➡ The text discusses a conversation about a song’s lyrics and its interpretation, followed by a shift to a discussion about a recent archaeological discovery in Poland. The archaeologists found the remains of children believed to be victims of anti-vampire rituals from the 13th century. The burial practices included decapitation and heavy stones placed on the bodies to prevent them from rising from the grave. The conversation ends with a promotion for a show about Vlad the Impaler and Dracula.
➡ For just $12.99 a month, you can access a vast collection of videos on various topics, including a deep dive into vampire lore, on our website. We also discuss interesting topics like Keanu Reeves’ interest in ancient civilizations and the Mandela effect. We’ve also explored government documents about Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster. However, we apologize for a previous error where we presented an AI-generated interview as real.
➡ The text discusses the possibility of undiscovered creatures existing, citing examples of animals like the giant panda and Komodo dragon that were only discovered relatively recently. It also mentions the discovery of a large, previously unknown shark in 1977. The text then shifts to discuss strange sightings of a creature called the ‘klickitat ape cat’ in Washington. Finally, it discusses a series of coordinated attacks involving exploding devices, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries, with the source of these attacks still unknown.
➡ The conflict between Israel and Hezbollah led to an unusual event where old pagers exploded. It’s believed that Israel intercepted Hezbollah’s pager supply, added explosives, and triggered them remotely. This was possible because Hezbollah used old, hard-to-hack pager technology. However, the possibility of everyday devices like phones and laptops exploding in a similar manner is very unlikely.
➡ The text discusses various geopolitical issues, including the relationship between China and Hezbollah, the potential for conflict between the US and China over Taiwan, and the implications of these relationships on global politics. It also touches on the possibility of technology being used to monitor and control people’s thoughts and emotions, raising concerns about privacy and freedom. The text ends with a call to support the content being discussed.
➡ Metaphysical Coffee offers a unique blend of single-source beans from Guatemala, providing a rich, caramel cocoa finish. The coffee is non-GMO, low acidity, gluten-free, vegan-friendly, and is roasted in small batches for freshness. Additionally, there are concerns about privacy and security with devices manufactured in China, including the potential for hidden chips in iPhones and cameras in TVs. Experts warn that any device connected to the internet is potentially vulnerable, and caution against unnecessary Bluetooth connections with appliances.
➡ The speaker expresses frustration with the increasing need for internet connectivity in everyday items, highlighting potential security risks. They then transition to promoting their upcoming show on Rise TV, which costs $12.99 a month, and their coffee product. They also mention a free alien races guide available on their website. The show will explore topics like transhumanism, cyborgs, and mysterious sea creatures.
Whoa. Whoa. Also on tonight’s show, don’t miss the metaphysical minute segment or the weekly Mandela effect, aka the Bendel Effect, featuring the famous singer jewel and one of her popular songs. During our exclusive rise tv segments, ask us your questions directly in the dig deep Live Q and a segment. Then hear hilarious and intriguing stories in the top ten weirder news of the week, such as a new species of horror wasp, a woman forced to install a camera on her head, and how spraying a neighbor with a water gun led to an arrest. So join us, me, Ben Chastene, and Rob counts over here from edge of Wonder on this Friday night Live as we cover all of this and more.
And as always, we’ll see you guys out on the edge of whoa. Whoa. And by the way, if you’re listening to our edge of Wonder podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or elsewhere, please leave us a five star rating and review. And also, remember, hit like follow, subscribe, comment below on Rumble, Telegram, Ganjin World. That’s what we need on rise tv. We need a button on every page or even on the chat. That’s just a whoa button. Whoa. Hit it. And it says it just for you at home. Hit it whenever you want. You can paste it into the chat.
