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➡ The text discusses the belief that certain groups use technology and manipulation to control others, drawing energy from them in a vampiric system. It suggests that these groups need the genetics of others to survive as the sun gets hotter. The text also delves into theories about Hollow Earth, suggesting that it is home to various entities and is connected to ancient civilizations and mythology. Finally, it discusses the idea of crystallization and the activation of telomeres, which are believed to create immortal cell lines.
➡ The speaker discusses the interpretation of biblical texts, suggesting that understanding their hidden meanings requires independent research. They also touch on mythology, including mermaids and giants, and connect these to various global cultures and histories. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-education and critical thinking, warning against blindly accepting information. They conclude by expressing gratitude and a desire for divine guidance.
But that’s a whole different transmission. Already broke that down a long time ago on how the moon is operated by a binary code system that’s connected to the gematria body. And your gematria body is what connects you to the simulation. And. And the simulation is what creates energy, emotion, which is your emotions. That’s connected to people, places and possessions. This is why you got to follow the path of the middle way, so you don’t get stuck here, right? This is why you have to get away from the third density lure system of the soul. Entrapment of the religion that basically took you out of your sovereign capacity.
This is why they created maritime law, water law that’s connected to the caste system that puts you under the jurisdiction under the act of Parliament or which is also connected to the 1724 Black Christian coast, which is also connected to the Catholic Church. So this is why I said you got to understand what’s going on. Everything comes from the water. Why you think they have water law that’s connected to their system? That’s because everything comes from the water. The water is a portal to the higher dimensions. Or they coming to kill us because we done killed this thing.
She said they came off the ship and she said they went straight to the mound where they had buried this thing and they put their hand over the ground. And this dead frog man thing that she killed, it just came up out of the ground. It wasn’t alive. It was flat and it was dead. But they took that thing and they put it on the ship. Then she said they went over to the pond and they raised up their hands and a spaceship came out of the pond. Now, that pond was bigger than a regular sized pond.
It was almost the size of like a small lake. But she said it had flown. That’s how he, I guess, got there. It had flown into the bottom of the lake. And if any of you all keep up with some of the stories that other countries recount about the UFOs. They’ll tell you that some people, especially over China and the Asian areas, spot them with their spaceships coming up out of the deep water. So they came, they got the spaceship out of the water and she said, and they looked at them, didn’t do anything, didn’t say anything, didn’t come toward them, got back on the ship and zoomed back into the sky.
And she said for the longest she didn’t tell anybody. She said, but she told a couple people later on that said she was crazy. So she was just telling my mom and I that to let us know that that’s why she always kept her double barrel shotgun right next to her. Even she said, when I go to the chicken coop, the every, anywhere, I always. Because I don’t know if they ever gonna come back. And that’s what she said. Thank you. Thank you for that. So here you have it. A real life testimony of Israelite sister whose family member have come in contact with what we know today as a Reptilian and killed it in the 50s, buried it.
They came back and got the body and the UFO and left. And this is in the 50s, not too, not too far. Right after the Roswell incident, just to put that out there. And you notice right after the Roswell incident, that’s when you had Hitler’s regime, that’s when they started to have, you know, the G force of creating bail UFOs, right? So this is why they was creating super soldiers. Because the regular soldiers, their physiology and their genetic format wasn’t working in harmony with the G force of the ufo. Because they got their transmission on how to build these UFOs from the Ashtar Command, which is a negative faction of the Pleiadians, right? That’s a whole different topic as well.
Now we’re gonna get back to the presentation at hand. Like I said, if you’re new to the channel, hit that subscribe button, hit that like button. You know, if you like this type of information and how it’s giving you downloads, you know, put 777 in the chat, man. That’s the God frequency. Because that’s what the golden age is all about is transmuting yourself from human to God. And it happens by way of the activation of your neurological faculties. You can’t be a God if you thinking at a low vibrational state. What makes you a God is your higher mental faculties, supreme intelligence.
It has nothing to do with, you know, wearing Crystals and wearing head wraps, right? That’s what makes you a God. It’s all about equilibrium, balance. If you’re a balanced individual mentally and spiritually and vibrationally, that’s when you’re going to ascend in this spiritual metamorphosis. When you’re talking about a great awakening period, right? So as we get back to the presentation, I was telling you about the regeneration transformation system, about the physiology of so called black people. Because our genetic format is intrinsically different than everybody else’s on the planet, right? And I’m saying that from a humble standpoint, that’s just the reality of everything.
