➡ The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories, including Project Pogo and Project Cipher, which suggest a mass sacrifice event is imminent. They also mention the existence of a global seed vault in Norway, prepared for an apocalyptic scenario, and the Swiss government’s extensive bunker system in the Alps. The speaker suggests these preparations are due to anticipated cosmic events and changes in the energy grid system, rather than political or military threats. They also mention a recent blackout in Cuba as a potential sign of these upcoming events.
➡ The text discusses the importance of personal growth and preparation for potential societal crises. It suggests that those who have done their “inner work” will be better equipped to handle such situations. The author warns of possible future blackouts and societal unrest, urging readers to be proactive and prepare themselves. The text also mentions various prophecies and cosmic events, suggesting that they may be interconnected with these potential crises.
➡ The text discusses a series of planned blackouts and a project called Zephyr or Zypher, which involves tracking and identifying individuals, currently 78% complete. It suggests that these events are orchestrated by governments and may be blamed on various entities. The text also mentions that Donald Trump may declare himself the king of Israel as part of a symbolic process, and that he has converted to Judaism. The text implies that these events are part of a larger, planned agenda.
➡ Trump was allegedly promised high-ranking positions for his family in a future world government, which led him to follow a script that included his controversial actions and statements. This script was largely crafted by Stephen Miller, a dedicated Zionist. The speaker also mentions feeling watched and harassed, and talks about a plan to track and eliminate people who oppose the government during blackouts. The speaker also mentions potential future disasters, including climate change and AI threats, and urges people to prepare for these events.
➡ The text discusses the need for urgent conversations about potential blackouts and extraterrestrials, referencing the Red Star Kachina and Blue Star Kachina as signs of impending change. It suggests that advanced technology could potentially create extraterrestrial beings. The text also delves into the concept of a cosmic energy shift, symbolized by the Blue Star Kachina, and warns of a seven-year period of tribulation leading up to 2025. It emphasizes the importance of spiritual awareness and the need to unlearn indoctrinated beliefs to survive this shift.
➡ The text discusses various spiritual and cosmic theories, including the idea that energy expands and returns to itself, and that everything operates through a binary code system. It also mentions the Hopi prophecy, which suggests we are in the fourth stage of life and have emerged from the Grand Canyon, a path to the underworld. The text also suggests that the appearance of a dog on an Egyptian pyramid could symbolize the return of three suns and a magnetic pole shift. Lastly, it discusses the potential for DNA upgrades and the impact on our world.
➡ The text discusses the symbolic representation of Superman as the “black sun,” a cosmic entity that absorbs energy from the red, blue, and yellow suns. It suggests that humans, like Superman, can tap into their original power and higher abilities by activating the “black sun” within their brains. The text also mentions the Hopi prophecy and the spiritual implications of the year 2025, urging people to prepare for potential calamities by doing inner work and strengthening their communities. Finally, it warns about the manipulation of our atmosphere and the potential for widespread blackouts.
➡ The speaker in the video emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and balance, warning against false positivity and misinformation. He suggests that during challenging times, one must be prepared to fight and maintain a balance between light and dark energies. He criticizes those who spread false light and misinformation, stating they are not the chosen ones. The speaker also expresses gratitude for his blessings and encourages others to trust their instincts and treat others as they wish to be treated.
The cosmic energy grid system, satellites, when you’re talking about the precursor to the big event, which is basically the foundational blueprint for the blackout. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, we finished. Get straight to it, because all the synchronicities is sinking, right? We in that time right now, because the last two transmissions that I put out are basically working in conjunction with everything that I’m talking about in this video. When you’re talking about the blue star Kachina, the red Star Kachina, and how it works in conjunction with the black sun, right? And everything that’s going to be taking place within the factions of 2025 to the year of 2030, when you’re talking about the sustainable development goals and things of that nature.
So first we finna get started off into it, right? Because a lot of these geomagnetic excursions that’s taking place is causing a manipulation in the cosmic energy grid system. That is because just like in the last video I put out, you have a trilateral connection of a tetrahedron. Now, one thing that people don’t understand about the metaphysical essence of the trilateral connection of the three suns, it also creates a tachyon energy that creates this radiation frequency that causes ionized particles to basically be at a destabilized state, right? So not too long ago, you know, we had a power outage or grid shutdown in Cuba.
And we finna get to that as we get to the presentation, right? Because one thing you got to understand is that when you have the activation of three suns, when you have the activation of the black sun, that causes the depletion of the ozone layer, it manipulates the climate, it basically causes radiation surge and it causes navigation failures. So this is why we must be very meticulous as we segue through the great awakening process. Because everything as far as that’s connected to third density is going to be manipulated, right? Because it’s all connected to the prophecy of the magnetic pole shift and the prophecy of the Hopi prophecy, right? That’s what’s going on.
Because all these energies work in tandem. So you have the geomagnetic excursions. You had an event 6000 years ago in China. So as I was telling you before, you got to understand the metaphysics of the processional circle of the equinox, because they operate in 6000 year increments, right? So we do for another cataclysm due to the activation of the pyramids that work in conjunction with the three suns and the black sun, right? Because all this stuff is operating by the way of the doctrine of signatures. Everything is basically a microcosm and a macrocosm, meaning that it’s basically a emulation of something that was already projected by a foundational blueprint of it, right? So you have the earth’s magnetic field broke down 42,000 years ago and it caused a massive sudden climate change, right? And that’s what you’re looking at right now.
Everything that’s taking place, that took place 42,000 years ago, you fast forward into 2024, is happening right now, right? You seeing all these manipulation in the cosmic energy grid system. That’s why you got to understand that the metaphysics of the solar flares, right? Because of solar flares, are basically colossal coronal mass ejections that can cause ionization in our atmosphere, because our atmosphere is terraforming into an omnicron based state, many that is going to be nothing but solar frequency. And in the aquarian age, in the sun cycle, right? A large sunspot was the source of the powerful solar flare x 93.
So that was the largest one back in 2017. Now you fast forward up into 2024, we had the biggest one. So all this stuff is actually, you know, operating by way of cycles. Just like the emerald tablets say, we live cycles within cycles. Everything takes place that took place back during the ancient times. But it’s going to be more covert because they know a lot of people who are basically incarnated into this planet who is what you call the chosen ones or the 144 thousands, you know, these are the people who understand everything metaphysically, understand the occultic knowledge, to where we’re able to expose everything in real time to wherever we don’t have to partake in things that actually took place in the past, right? So one thing you got to understand about, you know, everything that’s taking place as above, so below, when you understand the law of polarity, a critical system of the Atlantic Ocean currents could collapse as early as the research suggests.
So they putting all this stuff in the public domain on CNN. Not a coincidence, because when you have a manipulation, as you have the bioluminescent frequencies that’s coming from the black sun, and it’s amalgamating with the bodies of water on planet Earth, that basically puts a tachyon energy to the space time continuum to where it creates a hexa alpha or it creates a tetrahedron symbol, just like I showed you in my last video, right, which is basically the dualistic energies of the feminine in the masculine principles coming together in a form of unity, right? So that’s why the three suns are basically working in collaboration to pull off the frequency of the black sun to create this tetrahedron, to create this blackout, to create this manipulation in the cosmic energy grid system.
Because as I was telling you before, you got to understand the diametrical difference between a CME and an empty. The EMP is a electromagnetic post deficiency that is going to be propagated by a totalitarian government to create this dystopian system. Now, a CME is something that is basically energetically connected to the Fibonacci sequence of nature, and it’s operating by way of the cosmic energy rays that’s coming from the gamma radiation frequencies. So one thing you got to understand about these cmes, these cmes is actually natural, right? These are the ancestors returning in a non corporeal form.