Other people can click it. It’ll say woe to them. Great. Whoa. I’m really, really ashamed of myself for not thinking about this idea earlier. Why didn’t I think of that earlier? Oh, man. Well, um, just jump right into this with this. Uh, there was actually a UFO caught on camera in China that shut down, uh, one of the airports, I guess. Uh, it was an international airport, and, um, uh, Tian. Tianjin. It was in Tianjin, and many flights were canceled, delay, or diverted, and they thought it was like a drone of some sort. Well, then a lot of people started speculating that it was actually a UFO and it was caught on camera.
Lindsay, you want to show a little bit about this? Starting from the night of September 11, there were unidentified flying objects spotted in Tianjin for three consecutive nights. These incidents affected flight operations at Tianjin International Airport, impacting thousands of passengers. According to China’s official statement, these were drone intrusions. However, many people doubt this explanation, questioning if these objects were UFO’s as drones usually cannot fly for 10 hours. The incident on the night of September 11 at Jian Binhai airport has been dubbed the Tianjin 911 incident. On the night of September 11 without any unusual weather conditions, Tianjin Binhai airport activated a yellow level emergency response plan and canceled all flights, effectively closing the airport.
11:00 p.m. 29 flights were delayed, eight were cancelled and 32 had to land at other airports. Some flights circled above the airport dozens of times, but couldn’t land, affecting more than 3000 passengers. Okay, you can turn it off. That is. Yeah. How you know it wasn’t a chinese drone? Stayed in the air for more than 10 hours? Yeah, it didn’t blow up. It actually flew. Yeah. That is. Yeah. That deserves definitely a whoa. Okay. Okay. That does deserve a whoa. And I mean, some of that footage was some of the best UFO footage we’ve seen in a while.
What gives you. It’s pretty funny. There’s no audio on that. Lindsey letting us down. Come on. The audio is down. Come on. The volume is so low. That’s pretty funny. Yeah. Anyway, 10 hours. This. So wait, this UFO or series of UFO’s. Yeah. Was in the air for 10 hours straight? That’s. I mean, that’s what they said. That’s the. According to the reports. Yeah. When’s the last time, Ben, you heard of a UFO intervention that lasted 10 hours? Never. I think so. There was a report that I did on weirdest news in history. That was from 1897? Yes, that one was weird.
And then there was one from the 15 hundreds. That was all day. Yeah. That one for the 15 hundreds too. Yeah, the 18. It was eight. Between 1896 and 1897, multiple UFO’s were seen all over the us for like hours on end. People were watching it in the air and no one had any idea what it was. Because in the term, UFO didn’t even exist at that time. No, they were looking at flying. They called them airships, but they were like. It was flying way too fast to be like a normal, you know, blimp or whatever, you know, for the airships back in those days.
And airplanes didn’t exist yet, so. But the way they’re described are a typical UFO. How they like, you know, rise. It was like rising up or would follow. You know, follow like a. Follow something. And then all of a sudden, it would, like, you know, change lights and then shoot off. And there was reports of seeing. There was even reports of seeing, like, reptilian looking things in some of these. One of these crafts. There’s a first, a cow abduction in history. That known history happened in. During this time, in 1897. So. And there was a. It was a detailed account of a farmer, and he wrote an affidavit about it.
Like. Like, this really happened. I. He was describing. He’s, like, four foot beings that he was seeing craft, and they were under pain of death. My cow was abducted. Yeah, that’s what he said. It just, like, floated off, and then he just was like, they’re demons. You know? Like, they didn’t really have a term for, like, aliens or anything. They called him, like, you know, men from Mars, was what they were calling them. Martians. Yeah, yeah. And that’s how Martians kind of came about. So, so weird. But, yeah, you can. You can. I had no idea, but you can actually look this stuff up and everything.
You know what else is weird? I haven’t really thought about Juul in 25 years. So what’s going on here? Is that your bendela effect? Let’s get into that. It is. Let’s get into it. All right, jewel, this one. This one is a pretty big one for me. In the song, in her first single ever, who will save your soul? Does she sing throughout the song? Who will save your soul? Or who will save your souls? Okay, look. What do you remember, Rob? I went onto YouTube at one point specifically to see the lyrics, because I wanted to know what she was saying, because I heard it in the grocery store one time, and I was like, what is she really saying? Went on there to look, and every single time she said that word, it was soul up until the very last time she said it.
