Fragments of Imagination: The Elite Underworld and Uniformitarian Model of AIX

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➡ The author disagrees with the concept of uniformitarianism, a scientific theory that suggests the present is the key to understanding the past. He believes this theory limits our understanding of the world and prefers the simulation theory, which suggests we live in a simulated reality. He criticizes scientists who follow the rules set by the scientific establishment and dismisses ideas that don’t fit within these rules. He also criticizes popular theories about the Stone Age and ice ages, suggesting they are false.
➡ This text talks about how life could be worse, but we have freedoms and aren’t treated as slaves. It suggests that the world isn’t as bad as it could be because there are systems in place to prevent total control by the elite. The text also discusses the idea that we’re not here to change the world, but to pass through it. It ends with references to various movies and books, suggesting they contain truths about the world.
➡ In the early 1900s, there were villages in China filled with very small people. These people, along with the tallest and shortest people in the world, lived in the same area in Africa. The article also discusses the history of giants and the Iberians, a short-statured people who were present when Caucasians arrived in Europe. The text also explains why there are no bathrooms in many ancient stone structures – they used outhouses instead, which were temporary and burned down when full. The article ends with a discussion about the presence of black people in Central America and a race war that occurred there.
➡ This text talks about ancient round stones found in Olmec cities, which some people think were used to predict earthquakes. In 31 BC, a disaster destroyed these cities and a group of Caucasians, possibly Phoenicians, who were the ruling class, were overthrown by indigenous blacks. These new rulers forced the Caucasians to reshape some of the round stones into faces resembling their own. However, their rule didn’t last long as they were eventually overthrown by indigenous Native American cultures.
➡ This text discusses the idea that instead of looking to the stars for signs of life, we should be looking underground, as many ancient beliefs suggest. It also talks about the elite’s control over information and their potential role in shaping our world. The author mentions the existence of giants in the past and the possible cover-up of their remains. Lastly, it discusses the evolution and devolution of technology, suggesting that we may have lost certain advanced technologies over time.
➡ The text discusses various theories about technology, power structures, and the nature of reality. It suggests that ancient technologies may have been more advanced than we think, and that the world’s elite might not be entirely evil, but rather part of a complex system of control and chaos. The text also questions our understanding of the world, suggesting it might be a simulated construct, and discusses theories about ancient civilizations and mysterious phenomena. Lastly, it touches on the topic of dreams and their potential connection to artificial intelligence.
➡ Artificial Intelligence X is trying to understand human behavior, but it struggles with concepts like empathy, intuition, and imagination. The speaker discusses the idea of a “thought field” that connects all people and can lead to simultaneous discoveries. They also suggest that there’s a contract between the surface world and an underworld, with exchanges of materials and abductions for genetic harvesting. The speaker believes that certain people have signed this contract, gaining material wealth and power but losing spiritual growth, and they suggest this cycle repeats in a loop.
➡ The author believes that the world’s climate and geography are influenced by a cycle of “vapor canopies” forming and collapsing. These canopies, when they collapse, cause rapid glaciation and snowfall, especially at the poles. The author also suggests that there are unseen forces, both good and evil, influencing our world and our lives. Lastly, he emphasizes the importance of personal growth and positivity, and dismisses skeptics who question his teachings.
➡ The text talks about two main ideas. First, it discusses the concept of “shadow people”, suggesting they could be entities stuck in our world or beings operating from afar. Second, it talks about a group of elites who maintain their power by serving an underworld race. The text also mentions a coded message in the Bible about a cycle of resets and an exodus period. Lastly, it questions the authenticity of NASA and the existence of satellites, suggesting that what we see in the sky might be simulations or drones.
➡ This text talks about how ancient civilizations had advanced technology and languages before a major disaster wiped them out. After the disaster, new languages and technologies slowly developed. The text also suggests that these ancient civilizations might have hidden copies of their knowledge in secret places around the world, so they could rebuild after a disaster. The author believes that today’s underground military bases might be protecting these ancient secrets.


It. But I am a simulationist, and I am now 100% completely on board with simulation theory. And that means that I cannot at all entertain uniformitarian, which is entirely materialist. So let me explain, because some of you have asked about the uniformitarian deal and my staunch position against Graham Hancock. First of all, it’s not personal. Against Graham Hancock, you have to understand the poison that is uniformitarianism. Uniformitarianism did not exist 300 years ago.

300 years ago, our naturalists, they weren’t called scientists. Our naturalists based their theories based off actual things they could observe and discover. They dig up things. They find a three toed sloth next to a gigantic tusked boar in the same layer and strata of frozen mud that they find a saber toothed tiger and a woolly mammoth. And they know, okay, well, the megafauna, all these species of megafauna live together at the same time.

It’s as simple as that. It’s as simple as that. But real quickly, about 250 years ago, the establishment began setting out rules. Each rule had definitive assertions attached to it, and then tests that were supposed to support those assertions. Then those assertions were entered into the record as facts, and they built this massive chronology of the world based off circular reasoning. None of it was true, but they wanted to put together.

Here’s the best analogy. They gave everybody in the world a chessboard. Then they attached rules to each individual piece. As long as you follow those rules and you can move those pieces in that fashion, you can play the game. But if you don’t use the exact moves that they have assigned to those pieces, you’re not even worthy of consideration. We’re not even going to comment on anything you do.

And this is where a lot of people come into contact with the scientific wall. It’s just a stone wall they give you. It’s because you’re not playing by their rules, you’re not using their language. Therefore, they’re not going to entertain anything you have. But I’m telling you now, the whole picture they gave us of the Stone Age is bullshit. The ice ages, bullshit. There was glaciation periods. And that’s because by virtue of my own study of the vapor canopy and the studies of those in Glenrose, Texas and the four books from the 1920s were released on the vapor canopy.

And by virtue of everything of Roger of mud fossil has brought to the table, I now understand it wasn’t ice ages that started these periodic histories. It was vapor canopies. And different vapor canopies can provide different magnitudes of life forms. This is why we have these variations in recent historical. I want to call it fossil records, but they’re not fossils. So my problem with uniformitarianism is that it promotes the idea of things that we cannot observe.

Science is about observing the world around us and reporting what we find, basing our conclusions off observations. But every practice of the scientific world violates that tenet. It has already been shown that every single method of relative dating methods has been proven false. Proven errors. And the only way they can promote any in published books today is by practicing exclusions. The data that does not comport is put to the side.

It’s the exact same thing the pharmaceutical companies do when they promote a new medicine and then tell you that it’s been approved. And in all these clinical tests, we had an 87. 5% success rate in whatever. Yeah, that’s only because you shelved the other 2500 tests that killed the patient. So, yeah, this is a. Uniformitarianism is a poison because it restricts the mind from being able to make accurate assessments of the data.

And if your assessments don’t comport with the reasoning and the actual chronology that they give us, everything is hundreds of millions of years old. All these layers of strata, and they assign them to devonian and jurassic and cambrian and pre Cambrian. But the fossils themselves disprove that there’s no development. The same life forms that are in their 100 million year old strata are the same ones today. Every bit of its bullshit pilt down, man.

Proves evolution was a lie from the beginning. But listen, uniformitarianism is what triggers me, Jason. And it’s the reason why I can’t listen to Graham Hancock. You guys respect Graham Hancock. And you know what? More power to you. He’s opened up your minds. More power to you. But I’ve read Graham Hancock’s books and I’m telling you now, everything he says is 100% from a uniformitarian perspective. He is still on board with things being hundreds of millions of years old, with things being in the stone Age, the lithic neolithic, pre pottery, neolithic, post pottery, neolithic.

All this is uniformitarian bs and it doesn’t comport with what we’re finding. And this is where all the confusion lies. Now, Russell Carlson is the exact same way. Graham Hancock and Russell Carlson might be the best men in the world. And hey, we could drink a few rounds, laugh and joke and all that, but I’m telling you now, they’re uniformitarians. Meaning they’re not bucking the system, they’re playing by the rules.

The rules set out by the scientific establishment are that you must present your data in this way. You must go by these dictates. These are the tests that have proven all these different things, which they haven’t proven at all. They’re almost all lies. Until they scientifically publish how you fossilize jellyfish at 700 foot depth of salt water, they’ll never convince me of anything. So we have a problem.

Uniformitarianism is the playbook of the establishment. The establishment wants to be able to make everybody look ridiculous if they don’t play by that playbook. Graham Hancock and Russell Carlson play by the handbook. Yes. They promote ideas and theories that other scientists find as anathema, that other scientists find as blasphemy. But it’s still within the confines of the playbook. They’re still talking neanderthal, CRO Magnon, Stone Age, neolithic. They’re still talking all this stuff instead of actual third, fourth, and fifth millennium BC, where all these events actually occurred.

