Archaix Overseers Hidden in the Lying Skies

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➡ The text tells the story of Mithridates, a poison king who opposed the Roman empire at a time when it was rapidly expanding across the Mediterranean. It highlights Mithridates’ successful conspiracy against Rome, resulting in mass killings of Romans across Asia Minor. It also alleges that a meteorite or a guided missile (interpreted as divine intervention), which struck just before a decisive battle between Mithridates and the Romans, disrupted what seemed like imminent victory for Mithridates.
➡ The text is mainly the recount of the historical events featuring King Mithridates VI of Pontus and his battles against Romans during 69-63 BC. It outlines numerous uncanny occurrences like comets, tornadoes, and earthquakes during these events. The text then transitions into discussing theories about unexplained phenomena like the Bermuda Triangle, suggesting that these might be controlled or influenced by some higher power or entity. It examines historical battles, mysteries, and sudden disasters, questioning the conventional explanations and implying a larger, unseen control over world events.
➡ This text discusses how common historical narratives, such as the story of the Bubonic Plague, may not align with reality but are shaped by manipulative forces that distort our perception. The author juxtaposes this with paranormal incidents like UFO sightings and unexplained disappearances (like that of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370), suggesting a connection between these occurrences and the presence of higher dimensional aggressors. The author states that our current understanding of reality is a Newtonian physics world, limiting us from seeing the truth of a more complex, holographic nature of reality.
➡ This text details theories of alien abduction and the manipulation of human biology by “higher dimensional intelligences,” suggesting that women are often returned following abduction while men are often kept, potentially for a breeding program. It further explores the concept of human existence as part of a complex programmed hologram, hinting at our potential influence within it. This idea merges into a further discussion on insect invasions that have occurred without clear explanation, with insects potentially introduced by unknown external forces. The text references specific historical events—including an unexplained “insect famine” in the British Isles during the 1860s, followed by an influx of foreign insects—and raises questions about the possibility of extraterrestrial or higher-dimensional involvement in these phenomena.
➡ The text discusses numerous instances of mysterious animal rain events, where insects, snails, worms and others have inexplicably fallen from the skies. Repeated occurrences paired with enigmatic nature of these events cast doubt on conventional explanations, suggesting an intricate simulation or intervention by overseers who might reshape reality to rectify perceived imbalances.
➡ The speaker discusses their disbelief in established scientific models of atmospheric studies and space exploration, suggesting that we exist in a controlled, simulated environment rather than an open spinning globe. The speaker cites the unpredictable nature of weather, the implication of quantum theory contradicting Newtonian physics, and anomalies in the perceived nature of space as evidence, mentioning the inability of meteorologists to accurately predict weather despite advanced technology. They also express their skepticism of the reality of NASA’s achievements.
➡ This text discusses skepticism over astronomical findings and current theories. It suggests that our observation of the universe may be influenced by a multi-tiered hologram, and the astronomical data may be misleading due to limited visualization capabilities. It hints at a concept where reality is a reflective hollow field responsive to our thoughts and beliefs, and questions the validity of the cosmos visible to us, introducing the possibility of alien civilizations. Numerous historical events, including the Tunguska explosion in Siberia and the UFO phenomenon, are discussed from different perspectives, proposing alternate possibilities like clandestine technology or alien involvement. The text ends by sharing a plan to discuss the surge in UFO activities during 1947.
➡ The text explores the Roswell incident, suggesting it was a calculated deception. Claims are made that the crashed UFOs and alien bodies were part of an elaborate cover-up, and the real alien materials were developed at military labs at Wright Patterson Air Base leading to technological advancements. Notable figures like Werner von Braun and NASA are connected with the incidents. The text also presents theories of reverse-engineered alien technology, alliances for knowledge exchange, and abductions for genetic experiments. Tied with ancient texts like the Dead Sea Scrolls, these developments are compared to ancient accounts of the ‘Watchers’ giving humans technology. The UFO narrative persists with continuous sightings and recoveries of downed UFO craft. The article also contends this development is in line with an overarching strategic deception and manipulation of public perception regarding extraterrestrial phenomena.
➡ The text discusses conspiracy theories revolving around aliens and hidden governments, with claims of abductions, hybridization, and secret societies. It refers to various individuals and their research that supports these ideas, proposing that UFO’s are more biological and potentially interdimensional entities, and emphasizes the theory that our true enemies or creators exist beneath us, not above us.
➡ There could potentially be vast, unknown civilizations underneath us, abundant in natural resources and unique, bioluminescent life forms, however, theories of an alien invasion are considered fictional.


From the vault of archaics, we introduce another piece of evidence from a long chain of incidents throughout world history that reveals that humans are being watched. Our activities are monitored, and when things aren’t going the way the custodians want them to go, they will directly intervene. Welcome to this presentation Mithradates and the meteorite that changed history. This particular story begins in the year BC. When the Han Dynasty in China recorded the appearance of a comet.

This exact same comet was also recorded over Europe by the Mediterranean historians of the time. It was noted ever after during the life of Mithridates VI of Pontus, known as the Poison King, that he was born at the time of the appearance of this comet. As a youth, Mithridates grew up hearing the stories as messengers and merchants arrived into the kingdom of Pontus. He heard these stories over and over how the Romans had conquered the Latins, the Sabines, the Carthaginians, the utterly Humbling, the Carthaginians in the Punic Wars, how the Romans had spread their empire has the legionnaires went from country to country, subduing all.

They came into contact, even as far as the Rhine. They fought the Germans, which were considered giants, to the five foot tall average Roman legionnaire. Mithridates heard the stories of the wars of Gigurtha in northern Africa and how the Romans could be defeated, although temporarily. He heard these stories and knew of the might of Rome and how it was spreading its tendrils of empire throughout the entire Mediterranean.

But Mithridates was cut from a different cloth. The poisoned king was not afraid of the might of Rome, and his life is a testament to how one individual’s mind, how the power of one person, can actually forge destiny to the point where it changes the holography of the custodians, the keepers of mankind. The Greeks call them the gods. The Olympians. They could be the Asir and the Vanir of the north.

We don’t know who they are, but we know that humanity is governed. We are watched, we are even controlled. Mithridates’story is absolutely fascinating because he bucked the system, and he would have succeeded had not, quote, divine intervention, unquote, had been implemented. Hear this story of Mithridides. In the year 89 BC, the Romans made a secret deal with the king of Bithenia named Nicomedes IV. He invaded the kingdom of Pontus and tried to take it from Mithridides, a rich kingdom on the Black Sea that controlled much of the trade.

And the Romans wanted the position. But Mithridates was the victor. In the very next year, in 88 BC. King Mithridates, a pontist, arranged a series of secret meetings all throughout Asia Minor in the greatest conspiracy against Rome in recorded history. No leader or organizer has ever executed so flawless a scheme of the magnitude demonstrated by Mithridates. All throughout the cities of Asia Minor occupied by the Romans, the local people rose up on a certain predetermined day in the spring and killed every single Roman man, woman and child in their provinces.

In the massacre, the Romans claimed to have lost 80,000 people, but some historians estimate the losses at closer to 150,000. They were given absolutely no quarter, no mercy. Even those who ran into the temple seeking asylum were killed. These were largely Roman businessmen and their families, traders and slavers, occupying western Turkey, the new Roman province of Asia. The people abhorred the Romans because of their barbaric practices, especially the Roman slave trade.

People forced into slavery and sold were branded with hot irons on their foreheads like cattle, separated from their families. And this fate could be anyone’s save for a Roman citizen. This was not a military campaign, but it was executed by the common people who hated Rome’s taxations and oppressive institutions. Rome was already wrecked by a civil war. And when the news of so many people slaughtered in Asia Minor, their newest conquered province, pretty much at the conspiracy of Mithridites, it sent shockwaves throughout the Roman Senate.

The people of Rome were afraid their sovereignty had been challenged. The Roman legions were not in the habit of losing. But this wasn’t a war against the Roman legions. This was a civil conspiracy that toppled Roman military rule in that area of the world. The Roman Senate met and immediately knew and voted that a reprisal was in order. They could not let this go. They sent one of Rome’s greatest general, Sula, to deal with the problem of Mithridates, who was now deemed the greatest threat Rome had ever seen since Hannibal of Carthage.

Though the rest of the world would tremble with fear at the news of approaching legions led by a Roman general, Mithridates instead extended his empire. He extended the geographical confines of Pontus. He took in parts of Armenia. He took in the Scythians as his allies and extended friendships to European nations as far as the Danube, and created a massive army, one that was all willing to fight the Roman legions.

Mithridates two chief generals sacked Delos in Greece and freed the Roman slaves, took all the wives and children of the Romans themselves and enslaved them instead, and freed 20,000 Greeks who had been enslaved by the Roman slavers. When his forces pulled out of Greece, sulla of Rome invaded Greece, retook the Mithridates, occupied areas of Pontus, and did something that had never been done in Roman history before or Greek history.

