cultures, particularly focusing on the Great Pyramid of Egypt and its possible historical and symbolic significance across cultures and religious texts.
➡ The text discusses a theory wherein the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx were once submerged underwater, evidenced by fossils found throughout the sand and even inside the pyramid. Furthermore, it analyzes historical and geometric data linked to the pyramid, proposing that much of this information points to specific calendars and years with significant relevance.
➡ The Bible verse about the “altar of the Lord in the land of Egypt” is geometrically linked to the Great Pyramid in Egypt, whose height is 5448 inches – the same numerical value of the verse in Hebrew. This connection, along with calculations associated with the Book of Revelation and the passages in the Great Pyramid itself, suggests it symbolizes a monument for humanity at the end of the world, with the final ‘cornerstone’ descending in the 6000th year (216 AD). The pyramid’s structure and measures also reflect a timeline of 7344 years, suggesting the entirety of human history since the Anunnaki Reckoning.
➡ The central presentation concept is the significance of the year 1561 in a 7344-year calendar, which corresponds with the Battle of Armageddon according to the presenter’s theory. Insight into this concept, dubbed as the Phoenix phenomenon, is believed to be achievable via diligent research into various timekeeping systems and utilizing accurate scientific measurements.
➡ The Great Pyramid’s construction is steeped in rich cultural significance, representing historical, future, and present elements, functioning as a prophetic monument. Despite attempts at replication in ancient Americas and Egypt, no other pyramid has matched it in terms of construction techniques, size, or 51-degree angle, underscoring its unique, enigmatic features.
➡ The Great Pyramid of Egypt has unique cross-sections and features not replicated in any other pyramid in the world. These include the grand gallery, the ascending passage, the king’s and queen’s chamber, and numerous airshafts, all of which were hidden behind a ceiling block for thousands of years. The pyramid is believed to have been built with technolithic precision, serving as both a product of and a machine for advanced ancient technology, possibly related to prophecy according to historical traditions.
➡ The architectural precision and unique features of the Great Pyramid in Egypt are unparalleled, including the Queen’s Chamber, a potential secondary Grand Gallery, and advanced stress-relieving designs above the King’s Chamber. The pyramid is also recognized as historically significant due to its original hidden entrance and theories suggest it might have been a free energy machine or water pump. The Great Pyramid, according to multiple ancient authors and traditions, was considered the prime meridian and the center of the Earth’s land masses in the past.
➡ The text discusses theories around the Sphinx in Egypt and the Great Pyramid, suggesting they align with ancient egyptian and other traditions. It proposes that the original form of the Sphinx was not a lion but a canine. The text also explores the locations of pyramids all being in the north, or what is referred to as Lower Egypt, and the distinction between two ancient Egypts. The northern one was more cosmopolitan and the southern one was exclusive to the red-skinned race. The text ends with detailed measurements of the Great Pyramid, suggesting that these details have certain significance.
➡ The text discusses the exploration and study of the Great Pyramid from the 1740s up to the present, involving various researchers like Frederick Norton Lewis, John Taylor, and Charles Piazzi Smith. The real breakthrough came with Sir Flinders Petrie who provided the most accurate measurements and changed the perspective of the structure, revealing it’s potential as a calendar, or a prophecy in rock. Despite skepticism from the scientific world, the findings continue to generate interest and debate.
➡ The text analyzes numerical patterns found in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid using specific repeated units such as 138, referred to as a “phoenix number”. The author suggests the brilliance and precision of the architecture, which creates self-referencing patterns, pointing towards the significance of the phoenix number, and the potential prophetic messages encoded in the pyramid’s structure.
➡ The text analyses measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza, various mathematical computations, and historical events, associating them with the ‘Phoenix year’ and ‘Phoenix Calendar’. It suggests the pyramid, alongside its encoded measures and designs, was built as a survival structure with an intentional message for future generations. The pyramid also purportedly aligns with various disastrous global resets throughout history, such as the Great Flood and the Adam and Eve reset.
➡ The text discusses an intricate theory that the Great Pyramid serves as a form of architectural calendar, pointing towards scientific measurements, the Phoenix cycle and the number 138. This portrayal alludes to various historical and astronomical events, dating back to 34 40 BC, and predicts a “Phoenix event” in 2040. The theory incorporates the input of many ancient and modern authors, calendars, and mathematical calculations.
Let me start this presentation off with a real good cough, y’all let me know if you all heard that cough. Sound check done. Audio is good. Thank you, Gerald, Turkenstein, Jamie, you guys fast on the tank. I got my Arizona skywalk shirt on from the Grand Canyon West. I’m a petrified. Forest National Park. Been to both of them this year. All right, again, as is my habit lately, I’ve been doing some long presentations because I’ve been packing them with a lot of material.
So this is going to be a very in depth overview, but it can only fit within two and a half hours or so. So for those of you who want to go in depth, then I suggest you go to The Lost Secrets of Giza Playlist, where you’ll come across about 30 hours of data sets and imagery and measurements that go into extreme detail. I’m going to show you about 300 images here in this presentation.
We’re going to go through it fast and rapidly because some of them don’t require a lot of explanation. Seeing is believing. So the subject matter of this presentation is very simple. The Great Pyramid. At know I showed you in my thumbnail Civilization X. I use that term for a reason. The reason is I didn’t coin it. Just like Martin Leakey, I’ve used antiquatech, which was coined by Martin Leakey.
I’ve used the word technolithic, which is coined by James O’Connor. Sometimes we are researching things that are so anomalous and so far removed from the mainstream version of our reality that real innovative minds need to coin new terminology in order to describe what we’re finding. And in this, Civilization X is one of those terms. I didn’t coin that either. Matter of fact, I came across that term about ten years ago.
Civilization X literally refers to an unknown technologically advanced civilization sometime in the distant past. Now, this is the subject matter of Graham Hancock, Andrew Collins, Robert Bobble, many of these guys. And I agree with these guys in that respect. My only issues with all these authors, as you know, especially you archaic veterans, is chronological matters. As far as the concept of a technologically advanced civilization in the ancient past, I have no problem with it.
As a matter of fact, this presentation is going to prove that such a civilization existed, because one of the chief artifacts that they left us specifically to endure all the way to the end is still standing in Egypt today. So there’s a lot of misinformation, there’s a lot of disinformation, a lot of specifically published data about the Great Pyramid that will lead you astray, because what they’re trying to not show you, what they’re trying to get you from seeing are very salient points that need to be understood so you can recognize the level of deceit and deception that has been propagated in our institutions of learning.
Yeah. The Great Pyramid of Egypt isn’t Egyptian. It far anti dates. That civilization. In fact, it’s not even located anywhere near the ancient Egypt that we’ve been educated about. And I’m going to show you that. So we’re going to get into it, let a few more people stack up in the chat. And we’re taking off. We are taking off. So my audio is pretty good. It’s one of my first cameras.
I’ve never removed this camera from the studio. This is one of those. It’s an Odesso cyber track camera. It’s just a clip on because I can’t stand laptop, and computer cameras always use a camera I can move around. This one’s pretty nice, and I don’t even think it’s 70. $80 works just fine. Riyadh Ali. You’re right. Akuzan. One of the most ancient names for the Giza complex was Accusan.
You’re right. All right. Thank you. Pamela Swan. That link index, guys. You guys ought to copy and paste that and put that somewhere in your files. That link index takes you straight to my website and gives you a full, like, 70 something links for everything archaics. All the free stuff, all the merchandise, all the playlists, everything’s in there. All published books, unpublished books, super packs, thumb drives. Anything archaics is in that link index.
Appreciate you for posting that. I should post it more often, but hi, tiger turtle. Yeah. Now I got this present feature down. I know all I got to do is Share screen. Every once in a while, I’m going to have this thing interrupting me. I got some app that went rogue. I went through my program files today, and I deleted almost every app that I know I can delete without affecting the Microsoft files, but I don’t know what’s doing it to my computer.
This is a HP touch screen home computer. I can do everything by hand, but I don’t know why it keeps interrupting with this weird app deal. All right. I’m a share screen. All right. Should have done that pretty fast. Look at that. Yeah, I’m talking about all right, so I’m going to go down real quick. All right, so we’ll just go here. All right, now that I’m sharing the screen, you guys already know what this is right here.
I don’t even have to tell you. In the distance, looking real small, are a whole bunch of buildings in Cairo. That’s the City of Cairo. These two megaliths in front of it. Trying to make sure there we go. There we go. Want to be able to make sure I can see you guys, too. These are two great pyramids. Not a whole lot to look at. You’ve already seen many pictures of them.
And I can’t show you anything better than what you can see online. Anyway, the size. We can thank Stephanie Smith of Eden Cafe for posting this a long time ago. I reached out there and grabbed it. You can see that tiny woman in the bottom and how big those blocks are. Those blocks are two and a half to five tons each. There are 203 layers of these blocks that start at the base and go all the way up at 51.
5 degrees, going all the way up to the very top. Yeah, this is solid masonry. This is not a large mountain carved. This is not terraforming carving a mountain to make it look like a pyramid. That’s different. This is solid construction. Each one of these blocks is fused together with adhesive, one 50th of an inch thick. There’s supposed to be about 2. 5 million of these blocks, with the heaviest 70 ton blocks higher up in the structure.
Okay, you guys know, many of you know Meyer Keg’s veterans know that originally the Great Pyramid was bigger than it is today because it was covered in white limestone, 100 inch thick blocks. Now, this has been mentioned by many ancient authors and is almost unbelievable, because the Great Pyramid we see today is at the top picture. The Great Pyramid described a long time ago is the bottom picture.
It would have been bigger. It would have been 200 inches. Its dimensions would have been 200 inches larger to account for 100 inch casing stones on each side, no matter how you measured it. So the original casing blocks have been discovered in situ where they had been buried under the rubble. This discovery was in 1837. Right here. Here’s the in situ blocks. They’re at the bottom. Now, before you accuse jason is showing you a pen and ink illustration, you have to understand this was drawn when it was discovered.
This is what they found. It shocked them because it affirmed that all the old books were right. They got buried under a bunch of rubble and sand, and no one knew that those original casing blocks were still there. French mathematicians calculated by looking at the blocks that are still there, and they calculated that in order to cover the entire Great Pyramids four faces, it would have required 144,000 of these white stones.
Now, here’s a picture. Had to blow it up. So it’s a little blurry. But here’s a picture right here. They were heavily damaged when all that surfacing of the Great Pyramid fell and buried them. And then over centuries, they stayed underground and in the sand under all that pressure, they fractured. But measurements have been done, and those casing blocks are laser smooth. The tolerances are equal to or greater even today as the marble on a bank building.
This is a Mexican pyramid. The reason I’m showing it is because I want to give credit where credit is due. In North, Central and South America, we do have pyramids, but there’s a fundamental difference. In fact, there are several fundamental differences. Look at this pyramid. It’s beautiful. Now, it’s a reconstruction, and you have to take into consideration, guys, we have the original pictures of these Mayan and Incan and Olmec structures.
And the originals show that these were all falling apart and all that. Archaeologists have put this together. You don’t have that with the Great Pyramid in Egypt. You don’t in Mexico and in Central America. Veracruz State, Alaxia, South America and the Andes. Those pyramids are reconstructions. They have been put back together not only by modern archaeologists, but after they were destroyed in ancient times, they were put back together or built over multiple times.
Archaeologists have found many substructures underneath many of these pyramids. That’s a huge pyramid, but it’s got four substructures under, meaning four different time periods, four different cultures added to it. It’s multiple buildings all stacked on top of each other. And then the outer area was all measured and made, meticulous and precise and made to look like one big structure. But archaeologists have already tunneled into it and found multiple ancient structures all stacked.
You don’t have that with the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid is a structure that is still standing, just like it was the day it was finished. All right, here’s some more. Stairways to Heaven were built everywhere. It’s a concept. Stairway to Heaven was a concept. Remember, the Great Pyramid was anciently, referred to in the Egyptian Book of the Dead as the Ladder of Set. It was the Ladder of Heaven.
It was the way by which you exited the Kingdom of Seeker, which was the Realm of Death. And you found the gate of Rothal in the gate of Rothal. Your spirit went through there and it was ejected out of the construct. This is the ancient Egyptian concept and this ladder in the ancient Americas. When they brought these concepts to America, the ladder became a staircase. The concept is the same.
The structures are nowhere near as old as the Great Pyramid, but they were all dilapidated. And what you’re looking at are all reconstructions by archaeologists. Almost everything here was destroyed. Now, the concept in ancient America of the Great Pyramid and the eye and the Great Pyramid symbolizing not only doomsday but also the closing of a great cycle is found right here. Right here in these Aztec glyphs. You see the crossed bars in the Aztec symbols meant the completion of a cycle.
Each bar is a cycle. Now you see a little bricked pyramid at the bottom, underneath an eyeball. In the center, you see the Aztec doomsday glyph. Above all that. The concept is here. It’s just been embellished by culture. Here it is again. On the left, you have the seven eyes of the Pleiades. These are the seven sisters eyes. These are the great light bearers of the ancient world.
This is the constellation that meant everything, the Pleiades. You have the central eye right here, but this conceals a geometrical image which concerns the closure of an epic of time. Here it is, the crossed bars on the left. When you put the geometry together the way you’re supposed to, you have the pyramid on the right. The I is at the top. Now one of the bars has been removed.
Therefore, a new cycle has begun after an old period has ended again. The Great Pyramid is associated to beginnings and endings, or life and death. One of the concepts it’s connected to in the Phoenix as well. So in Frank Water’s Book of the Hopi, we find this ancient faith in the Hopi that there was a mountain somewhere that had a secret entrance. And if you could find that secret entrance, you could find the way home to the ancient Hopi.
The way home was through a construction that had a hidden entrance process. That for a minute. Like I said, we’re going to be moving through this, guys. We got a lot of ground to cover. I got some explosive new material to show you. Even my archaic veterans are going to see new material here. Now, you can see here in this chart that the Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest pyramid.
A lot of people are offended by that concept, that just because something is big does not make it superior. But that’s not the case here, because in every single way, in every architectural species of analysis, we will find that the Great Pyramid is superior to every other pyramid in the world. And this is by design. In fact, every other pyramid in the world was built after it. The greatest was built first during civilization.
X. Every other pyramid in the world was an attempt to replicate the features and concepts for which the Great Pyramid of Kiza embodied. But these were attempts that were done way later in time. And what’s really embarrassing is that people don’t notice that all these attempts by all these other civilizations were thousands of years after the Great Pyramid was already there. So here we have the next pyramid next to it.