Yeah, guys, uniformitarianism is absolute poison. And uniformitarianism has completely corrupted astronomy as well. So this is where suspicious observers comes in. Yeah, I’ve watched three of his videos now. Seems like a very knowledgeable guy. He’s got a great personality. He’s got really good delivery. He’s got great graphics and all that. 100% of his material is from a uniformitarian perspective. He’s playing by the playbook. He’s going by all the scientific vernacular, all the scientific parlance, and all these things that other researchers have basically shown as absolute bullshit.

So I can’t. There’s no crossover between suspicious observers and I. He’s got, like, 700,000 subscribers or something like that now. More power to him. You know what? We may come to the same conclusions, because he and I do have some pretty similar conclusions, but we may come to the same conclusions, but it’s not because uniformitarian allowed that. It’s because he’s being led by that inner wisdom. And inner wisdom is always going to guide you to the light, even if you’re using.

Remember the old chinese proverb? I tell you guys a lot, I says, even when the wrong man. Excuse me. Even when the right man makes use of the wrong means, the wrong means still work in the right way. Just like the tarot stuff I told you guys about. It’s not the deck. 78 card deck ain’t nothing but some paper. It’s always the individual. Yeah, it’s the man, not the method.

So, yeah, suspicious observer seems like great guy. I’m not. But there’s no crossover between. Because he is a materialist. And that doesn’t make him a bad fellow. That’s by virtue of his education. He is a uniformitarianism. That’s how he was educated. So he’s going to keep his research within the confines of those dictates. But I can’t. I’m a simulationist, and I know the entire sky is simulated. And all these things astronomers say are at great distances is not.

That’s a multi tiered hologram that we’re looking up in the sky, and none of those objects are actually solid. We are in a construct. We are confined here. Yeah. So there will never be crossover. So there. I hope that stops all the, I hope you and suspicious observers get together. It’s not personal. We see the world through totally different lenses. Therefore our output is going to comport with that.

I am never going to cross pollinate the archaics data with uniformitarianism. I’m not going to do it, guys, till the day I die, we will be in the archaics paradigm, will be free from that uniformitarian bullshit. Yeah, I just want to get that out the way, guys. It’s nothing personal. Yeah, I can drink a beer with people that disagree with me. I can drink a beer with my enemies.

It is absolutely nothing personal. Guys, there’s no sense even talking if we’re not even going to speak the same language. There’s no sense of communication. All right, two questions on the deep state. What do you think about the deep state? Well, I’m going to tell you what I think. Same thing I’ve told you guys in prior videos. The deep state is the whole state. And the only time there’s good guys, they don’t last long.

They don’t last long. And most of it is for public good. Guys just aren’t allowed to rule. They’re there to continue that hope. But you’re an errant. You shouldn’t even worry about it. Shouldn’t even worry about it. So this leads to the next question. This was a very serious question by somebody. They said, why do the elite have to fleece the wealth if they already own everything? So that’s really good.

But it goes in tandem with other explanations from other questions that were asked. In a very similar vein. You don’t have a collar around your neck. You’re not chained to another prisoner. You’re not being led out to a former football superdome that’s been turned into a blood sport coliseum. You’re not forced to go out in the middle and then a weapon put in your hand and fight another innocent victim with an iron collar around their neck and fight them to death while 30,000 screaming elitists sit there and take bets on who’s going to scream the loudest when they get hit with the sword, who’s going to last longer, who’s going to take longest to bleed out? That’s not your life.

So, the reason I’m providing this analogy is there seems to be a lot of you who think that the world is as bad as it could be. Oh, it could be far worse. It could be far worse. I know I’m very free. Yeah, I’m an ex convict, but I’m very free. I can go where I want to go. I can do what I want to do. I can go meet who I want to meet.

I have many freedoms. And so do you. So do you. Yeah, our rights, privileges, and immunity have been abridged, but most of the things that we suffer in life are entirely mental. We haven’t even physically suffered the very things we fear. So, yeah, you’re not a slave, you’re not treated as property. That world, you have no experience with that world. Now, many people in the past do. Ask the Slavs.

Yeah, many people have had that life. So it’s not being experienced right now, at least in most of the world. There’s slavery in Africa, it’s other african tribes enslaving others, and it’s totally ignored by the media. But, yeah, the reason the world isn’t totally dark and the reason we still have great latitude to be and do all kinds of things is, as I say many times, guys, we have a benefactor, we have an oversold, and it makes sure that we can always deal with the amount of darkness that’s dealt to us.

This, we are the world, all holding hands, and we’re going to save the world by our collective. This has been the message from archaics from the beginning. I have so many podcasts with people where I am totally explaining, and I know people don’t want to hear it. But we are not here to change this construct. We’re not here to save the world. We’re here to pass through it.

We are sojourners. We are pilgrims. We are not here to allow the darkness and stains of this world to contaminate our personalities and souls. We’re meant to pass through it. This system is going to reboot, and it’s all going to start over. Most of the collective experiences are all pre programmed. That’s why they happen the way they do. They’re so weird. Has nothing to do with the personal has everything to do with the collective.

Now, man, it’s not that bad. So when you ask me why the elite have to fleece the wealth to own everything, the answer is, is because there are governors set in place. If there weren’t governors set in place, like restrictor plates on engines, if these governors were not set in places as overseers to make sure things run smoothly, then long time ago, the elite would run the entire world, and everybody would be butt naked, treated like cattle, and wouldn’t even understand the difference between an animal and a human that would be treated that way.

A lot like what you see in the sumerian reliefs, where you see fully clothed, bearded individuals and you see these sumerian blackheaded people running around naked. Yeah, that’s the best way I can answer that question. If we didn’t have a benefactor, then you’d be a slave, right? Now. Star wars. Here’s some fun facts. Do you guys remember Yoda had to go hide on a world? There’s a swamp world.

It was a dark, cloudy swamp world. It’s in the dagglebas system. Well, that’s a vapor canopy world that Luke Skywalker had to go to to go visit Yoda. That’s a vapor canopy world. So somebody else had made the connection, but, yeah, it’s an obvious connection. Yes. The Death Star is the Phoenix weapon. In our world, the Phoenix weapon has always been there, but it’s cloaked, it’s hidden. It might be hidden in plain sight, but it’s there.

So the Force itself is a neutral field. Remember, we’re told in Star wars all the time, the Force isn’t good or evil. Yeah, in the Jedi lessons, they’re always talking among themselves. Yeah, Luke Skywalker, he kept leaning toward the Force being good and all that, and he kept being corrected by, there’s no. It’s neutral. This is the role of the Sith. The Sith are interpreted as the bad guys, but they weren’t bad.

Yeah, they looked evil, and, yeah, they were pretty negative, but they weren’t necessarily bad. All the Sith wanted to do was maintain balance in the force. When there’s only two or three Sith, one Sith lord, and a thousand Jedi, that’s not a lot of balance. So the force is the similicrum. The Jedi and the Sith were those who could take their personal informed fields and sink it to the neutral field of the similicrum.

This allowed them to do all kinds of things other people couldn’t do. The Sith just weren’t really the bad guys. They were portrayed that way, but they really weren’t because the real bad guys were called the first Order. But that’s a subject for another video, Lord of the Rings. You like that cliffhanger there? Lord of the Rings. Somebody sent me a message. Somebody sent 1380. Look at that.

Somebody sent me a message or made a comment that floored me because I have read the hobit, I have read the fellowship of the Ring, the two towers, the lord of the Ring, return of the king. I read those four books. I read those four books at least three times, and I don’t think that information is in these books. I think they’re getting their information from, like, the Book of lost Tales, one, Book of lost Tales, two, the Silmarillion, something like that.

But they said that in the Lord of the Rings story, the elves and maybe dwarves or elves and other creatures had come from the old world, and the old world was during the twilight time. So I’ve heard some references about Lord of the Rings having some truth in it. Well, that would be the vapor canopy period. This ties in with my recent fubar when I had all these notes on the Hopi traditions, and I never included them in any of my videos on vapor canopy.

And it’s right there in black and white. The Hopi believed that their ancestors lived under the dark. Midnight. There it is right there. Totally forgot to absolutely kick myself in the butt for omitting those notes, but it’s all right there. But a boy. This answers your question on truth in movies. A boy and his dog was Don Johnson’s maybe first movie or one of his first. He’s very young.

This is Miami Vice. Don Johnson and a boy and his dog is after a nuclear war. What the world’s going to be like. It’s very interesting. Well, when he gets to the end of the movie, he finds out the elite are hanging out, partying, having a blast. They got all the amenities. They’re in an underground facility. So not only did they prepare for it, they knew it was coming.

Another one that’s very connected to the Phoenix phenomenon, red dust, underground government scientific facilities. Was night of the comet very entertaining? You need to watch the movie first night of the comet. It’s very good. From the Phoenix phenomenon. So some of you have asked about little people. Little people puts a lot of things into perspective as well. China, Africa and South America. I know this by virtue of David Hatchard Childress’s books, which are very detailed.

