Zombie Dungeon Survival: Total Pattern Break

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➡ In this game, the players, Big John, Big Dad, Big Cole, and Conner, are trying to survive a zombie invasion led by a necromancer and an abomination. Their mission is to find the entrance to the necromancer’s laboratory hidden in the game area, and defeat the necromancer and the abomination. They have to search different areas marked by red x’s and deal with zombies that spawn in different places. The game involves strategy, teamwork, and a bit of luck.
➡ The text is about a group of people playing a complex board game involving strategy and chance. They discuss the odds of winning, the potential dangers of certain moves, and the consequences of their actions. They also chat about unrelated topics, such as their physical sizes and experiences with motorcycles. The game involves characters, zombies, and various actions like searching rooms, opening doors, and attacking.
➡ The text describes a group playing a complex game, possibly a role-playing game. They discuss strategies, actions, and movements, and use various items like spells, swords, and crossbows. They also consider the positions and actions of enemies, such as zombies and abominations. The players take turns, strategize, and cooperate to defeat their opponents.
➡ This text is about a group of players engaged in a strategic game, likely a board game involving combat scenarios. They’re discussing their moves, planning strategies, and reacting to the game’s events. The game involves elements like zombies, weapons, and special abilities. The players are trying to navigate the game’s challenges, deciding when to attack, when to move, and how to best use their resources.
➡ The text describes a group playing a complex game involving zombies, strategy, and various actions like moving, shooting, and searching rooms. The players discuss their strategies, such as using speed cards and knocking down doors, while also sharing personal anecdotes and joking around. They seem to be enjoying the game and planning to continue playing for a while.
➡ The text describes a group of people playing a complex board game involving zombies, swords, and crossbows. They strategize, roll dice, and move their characters around the board, trying to defeat zombies and find useful items. They also discuss the game’s rules and mechanics, such as spawning zombies and using different weapons. The game seems to involve a lot of strategy and cooperation.
➡ In a game, players are in a room with zombies, trying to find special cards to block the zombies and destroy the entrance to the necromancer’s lab to win. They use weapons like a hand crossbow to kill zombies and search rooms for useful items. They also gain experience points and skills, but must manage their inventory carefully. The zombies move closer each turn, increasing the game’s tension.
➡ This text describes a group of people playing a zombie-themed board game. The players take turns moving their characters, searching rooms, and fighting zombies. They use various items like dragon bile and crossbows to defend themselves. The game also involves strategy, like setting traps and deciding when to use certain items. The players also discuss the rules and mechanics of the game as they play.
➡ In a game, players are strategizing to kill zombies. They use weapons like longbows and crossbows, and their actions are determined by dice rolls. The game also involves movement around a board, with certain areas spawning more zombies. Players must work together, manage their actions wisely, and use their weapons effectively to survive and win.
➡ The text is about a complex game where players strategize to survive against zombies. They can use items like a dragon ball to kill zombies, and they need to destroy a Necromancer’s lab using dragon fire. The game involves moving around, fighting zombies, and making decisions about when to use items or attack. The players also need to consider the spawning of new zombies and how to avoid getting surrounded.
➡ The text describes a group of friends playing a complex board game involving strategy, movement, and combat against zombies. They discuss their moves, plan strategies, and react to the game’s events. The game involves elements like line of sight, movement points, and action points, and the players are trying to survive and defeat the zombies while also searching for items and gaining experience points.
➡ In a game, players strategize to kill zombies and survive. They can move, shoot, and use special abilities like healing or invisibility. The game gets harder as more zombies spawn, including tougher ones called brutes. Players must work together, protect each other, and use their turns wisely to win.
➡ This text seems to be a detailed description of a complex strategy game involving zombies, spells, and weapons. Players take turns, strategize, and use their abilities to attack zombies, reroll attacks, and help each other. They also discuss the potential dangers of advancing too quickly in the game. The players are considering retreating to a safer area to gather more resources and plan their next moves.
➡ In a game, players take turns to move, attack zombies, and heal each other. They strategize to avoid zombie attacks, using abilities like rolling a dice to negate hits. They also aim to clear areas and break open doors to progress. The game involves careful planning and cooperation among players to survive and win.
➡ In a strategic game, players are using their turns to attack and move, with the goal of eliminating enemies and surviving. They use weapons like longbows and hammers, and abilities like free movement and re-rolls to enhance their chances. They also strategize on when to retreat or advance, considering the number and type of enemies. The game involves elements of chance, with outcomes determined by dice rolls.


So earlier when we were learning this game, we recorded something for arcade tv. What we said while we were learning the video was only for arcadextv, because we can’t talk about it still. Yeah. So I’m gonna let Big John read the game objective, and then we’re gonna go through here, because this is. We’re living the walking dead. Thanks. And we’re all. We’re slaying zombies, and I got big dad here, I got big Cole here, and I got Big John here, and we’re going to try to get through this dungeon together, because the objective of this game is not to fight each other, but to survive this little situation.

Big John, why don’t you read off the game objectives? Okay, so a little descriptor. It says, we quickly discovered the starting point of the zombie invasion. Other survivors spotted a huge zombie wandering the streets and some kind of sick wizard directing the horde to engulf us. It took us two days to pinpoint the Necromancer’s location and understand the abomination can’t be killed by any weapon at our disposal. Let’s raid the necromancer’s laboratory and take them both out with a secret brew of our own. Dragon fire. Let the hunt begin. And so, basically, the objective is, this is, like, somewhere within this area is hidden the entrance to the necromancers laboratory.

All right, so we’ve got to go to each one of these red x’s. They’re each an objective, and so search that area to find the necromancer’s laboratory entrance. So that’s one objective. The other is to slay the beast and its master. So we have to kill at least one abomination and one necromancer. Now, a necromancer or an abomination might spawn before we find the entrance. Do we have a necromancer piece? Yeah, we have a necromancer piece right here. So this guy here is causing us problems because he keeps appearing in different places, and he spawns zombies.

Yeah. And my camera is just like. Yeah, it’s focused on further away. Yeah. Then the big guys, the abomination. There you go. I’m just trying different stuff. That’s the necromancer. Still not clear. Show us an abomination. Abomination right here. Oh, it’s a big guy. This is a big guy here. Incredible Hulk. Well, so one of the incredible hulk’s biggest rivals is a guy named Abomination. See that? And it doesn’t show me to spawn anything right off the bat. So this is Big John. That’s Big John. That’s Big John the hammer. Big hammer. Man, I wish that thing would be clear.

It’s got all this in field back here. So really, that’s all four of us. We’re going in. We are going in. It’s big dad, Big John, big Cole, and me. Everybody’s big. Yeah. Pretty. Well, I mean. All right, we’re going in. That’s a wild cup right there. Shoot. Start over in that one. That’s a viking. Viking death ship. Death shit. Yeah, man. My dad got this. He’s addicted to timo. We gotta save you. Somebody asked that. Well, I want to buy that car, so I stopped it, almost all of it. All right. Oh, yeah. You try to get that car still.

No, it’s not a 66 El Dorado anymore. What? No, he found something better. What? Chevy 350. Fast. It’s got a Hellrock everything. It’s beautiful. I saw it today. Yeah, it’s a 46. Power steering, power brick, power everything. Dang, it’s, like, retro modded. Nice. It is. All right, so our objective is to survive these zombies. We got to check out this lab. We go through all. Yeah, we gotta find the entrance and. Yeah, basically we’re looking for the necromancer. Now, he might spawn and jump us. All right. You know, some. You know, you never know, but we could find him before he does that.

Well, I tell you what, we all got different characters. I’m playing this ball. I’m playing this baldrick. I just showed you guys, like, a wizard type character. We all got our own little characters, and it’s pretty interesting. And we’re gonna. We’re gonna go. Let’s go. Yeah. So you want to see who go first? Yeah, let’s do it. I’m going first, and then you want to just go around? Let’s do it. Let’s get this party started. Let’s do it. Okay. I watched every single episode of the Walking Dead, so I know I got an edge on y’all.

I haven’t seen the entire thing. I don’t know. Okay. It’s a hard show to get into. Oh, he went on a walking dead cruise, man. He might have an edge on us. Yeah, it’d be the only time I let autonomy beat me. That’d be the only time. Okay, so we got our starting equipment, we got everything. So before we start, we have to spawn zombies. We have three spawn locations, so we’re. Oh, yeah. Make sure your experience little tracker is down in the blue. Experience tracker down. We got some awesome awesome feline sound effects for the video.

Yeah, we do. All right, so we’ll go one, two, and three. As far as fawn. It’s the blue. So there’s one here. Good. Nothing in that one. And then one here. Okay. And there’s none of them these rooms anywhere. So you don’t find that out until you enter a room. Oh, I got you. Yeah. You have to have line of sight. So anytime that someone enters a new room, opens a door or whatever, I have to do a spawn. All right, well, you know me. I’m the wizard, so I’m always going to be kind of hanging back.

I hope so. Okay, so, yeah, so basically, our jet, we have a bunch of, like, areas to search, is basically what these red things are. So might as well start this methodical. And I have three actions. So I am going to burn my first action to move to that square. My second action, I am going to bust that door down. I do it with a five. So that flips over. And then my last action, I will enter the ring. All right. And then it’ll be on you. All right, so you got three x. Oh, I need to spawn a zombie.

If you guys do a room core. Jesus Christ. He ain’t in this game. In that room. The necromancer. You gotta be kidding me, dude. The very first car, man. Come on, man. I don’t know. It’s just the way it goes. I like it. A draw. He’s not hard to kill. I’m not in there. He’s not hard to kill. It’s. It’s his. Yeah, it’s just that he can. On his turn. Spawn walkers. Okay, so you’re next. Yeah, you want? Yeah. So I walk into that room. I bust the door down. I walk into that room. You hear me? Go.

All right, I’m gonna. Man, I’m gonna come this way real quick. First action. Oh, thanks, bud. I’m gonna bust that door. Are you gonna bust that one now? Are we spreading out like this? You don’t bust that door. So I have one more, actually. Oh, hold on. Oh, yeah, you do get an extra die. Wait, what does that say? A die here, one day plus. Plus one die. Wow, that’s amazing. He gets two dies for his attacks. One more, actually. And if he gets a weapon that has two dies on it, he gets three. Well, he’s a fighter.

I get that. Yeah, I get it. He shouldn’t have. He shouldn’t. He shouldn’t have one. I have one. I’m not a fighter. Yeah. All right, cool. So I got three actions. All right, man, I’m gonna call. I’m gonna play captain. Play captain. I’m gonna play captain. I’m gonna come over here. And that’s one move in here. Now, it’s, uh. So each of these. Okay. It’s like a big square. I got you one. That’s why they kind of, like, line it all. I move right here. Okay. I’m gonna come in here through this door. And my third action is I’m gonna hit this dude necromancer.

Okay. If it’s the last thing I do. Can’t believe it’s the first. Wait, what are you hitting him with? Okay. You could hit him from this other room because you can see him. You have line. Really? Yeah. You wouldn’t even have to move in. You can. You can move in, but you get. You got two chances. Yeah. All right, so right now, because I’m just like, level one. I’m like a novice. I’m a peon. Nobody really like levels in this game, but I’m like illicit spellcaster only got one dice, right? Yeah. Well, I guess. Yeah. I mean, cool.

Three. So first spells nothing. Yeah. I gotta have four. Higher. All right, so what damage does your spell do? Emily does one. You automatically hit me because I’m in the same square as that guy. If you. If you fail on hitting the creatures. Really? Yeah, it automatically. That’s just the way that the game is set up. Wow. Hopefully I find a healing scroll. I came here to kill something. Kill it. I can only get hit three times. This is no good, man. Hit him. So it’s no good because if I accidentally hit you and then the necromancers turned, you’re out the game on the first.

First of. Maybe. So look, that’s what I’m saying is, like earlier about there is a high chance of losing this game. A four and higher is a 50% chance. That’s not good odds. It’s not good odds. It’s a four or five or a six. Yeah. Yeah. It’s not the best. I’m not going to attack because one’s not going to kill the necromancer. 1.1 point does kill the necromancer. Really? So it’s either. What makes him dangerous is if you don’t attack him, he can spawn walkers. Like, he can spawn two walkers or one runner. Mathematically, there’s a 50%.

So no matter what, somebody’s taking damage that runs you or him. Yeah. 50% chance. I didn’t know that when I first attacked now. I know. Yeah, I know. Yeah. It’s 50 50. Somebody saying damage. I’m going. I’m going to roll it. I would have taken more pleasure going to see him so I can put in my car. I have redeemed. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Did you all. Good times. You still off on your homeboy? Okay, my turn now. I got to move my character first. Yeah, you move back out because that was your third action to do that.

You’re absolutely correct. I’m done. Dad’s turn. Coming this way. What does that give you? That answer? So the only way to get there is to go through this door and then go around in there. Yeah. That’s a wall. You can’t go diagonally. No. So you could go one, two, three if you wanted to go over there, come in here, search and find something. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, one and then two, and then do a search action. Or you could do our first objective, which benefits the team. The X. Oh, the x gives you five experience points.

That’s member I jumped. Yeah. Let’s hit that X. Okay. So, yeah, just take the X off the board. Up yours by five. Up yours. Flip it over. It’s not blue on the underneath. So we’re good. Okay, cool. Yeah, there’s a blue one. Whenever we flip it over, it’ll be blue. And that does something. That’s all hell breaks, moves. Yeah, it’s random. I don’t even remember where I put it. That’s crazy. It’s your turn. So it is zombies turn. Okay. So the zombies that are spawn, they cannot attack because there’s nothing in their square. They can move.

