The Book of Enoch: Archaix Analysis

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➡ The speaker is preparing to give a detailed presentation about the Book of Enoch, a text from ancient times. He has studied many ancient texts and believes that understanding them can reveal truths about history. He criticizes popular theories like “ancient aliens” and promises to stick to facts. He also mentions a chart that shows a pattern in history, which he calls the “Phoenix phenomenon”.
➡ The text discusses the historical context of the Book of Enoch, a religious text associated with Judaism. It suggests that the earliest evidence of Jewish culture and writings, including the Book of Enoch, appeared after the Jews were deported to Babylon. The text also explores the possibility that the original Book of Enoch was not written in Hebrew, but possibly in Greek or Aramaic. Finally, it mentions how James Bruce, a Scotsman, discovered copies of the Book of Enoch in Ethiopia in the 18th century.
➡ The text discusses the Book of Enoch, suggesting that it contains important lessons for future generations. It argues that the ‘watchers’ mentioned in the book were advanced humans, not aliens, who introduced various technologies and knowledge to less advanced societies. The text also connects the Book of Enoch to other religious texts and suggests that it contains a cipher that, when decoded, reveals the purpose of the Great Pyramid. The author plans to delve deeper into these topics in future videos.
➡ The Aboriginal people of Australia, descendants of bearded Dravidians from India, believed Captain Cook and his crew were ghosts due to their unfamiliar appearance. This belief is linked to ancient Aryan culture and the idea of the dead walking the earth. The text also discusses the racial issues in the Book of Enoch, which focuses on ethnic purity and is critical of Caucasians. Lastly, it explores the sudden explosion of civilization in the 35th century BC, which saw rapid advancements in agriculture, infrastructure, and city planning.
➡ We’re going to explore the book of Enoch in our next videos, summarizing new insights each time. This will help you understand my Great Pyramid and Phoenix videos better. We’re currently in the ‘second seal’ period, with significant events expected in 2024. Don’t worry, we’ll be okay even as we approach the Phoenix phenomenon in 2040.
➡ The speaker discusses the Book of Enoch, a collection of ancient writings, and its various translations. He mentions that the book contains information about the calendar year, seasons, and other aspects of time that are only applicable after 713 B.C. The speaker also talks about the story of 200 angels descending from Mount Hermon, as described in the Book of Enoch. He ends by explaining the significance of a hermian heap, a pile of stones representing an agreement or oath in ancient times.
➡ This text discusses ancient traditions where advanced cultures descended from mountains to valleys, bringing technology to indigenous people. These cultures, found in China, South America, Egypt, Pakistan, India, and Sumeria, were similar in appearance and lifestyle. The text also explores biblical references to ‘sons of God’ interacting with ‘daughters of men’, suggesting these were advanced humans integrating with indigenous cultures. It questions why God would destroy all people for the actions of one culture, and suggests the ‘giants’ could be a result of taller men breeding with shorter women.
➡ The text discusses the influence of various figures, referred to as sons of God, who led humanity astray by introducing them to harmful practices and knowledge. It also talks about the clash between an indigenous culture and a more advanced one, with the latter taking over and causing significant changes. The text also suggests that these events were recorded for future generations to understand and interpret. The text also mentions the use of a unique counting system by the invaders, which was different from the indigenous one.
➡ The text discusses the story of Enoch from the Book of Enoch, who acted as a messenger between two groups of watchers – those who remained holy and those who rebelled. Enoch was taken to various places, including the underworld, and was commanded to return to earth to deliver a message. The text also explores ancient beliefs about heaven, the underworld, and the concept of spiritual beings living eternal lives before entering the physical world. It suggests that many strange phenomena and stories, such as those of fairies and goblins, originate from underground rather than the sky.
➡ The text discusses ancient theories about people disappearing into caves and trees, suggesting they were taken to an underworld. It mentions the idea of beings descending from the sky, which became popular with technological advancements. The text also talks about the creation of NASA in 1958, which it claims was designed to make people believe in extraterrestrial threats. It further explores the Book of Enoch, suggesting it describes communication between underworld facilities and beings on the surface of the Earth.
➡ The text discusses a vision of Enoch, who is guided by the angel Uriel through various celestial and earthly phenomena. Enoch learns about the stars, the heavens, and the balance of human actions. He also sees the homes of the holy and the elect, and the punishment of sinners. The text ends with the birth of a unique child, who is unlike any other human and is believed to be of divine origin.
➡ The text discusses the story of Enoch, who was a messenger between the holy watchers and the rebellious watchers. Enoch received important information from the watchers and passed it down to his son Methuzala, who then passed it to the Sethites, the family of Noah and builders of the Great Pyramid. The text also mentions a prophecy of a great flood and the construction of two pillars in the land of Syriad, which is associated with the star Sirius. Lastly, it talks about the conflict between the offspring of the watchers and the indigenous people, with the former being seen as a threat due to their superior height and intelligence.
➡ The text discusses the interpretation of ancient texts, particularly the Babylonian cuneiform tablets and the Book of Enoch. It suggests that the Jewish scribes misunderstood these texts, leading to the creation of biblical figures like Adam and Eve. The text also explores the idea that the rulers and kings of our world today are descendants of the offspring of the ‘watchers’ and the ‘daughters of men’, as described in the Book of Enoch. Lastly, it mentions a future event where these rulers will witness a supernatural phenomenon involving angels, which will terrify them.


Alright guys, let’s do a little audio check. I have an entirely different camera set up because both of my studio cameras are on their way to Tampa right now. Sounds great. Excellent, excellent. Yeah, I took both of, I have my primary camera and my backup camera, put them in the studio equipment. Big John and junior are in the archaics mobile, mobile tactical operations van. Oh my God, that van is awesome.

But they’re in the van and they should be, they should have entered Florida within the hour. I’ll catch a flight tomorrow and catch up with them. They should be, they should be there in time to pick us up at the airport. Any of you Floridians that are pretty local, you guys can come join us. See here. All right. I’m drinking coffee out of this mug right here. This is going to be a fantastic presentation, guys.

It’s really weird how this video came around. I was inspired to do this video but Enoch is what broke me into, into the publishing world. Enoch, the subject of Enoch is how I got my first publishing contract and then I just kind of let it go and I started releasing articles and videos on all the subjects tangential to Enoch’s world. And really I’ve come full circle. So I’m going to do a series of videos putting everything back into perspective because the Phoenix phenomenon is intrinsically connected with the person, identity, ministry and the prophecies of Enoch.

The nemesis X object is a part of the enochian history, the collapse of the vapor canopy. Enoch is, is integral to it all. I knew this from the beginning when lost scriptures of Giza was published. Many of you have read it. Super, super packed, super packed. Hundreds of bibliographic citations I had read. I had to read all the pseudo pygraphical texts. I had to read the extra canonical text.

I had to read the Book of Jubilees, the Book of Jasher. Book of Jasher is huge. It’s not a small book. It is not a small book by any stretch of the imagination. This book, it too. Yeah. This books are 300 pages. Again, small print. Looks just like a Bible. This is the book of Jasher, the book of the Upright. Only four copies of this have ever been found.

One of them was found in a tomb of Ganza of Persia, Iran. It is not to be confused with its forgeries. A lot of you Google, that’s the problem with Google. You google the Book of Jasher, you’re going to find out all kinds of things that it’s all, it’s, it’s a, it’s a forged text. It’s no good. They’re talking about the 1754 Bristol edition of the Book of Jasher, which was specifically published as a fraud so that the academic community would dismiss it.

Yeah, but the book is amazing. Book of Jasher. So I had to study the book of Jasher, the Book of jubilees. I had to study the wisdom of Sirach, the Book of Sirach, the Book of Tobit Bell and the Dragon, first and second Maccabees. I had to go deep into. Into the Book of Genesis, because nowhere else except for the Book of Ezra is Enoch even mentioned in the entire Old Testament.

A few. A few. A few mentions in the New Testament, and that’s it. But then we have the books of Adam and Eve, which are fantastic. Very few people have read them, but they’re full of gems. The Book of Adam and Eve one and the Book of Adam and Eve two, the dialogues of the Serpent and the first people in the garden. The Book of Jasher is absolutely packed.

So you have the benefit in this analysis of the Book of Enoch, you have the benefit of someone who has studied the apocryphal text, the Old Testament and New Testament canon, the extra canonical works, and all the pseudo biographical texts. I do not believe there are any that I have not studied. If they have been translated into English, they’re in my bibliography. So in this and this, of course, you guys know it bleeds off into the hermetic and the gnostic works.

And I’ve read those as well. As much as I have, I’ve been able to possess. So what got me published in 2006 is I wrote a book, Enoch and the origin of the world’s oldest texts. And in this book, I basically showed the state of knowledge that we have from all the texts from the ancient world that tell us the story of Cana. The chronicler, you know him.

You know him of him as Enoch or Hanok, but he’s also called Cana. It is the exact same individual. He goes by many names because it’s many different cultures that remember him. But Booktree Press in San Diego, when I sent this book to them, they sent me a publishing contract, and they’ve published six more books since then. And yeah, it’s. I’m going to do. I’m going to do readings from the Book of Enoch.

And I promise you it’s going to be something very different than what Billy Carson is trying to tell you. The Book of Enoch is conveying the ancient aliens franchise. Anybody from the Gaia network who would try to do any type of dissertation from this text, the archaics analysis is going to stick with the facts and the core fundamentals. We reduce things to their lowest common denominator because that’s how you remove the dressing, time and culture.

Add cultural attachments to traditions and texts that do not belong in the originals. By. By a comparative analysis of the oldest text, it’s very easy to see when you’re looking at aramaan versions, greek versions, when you’re looking at texts from arabic histories, oral traditions that were later, later written down. When you. When you find the same. When you find the same core fundamentals in babylonian writings, eugaritic, when you find these in the canaanite and syrian rashamic text, and then you find them in older acadean antecedents, you realize these same core stories were also told in sumerian texts and that the sumerian texts were nothing but a literate society that was post reset after a cataclysm, they had taught themselves how to read and write again.

After they would, they had been completely, completely under a systemic reset. Therefore, oral traditions were transmitted into written writings. When you. When you compare them all together, it’s easy to see what cultures attached, what elements those can be removed and you’re left with a core skeleton of a story. And it’s in this type of analysis that the greatest truths are just stare us in the face and we find out that ancient aliens is total crap.

We find out that a lot of the things that have been. Has been perpetuated as factual, are not factual at all. And that history is far more mysterious and intriguing than any fantasy could impute upon it. This is what we find. You’ll see. You’re going to hear it today. This video may go two and a half hours, but we’re going straight into the book of Enoch because you need to hear these things.

You need to understand where these people were when they wrote these texts. So we’re going to start with a chart because we all need to be on the exact same page. Check my chat before I go in. All right, we got over 1500 people in here. That’s excellent. Errol G, how you doing? Let me show you guys this chart. I mean, let me share my screen. Share the screen real quick.