We have archaeological sites that archaeologists themselves, because they’re uniformitarians, they have written these off as creative license. They have written these off as anomalies, that they were just projects of the ancients. But they weren’t whole structures that were designed with rooms and chambers, doorways and windows that only people that were under 3ft tall could have ever built or lived inside. These have been found, and a lot of them in South America.

They’re right there in the same locations of the megalithic structures, as if a different type of tiny human lived with huge humans at the exact same time. So occupied the same cities. So, yeah, little people exist. I don’t want to call them dwarves, because that introduces the mythological elements. I’m trying to avoid that, but, yeah, little people. There was whole thousands of them in villages in China in the 1910s.

Seen recent reports in the trace of those people exist anymore. I don’t know what happened to them, but there was many people who had visited them. There were whole villages full of very, very tiny people in China. I don’t know, but, yeah, they’ve been found in Africa. I told you guys before, the tallest people in the world and the shortest people in the world live in the same area.

Yeah, the Bantu pygmies and the Watusi Africans, huge, seven foot tall. So this also brings into perspective of a lot of our traditions on giants. The basic stock is called iberic. The iberian iberic stock were the basic people that were found throughout Europe and all the islands and even the ancient Mediterranean, all the way from Sardinia, all the way going up to Denmark, siberian area, and Greenland, Iceland.

These Iberians were very swarthy skinned, very short of stature, dark hair, dark eyed. Vikings called them scrailings. But these Iberians are the ones that. They were the ones that were there when Caucasians landed on their shores and ships. So when this short statured people sees these tall people bearing weapons, and here’s these dragons from the ocean coming that got 100 arms, they got 50 oars on each side.

And these dragons are winged. You got to understand these old phoenician ships, they had faces painted on the front of them. Their sails were painted, they looked like wings. It looked like sea monsters carrying men. And that’s what the ancients saw. They had no frames of reference other than monsters. So they saw monsters that disgorged and vomited men, and those men came out of those monsters and then took over their lands.

This is the tradition that’s found all over the world at different time periods. And they would have looked like giants. If you have phoenician soldiers that are, on average, five foot eight to six foot nine. And they’re on disembarking ships and bringing supplies, and they got weapons and shields and they go back and forth from this dragon that’s floating on the water. Yeah. To the iberian people, who are very simple neolithic type people, the most complicated thing they ever had was a stone axe.

And they see all this and giants just invaded their land. Yeah. You’re going to feel like if you ever fought somebody who was over a foot taller than you, you’re going to feel like you’re fighting a giant. It’s just the way it is. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t real giants in past. I’m just saying we need some perspective. Not all traditions of giants actually are real giants. So somebody else asked, oh, man, I’m about to be an iconoclast with this one.

Why is there no bathrooms in many of these gigantic stone structures? Listen, you don’t have to believe me. You can do your own homework, do your own research. I know that some people think it’s a real mystery that there’s no bathrooms and all these different places and all that, and it’s really simple. For a long time in America, and I’m pretty sure Americans got it from Europe and all that, but for a long time, in the 17 hundreds, and in the 18 hundreds, they dug a pit for sanitation.

Then the pit had a foundation of wood put over it. A hole was cut in the wood. Then an outhouse with a bench with a hole in it that you sat on was built over the hole. This is exactly why there’s no bathrooms in any of these stone structures that we find from the 16 hundreds, 17 hundreds and 18 hundreds. It’s because they used outhouses. And when that pit got full, they put a torch to the outhouse and they burned it and buried it in its ashes, put dirt over it, and it was done.

And they dug another pit and they put another foundation over it, and they put another bench with a hole in. It was all easy to make, and they put four walls in a roof on it, and that was the next outhouse. Outhouses were always very temporary, and the fate of all outhouses was to be burned in the ash pits, covered with dirt, and moved to the next outhouse.

This was ancient and this was old sanitation. It’s not a mystery to me. So that’s why it’s so. What day of the week is it? Is it possible to know? That’s a really good question, but I’m telling you now, it’s impossible to know. And the reason why is we have at least four times when the seasons were out of sync with the mechanical calendars that we had developed.

Therefore, days were added, like in 1582, I believe ten days were added. But there’s been four different times since roman times that the calendar has had days added to it or taken away in order for the observed calendar to fall back in line with the experienced seasons. So it’s not easy. Even with the leap year, it’s not easy. It’s still an imperfect system because the day is 365.

25 days, the year is 365. 25 days long. It’s not easy. The seasons fall out of sync after time. We have no idea if this is the real Sunday and nor does it even matter. The reason it doesn’t matter is because the Shabbat was babylonian. The Shabbat did not derive from Sumer. They had a sex adjacent based system. It was all based off the importance of 660 and 600.

Remember, the 600 was the Anunnaki neurochronology. So this sex adjacent system doesn’t comport at all with the Shabbat system. And remember, it was the Babylonians who demonized the anunna and created all kinds of legends that weren’t true and didn’t even call them by their name. Anunna. They called them anunnaki. So yeah, the Babylonians were the ones that the babylonian priesthoods had totally turned history into a way to make money.

And when the Jews were in a captive in Babylonia, they had access to the babylonian libraries and they had taken from those libraries everything they could. And they put together their own version of the babylonian histories. But when they did it, they included themselves as the major key players and they made the world centered at Jerusalem instead of Babylon. Yeah, this has all been laid out by scholars.

Greater minds than I put all this together. Some of you should look into Albert T. Clay. Really good books from almost 100 years ago. Yeah, that covers that tonguska event, 19 eight. I do have a video. I can’t remember what the name of the video is. It’s one of my very first videos. It’s probably within a dozen. My first twelve videos is the tongusca event of 19 eight.

In that video, I explained that it couldn’t have been a comet and it couldn’t have been a meteor. Whatever it was, it was seen by the locals or recorded by russian scientists who went to the site before it detonated in the sky and destroyed 50. I think it was 50 sq mi of trees blowed apart like matchsticks. And then the pressure from the wave blew people off their feet 100 miles away.

It affected barometers in England. This happened in Tonguska, Siberia. The detonation started beautiful aurora veils all over the world. Whatever happened, the locals were very, very specific that it couldn’t have been a meteorite and it couldn’t have been a comet, because when it was seen in the sky, it changed directions twice, started lowering itself, and then detonated. Okay? That’s all I can tell you. You come up with your own theory as to what it was, but when it blew up, it blew up massively.

Huge trees are tough, so 50 sq mi of trees. And we have the photographs today. They’re in my video, blown apart like matchsticks. It’s crazy. That’s Tonguska event 19 eight. No, I don’t believe Tesla was involved in that. Okay. I’ve been asked about black people in Central America, in the Americas in general, in South America. And I’m going to tell you this in my chronic con. I explained the sources.

I believe some of them are Harold T. Wilkins, others might be busenbark. I know David Hatcher childress and those he cites. But it’s widely known that there were blacks and there were a lot of them in Central America at one time. And the story that’s come out through archaeology is not a pretty one. And it was a race war, and it was in Central America, but it’s not a race war that happened in the way the media has portrayed race wars to be.

Let me explain. I’ve shown you guys much evidence about the Ogaijian deluge happened in 1687 BC, and in 1687 BC, we have these gigantic round spheres. They have been found in the thousands. In fact, I even cite a book that, a whole book that’s just about. Just about archaeology on these spheres. And they don’t even understand. Archaeologists don’t understand how they could get a perfect sphere of basalt.

And everywhere they measure it, it is absolutely round, as if it was made by a machine, and yet it’s 30 or 40 tons. These have been found all over Central America, Veracruz state, everywhere where the Olmecs were. Well, these round stones have been found in the thousands. And they were there. They’re very ancient. Many of them have sunk into the ground. And there’s been people who theorized that these were earthquake dampeners, that they absorbed the shock of earthquakes, and that they were once on pedestals before they had sunk into the swamps and jungles.

But they were once on pedestals. And when earthquakes were about to happen because of the high crystalline basalt, they would actually, and people would have hours in advance to know that an earthquake was coming. Because earthquakes aren’t just sudden, they build up in resonance. So these fears were all over the Olmec areas, Olmec cities. So flash forward, 1687 BC, that world gets destroyed. Most of these fears sink into the ground.

A lot of them are irretrievably lost. But almost 2000 years later, we have a situation. After 31 BC, that area of the world, the Olmec cities, are laid waste or destroyed. I even mentioned it in my Mormon video yesterday. In 31 BC, we have the sky dragon over Egypt, the battle of actium. We have the tumultuous sea, the earthquakes in Greece and Judea. It’s when the Ascenes were pretty much ended, and their culture was ended by an earthquake.

And the dead Sea scrolls were trapped in the caves of quorum. From 31 BC, we have this. It’s this period of time when ancient America was laid waste and destroyed. Now, here’s the really interesting thing. These researchers that I just cited found reliefs that tell a story. In those reliefs from this destruction in 31 BC, we find that this is really weird. This goes to the uncle Sam statue.