Okay. Okay. So then I do remember something. We created noise here. Of course. Yeah. So this one’s gonna start coming toward it. Of course. Yeah. So zombies, the walkers, they can move one square so we don’t put a noise piece down. I mean, it’s obvious because you’ve got more people over there. So this first one, though, does go here, right? Yeah. Okay. And then this one will go here. Right. Now we spawn. And now it’s fun. Cool. We’re getting ahead of this. Getting the hang of this. Three. So looks like one of each. So one there.

One over there, if you would, please. One here. Cool. They spawn it. Yeah, man. Big John’s got a zombie outbreak response team. Shirt on. Oh, yeah, dude. I’ll take a picture of it when we’re done filming. Cool. Maybe the thumbnail. Yeah, I can. Yeah, I think you got me this shirt, didn’t you? Give me this shirt. I did. I think so. Yeah. I bought me one, too, and I’ve never wore it. I have the same shirt. I got a lot. Okay. I got a lot of t shirts. I’ve lost track of them. I got a lot of Maggie warrior.

I got. I got the. I will stop where I want shit up. Those last two t shirts, you brought me some from Alaska. Nice. Oh, no kidding. You know what? I’ve seen you wear those issues. Yeah. Well, so that’s the team who. Yeah, it’s like. Yeah, I don’t know. It’s like. So some shirts I can wear, for some, it’s five. It’s because I’m built like a square. Six x. That’s a big old boy, man. Well, it’s six x. Like, asian sizes, from t, moo, even five eggs. Yeah, I’ve seen five x. American title. Yeah. Yeah, well, I mean, yeah, so some of them are.

Yeah, some of them are. It just depends on the brand of the shirt. Sometimes I can wear a three x. All those gray arcade shirts that I wear all the time. Three x. You know, so it just depends on the brand of the shirt. Rest of us, two, you wear two eight shirts, right? Yeah. Yeah. Some extra large, some, too. Depends on a bunch of little fellas. Okay. It’s okay. I don’t mind being a little 260. He’s up 260. I don’t mind being little. Six foot little, 220 pounds. What kind of average? I’m gonna average? I’m not 23.

Hold on. You’re 223 and five foot five fluctuate. Like, five pounds of fluctuation is like nothing to me, dude. Like, yeah, some people, it’s like, oh, my God, I gained five pounds. It’s like tripping window. Yeah, yeah. It’s like nothing. I drink a cup of water, you know, or a good pound movement. Yeah. And I lose five pounds. Oh, man. I’m gonna tell you now, your ability to flush your system is going to significantly increase. Now, you’re spending a lot of time on a motorcycle. That’s true. Yeah, that’s true. That’s why I’m sunburning. Well, I’m gonna tell you now, being on my bike a lot, for a while, you know, for about a two and a half year period, that was all I rode, even though I had the van aimed now.

But being on that bike a lot, one thing you’ll know, man, is your digestive system. Once you eat food, your stomach is going to just be in all that vibrating. It’s just like, we gotta get rid of this crap. Yeah, it’s gonna go right through your intestines, and you’re gonna be crapping all the time. Your system will be clean. That’s all I need. Well, you don’t ever get constipated being on a motorcycle. That’s good. That’s a good thing. Like having the largest vibrator. Oh, my God. You know this video is for YouTube, right? That’s all right.

Okay, it’s my turn. So I’m going to search the room that I’m in. Okay. So that will. That. And I got a short sword now. So I’m going to put that in my other little quick slot. All right, bud. And dual wielding. So that’s cool. Anything you get blessed with, we get blessed with. Right? And then I am going to use my second action to open the vault door and my third action to enter the vault, where I will have to spawn one walker down here. So if you’ll let me have my little guy there. Watch it.

He went in that chamber. Now he’s in that chamber, stuffing that zombie. Okay, and so now that I went in there, now I’m stuck with it. Yeah, I’m stuck. Yeah, so, yeah, I went down there. Don’t. You big dog. I’m in there. All right. Yeah. Do I need to roll? Yeah, yeah, you have to destroy the doors. Yeah. So you roll five, destroys everything you hit. So then come in. I’ll try to. Yeah, you can. You can open. You can go in it or. No, you can open it as an action. Yeah, the action is to open it.

So I searched. I opened, and then I entered. So you can open it now. You have line of sight. You can look down in there. So I’m gonna go ahead and do the spawn. Okay. So I pulled a double spawn. So now I have to pull two of these. I pulled another double spawn. Oh, you’re out of there, man. I have to pull four of these. All right, so. Jesus, what is happening right now? All right, all right, look, this is a mess up. We’ll do. We’ll do one. But, like, there was, like, four of them, like, stacked, stuck together or something.

It wasn’t a. With shuffle. Well, I mean, it’s all been. All of it’s been shuffled. It’s just. Those are just stuck together. So we’ll do two of them just because we didn’t catch it. All right, that’s cool. And see? Seems fair. Yeah. Especially if I pulled, like, a necromancer. Some two doubles. Go. How should I handle it? Just pull one, and then, like, quadruple it. I don’t know what you’re doing. Well, I can pull four cards and then add it all together. Or I can just do one and times it by four. What do you think would be better? What are you supposed to be doing? I don’t rightly know.

All right. Okay. Well, that’s better. Okay. Okay, cool. Okay. Well, that’s not as bad as it. So we’re all in the blue. So it’s two walkers, nothing in sight. No one. And we’re all blue. You’re looking at the blue? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, no one. Nothing in sight. And then brute. Oh, man. So that’s what ended up being in there. So I have a lot to say. Yeah, you’re out. You’re not in the room. But now they have line of sight and you’ve opened the door. So on the zombie turns, if they’re probably coming to get. Although.

Well, they’ll come in the room. They can’t attack you until again because they. Yeah, it’s weird how the action economy works for the zombies. They can only make an attack if they start their turn in in the same square as you or as a character. So, yeah, so it’s like one of those kind of things. So what is he doing now? He’s done. He’s out of the room. They’re in the vault. So you open, but you got one more turn. No, I’m out. No, he destroyed the door, moved in, and then opened the vault. I got you.

I got you. So now it’s your turn. Does this create noise? That is an action, though. You have to expend an action to do the objective. Okay. Well, my first move, but I imagine because it’s like searching. So this is my dad. Right. Okay. My first move is coming here in the search. You’re gonna search? Yep. Right. So you got that plenty of arrows thing. So it’s like you can reroll a ranged attack with a long bow. Anything with arrows, not bolts. My third move. Did somebody already go down there? I did. I can search down there too, right? Yeah, you can search now.

Well, you have to go down there as an action. And then. So you’ve moved in, you searched, and then you can go in. All right, I’m in. Okay, so you’re gonna go turns old. Yeah. All right. How do you know we automatically went there? Because that’s the gold one and it’s gold. And then that’s a purple one and that’s purple. Okay. Let me move to that place there next door. Have you searched in that room. No, no, I’m talking about in the first room because it doesn’t look like you have any other equipment. Yeah, so I would.

I would search first. Yeah, because you could literally search there, move and then search again. So do you want to do that? Okay, so search dragon bile. So spend an action and discard dragon ball from hand. Put a dragon ball token within range and line of sight. So it’s like a trapdoo. So you can expend it. It’s like you set a trap and if something walks in there to kill a zombie, there’s no token for dragging. Yeah. So you lay that down somewhere so you can put it like, where somebody where they’re spawning. So, like, you can put it in the square that you’re in or in an adjacent square that you have line of sight for and like, if.

And just leave it. And if. If a walker goes. Yeah, if a walker walks through it, it kills them automatically. No, no. So you search. The only time that you roll is if you attack, and that includes doors. So you search now move into the other room and search that going in here. Oh, your new territory. All right, so this is Dragon bile. Awesome. You put that where you want it. Yeah, well, no, not yet. It’s action. Yeah. So basically right now you’ve got like a pottery jar that is full of dragon bile. And so when you decide you want to do it, you see some zombies coming.

I’m going to throw this on the ground and it’s going to break. There’s going to be dragon Bile. And if he walks through it, it’s going to kill him. No, because this is the entrance to that. Yeah, that’s the entrance to the. This one. Yeah, these. These are actually underneath that. It’s like you climb down. It’s just we have to put them off to the side of the board. Okay, now I search that now. Yep. And you found a repeating crossbow. So a repeating crossbow can shoot in the same square as you or one away. You roll three dice, though, and you have to get a five or better on one of the three dice and it does one damage.

So what I would do is I would put. Yeah, I mean, just whatever you’re wanting to put in your inventory. So this is stuff that you don’t have access to unless you change it to here. Okay. So then you would have to put this in here. So it’s like, whatever. Whatever it is that you want to basically have in your hand. Do I have to have it in to begin with or can I put what I want to in here? After I can. Okay, so when you search, you can arrange it wherever you want it, but after that’s done on, like, subsequent turns, if it’s like, shit, that thing’s in my backpack, like, now I have to expend an action to get it out and change it out.

You know what I mean? So, like, pick the one that you think that you would have the most use of at this moment. Which one do you think you use most? Especially since, like, your longbow, you can’t shoot anything that is in the same square as you. Longbow. Yeah, it’s a longbow. It’s one to three squares away. That’s pretty cool. Whereas this now covers you. If something gets in your square, you can now shoot them with that and, you know, defend yourself. All right, so the zombie movement, they still going towards. They’re all going to move towards that one’s there, and then that was there.

Okay, I can see how this would get. Yeah, it did. Yeah. So 1230, this is an extra activation. So that’d be two, and then that would be three. Luckily, the extra activation is no one. But number one gets a brute, number two gets a walker, and number three gets nothing. That was like undead Mary Poppins. Looks like I’m gonna be eating dead the other way, man. That’s crazy. Yeah, well, they don’t know you there, and they can’t destroy doors. They can’t destroy doors to get to you again. Yeah, they’re trapped on the other side. The only way that they can get in there is to come through that door and come around.

Okay, so before you start your turn, this is YouTube version. Shout out to the fatover. Oh, yeah. Fat over gaming. Big John and I’ve been there many times. For sure. They know us pretty well. That’s where we bought this game. We’re gonna go back and buy some more games. These are little pattern breaks. We’re gonna be doing this on YouTube a little bit more often. Just. Just something to kick it. Next time we do it, we may do it as a premiere so you guys can join us in. Oh, that’d be cool. Yeah. Okay, so it is my turn, and I am in a room with a zombie.

All right, so I am going to. It really doesn’t matter which one I hit him with. I just get one. One die. Just swing my short sword at him. Might as well. So four better it hits a. So that guy is dead, and I bring my little ticker up. That is my first action. So my second action is to search the vault. So when you search a vault, you can pull twice. So you can only do it once, just like any other room. But you pull twice. Vaults are different than the room. Yeah. So I pulled a repeating crossbow, and I.

Plenty of bolts. So what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna replace my short sword. I’m gonna put it in my inventory. I’m gonna put my repeating crossbow down, and then I’m gonna put plenty of bolts right here. That way I can see it. And what that does is it just allows me one time, I have to discard this whenever I use. It was a search. And then I’m going to come back out into the room. Good. And it is not my turn anymore. All right. I’m in that room, too. Yeah, it’s his turn. You’re absolutely correct.

I’m going to search. You’re going to search. Okay, so. Oh, did you search here? Because this, for search discounts is one room for movement. It counts as two movement. Did I search? I don’t think that you did. Yeah. So. So search, uh, you found another search. No, he didn’t. Sort of. Yeah, he just went in there and he opened that. Yeah, that’s what it was. All right, so I’m gonna try to roll. Yeah, you just do it. You organize me a five on your experience. Yeah. So you do that. It takes an action. Yeah. What’s the other side? No, it wasn’t.

Whenever he picked it up. It’s red. All right. Yeah. You know what I didn’t do? How many experience I get for killing a necromancer? Is that a one? Yeah, it was just one for the necromancer. The abominations give you five. Okay, so I’m done. All right, well, I am in there. I want to pull my two vault cards. Cool. So let me know what I got. The two, huh? That’s the same thing. Oh, no. So the card’s name is. Ah. Both of them. They’re both that ambush place. One standard walker in the zone you just searched.

So you got two of them. So two walkers, which it might have been. Yeah. I mean, it is what it is. The more we play this, the more the cards will get all moved around. It’s not gonna be the first time dad hated. Oh, yeah, that’s for sure. All right, so, yeah, so they just. Yeah, they pop out, kill both of them now. Right. You should be able to. Yes. Do it. Nope. I am gonna do it without. Oh, I might be more freaking zombies, yo. I got more down here. Thanks. Fine. Okay, so now, if I move in to where one of these guys are, you gotta break it down.

You have to break that door down. Four or higher did it. Okay, so flip. Oh, he makes annoyance. Yeah. Yeah, he made noise. It made noise. Which means. Well, every zombie in that. No, it just means that that’s where. Yeah. Oh, you’re just, like, facing them. Yeah. Oh, this? Yeah, dad was hating on me a minute ago. Okay. Yeah. Now what can I do from there? So you can move out there and fight one if you wanted to. Do I have any weapons to fight? Yeah, yeah, of course. You’ve got your longbow and you got your shoot.

Yeah, you could literally shoot that one from where you’re at. Four hard. What’s. What’s his first slot say? Um, so the longbow is one to three. It’s one dice, three or higher. Oh, you’re badass, dude. You can shoot a three or higher, you kill El. Yeah, if you roll a three or higher, you can’t see that one. You don’t have line of sight on that one. I don’t know. No line of sight diagonal in this game. Yeah, it could be right here. You would be OCD. Will you kill that one? I’m not sure. Where else you gonna go? You wanna go back? Like, my thing is, like, you saw both of us go into a vault.