That is basically the diametrical differences from non ether and 6 ether, not etheredge dissipates into 6 ether when it’s at a low vibrational state. 6 ether is basically the embodiment of planet Earth that is connected to a genetic mutation by way of connected to the Clay Age of mankind. Because mankind is the kind of a man that was genetically spliced into existence in 4086 BC. When you’re talking about the Canaanite, because the Canaanite, they don’t have the ability of the regeneration system to basically to where the cells is able to replicate themselves on the infinite level.
They don’t have that ability. And the reason they don’t have that ability is because they are basically the curse. See in the book of Leviticus, right? So this is why they used to eat the great majority of black people. This is why you got to read this book called the the Delectable Negro. Human consumption and the homoeroticism within the United States slave culture, right? This is why they looked at you as subhuman. When you go to the G35 26 strong concordance, the word Christian translates to the word black. Black is what makes you subhuman according to their system, right? So this is why they used to eat you.
Because now you no longer operate from a God frequency, you at a lower state. So this is why they got to keep you as the common denominator in society. So you don’t know who you are. If you don’t know who you are. This is when they feed on your energy, right? So you got to read this book. Because one thing you got to understand about the carbonated man and woman on the planet and the neuromelanin activation is that our physiology is divine food, which is basically the elixir of immortality on planet Earth, right? This is why everything that’s connected to Metatron’s Cube sucks up microscopic ways of energy.
And, and it pulls on your energy, right? Just like the moon pulls on your energy. You got technology pulling on the energy. Now when you eat these genetically modified foods, you got the parasites pulling on your energy. And not only that, you got the European Union pulling on your energy. When you’re talking about, you know, their, their corporate system, when you’re talking about the Roman occupational government, everything they do is an energy extraction, Whether if it’s through technology or they eating your ass, right? That’s what it’s all about. So it talks about how Nat Turner was consumed, you know, after his execution, many people had questions accused of the information being fabricated.
So it talks about this. You got to read this book called the Delectable Negro by Vincent Woodward, right? So he was basically surrounded by Covid and vampires. Nat Turner was a covenant. Vampires basically feed it on his physiology. They wanted to take upon the intrinsic energy of the power that he basically had, right? Because everything that is extracted from Canaanite culture is actually a Luciferian system. You got to read this book right here by Bobby Hemmett because called Melanin. People how to eat and devour their energy. White Luciferians reveal their secrets, right? Because the Luciferian is the epitome of false light.
The false light, you can propagate it if you know the truth. So this is why they lie to you so much. And they got to keep you hidden. You the hidden one. You, the black sun. The black sun is connected to nature. This is why they lie to you about history, religion and everything. Because if you don’t know who you are, you’re not going to understand what’s going on and what time it is on the planet. So like as I was telling you before, Canaanite culture is connected to cannibalism because cannibalism is BAAL worship ball is actually Moloch.
Moloch is enlil. Enlil. When you study the tetragrammaton, it means agreeable and disagreeable. And then when you go to the H1408 strong Concordance, the word God is equated to the word Gad. Gad is an anagram for the word Dag, which is Dagon the Pope. He wears the hat of Dagon, which is a fish God that basically subjugates you by way of the caste system that’s connected to the dark priesthood of the Vatican. So this is why they got to hit your ass with technology and semantics every time to. This is why they got to feed on your physiology.
Cannibalism comes from The Canaanite culture, because they don’t have the genetic format to harmonize with the sun. So they got to eat you, they got to divide your blood in order to harmonize with the planet. Just like how we get energy from the sun, they get energy from our blood, right? This is a vampiric system that feeds on the energy of the indigenous people. That’s what you must understand. And the same thing takes place when they eat these mermaids, right? Because our genetic format is the elixir of immortality on the planet because we have immortalized cell lines.
This is why they use the melanin in computer chips in the form of transduction. This is why they use melanin to coat the ships. You can’t go to outer space unless the spaceship is coated with melanin, right? Otherwise it’ll be set to blaze, it’ll catch fire, right? So neuro, melanin, melanin, carbon is basically a protectorate from the universe. This is why they got to keep you at a low vibrational state. They don’t want you to know who the you is, right? So it’s not a coincidence that stuff like this happened. You got two brothers going missing from a flight.
They was found shot dead in the Georgia mountain, right? Not a coincidence. And then when you go to the comments, it talks about how this European system, and this is, this is even coming from a European woman. I saw a comment on another post that there’s even more black people going missing in the Atlanta area. It talks about how racism, I believe the police will cover this up. And then it tells you right here, this sister, she says, I was driving through Stone Mountain heading to Decatur. I was in a. I was new to Georgia, so I still had my New Jersey tags.