The temples of the Greeks were inviolable. They were sacred even to other nations. Xerxes of Persia, in 491 to 480, never sacked the temples of Greece. But Sulla of Rome irreligiously entered the temple, slaughtered the people, took the treasures, set up the temples as Roman base camps. This was 87 BC, exactly the 666th year of the founding of Rome. The Romans sacked Athens, and an army of Mithridates was absolutely and utterly defeated.

But Mithridates and 20,000 others escaped in 83 BC. Sulla could not defeat Mithridates nor oust him from the kingdom of Pontus, and returned to Rome in a rage, where he executed all his political allies, took over Rome Militarily, and started another civil war. It is said by the historians of the time that the Roman general Sulla killed more Romans than Mithridates ever did. It would be ten more years before the Romans could field legions to go again oppose the might of Mithradates.

In the year 73 BC, ten years, Mithradates had been silently biding his time. The Roman general Luculus marched against Pontus, brought the Roman legions to bring to bear Pontus and reduce the entire nation to slavery and to end the mythrodetic wars. But this didn’t happen. When Luculus arrived upon the shores and marched his army to the field of battle, he was confronted with an army far superior to any that Rome had thus far fought.

Mithridates had allies all over the European and Asian world, and they were waiting for the Romans. This is where it gets really weird. Two opposing armies, one clearly that Mithridates was going to win. He had set it up. The poison King was definitely going to end the threat of Rome and Asia and had much backing. But before the battle could start, a flash appeared in the sky. A streak hit the ground.

An impact reverberated the ground. A lightning blast, fireball, explosion shocked the hell out of everybody who watched. Not one person died, but they all felt the force of the impact. We are told by historians that this was a meteorite. We are told that it was some bull eyed that fell from the sky. But any hemisphere has hundreds of thousands of square miles, and for a bull eyed rock meteorite to fall from the sky strategically between two armies that are about to end a empire, this is absolutely untenable.

Too many coincidences exhibits no coincidence at all. For me, it’s too convenient. I don’t see a meteorite. I see a guided missile. I have seen the references in ancient Vedic texts. There are many references to flying vehicles, weapon systems, defense systems, aerial maneuvers. Those of you who are not familiar with the writings of David Hatcher Childress, he has cited many in his books of the actual citations from old Sanskrit and Vedic texts on manuals that teach you how to fly on even how to repair your aircraft.

Technology is nothing new. We, as a species have been technologically advanced maybe 100 years. The industrial revolution led up to the electrical revolution, and just so on. You could say that we live in a quantum, technological world today, but even that is questionable. But to believe that we are the first humans on this planet to achieve high sophistication, especially in the face of the facts of technolithic artifacts that have been found all over the world, technically called UPART, is really ridiculous.

Someone did not want Mithridates to win that war. Someone made damn well sure the Romans secured a victory, but they couldn’t secure victory that day. So the interruption occurred. A guided weapon. I don’t know if it was a missile, I don’t know what any it was, but it was some type of intervention, and it was effective because the army of the Romans and the army of Mithridates went in separate directions, and they ran, and it was very chaotic.

According to the historians of the day, they all lived to fight another day. And that other day was far more advantages for the Romans. Just as a comet issued in his birth, king Mithridides VI of Pontus, the poisoned king, in the year 69 BC. Toward the end of his life, experiences another comet. Again, it is recorded by the Chinese. At the same time, a major earthquake in Syria destroys many cities, killing approximately 170,000 people.

The Roman general Luculus invades Armenia with a force of 20,000 soldiers, and he routes an opposing force of 300,000 Armenians the combined armies of Tigrines and Mithridates. Tigrines, the king refused to follow the instructions of his ally Mithridates on how best to fight the Romans. And for this, he was forced to fight a defensive war. He lost utterly. This Roman victory was against incredible ODS. And again, two years later, the Romans face off with Mithridates, their utter hated enemy.

In 67 BC. And again we have an intervention. The armies face off and a freak tornado, a cyclone, a whirlwind appears between both armies and destroys cattle, destroys horses, cavalry, warriors. There’s death on both sides. And again, the battle is absolutely prevented. One year later, roman General Pompeii of Rome invades Pontus and finally beats Mithridates. At that time, over Rome, a star appears of unknown origin, and a spark falls off of the star and appears in the sky to be the size of the moon and vanishes.

And the Romans wonder. Though Mithridates again escapes. In the following year, 65 BC. His allied Tigrones Armenia, surrenders to Pompeii of Rome, giving Rome the territories of Mesopotamia, Syria and Phoenicia. Pompeii continued his conquest into the east. Rome had now become the devouring wolf, a terrible beast and scourge among the nations. The Romans were propelled by plunder, a creature that found its own survival, compelled them to turn against allies, invade new territories, impose heavier taxes, enslave whole populations in order to pay the administrative costs of ruling others, selling off whole populations into servitude and terrible deaths.

As galley slaves, dungeon, mines, and brothels countries were raped for their resources. The Romans created a monster of war, carnage, and misery, unable to cease its atrocities or it would implode the whole world, its enemy. Only unending war and conquest could give Rome security at home, as its provinces were ever bloodied. Battlefields, 63 BC. Was also the year of the Roman occupation of Jerusalem. In order to make peace, the son of Mithridates, who was now on the throne as Mithridates was in hiding from the Romans, decided to turn his father over to the Roman authority, hoping that it would bring peace to his kingdom and no more warfare.

But Mithridates went out the same way that Hannibal went out the greatest enemy Rome had ever seen until Mithridates. He, too, went out by poison. And for this, history has pretty much given him the title the Poisoned King. So this is basically a very concise version of the story of King Methridates, of Pontus, the little tiny kingdom that gave Rome hell. But the point of this video is to show more evidence.

Yes, it is a coincidence. Perhaps. Perhaps it is something more. You, my listener, decide. Meteorites just don’t happen during soccer games. They don’t happen when people are just doing they’re seen in the sky and they’re always far away. It’s very difficult for me to grasp that such a momentous historical occurrence is about to happen where an empire is about to get their ass handed to them, and then all of a Sudden, a rock falls out the sky or a guided missile or some type of weapon.

Something that the custodians knew it was going to cause a complete cease of activities, a cessation of war. It fulfilled its purpose. You decide. If this was custodial activity, if this was something edited, something, an interference pattern programmed into our holospheric reality, what occurred? Who is it that wanted the Romans to succeed in subjugating almost the entire world in doing so much to so many people? There are mysteries in Japan that do have explanations, but they’re not the conventional ones.

The Japanese sea, they have a devil’s triangle, which is just like the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic. The Atlantic and the Pacific are antipotal. We have a phenomenon that occurs in both areas large bodies of water. They have been investigated, and the investigators themselves have lost their vessels and their people. It’s a short video. It’s compelling, but it’s actually making an entirely different point. While Marco Polo was on his famous trek across the world to China, kublai Khan had an immense evasion fleet constructed the Mongols with innumerable Chinese auxiliaries, felled forests and reaped harvests, forged weapons, and prepared to invade Japan.

The Mongols, from the days of Genghis Khan and Hulagakan, had conquered kingdoms, whole nations, slaughtered whole communities, from Europe to China and Egypt. The greatest fleet ever built in recorded history of the Orient, launched in the year 1274 of our calendar, they sailed toward Japan. They landed and were pushed back to sea by the samurai. We are told by historians that a typhoon destroyed their ships and canceled the invasion.

But the story only gets weirder. In the first year of the Yan Dynasty of the Mongols over China, kublai Khan now, seven years later, again sends an even larger fleet 4400 ships and 140,000 men. Mongol and Chinese warships sailed again to invade Japan. They arrived, engaged the samurai, and again, historians tell us it was a typhoon, not one ship made it back from Japan. Interestingly, archaeologists have found pieces of the fleet sitting on the bottom of the sea a peaceful graveyard cannonballs and pottery, weapons and armor.

They even found fragmentation bombs like our modern day grenades. This is the Dragon’s Triangle, also called the Devil’s Sea an oriental version of the Bermuda Triangle. My interpretation is not a popular one. Some would like to believe that an all loving God protected the Japanese twice. And maybe they’re right. Maybe he just forgot to protect the hundreds of thousands of others who were raped, enslaved, conscripted, impaled, burned alive and butchered in Mongol blood sports or otherwise victimized across three continents.

Perhaps it was the typhoons. Or maybe the seabotoms suddenly released trapped gases and the ships were no longer buoyant, unable to stay afloat in aerated water full of gas bubbles a whole fleet quickly and suddenly plunging to the bottom of the ocean. Something or someone decided it was not time to disturb the isolationist Japanese the ships, or pieces of them scattered abroad there is no trace of the invasion force.

No human skeletons have been unearthed. The vanishing of large populations, villages, derelict vessels devoid of passengers is nothing new. Our world is monitored, controlled. Even the weather is manufactured. Doppler radar has a terrible track record of predicting weather phenomena because the Newtonian models their systems analyze does not comport with the real world. And when weathermen are wrong, they always have a scapegoat a suddenly appearing high pressure system.