You saw me come out with, like, a new crossbow and a whole bunch of zombies. That is true. That is true. But we’re here to kill zombies. You can actually shoot this one. There’s no threat to you. You stay right there, you shoot through the door, and it’s only your second action also, so you could shoot that one and then move back to where I’m at if you wanted to give it a shot. So roll. Roll your die. You gotta get a three or higher. Got it? Yeah. Pull that one off the board. Six. You got one more move left.

You either go here or you can go there. Let’s go over here. What? That’s where zombies. So just to give you a heads up, that is where zombies spawn. Like, right now. Like, literally right now. As soon as your turn ends, I’m gonna spawn a zombie there. All right, so would you like to change your. Can you kill me right now? So, no, because the zombies turns and then I’ll spawn. So no, it wouldn’t be able to attack you right now. Okay. And I’ll have a turn before. Yes. Okay, I’ll stay there. Okay, cool. All right, so, um.

So now it is zombies turns. So noise got made there. So this one is going to come back, move here. This is coming back to move there. This one is still going to move here, here. And we spawn. Amazing. So one walker. Nobody’s in the yellow over yet, right? You guys, don’t try this at home. Yeah. Okay, so this is one. So one walker number two where he’s at necromancer. Oh, Mandy. That’s what you told me, dad. That one gets a walker. Okay, so, yikes. Okay, you can do it. You can take them. Those are some really.

So the zombie turns. I forgot about the vaults. Yeah. So these guys are going to come out. They’re going to come out. They can’t open the door, but, uh, yeah, they come out in this area with you. But that one in there can detect me. This one is. It’s gonna attack you. Okay, so we attack. So the way that the zombies attack works is if it starts its turn in your square, it hits. It’s automatic. Automatic hit. And it does one. One little damage. It’s good to know. Because you can. Yeah, because you can move and like, make sure that you’re not.

You don’t start. You can use a turn to get away. Exactly. Exactly. But remember to like, to get away from a zombie. For every zombie that’s in the square, it costs one movement, one action to get out of the square. If a zombie’s in there, it cost two. And two zombies are in there cost three. So that’s the thing. It’s like. So, yeah, that’s how you get hoarded. That’s so you get fired. So you got. You literally have to fight. Yeah, you’re gonna have to fight. You’re gonna have to at least kill those because, well, I don’t know.

They don’t do any more damage. So, yeah, you just kill them in whatever order that you want. They always only do one damage, though. That would be two actions, though. Yeah, we made. Dear old dad might not make. Well, he’s good. Really. Like, I look, he. He’s in a spot right now where it’s gonna take him two, three, four actions to kill these. So let’s do it. Let’s quit talking about. All right, so it’s my turn. So what I’m gonna do is I’m going to move. Oh, I got hit. I got hit. So what do I do? Oh, just move your loop.

No, not there. Yeah, move that over. All right, cool. Yeah. Okay, so I move. I’m going to search this room real quick. And I found another sword. I found an actual sword. You don’t ever know better. You don’t ever let the dealer play. Oh, it’s too dark. This is the perfect example. You’ll let the dealer play. This is my writing too. Can’t see what sort. This man’s got more weapons than wall allows. I’m finna give them to y’all if y’all want them. We gonna be alive by the time. All right, what I’ll do is now that I’m in there with my last action, I’m going to, because I have line of sight to the square that he’s in, I am going to shoot the necromancer or you, but I get three dice to get a five or better.

How do you get three dice? Because it’s a repeating cross cutter, so it can shoot in the square that I’m in or one away. I get three dies, just one dice has to hit a five or better. A five or better. It’s not a three or better. Wow. It’s a fiverr. So I have to roll a five or a six on one of these three dice or it hits him. That’s a eight. Okay, good. That’s 18 variables. Yeah, it’s not, it’s not as easy as you think. It’s three chances to a five or six. I got a five.

You got one five. I got one five. So take the necromancer off. It’s dead. Well, it was already dead, but you got so lucky. But. Yeah. And I didn’t hit you, so that’s my turn. Your turn. So this is another thing too. It’s like this is an example of why you kind of stay together. Five. Yeah, five. You killed one. All right. Okay, he’s dead. Okay. All right, so next one. All right, got that one. You got a third 3rd attack, but you’re not gonna be able to kill him. I just go right? Yeah. Yeah, so it would take.

No, take two. Oh, cuz, yeah, you’re stuck. You’re stuck there. He can’t go down the stairs. I know, cuz it would take two. Yeah, we take two. Attacking doesn’t do any good because you can’t kill. They won’t be able to kill him with one action. So I’m gonna get hit next time? Probably. This is why you stay together. Will get here because he’s. Yeah, yeah, he will. Yeah, you can. So which one? Oh, I can’t even come up here. You’ve already searched. Yeah. You’ve already searched there. All right, man, I guess I’m gonna get cracked. I mean, it happens.

It sucks when you see your doom approach you all right? Well, I already got. Already got, sucker. Now I can attack you back. Yeah. And that’s what I’m doing. Or better, is it? Yes, I pissed I was. That’s one you might give my old guy. I’m coming here. You coming out? Yep. You already searched in there, right? Yep, already searched. Searched about. So that was my second move. How do you not have any? Oh, yeah, because you got ambushed. My third move. I’m gonna try and get over here and help him. That’s all I can do.

Cool. I can do. Yeah. Hey, literally what I’m doing is trying to go over to help him as best I can. All right, so now it’s your turn. So you’re starting in the square with a zombie. So what you’re gonna need to do is shoot em when you’re crossbow. Yeah. Okay, so pop into the crossbow. So, yeah, so you’re gonna roll three dice. So roll all three of those. And you need a five or better on one of those three dice. So we gotta come back around this way. You got one five. Okay, so he’s gone.

All right. And then now you have. You have two more actions. Okay, so nice try. And get this door down. Yeah, you can. Yeah, you could. Or you could kill that zombie right there with your. Well, really with either one of them? This one’s one die, but you only need a three or better. This one’s three die, but you need a five or better. So it’s like, it’s really your call to build again. It’s another 1818 chances. Boom, there it is. So, yeah, so, and then if you want, you can bust that door down. So roll a four better on that guy.

Oh, no, no, no. He has one more. He has one more. But you don’t have a weapon that can bust the door down. You have bows. Yeah. Yeah. You don’t have a melee weapon. How did you do that door down? We fucked up. I was remembering his other character from the other game. I can go there and search that. No, you can move somewhere. Yeah, I want to move. You go back in here, or you can go there for some new territory. When can I place this dragon ball? You could do that now? Well, no, he’d have to wait until his next turn, but, yeah, you could.

You could put it right there and if something’s. Dang, he can go back, he can stay here right now. He’s got one more move. Yeah, instead of moving, you could put the dragon Ball right there. And this is where they spawn. This is where they spawn. It’ll be a free kill for you. Okay? So put this in that square with you, and then whenever the zombie spawns there, it will die. And you. You know where it’s at. So you’re not going to step up. That’s basically what it, what it boils down to. The zombies turn. Uh, yeah, yeah.

So, um, you know, I wouldn’t want to forget those zombies. This zombie is gonna move into the room with. This one’s gonna move. This one’s gonna move. Dang, man. Dude. All right, I’m all with it. Actually, you know what? This one spawns this one, but it immediately dies. Dies instantly. This is go. Is this day or is it gone? So I’m gonna have to look that up, man. I don’t know if it’s a one time use or if it sticks around and it’s a way of, like, barricade, you know, like, blocking off one. Yeah, so, um, good point.

I do need to look that up. I should have looked it up whenever he first pulled it. So during our little intermission, I just want to let you know that our hero here has decided to gung ho it on his own. And he has decided that, you know, sometimes when you’re like, six one and you’re just a mountain of muscle and you really don’t think you need anybody anymore, so you go on. You go on. You just do your own damn thing and you find yourself completely surrounded by zombies. Yeah. So this is what we need.

One over there. Just. Yeah, I do, man. They all coming, man. Yeah, I’m ready. I’m right here. Can I put my bible down there? It would have taken you two turns to get there. It would have taken. Yeah, it would have taken. Wow. Okay, so. So the dragon fire that we need to destroy the Necromancer’s laboratory or whatever, so once we find it and we kill the Necromancer, we’re supposed to use dragon bile and a torch, and that makes dragon fire. Well, the dragon Ball is gone. Well, I mean, there’s war. I’m sure. Dragon Ball car can be discarded from the hand and put in a dragon Ball pool.

That ring a woman later. A torch can be discarded. Yeah, it’s probably one use item, dude. No, no. Dragon Ball stays there forever. So you can leave the dragon Ball there and it will kill the zombies as they spawn. As long as it’s just a walker, it’ll kill the walkers. But if you had a torch, you could use an action and drop a torch on it, and it would destroy that spawn. So I want to know what’s going to happen to our hero. Right? Okay, so. So, yeah, let me put this up real quick, and then I’ll do my little turn.

They’ve already taken a plug out of me, man. Hey, I’ve got my homeboy. Got me. Okay, so I shot that one. There’s no more zombies out there that I can see. So I’m gonna go one, two, three. Appreciate. I’m on my way to. Man, if you’re still there. I thought it was a zombie’s turn. No, no, no. It just was. There was the. Oh, no. Yeah, you gotta take your plug. That was the only one that could hit. Yeah, was that one. So just. There was one in there with five. Yeah. So you got hit. But I would want you.

It was the only one that. Damn. It was a high rolling ass, dude. So action. So you did three actions. You killed the first walker and then did. What did you roll on your second? Action. Okay, so, yeah, so it didn’t kill it unless somebody gets you. Unless somebody can help you. So the crazy thing about this game is, like, once the door is open. Yeah. You have line of sight to this wall. I got it. You know I’m saying. So do I. Yeah. Understandable. I’m a little. I’m looking at my shit. Yeah. It’s like how far you can combat spill right here.

Yeah, it’s just like yours. Your square or the next one? Yeah, I got my ranges. That’s what my square or the next one square. So I have to move twice in my third one. I can have two, but I can’t wait. I can. But you can’t destroy it. Yeah. Okay. So what I’m gonna do is we pretty much clear all this out. There’s a door here. Damn. So this thing I can do is keep these off. Let’s keep them off. Yeah. Yeah, we’ll move on here. I’m taking her out. My strategy, like, for my character, is to kill some of these zombies.

Yeah. So we need to clear out. What, I tag this one, but it’s just not viable. I can’t. Yeah, I’m too far, but I can take care of Mary Poppins. Okay. My first bill didn’t work. Okay. So now it turns over. You see Mary Poppins? Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins right there. Look at that face. Yeah, man. That’s Mary Poppins. That’s for real Mary Poppins right there. Now, what is this, actually? That’s a spawn. That’s where they’re coming. The zombies are coming. From right there too. Hold on. Here. Here. She’s singing spoonful of sugar anymore. It’s not sugar.

Yeah, it’s not a room. So you’re in weapons to knock the door down. Yeah, you wouldn’t be able to open that. You can go back in here or you can go there. Let’s go over here and search that. That’s not a search. You’re in a corridor. You can only search rooms. Literally. There’s nothing for you to do. Yeah, I would just move three times. There’s nobody else to do that. Or. No, no, that’s it. Yeah. Cool. All right, so your turn now. As long as you get hit again, which sucks. This guy moves to here. Well, actually, because, well, you are fighting.

So. Yeah, he’s gonna. Either way, he’s gotta move there. So that one. There’s that one. This one moves here. And this one was here. So double spawn for this one. Damn, dude. Another double spawn. So. So. Oh, God. That’s not good. I like to do it. Oh, okay. Okay. Well, this is just fantastic. So double is four double. This is gonna be a short video. I gotta get more out of the box, man. I gotta have to sneak over. You know what? These three characters here, my niggas. Cole, what did you do, Mandez? I didn’t know they stacked up that he called, freaking down on us.

All right, so eight came out right here. The abomination came here, and the necromancer. All right, man. So, I mean, I’m looking for. I mean, if you don’t kill him now, you’re dead. I can’t kill him. You can on your turn. Oh, I have to have. Yeah, yeah. You have to have two actions. You have three. So you can. All right, so, yeah, as long as two of your actions hit, you’ll feel it. Which turn is it? It’s my turn. What I can do is. So I got two options. I can move into this square and take an action.

Then I have two actions with my hammer, which is a four or better or one die. Or I can shoot the crossbow at it from where I’m at and roll. Three die. But I gotta get five or better. And I gotta hit him two out of my three times. So kind of evens itself out. You have a two thirds chance. There’s 18 either way. Yeah. Five and six is one. Three of that. So I think the better action, because it would leave. If I leave me here, I could head these guys off at the pass. So I’m gonna move here.

You got about. You got one in three chances, basically what you have. You understand that, right? Yeah. You have one in three chance. Okay, mathematician. Calm down, bro. It’s a zombie game. Shit ain’t serious yet. Yeah, until these guys start moving. Then it’s serious. All right. Okay, so I need a four or better. I ain’t gonna get it. Neither is that. Two ones on, two. Different eye. But I’m in his face, so he’s not gonna move towards you. It’s your turn, buddy. I’m going for that next avatar soon, right. Don’t I get hit already? No, you already got hit.

That’s one of the hits, man. You got this, man. You got this, man. Four. Is it a four bed on yours? Yeah. So you got him, man. Let’s do right. I got one more action. You do? I go hide in that vault down there. I go right back in that vault. Yeah. There’s two zombies down there. Well, the problem is there’s no more zombies going in there, period. All the noises. Well, yeah, well, he fought, but. But, yeah, I’m right here right now. So they’re all gonna. Yeah, I just cast a spill. All focus is gonna be this way now.