And these frequencies collaborate with the black body, right? Because we’re basically a branch of the dark matter energy. When you’re talking about the essence of the black sun, which is the fingerprint of the universe, all these energies work in harmony. Because one thing you got to understand about the color black, black absorbs all color spectrums in the universe. So it absorbs the frequency of the blue sun. It basically absorbs the frequency of the red Star Kachina. It absorbs the frequency of our sun that we have within our solar system. Right? Now, we’re going to get into the blue star Kachina stuff.
Now, this is, you know, one thing I’m trying to get people to understand. On a esoteric level, things haven’t been the same since 2020, but it’s going to get a lot worse as we get into the year of 2025. So according to this publication, talking about the Hopi prophecy, many things will begin to occur that will not make sense for this reality to be shifting back in and out of a dream state. There will be many doorways to lower worlds that will open up at this time. There will be many strange beasts upon the earth in those days.
So this is basically in conjunction when you talking about the negative factions of the Anunnaki or the Luciferian Anunnaki, who are also known as the cherubim. And the cherubim are also known as the 200 fallen angels, or the Nephilim, or the Nephilim or the fallen angels, as I was telling you before. So it’s not a coincidence that the nephilim, in the Hebrew language, which means nephilim, they basically work in conjunction with the canaanite bloodline, right? And this is where you get your whole mythology of the draconian reptilian species. Because these people or these entities, they fail in frequency.
And when they fail in frequency, there’s going to be a mass sacrifice event that’s going to be taking place on the planet during the time of the Blackouthenne. We’re going to get into that as we get through the presentation. So you must stay with me because I got this video I’m going to show you all at. During the time at the end of the presentation is going to crack your brain open. Because the reason I say that is because the chosen, the 144,000 those who are tapped into their neurological high higher abilities, we’re going to be attacked, you know, at some point in time.
And the reason I say that is because, you know, the veil is lifted. We using all these platforms and we using our sources and our resources to basically galvanize the information and give the edification back to the people, to where we can have this cosmic convergence of a unity consciousness to basically reverse the polarity of everything that’s taking place that was propagated by the patriarchal government. Right? So with that being said, there’s a project called Project Pogo and Project Cipher. And that means that there’s going to be a mass sacrifice event. And the first people to go are the ones that watch these type of videos, the people who propagate the truth in the media, who actually is going against the deep shade shadow government, right? The ones who was speaking against the Boule systems, the ones who are speaking against everything that’s causing the frequencies of our atmosphere to change.
That basically puts an encryption over the cosmic energy grid system to where we have a blackout, the more we speak truth to power. The more you’re going to have the manipulation of everything in third density right now. Reason I say that is because, like, we’re just going to get through the presentation. I don’t want to spoil everything for everybody, because, you know, I’m really hyped for this presentation. I got a lot of stuff to show y’all, because the last two videos, when I was talking about Tahuti or thof in the black sun of 2025, it works in conjunction with the rainbow and the serpent video that I put out a few days ago, right? Because the serpent is the black sun.
We finna get into it today because there’s a lot of synchronicities that’s syncing up today, right. I got a lot of downloads. So it tells you right here in the publication that there will be many strange beasts up on the earth in those days. So we in that time right now, this is why they’re doing the increment rollout in the full disclosure of extraterrestrial life. When you’re talking about different star families or whatever, right? Just like you have good Anunnaki, you got the luciferian anunnaki, right, that controls the canaanite bloodline, right? When you’re talking about your black nobility and things of that nature.
Now, this is where you got to look at this from a critical standpoint. You know, it’s not a coincidence that, you know, there was a vault that was built up deep inside of a mountain in norwegian island, which is basically connected to the Arctic Circle. Inside there’s a. There’s a vault. Over 1 million seeds from different species, crucial for human survival in the event of a apocalyptic scenario. This global seed vault is a collaboration between the governments of the world’s most powerful countries. So there’s a movie I forgot that came out. But this shows this whole emulation right here as the planet is going through a state of calamity.
I’m not. It’s not 2012, and it’s not the movie. I think it’s called something iron sky. They show this part right here. As you have the rush, the russian factions, they go inside this arctic vault to basically escape the calamity, and they go inside hollow Earth. That’s a whole other transmission in itself right there, because we’re going to get into hollow Earth because it plays a very critical part as we get through the great awakening process. Now back to matter of fact. I need to go back. So they build in all these bunker systems. So they hiding from something, right? It tells you right here, there would be many strange beasts upon the Earth during the times the seven year tribulation, when you’re talking about solar cycle 25 and the blue star Kachina, right? So why are they building these, you know, these vaults? To basically hide themselves from these entities.
That’s going to be a mass sacrifice when you have the whole grid shut down completely, right? That is basically the sign of the great purification period. So the planet is going to cleanse itself by way of the activation of nature. And you also going to have the red Star Kachina, which is known as the great Purifier. Then, at the same time, you’re going to have these beasts upon the land eradicating certain things that’s not supposed to be on the planet, right. It’s part of the mass sacrifice. Now, that works in conjunction with this video as I was talking to you about, the black nobility.
Because why are, you know, why are they building all these caves and all these, you know, these hidden structures within the infrastructure of these mountains, right, is, you know, they’re hiding from something, right? Because they know that something’s going to be taking place. Just like in that movie cabin in the woods. You had the puppeteers at the bottom that was controlling the simulation that was on top. So they was basically controlling everything from underground while they was having a mass sacrifice event on the surface of. Right. You gotta watch that movie cabin in the woods. So I’m gonna play this video.
This is in Switzerland. More surprisingly, the swiss government has turned the entire Alps into a huge bunker equipped with luxury hotels, restaurants, public canteens, modern shower rooms, dormitories, hospitals, and giant generators. Just the room keys alone can fill a wall. The entrance to the bunker is. Is through this dilapidated door from outside the mountain. Notice he said generator. So that basically denotes the fact that the power grid is going to go down. Why would they prepare for something and have the resources for it when they control the information that is basically in alignment to that prophecy? One thing you got to understand about what the government does, they understand the metaphysical essence of astrology and astrological alignments.
What they do is they place their black swan events around these alignments of, you know, many different planets. Because then they could say, oh, it was Russia that did this. It was Iran that did this. Oh, it wasn’t because of, you know, the red and the blue star Kachina and the activation of the black sun? No. No way. It wasn’t that. See, this is why, you know, discernment is key. They always line up their rituals and they always line up their black swan events and these. All these events to basically destabilize the country. They put them around cosmic events that’s going to be taking place.
So, you know, they’re going to create this blackout. Well, the nature is going to create this blackout during a time of solar cycle 25, but they’re going to tell you that Iran did it. So that’s why you got to be very meticulous and pay attention to everything intuitively and look at everything with a critical, supreme, spiritual eye. And the entrance to the bunker is through this dilapidated door. From outside the mountain, it’s hard to tell that this is a bunker. Only upon close inspection will you realize that the whole mountain has been riddled with holes. What seems like an ordinary house, once you open the door, is also a sturdy bunker.
Or this piece of stone is also a bunker. As is well known, the Alps occupy 62.5% of swiss territory. They have built armed bunkers in 60% of their mountainous areas and in the remaining 40% of the plains. Every community has a nuclear blast shelter with complete medical facilities, operating rooms, morgues, etcetera. The bunkers under residential buildings typically feature a half meter thick blast door and an air filter. We all know that Switzerland has been neutral since 1815 and holds 30% of the world’s private wealth. So why has it built so many armed since 1815? So what does that basically mean? They, you know, Switzerland is the only country that never had a war.