But why wasn’t it predicted? Throughout the history of our world, the vanishing of large groups of people has been masked as natural phenomena disasters. Archaeologists have reported many sites from the ancient world that show sudden destructions of collapsed architecture but no human remains. So they conjecture really interesting theories to explain how whole cities buried in mud that later hardened into stone were found empty. Our world is not what you think.

In the modern times, the Japanese government had had to deal with the Devil’s Triangle and its mysteries. This enigma has not gone by historians unreported. In the 1930s, series of ships vanished without a trace. Sometimes the ships were found derelict without passengers. In 1952, the Japanese sent in an official ship to the Devil’s Triangle to investigate the matter called the Kyle Merrill Number Five. In 1952, this ship, full of research vessel full of people came up missing.

When it was found a few weeks later, not one passenger was aboard that derelict ship. This also happened with the mariner flying boats that left for the Bermuda Triangle in the United States in the 1950s or it was in the 1940s. I can’t remember but it’s easy to Google. The mariner flying boats and the Avenger bombers, torpedo bombers all came up missing. When rescue vessels were sent out, they disappeared too.

This was the Berbuna Triangle. Not dissimilar from the Devil’s Triangle. People vanish, but their aircraft and their boats often do not. One of the greatest American mysteries is the Mary Celeste. This too is something you can research on your own. I’m very sure there are YouTube videos about this as well. A ship in the 18 hundreds full of passengers found. Derelict meals were still at the table. Lifeboats were still on board.

Not one single person was found aboard the Mary Celeste. With the typhoons that destroyed two major naval invasions, we find this to be the origin of the word kamikaze, the divine wind. But was it divine again, these typhoons? The timing was too perfect. As with the meteorite that fell in the days of Mithridates, the timing was too perfect. Someone’s watching us and they are guiding human events, and they are disguising their activities as natural phenomena.

The Great Black Death plague. One third of the world’s population gone in four years. Entire cities emptied. Some communities not touched at all. 673 years is a very long period of time. Our historians today will sit and look you in the eye and tell you things about what caused the bubonic plague, what caused the lesions, what caused people to turn purple and bloat and die in agony. It wasn’t a fast death.

The stench in the cities, the contamination of the water and food sources, whole families seeing 40% to 50% of their members gone. Historians will look you in the eye and tell you what they think is a series of facts about that plague, but it’s not true. 673 years ago, people wrote what they saw. We have those records today. They’re in the specialist literature. You’re not going to see them in textbooks.

I’m going to provide them for you in this video. The implications of what people saw completely changes the dynamics of our reality. There is no way you can believe you live in a Newtonian physics world after after taking into consideration the material in this video, what happened and what these things were in the skies, your frames of reference are going to want you to say they’re UFOs, but they weren’t.

Our world is not what you think. Sometimes the truth is just horrifying. The black death of 1347. Actually 1345, 6789. It’s it’s conventionally dated at 47 when it arrived to Europe, the Western world. This plague killed a third of the human race and innumerable, livestock and animals. The official historical version, though, is a lie. Rats from China did not carry the contagion to Europe. The truth is censored because it is heroin.

Historian Brambley notes that in 1346, a column of fire was seen in the heavens for some time. Today, we dismiss this as a comet. Ships returning from the Mediterranean bring stories of comets, chaos, strange diseases in the Orient, in the Far East. Our establishment sources today claim that rats on these vessels brought the Black Death plague to Europe. But this is not what the people of the time recorded.

Millions perished in China, the East, India, the Mediterranean, Africa, and then in Europe, it arrived, but not alone. Manley p. Hall wrote that at the time it was popular for Christians to pray to God to keep them safe from the plague, the Turk and the comets. William Brambley, in The Gods of Eden, on page 181, wrote the greatest puzzle about the Black Death was how it was able to strike isolated human populations which had no contact with earlier infected areas.

C. W. Dalton, in The World All Wrong, on page 503, wrote the Black Death of the 14th century, which spread almost over the entire Earth, wiped out one third of the world’s inhabitants in four years. The malady was called the Black Death because of the dark purple color of the victim’s skin in the final stage of the disease. Not a real disease, but a biological weapon. Jean Franco Degle Esposito mentions records of strange cigar shaped objects seen in the skies over Europe that slowly cross the sky, sometimes at very low altitudes, dispersing in their passage a disturbing mist.

He and others in this year attribute these sightings to the Black Death’s origin. Jean Franco wrote immediately after the appearance of these shocking events, the epidemic exploded in that area also. Dead animals fell from the sky, their rotting, decomposing carcasses making the air feated around Florence, spreading the plague. 60,000 people alone died in the city of Florence. In today’s UFO research, we find the cigar shaped UFOs prominent in sightings around the world, near the moon and even in the mysterious shadow of the Mars.

Footage before our probes cease transmitting, we interpret these cigar like vessels by our frames of reference. But the truth is that these may not be ships at all. Vast appendages of an unseen apparatus that sprays apocalypses onto the human race. The Black Death is only one instance of our overseers involved in civilization resets. In the vaults of archaics, we have documented many trickster, gods, haters of humanity, but restricted in particular ways from any widespread intrusion.

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 vanished in the spring of 2014, just as much evidence that it disappeared upward than it crashed into the sea. News networks focus our attention on search grids, the pilot’s personal lives, the sociopolitical controversies of Islam and Asia, frantic misdirection to muddle the waters, to forget the revelation of Charles Fort that we are owned. That Flight 370s. Almost 300 victims were abducted. Not a single piece of wreckage found because the aircraft never fell.

No transponder signals emergency MAYDAYS, no desperate phone calls, no black box, no eyewitness enveloped by another dimension entirely. Only over the seas are mass human vanishings, occurring as any serious Bermuda Triangle researcher knows. Like Jean de Quesar or Bruce Gurnan, our distant predecessors of Sumer and Babylon asserted that mankind’s creators came out of the sea. Over 1000 ships and aircraft have vanished without a trace in the Devil’s Triangle region just in the past 25 years.

Transdimensional predators, taking people where abductions over water of whole crews and passengers. Radar blips disappearing networks remain silent. Malicious humor to place undamaged yet fragile civilian aircraft on the ocean floor with keys not in the ignition. Two have been found neither with any human occupant tricksters watching observing our behavior gods of the sea some futuristic poseidon trickster but somewhat restricted on land. They laugh at our fortitude our intellectual ability to rationalize away anomalous conclusions.

In the maintenance of our explainable world we embrace lies because the alternative is too painful to bear. There is a common denominator between many survivors of unusual phenomenon where reality itself seemed to corkscrew the sky the whole world, the existence. It’s very difficult to explain because it’s almost as if this hologram that we’re living within was either coming unraveled and turning into something else. And people observe this but they have no frames of reference to describe what they were seeing.

But the common denominator to this when people were flying they’re on boats flying in planes and they’ve let these testimonies to us and many of them are published. The common denominator is they entered or they first came into contact with an unusual fog. The fog seen by so many people in the Bermuda Triangle area that appears when ships or aircraft vanish appears as a yellow, green or gray haze.

This is not a fog or mist but a neutralized field the visual evidence of contact with an intruder dimension. The haze is an effect, not a cause of a breach. In our dimensional spatial geometry a non local phenomenon distorting our spacetime structure based on 3. 14 116 and 1. 6 118. That is pi and Phi physics. Our entire world runs on this structure. Pi and Phi multiplied together is curvature which is 5.

8. It is the third constant that our entire world is basically running on. This is coding by which our physics constants are attached to without mathematical resonance between two different dimensional geometries a victim finding their self inside the interface envelope sees haze. And in such an unstable non local time the victim is suspended until he is either pulled into the intruding dimension or the interface envelope recedes leaving him intact taking the fog with it often leaving him disorientated.

This fog is an overlapping of dimensions. The dimensional overlap creating a mobile, non local trap to extract humans in our fourth dimension. Well, basically, we’re living in three dimensions but we exist in four. Everything is moving. So it’s a trap to extract us out of this fourth dimensional reality into a higher realm akin to the abduction of a mouse from a maze. The non locality interface leaves humans disoriented disrupts radio and electronics is hidden from radar and the bandwidth of the EMS.

The human eye can sense the UFOs that we are seeing in the skies that move so erratically are not vehicles at all. They act more as range finders and probes controlled by intelligent beings in a higher dimension. They are actually concentrations of non locality that can balloon out into interface envelopes to trap and abduct humans. This means we can and are being observed that our dimensional assailants are not gods that these quantum field envelopes of non locality are difficult to control and they are unstable sometimes launching an intended victim forward and backward in time to the envelope’s perimeters.

These are not portals. Wormholes, even higher dimensional aggressors cannot plug victims out of the architecture of our own spacetime matrix without error. Pi and Phi arithmetic have long shown us the mathematical echoes of a higher dimension. But Newtonian physics has blinded us of the holographic nature of reality. As an intellectual subroutine embedded into a complex interactive holographic program we humans do not have the sensorial apparatus necessary to perceive the actual unreality of reality.

