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➡ In 1938, Germany took over Austria without any bloodshed, and the Nazis were largely supported by Austrians. This led to riots and the arrest of many Jewish people. In the same year, a prehistoric fish was caught, and Orson Welles’ radio drama about a Martian invasion caused widespread panic. In 1939, Hitler broke away from Jewish banking cartels, leading to World War II. Despite the war, many Jews were offered free transportation to Palestine and Egypt. The war escalated with invasions of various countries by Germany, Russia, and their allies. Despite claims, the number of Jews killed by Nazis was disputed. The war also saw advancements in technology, such as the first successful flight of a jet engine and the invention of the helicopter.
➡ During World War II, significant events included the Pearl Harbor attack, the internment of Japanese-Americans, the start of the Manhattan Project, and the construction of the Pentagon. The war saw the use of Japan’s super battleship Yamato, the invention of the first jet fighter and the Bazooka, and the development of the first electronic computer. The war also involved major battles such as the Battle of Midway and the Battle of the Bulge, and ended with the Allies’ victory. Despite accusations of German war crimes against Jews, no evidence was found in concentration camps after the war.
➡ Every year, people disappear without a trace, and some believe they are abducted by aliens. The CIA once studied Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat, and a pilot even photographed a boat-like object there. Major events in 1975 included a civil war in Lebanon, the end of the Vietnam War, and the discovery of the Terracotta Army in China. In 1976, Zechariah Sitchin released a book about the Anunnaki race, NASA’s Viking probes landed on Mars, and the U.S. celebrated its 200th birthday.
➡ In the late 20th century, significant global events occurred including the capture of Ted Bundy, the Shah of Iran fleeing to Egypt, and the Soviet Union invading Afghanistan. In 1979, a major oil spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico and a nuclear accident threatened Pennsylvania. The 1980s saw the Iran-Iraq war, the eruption of Mount St. Helens, and the assassination attempts on President Reagan and Pope John Paul II. Additionally, significant archaeological discoveries were made, and NASA launched several space missions, including the discovery of a Neptune-sized planet heading towards the inner solar system.
➡ The text discusses various historical and current events, including the discovery of celestial bodies, political events, natural disasters, and societal changes. It also delves into theories about our solar system and the potential existence of a second star. The text further explores the changing racial demographics in the U.S., the media’s portrayal of different racial groups, and the potential implications of these changes. Lastly, it touches on the U.S.’s global influence and its role in spreading Christianity and aid worldwide.
➡ The text discusses various historical events and prophecies, including the United States’ cultural decay, military superiority, and the influence of different cultures. It also mentions significant events in 1986, such as the Chernobyl disaster, the space shuttle Challenger explosion, and the discovery of a major oil reserve. The text further explores the biblical prophecies related to these events, the search for Noah’s Ark, and the significance of the Great Pyramid. Lastly, it touches on global events in the late 1980s, including the Iran-Iraq war, natural disasters, and political changes.
➡ Under President George Bush Jr., the USA invaded Iraq again. Significant events included a US warship shooting down an Iranian passenger jet, an asteroid narrowly missing Earth, and the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spilling millions of gallons of oil. The Berlin Wall opened, allowing East and West Berliners to cross freely, and several countries declared independence from the USSR. The Hubble Space Telescope was launched, and the first crop circles appeared. The US also engaged in Operation Desert Storm against Iraq, resulting in a significant loss of life. The USSR collapsed, and severe natural disasters occurred in China and Bangladesh. Scientists discovered a preserved human body in the Italian Alps and a distant object in the solar system. The year ended with a devastating hurricane in Florida and riots in Los Angeles.
➡ The text discusses various global events, including natural disasters, political incidents, and scientific discoveries. It mentions the manipulation of electromagnetic frequencies by the Anunnaki, the manufacturing of future weapons, and the near-miss of Earth by an asteroid. It also covers the installation of advanced telescopes by the Vatican, the bombing of the World Trade Center, and the siege at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. Lastly, it discusses the discovery of an exoplanet and various other celestial events.
➡ In 1996, several significant events occurred: US and British forces attacked targets in Iraq, the Stone of Destiny was returned to Scotland, a record-breaking space flight was completed, and the tallest buildings in the world were completed in Kuala Lumpur. A tragic plane crash occurred, and a comet passed close to Earth. Scientists discovered two new exoplanets and a complex crop circle formation appeared in England. The year also saw the birth of the person who will become the Antichrist in 2036, according to prophecy.
➡ In 1998, significant global events occurred, including the end of British rule in Hong Kong, the signing of the Iraq Liberation Act, and the launch of the International Space Station. Astronomers discovered 108 small planets and photographed a star collision. The year was also marked by natural disasters, such as Hurricane Mitch, and controversial events like the execution of Carla Fay Tucker. The year 1998 is considered significant in various prophecies and theories, including those related to the Great Pyramid and the predictions of Edgar Cayce.
➡ This text covers a range of historical events from natural disasters like earthquakes and eclipses, to political incidents like assassinations and terrorist attacks, including the 9/11 attacks. It also mentions scientific achievements like genome mapping and the discovery of comets. The text suggests various conspiracy theories, particularly around the 9/11 attacks, implying Israeli involvement and U.S. government complicity. It ends with a military study describing the Israeli Mossad as ruthless and cunning.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, suggesting that major global events, such as the World Trade Center attacks and the invasion of Iraq, were part of a larger scheme controlled by Jewish Zionists. It also mentions various natural disasters, astronomical events, and the influence of Jewish people in American media. The text suggests that these events are interconnected and part of a larger plan, but it does not provide concrete evidence to support these claims.
➡ World War II saw the Allies, including the US, Britain, and France, retaliate against Germany, leading to the destruction of cities and loss of civilian lives. After Germany’s surrender, the Allies divided Germany and took their resources and experts. The war also saw the US bombing Japanese cities, despite Japan’s attempts to surrender. Post-war, the United Nations was founded, and the Nuremberg trials were held to prosecute German officers for war crimes, while other atrocities committed by the Allies were largely ignored.
➡ From 5239 BC to 2106 AD, many significant events occurred including natural disasters, astronomical discoveries, and political changes. In 1991, the US defeated Iraq in Desert Storm, and in 2006, NASA detected a gamma ray burst indicating a supernova birth. In 2046, an asteroid is predicted to collide with North America, and in 2006, the book “Lost Scriptures of Giza” was published, revealing the true history of the Great Pyramid of Giza. In 2008, Russia invaded Georgia, and in 2009, Barack Obama became the first black president of the United States.
➡ The author’s book, “Anunnaki Homeworld,” discusses the return of planet Nibiru in 2046 and the history of Earth’s orbit. It also talks about the Anunnaki, a group of deities, and their interactions with humans. The book suggests that significant events, like natural disasters and political controversies, are connected to these cosmic events. It also disputes the end of the Mayan long count in 2012, claiming it will actually end in 2046.
➡ This text discusses various historical events and theories, including UFO sightings and theories about extraterrestrial technology in New Mexico, the establishment of the CIA, the partition of India and Pakistan, the establishment of Israel, and the Israeli Independence War. It also mentions the founding of the Republic of Ireland, the rise of Mao Tse Tung in China, and the first atom bomb test by the USSR. The text also delves into theories about gigantic human footprints found in New Zealand and the US, and the publication of a list of alleged communists within the US government. Lastly, it discusses the theory of the Oort cloud as the origin of comets.
➡ In 1950, a meteorite fell in Kentucky, containing amino acids and nucleic acid, suggesting extraterrestrial life. The U.S. government stopped researching UFO technologies, leaving it to private companies. Weaponized radar beams were found to cause UFOs to malfunction, leading to several being downed. In the same period, many American aircraft accidents occurred, believed to be retaliation by UFO occupants. The U.S. government also began investigating the alien Anunnaki presence on Earth, retrieving 16 of their vessels for reverse engineering. An extraterrestrial biological entity, Ebbe, was captured in 1947 and communicated with U.S. officials until its death in 1952. Other significant events include the law of return in Israel, the debut of Charlie Brown, and the release of Emmanuel Velikovsky’s “Worlds in Collision”.
➡ This text discusses various historical and speculative events. It mentions alliances between government and private corporations, biblical references to the Anunnaki and Nephilim, and various political events such as Senator McCarthy’s accusations against the CIA and the overthrow of Iran’s government. It also discusses natural disasters, discoveries like Noah’s Ark, and theories about UFOs and extraterrestrial interactions. Lastly, it touches on societal changes, scientific advancements, and controversial theories about Jewish influence and suppression of free energy science.
➡ In the mid-20th century, significant events occurred including the establishment of NASA, the launch of various satellites, and the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belts. Pope John Paul II was ordained, and the USSR launched spacecrafts that orbited and took pictures of the moon. There were also natural disasters, political tensions, and the first reported alien abduction case. Additionally, the year 1962 was marked by space exploration, the creation of a new radiation belt due to a bomb detonation, and the completion of a secret underground facility in Colorado Springs.
➡ This text discusses various historical events and theories from 1962 onwards. It mentions theories about Venus being an intruder planet and the existence of extraterrestrial life. It also talks about ancient artifacts found in Ecuador, the Anunnaki, and the cosmic awareness. The text also covers significant events like the Cuban missile crisis, the assassination of President Kennedy, the civil rights movement, and the Vietnam War.
➡ In 1965, the U.S. passed the Immigration Act, changing its immigration policy, and construction began on the World Trade Centre. There were several natural disasters in India and Bangladesh, and a major blackout in the U.S. due to an electromagnetic disturbance. The first spacewalk was conducted by a Soviet astronaut, and the first detailed photos of Mars were sent back by Mariner 4. In the following years, there were significant events in the Vietnam War, the Six Day War occurred, and the USS Liberty was attacked by Israeli forces. The Star Trek series began, and the account of Betty and Barney Hill’s alien abduction was publicized. In 1969, the Apollo spacecraft landed on the moon, but many doubted its authenticity. The Boeing 747 and the Concorde made their maiden flights, and the Woodstock festival took place in New York.
➡ In the 1970s, significant global events occurred including natural disasters in Peru and Bangladesh, political unrest with hijackings and wars, and advancements in space exploration with the launch of various satellites, space stations, and probes. The Apollo 13 mission was aborted due to an oxygen tank rupture, but the crew safely returned to Earth. In the same decade, the US began withdrawing troops from Vietnam, and President Nixon visited China, ending 22 years of diplomatic silence. Additionally, the Watergate scandal led to Nixon’s resignation, and the Roe vs. Wade ruling legalized abortion in the US.


1938 AD 58 30 02:00 a.m. germany occupied Austria in a bloodless takeover. Much of Austria was favourable to the nazi government. Seeing how Hitler had employed the people in government sponsored work programs, the free Jews and the Germans create a melting point that results in the Kristallnacht riots that result in the arrest of thousands of jewish males and the burning and destruction of jewish businesses in Germany. The riots spilled over into Austria as well. Even synagogues burnt to the ground. German physicist Otto Hahn is the first person to split the uranium atom. This was exactly 2000 years after the 63 BC roman annexation of Judea.

A south african fishing trawler captured a living coalacanth, a marine prehistoric fish known as an index fossil used to date geologic strata of other life forms found petrified in 70 million year old formations. The specimen was five foot long and its existence undermines evolutionary theory. Four others have since been captured. On October 30, Orson Welles dramatized HG Wells War of the Worlds for his Mercury theatre radio program. The broadcast terrified millions of people in America. And a Princeton study later revealed that 6 million people heard the broadcast about aliens from Mars attacking Earth. 1.7 million people believed it was a live broadcast and that Martians were indeed attacking.

And 1.2 million people actually acted on this information. Walt Disney’s full length cartoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is released. One. 20th century events two. Evolution Cruncher three. Crop circles signs of contact 1939 AD. Hitler broke free of the international banking cartels that were jewish dominated and implemented a bar to trade for national resources, virtually eliminating debt and interest. He issued his own german money. World War two was over the issue of Germany’s private economy that alienated the jewish bankers ability to manipulate or charge interest. The international banking dynasties could not allow the world’s free markets to copy what Hitler implemented for barter would deprive them of vast sums of money.

The massive propaganda campaign was initiated against the german people from around the world and was of unprecedented dimensions. Never before had any people wielded so much power over the minds of the nations of the world, as did the Jews at this time through their secret monopolies over the world’s media giants. As events developed in Europe, the plight of the Jews was announced over and over on radio and in print. And never once was it mentioned that for years Hitler and the german government offered the Jews free transportation and paid migration to Palestine and Egypt. In August, Germany and the USSR, under Stalin, signed a non aggression treaty.

Both Hitler and Stalin planning on invading Poland. On September 1, Germany and Russia invade Poland. They maintained separate military operations. Later, it was discovered by the Germans that the Russians executed 15,000 polish officers. The mass grave found in 1943. The international community condemns Germany for the invasion, but nothing is said against the USSR. This again is evidence of widespread media manipulation. Many Jews are interned at camps and installations in Germany, Austria and Poland, but no more than other dissidents and enemies of the state. A popular media myth after World War two was the claim that 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis.

An outlandish and an unfounded claim. The maximum population of Jews in Germany was 600,000 out of a population of 62 million Germans. Prior to World War two, many Jews, whole families left Germany into eastern Europe and the United States. Some to Palestine and others retreated into Europe. Among their Bolshevik allies, Britain, France, Australia and New Zealand declare war on Germany. The british expeditionary force lands in France. Poland then surrenders, and the nation is divided between Germany and the USSR. The jewish german nuclear physicists Otto Frisch and Lys Meitner play the spy and alert the allies of the german intent to manufacture atomic bombs.

The Germans invade France and capture Paris. World War two begins exactly 20 years after the end of World War one. Albert Einstein wrote the president and informed him that it was possible to make an atomic bomb. The German Heinkel he 178 made the first successful flight of a jet engine. Sikorsky of the USA invented the helicopter in the USA. The Social Security act was amended. The famous movie gone with the win with Clark Gable and Vivian Lee debuted. Archaeologist Matthew Stirling discovered the first traces of the truly ancient Olmec civilization on the Yucatan in the form of five gigantic basalt heads on La Venta isle.

Now entire temples, pyramids, canal works and cities with irrigation systems have been excavated. The Olmec thrived circa 1200 bc and vanished about 31 bc. One synagogue of Satan 2 March of the Titans four Iron Curtain over America five 20th century events 1940 AD 58 30 04:00 a.m. a stunning planetary alignment of five planets forms a ladder in the sky of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Interestingly, this occurred in 24 46 BC, exactly 207 years before the great flood in 22 39 BC. And 1940 AD was 207 years since the 13th english colony in North America was founded.

The final one in 1733 AD. 207 years is half a cursed earth period of 414 years. The 13th colony was Georgia. In September, Italy joins the german japanese axis pact, first invading Egypt and then Greece. This is calendrically significant, for this year was 24 48 years after the collapse of the roman monarchy. An emergence of the Republic of Rome in Italy in 509 BC. The annus Mundi year 24 48 being 1447 BC. When the Israelites departed, Egypt, Germany, Japan, and Italy formed the tripartite pact, which pledged mutual assistance if the United States should enter the war.

The USSR invades Finland again, then occupy Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia before invading Romania. Germany invades Norway and Denmark, and then Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands and into northern France, capturing Amiens and Abbeville on the french coast. The Germans trap the British at Dunkirk, who are evacuated. German soldiers enter Paris. The United States sell Great Britain 50 destroyers. The Germans bomb England. The tallest American on record at eight foot eleven inches, named Robert Pershing Wadlow died. McDonald’s, Bug Bunny, and Superman debuted one 20th century events, two ruled by secrecy. 1941 AD 58 30 05:00 a.m. as the american government and people watched World War Two unfold rapidly, insiders in the american halls of power decided that the us population was opposed firmly against entering the war.

So a plot was hatched to compel the citizenry to voluntarily go to war against Germany. Pearl Harbor Charles Lindbergh was more specific, publishing in a widely circulated article that Jews were pushing America into a war with Germany. Large jewish ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government constitute a great danger to our country. The United States refused to sell Japan any more scrap iron and steel or oil, crippling Japan’s ability to continue its war against China. Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece, and Hitler, with his chief advisors, secretly plan to attack the Russians, who they see as jewish controlled bolshevik opportunists, overrunning much of Europe, compromising german security.

The USSR does not seek alliance with Germany, but does sign a neutrality pact with Japan, the ally of Germany. The Germans are not fooled and know that the Russians were waiting for the german fronts to weaken before they made their own move against Germany. It was popularly known that the Bolsheviks were enemies of the Germans. British troops invade Iraq, which was pro Axis. Germany invades Crete, conducts operations in North Africa under General Rommel, and then invades Russia with a 3 million man army. Besieging Leningrad until 1944, the Germans march against Moscow, but suffer from extreme cold, climate conditions, and wave after wave of russian peasant militias.

Hitler abandoning the Moscow campaign, Great Britain and the Russians invade Iran to secure oil supplies. This year was 165 years since the declaration of independence from Britain in 1776 and also 165 years to the great War of Armageddon. In 2106 AD 6000 am, US Congress passed a lend lease act, empowering the president to sell, lend or lease war supplies to any nation deemed necessary for american security. The us ambassador’s office in Japan warned us officials that a major japanese fleet was about to attack Pearl harbor. The FBI director, J. Edgar Hoover, also provided intelligence confirming the planned attack against the United States.

These were silenced and ignored by the us president. In October, the us agents cracked the japanese code called purple and learned of the plans to attack Pearl harbor. Declassified documents indicate that General George Marshall refrained from notifying the Pacific fleet admirals. On December 4, australian intelligence reported seeing the japanese fleets, but the president ignored the warning. On December 7, the Japanese bombed Pearl harbor, killing a few thousand us servicemen and a few females. But the damage to the Pacific Fleet was superficial. The Pacific Fleet’s three aircraft carriers were not at Pearl harbor, which is what the Japanese hoped to find, for the carriers had been sent out in advance by insiders knowing the attack was forthcoming.

Pearl harbor could easily have been avoided. But the president needed the american people to be attacked to enter the world war. Franklin Roosevelt, a president who was strongly supported by the jewish elitists, told Congress that the Pearl harbor incident was, quote, a date to live in infamy, unquote. The United States immediately detains 112,000 japanese people in american concentration camps. The USA and UK declare war on Japan. Germany and Italy declare war on the United States. In the United States, the Manhattan Project begins developing the atomic bomb. The Japanese employ their secret super battleship Yamato, the largest battleship ever put to sea with the largest naval cannons ever that used pilots radioing in coordinates far away because the cannon shot over the curvature of the earth.

It was twice the size of any american battleship, which had to be constructed at 108ft in width so as to fit within the 110 foot wide Panama Canal. American bomber pilots sank to Yamato, which never got to see a battle and was a huge waste of time and resources to Japan. On September 11, exactly 60 years before the attack on the Pentagon in 2001, the US begins construction of the Pentagon. One, rule by secrecy. 2. March of the titans. Three. Synagogue of Satan. Four, the spear of destiny. Five, 20th century events. Eight, uncommon sense. Eleven. Alice in Wonderland, 1942, ad 58 30 06:00 a.m.

with information leaks and unrest in german occupied regions, the Nazis intern hundreds of thousands of jews throughout Europe, holding them in concentration camps. The first us troops arrive in Britain and the Japanese capture 130,000 british troops at Singapore. The British bomb Cologne, Germany, with 1000 bombers. The US Pacific Fleet, aircraft carriers Yorktown, Hornet, and the enterprise launch bombers that by complete accident discover the four japanese aircraft carriers through dense cloud cover, catching the carriers with full decks of stacked bombs awaiting loading onto japanese bombers. The american bombers dropped their payloads on the japanese aircraft carriers and the detonating stacks of bombs sank all four carriers in minutes.

Ending the battle of Midway. 1000 british bombers bomb Bremen, Germany. Hitler and the Nazis protest that the British are targeting densely populated german civilian areas that have no military purpose. But their protests are ignored by the world media. German SS troops destroy a jewish community in Warsaw, Poland, interning and killing 50,000 Jews. Germany occupied the whole of France. The first jet fighter, the german Messerschmitt Me 262, goes on its maiden flight. The US invents the Bazooka portable rocket launcher. Prescott Bush, father of President George Bush senior and grandfather of George Bush Junior, is found guilty under the trading with the enemy act.

And his company is seized for financially helping Hitler in Germany as Germany occupied the entire nation of France. This was 414 years cursed earth period after 1528 when France underwent a rebuilding program in Paris and the other french cities. One 20th century events three synagogue of Satan 1943 AD 58 30 07:00 a.m. italy is defeated and then turns on Germany, its former ally. On July 27, allied bombers, employing a new strategy developed to create an oxygen vacuum that would then cause a firestorm for maximum fatalities was executed perfectly over Hamburg, Germany. The incendiary bombs were dropped with precision and a fiery tornado over the city reached 11 miles altitude.

Those not blasted apart, buried in rubble or burned alive were suffocated. The civilian deaths were horrific and this act was a war crime committed by the United States and Great Britain. The US completes the Pentagon. Also in July, the Germans launch a counter offensive against the Soviets, opposing their advance in the Battle of Kursk. More than a million men and over 5000 tanks fought for seven days in what is known as the largest battle in modern history. Definitely the largest tank battle ever. The Germans were unable to subdue the Russians and retreated. Alan Turing of the United Kingdom develops Colossus, the first electronic computer used to break german ciphers.

The world’s very first nuclear reactor was developed at Tennessee. In the USA, blacks began a riot that lasted 36 hours. An urban war against whites in Detroit, Michigan that overwhelmed the authorities. Federal troops and armoured vehicles were called in to suppress it. There were shootouts, fistfights and widespread looting with only 34 deaths. A young serviceman named Ed Davis, stationed with us forces in northern Iran, befriended a local Kurd named Abbas. Davis used his military resources to bestow some great favour to the Abbas family and in return Abbas took Davis to a sage, who was a keeper of the Ark of Noah, who lived with other Kurds halfway up Mount Ararat.