And that was souls. See, that’s what I remember. That’s what I remember. Yeah, that. Because it. Because, like, she’s singing about a guy, I feel like. Yeah. And she’s. Even. The lyrics are, like, all the lies that you told, boy. Yeah, like that. So it’s. It’s like this dude that. That, like, cheated on her or whatever, and she’s, like, saying all this. It’s not that way anymore. Throughout the entire song. The entire song, every time she says, who will save your souls? She says, who will save your souls with an s? And then why is boy not.
I know. It changes the entire meaning of the song. And I learned this in high school, I remember. And, like, one of my friends, like, jewel, just came out. They were obsessed with jewel. And I remember we even played this together where I played guitar and she sang this song, and I even, like, reached out to her a while ago and I was like, dude, what do you remember of this? Without saying anything, she’s like, it’s always who save your soul? I was like, yeah, lindsay, you want to play the official video? And this is the first time in the video where she lied.
Why is the title who will save your soul if she’s pluralizing it everywhere in the song? Yeah, it doesn’t make any sense. You want to play this, Lindsay? We’ll just play it. I don’t know. I’m so weirded out by that. It sounds like it’s a small little thing, but literally when it comes to the flowers now mean. Anyway, I don’t even know. I also don’t really remember. I guess that everyone thinks that. That. Anyway, I won’t get into it, but that’s crazy that that’s not how it was. I agree as well. Anyway, it’s super weird. I.
That one definitely weird me out. So it was sold every time up until the last time. Yeah. I mean, that’s. I remember lyric writing. If you do that, too. I 100% agree. And at the end of the song, it’s like. It’s like, okay, now I’m not just going to sing at one person. I’ll sing, like, for about everybody, but it’s just it. Yeah, I’m not. I’m. I’m totally lost now on kind of the meaning of the song. So it’s like you guys on this, uh, lyrics page, the second time the chorus plays, it has soul. Singular.
No, it’s the whole song, though. It is the whole song. So I don’t know what. It’s weird. So wait a minute. So is it souls the entire time now or she’s going back and forth? Unless it’s like, unless they. Or is this a remnant or they change it again. I remember listening to the whole song. I don’t know. That’s weird, though. Yeah, see, she’s saying souls there. That’s why I. I mean, I. This might actually be some kind of, like, remnant of it because I listened to the whole song and she says, I’ll tell you what, I’ve always thought this song was annoying.
So I’m good with this. Yeah. I’m not really that crazy about it now. It was on so much back then, you couldn’t go anywhere. It was on the radio every time you turn. It was like 1996 or something. It was everywhere. Dude, it was everywhere. All of Jules songs. There was the other one. What was the other one? I don’t even remember. I know what you’re foolish games or something. Like games. Yes, that was the other one. Yes, it was. You’re right. Yeah, that one hurt. I think it was even more popular than. Than that song after it came out.
But anyway. All right, well, we got to get into metaphysical minute, and I want to. I want to cleanse my palette of jewels song, so why don’t we get into that? Okay. The subject matter of this metaphysical minute is a lot more hardcore than talking about Juul, just so you know, at home. All right, so I’m just preparing you when you hear the title. The title is decapitated child skeletons point to medieval anti vampire ritual. All right, let’s get into this. Archaeologists in Poland, which, by the way, in my research. Hold on. Archaeologists discover remains of decapitated vampire children, believed to be demonic beings.