It is with great difficulty for subjective sentience to objectively analyze an environment that it is suspended within. Fish need not understand water to flow through it and the denizens underwater know nothing of the cloud waters above. This transdimensional anomaly will remain unprovable because it is the perfect intrusion. Eyewitnesses cannot see an interface envelope and the accompanying yellow green haze encapsulating the victim cannot be seen from any vantage point outside of the anomaly.

To objectively ponder what is not occurring affords us more clarity on what exactly is transpiring. Alien abductions is a very well documented phenomenon. Abductions are almost always over land and victims are returned, the vast majority female. Though there is more evidence that victims minds are manipulated to believe they are victims of extraterrestrial extraterrestrials than that any aliens were actually involved. Over the oceans and seas and Great Lakes humans are abducted and not returned the majority being males and often in groups.

In both phenomena, UFO like lights are prevalent. Spacetime distortions and myths appear to obscure environments. But prison blocks are not emptied. Buses full of passengers not whisked away aircraft inland very seldom vanish. The diseased are never taken. Hospital patients remain unmolested. Why? The answer is easy. We are being observed immoral unethical intelligences but it does not want to draw widespread suspicion. It takes females in their beds and males who are in motion.

Women return, but men are kept. Strange surgical scarring on ovaries of women who never underwent any operation. Healthy, virile men, sometimes whole crews of cadets. A breeding program. The human genome is studied. Perhaps an old species hacks into our biology breeding hybrids as a means of its own continuity. But it either fears discovery or its operations or it is impeded in some way a governing force, a spiritual police, so to speak.

A predator preys on humanity but it is in some way restricted somewhere outside our spacetime, holography are cells full of naked men having no contact with one another, each thinking he is the only one. Naked, terrified women from around the world are brought to them. Their copulation is observed, studied, documented. The electromagnetic fog phenomena documented in the. Fog in the book called The Fog by Robert McGregor and Bruce Gurnon is evidence of the holographic essence of reality.

Localized yellow fog encapsulating jets, planes and ships moving to intercept locomotion with intelligence the invisibility to weather radar malfunctioning electronic equipment visions of people and lost vessels total inability to see the horizon. Evidence of higher dimensional interface. We are limited in our ability to interpret paranormal phenomena because we are fourth dimensional observers without higher dimensional frames of reference. A two dimensional insect perceives presence of a human as a thing of phenomena, not a self like itself.

The strange fogs, glowing balls, dripping UFO lights, elaborate crop circle designs, freak unforeseen storms, alien abductions, vanishings of aircraft with occupants, spontaneous combustion. A whole host of unexplained phenomena. Only makes sense by recognizing that we, as humans, are interactive subroutines suspended within a vastly complex programmed hologram. A program that higher dimensional intelligences can and have influenced and infiltrate. Though a lower dimensional observer sees a disk of light, the phenomenon only appears.

So what is really there or occurring can only be perceived accurately by observers in a higher dimension. These experiences tell us that the Manipulators can only or will only manipulate directly lower dimensional reality in a very local sphere. Either they are incapable of widespread, widescale geometrical manipulation of our holospheric environment or they are prohibited in some way and fear discovery or for some reason, do not want to interfere.

That they can alter a program necessarily implies that we can, too. Welcome to a most unusual presentation. The subject matter is insect invasions. And while insect invasions on the surface don’t seem to be, that enigmatic would not qualify as a mystery. That’s because you believe the insects are coming from somewhere else in this world. And the information you’re going to see tonight, you’re going to find that they’re not.

We’re pulling our information from two major sources tonight. Many of you are familiar with what we can’t prove. It’s just a story and a tradition recorded in the Bible about the ten plagues of Egypt the infestation of lice, the infestation of flies, river turning to blood, the darkness. All that, whether that happened or not, is irrelevant. Doesn’t have anything to do with this presentation. It’s just an example of an insect invasion.

The Book of Revelation, as an apocalyptic text, also has an insect invasion. Although those insects are highly metaphorical. The locusts with human faces, Chitness armor what is descriptive of very technologically, highly advanced weaponry. But you get the drift. I once believed that huge, old, ancient intruder planets frequently visited the inner system with huge glacial spheres that were packed with frozen fossils that would rain upon our planet. I used to believe that because the historical record is very clear about all the objects that have been recorded that have fallen from the sky.

There are immense libraries of books that no one has yet even taken time to upload the material to the internet, stuff you can’t find, but in old libraries. We’re going to go through some of that today, right now, in this video. Insect invasions. It’s more like the Hunger Games scenario, where a group of elitists have created a domed hologram where real people live and exist. And yet the technology exists in that storyline narrative to bring real monsters into their presence, that can hurt them, that can afflict them with the touch of a computer button.

This is archaics. com. Welcome to this presentation. It’s an unusual one. In the 1860s in England, a most unusual thing happened. Almost every household recognized that the common fly had all but vanished from the British Isles. Then it was noticed that cockroaches were gone. Only one wasp nest was found in the entire country. Magazines, news articles, newspapers, all the periodicals of the time were packed with articles and theories.

People wondering why. An unprecedented absence of beetles, bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, moths. There was no drought and there were no predators that came and ate all these insects. They mysteriously died out and they were not seen for a few years in the British Isles. This is known in the time period in those periodicals of the day as the insect famine. It has never been scientifically explained. The entomology periodicals and specialist literature of England at the time had no answers for what was going on.

Even the common white butterfly had completely vanished. So for two years, the public maintained a dialogue. People talked about it on the streets, in the shops, in the smoke shops, in the barber shops, at home with their wives. People discussed theories, trying to figure out what happened to all the bugs, all the insects of the British Isles. For the insects were known all around the world. They were everywhere.

And ships were bringing in insects to the ports in Bristol, in London, all the time. But there were no insects to be found in the British Isles. And then suddenly, in July, in the beginning of July, a miraculous series of insect invasions occurred that has never been scientifically explained. In July, fireflies not native to England appeared in such numbers that people called them a nuisance. Whole bands of ladybirds fell in the sea.

Strips of dead insects, 10ft wide and 3 miles long. Rivers of insect carcasses that had fallen from the sky. Aphids dropped from the sky, vast swarms, making breathing difficult. They continued to descend as green columns in August, darkening the sky. Aphid fogs shut out the sunlight. This had never happened in living membrane before. They did not come from continental Europe. The ships in between the continent and the Isles did not see the passage of insects.

They dropped straight from the sky. On the 9 August, an immense army of living ladybirds swarmed. England accompanied for days. Days and days went on in aphids falling from the sky. Then small yellow black flies, then butterflies. They were not red, but yellow, filling the streets in piles. The shops, they were called yellow perils. Fires were made to burn millions of them. Chimney sweeps from all over London and the rest of the British Isles were called forth to sweep nothing but bugs falling from the sky.

Their origin was unknown. Many of these species were larger and paler than had been known before. They were judged to be of foreign origin. But none had seen any of these new types of bugs in all of Europe. This continued on into September when wasps and crane flies fell upon England in overwhelming numbers. Huge black clouds falling from a blue sky of nothing but dead and alive insects.

Bees of an unknown species came with swarms of hummingbird like hawk moths and more butterfly species. Also winged ants, midges, unknown species of beetles and huge oceans of gnats and locusts. The first documented report of locusts ever to appear in England. And just like that, in 1869, the insect plague was over in England. They got more insects than they wanted. It caused disease. For over a year. People were employed to clean the streets and shops and the tops of buildings.

And every week huge fires of burning dead insects occurred in every street block in London. But eleven years later, it happened again in France in the year 1880. In August 18, an immense swarm of unusual long and black flies plagued ships covering sails. Black a puzzle of the most mysterious kind. Swarms came from the English Channel. But ships coming from England said they did not see them. Exhausted, dead carpets.

Whole storms of paralyzed bugs as if they had been cold. Most of them perished in the water. The water of the ocean could not be seen for it was layered in bugs. Three days later, an immense swarm of OD flies appeared. On August 21, in a cloud. For 20 minutes passing appeared in East Pictile, Nova Scotia many falling into the water. On September 2, another swarm appeared out of nowhere.

On September 4, a vast cloud of flies over the Hudson River landing on the shore and stretching as far as the eye could see. And on September 5, a swarm passed Guysboro, Nova Scotia for over half an hour. Many died right there on the water. And in November, an avalanche of millions and millions and millions of flies fell upon a schooner off the coast of Norfolk, England from a blue sky.

The flies dying removed by the shovelful. All hands on deck removing bugs from a ship being weighed down by the dead carcasses of bugs falling from the sky. Six years later, in 1886, snails of different species, none indigenous to Cornwall reigned from the sky. Near Red roof, small and large snails during a heavy thunderstorm. Insects fallen from the sky. Why not? Meteorites have been found with definite traces of amino acids loaded with organic compounds including amino acids and sugars.

So why not? Many times coal like substances resembling a leafy, paper like material fall from the sky. Decomposed matter that had been frozen for thousands of years sulfurus meteorites, carbonatious rocks, putrid resinous remains downpours of pebbles, yellow and brown dusts, even gelatinous pulp, arrow lights have all descended upon our world. We don’t know what these things are. We don’t know what the sky is. We don’t know what this huge, beautiful holography of the heavens truly is, because we can only go by what we see.