After deliberation, Davis was approved, and the sage led a party to the location of Noah’s ark. Davis beheld the petrified relic, almost totally encased in ice, hundreds of feet from their position, but clearly appearing as a gigantic wooden boat. 1 March of the Titans two 20th century events for the incredible discovery of Noah’s Ark 1944 AD. A crew of Russians flying over Mount Ararat reported that they could see a monstrous boat sticking out of the ice. Us bombers begin daylight bombing of Berlin, Germany. On June 6, Operation Overlord conducts the largest amphibious invasion invasion in world history as 5000 american vessels, 900 warships carrying a total of 174,000 soldiers with 20,000 vehicles, tanks, troop carriers, amphibious vessels, jeeps and cannons arrive on the coast of Normandy occupied by the Germans.

The United States also engages in this year in the largest naval battle in Pacific history when 218 allied vessels fought against 64 japanese ships in desperation. This was the first time the Japanese employed kamikaze pilots. USB 29 superfortresses bombed Japan and the Soviets invaded Romania and Czechoslovakia. The Soviets capture 100,000 Germans at Minsk. The Soviets then invade Poland and the polish rebel against the Germans. About 2.5 million german civilians living in Poland try to retreat to Germany, but are killed. The Soviets reoccupy Lithuania and retaliate for their support with Germany. One 10th of Lithuania, 350,000 people are marched into Russia and spread into labour camps in Siberia.

Most are never heard from again. Us troops liberate Paris. The Russians enter Slovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia. The Germans launch a last major offensive known as the Battle of the Bulge, where they are defeated by allied forces on October 13. The RAF bombers by night, with american flying fortresses by day, reduced the ancient german city of Nuremberg to ruins, killing off tens of thousands of civilians. The german concentration camp program ends with a total death toll of 403,700 people of all races and religions. From their inception in 1935, people who died of all causes, measles, typhus, old age accidents, including executions.

Of the total dead at Auschwitz, 38,031 were Jews. The jewish propaganda machine. Global media had been accusing the Germans of fictional crimes against Jews, genocide, gas ovens, mass executions. But when the Russians, British, French and Americans surveyed the labor factory installations and camps, they found no evidence of this. The Red Cross wrote to US State Department and said that after a thorough inspection of the german concentration camps, they could find no trace of any installations for exterminating civilian prisoners. Over 33,000 mysterious artifacts are discovered at Akambaro, Mexico figurines and statues of prehistoric creatures fashioned of clay and anatomically correct.

Some clay figures depicting humans interacting with dinosaurs as all the major clays in World War two except Japan, are descended from the ancient Israelites who separated themselves in 931 BC from the Judahites. We are not surprised to see that World War two was essentially a civil war among the descendants of the ten tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel, the last of whom were deported by the Assyrians in 721 BC, exactly 26 64 years, 6666 times four before 1944 AD. Further, this was also a bankers war, long in planning and 1944 ad was 3000 months, 250 years since the Rothschild owned Bank of England was begun, which happened to have financed much of World War two.

One, the first genesis two 2007 Almanac 3, March of the Titans five, the spear of Destiny six, Auschwitz seven, jewish supremacism 1945 ad 58 39. Amen. The Russians invade formerly german occupied regions and capture Auschwitz, finding no evidence that the concentration camp was what the media later called a death camp. Earlier in the war, Winston Churchill of Britain ordered the RAF to begin bombing civilian targets. Bremen and Nuremberg were cities firebombed by the British and later Americans that had no military bearing on the war. Civilian casualties were high. To the credit of the german war machine and government under Hitler, Berlin was bombed eight times by the British and Americans before the Germans finally retaliated in 1940 and bombed the City of London.

Until London, the Germans never bombed civilian areas after the war. The world media only broadcast the german bombing of London to justify what the Allies in 1945 did to the german civilians of Dresden. On February 13, the british and american bomber squadrons ruthlessly firebombed the open, undefended city of Dresden known as the Venice of the east. Residential areas, parks, hospitals, schools, the entire once beautiful city was bombed two nights in a row, killing from 250,000 to 400,000 civilians, men, women and german children, including american pows, vast numbers of european refugees and foreign workers. Those not blasted apart or burned to death by the incendiaries with their children, tried to run toward the Elbe river to escape, but the british and american fighter pilots relentlessly machine gunned them down in the fields.

The firebombing of Dresden resulted in the entire destruction of the city and slaughter of its entire population. This blatantly retaliatory act was a war crime committed by the Allies. Altogether, about 600,000 german civilians perished in the british led american and french bombing of german cities that had no strategic military value. To provide an analogy, if Houston and Dallas, Texas were at war, but the city of Austin was totally destroyed. With all its people by bombers. The attack would be completely senseless. Militarily, the us marines invade and take Iwo Jima and Okinawa from the Japanese. With great loss of american lives, the us air force begins bombing raids on japanese cities.

The us forces in Europe take about 400,000 Germans prisoner. The soviet army captured the german city of Berlin, and Adolf Hitler commits suicide with his wife of one day, Eva Braun. Germany surrenders to the Allies on May 7, Mussolini of Italy is executed at Milan. With world War two over, the retaliation against Germany truly begins. The United States, France, Britain and Russia partitioned Germany. The British dismantled all german heavy equipment and shipped it back to Britain, while the United States gathered Germany’s chief scientists and other experts and brought them back to the states. The United States gives Stalin and the Soviets $11 billion worth of advanced german military armament and materials and half of the nation of Germany.

Many of the Jews that escaped the Nazis now after the war, were returned to Germany with on the spot commissions and authority over the remaining german population. Some of these men had been wanted for criminal offences before the war, and now they returned under the authority of the United States. In the winter, the russian army forced the entire population of East Prussia to relocate and the nation ceased to exist. The Soviets exterminated those that refused to move. By the end of the war, the number of german civilian deaths was 3,640,000 people, most having died from allied bombing.

This does not include the german military deaths and the missing millions of german soldiers and civilians. Force marched into Russia and never heard from again. The Communist Party’s own records of russian Christians slaughtered in the bolshevik soviet labor camps throughout Siberia was between 15 to 25 million people. However, while these extermination programs were being conducted, the jewish dominated world media never mentioned them, instead opting to broadcast over and over again the vicious germane death camps and jewish suffering in Germany, which were greatly exaggerated. The Allies conducted the illegal Nuremberg war crimes tribunal, wherein german officers were convicted and prosecuted under illegal ex post facto practices for actions carried out under order from their superiors.

The war crimes carried out by the british and american bombing were not allowed to be heard. The Allies won the war, but the german officers were prosecuted in an act of blatant jewish retaliation. In the years prior to World War two, the german presses produced documentation demonstrating the evidence of a global yiddish conspiracy to rule over the Germans financially and politically. The same thing the jewish Bolsheviks were doing to Russia, a conspiracy by Jews that was already strangling the german economy. Copies of the protocols of the learned elders of Zion were circulated and known to all Germans.

Many debunkers have published books and articles trying to discredit the protocols, but history alone is the greatest evidence that the protocols are legitimate. This manifesto reads that in order to control the minds of a people, the Jews must control their entertainment industries and their news agencies. And as any informed american knows, in 2012, 95% of Hollywood and the american networks are all owned, directed, financed and run by Jews. Only after the fact was Germany accused of warmongering beginning World War two with the annexation of Austria. But the truth is far from it. The Russians initiated World War two, not the Germans and the Austrians welcomed the annexation.

In fact, the british, french, american and russian governments never lifted a finger against hitlers annexation of Austria, which, according to historian Trevor Ravencroft quote, they regard it as no more than the inevitable union between two german peoples who shared the same heritage, language and culture. From its inception, World War Two was a jewish influence conflict and it resulted in the deaths of 256,330 Americans and countless maimed and wounded. Six months before, the United States destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic bombs, the japanese government attempted to surrender to the US, but their appeals were ignored. According to recently declassified documents, on July 28, the US B 25 bomber, piloted by Lieutenant Colonel William Smith, flew right into the 78th to 79th floors of the tallest building in New York City, the Empire State Building, due to poor visibility from fog clouds.

On July 16, the US tested the first atom weapon at Alamogorg, New Mexico. In August, the United States incinerated Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 140,000 plus 80,000 Japanese, mostly civilians, in atomic detonations that made absolutely no military sense. The Japanese were already defeated and the greater military objection was the vast Mitsubishi plant that was mass producing the lethal japanese zero fighter planes. Nagasaki had the largest christian japanese population in all of Japan. The United States afterward accepted the japanese surrender and Korea was divided between north and South Korea. After the japanese fall of power, the north influenced by Russia and the south by the United States.

Amidst heavy anti german rhetoric. The United nations is founded with 51 member states. The international government heavily financed, influenced and staffed by zionist Jews. As the ludicrous Nuremberg trials continue, highly publicised and demonising Germany to the world populations, the global jewish media networks do not broadcast what they know is occurring in Russia and China. Stalins regime in the USSR literally worked to death many millions of Germans, Austrians, Russians, mostly Christians, not wanted in the new atheist government and many people the Russians took from East Prussia and the eastern bloc nations of Europe. These millions died at labor in salt mines, in prison camp industries, starved in confinement or from exposure to winter temperatures.

In China, the communist Mao Tse tung maintained an extensive nationwide concentration camp program with torture chambers and executed millions of people, starving out whole populations. The Germans had become the victims of two world wars and had been demonised by those people that sought to rule over them. On December 5, five avenger torpedo bombers, 14 men, departed the naval air station out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The pilots found themselves in a disoriented position, unable to get their bearings. Their last radio transmission was quote, ize, we don’t know which way is west. Everything is wrong. Strange. We can’t be sure of any direction.

Even the ocean doesn’t look as it should. A mariner flying boat was sent out for rescue. On board were 13 men. They were never heard from again. The navy, coast guard and British RAF scoured the ocean in a search involving over 300 planes and 20 vessels. Searching for days, not even debris was found. One. Auschwitz. 3 March of the Titans. Four. Jewish supremacism. Five, 20th century events. Seven. Iron curtain over America. Twelve. The spear of Destiny. 15. Uncommon sense. 16. Great disasters. 20. Invisible residents 1946 AD 58 40 am. The League of Nations is formally dissolved and the United nations begins its first year.

Zionist terrorists bomb the British Palestine army command at the king David Hotel in Jerusalem. Civil war breaks out in China between communists and nationalists. The Nuremberg trial ends with the execution of twelve nazi leaders and five sentenced to life in prison. John D Rockefeller donated $8.5 million for the United nations headquarters to be built in New York City. The Soviet Union takes 5 million Germans back to Russia, 4 million being civilians, mostly women and children. These people are detained in soviet labor camps and starved to death. These people were filmed on old black and white reels and the films were later circulated as evidence that the Nazis starved the Jews.

None of these 5 million survived or were heard from again. President Truman and other american officials were aware of the russian genocidal campaigns and slave labor, but covered it up. These events never received attention in the media. The two economic power centres of the western world are also the two, mostly influenced by the international jewish banking and media giants. These are London and New York. In London, the first General assembly of the United nations convened and they voted to seek their headquarters in New York. The US detonated a subsurface atomic weapon at Bikini Atoll. The first man made contact with the moon was conducted when radar signals emitted from Earth were bounced back from the moon.

A polio epidemic breaks out in the US. One 20th century events. Three iron curtain over America. 1947 AD 58 40 01:00 a.m. the Dead Sea scrolls are discovered in a cave at Qumrum near the Dead Sea. These texts are about 2000 years old concerning the sons of light and the sons of darkness and Unaki in the war scroll. It explains the great war of Armageddon, when humans and angelic beings will fight side by side. This is the same year as the Roswell incident involved involving a crashed UFO in New Mexico, which brought the world’s attention to hangar 18 of area 51.

Many researchers theorize that extraterrestrials have given the us military alien technologies. And if this is true, then it mirrors what the ancient records claim occurred before the flood, starting in 3439 bc, when the watchers Anunnaki descended to earth and gave humans technology and knowledge in exchange for human females. Found among the Dead Sea texts was the testament of Amram, which contains references to shape changing reptilian beings known as watchers. These dark entities can assume the faces of adders. Pilot Kenneth Arnold witnessed a clearly visible UFO near Mount Rainier in Washington on June 24. This still remains one of the most celebrated UFO sightings at Death Valley in the USA were discovered human skeletons that had stood 9ft in height.

President Truman sets up the Central Intelligence Agency CIA in July by National Security act. However, the CIA had its origin with the CIG Central Intelligence Group, an office of Strategic Services, which Truman enacted originally to investigate the UFO and extraterrestrial presence. American pilot Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier. Mach one in a bell x. One rocket powered airplane. India is partitioned and then becomes separate countries. Enemies India and Pakistan. One Hindu and the other Muslim. Malaria kills over a million people in India. British women and children are evacuated from Palestine as they come under attacks from jewish terrorists.

The United nations votes to partition Palestine, setting up a jewish state. Fighting between Arabs and Jews erupts. That this is one of the very first acts of the United nations is very telling. One, lost cities and ancient mysteries of North America. Two. Behold a pale horse. Three 20th century events. 1948 AD 58 40 02:00 a.m. on May 14, the modern state of Israel began by british mandate amidst an enraged arab world. The Arab League nations attack after the jewish takeover of Palestine, where 75% of the local Muslims and Christians were forced out of the country into camps or into neighbouring nations.

This being about 630,000 people, the israeli takeover was prophesied in the scriptures by Jeremiah the Prophet. In those days, the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel. And they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto thy fathers. This prophecy is precise, for the russian military aided greatly in the jewish takeover of Palestine. The Russians being the land of the north, and being descendants of the House of Israel, the Arabs were defeated by the jewish russian troops, this being known ever after as the Israeli Independence War.

The Anno Domini year of 1948 parallels the 1948 Annus Mundi year 1947 BC, when the patriarch Abraham was born. Israel was established 1335 weeks, 25 years after 1922, when the Balfour declaration concerning Palestine was made. The re establishment of national Israel is the first time in history any people were ever obliterated, spread among the nations of the world, their cities burned to the ground and left abandoned, and their peoples millennia later, reassembling to rebuild their nation. Hebrew had become extinct as a national language and supplemented with Yiddish and other variants. But with the re establishment of Israel, Hebrew as a language was the first spoken language of any people in the world to resurrect.

The return of Hebrew was prophesied by the prophet Zephaniah. Strengthened by the soviet presence and connections, the new Israelis begin building their nation as Jews from Russia, the eastern Bloc nations of Europe and America flood the country. An estimated 880,000 palestinian Christians and Muslims were driven out by the end of the year. The United States participated through small special forces units that quietly withdrew after the areas were secured. The signature of Ireland’s ancient judahite pedigree can be seen in that in 1948, the Republic of Ireland was founded, becoming a sovereign nation independent of Britain. Much of this Judahite evidence is in chronicon one.

Chinese dictator, Mao Tse tung, after implementing strict gun control policies, rounded up 20 million political dissidents on through 1952 and systematically exterminated them. In the US, a top secret document of the Air Technical Intelligence Centre addressed to the USAF chief of staff concluded that UFO’s were interplanetary spaceships. One, jewish supremacism. Two, Jeremiah. Three, cosmic codes. Four, iron Curtain over America. Six, synagogue of Satan. Seven, dark moon. 1949 AD 58 40 03:00 a.m. the USSR conducts their first atom bomb test. Commercial television begins a new audio visual program to mould public opinion, rewrite history, and brainwash whole generations of people to believe in fictions passed off as facts.

Red China emerges as the People’s Republic of China is founded, a government that is anything but a republic. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO is founded. Israel is admitted into the United nations. In New Zealand, it is reported that gigantic human footprints with six toes were discovered in volcanic ash. Giants once standing at least twelve foot tall. In the area of Braes town, near the headwaters of the Tennessee river, were found fossilised footprints of six toed giants. One being monstrous, the heel impression, 13 inches. A walking colossus. One, wars that changed the world. Two 20th century events.

Three lost cities of Lemuria. Four secret cities of old South America 1950 AD 58 40 04:00 a.m. joseph McCarthy published a list of communists operating within the us government. The list contained many jewish employees in the federal government. The media helped conceal their identities by always referring to those exposed as communists instead of what they really were. Zionist Jews, many having americanised their names. By this year, the US State Department was already infested with communist allied officials masquerading as patriotic Americans. In the first half of the 20th century, all the american wars were initiated by democratic presidents, all heavily influenced by jewish Zionists.

Woodrow Wilson, fifth year. Franklin Roosevelt, 9th year and Truman, fifth year. No republican initiated any wars for the 50 years of the 20th century. Communist zionist infiltration into the Republican Party has now reversed this trend because of public awareness of the communist threat. Most Americans still unaware of zionist origin of communism. The US Senate and House passed a law to curb communist infiltration in America, a law that President Truman vetoed. The Senate and House then overrode the presidential veto by gaining more than the necessary two thirds of the majority. And the Internal Security act became public law 831 81st Congress second session on June 25, communist North Korea invaded South Korea, which was not communist.

North Korea was allied to China. A communist nation denied entry into the United nations. In this year, the north korean army crossed the 38th parallel from the soviet zone after us officials pulled out the american troops, fully knowing that North Korea would invade. Army General Douglas MacArthur, with field command as Major General William Dean and Lieutenant General Walton Walker, against incredible odds, halted the north korean army in a virtually unprepared South Korea. The american resistance shocked the world. Outnumbered, outgunned, and only with troops from Japan trained and equipped for occupation and not conventional war, General Douglas MacArthur repelled the communists.

But President Truman, a total slave to zionist communists, ordered the US 7th Fleet to take up position between Formosa and Chinas mainland, effectively blocking Chiang of China, who was against the chinese communists from coming to the aid of General MacArthur. This move was an act of treason. Governments all around the world understood the implications of President Trumans move against his own generals, showing them just how deep communist infiltration in America truly was. Within the State Department and White House the exact same scenario played out in Vietnam, where the north vietnamese communists attacked the South Vietnamese, who were not communists.

Russia and China supported the communists, and the white house did too. Though the media protected the traitors in the us government and the communist conflicts around the world served their purpose. The cold war and arms race spawned billions of dollars of profit for world banks. From this year onward, the american media and entertainment industry bullied the american people through exaggerated news reports supported by television programs and movies depicting the severe soviet threat to America, justifying the billions spent on national defence and the billions sent overseas to other nations for their own defence, when the truth of the matter was that the USSR Cold War was a big lie.

Russia was unable to maintain tight controls on all her satellite nations, much less invade the United States. In 1950, astronomers Whipple and Oort published papers demonstrating the icy conglomerate model of cometary nuclei. And Oort published the theory that comets came from the very edge of the solar system. The dutch astronomer Jan Oort, postulated that at the edge of the solar system was a vast strewn field, the Oort cloud, where comets originated. He believed that comets were perturbed and shoved into the inner solar system into orbits around the sun by passing stars. He was very close, for we now know that it is the intruder planets Nibiru and Phoenix, that perturbed these astronomers.

John C. Brandt and Robert D. Chapman, in Introduction to Comets, second edition 2004, assert that the modern era of comet astronomy began in 1950. These astronomers claim that these revelations made in 1950, was to astronomical science, a natural boundary in time. As will be shown in the isometric year for 1950. This was indeed a boundary in time related to comets in the earth. A meteorite fell near Murray, Kentucky, and two scientists at the Arizona State University, independently examined the rock and detected the presence of all 18 of the known amino acids, as well as pyrimidines from the nucleic acid of what were once living cells.

Insiders in the american government claimed that the official policy at this time could concerning UFO’s was to shoot them down. In 1950, the us government ceased the research and development of UFO technologies acquired from downed UFO’s, as the entire research and development of extraterrestrial technology became privatised by secretive groups within the military industrial complex. Since 1950, the american government could fall back on plausible deniability, because it was private companies now conducting alien research and controlling the leaks of information on the UFO presence. On. Through 1952, several UFO’s were downed, after it was discovered that weaponized directed radar beams caused UFO vehicles to malfunction.

No machine guns, missiles or other weaponry worked. But during these same three years, an incredible number of accidents occurred to american jets and other aircraft, both civilian and military, over the USA. UFO researchers claim that the increased amount of downed aircraft was a retaliatory measure by the UFO occupants who feared the weaponized radar. Israel enacts the law of return, calling on jews around the world to emigrate to Palestine, ending the diaspora. In this year, Charlie Brown debuted. In 1950, Emmanuel Velikovsky released worlds in collision, a treasure trove of historical, archaeological and astronomical data demonstrating that the cataclysms of our planet’s past was due to an intruder planet and comets.

That 1950 is the isometric year for 2046 AD. This is amazing. One, iron curtain over America. Six, camouflage through limited disclosure. Seven, natural disasters. Eight, introduction to comets. Nine, mankind. Child of the stars 1951 AD 58 40 05:00 a.m. jewish american spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are convicted of selling atomic secrets to the Russians and are sentenced to death. General Douglas MacArthur steadily resisted the chinese communist intervention in Korea. The chinese regime on the verge of collapse. When President Truman dismissed General MacArthur from the Far Eastern Command, american military officials declared that they were under orders not to win.

FBI director Herbert Hoover had been continuously slandered by american communists in the media. He said, quote, the communists are dedicated to the overthrow of the american system of government. General MacArthur was a dedicated Christian and his request for Bibles and christian literature for the Japanese is widely attested. The US National Production Authority issued Directive M 65, which provided that all book plates not used for reprinting within the last four years, since 1940 519 46 be melted down for scrap metal for the war effort. This brilliantly sinister attack against american literary heritage was the brainchild of the national Democratic Party.

A tremendous amount of priceless data, research histories, theories and discoveries were lost. This was an attack against the people and history of America. And it has since been estimated that all all the melted plates couldn’t even provide for one major engagement. Mount Lamington in New guinea spewed toxic gases for five days, killing about 5000 people. One. 20th century event. Two, iron Curtain over America. 1952 AD 5840 06:00 a.m. the US Senate requested a list of the State Department’s files. Loyalty, security cases, seeking data on suspected and known communists in the us government. But the request was refused by President Truman.