I love it. Yeah, he goes straight from jewel and like a total, like, Mandela effect to. To decapitated child skeletons. All right, I. So, okay, archaeologists in Poland, which this. This works out, Poland was a big place where this was going on back in the time, were flabbergasted after discovering the remains of alleged vampire children, one of which was decapitated to allegedly prevent them from the rising from the grave. That’s. This was, of course, what they did back then. It was a. You had to take the heart out and you had to cut off the head.
That’s how you killed a vampire. Everybody knows that or should know that. The burial clearly shows signs of anti vampire practices, doctor Stanislaw Golub and archaeologists with the Lublin. I don’t know how to pronounce this, conservator of monuments who led the excavation said in a statement. Workers had reportedly initially stumbled across the skeletons while removing tree roots for an ongoing garden renovation project at the palace of the uniate bishops in Clem, per a translated Facebook post by the institution. Okay, so based on the earth they were found in, and associated pottery fragments, the bones allegedly date back, get this, to the 13th century.
That would date vampires back quite far. Just so you know, a time when precautions were taken to prevent the dead from reanimating. Jam Press reported. Okay, according to the Post, one of the macabre grave sites had all the characteristics of an anti vampire burial practiced in Europe at the time. I don’t remember this stuff happening in the 13th century, though. Did you, Ben? Maybe. Well, I thought this was more like the 16th and 17th centuries, a lot of that was going on. But, hey. Yeah, but, you know, I mean, then again, you know, it’s all terminology based, right? So it’s like we’re calling them vampires now and this anti vampire burial.
But, I mean, they wouldn’t have bought all these, you know, whatever these things are vampires. They would have whatever, you know, it’s like some demonic thing. Who knows? Yeah, exactly. So, I mean. I mean, I. There’s a. There’s definitely stories all throughout history of, you know, because even recently, there was something that came out where they found these skeletons, and then there was a sickle that was over the neck of the skeletons, and they were chained up as well. Yeah. So it’s like, why would you change why you do that? Gelatin or, like, a dead body and put a sickle over it unless you literally fear it coming to life, you know? So, I mean, I’m wondering if it was kind of a similar thing, but we just don’t know what kind of weird rituals, what kind of things were going around back then either, you know? Yeah.
Check this out. Okay. The. These included the fact that the child had their skull removed and was interred face down with tone, with stones atop their torso. So they would put really heavy stones on their torso so they couldn’t get up to reanimate. Right. And. And they made sure they were face down and then put the stones on top of them. That’s crazy. Yeah. Now listen to this. The alleged baby Dracula was also buried in gypsum soil and oriented on an east west axis, both common customs during the time. The burial site also had post holes, which were likely used to monitor the graves for signs of a vampiric resurrection or zombie.
Like. Think about, like, who would go through all of this trouble unless this were a thing, right? More. Or something actually happened where, like, did someone. I did something actually rise from the grave? That’s what I’m saying. Like, yeah, you’d have to develop these protocols after something like that was consistently happening. Right. Because what’s the point of doing all of that if somebody’s not standing guard and watching for these things and all of that, right? So more puzzling was the fact that both children were interred without coffins or traditional funerary ornaments in a site far away from any known cemetery.
This suggests that locals may have used the area for undocumented burials for a period of time until the, like, the breakout was done. It’s like, were these zombies? Were these vampires? Like, this is weird. This is so weird. Yeah, that. That’s I mean, that’s why I, you know, I don’t think the terminology existed then, you know. So it’s like vampire zombies. Yeah, that’s sounds like a good horror movie right there. Yeah, like a horror movie I’m thinking of, you know. Well, you guys, before we go any further, everyone knows we’re in volatile times. With digital currencies on the rise, $35 trillion of national debt, believe it or not, and inflation at a 40 year high, honestly feels like it’s never been higher, nevermind 40 years.