We’ve never been there to touch it. We recall that an inordinate amount of insects plagued the Egyptians. Could they have come from space? Insects used as a type of judgment upon mankind is a theme that is found throughout the biblical records. These little creatures are incredibly resilient, able under the most extreme conditions of cold and heat, humidity, submersion or aridity, to go into stasis for years and years on end.

And when the weather environmental conditions conducive to their survival and propagation return, they can come out of their little bodily stasis and continue living as if nothing had ever transpired. In the year 1837, over Devonshire, England, a large number of black worms, about three quarters of an inch in length, fell from the sky with the snow. And in 1850, large numbers of worms were found in a snowstorm near Sangerfield, New York.

In Warsaw was found weird looking beetles that moved like caterpillars on the snow. In 1856, approximately 3300 thousand larvae fell with the snow. In Switzerland, Charles Fort, in his acclaimed Book of the Damned, showing all the scientific evidence of things falling from the sky at different time periods that was very well documented throughout history, shows us that in 1858, in the month of May, a large number of larvae, beetles, fell from the sky near Montaigne, France.

The larvae were inanimate as if they were cold. In 1876, throughout Norway were discovered worms all over the snow and ground. This proved to be a great mystery, for the worms could not have come from the ground because it was frozen to solid. In 1890, in January, a storm occurred over Switzerland. A tempest of larvae. They were black and yellow and absolutely incalculable. A great many birds were attracted to the area and fed upon the larvae for days.

The yellow larvae were three times the size of the black ones, both having fallen from the sky in the snow. Strange things have fallen from the sky. If you’re really interested in this topic, charles Ford’s Book of the Dam and his other three books are really intriguing, very well documented. He cites all the source materials from the scientific journals at the time. In the year 1911, on June 24, at Etton, Buckingham, Shire, England, masses of jelly fell from the sky the size of peas after a heavy rainfall.

The substance was said to contain eggs, and later scientists found that small larvae emerged from them. How interesting to find the very celestial mechanisms that end life on Earth comet impacts and detritus from the skies. Meteorites also brings life to Earth. Perhaps we would do well to reexamine much of the biblical records. Like this statement God made to Job hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? Or have thou seen the treasures in the hail which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war? That’s job 38 22.

The disasters in the Book of Revelation the Old Testament prophecies, the Viking Ragnaro, the Sibylline prophecies these will be delivered to our world frozen ancient time capsules from the beginning that will initiate the judgments in the end. Something very strange is going on in our skies. It brings life and it brings death. I once believed that some intruder planet with a glaciosphere that was fragmenting and shearing off whole masses, those icebergs, would float through space and enter our atmosphere and fracture and the fossils and the larvae and everything they contained from a world that had been flash frozen and basically fell apart.

I believe that that world rained these pieces on our planet but I no longer believe this. The phenomenon is still occurring, but my reality tunnel has shifted. All too often Hollywood releases the truth masked in fiction. I no longer believe in the intruder planet thesis. My research on the Phoenix is too perfect. Nothing could orbit with the periodicity of 138 years and appear in the middle of the month of May with such perfect precision that I have been able to document at least 22 occurrences and use chronological records that were all taken from other sources.

I didn’t have to date anything. It’s impossible. As an orbiting body this wouldn’t work in a Newtonian physics world. It’s impossible. There would be a deviation in the orbital periodicity because of all kinds of tidal forces and everything that we have to take into account in Newtonian universe. But even my research in the chronology and the orbit of Nibiru is also the same. It is entirely too perfect.

We have this wonderfully beautiful biosphere with this impossibly. It’s almost impossible to comprehend the complexity, the multiple layers of holographic tears that our sky contains. It’s like we are so tiny looking up into this gigantic computerized dyson shell from the inside and we see this beautiful heavens that isn’t really there. The Hunger Games scenario can answer for these anomalies that something is observing human consciousness and reacts to it.

The people in 1866, 67 and 69, eight and 69 of the United Kingdom in the collective were aware of a problem with so many people talking. The discourse, the narrative, it was all there. It was spoken about. It was on people’s minds. Where are the insects? They were gone. It was an insect famine. From the chimney sweeps to the prisoners, to the royalty, to the Royal Society, the academics, everybody was in agreement.

There are no insects here and that’s wrong. And because they were in this agreement. Reality itself reacted. The collective recognized something was not as it was supposed to be. The protocols that are in effect that help the Overseers watch this entire holography have these things are set up to make sure there is a continuity of normalcy so these things don’t happen. It instantly reacted in 1869, starting in the month of July, and it overcompensated.

It was a glitch because there was a dearth. It then sent a flood. The system that we live in is imperfect. I have recorded many of these glitches throughout history. This is just one of them. But this dyson, shell like containment field that we live in and we call home and the majority are convinced they’re looking at a real sky and not a simulation of a cosmos. It reacted and instantly opened up the floodgates of the sky which many ancient religions talk about.

The gates of the sky were opened and out flooded all this larvae, all these insects, all these mayflies and dragonflies and butterflies and worms and snails and flooded the United Kingdom. It was overkill. The Hunger Games shows that something could possibly exist. Overseers supervising the rest of us and our world enable with just a touch of some keys to create something out of nothing. They can write this and edit our program.

They can control our reality tunnels because we exist within some very sophisticated technology. It is terrible nasty out here in Texas. I’m leaving Livingston right now, heading toward Huntsville. It’s wet, slippery and nasty. Oh, brother. I hope your car didn’t break down because I feel for you. Anyway, since it’s nasty weather we’re experiencing, let’s talk about that. How is it that weathermen get to make $150,000 a year and always be wrong? How is it that weathermen always get to have a scapegoat and yet keep an occupation and be paid very well for it? The accuracy rating of weathermen is absolutely pathetic.

Every single time they are wrong, it is always because a high pressure system moved in. Well, in a perfect Newtonian world, you would think that by now the Doppler radar and meteorologists would have figured out how to predict high pressure systems or low pressure systems. But no, they’re always the scapegoat. And there will always be a scapegoat by the Establishment. Because it’s the establishment that perpetuates the fiction that we live on an open globe that is spinning at 1000 obliquity of 23.

5 degrees traveling around a star in an orbit of 186,000,000 miles distance from the exact same position we were six months ago. Totally ridiculous. I used to believe these things. I used to believe a lot of things. I even, for about two weeks, entertained the flat Earth movement. I ordered two of the books, read them, looked at the material and immediately dismissed the entire deal. Not because the flat Earthers were wrong, but because they actually demonstrate by all their theories and tests and observations, simulation theory that we live within a simulated concept, a construct that a Dyson shell like biosphere containment field is what we exist within and that the entire sky simulates for us everything for which we’ve derived and call mechanical time.

Today it all comes from observable motion. But that observable motion is visual. We’re not actually experiencing those things. The world is very still. So when it comes to weather phenomena, I’ve always been amazed by some of the pictures I see where apparently ex nihilo out of nothing, out of nowhere, a cyclone appears. All of a sudden, humidity just appears. Out of nowhere, clouds form, there’s a corkscrewing, and then next thing you know, it’s a cyclone that descends from the sky, reaches down to the ocean, starts pulling water up, which instantly creates more cloud, a feedback loop.

So I wonder, have any of you really paid attention to the news and listened to the weathermen over and over and over and over and their explanations of what the weather are going to be and really determine just what their accuracy rating is? Because it’s terrible. It’s awful. If we have Doppler radar systems and other scientific apparatus like weather balloons and towers now that are feeding a tremendous amount of data to these centralized stations that are analyzing and reinterpreting this data and telling us what’s going on in different areas, then what’s going on in different areas should tell us 100% what’s going to happen in the adjacent area.

Now, under the dictates of Newtonian physics, this model is perfectly understandable and it would work. The weather could be predicted. The weather could be predicted with absolute accuracy. It wouldn’t even be astonishing if we lived in a Newtonian physics world. But we don’t. We live in a quantum holography. Events are created out of nothing all the time. How ironic it is that the scientific establishment holds that everything came out of a Big Bang.

Nothing. Everything physical, all physical objects and everything came out of a huge Big Bang. And yet they still hold to the antiquated notions of Newtonian physics because the Big Bang, to me totally describes a quantum event, a singularity something that realized itself and detonated. But anyway, we’re talking about the weather. So when it comes to climatology, we should have years ago been able to perfectly predict all these phenomenon.

We’re able to predict the behavior of all kinds of different systems and fauna. We’re even able to predict trends in human behavior like Elliott wave theory in the stock market. We can predict many of these things. But why not the weather? Why is the weather so unpredictable and that weathermen are so wrong so many times? The reason is because we live in a controlled environment. That controlled environment does not obey Newtonian physics.