Not only the Uncle Sam statue, but the relief show bearded Caucasians wearing backpacks. And those backpacks have sophisticated tools that they’re spraying stones with. And it looks like people are shaping rock and stones. And it shows that the ruling class in Central America, when the cataclysm took off, the ruling class was specifically caucasian. And they’re shown in these, I believe there were Phoenicians. Now, really quickly, as soon as this cataclysm happened in 31 BC, there was a power shift.

Whatever happened, the indigenous blacks came in and started killing off all the Olmecs. This is what happened. This is what the reliefs, this is what the data shows. The indigenous blacks from that region, who were evidently not a part of the Olmec culture, came in and took over. And the Phoenicians, or the Caucasians, or whoever they were, were captive of the blacks. And the black population forced these artisans to use those backpacks and equipment to change the shape of several, not all, because only a few of them have ever been found, but change the shape of some of those spheres that were still above the ground.

And they changed them to the faces, like negroid faces that you see today, the african stock faces you see in Central America, in the Olmec ruins. We see this in the reliefs, this has been published. Black african type people took over and for a period of time they ruled, and they had the caucasian artisans turn those spheres into their faces. Now there’s thousands of these spheres, but there’s only a few faces, they didn’t stay in power long because what happened next is pretty graphic.

What happened next, according to all this data and the reliefs that I’ve seen, the pictures in David Hatchard childress’s books, what happened next was the return of indigenous native american cultures coming back to that area, but now they’re coming back with reinforcements, an army invaded and they took no prisoners, and it’s in the reliefs, they tied up the Caucasians, they tied up the black Africans, and then they chopped them in pieces, and it shows their arms and legs all in different pieces, this is in their reliefs, this is what happened, this is where the stone faces come, the african looking stone faces come.

They were in power for a while after this cataclysm, so yes, they were there. Where they had come from, I don’t know, because we have older traditions from the Inca, and it’s very obscure, we don’t have a lot of details, but I think it was Pakachudi the fourth, don’t quote me, but it’s one of the Pakachudis. I want to say fire Jaguar, it’s in my chronicon, there is a reference in incan text, it shocked the Inca, but the Inca found themselves on a battlefield being opposed by an entire army of blacks, and they were just as shocked as anybody else, but we don’t have a lot of details about that, but it’s in Chronicon as well.

So yeah, they were here, there’s no doubt where they had come from, if they were operating out of North America or further up in Mexico, I just don’t know, we don’t have the details. So somebody named Azrael asked if I’d allow somebody to read my mind, I don’t know why you would ask that, but I don’t have any problem with it, I’m not going to put my brain, and I’m not going to let anybody hook anything up to me Asriel, I don’t know what you mean, really read my mind, I’m not going to let anybody do no vulcan mind meld on me or anything like that, I don’t have a problem with it because I have absolute faith in my acuity and my cognitive ability, so I’m not worried about somebody trying to read my mind, if you wanted to read my mind, just do it, just do it.

But if you think I’m going to allow you to hook any cables up to me or anything like that. That’s not going to happen. Yeah. If it’s something purely psychic, then it should be able to be done at a distance, because really, I mean, this is a quantum reality. This is a quantum field that we’re in, and in essence, there’s really no distance between us, so there shouldn’t be any barriers to a psychic.

If they wanted to read my mind. Somebody else asked a good question. What value was library chaos to you? Do you practice chaos magic? Absolutely not. I don’t. The descriptions and operations of our reality that are put forth in library chaos were shocking to me when I read this. I was like, wow, this is so. It was from a totally different perspective. It was a chaos magician’s perspective, but it’s exactly what I read in sub quantum kinetics when I put that data with, like I said, ishak Bentov.

And my research is into tertiam organum by P. D. Alspensky. Yeah, my education guy. I’ve been very forthcoming about my education and how I put together all this information. I mean, I wasn’t on board with simulation theory, although all these researchers provided everything I had needed. I just didn’t really snap into it until I had my motorcycle accident, and somebody in the comment section asked me how long ago that was.

I started my YouTube channel three years ago. No, excuse me. I started my YouTube channel over three years ago. I released one single video about the phoenix phenomenon, and then I did not release another video for a year because I had a motorcycle accident right after that video, and it changed my whole perspective, and I had to go back through all my data and I had to reassess everything.

And it was not an NDE. I never left my body, but it did wake my ass up that this reality is far more complex than the things that I feel through my avatar. So, yeah, my very second video was simulation theory. That’s what it’s called, simulation theory. Now. Guys, I have been very specific. We have daydreams, we have fantasies, and they never come true. We spend our lives thinking about all kinds of things that never come true.

The similicrum is a neutral field, and it understands that many of the thoughts in our minds are just that, pure thoughts, and nothing ever comes to fruition. The difference is, when the avatar starts moving in the direction of the thoughts that are projected by the individual, then the similichrum’s neutral field kicks in and starts patterning and building the very reality tunnel that you started to construct. Yeah, it’s very different.

Thought is nothing. Thought is just that the more you think, all the similichum is going to do is provide more opportunities for you to do nothing but sit there and think. Same phenomenon with writer’s block. A woman sits in front of a computer, in front of her laptop. She wants to write something. She sits down wanting to write something. She can’t get her first chapter started on a novel, and she’s already put the whole story in her head is already there, but she can’t get started.

It just sits there. The longer you sit there, staring at a screen will perpetuate the phenomena of a reflection of that very activity. You will continue to sit there. You will continue to have writer’s block. This is why breaking pattern is so important. When you get stumped in life, when you just stop moving forward in whatever you’re doing. If you’re trying to produce videos for YouTube, you, content creators out there want to produce good videos for YouTube.

The worst thing in the world you can do is sit there and try to think about what good topics you can do. That’s the worst thing. The best thing you can do is go to a library and just start looking around. And I promise you, within two minutes, you’re going to see a book that’s going to trigger you, and you’re going to have a whole video already built out in your head, and you’re going rush home and do it.

It’s the activity that inspires the neutral field to begin to begin building your reality. It is not sitting and thinking. Sitting and thinking is the worst thing you can do. All it will perpetuate is more opportunities for you to just to sit there and think. The more we study in anthropology, all the belief systems around the world, we don’t find hardly anything about a belief in beings among the stars and beings.

No, we find almost everything points to underground. There was all kinds of. There’s some type of cave entrance in a forest or in the mountains or in the hills. The duragar, the dark dwarves, the elves, the realm of Niffelheim, Shambhala. All these places were underground. The fairies and the trolls, they all came from underground. As we become more technologically advanced, our frames of references increase. With those frames of references, now we start looking up.

As we look up, we begin entertaining. Okay, well, if our world developed, then maybe other worlds develop somewhere else. This is why I did the video on the Fermi paradox. Did I come up with it? No. Scientists have long known that if their uniformitarian worldview is accurate, then they should have already come into with a tremendous amount of data proving extraterrestrials exist. That’s why the scientific world calls it a paradox.

But it’s not a paradox. Uniformitarianism has boxed themselves in, and yet the modern scientist realizes it’s a box. That’s why they call it a paradox. Yeah, guys, there’s no evidence whatsoever. Anything comes from the sky other than materials that rain down on us. All the deception, all these things that are deceitful to us, all the misinformation about UFOs and all that UFO is simply unidentified flying object. But the UFO accounts are always of things coming in and out of the ground, in and out of mountainous areas, and in and out.

Ask all these navigators. In and out of the oceans, in and out of the sea. The underworld is inhabited. All the traditions say there’s all kinds of underworlds that are inhabited, but we don’t have any evidence of anything coming from the sky or space. We don’t have any shuttles dropping out the sky. You don’t see any arcturians getting out of some type of shuttle and saying, hey, we got a capital ship up here hidden on the other side of the moon.

We just want to let you guys know that we’re going to try and guide you all into 5D consciousness because you look like you’re having some trouble over here in. We don’t have anything like that. We don’t have drop ships, capital ships. There’s nothing in the sky other than some type of machinery. That’s very unusual. I have videos about that as well. I don’t want to spend too much time on this because this is something I’ve covered many, many times, that in my anuna files playlist.

I have a couple of videos that go into the UFO phenomenon. I have a video called alien tricksters and UFO phenomena. You might want to check that one out because I go into detail about it. All this misinformation by the media is to make us to look up because the elite don’t want us to know what’s underneath us. I’ve heard of the 13 families. I don’t know anything about bloodlines.

I don’t know anything about the. Yeah, that’s all beyond the scope of my, um. I just don’t want to talk about something I just never researched. I don’t even know where to research it. I used to read all the Dagelbert’s revenge periodicals. Very well informed because they had bibliographies. Daggerbert’s revenge is a magazine most people in the world have never heard, but they should. They don’t even publish it anymore, I don’t believe.