A lot of people call them the Great Pyramids and they think they’re equal. They’re not. The Great Pyramid is much larger, and the Pyramid of Caffrey, the second pyramid, is not only smaller, but it’s also on a raised platform which provides you the optical illusion that it is somewhat the same size. And it’s not. Then we have the Red Pyramid, which is mysterious as well. It’s at 344ft, which is 130 something feet less than the Great Pyramid of Egypt.
So the Bent Pyramid, the Muslim of Kinshi Hawaiian in China, we had the pyramid of the sun in Mexico. Yes, it’s a lot of mass, it’s a huge amount of mass. But the problem is it’s four different pyramids before it. Each one was destroyed, dilapidated, fallen apart. New culture decides to rebuild. And what they do is they fill it with cement, lime, pebbles, cobbles, and they make a concretion, make it really even, and they build over it.
That is not a true pyramid. A true pyramid is a single construction all the way through, not something that has already fallen apart and had to be rebuilt. In modern times, the great Pyramid of Egypt has never come apart. Only its outer surfaces by earthquakes had basically fractured some of the 100 inch thick white limestone casing blocks off. And when the Muslims saw this in 13, two to 1340 Ad, they began mining all that material off of the great pyramid.
And in so doing, they knocked so much rubble around the great pyramid that by the time Napoleon’s been there, and Frederick Norton Lewis in 1740s looked at that area and found fossils and seashells and marine life form skeletons all over the area. It says no one even knew that 40 and 50ft down was the base of the pyramid. They all thought the pyramid was at the level right there.
It wasn’t. Yeah, it’s taken over 120 years of excavations to remove all that sand and dirt and get it all out of the way. But the great pyramid of Egypt was buried. So, anyway, you can see by the size differentials here, there is a massive amount of difference in the size of pyramids in the Americas. There’s a pyramid of the moon in Mexico. There’s cholula in Mexico. Here they are right here, guys.
Here’s the pyramid of the sun in Mexico. Vast difference in height. Now, in mass. It has been published that the pyramid of the sun in Mexico en masse is more than the great pyramid. But then again, it disqualifies itself by being four different substructures all stacked on top of each other. Therefore, it’s not a true pyramid. It’s like surfacing a hill with stone and then claiming that you built solid masonry all the way through.
It’s not true. And the reason why all these pyramids are destroyed is because they were not built to the perfection of the great pyramid in Egypt. There have been hundreds of thousands of quakes, earthquakes, all kinds of things, and none of this has affected the great pyramid in Egypt except for the casing blocks. And if the Muslim extraction engineers had left it alone, if the Muslim extraction engineers would have left it alone, we would be seeing the great pyramid as it was originally.
Even today. It took them over 50, 60 years to mine all that stone, use it for ballast in roads and ballast in ships, and use it for the sultan Hossan’s palace and mosque. Yeah, they did all that trying to find the bottom of my chat, make sure everything’s going good. All right, back to yeah, I’m not talking about the Bosnian pyramids in this presentation. I have never talked about the Bosnian pyramids because the size of the structures coming out of bajna would not be true pyramids.
There would be terraforming. I’m not saying they’re not real. We have evidence of terraforming. But terraforming is when you take a solid rock structure and you carve it into the shape that you want. That’s not a pyramid. It’s just pyramidal, all right? It’s like advanced fing shoey. So we’re moving on. So here it is again. Tallest pyramid again is a great pyramid in Egypt. There it is right there.
Here’s, computer models of other very large structures. Here it is again. Here’s some more comparisons between the Great Pyramid and other pyramids. Again, the size is important. The mass of rock is amazing, the weight, the pressure. But again, we’re not going to concentrate on the size. The size alone is not what makes the Great Pyramid great. It’s not what makes the Great Pyramid very unique. You’ll see that in this presentation.
So the pyramids in the Americas, they’re far more impressive than Egyptian ones outside the Giza complex. What I’m saying is that you can tell that the pyramids in the Americas have more imagination, there’s more engineering, there’s more ingenuity, there’s more creative license. A lot of culture was added into building these pyramids. So basically what it was was survivors post reset after a cataclysm knew. They knew, their educators knew about the Great Pyramid, they knew about its function, they knew the origin, they knew why, basically who it was built, they knew what it embodied, it represented.
And I’m going to get to that in here, because a lot of traditions about the Great Pyramid preserved the past, the present and the future. It was prophecy in stone. This is the ancient model for the Great Pyramid belief system. So we have the same thing being shown in ancient Americas. In Egypt, they tried to copy the Great Pyramid and it was disastrous. Pyramids collapsed, pyramids were unfinished.
Some Egyptologists try over and over and over to claim that the Bent pyramid was intentional. That’s the way they want it, and it’s not. They made mistake after mistake after mistake. Trying to replicate the 51 degree angle was not easy. The Great Pyramids faces the building techniques that were used for the Great Pyramid were not replicated by the later civilization that tried to build pyramids. If they had had the same machines, the same technology, the same engineering sciences, if they would have had the same architectural templates to work off of, if they would have had the same infrastructures, they might have been able to replicate it.
Had they have known about its most mysterious features, which they didn’t. I’m going to get to that real quick. Something about the Great Pyramid that is different than every other pyramid in the entire world. Look at these pyramids in America. Yeah, they’re impressive. This one’s half as tall as the Great Pyramid in Egypt, but it’s got more mass. But archaeologists have already proven through tunneling into it, it’s four different structures, each one buried in dirt and rubble and gravel, so they could build another structure on top of it, and then that one was destroyed.
And then people built, they buried that one in dirt and then more clay and rubble and cobbles, and then they bricked over that. That’s not a true pyramid at all. This is four structures stacked on top of each other and still it’s nowhere near the true size of the Great Pyramid. So there’s a lot of artistic license. They balled many concepts from the ancient world and incorporated them into their architecture.
Yes, it is a known astronomical feature. It has been published since the 1910s, 1920s, that the Mayan pyramids have shadow effects. When the sun goes down, the sun comes up. You can see the serpents going up and down the staircases. This has been widely known and published for long periods of time. Remember what I’ve told you in prior presentations, guys? Serpents. Serpents were symbols for cycles. When a serpent is coiled around something, that period of time, that epic, that age of the world is still continuing.
When a cycle is over, the serpent swallows his tail. That cycle is closed. It’s over with. Here’s another one. Explore the pyramids. There he is, right there. But these are pyramids in Egypt. All these are pyramids in Egypt. Right here. The Great Pyramid. Is Khufu in the middle. Was it built by Khufu? Hell no. But that’s what we have to call it, because that’s what we’ve all agreed is the pyramid of Khufu in all these history books.
And the next one is Caffri. But it doesn’t mean Caffri built it. It doesn’t even mean Khufu and Kafri are real Egyptian pharaohs who ever existed in history. This is just the standard version given by an Egyptian priest to a Greek, in a Greek who recorded it, 440 BC. We don’t know if it’s true because it’s the only record in the ancient world that even says that. And we know from the story of Solon in Atlantis that Solon completely misunderstood many of the things the Egyptian priest said.
We have affirmatively proven in Archaics, even to the point of calling out the entire community for a debate as to the dating of Atlantis being the 13th century BC, and not that ridiculous dating of 9600 BC. 9600 BC is ridiculous dating, because all you’re doing is adding a mistake from the ancient world of 9000 years when he was told 9000 moons. And this was corrected even in the days of Plato by a scholar and mathematician named Eudoxus of Nidus, so the exact same issue could be applied here.
Herodotus didn’t quite understand what was being said, so these priests didn’t even know in 440 BC. It was already 200 years after the last Egyptian dynasty had collapsed. So whoever was telling Egyptian history didn’t even know it themselves when they told him about Khufu and Kafri and how many slaves it took to build it all. It’s all BS. The egyptians never knew. Proof the Egyptians never knew who built the original Great Pyramid is coming in this video real quick.
True Egyptian pyramids built about a thousand years after the Giza complex is fixed. It’s finished. Look at these pictures. I didn’t make up these pictures. These are real pictures from today of pyramids in Egypt. What do you see here? Do you see anything like the great pyramid in Egypt? Do you see anything like the great pyramid at giza? No. What you see are structures that are inferiorly built and subject to earthquakes and the passage of time.
They’ve all collapsed. They’ve all collapsed. Here they are. These are Egyptian pyramids. Here they are. They look real good in the encyclopedias. They look real good in all the history books. But these are the actual photos of existing pyramids in Egypt today. They look real good. Here’s the best pictures right here. There’s the bent pyramid. There’s Dashur. Yeah, guys, some of these look like sumerian pyramids. Mastubus. Oh, here’s the red pyramid of Dashur.
The greatest and true of the Egyptian pyramids is still 140ft shorter than the great pyramid of giza. There it is right there. It’s a much smaller pyramid. It’s much more inferior built. But the only reason this pyramid survives so long is look at the angle. That angle is nowhere near 51 degrees. The great pyramid is steep. The 51 degree angle with 756 foot sides is why the great pyramid is 454ft in height.
It’s massive. That 51 degree angle is almost impossible to replicate without machines to maintain true course after course, after course after course after course. 203 courses from the baseline of the monument all the way up the structure to the flat top where the chief cornerstone is supposed to sit, represented by the Benben stone in the ancient city of Memphis. Heliopolis called, in the second millennium BC. The city of ANU a NU.
This is what it’s called in all the ancient Egyptian texts ANU. It’s where the mansion of the phoenix was. And the mansion of the phoenix had the priesthood that was protecting the Ben Ben stone. They thought they had to protect the ben ben stone because one day it would be of service again. Now, here we go. Look at that. The great pyramid is massive. It’s massive in stone.
But look at the empire state building. The empire state building is hollow. That’s what its purpose is. Its purpose is to house offices and flats and ballrooms and restaurants, eateries. It is a building with the purpose of having thousands of humans doing all the things they need to do. Therefore, it is almost hollow. The great pyramid is virtually solid, and mathematicians have estimated that the stone required to build the great pyramid is equal to about ten empire state buildings worth of rock.
Here’s some more size comparisons. Check my chat. That’s a Chrysler building, all right, so look at this. Look at the size of the great pyramid back there, guys. Look at the size of that structure compared to these modern buildings. The eiffel tower doesn’t even qualify because it’s not masonry. It’s nowhere near the weight. It’s made out of steel, but it is nowhere near the weight of the great pyramid.
It doesn’t have the mass. It’s virtually a frame. It’s hollow. It’s hollow. Yeah. It’s crazy. It’s just huge. These pictures are just there to show you guys, give you an idea of the size that we’re talking about. So Herodotus, Strabo, Diodorus, and a host of other like Plutarch, a host of other ancient authors all wrote about the original condition of the great pyramid. This is what they describe.
Strabo said that from a great distance, as you’re approaching Egypt, you can look over the desert of sand, and the great pyramid looks like a building being lowered from heaven. That’s not a metaphor, guys. That is exactly what people saw. Because of the heat baking off the ground, everything at eye level would have been blurry the same way as you stand on a highway and you look 10 miles up the highway, it looks like cars are floating down the highway.
You can’t see their tires because all the heat rising from the concrete. The same thing applied to the great pyramid. From a distance, it would look like the pyramid was floating in the sky. The closer people got to it, the closer the pyramid got to the ground. It’s an optical illusion. People there none of those people are alive anymore. Year 1900. All right, so that sums up that file.
It it check my chat before we get to this next file. Look at my time. I can’t see the time on here’s. So moving to the next file, this is a very key, integral piece of the puzzle, guys, right here, what you’re looking at right here is a cross section of the great pyramid in Egypt. The reason you have never seen cross sections like this on any other pyramids is because there’s nothing to cross section.
Understand what I’m saying? Pyramids all over the world have replicated the entrance, which is above the ground, which descends below the foundation of the pyramid, all the way underneath the pyramid to a subterranean chamber right here. This is replicated all over the world. All over the world. This subterranean chamber right here with a pit, the pit is replicated as well. This whole long tunnel right here is replicated all the way out here.
But everything you see above this, the first ascending passage, grand gallery, horizontal passage, what they call the queen’s chamber, what they call the ante chamber, the king’s chamber, the airshafts. Guys, none of this is replicated in any other pyramids of the world. And the reason why is because when they took their pyramid knowledge and concepts in their dispersion after the cataclysm, and they went their separate ways, and they began building their own civilizations, and they knew the importance of the pyramid, and they began building pyramids everywhere.
None of those people had ever been privy to the fact that the architects had designed all this stuff in the upper interior of the pyramid because it was very cleverly hidden right here with a gigantic ceiling block right here. A ceiling block covered this area right here for thousands of years. People went down this descending to the subterranean chamber. And they did rituals, all kinds of stuff. Famous people been down there in ancient times.
But right here there was a ceiling block. And behind this ceiling, that was the shape of it too. That was the ceiling plug. Behind it was three gigantic granite plugs. No one knew that was there until 820 Ad. When the Muslims tunneled into the structure. Here’s another cross section no ancient civilization knew the Kings and Queens Chamber and the Grand Gallery. The Ascendant passages were there. Here’s another cross section from this is straight out of Sir Flinders Petrie’s book.
This is the guy who measured everything inside and outside of the Great Pyramid to the thousandths of an inch. This is his book. The Great Pyramid of Giza. Right here. Or the Pyramids of Giza. I believe he got the illustration from Howard Colonel Weiss. Here’s another cross section. None of this was known in the ancient world. Here’s another illustration of the cross section. None of this was known in ancient times.
Moving through. Here’s a really detailed cross section showing the individual blocks. All this stuff here. None of this was known in the ancient world. Here’s a blow up of what was not known. There it is. There’s a blow up of it right there. Horizontal passage, queen’s chamber, Grand Gallery, antechamber airshafts. None of that. Relieving chambers called davidson’s Chambers. Way up here, the coffer. None of this was known in the ancient world.
This is why it wasn’t copied anytime other pyramids were built. Here it is. Here’s a cross section of the three Great Pyramids. And you can see the Great Pyramid has all the interior arrangements that the other pyramids do not. Again, cross sections studied widely today since the 1880s, since all this has been studied because the Great Pyramid is very different than any other pyramid in the world. No other pyramids have these features.
Here it is, right here. Again, another cross section. A lot more detail. All these upper passages, all these upper chambers, none of this was known. This is the grand gallery. Grand gallery is amazing. It’s been damaged a lot, chipping away, trying to find stuff, trying to find secret tunnels and all that. But the Grand Gallery, it has a machine quality to it. Even though we’re dealing with something that’s almost 5000 years old, it is still.
