Retroactive History: Calendars are Post-Reset Constructions

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➡ The speaker discusses an old academic book from 1877 that contains a list of ancient literature, suggesting that mainstream education often doesn’t divulge these details. He argues that despite the presence of numerous cuneiform tablets dating back thousands of years, there’s no written record of the pre-flood world, and that current knowledge about this period is based on post-cataclysmic records.
➡ The text discusses the belief that civilizations after a cataclysm had to devise a new form of communicating, as their previous technology was destroyed, leading to the rapid development of cuneiform writing. It also challenges the established narrative of ancient sites like the pyramids, arguing they pre-date official records and were constructed during a “vapor canopy” era, pointing out none of these sites contain any form of writing, further suggesting writing was devised post-cataclysm.
➡ Post-cataclysm, the ancient Amuru, who conducted the initial spread of standardized teaching, lost their technology resulting in no written physical records before the 22nd century BC. Instead, information was stored using advanced technology like memory crystals. The collapse of their infrastructure forced them to resort to writing for preservation of histories. They produced vast amounts of clay tablets with historical information, leading to various cultural versions of shared histories (like the epic of Gilgamesh). This syllabus also contained stories of an ancient world before a great flood, and a ten-king dynasty before that cataclysm. This portrayal of pre-flood history potentially influenced later writings, including the Book of Revelation, according to the author’s interpretation.
➡ The text discusses various global civilizations sharing similar ancient stories of great floods, giants, and celestial navigation. It suggests these cultures all received knowledge about advanced construction techniques from a mysterious group, the Amuru westerners. It also discusses the concept of a 600-year epoch, possibly tied to catastrophic events and changing calendar systems. Further, it presents a theory of humanity’s technological regression due to recurrent global catastrophes, also termed as “resets”, linked to the Phoenix phenomenon. These repeated cataclysms allegedly push human societies back to a technologically primitive state, after which they gradually rebuild their knowledge base, only to be hit by another cataclysm, repeating a cyclic pattern of rise and decline.
➡ The text discusses the Phoenix phenomenon – a series of 138-year periods of global reset through history, which often led to dark ages and the loss of knowledge. It analyzes the impact on historical records, with examples from 1687 BC, when every civilization went dark, to the Dark Age of the Mediterranean in 1135 BC. It questions the authenticity and preservation of historical documents, shedding light on the absence of original writings from significant historians like Sankuniathan, Theogonus, Hesiod and Homer, and how later historians have merely rewritten these texts. It further elucidates how intellectualism emerged and evolved around 500 BC through Alexander the Great’s drive for the dissemination of information and how centuries later, Rome began to abridge much of this work.
➡ Rome, aiming to control historical knowledge, abridged and suppressed numerous academic works, including those of Livy. It is alleged that the church also invented fictitious narratives and destroyed old texts that contradicted their invented stories. The highly popular gospel narrative is cited as an example of this practice. The calendar was retroactively fitted to cover up significant historical events, like the Great Justinian Plagues of 522 AD. Over time, many historical texts were lost due to repeated societal resets and cataclysmic events. This has led to a distorted, reconstructed version of history, perpetuated by academia through a uniformitarian model. The assertion here is that we actually started as a technologically advanced society that progressively deteriorated over time due to these resets. The author suggests skepticism towards accepting conventional historical narratives.
➡ The text discusses the role of chronology in historical study, highlighting how many historical events align with various “chronomarkers”. The writer has done extensive research, revealing a 138-year Phoenix phenomenon that lines up with events in history, indicating Phoenix as the keeper of the calendar. This work challenges the academic models of history, which often provide abstract data without precise dates. The writer emphasizes the importance of understanding tangible evidence from ancient texts and suggests that world history has always been preserved the same way calendars were implemented – by people after suffering a reset.


Sand to cover. Today we’re going to put everything in into perspective. I’m going to tell you hardcore fact that I promise you that is not taught by scholarship, is not taught. It’s not taught in academia. You do not get taught this in any collegiate atmosphere. Colleges, universities, specialty schools, private schools, public schools do not teach you what I’m going to reveal to you in this video, but at the same time that I make that claim, I equally claim that every bit of this can be confirmed.

And that’s a problem. By the time we’re done with the end of this video, you’ll understand it’s a real problem that none of this is taught anywhere. And yet, equally true, every bit of it is verifiable. But what you need to take from this video is that what I’m going to reveal to you about the chronology and the history of the world as presented to us by academia, by the establishment, what I’m going to show you is so true, and yet equally so.

None of it, none of it is being propagated. They are not teaching this material. I’m going to speak a little louder because I’m backing up. What I have in my hands was published in 1877. What I have in my hands dates from 1877. 155 year old book is in my hands right here. This is not a reprint. This is an original 1877 monograph. It is a series of chronological templates of all the known books from the ancient world that were known in the year 1877.

And what’s really sad, this list hasn’t changed hardly at all. You’ll see it on the PdF, because I’m going to have actual picture of this. Tables of ancient literature in history, BC 1500 to AD 200 by John Nichol, LLD, professor of english language and literature, University of Glasgow. Yeah, this is awesome. See, 1877, publisher of the university. Now, I’m not going to hold this up and I’m not going to waste your time with all that.

I’ve already read it. While it did re educate me on things I had formerly had forgotten, I don’t need it for this presentation. If we were to break this down, which I’m going to do for you guys in a free pdf, if we were to break this down into a chart like I did for the Graham Hancock material, it would stun you. When you realize, when you look at this chart and you compare it with what you’re told about the history of the world, seeing this in chart form, it will stun you, I promise.

Many of you know, and all throughout the archaic material, there are presentations where I have gone in depth about the histories of the anti diluvian period, the pre flood world, before the collapse of the vapor canopy. This is a period that the book of Genesis covers, but Genesis barely even touches upon the topic. So we are told by academia, because of the discovery of over 100,000 cuniform tablets found in the underground library of Nineveh in Assyria because of more cuneiform tablets that have been found at Amarna in Egypt.

