Now, am I 100% accurate in everything that I do? Absolutely not. Never claimed to be. I do claim to be more accurate than most. The ancient Maya believed that there was a cycle of destruction that was 2,760 years. I believe that was Hans Bellamy around 1901 or 1902 who wrote that, who published that, documented that. 2,760 years is highly specific. That’s just the beginning. That’s the first data point. The second data point. The Inca believed in a 2,070 year period. What? That is way too specific. Why add 70 years to 2,000? 2,000 is a nice round number.
But they did. This is the second data point. Third data point. Aristarchus and Samos. Alexandrian Library, very large, read historical books and historical monuments from hundreds, maybe even thousands of years before his time and he did this 23 centuries ago. Aristarchus and Samos was convinced and he published that every 2,484 years our world is destroyed. 2484 years is very specific. Different languages, different continents, highly specific numbers. That’s our third data point. Fourth data point. A thousand years ago, Moses Maimonides, also called by his pseudonym Rashi, published that in the period of 1656 years, the world is destroyed twice.
Well, that’s interesting because 1,656 years is the hottest example. But that’s our fourth data point. 1656 being a very highly specific number. Tradamus, Michaela del Nostradol said that there was a period before the flood that was important. He wrote this in a letter to King Henry IV. What was that period? It was 1,242 years. Again, fifth data point. Here’s a number that’s highly specific. Highly specific numbers are not random, my friends. You have some explaining to do, but let me go on to the sixth data point. The sixth data point in this challenge is that, as I’ve explained to you guys many times, we have pornographic materials in the ancient world that specifically dates the O’Gaijin deluge as occurring in the year 2208.
That’s a highly specific dating. 2208 is said by many other authors to be exactly 1687 B.C. This lines up perfectly with W.J. Perry’s research, Children of the Sun. 551 pages of research showing that every dynasty in the ancient world collapsed from 1688 B.C. about. But 2208 is our sixth data point. It’s too specific. It’s the dating of the O’Gaijin deluge, which Harold T. Wilkins identifies as a phoenix phenomenon in the soul. That’s our modern calendar. Anno Domini was started in 522 A.D. to hide an older calendar system called the Phoenix Cycle.
And the Phoenix Cycle was 552 years, and I cite all this research in my in-law videos. Six nicely packaged data points. These data points are all highly specific. Stephen Jones, biblical chronologist, studying the history of the world and analyzing biblical chronology, the book of Jasher, book of Enoch, and the Assyrian Epidemics. That man found a 414 year timeline embedded all throughout history where terrible things happen. Yeah, he called it the cursed earth period. 414 years is very specific. Now, I’ve reviewed other ones, but this is sufficient for my data set.
That’s seven. Seven data points right there. So that eighth data point here is the fact that every single number is divisible by 138. Can’t make this slope up. You serious? This 138 years then, we can ignore the fact that the Great Pyramid is patterned dimensions of 138 as I’ve shown. We can even ignore the entire 138 year history of the Phoenix. Now, 3895 B.C., 2653 B.C., 2239 B.C., 1825 B.C., 1687 B.C., 1549 B.C. The Phoenix was documented in all these years. 1411 B.C. Yeah, guys, 1135 B.C. Sure was 583 B.C., 445 B.C., 307 B.C., pond dynasty, 169 B.C., 31 B.C., the ancient Americans were destroyed, Olmec civilization collapsed, fire and red dragon appears over Egypt, Egypt during the Battle of Acton, major earthquakes level Olympia and Greece, and it’s one of the worst series of earthquakes ever reported in each day.
31 B.C. was terrible. 246 A.D., 378 A.D., 522 A.D., 522 B.C., Capitalism Australia. this entire data set that I just presented to you. Now, for you guys that are claiming that history is all made up, it’s all bullshit, all these books are forged. Listen, you have gone to the opposite end of the spectrum. I’m on board with redaction. I’m on board with revisionist history. I’m on board with lacunas being filled up with the imagination or the research of people later on. I’m on board with retrospective histories. You have my attention, guys, but what you can do is go all the way to the other end of the spectrum and say all history is bullshit because it wasn’t the establishment that revealed this 138-year patterning in history to you.
It was Jason of Arcades that did that. And he did that using all these old books that you claim are fake. So you have some explaining to do. I got you. I got you. [tr:trw].