Share screen. I gotta talk out loud. You guys know it. All right, I’m sharing my screen. Well, look at this. All right. As you guys can see, all marques veterans recognize this chart. And you should also recognize the things that were recently done to change it. This is one, just one of my 20 or so Phoenix history charts. This shows the 138 year periodicity of the Phoenix phenomenon, with a legend in the upper left corner that shows you exactly what happened on those dates.

To have this much data, despite all the resets, all the book burnings, all the types of that civilizations invaded other other cultures and civilizations and destroyed their literature, to have this much data, to be able to assert all this, incite the sources, is phenomenal. It doesn’t mean this is the only times that the Phoenix has ever appeared and did what it does. It means that these are the only ones that I could find from the wealth of information that was available to me in a prison cell and in the seven and a half years that I’ve been out of prison.

Other than that, this chart could be much bigger. It could be. It could be. It could be packed with more. And the data is probably out there. I just haven’t had access to it. But it doesn’t matter. It’s more than enough for a thesis, and it’s chronologically precise. So the yellow ovoid that you see toward the middle right here, this yellow period, you need to understand, when we’re talking about the Book of Enoch, you need to understand that this yellow period started after the Phoenix phenomenon episode that was predicted by Thales of Miletus in 583 bc, after that event, after the beginning of the pythian oracle calendar that started in 582, sometime after that, when the Jews were deported to Babylon and had access to their libraries.

That’s what this yellow period represents. When Nebuchadnezzar II deported the kingdom of Judea and deported them into Babylonia and spread them out, and the Jews essentially became Babylonians. This yellow period is the first, is the absolute earliest that we have any historical evidence whatsoever for the appearance of the Jews. The Old Testament, the apocryphal books, the pseudepigraphic text, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the rabbinate texts, the Book of the Watchers, the Book of Noah, the Book of Giants, the Book of Enoch, Second Enoch, which is called the secrets of Enoch.

And 30 knock, they all come later. They didn’t all start at the beginning of this yellow. The beginning of this yellow ovoid is what academia and even jewish scholars agree in jewish encyclopedias that I am in possession of. There are no archaeological, there are no textual, there are no manuscript evidences of the existence of Jews before this period. Jews suddenly appeared on the world scene after they came out of Babylon.

We don’t know if they were babylonian to begin with, because the oldest of the targums is the babylonian targum of the Talmud, the jewish holy books. So when it concerns the Tanakh, it comes much later. As a matter of fact, the Tanakh didn’t even appear till about the middle. Most of these texts, most of the actual texts themselves, are dated by scholars to the alexandrian period. And this is a problem because the chart you’re looking at gives them a lot of license that academia and scholars don’t give them, because I put this yellow ovoid here, because this is the period that all these texts are also referring to.

Even the Book of Enoch refers to the very period that it was written. It mentions the Parthian, the Parthians. Well, the Parthians existed during this period right here. And they were a problem to the Jews, but they existed during this yellow period. However, the Old Testament, the Book of Genetic, the Book of Genesis, the Book of Enoch that we’re discussing in this video. Those events unfolded 2400 years, 2400 years before the historical record, scholars or academia admits to the very first evidence of jewish culture and jewish writings.

The story of Enoch started, was already ended 24 centuries earlier. You need to understand that this massive amount of time is the time between the story of Enoch and when the Jews began producing literature talking about him. So the white pyramids you see over here represents the four centuries of history, from the appearance of the watchers in the days of Jared, 34 39 BC, father of Enoch, to the ministry life, reign and vanishing of Enoch.

That’s what this white pyramid covers right here. 34 39 BC. Wow. How did that happen? All that disappeared. Anyway. 34 39 BC. I’ve never seen that before. Wow. All my edits are disappeared off that for a second. So, yeah, there’s the white pyramid there. That’s the Enoch history. 24 centuries later, we have our very first evidences of a culture, not the first text. The evidences don’t start yet.

It’s the alexandrian period, which is the dead middle it’s the dead middle of this period, the alexandrian period, till. Till Rome conquered the Ptolemies, the macedonian Greeks who ruled Egypt. That’s. That’s the center of this, uh, that’s the dead center of this yellow period. So this is when the Book of Enoch this is when the Book of Enoch, the oldest composition of the Book of Enoch could have been.

And there’s always been arguments in academia between there’s always been arguments in academia because there’s no evidence the original book of Enoch was Hebrew. So some. Some scholars argue that it must have been aramaic. I have a problem with the aramaic deal because in my studies of the Book of Enoch. There are several words that in transliteration were left untranslated because they were already widely known by the earlier translators who were taking it from one language into another language.

And both cultures knew these words. And what’s interesting about that, these words are greek, like the word tartarus. Greek word tartarus for the underworld, it was left untranslated, meaning the scribes knew that both cultures, from the older translated from the older text to the newly translated texts, they understood what Tartarus was. Was this to me as evidence, like I’ve showed you guys before, just like the book of Revelation, it was originally in Greek, just like the Book of Enoch.

Just like a lot of ancient texts that were later bastardized by another culture and assimilated as their own after they had, they had completely covered up all the evidence of their falsity. So the Book of Enoch, the Book of Enoch may have never been written in Hebrew. There’s just no evidence for it. Just like the oldest, the oldest Hebrew. I mean, the oldest Old Testament and New Testament books are not Hebrew, they’re greek and they’re samaritan.

I think there’s even an aramaic copy. Syria, things are not all as they appear, guys. So with that said, with that said, now that you know, how do we get the Book of Enoch? How did it happen? Well, there’s a guy, 808 Ad, George Senseless, Jorge senseless. So it might be, might be pronounced Syncellus, but Jorge senseless, he wrote Chronographia. It’s similar to my chronicle, but he wrote chronography.

And in chronography, chronograph, you. He would, he wrote a lot about Enoch. He and other early, early church and pagan writers, they had, they had all, they had spent a lot of time in conjecture. Writing about Enoch. Enoch was the subject of fascination, especially to like the fraternal benefit societies like the huntsman lodges, the Aral, you know, the Archer, the Archer guilds, later to become the shipping guilds, the mason guilds, Freemasonry, Rosser cruise, the Ross recruits, of course, the older templars.

They were all fascinated with Enoch, even in freemasonry. The Freemasonry, the 13th degree is the royal arch of Enoch. So, and it happens to be the last of the ancient degrees before it starts into the modern degrees of Freemasonry. Enoch is always associated in the secret societies. Enoch is always associated to architecture. That is something you need, you need to pay attention to. So James Bruce, who was an actual descendant of Robert the Bruce from 1314, battle of Bannockburn.

I’ve talked about it in my presentations before. Nemesis X object appeared in the sky. It blotted out the stars, scared the hell out of everybody. Back then, people used to pray, pray to God to keep them, to pray to God in the medieval times to protect them from the comets, from the plague, and from the Turk. There’s a very common prayer. In 1314 AD, you know, in the battle of Bannockburn, the Scots won their, like, independence from England.

A lot of people think that the Templars, who had been, who were being hunted in continental Europe, had something to do with that very decisive battle, because this. Because the Bruce did not have a Calvary in Scotland at the time, and yet there was a Calvary documented in. In the conflict of 1314 AD. So anyway, James Bruce, a Scotsman, very interesting, is one of the tallest men of his time.

He is described as eight foot tall. And in 17, in 1772 or 1771, he heard rumors that in Ethiopia, Africa, there was copies of the Book of Enoch. So in 1773, he went and he went among the Ethiopians, found a thriving culture that claimed descent from the queen of Sheba. And King Menelik the first, he believed that he had found some Ethiopians in Africa who had remembered that they were descendants of a, like a african princess who had been with King Solomon.

Now, I don’t know if that’s true or not. You guys know where I stand with a lot of the Old Testament. However, they had. They were in possession of many, many old manuscripts, and one of them was. One of them was Kebra Nagast, and it does confirm some of the Old Testament and a very different version of it and their end, their part in it and who their.

Who they were the, you know, the blood descendants of. But it also was in their possession, the Book of Enoch. It’s called ethiopic Enoch. Scholars have designated, designated it as Enoch one. It is not to be confused with Enoch two, which was found by accident in the archives of the Belgrade Public Library. It is a different text. It’s nothing like the Book of Enoch, although it is Enoch and it is about the watchers.

It’s totally different. It’s the next video I’m going to give you on Enoch within a couple weeks. It is called the Book of the Secrets of Enoch. In that video, I’ll probably touch on third Enoch as well. I know a lot of you don’t know that, but there is a Enoch three, so we’ll do all that. But anyway, he went to Ethiopia. He came back with this, and it’s gone through multiple translations.

Rh Charles. Rh Charles translation is probably by far my favorite. But um, around 19. Oh, 119, oh two. It’s a newer translation based off. I think he put together a dozen Enoch translations from 1860 something to 1891 one, put them all together, did his best in his commentary. Notes are fantastic. You can get a copy from Booktree, but it’s Rh Charles translation of the Book of Enoch. And it’s awesome.

It’s great. The commentary, the notes are fantastic. So that’s all that sums it up for Mister Bruce. Check my chat. Chat. And we’re going to start. We’re going to start 27 minutes in. We’re going to start with the Book of Enoch. You will be able to read with me because I’m going to show it on the screen. See, Book of Enoch is fascinating, guys. There is no doubt not taking anything from it.

I have the keys of Enoch as well. But that’s a medieval text. It may even be a renaissance text. It’s not that old. But I have it right here on my shelf. Keys via also have the keys of Solomon. All right. Yeah, I don’t know. I haven’t been keeping up with the chat, guys. So moderators every once in a while post the Florida link to the meetup. That’s this Saturday.

It’s Wednesday night. Running out of time. Yeah, well, and I already know about Jeffrey daughtery. I’m not even worried about it. Every single individual who has ever attacked me on YouTube suffered for it. I didn’t even have anything to do with it. Guys, you already know I am moving with spirit. And as long. As long as I am moving with spirit, you know what? I feel sorry for those.

I mean, look at my troll channels. In three and a half years, I got over 120,000 new subs. I got more than that in three and a half years. Hell, I got 150,000 subs. And all my trolls are still exactly where they were. Or a whole lot less. Yeah, I’m not worried about them. Well, I know Jeffrey daughtery. It’s crazy. People just don’t learn. All right, we are getting into Enoch now.

Let me share my screen right? All right, Book of Enoch. So hope you got. Let me change. Change this a little bit so you can see it better. I hope you guys can see that. All right, so the Book of Enoch was never a book. It was a collection of scrolls. It was a collection of writings. The very 1st 36 chapters of the Book of Enoch. And there’s over 100 chapters.

I know there’s over 106. But the very 1st 36 chapters are considered to be among the oldest. This is the book of the Watchers. It was a totally independent text, also attached to its scholars. And the reason scholars know this is because the Dead Sea Scrolls had copies of, like the apocryphon of the apocryphon of Noah, the Book of Noah, the Book of Giants. There were other copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls, they were independent text.

So when the Book of Enoch was found by James Bruce and mentioned in 808 AD by senseless in chronographia, it was already put together. Somebody had taken a bunch of different ancient scrolls, put them all together in one big book. So I just want to let you know, that’s why. That’s why there’s no. It’s not fluid. That’s why it seems to break and go somewhere in a totally different direction and break and go in another dirt.