It was about 5 to 6pm I was pulled over by young cop, a young European cop. He said he was from Philadelphia and asked where I was going. He told me to get out of there and stay there, do not come back here at night. I was, I took that as my warning and thank God for this guy, you know, the officer just basically giving her that information. So people are starting to come up missing and it’s going to be, you know, it’s going to be an intrinsic amount of people because remember I was telling y’all about Project Zyphyr and Project Pogo on how they want to unalive an intrinsic amount of black people in the form of the population.
And the reason that is, is because they, like I said, they need our genetics. They need our genetics because like I Said, as the sun gets hotter, if you don’t have that neuromelanin activation to where you’re able to crystallize, it’s over for you, right? And just because you a so called black purpose, so called black person, doesn’t mean that you get ascension rights to the higher dimensions. Because a lot of you been following the dietary system, the European, a lot of you been following the ideologies of the European. A lot of you been putting straight hair wigs on your head, you’ve been cutting your, the transmission off from your head to where you’re not able to connect with the sun.
With these lace fronts and these wigs, you cutting off your transmission, you’re not able to harmonize with the planet. So you have the mindset of those who don’t have a genetic format to harmonize with the sun. So when the galactic center opens up to the Golden Gate, your ass is going to be eradicated along with those who have the cursed genetics. Because what I, what I was telling you guys before, recessive genes means that you’re basically feeble to the planet. You can’t harmonize with the sun, you can’t harmonize with the UV radiation like spectrum, right? You can’t harmonize with it.
So this is also correlated to the prophecies of Hollow Earth. Now one thing you got to understand about the Hollow Earth facts, I was telling y’all about how no airplanes are permitted to fly over the north and South Poles, right? When you’re talking about the Arctic Circle. Because the Arctic Circle is the land of magnets. The land of magnets is the home of the Black sun that’s connected to the Galactic center. So you got to read and not read, but you got to watch all these videos when I was talking about, you know, the Silver Key and the Golden Key.
So you got the doms, which is the deep undercraft, deep underground military bunker systems were specifically built in very close proximity in inner Earth interests. I’m located in Southern Indiana, which is kind of by, you know, Kentucky, right on the demarcation line. They have an interest to Hollow Earth in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, right? You got seven entrances all around the planet. Cave system that leads you to Hollow Earth. So that is also associated with Google Maps. Sean bofos so the Earth’s atmosphere is ocean magnetic field, all exhibits of Taurus fields and dynamics, every atom cell. So Hollow Earth, they’ve been knowing about this, you know, through the, the Theosophical Society, they know about, you know, the Crystal City or Gartha, they know about the city of Shambhala, because like I said, that’s where the inception of creation, when you’re talking about the black sun already broke that down in a whole different.
About a year and a half ago, Right. Hollow Earth is a is found in the history of many ancient civilizations. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, it is written that he visited a subterranean kingdom in the bowels of the earth. This is also connected to Greek mythology as well. Right. So like I said, all this is harmonizing. The synchronicities are basically sinking. NASA found a diamond in space that is five times larger than Earth. What you got to understand is, is that this is basically a dog whistle. This is basically talking about the crystallization as we segue to the golden golden age through the Golden Gate, which is connected to Ophiuchus, which is the 13 zodiac wheel.
Because Ophiuchus is Christ walking on water by way of resurrection with the activation of of the magnetites and the dendrites, which is basically the diamonds in your brain, which makes you a whole brain thinker, which makes you holy, right? So the diamond they’re basically talking about, they’re talking about crystallization of the neuromelanated body when it works in harmony with the sun as we get to the galactic center and we’re going through the Golden Gate. That’s why they’re coming out with these types of publications, right? So where you don’t understand the mythology behind it, that’s why they coming out with it.
Because one thing you got to understand about crystallization, crystallization takes place when the telomeres is activated. Because the telomeres is basically the gene expression to your chromosomes. And your chromosomes is connected to the energetic frequency of the song that creates immortalized cell lines. And any mortalized cell lines is based on transformation, transduction and conjugation. And that conjugation has the same genetic format of the mermaids of the starfish, because our physiology is made up of 95 stardust. So it tells shows you right here in many different coast cultures through transgressive art and the cosmology of as above, so below that Hollow Earth is real.
That’s where the great majority of these mermaids are coming from. The great majority of these entities, right? Tells you in the book of Genesis, the book of job, Holy Quran, 6512, it tells you Allah it is who he sent the seven heavens. Because you got seven different layers, they get the off Hollow Earth. And then you got seven different cave systems to where you get to Hollow Earth. Then you got seventh Heaven when you got seven star systems in the Orion star constellation. These are basically portals to the Hollow Earth. Now also within the factions of Hollow Earth, you got the Captiva.