Yeah. So I can defer that last action, right? You well deferred. Or you could move. You don’t have a range weapon. Yeah, if I was you, I stayed and I’ve already searched. You got one more head. Yeah, I would just defer to your turn. I’m gonna. I’m gonna stay in the square. Yeah, you can. It’s all gotta do. Its actions only do. So reactions you got? Yeah, and two of them need to hit two of you. Two of them take two points to kill. It takes two points. That’s a hit, right? Let’s put some mojo on there.

Let’s put some. Jojo, I need this. Yeah, look at that. Took him out. So it came out. But you also hit me with your first attack. I did? Because you missed the first one. I might be the dude that killed you in this game. That’s the same. I’m like Gandalf drunk. Friends like this, who needs enemies, man, I’m a terrible spoke out of. So that was your turn. What would you do? Well, I’m trying to figure out the worst when you dad start attacking. Gotta eat all of our lunch. Can I move to the x or what good is it to move to the x? You can’t move to the x.

You’d have to go through that door. There’s a wall there. You have to go through that door and then through there. Well, you know what? This game is about killing zombies. I know. I’m trying to figure out how to get there. So here. All right. And then here. And then you’ll have line of sight. You’d be able to attack one of you. Okay, let’s pop over there. Now that I rolled the dice, to attack. Yes. Oh, you gotta use crossbow or. Yeah. So do you want to use your longbow or your crossbow? Okay, so the longbow is one die, you need to roll a three or better.

That’s good chances. That’s good, man. That’s good. No, yeah. No, that was your last action. Okay, so. Zombies turn. Oh, yeah, you killed something. Zombies turn. Hey, do I get experience for ringing your bell node? Yeah, you just killed one zombie. So just goes down a couple. I only do one because I killed that big, bad dude. This is still one. Yeah, it’s just still one. Yeah, the only one that is more than one is the abomination. It’s five. I’m going back to kill that one. How many? Oh, it takes five points. Would have to hit it.

I’m a hit from distance. I mean, there’s a very good chance. Now, from what it was saying on the dragon Ball, like, if you catch him while he’s in it, you only have to do two. But, like, once he moves out of that, he has all three of his, you know, points or whatever. So it’s the zombies turn. It is. Okay, so none of them are in a square that they can make an attack. No, but that’s gonna move into this. Yeah, but I. That guy’s gonna move one. He’s gonna move one, move all the zombies back there, this one’s gonna move.

Yeah, these are all gonna move. He’s not. Well, yeah, he probably moved there, but what he does, he is going to spawn a runner. We got a runner. That’s the first runner. That’s the first running zombie on the board. Yeah, they can move two instead of just one. Cool. Coolness. All right, now we got spawn. We can feel this thing, man. Okay, so, man, your life points look like an integer. I didn’t realize that was a mistake. It’s terrible. So two walkers would spawn there in the dragon Ball, but they both died. No, the dragon Ball does.

Okay, yeah, no, he wouldn’t. It’s not a weapon that you’re killing them with. So you set a trap is basically what it was. Yeah, that would make it way worse if you were doing that. Yeah, you get into this yellow, and then I start. Instead of one walker, one brute, it’s two walkers or two brutes or fucking three runners. Yeah, it’s wild. Things been wild. Yeah. Get up in that yellow. This sucks. Yeah. Yeah. Reds. I mean. Okay. I’m looking at this from a strategist point of view. I just want to make an. I want to know something.

All right. Yes. Our mighty hero, Heather is inside there, but he can get out on his turn. He can clear all the way over to here. I’m a former scrap. Well, no, I mean, he taking two movement to get here. Oh, because the zombies there. Yeah. Oh, here’s what I’m seeing. This is the next possible place to search to get that we need here is the closest. Closest point. Yeah. Or. Well, look. So this is the thing, too. He opened this. He never went down here. So he gets two cards. So you could go down there and draw two cards.

Okay. Okay. Now for the rest of us, all right. I’m not trying to abandon our hero course, but I do want to make. I do want to make a very obvious point. The amount of resistance that we’re coming up to right here, to even get there, can be negated by just falling back, going through here while he’s coming this way, because there’s a door there. So this is the thing about line of sight, is he’s got line of sight, too. If he sees us go that way, he’s gonna follow us. He can’t move as far as we can understand, but he can move.

Okay. I’m just saying. Can move that way. I’m just saying he’s not smart. He’s not gonna go through that door from my perspective, I’m just seeing that it’s absolutely futile for me to move any further that way. I would just, um. Unless I just want to die with the rest of you. That’s the thing. Like, look, if I was playing your character with that, you know, you only have the mana blast or whatever, I would probably move here. All right, on your turn. Because by the time your turn comes around, this one will be dead. Cause I’m gonna kill this on my turn.

And my turn is next. So I’m gonna kill this one. Then he’s gonna go and do whatever he does, go down here and search. Whatever. Your turn. I would move to here, shoot this one with the mana blast, and then move back. Actually, I want to go to the vault because it gives me a chance to get two cars, too. Yeah, that or the impossible. These are gonna be here before I can ever get to that. Of course. Yeah. So the thing, too, would be. Okay. So once I kill that one, you move here, maybe kill this one with a second one, and then move into this room.

All right. And then on a subsequent turn, you’d be able to go down my turn. So I’m going to. Yikes. I’m just going. I’m going to swing my hammer at that one right there. Uh, nope. Wow. Nope. You’re not showing it very hard. Nope. I thought I would. Three. Freaking. I gotta roll it. Four. Better. Because it wasn’t a ranged weapon. Nobody else got hit. No. No. I mean, you swim pretty wild. Do I? Yeah. Yeah. No, only ranged weapons do that. It takes me one move then. So. Yeah. So moving into. Moving into the square is one.

Moving out of it would be two. So two. It’s two moves. Yeah. You still have a third action. Move back in. Move back in. Yeah. Oh, he’s gonna go down here. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I haven’t been down in this one either. I’ve only been in this one. I got you. We get the most cards, but all of us come in here. Yeah. Yeah. That’s the reason I have so many cards is because I’ve been in a boat. So basically what we’re doing, we’re in a position to fall back to the chamber. All. Absolutely. Cool. So also, we have made noise here.

So they’re gonna be moving. Yeah. They’re gonna come here. I’m going to go one, two in the ball. I mean, the ball. Okay. So you did. That’s all three of them. Okay. Three to get in. Okay. So I don’t get no cards, even though I’m gonna get attacked before. I mean. No, like your next turn, your first action will be search. Wait a minute. The zombies there have already been killed? Yeah. They’ve already come out and been killed. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. If we get down in there, we can use it as, like. Actually, it’s not that big of a deal because they can only.

Well, this group is gonna suck because they’ll all move into the same square at the same time. And most nice knowing you guys, I can hit one more time, I’m dead. I. If I come over here. Next move is the zombies. You’re gonna move forward? Yeah. These will move to here. This one will move here. Well, I think I’ll move that way. Okay. What I can read. So what I would do. What I would do to help the party, because we’re a team, is you can get down into this room and still kill one of. Kill this guy before you even move because it’s only going to take you one, two moves to get down here.

All right. But you could shoot that guy with your first. Okay, can I have. Well, that’s probably the best bet because no one tells in there. What’s it, either? Three or higher. So. Yeah, three or higher. So if you look. Are you really trying to get in here? Not really. I’m trying to kill guys. Okay. Yeah, that’s the main thing. Got him. Okay, now moving. So. So, yeah, now you can, you can either, like, because you can’t shoot these guys. There’s no diagonal line of sight. So you could. He could shoot that girl. You could try to shoot.

Or you can use this turn to go in there. Exactly, exactly. It’s your choice. These guys are all going to move up. Yes, they are. Yeah. That’s not until after your turn is over. Just a couple seconds. Yeah, yeah, I’m thinking about if they all move up there, I move down. Nope. If you stay there when they move up your next turn, you can use all three of your actions to kill three of them. I would use my last action to shoot that one. Just, just on the win that you kill her, man. It’s. No for the longbow.

It’s just one, but he’s got a three or better off. All right, so now you need to bring this up by two. And you’re in the yellow. We’re in the yellow now. Yikes. So, okay, so I’m about to show you. Yeah, I’m about to show you. Okay, so it’s zombie turn. So these all move up? Yes. The one moves to. The runner moves to. Yeah. No, the necromancer is not gonna move. Well, no, yeah, well, no, no, the necromancer will. Will stay where he’s Athenae, but he’s going to spawn. Uh, he is going to spawn two rockers instead of one runner.

Cool. Okay, he just came from back. I’m going to be. Yeah, he was back here. Uh, so then these guys need to be. Okay, so I can already retrace that epitaph, bro, since bad guards. All right, that’s terrible. Now I got to do the spawn. So double spawn almost do the bad card blood. Okay, so the double spawn is two brutes right here. Oh, actually, no, no, that’s, that’s wrong, because I’m going off of the yellow. Yeah. So it’s two walkers. So it’d be four walkers. Need more. I’m not gonna need anything in there. I can just go on the floor.

Yeah, I was anticipating a much longer video. Yeah, we’re out of there. Okay, so there’s that then here on that one. So the brute goes into the bow pit. Now, if somebody was over there to hit the brute on their turn, they’d only have to do one point of damage instead of two like normal. And then now this one is. Oh, so there’s only ever one necromancer. Yeah, that’s what it was. There is only one necromancer. Okay, well, he’s already on the board. Yeah, so he’s already on the board. So, yeah, that just, like, gets negated.

I’m gonna let wuffy out. Don’t hit the big boy. He gets cool. Okay, so, yikes. I’m going to use my repeating crossbow so I can shoot into that one. With all three of my actions. I roll three, die. I gotta roll a five or better on one of the three and it does one damage. So I could potentially kill three. Okay. All right, so that’s what I’m gonna do. It’s a five or better. So that doesn’t, you know, I rolled two fours. Nothing there. All of them right there. Jesus. And I get one. Our color action is to go down the wall.

Then I want to search. You want to search? One, two. You pulled a dagger, which is like, you know, just anything. And then this is a speed enchantment. So once per turn, select a survivor in a zone without zombies, they may immediately perform a free move, action of up to two zones. Can’t cast spells, though, but you can’t. So you’re down there with him. So if you want, you can give this to him and it’ll be a secondary spell like that, that arrow thing. Take that out and put that in. Well, that way you can cast speed on yourself.

So your third action was to give me the speed spell. Okay, so I need my two. My first action is to search. I’m in that vault. Okay. Oh, oh, okay. So you got invisibility. All right, so it’s an enchantment. It’s once per turn, the targeted survivor. Benefits of the rotten skills effect until the end of the game round. Now I’m gonna have to look up what rotten skills. You can mimic the zombie and the zombie thinks you’re one of them. Oh, yeah. Okay, that makes sense. If they attack or make noise, the enchantment is canceled, though, right? So it’s like.

Yeah, or whoever you decide. The second one, healing enchantment. Once per turn, the targeted survivor recovers one wound up to their starting total healing can’t be used to resurrect a survivor. I can actually give them a point back if you have another action and put it. So, look, the way it works, though, is you can only ever have two because I can use it over and over. Yeah. Yeah. You said basically you became a claire. I just became a clerk. I just became. I don’t even say that it’s gonna sound really. All right, look, you know, I forgot I had on that last turn.

My first action bolts. My very first action, I could reroll one of those to search. Yeah. My second action is to use the healing on him. Okay. So you need to bring your healing once per hour. I can heal anybody 1.1. As long as they can be healed well up to their starting total. Yeah. Yeah. So, like, I can be healed two times. He could have been healed. Yeah. So, like, you can heal it. So the next turn, if you turn every turn, anybody in the square with me, I can kill one point. Gonna need that.

We got some zombies coming, so that means you guys gotta protect me. Yeah, man. Yeah. I now have three. Yeah. So now you have this other skill. You get four actions per turn now. So I don’t go to yellow just because he did, right? No, no, no. You have to actually, like, earn your way up. But the zombies spawn as if we’re in yellow. Okay, so my second one. My second action is to come out of that vault there. I’m back in that room. That’s my search. You healed. You came out of the room, done. Cool.

Big debt. It’s your turn. Okay. He has four actions. So what do I have to load to make them work? Okay, so what do you. What do you want to do? Okay, so. So I would use this one because you have a better chance. Yeah, I would roll that. And if you get a three or better every. If you roll it four times, you get a three or better, you’ll kill four of them. Got that one. So that one’s gone, right? Nice kill. Nice kill. Nice, Mandy October. No, you missed on the first one. That was all that jungle training.

That was. Yeah, I wouldn’t pan them all, but close this back up. Okay, so none of them can attack. So they all move up. All of them come up. Push those up. Wow. Now we spawn. He’s gonna spawn. Damn. Got those woods right there. Got the back against wall. There they are. So two walkers here. Beneficial leave that door right now. Yeah, it’s beneficial right there. So the decor, master? Hold on. No, this is wrong. It’s one runner. I keep looking at the blue. Good. So one runner. That one is two brutes. Oh, wow, that sucks.

I like how many brutes are coming out of this one bad. And then, dude, is this a brute. He looks completely different than the other ones. They just got a couple of different poses. We gotta be in there with him to kill him. Yep. Or you gotta be in range. Line of sight. You got a long range. You shoot somebody to rhythm. You have to, I mean, shit, to kill anything in that square, you have to be right here. No matter, no matter what your range is. Well, no, you could be here. Look at these giants, man.