Yeah, the Book of Enoch is very, very unique like that, but that’s why it’s so disjointed. Another thing that needs to be understood, this right here. Probably only my archaics veterans are going to understand how, how critical it is to understand this one fact. There is calendar called information breaking down the year, the seasons, the months, the time of them, the time of each individual month, rotation of crops, all these things, the turning of the stars, everything is mentioned in the Book of Enoch, and it’s only true for a post 713 bc world.

Mark Hague’s veterans, you already know what happened in 713 BC. We have a full data set showing that the entire world only knew of a 360 day year. Then we have a second data set, a full data set showing that in the year 713 BC, the sun retarded its course by ten degrees. The sun quit moving across the sky, went in reverse ten degrees, and it was recorded in both hemispheres.

The sun then resumed its course after a massive plasma bolt flux tube, whatever you want to call it, thunderbolt of God, vaporized 185,000 assyrian soldiers outside the walls of Jerusalem on their way to go fight pharaoh in Egypt. They came from Senna Shoreb in Assyria. So this was the year 713 BC, this major event that was recorded. It’s a whole data set. A third data set shows that after 713 BC, very rapidly the entire world changed their calendar to a 365 day year.

This means that the Book of Enoch, the composition of the Book of Enoch as we have it today, cannot date before 713 BC, because the calendar called information that it provides, is, provides, shows us that the rabbis that put this together. Did it? In a world of 365. 24 days. This is more evidence that what we have in the book of Enoch comes from older sources. But the composition we have comes from that yellow period I showed you.

All right. Making sure there’s a chat flow. Just gotta check my chat because you guys already know sometimes I’ll freeze and I’ll keep talking. Okay. Here is a statement that is anachronistic. What I mean by anachronistic is the narrative is supposed to be in the days of Enoch and the days of the watchers, 2400 years before the book of Enoch could have possibly been written the way we have it today.

This is in chapter 56. And it specifically says, and in those days the angels shall return and hurl themselves to the east upon the the Parthians and the Medes. Just mentioning the Parthians and the Medes means that this composition was done during the parthian and median empire, and the Parthians and Medes were always a threat to the Jews. So it’s just a single sentence statement that tells scholars and academics basically, oh, okay.

This text could not possibly be as old as it’s pretending to be. It could have been borrowed from very ancient sources. But the actual composition that we have today comes from late sources. All right, so let’s begin. Enoch. Enoch. Chapter six parallels Genesis, chapter six. In the Book of Enoch, six, one, two. And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied, that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters.

And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another, come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men, and beget us children. And Semyaza, who was their leader, said unto them, I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin. And they all answered him and said, let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations, not to abandon this plan, but to do this thing.

Then swear they altogether embound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were, and they were in all 200 who descended in the days of Jared, the summit of Mount Hermon. And they called it Mount Hermon because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. Okay, now, Mount Hermon. And this story is very interesting because in the ancient Bronze Age, there was an institution where when somebody cursed someone, or when somebody made a vow, pronounced an oath, when two men came and made an agreement.

They built what was called a hermione heap. The Hermione heap was a pile of stones. The pile of stones would always resemble a hill, like a little pyramid. The pile of stones was a testimony on the earth between two parties who had made an agreement. Whether it was a curse, an imprecation, whether it was an oath that, if broken, would turn into a curse, whether it was a promise, whether it was a deed, whether it was a boundary stone which came with it.

The necessary implications of I will not cross over into your property and you will not cross over into my property. And this is what the Hermione heap represented in ancient times. In fact, 20 years ago, that’s what I wrote in this manuscript. I wrote about the Hermione heaps, named from Hermes. Hermes was the messenger God, God of architecture and messages encoded in architecture. Hermes comes from the mount.

He comes from Mount Hermon. In the Book of Enoch, the 200 watchers descended from Mount Hermon into an area that was fertile, an area that was full of people. And this is the story all around the world in ancient traditions that technologically advanced cultures descend from mountains into valley areas of people who are indigenous. And the valley gives them everything they need to eat. They’re. They’re fisher folk.

Everything they need to weave all the. All to build their boats out of the reeds. This is the culture. This is what we find in the Sino culture of the Yangtze valley of China. These are the traditions of the Urim Baba valley of South America, Tiwanaco culture. This is the traditional traditions of the Nile Valley. The Greeks call them the milapones. We call them the pre egyptian people.

This is what we find in the Indus valley culture of Mohenjo Daro, Larak and Harappa in Pakistan and India. This is what we find in the sumerian traditions of the black headed people who were astonished at the sudden appearance of the anuna. I call them homo. No, not these tall, bearded, technologically advanced people who had come from mountain areas to the Tigris Euphrates river valley basins. The Chinese, the Sumerians, the.

The Indus valley people, the Egyptians and the south American Uru people of the Urubab valley civilization all come from the same stock. And they all look 4000 years ago, they all look absolutely identical. They all. They all built their baskets and their floating vessels and ships out of reeds, river reeds that were woven. They all had obsidian black eyes, obsidian black straight hair, and they all had on of skin.

And the common denominator between all five cultures is none of them could grow facial hair. But when the anunna appeared, like in China, they called them dragon faced because the gods could grow facial hair. And many scholars in the 18 hundreds even believe that a beard was what was what is described as the mark of cane. So having said all that we have in the Book of Enoch, the appearance of 200 strangers, but we’re going to take the Book of Enoch at face value before we start showing deeper things of what it’s conveying, we’re going to take it at face value.

They’re called watchers. This is where they are. And they can’t. And they’re all males, so they came from somewhere else. They’re far from home. They’re all males. So they’re interested in the females of a much smaller, weaker, indigenous and primitive culture. Make sure I’m alright. So now this is how the Book of Enoch, chapter six, begins. But let’s look at Genesis chapter six, which was also written during that yellow period I showed you in the center of that chart, Genesis six.

And it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them. That the sons of God saw that the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, my spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh, yet his days shall be a 120 years.

There were giants in the earth in those days. And also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them. The same became mighty men, which were of old men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth.

Okay, I know that there are many people from Rob Skiba. Oh, you got a lot of you guys follow what’s his name? Oh man, I can’t believe that. And I respect the man too. He wrote Genesis six anyway. He’s real big on the nephilim, giants and all that too. I can’t remember his name, but um, I know somebody in the chat’s gonna. Gary Wayne. Gary Wayne. Yeah, I respect Gary Wayne.

I mean, I was there. You guys know I was there. But we have to take this text into context. So the sons of God, which in Genesis we’re going to have people have us believe that the sons of God are angels or the sons of God or super supernatural beings. Now that violates that violates an exegetical approach to the New Testament, because in the New Testament, it specifically says that we are the sons of God and that the disciples were the sons of God and that we in that in all things, we strive to be sons of God.

Now, in the ancient times, like in the greek, the sons of. The sons of God were merely like, like humans that were imbued with powers because of their parentage. You guys know I’ve discussed a lot about the titans and the giants. So again, we have the sons of God coming to the daughters of men. And the result of this is God declaring that he will not always strike with man.

So why was the world destroyed? You’re going to wipe out the daughters of men and their culture because they fell prey to a stronger culture that suddenly appeared. They had, they couldn’t oppose the sons of God. Shimsu, whore, the shining ones, Homo and Nuna could. You couldn’t have. You couldn’t. You couldn’t oppose them. So God’s going to destroy everybody for the sins of one culture. He’s going to destroy them both.

So there’s something else happening here. The judgment. The judgment isn’t, he says it’s because of man. But look, my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he is also, also his flesh. In context, we’re still talking about the sons of God came unto the daughters of men. Okay, well, is this passage actually acknowledging that the sons of God are humans, are men, and that they did a trespass? They were not allowed to come in here and take these females.

This is like the rape of the Sabines all over again. Some of my historians in the chat know what I’m talking about, an incident in the very early history of the seven kings of Rome. But here it is. Here it is. We have God now pronouncing that something evil had happened and he’s going to judge the world because of it. But the only ones who did anything evil here were the sons of God.

So why would the whole world be destroyed? And the reference here to man is perplexing, but we’ll get to that. There’s more on this. So this is the religious version of the rabbinate trying to explain to us the, the origin of gods. Now, we do have a problem with. And they bear children. To them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. This does not, this does not preclude the fact that a people of tall stature, men who are six and a half, seven, eight foot tall, who come in and they impregnate females of an indigenous culture that are four foot eight to five foot five.

Yes, that would be regarded as giants. We have that disparity in human heightened stature today. Just in the continent of Africa alone, sub sahara, we have in the exact same forest, living two different cultures in Africa. The tallest people in the world among the Watusi tribe, and the shortest people in the world in the bantu pygmies. They live in the same forest. They live together, the tallest and the shortest people in the world.

This could have been. This could have been Genesis could have been written from the perspective of survivors of the. Of the people who are short of stature, who now, when they had children, their children grew up to be huge. They became mighty men, which were of old men of renown. But we’ll see more about this in a minute. So. All right. So the Book of Enoch continues. And all the others.

Wait a minute. I make sure I didn’t skip anything. And it repented. Okay. And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives. And each chose for himself one. And they began to go in unto them and to defile them themselves with them. And they taught them charms and enchantments and the cutting of roots and made them acquainted with plants. Keep in mind here we are reading them.

We are reading a text over 2400 years after the events it depicts. Was the original version about a culture of small stature who the shamans or the sky watchers, the leaders of that culture, were absolutely offended that these barbarians came in and took their females. And not only that, began to teach their females things that they thought were witchcraft. Started to teach them scientific things, things that blew their minds, things that.

Things that they would have never allowed or introduced into their own culture. And Azazel taught men to make swords and knives and shields and breastplates and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them in bracelets and ornaments and the use of antimony and the beautifying of the eyelids and all kinds of costly stones and all coloring, tinctures like dyes. The name of the first, Yaakon, that is, the one who led astray all the sons of God and brought them down to the earth and led them astray through the daughters of men.

And the second was named Asbiel. He imparted to the holy sons of God evil counsel and led them astray so that they defiled their bodies with the daughters of men. And the third was named Gadriel. He it is who showed the children of men all the blows of death. And he led astray Eve and showed the weapons of death to the sons of men. The shield and the coat of mail and the sword for battle.

And all the weapons of death into the children of men. And from his hand they have proceeded against those who dwell on the earth from that day and forevermore. And the fourth was named Pennymu. He taught the children of men the bitter and. And the sweet. And he taught them all the secrets of their wisdom. And he instructed mankind in writing with ink and paper. And thereby many sinned from eternity to eternity.

And until this day. For men were not created for such a purpose, to give confirmation to their good faith with pension and ink. For men were created exactly like the angels to the intent that they should continue pure and righteous. And death which destroys everything. And the fifth was. I don’t know why. Why it continues like that. And death which destroys everything. That should have been a period.

And the fifth was named. I guess that’s Kaz de gea Kazdaya. This is he who showed the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb that it may pass away. And the smitings of the soul. Here’s. Here’s something you need to see. These are the chiefs of tension. All right. I got a note down here because it’s very important.

