Neville Goddard and The Secret: Archaix Analysis

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➡ The author criticizes the New Thought Movement and the teachings of Neville Goddard, arguing that positive thinking and emotions alone don’t bring about desired outcomes. He emphasizes that actions, not just thoughts or feelings, are what truly influence our reality. He believes that our physical behavior sends signals to the universe, which then responds accordingly. The author encourages readers to actively move towards their goals, rather than just thinking or feeling positively about them.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the power of positive thinking and self-belief in shaping one’s life. He shares his personal journey from being a prisoner to becoming a successful author, highlighting the importance of perseverance and self-confidence. He criticizes the false testimonials and inflated reviews on platforms like Amazon and YouTube, suggesting they can be misleading. He also expresses concern about the rise of AI-generated content, questioning its authenticity.
➡ The speaker warns about the dangers of deceit and manipulation in the digital age, emphasizing the importance of skepticism towards visual evidence due to potential manipulation. He also discusses the power of confidence and self-assurance, suggesting that these traits can lead to success and fulfillment. He references Neville Goddard’s teachings, encouraging the application of confidence in one’s actions to achieve desired outcomes. The speaker also shares personal experiences, including his dislike for city life, his discomfort in crowded places, and his time in prison, to illustrate his points.
➡ The speaker shares his experiences of racial bias and unfair treatment in prison, where he spent 26 years. He believes the system is designed to control and manipulate, similar to the government and media. He also discusses his belief that thoughts alone are not enough to achieve goals, but must be followed by specific actions. He uses the example of planning for a hypothetical house in the country, where he would research and prepare as if he already owned it.
➡ The speaker encourages proactive planning and action, suggesting that we create our own realities through our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. They argue that everything we need to achieve our desires already exists, and it’s just a matter of adjusting our paths to reach them. They also warn against living reactively and stress the importance of confidence and creativity. Lastly, they mention some disputes in the field of ancient history and knowledge, hinting at debates and controversies among certain figures.


From time to time in my comment sections I see people mention Neville Goddard or how they attempt in the comment sections to bridge Neville Goddard’s material with my own. And I mean, that’s what life’s all about, trying to find commonalities. I get that there’s a lot of people who have listened to Neville Goddard and I’m talking about when you got, Neville Goddard’s got the people who post his material, we’re talking about hundreds of thousands of views. But if that method was truly working for the majority, then why would, why is the view count so high but the world still so terrible? You have to ask yourself, sounds really good, but is it working? I’ve often criticized the secret by Rhonda Byrne and I’ve showed you in my own awaken the immortal within the differences.

So you have to ask yourself, first of all, the story of Rhonda Bond, what is that story? Is it the story of somebody who was up against incredible odds, came up from nothing, became somebody, built an empire, affected other people’s fields, increased in significant value to the international community, increased basically the livelihood and expectations of the people that surrounded them and beyond. Is that the story of Rhonda Byrne? Because I don’t get that. No one’s ever told me a story like that, but that’s the story of Jason, of archaics, especially those who’ve been following me from the beginning when I had $27 in my pocket and I performed a little ritual, not that I believe in magic, but I believe in the field.

And I understand how the field accepts information and how you communicate to the field. And so, and so do, so do our predecessors. This is why they, they perform these elaborate rituals. This wasn’t because they believed in magic, it’s because a mouth can say anything and the construct knows this as well. People self talk, talk to each other all the time. People say things all the time and nothing comes to pass. So I’ve criticized the new thought movement, I’ve criticized the secret of Ronda Barda. Barn became extremely successful because so many people were painful for that hope.

When they’re all paying you $12.95 for your book, of course you’re going to be a multimillionaire, you sold 2 million copies. Of course Ronda Barber is going to look. So people translate success with accuracy and it’s not true. Billy Carson’s very successful, but is he accurate? No, that’s why he’s successful. This is what the world does. The world churns out these shills that become filthy rich because they excel, hope. That’s why, from the exception of my channel, I’ve been real big in telling you guys. I’m not here to tell you anything. I’m here to show you.

Not only do I show you in my presentations and in my demonstrations, I show you the data and show you the sources. I quote the authors that I borrow material from. Not only that, but the rhythm of my ways, the very architecture of my personality, the unfolding of events in my life that I have documented for you the ups and downs, the patterning of my life has been one demonstration after another. That the things that I’m telling you are absolutely true. Thoughts are things, but they don’t do anything independent of something else. Nothing. You can think all day long.

