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Easter Island: Ogygian Deluge Part 1

By: Archaix
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Easter Island

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➡ The video talks about the Ogaijian deluge of 1687 BC, believed to be worse than the Noheic flood, which led to the collapse of the Heliolithic Maritime Empire, marking a significant divide in history. The Ogaijian era’s structures can be found all over the world, including Easter Island, which houses the ancient Moai statues bearing Heliolithic construction methods, similar to those found in South America and Anatolia. The video also discusses the mysteries of the Rongo Rongo script and its link to the Indus Valley civilization script, suggesting a once global Heliolithic Maritime Empire.

➡ The text presents a detailed exploration of research concerning ancient history and archaeology, mostly focusing on the “Ogaijian Deluge” in 1687 BC, a significant event mentioned in many ancient texts. It scrutinizes the work of Harold T. Wilkins, who proposed theories about the catastrophe that abruptly ended the civilization of Easter Island and left hundreds of unfinished colossal statues. This theory connects various ancient sites worldwide, including Gobleki Tepe, and contests the mainstream academic narratives regarding their age and history.

➡ The known ancient world was born from a lesser-known ancient civilization, the so-called Heliolithic Maritime Empire, which emerged after a great flood. This ancient civilization studied a mysterious object in the sky, potentially fear-inducing, and left records of how they hid from it underground.


Sam sam. Welcome to episode one of our new series on the Ogaijian deluge. This series of videos is only going to focus on the month of May for 1687 BC and what we have left strewn all over the world from the collapse of the Heliolithic Maritime Empire. As a matter of fact, the majority of the ancient mysteries, enigmas and anomalies that is reported in publishing today all stems from this date.

This Ogaijian deluge was mentioned many times by ancient writers. It is a flood that is said to have been even worse than the Noheic flood that happened 552 years earlier, which is famous for in the biblical book of Genesis. Now, the world that we have been told through the history books, establishment literature and academia is basically the world of post Ogaijian times. Phoenix caused a 25 year darkness and when the survivors of this epic cataclysm began stirring back, awake and rebuilding from the ashes of their former civilizations, they took on the forms that we know today in Babylon, assyria in Egypt, in ancient pre Greek, the Achaeans Argos, the Minoan Empire. What we have in academia is a portrait of world history. Post ogaijian times. It was the great divide in history. And you will understand as these videos unfold, easter island is only the beginning. What happened to the entire world was catastrophic.

In 1722, Dutch navigator Jacob Ragavine sailed his vessel to one of the most remote locations in the entire world easter island, 2300 miles away from the coast of South America and 2000 miles away from Tahiti in the barren South Pacific. Alone island in a water world, totally isolated. Academia is guilty of hypocrisy and prejudiced in its handling of this enigma, ignoring its own cherished pre Pottery Neolithic dating method to promote that this curious island’s gigantic artifacts are new, only a few centuries old. Dating the primitive relics of the present population only when, in truth, Rapanui or Easter Island was more than likely abandoned for a couple thousand years after its destruction.

Dating the artifacts by dating these significant things that were left in the burials of the present population is absolutely ridiculous. In 1722, it was noted there were 261 of these enormous statues moai, these gigantic heads and busts and they all faced inwards. Looking at the island, it was immediately apparent that the people on the island had almost no memory of the builders, only scant traditions. Most of the giant statues unknown to these early discoverers were still buried underground and some still lying in their quarries. Huge heads, busts these were found lying across the ground at different depths, half buried, only their top surfaces exposed to the elements.

In 1722, the Dutch surveyed the volcano Rana Raku and found 276 more statues, all buried up to their waist or neck. 193 statues were complete and 83 were unfinished. But these stared skyward and out toward the sea. They were not like those put around the perimeter of the island. In fact, the number 276 is 138 plus 138. And this is mentioned by David Hatcher Childress in his Lost Cities book, the Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria and the Pacific. I then found the same number, 276 statues on the inside rim of the volcano cited in the 1977 book Mysteries of the Past, edited by Joseph Thorndyke Jr.

At the top of the crater rim, where the 276 moai stand, there is an area cut into the rock of seven seats. The locals claimed that this was where the Seven Masters sat back in the days when they had made the statues to walk. This is a volcanic crater serving as a natural amphitheater and is the most peculiar sight at Easter Island. Seven chairs are hewn out of natural rock in the rim of the crater. The seven seats may be a memory of the seven gods, the seven giants, the seven sages, the Seven Masters, or seven anunnaki of Sumer, all references to the ancient builder gods.