We have. We have the preservation here of a primitive culture. And those who are recording the events are not happy of a more sophisticated culture coming in and taking their females, bringing new aspects into their culture that were taboo and forbidden, things that they had not known before, things that these new introductions made their lives more complex. They saw it all as sin. Perhaps a shamanistic society that saw all these new innovations as a breach, a breach of spirit or a breach of the spirit world.

Whatever it was, is. We have embellishment here. 24 centuries later. It appears in this form in the Book of Enoch. This is how it appears. But we have the canaanite versions of Dagon when Dagon arrived. We have the babylonian versions of oandes when he arrived. We have the sumerian versions of when inky arrived with his nuna. So. And in the sumerian takes, you all know, every time they show sumerian gods, they don’t show UFO’s drop ships, capital ships.

They don’t show any spacecraft coming down. No, they show dress and robe, wearing very tall hat, wearing bearded, bearded people with round eyes. That’s what they show. Round eyes, like watchers. I’ve told. I’ve discussed this, in the past, when asiatic cultures depict Caucasians in their art, they always over accentuate their features. Beards, noses and eyes. Eyes become big, noses become straight and long beards become huge and long.

Caucasians, in caucasian art, when they represent orientals, they do the same thing. They over accentuate the epicanthic fold. And now the beautiful almond eyes of the oriental now become slants. We just over accentuate, that’s what we do. Now, it’s very important to understand, these are the chiefs of tins. OKAY? This is ancient indo iranian military structure. This is something Robert Seifer could educate you on quite a bit.

The jews were a sabbatical society. They’ve got their arithmetic, their mathematics, their literature, their, even their language all came out of Babylon. They got their traditions from Babylon. On my channel, I’ve shown you guys. Sargon the second was put in a re, in a basket and put on a river. River, because his identity could not be known. He was a royal stature and he was raised by a priest.

The story of moses is actually 600 years before moses in the. In the sargonad ephos. So we have, we have the story of David in the Canaanite Rashamra text, David the giant slayer. We have Solomon. Remember, the Jews were captive and they lived in Persia for a very long period of time. And in Persia, Iran is absolutely packed with the traditions of SOLEiMan the great. Not King Solomon, Suleiman, because he’s an Iranian king hero.

And the Jews borrowed him when they wrote their Old TesTament books. And they created the fiction of King Solomon, borrowed from Suleiman. We have all these stories in the Old TeSTament. Remember? All these people, David, SOlOmoN, Enoch, AbRahaM, moses, they’re all in the biblical narratIve, centuries and millennia before that yellow period that I showed you on that chart, that yellow period I showed you on that chart is when is the very earliest that any academics and scholars were willing to say that there was even a jewish presence in the world, and it was at least 50 to 200 hundred years after the babylonian captivity.

So it was in the libraries of BAbylon, where the jewish rabbinate actually acquired the majority of their literature. These are the chiefs of tens. Why is this important? Because babylonian arithmetic, calendrics, its mathematics, was all based on this. On the older sexagesimal system, it is base six and base twelve. Mathematics, its calendars, its Venus almanacs, everything is off base six. Mathematics, counting by tens is not anything Hebrews would have done.

Jews would have never counted by tension. 612, 1824. Look, in all the jewish literature, everything is in everything. Is in units of 612, 24, 36. This is what they did. The chiefs of tens, in Indo iranian and all the auxiliary cultures after that. The Aryan, the Arya, the amuru, the leaders of military units, the Sar, the captains, lieutenants, everybody. It was. It was one man. One guy ruled over ten soldiers.

Yeah. Then he was under one guy who ruled over ten units of ten soldiers each. These were centuries. Centuries were a hundred soldiers broken into ten groups of ten men each. So this was the military order. Then you had your, your thousands. Then you had your ten thousands. This is indo iranian arithmetic. This is how the Aryans counted. They always counted India. So what we’re saying, what I’m saying here is that we have the preservation from an ancient manuscript, the Book of Enoch, of a culture that’s pissed about another culture that’s coming in that literally overwhelms it with its power and takes its women and introduces changes to the culture, also changes to the race.

As we’re going to see, the Book of Enoch addresses some racial material. We have a caucasian, indo iranian, basically introduction into a indigenous population. And this indigenous population in their own records, absolutely remembered how unique the structuring was of the, of the command structure of the invaders. These are the chiefs, their chiefs of tens. It’s referring to the 200 angels. It had 2020 captains, the two, the 200 watchers that came in.

So it’s not talking about its own people divided in tens, it’s talking about the newcomers. In the Book of. In the Book of Enoch, we’re seeing over and over and over. We are showed in the Book of Enoch, that the Book of Enoch is for the last days. The book of Enoch was not for his time. In that. In that over and over he says, enoch, take up this instruction.

Enoch, Enoch, behold this parable. And Enoch has shown all these things. But Enoch himself admits that while he was to record all the things that he saw, it was only for the benefit of the last days generation, the whole story of the appearance of the watchers, how they appeared among a more primitive culture. This was all how this whole story unfolds, was for a last days generation to interpret and understand.

Been a while since I looked at my chat. All right? And he took up his parable and said, enoch, a righteous man whose eyes were opened by God. Wait a minute, what is this? Hold on, this is a. I’m sorry, guys. Oh, this is a fragment out of the book of Sirach. I’m sorry. And he took up his parable and said, enoch, a righteous man whose eyes were opened by God.

Saw the vision of the holy one in the heavens, which the angels showed me. And from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one, which is for to come. I’m sorry, that’s not the sirach. I have a sirach quote. This is the introduction to the Book of Enoch. This is chapter one, too, right here.

Enoch is telling us that all this information was revealed to him by holy watchers. And in the Book of Enoch, you’ll find out really fast that the watchers are divided by two groups, those who fell, who rebelled, and those who remained holy. Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Cassiel. There’s another one I forgot. They all remained holy. Gabriel. They remained holy. Holy. So the narrative of the Book of Enoch, the watchers called me Enoch the scribe, and said to me, Enoch, thou scribe of righteousness, go declare to the watchers of the heaven who have left the high heavens, the holy eternal place, and have defiled themselves with women, and have done as the children of earth do, and have taken unto themselves wives.

Ye have wrought great destruction on the earth. All right. In the Book of Enoch, the watchers take Enoch somewhere, and it is in. Admitted in the book of Enoch that he is in the underworld. And he’s made to see all kinds of places. He’s even taken into a deep valley. When the good watchers declare for, you know, they call him a scribe, Enoch was brought down from the surface somewhere, and he is told and commanded to go back up to the earth.

Earth and provide a testimony to those that rebelled. The situation is not that holy. Holy watchers were on the surface. That’s where the unholy watchers were occupying. The holy watchers were somewhere else. And to go talk to them, Enoch went down. And when they dispatched Enoch to go deal with the problem, Enoch was acting as a messenger. Hermes, the messenger God, Hermione heaps, Hermes the architect God. Enoch is the messenger.

Between the two groups of watchers. The holy Watchers were in the heavens of heavens. They’re telling Enoch to go to heaven and deal with the problem. This is, this is a totally backwards way of what we’ve been taught from the ancient aliens franchise. So ye have wrought great destruction on the earth. To the holy watchers, on the earth was up. In Hebrew, it’s Eretz. It was. It was up in.

Enoch was in the underworld getting these commands. When the. When the watchers. When the original 200 watchers descended Mount Armand, it’s no different than the ancient achaian in greek belief. Systems. They, too, believed that heaven was entered through Olympus. Olympus was called Olympus. Mon. What is that? The mount of Olympus. The watchers descended from a mountain, but the mountain is near. Is merely at the Axis Mundi. Meaning it gives the what? The watchers the ability to go up and down.

In the Old Testament, angels go up and down Jacob’s ladder. Jacob’s ladder is no different than the ladder of set. Remember the Sethites? According to Josephus, in the pre flood versions of Josephus writings on the history of the world, Annals of the world specifically says that the Sethites went out and built two gigantic pyramids. So pyramids were called in ancient times, pillars. Pillars were accesses. They held up the sky.

So a pillar is nothing but a dismembered tree. You got to remember all these things. All these things. In EdeN, there were two trees. Tree of knowledge of good and evil. The Tree of Eden. All of these are. All of these are perfectly explained, and we’re going to get into it in these videos. But in. In my book. In my book, lost scriptures of Giza, I show all these texts from.

Book. From the book. The Book of jubilees, the secrets of Enoch, the Book of Enoch, the book of Jasher, the apocalypse of Barak, the wisdom of Sirach. The book of Sirach. The clues are spread through all of them. The book of Adam and Eve. One, the book of Adam and Eve. Two, the apocrypha. It is spread through all of them. The book of Ezra, the book. This first and second Esdras.

And we find that when you put them all together, the cipher is complete. This is what we’re talking about. The watchers who were technologically advanced and sophisticated before the flood had come out of a mountain, but that mountain leads to the underworld. I wrote out your petition, and in my vision, it appeared thus that your petition will not be granted unto you throughout all the days of eternity.

And that judgment has been finally passed upon you. Yeah. Your petition will not be granted to you. So the petition of the watchers. The watchers that rebelled and had integrated with the daughters of men and had taught men divine secrets they were not supposed to divulge. They had petitioned the other group of watchers to intercede for them. Hey, come on, man. They sit. They dispatch. They dispatched Enoch.

Hey, man, listen, man. And they gave Enoch all their arguments as to why they did what they did and why they should not be punished. Anyone familiar with the ancient aryan text of the Mahabharata in the Bhagavad Gita of Arjuna, you will know that there was a massive civil war that was suffered in early aryan history. And the result of that giant battle of Khor Cetra is the reason why the aryan culture fragmented and went into all different directions.

The indo iranian cultures did not stay in the Middle east. They became wanderers. They scoured the world. This is the origin of that conflict on the battlefields of Kor, et cetera. As I’ve shown in my chronicle, ancient historians admitted that it was the last of the. Of the blood of the giants that died on that battlefield. King kid O’Leary, more of elim, had specifically embarked on a military campaign with babylonian, accadian and hittite ensued.

Marian auxiliaries in J, and is recorded in Genesis, chapter 14 and 15. He specifically set out to end the civilizations of the giants after the flood. All this is in my chronicle. I’ve talked about it in several videos as well. This was a huge. This was the huge. This is what led up to the battle of cour, etcetera. So we have these watchers. We have these watchers on the surface that are sending petitions to the underworld, to the deep, to tartarl, saying, hey, man, you know what? Can you reconsider your judgments or whatever was going on? They sent this.

Petitions. So now, remember, the trespasses began in the days of Jared. Jared is a hebrew name that actually comes from. From the root areid, and it means to descend. It’s a play on words. To come down the mountain and to descend, as in bloodline in the Book of Enoch, is specifically talking about bloodlines here. When it’s talking about the trespass of the watchers that went to the surface.

Enoch says, but you were formerly spiritual, living the eternal life and immortal for all generations of the world. That’s an interesting statement. I don’t believe he’s talking to the watchers in human form. He’s talking to who they were before they entered the construct. Remember, it’s the archaics tenet that we’re living in. Avatars. The avatars belong to the construction. It seems to be an admission in the Book of Enoch here in this one little soul fragment.