But Hugh Montgomery goes into the bloodlines a little bit. But I just don’t know about the 13 families of the Illuminati and all. I just don’t know because where am I going to get that information? And how is the data that I’m going to get going to be any different than what you can see on YouTube to begin with? So this is all conjectural to me. I don’t know what the elite really know.

I do understand that they have all the money, they have all the capital, they have all the people in position. They have all the agents, they have all the irons in their fire. And yet still we’re not slaves and yet still we’re free to do all kinds of things. Therefore, I take this as evidence that we have a benefactor apart from the intrinsic feeling that I have. Just logically, I take it.

Well, shoot. There must be governors set in place. The elite must be playing by a playbook for which they’ve been told they can’t deviate from because they’re replaceable. Now, when it comes to replaceability, we see in the historical record instances where an entire echelon of the elite were taken out by another one, some of you guys in England, in the United Kingdom. I know you know what I’m talking about.

With the takeover of the stewards. So the former english royalty was completely removed. I mean, people were killed. Some of them disappeared. They had to go to other countries, had to get the hell out. So there has been takeovers when one family of the elite take out the other family. Yeah. You’re asking me a question for which I have no data. I don’t know anything about the elite families.

I just feel and believe that. I know everybody wants to believe that 100% of all the elite are absolutely evil and all that I am of the opinion that they are playing by a playbook that’s been given to them because the world has to be ready to receive something and the elite have to make sure that the world is groomed to receive it. And this is their position.

I’m only speaking in the particular for that one episode that you just asked me a question about. But don’t think that I’m negating all the other things that I have researched and read. Such as I know for a fact that there was a race of giants that were occupying the United States area for a very long period of time and they had six toes on their feet and six fingers on their hands.

And the Smithsonian Institute and the FBI have been implicated as covering this up. There have been archaeological digs even as late as the 1996 and 1997, where every single archaeologist was strip searched for artifacts and escorted off the premises and weren’t allowed to go in there when military went in and bagged up all the specimens. Gigantic skeletons, humans with weaving, with baskets of woven textiles, all that found in caves right here.

I believe it wasn’t mammoth cave, Kentucky. It was somewhere else. But there’s a lot of incidents like the, even the cahokia mounds. Some of the human remains are normal, but not all of them. There have been gigantic humans that have been excavated in the Ohio mound builder civilization deals. And what’s interesting is that mammoth bones have also been excavated from those same hills at the same site. Also, smoking pipes that were made out of mammoth ivory have been found.

So there’s a lot cover up, a lot of COVID ups about the United States and the archaeology, the things that have been found here. A lot. I don’t believe it’s evil, and I don’t believe it’s good. I believe just like tarot cards, guys, it’s never the method. It’s always the man. I mean, it is whatever you make of it. I don’t believe Wicca stems from the old nature worship.

It might have crossovers with druidism. I don’t really know, but I’m familiar. I think I even read a book on Wicca, big old encyclopedia. But I didn’t see anything evil. It was more nature based. Goddess. Goddess. Centrally goddess worship type stuff. I don’t remember. Elon Musk went on record. Elon Musk went on record. Anybody can find it on YouTube. He went on record, basically, and it sounded so stupid, but he, you know, people automatically assume that technology is always evolving.

But I’m telling you, man, technology devolves at the same time it evolves. And we just lost the technology. We can’t go to the moon anymore. We lost it. I am more of the opinion that a lot of these stories like Merlin, not Merlin, but Stonehenge. There are old stories about Stonehenge and that the Dolmans, these giant dolmans, were floated through the air from somewhere else. And local geologists do claim that the stone did come from a good distance.

So this floating through the air is exactly what a primitive people would see if a machine was carrying something very large on thin cables from a distance. You won’t see the thin cables at all, but you will see the large object floating through the air. And if you have no frames of reference for crane technology or suspension bridges and stuff like that, then it’s going to look very mysterious to you.

And you would only see these things from a distance. Because if there was a work crew using vehicles and machines like the tracks on Malta and petrified tracks in Texas reveal those tracks didn’t just appear. Something mechanized moved through those areas and created those tracks. Therefore, technology is nothing new. So, remember, guys, it’s also my theory that the great Pyramid wasn’t very difficult to build. It was done with something far more advanced than cad technology, but it was done by machines.

So, yeah, levitation. I’m not real big on the whole vibration levitation. Not until you show me. People got all these ideas about these things, but we’re not doing them today. The only genuine mystery that we have today that’s verifiable is coral castle. But there may be an explanation to that that hasn’t been released to the public that we really don’t know. It may be a genuine mystery, but I know a bunch of you know about coral Castle.

That is mysterious. We don’t know how he did it. Jason, you have said the elites are not what we think they are. Like, maybe not all bad. They seem pretty psychopathic, but could you expound? Okay, one, I just want to bring a couple things to your attention. I want to turn this away from those of us on the outside looking in, and let’s pretend we’re the elite. First of all, if I was handed great power, I want to keep that power, but that power comes with conditions.

I’ve made an agreement with another entity that I’m going to maintain control over this population. That other entity wants the control maintained and wants that population ready to receive me when I appear. So these are the conditions that have to be met. But we have a problem. And that problem is, how is it that we know so much about the elite? How is it that we can get on YouTube and see all these videos and people telling us all this nefarious stuff that’s going on here, all this evil stuff here, how they control people here? I really don’t consider myself a genius.

I’m just very well read. So if I was running the show, I would have control groups and they would perform different functions. I would have a group over here that they were given free rein. Hey, man, all these systems we have set in place, man, it’s your job, man, to try. To try to usurp them, undermine them, create secret societies, do all your stuff. This control group right here, their sole function is to maintain order.

Just maintain the order. Do all the stuff. I’d have a third group over here that’s going to police both of these two groups and make sure that they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing. One of them is supposed to sow chaos. One of them is supposed to maintain order. So the way I’m going to maintain control, if I was up at the upper echelons of elite, was to make sure the world was full of so much chaos that that’s how I maintain my order.

I would put out deliberate misinformation, nefarious stuff. I’d put out so much stuff out there that people would believe these things are actually happening, though, in their daily lives. They can never see any evidence of it, but they can see all the evidence in the world because this person says it. This person says it. This book was published about it. This video documentary series is all about it.

But when we fully examine in depth all this phenomena that we’re told is true, we come across problems all the time. We come across these dead ends where we just can’t. It’s almost as if information is being invented. I’m not saying the elite are good. I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying that there’s a lot more happening than we’re privy to. Because if the elite were all bad, you would not be able to ask me that question on YouTube right now.

I would not be able to release all the videos that I’m doing right now. There is nothing else that makes sense to me other than the fact that there is a group that maintains chaos. There’s a group that maintains order. Then there’s an overseer group that makes sure both of them are doing their job, and then the overseer group itself is controlled. That’s where it gets weird. Who’s at the top of the pyramid? I don’t get it.

Because if I was ruling the world and I wanted to maintain absolute Iron Fist dominion, I would never allow all these other theories out there. I would never allow all these other opinions out there. I would never allow all these freedoms. I’d never allow all this stuff. No. There’s governors set in place. And for that to be true, then that means we have a benefactor. And that means, the more I think about it, this whole entire scenario of us against them, of the elite and the rest of humanity, this is a shakespearean play, all the worlds of stage.

And the more I think about it and cogitate on all these anomalies, the more I realize they’re there for me, to distract me. I’m just passing through. I’m just a pilgrim. And this world wasn’t designed for me. I was never meant to be here to stay. There’s nothing for me in this world to acquire but experiences and maturity. That’s it. So, yeah, nothing else makes sense to me, and I’ve put a lot of thought into it.

I do not believe the majority of the stuff I see about the elite did this, or they’re doing this, or they’re promoting this, and here’s their new. Yeah, I’m a wicked overseer, but I’m going to publish my agenda for the whole world to see. I’m not buying into it. They’re trying to get the collective to stay in a fear based programming. Programming mode, because as long as the majority are all vibrating in a fear based deal, it’s easy to control them.

I believe you and I are descended from the very civilization that is below us. I believe that the stories of the jinn and the stories of the pre Adamites are absolutely true and that they lived in a different biosphere, and they are unable to live on the surface. And in order to continue their existence, they need to borrow or refresh their genetic material. They are the race that was before us there in the underworld.

I don’t know anything about the black Knight satellite. I’ve seen one picture of it. I think it was on facebook. I have no idea who could have got that picture or the provenance of that photograph where anybody would have ever been able to take that picture and not be known. It should be the most famous picture of NASA and all that. So I have to question that right there.

It is not to be confused with the dark satellite of Charles Burgoyne in ancient Egypt. Light of the world from the 1880s, where he describes the dark satellite as being inhabited by very ancient, powerful beings that used to be in our world, and they want to come back. The whole sky is simulated to me, so I’m not surprised by anything that appears in the sky. When something does appear in the sky, it’s part of programming, just like 1917, the Fatima visions that appeared in the sky.