The new thought movement is wrong. There’s good material in Thomas Troward. There’s good material in Wallace wattles. There’s good material in the door lectures on Edinburgh. But they’re missing key fundamental. Missing a key fundamental. And this is what I’ve tried to hammer into you guys over and over in my presentations. The new thought movement concentrates on thought and thinking. That’s only part of it. The reason it has been successful for a minority, but not the majority, in the new thought movement over the last century, century. New thought movement came out real strong in the 1910s is because people added an element to the thought.

Listen, all the daydreams in the world will never affect a reality. Yeah, she’s not going to. Do you know how many, do you know how many horny adolescent guys were in the eighties fantasizing about Bo Derek, Morgan Fairchild, Brooke Shields? Man, please don’t hit me with that b’s. These are all men. I don’t want to hear this shit. I don’t want to be offended like that. Maybe some of these famous models from the past were men, but it’s not the subject matter in this video. You guys like to populate my comments with that shit? All the fantasies in the world when you lay your head down at night effect you nothing.

They do nothing for you. All they do is inform the construct that your future is going to be filled full of fantasies, saying, look, I’m gonna give real with you, man. This is real talk. It’s the same thing about masturbation. Get caught in that feedback loop. Then you realize why you don’t have any sexual encounters. You don’t have any meaningful, set me meaningful sexual encounters with anybody. Because masturbation is not thought. Masturbation is not feeling. Masturbation is an activity. It’s an activity, guys. And the construct reads what your avatar is doing in order to ascertain what your avatar wants.

It creates the world that you, that you want, that you want for yourself. And the construct knows you want it because you’re always doing it. This is the key. I try to tell you guys, Neville Goddard, the feeling is good. I don’t want to sit here and denigrate, but it’s missing a key component. Neville Goddard does touch up on it, but people, people live, they stick to the, they stick to the idea that Neville Goddard is trying to tell them about the feeling. It’s all about the emotion, it’s all about what you’re feeling, and it’s not true.

True, he is correct, but what’s incorrect is the interpretation people are attaching to that is that all you have to do is feel positive about something and a positive result will affect. It’s not true. Neville Goddard’s thinking was deeper than that, but that’s not the interpretation people are taking away. Neville Goddard was absolutely correct. The emotions are integral, the feeling. And it’s because emotion affects behavior. What is behavior? It’s very simple, guys. Behavior is conduct. Conduct is activity. Nothing I’ve told you is wrong. In the, in the archaics paradigm, I have been very, very clear. Your avatar must be moving in the direction of what you want to come to pass.

If there’s something you want to experience, your avatar must move in that direction and the construct will receive that as signals. Why? Because your thought means nothing. You can think all day and nothing happens. You can talk to yourself all day long if nothing happens. The motive force here is that you must borrow from the construct in order to get the construct’s attention. And the only way you can do that is to move your avatar in the direction that you want. Why? Because as I’ve revealed to you multiple times, you are not your avatar. You are a mortal spiritual being, borrowing this, what you call a body, what you call flesh and blood and sinews and muscles and bone structure, all this.

This is nothing but a programmed avatar that allows you to experience a programmed reality. If you’re going, if you’re going to be a co creator, then the interface must be strong. Co creators don’t just think things into the existence. Co creators don’t, don’t, don’t just feel the feeling. This is. Neville Garner was correct. You’ve got to feel those, those emotions, because emotions affect behavior. It’s your behavior. Guys, let me give you an example. Over and over and over in our personal lives, we fear the outcome of a series of events. A lot of times, we even admit we are, we are the one that set that series of events in motion.

And we wake up, and we wake up in the morning with that perennial fear. It’s there. It gnaws at our mind. It’s like the matrix says, like a splinter in your mind. And all day long we think, man, what are we gonna do about this? What are we gonna do about this? And you let it gnaw, and you let it worry. And then anxiety creates stasis. This is what it does. Stasis puts you in a feedback loop of no activity. Nothing gets done. It doesn’t matter that you’re anxious, and it doesn’t matter that you fear a certain outcome.