Yeah, it gets bad. It gets bad. It’s bad. He gets bad. Whenever somebody jumps out into, into the yellow like. And you’re well on your way, you’re killing a lot of things. So who’s going? Arrow. So he’s got a bow there? No, all that does. He doesn’t have it. But that just allows you to reroll one, one attack that you miss. Yeah, that’s because you can attack in the same square. So like these zombies, like you have to attack them with this, not this. Okay. Yeah, it’s different. Okay, so sound like a good idea? Yeah, well, yeah, I mean.

Okay, so these are spell cards. I can use these all over and over? Yeah, yeah. Once per turn. Yeah, those are your, those are your weapons, basically. Now you can use a melee weapon, but like, those are the weapons that you want to draw is the spells, as the spellcaster. Okay, so my turn. I can’t move out of the square, so I am going to use my repeating crossbow. Okay. All right, I’m gonna roll three. So I got three attacks. I need a five or better on one of these. Three die. It’s a one die, but I gotta roll a four better.

Just a little bit better of a chance on this. And it only takes one to kill these guys. So eight kill one. I’m going to choose the runner. Cause he only takes a while. No, but I’m going to use this and re roll that. There you go. And I kill that one and then this goes in the bottom. Then I’m going to try to kill one more. That’s not going to work. All right, nice. Yeah, so I mean for all three were as same one. Okay, well, I can’t since there’s zombies in your deal. So does that say that anybody within your line of sight or do they got to be in the same squares? No, no, these read as if I take my turn as you guys are playing because whenever you come across problems, I speed you, I can make you invisible, but that’s my turn.

When I come around, I’ve done everything I’m allowed to do. I was using these cards as you guys are fighting. You understand? Well, yeah. Yeah. Like, the speed would, for sure. Yeah. So there’s no way these cards would ever be able to be used unless you are in the middle of doing something. So I use these cards while you’re doing it, and then it takes one of my three times. Know what I mean? Makes sense because there’s no other way for me to do it. There’s just. There’s no way for me to use these because these cars only benefit other.

I know that the speed thing is like, what’s like in D and D? It’s like I give you. I’m a cleric, and I give you, like, a plus two bonus on your attack or whatever. I do that on my turn, but you get it on your next attack. So this mean thing, if that person is in a square with a zombie, you can’t even use that. I understand that still. But still, I can do it when someone’s doing a search, and I can. I can give them two free moves if there’s no zombie or so. So the next round, I’m gonna start using these spells to help you guys.

I’m still gonna hang back now, but for right now, I’m gonna kill you. Okay? Yeah, yeah. He’s the only one in the same spot. I got line of sight of everything going on in here. Everything going on here. That’s one of my turn. That’s. That’s. I can only do it once per turn. Now, the other thing I’m gonna do is, uh. Is it okay? Nobody’s in any danger. So just for y’all’s reference, if somebody is getting. Is in. Is in real danger of dying, I can make them invisible. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then the zombies will leave them completely alone for the whole game.

Round. All the way around. Yeah. Just one round. Yeah. Well, from, like, yeah, back to your turn or whatever. So. So I’m going out of that room, though. Also. Also, will this car. Can I use this? Can I use a term to give this card? Anybody that can use it, you have to be in the same square. Oh, um. So you’ve done one. Yeah. So the only person that it would affect is because he’s got a longbow, so it would give him a chance to reroll something if he missed a roll. You could use that. All right, reroll that roll.

Take one for the team. I’m moving in here. I’m giving you that. That’s much harder. Cool. So, like. So you’re about to attack right now. Yeah, probably about to attack those two guys right there. If you miss one of your attacks, you can say, hey, I want to use that. And you reroll that attack as if you hadn’t rolled it. Four actions. And you have four actions. So, yeah, it just depends on. So for these. Oh, actually, this is only going to be for this. So for these guys, you got to use this, which is three dice.

Yeah. It’s zero range. And you got a. You got to roll a five or better on one of those dice. Okay, so that’s one. Well, you definitely roll two fives over there. I know you ain’t gonna be able to get that. Okay. So, no, you got two more rolls. Yeah, you have four actions. So you killed those two with that one. Now you can use your longbow. You can attack that guy. We do start attacking that guy. Okay. So the only problem, though, is that guy, you only have two actions. So even if you hit him with your two actions, he takes three points to kill.

How many points I got? Well, you’d only be able to generate two, so I wouldn’t even shoot him. What I would do is this has a range of one to three. So. So it’s 1223. So you could shoot something over here. You can either kill both of these guys or I try to hit him twice. Yeah, he’s the bruiser one, so it depends on who he wants to kill. Do you want to shoot two walkers or do you want to shoot him twice? Okay, so what are you trying to use? What is he going to get? So he needs to use this one.

He needs a three or better on one. Die. I’m using a longbow. Yeah, longbow. Okay, so there’s that one. Roll it one more time. And if you. If you get a three or better, then he’s dead. Boom. Wheelchair. So move that three. Look, it’s good and it’s bad because he’s getting real close to that red, and you don’t want him to get in that red. Yeah, it’s not good. We’re saving everybody. All four. Someone square. Well, my thing, though, is, like, if you save us and you get into the red before they, you know, everybody gets good enough equipment to fight things like that red thing.

You thought the yellow was bad. Holy moly. I’m seeing orange and then red. I’m seeing your strategy of us going this way. And, like, I honestly, I could go down here, search. We should all fall back to here. Fall back and let you start? Yeah. And then he could go down there and search as well. See? You two can come up on some more stuff while. We’ll break this door down. We got it. We got. We got to get over here because we’re gonna make this. We’re not gonna make this. Not yet. Yeah. And we gotta get away from this.

Oh, yeah. He’s rough. So let’s. Let’s. Let’s go that way. It is the zombies turn. Okay, so zombies turn. So those guys all move. These guys move up. Damn this socks. This guy moves. One, two. God. Leave this socks. Look at that. Okay. Nice. Spawn runner. The necromancer. Spawn corner then. All right. No spawn. Cordental. Oh, that was in the second one. The walkers. There’s four walkers. They spawn in the dragon Ball, they die. They die. Okay, cool. Dragon Ball, man. Dragon Ball. Yeah. Kind of shuts that down from walkers now. Yeah, because there’s three spawn spots now.

If somebody was to find a torch and get over there and, like that, it would kill that spawn spot. Nothing would spawn there ever again. Go. Wait for that. Where are you gonna hold on board. Okay. Um, so we’re all in the same spot. I’ve got you. You’re. You’re able to defend yourself in every aspect. You got sword and short sword. I was just seeing, like, I’ve got a short. Short sword and a sword, like, if anybody needs one. All right, so if you are good, then, like, really on the cool. Like, it doesn’t even matter.

Okay, so roll. Moving two, and then search. That’s all. Three. Remove. Oh, my goodness. Hope you got some good stuff. I got a chainmail armor. Do you know? I do. What does that mean? So what it does is if I get hit, I can roll. Like, if I get hit by, like, a zombie, not like you. If I get hit by a zombie, I can roll. And I have to roll, like, four or better. All right. To actually. Because I’ve got Iron hive. Even without armor, if a zombie hits me, I can roll a five or better and negate the attack with this and the iron hide.

It’s a three or better, and it negates that attack. The other one’s a hand crossbow. Okay. What action did you do it, man? Three. What’s on? Gonna be the door. Like, as a part of that turn, I am gonna switch because it does just as much damage, but it’s better. Okay, so the doors broke open. All right. You’re allowed to say so it’s my turn. Yes. Okay. Who is this in the square? That’s him. How you looking? You’re looking good. So I’m gonna abandon you. You’re looking good. I’m going. Here’s one turn. My second turn is to heal him.

Point. Okay, cool. Thank you. All right. And my third turn is. Cause I’m in here, I’m gonna shoot one of them. So look. So for the purposes of movement, this counts as two. So I’m not there. So you have to. Yeah. You have to move to this one to get the line of sight. Okay, well, I’m there, so you’re there. Cool. Okay. Should I just keep on killing or. It’s up to you. Really? On the cool. You’ve got the best chance of killing that guy. Yeah, if you wanted to get away. No, we’re trying to bust out here to bust through.

Yeah. Yeah. That’s where we get more searches. Okay. Okay, so you’re trying to kill that guy. Oh, no. You don’t have line of sight for them. You have to move twice to get line of sight for them. So you can shoot here. Here. He’s got four actions. Oh, yes. One, two, you could try to clear. All right, so you’re gonna use this one. So row one, die. You need a three or better, something else. And then one more time. Yeah. This will be your last. No, but you did. Yeah. That’s your turn. Nope. Could you move twice? One, two, three, kill another attack.

Yeah. Take dead to Vegas, the corn shark. Okay, so y’all did all that thing. So zombies turn. Nobody. Nobody can attack. These guys can move into there with you. Look at this zombie army. Oh, but you already know. He ran in here with us. Yeah, the runner did. Yeah. And then this runner is gonna go, one, two. These guys are gonna move up. These guys are gonna move up. He’s gonna spawn another runner. You might have to go to the bathroom, but all right. Clean. Okay. And then now we spawn. So two runners there. But they die.

Yeah, they die because they only take one point. And then three walkers here. It’s all right. They can chase us as long as we keep staying on the move. Long as we stay on the move. Because, look, when we all get down here, let that tail in. No, we hit it. No, we hit that door, and we cross over this door. We clean this area out. The key here is not to fight all these bastards. Yeah, because if you break this door, the only way in here is through that door. They have all come to here, go through, and it becomes.

We might get a car that allows us to create a barrier. All right, so it’s my turn, right? I’m in this vault. So if I move out of the vault, I’ll be in there with this guy. I do have line of sight up into this room. So we have this. Where do those two zombies come from that are in there? They came from here. He killed one of three, I think. Okay, I’m gonna shoot this hand crossbow at this guy, this runner. So I need to roll two and I need a three or better. I got it.

So he’s dead. So then I go up to seven. I get a skill, which is plus one action. So I now have four actions and it goes into effect immediately. So I still have three actions left. I did not move up a skill when I killed that last one because you’re not in the red yet there. Oh, yeah, you only go up whenever you get. So you got like the blue. That’s your blue skill. That’s your yellow. This doesn’t go until you get here. Okay, so I got three more actions. So I’m gonna move up into the room.

There’s one, right? Yeah. So I got two more actions. I’m going to use the hand crossbow to shoot both of these guys. If you kill these guys, we’re going to kill these guys. These guys are like less. Yeah, you could move or you can kill this guy and move and get to the door if I clear them out of your way, you know what I mean? Yeah, he kills them out. You go, you move. You gotta remember too. Like, I just got armor. If they hit me, then I can negate that with a roll. All I have to do is roll a three or higher and I don’t get.

It’s like I didn’t get hit. Three or better. Okay, so there’s that one and there’s that one and then that’s my whole turn. Killer, all of a sudden. All of a sudden. All of a sudden. Waited all your life when you get hard on a board game. Goddamn. Okay, so, oh, yeah, you move out and then if you get. You gotta get him twice. Yeah, you definitely got him. So this one got him. Damn. Nice, killer. Nice. Yeah, you need to move your little thing. Okay, so it is my turn. How many? Uh, just one. Okay.

All right. You just know that when this next door goes down, all zombie attention is on us. So yeah, they’ll probably all like diverse and go back this way. Yes, yes. So this is what I’m going to do. Oh, you can’t destroy a door anyways. Yes, I can. It doesn’t have a door symbol on it. Oh, it doesn’t. And I don’t have a sword, although I could wield one. You could build one. Yeah. But you’d have to take up one of your slots. Yeah. This slot may hold a sword instead. Yeah. Yeah. You don’t have to wear armor.

Oh, wow. That goes right there like that. I didn’t even notice that. It’s a little slot. Yeah, that’s where my armor. That’s where your armor, your shield typically put a lot of forethought into this. Yeah. For real. So I’ve been over 30 years playing it. Yeah. I invented a lot of games when I was enjoying. They just. I’ll tell you what. You remember that NASCAR game I had? I made a NASCAR game. You don’t remember that? I was racing cars and stuff, man. Oh, yeah. No. I didn’t know you on east officers came to play. We used to get the hot pot and get the officers lose money.

They paid too. And we people bring stuff back in the kitchen. Meat. So we chop it all up. Eggs and stuff. Tortillas. You have like, a. Basically a griddle. Yeah. With a hot pot underneath the table. You’d be cooking it up. Officer, what you got? Let me get one. Yeah, I wouldn’t break the officer off so they don’t go tell on you. I wouldn’t have got seven years for a cell phone. And, boys, the officers bringing phones in all the time. Hey, I’m gonna heal you. One point. Oh, okay. That’s my first turn, so, yeah, I’m all the way healed.

That’s my first turn. Nice. I’m gonna heal you. Hold on. I’m going to make one move here. Here. Oh, okay. Yes. It’s kind of on. You know what I need. I need to. Who is this? Okay, on his next move, there’s no zombies in that. In that square. So that square, his next move. You’re gonna do the. You’re gonna. Okay, so they immediately. They may immediately perform a free move action up to two grids. Okay, so. So what I would do is I would. Yeah. So he’s gonna have to destroy that door before he can move because he’s not gonna want to move here.

Right? He’s one. He’s going in. They may immediately perform it. Move action. Okay, but this is of up to two zones. He may not want to move zones, period. Yeah. Return to zone. Oh, it says free move action. So it’s gonna be moving from. Yeah. So what do you like? If it’s like, you see him, you’re in line of sight. He’s way over there, and he can get away from. He’s trying to get away from some zombies, okay? It’s not gonna benefit him. So. So what it is, is I’m using this spell on whoever this is, okay? That’s dead.

