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Collapse Discontinuities the Anti-Arithmetic of Our Reality

By: Archaix
Spread the Truth

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• The text discusses a theory known as the “Phoenix chronology,” which is related to the “Phoenix phenomenon” that allegedly occurs only in the month of May, every 138 years. The author claims to have extensively documented this event, though the claims are based on unconventional interpretations of scientific data. This phenomenon is said to involve subtle changes to our world that often mimic natural, disastrous events.

• The author also introduces another concept, the “Nemesis X Object,” whose cycles appear disconnected from the Phoenix phenomenon but are believed to have significant implications on human history and global events. The “Nemesis X Object”, said to have a 60-year cycle, is linked to various ancient civilizations that believed gods visited Earth every 60 years. This repeated cycle is supposedly connected to significant events in human history, including major depopulations and cataclysms.

• The text suggests that these two phenomena, the “Phoenix chronology” and the “Nemesis X Object,” though seeming distinct are, in fact, different aspects of the same primary phenomenon affecting humanity. The author also hints at another mysterious Sumerian calendar system, called the “Anuna Nerve chronology”, which is considered mythical due to a lack of definitive proof for its 600-year cycle. These three disparate calendric systems are considered interconnected by the author, to impact human history in a profound way.• The text discusses the complex interpretations of ancient chronologies and how they converge to mark significant events in human history, things that have redirected the course of human affairs. The author claims that these chronologies are encoded protocols depicted through a holo field and that they expose us to living in an altered reality and not in a true mathematical construct.

• The focus is also on the changes in the calendar system over time — from lunar cycles to 360-day calendars to a 365-day calendar after a major event in 713 BC, the appearance of the Dark Satellite. The author argues that these calendar changes and recurring natural disasters are part of system purges in this constructed reality, removing men and materials not deemed necessary.

• The text further elaborates on the idea of “resets” — periodic cataclysms perceived as system purges in the construct. Historical artifacts from prior ages start accumulating, necessitating a system purge. This perspective explains discrepancies between historical and archaeological records, the discovery of out-of-place artifacts, and artifactual anomalies reported in old accounts but not found in the collective records today.• The referenced text discusses the theory of our universe being a coded construct, likening it to virtual reality or a sophisticated simulation. It dives into the idea that our experience of reality, including our memory and spiritual abilities, are filtered and shaped through our nervous systems which can be seen as coded architecture. This ties back to the concept that our physical reality could be deeply linked to a coded structure or program, and the notion of everything being coded implies there’s a coder or creator.

• It furthers the theoretical argument by connecting real-world phenomena like the Phoenix Holography, Nemesis X Object and the Dark Satellite, all of which are said to imply structure and coding in their respective ways. It describes how events in the universe and occurrences in history bear a coded structure and are indeed explainable through mathematical constants like Pi and Phi—elements that are also found in advanced coding systems. The programming or codes govern what things will occur and when—dictating the course of events in our lives.


It’s all right, guys. Many times, many all mark archaic veterans. You already know the whole Phoenix history. You know, you understand the Phoenix periodicity. You understand that in the month of May and in no other month, the Phoenix phenomenon occurs somewhere in this world. Only in the month of May, every 138 years.

This perfection should not be in a Newtonian very natural, natural cosmos where we’re relying on tidal forces and all the things that scientists say exist like gravity and all these little nuances that we learn from intelligentsia. If we take all these things into consideration, what I promote as the Phoenix chronology cannot exist. It cannot be true. I’m telling you this right now as the person who has documented it and has shown you an abundance of data points and data sets showing that it indeed is occurring.

It’s very subtle edits and changes very changes to our holography that are often completely masked in natural, disastrous phenomena as if it needs a cover story. That’s the Phoenix phenomenon. And you guys are already aware of this, but I’m bringing it back to your attention because it has everything to do with where I’m leading you right now.

So we introduce Nemesis X Object which seems to be mathematically very disconnected from the Phoenix phenomenon. The Nemesis X Object, it has a perihelion period of 60 years. Now, remember, guys, I don’t believe there’s a real solar system out there. I believe everything in the sky is simulated. But this is the interpretation of the signals that we have received by studying the sky. This is the model that is presented to us.