The construct is not going to change or alter the trajectory of the circumstances. If you truly believe something bad is about to happen and you live your life accordingly, something bad is probably about to happen, or you wouldn’t have that feeling to begin with. But if you don’t want that bad thing to affect your life, if you don’t want that bad thing to unfold at that magnitude or unfold at all, worrying about it will never alter the programming of that, of that. Of that event, that reality tunnel. But what will alter it is your behavior, because whatever you’re physically doing is going to be taken up as a signal.

Signal is going to be translated by the construct that, oh, okay, so this is what she wants. Oh, this is what he wants. We were put here to be co creators. If we weren’t, there would be no such thing as dungeon programming to stop you from co creating. It’s as simple as that. Neville Goddard was correct. The feeling is integral. The feeling is necessary, because a positive feeling, a feeling of confidence, a feeling of peace is going to affect your behavior, and you’re going to act as if something is going to be okay. And the very act, the very belief that something is going to be okay is going to modify your behavior to conduct yourself in doing operations and activities that automatically allude to the fact that what you formerly feared is no longer existed.

That’s accomplished because you are feeling like it’s not going to happen. So your avatar reciprocates. The reciprocation of the avatar is what is watched and observed by the construct. You’re a co creator. You use your own power, given to you by the oversoul, borrowed from the oversoul every single day to literally make the things come to pass that you fear because you’re living your life the exact opposite of what you should be doing. Neville Goddard. The feeling he’s right. Most people’s interpretation as to why the feeling is integral is completely wrong. You must move your avatar in the direction of what you want.

This is what I do all the time. Guys, guys. I’m nervous about things, guys. I don’t have that total confidence all, all the time, but look at the. Look at the amazing things that I have accomplished. It’s incredible. It’s absolutely incredible. Here’s a case in point right now. Here’s a case in point right now. I’m going to show you. See if I can turn my screen around. You see what’s in. Yeah, I used to. I used to be in those all the time. That was my life. That is a Texas Department of criminal justice prison bus.

That’s not my life anymore. You see them all the time on these back roads in Texas here. I’ll give you a good view of it. Hell, I probably know some guys in there who knows? That’s the Texas Department of Criminal justice prison bus right there. That ain’t my life anymore. All right, let me turn this around. You can’t see them out the back window. I got some cargo today. I got an antique china cabinet. Get this back. Back when that China cabinet was made. It’s over 100 years old. It’s got old brass, all kinds of stuff.

It’s got chinese letters all inside the drawers. Inside the. It’s awesome. All custom made in China. Back then, the Chinese were making awesome stuff, and you had to. You had to bring it on shippersen boat to the Americas. Hell, yeah. I paid a few hundred dollars for that in the back. Now everything in the United States is made in China. It’s all. It’s all shitty. Oh, yeah. Slow down. That bus right there is going to a prison. I used to be at. It used to be. Used to be called. I’m in Cold Spring, Texas. The only prison that that bus could be going to is Livingston, Texas.

It’s where death rows at. Used to be called the Terrell unit. When I was there, we called it the terror dome. That’s what it was. We were on national news, like, five times in 1994, 95, and 96, I think 97. Two for being one of the most violent prisons in the United States of America. Nothing to brag about. I’m just telling you I was there. So that’s where he’s going. That’s where I’m heading right now, live, east Texas, actually. I’m going to lake it on the outside. Passing through cold spring right now. Texas is massive, guys.

I don’t even believe maps anymore. I don’t even believe in the cartography. I’ve seen so much evidence of map alterations, and it’s like, you know what? I don’t know, man. I don’t know. I just don’t know. It takes you twelve to 13 hours, the state of Texas, when you’re driving 80, 85 miles an hour. How big is that? It’s huge. It’s huge. So Rhonda Byron, the secret, I don’t know if she wrote her book out of personal experience. I read it, and what I saw were the testimonies of. And this is why. This is why I don’t.

I don’t like that formula. I saw the testimonies of, like, 50 different people in the secret who all told their story of how they used her method and their life was awesome. But the book seems to me like a grifter move, because if you want to be fair, you didn’t show. You didn’t show the hundreds or maybe the thousands of people who wrote to you talking about this bullshit. I haven’t changed the thing in my life. In fact, I made my life worse. So, yeah, that formula doesn’t work for me. Testimonials that form, it doesn’t work.