More below. The ruins of Rashamra in Canaan in Yugurt in Syria, cuniform at Nimrod, a whole vast library of hittite cuneiform at Hattusis. And I’m not mentioning all of them, there’s so many more guys altogether, we have hundreds of thousands of cuneiform tablets. But we have a problem. Before the vapor canopy, during the pre flood world, we don’t have a single written record in existence. None have ever been found that detail, any of the histories of that period.

All we have are cuniform clay, kiln fired, burnt records after a massive cataclysm. The history of the pre flood world is entirely post reset, and that right there should wake you up. Everything that we know in the Adam and Eve narrative, everything that we know in the lineage of Cain, in the lineage of canoc, in the lineage of Enoch, in the lineage of Seth and Enos, Mahalal, Jared, what we know of in the lineage, in the pedigree of Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, Neymar, the wife of Noah, everything shem, ham, Japheth, the ancient Japheth, being Yapatos of the aryan records, everything we know about this period, these genealogies, everything in the coptic records about the building of the great pyramids, how surid built the Giza complex to warn the world of a flood, and yet for the structure to also survive the flood for a future generation.

In the last days, everything we know from the books of Enoch, the Book of the secrets of Enoch, 1st, second, and third Enoch, what we know from the forgotten books of Eden, everything that we have come to find out through the writings of the Book of Jasher and the Book of jubilees that cover the pre flood world, the things that we have discovered in the traditions of many people around the world that describe this period.

Like the japanese mythos called the way of the gods, it’s said that for the first seven generations, there was peace on earth, and then men began to rebel. The japanese way of the gods, mythos has them rebelling against a machiruso, a matriarch a goddess. But the exact same story is told in the patriarchy as well. In ancient times, that story is found in the hebraic records, where it says that for the first seven generations, mankind was at peace with God.

But in the 7th generation, in the days of Enos, mankind rebelled, and they turned away from the face of God. Here we have an ancient hebrew tradition that perfectly mirrors an ancient japanese tradition. The problem is, they’re traditions. They weren’t written records. Everything that, every text, every tradition translation that I just mentioned to you, and many more, did not exist during the period of the events they depict.

That’s a problem. Remember, I have gone into great detail in my videos explaining to you guys that the jewish calendar, the Quiche, the Olmec, the temple of the cross, the Maya Itza, and then the mayan long count calendar, none of these calendars existed at their inception. The start dates that were attributed to all of these calendar systems were done in retrospect, not when they started. That, too. We need to take note of that.

All these calendars from the ancient world were started way later. And then somebody just using arithmetic factored backwards and gave them begin dates, which is interesting, because I show many, many charts. You guys know, I have a 337 chart pack where a lot of these discoveries are all demonstrated for you. In that chart pack, a lot of detail, a lot of attention is shown to a 21 year period, which lines up perfectly with the life of Enoch.

In that 21 year period. We have archaeological dating for many ancient monuments in the world at the same time that five or six calendars all started at that exact same time in history. Problem is, every bit of that is, in retrospect, not one single written record from the pre flood world has ever survived. One of the oldest written records that has ever been found is a disc about this big.

And I’ve shown this on my channel, and it’s got some rectilinear. It’s got a rectilinear, a really scientific looking pythagorean triangles. Rectilinear. It looks like somebody was giving us the coordinates to something. And for many, many years, no one knew what this disc was. In my own presentations, I’ve shown you that scholars have come forth in the last five or six years with a new translation to this disc.

And it’s amazing, because they don’t know anything about the Phoenix phenomenon. They don’t recognize the Phoenix phenomenon, have never reviewed my material, and yet they date this almost precisely with 22 39 BC. And they say that, according to the disc, something came out of this area of the sky, which is noticed on the disc, and it penetrated the sky, and it hit the world, and the world was destroyed, all civilizations.

And this disc is supposed to be a record of that, but what I see is something with very complex geometry and some cuteiform around it. What I see is a people who have lost their infrastructure, and they don’t have their original tablets. They don’t have their original technology, so they’re using what they could at the time on an inferior medium of clay. But what they’re impressing on the clay is advanced.

This is what would happen if you and I experienced a cataclysm. If you and I survived a cataclysm that happens one week from now, it’s exactly what would happen. We don’t have apple. We don’t have macbooks, Android tablets. We don’t have anything to actually record information on anymore. We don’t have any of that. But it’s really easy to take clay and shape it and take a stylus that we can make out of a piece of splintered wood, and we can record.

Okay, on this date. On this date. On this date. Well, you can’t say that, Jason, because they’re not going to know in the future what year it was on the calendar. So you need to do something else. So the first thing I can think of is, okay, well, we know that these constellations were on the sky. Here’s where the constellations were when the sun rose that day and when the sun set.

We know where we are in the zodiac right now. So let’s record that. This will be our date stamp, and we’ll put that in there, and we’ll describe this deal. This is what we have with hundreds of thousands of cuneiform tablets. We have a civilization that, absolutely bereft of their infrastructure, now wants to preserve information, but they don’t know how to do it outside of the context of perishable media, because their technology is gone.

They don’t have the digitized material that we have. They used to, but that was during the vapor canopy. The collapse of the vapor canopy has caused something else. Now there’s mud everywhere. There’s clay everywhere. It’s the easiest thing in the world to do. And the very fact that they shaped their preservations of knowledge into tablets is a good indicator that some type of technological tablet was used prior to the cataclysm.

Further contributing to this idea is the fact that there are no written records from the pre flood world. There are none. We have sumerian texts that describe the cities, the Pentapolis, Batibira and Larak and Shurapak and whatever the other cities were, the five cities of the sumerian metropolis. We have a lot of sumerian texts that give us all kinds of information about this period, but none of them date to the periods that they discuss.

There are no sumerian texts that have ever been found that were in real time, such as the sumerian king Gudea, preserving a record of what was happening in his time at that moment. We don’t have any of that. If it was before the cataclysm, only after the cataclysm do we have the advent of writing. Writing. And any anthropologist will tell you writing wasn’t gradual according to the uniformitarian model.

The uniformitarian model would have writing stretched over hundreds of thousands of years of human development. This is not what we find in the 35th century BC. We find an explosion of all kinds of knowledges, and writing exploded as well. We are told writing was existent when the pre flood world was building these fantastic sites. But we’ve never found writing at Newgrange. We’ve never found writing at Stonehenge. No written examples of writing has been found on the oldest egyptian temples.