And despite if you don’t believe there’s a solar system out there, if you believe the sky is simulated, it doesn’t matter. In the signals that we’ve received, we have found that the ancient Egyptians, the academians, the Elamites, ancient Chinese, the Zapotec, and the Maya, they all had a very common belief. We don’t know why. They’re spread all over the world. They’re on different continents, different time periods, and speaking different languages. But they all had a core fundamental belief that there was a unit of time that was important to gods that had visited the world in ancient times.

And that unit of time was a 60-year period when the gods could be very active in the life of mortals. It was a 60-year period. They based their calendars off this period, and in Sumer, it later became known as the sexadjacent system, by which a lot of people are not aware of this. But the subdivision of mechanical time into seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years is not new. We all know the lunar calendars and the old lunar solar calendars of months and years. But the Sumerians have very sophisticated mathematical cylindrical tables that show us that they divided the day into 86,400 seconds.

They divided they used seconds, minutes, minutes of arc and 360 degrees of the celestial sphere. To measure everything. They were very sophisticated. So we have this 60-year period. But what’s interesting is that it’s attached to a 732-year period when the gods are basically banished. They are at aphelion, they are no longer in our proximity, they have no influence. This 60-year period and the 732-year darkness period makes up a total of 792 years.

When I had found this out, I had used this 792 years like a template. And I went through all world history and showed you guys in multiple charts and in two published books that many major human depopulations all occurred in the 792nd year. I show you guys where the origin of this great Black Death plague that destroyed a third of humanity and then a third of humanity was destroyed in 3439 BC. When Anki first appeared twelve centuries before the Great Flood or 432,000 turnings of the stars Chars. Before the Flood, it was 3439 BC. It’s known in the historical record as the Gihan Flood.

The Nemesis X Object appeared in the sky and one third of humanity died in its appearance. This has happened several times throughout the historical record. We are led to believe by analyzing history that through all these cylindrical studies and historical studies and traditional studies and we put all this together, there is a tremendous amount of evidence to show the 792-year period.

And that the next period of contact that we have with a reappearing Nemesis X Object is November 1 and November 2 of the year 2046. May of 2040 is the return of Phoenix on its 138-year periodicity. Back to back they appear just as Nostradamus predicted, just as Mother Shipton predicted. Now, I don’t have to say this, but I’m going to because I got so many new people listening. Go to my Phoenix archive playlist and you’ll see everything Mother Shipton said about it and everything Nostradamus said about it.

So we have these two different periodicities, two different chronological histories, two different mechanisms throughout linear time that have completely altered the trajectory of human events, collapsed governments, initiated hidden resets, depopulations, retarded human development. These are very well documented. And we are led to believe that they are different, that they’re not actually two different facets of the same phenomenon. And I’m telling you that’s not true. They are the same phenomenon. It’s just differently dressed.

Evidence of this is the year 522 AD. which was the only year in recorded human history that both objects were seen in the sky at the exact same time. Both objects. It’s also what initiated what we call the Dark Ages, the Justinian Plagues and all the tsunamis and earthquakes and great darkness that covered the sky. The semi-return of a 25-year long vapor canopy that appeared in 522 and lasted all the way to the 540s. Every bit of this is documented in the historical record by Byzantine scholars and historians, Roman scribes. It’s all there. I show you guys in video after video and in my published books, every bit of this is known. It’s not a secret.

What is a secret, though, is that the sky dragons that these authors talk about that cause these things are actually the ancient Phoenix and an object that I call the Nemesis X Object, but is an object in Academian records that are merely translations of older Sumerian logograms is Nibiru. These two seemingly different objects are absolutely two different facets of the same mechanism, the same engine in the sky that remains hidden.

Because you already know, I’m just giving you this information as it’s been presented. Through the signals that we interpret. We are being led to believe these are intruder planets. But they’re not. They’re hidden in the sky. They are super constructions that we cannot see because this holo field that blinds us and makes us see a blue sky by day and a star-filled sky by night. This illusory shell that encapsulates us completely prevents us from seeing the artificial constructs that totally surround our world like a Dyson shell.