I’ll give you not. Let me give you. Let me give you a good example about why testimonials are highly, highly deceitful. So I went on Amazon, and I looked at order J Dreamers books. He’s got two of them. Absolute garbage. Trash. No bibliographies. Copy and paste. B’s. Terrible grammar. All self published. Hardly any words per page. A lot of air on each page. It’s just a waste, man. I get it. It’s a grip. You’re trying to make money. I get it. But all I go look at his reviews, they’re fake as hell. So there’s no way in hell these people gave this man all these five star reviews.

But I’m aware. I’m an author, guys. I was a writer before I was ever doing videos on YouTube, and I was published. One of the only. I’m talking about the top. The top 0.1% of convicted felons in the world. Secure publishing contracts while they’re still doing prison time. It’s almost unheard of. And I did it. I had four books published before I got out of prison. Legitimate books, not self published books. I’ve been in the game for a long time. I studied oratory, I studied rhetoric. You guys a lot of you guys know my history, but I was a writer.

I’ve been a writer since I was a kid. I was a writer way before I was doing all these presentations. Deal. And one thing I know because I used to be, I used to join all the writers guilds. I used to get all the publication. I sketched everything. One thing I know is it’s very easy on Amazon to buy reviews. Just go read the reviews. Trash ass book. If a trash ass book and get a whole bunch of booze, they’re all fine. Like Billy Carson’s books and all that. You know damn. You know damn well this dude’s a grifter.

It’s total psyop. Absolutely total psyop. In the wrong place. There it is. Look. I’m looking for landmarks. All right. About to hit 222. Go over the Livingston Dam. This is central East Texas Hill country. I’m about to go throw them too. So the formula doesn’t work. Anybody can buy five star reviews now. It’s, it’s just like a YouTube. I wish YouTube would employ more, employ a new policy. YouTube would get much respect for me from doing it. If you haven’t logged on to a YouTube channel that you’re subscribed to and watched at least ten minutes of a video every six months, you should be unsubscribed from that channel.

If that was to happen, you would see how popular archaics was as opposed to all these channels that got over a million. I mean, think about it. Billy Carson goes live. He can barely give 400 people in his live chat. I go live, I get 2500 people. I’ve had as much as 3200 people in my chat. So I’m saying if they would, they would employ that you would see equity, you would see, you would see these hyper inflated channels that aren’t doing shit. They may have had interesting people before, interested subscribers before, but people are basically labeled, labeled lazy.

And they don’t unsubscribe from things that, that now bore them. Because most of YouTube to me is boring. And I’m, I’m real, real careful about who I network with now because of all the deceit, the traps, man. These deceptions are everywhere. Have you seen how many new AI generated channels there are? These people aren’t even real. It’s like wow, man. It’s a fake ass human fake data. And especially in the tartarian stuff, man, it’s like wow. There’s only so many old photos you can find. There are no more. My library is very old and I’ve got thousands of pictures that John has taken out of my old books.

But there’s nowhere you’re not going to keep finding all these old pictures. These are AI generated, and the evidence is in the detail when you look at them. Hell, man, come on. After a while, you’re beating a dead horse. There’s only so many different ways to talk about all these old photographs, but older. I keep seeing thumbnails and photographs that are impossible. There’s none of this has ever been photographed. It’s never been seen. But the technology is becoming so good, people are now using real photographs and running them through AI software to make the manipulations, but using the AR software to cover up their tracks as well.

There’s AI software. Software out there for everything. Yeah, man. Guys, I’m telling you, the grift is real, deceit is real. It’s all out there. You got to be real careful of what you. Of what you accept as evidence. Now, you know, you know, for the beginning of my channel, I’ve always told you guys, I will not receive, I will not accept visuals as evidence of anything because it’s all highly manipulated. I got a lot of people that hate me for it. I ain’t worried about it. But the law, the line of people that hate my gun cuts is very, very long, guys.

But it’s never gonna stop me. Why? Because Neville Goddard wasn’t wrong. The feeling is absolutely integral. Not because in and of itself, it’s important at all. The feeling is integral. The feeling is integral because it modifies your conduct, your behavior, has you doing activities that elude to certain outcomes. Let me explain. If I think. If I think that a house is going to be open on the market and available to me because I. Because I’ve heard from a realtor that the seller had moved to another state and was taking care of somebody with a bunch of medical problems or something.