It’s all by itself talking about that we were spiritual beings, that we were living eternal lives before we. Before we came here. And it says, and immortal for all generations of the world. I still believe that we’re just passing through. So Enoch is taking envision. This is the first parable we have. Let me get that off there. Cybersecurity. Always trying to sell me some cybersecurity. All right. Before these things, Enoch was hidden.

And no one of the children of men knew where he was hidden and where he abode and what had become of him and his activities had to do with the watchers, and his days were with the holy ones. Remember, in many of my presentations, I’ve showed you guys the whole ancient aliens franchise is designed as a government psyop. They want you to look up all activity with UaP UFO phenomena.

Every bit of this is designed to get you to believe that all threats, all alien abduction phenomenon, everything is coming from the sky when it’s not, when you go back to the writings of Charles Fort. 100 years ago, he had amassed 500 years worth of scientific and eyewitness reports, and he published four books. I talk about him all the time. His books are right here. Charles Fort was very specific.

Almost all the weirdest phenomena comes from underground. Strange alien races from underground. People vanish on the surface. We go back even further than Charles Fort, and this is what we find in the medieval times. The. The bogeys, the dwarves, the black elves, the trolls, the elves, the fairies. Oh, the fairies are the biggest. The goblins and hobgoblins. Every culture in Europe, over Asia, they call them different things, but it’s the same story.

Stories, young infants being switched in their cribs. And mothers know that’s not their original baby or babies taken away and switched out with other babies, but then returned after a period of time, mystifying things, sometimes children disappearing. We have stories of Hansel and Gretel. We have stories of the pied piper of Hamelin. We have stories of fairies dancing around fairy rings, and suddenly children going out and playing, playing with the spirits of the forest, and they don’t come back.

Or when they do come back, they’re fundamentally changed over and over and over. We have people vanishing into caves, into cliffs where portals suddenly appear, into giant trees that open up and take people into the underworld. Underworld. The whole idea of anybody coming from the sky, the psyop, is ancient. The reason that this wasn’t the psyop in the Renaissance period, in the. In the days of the old west, after that, before the Renaissance, in the Middle.

In the Middle Ages, before that, in the dark ages. The reason the psyop, what didn’t exist is because it wasn’t needed. We didn’t. We weren’t technologically advanced at those periods. But when this period happened, during the vapor canopy, during the period of the pre flood world, as I’ve shown in multiple presentations, we were technologically advanced. Homo and nuna had a massive technologically advanced infrastructure. Therefore, the stories of descending from heaven were needed back then as well.

Remember, the last days are going to be as in the days of Noah. The psyop in our time began in 1947, when the staged UFO Roswell deal. That’s that. That’s what began it then. It was reinforced with. With the creation of NASA in 1958. Every bit of that, it’s. It is a. It is an organization that is specifically designed to keep the world thinking that extraterrestrials are a threat.

They’re in the sky. This, then this can be the source of all the mysteries of the world. But it’s all untrue. Every. Every civilization, every culture, all the traditions across the board admit to an inhabited underworld. This is what we’re dealing with in the book of Enoch is no different. And they took and brought me to a place in which those who were there were like flaming fire.

And when they wished, they appeared as men. And they brought me to the place of darkness, into a mountain, the point of whose summit reached to heaven. And I saw the places of the luminaries and the treasury of the stars and of the thunder and of the uttermost depths, where were a fiery bow and arrows and their quiver and a fiery sword and all the lightnings. Sounds very technological to me through a very primitive frame of reference.

And there I saw seven stars of the heaven bound together in it like great mountains burning with fire. Okay. The seven stars, also called seven Mountains, is exactly what we find in the Book of Revelation. In the Book of Revelation, the seven kings are also described as seven mountains. In the babylonian cuneiform text, we find the seven Anunnaki kings that rebelled are also referred to as the seven Mountains of darkness.

A mountain is implicit of something’s origin as well as its magnitude, however big it is. These are seven giant beings. Maybe not titans in the flesh, but they’re very powerful. This, the Book of Revelation, is all about the return of Apollyon the destroyer, who is the head of the seven kings. Who are the seven kings? They come straight out of the sumerian prisms. The sumerian king list tells us that the seven kings before the flood ruled 241,200 shars.

And we know this, divided by the sexagesimal year of 360 days is only 670 years. In the 670th year, the typhon flood happened, the flood of Noah caused by the phoenix, as I’ve documented so well. Nostradamus also mentioned this. He said, many will die before the phoenix dies. And he refers to it coming at the end of a 670 year period now and there I saw seven stars of the heaven bound together.

So the seven kings are bound like great mountains burning with fire. Then I said, for what sin are they bound, and on what account have they been cast in hither? Then said Uriel, one of the holy angels who was with me and was chief over them, and said, enoch, why dost thou ask, and why art thou eager for the truth? These are the number of the stars of heaven which have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and are bound here till 10,000 years, the time entailed by their sins, until by their sins are consummated.

So the seven mountains are the seven kings. Again, we have that. We have this link to indo iranian arithmetic. We have the number 10,000, which is not a number common. 6000 is a number common. 60 years. 600 years or myriads of years is often used in jewish literature. 10,000 years is another indo iranian hint here that the seven kings may have been ancient aryan rulers. And these are the names of the holy angels who watch Uriel, one of the holy angels who is over the world and over Tartarus.

Okay, let’s put this into context. Enoch keeps getting summoned to talk to Uriel. Uriel is the one giving Enoch his words to go take to the watchers who are on the surface of the world mingling with the daughters of men. But Uriel rules over Tartarus. Tartarus is in the underworld. No ancient aliens are required for the narrative of the book of Enoch because the story is in between underworld facilities and their communications breakdown with a group of their own who went to the surface and did their own thing.

This is what’s developing in the book of Enoch narrative. And I went from thence to the middle of the earth, and I saw a blessed place in which there were trees with branches of biting and blooming of a dismembered tree. And there I saw a holy mountain, and underneath the mountain to the east, there was a stream, and it flowed towards the south. And I saw towards the east another mountain higher than this.

And between them a deep and narrow ravine. In it also ran a stream underneath the mountain, and to the west thereof there was another mountain, lower than the former and of a small elevation, and a ravine, deep and dry between them. And another deep and dry ravine was at the extremities of the three mountains. All right, my archaics, veterans, I already know you’ve got all kinds of sparks going through your head.

We know from multitudes of ancient texts, we know that a structure was specifically placed at the middle of the earth. That structure was placed there and identified with being the tree of knowledge. A tree is an axis. It is a pillar. The trunk of a tree is a pillar. When you dismember a pillar, here it is, a dismembered tree becomes a pillar. In ancient times, what was the pyramid called? I showed you in this book.

It was referred to as the pillar of Enoch. It was also called. The two pyramids together were also called Irim of the columns. What is a column? It’s a pillar. What is the trunk of a tree? It’s a pillar. What were the pyramids originally called? As I showed you in lost scriptures of Giza, they were never called pyramids until the age of the Greeks. It means fire in the middle.

But pyramids were, were actually called pillars because it was believed that they stood to hold up the heavens. They held up the sky. So you need to see this picture. I’m going to show you right here what the book of, what the Book of Enoch just described. Let’s show you this picture. This passage just perfectly described what you’re looking at in my book, lost scriptures of Giza. This is the blessed land in Enoch’s vision, a vision given to him by Uriel.

This is what it seemed. That looks like Giza to me. As a matter of fact. As a matter of fact, it’s no different than this. There you go. This is what Enoch looked at. He said, two mountains equal in size and majesty in a, in a third mountain of lesser, of lesser elevation, beside it, next to a flowing stream, which would be the Nile river. All right? Oh, yeah.

For those of you who want to know, in my book, I also explained when the Egyptians found the great pyramid, pyramids half buried in sand, what they did, how they, how they, how they went and investigated it. Yeah, the Egyptians, they didn’t build it. They knew they didn’t build it. All right, so let’s get back to what, let’s get back to sharing my screen again. All right, so.

And I went thence to the middle of the earth. Giza. Giza in Egypt. And I saw a blessed place in which there were trees with branches abiding and blooming of a dismembered tree. That is a code for pillar. And that’s what Josephus says. In the land of Egypt, the Sethites erected two pillars. That’s what the two great pyramids are. And they were to preserve the past, the present and the future for a future generation.

And they were built before the flood. And there I saw a holy mountain and underneath the mountain to the east there was a stream, and it flowed towards the south. And I saw towards the east another mountain higher than this. And between them a deep and narrow ravine. In it also ran a stream underneath the mountain, and to the west thereof there was another mountain, lower than the former and of small elevation, and a ravine deep and dry between them.

And another deep and drunk and dry ravine was at the extremities of the three mountains. And I saw how the stars of heaven come forth. And I counted the portals out of which they proceed. And I wrote down all their outlets of each individual star by itself according to their number and their names, their courses and their positions and their times and their months. As Uriel, the holy angel who was with me, showed me.

Uriel, the watcher of Tartarus in the deep, is instructing Enoch on, on the stella sphere. Remember, I tell you guys all the time, the sky is a construct. There’s nothing going in and out. It is a beautiful multi tiered hologram. That’s what it is. And things that are moving across the sky are entering, are entering and exiting portals, and Enoch is documenting those. Remember, this may have a lot to do with what I’ve told you about the Phoenix phenomenon every 138 years.

You know, sometimes it’s not bad. Sometimes there’s a passover, sometimes only one little region gets messed off. Sometimes it’s hemispheric, and there’s been four times where it was the entire world. But when it happens, all the variable stars start acting chaotic. Variable stars are all red and they all, they all change their magnitudes. But when the Phoenix phenomenon is happening in the month of May, they all act like little projectors.

They’re all just flashing in the sky. So it’s all a stellosphere. And Uriel is giving him instruction about the sky from the underworld. And from thence, I went towards the north, to the ends of the earth, and there I saw a great and glorious device at the ends of the whole earth. And here I saw three portals of heaven open in the heaven. Through each of them proceeded north winds.

When they blow, there is cold, hail, frost, snow, dew and rain. Okay. Before I was born, in the 18 hundreds and early 20th century, before I was even born, there were already researchers who were identifying areas in the UK, areas in Wales. Wales is unique because the blue stone from the. From Stonehenge came from Wales, but the area where the bluestone was quarried, there are several places called Karn, Enoch.

There are many places in, in England around Stonehenge that are also reminiscent of Uriel in Enoch. There is even a book put out called Uriel’s machine by night and Lomas. It is a fantastic book, but it shows that. That Stonehenge is a lithic calendar designed to be to demonstrate the mechanics of the celestial sphere only in 360 degrees. It’s very interesting. But yes, Stone, this right here, many people, many researchers believe that this is a reference to Stonehenge in the far north, where it’s cold.

Right here it says, and I saw a great and glorious device. All right, you need to read the book. Uriel’s machine, marques, veterans, you guys that are always ordering the books that I. That I quote in my bibliography. That’s another one that I’ve read. And, yeah, it has useful material. You’re really going to like it. It’s Uriel’s machine by knight and lomas. And after that, I saw all the secrets of the heavens and how the kingdom is divided and how the actions of men are weighed in the balance.