There is a vast machinery in the sky that is unseen, that creates hurricanes, creates cyclones and tornadoes. It creates clouds out of nothing. It creates all these things. Yes, we have seen some of the effects and we can name them like evaporation, precipitation. These are effects to phenomena for which we thought we had the answers for, but we don’t. Phenomena are manufactured and weathermen will never be more accurate than they are today, which is pathetic.

It’s terrible simply because they are adhering to a system that does not in any way comport with the real containment field apparatus that we suffer. So there’s not much else to talk about in this video. Just a short video. As I’m driving, feeling this weather, it’s just as a contractor, I’m always going across these roads in Texas and if I paid attention to weather men, I would stay broke.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a lot of money, but I would stay broke because if I was listening to the weather all the time, then I’d hardly ever go out because it’s always negative. And the only time they tell me it’s sunny is if the sun’s out outside. If they tell me it’s raining, they tell me it’s 100% chance for rain because it’s raining outside. But when they predict tomorrow’s weather, they’re often wrong.

Happens all the time. So I can’t listen to them anymore. Listening to weathermen last year cost me a lot of money. I don’t do that no more. I work no matter what the weather looks like. And more often than not, the weather turns in my favor. Well, this is Jasonarchaics. com. Just a small note about the weather. I hate weathermen. They’re worse than sportscasters. Y’all have a good evening.

To me, NASA means never admit simulation anomalies. Throughout the historical record, there have been anomalous events that have happened that they defy explanation, therefore they’re buried, they’re forgotten, they’re relegated as basically fake news to the historians. But we have event after event after event. There has been many times when the moon appeared to be edited out of the sky as people looked at it, just totally disappeared and then reappeared slightly different.

The sky is very unusual. I often say in my videos that the stars lie. The zodiacal patterns that we have today are nothing like the original zodiacs. There is something fundamentally wrong with our heavens that it produces visual evidence to support whatever theory is foisted upon it. Very short video. Enjoy this presentation. But the heavens lie. In December 1973, we’ve launched the Pioneer Ten spacecraft which contained mankind’s first communication to any extraterrestrial civilization.

Allegedly. Supposedly, it departed our solar system traveling 7 miles/second, which, even at such a velocity space is so vast again, allegedly that it will be 80,000 years before Pioneer Ten even closes the distance to the nearest star. Distances in space, as we’ve been led to believe, are so vast that it takes light photons traveling at 186,000 miles/second about 30,000 years to reach our world from the center of our own galaxy.

When astronomers observe deep space objects far beyond the Milky Way like other galaxies they are not viewing in real time. Astronomers are gazing at an ever changing panorama of the archaic past at stellar objects as they appeared 900,000 to many millions of years ago 20,986 BC. According to the modern scientific model. This is when light traveling from the galactic core at 186,000 miles/second began moving toward us to be viewed through telescopes in the year 2016, when the first draft of Chronicon was finished a trip of 23,000 years a totally ridiculous notion and for many reasons.

In 7819 BC. A supernova occurred producing Cassiopeia A which, being 9500 light years away was not visible until cited by Western astronomers in the year 1680. Again, a theory is premised upon a stack of hypothetical beliefs. We’ll get to that in a second. In 5531 BC. A supernova occurred forming the Crab Nebula remnant which, being 6585 light years away was first seen by Chinese astronomers in the year 1054.

Again, there is no scientific way for we human mice to prove that the fantastically detailed vault of lights that we call the sky is anything more than a holographic projection. By the present paradigm foisted upon the public the entire heavens could have died out hundreds of thousands of years ago and we would still not know it. That photons can travel such inconceivable distances through a medium saturated with other photons moving at various trajectories subatomic particles acting as free radicals water, ice crystals, gases, dust, veils, nebulae cometary detritus rocks and asteroids lunar bodies planetoids exow worlds, planets planets revolving around other stars the stars themselves, event horizon anomalies and whatever else is out there is simply unbelievable.

And this is because it is untrue. The more one ponders the many incongruities of the stellosphere the more evidence manifests that we are looking up into a manifold dyson shelllike. Holosphere either encapsulating our world with a false heavens or actually shelled around our entire solar system. The holospheric overlay produces a stellar canopy of visible and invisible gravitational bodies optically but they are not physically extant. Nodes of the holospheric net enshrouding us.

This canopy of star nodes is a holo field having layers of depth providing observers with the illusion of great distances and far off spaces. Even apparent parallax is fabricated. The holography is either alive or of intelligent design and it is affected by and responds to human awareness. There are documented instances when the visible patterns of luminaries changed positions to conform to majority scientific theory or popular opinions. Even our current primitive hologram technology demonstrates that the eye is easily deceived by the introduction of more and more intricate detail.

Scientists cannot demonstrate that their observations are not made within a multi tiered hologram. Astronomers form models of how planets are created from star detritus that coalesces from great irregular masses of rock and metals. But they can’t find any formative planets in their telescopes so they claim that our galaxy must be very old a theory supported by a hypothesis. In buying time to show evidence in support of their theory.

They added billions of years to the age of the galaxy. Hundreds of EXO worlds have been viewed in this deceitful holosphere they call the heavens. But every one of them are already spherical, fully developed planets. A new theory is not needed here. Rather, we are in need of new astronomers. A mathematical construct as demonstrated by astrophysicists can never be taken as a truth. You cannot touch it. You cannot see it.

It is a concept. We cannot take all these variables that are given out by scientists and take them on faith that they actually have some tangible evidence of reality. The problem with astrophysics and astronomy is that every piece of data that we are told to accept is visual in some form matter. If it’s the measurement of radio waves, quasars, redshift, it doesn’t matter. It’s all visual. And we know we only see about 4.

5 to 5. 5% of the electromagnetic spectrum. We cannot say anything is truly objectively scientific on these grounds. It defies the whole premise of being scientific to accept anything that astronomy postulates. We are rats in a maze. When we stand on this world and we look up at the sky, we are looking through layers of a multi tiered, very sophisticated series of algorithmic luminaries. These things are sentient or they react to sentience.

There may be a heisenberg uncertainty principle at work, but the truth is that when physicists and humans, believing the research, take as true anything about the heavens, we suddenly, in our telescopes, find those things to be true. This has happened over and over and over. I’m a disbeliever. I know that in reality, what we search for, we find. Because reality is a reflective hollow field that will reflect back as circumstances any phenomena that is projected into it.

And what I mean by projection is thought. When we think things are the way they are, they become the way they are. It’s a very unusual phenomenon. But the sky you see this huge vault. It’s not real. It’s something else. It masks something else. It covers something else. It’s not a true galaxy we’re looking at. The cosmos is a cover. We don’t know what’s beyond it. We could very well be trapped within a Dyson shell.

Perhaps I’ll do a video on Dyson shells and Dyson shell technology. Alien civilization theory cannot be ruled out. This is Jason from Arcades. com. I really don’t want to make this video longer than necessary. I just wanted to show off my new NASA T shirt and show y’all that they’re never going to admit NASA never admit simulation theory. In 1908, a bright object flashed over Asia. Witnessed by thousands of people, it exploded in the sky over Tonguska, Siberia, damaging forest up to 300 miles away with the blast being heard 600 miles away.

The blast flattened more than 80 million trees in seconds over an area spanning 800 sq mi. The blast was. Seismically recorded in Erkusk Turkey, tashkit Tabisk and Jenna very far away. The BBC reported the sky was split in two, and high above the forest, the whole northern part of the sky appeared covered with fire. Energy released by the blast was later estimated by scientists to be 185 times greater than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.

According to NASA, people 100 miles away were knocked off their feet. The pressure of the blast affected barometers as far as England and sunsets for weeks were very beautiful due to atmospheric dust. Now, iridium levels measured in the area reveal that the object that exploded had weighed about 7 million tons. Now, this object exploded on June 30. Had the blast occurred over any major city, that city would have been totally destroyed.

So what happened? With so many scientists over the past century dismissing the scenario of a comet meteorite explosion, could it have been man made? Scientists note that the blast pattern is radial and no meteoridic fragments were found. Some believe it was tesna technology. Now, I believe none of this. Here is what was reported ten days before the Tongusca events recorded increased frequency and intensity of the northern lights and other inexplicable atmospheric phenomenon.

Starting in June, there was already noted unusual atmospheric activity over Europe, Russia, Siberia, all before the Tongusca blast. Like the appearance of a silvery mesospheric clouds, bright twilights, and extremely intense and long solar halos all increasing intensity for ten days. Then the detonation occurred. So it was just three days after the June 30 explosion in Siberia. On July 2, thunder was heard in a blue sky without clouds over Bramwar.

A bright and sunny day when pieces of ice fell out of the sky. Now, this is very intriguing, but this was exactly a year to the day when, in 1907, a terrific explosion was heard over Burlington, Vermont, and a meteorite was seen in the sky. Some witnesses claim to have seen an unusual cigar shaped object flying in the sky that resembled like a zeppelin, according to reports collected by Charles Fort and Book of the Damned.