I’m just freestyling, and I thought about it. Okay, well, they moved to another state taken. And they’re taking care of somebody with a bunch of medical problems. That means they’re not here anymore. They have no use for this property in this house right now, and it also means that they have added expenditures in their life. Well, I really want this property. I really want this house. A realtor said it’s a possibility that he’s gonna sell, so I’m gonna go ahead. Why? Oh, almost missed my turn talking to you guys. Look at y’all made me do so many winding roads back here.

All right, I’ve left cold spring about to turn on 222. This is Livingston. Livingston Dam, bridge, and some hill country. The dam is huge, guys. Livingston Dam is gigantic. I know the dirt. The dirt that they had to put on there that would have filled a skyscraper. No, several skyscrapers. The dam is, Matt is huge. Lake Livingston’s gigantic. One largest lakes in the United States. All right, come on, guys. Y’all need to figure out what y’all gonna do. These long trailers. Y’all need to get out the way. You back in up. Too much traffic. Come on.

This is weird. Earth is going on here. All right, well, since y’all don’t want to move, I’m taking this. All right. Pleasant Valley Road. Gotta be careful on this road. Beautiful country out here. I can’t stay in the city, guys. I’m just not a city guy. Not a city guy at all. I feel alive out here in the country. I go in the city, I get depressed surrounded by people. I know it’s hard to believe. I know. It’s really hard to believe, guys, because I keep my shit together, and I promote fearlessness. That’s how I live my life.

I just can’t do music concerts. I’ve been to three of them now. I didn’t have a good time at all. All three of. I didn’t have a good time. Just didn’t. As a matter of fact, I was. I was. I was invited into the pit at the Limp Bizkit concert coming up. I’m talking about the pit front. I’m talking about right there. I can reach out and touch him. I went in and declined. Told him I can’t go. I’m sorry, guys. Oh, man. Just can’t do it. Can’t have all the people around me. I just wouldn’t know.

I spent too many years in prison surrounded by people. I don’t want people around me anymore. I don’t mind for short periods of time, but not with a bunch of loud music and screaming and, like, man, what’s the point? If I want to hear loud music, I’ll put my headphones on. I don’t take enjoyment from those things. I don’t take. I don’t take a lot of enjoyment at all from watching movies and tv either. I just feel like I’m robbing myself from doing something that’s beneficial. And this affects my relationships as well. There’s nothing normal about me.

So, you know, friends and family, they don’t. They don’t, uh. They don’t find a lot of common ground with me because I don’t. I’m just moving to a different ticker. That’s all. But Neville Goddard wasn’t wrong. The feeling is very necessary, but the feeling itself means nothing outside the context of moving in the direction of where you want to go. Why? Because that is confidence. Confidence is the most powerful thing you could ever have. I’m just going to say it. I said it before, but it needs to be said in this video. Confidence, self assurance is.

Is absolutely. Is absolutely necessary. And this is why the world itself demonizes those who are very, very confident. How many times have you seen a prick? Have you seen an asshole? How many times you’ve been in the presence of somebody, you thought, man, it’s a real. That’s a real prick right there. Oh, but he says things with self esteem assurance, and people respond around him accordingly. And you think, oh, man, this is a narcissist. Oh, yeah, this dude right here is full of himself, but he lives the life he’s wanting to live, and people reciprocate. He’s moving his avatar in the direction.

He’s talking the talk. He’s walking the walk, and the world looks at him, and they perceive him to be an asshole behind the scenes. You don’t know. He may be altruistic. He may be taking care of somebody who’s, you know, can’t take care of themselves. You don’t know. But you do know that when you’re around him, he acts with absolute confidence, and things seem to go his way, and he seems very successful, and he never has a problem paying for everything. And you realize he’s also very affluent, and you just don’t know. Confidence inspires creativity. Confidence is amazing for what it does.

If you apply Neville Goddard’s teachings and just be confident, very confident in the things that you do, confidence will translate to confident activities. Confident activities are actions that you are doing. Your avatar is actually doing things, because it is. You are assuming something in the future that has not yet happened is already true. This is confidence. It is also the reason the world demonizes it. I’ve also told you, if something is true and you act and you. And you know it’s true, that means the end is secure. And if the end is secure, then that means all the steps leading up to the end are secure as well.

