9 Ether Engineering: Code Cracking

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➡ The speaker discusses the importance of thinking outside the box and unlocking our brain’s potential to achieve freedom. They emphasize the need to avoid choosing sides and instead follow a middle path to avoid the illusion of polarity. They also discuss their process of creating videos, starting with a thumbnail that visualizes their ideas. The speaker also warns about potential dangers, such as airplane travel and living in California, based on their interpretations of various signs and symbols.
➡ The speaker discusses the transition from the age of Pisces, symbolizing darkness and deception, to a new era of enlightenment. They mention a significant event in Atlanta on February 8th, 2025, where many influential figures will gather to counteract negative energies. The speaker also warns against flying on planes with certain numbers and advises leaving California. The text ends with a repeated prayer for divine guidance and assistance.


The right is a form of nationalism in a form of capitalism that is going to create the cybernetic dictatorship in a form of artificial intelligence. Freedom is the path of the middle way, which is the path of Malakut. You don’t choose a side. You follow the path of the middle way to basically deviate from the dualistic paradox in the form of polarity. Polarity is the illusion, right? So that’s why I said, get out of this metatronic overlay. Think outside the box. Unlock that super-cheismatic nucleus in the brain. Unlock that encryption that you’ve got over your neurological faculties.

That’s what you gotta do. That’s the path to freedom. So you gotta watch this video. I’ve been telling y’all you see the plane in the sky in the background. One thing when I do my videos, when I do my transmissions, I always make the thumbnail first because that’s how I see it in my mind. Then I basically have the blueprint for my presentation. You can ask my girl. Everything when I’m doing my videos, I always make the thumbnail first because I’m a seer. I visualize certain things before they take place, and then I put it in my thumbnail.

And then I look for all the receipts that’s acclimated to the thumbnail that I basically put out. So that’s why three weeks ago, I’ve been telling y’all, stay off the airplanes. It’s showing you in the background airplane. You can’t make this up. So watch this video right here because it’s connected to this video that you’re currently watching. Also, watch this video, The Return of the Atherians. I’ll also talk about the plane crashes in this video as well. I put this out a month ago. So everything that you need, as far as for you to understand everything intuitively, all the information is there.

And I think I got another video to show you guys. For a second. So I’m going to show this video, and then I’m going to give a brief synopsis about everything. I’m going to give a quick, a real quick blueprint and rundown of the video. Salute to the conscious jokes. He put out this, and it’s basically showing you a doomsday fish, right? And I think it’s in California, but I’m going to play the video, but they let you know, not only in the media, they let you know what time it is. They also letting us know what time it is by way of the Fibonacci sequence of nature.

Nature is going to tell you what time it is. They’re going to tell you that we’re going through a post shift, basically. I believe this video gave me so much chills, y’all. I’m so excited to share with you guys because big changes are coming, y’all. Check this out. So this couple was out taking a romantic stroll on the little canoe, y’all. And they came across this over here. Yes, a doomsday fish. Beach, or should I say rock, y’all. It didn’t beach itself. It literally rocked itself. And now it’s literally stuck on the rocks. Look at this.

This right here took place in La Paz, California. Yes, California. You guys know what this fish means, right? It’s the doomsday fish. If you guys don’t know the story about the or fish, this or fish comes out during practically earthquake. It feels certain shifts, movements, vibrations. I remember I told you about the 89 earthquake, right? They move the doomsday clock up to 89 seconds. Back in 1989, you had the Loma earthquake in San Francisco Bay. Now you have the doomsday fish on the rocks in California. Get your ass out of California, just like I’ve been telling y’all to stay off the airplanes, right? You can’t make this up.

The synchronicities are sinking. The ground, and it comes to the surface to basically warn humanity. And the reason they found the fish was called Ela Espirito Santo. So the island of the Holy Spirit. Boy, you cannot make this stuff up. The island of the Holy Spirit. Now, this guy was able to help the fish back into the water. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, but here he is trying to help it get off the rocks. And the crazy thing is, a smaller one was found off the coast of China just last year.