Now, a cigar shaped object just like those reported all over the world in 1347, that dropped decomposed feeted, plague written bodies of cattle that caused a Black Death plague, as found in our video The Black Death Extermination 1347. If you haven’t watched that video, you need to. In 1974, a book that has become an underground classic in UFO culture was published. It’s called mankind. Child of the Stars by Max Flint and Oto Vaughn or Ado Van Binder Having amassed the old Russian reports of the Tonguska event of 19 eight, these two researchers concluded the widespread destruction, immense blast radius revealed that the energy released had been far greater than the mere impact of a fallen Bali, no matter how huge.

Not a meteorite high concentration of radioactivity had released in enormous amounts because eyewitness reports in Russia claimed that the object had changed direction twice before it detonated. Authors Flint and Binder agreed with the Russian scientists’conclusions that the detonation was of a distressed UFO. This is the single fact that eliminates the meteorite theory. The object was traveling much slower than a meteorite, and it changed directions. Meteorites do not deviate from their trajectory.

I believe, and I’ve shown much evidence, that a vast weapon is hidden in our skies, that the stellosphere is optics, a beautiful hologram that conceals something we are not prepared to understand. Not yet. I conclude this holographic environment we call home is a hostile environment to those cigar shaped objects range finders mobile observatories UFOs. On June 3019 eight, one of these objects lost control, malfunction, and detonated. I further conclude that there is a weapon hidden in the sky and that this event was connected to it.

In three published books and 17 videos, I demonstrate the 138 year activation of the Phoenix weapon in the sky. And in another dozen videos or so in two published books, I show that our calendars and our world will change in the year 2046. What’s very interesting is this 19 eight tonguski event was 138 years to 2046. My friends, our world is not what you think. This is Jason of archaics.

com. UFOs is not a topic that I really talk about. Matter of fact, out of 193 videos, it’s only mentioned once. But in the time between two world wars, there was a growing narrative in radio and publishing extraterrestrials. From 1902, when the famous silent movie about a trip to the moon debuted, to the 1938 radio presentation War of the World, the idea of alien life took a life of its own in the public mind.

During this time OD, things were seen in the skies during World War II, and military pirate pilots dubbed these strange sightings as Foo Fighters. This activity exploded everywhere just after the United States detonated the first atomic weapon. July 16, 1945, los Alamos, New Mexico. Germany fell, but its scientific elite were relocated to the USA. The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered containing amazing data. And suddenly new government and military organizations all popped into existence after a UFO crashed in New Mexico.

This and the astonishing and covered up events that happened afterward, are what we are going to disclose in this video and those that follow. This is Jason of Archaics. com, not a topic we talk about very often. We’re going to get into it now. The year 1947. Anodominia our calendar pilot Kenneth Arnold, witnessed a clearly visible UFO near Mount Rainier in Washington on June 14 24th. Now, it still remains one of the most celebrated UFO sightings ever.

It also imprinted the idea of UFOs flying over the United States and its citizens. Now, in the summer of 1947, there was an explosion of UFO activity two weeks leading up to the Roswell incident. For many years, the story was of crashed UFOs and alien bodies. But this is now seen as a period of deliberate attention attracting prior to the delivery of an alien assist of materials in the form of a staged crash.

While the public was led to believe through a series of controlled leaks that the alien wreckage was studied at Area 51, the famous Hangar 18, this was a cover story. Everything connected to this event was removed to the highly top secret military labs and facilities at Wright Patterson Air Base, the material division where titanium and other allies were pretty much developed from the wreckage. Famous for Orville and Wilbur Wright, that’s where they did their building primitive airplanes.

On July eigth, the US. Army publicly announced that the Roswell Army airfield captures a flying saucer on a ranch in Roswell region. Within the next 5 hours, this is substituted for an army weather balloon. General author Exxon wrote everyone from Truman on down knew what we found was not within, was not from this world within 24 hours of finding it, but later. In 2005, Exxon, an old man, now said Roswell was the recovery of a craft from space, but someone was already in the area who would later build NASA.

Things aren’t adding up. Former Nazi scientist Werner von Braun was noted to be at Roswell at the time of the crash. This is beyond coincidence and denotes that the incident was staged or expected. Later. Von Braun wrote we find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had hitherto assumed, and whose base of operation is at present unknown to us. This statement by one of the most involved scientists of the day in both German and US.

Military projects is very revealing. Bird’s explorations and discoveries about Antarctica had been followed up by the US. Military and confirmed our world was a contained area. Von Braun stated that these powers were, quote, stronger than we had hitherto assumed, unquote, meaning the elite military minds knew humans were not the only residents here. And further, he said their base of operation was unknown to us. This is an admission that these other occupants of our world were already here, but their location was unknown.

Von Braun had been relocated from Germany to Fort Bliss, Texas, with 200 German scientists. Two years earlier, in 1945, a secret military program in El Paso, Texas, right after the UFO debris is collected, president Truman sets up the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA, in July by National Security Act. The CIA had its origin with the Cig, the Central Intelligence Group and the Office of Strategic Services, also started by Truman, was enacted originally to investigate the UFO and extraterrestrial presence, and also the Department of Defense.

All of them came into being at the same time. After the UFO crash, the NSA’s original purpose was to investigate the alien presence on Earth, to contain the data through public censorship and find a means of communication with these beings. It’s no coincidences here the alleged UFO crash was deliberately staged to deceive people. Hundreds of indestructible memory metal fragments and debris strewn about with four extraterrestrial cativers still intact at the crash site.

The soft tissue of biological beings could not have survived the explosive pressure required to blast apart the unusual titaniumlike alloys of the debris field also largely unknown. The crash was actually two crafts one of the alien bodies having six fingers. A fifth alien was found wandering in the desert near the crash site. At least that’s the narrative captured. It was docile and lived among us scientists for five years.

They had developed a form of communication. They named it EB for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. This creature was chlorophyll based like a plant and died on June 2, 1952. The CIA controlled Hollywood agent dr. I mean director Spielberg was given the movie E. T. The Extraterrestrial because the intelligence leaks are best diluted with the popularizing of fictionalized versions of real events. On July 16, the world’s first atom bomb was detonated at Alamogorda, New Mexico, which instantly instigated the highest concentration of UFO sightings in world history, all in New Mexico.

Later, a top secret document was submitted to the US air Force Chief of Staff by the Air Technical Intelligence Center that concluded that UFOs were interplanetary spaceships. It is in the interest of our keepers that we believe that actual UFOs have crashed, that bodies of aliens have been retrieved, that these vehicles come from distant star systems, that governments conceal these truths. Our keepers are genius in their deceptions, but it’s imperative that we believe this.

The Roswell crash was a hoax on humans, an alien assist by the Custodial Society who sought to induce a quantum leap in human technology, knowing the humans would manufacture the provided materials. And this begins to sound like a very old story about the arrival of the Watchers 34 39 BC. The year 456 Anis mundi before the flood roswell incident, being in 1947 is no coincidence and that in this year was also discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are discovered in a cave at Quamrum, near the Dead Sea. The texts are about 2000 years old, some a little older concerning the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness in the War Scroll. It explains that at the Great War of Armageddon, humans and angelic beings will fight side by side against a common enemy. Many researchers theorize that extraterrestrials have been giving the US military alien technologies.

And if this is true, then it mirrors what the ancient records claim occurred before the Great Deluge starting in 34 39 BC when the Watchers, commonly known as the Anunna. The Anunnaki descended to Earth and gave humans technologies and knowledges in exchange for human females. Found among the Dead Sea Scrolls was the testament of Amram. It’s called 40 Amram, which contains references to shape changing reptilian beings known as Watchers.

These dark entities can assume the faces of adders, although they normally masquerade as humans. Shape changing Earth gnomes expert in metallurgy who live deep in the ground is an old belief found in the far north of the Norse traditions. To the stories of the male chihina of Kenya, Africa, it’s no coincidences here. But the UFO narrative didn’t die in 1947. Through the 1950s it continued to grow and take on a very definitive structure.

Insiders in the American government claim that the official policy at this time concerning UFOs was to shoot them down. In 1950, the US government ceased the research and development of UFO technologies acquired from downed UFOs. As the entire research and development of extraterrestrial technology became privatized by secretive groups within the military industrial complex. Since 1950, the American government could fall back on plausible deniability because it was a private companies now conducting alien research and controlling the leaks of information on the UFO presence on through 1952, several UFOs were downed after it was discovered that weaponized directed radar beams caused the UFO vehicles to malfunction.

No machine guns, missiles or other weaponry worked. But during these same three years, an incredible number of accidents occurred to American jets and other aircraft, both civilian and military over the USA. UFO researchers claim that the increased amount of downed aircraft was a retaliatory measure by the UFO occupants who feared the weaponized radar. I’m not buying it. 1952, July UFOs are visible over Washington. Again, Washington DC. Directed, detected on radar and seen with a naked eye.

Air defense was initiated and the event was broadcast around America and headlined. This was on July 26, exactly 50 years before the July 26 reappearance of UFOs tracked by NORAD, again in 2002, heading for Washington DC. Not a coincidence. By 1952, there had been 16 UFO craft down and retrieved by the US government. And it is now popularly accepted that these were grants of alien technology to be reverse engineered by humans.