So another key point here is a third calendar system that I’ve documented a lot. I haven’t done, but maybe four presentations on it. But it’s the Anuna Nerve chronology, one of the most mysterious Sumerian timekeeping systems that we’ve ever uncovered. And the reason, because it’s very unknown, is because scholars in the early 19 hundreds debated and came to the conclusion that the Sumerian nerve system must be purely mythological, because there is no true 600-year period geophysically or astronomically that has ever been recorded.

And this is their determination for dismissing the existence of a calendar, an ancient Sumer that was known to involve the Anona, and that on the 600th year, every single time it appeared, a new great age occurred and a new great divine soul either entered or exited this holo field.

Now, I’m not going to go into a lot of detail because my archaic veterans for whom this video is for already know this. You already know all the people and all the phenomena that occurred every 600 years and what happened and what it means for the last days. And when that system ended in 1962 and starting in 1963, what began to unfold.

So these three different timekeeping systems all involve this structure, this structure that is very demonstrable. It’s there, it’s easy to show, and it’s going in a certain direction, but they’re all woven together mathematically. You would not think that if you counted every 600 years going into the future from 5239 BC. And then if you counted every 138 years from the Phoenix from the first time it was seen in 439 BC, and if you counted every 792 years from the first time it was seen in 5939 BC, that all of these different calendrical systems would converge in the years 1962 and 1963.

That’s an odd occurrence. But that’s what happened. Those are the facts. That’s what these records say. That’s what you can find when you study history. And these are the signals that we’ve received. These are the interpretations that we are following.

So I hope that clarifies for you all these mechanisms, these different timekeeping systems, and how they all connect to the ultimate hidden truth of our world and the sky that surrounds us. Keep searching and keep questioning. The truth is out there.Here is the text formatted into natural paragraphs:

That it appeared in 34 39 BC. You would not think that these objects, three separate chronologies, would ever merge in the future. You wouldn’t think they would because the dates between the time, between the events themselves. The disparities are too great, but they do. And when they do, very significant events unfolded in human history. The whole direction of human affairs was altered. And this I show in my charts. All my charts go into all these details here.

So my archaics veterans, you know that it is my position that and the reason why I have documented so much material on the Phoenix phenomenon, the Nemesis X Object, and the Anunnaki Neurochronology is because these are coded protocols that actually show the unfolding of events through a structured holo field. That we live in an alter reality, not a true reality, that we exist within an antiarthmetic, not a true mathematical construct. This is where we’re going with this. I’m going to reveal something new today about this construct.

So what makes these calendars and all the other calendars of the ancient world so unique is that we have been able to determine that they were all day count systems. In the ancient times, nobody cared about years. The largest unit of measurement that was employed during the vapor canopy period was not a year. It was a lunation. It was lunar cycles. It was during the reign of the goddess, and it was during the reign of the priestesses, and the lunar reckoning was Matriarchal. The year and the solar cycle only happened when that world ended in a cataclysm known as the collapse of the vapor Canopy or the Great Flood or the day the sky fell. When that occurred, then the sun was born, and it started all the solar calendars. It started the sun ages of the Vedic and of the ancient American systems. The first sun. The second sun. The third sun. Remember, the Apocalypse is the stone is represented on the stone of the Fifth Sun, which Mesoamerican scholars claim it’s Aztec, but it’s not. It’s Toltec, but it doesn’t matter. It’s a 22 ton giant basalt disc that has the future of the world in Glyphs, which mirrors what we know in the Book of Revelation. It’s really fascinating.

So this was a day count system. This was 360 days per annum. And I’m not going into detail here because it’s not necessary, but you already know. I have multiple videos citing all these sources that every civilization in the ancient world used a 360 day diurnal calendar. Meaning? Meaning the rotation of the stars, for one turning the appearance of one sun was a day. 363 was a day. And it took 360 rotations to equal a year. And nobody changed their calendars like we do today to account for the seasons before the Flood, because even Genesis remarks that the seasons didn’t exist until after the cataclysm. And then after the cataclysm, it was still 360 days a year. It was too perfect.