This year was the first time anyone had ever asserted that Hitler exterminated 6 million jews. Deliberate anti german propaganda aimed at making Germany continue their reparations payments. The World almanac of 1940 has the global jewish population at 15,000,300 119,359. And the population around the world in 1950 was 15,000,713 638. Where is the missing 6 million? According to the statistics of the day, the global jewish population in this period increased by 395,279. As seen in 1939, the maximum population of Jews in Germany was 600,000 people and many of these left Germany before the war into Europe, Palestine and the United States.

Britain detonates its first atomic bomb on the Montebello Islands near Australia. 27 days later, the United States detonated the first thermal nuclear weapon, the hydrogen bomb, at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific. In the Marshall Islands, King George, 6th of England died and is succeeded by his daughter Elizabeth II, formerly a World War two Red Cross driver. The Bilderberg group, founded by Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, is founded in 1952. Prince Bernard claiming descent from roman emperors through the Habsburgs. A man also claiming descent from the house of David. The Bilderberg group is a cabal of global elitists, a finger of the internationalist movement.

American prophetess Jean Dixon publicised her vision of a tall, blue eyed, brown haired democratic president to be elected in 1960, who would then be assassinated. John F. Kennedy in July. UFO’s are visible over Washington DC. Detected on radar and seen with the naked eye. Air defence was in initiated and the event was broadcast around America in headlines. This was on July 26, exactly 50 years before the July 26 appearance of UFO’s tracked by NORAD. In 2002, heading for Washington DC, President Truman created the National Security Agency initially to investigate the alien Anunnaki presence of Earth, as well as to contain information about them from the public and to set up a dialogue with these extraterrestrials.

By this date, 16 Anunnaki vessels had been retrieved from crash sites in the United States. This was the deliberate giving over of Anunnaki technology to american engineers for reverse engineering purposes. In 1952, Ebbe died name of an extraterrestrial biological entity, living among us scientists in a secret military base that was openly communicating with us officials for over five years in captivity. Ebbe was captured in 1947, wandering the desert after the Roswell crash in New Mexico. And Ebi was a chlorophyll based creature that died June 2, 1952. The movie et was a fictionalized account of the story of Ebbe Minoans.

Script linear B was first deciphered by british researcher Michael Ventris, an extinct writing having derived from the older linear a which was in disuse after the cataclysms of 1687 and 1447 BC, William Todd photographed a huge object encased in ice on Mount Ararat in Turkey. Identified as a boat structure, many are convinced that this and other sightings are of the remains of Noah’s ark. Sightings have been documented for centuries and are remarkably consistent. Cuban archaeologist Alberto Ruz Luilla discovered the hidden tomb of mayan lord Pakal Vatan. Underneath the pyramid are the inscriptions at Chiapas, Mexico, among the ruins of the ancient mayan city of Palenque on June 15 under a colossal trapezoidal door.

This is precisely 1260 years after the Mayans sealed the tomb in 692 AD. In November, the gigantic sarcophagus lid was opened and the interior measurements were five foot five inches high, six foot ten inches wide and nine foot nine inches long, revealing that the man had once stood about nine foot tall. The lid was five tons. One iron curtain over America. Three 20th century events. Four, behold a pale horse. Five. Kinney young Mufon. Eight hidden mysteries. Nine mysteries and magic. Ten lost cities of north and Central America. 1953 AD 58 40 07:00 a.m. queen Elizabeth II was crowned upon the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey.

The chair houses the famous ancient stone of scone, the Liaphael, or stone of destiny. It is a tradition that this was the stone owned by the patriarch Jacob Israel, brought to the isles by the prophet Jeremiah in 583 BC, when he brought Baruch and the judahite princess Tamar after Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians. It is said that the composition of the stone does not match those of the isles, but matches rock at the Bethel site in Israel, convicted jewish spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are executed in the electric chair for passing us intelligence secrets on the nuclear program to the Soviets.

Senator Joseph McCarthy accuses former President Truman of aiding communists in the United States and abroad. North Korea was forced back across the 38th parallel. By June. Over 250 tornadoes had afflicted the USA since January 1953. Ian Fleming debuts the famous James Bond agent Zero Zero seven. Francis Crick UK and James Watson USA announced their discovery of the double helix formation of DNA. This year was 153 years after the US located its capital and centre of government in Washington DC in 18. 1953 was also 153 years before Armageddon in 2106 AD. The number 153 denotes sons of God, a mystical association known in early christian times.

Derived from the Hebrew Kabbalah, the anunnaki called anciently, the watchers were considered to be rebellious as sons of God before the flood, who physically appeared on Earth in 34 39 BC and taught men sciences, secret knowledge and information. Humans were not supposed to know. See Chronicle one in 1953, astronomers see large objects moving into the inner solar system towards Earth. Believing these objects to be gigantic asteroids, the is reported to the us government, but the opinion is dismissed when upon approaching close to earth, these objects move, adopting a geosynchronous orbit around the earth’s equator and their presence as vessels is discovered and kept secret.

A dialogue between elite government and private corporate heads results with an alliance for the exchange of goods, knowledge, advanced science for humanity genetic materials this reminds one of the statements Jesus made that the last days would be as the days of Noah before the flood. In Noah’s life, the Anunnaki openly traded with humans and interacted with them. The first mention of the sons of God in the scriptures is in Genesis six two four, where we learn that they were the origin of the giants, the Nephilim, genetic mutants and hybrids. One, the stones and the scarlet thread.

Two, 20th century events. Three, Atlantis and the kingdom of the Neanderthals. Four, behold a pale horse. 1954 AD 58 40 08:00 a.m. senator Joseph McCarthy accuses the CIA of being infiltrated by communists. He was correct. He also claims that communists had infiltrated America’s nuclear weapons plants. President Eisenhower moves to stop McCarthy from investigating the CIA. The elected government of Iran was overthrown by a conspiracy spearheaded by the CIA and Mi six of Britain because Iran was nationalizing the anglo iranian oil company, now known as BP or British Petroleum. The israeli government, in Operation Susannah, planned to blow up american targets in Egypt and plant false witnesses and evidence, making it look as if Egyptians were responsible so as to incite the american people to war against Egypt.

Though little initial damage was done, the plot was discovered when an israeli agents bomb went off prematurely in his car. Israeli agents were then caught and israeli foreign minister Pinhas Lavon was forced to resign. The incident known as the Lavon affair, the terroristic ploy and planting of evidence to implicate others is still a very popular international intelligence operative. Modus operandi a large asteroid comet that will collide into the north american continent in 2046 AD passes through the inner solar system. Comet twelve P. Pond books was seen for several months brightly lit and giving off very unusual explosions between July and September.

Astronomers predict this comet’s return in 2024 AD. On November 30, an 8.5 pound meteorite crashed into the roof of a house in Silicoaga, Alabama, through the ceiling, struck a radio, and bounced to hit Ann Elizabeth Hodges on the hip, leaving a bruise. On September 26, a typhoon at Hokkyado Japan killed 1600 people, 1100 of them dying on a capsized ferry overturned in 100 mph winds. Fernand Navarra and his eleven year old son discovered the location of the buried relic, Noah’s Ark, trapped in a glacier on Mount Ararat. And they returned from their expedition with a 50 pound piece of 5000 year old wood expertly cut, very heavy like stone and tested in a french lab and determined to be the heart of a tree.

Near the base of the pyramid, beneath 41 massive limestone blocks was excavated a a 144 foot long wooden artefact boat. A second pit was located and another boat was found. Their origin and function is a mystery. The boat was made of exactly 1224 pieces of wood laid out in 13 superimposed layers. The two boats add up to 24 48 pieces. 24 48. Anusmundi being the ancient year of the exodus of Israel from Egypt in 1447 BC when the 13 tribes escaped across the Red Sea following Moses. 1954 AD is precisely 3400 years after the exodus or 68 hebrew jubilees.

Us government officials claim that UFO activity was at its peak in this year. The treaty of 1953 between corporate and military industrialists. The Anunnaki was ratified in this year in a formal treaty allowing for the human abductions of females for fetal extractions and genetic testing in exchange for anunnaki technologies. After the return of us soldiers after World War two and the Korean War, an unprecedented baby boom occurred in the United States. One. 20th century event to jewish supremacy. Three. End of Eden. Five. The first Genesis. Six. The secret of the great pyramid. Seven. The great pyramids.

Eight. Camiphars through limited disclosure. Nine. Behold a pale horse. 1955 AD 58 40 09:00 a.m. astronomers of the Carnegie Institute discover radio signals coming from Jupiter a phenomenon predicted by Immanuel Velikovsky in his controversial book about an intruder planet called worlds in collision. Velikovsky had been spurned by the scientific community. This was reported to Einstein who vowed to use his influence to have Velikovsky’s theory of planetary intrusion put to the test. Nine days later, Albert Einstein was dead a copy of Velikovsky’s worlds in collision on his desk. He died at 76 on the 108th day of the year.

April 18, Disneyland opens in Anaheim, California. One pole shift. Two 20th century events. 1956 AD 58 50 am. A volcanic mountain in a remote area of Siberia erupted called Mount izejdehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe bezmiani in Hungary. It is discovered that the leading communist party officials were hungarian Jews. The people of Hungary carried out anti communist demonstrations and then rioted, demanding a democratic government and the withdrawal of soviet troops, the Russians, using soldiers and tanks, crushed the rebellion, executing many and killing thousands. 200,000 Hungarians fled the country and the Soviets installed a new communist dictatorship. The Hungarians appeal to the western powers for aid against the USSR and are ignored.

Anti communist riots in Poland are violently suppressed and the Soviets attack Budapest, crushing the revolt there as well. The encyclopedia Britannica was the ultimate source for accurate information prior to 1966. The 1956 edition of the Britannica made absolutely no references to any german extermination of Jews in world War two. No mention of 6 million Jews killed. No mention of a holocaust. Later editions of the Britannica were corrupted, the 1967 and 1970 editions having information added to them that was not present in all the former editions of the encyclopedia. This was the 476th year since the Russians regained their country back from mongol control in 1480 AD.

It was also 1480 years from the fall of Rome, which occurred in 476 AD. Because of soviet connections to Egypt, the United States and the United Kingdom refused to finance the Aswan dam in Egypt. So President Nasser of Egypt seized the Suez Canal for revenues to finance the Aswan dam. 22 nations discuss the crisis and Egypt, Jordan and Syria form an alliance of mutual defence, setting up their armed forces under a joint command. Five days later, the Israelis invade the Sinai peninsula, which belongs to Egypt, Britain and France. Egyptian airfields for which they are internationally condemned, which was exactly 600 years after the French and British fought the battle of Poitiers in 1356.

The same year, a great quake rocked Egypt. The US Supreme Court rules that segregation of public transportation is unconstitutional. The first computer programming languages developed in the United States for train, which is startling for the isometric year for 1956 is the year 2040 AD, when computers will become obsolete. The world’s power supplies and generators, satellites, and many of those who know how to use them will be destroyed in a global cataclysm. One 20th century events 2 march of the titans three. Jewish supremacism 1957 AD 58 50 01:00 a.m. in February, US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said the terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen.

I am very much concerned over the fact that the jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get Congress to do anything they don’t approve of. The israeli embassy is practically dictating to the Congress through influential jewish people in the country. This was reiterated by the former chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Thomas more. I’ve never seen a president I don’t care who he is. Stand up to the Jews. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wouldn’t write anything down.

If the american people understood what a great grip these people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. At Christmas island in the Pacific, the UK detonated its first hydrogen bomb. The USSR announced a successful test of an intercontinental ballistic missile. The soviet city near the Ural mountains called Kishtim, of about 150,000 people, was crippled in a gigantic explosion. The accidental detonation of high quality nuclear waste from a soviet weapons program. Less than 50,000 people live there now and untold numbers have died of leukemia and other cancers. And the entire region is a barren wasteland.

Soviets suppressed the incidents, but russian defectors informed the public in London. In 1973, the Soviets launched Sputnik one into space to orbit at 500 miles elevation in Little Rock, Arkansas. Black students are barred from entering a white school with armed soldiers. The us government forcibly desegregates american schools. In God we trust began appearing on american money. The inventor and theorist Wilhelm Reich died in an american federal prison. A true genius and discoverer of orgone energy, the essence of our spirits. His astounding free energy science inventions alarmed the fossil fuel producing giant megacorporations and federal court manipulation by corporate influence landed him in prison.

His research and books condemned to the fire. Comet Mercos was photographed in August, showing two tails, one of plasma and the other of dust. Comet Arend Rowland also was photographed in April, Adam Rutherford released his monumental four volume work, pyramidology, which would continue to be published until 1972. His work attempting to show that the great pyramid’s measurements were a bible in stone. One, jewish supremacism. Three 20th century events. Four. The harmonic conquest of space. 5 March of the Titans 1958 AD 58 52 amen. I 9000 scientists from 43 nations petition the United nations to ban testing of nuclear weapons.

Strangely, a powerful broadcast is picked up by hundreds around the world and people listen in awe for two and a half hours as someone identifying himself as Nakoma from the planet Jupiter spoke about Earth’s impending ruin by atomic destruction if testing of nuclear weapons was not discontinued. Nakoma spoke in perfect English, German, Norwegian and a strange dark musical language. Curiously, this year’s isometric year is 2038 AD, a major year involving nuclear detonations. IG Farben company employed a polish salesman who sold gas to the Germans during World War two. When Germany fell, this man fled and I joined the Roman Catholic Church and was ordained a priest in 1946.

In 1958, he was then ordained as Poland’s youngest bishop and in the same year he became Pope John Paul II. The soviet spacecraft Sputnik one fell to Earth and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency NASA is set up in the United States. The US army launched, exploring into orbit the USA’s first satellite which discovered the van Allen belts of radiation that encircles the planet the atomic submarine of the US the nautilus passed underneath the North Pole’s ice cap Kermit the frog is born one 20th century events two, our haunted planet three, behold a pale horse 1959 AD 58 53 amen Alaska becomes the 49th state of the United States Hawaii the 50th the USSR launches Lunic one that flies past the moon and begins to orbit the sun lunic two is launched and it crashes on the moon lunic three is launched and it orbits the moon taking the very first pictures humans have seen of the dark side of the moon.

The soviet vessel Vityas discovered the Mariana trench in the Pacific Ocean, the deepest place on Earth at almost 7 miles deep. Hoppy indian elders presented before the United nations building in New York a six man delegation led by Dankongva these men uttered a series of hoppy prophecies buddy Holly died in a plane crash one 20th century events three the first genesis 1960 AD 58 50 04:00 a.m. the USSR shot down a United States U two spy plane over Russia in May and then in August, the pilot Gary Powers, was convicted in a russian court and sentenced to ten years imprisonment a flood in Bangladesh, India killed 6000 people and an earthquake killed 12,000 people in 15 seconds in Agadir, Morocco, in May, quakes in Chile South America killed 5400 people John F.

Kennedy becomes the US president for the Democratic Party, the youngest president ever at 43, he is the 35th president of the USA the Soviets launched the first weather satellite, the Tyros one, and a soviet spacecraft carrying two dogs orbits the earth 17 times and returned safely to the surface at Toora, India was excavated this skeletal remains of a humanoid that stood over eleven foot tall with a metal cup won 20th century events two elder gods in antiquity 1961 AD 58 50 05:00 a.m. on April 12, Russia put the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, for exactly 1 hour and 48 minutes or 108 minutes in the soviet spacecraft vostok one.

The USSR detonated its first hydrogen bomb and the United States announced the resumption of its nuclear testing. In Britain, the largest ban the bomb rally ends with a violent clash with police leading to 1000 arrests the CIA backed cuban revolt against Fidel Castro fails in the Bay of Pigs invasion the US severing diplomatic relations with Cuba but occupying Guantanamo base. Alan Shepard was first American in space in suborbital flight 116 miles high in a mercury space capsule the Berlin Wall is erected by the Soviets to keep East Berliners from escaping into West Berlin Germany Iraq lays claim to the former british protectorate country of Kuwait this is 30 years before Iraq invaded invades Kuwait and is defeated in the Gulf War of 1991 in 1961 the British invade Kuwait in September the first modern alien abduction case involved Betty and Barney Hill involving alien medical scientific procedures conducted on Betty Hill.

This may have been preparatory staging for the alien abduction epidemic that started in 1962. However in several ancient calendrical systems the year began in late August early September. The western world’s calendars began in January and in March 1962 was the year of import to the Anunnaki one. 20th century events two wars that changed the world. Four sight unseen. 1962 AD 58 50 06:00 a.m. this amazing year was the 6000th year since Earth began its present orbit around the sun a 6000 year period christian chronographers early on mistook for 6000 years since their creation despite evidence of the high antiquity of Earth.

This was the year 7200 of the Anunnaki timeline or 600 times twelve years and 5400 years 600 times nine after the Anunnaki called the watchers in 3439 bc descended to Earth to teach mankind before the flood the forbidden knowledges they bestowed in exchange for human females daughters of men. Now in 1962 history repeats itself. Global elitists in the military industrial complex and corporate giants allied to the Anunnaki give them permission to abduct human females for the genetic experimentation programs for technologies and technical knowledges the Anunnaki have provided in this year the 60th since the start of the last days countdown of Giza courses of the great Pyramid levels since 1902.

Mankind reaches space and other planets as the Anunnaki reach for human females. The US landed Ranger three on the moon with complex scientific instruments but the probe failed. John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth three times in a Mercury capsule called friendship seven. On May 22 a secret space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of an environment that could support life. Nine astronomers discovered a large unnatural bulge at the martian equator and astrophysicist doctor EJ Opick concluded that the bulge may be hollow. Radio telescopes were detecting strong x ray activity coming from Cygnus constellation catalogued as Cygnus X, one known as the Cygnus Rift, a great dark area of the sky.

Astronomers have noted in times past what they described as a vast blackness. Comet Secchi lines exhibited a sudden burst of dust release a split tail. In August, Comet Humason discharged a plasma tail further away from the sun than normally witnessed. A comet noticed to be very turbulent. In 1962, scientists first detected a solar wind on July 8 at GMT 900 hours. A megaton bomb was detonated 248 miles above the earth in space over the Pacific Ocean near Johnston island. To the horror of the scientific community, the blast broke up the upper ionosphere level around the world, causing severe disruption of long distance radio communications.

With magnetic field disturbances noted, the EMP burned out power lines in Hawaii. Solar cells in many satellites were damaged and a british satellite ceased functioning. At an altitude of 24 84 miles, an entirely new radiation belt was formed with an intensity over 100 times greater than any of the naturally existing radiation belts. Also in this year, scientists using a ruby laser, bounced the light beam off the surface of the moon. And using sophisticated detection equipment, they recorded the beam’s reflection back to Earth. The ultra secret Cheyenne mountain complex is completed near Colorado Springs. A massive underground facility with tunnel systems leading to other underground bases and cities.

Here work many of the most intelligent people on earth, inventing and manufacturing technologies unknown to the private sector. This is also the NORAD Command Centre, the Air Force Space Command, the Space Defence Operations Centre and the Air Defence Command. This complex provides a day to day picture of precisely what is in space and where it is located. Not all of these centres were operational as early as 1962, but many researchers are convinced that the origin of this facility concerned extraterrestrial Anunnaki operations, perhaps joint human Anunnaki operations. That this was 7200 of the Anunnaki chronology concerns an intriguing discovery.

The ancient city of Teotihuacan in Mexico records a pyramid timeline in units called hunabs, discovered by Hugh Harleston Junior. He found that starting at the pyramid of the sun, there were 7200 hunabs to the ruinous pile of architecture Harlestan and others believe represented planet x, the Anunnaki planet Nibiru. The pyramid of the sun is 203ft tall, paralleling the 203 levels that make up the great Pyramid in Egypt. Halston asserts this because the other pyramids and temples of the Teotuacan design represent the other known planets, sun and moon, of the solar system. This year begins the global phenomenon known as close encounters of the fourth kind.

Abductions of unwilling humans for experimentation and fetal extractions. Implantation of tracking devices in the body and worldwide hybridization programs. American prophetess, who predicted the rise of John F. Kennedy and his assassination, claimed that in 1962 was the birth of a great evil. Her prediction was based off her interpretation of a massive conjunction of planets that occurred February 5, 1962. In 1962, scientists discovered that Venus was hot and rotated on its axis in a retrograde motion. Both facts already theorised by Immanuel Velikovsky. Though heavily censured in this year, astronomers began to theorize that Venus may indeed be an intruder planet in the inner system.

A fact Velikovsky already postulated. Doctor Carl Sagan urged the American Rocket Society in November to re examine ancient myths and traditions for evidence and clues that Earth has been visited by extraterrestrial species in antiquity. The following fact is related of 1962 being the 60th year of the Great Pyramid’s Giza course. Countdown to Armageddon in 2106 ad, the end of Anunnaki Dominion over mankind. Local natives of Ecuador for years had been finding metal plates with symbols, imagery, elaborate pictures and inscriptions, many now in the Museo del Bancor Central. Though these artefacts were found in the Americas, they depict elephants and sphinxes.

And some are dated at least 3000 years old. One intriguing plate is a perfect representation of the Great Pyramid, with individual blocks, a layer of casing stones, a cornerstone atop it, with a sun symbol serving as the eye. Most amazing is the lower level of the pyramid, which is covered with inscriptions. This fact about the ancient great pyramid’s lower courses, covered in writings, is the subject matter of lost scriptures of Giza. Because of a fire in 1962, these relics, an estimated 6000 plates were placed in the Museo, while many others were lost to private collections. The artifact showing the great Pyramid has a smiling face on the top stone.

The artist’s archaic recognition that this apex stone was indeed the symbol of deity. The chief cornerstone the builders Anunnaki rejected 1962, was connected to 1902 in other ways as well. In 1902, archaeologists realized that the massive artifacts taken from a sunken shipwreck off Crete, was actually a sophisticated differential geared computer. The anti Cathera computer. And 60 years later, in 1962, the prestigious magazine Natural History publicised the amazing features of this device. Ice, in an article by british scientist Derek Desola Price. Also in 1902, the American Standard Bible was published. A much more accurate rendering of the text believed to be the word of God.