Look at these ruts on the bottom. This is a track. Many people have researched this. This is a track on a ledge. There’s a similar track on the opposite ledge and each indentation is equidistant from the other. As if this track, something laid on this track. So something at high velocity under a pressurized environment could move up and down very fast. I’m telling you. Now, the Great Pyramid is technolithic, meaning it required machines to build.
But the Great Pyramid itself is also a machine. Let me turn this down. All right. It’s also a machine. Look at this technolithic precision here. Engineer David Davidson drew this to show how absolutely precise this is. They’re sunk into the wall here’s, cross sections of the Indentation. This is machined. In addition to that, it served the purpose of being components to a much larger machine for which the Grand Gallery serves.
Yes, it’s amazing. Guys, here’s another picture of the Grand Gallery. Here you can see the tracks. You can see the Indentation on the walls going all the way up on both sides. The tracks are on a raised platform on either side, whereas deeper below down here, where they have a ramp. See these rails and ramp? That was built in recent times. They’re not an original part of the construction.
You can see that here. See? Look at this. This is a grand gallery. They didn’t know what they were looking at. They’re exploring it. They have no idea. They got these huge tracks. It’s real hard to walk up. It’s very steep. It’s 26. 5 degrees. That’s the pitch. It’s 26 degrees. Guys, it’s not easy. There it is right there. Old pictures. I shouldn’t have had that picture in there.
I didn’t know it was an old lamy picture or whatever it is. Look at this old illustration right here. They’re researching everything with ladders and candles and lamps. They’re trying to find anything in this thing. They didn’t know what it was when they found it. They had no idea. They’re tunneling into different parts of the Great Pyramid. They’re doing more damage than good, but this is what they found.
This square right here goes to the Queen’s chamber right here, which is another enigma not replicated anywhere in the world by any other pyramid. This grand gallery. There’s only one other structure in the ancient world that mimics the architecture of the Grand Gallery. I’m about to show it to you. Look at this. This is as the pyramid was being built. As the pyramid was being built. This is the grand gallery.
Look at the track on the bottom. The illustrator made sure the track is there. So you know this is the Grand Gallery. This is the Grand Gallery pointing up 26 degrees into the sky. Ancient astronomers, as the pyramid was being built, were looking for something or measuring something. And here it is. This is what they would have saw before the pyramid reached. Get this, guys. This is crazy.
Because the Grand Gallery goes up to 138ft. I’m going to show you 138ft into the structure of the Grand Gallery ends. So this is what they were doing. They were looking for something. Here’s the cave of the Sybil. Now, the Great Pyramid is attached to the past, the present and the future. It is attached to the idea of prophecy. It was built in the beginning, but it was built to survive the millennia until a future generation that would require whatever it is that the Great Pyramid does, it was built for that purpose.
This is what the traditions attached to the Great Pyramid convey. And I’ll get to that in a minute. This is what the cops say. This is what the ancient Arab Arabic scholars say. It was specifically built to preserve the past, present and future. It is a prophecy in stone monument. It is the same concept of the Sybils. Here it is. This is the entrance to the cave of the Sybil.
What does it look like? What were the sybils? The Sybils were oracles. They were all about prophecy. Now, they later became like an intelligence apparatus, but originally they were for divining. Where did the Sybils come from? The Sybils came from northern Egypt. I’m not making that up. That’s the ancient authors say that here’s a cross section right here. Very unique architecture. Here it is, look. Can’t miss that.
There’s the antechamber, there’s the antechamber. There’s the top of the grand gallery. The grand gallery ends right here. Do you see where my little cursor is? That’s called the great step. That is the central axis to the Great Pyramid. That is zero degree meridian for the Great Pyramid. That’s the central axis for the whole monument. It’s right here, right there on that face of that step. It’s called the Great Step.
It begins a huge slab floor to the King’s Chamber right here. The Great Step is amazing because the bottom of the Great Step and the Grand Gallery right here, where my little cursor is, is exactly 138ft high in the monument. I’m going to show it to you guys as we move along. Here it is. Queen’s Chamber. There’s another feature in the wall right here. It’s machined. It’s precise.
What is this feature? It looks like a grand gallery. It looks like a Grand Gallery is supposed to be here. Right here. Could it be right here at the Queen’s Chamber that it is the intention in the future to break through this area of the wall because another Grand Gallery is there? Or was this an astronomical observatory before they reached this height in the pyramid and covered it up with higher courses of stone? I don’t know.
I’m only theorizing. But this is the architecture of the Great Pyramid. It is not replicated anywhere else in the world. This, too, is an anomaly. It’s the queen’s chamber again. Here’s another cross section of here’s, the relieving chambers. These are 70 ton slabs. Each one of them is basically to relieve pressure away from the King’s Chamber. The immense amount of weight way up another 80 something courses of rock.
The weight is so much that this was designed to spread the weight out and keep it off of the King’s Chamber. Nowhere in the world do we find this type of architecture. Nowhere. This is one of the main reasons the Great Pyramid in Egypt is absolutely unique. It has no equals here. It is, guys, right here. Another cross section here’s where the descending passage and ascending passage meet.
That’s sir Flinder’s petri there. So, for thousands of years, the entrance to the pyramid has been completely hidden. It’s right here. What everybody goes down is this little hole over here. They got a little hole down here, a little square hole down here that goes down the descending passage, but the original entrance. I have a video, too, that shows the let me go back. I have a video called Antiquatech that shows the original entrance.
I have a 100 year old illustration from it’s, a book over 100 years old, where I show that the entrance to the Great Pyramid is right here. It’s right here, hidden behind these blocks. What you’re seeing in this picture right here, you see those big diagonal blocks? That’s the original entrance to the Great Pyramid before they hid it under all these courses of blocks. All this is not natural.
They dug all this out to reveal that after they found it. But what you’re looking at is right here. It’s this block here. It’s these and these big blocks hid, concealed an entrance that goes all the way over here, even with the queen’s chamber. There it is, the queen’s chamber floor right here is even all the way with the original interest of the Great Pyramid, which is right here.
So, yeah, it’s pretty interesting, guys. So this is what makes the Great Pyramid unique. Of all the pyramids in the world, this is the first piece of evidence right here, guys. Not just the size, but not just the 51 degree angle, which every pyramid, most ancient pyramids, tried to replicate. And in Egypt, they collapsed. But here it is, the grand gallery, the ascendant chamber, the ante chamber, the granite leaf in the ante chamber.
None of this has been replicated. The great step, the king’s chamber, the relieving chambers, davidson’s chamber. None of this, guys, this is why the Great Pyramid in Egypt is absolutely in a league of its own. Let’s go to the next see, before we go to the next file, see how I’m doing in this chat. How my chat doing? Let me find out. Y’all are talking to each other, not even paying attention to me.
Hey, Jahara. Hadn’t seen you in a while. I appreciate you. Moderators. I did change my chat. This is the very first video that I ever activated. The only subscribers can engage in the chat. I’m going to keep that, too. Every video from here on out? Yeah. If you’re not willing to subscribe, then you shouldn’t be willing to make comments either, or have your comments dignified with a response from here on out.
In all my live videos, if you’re not subscribed to my channel, you’re not going to be able to participate in the chat. I think it’s only fair. I didn’t even know I had that option. I was going through my features. The other day. Now, in this presentation, I’m not going to go into detail as to what I think the Great Pyramid machine engineering function was. I’ve said it in the past.
I think it was some type of free energy. It was a pump. It literally created power using water. And I’ve explained how I think that was happening, but I believe we’re missing some key components. Those key components are machine parts that are specifically supposed to be assembled in the Grand Gallery. I believe that whatever is missing from the Grand Gallery was something that could be taken apart and then put somewhere else for safety.
Probably an alloy that there’s no risk of it deteriorating. So this would be closer to, like, Christopher Dunn’s area of expertise. Let’s get on. We got more to cover, guys. We got more to cover. And remember, this is just an overview. You need to go to that Lost Secrets of Giza playlist, and you’re going to get overwhelmed with amazing material about the Great Pyramid of Egypt. So, all right, here’s something we need to look at, we need to pay close attention to.
This is going to be blurry because I got to blow it up. All right, so in my book, Lost Scriptures of Giza, I give multitudes of sources from ancient authors and traditions about the Great Pyramid was considered to be the pillar, the altar, the monument, the mountain at the center of the Earth. It was considered to be the axis mundi in the ancient world. It was at the zero degree meridian.
It was the prime meridian of the ancient world. It’s still up to debate with me. If it was actually zero degrees longitude, zero degrees latitude, I don’t know for sure. But I’m confident, based off all the ancient texts that I’ve cited in Law Scriptures of Giza, that it was considered to be the prime meridian of the ancient world, which would be zero degrees longitude, I’m just not sure if it was zero degrees latitude yet.
Now, this is what we see. The present location of the Great Pyramid makes it according, and this has been published in many books. Guys, taylor published this. John Taylor published this. Astronomer royale. Charles Pizzi. Smith in the 1880s published this. Sir Flinders Petrie commented on it. Engineer David Davidson and h alder Smith in the 1920s. They showed this picture, and they mentioned this. Adam Rutherford, the founder of the American Institute for Pyramid Research, discusses this.
The pyramid was the center of the Earth’s land masses. This is also the subject matter of a book by Eriemond capt of Bonnie Gaunt. I could go on, guys. Pyramid research has been going on for 200 years, and the amount of data that we have would normally blow people’s minds. I can’t pack it all into one presentation. That’s why I have this whole playlist. Anyway, the Great Pyramid was considered to be the center of Earth’s land masses.
It’s right there. Here it is again, Mount Sumeru at the center of the Earth. There it is, right there. Northern Egypt, called Lower Egypt, right there. 108 miles from the Mediterranean coast, separated only by the nine bows, which are the nine rivers that come off the Nile River, is the dead center of the ancient world right here. This is Giza. That’s what it says right there. Giza. It’s North Africa.
It’s the center of the Earth’s land masses now, but even more so, there’s a depiction at the bottom. But even more so, there’s the Great Pyramid right there. Do you see how they blew this Great Pyramid right here? Here’s the Great Pyramid. What do you see? Look at this. This is a 90 degree angle. This is a quadrant, guys. It is one fourth of a circle. This quadrant completely encompasses the nine bows.
This is the region of Gaussian in the Old Testament where the Israelites lived. It was like a paradise. It’s right here. These are the nine rivers that come off the Nile River. The Great Pyramid is at the head of this area. Remember in the prophetic text? Now, in the Old Testament, you know, in the Old Testament, we have Abraham. In the New Testament, it says Abraham went to Egypt to look for a city whose builder and maker was God.
Where do you think Abraham went in my Lost Scriptures of Geez, I show you where he went. He went to the Egyptian priestly colleges and he taught them the business. If you want to know the career of Abram and Abraham and who he was in ancient Egypt, and you want to see the source materials, you want to see the receipts, they’re in my book, Lost Scriptures of Giza.
And since then, I’ve even released some new data in videos about Abraham and Egypt. But here it was. Remember in the prophetic material, rivers of living water issue out of the divine mountain. So here’s an interesting deal. The Aztecs knew of a place called the Nine Rivers where souls of the dead paid a toll to a dog. I’m going to tell you what, guys. This is the same as the ancient Egyptian Rostal tradition of the nine bows, where souls of the dead entered, where a secret entrance is located underneath the Sphinx.
I’ve already told you guys, we’ve been lied to so many times. The Sphinx was never a lion body. It’s not a feline body. The Sphinx was a canine body that has been manipulated. And the greatest proof is the dimensions of the head. Anyone who’s looked at an aerial photograph of the Sphinx knows that the head has been whittled down so disproportionately from the body that it’s not an original statue anymore.
The largest surviving statue from the ancient world, at 240ft in length, 66ft high, and yet the head looks like a pea compared to this great big body. It’s got a human face on it now, wearing an Egyptian headdress that is not what it was. It was originally, just like the Aztecs say, a giant dog. It was anubis. So here’s an integral fact that you need to take into consideration when you think about pyramids and associate them to Egypt.
Okay? Do you see? All the pyramids are in the north. Look at this area I circled. All the pyramids in Egypt are right here in the north. Every single one of Egypt’s, 137. Some encyclopedias say 138 pyramids. All right, here in the north, the problem we have this is called Lower Egypt. Lower Egypt. According to Frederick Norton Lewis, in the 1740s and to 60s, when he was at Giza, he found the Great Pyramids half buried in sand and covered in seashells and the skeletons of marine creatures.
This entire area had once been underwater, and the Great Pyramids, according to him, must have been underwater as well. Now, on my channel, in a past video, I read to you guys what Alberni wrote in his book a thousand years ago, arabic scholar, when he traveled the world, he said that the brown stain of the ancient level of the sea, the Mediterranean, was much higher. He says, Well, I’m lying to you.
The Mediterranean was not much higher. The entire North African plate had suffered subsidence and went down, just like in my description of the flood of algae’s. In my five videos of the flood of Ogaijis, I revealed to you that the reason why the Petrified coastlines are at 12,000ft elevation is because during the Phoenix phenomenon, 1687 BC, it was geologic upheaval. But at the same time that mountains can appear in minutes, so can islands vanish, as I’ve also documented, like Davis Island, completely vanished, full of all of its occupants, never to be seen again, totally taken off the maps.
So, again, ancient Egypt’s old name is the raised land process that it was called the raised land. Now, in my Chronicon, I show you that for 340 years, the Great Pyramid was underwater. And this is where all the damage came to the original Sphinx. The Sphinx was not protected in 100 inch thick white limestone casing blocks. So the salt water of the Mediterranean heavily damaged. The Sphinx. While didn’t damage the Great Pyramid at all, it was protected in white limestone armor that wasn’t removed till thousands of years later.
But look at all these pyramids. Egyptian textbooks and videos always want you to associate pyramids to the Egypt that they’re trying to pass off as being the only Egypt. But it’s not. 416 miles to the south is another Egypt. This is why in the ancient world, it was always called Two Egypts. Always. It’s called the two Kingdoms. It was called the Two Egypts. Look down here, guys. Down here.
They buried pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings. That’s where they found King Tut. That’s where they found all the pharaohs in the Valley of the Kings they ever found. Any mummies? Any mummies? And pyramids. No, here’s the Valley of the Kings down here. Oh, look. What else is down here? Waset edfu ancient. Thebes karnak dendero dendero. Look at all this. All this down here is ancient Egypt, 416 miles away from pyramids.