Nothing. The temple of the Sphinx and the valley temple are among the oldest structures in Egypt, and they were found underground. They are great technolithic slabs of monolithic blocks. But there were no egyptian hieroglyphs. There were nothing there to indicate an egyptian origin. The great Pyramid complex. No writing has ever been found. And for those of you who have bought into the establishment media lie that a few cartouches of Khufu were found in the relieving chambers in the great Pyramid.

It’s because you don’t have all the information. In 1837, Colonel Vice was losing funding. They were about to pull his project. He had no more money, and yet he did not want to return back to England. A shame. He didn’t want to. So he contrived an idea to put together, basically a conspiracy. They painted using the same dyes that are used today on the Nile, are the same ones that were used thousands of years ago.

And in 1837, he forged a cartouche and he messed up on some of the hieroglyphs. These mistakes were caught, but later the establishment has covered it up and tried to say that different periods and different egyptian periods of time had these writings done differently. But there’s no evidence of any hieroglyphics before the 21st century BC. There’s no way that these egyptian inscriptions would have ever been found in a relieving chamber.

And if any were ever truly found, they would have been architectural marks, not the name of a pharaoh that you wanted attributed to the pyramid in a relieving chamber that was never supposed to be seen by men. The whole thing was a forgery. And this isn’t just me telling you this, because the main man that came forward in 1837 and told the world that he was lying, that colonel vice was a liar, and he forged it.

His name was Humphreys Brewer, but they silenced him because they needed that funding and they got it. As soon as it was reported that these hieroglyphs were found, they got it. And the Egyptologists ever since have been able to push this Bs narrative that Khufu of pharaoh was the one that built the pyramids. But that’s not what the historical record says. And in my book of lost scriptures of Giza, I go into detail that the Egyptians found the great pyramids and that the sphinx was underground.

So we have sumerian text, egyptian hieroglyphs, we have all these evidences of an extreme antiquity, but the actual writings don’t exist when we find stories depicted in cuneiform tablets, the stories themselves happened 500 to 1000 years earlier. That’s a problem. That’s a real problem. Like I said, there’s no written records have ever been found on Stonehenge, on Carnac, on the french carnac, the giant monoliths. None have been found in the oldest temples in Egypt.

No writings have been found anywhere that we would expect them to be found if writing was so old. We have massive vapor canopy technology, artifacts in the form of giant temples on Malta. Not just those temples. Cattle, Hoyuk. We have the gobleki teepee. These structures, this civilization, it is not like Graham Hancock is telling you, they are not ice age at all. Graham Hancock has already pissed off the entire maltese archaeological department behind his series because he is totally ignoring a tremendous amount of data that the maltese government archaeologists have found and reported and published in order to push his ice age bullshit.

But no writing has ever been found on any of these. No writing has been found on the hypogium. No writing has been found etched into the walls of the lion’s gate of Atreus Mycenaea. These ancient structures, like old Jericho, there are no evidence of any writing because these were vapor canopy constructions. They were specifically designed to keep large animals out by a people who had formerly had an infrastructure.

We have a problem with the advent of writing. The story that’s given to us of the development of writing is that the evidence shows that it was explosive. It all happened basically at the same time, and that’s very close to the truth. But the theory that’s put out by the establishment is that it was slowly developed over long periods of time. And that’s not true. It’s not true at all.

There was a necessity to create a uniform way of communicating. After the cataclysm, what had happened was people were intelligent and they had a standardized form of communication. Let’s just call it English. They had something like English during the vapor canopy. They had technology. They had all that. Then all of a sudden, the cataclysm comes. The phoenix phenomenon totally decimates the world. Now for about a century, or maybe only 50 years, people are trying to figure out a whole new way of communicating, because the holographic technology that they used to have carried in little bags, these tablets, they can pull out, which the early Sumerians called the tablets of destinies, they could do all kinds of things and make phenomena happen.

They could make machines animated. They could control the sky dragons, aircraft. They could do all these things. When they weren’t using them, they put them in their bags for protection. And everybody who had one of these bags, according to the ancient Sumerians, these were called Medes. This denoted that they were among the elite of the anunna, and they were venerated for this, but they were seen as benefactors.

When that technology vanished, the infrastructure was gone, that holographic technology was over. So the survivors had to come up with a way to communicate. And very rapidly, very rapidly, we find all kinds of ancient mesopotamian practice tablets. We are told by academia that these practice tablets were from young students learning how to do their deals. But what we’re finding is it doesn’t conform to that idea. We are seeing different ways to do different symbols, and we find a lot of evidence of the similarities.

When we look at ancient Chinese and ancient Sumerian, the further we go back, we’re told this is over centuries. The further we go back, the closer they come to looking at each other like they’re very similar, all these pictographic types of tablets. If the uniformitarian model was true, we would find hundreds of millions of these practice tablets. They would have been discarded everywhere. They’ve been all over the place, because it takes a long time to come up with this, but it didn’t.

It happened in a matter of decades that they standardized a single form of communication. And that form of communication is the reason why we have cuneiform everywhere, cuneiform in Rashamra, which was canaanite, cuneiform, cuneiform. In Amarna, an egyptian stylized cuneiform based from Phoenicia. We have hittite cuneiform, sumerian cuneiform, academic cuneiform, babylonian cuneiform, assyrian cuneiform, and even the Elamites employed it. Someone very rapidly standardized the way to communicate using a series of dots and dashes and crescent moons, a very simple code, and it’s very sophisticated.

And because it was standardized and spread rapidly through all the ruling cities after the cataclysm, remember I told you guys, the ruling cities were all related to each other. They are the amuru of the ancient world, known by all, everybody as westerners. And their physical attributes are given over and over and over and over who they are. They are the Tamahu on the egyptian temple of cardiac. In the racial profiles, we have a people who lost everything, but very quickly put together a whole new infrastructure.

But this infrastructure was bereft of technology. The reason why we don’t have written records, there are no tablets, there are no wood tablets, there’s no vellum, there are no scrolls, there are no date steals. There are no pillars with pillars with writing and inscriptions. The reason we have none of this dating from before the 22nd century BC is because during the vapor canopy, writing was purely abstract. It was holographic, it was in the technology, it was in the technological devices we were using.