Now, in 1962, the new American Standard Version is published. The theme of the holy scriptures is the salvation of mankind and redemption that will occur when the chief cornerstone returns to Earth to defeat the enemy evil. Anunnaki at Armageddon in 2106 AD, exactly 144 years after 1962. The number 144 is the geometrical value for the hebrew root word for beginning, a root carrying the idea of eternalness. In 1962, Anunnaki life forms masquerading as hyperdimensional extraterrestrials began communicating through channeling in what is known as cosmic awareness, a collective that has provided human listeners a tremendous amount of data on the past, the present and the future.

Intriguingly, the cosmic awareness instructed its listeners that it was composed of 144 entities. In 22 39 bc, the Anunnaki were imprisoned and their hybrid nephilim offspring were destroyed in the global cataclysm. According to the Book of Enoch, beginning a period of confinement for 70 generations. The ancient Anunnaki generation was 60 years, a 10th of an Annunaki nur, or 600 years great year. The same distance in time between 1902 and 1962. 70 generations multiplied by 60 years is 4200 years. 600 times seven, the imprisonment of the Anunnaki ending in 1962 AD from the great Deluge. In 22 39 BC, american pilot Gary Powers is released from russian prison in exchange for russian spy Rudolf Abel.

The cuban missile crisis occurs when President Kennedy reveals to the public that russian missiles were being set up in Cuba. The Russians offer to withdraw the missile if America will remove their own missiles from Turkey. President Kennedy agrees to supply Britain with the United States Polaris nuclear missiles. President Kennedy revealed his displeasure with the economical stranglehold the world banks and corporate titans exercised over America, ordering his brother, Robert Kennedy, the us attorney general, to launch an investigation into price fixing schemes. This move proved to be a fatal one, for it resulted with the assassination of himself and his brother.

A large discoidal creature washed ashore on the south side of Sandy Cape, Tasmania, after local police could not scratch it with an axe. Onlookers noticed that the creature’s body treated when exposed to fire. The australian government quarantined the area, and biologist Ivan T. Sanderson noted that it was an unidentified biological entity. Trevor James Constable notes that this and other similar creatures had washed ashore in Australia and were akin to the unusual aerial lifeforms that sometimes allow themselves to be seen in the visible spectrum in the skies, and are often mistook for UFO’s. In 1962, the film superstar Marilyn Monroe was found dead of drug overdose in Los Angeles.

Many people suspecting foul play. One, behold a pale horse. Two, elder gods in antiquity. Three, God’s laughter. Four, dark moon. Seven, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade center disaster. Eight, crop circles gods and their secrets. Nine. Our haunted Planet Twelve. Cornelia von Secrets of the lost Tao Gold Library 13. Technology of the gods. 14. Beginnings, the Sacred design 15. Donna Cossey Cucs. 16. 20th century events 18. Rule by secrecy. 19. The cosmic Pulse of Life 1963 AD 58 50 07:00 a.m. black civil rights leader Martin Luther King is arrested for leading a march in the state of Alabama.

Over a month later, blacks riot at Cambridge and President Kennedy sends in federal troops to Quellenne race rights in Alabama. In August, a wide scale civil rights demonstration occurs in Washington DC when Martin Luther King delivers his I have a dream speech. Martin Luther King’s real name was Michael King, but his handlers, those financially backing his civil rights movement from behind the scenes, wanted him to be associated with the reformer Martin Luther, who went against the establishment of the time. Martin Luther King was tutored by the jewish speech writer Stanley Levinson, who wrote most of King’s speeches.

Both Attorney General Robert Kennedy and President John Kennedy warned Martin Luther King about his association with Levenson, who had a known communist record. 1962 to 63 seems to begin american, by extension, the whole world. Rapid social and moral decline. The US Supreme Court ruled that the lord’s prayer and reciting the ten Commandments in public schools and Bible verses was unconstitutional, despite the fact that it was the United States constitution that was the first in the world declaring that rights came from God. Not mentioned test. Jean Dixon reconfirmed her prediction that the president, now Kennedy, would be assassinated.

On May 15, astronaut Gordon Cooper’s voice was drowned out on a channel reserved for space flights by a strange, unintelligible foreign language that has never been identified. On June 4, President Kennedy signed Executive Order 1110, which which allows for the United States government to print its own money without going through the Federal Reserve or other Rothschild owned banks. This too was performed by Abraham Lincoln, who was also assassinated. Interestingly, World War one was caused by events connected to the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophia in 1914, exactly 49 years before the assassination of John F.

Kennedy in 1963. This same 49 years is what separated the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865 to the assassination of Ferdinand in 1914. In 1963, the world’s first female astronaut, the russian valentine Tereshkova, was launched into space. On November 22, 1963, President Kennedy is assassinated sitting in a convertible in Dallas with Governor of Texas John B. Connally. Lee Harvey Oswald, though there to shoot Kennedy, was set up by the real assassins. One of the bullets that struck Kennedy passed into John B. Connallys League. The local authorities demanded that the bullet be removed for examination. But with the CIA’s backing, Governor Colony refused.

The conspirators knew that the ballistics would not match Oswald’s rifle. John B. Connally was later commemorated with having a maximum security prison named after him the John B. Connally unit in Kennedy, Texas. Infamous for the escape of the Texas seven, Oswald was himself assassinated by Jack Ruby. The death of Kennedy began at 1656 day 414 times four four cursed time periods to the assassination of his brother, Robert Kennedy. On June 5, 1968, a windstorm at Bangladesh India killed 22,000 people. One. 20th century events 2. March of the Titans three. Jewish supremacism five. Our haunted Planet six synagogue of Satan 1964 AD 58 50 08:00 a.m.

the Palestinian Liberation Organization is founded in Jerusalem. President Johnson signs the US Civil Rights act, giving equal rights to blacks. A powerful quake the Good Friday earthquake rocks Alaska, the largest until that time scientifically studied. Due to the remote region, only 131 people died. China detonated its first atomic bomb. The United States enters the Vietnam War as Congress empowers the president to commit troops, a war very unpopular with the american people. One 20th century events 1965 AD 58 50 09:00 a.m. the US begins bombing raids in Vietnam, and President Johnson announced that he will commit 50,000 more troops in Vietnam amidst a nation totally opposed to the war.

Malcolm X, the leader of the pro violence black nationalist movement, is assassinated on February 21. Six months later, in August, blacks write for six days across the nation in 30 major cities, looting and burning, resulting with 34 deaths and 40 million in property damage. Before law enforcement could end the anarchy, the US passed the 1965 Immigration act, which did away with the previous national oracle origins clause, designed to ensure that the USA would not allow in more foreigners than the Anglo saxon population could absorb. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts and Zionist Emmanuel Keller were the architects of the change.

Construction begins in New York on the World Trade Centre complex. On September 6, India launches a full scale invasion of Pakistan. In May, a windstorm at Bangladesh India killed 17,000 people, followed by a second windstorm at Bangladesh, killing another 30,000 people, and a third windstorm in December that killed 10,000 people. A comet was seen in 1965, but astronomers determined that it was not attached to any known orbit. In 1965, the great blackout in the northeastern United States left millions without power. It was a mystery, for power companies not even connected to the main power grid were affected as well, and vlf, very low frequency and ham radio reception were jammed with static.

All of this indicated not a power outage, but a powerful electromagnetic disturbance. Soviet astronaut Leonov conducts the first spacewalk for 20 minutes in March, followed by an american astronaut, Edward White, aboard Gemini four. Three months later, in June, Mariner four probes sent back the first detailed photographs of Mars known to the public. One, 20th century events three, our haunted planet. 1966 ADHD, a major us offensive against the Viet Cong’s iron triangle area and us bombers attack the north vietnamese cities of Hanoi and Haiphong. The ultra secret SR 71 blackbird spy jet enters us service. The unmanned soviet spacecraft Luna nine makes the first soft landing on the moon.

NASA’s orbiter two photographed six pyramidal cones on the surface of the moon at the western edge of the Sea of tranquility. The nationally popular series Star Trek begins this year, the two main characters being jewish Zionists William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. The alien abduction account of Betty and Barney Hill is publicised this year. Walt Disney died, he being the last barrier to total jewish control of Hollywood. A major quake at Zing, Thai, China, occurs at Abafan, South Wales. A slag heap slips and buries alive 144 students and teachers in October 1 20th century events. Three elder gods in antiquity, camouflage through limited disclosure.

Five jewish supremacism six natural disasters 1967 AD 58 60 01:00 a.m. us forces in Vietnam execute Operation Junction City, the largest military campaign in the Vietnam War as of that date. On May 22, the islamic arab nations of the UAR closed down the Gulf of Aqba to israeli shipping. Jordan, Syria and Egypt positioned their militaries, threatening Israel, completely surrounding the tiny nation. And the Six Day War results, with Israel executing a series of preemptive strikes, crippling the arab forces. The war begins June 5, and on the 6th and 7th, the Israelis take control of the Gaza Strip, the West bank and Jericho.

On the 10th, the UAR and their allies accept a ceasefire agreement. On June 9, the Israelis occupied the Temple Mount, fulfilling the 2300 year prophecy from the immigrants of Alexander of Macedon in 334 BC. In Daniel 8117, american action in Vietnam intensifies with bombing only 10 miles away from the chinese border. On June 8, the Israelis attempted to draw the United States into their war and attack Egypt. Unmarked Israeli Mirage fighter jets and israeli torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty, jamming their signals when they called for aid. The liberty was a lightly armed intelligence ship that was monitoring radio communications, and the Israelis feared it intercepted communications of a planned invasion of Syria or that the Americans had been monitoring the radio when israeli troops gunned down hundreds of unarmed egyptian prisoners of war.

The israeli jets first took out the liberties radio room and palmed the deck of the ship for maximum fatalities. The jets made repeated passes until they were out of missiles and they tore 821 huge holes in the liberty with their 20 and 40 millimeter cannons with a giant hole at the water line with a torpedo. The crew of the liberty rigged a radio antenna and hailed the Mediterranean 6th Fleet for help, even identifying their attackers as Israelis. And american jets were sent out to aid her in an incredible act of treason. President Lyndon Johnson, long having been in the pockets of the world’s Zionists, ordered the emergency relief jets to turn back leaving the liberty with no help.

President Johnson intended to sacrifice the liberty off the israeli coast to initiate american military actions against Egypt in full collusion with israeli officials. Johnston was angry at Egypt’s recent soviet negotiations and alliance. Israeli torpedo boats were caught by a russian spy ship machine gunning the crew of the USS Liberty in their life rafts, a war crime causing the Israelis to abort their attack on the american vessel. The incident was silenced and the world media ignored it. Until this day, it is not known how the liberty and its remaining crew survived the sustained three hour long attack.

The US Secretary of State dean Rusk said Israel purposely and deliberately attacked the USS liberty. But with the zionist infiltration of the us government and total control over the world media, the Israelis were never made to answer for their actions. In a twist of karma later that year, the Egyptians destroyed the israeli destroyer elat in October. This six Day war was exactly 720 years after the Muslims of Egypt took Jerusalem in 1247 ad. In January, 3 american astronauts died in a fire at Cape Canaveral in Colorado were discovered the fossilised bones preserved in a vein of silver in a mine with a copper arrowhead four inches long of a human.

The enigma being that the silver vein is dated 4 million years old. One, 20th century events three, jewish supremacy. Four. William Dankenbring, citing doctor Stan Montaigne east seven lost cities of north and Central America. 1968 AD 58 60 02:00 a.m. in this year, the number of us troops in Vietnam reached 486,000. And on January 31, the Viet Cong conducted the Tet offensive new year throughout Vietnam, killing Americans and southeast Vietnamese. On April 4, civil rights black leader Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, triggering racial riots in many us cities. King was killed by James Earl Ray.

On June 5, Robert Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles after winning the California primary election. Another world famous man dies. Yui Gagarina, the first russian cosmonaut in space. First human in space dying in a plane crash. The CIA initiated project Phoenix in Southeast Asia, torturing thousands of vietnamese prisoners and civilians for intelligence, resulting in the death of tens of thousands, a program enduring until 1972. In Iraq, the CIA secretly supported and aided the Baath party, installing Saddam Hussein as dictator. The United States detonates Boxcar underneath the Nevada desert a 1.3 megaton nuclear weapon. Astronauts aboard Apollo eight complete the first manned flight around the moon, and they took a picture of the earth from space beyond the moon while reading the first eleven verses of the Book of a fossil hunter named William Webster junior at Antelope Springs, Utah, discovered a human footprint fossilized in stone.

Stepping on a trilobite 65 million year old life form, the footprint was sandalled the strata dating to the cambrian period. On September 4, a triangular shaped UFO appeared over Madrid, Spain, and was seen by thousands of people, many of them taking pictures of the object. It was described by onlookers as pyramid shaped France explodes its first hydrogen bomb in the Pacific 1 March of the titans two 20th century events three. Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade center disaster five crop circles gods and their secrets six evolution cruncher seven invisible residents x one x the cosmic pulse of life 1969 AD 58 60 03:00 a.m.

soviet troops cross the border into Xinjiang, China. The US agrees to destroy all of its germ warfare stock, but it is highly doubtful the military did so. On July 20, the Apollo spacecraft landed on the moon. Televised around the world world video shows Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin on the lunar surface, and over 70% of the worldwide population doubted the authenticity of the Apollo missions. Many scientists and researchers have published meticulous material demonstrating the fallacies and impossibilities of the moonwalk, as was conveyed by NASA. Believing the moon landing and acts of the astronauts were a fiction perpetuated by NASA to cover the real and highly secret space program.

As Americans watched a doctored film that appeared authentic in 1969 to boost american morale in an atmosphere of superior soviet space achievements in all categories, there are many, and for good reason, who believe that the secret space program had already been to the moon prior to the 1969 televised fiction. In 1969, the Boeing 747 jumbo jet makes its maiden flight, and from Toulouse, France, the Concorde made its maiden flight. About 400,000 people assembled at Woodstock in New York in celebration of free love and rock and roll. On August 9, Charles Manson influences his followers to kill actress Sharon Tate and four others.

One 20th century events two dark Moon 1970 AD 58 60 04:00 a.m. an israeli air raid on Cairo, Egypt, killed 70 civilians. The Syrians and Israelis engaged in a battle in April. Comet Bennett appears brightly in April. In May, a quake in Peru buried alive and killed 25,000 people, but burning anarchy and disease afterward killed altogether 66,000. A violent cyclone struck Bangladesh India, killing 300,000 people. Palestinians hijacked four passenger aircraft and negotiate the release of palestinian prisoners held in Israel, Switzerland, West Germany and Britain. The Boeing 747 jumbo jet enters commercial transatlantic service. China launches its first satellite.

The american Apollo 13 mission departed earth at 130 13:00 p.m. or 13 13 hours on the 13th day of the month. The mission was aborted due to the rupture of an oxygen tank. The crew escaped in a lunar capsule and splashdown was at 1213 esT. A meteorite fell to Earth called the Murchison meteorite. Studied by the Ames Research Centre of NASA and the scientists of two universities. It was determined to have contained within it definite traces of amino acids. One, 20th century events two foundations of astronomy. Four mankind child of the stars 1971 ad 58 60 05:00 a.m.

president Nixon announced that the US will withdraw 100,000 troops from Vietnam. And later in the year, he declares that the US will cease its Vietnam offensive. Apollo 14 lands on the moon and takes samples of moon rocks. This may have been simply the continuation of the 1969 hoax. Us space probe mariner orbits planet Mars and sends pictures back to the Earth. The USSR launches the Salyut one space station into orbit. The United States launched a deep space probe called Pioneer ten, containing a geometrical message for an extraterrestrial civilization to easily interpret, explaining that Earth is populated by humans, where Earth is located in the galaxy, and that we are open to communication with others among the stars.

Radioactivity from Cygnus X four, noted by astronomers in 1962, underwent a notable change in 1971, revealing to astronomers that they were not observing a neutron star or pulsar, but probably a black hole. This region of blackened space very well might be the location of our sun’s burned out binary companion star, or dark star, called nemesis by astronomers. The fossil remains of the largest bird ever found were discovered in Texas this year. Called a pterosaur, the creature had a 50 1ft wingspan. This is larger than most jet fighters. It is later discovered that the mariner nine photographs of Mars at the Elysium quadrangle were the first known photographic records of anomalous structures on the surface of the red planet.

Pyramidal buildings ruined. Communist China is voted into the United nations and Taiwan is expelled. India invades Pakistan and Pakistan surrenders after a two week war in December, Disney World opened in Orlando, Florida. One 20th century events four gods laughter. Five Evolution Cruncher 1972 AD 58 60 06:00 a.m. president Nixon is the first us president to visit China. And after 22 years of diplomatic silence, Britain resumes talk with the Chinese. On June 17, five men are arrested for trying to plant listening devices in the democratic National Committee’s hq in Washington, DC. Known as the Watergate scandal, Apollo 17 is NASA’s final trip to the moon.

Strangely, throughout the entire career of the american space shuttle program, space vehicles far more sophisticated than the Apollo rockets and capsules. Never had NASA ever sent one of the shuttles to the moon. As of 2012, NASA has not been back to the moon for 40 years, if it’s ever been at all. A large meteorite the size of a football field blazed across the sky over North America, witnessed by many in Canada and the United States as a fire ball that burned along the upper atmosphere but never fell to Earth, exiting the atmosphere. Continuing its passage, the soviet space probe Venera eight landed on planet Venus and reported through its data that the planet is enshrouded in a thick liquid canopy that allows only 25% sunlight to reach its surface.

A deliberate attack against the african people was masterminded through the World Health Organization when they initiated an immense smallpox vaccination program with many vaccines laced with HIV AIDS virus that eventually killed millions of Africans and spread throughout the world. The last american combat troops were pulled out of Vietnam, but american aircraft continued bombing North Vietnam objectives. Arab terrorists at the Olympics in Munich, West Germany, kill eleven israeli athletes one 20th century events two prophets of doom three in search of Noah’s Ark four synagogue of Satan 1973 AD 58 60 07:00 a.m. the last us troops depart Vietnam, ending the war israeli fighter jets shot down a libyan Boeing 727 over the Sinai on April 15.

On CB’s Face the Nation, Senator William Fulbright, when discussing american policy in the mid east, stated to the american people, Israel controls the United States Senate. On April 4, the World Trade center towers were completed and dedicated, being then the tallest buildings on earth at 1360 8ft high, 110 stories each. This was 28 years after a B 25 bomber flew right through the 78th to 79th floors of the first tallest building on earth in New York City, the Empire State Building in 1945 and 28 years into the future after 1973 was 2001 AD when passenger jets flew into the WTC towers through the 78th, seven 9th and 80th floors.

On September 11, the trilateral commission formed by private wealthy citizens and globalists from the USA, Europe and Japan, headed by David Rockefeller, who used international commerce and banks to seize american political control. France begins a series of nuclear tests at Muroa Atoll, ignoring protests from New Zealand and Australia. Comet Cahootek was visible with the naked eye for almost a month from remote mountaintops and observatories. The US launches the first us space station called Skylab. The greatest wave of reported UFO sightings in recorded history began in 1973 and continued on through 1974. Top soviet scientists announced in October that extraterrestrial intelligent radio signals were recorded and had their origin within our solar system.

It was concluded that the transmissions were of artificial origin, having nothing to do with pulsars stars emitting radio waves, but were caused by the emissions of very sophisticated transmission equipment. These were conclusions by some of the greatest scientists in Russia being Vesevolod Troitsky, director of research, Radiological Institute in Gorky Nikolai Kardashek, laboratory chief at Institute of Space Research of USSR Academy of Science Sciences and Samuel Kaplan, chief astronomer at Gorky University. Many UFO investigators are convinced that there are hidden extraterrestrial bases on Mars, the moons of Mars, our moon, and even on Earth. The increasingly communist and anti christian US Supreme Court ruled in roe versus wade that the human fetus is not a person and therefore has no constitutional nor human rights.

This is in direct contravention to sacred law which reads, thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth, nor kill them after they are born. Christian author Tertullian was quite clear about abortion even during early church history, over 18 centuries ago, writing, we acknowledge that life begins with conception because we contend that the soul begins at conception. Life begins when the soul begins. The strangest hypocrisy has surfaced in America and throughout the western world, as people find themselves morally outraged when children are molested but survive. Many of these same people having no problem with the murder of unborn, defenceless people who have not yet been separated from their mothers.

Abortion is a sanitized word for murder, a violation of the ten Commandments. Thou shalt not kill. In October, Egypt and Syria attacked Israel, initiating the Yom Kippur war, and eleven arab states agreed to cut oil production and raise prices. In protest of us support for Israel, the United States and United nations organized ceasefires, ending the war. A CIA recon satellite took photographs of an anomalous structure like a ship encased in ice on Mount Ararat in Turkey, us scientists Boya and Cohen successfully achieved cloning. One 20th century events. Two, jewish supremacism. Three, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade center disaster.

Four, rule by secrecy. Six. Mankind, child of the stars eight, epistle of Barnabas 1411 four, witnesses 1974 AD 58 60 08:00 a.m. china launches a new cultural revolution abandoning the ancient dictates of Confucius. The Chinese end two years of excavations at the ruins of Changsha, capital of the Hunan province of three tombs that date back to the Han dynasty 207,221 ad. One of the tombs yielded forth an entire ancient library of texts dating back from 168 BC written upon silk. Known as the chinese silk texts in Marabdi silk almanac are astronomical reports going back a thousand years from 300 BC and to as remote as 1500 bc.

The Sears tower in the United States is finished in Chicago, becoming the new tallest building in the world and would remain the tallest until 19 96 22 years when Cesar Peli’s Petronas towers were erected in Kuala Lumpur. The Sears tower at 14 51ft high was 108 stories. 1720 8ft in height. 864 plus 864 adding its antenna array. President Nixon resigns after Watergate implications and refusal to disclose the tapes. Gerald Ford becomes the us president. Us space probe Mariner ten is sent to Venus and takes photographs from only 26,000 miles away, sending them back to earth. 1973 and 1974 were the years of the greatest UFO sightings in recorded history around the world.