There are no pyramids in Wasset. This is the ancient kingdom of Kamesia. This is Kemet, also known as Wasset. It’s right here. There are no pyramids here at all. They’re way up in the north. Now, for those who’ve been paying attention to my channel, and I cite all these historians, like Professor Waddell and Albert T. Clay and all these people in Thor hired, all the two Egypts were fundamentally different.
Northern Egypt, which is called Lower Egypt, was cosmopolitan. Many different races lived here together. Not so in southern Egypt. Southern Egypt was a red skinned race. They were native, they stayed down here, and they were a different Egypt. There was often two pharaohs on the throne at the same time. And this has caused a lot of problems with Egyptian chronology. So let’s move on. Look at this. Look at all these pyramids.
Hundreds of miles of desert between earliest Egypt and Giza. Look at that. Look at this. Every original city in the earliest cities of Upper Egypt were within a day’s walking distance of thebes here’s thebes within a day, you could walk to any of the other Egyptian cities. This is almost how all ancient civilizations were, because you walked everywhere. Every predynastic temple and pyramid north of this was underground or underwater at one time.
All these right here earthquakes have toppled a lot of these ruins, but the locations of these cities have never been lost. Right here. This Egypt down here is nowhere near as old as the Egypt up here. The Egypt up here was pre cataclysm, after the cataclysm. This giant Giza complex of pyramids was the only pyramids here after the cataclysm. After 1899 BC, when an earthquake turned this area into what ancient texts call the raised land, it brought it out of the water.
Did people move in here and start trying to build pyramids to copy the Great Pyramid? But they weren’t very successful at all. Here’s Google Maps. Google Maps, guys. This is huge. This is huge. Guys, do you see this blue line on Google Maps? If you’re driving the speed limit in Egypt today, it will take you 8 hours and 27 minutes to get between both Egypt egypt of the pyramids, and way down here.
The ancient Egypt of Kamisha of Kimmet. Kim waset 8 hours and 27 minutes of driving. But in the ancient world, they didn’t drive, they walked after the cataclysm. Jerusalem is 271 miles from the Great Pyramid. Jerusalem in Palestine is 271 miles from it means Jerusalem is closer to the Great Pyramid than southern Egypt is to the Great Pyramid. That’s a problem. Look at this. Here’s the two Egypts, but on this map, they’re represented as one Egypt, but in the ancient world, it was always two Egypts.
Here it is, the two capitals. One is Memphis in the north, thieves in the south. These are two different Egypts, and they’re 416 miles apart. But look over here. Look at Sumer. Look how close the Sumerian cities are. Look at Sousa. Susa was a whole different culture. They were enemies of the Sumerians. They were the Elamites. Look at Babylon. Babylonia. Babylon and Assyria were enemies. Look how close they are.
Look at the city of Asher. And there’s many other nimrod kalna erek ur. There’s a bunch of other places not shown here. Look at the Amorite state of Matani. The Matanian Empire was absolute enemies. With the Hittite Empire nationally. The Amorites were also enemies with the Assyrians, and they’re tucked in between them. Look at these states and empires, guys. Look how close they are together way down here in the two Egypts.
It’s 416 miles from the nearest pyramid. When you get the thebes yeah, it’s even farther than that to the nearest pyramid. It’s crazy. At average, walking 20 miles a day, it takes 2020. 5 days to walk from Giza to the Valley of the Kings. It’s crazy. And you’re walking through a desert. So this is just to provide you perspective, to provide you some good perspective at the great vast distances that we’re looking at here.
Considering the Great Pyramid and its exclusivity, how it is very separate from traditional Egyptian civilization. I’m talking about the ancient Egypt of southern Egypt, which is highly promoted in today’s culture, in media, in Hollywood. And they’re always throwing pyramids in there every time. I mean, even the Moses movies are throwing pyramids in there, but they’re not there at all. Oh, got the rhino from Texas in the house.
Maurice Demers. How you doing? So let me get back into this presentation. I see everything’s. Okay. All right. So this is going to be really fast, because it’s going to lead into my presentation. What you’re looking at are the absolute precise meticulous measurements. Here’s the Great Pyramid. There it is. These are the absolute measurements of Sir Flinder’s Petri. Here. They are endorsed they are endorsed by Engineer David Davidson and H Alder Smith.
These measurements don’t mean anything to you right now. Here they are. I’m showing them because I show them in all my videos. I show them in all my presentations. I’ve posted them on Facebook. These are for everybody to see, because what follows is unbelievable. These are done to the thousandths of an inch using your rule and micrometer. Sir Flinders Petrie. This is how it went down, guys. This is how it went down.
I’m going to tell you the story as I’m showing you these pictures. In the 1740s and 60s, frederick Norton Lewis surveyed the Giza site, and he realized this is something very different than what he had heard about the Great Pyramid was something very different than what he had been led to believe. It was more than just an Egyptian pharaoh’s tomb. He didn’t believe that. He found the seashells fossils, found it buried in sand.
And this led to many other pamphlets being promoted in the late 17 hundreds, early 18 hundreds. And several researchers started seriously looking into the Great Pyramid. And then one became famous, named John Taylor, who published a book written in 1859. In 1860, it was widely distributed, called the Great Pyramid. It talked about the patriarchs, the Old Testament, the pre flood world. This is a book from 1859. John Taylor’s book on the Great Pyramid woke people up and they realize, oh, my God, this pyramid may be a calendar, it may be prophecy in rock.
Remember Oliver Wendell Holmes? I quoted him earlier in the Chat section. When the human mind is stretched by a new idea, it can never go back to its original dimensions. Oliver Wendell Holmes published that. I’m telling you now. What John Taylor published started something, because now researchers all over the world were looking at the Great Pyramid differently. Now the measurements mattered. Now the fact that there was an ascending passage, grand Gallery, there was all these different services, that now everything was looked at with a new perspective because he believed it had calendars and ratios, and that everything about our reality was recorded in these measurements.
And he proved his case on many things. And some of it was outright wrong because he didn’t have the accurate measurements, but he got the attention of other people. John Tater’s work was really impressive, but it was nowhere near as impressive as when astronomer Royale Charles Piazzi Smith of Scotland decided to take up the mantle, went to Egypt with his wife and his crew, and he went and he also measured all kinds of stuff and published a book.
I have it in my library called the Great Pyramid. Our divine inheritance. It’s amazing book. He too, did not have totally precise, accurate measurements, but he did find out enough to wake up the scientific community that they had a problem. This is how this situation came about. It is so stunning that the scientific community saw the work of Charles Piazzi Smith as a threat. Charles Piazzi Smith did not make totally accurate measurements.
So they sent a giant in the field of archaeology, someone who did not believe in the biblical stories, someone who did not believe anything about the Great Pyramid being a calendar, being part of prophecy, didn’t believe any of this. He even went to his deathbed not believing it. His name is Sir Flinders Petrie. This man went to the Great Pyramid not because he was going to prove charles P, Ozzy Smith, john Taylor, Robert Menzies, and all these other researchers True.
He went to discredit them. He published his book. It’s the first accurately, absolutely scientific book about the giza. It’s the very first one Sir Flinders Petrie. It is so precise in its measurements, verified by Egyptologists today. That even today, Egyptologists only go by the measurements of Sir Flinder’s Petri, which were done using a micrometer and a rule to the thousandths of an inch. The reason I am telling you this is because what I’m going to show you is amazing, because I’ve only used the scientific measurements of Sir Flinders Petrie to find what I have found.
Everything you see here is Petrie’s measurements. Everything done here. These are all the vertical distances right here. Everything is Sir Flinders Petrie’s measurements of all the grand gallery, all the passage chambers, all the ascendant, descending subterranean chamber. We’re talking about ceilings, walls, roofs, relieving chambers, every ante chamber, everything is here, guys. All the measurements here’s, the sloping here’s, the horizontal and sloping measurements, all endorsed by engineer David Davidson.
These are the measurements of Sir Flinder’s Petrie. Here’s the subterranean chamber. Look at all these measurements. It’s amazing, guys. These measurements have shown some pretty profound things. Other people have made very interesting discoveries. You can see three, one, 4116 at the top. Well, that’s pi. That’s a ratio of pi right there. You can see phi below it. There’s zero 6118 right there. Below it, you can see six, one, eight further down, another totally independent message measurement.
You see a measurement of 0. 4 114 at the bottom. That’s phoenix 138 times three. You see the ratio, you see pi, phi. You see every bit of this here. These were all discoveries made only after Petrie was able to provide the exact measurements. So that’s a short file. I only show the short file because what I’m about to show you should not exist. Sir Flinders Petrie published his material and it literally condemned Charles Piazzi Smith’s work, his life work on the Great Pyramid.
Astronomer Royale for Scotland’s. Great work on the Great Pyramid. People still read it. They were still interested in it because it was very Christianized, it filled people with faith. So they still read the book. And most people just thought that Sir Flinders Petrie was just he just did that to discredit him. And in a way, he did. And the scientific community was very pleased because now they had a scientist and archaeologist work.
I’m talking about a book that was so packed with calculations and measurements, and now they had work that the entire scientific community across the board absolutely dismissed. Any idea that the Great Pyramid of Egypt could have been a calendar of the future. They dismissed every bit of it. But this was the idea that was growing in the minds of researchers in the 1850s. In the 1860s, books were published about it.
In the 1870s, more books perfected the idea with more and more data. And then the 1880, Charles P. Ozzy Smith, the first scientist and astronomer, published a book about it and showed that, yeah, there is cylindrical anomalies right here in the Great Pyramid. He was accurate on some things, but inaccurate in others, because he didn’t have the precise measurements. Then we have Sir Flinders Petrie coming behind all of them and totally publishing the correct measurements and data.
It’s amazing what we find, because the measurements are self referencing over and over and over, the Great Pyramid verifies its own measurements. The geometry can be folded on itself over and over to precision. I am glad that we have the measurements of Sir Flinder’s Petri or I would have never found what I found and published. All right, before I get into it, I want to do one more audio check because this is going to be a little bit longer.
File StreamYard doesn’t tell me how long I’ve been running my mouse. Oh, yeah, it does. There it is. 1 hour and 19 minutes. All right, thank you. Good. So now we’re going to get to the juicy, juicy, as my budy Martin says, we got about three files of juicy, juicy stuff. Audio is good. Let’s get to it. Now, I’m going to flip through some of these real quick.
I’m just going to go in order because this is a lot to cover. All right, so using only the measurements done to thousands of Sir Flinders Petrie, we find here is an architectural schematic looking at the Great Pyramid from the sky. This is a bird’s eye view looking down. This is the location of the king’s chamber and the ante chamber. There’s the great step. That’s the great step right there, which begins the grand gallery.
All this right here. So when we’re looking at these measurements, there are things that literally jump off the page. Jump off the page, guys. So the height of the Great Pyramid before I go into that, I need to tell you something. The ante chamber right here has a granite leaf. This was found in the 1880s. In the ante chamber of the Great Pyramid is this massive granite leaf that has a boss on it.
That’s what it’s called in all the architectural books about the Great Pyramid. In the ante chamber on this granite leaf is a boss. The boss has no functional use. It’s only there to draw attention to itself. That boss is almost identical to the modern inch. Almost identical. It’s not quite on a micrometer, you can see the difference, but it’s almost identical to the modern inch. In the 1880s, it was widely published that the language of the Great Pyramid this isn’t Jason making this up.
This is 1880s. Those researchers back then said that the Great Pyramid’s language was in inches, and it’s referring to that boss. That was a pyramid inch. What we find is interesting because in just inches period, we find that the height of the Great Pyramid, the platform at the top and then it starts coming down, is 5448 pyramid inches. That’s interesting because that’s exactly 552 under 6000 perfect inches.
552 is a phoenix cycle. It’s 138 times four in the king’s chamber. Look at these distances from the surface of the Great Step to the back of the King’s Chamber is 534 inches. But the width of the King’s Chamber is 204 inches. The length of the King’s Chamber is 412 inches. The height of the King’s Chamber is 230 inches. Add up those dimensions and you have 1380, which is 138 times ten.
Yeah, I didn’t make this up. All I did was find it. I didn’t make any of this up. The king’s chamber width of 204 inches. You can see at the top and the height of 230 inches right there. And the length is 412 inches. You see right there, 412 times 204 times 230 is 19,000,331 and 40. That is the number in cubic inches of the dimensions of the Great Pyramid, which is 552 times 35,020, or it’s 5520 times 3502.
The only thing I’m showing you here is that in the space of the King’s Chamber, it is perfectly divisible by the Phoenix Cycle number of 552, which is 138 times four. So we have the height of the over here on the left, we have the height of the Grand Gallery is precisely 341 inches. Right here, the length of the Great Step. It’s a limestone block. It’s a single block.
It’s huge. It’s 126 inches long. It’s right here. Giant limestone block. Then the 34 inch height from the surface of the block to the conjunct of the 26 degree sloping floor of the Grand Gallery is 34 inches. Then the 52 inch distance of the entrance, this is the entrance into the antechamber. You have to get on your hands and knees to crawl through this 52 inch long area to see that boss.
You see the boss on the granite leaf? It’s right there. That’s the boss. That’s what it’s called, a boss. That is the unit of measurement used throughout the entire Great Pyramid. Look at this. 340 plus 126 plus 34 plus 56 is exactly 552. Again, it’s self referencing. You can’t make this stuff up. Can’t make this stuff up at all. And there’s many more I’m not going to be able to go through.
All of you have to go through my playlist. I have many more on the bottom here. I’m not even going to get into all kinds of all divisible by 138. Here’s. The subterranean chamber. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s right here. The height of the ceiling in the Subterranean Chamber is 138 inches. It’s right here. The width of the ceiling is 552 inches. Can’t make that up.
It’s just crazy. So the length of the Subterranean Chamber tunnel all the way to the axis conjunct of the Subterranean Passage is 1414 inches, which is 1000 plus a cursed Earth period or 138 times three. However, if you add this 1414 inches to the vertical distance from the base of the pyramid to the ceiling of the Chamber, which is 1070 inches, you get 24 84. Remember Aristarkus said that the world is destroyed every 24 84 years, which is 138 times 18.
If you add this 24, 84 years to 552 inch width of the ceiling where the 1070 inch measurement stopped, you get 3036 inches, which is 138 times 22. The reason that’s interesting is because the descending passage right here to the right is 3036 inches in length, as I’ll show you. So there’s many more guys, I’m not going to be able to talk to them all. Here it is, right here.
There it is. That is 3036 inches in length from here. It is from the conjunct right here at the bottom of the subterranean floor joint between the descending passage and the horizontal floor. 3036 inches all the way to the axis between the ascending and descending passage right here. You can’t make that up. It’s right there. Look at the pyramid foundation is right here. It is exactly 1656 inches to this great massive slab that is the floor of the king’s chamber right there.