In 1953, astronomers see larger objects approaching the inner solar system towards Earth, believing these objects to be gigantic asteroids. The scientific find is reported to the US government. But this opinion was quickly changed when approaching Earth, these objects altered their trajectory to adopt a geosynchronous orbit around the Earth. They’re artificial. The discovery that these are vessels is kept from the public. A dialogue is initiated between these aliens and several elite military officials and corporate heads.

An alliance to exchange goods, knowledge, advanced science for human genetic materials. That is pretty scary. William Cooper gives a lot of this information out in his book Behold a Pale Horse and for this they killed him. In 1954, US officials claim UFO activity peaked. In this year, the treaty between the military industrial complex and the extraterrestrials was ratified, allowing humans to receive advanced knowledge and technologies for their permission, allowing the aliens to abduct human females for fetal extractions and genetic testing.

Same thing the watchers were doing. In 1955, General Douglas MacArthur, an American patriot and hero, said the nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of Earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets. This was in 1955. In 1958, a powerful broadcast is picked up by hundreds around the world, and people listened in awe for two and a half hours as someone identifying himself as Nakoma from the planet Jupiter spoke about Earth’s impending ruin by atomic destruction if testing of nuclear weapons was not discontinued.

Nakoma spoke in perfect English. Then he changed to perfect German, fluent Norwegian, and a strange, dark musical language that baffled people. And in 1962 began the Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Actual people abducted by aliens, experimented on and remembering the episodes. Some believe these human abductions began when a prophecy of Enoch was fulfilled for the trespass of hybridization and taking the daughters of men. The watchers in Enoch chapter Ten are imprisoned until the end of 70 generations.

Amazingly, their judgment began at the great flood caused by the Phoenix weapon that I’ve got 30 videos about. They saw the death of their offspring, the giants, the nephilim, the hybrids, and then they themselves died, as seen in Chronicon and other citations that I have provided. A generation in ancient Sumer was 60 years in China, babylon sumer all that in 70 times 60 is 4200 years. The flood in 22 39 BC was 1656.

Adding 4200 years to 1656 gives us 58, 56. Annas Mundi, or 1962. You can see my charts. I provide all that material. This is also a watcher generation. 1962 is 60 years from 19 two, the last great reset, the hidden reset, for which I have three or four videos. 1962 is the end of the anunnaki neurochronology of 600 year period. American prophetess Gene Dixon, who actually predicted John Kennedy’s assassination, said that 1962 would be the birth of a great evil.

This is very interesting. Carl Sagan pretty much begged the American Rocket Society to start looking at these ancient legends to see evidence of alien technologies during the 15 years from the Roswell incidents. In 1947 to 1962, the elite scientists from Germany, the USA, and select members of the military industrial complex created a secret fraternity with funding, assets and no accountability. During the Iran Contra Senate hearings, late Senator Daniel Inui reported there exists a shadowy government with its own air force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanisms, and the ability to pursue its own ideas in the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.

And this is true. There is a hidden government, a hidden hand operating in human affairs, and they are allied to another intelligence, something that works against humans. This has been shown over and over in our traditions and our legends and our histories. It is unfolding now. It’s why the world is so crazy. It’s so chaotic. News stories are not making sense. They’re holding out from all this material, all this strange events going on in the world, military moves and just don’t make sense.

They don’t make sense. It’s all distraction. NASA is just the public face of this secret organization. NASA’s not sending things in space. It’s sending things into your mind. It’s a mind control apparatus. Every one of those astronauts had their minds wiped and memories put in there. Many of the upper level, many of the lower level NASA people involved in the Apollo programs, they had experienced and reported the strange things and weird memories, and they were involved in a massive experiment where they sat in control centers and they watched launches, and they watched all these things go on, but they weren’t happening.

They were a fool, too. It’s very, very interesting. The alien abduction phenomenon is very real. People show physical evidence scarring under hypnosis. They unveil details that they couldn’t do consciously, but they comport with other people’s testimonies. It’s very, very strange, but it’s a real phenomenon. And this right here is nightmarish. Dr. Roger Lear has put his entire career in peace on the line. He has surgically removed several beyond our technology implants from people claiming they had been abducted by aliens.

At first, the specimens quickly self destructed, but Dr. Lear began taking them out and putting them in tiny transport devices filled with the patient’s own body fluid. This was developed because the implants ordinarily quickly eroded, evaporated, or turned to powder, self destruct once they were removed from the DNA housing. His book has shocking photographs. He has presented his proof in hundreds of lectures, seminars, radio, and television broadcasts.

He has even documented the removal of an alien implant that moved away from the area when touched. Several times, it was avoiding the scalpel blade like a parasite. These implants are protected in a very difficult to cut membrane, dr. Lear wrote in Aliens in the Scalpel. The composition of the objects includes metals whose isotopic ratios are clearly extraterrestrial. Moreover, the form of the objects is clearly engineered and manufactured with precision rather than being a naturally occurring form.

He discovered that the implants were of a fibrous material that plugged directly into the human central nervous system and contained microscopic sacs of an unknown oily fluid. My belief is that those claiming to be abducted by aliens were indeed abducted, but they were mkultred into believing that it was extraterrestrials who abducted them in the same way that the Apollo astronauts were mkultred to believe they had actually gone on a trip to the moon.

In 1969, NASA was heavily involved in military mind manipulation research. Many researchers believe the astronaut’s memories were implanted. A good book to read about that is Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men or dark Moon. But this isn’t anything new. Since 1962, alien abduction alien abduction phenomenon has spawned researchers. Hundreds of books. Read The Watchers by Raymond E Fowler. It’s like 500 pages. Scientific experiments conducted on people actually showing that they’re telling the truth.

Hollywood has gone far in helping to promote the idea of alien invasion. 1938, orson Wells did a fantastic job scaring people, too, with his War of the World’s radio presentation. But it’s a narrative. There are no extraterrestrial civilizations that are going to invade us. We have an idea. I mean, if I took the sum total of my archaic research and drew it all up, we’re living in a containment field.

It may be controlled by an AI that was designed by extraterrestrials, and that humans are a production, that our entire physicality, our genome is hybrid, a soup made of all different ingredients. But the narrative is false. UFOs have been shown the properties. They defy physics. They defy anything that we can manufacture. Trevor James Constable wrote a book, published many, many hundreds of photographs, spent 25 years of his life showing the public that UFOs have biological properties.

They’re like swimming underwater through thin air. They’re amorphous, they change shape. They respond to humans. They can’t be hurt. They’re almost like interdimensional. They’re more somewhere else than they are here, but they can be seen in ultraviolet light. He’s taken many pictures of them where a regular camera lens can’t see them at all. I have another video that explains in my Bermuda Triangle video that UFOs act like range finders.

They’re not occupied by aliens. There’s something else. The ability to move in a blink thousands of miles, the ability to outmaneuver everything, the ability to change their shape, their density and magnitude, the ability to pop in and out of our out of our holography, our existence. And yet they respond to human thought, human emotions, all for thousands and thousands of years, these objects have been seen. They were called chariots because that was the frame of reference back then called gods, called everything.

But they seem to be biological, some type of bioluminescent entity. It’s intelligent, but they’re like range finders. They act just like range finders to a technology that is outside of our holography, trying to hone in on something to magnify it. And I show in that video on the Bermuda Triangle, the fog video I did. That the way they blow up and they change their dimensions to go ahead and grab planes, to make an airplane go right through them, and then they disappear.

And there’s no more communication from that plane. We have eyewitness accounts of UFOs acting like traps, not to bring the plane down, but to take them completely out of our dimension. It’s very unusual, but that’s the subject. Trevor James Constables research is the subject for an entirely different video about UFOs, because that video is going to piss people off who actually believe the narrative that UFOs are extraterrestrial vehicles.

They’re not. The narrative is clear. We are told to look up when all activity is beneath us. From time immemorial. Our enemies, our custodians, and our keepers, maybe even our makers, are below us. We live on a thin skin. A very very thin veneer. All our civilizations are spread out on this thin skin and veneer. And the highest habitable points are 10 miles up above sea level. We can’t even penetrate 10 miles below sea level and yet that’s only 20 miles.

But the world is thousands thousand at least 24,000 miles from east to west and yet 20 miles is nothing. Divide 20 by 24,000, you will see just what a thin skin our civilizations exist upon this world that we have come to know. All the fossils, all the geological levels, all the mountain ranges, all the valleys everything in the known habitable world fits on this very thin skin. But imagine the civilizations that could be existing below us.

There could be 100 times more people below us in civilizations and layers. Some civilizations so deep they don’t even know about the civilizations that exist above them. The purest drinking waters, the purest minerals, natural heated geothermal caverns, gases all the known resources are below ground as well. And they can be so deep like in the ocean that there are whole caverns filled with bioluminescent crystals, bioluminescent flora and fauna.

The underworld could be very different and very very populated. But the narrative is bullshit. There is no alien invasion. That’s fiction. .

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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