And there I saw the mansions of the elect and the mansions of the holy. And mine eyes saw there all the sinners being driven from thence, which deny the name of the lord of spirits and being dragged off. Okay, so in the underworld before Uriel is showing him what is called parable of the vision, he’s in the underworld being taken places. Maybe he’s being shown, screened, I don’t know.

But in the underworld, he sees the mansions, the mansions of the watchers, the mansions of the spirits. The mansion, the mansions of the holy. These could be subterranean facilities. In the underworld. He’s seeing those because in the same place he’s seeing those, he’s also seen where the wicked are being dragged off to imprisonment. Are these watchers and humans that have interbred with. With the watchers that were on the surface world? I don’t know.

I’m just saying these are two different things he’s seeing at the same location. And this is with Uriel in the underworld in Tartarus in those days. I saw the head of days when he seated himself upon the throne of his glory. Glory. And the books of the living were opened before him. And all his host, which is in heaven above, and his counselors stood before him. This ahead of days.

This is an interesting epithet because it shows you that it’s a remembrance of a former time. Remember, guys, in the vapor canopy world in the antediluvian period, only the days were counted. It’s called the shark count system. This is the original Vedic, the original olmec the original Sumerian. The original Egyptian. Well, not the Egyptian, excuse me, but the original Sumerian. The Egyptians were always, always doing moon counts.

I have no evidence whatsoever that Egyptians ever counted days. But they did count moons. And we know this by many different, many different ancient writers. So the Egyptians did not count years. There’s not a single text from ancient Egypt that ever tells you the reigns of pharaohs in years. None. They counted moons. This is why the very first history of Egypt ever published was by Manatho. And that was during the greek alexandrian period, because until that period, no one had ever thought to count up all the reigns of the pharaohs.

Because even the pharaohs never counted their reigns. They didn’t. They count. They counted moons. How many? And anyway, we’ve already been through that. This is why AtlantIS was misdated. Head of Days is a reference to the ancient of days found in the book of Daniel. What do we know about the Book of Daniel? And why is the connection interesting? It’s because it shows. It’s posting exilic, meaning the Book of Daniel was written when the Jews were captive in BAbylon.

All right, check my chat real quick. And he said unto me, observe Enoch, these heavenly tablets, and read what is written thereon and mark every individual fact. And I observed the heavenly tablets and read everything which was written thereon, and understood everything, and read the book of all the deeds of mankind and of all the children of flesh that shall be upon the earth to the remotest generations.

So here we have Enoch. We have Enoch being taken in by the watchers, the holy watchers. And educated and apparent, apparently, in the pre flood world, he had access to a library. I don’t know. A book is just a container of knowledge. He doesn’t have to look like the books that I have back here. But, uh, it’s just a container of knowledge. But he was being educated in the histories of whatever the.

Whatever the watchers were trying to educate him in. And after some days, my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech. And she became pregnant by him and bore a son. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose. And the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool. And his eyes beautiful. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun.

And the whole house was very bright. And thereupon he arose in the hands of the midwest wife opened his mouth and conversed with the lord of righteousness. And his father, Lamech, was afraid of him. And fled and came to his father, Methuselah. And he said unto him, I have begotten a strange son, diverse from and unlike man and resembling the sons of the God of heaven. And his nature is different, and he is not like us.

And his eyes are as the rays of the sun. And his countenance is glorious. And it seems to me that he has not sprung from me, but from the angels. And I fear that in his days a wonder may be wrought on the earth. And now, my father, I am here to petition thee and implore thee that thou mayest go to enoch, our father, and learn from him the truth, for his dwelling place is amongst the angels.

All right, you guys already know my position. The watchers. The angels are a technologically advanced civilization that came into contact with a indigenous culture. This indigenous culture had never seen pale white skin. This indigenous culture had never seen pale hair. This indigenous culture had never seen eyes that glowed as described here. This is written 24 centuries after the events it depicts. So the embellishment can be. Can be forgiven.

But we reduce things down to this. It’s common, its common denominators. It’s real simple. Lamech was dark eyed, dark haired, and probably dark skinned. And when his wife had a white baby with white hair and bright colored eyes, which had never been seen before, he panicked. 24 centuries later, they’re calling them angels. But angel is just a word that means messenger. Enoch was what he’s always described as the messenger.

We don’t have aliens coming down having sex with human women. We have humans coming having sex with the daughters of men. This is what we have. They’re sexually compatible. So we’ll get to that in a minute. I’m so glad that someone in the living room is listening to me on the big tv because I’m pretty sure they’re going to bring me a couple coffee. You in a minute.

Thank you. And now, my son Methuselah, all these things I’m recounting to thee and writing down for thee, and I have revealed to thee everything and given thee books concerning all these. So preserve, my son Methuselah, the books from thy father’s hand and see that thou deliver them to the generations of the world. Enoch acquired all this data from the watchers. Enoch was trusted as a scribe. He was a go between between the holy watchers in the underworld and the.

And the evil, rebellious watchers who stayed on the surface world. He was the intercessor, he was the mediator, he was the. He was the messenger, he was the ancient Hermes of the world. Thank you. So now he’s received all this amazing information. What does he do with it? He passes it down to. To his son, Methuselah. Methuselah ends up giving it to the Sethites. That’s. That’s the lineage of Enoch, the Sethites.

The Sethi. The Sethites are. Are the. The family of. Of Noah. They are the builders of the great pyramid. The Sethites, the ancient Egyptians that they were venerated in earliest times as the children of Set. But later on, they were demonized because the children of Set had become associated with Typhon. Typhon was the phoenix. Typhon destroyed the world. So all this history happens in pre flood Egypt. Egypt is where the great pyramids were.

And remember, from the. What we find from the coffin text, the Oshawares, what we find from the wall text in different temples and stuff, and especially the pyramid text, what we find in the book of the dead writings, we find that in order to get to heaven, you had to go through the kingdom of Seeker in the underworld. And in the kingdom of Seeker in the underworld, there was no escape from the subsurface infrastructure unless you found a place called the Gate of Rostow.

When you found the gate of Rostow, you would be inside the great pyramid where. Where your. Your spirit would then shed its avatar, and you would go. The whole belief in the AVatar and the importance of the. Of not losing an avatar until your spirits ready is where the Egyptians even got mummification. It’s the reason they built coffins and mummies. They knew that there was a way out of the construct.

They knew there was a way to get to heaven, but in order to get there, you had to go to the underworld. So, all right, so I had laid me down in the house of my grandfather, Mahalaleel, when I saw in a vision how the heaven collapsed and was borne off and fell to the earth. And when it fell to the earth, I saw how the earth was swallowed up in a great abyss, and mountains were suspended on mountains, and hills sank down on hills, and high trees were rent from their streams stems and heard down and sunk in the abyss.

And thereupon a word fell into my mouth, and I lifted up my voice to cry aloud and said, the earth is destroyed. He’s describing. This is a prophecy of the great flood. Enoch saw a vision of the future of the world when the world would be destroyed by water. It was a great flood. Enoch was given divine instruction. Instructions. In those divine instructions, he is to pass the divine instruction.

He wasn’t allowed to act on them. He was given divine instructions and told to pass them to someone, and he did to the Sethites. They followed the divine instructions and built two pillars in the land of Syriad. Where’s the land of Syriad? According to the book of Josephus, it is the land of the Syria worshippers. Sirius the star. Sirius the dog star. It is Egypt, where the two pyramids were built in the desert of sand.

So now. But we’ll get. That’s. That’s. That’s for another video. He will execute vengeance among the angels, and the first heaven shall depart and pass away, and a new heaven shall appear. I don’t know. Did Enoch for see the collapse of the vapor canopy? Because when the flood happened, a new heaven did occur, and we were given the rainbow as a covenant that the world would not be destroyed by a flood again, because a rainbow would have never happened before during the vapor canopy period.

And the book of Genesis is very specific. In the pre flood world, there was no rain. Rain is required for the rainbow. So Enoch instructs his son, go to Noah and tell him in my name, hide thyself and reveal to him the end that is approaching, that the whole earth will be destroyed and a deluge is about to come upon the whole earth and will destroy all that is on it.

And now instruct him that he may escape and his seed may be preserved for all generations of the world. And again, the Lord said to Raphael, bind Azazel hand and foot and cast him into the darkness and make an opening in the desert, which is dude, and cast him therein. Marcaix veterans who have studied my book, lost scriptures of Giza, you will see they’re talk. You will already know they’re talking about Dude Dun Dane, which is an ancient, another ancient hebrew text.

In Enoch, it’s called Doodle Doodle, but it’s Dune Dane. In another ancient text, I believe it’s jubilees, or the Book of second, the second book of forgotten books of Adam and Eve. But all it’s describing how Azazel was bound hand in hand, foot, and put beneath the desert underneath the altar of God. It’s not, it’s not the subject matter of this video, but I’ve shown in many presentations that the great pyramid of Egypt was once known as the altar of agony, which is preserved in the vedic texts.

And to Gabriel said, the Lord, proceed against the bastards and the reprobates and against the children of fornication and destroy the children of fornication and the children of the watchers from amongst men and cause them to go forth and send them one against the other, that they may destroy each other in battle for length of days shall they not have. Okay, guys, what we have here. What we have here is racial animus.

The preserved observers of the traditions who wrote the book of Enoch are literally being racist against the. The offspring of the watchers and the indigenous culture that the watchers integrated with, whether it. Whether it was the practice of exogamy, whether. Whether they took by force the daughters of men, whether there was a trade alliance where the leaders or some of the people of those cultures openly traded for all the things that were listed earlier, all the technologies dying, how to make all kinds of things, how to do agriculture and herbs and medicines and weapons, whether there was a trade of lions where women were exchanged, or whether they were taken by force.

The offspring are regarded as two things. One, they were much taller than the indigenous people and much smarter, and they became mighty men, men of renown. They became greater than the people of the land. But they were the children of a union between Homo and Nuna, the watchers and the indigenous people. They were regarded as a threat to the leaders of. This was made. Remember, vapor canopy were indigenous cultures that were matriarchal societies.

They were. They had never come into contact with patriarch, patriarchal aryan societies. It was culture clash. The ones preserving these traditions are the ones that feel that the offspring have to be executed, eliminated. They are abominations. This is a very racist perspective. And the perspective is from the non caucasian. The perspective is from whoever wrote the book of Enoch. Whoever preserved these traditions is looking about 24 centuries into the past and declaring that a people should not be able to live because they’re not natural.

This is what’s being described here. And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the watchers because they have wronged mankind. In many of my presentations, I’ve shown you that even Zechariah Sitchin was correct when he accurately translated mankind over and over in the cuneiform text as atomum, because that’s exactly what it is. In ancient Babylon, the Jews who were in captivity were going through the libraries, and they found these amazing stories of Enki and the 50 Annuna who come by ship, and they had brought civilization.

They were looked upon as civilization builders, and the common people loved them. And it caused a rift between Enki and his Anuna and another group of Anuna that followed in little. And there was a massive rift between these two groups. Now, the. The atomu are distinct from the Annuna. The Annuna were the newcomers. They were very tall, but they were bearded and they had big round eyes and they wore hats.