Why is that important? Because 1656 inches is 138ft. That’s why it’s important right here. The distance of the subterranean I mean, excuse me, the distance of the king’s chamber floor, this giant slab is 534 inches. 534 inches plus the 846 inch height of the queen’s chamber floor is 1380 inches right there. It’s self referencing. 138 times ten can’t make that up. Look at the grand gallery. The Grand Gallery height, I mean, the distance of the ceiling on the Grand Gallery is 1836 inches right there.
But that ends right here, exactly 1200 inches to the foundation level of the Great Pyramid. This measurement is right here, it’s self referencing. 1836 inches plus 1200 inches is 3036, which is 138 times 22, which is the same distance here as the subterranean deal. You can’t make this stuff up. No architects today could have built with this precision the entire monument. There are hundreds of examples. The entire monument is self referencing.
Guys, if you put the capstone back on the pyramid at the very top, the pyramid would be 5814 inches. Because we know where geometrically the top is. You can’t see it today. There’s a flat platform up there. But the chief cornerstone would be massive. Massive. If we put it back in place, the height would be 5814 inches. How do we know this? Because mathematically, the pyramid is 51 degrees.
51 degrees on one side and 51 degrees on the other side. Gives us our geometrical height of the pyramid, which is 5814 inches high, added to the floor of the king’s chamber. 534 inches, as you see on the left, gives us the number 6348. That is 138 times 46. If you take the height of the pyramid geometrically, if the stone was in place at 5814 inches, and you subtract the 846 inch height of the queen’s chamber floor right here, you get a really interesting number.
You get 49 68. My arcade’s veterans know that number. 49 68. Annis Mundi was a phoenix year. It was a destructive year. It’s also 138 times 36. So I showed you the 138 foot height of this slab. This slab at the king’s chamber is 138ft above the foundation of the pyramid. That added to the 34 inch height of the end of the slab from the bottom of the grand gallery.
34 inches added to the vertical distance underneath the pyramid where that 1656 started, all the way to the ceiling of the subterranean chamber, which is itself 552 inches in width. If you add those together, you get 27 60. Right here, 2760 is 552 times five. It’s divisible by 138. And if you added the 552 inches of the ceiling, the width of the subterranean chamber, you get the number 30 312.
30 312. Anis mundi was the year 583 BC. When Thales of Militus predicted the darkening of the sun. It was a phoenix year. There are so many of these guys. So many here. You see down here that app is irritating the hell out of me. Here is the 1656 vertical height, 138ft, to the king’s chamber floor. Here’s the vertical distance from the foundation of the pyramid to the ceiling of the subterranean chamber, 1070ft.
Here is the length, 1414ft of the subterranean chamber. That’s the length right there. You can’t see it. There it is, right there. There’s the length. Add them all together, you get 4140. What is that? It’s ten cursed earth periods of 414 years each, or it’s 40 times 138, the phoenix number, over and over and over everywhere, self referencing all throughout the pyramid. Here it is. The vertical east west, north south axis of the pyramid is in a dead center.
It is the face of the great step right here. This is the center of the pyramid. It goes down the center of the queen’s chamber. That’s what it does. It goes down here. It goes all the way up to the top of the pyramid. The center axis of the pyramid is 4554. Look at the top of the screen. It’s 4554 inches away from the base perimeter of the monument right there, which is 1518 times three.
Both of these numbers are divisible by 138, but 1518 is another measurement that’s found right here. The central axis conjunct for the descending passage, and the ascending passage is right here. And it is precisely 1518 vertical inches to the perimeter of the great pyramid. You’ll see 1518 appear in here again, because 1518 is 1518 times two is 3036 right there, self referencing 3030, 615, 18 plus 1518 over and over throughout the structure.
It was the design of the structure to draw your attention to the phoenix number of 138. There can be no other explanation as to why all these measurements are self referencing over and over and over being divisible by 138. If it wasn’t the principal message of the monument to draw your attention to this number, the 144th course, which the builders would have known that a civilization in the future would have been advanced enough to know that 140, 412 times twelve is a fibonacci number.
So it’s very interesting that the 144th course of blocks to the Great Pyramid is 4140 inches in height from the foundation of the pyramid. Again, it is 40, the number of trial and testing times 138, the phoenix number. Now, I’m moving on, guys. There’s a bunch of these I’m skipping, like, at the bottom down here. How you calculate to the year 19, two Ad is in the pyramid.
We’ll get to that. We’ll get to that in a little while. I’m still trying to get through these deals. So look at this. You can’t make this stuff up. If you take the length right here of the king’s chamber floor slab, it is 534 surface inches. Floor surface inches. I’ve showed this, and it’s exactly 138ft above the foundation of the pyramid. You can’t make this stuff up. But what’s even more intriguing is that if you continue down the entire length of the Grand Gallery, which is perfectly even with the Ascendant Passage, all the way to the end of the passage, which is 3361, it’s a sloping distance.
Inches. All you do is add 3361 to 534. That’s all you got to do, guys. You add 534 inches, starting at the pyramid and going all the way down to 3361, and you get the number 38 95. What is 3895-3895 BC was the phoenix year of the Adam and Eve reset. My archaics veterans know I don’t have to talk about it. You already know how many videos and all the data I have in my published books about year one.
Not only me, other chronologists say year one was 38 95. Was it the beginning of the world? Hell, no. It was the Adam and Eve reset. A cataclysm that was so terrible that mankind actually believed a new heavens and new earth had appeared. 38 95 BC was a phoenix year. It started the 138 year countdown of the pre flood world of 1656 years to the Great flood. Can’t make this stuff up.
What was the pyramid built to do? According to Surid the cops, according to the hermetical literature, according to the ancient Arabic historians, and we’ll see that here in a minute, the Great Pyramid was specifically built to survive the Great Flood so that a future generation in the last days would be able to decode certain information. These are the traditions attached to the Great Pyramid. The architect was supposed to be Hannok, known to us as Enoch, and later called Thoth, later called Hermes.
But it’s the same design. Divine messages were encoded into a piece of architecture that was specifically designed to survive the end of a world and live all the way to the end of the next world, and yet serve some type of utilitarian function for that generation in the last days. Remember, Enoch was not a prophet in his time. Enoch’s ministry was for the last days. Oh, here’s the phoenix appears.
This is 38 95 BC. Volcanic resurfacing, continental quakes, oceans slipping over their basins, whole colonies of human survivors from the world before they’re now erased. 38 95 BC reset begins the Genesis story, making Phoenix as a fiery revolving blade that ends Eden. This begins the 6000 year countdown till the next major reset. We’re not talking about something simple as simple as the Phoenix phenomenon or Nemesis X. We are talking about a systemic reset.
And this is what the Adam and Eve deal was. So the great pyramid of Giza preserves 38 95 95 year period till the calendar change. And it did change. It’s called the Anldomini calendar. In our programming that became year one Ad. This is 38 95 BC. So that’s 1656 years or 138ft to the vertical distance to the king’s chamber that identifies 22 39 BC. If you use 38 95 BC.
And you simply add the 1656 years of the pre flood world found in the book of Genesis mentioned by Rashi, Moses, Mahometis, biblical chronologist, Stephen Jones, my own calculations. If you just take the simple 1656 years of the pre flood world and you add them to the 38 95 BC date, you get 22 39 BC as a Phoenix year. But it’s also the year of the great flood of Noah, 22 39 BC.
Now, this video is not trying to prove that I care less if you believe it or not. 22 39 BC is so supported with so many data sets, published books, so many ancient authors, that to me, it’s not even debatable. But if somebody wanted to debate it, we can definitely do it. 22 39 BC was the great flood of Noah. It is literally all my archaics veterans know it is literally a chronological and scientifically established fact.
So here we have the darkening of the sun, meteoric, rain, red, mud, geological upheavals, and whole land masses sank beneath the oceans. Every civilization was reset, and numerous new calendars suddenly appeared in the old Bronze Age at this day. Remember, the vapor canopy collapsed, the new sun calendars appeared, and life continued. There was a bunch of survivors. So 22 39 BC was 1656 years after 38 95 BC reset pole shift by Phoenix.
And 414 years after the 26 53 BC ruin of the Indus Valley civilization, which was also caused by the Phoenix mohinjodero, is again destroyed. So here we have some evidence that the concept of the pyramid, the Phoenix, which was described as a dragon in the ancient world, and the number 138, all merge in the ancient Americas. When after the cataclysm people went to different areas of the world, they took their belief systems with them.
Their belief systems were incorporated into their architecture. Here in Mexico, we find a pyramid that has 138 dragon heads. Here it is. Serpent heads. Yeah, it’s called serpent heads. Serpents were also cycles. Remember I’ve told you this over and over. Serpents are the symbols in the ancient world, two cycles. And when the cycle is over, the serpent eats its tail. The cycle is complete. When you have serpents undulating, that means the age or the cycle continues.
Well, here’s 138 cycles attached to the idea of a pyramid. Now, perhaps it’s a coincidence, but this pyramid is 138 meters high. Can’t make this stuff up. I tell you guys all the time. We live in the simulacrum. I said it right. We live in the similichrum, guys, the holosphere, and you’re always going to find self referencing everywhere. Here’s more Great Pyramid stuff. All these red circles are all measurements by Sir Flinders Petrie that show he didn’t know anything about the Phoenix phenomenon.
He didn’t even know anything about the importance of the number 138. But all these measurements are divisible. If they’re circled in red, they’re divisible by 138. All in here, guys, look at these. All divisible by 138. Here’s 2070 right there. I can’t see what the one on bottom is. Oh, 336, all divisible by 138. Every boxed measurement is divisible by 138. Right here. There’s a lot of them.
We just went through this one a minute ago. It’s a whole bunch of them. So we have a 41 story stone structure of laser precision tolerances, scientifically measured to contain a coating based of rectilinear distances of units, all divisible by 138. A holospheric template of the future built over 48 centuries ago. No other pyramids in the world replicate this feature, this self referencing feature, this attention to the number 138.
These ascending grand galleries and chambers and relieving chambers, none of this is this is the only pyramid in the world that does this. So the great pyramid of Giza is a crystalline geopolymer resonance generator carrying out a 138 year cataclysm protocol that only activates when humanity is found enlightened or advanced. Now, I wrote this a long time ago. I still kind of lean that way and believe it.
I’ve made more discoveries about it. But the great pyramid is highly discriminating. 22 39 BC. Old Bronze Age cataclysm was 350 years before Means in the Sumerian text. His name is Annum. He’s also named Annum in the Book of Jasher. But Means arrives in Egypt in 1889 BC. This is right after the Egyptian intermediate period. Intermediate periods in Egypt is when Egyptologists they’re not going to say there was a great flood, the Egyptologists.
All they’re going to admit to is that here’s a 300 year period for which we have no history. Sounds like a flood to me, but it’s okay. We can forgive them of their inability to go into detail. So so here’s the floor of the king’s chamber to the great step. Central axis of pyramid is 534 inches, which is 1656 inches above the pyramid baseline. The grand gallery from the central axis step down here, down here, is 3361 inches.
This 534 added to the 33, 61, like I showed you is 38 95 inches. This would be 38 95 BC, which we know of as year one of the Phoenix calendar of the pre flood world. Now, the Deluge reset was 1656 years later, in 22 39 BC. At the end of the 38 95 years starts the Anode Domini calendar that we’re in now. But I’ve already showed you it really didn’t start till after 526 Ad to hide the 552 year Phoenix cycle.
But that’s a whole different video. So this is just showing you. Oh, at the bottom, I’ve got a gigantic rectilinear holographic template disguised as architecture that either empowered or is disguised to disrupt the Phoenix weapon. This is theory. This is where actual fact bleeds off into conjecture. I’m not sure exactly what all this means. I’m telling you that now. But what I’m telling you is factual, is that the scientific measurements of the great pyramid are screaming at you to look at the Phoenix cycle, look at the Phoenix phenomenon, look at the number 138 and where it leads to.
Now, here’s what’s interesting about Charles Piazzi. Smith in the 1880s calculated that the descendant passage pointed at Alfred Draconis in the year 34 40. This is an approximate in 34 30 BC. Smith knew nothing about the Nemesis X object, the Anunnaki, none of that. He sure didn’t know that in 34 39 BC. The Nemesis X object killed one third of the world. In the book of Jasher, it said the center of destruction was the gihan area.
Gihan area is the Nile. It is the great pyramid area. Here’s Alpha Draconis, the eye of the dragon, the ancient pole star when the pyramid was built. Here it is right here. This is during the pre flood world. Now, 34 39 BC is really interesting because if memory serves me correct, let me see something real quick, real quick. 34 39 BC. Minus the 531 inches of the king’s floor that I showed you.
Yeah, that’s right. It’s 29 529 five BC. 29 five BC was year one of pyramid construction. I show that in my Chronicon. Maybe I got some charts in here that show it here’s. Biblical chronologist. Stephen Jones book, the appendix in the back of the Secrets of Time. It shows even he doesn’t know anything about the Phoenix. He has never communicated with me. He doesn’t know anything about my research other than when other people pointed out, because I’m aware they sent him emails.
But he has not wanted to do a collaboration with me, and I’m cool with that. But in his research, which is very meticulous, he shows 38 95 BC as year one. This is the Adam and Eve reset. His research is absolutely independent of mine, emmanuel Velikovsky, Cryptologist, RA, Bole, Rashi, Moses, Miaminides, and so many others who have this year date, year 138 95 BC. He used the book of Jasher, Assyrian eponyms, the book of Jubilees and Genesis to do his dating again, 1656 years in world history is the great flood.
Here’s the Cali Yuga calendar. 31 three BC. Is 1656 years before the exodus in 1447 BC. And the ten plagues of Egypt, which started a mass exodus away from all this area. This is more. Let me get through these again. Circled in red. It’s divisible by 138. Divisible by 138. Here’s the phoenix timeline. Many of you have seen this. So the great pyramid is basically if you were to take the great pyramid as an architectural calendar and lay it all out in the arithmetic that is demonstrating, this is what you get.
This is what you get right here. Look at 38, 95 BC. Right here on the left, every 138 years, there’s 1656 years of the vapor canopy world. There’s the great flood, 22, 39 BC. 138 years. 138 years. You get 1963 BC. We have phoenix records for that day. Look. 138 years. 138 years. Getting rid of that. And there you got I’ve got five videos on 1687 BC. It is the flood of Ogai jeez.