In this year, Otto O. Binder wrote. It is an established fact that more than 100,000 people utterly vanish from Earth each year. No trace is ever found by missing persons bureaus, nor by the best detective hunts. Many ufologists surmise that these people are abducted and whisked away from earth alive. Binder mentions that his statistics account for those secretly murdered, kidnapped for various reasons, runaways. And those having died in secluded areas and never found. At Langley, Va. In the CIA headquarters, high officials disclosed to retired US Air Force Colonel doctor Walter Brown that they were conducting a study of Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat.

A US Air Force F four with sophisticated photographic equipment was sent to take pictures of what pilot was told was a russian defense installation on Mount Ararat. Passing within 1000ft of the dark structure in the ice. The pictures were taken and film turned over into top secret files. Years later, the actual photographer said, I saw it with my own eyes. It was a dark, black foreign object about two thirds the way up the mountain near a gorge. It was oblong and partially buried in ice, overhanging a cliff. To me it certainly looked like a boat like object.

Definitely man made. It was totally out of place. The great flood that Noah survived in 22 39 BC was the last major cataclysmic depopulation of the world. Though there have been other disasters even on a worldwide scale, none of the been like the great flood, nor like the Phoenix cataclysm that will occur in 2040 AD. Exactly 66 years. Seven nine two months after 1974. Interestingly, the Armageddon catastrophe and war in 2106 AD is 132 years after 1974. Or 66 plus 66 years. Lastly, 1974 AD is exactly 40 212 years after the great flood. Or 2106-2106 years.

One, 20th century events. Two, end of Eden. Four. Mankind, child of the stars. Six, the incredible discovery of Noah’s Ark. 1975 AD 58 60 09:00 a.m. in this year, Beirut, Lebanon was a modern port city and centre of commerce and I banking. In this year, the christian falangists and the Muslims erupted in civil war, killing 42,000 people. As the Israelis aided the Christians and the Palestinians and other Islamists aided the Muslims of Lebanon. The day after the last american helicopter departed from South Vietnam, the South Vietnamese surrender to the Vietcong in Saigon is renamed Ho Chi Qi Minh City.

Over 50,000 us troops died in this senseless war, which was actually a silent war against China and their russian communist allies. A centre of conflict masked by taking place in Vietnam. The tomb of the chinese emperor Shi Huangdi was excavated and discovered. Inside was the world famous chinese terracotta army. Over 6000 life sized and lifelike chinese warrior statues. Doctor Barsalmi Nagi published his controversial research on the existence of microbiological fossils on and within meteorites. From Mars, comet West appeared. And as it was viewed, the comet fragmented, splitting into four nuclei. In March, the ancient canaanite tablet texts were unearthed.

15,000 tablet records of events over 3000 years ago, providing historians with a wealth of knowledge on the ancient Near east. These records mentioning biblical places like Sodom and Gomorrah. In the USA, audiences enjoyed being terrified by Spielberg’s blockbuster movie Jaws. One the world’s all wrong century events four, far out adventures 1976 ad 58 70 am jewish american scholar and translator of sumerian Zechariah Sitchin released his controversial book the 12th Planet, concerning the history of the anunnaki race that created humanity. Visited in 3439 BC before the great flood and their return to Earth from their intruder planet Nibiru.

This begins 34 years of prophetic academic ministry warning humanity about the Anunnaki through his informative books in the Earth Chronicles series ending in 2010, the year of his death with his final book, there were giants in the Earth. Stitchin’s research has been continued and expanded in ununtained Anunnaki homeworld orbital history and 2046 AD return of Planet Nibiru released in 2011, 1976 AD begins 70 years to the return of the Anunnaki in 2046 AD, NASA’s Viking one and two probes set down on Mars, these being the popularized first landings on the red planet. However, the secret space had long been on Mars before 1976.

NASA’s Viking one orbiter satellite took pictures of the surface of Mars at the Sidonia region, where many researchers believe ancient megalithic architecture has been seen. Many are baffled as to why NASA pre programmed the orbiter to take four rapid photos of an area known as Crater pyramid, the only region on Mars where the satellite’s steady paced camera performed anything unusual. This alludes that NASA insiders already expected to find something in the region. Satellite photo 70 a 13 was taken at 1080 miles above the surface of Cydonia and revealed a distinct sphinx like face staring into the sky, as well as a pentahedral pyramid, now called the DNM pyramid.

Comet west appears in March, marking the 70 year countdown to the destruction of the western world. In 2046 AD, astronomers watched Comet west break up. On July 4, the USA celebrated its 200th birthday since its declaration of Independence in 1776. The US reinstates the death penalty in Israel. The temple Institute begins preparing the temple sacraments, artifacts, replication of the utensils and objects necessary for the priestcraft in accordance with ancient israelite levitical law. On July 28, a Kwaikin Tung shan, east of Peking, now Beijing, killed 750,000 people. Also in Asia, another 750,000 to .5 million people in Cambodia were exterminated in Pol Potsk meh Rouge.

The genocide would continue on through 1979. In May, the ceasefire in Lebanon between christian and muslim forces collapses. The civil war renewed one, foundations of astronomy two, predictions for a new millennium three, the poison king four 20th century of 1977 AD 58 70 01:00 a.m. 1977 was a year of unique discoveries. Japanese fishermen caught a 4000 pound dead plesiosaur that measured 30 foot in length. These creatures are dinosaurs still found today in 65 million year old rock strata and exhibited in museums around the world. The specimen was found off the coast of New Zealand and is the same marine creature that has been sighted for over a thousand years at Loch Ness in Scotland.

Though asian countries minted coins in commemoration of the find and marketed t shirts, posters, and other memorabilia, little at all was broadcast in the west due to the scientific dogma restricting western scientists to offer the public opinions as to how this find was possible. On December 31, the UPI White House photographer Ronald Bennett for then President Jimmy Carter, who had been the UPI photographer for the White House from Nixon to Reagan, was aboard the air Force one jet with President Carter and his staff on a flight from Russia to Tehran, Iran. With a wing on wing russian fighter Jethe escort over Mount Ararat in Turkey.

Someone called everyone’s attention over to the windows and later Bennett related there may be halfway up the mountain, clearly visible was a large dark boat. It was partially covered in snow or ice. I’m convinced based on what I saw, that it was Noah’s ark. It’s my opinion that the president probably had Air Force One routed over Mount Ararat and most likely saw the arc too. Charles Kawal discovered the planetoid Chiron from the Pasadena Observatory, which maintains a 51 year solar orbit between Saturn and Jupiter. The highly elliptical orbit brings it well inside Jupiter’s orbit as well.

It is believed to be the remnants of a comet about 200 km in diameter. Larry Niven and Jerry Pornell published Lucifer’s hammer, a fictional account about a very large comet colliding into Earth. A story noted and widely publicised because the authors were careful to be as scientific as possible. The London Times referred to the bilderbergers as a clique of the richest, economically and politically most powerful and and influential men in the western world who meet secretly to plan events that later appeared just to happen. Elvis Presley died at 42. George Lucas epic movie Star wars fascinates and inspires Americans and begins an entire subculture and Star wars industry.

One, evolution cruncher. Two, the incredible discovery of Noah’s ark. Three, shadow of darkness, dawning of light. 1978 AD 58 70 02:00 a.m. israel invades southern Lebanon, which is a reaction to Pirlo killings of Israelis. Later in September, the Camp David accords bring about peace between Egypt and Israel. After 30 years of war and tension, unrest, anarchy and martial law are declared in Iran. Also in this year, the Soviets conduct a subterranean nuclear test deep in the earth that triggers an earthquake in Iran. 1978 saw three popes in office, this being 1440 years after 538 AD, when the papacy was declared supreme in Christendom.

Pope Paul VI died and was succeeded by Pope Pope John Paul I, who was poisoned to death for launching an investigation into the Vatican bank. He was in this same year succeeded by Pope John Paul II. Egypt breaks off diplomatic ties with Syria, Iraq, Libya, Algeria and South Yemen, who remain Israel’s adversaries. American Ron Wyatt discovered egyptian chariot wheels, axles, human and horse bones encrusted with coral in the Red Sea, providing photographic evidence that the biblical story of the egyptian army chasing the Israelites across the seabed in 1447 BC occurred. Since this date, several other researchers have been to the spot and made their own discoveries confirming this early controversial find.

College girls serial killer Ted Bundy is captured. One, 20th century events. Two, pulse shift. Three, the end times prophecies of coming changes. Six, discovered Noah’s Ark. 1979 AD 58 70 03:00 a.m. the Shah of Iran and his family flee to Egypt. The Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran from exile and Iran is declared an islamic republic. On November 4, Iranians stormed the us embassy in Tehran and took over 100 us hostages. Saddam Hussein becomes the president of Iraq and the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan. By this time in Cambodia, Pol Pot’s regime had exterminated 750,000 to 1.5 million people.

Flooding killed 15,000 people in Moreva, India over North America was seen the last total solar eclipse until 2017 in February. Amazingly, the isometric year for 1979 AD is 2017 AD. See 1998 ADHD to learn about isometric year dates. NASA’s Skylab 77.5 tons on July 11 re entered Earth’s atmosphere and broke into pieces over the Indian Ocean and the desert of Australia. The voyager spacecraft passed through the jovian system, taking thousands of photographs of Jupiter and its moons. The Ixtok one oil platform off of Mexico’s Gulf coast suffered a strange explosion causing 3.3 million barrels of oil to leak into the Gulf of Mexico.

Some estimate it was much more, contaminating the Texas, Louisiana and Florida shorelines. The blowout preventer failed. This same scenario would play out with the BP british petroleum disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. In 2010, an accident at Three Mile island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania threatened to release lethal amounts of radiation. One, 20th century events. Three, the poisoned king. Four, the world’s all wrong. Five. Life as we do not know it. 1980 AD 58 70 04:00 a.m. soviet troops are in control of most of Afghanistan. Martial law is declared in Kabul, Afghanistan, and 65 nations boycott the Olympics that are held in Moscow, Russia in protest of the invasion of Afghanistan, President Carter of USA breaks off diplomatic relations with Iran after a us commando mission failed to take back the american embassy hostages in Tehran.

The british SAS successfully stormed the iranian embassy in London. This was exactly 500 years after 1480 AD when the Russians were freed from mongol control in July, the israeli Knesset declared a united Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel. A zionist demonstration in Jerusalem on March 23 ceremonially burned hundreds of copies of the New Testament. On September 24, Iraq invades Iran to gain control over the Shatt al Arab waterway. The Iran Iraq war would last eight years and is a continuation of the ancient struggle between Babylon, Iraq and Persia. Iran. By the end of the war, over 1 million would be dead.

In May 18 to 19th, Mount St. Helens erupted, a long dormant volcano causing massive widespread destruction in a rural area of Washington state, filling the atmosphere with ash. This was the three 60th year since the English Puritans, called pilgrims, landed in North America. Exactly two or four years, 24 48 months since the Declaration of Independence created the United States the number 24 48, paralleling the 24 48 anus Mundi date of the exodus. Disasters that also involved massive global volcanism. In 1447 BC, a quake in southern Italy killed 3000 people. Amazingly, a meteorite crashed into a red Chevrolet at Peaksill, New York, penetrating the trunk and gas tank.

A smoking rock from space was found underneath the car in a crater six inches deep. The meteorite was the size of a football. This is exactly 60 years before New York City will be completely destroyed by the phoenix transit cataclysm. The us space probe voyager. One within 77,000 miles of Saturn. One. 20th century events four. Jewish supremacism. Six. The Science Times Book of Natural Disasters 1981 AD 58 70 05:00 a.m. the day after President Reagan is inaugurated as the 40th president of the United States, Iran released all 52 of the us hostages that had been held for 444 days since 1979.

Two months later, President Reagan survived an assassination attempt in Washington DC. Two months after that, in May, Pope John Paul II is seriously wounded in an assassination attempt in St. Peter’s Square, Rome. On October 6, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt is assassinated. Muslim fundamentalist soldiers on June 7, israeli aircraft bombed a nuclear generator outside Baghdad, Iraq. It was obvious to the Israelis that Iraq, a washing oil and natural gas, did not need a reactor to produce energy. They sought to make a nuclear weapon. The Space shuttle Columbia is launched into orbit on April 12, the world’s first known reusable space vehicle.

In July, the Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer were married in England as 700 million people worldwide watched the wedding. One. 20th century events three. The world’s all wrong. 1982 AD 58 70 06:00 a.m. unemployment in Britain reaches 3 million. And the British announced intention to buy the Trident II nuclear weapons to replace the Polaris models. The Iran Iraq war continues. Iranian troops recapturing Koram Shashar. The Israelis invade Lebanon after an israeli ambassador to the United Kingdom is shot by palestinian terrorists. September 15. The Israelis push into West Beirut. The israeli invasion was dubbed peaceful Galilee, but effected just the opposite.

Ariel Sharon of Israel arranged for the slaughter of muslim refugees of Lebanon. The massacres of Sabra and Shatila were blamed solely on christian falangist militiamen. 1000 to 2000 men, women and children. But the Israelis could not hide the fact that their airstrikes against civilian areas of Beirut caused the deaths of 18,000 people. The city of Beirut is devastated and half a million people are driven from their homes. The us government places 100 mx intercontinental nuclear missiles in Wyoming. The movie et the extraterrestrial by Spielberg is an instant international hit. A devout Christian and amateur archaeologist named Ron Wyatt related that he was led by inspiration to excavate a site outside the old walls of Jerusalem that he believed was Jeremiah the prophets Grotto, where in 585 BC he hid the ark of the Covenant and other temple artifacts.

When the Babylonians invaded Judah. Wyatt claims to have excavated an underground chamber that had a crevasse that allowed him to view another chamber full of relics and objects, including a large box adorned with angels he believes was the Arkansas. His book claims that he informed the israeli archaeological authorities. But they revoked his permission to excavate the area and close the site. In 1982, by accident, Russell Burroughs discovered an underground complex full of golden coins and artifacts that were 2000 years old and of north african, carthaginian, phoenician, syrian jewish, roman, west african, mauritanian and even christian in origin.

He claims the find is extensive and had some of the relics photographed and studied by experts. But in fear of prosecution for removing artifacts illegally, Burrows refuses to disclose the location of the objects and cave. It has now been determined that these treasures are part of the lost treasure of King Juba II of North Africa, who fled from the roman invasion. See 25 bc, 23 bc of chronic and 23 ad, 40 ad, 41 ad and 42 ad. On April 4, the volcano el Chicon erupted in Mexico in one of the largest eruptions in history, discharging five times the amount of material than Mount St.

Helens in 1980. In 1982, NASA announced its conclusion that there must exist another large planetary body in our solar system as yet undiscovered. That is the cause of the unusual perturbations in the motion of the outer planets. One, 20th century events. Three, jewish supremacism. Four, synagogue of Satan. Seven. Discovered Noah’s Ark eight, the lost treasure of King Juba. Nine, the wars of gods and men. Sitchin mankind emerges. 1983 AD 58 77 amen. Israeli Defence Minister Ariel Sharon resigns over the massacre of palestinian refugees in Lebanon in 1982. Over 30 people are killed in the bombing of the us embassy in Beirut, Lebanon.

And six months later, in October, a suicide bomber kills 262 us servicemen and 62 french troops in Beirut, or 324 menta. In 1983, the United States developed the nuclear missile shield known as the Star wars program. In Britain, anti nuclear protesters form a 14 miles long human chain, and similar protests occur in Italy, the Netherlands, and West Germany. The breakdown of nuclear stockpiling between the USA and USSR stops as both nations begin increasing their nuclear stock. In Canada, 80,000 people in in various cities protest the proposed testing of us cruise missiles. In Alberta, the Soviets shoot down a korean passenger jet, killing all 269 people aboard over soviet territory, making unsupported claims of spying.

Hurricane Alicia devastated Galveston, Texas. NASA launched the IRAS space telescope, which takes pictures of the heavens in infrared. It photographed comet iras Araki Alcock, which was the closest known comet in 200 years. The IRAS telescope, orbiting Earth, had discovered that comets are rich in dust, especially burned out comets. Some comets have no visible tails of evaporating gases, but they do have almost invisible dust tails. The IRAS telescope discovered that a Neptune sized planet was heading toward the inner solar system from far away. Detected early in the year, but not publicized, it was again detected by the Iris space Telescope toward the end of the year.

On the final day of 1983, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory reported that through IRAS, they had discovered Planet X, announced by the chief NASA scientist over the irest program. It was reported that irest discovered beyond Pluto, an extremely far mystery celestial body. It was said to be four times the size of Earth and moving toward us. Later, NASA retracted the statement after it had appeared in major newspapers all over America. It is a distinct possibility that iris discovered planet Phoenix, which was 57 years away from returning to the inner solar system in 2040 ad, 81 years after he had passed through.

In 1902 and 1983 was exactly twelve years after Phoenix reached aphelion, the furthest distance from the sun. Further cylindrical evidence that this was planet Phoenix is the fact that 1983 was 207 years since the birth of the United States in 1776, 207 years being half a phoenix cursed earth cycle of 414 years, or 24 84 months, 414 times six. Also in this year, the University of Chicago scientists gathered evidence from past catastrophes, noting mass extinctions at regular intervals. Their research and conclusions finalized in 1984. The us pioneer ten spacecraft crosses the orbit of Neptune on its opening day.

The movie return of the Jedi grossed 6.2 million. Us intelligence agencies discovered that the Israelis had prior knowledge of the Beirut bombings that killed 242 us servicemen and 62 french troops, but did not warn us nor french officials. One, 20th century events four, the end Times prophecies of coming changes five, foundations of astronomy. Six, the end of days seven, great disasters nine, jewish supremacism 1984 AD 58 70 08:00 a.m. two independent research think tanks of astrophysicists and astronomers took the research findings from the University of Chicago made in 1983 and 84, both groups arriving at the same conclusions.

Our solar system either once was or is still a binary system having two stars and that its sister star must be a dark star. A compressed star, also called a frozen star, called nemesis or the Death Star. This is also the conclusion of Chronicom. See 5239 to 3895 bc. Both planets, Phoenix and Nibiru orbit between these two stars. China and Britain sign an agreement returning Hong Kong to China in 1997, with China agreeing to maintain its capitalist system until the year 2047 AD. Such an agreement hints that elitists are already aware that the city of Hong Kong and much of China will be destroyed in the cataclysm of 2046 AD.

When Nibiru returns, civil war and unrest continue in Lebanon, at Beirut and in India. A toxic leak at Union Carbide chemical Company in Bhopal kills at least 2500 and causes maladies in 200,000 others. Ronald Reagan wins the presidential re election in a landslide victory in Israel. The temple institute becomes official with the objective to rebuild the temple on the temple mount where presently the muslim dome of the rock is located. This is exactly 25 20 years, 360 times seven. After 537 bc, when Babylon fell to Persia and the Persians acquired the holy temple artifacts from the Babylonians that had been taken from the temple in Jerusalem in 585 bc.

Also 1984 was the middle of the Iran Iraq war or again the war between Babylon and Persia. American amateur archaeologist Ronald Wyatt and his sons are jailed for 75 days in Saudi Arabia for investigating a peculiar mountain many people believe is the real Mount Sinai of the scriptures. When Moses received the tendency commandments located in Arabia. At the mountain site in Arabia are the remains of twelve pillars and petroglyphic evidence that the Israelites out of Egypt had been at the site. After the release of Ron White and his sons from Saudi Arabia, they appeared on CB’s Morning News.

One, great disasters, two predictions for a new millennium. Three, 20th century events. Four, discovered Noah’s Ark. 1985 AD 58 70 09:00 a.m. millions starve in Ethiopia as the famine worsens. A major earthquake afflicts Mexico city, resulting in widespread architectural destruction. In Colombia. At least 25,000 die when the Nevada del Ruiz volcano erupts for the first time since 1845, a cyclone killed 10,000 people at Bangladesh India. By this year in american and world history, the subliminal and overt anti white media conditioning of the jewish owned and controlled networks in Hollywood had become so noticeable that CW Dalton, in his the world’s all wrong one who reads today’s newspapers and magazines, watches television and frequently movie theatres, would suppose that blacks, Jews, Catholics and undocumented aliens are our best loved citizens, since he would never run across a derogatory remark about them.

At the same time, he would judge from the aspersions, castigations and condemnations of caucasian Native Americans that the Native Americans are the scoundrels of the earth. In fact, in saying anything unkind about our minorities, one risks being fired from his job, having his political career ruined, suffering a boycott of his business, or having his home firebombed. The bias in favour of minorities is worldwide and blatantly affects world opinion. We live in a worldwide backlash against western whites who have dominated the world for centuries. Today, white western people are paying for the success of their forefathers. World opinion today is anti white, anti american and anti capitalist.

The old white capitalist colonial nations can do nothing right. The non white, anti capitalist third world countries can do nothing wrong. The United States, which has contributed more to worldwide wealth, health, scientific advancements, humanitarianism and freedom than any other nation, is the most resented and hated nation on earth. Those paying close attention to the media tricks will notice quickly that american white men are almost always given ridiculous, silly commercial roles to play, while the actors portrayed as those most intelligent are blacks, women or other minorities. White men are put into commercial situations where they are ignorant or weak.

But blacks, in the same commercials, are given roles of having knowledge and strength. The media conditioning is subtle and designed to affect the public opinion over a long span of time. Through saturation, more and more american anglo saxon type motion picture heroes have all been replaced by those of African Americans, Latinos and other minorities. As was seen in 1776 AD, the United States Washington prophesied to come as a last days Israel, a people that would build the greatest nation and empire the world has ever seen, a people who have fallen asleep and forgotten who they are.

The descendants of the ancient Israelites, the biblical signatures of future Israel America are many moses wrote that thou shalt lend to many nations, but thou shalt not borrow thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee. Deuteronomy 15 six the United States has long been in the habit of lending billions in foreign aid and receiving none. No other nation in antiquity or in contemporary times can match the wealth that has been sent out of the USA. Thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. Genesis the US has military bases in all the strategic places on earth, controlling traffic in areas vital to our security.

Battle fleets control the sea gates and in their history, the Panama and Suez canals and strait of Gibraltar. The three greatest seagates have all been controlled by Britain and the United States. Israel was foretold to be a light unto the Gentiles, that they mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth thou shalt show forth my praise they shall declare my glory unto the Gentiles. These and many other prophecies refer to the fact that the United States, unlike any other nation on earth, has sent wave after wave of christian missionaries with bibles, medical aid, food and merchandise to spread the gospel and the word of God to every corner of the known world.