That’s because it’s the home of the black nobility. Because when they. They basically know that when things are basically getting manipulated as far as, like, the energy grid system, that is going to be the runaway hot out. Right. They’re going to hide in these bunker systems in Switzerland. Right. So hold on for a second. Now back to the presentation, because I do have a video that’s going to be correlated to everything that I’m showing you in these next few slideshow. So now we just had a blackout event that took place, a global Internet shutdown. Right? So NASA already knows about this stuff.
Right? Because one thing you got to understand about NASA, all these alphabetical groups work in tandem with a totalitarian system for a one world order. So that’s why you got to be very critical of their information. So it says right here in the insider paper, breaking nationwide blackout in Cuba after grid failure. So all this stuff is happening. You had, you know, 10 million people in darkness. Cuba’s power grids fail, plunging country into darkness. Right. So I’m gonna show you two videos that basically correlates to everything that I’m talking about right now. Now this is in Cuba.
Cubans line up at a bakery in old Havana, trying to make do without power. Most of the island’s 10 million people still don’t have it. State run media says the national grid collapsed twice within 24 hours. So the grid collapsed twice within 24 hours. You know, look at this. I need you to understand something. Everybody ain’t ready for this. Everybody talking about, you know, well, it’s a conspiracy. And then you got some people talking about, I’m ready for the grid to shut down. Man. If you haven’t done your shadow work, if you haven’t tapped into your higher states of consciousness so much, to the point where you can basically detach from the system when the system crumbles, right? If you haven’t done the inner work, you is not going to survive the cosmic energy ship.
You are not going to survive the blackouts, right? Because this is. This is where you’re going to see people who really did the work, who was really talking to. Talking. Walking a walk. So this is going to show you the diametrical difference between the real chosen and the fake chosen, because the real chosen, not only are we propagating the truth, you know, we out here, you know, doing agriculture, we looking at all these different sites and stuff like that. Places to, you know, have an exodus, landmass, to build a autonomous civilization. When things get really bad in the great awakening process, right? Because this is where, you know, they get you, you know, they exploit you and they gaslight you.
The government does. And when things basically creates a form of destabilization, this is where they pull you right back in to be like, oh, trust us. Now we got. We got the resources. Come, come to the FEMA camps, come do this, come do that. You know, they’re going to make you operate from a place of conformity, right? Everybody’s not built, you know, you know, for this. So this is why you see the great majority of the people in the line, because they’re not tapped into the information. They know, they don’t understand what’s going on, but now they got to be forced to understand what’s going on because now they need deep into the, you know, these blackouts and these black swan events or whatever same thing is they took place in Cuba is actually going to happen in America.
That was a test run. Now, just imagine if that shit happened in America. There’s going to be a lot of people looting. It’s going to be a lot of people getting hurt. It’s going to be all types of stuff that’s going to be taking place in the geographical area of, of the United States of America. Right? We’ll keep playing a video. Everybody ain’t ready for this because we, in that time, 2025 is going to be a scary year. 2025 on up. Because whatever they got to do to prepare you for 2030, they got to get the ball rolling.
Right now, 10 million people still don’t have it. State run media says the national grid collapsed twice within 24 hours. We’re used to enduring everything in life because we can’t do anything else, says this man. On Saturday, the government said it’s making progress in reestablishing service, including to hospitals and parts of Havana. The country’s top electricity official said the grid operator was trying to boost capacity in the system. Look at that. Everybody ain’t ready for the world to end. Some people ain’t ready for this, right? You see people when, during the time of 2020, you know, when everything got shut down, everybody was scared, they were stressed out.
That was the time when you were supposed to tap into your higher potential and find your purpose. That was the last, you know, verification period to find yourself intuitively. And when Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19, you, you really better find yourself during this time period, right? Because it’s going to get hectic out here, plants going, and bring power back to broader parts of the country. You know what I’m saying? I’m not trying to use any type of fear mongering tactics, but this is a reality. You know, if somebody’s giving you the true edification about what’s going to be taking place in the future, is that fear mongering or is that person trying to be a resource, you know, a helping hand? You know, I’m saying, by giving people information ahead of time to prepare for it.
Everybody ain’t built for it, right? And now here’s another video that I got is pretty long, probably about ten minutes or whatever. And it’s a guy, he basically is a whistleblower. And he was talking about how many different things is going to be taking place when this blackout happens, right? Because like I said, all this works in conjunction with the Hopi prophecy. All this works in conjunction with the three sons of Samaria, utu, Apsu, and Seamus. It all works in conjunction with the black sun, you know, red Star, kachina, blue Star, Kachina. All of it works in conjunction.
You just got to understand and piece everything together, because all these prophecies are not meant to be separated. They’re separated by culture and heritage and by way of, you know, geography or whatever. But like I said, that’s why you got to understand the science of circumlogy. You study all perspectives to get one true. Right. So, I’m gonna play this video, and then we’re gonna get to the presentation, back to it, and I’m gonna show you how the blip, the red blue star, kachina, and our yellow sun works in harmony with, you know, getting, uh, metaphysical powers and.
And the activation of the black sun. All of it is basically correlated together. So, I’m gonna play this video in the. In the documents I have now from three months ago. Turn, uh, put your phone up to your ear. If you can’t hear it, turn your tv up. You know, sit back and listen to everything that he’s saying. You got some people, you know, they’re very, um. They kind of get bored when it comes to information. If you want to know a lot, you know, about certain things, you got to sit through videos like this. You got to read books when you don’t want to.
Right. You got to force yourself. So if you want to understand and you want to be that resourceful hand you talking about, you chosen and you can’t sit through, you know, a video. You can’t, you know, sit down and read a book, and I. That’s going to put you a step ahead when shit hit the fan, right? It’s time to be proactive. Right now, in the documents I have now from three months ago, they are saying the amount of people they have to eliminate is too large. It is too many. We are talking about millions of Americans, and this is where we see their plans are changing, and they are going to initiate something that is devastating and that is extremely frightening.
And based on what I can see in the documents, we’re talking about, Matt, mind you, the guy who was speaking, his name is David Goldberg, and he was unalive for putting out this information in the 2019. So he knew about, you know, the prophetic events of the black sun and the blackout happening, the manipulation of the energy grid. He knew all about it, and he put it in this video. And pay attention to everything that he’s saying, please, and share this video. This video is very important. Get the likes up. Share the video. Subscribe to the channel.
Power outages. I’m playing all the way back in the documents I have now from three months ago. They are saying the amount of people they have to eliminate is too large. It is too many. We are talking about millions of Americans. And this is where we see their plans are changing, and they are going to initiate something that is devastating and that is extremely frightening. And based on what I can see in the documents, we’re talking about power outages along with a purge. They’re gonna come in, it’s gonna be power outages along with a purge. Pay attention to what he’s saying.
And I could take you out of your home, and they’re going to put you into a military vehicle or whatever, a van, and drive you away and place you into a camp. It is a very, very big operation that they’re planning. It is millions of Americans. They will do it under the COVID of night, under the COVID of blackness, during one of these bomb blockouts. The blockouts are based on documents. I’m just looking at it right now. They have a three day block out. They have a nationwide block out that lasts two days, and a lot of localized blocks.