There it is, 138 years, going all through time, all the way over here till we get to 19 two, and then 2040. There it is right there. Now, here’s the phoenix timeline. Redistributed, it’s still 100, and all these events are still 138 years apart. But look at it now. The pre flood world is 1656 years. There it is at the left on the bottom. But you have a phoenix cycle to the Ogaijian deluge.
There it is. The Ogaijian deluge also started a vapor canopy for 25 years. There it is, but it starts 1656 year cycle, all the way to what? Here it is, 31 BC. The total ruin of the Americas. The last date on an olmec date. Steel, fiery red dragon appeared over Egypt. You guys know archaics veterans, phoenix veterans, you already know the history. There it is right there, 1656 years.
And then look, another phoenix cycle, 552 years to what, 522 Ad. That is when our calendar for the annual dominion really began. The Ad calendar we’re on right now began because of this event. When phoenix appeared, it started the justinian darkness. Justinian plagues, 25 years of darkness, all kinds of fallout all over the world. This is the beginning of the dark age. It was a huge reset. I have a video that shows that the Roman Catholic church specifically created the Anldomini calendar to hide the event that happened right here.
But look at this. Oh, my God. When did it start? 1656 years. There it is. It started in 1656 years. Two total similicrum collapse. 21 78 BC. There is the phoenix challenge number. There’s the immortal number, 21 78. Those new to my channel don’t have a clue what I’m talking about. Archaics veterans. There’s your number, 21 78. Remember that guy in India that tried to prove that prove the prove that 21 78 does collapse.
He’s still on YouTube. He analyzed that number and he. Came around and said, hey, man, Jason is absolutely correct. This is an immortal number. It does not collapse. And this number does show that we are in a simulated environment. Here it is. It’s on the 138 year timeline. So here we go through this real fast. All these are divisible by 138. I have so many charts, we just can’t go through them.
You need to go through the playlist. We just got too many to go through and not enough time. These are all divisible by 138. All these different calculations, and you can go see more of this. This is a lot more data on the phoenix phenomenon. There’s a lot packed into this chart. A whole lot. These are all the phoenix dates and what. And on the sidebar over here is a lot more proof that we live in a hologram.
These dates are all confirmed by multiple. Remember, if something is true, you will always be able to see it from multiple different mathematical vantage points. I’m always hammering this into my community. And same thing with this chart here. There’s a bunch of different arithmetic ways to see what the end date is. Here’s 2040 right here. There’s all kinds of species of analysis to show how it’s possible. It’s not just the 138 year timeline.
Isometric projections, all kinds of pi and phi projections, all show 2040 is a big phoenix event in our timeline. It’s 16. 5 years from now. So here’s a bunch of ancient calendar sources, ancient text and historians that all verify that the great flood happened in 22 39 BC. This is very important because these are not modern authors. All these right here are ancient authors. And when you use the calendars that were known to them in their life, those calendars all equal up to our year of 22 39 BC.
Again, this is an overview. You need to go through the presentations to see that. Here’s the 1656 years, vapor canopy, pre flood world on our timeline. Here it is. We’re way over here. All you see the black arrows over here to the 2040 return of the vapor canopies way back here again. Here’s the 1656 years. Look, 1656 years, vapor canopy. Here’s a 552 year phoenix cycle, 1656 years.
Again, 1656 years. There’s a lot of lot to unpack also in this chart here. But these charts are here. I got these charts everywhere. So the entire ascending passage from here, all this, the gallery and the king’s chamber distance precisely 38 95 inches, where it ends at the descending passage, conjunct the BC timeline collapsing into the ce or the Anodomini timeline at the exact chronometrical location that forms the year 57 96.
All that is shown in here. I’ve shown this in multiple charts. 57 96 is our year of 19 two. This is important because the internal countdown of the great pyramid shifts from 1902 from the 19 two to the external. And I’m going to show you that here in a minute. This is just the Phoenix timeline again, we’ve already seen all this. Okay, we’ve seen all this. These are all rectilinear measures.
Look at this. This is out of Chronicon. This is the year of pyramid construction beginning. It is the year 29, five BC. Pyramid construction begins. Look at the top left. It is the year 990. Anis mundi right there, which is 666 years before the flood, which is 534 years from the descent of the watchers in 34, 39 BC. This is right here. 534 is the distance is the linear distance and inches of the king’s chamber.
Great pyramid is the calendar. There it is 534 long. There’s the height. I’ve already gone through a bunch of these. There’s the vapor canopy period, right here. 1656 years of the vapor canopy right there. That’s the world history chart assimilating a whole bunch of different ancient calendars. Here it is, the 1656 years in the Phoenix timeline right there. All this is in the great pyramid. So let me check my chat before we go to the next amazing file.
This is the 2040 file. You’ve seen the evidence now of 138 being patterned everywhere in the rectilinear measurements done to the thousands of an inch by a scientist. Now I’m going to show you where the year 2040 comes up over and over and over in the great pyramid. You just can’t make that. That’s right. Donna Marie Farrell. Quote me. You just can’t make this shit up. Thank you, Mr.
C, for that public archive. 1 hour and 56 minutes. Oh, we got time. We got time. Let’s do it. Let’s get this done. It all right. Thank you, Victoria. Yeah, I am flying. This coffee got me wired up. All right, so we’re going to the next file. It oh, yeah, it’s getting good. So here’s a deal I designed a long time ago. It’s in my pyramid. I’m going to go ahead and read it for you.
One of these giant pyramids contains within its rectilinear measurements the golden proportion phi M pi or 3. 14 116 curvature equations palindromes the 365. 25 solar year lunar cycles, tolerances of laser precision, unique upper chambers no other pyramids in the world contain, and an encoded geometrical timeline exhibiting from several dimensions of arithmetic the future date on our calendar of May, 2040. The other pyramid is a decoy. If you want to understand what I’m talking about, why they needed a decoy, you need to watch my pyramid playlist.
Now, first of all, I just made a claim. I just made a claim right here. Many, many published books have already established all these facts about pi, phi, curvature, equations, laser precision, tolerances. I don’t need to prove that. It’s already been proven in over a thousand books in French, German, English, Spanish. This is already widely known. But I just made a hell of a claim. I’m telling you that the message of the great pyramid is about the year 2040.
On our calendar. That’s a hell of a claim, guys. So I’m going to tell you right now that I hold the same standard to myself that I hold to others. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Now, I’ve already gone through a lot of the evidence by showing you that I’m only going by the scientifically accepted measurements of Sir Flinders Petrie and modern day Egyptologists. I’m only going by those measurements.
And yet, only going by those measurements, I just exploded with data showing you where not only is the number 138 everywhere in the Great Pyramid in probably many examples that I have not yet found, but it’s also self referencing. So let’s move. Look at this chart here, going only by the scientific measurements. Only by the scientific measurements. If we start with the ancient Olmec calendar, which started in 33 73 BC.
If we start with this old Olmec calendar this is an ancient American calendar, 33 73 BC. And we follow only the rectilinear distances. Right here, we get to the year 29 65 BC. Here it is right here, 29 65 BC. 33 73 BC is the back wall of the sidewall of the king’s chamber. Here. It’s the end of this long slab. It takes us all the way down this slab, 408 inches, before we get to the limestone 126 inch block.
408 inches takes us to 29 65 BC, when, according to the Book of Jasher, the sun darkened and Adam died. I don’t know if Adam really died or not, but it said the sun darkened on that day. That’s phoenix phenomenon material. It says 29 65 BC. Adam died at 930 years old. I don’t believe that. I believe that’s a calendar code. But that’s okay. We can move on.
126 years later is 28 39 BC. 28 39 BC is a part of the Anunnaki Ner calendar system of great years of 600 year periods. Mark Eggs veterans need no explanation. You know about the 600 year calendar. This is 28 39 BC. What happened to 28 39 BC. The seven kings overthrew the matriarch, and they began to rule. The seven kings of Sumer on the Sumerian king list.
They began to rule in this day. They maintained their rule all the way to the flood. They overturned a matriarch in doing this matriarchal rule in 20 813. This is also the first year of Noah. Noah was born in this year. Follow this calculation, 3360 inches, all the way down. You get to 522 Ad. Now, you have to understand, this distance of 3360 inches, according to engineer David Davidson and Sir Flinders Petrie, is actually two distances, and that’s because of the width of the floor.
One side is one inch longer than the other. So you have a measurement of 3360 inches on one side of the floor, and you have 3361 inches on the other, but the mean in the middle would be 3360. 5 inches. When you’re dealing with thousands of inches that were all measured to the thousands of an inch. All these rectilinear distances. It becomes important because we’re talking about calendars.
And when we get to this distance, what does it get to? Look at the passage axis conjunct. That distance gives us 522 Ad. That is a phoenix year. That started the Dark Ages. It also started the Anodomini calendar. It is precisely 1518. 1518 inches from the vertical. Look at look at this horizontal distance between verticals the vertical axis conjunct to the vertical of the end of the Great Pyramid.
The terminus of the architecture is precisely 1518 inches. 1518 plus 522 Ad. Is 2040. Look at this. The year excuse me. The year 31 95 BC. Starts here. Arcades veterans could tell you what that year is. It’s in Chronicon right here. It’s 230 inches, the height of the king’s chamber. It’s 230 inches to 29. 65. Again, the sun darkens phoenix phenomenon, which is 534 inch distance to the great step, which is the central axis of the whole monument right here, gives us 24 31 BC.
You’ll have to look in the Chronicle. I can’t remember that date. Here it is 1814 inches to the axis of the end of the grand gallery. It gives us 617 BC. This is a date important to nebuchadnezzar in the Old Testament right here. But 340 inches down. This vertical axis to the floor gives us 957 BC. This concerns King Solomon and the temple. Now 1546 inches, which completes the 3360 inches to the end.
Gives us 930 Ad. Or 930. 5 ad. It’s right here. That’s very interesting. You’ll have to look in Chronicon to see what happened in 930 Ad. But 1110 inches to the exit of the pyramid. The floor. Exit right here gives us 2040. I didn’t make this up, and I didn’t measure any of this. It’s all right here. Look at this. At the passage axis. Conjunct right here. If we start with 1855 BC we start right here.
Something to do with Sodom and Gobora or oh, no. Nemesis X object appears 1855 BC. We start here, and we go up 3360 inches to the central axis, conjurect to the whole pyramid in time, and add 534 inches, which is 534 years added to 3360 years from 1855 BC. We get 2040 Ad? Anybody can do the math. Anybody can do the with the calculator. Now I’m wondering why this 296-50-2965 is what we started.
The sun darkens right here. I didn’t realize that. That’s what it is. It started with the sun darkening in 29 65 BC. Before the flood and then taking away 1110 inches, which is the length of this floor down here. Gets us to 1855 BC. The appearance of the Nemesis x object then -3360 years then -500 going forward in time through the BC System gets us to 2040 right here.
Again, we’re talking about something that is self referencing from the base of the pyramid structure all the way to the top of the slab. Remember, the bottom of the slab is 138ft, but the top of the slab is 1700 inches. It’s 34 inch difference. So here we have 1700 inches to the top of this massive slab. The floor of the Grand Gallery is exactly 340 inches in height to the ceiling of the Grand Gallery.
That goes all the way down. If you simply add these two vertical heights, it’s just a simple adding of the two vertical architectural heights. Right here is 2040. And again, the length of this entire ceiling of 1836 inches of the Grand Gallery added to the 204 inch width of the King’s Chamber. The architecture is self referencing at 2040. 1836 plus 2424 is 2040. Well, I don’t think I added this, but the Tetractus is the number.
The pyramid identifies the number ten or the Tetraactus. So if you take the 51 degree angle of the Great Pyramid let me go back to the 51 degrees. I think I had it. Yeah, you see this 51 degrees. 51 degrees times four faces is 204. But 204 times the Tetractus, which is the number ten. It’s the symbol for the number ten. Gives you 2040. Here’s where it gets a little bit more complex.
Do you see this geometrical form down here formed by the entrance of the Great Pyramid? Here it is at the bottom. Here it is at the bottom. This is a really interesting form. Kind of makes you wonder where we got some of our, like, the Sumerian symbol for the netaru, the gods. It’s very interesting. So we have all these rectilinear measurements done to the thousandth of an inch.
They provide 176, 1110, 660 vertical height to the entrance, sloping distance of 808 inches from the perimeter of the pyramid to the entrance. The sloping distance and then the horizontal distance from the perimeter of the pyramid to the axis conjunct right here. That’s 176 inches high. This is 1518 inches, the height of 138ft or 1656 inches. To the king’s chamber slab added all these together is 2040. It’s 2040.
If you add them all together. Great Pyramid is a calendar. It’s a calendar in stone. Here’s a different way. To do it here’s. A totally different way to do it. It’s all different kinds of ways to do it really there’s the olmec calendar 33 73 BC ancient american calendar -408 right there equals darkening of the sun slab to 20 okay. We already saw you seen this, but in a different way.
Presented in a different way. But yeah, it’s self referencing. Here’s one right here. Okay, this is just a better. Illustration showing here’s the darkening of the sun, 29, 65 BC. 1110 inches to 1855 BC. Nemesis X object appears 3360 inches all the way over here to the central axis conjunct of the entire pyramid, which divides it in equal halves north and south, adding 534 years for the length of the King’s Chamber.
Slab is 5934-5934 anis mundi. Is the year 2040 Ad. Great pyramid is a calendar. Here is the start of the Sumerian King list, 670 years, which I’ve showed you on the Sumerian King list, it is 241,200 shards, which is precisely divided by 360 to be 670 years evenly. That started in 29, nine BC. That’s the perimeter of the pyramid. And going up 808 inches, sloping inches, gives us 21 one BC.
It’s a Phoenix year on the 138 year timeline. Now, going down the full length, the full length of the subterranean chamber from the perimeter of the pyramid right here is 4146 inches to the passage axis conjunct right here, which this arrow shows. Adding all that together is 59 30 04:00 A. m. . It’s totally different way of seeing the same thing. 5934 Anis Mundi is our year 2040.
And this is interesting because this distance of 41 46 is the same as 4140, because this red line represents a passage that is 4140 inches on one side, and it slopes to 4146 inches on another. Same thing the ascendant passage did. The end ramp literally slopes to provide two measurements. The architect knew exactly what he was doing. So look at this. 957 BC. Concerning the temple. Well, the narrative of the temple in Jerusalem, 957 BC.