This has not been the result of any federal programs, but the spirit of the people of the United States reaching out to those they know who need to hear the good news without compulsion. America has been a torch to light the world, and the people of the United States have received the hate of the Zionists because of it. Not only has America reached afar, but even within its own borders, the people of the USA, without governmental provocation or force, uplifted those among them. And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him, but the stranger that dwelleth with thee shall be unto you as one born among you.

Leviticus even before the birth of the United States and the rise of Britain, the european peoples, descended from the tribes of Israel in their migrations, were devout assimilationists, especially the Vikings, taking in as their own any aliens among them. This trait does not apply to Judah, who was separated from Israel as it throughout history. Attempts to rule over Israel in all Israel does. But with the discontinuance of the american immigration policies and the total lack of border control and the media saturation on the importance of mixed marriages, the anglo saxon integrity of the us population has been compromised as minorities have increased in their birth rates.

With the change of racial demographics has come a total transformation of urban culture as crime statistics have skyrocketed. Despite all the media’s attempts to suppress the phenomenon. Because of discrimination laws, Americans are not told the truth about crime statistics because of the awareness it would bring to white culture of the literal crime war waged against them by blacks and Hispanics, which is completely concealed by a jewish dominated media. This too was prophesied long ago. Ephraim he hath mixed himself among the people. Strangers have devoured his strength, and he knoweth it not. Yea, grey hairs are here and there upon him, and he knoweth it not.

Hosea the prophet Hosea referred here to an Israel in the far few, for Ephraim was Israel’s prophetic name as the 13th tribe. Born in Egypt from Joseph and adopted by Jacob Israel in 1639 BC, America, as the empire of adoption, unlike any other nation, has absorbed the peoples of the earth. And now, in its 209th year since its independence in 1776, or 365 years since the christian settlers known as the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth Rock in 1620, the United States has grown grey hairs. This does not mean the USA is very old and dying, but means that it is of a venerable age and decaying.

Though the United States military is unmatched, american israelite culture is collapsing under the jewish led multicultural onslaught. The prophet Jeremiah declared that God said to Israel, thou art my battle axe and weapons of war, for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. Jeremiah no other nation can boast of military superiority over the USA, and what the United States armed forces have done in the past may not be comparable with what they have yet to do in the future. These conditions will not continue. There is coming a time when those descended from Israel will no longer suffer the manipulations and deceptions of those descended from Judah.

For as Isaiah the prophet declared, Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim. Isaiah one. 20th century events two. The world’s all wrong 1986 AD 58 80 am President Reagan orders us airstrikes against Tripoli for interference with us military exercises in the Gulf of Sirte. On April 26, the soviet nuclear power plant at Chernobyl, Ukraine, explodes, releasing radiation over Europe. A mismanaged safety test resulted in a nuclear meltdown, contaminating thousands of square miles and killing at least 250 people. The soviet nuclear submarine K 219 exploded from a fire in a missile tube northwest of Bermuda.

The official story sinking three days later to the bottom of the Atlantic. These disasters were after the January 28 explosion of the space shuttle challenger that killed all seven astronauts. A mission carrying the first civilian into space. A teacher. This was the two 10th year, 70 times three of the USA. Also in 1986, in the region of Cameroon, Africa, hydrogen sulphide gas seeping out of Lake Neos killed thousands of people and livestock. Halley’s comet appeared on schedule and will not return again until 2061. A five mile wide asteroid named Adonis Lord passed within 186,000 miles from Earth, or 52,000 miles closer than the moon.

The Statue of Liberty is reopened on July 4 after refurbishments. This year is 120 years before Armageddon in 2106 AD and the return of the chief cornerstone who destroys the Anunnaki in the Hebrew Gematria. The summer foundation is 120. As comet Halley passed through the inner solar system, the european space station Giotto measured its tail at 10 million mile long and took the first ever photograph of a comet’s nucleus. Its foundation. In 1986, a major oil discovery was made concerning the foundations of the Earth made by Robert Gentry. He found that billions upon billions of polonium 218 radiohalos are entombed within the earth’s granite crust.

Around the world, granite is basement rock, the foundation, or skeleton of the planet. It requires about three minutes for radiohalos to appear, but they quickly vanish. The mystery is how they appeared in solid granite. For granite must have already been hard when the halos appeared, because the halos would otherwise have long since dissipated during the cooling period. And creating radiohalos is impossible, for molten granite does not produce them, but instead produces royalite. Thus, the halos present in granite means that the granite was formed in an instant. Granite with its large crystals cannot be made from molten rock, and the radiohalos captured in the stone are evidence of instant creation that occurred at the foundation.

Beginning of the world. Interestingly, crop circle researchers this year noticed a change in the formation of agroglyphs in 1986, observing that this was the first time crop circles had appeared with rings around them. Halos. The 120 years to Armageddon from 1986 remind us of the warning Noah received 120 years before the great Flood. Noah was born in 28 39 BC, or 1056 Anus Mundi, and 1986 a was exactly 42 44 years after the great flood in 22 39 BC, or 1056 times four years. Retired astronaut Colonel James Irwin, who was a part of the Apollo program, was the devout Christian who founded the High Flight foundation years earlier for the sole purpose of finding Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat.

In fact, in his life he had participated in five expeditions of Mount Ararat, noting that this vast and strange ice mountain concealed the greatest wooden artefact in human history upon a gigantic mountain absolutely devoid of trees. Colonel Irwin noted that Mount Ararat was probably the greatest mountain in landmass than any single mountain in the world, and is the highest mountain in Turkey. Planning the 1986 expedition for many years, Jim Irwin had taken a turkish flag with him to the moon, allegedly just so he could be granted permission from turkish officials to climb Ararat. Irwin was also made aware of a top secret us reconnaissance photo collection of Noah’s Ark revealing its exact location.

In 1986, the snow cap and glacier had receded more than in many years. Jim Irwin flew the plane and with him was Jan van den Bosch, executive producer for dutch national television. On the north face of the mountain, facing Ahora gorge, as majestic as the Grand Canyon, they filmed a gigantic wooden structure resembling a boat that fit the description of all prior ark sightings. Convinced it was the Ark of Noah that the dutch film was shown in Holland. But Jim Irwin wanted to mount a ground expedition to the site before he announced it to the world.

Turkish officials denied this and Irwin died of a heart attack in 1991. The photo gallery in the incredible discovery of Noah’s Ark is absolutely amazing. This was the 84th year of the Giza course countdown of the last days that began in 1902. ADHD, with the foundation of the great Pyramid being year 119 oh 219 86 was also 84 years before the resurrection event in 2070 ad. 414 times five. The year 2070, paralleling the anus Mundi year 2070 which was 22 39 BC or the year of the great flood. The message of the great pyramid is shown in lost scriptures of Giza is of resurrection and redemption.

And the monument was built before the flood to preserve prophetic knowledge through the cataclysm. The monument is a symbolic structure, emblematic of redeemed humanity, that when built, the chief cornerstone will sit upon the top descending from heaven in 2106 AD 6000 am at Armageddon. He is the stone that built was rejected. Amazingly, this year 1986, is 4800 years, 600 times eight, since the completion of the great Pyramid in 20 815 bc. And in 1986 a previously unknown chamber was discovered inside the great Pyramid. Inside it was found to be full of sand that was analysed and determined to have come from the sino region.

Found behind eight foot thicken walls beyond the passage to the queen’s chamber by french architects Giles d’Ormion and Jean Patrice Goydin. Of further curiosity is the fact that 1986 was 1460 years into the Anno Domino calendar that began in 526 ad 1460, being the ancient egyptian sophic cycle. One 20th century events, two natural disasters, three Atlantis in America four, the stones and the scarlet thread five. Evolution Cruncher six, crop circles, signs of contact seven, the incredible discovery of Noah’s Ark eleven, journey to the mythical past 1987 AD 58 80 01:00 a.m. the Iran Iraq war continues and the United nations calls for a ceasefire and is ignored.

The worst floods in 40 years afflicted Bangladesh, leaving over 20 million people homeless. The Dow Jones industrial average plunged 508 points, precipitating massive falls in share values around the world. Pope John Paul, too, in his redemptoris mater, ruled that the Virgin Mary was truly a virgin. Even after the birth of Jesus, her hymen remained intact. This statement is so contradictory to common sense that any intelligent person should be offended by it. It begs the question, how does the pope know this? There are no authentic early christian contemporary writings from the first century during Jesus life. None.

Everything we know of a person now called Mary was composed by the early Roman Catholic Church hundreds of years after she was supposed to have lived. It is mind boggling that the pope would utter such nonsense in 1987, and further incredible that people would believe it. One, 20th century events two, the Jesus Papers 1988 AD 58 80 02:00 a.m. an earthquake in the Soviet Union kills 25,000 people in northern Armenia. George Bush senior becomes the president of the United States. Former CIA having many constituents in the military industrial complex and oil industry. Under bush, the USA would invade Iraq.

And under his son, President George Bush junior, the USA would again invade Iraq. On July 3, the us warship Vincennes shot down an iranian passenger Jethe, killing all 290 people on board. On December 21, a Pan Am passenger jetliner exploded over Lockerbie, UK, killing all 270 aboard. One 20th century events 1980 AD 5880 03:00 a.m. on March 23, an asteroid over half a mile wide missed earth by only 700,000 miles. It appeared undetected, surprising astronomers, and had it been 6 hours later, it could have killed 70% of all life on the planet. On March 24, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground and spilled an estimated 11 million gallons of oil in the Pacific off the alaskan coast, a solar flare pointed at Earth shorted out the canadian power grid, leaving 6 million people with no power.

Soviet satellite probes launched called Phobos one and Phobos two, and were sent to investigate Mars Moon. Phobos, the venture supported by NASA and the European Space Agency Phobos one, simply vanished. Phobos two made it to Mars and sent back photographs from a normal camera and infrared. The very last picture sent bye Phobos two or of a cigar shaped ufo, the same kind seen around Earth. The probe was destroyed and officially written off as a mechanical error. The us space probe Voyager two passes the orbit of Neptune and out of the planetary solar system. On October 17, an earthquake struck San Francisco, California.

The Loma Prieta quake caused a rupture in the earth 25 miles long. The Internet was first commercially available in this year, though not fully operational until 1990. On November 10, the Berlin Wall is open, allowing east and west berliners to cross over one atlantis in America. Two 20th century events three beyond 2012 for the complete story of the San Francisco horror 1990 AD 58 80 04:00 a.m. the USSR undertakes to withdraw from Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, and Armenia declare their independence from the USSR. This is exactly 25 92 years 864 times three after the ancient Israelites settled the Balkans after escaping away from the assyrian frontiers when Assyria fell to the Medes and Persians.

This name 25 92 years from 603 bc measures the time from the babylonian invasion of Judah in 603 bc to the iraqi babylonian invasion of Kuwait in 1990. On August 2, the us intelligence agencies new and advanced and invasion of Kuwait was planned and did nothing to warn the kuwaiti people. Seeking a pretext by which America could attack Iraq, the Hubble space telescope is launched into orbit, becoming mankind’s eye into deep space. In 1990 the first crop circles appeared, having lines connecting circle agroglyphs. This year marked the beginning of complex pattern crop form formations and Germany reports its first documented crop circle one 20th century events two crop circles signs of contact 1991 AD 58 80 05:00 a.m.

operation Desert Shield becomes Operation Desert Storm and us troops take an offensive against the iraqi army in Kuwait and along the border a the Iraqis retreat, purposely setting fire to hundreds of kuwaiti oil wells. The iraqi army is overwhelmed by the technological and organizational superiority of the United States army and is literally chased across the desert back into Iraq by the thousands. The iraqi soldiers surrendered to the us forces in February and were herded like cattle before the american armored columns and sent back along the highway toward Baghdad, disoriented with no will to fight after three weeks of US UK bombing with Iraqis crowded all along the stretch of highway, President Bush committed a horrific war crime when he ordered us bombers to drop their payloads on the already defeated and fleeing iraqi soldiers on February 28, blowing apart, burying alive and burning to death 150,000 iraqi soldiers and support personnel.

Whole crowds of men were blown to pieces. The Bush administration committed this war crime to please their israeli jewish handlers. For February 28 was the jewish holiday Purim, the day the Jews celebrate their victory over their enemies. The bodies of the 150,000 Iraqis were bulldozed into mass graves in the desert. The jewish controlled media neglected to report the matter to the american people. The Falasha Jews from Ethiopia are airlifted from Addis Ababa to Tel Aviv, Israel in May. In just 36 hours, 14,400 ethiopic Jews were flown to Israel in a stunning migration. It is believed that these people are the blood descendants of Menlich one, the son of King Jedediah Solomon, and an egyptian princess.

Queen called the queen of Sheba. Georgia proclaims independence from the USSR, and the USSR changes its name to the Union of soviet sovereign republics as opposed to socialist republics. Azerbaijan declares its independence from the USSR, and the USSR is considered collapsed. China suffers its worst flooding since the 1930s. A cyclone strikes Bangladesh India, killing 139,000 people. The famous iceman is discovered frozen in the italian Alps. The preserved frozen remains of an ancient human, estimated to be 5300 years old, believed to have died from hypothermia. One synagogue of Satan two 20th century 1992 AD 58 80 06:00 a.m.

in the 6300th year of the Phoenix chronology began in 4309 bc, highly sensitive detection equipment in Hawaii discovered a tiny reddish spot of light far out beyond the edge of the solar system, proving the existence of the Kuiper belt. This object is called 1992 QB one. Astronomers Jewett and Lou discovered the object and took several photographs. It is of indeterminate size due to its distance, but it is moving rapidly. Doctor Richard Harrington of the US Naval Observatory and Doctor Thomas C. Van Flandern calculated that an intruder planet was located in the southern skies below the ecliptic, and he sent a telescope to New Zealand to find it.

Unfortunately, Doctor Harrington died an untimely death. In 1992, several independent remote viewers reported that they perceived a giant vessel moving at the edge of our solar system, described as more than 200 km long. They described that it rotated, creating its own gravity field so people could walk around inside. Unknown to these remote viewers was two months earlier, but published later, the most distant body in the solar system was discovered by a hawaiian telescope, a planetoid estimated to be approximately 100 to 200 km in size, called 1992 QB one. Toward the end of 1992, a telescope in Spain also viewed the object.

This was the 90th year of the Giza course countdown begun in 1902. AD a last days countdown 90 years is 1080 months. The Great Pyramid was begun in 2905 BC and required 90 years of labour to complete in 20 815 BC, which was the year 1080 anus Mundi after 1080 months of construction, 1992 AD is 4896 years. 2448-2448 after the start of Giza construction in 2905 BC, the sum of 24 48, paralleling the year 24 48 anus Mundi, or 1447 BC, when the Israelites escaped Egypt, led by Moses in the exodus, the Israelites had lived in Goshen, the land surrounding the Great Pyramid.

In this year, Rudolph Ganton Brink sent up a special robot up a shaft inside the Great Pyramid, extending up into the masonry from the queen’s chamber, where the robot discovered and photographed a mysterious, virtually inaccessible tiny door with a copper handle. Interestingly, at the Chicago meeting of American association for the Advancement of Science, an impassioned debate intended only to last an hour became a news conference and then personal confrontations in the hallway as scientists and researchers argued over the precise antiquity of the Sphinx before the great pyramids in the 216th year, 108 108 of the United States since 1776, America suffered the worst hurricane in its history.

When Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida, the Federal emergency Management Agency was funded and designed to handle such a disaster. Officially, but unofficially, FEMA helped no one. The incident was a FEMA disaster. Instead of aiding the storm, survivors quote, FEMA cordoned off the area and left the people to fend for themselves, unquote. The official death toll was a blatant lie, and locals later tried to inform the media that many thousands had died. But no one in a media listened. The survivors, wandering the wreckage of 82 30 mobile homes and 9140 apartments, related that the dead numbered in the many thousands from the 200 to 300 miles an hour winds.

It has been reported that 5280 human bodies were disposed of in FEMA operated incinerators for four days until May 3. Blacks in Los Angeles riot and loot the city, killing 58 people, mostly whites, in protest of the acquittal of four white Los Angeles police officers who had been filmed beating down a black gangster named Rodney King. The incident was totally controlled by the local and national media, which portrayed King as a law abiding citizen. And the footage shown to the public was only of the four officers subduing King to the ground with sticks. The media did not show the public the beginning of the footage, which clearly depicted king resisting arrest and then, without provocation, assaulting an officer and then fighting the others.

The racial rioting and murders resulted in $750 million worth of damage to property. Comet P. Swift Tuttle appeared passing 110 million mile from earth on November 7, scientists in 1992 discovered that the human brain has trace amounts of magnetite, which explains why electromagnetic fields alter brain chemistry and experience. This is dangerous for humanity, for the anunnaki manipulate electromagnetic frequencies, knowing humans only perceive about 5% of the spectrum, inducing humans to see whatever it is that the Anunnaki want them to see and perceive. Further, the weapons of the future are manufactured even now. Electromagnetic technologies for which there is no defence.

One Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid two, phenomenal world three, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade center disaster 6 March of the titans seven Atlantis in America 1993 AD 58 80 07:00 a.m. on January 3, the asteroid Teutatis, having two rocky cores each 2 miles in diameter, nearly hit the Earth and was photographed by NASA using radar. It came within 2.2 million mile of Earth. NASA also lost contact with the Mars observer probe, sent to the red planet to make a detailed photographic survey of the martian surface. The space probe was destroyed entering Mars atmosphere, and hosts of researchers claimed that the was deliberately destroyed.

The Vatican installed its most powerful and advanced telescopes and observatory on Mount Graham in Arizona. Zechariah Sitchin asks, why is it important for the roman church to employ advanced equipment to search the heavens? What are they looking for in the northern hemisphere’s night skies? It is this author’s contention that the Vatican insiders have long known about planethood. Phoenix, which as seen in 1764, descends out of the northern heavens when it transits between Earth and the sun over the ecliptic. A muslim extremist bombs the basement levels of the World Trade center towers in New York, killing five people.

On April 18, 108th day of the year, the United States government, through its ATF and other federal agencies, murdered 70 of its own citizens at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. Christian survivalists, having their own firearms, assault rifles, and living off the land, refused to give up their arms, and federal authorities besieged the compound for 50 days. The men inside the compound had the women lead the children out to safety so they could surrender to authorities and be safe. But federal agents opened fire on unarmed women and children, driving them back into the safety of the concrete compound.

On the 50th day of the siege, federal authorities attacked the compound, killed those defending it, and then executed every witness, man, woman and child. On the 51st day after the executions, the feds staged a choreographed assault for the media, which had been quarantined many miles away for the entire 50 days, using incendiaries and flammable gas to burn the complex and hide their misdeeds. Whistleblowers later admitted that every skull found had bullet holes in the centre of their foreheads. The Davidians were a religious sect exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and were never equipped to fight against federal authorities.

While the Clinton administration, entertaining chinese officials, demonstrated for how his government could deal with dissidents and then employ the media to cover up his crimes, a message from Uncle Sam to the american people is there will be no multifamily christian survivalist communities with assault rifles in the United States. Us forces launch a missile strike against the iraqi intelligence headquarters in Baghdad, claiming they had information on an iraqi plot to kill former President George Bush. One hyperspace two journey to the mythical past three 20th century events 1994 AD 58 80 08:00 a.m. on February 1, a 32 foot wide meteorite entered the atmosphere and exploded over the Pacific with a force of ten times that of the Hiroshima bomb in 1945.

It had come completely undetected. Comet shoemaker Levy Nine fragmented into 21 pieces that all collided into the surface of Jupiter in a series of brilliant explosions of planetary size caught on satellite film along with electrical flux tube blasts. Seen for the first time, the space control center under Cheyenne mountain complex facility in the USA, built in 1962, is fully operational. The center has a computerized catalogue of all orbiting space objects, charts presenting positions, charts plotting future orbits and those forecasting times and general locations for significant objects re entering the Earth’s atmosphere. An israeli extremist named Baruch Goldstein opened fire on a muslim mosque, killing 50 unarmed Palestinians in Hebron, Israel.

Prime Minister of Israel Hitzak Rabin and Abdel Salam Majali of Jordan sign a peace treaty on September 2. The major israeli newspaper Mariv reads. The US has no longer a government of goyim Gentiles, non Jews, but an administration in which the Jews are full partners in the decision making at all levels. Perhaps the aspect of the jewish religious law connected with the term government of Goyim should be re examined, since it is an outdated term. In the US, serial killer and rapist Jeffrey Dahmer was killed in prison by another inmate. The North American Free Trade Agreement was passed.

Nafta. In 100 days, 800,000 people were massacred in Rwanda, Africa. A 6.6 magnitude earthquake afflicted Los Angeles and southern California. Five months later, a deep quake in Bolivia shook much of South America and was felt in tall buildings as far north as Canada, being of 8.2 magnitude. Mount Merapi in Jakarta, Indonesia, erupted, killing 60 people with a gas cloud of immense heat one Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade center disaster two 20th century events three jewish 1995 ad 5880 09:00 a.m. on January 17, an earthquake rocked Kobe, Japan, killing more than 5000 people. A 7.2 magnitude quake, totally unexpected.

Other estimates hold the death toll at over 6000. The quake even toppling earthquake proof bridges. Over two months later in Japan, the Om Shinrikyo cult attacked the Tokyo subway system with sarin gas, causing twelve deaths and 5000 injuries. One month after this, in April, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols detonated a fertiliser truck bomb outside the federal Alfred P. Murray building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at the same time that other conspirators detonated thermite explosives inside the building to amplify the destruction, resulting in the collapse of the structure and a death toll of 168 people, many being children.