There was no need to put anything on the side of a building. There were no temples. The things they’re calling temples in the ancient world were anything. But. There was no need for that. Only after the cataclysm did all of a sudden man need. It wasn’t just utilitarian. In order to preserve the past, it was necessary now to write it down, because it wasn’t necessary before. I believe it was a crystal based technology.

I believe that they were using memory crystals, and the memory crystals were inserted just like data jacks in our tablets today. That entire infrastructure was lost. And when it was now, everybody who had read the annals, they knew the histories, all these people, they only had a couple of decades before people started dying off who had lived during the vapor canopy period. And then now we’re living in the post reset communities.

After the collapse of the vapor canopy, these people now went to work, and they composed the Atrahasis epic, the enemy, Elish, the Karsag tablets. They composed all the writings of all the different prisms of the sumerian king list. This is why in the 21st century BC, we have an absolute explosion of hundreds of thousands of clay killed tablets. Being created, as if they’re being manufactured and distributed by companies in the ancient Middle east who wanted to guarantee the preservation of the historical information, and they sent them to all the other major cities of the Amuru.

This is why the epic of Gilgamesh has a hittite version, it has an amorite version, it has a canaanite version. The epic of Gilgamesh has been. Copies have been found everywhere in the world. It was a part of an ancient syllabus. The sumerian king list was a part of an ancient syllabus, the story of the great flood. And the reason why its particular details are noted so minutely by civilizations that were so far apart is because it was a part of an ancient syllabus.

When we reinterpret the ancient world in this manner, it all makes sense. Now we understand how we can put all this chronological material together for a 3000 year period from 52 39 bc to 22 39 bc. Great flood, collapse of the vapor canopy, we have 3000 years. It’s the same 3000 years documented by Theopompus. This 3000 year period was only possible as a reconstruction by chronologists such as myself in my chronicon, because in the 21st century BC, somebody went into overdrive, or a whole collection of people went into overdrive, putting back together the histories as they remembered them, because there wasn’t a single document from the 26th century that survived.

The cataclysm, destroyed everything. And that, my friends, is just the beginning, because these people had 552 years to build another infrastructure, and they did. This is the heliolithic maritime empire. And they spread this massive syllabus, this huge syllabus of the building, a monument to the sky, building the pyramids, the tower of Babel. The syllabus had the flood story, the seven kings before the flood that had become evil, a ten king dynasty that was holy and regarded as good, and that opposed the seven kings.

Every bit of these elements are found throughout the ancient world because it was a syllabus. And this ancient syllabus is what Plato tapped into when he was quoting Solan, who was either fiction or not. I don’t know. I believe Solon probably existed, and solon probably did go to Egypt. But when Solon heard the story of Atlantis in Egypt, he wasn’t hearing a full rendering of an accurate account, because even the Egyptians didn’t have it all right, because they introduced elements into the story that weren’t a part of the 13th century invasion of the sea peoples.

It wasn’t a part of the destruction of Gnossis, the minoan civilization. And the island, the great island, technologically advanced civilization of the Minoans on Gnossis. When the volcano thera exploded, they had mixed all these details. The Atlantis story is true, but what was injected into it was a far older syllabus. Because the ten kings of Atlantis isn’t true. In the 13th century, it was borrowed from the annals of the pre flood world.

The ten kings in the Ten King dynasty is found in civilizations all over the world. This isn’t Jason making this up. And it’s not just the ten patriarchs in the Book of Genesis. That was also a copying of the ten kings of Atlantis. But we have the ten patriots of the east, and there are the ten dragon kings of ancient China. There are many different civilizations that all mentioned a ten king dynasty before a cataclysm.

And there’s equally as many references to a seven king dynasty that became corrupt and that opposed it before the flood. Remember, the last days are going to be as in the days of Noah. The story unfolding in the Book of Revelation tells the exact same tale. Do we not have in Book of Revelation a ten kings opposed the seven headed dragon? The seven kings. Remember, in the Book of Revelation, there’s a riddle about the return of the seven kings.

We’ll get to that in my next book of Revelation video. But for now, it’s sufficient to say that the Book of Revelation, we return back to the motives of the beginning. In the end, the ten kings are opposing the seven kings, but the seven kings are victorious. This is what we find in revelation as well. The ten kings fall to the seven kings in the Apocalypse period. So the 21st century bc, we have the explosion of writing.

And with that, we have all these ancient documents in the world, found in Cuda form, that tell the stories of the old world, and they mirror many of the traditions that we have found much later. But we have a dearth. We have this great, great dark age that descends upon the world again, because the heliolithic maritime empire, it’s called heliolithic because it was the appearance of the sun, the vapor canopy collapsed.

The Amuru now is ruling dynasties over all these ancient civilizations, and they’re the ones that are promoting writing and the preservation of history. And even back 100 years ago, the scholar Albert T. Clay published in his books all kinds of new information that academia had never seen before. Even today, Albert T. Clay is an anomaly, and he is not cited by the establishment. But his books can be found.

I’ve already found and read two of them, so I know reprints are still available. But Albert T. Clay reveals that the ancient world was overrun by the Amuru, and they were highly intellectual. And the amorite name syllabaries have been found all through the ancient world. And that there was a syllabus of stories that was spread by these people. This is way before Israel, way before jews, way before all.

This is during the height of the Assyrian of babylonian kingdoms in the 19th and 18th and 17th centuries BC. This syllabus basically became what we know of as the ancient world today. This syllabus was a string of teachings that were given to all people everywhere. These phoenician ships landed in the world. They taught this syllabus. And the syllabus was about a garden and about the first human survivors of a world before, and how they got to start over in a garden paradise, until they realized they were living as beasts and they rebelled.

They saw that they were naked. So this pre flood world is a part of this syllabus. And in the pre flood world, there was this great king who ruled, and he was a chronologist, and he was an astronomer, and he was an architect. He was a bringer of civilization. And it was a great dark day in the pre flood world when suddenly he vanished without a trace. Remember, in Genesis, we have a trace of this.