And if you live your life with that type of confidence, that it doesn’t matter that your coordinates are something different today, because the coordinates of tomorrow are going to put you exactly where you need to be, and you live life accordingly. Your avatar will follow suit. And in following suit, the construct which is able to modify and create new circumstances. X Nihilo will begin modifying all the programming of your life. So that tomorrow when you are on. When you are jacked back into the central nervous system so that you can utilize your avatar. Because during REM sleep you’re not even here.

When you’re jacked back into the system tomorrow, the programming that you set in motion the day before can now be. Can now be a reality. It’s not a reality until you experience it. And the reason is, is because the construct is so amazing that the programming knits for you multiple reality tunnels. Just in case your avatar does something different. You have choices. You’re literally living in a choose your own adventure novel. Some of you don’t know what I’m talking about. Especially so. Especially some of you youngsters out there. You don’t know what I’m talking about. But choose your own adventure.

In sixties, seventies and eighties, those books were the shit. Read a bunch of them. I have one. One now. I have one from the eighties right now that just. Just for pure nostalgic reasons. It’s in my studio. Real close to the terror dome. Living Livingston prisons. Right there over those trees. I can’t quite see it. Real close. Maps of maximum security Livingston. Living Livingston prison. I was there five and a half years back in the mid nineties. I was on the win unit. Supposed to go to college when I was young. And they put me in there with a bunch of adults and I got a bunch of fights and they gave.

What’s crazy is I’m the youngster new to the unit. I’m there for college. And I’m the one that got all the disciplinary because everybody I fought was a black dude. So yeah, it was real bad guys. I’m not afraid to call. Call it. I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid to talk about it. But they had a real racial program going on. The administration, if they were to give disciplinary to all the black inmates that were beating up white guys, it would tell the truth about what was going on. And that they weren’t. They weren’t actually. The security and guards weren’t doing anything.

So, you know, in order to keep the books clean so the public wouldn’t. Public wouldn’t get involved. For every white guy going into prison getting a shit beat out out of them, they started falsifying all the disciplinaries. That’s what they did to me. And hundreds of other white guys. Thousands of white guys go to maximum security. Here I am, 17 years old. I get shoved into a adult prison. Next thing I know, man, I got all kinds of people wanting to fight me. I ain’t done nothing. I just came to prison. I’m in prison with you.

It’s always racial. Back then, it was. I had a lot of fights with black dudes. And I’m the one who got off disappearing. And I’ve showed you guys, I got a video that shows my disappearance history. Show it shows all the times I’ve been to ACR, administrative self cell restriction. I’ve been to solitary, administrative segregation, close custody, medium custody, maximum security. Yeah, guys, looking at my prison record, you would think I’m a demon. And I’m not. I was just defending myself. But I got the cases and they got to walk. Real racial back then, guys, in the administration.

The administration is no different than the United States government. It’s no different than mainstream media. They promote this racist agenda because it’s a control mechanism. How is it a control mechanism, Jason? Well, I’m going to tell you. White men, white men and white women are the majority in the United States of America. We’re still the majority. This was founded as an anglo saxon nation, and then we took in a whole bunch of Irish, took in a whole bunch of Germans, a bunch of polish, but they’re all european. The United States of America was essentially, essentially white.

So when I went to prison, 1990, I believe the demographics were, the african american population was like 8% of the population. That’s nothing. That means 92% of the population was not black. That’s an extreme minority. But the FBI, they quit. They quit. I used to show people these all the time, but they quit publishing the FBI criminal justice annual statistics. I used to get them all the time because of the huge disparity. When you’ve got this gigantic white population, which hardly commits any crime, and you have a very small minority, a black population, that’s very small, and yet they account for over 90% of all the murders, all the burglaries, all the property crimes, all the aggravated assaults, all the sexual assaults, all that shit.

So it’s all. Yeah, in the nineties, they started covering all that up by throwing the disciplinary cases and all that on the deal. I’ll give you another example. How many people have you ever heard who was locked up in prison, got seven years for a cell phone? Yeah, that’s me. Anybody can look that up. I was in prison and I got tired of waiting on parole because they hung that carrot in front of me, you know, for good behavior. But the truth of the matter is, they were never going to parole me. They were never gonna parole me.