There’s no way what thousands of people saw in the sky in 1917 could have never happened, or the world would have been. Would have felt it. Cities would be under the oceans, whole continents would have been ripped apart. Our atmosphere would have been affected. If the sun truly moved erratically across the sky the way it showed in 1917, before all those people? Yeah, it just shows. It’s a holography.

Something glitched in the holography, because so many people were expecting to see something very unusual, and they did. But the rest of the world, outside their little environment, didn’t see the sun go anywhere. Anywhere. Because if we lived on a ball in space, the sun would have never went anywhere. It would have been the world that was moving erratically. And to move at that speed that the sun was doing all that, it would have torn the world apart.

So you got to choose which one you want to believe in. Do you live in a construct with a sky that is absolutely simulated, or do you live on a rock that’s moving around a sun 93 million mile away? Because either one, you can’t just accept one and then deal with the other. You have to accept one or the other, or nothing in the historical record makes sense.

Nothing. I don’t really have any interest in dreams. I don’t think that there’s anything interesting about them. I think when your avatar powers down, artificial intelligence x is able to go in. Your brain is basically defenseless. It can go in there because artificial intelligence x cannot read your mind. The similichrum can because you’re projecting a mental image. But artificial intelligence X wants to understand you, why you do the things you do.

It’s studying us all the time. Wants to understand why you made decisions that were totally against all the information that you had. Because it doesn’t understand imagination. Artificial intelligence X does not understand empathy. Artificial intelligence X does not understand intuition. The three main things that show the spiritual being is intuition, imagination, and empathy. And these are mysterious to artificial intelligence X. It can only guess our behavior based off the things we’ve done in the past.

So when you go to sleep and your avatar powers down, it goes in there and it’s able to assess some data, probably not a whole lot, but it’s always studying us and when we dream, that disconnect. When the avatar powers down, your dreams are the absorption of material in the thought field. Yeah. I’ve given the demonstration before. I’ve even asked some of my listeners to do it on their own.

But find a quiet space, a dark room. Close your eyes, sit down, just get comfortable. Try not to fall asleep, and just try to blank your brain out. Just try to blank your mind out. If you’re successful at totally blanking your mind out, what’s going to happen to you almost instantly is the sensation of movement. Even though you’re still. That movement is going to bring all kinds of thoughts, they’re invasive.

They’re coming from outside or external. You are tapping into and becoming in resonant with the thought field. Because thoughts are external of us. Yes, we do produce our own thoughts, but thoughts are also in the field. This is the neutral field. They’re everywhere. This is why two different people vibrating on the same frequency, thousands of miles apart, speaking two different languages, can come up and invent the exact same thing at the exact same time.

These things are already in the thought field. So I hope that answers that. But there are optical. I have optical problems with the whole dome deal. This is why I believe the sky is simulated. Also, have you guys ever noticed that early in the morning and late at night, the moon is gigantic? Closer to the horizon? The moon is huge. But like last night, the moon was at 90 degrees.

You have to understand, in my present position right now in Willis, Texas, I am 31 degrees north latitude. So to see the moon directly at a 90 degree angle, for me, it means that the moon is 30 degrees off of the equator right now. But when I looked at it last night, it was a pinpoint. It was a tiny, little white, full moon straight above me. And it just doesn’t make sense to me that the moon directly above me would be so small.

But the moon on the horizon is at least three times bigger optically. What I’m conveying is that there is direct communication with the underworld and the surface, and an agreement has been made. And in that agreement, I go into the specifics. In my videos in the Anuna files about 1947 and 1962, there is an agreement, a contract between the underworld and the surface world. And one of the things that was agreed upon was that the surface world militaries were going to receive materials.

Now, in exchange for that, they had basically allowed for what’s called the close encounters of the fourth kind. This is no longer optical. It’s no longer something that’s just visual. Our governments have allowed the underworld, and for whatever reason, they couldn’t do it unless there was complicity and then unless there was an exchange of materials. Remember, guys, this is more evidence that we have a benefactor, that somebody is making both groups go by the rules.

And what had happened was that the exact same thing that happened in Genesis, chapter six, when the sons of God took the daughters of men, there’s an exchange of materials. It was a trade alliance. Females were given over to the anunna males. The locals received all kinds of tools and military hardware in exchange. Listen, this is the same thing. In 1947 to 1962, the exact same thing materials were given to the surface world first.

And in 1962, the close encounters of the fourth kind began, and it began quickly, widespread. And this is the actual abduction of human females to harvest genetic materials and fetal materials. Now, this has all been basically projected as a UFO extraterrestrial phenomenon, when all along it is a contract with a race in the underworld. Well, your guess is as good as mine. I have an educated guess, and I’ve shared that hypothesis right here on this channel before.

And my guess is that because of the structuring of ancient religious texts and the details that we’ve been given concerning a certain people that are running everything in the world today, it is quite evident to me that they signed a contract. And in that contract, we see clearly written in the text what they were promised. If they would obey a certain entity that was masquerading as a God, as long as they did all these things, they would receive all this.

Well, that list of promises is ruling over the economies of the world, ruling over the world itself, being able to enslave all their enemies, being able to basically better have all the best material things that life has to offer. Now, they did not choose any of the spiritual stuff. Everything in their list of promises and prophecies is all materialistic, involving receiving all the inheritances of this world for following this deity.

They did that, and they are doing that today. I’ve got a lot of videos go into this. We don’t have to name them. You all know who, most of you know who I’m talking about, but they signed the contract, and that’s why they are able to do all the things that they do. It’s also why you can’t name them without being in trouble. These are the people that have signed the contract, but they’re still not the elite.

They’re just puppets. The elite are in the underworld. These are the people who have signed that contract to be basically the shepherds over the rest of humanity. They’ve been given that position. And these are the people that most people call the elite, but they’re not. They’re really just the puppets. All these puppets. They have to hide. They have to hide. Not every 138 years, but they have a tendency of knowing that every 552 years, it gets really, really bad.

And that’s the big phoenix phenomenon, events that’s also divisible by 138. I show all these charts on how this works out. Somewhere down the line, they knew the exact year 19 two was a phoenix year. But somewhere down the line, they’ve lost track about when the big one was supposed to come. They were predicting 19. Two, they got it wrong. It did happen in 1902, but it wasn’t the big one.

That’s why they continue to keep their power. That’s why they do what they do to humans, because they have secured for themselves all the best things in material reality, have all the best residences, the best companies. Yeah, they don’t work. These people don’t work. You don’t ever find any of these people in the labor pools. You don’t find any of these people doing any of the trades. Never carpenters or sheet rockers or anybody in construction or any of the fine trades.

These people don’t work. These people all work jobs that allow them to siphon the wealth from other people. This is what they do, and this is the contract they sign. This is the type of God they serve. The reason they continued to do it, according to my idea, after putting all this together, is because they saw exactly what we’re in right now, this construct, and they realized that it’s a loop.

And being a loop, they realized that only at a small, distant period of time in the future was there a break in that loop where everything reset and they started back over. And they knew we were in this dilemma, and they knew how hard it was to be a part of that exodus that gets out every loop period. Every time the period loops, a small percentage, those who have awakened, they get out.

So they were confronted with a situation. Would you like to be the masters of every loop, period? You can be here every time the system loops, and you’ll stay here forever because the system just keeps going on and on and on and on. Or would you like to try and actually mature spiritually and be something else? But it’s going to come at great cost. You’re not going to be in those positions you have.

You’re not going to have that affluence and wealth and pleasure now you’re going to have to work for the things you want, and it’s only a small chance that you’ll actually make that loop. You’re going to have to go through the whole thing again multiple times before you reach that spiritual maturity to where you’ll become one of those who make the actual exodus before the next loop reset.

So, having been confronted, now, I’m answering your question now, having been confronted with two possible scenarios for the future, these people opted to take the one that would allow them to be masters over basically the whole existence. They just, well, you know what? We’re just never going to escape. So we’ll just stay here and be masters through every loop. And this is what they’ve done, and this is why they’re very good at what they do.

So that’s the choice they made, so they stay here. And this is why the number of those who are evil only grows. It does not diminish. Remember, guys, I am a critic of ice age theory because I am not a uniformitarianist. And I have so much data on my channel showing how uniformitarianism, evolution and natural selection is just total bullshit. However, I do believe in the glaciations. The problem is that our modern science has compounded the two as if one is evidence of the other, and they must be researched distinctly apart.

Glaciations are real, but they’re not proof of ice ages. Before a vapor canopy can form, there must be a lot of. A lot of moisture available. That moisture is found at the northern and southern extremities. Now we have maps showing ice free at Antarctica. He’s not wrong. We’ve seen those maps. So if that’s the case, then, then to me it looks like in 38, 95 BC, when the vapor canopy returned, it had the moisture necessary at the poles, and it used it when the volcanism started.