This was the Annuna. They were just an aryan caucasian people that had introduced, that come into contact with the black headed people. This is what the Sumerians called themselves. They prided themselves on being called the black headed people. Now, in the cuneiform, in the babylonian cuneiform tablets that discuss these things, humans are always called Adamu. Adamu, adamu, adamu. This is all they’re always called. And it’s a general term that simply means mankind.

But the jewish scribes, misunderstanding a lot of the things that they were reading, turned the children of set into Seth. They turned. They turned the children of Kava into Eve. They turned. They turned. What is it? The people who in sorrow roam into Cain the banished, who went to the land of Nog wandering. They also turned. They turned Canaac. I can’t remember all of. I have a whole list of all the Genesis terms that were turned into pronouns, but they’re not.

They were never pronouns. They invented Adam, the first man. But that’s not what the babylonian cuneiform says. Zechariah Sitchin is correct. The references to Humans in the beginning of Anunnaki history is Adam moved. It was the Jews that created Adam and eve out of. Out of that total mistranslation. So going a little deeper here. Like I said, it’s gonna be a little longer than 2 hours. This one is.

I’m not done. I’m not done. For I saw all. We’re still in the book of enoch. For I saw all the angels of punishment abiding there and preparing all the instruments of Satan. And I asked the angel of peace who went with me, for whom are they preparing these instruments? And he said unto me, they prepare these for the kings and the mighty of this earth, that they may thereby be destroyed.

Okay, enoch. In the book of enoch, the narrative is very clear. The authors of the Book of Enoch claim that the watchers who appeared and rebelled against the watchers in the underworld, when they came to the surface by virtue of a mountain, these watchers integrated with the daughters of men. They never once cursed the daughters of men. They cursed the offspring. The narrative of the Book of Enoch literally conveys that the mighty men of renown, the origin of Nephilim, the giants, later, because they were never killed.

They were never killed off, they were never exterminated completely because they appeared after the flood as well. This is what Genesis six, chapter Genesis. Genesis, chapter six, verse four, literally says. It says, before and after the flood. The narrative of the Book of Enoch literally conveys that the authors of Enoch believe that the children of the watchers and the daughter of men is the origin of the elite, the origin of the kings and the mighty of the earth right here.

Because, remember, God is going. God decided to destroy the world because of this act. I’m not saying these things are true. I’m saying from the perspective of the writers of the Book of Enoch, to them, it was true that the rulers and kings of our world today have their parentage with this incident of two different races coming together in those days. Shall the mighty and the kings who possess the earth implore him to grant them a little respite from his angels of punishment to whom they were delivered, that they might fall down and worship before the lord of spirits and confess their sins before him.

Again, here is a separate passage in the book of Enoch that’s referring to the elite, the people who rule the world, the kings of the earth and the mighty. And they’re begging, once they’re. He’s seeing a vision of the future. When they’re begging the angels, hey, man, let us have access to God so we can worship him, too. This punishment is too great. Here’s the third passage. Thus spake the Lord of spirits.

This is the ordinance and judgment with respect to the mighty and the kings and the exalted and those who possess the earth before the Lord of spirits. The judgments that are pronounced by the head of days that enoch listens to are not against humanity. They are not against the surface dwellers. They’re not against those ordinary people, the atom of the earth. They are, again, they are. The judgments are specifically against the children of the watchers, who are the parents of the elite, according to, you know, the authors of this text.

Let me see here. All right, here’s a fourth passage. In those same waters, he’s seeing a vision of the future. And those same waters will undergo a change in those days. For when those angels are punished in these waters, these water springs shall change their temperature. And when the angels ascend, this water of the springs shall change and become cold. And I heard Michael answering and saying, this judgment, wherewith the angels are judged, is a testimony for the kings and the mighty who possess the earth.

Okay. Angels are going to ascend from the under world. That’s what that’s being said here. When the angels ascend, the elite and kings of the earth are going to see a miracle, because the angels are going to ascend when the water is in one state, but then as the angels are coming up, whatever the angels are, supernatural beings, immortal avatars, whatever, when they come up, this is in the last days, when these beings who surface come to the under come to the surface.

The rulers and kings of the earth elite are specifically going to behold their fate because the texture of the water is going to change and it’s going to affect these angels. To me, it sounds like they’re going to be frozen in stasis, or they’re going to be frozen still once they make an appearance, because maybe their new avatars were made of a certain substance, I don’t know. But in the book of revelation, we have, we have the ascendancy of evil angels coming up from the underworld.

Once the angel of the bottomless pit is given a key to open up the portal, Apollyon is released unto the world and is followed by his angels. So we have, so we have some crossover here. And remember the seven Kings as well, which it might be referring to the seven kings, what happens to them? But whatever it is, it’s going to be terrible, because when they’re released from the abyss and they come up and everybody’s going to be scared, and maybe a period of time is going to be where everybody realizes how powerful these beings are, whatever, I don’t know.

But something’s going to happen to them, and what happens to them is going to terrify the kings and the mighty who possess the earth. Enoch is describing a future event when the elite are going to shit their pants. Now, chapter 103, Book of Enoch. I know a mystery and have read the heavenly tablets and have seen the holy books and have found written therein and inscribed regarding them, that all goodness and joy and glory are prepared for them, and written down for the spirits of those who have died in righteousness, and that man and that manifold good shall be given to you in recompense for your labors.

You’re not promised to stay here. You’re promised to get good things. You’re promised a good destiny. You’re not. And you’re being addressed, but you’re being addressed to as a spirit. Oh, and here it is. Recompense for your labors, and that your lot is above abundantly, beyond the lot of the living. Okay, let’s break this down. You’re being promised something fantastic because you, you are not the focus of judgment.

The focus of judgment is the rulers and the kings of this world. Yeah. Everybody who has created all these systems that oppress us. Yeah. So your lot is abundantly beyond the lot of the living. Well, that means you’re not going to be here anymore because this is the lot of the living. We are going somewhere else. Remember, I tell you all the time, we’re just living life sims.

We’re in a construct. We’re just passing through. Here’s a. Okay, we’re about to hit my summary. All the takeaways, all the takeaways you need to know before we close this video. One last passage from the Book of Enoch needs to be, needs to be said. It’s very obscure, it’s very interesting. But remember, this was written. This was written at least 2000 years ago for lead in tin are not produced from the earth like the first.

Talking about silver and gold. It is a fountain that produces, reproduces them, and an angel stands therein and that angel is preeminent. Angels in the Book of Enoch often represent phenomena as well, not just personalities. Lead is not naturally produced from the earth, but it is produced from a fountain. A fountain is something that radiates something. It’s a fountain. An angel is a phenomenon. And that angel is preeminent.

Well, I’m going to say he’s absolutely right because uranium 238 is radioactive. That would be a very, very preeminent phenomenon. Angel uranium 238 and uranium as the. And as uranium breaks down in its isotopes, it becomes lead. Lead is not naturally produced, produced from this earth. Enoch, the Book of Enoch is absolutely correct. Lead is dead metal. Lead is a byproduct of radioactive metallic decay. Very interesting. Very interesting to find something like that in the Book of Enoch.

So here’s our takeaways. Remember, we have to strip away all the dross to look at something as logical as possible, and it’s gonna. It’s gonna jump out. It’s gonna jump out at you. How simple. This is the text. The passages that were read to you were read to you. They were composed at least 24 centuries after the events they depict. So we can forgive them for the embellishments and their religiosity.

But what stands out is this right here. The watchers. The watchers speak the same language as the daughters of men. There’s no language barrier. There’s one. There’s not. There isn’t one described. They speak the same language as Enoch. The watchers descended from a holy mountain. The watchers were sexually compatible with the daughters of men. Yeah, I don’t think Ets hung like that. The watchers introduced agriculture, medicines, metallurgy, tool making, weaponry, warfare, science, jewelry, cosmetics, paper production for books, bookkeeping spermicides, how to make dye in coloring.

And they taught these things to the people of the daughters of men. Okay, we have a problem here. The, the people, probably ruled by shamans in a matriarchal society, thought it was evil to learn all these new things. It was a change of culture. But then none of these things are inherently evil. In a world where you must protect yourself, in a world that you need to eat and clothe yourself, in a world where women want to beautify themselves, why would any type of alien species come down here and teach somebody how to make cosmetics, how to make book books, how to make paper metallurgy, how to make tools.

Ancient aliens franchises completely butchered the Book of Enoch. No, aliens came down here and did these things they claim the watchers did. Now this was a human homo annuna, were nothing but very tall, bearded, helmer hat wearing humans that had a sophisticated infrastructure. And they came across an indigenous culture that was living a neolithic lifestyle. And this technologically advanced culture came from a mountain. And we all know, I’ve shown in archaics over and over and over.

After all the hard resets where the elite bed down in the underworld, by the time they come back up, they’re always exiting what? Mountain strongholds? And they come down and they build their walled facilities. In the sumerian text were Edens. And the Sumerians who were on the outside looking in, used to go to those Edins. They couldn’t go in there because they had a fiery flaming turning weapon that would repel them.

But they knew that every good food and every good thing was in Eden. It was a garden. It was a paradise. The Eden’s were heaven. Heaven was on earth. It was on the surface world. The origin of heaven was Olympus Mons. It was the mountain. So these, these are takeaways, guys. And the watchers, in a culture that had known only the sexagesimal system. Base six, base twelve, base twelve.

Mathematics. The watchers introduced the decimal system. Again. We have a link to indo iranian culture. Culture. The story of Enoch is preserved for a last days generation. We are supposed to learn from the Book of Enoch and the person of Enoch. And there’s something, there’s something so important to the story, to a last days generation, that we have to take heed of what’s going on. The watchers highly regard Enoch as an equal.

The watchers that rebelled begged Enoch to go intercede with them. And Enoch went. Where did he go? He went to Uriel. Where does Uriel stay? He stays in Tartarus. So the underworld also, the watchers appear as men. The Book of Enoch says that. It says they appeared as men. Why? Because they were human. They weren’t alien. They weren’t extraterrestrial. The seven kings are judged. So we find reference in the Book of Enoch to the seven kings, just like we find reference to the sumerian king list, the seven kings.

We find reference to the seven kings in the Book of Revelation. Seven kings or seven mountains. So the Book of Enoch is connected to the Book of Revelation. All right? In the Book of Enoch, the great Pyramid complex is described. So great Pyramid’s description as a dismembered tree, a pillar. The pillar of Enoch. It is located in the middle of the earth. This is found in the Book of Enoch.

Stonehenge. Uri is Uriel’s machine. You guys need to read that book. Uriel’s machine, by knight and Lomas. Azazel bore the sin of the watchers and was imprisoned. He became the scapegoat. Where was he imprisoned? Where was Azazel taken to live out his punishment? He was taken to the underworld. Azazel was imprisoned underneath a desert of sand, as I’ve shown in my book, right in my book right here, lost scriptures of Giza, a rebellious God or spiritual being was imprisoned underneath the great pyramid, the focus of God’s judgment.