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Wonder to 50505 to claim this exclusive offer from preserve gold today. Okay, we’ll see you after this trailer on Vlad the Impaler. It’s a good episode, you guys. I assure you, vampires are just in the movies. I would swear it on my soul if I had one. What truths are lurking in our legends? They couldn’t possibly be based on a real life monster, could they? Vlad the Impaler was not just known for his war tactics. Some say that he was also the world’s first vampire, Dracula. But is it all just a baddie tail? Or are the movies talking about something real? Find out in part one of Edge of wonders, Halloween, Vlad the Impaler, and Dracula.
Hey, guys, again, you can find that over on our rise tv platform along with all of our tons of videos. Over a thousand, almost a thousand videos that we have on our website right now. So for $12.99 a month, you can support what we do. We have every topic you can possibly think of as long as well as tons of interviews. And so that was our Vlad the Impaler series. We have so many episodes. I mean, probably. I was just thinking about this while we were on trailer. One of the things that I dug deepest on was vampires, because it’s such a weird thing in our entire culture.
I mean, the amount of. Okay. Europe was a very strange place back in the day, and the amount of people that died from witchcraft, from being accused of being werewolves, from. There was all of this vampire stuff, vampire lore. It deserved, like, a very deep dive. And we’ve pretty much uncovered an enormous amount. Like, if you think the occult is just some, like, silly thing, it’s not like there’s a lot. There has been a lot going on throughout history. We’ve really tracked a lot of it down. And you can find it all on Rise tv, where we’ve got all the proof, evidence, stories.
The Vlad and Dracula episodes were very interesting. The Order of the dragon was also very interesting. They like some of the stuff they had in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. The film version was extremely bizarrely accurate. Like, he had a lot of research in his back pocket. He knew a lot of stuff. And so definitely check that out. It’s only $12.99 to subscribe, and you’ll get access to all of that. We’re coming upon Halloween season. It’s probably a pretty fun subscription to have in your back pocket while, uh, while Halloween is going on. And, uh, yeah, we could use the, uh.
We could use the support, too, so definitely check that out. Yeah, seriously, we could. And now on to exploding devices. Well, before we get to the exploding devices, why don’t we talk about Keanu Reeves and the ancient? This is. I. I. Seriously, when I saw before, we. Don’t play this yet, Lindsay. Don’t play it. Don’t play. You gotta play the sound, too. You gotta play the sound. You’re gonna play it. But, um, before. Before I heard. I saw. I saw. I saw this, like, floating around on Facebook, and I was like, come on, you guys, this has got to be fake.
You know? And then, lo and behold, I couldn’t believe it was real. So play this with the sound, Lindsey. It’s a possible. It’s it possible? I mean, as a kid, I always thought the timeline was off, all with a radical new proposition in mind. There could be multiple meanings there. Discovering a lost civilization of the ice age lie here in the americas. Pretty amazing. Okay. This is coming out on pretty cool. You know, you can. You can stop it now, Lindsey. Thank you. You know, it’s. It’s interesting because, you know, Keanu Reeves is very. Is the coolest dude in Hollywood, man.
Yeah. I mean, aside from being the coolest, you know, and he’s not, like, attached to, like, any scandal that’s going. Ben, in every cool movie, you can think he was even in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Yeah, he was. Yeah, yeah, he’s been in. He was the good guy in it. Yeah, he’s been in every cool movie out there, guys. Yeah. But, you know, he’s. He’s very, very private. You know, like, people say he doesn’t really go to the Hollywood parties. He doesn’t, like, you know, do a lot of things within Hollywood, and he doesn’t really speak his mind about anything either.
So the fact that he’s on here blew my mind because it shows that, wow, he’s probably, like, secretly, like, really into this stuff. And did you see, like, his, like, the passion when he was talking to Graham? Like, you can tell he’s been following this stuff for a long time. Was off, you know? So it’s like, whoa, that’s interesting. Yeah. So I wonder if it’s like. Like I said, you know, I wonder if he’s like, I want. I want. I don’t know. You know, it makes me wonder about, like, the Mandela effect. Actors are experiencing this firsthand.