People who are basically giants. Like I said, they taunt you by way of your culture. They taunt your culture in the name of parades. And, and this is how they show a negative credence to those who are basically connected to Mother Earth, right? Because like I said, none of this stuff is mythology. Giants and mermaids, right? Because when you go to the book of Deuteronomy, it tells you the size of the Nephilim in the giants, which is basically nine cubits and one cubit of a man is 18 inches. You take 18 times nine, you get 162 inches divided by 12, you get 13.5ft.
That is the size of the Nephilim. When you understand the esoteric science of the book of Deuteronomy, right, everything is actually in the publication of the Bible, but you just got to know how to read the. If you don’t know how to read the Bible, right, and you reading it like a, you know, a bobblehead Christian who is getting his edification from Pastor Pork Chop, of course you’re going to be lost in the sauce because he’s not giving you the esoteric of it, he’s giving you the exoteric. He’s giving you the commercialized information that he learned in seminary school, right? Which has got his charter from the Vatican.
So that means that he is programmed to indoctrinate you. He is programmed to give you misinformation. So that’s why you got to do your own edification by your damn self independent research. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, that basically, you know, that is the end of my presentation, right? Because like I said, we in that time period. So I’m gonna give a brief synopsis, the beginning points of the video. I started out with a video talking about a woman. She was given her synopsis about a story that she read about how there have black mermaids within the oceans and how this guy, he came across them and he had to sign a non disclosure agreement and things of that nature.
So the company he was working for was called Trident Seafoods when I did my own independent research on it. So this was the company that was basically a privatized company that was also connected to the Ukrainian mafia, who was also known as the Canaanites. So this is why this company, they was basically extracting the mermaids from the ocean and then feeding them to the elites for millions of dollars. Because one thing you got to understand about the physiology of mermaids, they have the ability of regeneration, transformation because they have immortalized cell lines, right? So that means that, that their physiology is the elixir of immortality.
Even tells you all throughout Japanese folklore, right, that if you consume a mermaid, it grants you immortality. It also talks about the Yok Yawks in Australia, they talk about the mermaid mythology. Then you. We only discover about 5% of the ocean. 95 of the ocean is uncharted land. They show you in the book of Enoch through neoclassical art. Mermaids are real, right? It’s connected to the Nomo, right? You got to understand what’s going on on the planet. Because otherwise as we get through this great awakening period, you’re not going to understand what’s going on. Because you got to read Harry Kissinger’s book called White House Years.
He was basically the Secretary of State in 1975 and he was basically demonstrating. He said that black life on the planet is at unstable heights instead of national security. Meaning that he wants to unalive the great majority of them. So this is connected to Project Pogo and Project Zyphyr, right? Because they need the neuromelanin in order to survive the shift. You ain’t gonna be able to survive the shift. I don’t care. I don’t care how much transhumanism or cybernetic dictatorship that you try to propagate through the system. If you don’t have that neuro melanin activated, you’re not going to survive.
I don’t care if you try to merge human with machine. I don’t care. I don’t care about none of that. If you’re not connected to the original blueprint of planet Earth and you don’t have the authenticity of the neuro car carbonated people on the planet and you don’t have that genetic format, you’re not going to survive, right? And I’m not saying that everybody just because you got melanin that you’re going to ascend. A lot of you have the mind of the ones who basically enslaved you, right? So that means that you’re going to be spiritually cut off in the fifth dimension.
This is why we have the great separation. You got to come amongst and detach from individuals who was connected to the caste system of the European. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for watching this video. Share this video 10:14 we will put it into this madness. Since I last called you back on Your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land Karma’s gonna get to you and then you’ll have a cherry yet with only one less friend now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies so thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive and thank you for my health and all the good memories thanks for the courage taken on another day When I used to not believe but now I know about grace Stay away from the fire cause the flames does burn Go with your gut feeling when it’s wrong you learn for every one step I take the Lord takes two and do unto others if you want it done unto you huh it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the latter time the land it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the this a completion the selfish proto Grecian Amerindian Phoenician I’m the last of the Mohicans the bastard of the land the pen melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of Alemba for the the avalanche seized it I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased better than the medicine for seven different treatments try to ride away but end up getting seasick to sleep can feel my words like braille and they’re awakened with the penmanship of pendle script written in them Vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the wrong with going left when you know it’s right Biting off more than I can chew that’s an overbite Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page History it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.