Just at the end of last year. I mean, we told you guys the shift is here. Shift, fish, fish, shift. And the fish have been warning us, y’all. You can’t make this stuff up. Jesus said he would make you guys a fisher of men. Now look at this. But let me know what you guys think about this video. Like, follow, and share for more videos like this. Let’s continue to get this shift. Peace out. So with that being said, like I said, nature is going to tell your ass every time what time it is. Because like I said, we in the sun cycle.

The sun cycle manipulates the historical timeline of events that’s connected to humanity. So with that being said, you have to get in alignment because the planets are aligning. Planetary parades and alignments denotes the flag that the planet is enhancing the flow of cosmic energy. That enhances the chakra system and the planets within you. So I’m going to give a brief rundown for a second. So for those coming in, like I said, hit the like button, hit the subscribe button. And you can see that I’m using this video, which is called 9EtherEngineering. This is a non-etherengine presentation, the coding, the matrix.

So put 999 in the chat. Right. If you give super chat, put 999 in the super chat. So this video is called 9EtherEngineering. Basically the coding, the metaphysical codex of the matrix by way of numerology and how it works in tandem with our genetics. by way of the doctrine of signatures, right? So you have the doomsday clock that was moved on January 28, right? Which is connected to the 128 code. So the doomsday clock is basically denoting the fact that how close we are to self-annihilation, scientists say. So it moved up to 89 seconds because 89 is a metaphysical codex for the earthquake that took place in 1989 in Loma, in San Francisco Bay, where they had the 6.9 magnitude earthquake.

So this is basically a timeline jump by way of the numerology that is projected by way of the doomsday clock that they put out on January 28, which is the 128 code at the bottom. The 128 code is a massive 128 ritual that is connected to this video of the Gate of the Gods because the Gate of the Gods is how you get to the Golden Gate. The Golden Gate is what you see looking at the bridge, just like you have the 89 earthquake in San Francisco. So this is connected to the Twin Towers Collapse at 1028, which is a 128 code.

Bridge Collapse, 128. Key Bridge Collapse, 128. Bridge Collapse in geometry is 128. Leave the world behind, released on 12.8, which is 128. So this is all connected to the fact that we just got out of the dragging year and the inception of the snake year started on 128, which is the time when they put out, the time when they moved the clock, basically, right? So this is all connected to the earth, magnetic north, post-shift happening, energy’s coming in because you have the rising of the cumbellini serpent, the regeneration spinal fire.

This is all connected to the Super Bowl ritual in Philly. Kobe Bryant’s from Philly, and we’re in the year of the snake. So it represents patriarchy. Runway 33, which is a freemasonic number that’s connected to the black nobility eagle. So you got the 13 as a matriarchal number. We already broke down 13 during the end of the video. So if you’re new to the channel, make sure you watch the end of this video because I give a intrinsic breakdown on how the 13 is connected to the Grammys, right? 13 is a matriarchal number.

So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, this is all connected to engineering. I already broke this down because it’s basically talking about the activation of the Zohar body by way of the cosmic ionized particles, right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, if this video, if everything that you see taking place right now is not gonna wake you up, it’s either one of those things where you’re an NPC, you’re gonna get submerged into the matrix even more, right? Because one thing that I found out about people, when you’re a chosen one with supreme intelligence, a lot of times, when you’re a chosen one with supreme intelligence, a lot of times your intelligence and your energy is gonna be a threat to other people, meaning that it’s gonna send a neurological notification to the threat detection system in the brain to where they either gonna attack you, avoid you, or they basically gonna disagree with you when they know you right anyway.

So that’s why I said it’s imperative to keep, you know, stay in alignment, stay away from NPCs, stay away from the distractions, right? Because your energy, your essence and your intelligence is a threat to them. It’s a threat to everything that’s connected to the matrix because they know that the energy of the three-dimensional paradox is facing out because we at the last, we just got out of the age of Pisces, right? The age of Pisces is the age of darkness. The age of darkness is the age of deception, and the age of deception is the age of illusion.