So we have this system that, as humans become more and more complex, able to understand more and more of the complexities of the world, that we were in. Suddenly the system aware of that introduced a complexity that was sufficient to mimic something that was truly natural. And that is 713 BC. And it introduces a fourth calendar. This is the chronology of the Dark Satellite. The Dark Satellite appears in our world every 394.5 years, which is exactly 144,000 days. The Dark Satellite has been doing this for a very long time. When it appears, it creates whole entire alterations in the holo field. It is the origin of the division of tongues, the Tower of Babel story. It is the origin of the division of the calendar in 713 BC. And totally changed the 360 day year to 365.24 or 25 so days a year. This is when 713 BC, which was an actual backdoon of the Mayan Long Count. This is when all the calendars in the world had to change. This is also direct evidence that we’re living in a holography and we’re not living in a natural physical realm, a physical universe.

My archaics veterans, you already know the change from 360 days to 365.24 days after 1000 years would have altered the 138 year periodicity of the Phoenix so bad that it would have never been able to reappear at all in 246 Ad. 378 Ad. It would have never been able to show back up in 522 Ad. In 660 Ad. In 798 Ad. In 936 Ad it would have never been able to appear in 1074 Ad. It would have never been able to appear to initiate the Children’s Crusade and the mass vanishing of children all over Europe in 1212 AC Ad. Or 1350 Ad. Or 1488 in the year that Mother shipton was born. The Phoenix phenomenon would have never occurred in 1626 Ad and did some massive, massive restructuring of North America, changing lakes and emptying shallow seas and creating Great Lakes and doing all this destruction throughout North America just decades before Europeans began expanding all over North America. It would have never been able to appear in 1764 Ad for astronomer Hoffman to see it through his telescope and enter it into the royal astronomical records as a visitation of Vulcan, which was also seen by half a million Europeans as it darkened the sun. It would have never reappeared in 1902 and initiated all the strange things I have in five different videos on 19 two. It would have never been able to do that if we lived in a physical real universe, because the change of the year from 360 days to 365 days would have completely changed the 138 year periodicity. And additional to that, it would have never allowed it to reappear on May 15 ever again. It would have been different days of the calendar.

So what we have is an overriding program that’s not affecting an original subroutine. The original subroutine is the Phoenix Holography. It’s unaffected. But the overwritten program changes all other calendars in the world and the very way humans perceive the unfolding of historical events, timekeeping systems. But the phoenix remains unchanged. The Nemesis X object holography remains unchanged. The periodicity of the Dark Satellite remains unchanged. These things still appear as they’re supposed to appear according to the original chronology, not the amended version that something introduced. Remember, God is not the author of confusion. Something else is.

So throughout all the archaic research we have, I mean, I even have a very old video, a lot of you have liked it. That shows you that the title of the video is reset Theory is Nothing New. And I go and I show you all these ancient citations from authors living 2000 years ago who were talking about the same thing we talk about today, even 2400 years ago. They were actually putting in their books the very things and ideas that we discuss on YouTube on a daily basis. Reset Theory.

So resets and mud, floods, and these periodic cataclysms, listen guys, these are system purges. This is when the accrual of artifacts has become a problem. Artifacts are residual programming that belong to a prior age, a prior age to human perception. But to the construct, it means fossilized artifacts from a preexisting program that is no longer running. So when these artifacts begin accruing, there comes a need for a reset, there comes a need for a system purge. We on the inside of the construct perceive these purges as natural disasters. We perceive them as all kinds of phenomena that’s detrimental to us. It ends our lives, it ends our communities, it ends our cities. But while all that is happening, men and materials that are no longer deemed needed inside the construct are taken away.