So I told Ted, I basically told Texas, you know, why don’t tell you what I told Texas. I already said. I already gave that story in another video when I told the whole parole board. And I meant it, too. Yeah. I couldn’t believe it. This shit came out of my mouth. And they turned around and freed me. The exact opposite of what you would expect to happen. I told them the business. I told them exactly what I felt about them and what they were doing. And I told them to eat mine. You. You know what it is? Yeah.

Then they came. They said, parole commissioner to come talk to me personally and then let me out of prison. 26 years and 42 days in prison. I got released from prison by telling the parole board to eat my beep. It’s amazing. I got denied parole seven or eight times before that for telling the truth. Just like I got sent to prison for telling the truth. It’s crazy. Absolutely crazy. Yeah, man. So anyway, long story short, Neville Gardner, the feeling is it. The feeling is it. I can’t even remember what I was telling you about. The person had something to do with it.

Confidence, maybe. This coffee jog my memory. I learned to be confident in prison. That’s where. That’s where my confidence came from. And it’s paid off in spades. It’s paid off in spades. Man. That’s a nice shot of coffee. You guys know the origin of shot of coffee in prison, that’s what you call it, a shot of coffee, but it didn’t come from prison. Didn’t come from prison. I saw a real cool YouTube video the other day, and I subscribed that channel. I don’t subscribe to hardly any channels at all, but I subscribe to this one because it was pure education from old books.

In the old west, the cowboys would come in exhausted, tired. Sometimes they didn’t have enough money. They needed to bathe a shower. They need, you know, they had money to bathe and shower and get some new tools and all that. And they’d send money to their loved ones by the post, my Wells Fargo stagecoach and all that. But it would leave little, a little, very little for them. So they go out there and work another month. The old west got paid by month. And, uh, the origin of shot came from shot of whiskey. I used to think shot of coffee was a prison term, but it was shot of whiskey, and it just.

It blew my mind. I so appreciative of that video. No more cowboys had come in and back then, bullets. Bullets were worth a lot. Yeah, man. Bullet. If you. If you ran out of bullets, you’re dead out there. So it became acceptable practice at the taverns when they see those cowboys come in exhausted and all that they take. The cowboys would take a bullet off their gun belt, and they’ll lay it on the counter. And it was admission that, hey, man, I’m broke. I’m broke. And I really like to. I just need a drink. Take that bullet off, and he would get a small shot glass of whiskey, like, on the house.

So sometimes the taverns, sometimes the bar keeps, would give them that on the house. Other times they put it. They put it in a bullet bin. Every once. While that bin would be full of bullets, somebody would just come in and buy it. Somebody would just come in, buy that whole bin full of bullets. And that’s how. That’s how the tavern would get their money back for the whiskey they gave cowboys. That became a shot of whiskey. A bullet, man, I love that little story. So I’m not trying to demonize Ron Byrne, you know what I mean? I’m not trying to demonize Neville Goddard at all.

I’m agreeing with him. I’m just telling you guys that there’s other elements here. Anybody whose formula focuses on thought is wrong. It’s wrong because unless your personal conduct follows through on the thought, the thought means nothing. It means nothing. Anyone trying to focus on emotions, you got to be emotional about your vision board. You got to be emotional and all that. I don’t even agree with vision boards. There are so many women in their forties and fifties today who are not living the lives that they expected to live and who spent their teenage years in their twenties staring at vision boards and thinking those things.

And their lives did not become that at all. And it’s because they’ve wasted their lives on formulas that did not maintain that integral component of activity, not any activity, but specific activity that follows the thought. Your activity must be, it must conform to a mental picture of something that you are already agreeing with yourself exists for you to experience, although you have not yet experienced, experienced it. That’s the true faith. And if you have that kind of faith, my friends, then the avatar will follow suit and you will start doing things in your life as if the vision you have is already true.

So, back to my analogy, what I’m going to do about that property and about that house that I want way out in the country, this is a hypothetical, is I’m going to start doing things in my personal life that I would do as if I already owned it. Such as, I need to start researching the type of different gas generators I want to be out there. I want to back it up with electric generators. I’m going to start looking for different types of stock because I really like goats. I’m going to have all kinds of refuse and all kinds of food.