I believe, was when Pharaoh Shishank invaded Palestine and took all their stuff. You’ll have to look. Chronicon will tell you. 957 BC. Is where we start right here on the Grand Gallery vertical axis right here. 340 years later, 340 inches is 617 BC. This is a very important date to very important date to Palestine concerning Babylon. This is 617 BC. Right here, going all the way down this entire what is this? 1546 inches.
Just this passage length right here gives us 930 Ad. 930 Ad. Plus 1110 inches gives us 2040. Again, it’s right here. It’s just a different way of seeing the end result, what we saw earlier. All right, let’s go to a more epic. You guys still with me? We’re going to go to an epic file now. I’m going to the bottom of the chat so I can see what’s going on.
Bottom of the chat, Hermeticus. When you add them all up, it provides the Annis Moondi year. The annis Moondi year is 59 34. Anybody looks in Chronicon or any of my published books and all my Chronologies and all my other charts, if you look, 59 34 is our year 2040 in the annual Domini calendar. 59 34 is Anis Mundi, but it equals 2040 in annual Domini. All my archaics veterans know that.
Let’s get to this file. I don’t want to keep the good people waiting. I know you guys got soap operas and comedies and things you want to watch. Let me get the business out. We got two epic files to go through. So here you can see remember, everything is self referencing. Anything that is true is self referencing, and it can be seen from multiple different mathematical vantage points.
Here you see a chart of the pre flood world. All these ancient calendars that basically started at the same time. Here they are, the Maya. It’s a temple of the cross is at the top, started 31 21 BC. Again, we have 30 113 BC in some calendars. 30 114 BC for the Mayan calendar. It’s right here. We have 31 two BC for the Brahmanic Kaliyuga calendar, or 31 three BC, depending upon which model you use.
It’s very close. We have 3100 BC for the sumerian. Itana myth. 3100 BC is also Egyptian. Long chronology count. 3100 BC is the accepted date for most of the urban development. That all happened in the ancient world. All about this time, all these calendars are built. But if you look down here at the bottom, you find out in the biblical chronology, this is during the life of Enoch.
Enoch was who? He was a chronologist. He designed calendars. He was a architect, he was a teacher, he was a mathematician. He was what? He’s a prophet. So this is Enoch. Now, by the time the Great Pyramid is built right here in 20 815 BC, after 90 years, you see in Chronicon, the pyramid begins in 29 five BC. It takes 90 years to build the Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid is finished in 20 815 BC.
And I’ve shown this by multiple different species of analysis. This is when it was finished. 90 years is 1080 months. It’s 1080 months. This is where it gets really interesting. The Great Pyramid is literally built 300 years after a civilization had adopted several calendars, several different calendars. What does this tell us? It tells us that post reset after the Gihan destruction that killed a third of the world’s population in 34 39 BC, the world had recovered, the world had moved on.
They have a massive infrastructure, there’s a huge political shakeup, and the matriarchy is basically weakened. Patriarchy takes over. The seven Anunnaki kings begin ruling the five cities of the Sumerian pentopolis, which was bad. Tabira, Larak, Shurapak and two others. I can’t remember what they were. But this takeover happens and the Great Pyramid is finished around the 209,300th year of this civilization. Meaning technology has already become old. Knowledge is becoming old.
Remember, it only takes us 200 years to go from horse and buggy to Hadron Collider. In the ancient world, it may have taken them less time. We’ve been technologically advanced before. How do we know? Because the Great Pyramid is still standing there and we can’t build one today. So the reason I’m mentioning of this is because the number 1080 is connected to the Great Pyramid. Not only did it take 1080 months to build 90 years, but 20 815 BC is the year 1080.
Anis Mundi that’s the year 1080 right there. Anis Mundi. It’s 1080 years since the Adam and Eve reset, destroyed the entire world and started year one. Here’s a much better chart. I don’t know why I was looking at that chart. This is a much better chart showing the same thing. All these ancient calendars and all these belief systems. Scorpion king Egyptian Narmer sumerian itana. Who was Enoch? All this right here was basically the same period of time.
Here it is right here. 300 year reign of Enoch. According to the Book of Jasher, 300 years in the pre flood world at 360 days a year was 108,000 days. Here it is, 1080 again. Here’s 1080 great Pyramid finished after 90 years, 1080 months. It is finished in the year 1080. That’s self referencing, but we’re going to go further than that. Here’s the Egyptian Coptic date 28 44 for pyramid construction.
And it’s true. It was the 61st year of pyramid construction. This whole period of time. The pyramid is being built right here, guys. Yeah. Noah was born while the pyramid was being built. It’s right here in the chronology. So the descriptions we have for the Pillar of Enoch are right here. The word pyramid is new. The ancient world did not know the word pyramid. This is a word that we basically invented to describe the structure, these structures.
But in the traditions, this is what the Pillar of Enoch looked like. So here’s the Altar of Agony represented as stepped pyramid with white pyramids. See all these white pyramids here? This is the altar of agony. Why is that important? Because I’ve shown you, and I’m going to show you again, that the Great Pyramid was also called an altar in the Bible. So pyramid derived from an old root meaning fire.
The Altar of Agony was a fire altar in the Hindu system, altar of the Lord in the land of Egypt. This is the Book of Isaiah. I’m going to find a better reference than that. Here’s the ladder of Set in The Book of the Dead. Yeah, guys, great Pyramid was known, but what happened was there’s no written records that survived from the time that the Great Pyramid was built.
So it was only preserved in different cultural traditions. This is the ladder of Set in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Oh, by the way, why is it important that it’s the Ladder of Set? Who is set in ancient Egypt. I’ve shown you the text, I’ve shown you the books. Set is typhon. Who is Typhon? Typhon is the fiend. It’s the phoenix. Over and over I’ve showed my archaegs veterans already know.
Over and over, you have seen evidence that typhon and phoenix are interchangeable. Why is this important here? Because this is the ladder of Set. This is the ladder of Typhon. This is the ladder of the Phoenix. That’s why you find the number 138 in it everywhere. New Testament reads that Abram looked for a city whose builder and maker was God. The only place he would have ever looked for a city that was described as such is right here.
Remember, Abram did go to Egypt heraclitus wrote that the world is destroyed every 10,800 years. This is how information is preserved in fragments and traditions. Here’s the rigveda. Rigveda is the ancient Vedas of the books. Rigveda literally means altar of knowledge. Anybody who has researched Hindu studies can tell you this altar of knowledge is what Rigveda means. Rigveda is the 144,000 stanzas of the ancient Hindu scriptures. So I think it’s 144,000.
Somebody can correct me. Or 432,000 stanzas, which is 144,000 times three. Same thing as a Mayan bacton, 144,000 or a Kaliyuga, 432,000 days. So this is the Rigveda altar of knowledge of Brahma. Brahma. Who is Brahma? Brahma is married. His consort is Saraswati. This is no different than Genesis. It’s Abraham and Sarah. It’s Abram and Sarah. Where’d they go? They went to Egypt. Why’d they go to Egypt? Because they went to look for a city whose builder and maker was God.
So Abram brahma got associated to Egypt. And the altar. It’s all right here. And Rigveda altar of knowledge of Brahma has 10,800 stanzas in ten books. That’s in ten books of 1080 stanzas each. It’s all preserved right here. Great Pyramid finished in 20 815 BC or 1080. Anis Mundi, 666 years before the Great Flood, the Four faced Brahma was underwater for a while. This is in Hindu tradition.
What is Brahma, who is married to a woman, so therefore he’s a man. What is he doing with four faces? And if he has four faces, what is he doing underwater under the sea for a while? In Hindu tradition, the Four Faced Brahma was a literal memory of the Great Pyramid being underwater for a while. Brahma abram had four faces. The altar of agony had 10,800 bricks. Guys, you can’t make this stuff up.
Every bit of this is Verifiable. The Altar of Agony hat was built of 10,800 bricks. This is in Hindu tradition. Hipparchus wrote that there were 1080 fixed stars. This is obviously a code for something else. 1080 fixed stars in ancient Egyptian coffin text spell 1080, we literally read it is what came down from him onto the desert of sand. This is coffin text spell 1080. It’s referring this is a calendar coffin text.
It is referring to the year 1080 when it came down from him onto the desert of sand. Remember Abram forefaced brahma went to Egypt to look for a city whose builder and maker was God. The Great Pyramids are also referenced in ancient Arabic traditions. They’re called iram of the pillars. They weren’t called pyramids. It’s iram of the pillars. Iram was supposed to be the architect of these massive structures before the flood.
This is the Arabic traditions. In the Arabic traditions, the Great Pyramids were built way before the flood. Here is what’s his name? Mohammed Ebb and AB al Hokim, circa 855. This twelve centuries ago. Arabian author twelve centuries ago wrote, the pyramids were anti deluvian and they resisted the force of the Great Flood. There it is. This is an ancient Egyptian papris cited by Frederick Haberman. The god of the universe is the light above the firmament, and his symbols are upon the earth.
Yeah, man. A lot of hermetic texts also say the same thing about the ancients built symbols of god, and they’re still standing today. They’re talking about the great pyramid. Yeah, and we’ve already seen this great pyramid finish. We’ve seen that four faced brahmas move on agony, built of 10,000 bricks, ladder of set. Sorry, I’m repeating these. So eden. In Genesis, eden was never lost. In Sumerian. It is Eden.
Eden means walled enclosure. Eden was never lost. In ancient text, it’s called Akuzan or giza. The translation of Giza, G-I-Z-E-H means border. Now, Akuzan built when Alfredracanus the serpent was the pole star. All other stars rotating around this luminary, symbolized by the serpent wrapped around the pole or the axis moony, the world. This is Eden right here, guys, where we get to the bottom of this. Genesis message is of a world reset and rebirth cycle completed when the chief cornerstone descends upon the monument of man.
I’m going to show you that here’s. The great pyramid, the tree of life, axis mundi, pillar of Enoch, monument of man that will soon support the chief cornerstone. It does not have the cornerstone at the top. Doesn’t have it. Second pyramid is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It is inferior. The Sphinx is the guardian cherub that covereth it is a watcher. The Sphinx was the guardian of Eden that kept mankind from going back.
What did the ancient Greeks say about the Sphinx? It was called the riddler, the throttler. The Sphinx would kill you if you approached it because nobody could answer its riddle. And as soon as you were wrong on your answer, you died. This is the thing. It kept people from getting too close to Eden. This is sumerian. In enu is the sacred place built before the flood. This is in the Sumerian text.
This is what it’s referring to. Giza in the sumerian text. Inside Mount Sumeru is the Durga. The Durga is the king’s chamber. It’s right here. Durga. This just shows more this is just more evidence that we live in a holofield. Remember when I showed you examples that ancient Egyptian titles and names and the names of cities? If you reverse them, if you write them in reverse on paper, you get the names of Greek cities and Greek gods.
Yeah. Guys, it’s crazy. Here’s the same thing. Durga in Sumerian is the secret chamber where the tablets of Destinies are held. That was here. The sarcophagus had the tablets of Destinies. They were programming templates. What is Durga in reverse in a holo field? It’s a grid. This is a grid system showing a 138 year protocol. It’s all in here. Tablets of Destinies were located in the Durga. What were the tablets of Destinies? The tablets of.
Destinies were the past, present and future, all recorded in stone. And whoever possessed the tablets of Destinies was able to control the construct. Enu is built by Enki, just as the Great Pyramid is built by Enoch. I’m not the one telling you the Great Pyramid of Enoch. The Egyptian cops are telling you that in the legend of Surid, when every single thing about Surid before the flood mirrors exactly what the Book of Jasher says of Enoch before the flood, they are identical.
And I’ve showed this in several presentations. Enki is the sumerian enoch. The secret chambers of Thoth. The plans with numbers of the Egyptian west car papris. That’s what this is talking about. The west car. Pappy is talking about this. These are the secret plans with numbers. I just showed you what those numbers are. They’re the Phoenix phenomenon. Everything is self referencing. Guys, if you take a five pointed star, do you know what this is made of? This is the sumerian dinghy.
It is literally translated as God. This is the dingir symbol. To make a five pointed star, you have to have ten angles of 108 degrees. Therefore, this symbol is the two dimensional representation of the number 1080. I’m going to show you. And if you take that symbol, which is in two dimensions, and you render it into a three dimensional form, five points turn into four points for a foundation, one at the apex.
Three dimensionally, the number 1080 becomes a pyramid. Can’t make this stuff up. Yeah, guys, there’s the chronologists of stone engines. That’s a whole different study. But that’s the dinghy again. See, there’s more examples. This is keystone geometry. I’m just going to educate you. This is not really relative here, but I’m going to educate you guys on this real quick. This is keystone geometry. This was published over 150 years ago.
Keystone geometry is everywhere in Masonic arches, all kinds of arch. That keystone is there for a purpose. And it’s always at these dimensions right here. If it’s Masonic architecture because the keystone geometry gives you the perfect pyramid, geometrical pyramid, it’s right here. It also embodies the number 36. But here it is, right here. There’s the pyramid. That’s how you get the perfect pyramid in keystone geometry. This is at the top of all arches.
All right? This chart here is important because it shows you people think, well, we can’t know anything about the Great Pyramid. How are you going to put all this information together? How is all this possible that Jason of Archaics was able to amass all this material? But well, let me show you this chart. This chart is very specific, guys. Look at all these events. Everything on this chart fit in an 817 year period.
Look, 817 year period. All this chronological material that I’ve amassed from sources all over the world, all these calendars and date systems, timekeeping systems, all these actual historical events, all these things fit in 817 years. Why is it relevant to our study? Because this is 817 years before the Great Pyramid was even built. This is it. You have to understand things by context. If you don’t yet know this history right here, if you don’t know all this right here, then trying to research the Great Pyramid, you’re walking into it blind.
But by the time the Great Pyramid was built, civilization was already old. And that old civilization had been born out of a devastating reset. The Adam and Eve great pulse shift reset that created a new heavens and a new Earth Year, one of the pre flood world, 38 95 BC. I’ve got a whole video that just shows this history and explains every single year and how we got that date.
Here it is, guys. The discovery of a controversial fossil backs up studies and theories that the Great Pyramids of Giza and the mighty Sphinx were once submerged underwater. There it is, under sea. Now, I’m going to tell you now that’s really an oversimplification, because in the 1740s through 60s, frederick Norton Lewis found many fossils. After that, many authors in the 18 hundreds all published their material saying that sea creatures and fossils were everywhere in the sand.
Seashells were everywhere in the Great Pyramid, and the Great Pyramid was buried up to a third of it in sand. So, yeah, the Sphinx, all they knew from the Sphinx of the ancient world was the top of its head. They didn’t even know there was a huge statue down there for a while. All that was excavated and dug out. Now, this is why I have a problem with Robert Shock, robert Bobble, Graham Hancock and many others.