This is why the historical and archaeological record often don’t mix. They don’t make sense. The things we find in archaeology aren’t really comported with what we’ve read from all the material that’s been passed down to us. And it’s because of these edits. It’s because of these really unique, unique things we find OOH parts, out of place artifacts, things that are discovered that are not supposed to be where they at. In addition to that, we have a lot from the 17 hundreds all the way up to 1920s. We have actual newspaper accounts from all over Europe and North America and the Carolines Islands, Australia, everywhere. We were colonizing, europeans were colonizing, the entire world. We have all these local records of amazing things that have been found, but in the collective records, we don’t find them. And none of those artifacts can be located today. So call it Mandela Effect, call it synchronicity, call it dejaVu, call it whatever you want to call it. I’ve told you guys in the past, these are all evidence that we live in a controlled computerized, maybe even an analog digital universe. It’s far more sophisticated. These are just modern frames of reference I’m using, but it’s far more sophisticated than we’re able to able to convey.
So we have to think in terms of virtual reality. We have to think of terms in simulation. But what’s happening is actually far more complex because the very apparatus by which we experience all of this actually helps. It’s a part of the architecture of deceit itself. Our brain in central nervous system is moored to the very lies that we are perceiving and yet we have to jack into those. Our immortal soul has to be jacked into those in order to feel this physical universe, to enjoy this construct, to go through it.
Everything from memory wipe to a total restriction on spiritual abilities is what we suffer by this series of filters called the central nervous system. It’s a beautiful construct, but it’s a total lie. And we have to participate in that lie in order to enjoy it.
By studying all these ancient calendars, this is how we’ve been able to see that the things that our astrophysicists and our physicists and our theoretical physicists, these major ideas and concepts for which they think are original, that are actually in the thought field of the similichrum itself. They pick up on these and they come up with these awesome ideas and all that. And many of them are right. One of them led to the discovery of the fine structure constant. But again, the fine structure constant is evidence of the Phoenix Holography. And I’ve already gone into that in other videos, but it still implies structure. Structure implies coding. Coding is programming. So we have this structuring of involving this Phoenix Holography, nemesis X Object and the Dark Satellite. These three, these three lines. If you took a chart like I’ve done, some of you have seen those charts. But if you take a chart and you run one line for Phoenix, one line for Nemesis X and one line for Dark Satellite, and then you ran a line for each time that any of them coalesced on certain years you would see the major changes that happened in human history. But you would also see some very interesting patterns that are structured only in 3.4 116 and 1.6 118. You would see that Pi and Phi seem to be major coded protocols that basically collapse or continue reality tunnels. And Pi and Phi seem to be the structuring of this holography the way that things change their coordinates within the structure that we are able to perceive. So these events in Pi and Phi we see are always supported in some way like the ripples of a pool of water.
And we know this as palindromes. This palindromic sequencing is everywhere in the historical record. There are events that look like they’re unrelated to other events but there’s an equal amount of days or weeks or months or years that links it to another series of events that it mirrors. And yet we can use that exact same amount of ripples or years and predict when the next time the same series of events will unfold. So all these systems the Phoenix, the Nemesis X Object, the Dark Satellite, Mayan Long Count, all these different ancient and modern calendars, even the Anodemini system, they show that all this structure and the more we analyze this structure, we see coding. I don’t know. I’ve never seen a DNA strand. But I hear from people who claim to know that DNA is structured in palindromes. And I hear from other geneticists, they’ve published whole books talking about DNA is widely misunderstood. It’s pure coding and it’s very sophisticated coding.