It is the disappearance of Enoch into the sky. And much more about that disappearance is found in the book of Jasher. For anybody who wants to read that, and for those who don’t know, the Book of Jasher contains a phenomenal amount of material about what was going on during the anti diluvian period. So moving forward, we have the syllabus taught all the way around the world. It’s the reason why Thor Hiredal and many others before him, when they visited the Urum Baba valley, they heard the same stories that they had heard in the Harappan valley of Pakistan and India.

The same stories they heard in the Yancey valley of ancient China. The same stories they heard in the Nile valley of Egypt. The exact same stories they heard in the Tigris Euphrates valley. They are uniform. In my playlist, the Anunophiles, you can find this story how these people, the Amuru westerners, appeared in fleets in every one of these valley civilizations and began building campaigns. And the people learn the same stories about the building of a great tower, about the existence of giants, about a great flood, the collapse, the collapse of the ocean that was above, about ancient, about ancient ships that used to sail the seas of the sky.

They learned all about. It’s the same story. Everybody told them, but they told them from different cultural perspectives. The Chinese focused on the dragon kings. In South America, it was the exact same story, but it was the people of Veracoca, it was the people of Thunapa, and in Mexico, it was the people of Quattoado. And we have the people of Votan. We have so many examples. It’s the same story everywhere.

Because it was a syllabus, it was spread specifically. The problem we have is that the great destruction of the collapse of the vapor canopy, it fell on one of those ancient epics that was so popular in the old world. It was the 600 year epic, the great year. This is mentioned by Flavius Josephus, it’s mentioned by many ancient authors. And it should be a warning to you. You should pay attention because academia today has gone into a lot.

There’s many reports you can read where they go. It’s almost as if they are vehemently against any idea that there was a 600 year period in antiquity. But there was 600 years before the cataclysm Noah was born. Remember, Noah was 600 years during the great. He was 600 years old when the flood happened. He was born 600 years before the cataclysm, which was the Phoenix phenomenon, the collapse of the vapor canopy which caused the flood.

The ocean above rained for 40 days and caused the flood. And the waters of the flood were on the earth for 150 days, five months. So we have the 600 year period that they were watching very closely was also the first reginald year of the Anunnaki. Seven kings over the pre flood civilization was the year Noah was born in the first year of the oppression before the flood.

But 600 years after that was when the Anunna first landed in the ancient Middle east. It was the arrival of Enki. It was 432,000 turnings of the stars before the flood, which is exactly twelve centuries. So 600 years before that we have the capture of Luna, which was another vast destruction. It was the first appearance of the moon. It was in the year 40, 39 bc, the capture of Luna.

And then that was exactly 432,000 turnings of the Shah after the nemesis cataclysm which sent Luna, Phoenix Electra, our own world, the Nemesis X object and the dark satellite all careening away from the dead exploded star to come to soul to this. And remember, this is all in the simulated history. Everything in the sky is simulated, guys, because it’s programming. But it doesn’t mean it didn’t already happen somewhere for real or I’m also on board with the fact that we are preparing for it to happen soon and we’re living through the simulations now, it could be either or.

We have this people who were once highly technologically advanced, losing their infrastructure. But what’s interesting, when people lose their infrastructure, they don’t lose their intellect, they don’t lose their abilities, and they don’t lose their frames of reference. What they lose is the ease of which technology gives them to produce materials, to manufacture, to create a new infrastructure. But in the communication of ideas, they’re still there. So it still takes over a century for a population of people to return back to the neolithic.

It may take even longer than that, depending upon how developed they were from the beginning. Remember, in the far distant past, even before the pre flood world, we had a technologically advanced race, a sedentary race that was met with destruction. And the last things that we see from this race is they were hiding in caves. But their artwork shows and the clothes they wore show that they were very advanced.

We call them Cromagnon and Magdalenes, and they have all different subspecies names. And we are told, because of the uniformitarian model, that these developed over hundreds of thousands of years. And it’s not true. It’s a technologically advanced race that was suddenly cut off, wiped out. And the few survivors left us beautiful cave paintings and structure in writings and notches on bones. And they wore pants with button down.

They buried their dead. Very sophisticated. And they were very specific in burying their dead with red ochre. And in my videos, I explain why they did this, what red dirt and red paint meant to them, because of the way their civilization collapsed. Remember, Phoenix phenomenon? So we have a race of people. By 1687 BC, they’re 48 years away from the next big one, because they’ve been documenting this 600 year period for a long time.

But something happened. They got surprised. And again, that surprise came in the form of the Phoenix phenomenon. 1687 BC was the Ogaijian deluge. It was the year 22 eight anasmondi. They were not expecting that to happen. They thought they were still on the older Anuna calendar, and they’re not. Something switched over. Basically, the cataclysm cycles of the world jumped tracks. Priorly, they were on a 600 year period with the great flood.

All of a sudden, it jumped track unexpectedly to the phoenix. 138 years every 138 years. Because as soon as this happened, in 1687 BC, it happened again, to a lesser degree, in the Mediterranean. In 1549 BC, it happened over Canaan. In 1411 BC, it happened over Greece. In 1273 BC. And then the entire Mediterranean entered a massive dark age in 1135 BC. The problem we have here is, as I’ve documented in my phoenix playlist and in my published books, is we have the human race being wiped out over and over and over and over, and each one is setting humans back further into a dark age setting.

This is why we have the beautiful explosion of aesthetics and gnostics and the minoan civilization, and Minoan linear a is developed, and then all of a sudden it’s over with. There’s a dark age. Archaeologists called it an intermediate period. It’s followed by Minoan linear b, and then we have these interruptions. Even in ancient Egypt, the Egyptologists call them intermediate periods. This is where scholarship, very cleverly, basically rewrites history, allowing you to think that an intermediate period just means it’s a period of interruption.

No big deal, everything continues on. It’s still Egypt. It’s not true. With every intermediate period that is introduced by academia, you can insert the word reset, because that is exactly what happens. Because after intermediate periods, we no longer have coffin texts, now we have pyramid texts, we no longer have bimutic, or it switches over to hierratic or inverse. Sometimes languages take a mirror image before a reset. They were written from right to left after the reset.