That’s going to be a nation that, because they’re going to operate these blackouts and increments, or, like I said, you got to be very meticulous how you know that Mother Nature doesn’t have a logistical plan in itself to cause these blackouts, and they know the information, because one thing you got to understand is, is that the people, the global elite, they work in conjunction with the negative factions of the Luciferian Anunnaki, or extraterrestrials. They have access to entities and other dimensional realms to where they can understand where to put these agendas in their events, around these cosmic events.
They have the information to that. So all throughout ancient civilization, during the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, you know, all these fifth dimensional civilizations, you know, the person that was in control of that matriarch, they was operating with apparitions and spirits from other dimensional realities to give them, you know, edification about national policies. So the same thing takes place, but in a negative way. When you’re talking about westernized government or one world governments, right? They’re getting their information from other entities of when certain things is going to be taking place. And they place these, you know, these black swan events around the cosmic events.
So these is going to be many different blackouts. It’s going to be two days, ten days, two weeks. They’re going to be operating in increments, and there’s going to be a purge during this process. So it is a whole series of blackouts that they’re going to do. And, of course, it will be blamed on all kinds of things. It might blame it on Iran, I have seen that mention of documents. They’ve already prepped people for this. There are going to be more blackouts that are already predictive programming, so we may see more of this as we go on.
As far as I can tell from Project Zephyr or Zypher, they are planning this next year and the year after. They are not done tagging, tracking and identifying everyone. It looks like they’re at about 78%. I looked in the documents and there were a couple of indications of how long far along they feel in the project is. They’re like 78% done, but they’re not completely done. It does take time to identify a YouTube account and then track it to the email that it was created with and then the IP address and then find out who created it.
It does take them a lot of time to do that. It is not instant. It does take a lot of research because a lot of people create a YouTube account with an email address, doesn’t give any indication of who they are. An account name that doesn’t have their full name on it, they don’t use their real pictures. So it is a challenge for them. That’s why the project has been going on for so long. But it is coming to a close in the next six months to a year, it appears it is coming to a close, and that is when Project Zyper will be initiated.
So I have some books here I’m going to continue on, talk a little bit more about. Right. They’re being tracked, they’re being identified. That’s the whole point. A lot of people have said, well, but they want to completely eliminate these people because they do stand in the way of the agenda. There are too many people that are waking up. It is way too many for them to handle. They’re starting to have an influence and they’re starting to change the conversation online. It is a great concern to Israel, something that the memos, that I won’t talk a little bit about.
The memos. The memos are different from this classified documents. The memos are White House internal memos that discuss a wide range of things in terms of Trump’s meeting with rabbis, discussions with Netanyahu over the phone. And one of the memos says that Donald Trump will have to declare himself king of Israel now publicly, mind you, if he’s going to declare himself as king of that landmass. You know, I got a video right here that shows it right here. Because one thing you got to understand about Donald Trump, Donald Trump, even though he’s a white hat. He still is.
Basically, he’s a double agent, basically. Donald Trump is a, he’s basically like a double agent because he’s working with the white hats and the black hats because this is where he took his, he converted over to, you know what I’m talking about, over in Israel when Lucava synagogue in New York City. According to a high level White House official. Mister Goldberg says the story has allegedly been held by CNN’s editors for months, but is due to be released within the next few days. David Elias Goldberg, a fellow at the Jewish center of Anti Semitic Study, has also interviewed the White House source.
According to the source, Trump was. This is how you know that the, the whole political infrastructure is all about B’s because how are you going to say, drain the swamp and you working with the swamp, right? Make that make sense. That’s like multiplying any number by zero. That don’t make sense at all. There’s no evolution in that. So this, you know, what I’m showing you right now, you know, is basically everything that the guy basically said in the last video. But I’m going to continue playing it once we get away from this video. He said that during the time of the process, before we have that totalitarian dystopia due to the blackout, Donald Trump is going to declare himself as the king of that landmass where he’s at right now.
Right, which is basically connected to your deep state shadow government factions. He’s going to claim that he’s basically the king of all of everything, is the king of all world governments, basically. Right? And he’s going to push that plan of Project Zypher where you’re going to have to unalive millions of people in a form of a purge. That’s why I’m showing this video. The receipts is receipting Illuminati. I’m on to you. His daughter Ivanka and son in law Jared Kushner, to join the faith. At first, Trump resisted, stating it would threaten his base of evangelical christian voters.
However, he had a change of heart and officially converted in early 2017. The ceremony was held in private and closely guarded for nearly two years. It appears the White House is prepared to slowly release this information. And by summer, it is expected Trump will fully address his new faith in an evening televised news conference. He is clearly the most pro Israel president in the history of America. He’s given Israel every single thing that they wanted, and he’s about to give them war with Iran. And so has he converted. I want to show you one more article.
This is. Let me see if I can. This is Times of Israel. Yeah. The Times of Israel. This was published March 22, 2019. This is the Times of Israel. Trump, the first jewish president of the United States. That’s not us saying that. That’s times of Israel. Times of what nation? Israel. So the people in Israel, that’s an english speaking newspaper in Israel. And that’s what they read, that Donald Trump is the first jewish president of the United States. And how did they qualify that, Rick? They gave a list of things that he did for Israel. First of all, of course, moving the embassy to Jerusalem.
That’s right. It was a big deal then recognizing israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. He’s the first sitting US president to visit the western wall. They gave him credit for defeating ISIS. They gave him credit for rebuking the United nations when the UN criticized Israel. They credit him with closing the palestinian office in Washington, DC. And they said these things was 123456. These six things qualify Donald Trump to be named the first jewish president of the United States. Yeah. How you going to drain the swamp and you doing all these rituals with the swamp? Make it make sense.
Make it make sense. And I got another video that actually correlates to the blackouts as well. Hold on for a second. I don’t know what that’s about. But anyhow, we’re going to get back to the presentation, back to this video. Now. I’m a go. He’s talking about, this guy was talking about this in 2018, in 2019. He says something about how right before we have the blackouts, Donald Trump, he’s basically going to declare himself as king of the world, basically. Right? And this is where they’re going to activate that totalitarian dystopia where you have a purge and things of that nature when you have the blackout happening.
I ain’t going to talk to Momma. Let the video play. We’ll talk a little bit about the memos. The memos are different from this classified documents. The memos are White House internal memos that discuss a wide range of things in terms of Trump’s meeting with rabbis, discussions with Netanyahu over the phone. And one of the memos says that Donald Trump will have to declare himself king of Israel publicly. This is part of the process for them. It doesn’t, there’s no strategic reason for it. It is symbolic for them. Trump is going to declare himself king of Israel at some point.
I don’t know how, but they’re talking about in these memos over and over again when he’s going to do it why he wants, why they want him to do it, which, again, is symbolic. It has no strategic purpose, apparently. It is part of the process. Of what? Of the end game, basically, is what I’m saying. So we will see if that happens or not. It sounds ridiculous. I can’t imagine him actually saying it, but maybe he will do something like that. We will look out for that in the coming months. Based on my reading of the classified documents and the memos.
So much of what is going on is planned. They’ve given people impression that Trump has brought chaos to politics, but it’s actually the opposite. It has been planned. Donald Trump’s allegiance to Israel. He’s not only a jew, he is a freemason. They have promised him, his daughter, the sons, will enjoy very high level ranking within the world government, that they are forming the capital, which will be Jerusalem. So that is why Trump is so dedicated to following the script while performing the way that he does. It appears to be very authentic to his followers. Everything he’s done, talking about the wall to the fake news, was scripted from the beginning, around 2014 and 2015.