Okay, well, one thing I know is that if something is coded, then a coder is required. That’s all I want to get. That’s the only point I want to make about programs and coding. Anything that is coded means there’s a coder. And the reason this is implicit is because it is the exact opposite of what we were told in uniformitarian science, which is everything is developing. Somebody made a real good comment in the chat a while back. If evolution was true, why are there still monkeys? So I laughed because it was humorous to me, but it’s a very deep statement. I mean, it’s also the flash frozen fossils that we have found in the archaeological record. They’re still the same creatures you find in your backyard today. So if evolution is true over hundreds of millions of years, why are these little creatures trapped in resin that has been fossilized into semiprecious stones still in our backyard today? So something created that coating and it’s unchanged. It was perfect from the beginning. It stayed the same way now.
So with the golden mean pie and phi, to me, we have these calendars that are amazing, but they dictate what’s going to happen at certain times, meaning the 137 years between the 138 year events, that little time period, the Phoenix phenomenon is not going to occur in its full force. It may be some smaller epicycles, but nothing’s going to occur. So all these little palindromes and pi and phi patterning that goes on in these other periods of time, to me, they’re governors. We are actually looking at governors. Governors are codes. These codes make sure that other things keep doing the very things they’re programmed to do. That is the whole purpose of a governor. I’m not talking about a ruler over a bunch of people, guys. I’m talking from a mechanical perspective. Many of you, all you auto mechanics know exactly what I’m talking about when I talking about governors. But even in computer programming, pardons the term governor is understood. It’s like a restrictor plate. It’s not going to let you go a certain speed. So these are governors. But all this, everything I’m telling you guys, is structure. 100% structure. And structure implies construct. It does not imply nature. Nature is almost the exact opposite of what we experience. Yes, we perceive nature. We see it all out there, what we’re told to interpret it as. But natural events aren’t what are happening around us. The events that we experience are coded. And there seems to be two overlying systems of protocols that are operative at the exact same time. And there seems to be an ability to phase in and out of either one at will. And I’ve told you guys this many times, this isn’t even advanced. You already know. The collective is a part of the main coded apparatus, and it’s the easiest to fall for. It’s the easiest to follow. It’s the path of least resistance. But then there are other subroutines, a whole nother patterned holography that you can enjoy, but it takes a little effort. But it’s worth it, because that’s when you begin to interface with the co creative dynamic of the Smilichrum, and you’re able to build your own world and the worlds of others that you come in contact with. Yes, this is the personal. This is the highly individualized soul taking back the reins of its own existence. I talk about that all the time. It’s not the subject matter of this video, but I had to mention it because we’re moving away from the natural order that has been imposed on us through science. And we’re moving into this area of a programmed reality that is completely governed by coded protocols that have certain functions. Once we begin to understand that the events around us are unfolding according to computerized programming templates, then things begin to make sense. Mandela effect is no longer a mystery. It’s an edit. Synchronicities are no longer the anomaly. They’re the norm. Coincidence is nothing but the recognition of previously unknown laws that are operative in our lives. Everything becomes the opposite of what we expected it to be. We don’t live in a real mathematical construct. We live in an anti arithmetic. This isn’t Jason telling you of this. I have read books on physics by greater minds than I that have already postulated many of the things I’m telling you now. I’m just putting them into terms that are more comprehensible. But there are great minds out there who already conclude that we’re living in a false mathematical construct, and they even use the term antiarthmetic.
Now, I’m going to go into a little detail here to make you understand some things about our reality from a scientific perspective that actually shows us what these men are talking about. One of them is the existence of the fractal. You guysA fractal is a piece of geometry that is mathematically connected to a larger whole. It is a fraction of geometry that exists within itself, but in a higher dimension to a whole. Fractals are easy to understand visually because they imply the existence of the rest of the geometry somewhere, even if we can’t perceive it. This is the beauty of fractals – they imply a whole, but we can only perceive a fraction of it.