I’m going to have a burn pile. I’m going to start looking at ways for waste management, better septic systems. I’m looking for gardening apparatus. I’m gonna start researching all the things I’m gonna need for my garden. I’m gonna start laying out pen and ink plans for just different things I need. I’m gonna start assigning rooms for different projects, studio, whatever. I’m gonna get all this out. I’m gonna start outlining all this. The house already exists and it’s already there. The properties already there. But I don’t want to wait till I actually get it. I want to have all these plans already executed and done.

Things I need to buy. I’ll go ahead and start buying some of the things that I need. You know, things that I need. I know for a fact that there’s certain types of exterior. Exterior halogen lamps that I really like, that are antiques that I want outside of my house on these posts around. Around my property to give my whole property an ambient soft green glow. I already know this, so. So why am I waiting on? I’m gonna go ahead and buy all that, and I’m gonna put it in my storage, and I’m gonna stack up all these things and get ready because the house is already mine.

The property’s already mine. And I just gotta wait for the construct to give it to me. Because every day that goes by that I’m thinking about this and I’m feeling good about it. My avatar is doing things that already accepts it as true. It’s that simple. You, sir, are a dumbass. I’m going 85 miles an hour, and you just pass me like you’re doing sicken. You had to be going 50 miles. The dude’s already gone. I don’t know if y’all saw, could have saw that, but he’s going so fast that there’s no room for error. Wow.

It’s pretty stupid because there’s a highway patrol all over this, all over this stretch from here to Lufkin. Everybody knows it’s like the gateway to the north. Major trafficking going on here. Always law enforcement on 59, 69 north. So, yeah, I can’t remember why I mentioned the prison deal outside the context of confidence, where I learned confidence. You know what? This entire video really be summed up with? A quote that I’m always saying, act as if you are and you will be. It’s that simple. It’s that simple. Act as if you are and you will be.

And you got to remember, always, if the end is secure, every step leading up to it is secure as well. It takes confidence to move forward like that. Content confidence unlocks creativity you don’t even know you possess. You’re a co creator. You got to stop living that reactive mindset. You’ve got to stop. You’ve got to stop engaging the construct. Quit it. Don’t engage. Let all this shit pass you by. Let it go. Run on the phone. You don’t need it. You don’t need it. The construct is always looking for ways to build new worlds. The only way new worlds ever get built is by individuals who build them through thought, through the emotion that goes with that thought of knowing these things are going to come to pass, which naturally brings excitement and expectation.

And these thoughts and feelings, if they’re real, will always be followed by the correct conduct. Your behavior is what creates your reality. Anything you’re going through in your life right now, now is a direct result of the behavior of the past seven or eight weeks. Yeah, we’re living inside programming. It’s going to really suck for a lot of people when they realize once they’ve exited this construct that all along you wrote your own code. It’s going to really suck for those individuals when they see all the potentiality they lost. Don’t live a reactionary life. Be the life and let the construct build for you what you want, because it’s all here.

Nothing has to be invented to bring you the life you want. Everything is already here. The only. The only problem right now is the distance, the separation of coordinates between things in the field that you want to possess and experience and where you are currently heading right now in the field. Because it’s an amorphous field, all it takes is one slight tweak to readjust your trajectory straight toward the very things you want. This is my presentation, all in the comments that were left in my conversation on Neville Goddard. Sorry if I went on other tangents about other things that were unrelated, but you already know that’s my Gemini mind.

I can talk about one thing while addressing another. Good evening. This is Justin from arch hikes. The forecast is going to be slightly deceptive, with the mainstream narrative laced with a load of crap to follow as every station is reporting the exact same garbage. There’s no need to listen to any other gatekeeper. We have in on good authority that Graham Hancock continues to peddle the misinformation about the correct dating of Atlantis while pretending that jason off archaic has not publicly called him out to debate the matter like a professional. Also in breaking news, Billy Carson of forbidden knowledge was seen fleeing out the back of the New York Expo as Team RK was entering the building.

We have been told that Mister Kerr Carson’s handlers are not letting him get clobbered in a debate about the accurate interpretation of the Shah and Luna count systems. It’s starting to look like a running man contest. We’ll keep you posted.

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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