And according to some of the memos I’m reading, he loved it. They introduced all of this to him and he loved it. They told him the plan. You’re going to become president, you’re going to say this and this and this. He loved it. He’s already a little bit of a racist. He’s already predisposed to some of this rhetoric. So he loved it. He jumped on board and they promised him great things, especially for his family, if he were to follow through on these things and simply follow the script. And he does have leeway. He has leeway to say many things that he wants to say.
He has a lot of fun doing this. But he does have script writers, and there’s one in the script writer, I forget his name. He’s bald guy. I want to remember his name. It’s important to say it. Well, he is a big part of this. He writes a lot of the Trump’s tweets. He crafts a lot of it. Oh, I cannot remember. I’m going to look him up right now. Trump’s speech writer, Stephen Miller. Stephen Miller has a big role in all of this. He is a dedicated zionist. He has a lot to do with a lot of this.
If you want to go down the rabbit hole, if you want to find out who’s really behind it, Stephen Miller is a big part of it. So that is the whole of it. I want to get this video out. I want people to hear it. I want people to know what’s going on. I’ve had some strange things going on in my house. I’ve noticed black suv’s. I mentioned it before, they’re still there. I still see them every once in a while. The other day, I went out to try to approach one, to confront them. Like, what are you doing here? I know you’re here.
And they drove off, as I could be, right? When I opened the door and I look outside, I see them drive off. So I don’t know, maybe it’s just coincidence that they were leaving and they saw. I don’t know. But it seemed like they were very, very prepared to get out of there. So the next time I see them, I’m going to confront them quickly and make sure that they don’t have time to get out of there before I have a chance to get down there. And at least they see me coming for them. I will try again.
But I have seen them mostly at night. I open the window, I look out the window, and that is when I see them, mostly. That’s all I want, to confront them. I’m tired of harassment. I know they’re watching me. I assume I’m bugged. I’m assuming there’s some way to hear what I’m saying. But I don’t care anymore. I have been given the documents. I have been tasked with this duty to get the information out. I’m going to do it in any way that I can. I have given my friends copies of all of these. I have stored them in different places.
I have a dead man switch in case something were to happen to me. So I’ve done my best to prepare because I feel like this is getting very serious. I mean, the documents they show me are terrifying. The plan that they have in place, I would expect. They have this plan of gatekeeping and tracking people, but they’re going to take it to a new level with Project Zypher. They’re going to take it to a new level. They’re going to these people, one by one through the blackouts. I mean, it says in the classical documents have planned to pick them up.
They’re just going to physically pick them up. They’re also going to use all kinds of other means to eliminate them. Not just the high value targets are going to be picked up. So that means that, like I said, during the time of the blackouts, there’s going to be a time where they’re going to be purging and they’re going to be looking for people who are your so called conspiracy theorists, truthers, thought leaders, you know, anybody who’s pushing against, you know, back, you know, from. Against the governmental system. They’re basically going to come after you because they’re basically insinuating that you’re on the watch list.
Right. So that’s why I say a lot of people are not ready for it. Oh, I got another video that correlates with it, but we going to get through that in a second. You, like I said, you got all these energies here. You got the gold stream could collapse as early as 2025, right? So it’s telling you about all these cataclysms, the cycle of ice ages that occurred from 115,000 to 12,000 years ago. So it’s one of the climate tipping points. Scientists are most concerned as a global temperatures continue to rise because you got the El Nino nine weather that’s going to be taking place in the year 2025, where the waters from the east collaborate with the waters from the west.
Right. So everything they do as far as like occultic information, hidden information, it’s all basically redacted information. So you got to understand their symbolism. It shows you right here. Major alert. The White House in DC has turned all red. Right. Red is also could be in alignment with the symbology of the coming of the red Star Kachina or the great purifier. So one thing you got to understand about, you know, the color red, red is their colors of satanic frequency, right? Because like I said, it also applies to the sumerian mythology of the Utu Apsu and shamish the red sarcasm of blue star Kachina and things of that nature.
Now, right before we get into the blue and the rest of Kachina prophecies and how was connected to the blackouts and the black sun, I’m gonna show you another video that is in conjunction with everything that I’m talking about. Because the people, you know, I’m saying they know about what’s gonna be taking place, but they try to act like, you know, you know, the people who look like librarians, this lady, she looked like a regular deglar person, but she understand what’s, you know, what’s gonna be taking place. Pay attention. Oh, definitely. Yeah. It better happen before that.
I don’t think we’re going to be in any shape in a decade to be doing very much of anything. So I don’t have, I’m not hopeful for the future direction that we’re moving in. The future direction climate wise, AI wise, and geopolitical wise. You know, the thing I think is going to kind of come, I think things are going to be pretty difficult starting in a few years. And from what I heard, my sources, and I think that problem is gigantic, is huge because it’s coming at us from many angles. Yeah. It’s probably already written on the wind one way or another, and it’s going to happen and there’s little or nothing we can do about it.
Part of that is a function of nobody’s going to listen anyway, you know? And so who are we talking to, right. So we’ll know. Maybe we’ll have more information than the average person on the street is going to have. Right. And maybe that will give us some ability to have some comfort in our thought process of thinking about not just our container has a clock ticking, but from normal biological disintegration or whatever or an accident or something coming along, but from a standpoint that things are really going to be bad and how do you prepare yourself for that? And those that you love and care for or friends, how do you prepare for any of that? Right.
So that’s probably the best that we can do. Now. There have been some significant, like everything that they saying is basically important because these people are basically insiders who have inside information. Share this video hit that subscribe button, please. Get the edification out there because we are in a time to where when we go into 2025 and they start doing stuff. Don’t say nobody in the conscious community did not tell you because I’m one of the ones that’s been telling you the blackouts is coming. Stay off the airplanes. I’ve been telling y’all for about two years now.
Right? Share this video please, because it’s important. We can do now, there have been some significant rumors of events regarding UAP that may occur within, you know, like ten years or so. I don’t know if it’s something coming or a natural disaster. You hear of something big coming down the pike. Have you heard of these claims? And if so, do you have any idea what it may be? Yes, I’ve heard of them. Yes, I’m aware of them. And I’m not able to have that conversation. To the extent you can talk about what might be imminent. What is imminent? Time is not a luxury that we can afford.
The time has come. We need to start having the conversation collectively. We should add it a while ago, but we really need to. We really need to start having a conversation. And he’s talking about the blackouts when you watch the full video talking about blackouts and extraterrestrials, he said that we need to start having this discussion because we basically ran out of time. That also correlates to the Red Star Kachina and the blue star Kachina, because the blue Star Kachina is the final sign, right before you had the great purifier and before you have the desolation of abomination, when you have these entities come up.
Now, let’s look at certain things logically. If Tesla can come out with robots, what makes you think they don’t have the genetical technology to even create extraterrestrials or many different beasts that lives in the caverns of the earth? So let’s just hypothetically speaking, to say that, you know, aliens are the Elohim and these Anunnaki, all this stuff, let’s just say, was all B’s. You can’t negate that. They have technology. They have the resources to even create it. They can create an alien. Right. They have a technology. If they doing all this stuff with the manipulation of technology as far as, like, electronics and things of that nature.
So what makes you think they can’t do it with people, you know? Because that’s everything in technology in itself is basically an emulation of who we are genetically. Right. I’m gonna get back to the presentation now. Now, you’re looking at the story of the blue and blue Kachina and the red Kachina, right? So it tells you, in the final days, we will look up in our heavens. So it says, in the final days, the blue star Kachina will come to be with his nephews, and they will return to Earth to its natural rotation, which is counterclockwise.