When it comes to pattern recognition and predictive analytics, there are computer programs that can analyze past events to predict future ones. However, building true artificial intelligence is currently beyond our scientific capabilities. AI in the sense of artificial intelligence does not exist yet, despite advancements in AI art.

Fractals show us patterns that continue beyond what we can perceive. They keep moving into dimensions of arithmetic that we cannot comprehend. We may think they don’t exist because we can’t see them, but they do. This is why we call them fractals – they are fractions of a greater geometry that exist in other dimensions.

Collapse discontinuities occur when pattern recognition and predictive analytics fail to accurately predict future events. It is like getting several things right, but then experiencing a collapse where events take an unexpected turn. It can be frustrating not being able to see beyond the current moment and understand why the trajectory suddenly changes. However, these collapse discontinuities do not mean that the pattern ceases to exist. It continues in another dimension of reality that we cannot perceive. Later on, it may reappear and verify our previous predictions.

Our perception is limited by the fact that we exist within an artificial mathematical construct. But on the other side, in the real mathematical reality, the trajectory of events continues. Everything is in a continuum, and there are no stops, only the illusion of a stop. Calendars, for example, are protocols that contain us and help make sense of historical events.

Fractals have two implications. First, they imply collapsed discontinuities, where a pattern in our reality suddenly appears in the real reality. On the other side, the full past and future of that pattern can be perceived. However, we can only see a part of it. Second, fractals imply infinity. The more we study reality, the more we find structure everywhere, even where it is imperceptible to us. This is why seers and prophets who can see beyond the artificial construct seem mysterious to us.

For those who disengage from the artificial construct, temporary spiritual overrides allow them to tap into information from the thought field and transcend the antiarithmetic. They can understand future events based on patterns and trajectories rather than sequential data. Our minds are not confined to this construct; we are immortal beings using avatars to navigate through the artificiality.

When we view reality as a mathematical construct in an antiarithmetic, everything starts to make sense. Calendars, fractals, retrocognition, and even the ability to remember historical events we didn’t participate in can all be understood in this framework. In a holo field, nothing is truly distant from us. When events disappear, it is a collapse discontinuity, but the series of events still continues in another dimension of arithmetic and will eventually reappear in our existence. The illusion of randomness is created, but ultimately everything is part of a pre-determined structure.Unfolding here, they’re not unfolding on the other side. And while they pop out of existence here, they pop into existence over there and they continue on. And they may be baffling those who are on the other side, but we’re on the opposite side of the very events that we lose contact with. This can be whole historical episodes, it can be a whole future periods. But anyway, basically it flips what we understand about prophecy. It flips what we understand about history.

Now, it may be even direct evidence of why we find prophetic literature is often written in past tense, which doesn’t make sense. Why would you venerate ancient texts that are telling you about future events but using past tense doesn’t make sense unless you enter retrocognition, unless there really isn’t a direction, unless the study of the further you go back into the historical record, you will appear in the future. The further that you study eschatology and prophecy, and the more you document about what is going to occur in the future, you will reach the destination called the ancient past. You’re going to find that we are in a circle 3.14 116. But that circle never quite closes because it’s Arked at 1.6 118. Phi and Pi, these beautiful coded protocols, they are absolute, absolutely programming dictates that govern the unfolding of events within our reality.

They keep us baffled, but they’re never unbroken. These are the governors that basically measure the trajectories of the events of our life. The reality tunnels that we’re living in and that we create and build for ourselves are governed by these protocols, these little epicycles we call life and these great cycles that we call life. Sims everything’s happening in here, and that one little break like the fine structure constant, that one little break before it becomes 138, that’s the exodus. That’s the escape point. That’s when somebody can actually leave the construct. That’s when there can be an exchange of minimum materials between the antiahmetic reality and the real arithmetic.

Those of you new to my channel, you have to understand you’re going to read things about ancient cataclysms. You’re going to read historical. My whole channel is dedicated to showing that we live in a simulation by study of the historical record. I wanted to come from a different vantage point. There’s too many physicists, there’s too many scientists that are all talking about simulation theory. There’s too many content creators that are now all talking about simulation theory. From the very beginning of my channel, I wanted to approach the topic from a very different perspective using the historical record, which is supported by worldwide chronological systems and the study of timekeeping systems and calendars to show that we live in a simulated context. This is the whole idea of archaics.

So you’re going to see in my videos I’m always talking about history. I’m always talking about things that happened in ancient times. But when we get down to the real meat and potatoes, there’s a tater in them onions.

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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792nd year Certain direction Collapse discontinuities Day diurnal calendar Exact same amount First time Great Lakes Human history Key point Many content creators Mayan Long Count Natural disastrous phenomena Next period Original subroutine Past tense Same mechanism THE TOWER OF BABEL Theoretical physicists Traditional studies Worldwide chronological systems

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