I have a real problem because they have not assessed this data. They have leapt on board with this BS narrative of Atlantis being 10,000 BC and totally ignoring all the historical evidence and the ancient historians that say 13th century BC. And they leap on board the Great Pyramid being 10,800 BC, which is so ludicrous. Absolutely BS. The Great Pyramid is 20 815 BC. It was underwater for 340 years from 22 39 BC, the Great Flood of Noah to 1899 BC, when the entire North African plate in an earthquake basically experienced an upheaval, and it shoved the Mediterranean back as it elevated about 200ft.
So this single event is what created the nine bows, which created the Delta. The Delta region was created in this earthquake. It was created in minutes as the sea ran off and created all these rivulets from the Nile River. A clue is the fact that the Great Pyramid is 108 miles from the coast of the Mediterranean. Today. There’s that number, 108 again, and we’re going to see it some more.
But fossils have been found even inside the Great Pyramid salt crustacean. All that inside the Great Pyramid. The earliest excavators had to chisel all those tunnels free of salt. There was salt all in them. Let’s see here’s the geometrical form of the word arab and sumer, which is the five pointed star. Here it is. I’ve already showed you this to you. That’s just how a two dimensional pentagram actually becomes a pyramid in three dimensions.
All right, we’ve already been through that. So we get to the final file. We get to the final file. And this is the one for which all this hit that like button, too. Don’t snipe my channel. Don’t get up in here. Sniping my channel. Looking at my content, liking it and not hitting that like button. Don’t be greedy. We’re going to get to the final file before this video gets too long.
One final sound check. Make sure my stream yard is still working good. Get this real quick. I’m looking for I don’t know why I’m not seeing nobody. Verify if I got a good audio or loud and clear. Thank you, Ellis. All right, guys, there are many other mysteries of the Great Pyramid. This video is an oversimplification of all the key points. You have to go to my Lost Secrets of Giza playlist to get to get the meat and potatoes.
This was just to engender interest. And I only did this video because I promised my community that I was doing a video of this nature. So this is the video, but I need to wrap it up. So I need to get to the most important file right now before we stop. Let me get to this file right now. Now that you just said I had that good audio.
Okay. There’s only a dozen slides here, so you bear with me. And they’re not in order, so we’re just going to go with it. All right? Using only the scientific measurements of Sir Flinder’s Petri, we find over and over. For those who have seen my pyramid charts, you know, I have hundreds of them. I’ve only showed a few in this video. I have hundreds. And they show that the central axis of the Great Pyramid right here is the face of the Great Step.
It is over and over and over in multiple different calendars. It focuses on our year of 19 two, which was mentioned by Nostradamus. Nostradamus also mentioned that many will die before the phoenix dies. Remember, guys, Nostradamus’s quattrains focus on the month of May for the year 2040. It’s all very compelling, but I’m entertaining a tangent. So 19 two is right here, but the central axis of the entire pyramid and the central vertical axis to the subterranean look at the bottom.
That’s the subterranean chamber way under the pyramid, but the central axis to that is 204. Look. 204 inches is the width of the King’s Chamber. 204 more inches is the width from the King’s Chamber to the Great Step right here. 204 inches from the face of the Great Step, which is the central axis of the entire pyramid, to the central axis of the well pit is 204 inches.
That’s 204 years. That 204 years from 19. 2204 years gives us 21 six Ad, the year 6000 from the Adam and Eve reset. It’s not. Remember the Adam and Eve reset was 1344 years of the Anunnaki chronology, which started in 52 39 BC. This is just 6000 years of our construct, not the one before. It ends in 21 six Ad. What else ends in 21 six Ad? Well, I’m going to show you.
Remember, 204 is self referencing. If the Great Pyramid is 51 degrees and it has four principal faces, once all its casing stones are intact, then that’s 204. Again, it’s referencing the year 204, I mean, 204 years. So let me show you that in a whole different species of analysis. We find right here that the Great Pyramid refers to 19 two. Oh, there’s the year 2070. I promised you guys a video on two and haven’t got that.
But using the Mayan Long Count system, in this analysis, we get to the year 19 two. There it’s at the bottom right there. 19 two becomes the end of this analysis using the Mayan Long Count. But 19 two is the focus of other videos. I’m not even worried about 19 two, but I need you to see that multiple times in the Great Pyramid, like this here’s, a whole different way of looking at 19 two, self referencing, going in two different directions.
It’s a palindrome starting in 1135 BC. Right here, the axis conjunct in the middle. You can go down the measurement all the way to the bottom, at the bottom down here, and it ends in 19 two Ad, which is 57 96 Anasmondi right here. Or you can go the other direction and go toward outside the pyramid. Then when you get to the entrance of the pyramid, go vertically down 1828 pyramid inches all the way down to the equal horizontal depth that you started.
The measurement way over here with 19 two. It ends in 19 two as well, right there at the vertical distance. So we have a lot of those, but they’re not really important. I just need to show you that where’s it see, that’s another reference to 19 two. I’m not interested in that. I’m trying to find something else. 57 96. This is just more different ways of fighting the same thing.
Self referencing. 57 96 is 19 two. You guys already know about 19. I have to tell you about that. So look at this. Isaiah, chapter 19, verse 19 through 20 is right here. It specifically says, in that day there shall be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border which is giza thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt.
Now, this is the altar of Adam, this is the pillar of Enoch, this is the altar of agony, the fire altar. That is what is being described here. But many people over 100 years ago were playing with Hebrew gamatria, and they made a discovery. They made the discovery that that Bible verse in Hebrew equals the geometrical value of 5448. And I’m telling you, it’s been published in many books before I was even born.
That the vertical height of the Great Pyramid right here. Here’s a great pyramid. There’s the height of the Great Pyramid. The vertical height of the Great Pyramid right there is 5448 inches. Without the cornerstone, the cornerstone is not added. The flat platform on the top of the pyramid is 5448 pyramid inches high. Identifying this Bible verse. This Bible verse is geometrically identifying the Great Pyramid as the altar of the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord, and it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt.
Guys, in the Book of Revelation, what do we have? We have the two witnesses and the two witnesses. And we have what? 144,000 prophets, saints in the last days. What is the Great Pyramid covered with 144,000 white stones. What does the Book of Revelation say to he who overcometh? I will give you a white stone and a new name? The Book of Revelation is literally outlying, that the Apocalypse is about identifying those who are going to be a part of the monument of man and exit the Construct.
And those are going to stay here to enjoy another Genesis, adam and Eve, Edenic type reset and go through this whole construct all over again. It is programming. This is a huge oversimplification to a tremendous amount of data. Like I said, this video is an overview. But look at this. The cornerstone. This cornerstone, if the cornerstone was intact, it would be 3666 inches high, which is 5814 inches if the cornerstone was intact.
But it’s not. So we have a reference in the Book of Enoch that Enoch wrote 366 books. I find that very intriguing. Here it is. Enoch wrote 366 books. Yeah. What are we looking at here? What is the Great Pyramid? What are all these 203 levels of blocks containing all these bricks? Is this a book? And if it is a book, it’s the Book of what. A book is only a container of knowledge.
If the pyramid was a book and every soul was a stone of man, and the chief cornerstone was going to descend in the 6000th year, which is 21 six Ad, what book is it? It’s the book of what? So not only is the 366 inches up here that reference to the 366 Books of Enoch, but even the 204 remember, the Great Pyramid is 204 levels. So we know from second Ezras written in Greek, we know from the Apocryphal Book of Ezra that Ezra wrote 204 books.
This is what it says in the Apocrypha. This text was removed from the Old Testament canon it’s in the Apocrypha. Ezra wrote 204 books here. It is concerning judgment and resurrection. The Great Pyramid is the Library, its 204 Books being the Courses of Masonry, completed when the Chief Cornerstone descends upon a pillar of Righteous humanity. Let’s take this a little further. There are 203 levels in The Great Pyramid we’ve already seen multiple times in my videos and published books, you have seen the foundation of the Great Pyramid also represents the year 19 219 two Ad begins the Giza Course Countdown.
19 two Ad. Begins the last days. 19 two is 138 years before 2040, which is 204 times ten. But there’s only 203 levels here. 203 levels of blocks from 19 Two gives us the year. Here it is. 59 99 anis mundi. There’s one year missing. The 204th level is missing. Remember, 51 degree angles. 451 degree angles is 204. The pyramid is unfinished. The descent of the Chief Cornerstone is necessary to finish the Monument of man.
The 204th would turn five nine nine to 6000. Just like that. It would be the year 21 Six. Here it is, 51 degrees 204. Here it is again. 204 levels is 5814 inches, or 484 and a half feet high, is what the Great Pyramid would be. Now, the passage axis conjunct right here. 820 Ad. Why is 820 Ad. So important? Because 820 Ad is when mankind first learned about all this.
The ascendant passage. The grand gallery. The queen’s chamber. The king’s chamber. The antechamber. 820 Ad. Is when the Caliph of Baghdad, Al Mamon, and his men tunneled into the Great Pyramid and made this epic discovery that the Great Pyramid in Egypt was different than every other pyramid in the world. It is the first year humans after The Flood. Learn this information using 820 Ad. As a reference point, we get the year 6000 Anis Mundi or 21 Six Ad.
Right here. Pyramid is self referencing. It’s all here. And there’s other ways to look at this, believe me. I’ve got hundreds of great pyramid charts. These are only a few in this video, but here is the full chronology right here. Guys, I’ve got this chart on my Podia. This is the full chronology from 52 39 BC. The very beginning of the Anunnaki Nerve system, all the way to 21 Six Ad.
The return of the Chief Cornerstone. This is the 7344 years of this entire period. Why is that number important? From the beginning of Anunnaki Reckoning to the return of the Chief Cornerstone sealing the Book of Life. Remember, the Book of Revelation is very clear. Once the Book of Life is shut by The Return of The Chief Cornerstone, the Monument of man is done. It has been Surfaced when 144,000 white stones, casing stones, that’s the last 144,000 Elect to Die during the during the Tribulation Period.
Once all that’s done, the world is still going to be teeming with people, but they’re about to go through some terrible shit. But not the people who have awakened, the people who have become a part of the Monument of man, the people who are going to make their Exodus. How do we know it’s an Exodus? It’s very clear. The number is 7344. It is divided by three is 24 48.
What was 24 48? All my archaics veterans know this. 24 48, Annis Mundi was 1447 BC. It is the exodus. It is when good people leave a bad world. That’s what the story is about. 1447 BC was the Exodus event. 24 40. I’m going to tell you now. Everything is self referencing. From 19 2203 levels of blocks to the final year, 5999, which is 21 five Ad. The chief cornerstone makes the 204th block.
204 years from 19 two is the end. The Book of Life is shut for this entire similichrome Construct run. All these people living life is shut. How do we know? Because 204 years is 24 48 months. It’s self referencing. 24 48 is the number for Exodus. Over and over, I’ve showed this number many times in my research. It always concerns the removal of a people out of a situation every time.
For those who don’t know, I got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of charts you need to click onto my link index. I have a link index on my website and a bunch of my videos. Now, for those of you who think I’m crazy, I’m going to show you a scientific measurement that verifies. I just told you. The whole length of the entire chronological similicrum is 73 44 years.
And I showed you that 204 years from 19 two, the beginning of the last days, the last Phoenix, the last Phoenix year till 21 six. The return of the chief cornerstone to finish the Monument of man is 204 years, which is 24 48 months. I’m now going to show you that the Great Pyramid, applethem scientific measurement for the sloping angle at 51 degrees from the bottom of the pyramid to the top of the pyramid at 51 degrees, the sloping angle is 612ft.
612ft, guys. Now I’m going to show you what 612ft is. 612ft is precisely 7344 inches. Remember, in the 18 hundreds, the books in the 18 hundreds say that the Great Pyramid speaks in inches. Can’t make this stuff up, guys, here’s the illustration I did right here. Look at this. Look to the far right. Exterior sloping distance of Great Pyramids, 7344 pyramid inches confirms the monument’s interior 7344 year timeline.
Right here. Here he is, guys. The exterior sloping distance of 7344 inches confirms the interior pyramid timeline that I have shown. It’s all here. It’s absolutely amazing. Everything is self referencing. This is the final chart of the entire presentation. This right here shows also 7344 years of history. 7344 years of the timeline verified in over 100 archaics and video presentations and published books here is the timeline. Archaics begins in 52, 39 BC.
Because that’s the oldest, most ancient calendar, which is based off 600 year units called the Anuna. I have whole videos about the Anunna nurse system. Here it is, guys. The middle of this calendar. You can’t make this stuff up. The middle of this calendar is the year 1561. The center year in 7344 years is 3672 years before 15 1667 BC. And 3672 years after. Why is this important? Because it shows that our holography is a palindrome.
The dead center of this entire calendar of 7344 years is the Battle of Maguetto, one of the most ancient famous battles in the ancient world. It is the Battle of Armageddon. Back then. What happens in 21 Ad in the year 6000 Anis Mundi, when the chief cornerstone descend? What does he come? He comes for the battle of Armageddon. This is in the book Revelation. Can’t make this stuff up, guys, this presentation is over.
I showed all my slides. It is an oversimplification for a much more broader, a much more comprehensive topic that’s literally taking me about 40 hours in videos to produce. I can’t do it all in one video. But this was my presentation for this. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Again, it’s typically longer than the type of videos I normally do, but everything is self referencing. I tell you guys, over and over, if something is true, it can be seen from multiple different mathematical vantage points.
You cannot stress enough the importance of using the scientific measurements, because it is the scientific measurements that just produced all this material for you. The scientific establishment sent an intellectual giant to go measure the pyramid to the thousandths of an inch, Sir Flinders Petrie. And he did so. And then they used his research to completely undermine and ridicule everybody from the 18 hundreds who had a suspicion that the Great Pyramid was preserving the future in stone.
Their intuition as spiritual beings had them researching, had them looking, had them doing all these things, but they lacked the component of knowing about the Phoenix phenomenon. Understanding the Phoenix phenomenon and having a background in chronology and studying so many different timekeeping systems is the only way any of this information could have been decoded. But anybody could have done it. But it required decades of meticulous chronological research in order to see the value of the scientific measurement.
I’m hungry, guys. I’m real hungry. And that’s caused for me to go ahead and hit this outro. I love you guys. You got your presentation I promised, but I’m going to hit this mega outro now. I got some new things tucked into my outro. .