This construction right here with this man standing in front of it is on Easter Island. It is referred to as Venapu. It is precisely the same type of megalithic, earthquake proof super constructions of boulders form fitted together with laser precision that is found in Kusku, Tiwanako, Pumapunka, Machu Picchu, all these ancient sites in South America. Yet this is 2300 miles away from the South American coast. The style of construction is heliolithic, meaning it is post technolithic. It is after the Great Flood, but before the Ogaigian deluge. This is a signature construction method that was used by the maritime heliolithic empire that spread over the ancient world, erecting statues that were very similar in Tijuanako and Central America that looked like those in Easter Island, even to the hands on their sides holding tablets and other holy objects.

A few researchers have noted that the white inlaid eyes have been found in other civilizations, like Hittite Anatolia, matching those of Easter Island. The kneeling statue here seen on Easter Island is identical to the ones found at Tiowanako in Bolivia and at Cuzco in Peru. Artifacts of Easter Island resemble those of their neighbors in South America and in hittite Anatolia in the Mediterranean. Tiowanako in Bolivia is most ancient and it carries with us a central capital idea of an old maritime Pacific empire. After gathering the traditional accounts of Pacific history and Easter Island from the Maori and other islanders throughout the southern Pacific, john Macmillan Brown, in the book Riddle of the Pacific, concluded that Easter Island was one of the last remnants of an old Pacific Aryan culture spread across the Pacific from America.

This was confirmed in the monumental collection of data gathered by Thor hiredahl in Aku Aku the Secret of Easter Island. And in his other books citing these traditions in recent times, brian Forrester has published that the stories of the Pacific islanders and indigenous peoples of South America all relate that a white skinned, auburn haired race of master builders had their civilization wiped out in an ancient cataclysm. This was the Heliolithic Maritime Empire, and this map shows the routes that they had took through their empire and these currents and these trade winds from which they sailed.

Even Thor Hiredall has shown that the reeds that are found that were used in shipbuilding on Easter Island exactly match those found only at Tiwanako. Brown, Childress, and Hiredall all noted that the engineers on the island were able to erect statues up to 40ft tall weighing more than 80 tons, and balance a red stone cylinder hat weighing up to twelve tons on the tops of their heads. These colossal statues were often set on pyramidal shaped platforms. It was also noticed by these men that these gigantic blocks were dressed in situ in the quarry in a most unusual way. Another mystery of Easter Island is the infamous Rongo Rongo script.

It is misunderstood. No one has been able to really translate this language, but it’s been preserved for a very long period of time by the Easter Islanders. WeHere is the reformatted text:

Probably buried at the exact same time. And what you’re looking at right here is at Gobleki teepi. A lot of researchers ignore this, but there are three handbags at the top of this pillar. Handbags. These are positively dated in sumerian and academic art everywhere at the 26th, 25th and 24th centuries BC. Nowhere near 11,000 BC. As so many are beginning to promote in the 1940s.

And man named Harold T. Wilkins spent a good 20 years researching the legends, myths and the archaeology that was coming out of Pacifica in South America and Central America. He had amassed a massive database of material with hundreds, maybe even thousands of sources. And he came to the conclusion that Easter Island was destroyed during the Ogaijian cataclysm. For those of you who don’t know, the Ogaijian deluge is a topic of discussion in many ancient texts. There are many old writers that talked about this over a thousand years ago. It has also been positively dated in different timekeeping systems, and they align perfectly to the year 1687 BC. The year 2208 of the old world’s calendar. It was his opinion that whatever happened to Easter Island three over 3600 years ago was also what happened to the entire world.

And knowing absolutely nothing about the Phoenix phenomenon, not mentioning the Phoenix, not citing any of the Phoenix records, Harold T. Wilkins, on his own, came up with these conclusions. And this is word for word what he published in his book in the 1950s, mysteries of Ancient South America. He wrote the whole island shook. Mountainous waves of an ocean, infuriated and maddened by some tremendous force, swept right over the tall cliffs and crashed onto the feet of the colossal images. The light of day went out. The night of total eclipse had come. A heavy black paw covered the vault of the heavens. Strange rains of blood, red water and white ash cascaded onto the causeways. The terrified slaves in the quarry workshops threw down all their tools. Some great stellar body of a lost or dead world which approached our sun on a parabolic or hyperbolic course, having caused a grave catastrophe on Earth, vanished. A black cloud seemed suddenly to cover the face of the sun. It spread very rapidly to the horizon.