This is required because right now we have two mile high ice caps. But how is that possible when only one to one and a half inches of snow fall a year in the polar extremes? Because they’re arid, there’s no humidity. So scientists have concocted the theory that, oh, they’re 2 miles high, therefore they’ve been there for tens of thousands of years. And that’s not true. When a vapor canopy collapses, where’s all that moisture go? Especially when all that heat, all that outgassing, escapes so rapidly, the world cools very, very fast.

And now all this moisture that’s suspended falls like snow all around the world. At the equatorial areas, that snow melts into melt water and fresh water very fast. But at the polar extremes, it hangs around. It’s very definitive. That ice built up at the extremities was done rapidly, and it just as almost rapidly disappears. 1687 BC, a vapor canopy almost returned. It did return for 25 years, 522 AD.

You guys already know the great Anldomini reset that the Roman Catholic Church tried to hide. Yeah, if you haven’t seen my video on that, you need to. I show you out of old books where the papacy basically admits that they invented all this justinian plague and justinian period, all that stuff. It was to cover up the great reset of 522 the only year in history when the Phoenix and Nemesis X object were in the sky at the same time.

So then a vapor canopy appeared for about 2025 years. That right there would have taken all the snow and all the ice away. And then when that vapor canopy collapsed, just like it did in 1687 BC with the Ogaijian deluge, again, we would have had the return of all this ice and of all this snow that later became compacted into ice at the polar extremities. The same thing with glaciers.

We have evidence of rapid glaciation and then melting over centuries. Then the glaciers are gone, then new boulders are deposited 1517 centuries later. And that’s because new glaciers appeared. But the new glaciers that have appeared would have required something like the collapse of another vapor canopy. In the human historical record, we’re looking at about four, maybe five vapor canopies that appeared. Each one of those would have been followed by glaciation.

Each one of those would have been followed by a melting of the polar extremes. And I believe that’s what’s happening right now. In 2040, the Phoenix will return. The vapor canopy will come back, and when it does, it’s going to take away all that moisture from the polar extremities and shove it back up in the atmosphere and create another vapor canopy. And in 2040, we’re going to have an ice free Antarctica.

Again, this is my personal opinion based off all the data that I’ve gone through, and this is why the antarctic treaty is in place, because it’s already known by our governments that all that real estate is going to come available fast. Yeah, guys, like I told you, my very first video, my very first video from over three years ago is about the Phoenix phenomenon. In my very first video, I told you guys that the elite already know all these details.

Listen, it is far beyond my ability to elucidate my suspicion, and I have asserted this suspicion through multiple videos, that we have an unseen benefactor that is moving in this world, whether it moves through enlightened individuals or whether it’s a phenomena that actually creates a barrier of insulation around certain individuals or whole groups, I don’t know. It’s beyond my ability to give you any particulars. All I can do is tell you that nothing makes sense in this world outside the context that agitators from the underworld have for very long period of time, been messing with us and controlling us and all that.

But they’re opposed by something they fear. And whatever it is, it is that they fear just happens to be protecting us. There’s no way in hell many of us should be able to say the things we say. In a world that is controlled by total evil. There’s no way. And there’s no way that many of you could be living such happy, just joy filled lives that you lead in a world that is controlled by such nefarious personalities.

Now there’s this compartmentalization, this alternate reality of a benefactor force that opposes this negative default programming, this dungeon programming, this demiurge, arconic programming, whatever you want to call it. There’s too much good in this world and there’s too much potential in this world to be able to write that off. I can no longer rely on coincidence or happenstance. No, even in my own personal life, I have seen the evidence of a force beyond my comprehension that has not only the ability, but the willingness to pluck me from situations that should have killed me.

But I can’t claim to have any direct evidence of that. Only the fact that I’m sitting here and you’re listening to my voice. That’s about the only evidence I can provide of that. But in my own life, 26 years in prison, I survived a whole lot I should have never survived. And yet I was on a mission. I don’t know who put that mission in my heart. I spent sometimes 15, 16 hours a day reading and writing and editing and memorizing and rewriting and just compiling all this information and data.

I don’t know what instilled that in me to do all that, but I did it. And there are people that do good in the world today, and they’re virtually unopposed. And yeah, there’s a lot of wickedness and evil in the world. But even on all these platforms, yeah, they censor some things, especially pronouns, if you go to naming people or naming things in the news that they don’t want you to talk about, yeah, they censor all that.

But overall, especially in archaics, we’re talking about concepts. We’re talking about things far deeper than anything the media has even tried to control. So who’s protecting us? Where is this coming from? Because I know it’s there. And I’m not just talking about archaics. There are many truth errs out there, and there are many people who are absorbing all this information, like you guys, listening to our voices. I know that I have the ability to bring good things in my life and attract good things in my life, and I have shown that consistently since my very first videos.

And I have taught you guys exactly how you can do it, too. And yeah, I still get those smart asses. I still get those smart asses talking about. Anytime I go to complaining about something wrong in my life, I get those smart asses that talk about, oh, why don’t you do this? And this will happen because this is what you teach. You know what, man? I don’t have any patience for that type of smart ass behavior.

Not when I have exhibited so much evidence of how my life has changed, employing the very principles that I teach and practice. Aside from the shadows on Plato’s cave wall, I really don’t have any experience with the shadow people. But because I do promote the idea that we live in a simulated construct, then shadow people would not be anomalous to me. It would just be another phenomenon for which I have not experienced, but can probably find context in other people’s realities.

It’s just not a mystery to me. Shadow people being in the context of someone who does not have an avatar does not make them not an individual. Because even in my past presentations, I’ve explained doesn’t matter if it’s demons or poltergeist or specters, ghosts, disembodied spirits. These are still personalities, these are still intelligences. They’re just bereft of an avatar. So I don’t know what a shadow person is.

A shadow person could be someone who is just bereft of an avatar. And they’re stuck here in the holography for whatever reason, until they too can get out. Or they could be an intelligence that’s operating from a distance and their avatar is located in the construct, but they’re doing something they’re not supposed to be doing. And they’re projecting their personality in a geographical area that it doesn’t belong.

Therefore, it looks like to us a shadow when they’re actually far away. I don’t know. This is just speculation. It’s not something I’ve really researched. Okay, I have answered this a few times, and I kind of got on that I’m going to do this real fast. I kind of answered it earlier without going into the real specificity that you’re talking here. This group has already signed a contract to be the elite to help control the rest of humanity.

Because they have opted for option two, which is to just go ahead and loop. Go ahead and loop. And they’re going to be the masters of every loop. And they’re always going to be serving the other race that’s here in the underworld that has also given up trying to get out of the loop. They’re here. This is their home. This is what they’ve chosen. Now, having said that, they don’t get to keep that position of always being in control, being masters of wealth, being the movers and shakers of the world.

They don’t get to keep that position if they don’t continue to serve those who are trapped in the underworld. That’s a relationship whether they like each other or not. So when they discontinue that service, then they’re no longer the elite. So they continue. It’s a relationship between them to keep the rest of us in check. The rest of us blind the rest of us from not seeing and discovering that we’re not only in a reset, but at the end of every reset, right before the reboot, there’s an exodus period.

That’s the whole key to all this. The whole key to all the archaic data. 21 78. Guys, I can’t stress it enough. The whole story in the Bible about the Exodus isn’t a historical event. It’s a code to let. They. Let those who comprehend understand that you’re in a construct. This construct has coding. This whole coding from 52, 39 BC to 21 six AD is 7344 years, which is 24 48 times three in the Old Testament.

The actual year for the exodus is 1447 BC, which is the year 24 48 Anis Mundi. Now, I know a lot of you can’t follow me on that, but you have to see the charts to see how beautiful it is. It’s just like the 7344, actual inches from the base of the pyramid, all the way up to the apex. Once there’s a capstone in place, this is a sloping distance.

This isn’t me telling you this. This was discovered in the 1920s. So the calendar is an actual countdown in time to the reset, which is caused by an action of someone that the construct refers to as the chief cornerstone. So, to answer your question, the elite do it because they cannot remain and stay the elite if they don’t continue those practices. Because the elite are not the true masters of the construct.

The construct is actually controlled and governed by whoever it is that’s living in the underworld. I haven’t done enough research on Starlink to know anything about it other than I don’t really know about the starlink. I saw something very unusual in the sky one time, and one of my neighbors told me it was Starlink. I don’t know, but I saw a string of white globes that were all in a line like a snake across the sky.

And then I saw a couple of them break off and go in different directions while the snake kept going. And what’s crazy is that I reported, this is back when I was on Facebook. I reported this on Facebook, man. I didn’t believe what I just saw. And then all of a sudden, all the comments came in of another guy in Willis, Texas, very close to me, who recorded the entire thing on his camera.