Right. Knowledge. Right. Knowledge is metaphysical science that is based on actual, factual truth. Right? So this is a fact is evidence in many petroglyphs that speak of zodiac. Within the mayan and the egyptian pyramids, the rotation of Earth has been manipulated by not so benevolent, benevolent star beings who are basically luciferian Anunnaki. The twins will be seen in our northern skies. The red Star Kachina. The blue star Kachina. Red Jack, Red Dragon. Blue Dragon. Right. The return of the blue star Kachina, who was known as Nanga Soho, will be the alarm clock to tell us that a new day in a new life is basically ahead of us, which is basically the foundational blueprint of the cosmic energy shift.
Right? So it tells you right here, not far behind, the twins will become the purifier the Red Kachina, who will bring the day of purification on this day, earth or creatures in all life as we know it, will basically change the appearance of the twins for a period of time, which is a period of seven years, which will be the final opportunity to change your ways. Your final opportunity to tap into your purpose, your final opportunity to do your shadow work, your final opportunity to galvanize your resources. The final opportunity to be around like minded people, because during this time is going to be so much desolation, so many spiritual implications, is going to be taking place on a planet that, like I said, people are going to have neurological problems, they’re going to be hijacked by demons.
So, so the seven year period, which is basically the seven year tribulation period as we segway into 2025, which will be the final opportunity to change your ways. Many will appear to have lost their souls in the final days. So intense will nature of other chain of the changes will be those who are weak in spiritual awareness. Get your awareness up. We’ll go insane. For we are nothing without spirit. Because the reason they gonna reason is going to be so hard for people to get through the shifting process of the great Awakening, is because it’s basically going to expose the dark psychology of the indoctrination process that was implemented by western culture.
It’s going to go against their belief systems. Real truth. Real truth is going to go against everything that they was basically taught, because everything in the system is actually a lie. So this is why it’s imperative to unlearn everything as we’re going through this process. Because if you have a stronghold to religion, you have a stronghold to people, places, in possessions and everything in third density. What you could think is going to happen when the world falls down. You’re going to fall along with the system. You’re going to fall along with the illusion, right? So that’s why it’s imperative to get your heart and your mind working in symbiotic connection to where you can see beyond the dualistic paradox of the energy extraction matrix, right? So a lot of people are going to be going crazy because they’re not going to be able to handle the truth.
They’re not gonna be able to handle what they’re seeing. All this time, they talking about Jesus and the angels, they look like greek, you know, characters and stuff like that. They talking about crack in the sky. And that’s gonna happen. But really what they’re gonna be seeing is alien like beings. Red Star, kachina, blue star, Kachina, people with metaphysical powers, all these people that was indoctrinated by the religion, they’re not gonna know how to fathom the immensity of that truth, basically, right? So it tells you right here, life would be so bad in the cities that many will choose to leave this plane, some in whole groups.
That speaks volumes, right? Because I told you, the April 8 solar eclipse, which was the black sun, that was an omen. You got to study the arts of neoclassical transgressive art. When you study the arts, they show you about the black sun. Now, the blue star Kachina, Hopi mythology. The blue star Kachina, the blue star Kachina is said to be the 9th sign. So it’s not a coincidence that the 9th sign is correlated to the nine year 2025. Two plus two plus five equals nine. So the nine year in the year of the cosmic serpent. The cosmic serpent is the energy of Ophiuchus.
Ophiuchus is the cosmic energy that activates the chakras of planet Earth, which are basically the tectonic plates that’s connected to the black sun. So that’s going to be the inception of the final sign, when you had the activation of things, of nature being working in conjunction with the Black sun. When you’re talking about the trilateral connection of the three suns that create a tetrahedron pulling in energy, streaming down energy to power up the supersonic battery of planet Earth, right, to cause the magnetic pole shift, right? So the blue star Katrina, is said to be the 9th and final sign before the day of purification, described as an apocalypse or a world engulfing cataclysm that will lead to the destruction of the world and humanity as we know it now, it tells you right here, it will be a very hard time for women with children.
So this is why women have to get away from this perception of, you know, women have to get away from this perception of feminism. And the reason I say that is because that is a patriarchal ideology that was propagated by western culture. So you have to tap back into the energy of nature and come right back to the matriarch, because a matriarch denotes the fact that the man and the woman works in synergy to basically raise the child to where they’re able to have autonomous resources within their community that builds civilizations over time. So when the world collapses, this.
This is basically a time of. Should be a time of reconstruction, right? So during the time of the great purification, the great dreadful day of the red Star, Kachina, blue star, Kachina, you ain’t got no time to be talking about only no man child support and things of that nature because shit is gonna hit the fan so much to the point where you’re gonna have to tap back into your nature. You’re gonna be looking for that divine feminine energy. So that’s why they talk about in the Bible, it is gonna be one, is going to be five women take up on to one man.
Right? That’s not a coincidence, right? Because they know during the time, you know, of these, these negative, these, I won’t say negative implications, these spiritual implications that’s going to be taking place as you have chaos and order. A lot of women are going to have to be looking towards the man, and the man is going to be looking for the woman for nurturing aspects, right? So, so. And many children in these times will be some, some of the being from the stars. Okay, none of this is not that important. Now. It tells you right here, you know, you got many different signs when you’re talking about the blue star Kachina, right? Which is the 9th and final sign.
The great majority of these signs, we already extrapolated pretty much. But like I said, the 8th sign, you will see many of the. You wear their hair long like our people. You see a lot of people wearing a lopes, you know, I mean, wearing a. Their locks, you know, I’m saying they locks are starting to drop. People tapping in back into their natural energy. You know, that divine feminine energy that’s coming back right now. Right? Because energy expands and returns to itself. So what goes around comes around. The first shall be last and the last shall be first.
Right? We’re in that time period because then they said the 9th and the last sign you were here. A dwelling of place in the heavens above Earth, which is because I was telling you in the inception of creation, it tells you about how Satan or inlay separated the intergalactic waters from the third dimension and created the firmament. So the firmament that works in conjunction with the cosmic energy grid system is going to be eradicated with the three suns, who to opt, you and Shamish or our yellow sun and the red star Kachina in the blue star Kachina, basically powering up the black sun to create the magnetic pose shift because the black sun moves inside the planet like a serpenthenne to activate the tectonic chakra points of Earth to cultivate the shift as we in the age of Aquarius.
Right? And it tells you there shall be a fall with a great crash is that basically implying, you know, the economic infrastructure? Because, you know, we all know that, you know, the money’s not worth anything. You know, the money hasn’t been backed by natural resources since 1934. And 159 countries just dropped the american dollar. So there is going to be a great crash, because in 1929, in the year the snake, the stock market crash, 2025 is the year the snake is going to crash again because of the manipulation of the energy grid system, right? That’s going to manipulate the oscillating signals of radio waves and manipulate satellites, is going to manipulate everything.
So these are the signs of the great destruction. Now, one thing you got to understand about everything in this fixed position reality, this vetted, simulated matrix system, one thing you got to understand about it is that everything that you see is not a coincidence. Everything is operated by way of a binary code system. That is connected to a form of vedic gematria. So that tells you in itself that the mechanics of many different things that take place on the planet is not a coincidence. So it tells you right here, a dog spotted hanging out, hanging out on top of an ancient pyramid in Egypt, right? Which is basically in.