Now they’re left to right. And it’s baffling to archaeologists when they do comparative analysis between the two, and they see fundamentals that are very clear, showing a common origin, but they don’t understand what happened. It’s almost as if people scrambled the brains of ancient minds and they just started doing things differently. Imagine, if you will, to put this in perspective. Imagine that we are thriving. We’re on the cusp of creating locomotives and trains.

We’re on the cusp of buildings with steel frames. We are just on the edge of locomotion through steam power. Imagine the year is 1626, and imagine a massive reset happens, and it devastates our civilization and it retards our development, and it depopulates the world. So from 1626 to 1764, it takes us 138 years to develop to the point where we get to these exact same things again in 1764.

And in 1764, somebody invents the spitting jenny. And because of that one invention, now all of a sudden we can feed millions of people, as opposed to tens of thousands, because the way we can harvest food now, but then a reset happens in 1764 retards our development, and we don’t even get near to that level of technology until we build the first skyscraper in the year 19. Two in New York City, that’s the truth.

So imagine in the year 2040, we suffer another reset that retards our development, sends us right back, collapses our infrastructure. Electricity is not working because there are no plants that have been untouched by the cataclysm. Imagine hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of people are still around, but you don’t have the ability to write on a touch screen. Nothing works. It’s all over with. What are you going to do? Some people are going to cut wood and they’re going to write on wooden tablets.

Well, what are they going to write? They’re going to write in the language that they know, in the letters that they know. Some people are going to take fabrics in cloths and they’re going to do it and they’re going to write what they need to write. Some people just aren’t going to write anything at all. And within 150 years, their histories are completely lost, rendered to traditions. And the oral traditions will only be preserved based off what was orally known when the cataclysm happened.

Is anybody sharing oral traditions today? No. History is forgotten just like that. This is what they went through from 1687 BC, as I’ve shown you in my phoenix, all the documentation and all the chronological material, all the sources, archaeology, I’ve given you as much as I have found for 1687 BC, I’m 100% confident that they suffered a reset. Historian Castleton is 100% confident they suffered a reset, too, in 1549, which is 138 years later and 138 years after that.

Other scholars are convinced that in 1411 BC, there was all kinds of fallout over Canaan, and that this is what the conquest of Canaan is about. When the sun was moved and it was stopped in the sky and rocks fell out the sky and destroyed the Canaanites. And in my chronicon, I show you that the incident is mentioned in many ancient texts. So without even referring to Canaanites and Israelites.

So we have 138 year period. Even after 1411, we have it documented and on good authority from the Hittites during the reign of king Merciless II, that the sun became obscured during a war in 1273 BC, which is the exact year that two brothers in Argos were contending for the throne. One of them was an astronomer, and he predicted the darkening of the sun in that year. And it did occur, and his name was Atreus, and they awarded him the kingship because he was correct.

Well, we have it on really good authority from multiple different sources in 1135 BC, during. During the second battle of Moichura, when the Tuathida Danin were invading their own homeland to take it back from an invasive species called the Furbolgs, descendants of giants that did not belong there because the Tuath and day Dana were returning home. They had left centuries before. They were descendants of the Numidians, but they came back to an island that had now been occupied by giants.

And when they did, they fought them and lost. So they came back and invaded with another fleet. And in the second battle of Moitura, they used the phoenix phenomenon to their advantage, and they waited for the sun to darken and for all chaos to break loose. And then they attacked the fur bowls, and they won. So this period of 138 years is attested all through history. And we can stop with 1135 BC, and we can just count 138 years.

138 years. 138 years. And you’re going to get to many major events in world history that are shocking things that have happened to us. It’s all Phoenix phenomenon. And that 138 years is coming on us very fast. It’s May 2040. So when it comes to the preservation of the written record, we have all these libraries all over the world in 1687 BC, and they’re wiped out. Cuneiform is no longer the primary source of preserving data after the 1687 BC cataclysm, the Phoenix phenomenon in 16, 80, 87 BC brought a problem.

That problem was the return of the vapor canopy for 24 to 25 years. It started a whole new age of heroes, according to Hesiod, because Hesiod records that. But now we have another problem. There are no historical accounts that have ever been preserved. There are no written writings from this dark age period. After 1687 BC, there’s nothing. Every civilization in the world in 1687 BC went dark. There’s no monuments, there’s no structures.

There’s no evidence of development. It’s as if every single culture in this world was either hiding or just trying to eat, because there was nothing being built, there was no travel. All that was over with, done. Around 1625 BC, the world started waking up. This isn’t Jason telling you this. I cite my sources in Chronicon. This has been known by many different historians that around 1620 to 1625, the world was waking up from a dark age period.

But that didn’t last long. Nations migrated. Some of them started changing their writing styles. The preservation of knowledge and cuneiform was lost. It was over with. That’s why all those, the libraries of Rashamra and Ugarit in the Assyria, Babylon, Sumer, academ, they’re buried. They’re underground now, and nobody’s going back to dig those up. So we have no documents at all from the historical period. They’re buried underground at Rashamra and they’re buried underground in Elam, in Mari Vertu.

But what we do have is a lot of traditions. But in the academic arena, all of a sudden we have a historian emerges. But he doesn’t emerge till about the twelveth century BC. His name is Sankuniathan. He is a historian of Phoenicia. And the Phoenicians were direct descendants. They were the people of the Amuru, the westerners, the great heliolithic maritime race with centuries later. But the problem is starting with Sankuniathan and moving further in history, closer to where we are today.

We have Theogonus appears, and Hesiod appears, Linus and Homer. But what we have is almost comical. What we have is the preservation of real historical facts. But now they’re given to us with very primitive, fantastic frames of reference. This is because 1687 BC initiated a dark age that was a reset. Intellectualism is dying. 138 years later, another reset. 138 years later, another reset. 138 years later, another reset.

1135 BC, the entire Mediterranean enters a 350 year long dark age. This isn’t Jason telling you this. Any historian of mediterranean studies will tell you. After the Sea People’s confederation, the dorian invasion happened almost simultaneously. All of Greece collapsed. All the Mediterranean collapsed. After Ramesses II, everything in Egypt collapsed, total mediterranean dark age. Emerging out of that dark age was the writings of Sanchuniathan, was the writings of theognes, was the writings of Hesiod, was the writings of Homer.