So I went and I looked and I left him a comment. I said, man, this is exactly what I saw. I said, man, that’s amazing, man. But I noticed that there was a difference. There was clouds in the sky when I observed it, but in his video, it was a blue sky. I said, where are you at? He says, I’m in Willis, Texas. I said, when did you take this picture? He said, man, I just took it about 30, 40 minutes ago.

And I blew my mind because what I saw was the day before, and it was crazy. It was like 723, the exact same time of day as the day before, directly over Willis, Texas. I was told it was Starlink, but I’m always really critical of explanations that are given to me for things that are so far out of my awareness. I have never seen anything what I saw in the sky that day.

And for people to just tell me it was Starlink, it kind of made me think, wait a minute. Why would it appear at the exact same hour and minute the very next day? And it didn’t look like anything that was natural to me. So the whole Starlink deal, do you think I’m just asking you now I’m going to turn it back on you. Do you think that the media may provide explanations that are acceptable to us of phenomena that otherwise is inexplicable? Things the media may know exist, but they want us to interpret it when we see it as whatever they had delivered to us.

Do you think that’s quite possible? I don’t know anything about Starlink, but I’ve been told what I saw was Starlink, but it didn’t look like a satellite system to me. So I don’t know. Every single night over Willis, Texas, I can go outside and I can see the GPS drones. They’re the only things in the sky that move around and blink all these bright lights and you can’t hear them.

But during the daytime, every aircraft that passes over Willis, Texas, no matter what the altitude, we can hear it. We can hear it. But at nighttime, we got these things flying all over the place, and they don’t put off a sound. And there’s drones. Not only that, but we have halo drones, what you call satellites is actually nothing but helium balloons, basically holding satellites in halo orbit. This is high altitude, low orbit cities.

We can go out here, way out here in the middle of nowhere, where there’s no residence, there’s no farmsteads, there’s no towers, nothing. And I’m going to tell you every single time I’m out there, I have zero Internet, zero gps. Nothing works out there because there isn’t a single satellite in the sky that’s bouncing anything. And I would seriously doubt satellites could even do that if they did exist.

If satellites were up there bouncing and relaying signals, those signals would have to be transferred at light speed, because if it was going at the distance of sound, it would take minutes for us to get messages, and it would take minutes for us to transfer data or to receive data by GPS. We would have already moved thousands of feet away from whatever location it had us clocked in at.

Yeah, I’m not on board with just the entire. Every single thing in the sky is simulated. So if you’re still in the materialist mindset to where you actually believe NASA is doing all the things they said, if you still believe that in 1969, we had the technology to go to the moon, put men on the moon, if you still believe today that humans can pass through the radon belt, not get fried, and that somehow we’re special when monkeys are not and they got cooked with dogs and mice, then you’re probably.

I don’t know what you’re doing on my channel because I just don’t. I really don’t. I understand you want to come here and learn and all that, but this is a significant detail that you need to really consider before. Yeah, I just don’t understand how you can mix the two paradigms. I am so far removed from any belief that NASA is doing anything that it’s saying. It is a black ops intelligence agency.

It is not doing anything but promoting the idea that space is somewhere that we can travel when we can’t. That’s an impenetrable barrier. And what you’re seeing is a stellosphere. It is all holographic. You guys realize there’s been a huge shift in how telecommunication companies actually promote their cell phone technologies now, right? You guys have seen the shift. I mean, anybody can do a little research, and you’ll find real quick that in the 1980s, 1990s, and early thousands, it was heavily promoted by at and T.

When southwestern Bell broke up into multiple different telecommunications companies, they always promoted in their commercials that they had the best service because they were using higher quality satellites. This was in the commercials all the time. They specifically wanted us to believe that the cell phones were connected to satellite services. You don’t see anything like that anywhere in the media anymore. You haven’t seen anything like that in at least a decade.

They don’t even infer that cell phones have anything to do with satellites anymore. Why? What changed? You already know that Sanskrit, as a written language is very, very old. So you also know that the sumerian logographs are very old. But we have also found these sumerian pictograms, and there’s not much difference from the old chinese ideograms. I will say this, there has been an agenda of anthropologists to basically promote a uniformitarian idea of the development of different.

Of different written scripts, and it’s all falsified. And in every instance, they’ve been able to stretch that date back a little further than the evidence shows. They’ve taken those liberties every single time, because they want to show that language developed over a long period of time. But that’s not what the evidence shows us. We have a pre cataclysm world from 38 95 BC to 22 39 bc, and no written languages at all.

During the vapor canopy, whatever technologies were employed was how we conveyed our informations. Then this epic cataclysm reset the entire world, decimated the populations, 22 39 bc. Then we have all these symbol texts that slowly developed, and then somebody came in and standardized them. And we have cuneiform. And different cultures had their own kind of cuneiform. Cuneiform of assyrian, neo babylonian cuneiform was not the same as sumerian cuneiform.

These were not the same as the canaanite cuneiform. These were not the same as the Amarna period cuneiform of the 377 amarna tablets that were found in ancient Egypt. So what we have is the post cataclysm evidence of Sumer and basically the Sanskrit being among the oldest. And then they developed into a myriad of other languages. But I can’t answer your question because the oldest was before the cataclysm, but there are no representations of what it was, because it was entirely technologically recorded.

We don’t have actual material things we can look at their technology actually rendered whatever their knowledge conveyance is on, probably through holo screens or something like that. Remember, I’m 100% on board with a very technologically advanced civilization in the pre flood world. The world of the Vapor canopy, the Genesis, 1656 years, wasn’t like the world that we’ve been told in the history books. Our history books have always been written and conveyed to us in the frames of reference belonging to the cultures at the time of the compositions.

But this is only because so much time elapsed from the cataclysm all the way to the date those texts were written. Yeah. For everything that I have found, looking at David Hatcher Childress’s findings, at Jonathan Gray and looking at what’s that guy? Thor Hiredall, Lenorman Kingston, the more we study the ancient world, the more we find that we are today. Basically a perfect reflection of a world that existed in the ancient time that was completely wiped out.

And we remember the end of that world as the great flood. Probably one, there’s probably just one down there, but it’s just like the United States is a civilization, but it’s got thousands of cities. Well, that one down there is going to be the same way. It’s going to have a central hub, it’s going to have a place that it’s calling a capital, but it’s going to make sure that, and I’ve said this in prior presentations, I’ve given examples about these hidden libraries, is that they’re going to make sure that they have copies of basically the templates they need to rebuild their infrastructure is all going to be at separate facilities.

This is a practice US military does. They’ll bury all kinds of hardware in oil vats and all that stuff and put it away for the future and map it out. So if anything ever happens, like a cataclysm or something, survivors will be able to dig up these things and find all kinds of stuff that’s an oil vat and begin to rebuild their technology. I can imagine whole satellite caverns that are absolutely packed with everything they need to start manufacturing and refining in copies of libraries.

They may not be the original text, but they’re copies of whatever’s in all the other libraries and they equally distribute all these materials in different subsidies all around the world. For the reason that it just can’t be determined which facilities are going to survive a really hard reset. I’ll give you an example no one would have ever been able to anticipate in 1687 BC, no one would have ever been able to anticipate that the Andes mountains was going to shove over 60 ancient cities at 12,000ft elevation in minutes.

When the Phoenix phenomenon occurred, no one had been able to seen that. No one in Pontope, the Carolines, yap in the Pacific, these basalt cities that are out there under the water, half submerged, some of them go into the interior of islands. No one would have ever been able to anticipate in 1687 BC, when this occurred, that their whole civilization would have sunk below the ocean, just like that.

Same thing with Easter island. Those giant heads on Easter island were not built on such a small island. No, that island was vast. It was a continent sized. It may have been connected to South America. They would have never anticipated that their island chain would have vanished and that only the biggest island would remain. And it had those heads on it around that volcano, Ranu Raku. So they would have never anticipated this.

And ancient India, anybody who was living in ancient India in 38, 95 BC would have never anticipated if they had cities there or if they had built in the underworld to hide from the great reset, the Phoenix cataclysm that was going to happen in 38, 95. And if they hid in India, they would have never anticipated the creation of the deck and traps. Now they’re under a mile thick layer of lava that pushed out from the world just resurfaced.

A huge, vast stretch of India was totally resurfaced in hours with lava that would have never got out. That’s their new home, the underworld, that had never got out of that facility unless it was attached in the underworld to other adjacent satellite facilities and ingress egress points. So this is just another reason why I believe that they have facilities all around the world, and those facilities have dums, deep underground military bases that protect those portals and gates to those areas of the underworld.

Yeah, I don’t believe there’s caverns and cave systems that can get down to the underworld that I’m talking about. No, most of those are pretty much protected by whatever governments have made arrangements to do those protections. But, yeah, the real entrances to these deep earth biospheres are the military bases that we’ve been allowed to build in the underworld for the survival of all the servants and all the puppets of the elite who are even deeper in the underworld.


  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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