At the Giza plateau or whatever. This is all symbolism. This is a metaphysical codex, people. I like dogs. My dog is cool. I want my dog to go on the pyramid. You. You looking at it from an entertainment, you know, standpoint. This was a metaphysical codex, right? This was a warning sign. And I’m going to break it down to you as we get through the presentation. I’m gonna show you the video, too, by the way. So there’s a paraglider. He was in Egypt in. He said that he’s seen a dog. There is a dog up there, but he’s basically.
Somebody put the damn dog up there. Put it like that, you know, because like I said, this is basically a signification of something that’s going to be talking about. This is going to be taking place in the future. Yeah. You can see the dog right here where my cursor is at right now. Now it’s time to break down the esoteric and the occultic information that’s behind that video, behind this publication. Now, dog spotted on top of egyptian pyramid, shocked by paraglider. Now, one thing you got to understand is that the collaboration of all the pyramids in the Giza plateau.
Are basically in alignment with the Sirius star constellation, right? Which is also known as the dog star when you’re talking about from July 3 to August 11. Because that’s why where you get the color spectrum of our flag, which is red, white, and blue, which is really actually red, yellow and blue. That is basically working in conjunction with the three sons of Utu, Opsu, and Shamus. And a yellow sun in our atmosphere along with the red star Kachina in the blue star Kachina. Right. Now, when you read this, Sirius, known as the dog star, Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.
It’s located in the constellation of Canis Major, which is Latin for greater dog. Sirius is best seen in the winter in the southern part of the sky. The name Sirius comes from the greek word for glowing or scorching. The term dog days refers to the hottest days of the summer in the northern hemisphere. Comes from the belief that Sirius presence in the daytime sky intensified the heat. Again, tetrahedrons tachyon energies, right? That has a Tesla angular radiation that activates the sun, heat, genes, and the promises of mother nature. Now, this is how it’s all conjunct in working in conjunction with the Hopi prophecy.
The Hopi are taught that we traveled through our four stages of life, which are still remembered vividly in our rituals through songs and clan traditions. And finally, finally, we emerge here into the fourth world. The Hopi say we emerge from the Grand Canyon at a place called Sapapuni, which was the path of the path to the underworld. Now, remember, I was telling you in my creation story video that, you know, in the inception of creation, you had the planet working in conjunction with the original moon called Shesky. Now, when Nabiru was in our solar system, the planet broke off in half due to the extraction of plutonium bombs.
So in order to revitalize the infrastructure of planet Earth, Nibiru, they’re projected a ball of energy where the Grand Canyon is at. That actually became the black sun because the black sun actually mended the planet back to, you know, mended the planet back together to where it was able to have immortalized cell lines and to replenish everything that was basically lost when the planet broke in half. And when the planet broke in half, that’s when the original moon shi, became the Milky Way star constellation. That is actually in alignment with the Grand Canyon, right? So it tells you right here, the Hopi say we emerge from the Grand Canyon, the black sun, right? The ether, the dark matter energy, the fingerprint of the universe, right? Mother Nature lily.
Right, big mama. So the hope you say that we emerge from the Grand Canyon at a place called Sipa Pony, which is the path to the underworld. Now, this is all in conjunction with comedic spirituality because Anubis right. When you’re talking about the dog, right? This is in conjunction with Anubis in the Hopi prophecy, right? Because like I said, it’s connection with the Sirius star constellation, the dog star. And the dog was basically in alignment. Come on. The dog was basically in alignment to the egyptian deity of Anubis, right? And it tells you right here, verbatim, that his role was the.
His role was lord of the underworld. So Anubis is the lord of the underworld. Right? And it tells you right here, the hope, we say that we emerge from the Grand Canyon at a place called Sipopooni, which is the path of the underworld. Anubis, the dog star. Because one thing you gotta understand is that the hope, one thing you understand is that the grant, the pyramids inside the Grand Canyon are actually older than the ones in Egypt. Right? But that’s a whole different topic because there’s cuneiform hieroglyphics inside there. Now, this works in conjunction with the black sun video that I put out.
When you’re talking about Thoth, Anubis is the judge into the judgment hall. Yeah. Anubis is the judge into the judgment hall. Thoth is the scribe who writes down the verdict. Because thoth is basically the timekeeper, right? The timekeeper of the etherse. Anubis may decide to condemn a person to capital punishment, and Thoth may write down the verdict, or he may falsify the verdict. They do not fight each other. Right? So reason that is important, because, like I said, the dog star is in alignment with. With the pyramids of Giza. And it tells you right here in the Hopi prophecy that the red star Kachina and the blue star, Kachina is in alignment with the Sirius dog star, where those three sons come from, right? So could the dog that, you know, is basically given a signification or in a form of symbolism that you’re going to have a return of these three sons that’s going to basically collaborate with the black sun and inside the planet to the point where you have a magnetic pole shift.
And the reason I say that is because, uh, it all works in tandem with, you know, uh, the Superman, uh, mythology, when you’re talking about metaphysical powers and things of that nature, because it all, you know, is it basically correlates when you have a DNA, genetic upgrades and things of that nature. And I’m going to break it down to you now. Now, when you see the black guy right here, the black guy playing Superman, the so called black guy, he is basically the embodiment of the black sun, right? As I was telling y’all before, we are a microcosm of the macrocosm.
So just like there’s a black sun inside planet Earth, we have a black sun inside our brain that activates the neurological faculties, that extracts melanocytes, which is basically the brain and central nervous system melanin, which is basically an intelligence molecule that gives you your higher abilities, that’s connected to the Bathari gland in the hippocampus layer of the brain. So that means that we are basically personifications of the black sun when we tap into are original power. So Superman is actually the black sun because the black sun absorbs the color spectrums of the blue sun, the red sun, and the yellow sun, which is why Superman’s garments is basically in alignment to the red star Kachina, the blue star kachina in our yellow sun.
So it’s not a coincidence that that color spectrum is basically in synchronicity. So you also cannot negate the fact that when you look at the serpent on Superman’s chest with a pyramid, which is basically in alignment to the pyramids of Giza, the pyramids inside of Grand Canyon. Now, you got the energy of Ophiuchus because you have a serpent in the pyramid. And the serpent of Ophiuchus is the 13th astrology sign of the zodiac wheel, right? It’s the 13th sign because the black sun is actually the cosmic serpent. The black sun is actually the personification of the cosmic serpent.
So that means that when a black sun is activated by the blue star, the red star in the yellow sun, it moves through the crevices of planet Earth in a form of a vapor, because it’s the Kundalini energy of planet Earth. And when it strikes the tectonic plates, this is where you get the sedimentary rock formation being manipulated. Right? So the energy of OphiuChus is the black sun. That’s the cosmic serpent. In the nine year of 2025, when you have solar cycle 25 activated. So that means that not only will there be calamity, these three suns is going to be pulling on your energy, right.
The blue sun contains quarks and lepatons. And those quarks and leprechauns turns into the God particle, right? That is you, the God frequency. Right? So these energies of the blue sun, the red sun, and the yellow sun works in conjunction with the black sun. They’re giving energy to planet Earth. That is the tetrahedron. That is the energy, that is the ether, that is the aurora. BoreAlIs that you see in our atmosphere that works in tandem with thoth. Both is MelchizeDek. MelchizeDeK is Tahuti, or the Christ consciousness. This is what this is basically talking about. Kundalini activation of planet Earth from the trilateral connection of the Hopi prophecy, right? So when you look at this screenshot, this.