But these writings are totally different from the writings of cuneiform that we have found. These writings are plagued with the supernatural, they’re plagued with these great mythological overtones for which we have become familiar with the gods on Olympus and Hercules and Jason and the Argonauts. These stories are from a totally different context of a people that regarded history almost as a cartoon. And it’s because the earlier Amuru intellectual and technological infrastructure is now gone, absolutely eradicated through a series of rapid fire dark ages.

So people think that we have history books today that survive from the ancient world. I’m telling you, we do not. We don’t even have any original writings from St Kuniathan, from theognes, from Homer or Hesiod. What we have are the writings of later historians who preserved those texts and rewrote them. We don’t have original, just like the Bible today. There’s not a single original Old Testament anywhere. And further compounding that problem is we have about 70 documents from the BC period that are legitimate ancient documents.

But not one of those documents mentions any book of the Bible, mentions any story that is found anywhere in the Old Testament. So when people think that history is clear cut and that we have this unbroken chain of custody from documents going back, we do not. What we have is about 25 centuries ago, an explosion of technology, I mean, intellectualism emerging out of a dark age around 2500 years ago, 500 BC.

Now, all of a sudden, it’s like the world is waking up. And authors were preserving the elements of stories that were far more ancient than they were. And they were putting the history of the world back together. In Alexander of Macedon, when he orchestrated the advent of the alexandrian library in Egypt, he did the world a great service because scholars from all over the ancient world, whether they agreed with Alexander the Great’s ideas or rulership or not, they still migrated to Egypt and they participated in the dissemination of information, the writing and the records and all these books, scrolls, tablets that were being dug up, because that’s what Alexander did.

They went to Babylon and they took their libraries, they went to Assyria, they went to all canaanite cities, Jerusalem, they went everywhere and took people’s libraries, took them to Egypt. And there it was, there for centuries of men like Aristarchus and Eratosthenes. These great scholars were able to put together these massive chronological databases from all these traditions and texts. But it was about a 400 year period where men were writing all these texts based off all the traditions and lore and fragments they could assemble in Alexander.

They put together the history of the world as best they could. So again, we’re still stuck with a lot of textual problems. They were working many of the kings out and they did a fantastic job. But then we have Rome. And Rome began to abridge the works of Livey and Cesaro. Entacidus, entation, implotinus, these great scholars of historical antiquities. Rome was beginning to abridge their works and hide them and conceal entire portions.

They didn’t want the public to know. Men were learning too fast, too far. And Rome was trying to become a control mechanism, basically the engine of the ancient elite. For those of you don’t know, Livey wrote many, many books, and we only have a couple today, but he wrote many books and they’re data packed and we have plenty. The elder and pliny the younger, Jerome. But then we enter the church historians, and the church historians were fantastic at recording much chronological information, like Augustine of Hippo, and there’s so many of them.

But when it came to inventing narratives, the church was also equally guilty for inventing things that never happened and then destroying many, many texts from the old world from the first century that would have proven the events never happened. They had destroyed those texts to cover their tracks, then introduced gospels of narratives. I’m not saying a man named Jesus didn’t come and teach all these things. I’m saying that the gospel narrative that’s been given to us was an invention of Rome for a reason.

When you want to conceal a truth, the best way to do it. If you want to hide a truth, the best way to do it is dress it up in a bunch of lies so people will disbelieve it. But unfortunately, the truth that they were trying to conceal was so powerful and resonated so great with the human spirit that all the miracles and accretions and lies and all the fables and myths that they attached to the story itself still wasn’t strong enough to get people to disbelieve it.

So it is still today, even one of the most well read, best sold and known stories in the entire world, talking about Jesus and Christianity. But the problem lies that we don’t have these books. We do not have originals. For 99% of all the publicized literature from the ancient world, we don’t have them. We don’t know when we’ve even lost them. What we have are the copies. What we have are the anecdotes.

What we have are what other authors referred to. So this means anything could have been interjected. So, again, we have 522 AD. In 522 AD, we have this massive reset. I’ve documented this a whole lot. It is the only year in history that the Phoenix and the nemesis X object were in the sky at the same time. The only year in history and the only year that it’ll ever happen in the future, 522 AD, which happens to be the beginning of the Enldomini calendar, a calendar like all others that was created.

In retrospect, our calendar today that we live under is a calendar that did not exist when it was being used, when it’s claimed it was being used. Yeah, it dates back to two BC or one BC. It depends on how you look at it. Two BC or one BC. However, it wasn’t even invented till 526 AD, retrogregated to 522 AD to cover up the great reset of Phoenix, what Phoenix calls the great justinian plagues.

All the harrowing stuff that was going on in the world that time, it was all concealed and rewritten by the church and hidden and spread out over a 25 year period to conceal what happened in that one year. I have a video about it, if you guys want to check it out. About 522. I can’t remember the title of it. I know some people in here know the title, but the problem with the preservation of information, it all being, in retrospect, is it wasn’t just the 1687 BC collapse of the heliolithic maritime empire, and then one 3838 years.

It was 1411 BC. Destruction in Canaan, then destruction in the Cyclades region of the Mediterranean. That was recorded by Castleton in 1549 BC, and then 1273 BC over the Mediterranean again, and then 1135 BC, the entire Mediterranean. But we have epic destruction happening in 31 BC all over the americas, and again in 246 BC AD. Excuse me. And then again at 378 AD. Many of you know, I have a video about it, but many of you know of the massive mediterranean tsunamis and earthquakes and total fallout that happened in the year 365 AD, as recorded by Amianus Marcellinus, who even visited wooden ships that were high up in the mountains from this great, terrible, terrible disaster.

But it’s not the only one. Epic disasters have happened so many times to our world. I’ve never even discussed this one, but there’s one that happened in 1755 in Portugal, at the city of Lisbon. Earthquakes terrified the people, and people ran to what they thought was the most solid structure. It was a huge quay. 60,000 people ran out to safety on the quay. During the earthquakes. During the earthquakes in 1755, with 60,000 people huddling on the quay, the entire quay just went straight down into the ocean, and nothing was ever seen of those 60,000 people or a single ship that was out in the harbor, they all just vanished.