All throughout the Book of Enoch, the focus of God’s judgment is not on humanity. It is on the elite, the watchers that rebelled, not the ones that stayed in the subsurface world, in the underworld, but the what? A specific group of watchers that went to the surface world and integrated with the daughters of men in indigenous neolithic culture are the parents, are the origin, the ancestors of the elite.

This is the takeaway from the Book of Enoch. But this video is just the first in my new series on Enoch because we have to go way deeper than the Book of Enoch. The next video, probably within the week of. Within a week from now, the next video is on the book of the secrets of Enoch and what is conveyed in Enoch 30, a very. A very rare, and most people don’t even know Enoch three exists.

But we have to go deeper before we start going into Enoch and the great pyramid and the connections that I’ve shown you right here in the Book of Enoch. Because when we read, when we analyze the secrets of Enoch, Enoch three, the Book of jubilees, the Book of Jasher, the wisdom of Sirach, the apocryphal, the other pseudo biographical books and things I’m going to show you in the books of Adam, and in the lost books of Adam and Eve, Adam and Eve one and Adam and Eve two, and the ancient coptic text coupled with.

With. With some writings from Josephus, you’re going to be able to put the whole picture together and you’re going to see why the Book of Enoch was written for a future generation. Because the Book of Enoch, literally, literally, is a part of a vast cipher that goes through every one of these texts. And when we put it all together, we learn about what the great pyramid is, why it was built, and what its future function is.

This is where we’re going with this. I hope you guys enjoyed this presentation. It’s been. I tried to keep it under two and a half hours, but for those of you who want more information on, like, Lamech, having a child that looked. That looked all white and all that. Oh, there are other texts as well. The book of Enoch is by far not the only one that tells that story.

Yeah, there’s, uh. I don’t know. Um, I can give you some examples. Uh, what is that? The Lamech scroll in the Dead Sea Scrolls, the birth of Noah. Uh, he accuses his wife, Batanash, of having sex with one of the sons of God. That’s in that one. Also, the genesis apocryphon of the dead sea Scrolls, the birth of Noah, was such a controversy, call such a controversy because he was a completely different race than his mom and dad.

Um, that’s in a one qap. Uh, Genesis apocryphon two one through seven. Yeah, the story is told in there, too. Yeah. Oh. Noah was the beginning of Shimsu whore. The shining ones, they’re called the shiny ones. And in the egyptian texts, they’re often. They’re often called ghosts, like in the Turin, Paprus. In the egyptian term papris, Shimsu whore were called the ghosts. They’re called. They’re called the ancestors.

They’re called the sages. They were infrastructure builders. They were a race of people, followers of Horus. But. But the Egyptians also remembered them as being called ghosts. What is a ghost? A ghost is white. Do you think. Do you think Jason may be taking this a little too far? Well, we have a modern example. We have Captain Cook and when his ships landed in Australia, the aboriginals of Australia, which are considered by anthropologists, dark caucasoid, meaning they are.

They are a dark skinned caucasian race. They’re bearded. They’re in Australia, they’re the descendants of bearded Dravidians in India. The bearded Dravidians, where did they come from? A an amalgamation of cultures, aryan and. And the indigenous people of India. So the bushmen of Australia, though the Aboriginals of Australia would not look at Captain Cook and his men because out of respect, it was found out by translators later on.

Out of respect. They avoided their eyes, because the Aboriginals were a spiritual people, and they believed in that the dead could walk the earth. And when Captain Cook landed with his people, they had never seen a giant ship like, a wooden ship like that before. And when the rowboats came and landed, Captain Cook couldn’t engage. You know, his polynesian translator couldn’t understand the Aboriginals either. And they had to.

They had to train a local from New Zealand to be able to communicate with them. But it took a while. But when they finally translated, the Aboriginals told Captain Cook they didn’t mean any disrespect, but they saw the beards and the white skin, and they thought they were ghosts. And it was disrespectful in aboriginal culture down under to look a ghost in the eyes. Yeah, guys, so it has precedents.

This isn’t something I’m making up. And actually very compatible with what we know of ancient aryan culture as well and the problems that happened, the great civil war divisiveness, so. Oh, yeah, it’s in the Turin pappers where. Where the Shimsu horror were called ghosts. And remember, I’ve already. I’ve already done the videos where I show you. Homo and Nuna disappeared before the flood. This is the shock and abandonment period.

People all over the world were wondering, where did they go? Where do they go? They went to the underworld, but they put false information out, saying that they had send it into the skies. So people built the CERN giant out of chalk, and they built the Nazca lines. People spent decades building these geometrical formations that could only be seen from the sky, trying to induce homo nuna to come back down.

But they were on the underworld all along. And then the typhon came and destroyed the world. The typhon flood. And after the typhon flood, the elite reappeared in the world. But now they’re the Amuru, the westerners, and they resurfaced in ancient americas and then came. Came to the old world of the Mediterranean. All that stories told in other videos. So let’s see if I missed anything in my notes.

Oh, okay. I will. I will. Here’s a. Here’s an interesting side note. A real interesting side note is this, um, Enki is sumerian, but his. In Babylon, the exact same story is told. He is Oannes and this is why inky and sumerian was also called Ea. Ea. But in babylonian, it was Olanis, though, and he came from the sea and he brought his. His anunnaki with him. In the sumerian version, it’s a nuna or sons of Ann.

And then in the babylonian version, it’s the Anunnaki. So Oannes, when Oannes arrived, he was. He was deemed part ocean God and part. Part lord of the land. And this was Enki’s role as well. He was a mariner. He came by sea, by ship, but he was lord of the earth. So this Ignatius Donnelly in the 18 hundreds. In his book Atlantis, the antediluvian world. I have that on my shelf.

I’ll show that to you a few times. By Ignatius Donnelly. 1880s, something. 1870s or something. In his book, he wrote. I quote him right here, he said, the appearance of Oannis in Babylon. This is clearly the tradition preserved by a barbarous people of the great ships of a civilized nation who colonized their coast and introduced the arts and sciences among them. So again, guys, we have some precedents.

This isn’t me making up wild, wild stories and all. There’s a lot of. There’s a lot of researchers in the 1860s, seventies, eighties and nineties who were putting all these things together way before me, like Professor Waddell, that I like, and Thor Heyerdahl, who’s written a lot about this material, especially the sumerian text and the travels of all these river valley indigenous peoples. Thor Heyerdahl proved that they could go from ocean to ocean.

He proved it. He built the same read ships they used out of the same reads. So there’s a lot of precedents for this. But this racial problem in the Book of Enoch, the. It’s racism, but it’s in the book of. It’s in the Book of Enoch, but it’s. It’s racism aimed basically, basically at Caucasians. Is it racism against white people and their offspring through indigenous cultures? So we find this in the book of Genesis, this fixation on races in the book of Genesis, because we find this term in Hebrew all over and over and over.

We find these be the generations of which is Toledo. These be the generations of generations concerns ethnic purity. This is what we find. These be the generations of Adam. These be the generations of Seth. These be the generations of Cain. These be the generations of Enoch. These be the generations of Lamech. These be the generations of. Of Noah. And then after Noah, it’s. These be the generations of shem? Yeah.

This is what we find over and over. There was this. There was this obsession with ethnic purity. It’s in there again. The Enoch was the 7th from Adam. This is what we find in Genesis. Enoch. I mean, it says it clear as day. Enoch was the 7th from Adam. But in all, the 7th from Adam deal was only copied. Adam was at a moon. It’s only copied from an old assyrian text that’s been been recorded about the seven sages before the flood.

The 7th sage was named Utu Abzu, who was the 7th. Utu Abzu, brother of the deep. And yet in the text, it says, he who ascended to heaven. Heaven was the mountain. Olympus Mons, brother of the deep. The watchers regarded Enoch as their equal. He’s the brother. The deep is the underworld, the Abzu. So in an assyrian text concerning the seven sages, we find Utu Abzu, brother of the deep, is the seven.

And he was. And he is the one who ascended into heaven. And Enoch was the 7th in his generations. He ascended into heaven and he was no more. No one ever seen him again because he went up into the mountain, went in. The underworld was gone. Now, in the sumerian list of. In the sumerian king list, we find the 7th was named in me Duranki. In me Duranki is the 7th king of the sumerian king.

Listen. Now, there are several sumerian king lists, but just like Enoch, he was taken into heaven and taught secrets. So the Book of Enoch, which was written by rabbis who were in Babylon, had access to babylonian and assyrian libraries where they got all these texts from and they made these compositions. This is why it’s necessary. Necessary to strip away all the dressing, because the dressing was added. When you break text down to their core fundamentals, you basically see what is being communicated.

Yeah, yeah. It’s all very interesting. It’s all very interesting. So the last thing I’m going to do is I’m going to show that chart one more time, because having considered all this information I just gave you, you need to see the chart one more time, just so it’ll fit in. I’m going to post the chart. As soon as I’m done, I’m going to post this chart so you can see it.

I’m going to post it on YouTube so you can see it. So here’s the chart. The yellow part is when the Book of Enoch was written. The white. The white triangle, pyramid back then is the history of the watchers, it’s the history of Enoch, but in anthropology, it is the beginning of all aryan civilizations, all indo iranian civilizations. This is when their agriculture began, their canal works, their dikes.

This is when their exploration of the world began. It’s all in here. And remember the, the end, the. The beginning of this white pyramid right here is 3439 BC. I’ve already told you guys about the 35th century BC in quoted many sources. According to anthropology, the 35th century BC saw an unprecedented explosion in agriculture. Agrarian thing is civilization, infrastructure, city bidding city building, city planning, vast canal works, farming, everything.

It exploded within 100 years. Within 100 years, all of a sudden people were building everything in our infrastructure that had appeared for the. For the next 5000 years. It all just suddenly exploded. And the yellow part is Book of Enoch period. And that big circle you see is the 2500, 400 years of history between the events that are being described in the yellow, yellow ovoid and the white triangle.

There’s 2400 years. That’s enough time for the book of Enoch to get kind of silly. That’s my presentation, guys. Now I’m done. Stop sharing my screen. Love you guys. My next was Wednesday. See Thursday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I don’t. I may post something else. I don’t know. My next live video is going to be about six, 7 hours. And it’s going, it’s going to be in Tampa, Florida.

You guys already know it’ll be an all day lecture. It’ll be an all day lecture, guys. It’s gonna be a long video. Saturday. The video after that. We’re picking up right here where we left off. But we’re now we’re going to be examining the book of the secrets of Enoch and Enoch three. And we’re going to find out what else we learned. And with each video about Enoch, we’re going to do a summary of all the new things we’ve learned putting this picture together so you guys can see what I see.

So when you watch my great pyramid, my great pyramid videos and when you watch my Phoenix videos, you’ll have it all. You’ll have, you’ll understand how every bit of this fits together because it does. We got 16 more years before the Phoenix phenomenon, may 2040. Believe me, we’re going to be all right. We’re going to be all right. But there’s all kinds of things that we need to know because we’re in the second seal right now, guys, and you already know 2024.

It’s going to get real interesting channel. .

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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