So this is basically giving you a cultic breakdown of the Hopi prophecy, the black sun and Superman. It all works in conjunction, right? Because when you understand who you are genetically, you know that you’re connected to that black sun, right, by way of sun heat, genes and prominences and granulations, right? We are the black sun. So also, another way to look at this. How you. How do you not know that the galvanization of the 144,000. How you know that that frequency of the 144,000 is actually the black sun, right? Once we all come together, because that means that we basically embody the cymatic frequencies that’s coming from the blue and a red star in the yellow sun that gives us these abilities.
So you know what I’m saying? To basically tap into our Christ consciousness, Tahuti Thoth, which is why I put this video out. You got to watch this video. The last three videos that I put out, these are basically, basically puzzle pieces, both in the black sun of 2025. Then I got the rainbow, the serpent in the rainbow, the pole shift in the 9th hour, right? So we in that time, ladies and gentlemen, so that’s why it’s imperative to understand everything intuitively. So I’m gonna do a quick rundown of everything that I just told you guys. You know, I got a lot of people that watches this channel.
You know, at least about 50, 60% of the people who watch this channel, they’re not. They don’t subscribe. Quit being a monitoring spirit and just subscribe to the channel, right? Why not? Because I’m going to keep giving you all the esoteric information that nobody is not going to give you all because, you know, I’m saying I’m not working for nobody. I’m not picking no type of sides. I’m going to give you information the best way that I can. And I’m not, you know, I’m saying it’s not coming from a compromising place, right? So this video. This video is basically the embodiment of the fact that the black sun absorbs the energies from the red Star, the blue star, Kachina, and our yellow sun at the same time, right? It’s operating by way of the cymatic frequencies of light that manipulates the ionized particles within our atmosphere, because our atmosphere is transducing into an omnicron based atmosphere, meaning that is basically a solar frequency is going to be a solar based atmosphere, right? Which will basically manipulate the magnetic field in the ozone layer, right? Which will cause a manipulation in the cosmic energy grid system that basically eradicate the oscillating signals of radio wave frequencies, EMF waves, microwaves, cell phone towers, satellites, all these things is going to be manipulated because the electrical grid works in tandem with the draconian reptilian net, or the netchae, the net of India.
And that net of India is basically the foundational blueprint in the glue to the firmament, right? Which is basically a Anunnaki luciferian technology that encapsulates us inside of a prison planet. But now, when you have the manipulation of the ozone layer and you have climate disruption, you have radiation surges, which is a interface transition of the liquid crystal polarization, and then you have the navigation failures of the magnetic pole shift, right? Because the magnetic pole shift, what you got to understand is, is going to produce a influx of dynamos. And those damn. Damn. Those dynamos is going to activate iron.
Iron is what makes the planet highly magnetic. And once it’s highly magnetic, the poles flip, transitional shift. So the geomagnetic excursions on the planet, you know, they. They operate in cycles, right? So this is all correlated to, you know, the bunkers. You had that big blackout nationwide in Cuba. You had a grid failure with twice in 24 hours. Everybody’s not ready for this. They put in symbolism. You know, all this stuff is working in conjunction, right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, that was my brief synopsis about, you know, the presentation that I just gave you, this transmission, you know, it’s going to come a point in time.
It’s going to look like I’m putting out a whole bunch of information. Like it’s going to get to the point where I’m putting out information, everything, every day, because everything is starting to, you know, speed up in process. You know, we live in a time to where you have to decipher and distinguish what’s really going on. You know, you cannot, you know, look for the factions of government to give you any type of self preservation or any type of autonomous infrastructure that’s going to basically put you in alignment to, you know, be resourceful to your community.
They know about the great majority of these blackouts that’s going to be happening. They know about the prophecies of the Hopi prophecy. They know about all these things. They know about the activation of the black sun, the energy of Ophiuchus. You know, they know about all these, you know, these spiritual upgrades, these. These spiritual implications, all the calamities. They know about this stuff that’s going to be taking place in the year of 2025, which is the beginning points of the seven year tribulation period. So this is a time, like I said, a lot of people, the more that you see, everything in third density starts to crumble.
A lot of people are not going to be able to handle it because they have an emotional connection to everything in the material plane. Because one thing you got to understand about the material plane, everything is propagated by a form of an illusion, right? It’s an illusion because it only has temporal power. So that’s why you got to tap in and do the inner work. You got to do your shadow work, go to the gym. You got to do all this stuff. That’s basically going to put you in alignment, you know, I’m saying, to where you tap into your higher abilities and when shit hit the fan, you be able to, you know, hold it down by yourself, or hold it down with your community, or hold it down with your.
Your autonomous infrastructure. You gotta be able to hold it down. Cause you can’t just, you know, it’s not all about the aesthetic of crystals and head wraps or whatever. You really gotta be doing a work, right? Everybody talking about they ready for the grid to go down. But guess what? This is what the guy said in the video. When the grid goes down, that’s when the mass sacrifice is going to happen. This is why you’re going to have the beast of the earth is going to come to the surface. This is where you’re going to have the purging during the process of the great purification period, right? So that basically denotes the fact that you’re going to have to stand up and fight for yourself, right? You got to stand up and fight for yourself.
Everything is not love and light. That’s a lie. Anybody who’s telling you that everything is love and light, you got to balance out your light energy with your dark energy. I’m spiritual, but go ahead and try me at the same time and see what happens. That’s the type of energy that’s going to get you to the next level. That’s the type of energy to where you’re going to survive the shift of the great awakening. You got to be balanced because, you know, love and light, that’s false light. And false light is a demon because demons don’t really dwell in darkness.
Demons dwell in a false light. So anybody who’s pushing this, uh, this pseudo perception of, you know, we are. We all got to get along, come together. Everybody’s chosen. That’s false light. Because, like I said, there’s two different factions of people on this planet, right? And when I say that, I’m saying that in terms of energy, those who was pushing out negative energy, those are not chosen ones. Those who’s giving you misinformation, telling you to go vote, and things of that nature, those are not chosen ones telling you go to church. Those are not chosen ones telling you that the red and the blue star kachina is a conspiracy and that, you know, well, this is.
That’s just something that you read in a comic book, bro. Those are not chosen ones because they don’t have the supreme spiritual eye to decipher what’s taking place in real time, right? They’re not seers, they’re not healers. They’re not true speakers, right? So this is the time where you go out. You really have to galvanize your resources. We almost. In that time, we’re gonna be looking like Cuba, you know, pretty soon, and we’re gonna see who was doing the inner work. So, with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, please get this video out there. Share this video.
This is one of my most important videos. And thanks for watching this video. End of transmission 1014. We will put an end to this madness since I last called you back on your line. So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. Karma’s gonna get to you. And then you’ll have a chariot with only one less friend. Now, I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies. So thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive.
And thank you for my health and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage taken on another day when I used to not believe. But now I know about grace. Stay away from the fire. Cause the flames does burn. Go with your gut. Feeling is wrong. You learn. For every one step I take, the Lord takes, too. And, um, do unto others if you want it done unto you. Huh? It’s me again, God. I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line. So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.
It’s me again. God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the this is completion the selfish proto grecian, amerindian Phoenician I’m the last of the Mohicans, the bastard of the land the pean melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of Atlanta but the avalanche seized it I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased it better than the medicine for seven different treatments niggas try to ride away but end up getting seasick to sleep and feel my words like braille and they’re awaking with the penmanship of hindu script written in them vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Biting off more than I can chew that’s a overbite.
Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page it’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again, God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.