Yeah. I’m gonna use this spell on him. He can move all. He can automatically do it. Right. Why did you do it on your turn? This is why business. Because this is. This gives him his movement out of there to join us. But he can use all of his attacks against these range because he’s got that. Oh, that’s true. Yeah. And then he can move. So I’m using this so you can get your free movement out of there, but you need to use all your turns to attack them. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Makes sense. So you’re gonna use your longbow.

Yeah. It’s only gonna happen. You’re shooting one, two. Yeah. It’s two away. Yeah. The other one won’t shoot that far. So what is he trying to get? Thor. So he’s got a three or better on one die. So. Okay, my question is this. Are you shooting these walkers? Are you shooting this guy? Because it’s gonna take me three turns to kill him. Same as the walkers. Just one square. I get the walkers. Okay, so. So we’ll knock him down. It’s killed. Ticker goes up. Yeah. Well, yeah, I’ll keep track of everything and move it. Damn. This guy here, that’s from being in the 1960s, shooting craps all the time.

You got one more. One more, huh? Okay, so that’s a two. So that’s a miss. But you can use this and re roll. Reroll. See all these benefits I’ve been giving you? Hold on. Hold. Those are all your attacks. But I cast a spell so you can run out of that room. Now you can move. Yeah. Boom. Now you can join us. Cool. Perfect. He’s not coming this way. No. Well, yeah, he is. I’m in his last site. Yeah. So zombies turn. It is zombie’s turn. So these guys all move in here with me. Man. It’s going down.

They’re coming this way. There we go. This way. No. You haven’t busted the door yet. No. Come up here. Yeah. And then we do the. Now it’s gone. Yeah, we’re working together now. So he’s already on the board, so he can’t spawn. He’s already on the board, so he can’t spawn. Okay. And then nobody’s in the red. Okay. Or the orange. I mean, so three walkers spawn here. Excellent. Yeah, we got a little relief this time. Yeah. Especially you guys, because that’s the spawn point. All right, big John, it’s on you. It’s on you. Nice. Okay, so I can use all three of my actions to move one square, or I can try and take this guy out and I can do it.

And. Okay, so advice. I got a hand crossbow that I can shoot him within the same square. I roll two dice, and I need a three or better to get one point of damage. So I need to do it all three times. No, I got four actions, so I need to do it three out of my four actions or my hammer does two damage. All right. Every time I swing it, if I hit it. But it is one. It’s one die, and I need to roll a four better. I’d go with that. I’ll go with that.

Yeah. Okay. Okay. I’m gonna swing the hammer until it’s dead. So you got. So basically, basically you have four swings at 50% chance. Yes. Two hit points. Yeah, pretty much, yeah, I need two of the four. Basically you need two. All right, so that’s not it. Mmm. Wow. Damn, I’m gonna die. No, I know. He’s gonna have to hit me and I can roll again. Yeah, dude, I’m the tank. Like, I’m now the tank. Now they. Now they all get to attack you during a room, right? Yes. I start in the room with them. They, they get attacks on me, but I get to roll armor again.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. You do it for. All right, so now that you’ve made noise, these guys are all going to still come to me, but these guys are all going to come this way. Yeah, that’s the second. So that’s okay. So that’s just a regular deal. You get five experience. Yeah. Your turns over, maybe. What’s your next thing down here? This little. That’s what those are for. Those, it just gives you a bunch of extras. So what is it? Plus one action. Plus one action. So you immediately now have one extra action. You might search the room.

Yes. Yeah, man. We find us. Wow, an axe. Okay, so it’s not that good. You found an axe. I mean, it doesn’t. It’s just as good as the sword. Well, that’s not really your thing either, though. Like, like, it’s really not my thing either. I just been getting lucky with this. Well, right now, everybody in the pocket right now everybody’s looking really good. So I’m going to use my healing on me. Yeah, yeah, I’m using my healing on me. Then I’m going to step back in here. You step back in here. Well, you are kind of a tanker.

You want to move in here and search? Yeah, bro, they hit me. Well, unless I keep rolling. Crappy third movie, plenty of bolts, none of this shit. I mean, I can use it. So could he. Really? Yeah, it’s just a. Yeah, cool. It’s just a reroll. Hard box. It’s all you. Yeah, I think you pretty much got your badass. Yeah. Cool with all them spells. Yeah, that was good. Search. You’re gonna go in here and search. Okay. Actually, they’re all down here. Yeah, but search. Found a torch, so I need to get back over there. Yeah, well, good luck, but I would hang on to it because it’s definitely a good.

That’s a passive. That’s a straight. There’s no door there. Yeah, no, no, no. Yeah, this is a. Yeah, this is open ended here. Yeah. Yeah. Now, this is a wall, but, like, this is a way that you can go into this whole area. Yeah. All right, so what you need to do is use your turns, catch up with us, since we’re all fixing this big chamber. Uh, okay, look, I have to use three of my four actions to get out of there. Oh. To get away from them. He’s not done. He’s not done. No. Okay, so you moved search.

You got two more actions. Okay, so we don’t. So you could literally move into here and search. Yeah, yeah, we’re gonna do. You can. Okay, so this is kind of like right here. So it’s. This is the square. So you can move here and move this and then search instead. Okay, so he’s gonna search. Found another torch. Damn, they’re not helping much. They will, though. Well, we’ll get back there. Well, so we need another dragon Ball because one of these. One of these x’s is going to flip over and be blue, and that’s the entrance to the necromancer’s laboratory.

So we have to have a dragon’s bot and a torch to destroy the entrance. That’s the objective. I got one more move. You shouldn’t know that should be for move, search. Move, search. Yeah, so that’s cool. So we do have a logistic problem with you. Doesn’t matter how tough you are, you’re about to get overland. You need to fall back so we can have line of sight and help you make sense. Okay, so what I can do is it’s one, two, three. Okay, I move back. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. That’s why I said you’re gonna get a shinoba beach because all three of these are going in there.

Yeah. So they’re gonna move. Oh, I can’t move then I’m not gonna be able to move out of there, all right. Because now there’s too many zombies. Yeah. So it’s one to move out of there. So it’d be 123456 actions to move out of that square. Yeah. We have to come back and fight. We did just. We did this. Gung ho. 3.2 foot high dwarf. Get us all, get us all wired up. All right. They’ve all moved. It all started with my fucking. Yeah, I didn’t even come down from here. I didn’t even come to this end.

I went down there. Oh, shit. These ain’t gonna move. Oh, yeah, this thing moved. Uh, man, look at this. You ain’t gonna survive. The two that were in my square. Yeah. They get an attack on me. Yes, you do. That. That I need to roll against. So it’s one. I need a three or better two times. Okay. Three. That negates that one. I got a three. That negates that one. So I did not take any damage. Lucky. Beep. Yeah, how the hell you so beep beep? Look. Beep. Lucky. So I got chainmail, armor and Ironhide working together.

This stuff, man. Cool. So my turn. I can’t fall back. I have to kill. I must kill. Well, it’s not even gonna matter if you just take out the small ones, you know what I mean? You must just go for that big dude. Yeah, cuz we’re all gonna come back and take care of the small ones. All right, so I’m gonna attack the abomination. Gonna use my hammer. I need a four better two times out of four attacks. Hey, there’s one. That’s two. So he’s dead. What took you back? Yeah, so I need to move up 512-3451 more attack.

Trying to take out that runner because it can move farther. That’s not going to be okay. Those are better though. It does? Yeah. It’s good that that abomination is okay. We’ll check this out on him right now. Okay, so no. So that’s a spell. What about, like, it’s one of your spells? I understand. You can use it over and over. I understand, but I only have three things I can do. Return. Okay. Okay, well, this. Well, when it’s my turn, I have two left. Doing this? Yeah. While he’s fit. Taking his turn. Yeah. I don’t know why you’re trying to hand it to me.

I know what it does. Immediately. Right now, you can move up to two movements. Yeah. Won’t cost you any of your actions at all. Yeah, but only got me the room. Yeah, yeah. Now you still got all three. So then, yeah, um. Yeah, yeah. To move into it, it doesn’t cost anymore. Now if you try to move out, it costs. I like using these pills. I ain’t gonna fight six, so. Yeah, the runners, any of them. Yeah, they all cost the same to kill. That runner’s got a kill? Yeah, he’s the one that’s got the movement.

Man, look at this dude. He is killing it. Nice. That’s how my moves, is it? No, you got a third attack. You got a third attack. Yeah. No, yeah, you have four actions. Okay, so hold on. So. So the movement you did was the spell I gave you. Yes. Now. And then he used one movement to get here. I got you. Okay. And then he used three. Yeah. Okay, so now you’re in a pain with your. Yeah, I got a dagger, I got a sword and short sword. Okay. I got a repeating crossbow that you have.

So I can. I can give you with one of my actions. So I’m right here. I have to tell that, like, on my next. I have two actions. Makes sense. But I don’t have line of sight on the diagonal. No. Yeah, you have to move out. It’s not cool. So. Oh, who was it that needed to play a ball? Bolts. Anybody with a crossbow, either me or him. You already have plenty of bolts, don’t you? Have you used it? No, I haven’t used this one. No, no, no. So plenty of bolt, bolt. Oh, no, he had plenty of arrows.

Now, it’s the same thing as plenty of arrows, but it’s, when you use this, it’s just reroll and miss attack is all it is. No, you have no line of sight. Anybody. You don’t have any line of sight to anybody because this is a wall that goes all the way across here and across here. All right? You can come out here and then come here, and then you shoot them. All right, well, you have to have line of sight, and it can’t be diagonal. I don’t want to abandon, but if I come over here to where y’all are at, I leave him alone, which.

He’s the most safe person that there is. Yeah. So if I go across here, it’s gonna draw all attention to. Yeah. It’s because these guys have line of sight. Got you. They’re gonna see you go across, they’re gonna try and go and follow you and start taking these out. And we take these out. We’re using speed. So what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna come back over here for another two months. Okay. I’m gonna stay right there. That’s my best run. Okay. What do you do? Okay, well, I need certain time. Those guys that are close over there, and I have to move two, you gotta come back.

Yeah, you’ll have to move. You got four moves. You got four actions. It’s gonna take you one to get here. It’s gonna take you two to get here. Then you got two attacks, if that’s what you want to do. Or you can go one, two, three and attack one here. What I’m concerned with is all the zombies coming back in. How many are going to come in? We don’t know. It’s always random. You know, if you come here, we can. Yeah, we can all fight together. Let’s get me over there. That’s one, two, three. You got one attack.

One, two, three, you got one attack. Yeah. You want to use your crossbow or do you want to use your longbow? Well, I think the crossbows are all in the same area, and this longbow will come in handy later on, perhaps. Uh. Well, I mean, either way, it’s all right. So just this roll. All right, so with the longbow, three, you roll, one die. But it’s a three or better. With the crossbow, you roll, three die. But you have to get a five or better on one of those. Three die. I go with one roll, one roll, three times a five.

That’s almost 51. And third chance. It’s good. It’s still one third chance. It wouldn’t have mattered either way. Yeah, wouldn’t matter either way. But now that you’re in the room with me on my next turn, I’m gonna give you this. See long, that’ll give you a. Well, that’s for that, though. Yeah. I’m gonna give you this. So you’ll have multiple shots. Yeah. If you miss a shot, then you can, like, redo it. All right, zombie, start with the crossbow. Yeah. Look at that. Yeah. Those guys, uh, yeah, because they saw people running the room, right. These guys are gonna go, here they go.

Here they go there. These guys are gonna go here, man, this ain’t our bacon here. It kind of has. He’s gonna. Because he’s gonna spawn another runner. Is not well done. Now, these two were in the room with you, with us. So, like, I’m the tank. So it’d be better if they tried to hit me. Why do the zombies get to hit two people apiece when we can’t? No, no. They’re both gonna try and hit me. Okay, but he’s there too, so he gets ignored. He’s gonna get ignored on this one. Yeah. Now, I don’t know.

I mean, like my thing is they saw me kill the abomination. So the way it makes sense that they would go after. What I’m saying is everything goes by how many turns you can attack return. So if, if I have three attack. If I have three actions per turn, I can use those three reaction. They own zombies. They only have one action. Yeah. So there’s no way one zombie can attack two people. That’s not what I’m trying to do. Gotcha. Yeah, they’re both going to attack me one time each. All right. So they automatically hit. I get to roll an opposed.

I need a three or better to negate their damage. So that got one of them. So I didn’t take any damage. Now that the zombies are done, it’s my turn. I can hit him and kill him with one hit if I hit. All right, well, with my hammer, zombies aren’t done. My spawn. Oh, all right, so nobody’s in the red yet or the orange yet. So this one’s getting three walkers, man. It popped up right there. Yeah, that’s the first pool. This one is. That one’s getting one runner, but it dies. This one, oh man. This one gets one abomination.

Guys, it’s almost now. Everything slipped. Now it’s better if we break through this and come back this way. Everything’s flipped, man. So this is the thing. He’s got two torches. All right. Eventually one of us is going to draw a dragon bomb. Most likely, yes. Right? Yeah. So what I would do is I would have two people with a torch each. Alright. So like, it just depends. Like, yeah, you can make it happen. Pretty much anybody move. So I could use one of my actions actually, I. To take that. And then I can actually give you a sword if you want it.