These american terrorists thought they were retaliating for the branch davidian affair against the federal government, but were actually pawns of the cryptocracy who wanted Congress to pass the Anti terrorist and Effective Death Penalty act bill, which called for many abrogations of american citizens rights, privileges, and immunities, while strengthening the federal government against the us citizenry. The AEDPA shocked many congressmen who refused to pass the bill, but it was ramrodded through after the Murray american terrorist demonstration. Two years before the bombing of the Murray building in 1993, a man named Martin Keating, brother of Oklahoma governor Frankenhein Keating, wrote a book called the Final Jihad, a story concerning a terrorist attack on the Oklahoma City building by a man named Thomas McVeigh.

This strangely prophetic novel was dedicated to the knights of the Sacred Circle. In September, France begins a series of nuclear tests underground at Muroa Atoll, the Hale Bopp comet appeared and would remain visible for 19 months, the brightest comet on record in modern times. Despite its distance beyond Jupiter, a long period comet. Astronomers believe the comet has an elliptical orbit and that its trajectory is inclined at 30 degrees below the ecliptic. This is close to Phoenix and Nibiru, both intruder planets having extremely elliptical orbits, and both are steeply inclined toward the ecliptic. On June 22 was discovered at the Longwood Warren near Winchester, Hampshire, England.

A unique crop circle formation, a model of our solar system depicting mercury, Venus, Earth’s orbital belt. But Earth is missing Mars and the asteroid belt as they will be positioned in 2033 AD. On September 1, the cellular changes in the plants prove this to be a true aggregate, not hoaxed. It was studied by Gerald Hawkins and I. Robert Hadley, both confirming it to be a perfect symbol of our solar system. A photo of this crop formation is in Anunnaki homeworld in Egypt, us archaeologists discover a 67 chamber underground sepulchral complex of Ramesses two for his 50 sons, the largest funerary tomb complex ever found.

Black supremacist and american islamic extremist Louis Farrakhan leads the million man march of black Americans in Washington DC, given much fanfare by the media, although not even half a million blacks participated, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated at a peace rally in Tel Aviv, Israel. Prehistoric insect remains preserved in fossilized amber tens of millions of years old yielded forth dormant microbes that signed a scientists revived in California. Michael Mayer and Didier Quello Geneva, Switzerland. Observatory discovered the first exoplanet a distant world orbiting a star called 51 Pegasus in northern constellation that is very much like our own sun.

It is a gaseous giant about half the size of Jupiter, with an amazingly rapid orbital period of approximately four days. Located 42 light years away, this planet orbits its parent star faster than anything in human experience. Depending on its distance from the surface of 51 Pegasus, this gas giant is traveling anywhere from 30,000 miles/second to 60,000 miles/second the speed of light being 186,000 miles/second one predictions for a new millennium two. Alice in Wonderland and World Trade center disaster. Three 20th century events. Four of heaven and earth. Five crop circles. Signs of contact. Six. Mars mystery seven new worlds in the cosmos 1996 AD 5890 AM France conducts its six underground nuclear tests in the Pacific.

Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon hit a United nations base, killing 105 civilians. US B 52 bombers and warships launched 27 cruise missiles on targets in southern Iraq in response to iraqi incursions into kurdish safe havens in northern Iraq. British Prime Minister of England John Major announced that the promise made to the Scots in 1296 AD by King Edward I concerning the Stone of Destiny fail would not be honoured that the stone would remain in the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey. This stone was supposed to be that brought to ancient Ireland in 583 BC by Jeremiah the prophet, when the prophet brought the judahite princess Tamar to the Emerald Isle.

Despite Major’s claim on St Andrew’s Day, amidst a great procession, the stone was returned to Scotland and put in Edinburgh Castle exactly 700 years after it was taken to England. Shannon lucid completed a 188 day space flight, breaking both male and female records. The Patronus towers in Kuala Lumpur are completed, becoming the tallest buildings in the world. At 33ft, taller than the Chicago Sears tower, TWA flight 800 explodes and plunges into the Atlantic shortly after takeoff from New York’s JFK airport. There were no survivors from the Boeing 747. The long period comet Hyakutake passed within 22 million mile of Earth.

Earth is 93 million mile from the sun, putting off an extremely long tail. Hyakutake’s calculated orbit is 29,650 years, travelling 951 aus away from the sun, or 93 million mile 951 times over. Part of this comet was photographed showing fragments breaking away in what astronomers term disconnection events. Hyakutake was also discovered to emit x rays, which is now considered a universal phenomenon among comets. On April 11, Hyakutake passed directly through the Perseus constellation over the star Algol. Algol is the very hottest of stars, a blue white dwarf approximately 36,000 degrees. Also called the Eye of Medusa.

Algol features prominently in the following year, 1997, also involving another comet around the world. Algol is depicted as an evil star called the blinking demon by the Arabs and the head of Satan by the early Hebrews. The Chinese refer to Algol as piled up corpses. And the literal meaning of Algol is the ghoul, an undead creature that feeds on the dead. Americans discover two more exoplanets, one at 47 Ursa Majoris and the other at 70 Verginis, one of the most massive distant planets ever found. Between all, from August 6 19th, a sign appeared in the heavens when Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron and Mars conjoined with Venus.

Jupiter is the king, Saturn is the harvester of souls and planet of mysteries. Chiron is the guide of the dead, Mars, the war God and Venus was the newcomer. In 1996 AD, the one who will become the Antichrist is born a man who at 40 in 2036 AD will be an internationally known person. Scottish scientists cloned the first mammal, but evidence exists that this is merely the publicized corporate cloning, which has nothing to do with the unofficial and highly secretive cloning experiment of various organisations and governments going back 50 years. In this year appeared the most fascinating and geometrically complex crop circle formation ever discovered.

In June, the double helix formation appeared in England, a replica of DNA strands that mathematically encodes the number 792 orbital duration of Nibiru. In July appeared the Julia set in a wheat field just across the highway from ancient Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain, 2000ft away. The Julia set was discovered by two men flying over to visit Stonehenge. A line drawn between the centres of Stonehenge and the Julia set formation points directly at magnetic north. The Julia set is a geometrical representation of the Fibonacci series of numbers called golden proportion. This formation encoded the sum of 4140 ten cursed earth periods of 414 years, each a period of time indicating the year 1902 ad of the Phoenix chronology, or 4140 years after the great flood of 22 39 bc.

The Fibonacci series 12th number, the sum of its geometry is 144, the base number of the golden mean and exactly 144 years after the start of the last days in 1902, is 2046 ADHD, when planet Nibiru returns with the Anunnaki and the whole western world dies, as revealed in Anunnaki homeworld and Nostradamus and the planets of apocalypse. Also appearing in 1996 in Wiltshire, England, near the megalithic ruins of Windmill Hill, was the awe inspiring triple Julius set that forever banished any doubts that humans are capable of these amazing geometrical agroglyphs. Its calendrical message is a 40 year countdown indicating 1996 to 2036 ad.

Near Liddington Castle in Wiltshire appeared the Pointer formation, which exhibits a unique comet symbol surrounded by the geometrical representation of the mayan long Count calendar that is seen in the charts of Anunnaki homeworld, ending not in 2012, but in 2046 ADHD. A double layer of meaning is seen in this formation, indicating the year 2052 AD, when the seven Anunnaki kings returned to rule over mankind. The combined message of these formations, all appearing in 1996, is that a comet heralds the birth of one who in 40 years will become the Anunnaki hybrid Antichrist in 2036 ADHD, who will prepare the way for the arrival of the Anunnaki in 2046 AD, when a comet will end the western world.

The mayan calendar being a western calendar, the events of 1997 will continue this series of signs from hyperdimensional beings who are warning those who will listen. One, 20th century events, six stones and the scarlet thread. Seven, the atlas of the constellations. Eight three books of occult philosophy. Nine new worlds in the cosmos. Ten, catastrophobia. Eleven crop circles signs of contact 1997 AD 58 90 01:00 a.m. the Hale Bopp comet is still visible and is at its brightest in 1997, passing over the star Algol on April 11 in the Perseus constellation, just as comet Hyakutake did on April 11 in 1996.

Hale Bopp is photographed in March showing a well defined dust tail four times the size of Halley’s comet. It is considered the largest and most active comet seen in modern times. This comet has an inclination of 90 degrees to the ecliptic. This is perpendicular much like the orbital pasts of Phoenix and the Biru, the star Algol has a huge, dark, mysterious companion. First discovered in 1915 by Bernard the tales of comets Hyakutake and Hale Bopp formed a cross over the eye of Medusa. Algol and astronomers computed that heilbops trajectory indicates an orbital period of 2400 years.

These comet signs confirm the birth of one who will deal treacherously with humanity, an evil one. Al Gol. This is calendrically confirmed in that 1996 AD is 3895 years 1947.5 plus 1947.5 after 1899 bc. 1990 06:00 a.m. when Nimrod Amraphel lost his empire after beguiling the people, his tower project ruined in a disaster and the people rebelling many migrating away from the Near east. When it was revealed that Nimrod was a false saviour. See chronicon one. Nimrod was a type of antichrist. It was the year 3895 BC that mankind was cursed and banished away from Eden and 1947 BC was the birth of Abraham.

As the comet hale Bopp passed, 39 people of the heavens gate suicide cult died. These 39 souls being emblematic of the 39 years left remaining before the 40th year an emergence of the Antichrist. In 2036 AD, the scottish scientists of Edinburgh released the information. They succeeded in cloning the first mammal. NASA’s Pathfinder probe lands on Mars. A cyclone killed 1108 people in Bangladesh. German research satellite Christopas discovered trace amounts of water vapor in the upper atmosphere. This is evidence that long ago earth had a thick water vapor canopy, as do Venus and Saturn. Us navy underwater sensors in the deep Atlantic recorded submarine noises from what is believed to be a creature with sonic frequency that marine biologists assert belong to an animal far larger than any known whale.

According to those interpreting Nostradamus prophecies, the french prophet of jewish ancestry claims that sometime after 1997 a prophet will emerge and revitalize the christian faith, preparing the way for the return of Christ with the scandal of divorce between the Prince of Wales and Princess Diana. Diana, who was only royalty as long as she was married into the royal family, was assassinated with her consort Dodi Fayed and their driver in Paris in a high speed car accident. The operation was so perfectly executed that foul play was plausibly disbelieved. The very first report of a crop circle formation appearing in Israel.

Scientific analysis of the plants revealed that it could not have been hoaxed. A large crop formation appeared at Hackpin Hill, Wiltshire, England, of a large pyramid shape bordered with twelve smaller perimeter pyramids 13 pyramids with both large and small satellite circles grouped in lines appearing like comets with tails. The total mathematical sum indicated within the formation being 2046. This sign demonstrates that the descendants of the 13 tribes of Israel, virtually the whole of the western world of Europe and North America, South Africa, and Australia will be destroyed by a comet impact in 2046 AD. This aggregate is featured in Anunnaki homeworld.

It appeared in 1997 exactly 49 years before 2046 AD. And 1997 was itself 49 years seven times seven after the 1948 rebirth of nation of Israel, home of the 13 tribes before they were deported and spread throughout the world. Hong Kong has officially returned to China beginning a 50 year timeline to 2047 AD, when the agreement between China and Britain would be terminated concerning the maintenance of Hong Kong’s capitalist structure. This ends 156 years of british rule or 1872 months 13 times 1441 stones in the Scarlet thread two end of Eden three 20th century events five Darwin’s mistake six crop circles signs of contact 1998 AD 58 90 02:00 a.m.

president Clinton signed into law HR 4655 called the Iraq Liberation act which represented a plan for a regime changing Iran Iraq calling for the fall of Saddam Hussein. Hurricane Mitch killed 10,866 people in Central America. Texas executed Carla Fay Tucker, the first woman executed in Texas in 135 years. Despite widespread Texas public disapproval. Tucker was a young woman traumatized by the man she murdered, abused and imprisoned, she had become known known for her humanitarian activities, a Christian. The FBI reported that nationwide there were 9405 cases of black men raping white women as opposed to the ten cases of white men raping black women.

This means that every day of the year, 25 white women were raped by black men in America. The american media suppresses these statistics routinely. The us government began charting the paths of asteroid in 1998 at age 77. Astronaut John Glenn returned to space in a nine day mission aboard the space shuttle discovery. The first sections of the International Space Station launched into orbit from Kazakhstan. Through the Hubble Orbiting Space Telescope, astronomers photographed the collision of two stars and a colossal planet designated as TMR one c, about three times Jupiter of size, which was pushed out into deep space by the collision.

As of 1998, astronomers had discovered 108 small planets that have passed close to the Earth as this year. 1998 was 108 years to the year 6000. Anus Mundi 2106 AD. When the chief cornerstone descends to earth to defeat the Anunnaki at Armageddon, we are not surprised to find the sum of 108 further connected to 1998. Germany experienced a rash of crop formations in this year a totally unprecedented amount compared to all previous years. Since first appearing in 1990, researchers into the crop circle enigma noted that seven sided geometrical signs began appearing in this year. This is noteworthy because the heptagram seven sided form produces the 52 degree angle and is the pattern by which both the internal and external arrangements of the Great Pyramid are found.

At Cuxton, England, a crop circle formation appeared that encoded the sum of 108. This is featured in Anunnaki Homeworld. 1998 is 666 times three and seems to be a very prominent date in calendrics. In fact, as shown in the architecture of the great pyramids, internal and external geometrical alignments as exhibited clearly in chronotecture, the year 1998 marks the epicentre of the last days. The Seer Edgar Cayce prophesied of the importance of the year 1998, claiming that it was the start of the preparation of the coming of the master to earth. Cayce related 1998 to the laying out of the pyramid.

It and the building of same those things that were preserved were to later make known in the minds of those peoples to come. The rise and fall of nations were depicted in this same temple, which acted as an interpreter for that which had been, which is and which is to be in the material plane. The old record in Giza is from the journey to the Pyrenees to the death of the son of Mandev as a man, and then to 1998. Casey researcher and author John van Auchen declares that this last statement refers to the timeline in the Great Pyramid.

Referring to the Great Pyramid in the year 1998 AD, Edgar Cayce said this occurs in the entrance of the Messiah in this period. Amazingly, the entrance to the pyramid is within the geometry of forms having perimeter measurements of both 108 and 1998 pyramid inches as seen in chronotecture. Edgar Cayce was not alone, for mystical traditions claim that the great pyramids timeline indicates an end or a beginning. In 1998. As we shall see, 1998 was both an end and a beginning. It was in 1998 that Mark Lehntner directed the Giza Plateau mapping project, a monumental mapping of the three dimensional measurements of the Great Pyramid complex in a computer model.

Also in 1998, the british engineer released his famous book the Giza Power Plant Technologies of ancient Egypt, exhibiting conclusive evidence that the stone of the Great Pyramid’s exterior and interior was machined by advanced methods and engineering science. 1998 isometric epicenter of last days calendrical isometrics is the unique property of our spacetime existence perceived by examining the equidistant repetition of similar events linked mathematically to an epicentral year. In this case, 1998 is the isometric epicentre. This system serves to exhibit that the past is a reflection of the future, that future events are as predetermined as they are linked to past events, spatially connected to them through equidistant timelines.

Isometric years are like ripples in the pond of time, each wavering the same distance from the epicentre as the corresponding wavering on the other side. Thus, the events leading up to 1998 in the order of their occurrence, mirror those events that occur after 1998. Here are examples of spacetime parallels demonstrating the calendrical importance of 1998 AD 1997 AD passed Hale Bopp Comet discovered to be one of the most active comets. Cyclone killed 108 people in India. Diana, Princess of Wales, assassinated three people dying together Hurricane Mitch killed 10,866 people in Central America. 1999 AD future Comet linear discovered to emit x rays cyclone killed 9392 people in India John F.

Kennedy junior assassinated in a mysterious plane crash with wife and sister in law, three dying together flooding killed 9000 people in South America. 1996 AD passed Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron and Mars are conjoined in Venus, all planets cloning of the first mammal publicized and double helix crop formation of DNA appears in England. 2000 AD future Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn aligned in May on other side of sun, all planets international scientific project mapping the human genome announced success. 1995 Ad Passed Timothy McVeigh detonated a bomb in front of Murrah building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. A terrorist act on a large building results in loss of american rights and immunities in AEDPA act.

Amazing crop formation of solar system appears in England. 2001 Ad future Timothy McVeigh executed for his bomb in 1995 Terrorists destroy American WTC tower buildings in New York City, New York results in loss of american rights and immunities in Patriot act. Extraordinarily large and complex crop pattern appeared in England. 1994 AD passed North American Free Trade Agreement weakens the US economy, giving non Americans us jobs and enforced by federal government. 2002 Ad future Homeland Security Department rearranges us government, weakening american security and guaranteeing better foreign control over american branches of government. 1993 Ad passed NASA’s Mars observer was destroyed entering Mars atmosphere.

Us forces launch a missile strike against against Iraq in response to a ploy to kill former President Bush senior lie. 2003 Ad future NASA’s space shuttle Columbia destroyed entering Earth’s atmosphere. President Bush Junior of USA launches a shock and ore missile strike an invasion of Iraq for having weapons of mass destruction. A lie. 1992 AD passed planetoid 1992 QB one discovered at far edge of solar system more like gigantic asteroid. Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida with unprecedented american death toll. 1992 is one year after USA defeated Iraq. 2004 AD future asteroid Apophis discovered a giant asteroid that travels to edge of solar system.

Tsunami in southeast Asia killed about 250,000 2004 was one year after USA defeated Iraq. 1991 AD passed Operation Desert Storm has us forces defeating Iraqis 139,000 people in India die from natural disaster cyclone. 2005 AD future us forces occupy Iraq 80,000 people in India die from natural disaster quake. 1990 AD passed NASA’s Hubble Space telescope launched into orbit man’s eye into deep space. 2006 AD future NASA’s swift satellite detected gamma ray burst discovering supernova 440 million light years away and Hubble telescope discovered 16 exoplanets. The entire history of the world is an infinite matrix of isometric projections of timelines that have moved forward and backward, forming our spacetime structure.

Throughout the rest of chronicon two, there will be provided many astonishing examples concerning the years of the future linked to their past counterparts. This forward and backward geometrical property of our space time sequence is an outward reflection of our inward microscopic genetic dimensions. Sol Luckman, in conscious healing notes that much of our DNA is structured in the form of palindromes. As yet undeciphered sentences that read the same forward and backward that the human genome has been mapped does not mean it is understood. Perhaps as much as 95% of our DNA is undeciphered. For a complete explanation and examples of isometric projections, see Nostradamus and the prophets of apocalypse one synagogue of Satan 2 March of the titans three, camouflage through limited disclosure four doctor Franklin rule PhD five odyssey of the gods six crop circles signs of contact eight.

The End Times prophecy prophecies of coming changes nine Edgar Cayce reading ten hidden mysteries eleven the Janus program best Goobie Paranoia Magazine Spring 2000 819 99 AD 58 90 03:00 a.m. flooding kills 9000 people in Venezuela South America a cyclone kills 9392 people in eastern India in August, a great eclipse passed over Europe, Turkey, the Middle east all the way to Gujarat, India as the moon shadowed Turkey, an earthquake followed 7.4 in magnitude and then earthquakes rocked Greece. Tens of thousands of people died in Turkey. John F. Kennedy junior and his wife Caroline Bassett Kennedy and sister in law Lauren Bassett died in a mysterious plane crash.

This was the third Kennedy assassination. Comet linear was discovered to emit x rays Comet Enki appeared isometric year 1997 AD Hale Bopp Comet cyclone in India Hurricane Mitch in South America assassination of Princess Diana one Nostradamus a life and myths 2000 AD 5890 04:00 a.m. y two k scare is revealed to be a hoax. Five planet alignment of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn on the other side of the sun. Delegation of international scientists announced the completion of the genome mapping project. A space imaging satellite took pictures of a boat like structure on metal Mount Ararat in Turkey.

The private company’s photos show that the structure has broken in half in the ice. Noah’s Ark isometric year 1996 AD planetary conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Mars and Venus scientists cloned first mammal double helix DNA formation appeared 2001 AD 58 90 05:00 a.m. june 11. Timothy McVeigh is executed for bombing the Murray building in Oklahoma City in 1995. A quake kills 20,000 people in Gujarat, India. Earth passed through the denser regions of the lunid meteor field. Falling stars sing brilliantly at a rate of 3000. Crop circle formation of extraordinary dimensions appeared at Milk Hill in England that encoded the sum of 2448 egyptian number four cataclysm, paralleling the year 24 48.

Anus Mundi 1447 BC, when Egypt was destroyed in disasters as the Israelites fled the country in the exodus. This formation also encoded the sum of 25,740, which in days counts down to 2070 ad. Midsummer to the planetary exodus, known better as the resurrection event. See Anunnaki Homeworld 2070 ad being the 3000th year since Israel rifted into the ten tribes of Israel and the tribe of Judah and others. Russians admit that Yuri Gagarin was not the first man in space. Scientists at the Ames Research Centre released data on the discovery of carbon rich meteorites found on earth loaded with organic compounds, including amino acids and sugars.

The greatest conspiracy ever hatched by the Israelis against the american people and government serves also as the greatest evidence of the total control the jewish people have over the us government from the White House on through every branch of the United States military. The World Trade Centre attacks are the most misunderstood events in american history. The Sop of the Israeli Mossad for 50 years has been to financially support, train and provide resources to those wanting to commit terrorist acts that the Mossad finds would also be beneficial for Israel and its international agendas. Saudi arabian extremists seeking to destroy the World Trade Centre, which was an epicenter of globalist jewish financial activities, as well as attack the american symbols of power.

The Pentagon and White House were aided by an entire worldwide network of organisations and individuals controlled by Mossad handlers. The first passenger jet to hit the WTC on September 11 was flight eleven, which had exactly eleven American Airlines personnel aboard, two pilots and attendance. The WTC tower was itself 110 stories high, or eleven times ten. The jet was a Boeing 767 with 92 occupants. Flight 175. United Airlines slammed into the 79th and 80th floors of the south tower, a wing striking the 78th floor. This too was a Boeing 767 having 65 occupants. Eyewitnesses in New York noticed that the second jet that was supposed to be flight 175 was a Boeing 767 that had no windows.