We’re breaking out of the illusion because we’re in the sun cycle. This is where you get square in a circle. You square the circle. The circle is spiritual metamorphosis. The square represents the metatronic overlay that’s connected to the energy of the moon and Saturn. So when you square the circle, right, what happens is this is where you get a dimensional reality of a timeline jump to where it creates a great separation. NPC’s over here, everybody who has a veneration for everything that’s connected to third density, everybody’s over here, chosen ones, and everybody who’s trying to awaken in this great awakening period, they’re gonna be castigated to the right because we’re propagating right knowledge.

So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, please get this video out there. Like I said, stay off the airplanes. I’ve been telling y’all for about two years, get out of California, right? And don’t fly no planes that add up to the number 11 or 9-11, or it shows you like two nine or anything like that, right? Because those are ritualistic numbers that’s connected to the whole society when you understand the metaphysics of that. But I’m not gonna do a definitive breakdown on that whole presentation on that eventually, but so with that being said, oh, I forgot to show you guys.

I’m also gonna be in Atlanta. Let me get this, bring this back up. I’m also gonna be in Atlanta on February 8th, 2025 at the non-Ether God Fest is gonna be Sharif L. Bay, Kambata, Loaded Lux, Sister Myra. You got me here at the bottom. Red and blue pill is gonna be there. K.T. the arch degree is gonna be there. Bro, yourself, Dr. B. Sirius, you can’t really see Billy Carson right here, but Billy Carson is gonna be there. I think Aaron Lyons is gonna be there. It’s gonna be a multitude of people that’s gonna be at this event.

And even if you can’t even get inside the event because it’s sold out, they have other venues outside of the event. So just come and just vibe out. There’s just gonna be a lot of energy there, a lot of energy that basically trying to combat the incantations from the dark priesthood that’s gonna be connected to these Super Bowl rituals that are gonna be putting out. So this energy that we’re gonna be perpetuating at the non-Ether God Fest on February 8th, this energy that we’re gonna be amalgamated, everybody is basically Voltroning together.

And we have in this event to basically destabilize the incantations that’s gonna be projected by you know, the dark priesthood of the aristocracy on Super Bowl Sunday, which is on the 9th. So if you can, if you will, we all gonna be here at the non-Ether God Fest in Atlanta, Georgia at the Black Wall Street venue. And I think it’s in Stonecrest, Georgia. So like I said, if you wanna meet me, I’m gonna be at this event right here along with these legends at the bottom. So everybody is crazy that I’m working with these guys cause I’ve been watching these guys since I was in middle school.

So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get this video out there and hit 999 in the chat. You’re new to the channel, hit the subscribe button, end of transmission. 10-14, we will put an end to this man. Now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies. So thanks for this pill that I’m about to receive and thank you for my health and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage taken on another day when I used to not believe and now I know about grace.

Say your way from the fire cause the flames does burn. Go with your gut feeling when it’s wrong you learn. For everyone’s step I take the Lord takes two and do unto others if you wanna done unto you. It’s me again God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line. So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. It’s me again God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line.

So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. This is a completion, the social pro-egretion and Mirandaian Phoenician. I’m the last of the Mohicans, the bastard of the land, the pen, melon and accretion. And we just tryna get back to the fact that we was kings and queens of a land but the avalanche sees that I live on Turtle Island with the rest of the diseased. Better than the medicine for seven different treatments. Niggas tryna ride away but end up getting seasick to sweepin’ for my words like, ghrelin’ they’re awakein’ with the penmanship of Hindu strip written in them vacant.

Monastery, honorary payments to the prototype. Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight. The fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Biting off more than I can chew, that’s a overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page, history. It’s me again God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line. So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. It’s me again God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line.

So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. Thank you. [tr:trw].

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X (twitter.com) View all posts

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