It’s like a huge whirlpool just appeared, sucked them all down. No flotsam and jetsum, no pieces of debris from ships, no hats, no clothes. Nothing was ever seen about 1755. And for those who do your homework, you’ll find out in 1755, during the great Lisbon earthquake, when this happened, earthquakes were happening all around the world. They were transcontinental. 1755. So we have these episodes where literature and texted books are being lost over and over and over and over, all the time.

All the time, they’re being lost. So, academia has presented to us this version of history as if it’s fluid and it’s not. What it is, is a reconstruction put together by post reset people over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. This is my presentation that you think about before you accept the academic versions, before you accept what is being put out as history by authorities and why they get so angry they can’t defend their positions.

It’s as simple as that. You can get any academic and any scholar who specializes, like in ancient minoan or ancient mycenaean studies, and you get that person because they all get educated through a certain filter. That filter is uniformitarianism. There are no historians today. There are no academics today who are allowed to even publish materials and get peer reviewed and get accepted by their community unless they first go through the proper channels.

And the proper channels is being educated in the uniformitarian model. Evolution, the old you descended from monkeys bullshit. Yeah. That type of education produces, it’s a filter that produces certain outcomes. Those certain outcomes is the slow development. This is why everything is inversed. They believe that all these primitive little things are done was a slow development over centuries and millennia to what we have later is more greater and stylized.

It’s not. We began as technologically advanced, and we got more primitive. This time happened, more and more primitive. All the way up until the modern days, we’ve been continually reset and reset and reset. And finally, in 1902, it’s almost as if this great relief happened, and even the elite got a pass. But this great relief happened where we could just move forward. And it’s exactly what has happened.

Everything, radio, motion pictures, technology, all the way to genetics and all the elements of our infrastructure today. We’re enjoying every bit of this now, because a reset didn’t happen like every other time. In 1902, you remember, I have a theory. The harvest began in 19 oh 219. The elite were given a pass. 19 oh 219. They unleashed their wealth, their inventions, their technologies, things that they have suppressed and kept from the public.

They unleashed all that. All these corporations and engines, everything. It’s just crazy how much stuff just came out. 19, 219, 319. Four. All the way up to about 1916, because all this stuff was just ancillary. It was new companies being born, but they’re being born under the umbrella of companies that came out in 1902. But the whole idea is for you to understand that this whole monograph from 1877, it hasn’t changed.

The books that are listed in here that we have from the ancient world are the same ones we have today. This was 155 years ago. You would think we have a tremendous amount, but we don’t. Why? Because we have been continually sitting back. We have suffered through more dark ages than academia will reveal to you. Dark age after dark age, after dark age, after dark age. Why? Because a dark age is a post reset period.

We’re getting set back over and over and over. This is why the state of preservation of written records is almost nonexistent. They don’t. All we have are copies of copies of copies of copies. This is what we have to work with now as a chronologist. What we work with are the chronal markers in these texts, such as the fact. I’ll give you an example. If traditions from the ancient America say there was a great, vast darkness that lasted 25 years, and it was toward the end of the race of giants, but we find the exact same story in Hesseod, or we find the exact same story in Marcus Varro concerning the mediterranean world suffered a vast darkness that lasted 25 years, which mirrors the annals of Kualatin or whatever.

I’m not mexican. But when we find stories that are absolutely similar and we know, okay, well, this 25 year darkness in the Mediterranean, according to all these ancient writers, was attached to the Ogaijian flood. After the Ogaijian flood, this is what we have, 25 year darkness. What parallels what’s said in the ancient mexican animals. So when we have things like that, we have a chronomarker, and we can start basing our chronology on that, and then we have thousands of chronomarkers throughout hundreds of texts, and we’re able to put back the history of the world together.

Such as, we know that seacrops landed. He left Egypt with a fleet of people, and he landed in the Peloponnesis, ancient Greece, 189 years after the Ogaijian flood. Well, that’s easy to figure out. Now we know when ancient Greece was started, because then we find out that nine years after the landing of synchrops, they began to build the city of Athens. Now we know when the city of Athens began.

Nine years after the landing of synchrops, sea crops landed 189 years after the Ogaijian deluge. So this is what the chronologist does. This is what I did with my chronicon. This is why I stand behind Chronicon. And then when I take Chronicon and I look at the entire thing and then separately look at the 138 year Phoenix phenomenon, everything lines up absolutely perfect, showing that Phoenix is indeed the keeper of the calendar.

So this is where we’re at. History is instructive, but it’s not set in stone, as academia will tell you. What I mean is scholars have basically put together the history of the world through massive conjecture, not chronology. There’s a huge difference. Every single one of you can use a calculator to confirm if something is true or not. But when it comes to academia, they give you information in the abstract.

By providing you data in the abstract, there’s nothing you could do but take them for their word. By telling you things happen plus or -50 years. They’ve abstracted it by telling you a narrative but not putting any dates with it. It’s all abstract. There’s nothing you can verify. You have to take it on faith. The archaics material is date specific, and then the dates are supported with sources.

This is totally different than the models that are provided to you by academia. It’s also admitted in the archaics material that a lot of this data was basically discovered, because it’s not to be found in any prior published research. Remember, guys, no one in the world brought to your attention the 138 year Phoenix phenomenon until I published it. I published it years ago, almost 15 years ago, but it’s nowhere in the records of academia.

All they do is talk about Phoenix being some dumb fiery bird. According to the Greeks, 25 centuries ago, and that’s because 25 centuries ago was after four dark ages that happened in rapid succession, and the last one was 350 years old. They had lost every element of the historical data. They had lost it all. And what we have is Homer’s Iliad, Homer’s odyssey. What we have is theognus works and days.

What we have is Hesiod’s works and days. I can’t remember, but we have these ancient greek authors that put together all these massive epic works, and they’re riddled with fantasy, but they’re also preserving core facts, chronological facts, and they’re easy to find when you remove the dressing. But you can only remove dressings like the archaics research does. You can only remove the intangibles once you understand what’s tangible.

And you’ll never understand core fundamentals until you get it that the history of the world has always been preserved the exact same way that the calendars of the world were implemented, and that is by people after they had suffered a reset. That’s the subject matter of this video. .

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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