The other two passenger jets heading for the White House and for the Pentagon were United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 45 occupants an American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 with 64 occupants. The media informed the public that the two passenger jets that struck the WTC towers, one after the other, were commercial Boeing 767s, flight eleven and flight 175, when in truth they were not. The WTC was struck by remote controlled military grade Boeing 767s with no windows. Boeing manufactures these for the us military. The Pentagon was not struck by a passenger jethe no one saw a passenger jet in the area and witnesses described what sounds exactly like a us predator drone, possibly with an explosives package.

CB’s on November 28, 2001 reported revealingly, in an astonishing stroke of luck, the terrorists had hit the only section of the Pentagon designed to resist a terrorist attack. The combined total of victims at died from the 911 terrorist attacks aboard the four passenger jets was 266 people. However, the total seating aboard these jets was 684 chairs. There has never been given a satisfactory explanation as to why so many of these chairs were vacant. There should have been at least 600 victims, the very first on site eyewitness reports gathered by the local media in New York claimed that as the tops of the towers burned from the plane impacts, a series of distinct explosions were heard and felt by many people.

That perfectly describes charges set off in a controlled demolition. In fact, many engineers and architects have voiced their disbelief that jets knocked down the WTC towers. Never before in history had a fire felled a steel framed building, causing it to collapse. The WTC had 554 massive steel columns from 30 to 50ft in length, a metal that does not begin to melt until 2800 degrees. The fires in the towers burned at a possible 1300 degrees. The media’s jet fuel explanation is ridiculous to those with engineering knowledge. For these super constructions to have collapsed, then thermite charges had to have been placed carefully so as to ensure that the gigantic towers did not fall over onto other skyscrapers, but fell straight down.

Just as demolitionists are trained to effect. In fact, the media totally censored the fact that a B 25 bomber in 1945 slammed right through the 79th to 80th floors of the Empire State building in New York City and the inferior skyscraper of 1945 Washington, never in any danger of collapsing. What happened on September 11 could not have happened without top level us official involvement. NORAD, located at the Cheyenne Mountain military complex, along with many other radar and satellite surveillance services, ever watchful of american skies, would never have missed these events or delayed their responses. Coincidentally, at this exact time, NORAD with the US Air Force was conducting a very confusing series of exercises over America, pretending that commercial jets were being hijacked at exactly the same time that hijacked commercial jets vanished from NORAD screens and were replaced with military grade Boeing 767s that hit the towers and a predator drone that hit the Pentagon.

The only passenger jet that was actually destroyed full of Americans was that one shot down over Pennsylvania. Three passenger jets were secreted to a us military installation, and those people have never been seen since. They did not die in the WTC or Pentagon. Any number of black budget military science labs could have used and eliminated all evidence of these unfortunate people. The hijacking exercises were specifically timed to promote confusion. The Pentagon was struck precisely 60 years from the day that its construction was begun on September 11, 1941. Further, September 11 was the anniversary of the League of Nations Proclamation of the British Mandate, which was made public in Palestine on September 11, 1922, the first major step in the creation of the jewish state.

Right up to the 911 attacks, lower level FBI agents and other federal investigators were infuriated by the various ways that us officials blocked their efforts, many uncovering evidence of the plot. Some had their funding cut off. In New York. At ground zero, the FBI arrested five Israelis who drew attention to themselves while on a van roof videotaping a WTC disaster, whooping and hollering as if they had just scored a major victory. Investigation revealed that the five men were israeli Mossad intelligence operatives. Immediately after the WTC attacks, the FBI detained 140 Jews for spying, including major jewish intelligence agents.

Us government documents read that these jewish spies in America targeted and penetrated military bases, the DEA, the FBI, and dozens of government facilities. The WTC was part owned by a Jew and was the global financial epicentre of the jewish international business empire. A very high percentage of Israelis and Jews worked every day in the WTC, and many visited from other buildings, other cities, and other nations. The WTC, on average, contained 28,000 people, but on 911, not one jew died in the complex this is a mathematical impossibility under any set of circumstances outside what had actually occurred.

A jewish conspiracy to destroy the WTC to catapult the american emotional response that would support the Middle east israeli agenda. The fall of Saddam Hussein. In fact, investigation unveiled that the Jews who worked in the WTC all received a text message warning to stay away from work by the firm Odigo, which was later mentioned in the Washington Post News Bytes. The conclusion of a study conducted by the us military, the Army School for Advanced Military Studies was that the Israeli Mossad was ruthless and cunning, has capability to target us forces and make it look like a palestinian arab act.

Both the FBI and the CIA concluded that the WTC attacks and Pentagon was a huge covert operation using an international network of at least 100 terrorists spanning three continents. Terrorists, Israelis, Jews, traitors with documented proof of spying on american interests. Michael Chertoff, a jewish Zionist who was head of the US Justice Department’s terrorism task force as well as being head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, dropped all charges against the spy ring, knowing it would become a public relations nightmare for Israel. The journalist Robert Perry summed up the situation perfectly when asked about President Bush’s agenda implementation.

He was no doubt privy to the jewish scheme and thought desperately any pretext against Hussein when he said that Bush’s SOP is quote, to create a sense of crisis, a fake crisis, and then to through fear, stampede the american people into a certain direction that often is into the waiting arms of his Bushes corporate allies. The World Trade center disaster was an epic tragedy twofold. The tight media controls the jewish people have over the american people and the media of the rest of the world has guaranteed that any who offer evidence that the Jews were involved is automatically anti semitic, unpatriotic and just plain stupid.

Americans suffered the attacks and then suffered the deception, not knowing who their true enemy are while they send their sons and daughters to foreign lands to die and be hurt. For israeli foreign policy agendas, all the terrorists were saudi Arabian. And yet no Americans are rising up demanding that the USA invade Saudi Arabia. The jewish war against the israelite descended peoples of Europe and America has never ended. This hatred is only masked more cleverly and the battles are so sophisticated that the victims have no idea who it is that rules and yet destroys them. Isometric year 1995 AD Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McVeigh Major crop circle formation at Longwood Warren of solar system in 2033 AD Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassinated at a peace rally.

One dark moon two, sight unseen three Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Centre disaster six David Ray Griffin Paranoia issue 59 jewish supremacy 19 camouflage through limited disclosure 2002 AD 58 90 06:00 a.m. the United States government at the cabinet level is restructured, creating an illegal and unconstitutional homeland Security department that oversees the numerous federal agencies. A filter that put the control of the many in the hands of the few and alienates the president from us intelligence. Only a massive terrorist scare or nuclear threat could have affected this blatant restructuring of the government. The Homeland Security Department effectively allows the elitists to control the government, not be the government.

Us invasion of Afghanistan occurs the american public bulldozed into believing that a small, once CIA backed resistance movement in Afghanistan called the Taliban was actually an international terrorist threat to the USA. Not one saudi that hijacked the jets in 2001 was a member of the Taliban. The Windmill Hill formation appeared in July 18 and on July 26, NORAD tracked UFO’s over Washington DC exactly 50 years after July 26 when UFO’s were visually seen over Washington DC as in 1952, fighter jets were sent to intercept and eyewitnesses reported on Fox News that they watched air force jets chase the UFO across the sky.

Isometric year 1994 ad see example under 1998 AD 2003 AD 58 90 07:00 a.m. just after the 108th Congress that convened in January, the space shuttle Columbia on reentry burnt up and broke apart, killing the seven astronauts. Pieces falling on Texas. On March 19, President Bush Junior announced that the USA would invade Iraq. Long in planning, this date was the day of Purim, the jewish holiday celebrating the ancient victory over Babylon, Iraq using the lie that Iraq harbored hidden weapons of mass destruction. The Bush administration relied on this deception because it was already well known that the american public would never accept that Iraq had something to do with the 911 attacks.

When the us government could still not answer how Afghanistan was involved on September 11, the us armed forces demonstrated their incredible capability to new neutralize an enemy with its shock and awe campaign of strategic cruise missile attacks and use of stealth bombers that within minutes left Baghdad and surrounding areas in chaos. Without communications and effective leadership, Iraq falls to the USA, Babylon to Ephraim. The United States, a slave to those who are controlled by the hidden zionist powers in Washington, went to war against a nation that had never raised a finger against her or her people.

Us forces occupied Basra and interestingly, in 1933, Hg Wells wrote that in the future World War three, this was even before World War two, would come from events that occurred in Basra, Iraq. This was 70 years after the prediction, astronomers discover UB 313, a planetary body further away than Pluto inside the Cuba belt. It is later named Eris. On November 4, the largest solar flare ever recorded exploded from the sun’s surface. This was the x 22 flare, now known to have really been an x 45 flare, twice the size of any known flare, but it pointed away from earth.

Still, main power failures left 50 million people without electricity in eight states and in Ontario for two days. A very controversial and demonised researcher who was formerly a member of the House of Representatives, David Duke, wrote, in modern America, Jews lead the efforts to dechristianize America. More importantly, Jews dominate the very unchristian mass media, book publishing and distribution. Major newspapers, magazines, movies and television are empires in which Jews are greatly overrepresented and christians are vastly underrepresented. Duke demonstrates that as of 2003 Ad, the Jews are secretly in control of 90% of the information that Americans are exposed to victims, unaware that everything they are told and see is through a jewish filter.

The following are all owned and all controlled by Jews, many of them hardcore Zionists, anti american, pro Israelis, supremacists, Time magazine, Newsweek, US News and World Report, People, Fortune, Sports Illustrated, the New York Times, Washington Post, and all those papers they own. Wall Street Journal, the TV Network, CB’s, NBC, ABC, CNN Newsgroup, Nickelodeon, HBO, MTV, Showtime, Time Warner, Walt Disney Television, part of AOL and the movie studios, Warner Bros. Castle Rock, New Line Cinema, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television, Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, Caravan Pictures, Miramax Films, Paramount Pictures, Viacom, Universal Studios, New World Entertainment, Dreamworks and many others.

Unmentioned here, it is imperative that Zionists deal harshly with those who expose their control over America and the nations of the world. Already in Europe, there are authors in prison for publishing material that exposes the lie of the Holocaust. Jewish organizations have pushed european governments to incarcerate those daring researchers who exposed the jewish lies about world War two and their decades long extortion of Germany for continued war reparations. Isometric year 1993 ad NASA’s Mars observer a spacecraft burned up in the atmosphere entering Mars skies. Us missile strike destroyed the iraqi intelligence headquarters in Baghdad. Asteroid to tartatis nearly hit the earth.

Solar flare affected Earth in 1993. One synagogue of Satan two William Dankenbring prophecy flash volume 22 four jewish supremacism 2004 AD 58 98 amen. I us forces occupy Iraq. Gigantic asteroid Apophis discovered, named after egyptian God of destruction and darkness, scheduled to pass close in 2029 and gravitational pull of Earth may cause it to collide in 2036. On June 8, the transit of Venus was watched around the world as the tiny planet Venus passed over the fiery orb of the sun. Last transit occurred in 1822. Next will occur in 2012. The world’s most powerful quake in 40 years occurred beneath Indian Ocean, causing tsunami that killed 200,000 people in twelve nations of South Asia.

9.2 magnitude after nearly 16 centuries, the Jewish Sanhedrin reconvened at the same locale where they had been dissolved. Tiberius isometric year 1992 ADHD planetary orbit QB 119 92 discovered and swift Tuttle Comet appeared Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida 2005 AD 58 90 09:00 a.m. us forces are still fighting in Iraq quake killed 80,000 in India and Pakistan. Hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastate us coastal cities, destroying much of New Orleans. Central America Katrina accompanied by 33 tornadoes Katrina destroyed oil refineries and platforms in Gulf of Mexico. Astronomers took first direct photo of an exoplanet, a strange planet twice the size of Jupiter, about 100 au’s distance from the sun.

An Au astronomical unit is 93 million mile, an exoplanet being a planet that does nothing. Orbiter star the most distant planet of our solar system recognized by astronomers is Neptune, which is 30 aus from the sun. The closest star to our sun is 4.2 light years Alpha Centauri, meaning that this newly discovered exoplanet is a member of our own solar system. 70 additional Aus is nothing. This new exoplanet is probably a sighting of Phoenix or Nibiru on its way back toward the inner system. Phoenix is 35 years away and Nibiru 41 years from returning. After the sighting, official information on the object has been censored from the public.

Amazing crop formation appeared of a pyramid bordered with intricate designs of geometrical rings, mathematically encoding the sum of 7344 24 48 times three, the entire length of the great Pyramid’s timeline from 5239 BC to 2106 AD 6000 AM isometric year 1991 AD us forces defeat Iraq in desert Storm Iraq is destroying many oil wells. Cyclone in India kills 139,000 people China suffers worse floods since 1930s. 2006 AD 5900 am NASA’s swift satellite detected a gamma ray burst indicating a birth of a supernova 440 million light years away in Aries, astronomers published the existence of 200 known extrasolar planets, 23% of these being exoplanets.

In this year, Hubble’s space telescope discovered 16 planets 26,000 light years away that orbit their parent stars rapidly, some even orbiting their stars in only ten Earth hours. Discovery of UB 313 is now made known to the public. A moonside object beyond Pluto in the Kuiper belt called Eris, a meteorite entered Earth’s atmosphere and collided into a mountain in Raisadalan, Norway with a force equal to the Hiroshima bomb. Between July 2 and third, a large asteroid half a mile wide ascended from below the ecliptic and passed between Earth and the moon, travelling at 40,000 mph, vanishing again.

It has passed completely undetected at first. Good Morning America on ABC initially reported the sighting, but within 15 minutes all subsequent news articles changed their focus to the earlier discovery and known asteroid apophis, which had nothing to do with this new unknown asteroid. This same asteroid has a complete 92 year orbit 52 years below the ecliptic and 40 years over the ecliptic, and will travel over the sun for 40 years and upon its descending node in 40 years. In 2046 AD, this asteroid will collide into the north american continent, ending the United States. Scientists assert that the magnetic north pole pole has wandered 500 miles since it was first measured in 1831, the polar shift now accelerating 25 miles a year.

This polar wandering is due to the rapid approach of Phoenix 34 years away that will in 2040 initiate a total pole shift cataclysm as well as the approach of the much larger Nibiru 40 years away. A quake in Jakarta, Indonesia killed a 5000 and triggered volcanism from Mount Merapi. Scientists at the College de Paris in France discovered that humans have core geometrical knowledge embedded within their brains, another evidence of the isometric reality of our spacetime structure. This author’s book lost scriptures of Giza was published in 2006. The first book demonstrating completely the real history and purpose of the great Pyramid of Giza and the deliberate misinformation published about the mysterious non egyptian monument.

There are in this year 111 confirmed elements in existence, but as many as 118 awaiting confirmation. Officially, this year begins the conclusion of 118 jubilees, 50 year periods of ancient Hebrews. Only two jubilees remaining until Armageddon 100 years the entire 6000 years of mankind’s curse is 120 jubilees, the number 120 representing the foundation of something. It will likewise be discovered that there are 120 elements that make up the material creation. All others beyond 120 are composites of the others. The tallest tree in the world on record is discovered at 365 79.1ft in Redwood National park, called Hyperion.

Name of a titan isometric year 1990 AD Hubble Space telescope begins a whole new era of astronomy and discoveries. One USA Today 2007 almanac 2007 AD 5900 01:00 a.m. exactly 1080 years after it was buried in 927 AD, a viking hoard of coins was discovered in England. See 927 AD, Michael Djurser, an assyriologist, discovered an ancient tablet record of Nebo Sarsakim, a babylonian eunuch who was found mentioned in the biblical book of Jeremiah in the Old Testament. The tablet record dates to the 9th year of the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar Iihdem. Zawi Hawass of Egypt matched a tooth from a box with the name of the famous queen hatshiput with an unidentified mummy in the possession of the antiquities department, she having ruled over 35 centuries earlier.

Paleontologist Mary Schweitzer discovered proteins in a fossil of a Tyrannosaurus rex. In February, off the coast of New Zealand, a fisherman caught a living colossal squid larger than a giant squid weighing about 1000 pounds, it was 33ft long and was caught in the act of devouring an antarctic toothfish. It is believed that the colossal squid can get much larger. Isometric year 1989 AD 2008 AD 5900 02:00 a.m. russian loyalists in Georgia plan to secede to Russia, and the georgian military responds with strikes against the traitors. Russia responds with a full scale military invasion of Georgia during the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Olympics in China, a lunar eclipse was followed by 6.0 magnitude quake in Nevada, USA, and another quake in Indonesia.

Three days later. On March 18, the sky over San Antonio and parts of southern Texas rained mud from a clear skydehe local meteorologists claimed that the dirt falling from the sky was from brush fires in Mexico, a lie. On May 8, 731 tornadoes had afflicted the USA since the start of the year. Also in May and June, quakes killed 68,000 people in China. In May, a cyclone killed 100,000 in Myanmar or Burma. Europeans begin plans to build a gigantic telescope 138 foot wide, paralleling one three eight year orbit off planet Phoenix to search the heavens for exoplanets, a building that will stand 21 stories high and located in the southern hemisphere, where Nibira will be clearly seen as it approaches.

In this year, the Phoenix lander touched down on Mars and took soil samples, searching for signs of life. Water was discovered on Mars. The world televised superbomb was in Phoenix, Arizona, and on April 21, over the city of Phoenix were filmed UFO’s shown on national television. In this year, when the sun darkens about planet Phoenix’s return in 2040, AD was accepted for publication by Booktree in San Diego. Released in 2009, an official royal seal that had belonged to Queen Jezebel of Phoenicia Israel was discovered. The wife of the israelite king Ahab. She is painted as an evil princess who introduced baal worship in Israel and murdered the prophets of God, ever seeking to kill Elijah.

This year was 25 92 years, 864 times three. After the fall of Judah, the Bush family ends their rule over the United States. Having maintained 144 months of rule, four years of Bush senior and eight years of Bush junior. The influence of the Bushes extends much deeper than the presidency. Bush senior having been the director of the CIA, and his father, Prescott Bush, influential in international commerce, found guilty of criminality in the trading with the enemy act. When his aide of the nazi party was discovered. Bush senior took office as the president of the United States in 1988, this year’s isometric year.

This isometric projection begins and ends with blood related presidents, both named George Bush. Barak Hussein Obama is elected as the first black president of the United States. His campaign rocketing him to instant fame by the immeasurable wealth of foreign organizations and individuals who funded his emigrants. His chief ally was the jewish controlled media that heralded him as a black messiah. Born in a foreign country of parents from Kenya, Africa, Obama and his handlers have effectively blocked all american demands, from government requests to private litigation seeking proof of his constitutional right to be president. A birth certificate authenticating his lie that he was born in the US.

Obama is an anti american socialist and closet muslim. Vehemently against Christianity and the ideals of the founding fathers of the anglo saxon government of the USA. However, he is also the dark fulfillment of an ancient prophecy against Ephraim. Future blood descended Israel. You shall be defeated by your enemies. Those who hate you shall reign over you. The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you. And you shall come down lower and lower. Leviticus and deuteronomy. Since the dawn of the white dominated western world civilization in 753 bc, with the start of Rome, predecessor of the United States empire, the administration of european governments from monarchies to democracies, has always been headed by white men and women.

And the history of ancient Israel is the same, having assimilated these caucasian cultures as well. But with the election of Barak Obama 2700 years, a precedent was broken in that a black man became the head of the western world. This being 552 times four years. Four Phoenix cycles isometric year 1988 AD Bush senior became president of the United States. Won the poison king. 2009 AD 5900 03:00 a.m. president Obama inaugurated as first black president of the United States exactly 144 years golden proportion number after 1865 AD, when blacks in the south were freed when the Union defeated the Confederacy in the American Civil War.

Us forces still occupy Iraq and continue fighting against hostile elements. An A 330 Airbus French crashed into the Atlantic from Rio de Janeiro to Paris isometric year 1987 AD Iraq and war with Iran 2010 AD 5900 04:00 a.m. the Gulf oil disaster was caused by faulty equipment of british petroleum, formerly called the Anglo Persian Oil Company, in the Gulf of Mexico, which initiated the worst man made ecological disaster in history. Adding to the ruin of the sea life was the immense amount of toxic chemical employed as oil dispersants. The breach may have caused natural fracturing of the seabed, which involves more leakage that cannot be contained.

The toll on Gulf sea life is incalculable. This author’s book Anunnaki Homeworld concerning return of planet Nibiru in 2046 AD and Return of the Anunnaki watches was finished and submitted for publication but not released till late 2011. This book unveils the true orbital history of our planet Earth and the geometrical timelines encoded in the great pyramids, measurements that relate to 2046 ad, Anaki invasion, destruction of North America in 2046, and return of the watches to earth. Incidentally, 2010 AD is 6048 years, 864 times seven since Earth began the present orbit around the sun, which changes in 2046 AD.

This year was also 3456 years, 864 times four after the exodus of Israel from Egypt and 54 48 years pyramid inch height of present great pyramid since the Anunnaki first descended and interacted with humans in 3439 BC. In this year, this authorization also finished descent of the Seven Kings. The full history of the Anunnaki presence on earth. Isometric year 1986 AD nuclear disaster of Chernobyl, Ukraine facility that contaminated Europe previously unknown chamber found inside great Pyramid 2011 AD 5900 05:00 a.m. a submarine quake in the Pacific results with a terrific tsunami that devastates Japan, killing tens of thousands and causing a major nuclear meltdown incident.

The controversy over the foreign identity of President Obama intensifies as his wife, first lady Michelle, squanders us wealth with expenditures that no prior first lady has ever had authority to spend. The american bitterness over the abuses of power and blocks on all investigations into Obama’s identity intensify with major us population backing of the Tea Party movement that is largely censored by the anti american media. Isometric year 1985 AD cyclone in India killed 10,000 and quakes afflict Mexico and South America. 2012 AD 5900 06:00 a.m. celebrated end of the mayan long count in December, which is wrong.

At the start of 2012, Anunnaki homeworld is made available around the world, which exhibits charts showing that the mayan long count could not have ended in 2012, but ends exactly in the summer of 2046 AD. The transit of Venus occurs. In 2012 Israel will conduct military strikes against arab countries, a country, and in the United States there will be be a racial riot. Isometric year 1984 AD civil war in Lebanon with israeli involvement. Temple Institute in Jerusalem begun. Iran Iraq war continues. This ends chronicon two.

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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