Just to have. Yeah, you don’t need it, but just sometimes I don’t need to hang on to it because you’re. You’re going to. All right, so, so on your. What’s happening here? Okay, so I’m taking a torch from him as one of my actions and I’m going to give him this sword to have so he’s not using it. He’ll just have it just in case he needs it. So you still like you might need to bust the door down. You use an action to equip a sword, you can bust the door down. So you still got three moves.

Actions. I’ve still got three actions. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to use the first one to attack him. If I kill him, then I naturally just move to the next ones. Okay, so one, I need a forward better. That ain’t gonna do it. Jesus. That ain’t gonna do it. I’ve never seen any, so I’m telling you right now, I think the dice loaded to the bad. Dude, you got some really bad rolls. Yeah, you need to give me one of them dice. It just rubbed my bad. No joke off on that one.

All right, killer, over here, Cole. And dead. And knocking them. Knocking them dead. I’ve got 14 kills. What are you talking about? You got some? Oh, that might be from, like, a guy. Yeah. He has to have two damage. It’s gonna take two actions to move out, so you pretty much have to use a special car or something. Yeah, that’s the thing. All right, so my turn? Yeah. All right, well, we’re doing good because nobody needs to be healed. Church doing really good. Nobody needs to be healed. So I’m avoiding. What do we got to do to kill this dude? Uh, two damage and.

Yeah, so you can shoot him with two mana blasts. I need four through six. You know you got a runner in your square. What’s up, dude? I don’t know. He’s fast. Well, I mean, I guess y’all can kill that one. I guess. Well, I mean, he could kill him, like, as long as he gets killed before. Oh, okay, cool. Yeah, just set it over here. That’s cool. That’s one of my moves. That gives plenty of bolts. And this other move, I’m attacking that runner. The runner, he’s dead, and there’s no sense in attacking the other one.

Oh, yeah, because you won’t be able to kill him. But you have line of sight out here. I do. So you can get one of them Mary Poppins. All right, your turn. So you have ranged weapons. You can shoot him or you can shoot some of these guys. Well, those guys are. Two hitters are staggered. Oh, man. Yeah, yeah, they’re gonna get us. Well, which ones are most appropriate? Being at the big guy there. Well, so you’ll be able to kill more of these guys because it’s gonna take you two turns to kill that guy. Okay.

After you turn, more is coming, and I need a repeating crossover. Well, I mean, you can use either one, but I got more arrows, so you. Well, yeah, they’re both unlimited, but what this does is if you roll an attack and miss, you could burn this card and get that attack back. Reroll. It’s the same thing as what you had over here, that one. So you’re shooting out here. Okay. Take out Murray, Paul. Oh, are you using this? I wasn’t going to use that. Okay, we’ll just say that you use this on this turn. Okay? And then if you want to use that, you’re gonna need to roll three dice, but you’re gonna have to get a five or better.

Well, that’s no problem. That’s one in three chance. Wow. Three full is. How’d that happen? Really? Oh, hold on. You can burn this and get that attack back. All right. There you go, stupid. Geez, your mojo up. Say it’s past your bedtime. There it is. Okay, cool. So, um. Yeah, cool. So those three attacks, that was three attacks. One was a free. One was a free. Yeah. Okay, so you got one more attack. Got him. Got him. Knocking him out. And the beautiful thing about it is they’re all getting closer. Yeah. Dude, zombies. Turn. Okay, so that guy is gonna try to attack me.

I need a roll. Three or better. Okay, well, actually, the attacks go first. Before you even move all these, he decides to jump ahead of everything. All right, so I negate the attack runner then. Yeah, so he was the only one that could have attacked. And then now we gotta spawn. Okay, one brute that went to runners, they die. Awesome, man. That’s awesome. That one is one runner. We got a runner. We got a runner. Nice. Okay, so I turn. I’m surrounded by zombies yet again. So we got a bunch of two hitters. If I can hit these guys with my hammer one time, they die.

Here, man. Use a better dice, mandy, you think it’s a better one? Dude, the dice you got is closed. But except for on, whenever they hit me and they’re like, crazy. Check this out. Check this out. Let me see the dice you got. I’m gonna do something different. Neither one of us are ever going to know. Oh, that’s true at all. If I’m giving you back your original dice, I don’t know why we’re doing all this mojo crap anyway. So I’m gonna just roll hammer attacks on big guys is what I’m gonna do. So a four.

Better. So that drops him. Awesome. Another attack. It’s a three. That’s a five. So I drop him. It’s hammer time. It’s hammer time. And that’s a three. I did. I did kill two of them now. A little better. You knocked out two little overs, man. That’s pretty good. All right, so that’s one strike. So you could. You could kill him outright or you can. Well, I got four moves, so. Yeah, okay. Yeah. All right, so that’s a four. That’s one. One strike. Yeah, so that’s one. And then. Yeah, as long as you do it again. Boom.

Yeah, so you can literally just. I do a movement. So you can move over here. But like, if they don’t take these guys out, you’ll be subject to an attack. So I’ll have to like randomly one attack my one. Just a. Yeah, because, you know, zombies are coming. You don’t have any range. Detects a dagger, a sword. So we can use. Listen, we can use your last action and I can give you a repeating crossbow. Yeah, you can’t use this round. You would be able to use it this round, but you. But right now I can give it to you and you can put it in your active thing or whatever.

Good deal. Good deal. Yeah, this is like your backpack, basically. It’s like things that you have that you don’t necessarily have access to. So those would actually go in there. Because your backpack has a limited amount of things that you can carry. You can actually drop things. So if you have equipment that doesn’t, that you don’t need, you can say, hey, I’m going to just drop this. And it drops on the ground and disappears from the game. Nobody else can pick it up. The only way that another person would get that equipment is if you give it to them using an action.

All right, well, I’m gonna tell you guys now that speaking isn’t an act in this game. It is not. So I’m telling you now, as I am blasting this dudes, I’m telling everybody that we need to use our. Our next breath to run straight this way. We’re not. This, this is gonna be time. So assuming. So you are gonna go, then he’s gonna go, then it’s gonna be their turn to move here. So that’s a lot easier to deal with than all that. They’re all hitting this way. That’s true. All right, we can get over here and we have free reindeer to start exploring over here.

Okay. I’m just telling you. I’m just telling you we’re gonna get bogged down over here. Yeah, for real? Cuz more. Because before we can kill those more spawns. Yeah. So this we can all literally sacrifice a term. Oh, they’re gonna be in the way. Right, but hold on. They’re not coming this way at all. They’re going. Yeah, look, we just fought a bunch of big monsters right there. No line of sight. Rose, diagonal rule. And they hear. I know. We’re gonna be following all the other ones. Nobody can see that way. That’s. They adhere. It’s in the rules.

Trust me. All right. Yeah. Like we’re melee attacking. You’re shooting things with arrows and crap magic. You’re not making as much noise as we’re making. I’m just saying, I’m trying to play the game the way it’s supposed to be played. I’m playing attacking. One new. Take him out. He’s gone. The spell. So these guys. Yep. Do another one. No good in the third. 3rd attack is. Got it, got it, got it. Oh, I got one. I got no turn. Oh, you leveled up. Yes, did leveled up. So you get one more action automatically. I get one more action automatically, yes.

Yeah. You’re not gonna be able to kill any of these guys. I’m not gonna try. But you can move. You damn right. So your. Your options are you could try to. It’s gonna take two hits from you to kill these guys. Or you can do four. You can go 1234 if you want to. Yeah. And then you could turn around and shoot back this way, you know? Right. Yeah, me too. That’s my plan, was that if you wasn’t gonna do it, I was gonna do it. I was gonna be line myself right over there. Blow that up.

So, you know. 1234. Yep. Cool. The zombies. Instead of coming here, his next turn, you start taking them out. These guys move here because we all need to come this way. Leave them big bastards alone. Big guys are going to move into here. There’s no line of sight this way. Now, the last thing that they saw was something coming across here. So now they really. There’s an argument that they heard us fighting over here, and they could have turned around, but they see these guys go in, there’s obviously. Yeah, so this guy’s not gonna move, though.

The necromancer doesn’t. He’s not gonna move. He’s sending all the. Yeah, he can either move or he can spawn something. And he’s always gonna spawn something. All right, so now we spawn. Now we. Because he’s so far away, he’s been spawning these runners because they move faster. Now the spawn comes. Necromancer is already out there, so nobody’s in the red yet or orange or whatever. So that one is the second one. Four walkers die in the bile and two walkers over here. Lucky on that roll. Nice. Okay. I wonder what the comment section about this is going to be like.

Okay, you guys forgot to spawn a zombie on this turn. All right, cool. So it’s my turn. I’m going to make a move in the. Well, I guess I could shoot. I could shoot crossbow. Yeah, that could be that. Okay, so I need two dice. I need three or better on either one of these to shoot into. There. Yeah. All right, so there. Take that guy there. Take that guy. I got four. I got four attacks. Nice. Nice. Yes. Cool. All right. Yeah, that was my whole turn. I’m gonna be the biggest freaking cat speed on me turn.

Oh, this is exactly what I wanted. This is what I want. Yeah, because, like, you don’t cast feed on me. I’m gonna get stuck right here because these guys are gonna move over to this square. I got this. I got this. Because exactly what I’m gonna do, I’m going to cast speed on you. This one. So then I automatically move to one, two. And I still have three actions. One, two, three. Plan. I love it when a plan comes together. Okay, I’m gonna be moving somewhere. Okay, we’ve already. We’ve already, all of us have already taken everything we can from here.

We can go in here and kick this door down. You’re this guy here, right? He’s a good looking guy right here. Okay. One, two. We’re gonna get around that. By all three, your fourth attack will be against that door. Um, so he can’t. Why? Because he’s got ranged weapons in his. He’s got a sword, but he’d have to use an action to get it out. But what you can do, because you’re right there. Oh, no, he’d have to use the. He’d have to use an action to get the torch out and drop. No, dropping. Dropping it is a free action.

You could drop the torch. Yeah, because you’re just dropping it. You’re not. Now you the big. Yeah. Yeah. So you do that. Boom. It explodes. This is all gone. Sweet. There’s no more spawn point there. So we’re free and clear on this side. Yes, I’ve got a torch. Now we need somebody else to pull a dragon mile so that whenever we find the. The necromancers, like, laboratory open, you know, door or whatever. Yeah. We’ll be able to blow it up. Have you tested how bright the spotlights are on the front? I haven’t had it. But we’d be awesome.

I mean if I get out there and like it. It doesn’t work and it’s like the. You know. Which there’s no reason that it shouldn’t. No, it’s. But I saw we’re in a daytime pretty bright. Yeah. So you will. I’ve been on 20, 9000 times from this. You know that? Yeah. On a bike. That’s a really nice ride. Oh yeah. Yeah. 383 is a little rougher than 2090. Like on the way. Like there’s. Man golly. There’s a whole stretch of it where there’s just like these random bumps for no reason. Well, the only reason I’m asking is because one thing about that area.

It’s the terms. You just gotta watch out for the loose gravel. Oh yeah. No, it’s all repaid down there now though. Yeah. So it’s pretty good. I used to live at the rv resort. I’ve already made. I’ve already made the trip down 3083 and 2093 times today. Yeah. Twice this way and once back that way. Yeah, it’s riding. That was those dance those dance for his. Yeah. So he’s good. So it is a zombie turn. They all saw us move. So keep going. Those guys that away, they run one, two. Yep. Here he’ll spawn another runner.

Because we’re running away. So you get to. You get. You get to search every single one of these rooms. That’s a lot of shit to find. That’s a lot of cards to pull between four people. Yeah. I’m hoping that like those cars too. Yeah. So basically look. Oh yeah. Cuz they’re broken up in the room. A lot of cars to pull. What we should came here first. Right. But somebody. Yeah, I went that way. We all went that way. Except for somebody know. I know. All right, so I’m gonna. If we’re running where I’m running. So.

1234. All right. Cool. Getting here together. You’re right. You have no shit here. You ain’t even that vault and drew two cards. You have a car even looks like come in here, search the room, found water. Discard this card and gain one experience. That’s terrible. Just get one experience and give me card back. And then if you go in the vault, you get two more cards putting down there. Leather armor and a crossbow. So put your armor there. So the way that the armor works is. What does it say right there? Five plus. So if you get hit by a zombie, not by another player, but by a zombie, if you roll against their attack and get a five or better on the dive.

It negates the damage. Yeah, I just gave you a free crossbow. Yeah. What’s that one got? Two damage. That one’s got two damage. Yeah, I’d swap it out because then you could kill these guys with one hit. Yeah, I’ve already got my YouTube video. Yeah, I’m down with it. Hour video you got. I’m just saying, if you guys. It’s up to you. Yeah, so I was telling you, man, it is 1047. That’s why I was saying we got at least another hour in this game before. It just depends. Now we’ve kind of got a strategy. Like we pulled ourselves out of the fire.

Now we got a strategy. Will play this game till Jesus comes back. I want. I’m not worried about it, bro. You always sleep on my couch. Fact. Oh, no, no, no. So she. She’s gonna have him in the morning, my son. His grandma’s gonna have him in the morning. Like, I don’t have to. I don’t have to be back in splendor until, you know, after we go to the, you know, wherever, like lunch or couch right there. We’ll sweep. I’ll curl it next to wolfie if I need to bite your ass. Shoot. I know someone who’s got a hold of the building.

He got a hold of the building. If I’m gonna ride all the way to your place, I might as well just go home, though. Robert be rolling back to eat with him. I turn you back to your bike too. Oh, yeah, that’s true. Yeah, just leave the bike here. Anybody mess with it out here? 191. 181. Okay, cool. So I have one more action, I think, to come out of that vault. All right, man, you come out of the vault. Me? Please. Yes, I put my cup up there. Well, I was trying to be respectful to my colleagues here, but they seem to be determined to kill these zombies.