The wandering planets streamed our Earth’s skies. Tremendous earthquakes shook the ground. The blazing sky turned to night. A rain with terrible lightning flashes and a rain of vast meteorites upon the Earth struck everywhere. Aloft, the planet Venus, seemed hourly changing her color. Coarse in size, our Earth was receding into space backwards from her old orbit. Nearer the sun, whole countrysides that had never seen the sea were now drowned as sky flames descended to set ablaze great primeval forests. The Earth behaving very much like a planet that had been forced out of her orbit. The light of the sun vanished to return as a ball of blood. The penumbra darkened all the air as if in the time of eclipse. Then an immense cloud of reddish powder filled the air, followed by a rain of fine cinders. During the disaster, a second moon appeared.

Wilkins wrote that the Andes Mountains had risen in a day and a night. All of this occurred during the infamous Ogaijian flood of the ancestors. Harold T. Wilkins is very clear that the Ogaijian Deluge was not the great Flood of Noah, which happened earlier, but he is equally convinced. And this is amazing, because Harold T. Wilkins knew nothing of the Phoenix phenomenon. And yet he published that the mechanism that caused the Ogaijian Deluge was the exact same that caused the flood of Noah, and that the destructions are similar, and that ancient writers are wrong for confusing the two. This is a matter of genius. It’s a matter of genius. I was so impressed when I read Harold T. Wilkins.

Now Wilkins refers to the megalithic builder civilization that was destroyed in the Ogaijian Deluge. He referred to them as the Heliolithic culture. Wilkins noticed concerning Easter Island that in his day there were 550 of these statues and only one of them is female. He wrote, who are these strange people who left the amazing number of 550 colossal images in Easter Island? Now, as of the 1950s, when he published that book, that’s how many had been excavated. Since then, we have found many more. We’ll get into that in a minute.

The cataclysm ending Easter Island civilization is one that is comported within the archaeological record. Professor Macmillan Brown tells us how he personally found numerous signs of the sudden cessation of work on the vast statues. He said, as if a tremendous blast of poisonous gas had asphyxiated all the workmen tools lied about, as if they had been thrown away on a sudden impulse, and that some of the great torsos are in an incomplete state. It would seem as if a catastrophe had visited the island without warning. Also, after surveying Easter Island, floyd Thompson wrote the conviction is unshakable that one day the work just simply stopped. You have the feeling that the carvers just put down their tools and walked away, never to return. This is evidence in that the largest statue that is found in the quarry is still lying in situ. It’s 70ft, it is gigantic, and it parallels another civilization that also where tools were found lying about the workshops around a gigantic statue. I mean a brick, a huge stone known as Belbeck. You guys have seen that stone. It’s the largest worked stone in the entire world. And the same story is told there. The tools were just thrown down. But it’s not the only place. In this series on the Ogaijian flood, we’re going to survey several other ancient sites like Easter Island, where all construction stopped and the tools were just thrown onto the ground.

At Easter Island, the largest statue that was actually quarried and transported is 32ft high. It weighed over 80 tons. That’s pretty impressive. And to date, there have been excavated 887 of these giant statues on the island. Soundings have confirmed that there are more still buried that have not been dug up. And there’s at least one off the coast in about 60ft of water. Proof that this massive project was hastily abandoned is the fact that of the 887 Moai, 397 of them still lie in the quarry and were awaiting completion or transport. 92 more are strewn along the road down the side of the volcano, buried up to their mouths in soil. The largest el gigante. The giant. The enormous statue still lies in situ, just like the giant block at Belbeck.

Incredibly, the story of how Easter Island is found, the calendrix themselves connected to this mysterious place, actually confirms what Harold T. Wilkins believed that Easter Island was destroyed in the Ogaijian Deluge. This was the year 1687 BC. In my Chronicon, it is shown by many different species of analysis how we deriveWhat happened to the ancient world that we knew and how the world that the historians put basically published widely about the one that is more known to us today was actually born from a more mysterious ancient civilization that we know very, very little about. One that basically the Heliolithic Maritime Empire was what emerged from the ashes of the phoenix destruction of the great flood of Noah. This sums up part one. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Part Two’s coming up pretty soon.

There is an object hidden in the sky. Our predecessors studied its appearances like a vast clockwork apparatus. It appeared on a fixed timeline and disappeared. Whole civilizations. They have left us records of this invisible eye in the sky and how they hid underground from its face. They feared the return of the phoenix.


  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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Deluge Easter Island: Ogygian

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