So I’m gonna hang out too. You know me, man. I would play D and D on Saturday in prison. We get out there to the day room at six. Oh, you’re gonna zoom it in? No, I’m gonna show that. I didn’t know I was there, but yeah, yeah, I would get out to the day room, play dd at six in the morning, and then, yeah, we go in at last child play. Good. 12 hours of D and D. We would have been done already if we would have named tags on these. You know what I mean? Like Jimmy Coursetti, tartarian chalkbody outline.

Yeah, yeah. Give me a little bit more incentive to. Joking. I wouldn’t take. I wouldn’t take you guys out. I would sissify all these non. Okay, so his turns done. He come out of the deal, it’d be on you. Right? Isn’t. Yeah, he’s done. He’s done. He came back out of the ball with his last. All four of his moves. Yes. So he went down into the vault, search, come out. So it’s my turn. So what is easier? One, two, three. Yeah. That’s a door or just one, two, three? It’s the same. Yeah, one, two, three is the same.

So being here. So I can’t. I can’t even knock down. Yeah, you can’t knock the door down. I think I can. On my neck. There’s nobody. There’s nobody I can heal. No, everybody’s full. Okay. Well, now it’s still done for me not to use a speed car. Okay. Yeah, you can. You could shoot a speed on him, and he could move directly to where we are. That’s what I do. When I pass through there, I can’t speed on him. So that gives you two free spaces to move and actually allows you to be here with us.

All right, cool. Yeah, that’d probably be the way to go. And, dad, it’s on you. He’s not gonna be able to knock a door down. Oh, this is yours? Yeah, unless you want to pull the sword out. Yeah, he can pull the sword up. There’s nothing you can do but pull the sword out. That’s one move. So you need to beat on the door. So we’ll replace your crossbow with a sword. All right, so that’s one move. And then. Yeah. So now you have a sword in your hand. How to get your crossbow back? You’ll have to, like, use another action.

Thank you. You want to roll your own stuff, or do you want to let me fumble it all? Three swings done. Yeah. Roll like a three, a two, and a three. Okay, look, we’re gonna be fair about this. The first one you rolled is gonna count. We’re gonna let muscles here, okay? Roll. Roll one, then you roll one. So. Okay. That work? All right, Danny’s gonna roll once. One time for you, Cole is Danny. Four. Better. All right. All right, heroes. You know what? I really don’t like that guy. I’m a roll for you, pops. Okay? It works.

He rolled three times and struck out. He rolled, I rolled between you. Just gotta knock that door down. Yeah, it’s not meant for you, bud. Yeah. All right, so zombie turn. Zombie turn. Nobody can attack these guys are all gonna move this away here. Two. And he is going to. We can pop out one of these doors and kill that necromancer. That’s fire. My thing is this, though, is if he’s out, then he can’t spawn somewhere else. You know what I mean? That’s six runners. You don’t let it let loose on. If they’re easy to kill, though, they just move fast.

Uh oh. Double spawn. Thank you, sir. All right, so thanks, dad. So why can’t I knock that door down? Because we all rolled super low. Yeah. I should have came back. Yeah, that’s all right. You’re doing something more important. So I’ve done two double spawns, all right? Where they swallowed it here. And it’s four walkers. So that’s four. Eight. Yikes. That’s how it works. Yeah. So it’s. Yeah. So it’s four, then double, then double. Okay, let’s do it. That’d be, what, 16 walkers? No, it wouldn’t be 16. Four doubled is eight. Eight. Double to 16. Jesus.

I don’t even have that many. Then put their equal amount in points with the bigger guys. Oh, we could. Well, no, you don’t want the bigger guys? No, it’s gonna be harder. Yeah, these guys are. There’s no more in that box. No, there is, there is. I just didn’t want to get them out. All right, so 1234-5678 910. We only need six more. Look. How many? Like, one. Look, one spawn produced 16. We’re not to the orange yet. We’re on the other side. Okay, so I’m just gonna spawn them all the way out. Make sure they stay in the same grid.

Yeah. Right. I’m just saying we don’t. Barry Poplar looks so creepy. They really did a good job making them all look different. Yeah, well, they’re not all completely different. There’s, like, the same ones. Like, you know, they type, like, three different walkers, different detail. The details are different. Yeah, it’s pretty cool. But I see the posture is the same. All right, so, uh, it’s your turn. Um, that. No, that was a spawn for that. Now we need to spawn over here because there is no spawn there. Yeah. So double spawn. What is wrong with you, man? It’s not my fault.

Okay, so the abomination, though, is already out there. There is no abomination. There’s only ever one at a time, just like the necromancer. So even. Even a double abomination, it won’t pay on spawning cards. So we need somebody knock this door down. So we start getting cards because we got 1234-5678 there’s nine cards here, man. Yeah, so there’s. There’s 36 possible chances. We get a badass car out of here. Yeah, sure. 36 chances. Okay, so it is my turn, I guess I am going to try and knock the door down. We should have went here first, man.

All these rooms. I notice all these rooms. How to break the door. Good. They heard that. Yeah, they did. Well, they hear us anyways, because, like, according to rules, the more player characters there are in a square, the more noise is in that they’re just moving around and telling each other stuff. So that’s a one. So that’s two. Now I’m gonna search three. And I got a long bow. Something there. You ain’t never had nothing wrong in your life. Long time ago. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. There we go. The last time Jason had anything long, it was attached to a.

A dude named Bubba. It only took 2 hours and 29 minutes and 45 seconds for me to go get it, dude. Damn. All right. Okay, so I moved there. Okay. I busted the door. I moved in there. I searched. I got one more action. Go ahead and just. Oh, no, I gotta spawn the room. Yes, you do. What happened? Double double. So two doubled. Four. Four double and eight. I don’t even know if we have it. How many are in there? Eight. Eight zombies? Yeah. Okay, so you still have one move, right? Right. Um, yeah, no, that’s what I’m saying is, like, that room.

Oh, they’re not in the room. Yeah, no, I moved there, and I was like, I’m gonna move into that room, but I gotta spawn zombies. So the zombies are in this room? No, I’m moving. I got one more action after my deal. So I was gonna move. I can’t reach it. So I can’t move it. You gotta move it for me. But whenever I move into that room, I gotta spawn the zombies also. You just spawn in here? No, because I forgot. But those rooms are open to each other, so. So every room that we have to go in.

Well, like, no, really. It’s supposed to be every door that you open now. These rooms are open to each other. I got you now. Really? On the cool. These eight could be from whenever I open the door and I can just spread them. I don’t want to leave that room until later, dead or. Well, I could spread them around, though. I could just like, you know, I got you, I guess. I think we might have missed stuff down here. Four, five, six. That’s a lot of zombies in there. There’s a reason. There’s a lot. Because it’s crap like this.

All right, so what we’ll do is we’ll go couple here, couple here. Oh, it’s by. It’s not each room, it’s every door. Yeah, every door. I got. Got you. Yeah. All right, let’s do it like that. Works for me. So the next chance is gonna be, oh, shit, we’re free and clear all the way down. No, so every room that has a door, I guess you’re supposed to do it. Yeah, well, yeah, that’s true. Doorways. These are doors, but we haven’t broken down. Yeah, but, yeah, I guess. Really on the. Cool. Like, if we would have broken this one down, it would have been the same thing.

Yeah, but it just went over here because these are all connected. Yeah. This is the first time we entered this complex. Cool. Yeah, it’s your time. I’m hitting up one. One to move in. One search. Yeah, you search. Okay, so you found a spell. It’s called Inferno. It’s a combat spell. It says vault, so. Oh, never mind. No good. No, it’s good. It’s a good. It’s a good spell. It’s good for you, though. You can’t cast spells. Okay, well, what to do? I got two more actions. Right? Yeah. You actually got three more actions. Because I’m gonna use one of my actions to speed you.

So your movement’s free. Yeah. You can move up to. Yeah. Two grids is what you can move. One gone. So one of them gone? One’s gone. Cool. All right, let’s see. Okay, so my turn on move one. And my third move is to search. You’re gonna search. You found a short sword? I use a sword. Yeah. Right here. Oh, yeah, you can. Nice. Now you can break yours down. Ain’t no more work breaking. What does it say? Just slot me. You can put a sword there instead. Yep. Shit. You can put this here and put your crossbow back in.

Yep. Now, you can replace this if you find some armor, though. Yeah, I like the way they set that up. Yeah, it’s really intriguing. Are you sure? My turn’s over. Okay, I’m gonna move in and search. Oh, that says one turn. Search the second turn. Go for short bow. All the bows. Yeah. You’re gonna get one of every bow. That’s two. That’s two. So your third one would be. You could shoot from here. You want. You want to take these two out? Really? On the pool you could use. Use either one. It’s just this one seems to be a little bit better.

It’s a better than 50% chance. Yes. Three, two, six. So you’re 60% chance you’re gonna hit. Yeah. So three. So take one of them out. Took Mary Poppins out. Four. Yeah. So take that one out. All right, cool. Clean. Cleaned up the room for me. Nice. Hell yeah. Zombies turn. Zombies turn. Okay, so those zombies are gonna move into the room with us. Yes, they are. These are all gonna move this away. Wow. Yeah, those are all gonna move one. Two of these have other runners. One runner goes up to two. Yeah, that’s right. And that runner.

And that runner goes to. That’s right. No, okay, that’s good. That’s it. Except for necromancer does something right. They’re coming. We need to find some good cards. We gotta find. We need to find some block. Block. Like you said. If we can find one more bio car, we can block all this. Yeah. Yeah, that’s what we need. Well, no, so we gotta have. There’s only so many of those bio cards and we gotta have one of those and a torch to in the game. Okay, look, it doesn’t matter how many zombies are out here. If we destroy the entrance to the necromancer’s lab, the game, we win.

Gotcha. What that needs to happen. And then this one is three. Four. Okay, cool. All right, so I am in a room of zombies. This world. Nice. Okay. Um. I think that I’d be better off because none of them are like brutes or anything. I’d be better off using my hand crossbow because I can roll two dice and I need a three or better on one of two dice and it does enough damage to kill them. So I’m gonna do that. I’m gonna use my hand crossbow. So that’s one of them. So remove one. That’s two.

Two dead. Yeah, clear about. That’s three. Clear, man. Nice. It’s about use my whole turn to do it. I knew there was a man in there somewhere. Hmm. I’m in the red or in the orange. I mean. Oh, shit. So I need to search. You search this room. I just get a plus one die for my combat. So now that crossbow, I could roll three on my hammer, I can roll two. You’re gonna search that room. Yeah. Okay. Man of last is the spell that he already has. I think that there’s like a thing where if you go down far enough on the skill thing, you still.

You might get like a somebody might spell. Yeah, I don’t know what character. Toys over full. Anything there. Well, so that’s the thing is you can drop things. So if you have stuff that. No, so I should have been dropping stuff? Yes. Okay. Yeah, you’re supposed to like, choose as well. I’ve got like three things in here. I. Scrolls, which. Yeah. Really on the. Cool. That’s, that’s what he needs to do. You do it on your turn. On your turn, you can move into the room and you can use your action to get it. So that’s two actions.

Yeah. You moved in there. You did search. Oh, well, he’s not in the room, so I’m over here. I’m not going to kitchen. Search that. Okay, it’s all four moves. Search, move, search. Now he’s got one more. Oh, he was here. Yeah, he was already there. Yeah, yeah, that, that other one, you could move into that one on. Move into that one. All right, you gotta move into that corner. Okay, what do we do with that x? You gotta have an action to. Oh, you could have went straight that way. Yeah, he could have, but he couldn’t have.

You wanted to search that room. Let me tell you what’s going on here. I’m gonna move here. I’m gonna search. All right, hand cross. One. All right, so I got two more moves. I’m gonna go ahead and go here. Okay. Yeah, just pick it up and take it off. You get five experience for that. Okay, I’m gonna move here and search. Chainmail armor. Replace your sword with the chain mail. Yeah, I would. Screw that sword. You ain’t gonna, sword will go in your backpack. You ain’t gonna use it. So this does here, here, this will go in your backpack.

Now I’m gonna move here and search. Okay, so that was two and then there. And that’s three and then that’s four. Okay, so. Oh, somebody else is loving the salty meat. Yeah. So you can, uh, what is it? You can discard, discard and gain one experience. Okay. Yeah. You want to do that? Yeah, you get real close to that. Yeah, you’re getting real close to the red. And it’ll give you another skill if you get into that. Well, it’s actually orange. I guess you have like, move it over one, man. You’re up there, dad. Yeah, I’m already in.

I’m in it, man. Okay, so that was your turn. Zombie’s turn. Zombie’s turn. Okay, so you know, all those are gonna all move. This runner goes here. All these go here. They’re closing in. On us. We’re not going to be fighting anything. So it’s going from room to room searching. They’re going to go one, two. This whole crowd. That one. They just moved from here. That’s one, two. And then he moves into the freaking horde. It’s a whole horde. What about them? These guys are gonna move. These guys all move into this square. And now you go, Spawn.

And then he’ll. Spawn. Look, dwarf, you have to turn around and deal with these two. Yeah, man. Can I search something? Yes, you can. I didn’t even search the room. Right there. Spawn zombie yet. Hmm. Responds on it. So we are in. Oh, this is a extra activation if you already have one out. So. Okay, so two runners there, and then necromancer’s already out. So. Kind of got lucky on that one. Cool. All right, look. You’ll know if you call that look. That’s a lot.

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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