I just can’t, like, think about it. Like, he started off, I think, in Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure. That was the first thing I remember him. And then all of a sudden, he, like, hit point break. Yeah, it was point break and then speed and then some of those. Yeah, some of the other. Point break. Point break really was the, like, breakout. Breakout. Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing. That’s funny. Yeah, it really was. And that’s Bill and Ted’s. He was great in that, by the way. Then, of course, like, yeah, the Matrix, which then.
Yeah. And, I mean, I seriously think some of his best acting is actually in the John Wick movies. Oh, he’s great in that. Yeah. I wouldn’t even watch it if it wasn’t for Keanu Reeves, for some reason. Did you watch. Did you see the fourth installment? My gosh, I did. So amazing. Well, no, I went to watch it twice in the theater. He, like, the scene on the steps has got to be one of the crazy scenes of all time. Yeah, that was, like, totally totally nuts. Yeah, it’s pretty graphic and violent, but I don’t know.
For some reason, because it’s John, because it’s Keanu Reeves. I mean, I’m like, I don’t know. It’s something about he’s the only guy that can deliver a headshot, and you’re like. You know, you’re like, yeah, okay. It’s all right. You know, like, I watched that movie with my dad one time, the first movie, we were like, let’s watch and count how many headshots there are. 160 headshots or something like that. It might have been. Might have been the seventies. I can’t remember. But they, like, keep up. They keep upping the number. Yeah, well, it’s like. It’s like, I don’t know.
It’s like. It’s like, I’m gonna kill you, but I’m gonna be nice about it. Or that’s. Yeah. It’s nothing personal, but you need to die. Yeah. Anyway, so crazy. All right, well, another thing before we get into the. The pager explosions. So insane. What’s going on here. So last Tuesday, we had this Joe Rogan and Stephen Greer on, and, you know, fans sent us this. This, like, interview, you know, and I didn’t really look into it at all. I was just like, wow, this is insane, you know, and Steven Greer is talking about how he witnessed this facility that’s like, s.
I forget what the number is. S four. Near area 51. And they had all these weird cryptids. Well, it turned out this entire thing is AI. The interview is not real. And so I was a little bummed out, and I feel really, you know, I kind of feel bad we just didn’t check it before the show because, you know, I was like, kind of get a live reaction, and I didn’t even think about it, you know, I just. Yeah, you know, after the show, I. After the show, I rewatched it, and I was like, no, no, no.
The voices are AI. Like, I could tell. And I messaged Ben, and I was like, we should check this out to see if it’s AI or not. Because, you know, I hadn’t. I hadn’t seen or heard of this either, but during the show, I kind of started to notice that the voices were too monotone or something. Yeah, I kind of picked that up, too. And then I just didn’t think. I, you know, I was just like, oh, wow. Well, I know they were just recently on it, on the. On a pod. I mean, look at her.
So I actually believe that’s going on. It’s just that. It’s just that clip was not accurate. It wasn’t. So. Sorry, guys. I do kind of feel bad about that. Um, but however, uh, you know, again, before we get into the whole pager things, I did find some. I found a website that were. That was specifically talking about cryptids and it was government documents, specifically about Bigfoot and also Loch Ness monster. And in 1959. I won’t get into all the details here. The Department of State Yeti dispatch. Yes. So in 1959, there was a government sponsored yeti expedition by the american embassy and Kathmandu.
Yeah. And. And it was all about trying to find evidence of Bigfoot. And this. There was an official document that came with it that they wanted photographs taken of the animal, the creature, whether it’s dead or alive. They also wanted whatever happened to be surrendered to the government of Nepal. Um, so, yeah, and it’s just, you know, it’s just really like, you know, that’s kind of mind blowing in itself. So they had enough information at that time to set out on this expedition to look for it. Um, then in 1975, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, there was this article published talking about it as well.
And it even mentioned in this, this article that the, you know, the FBI had hair samples and it came back as unknown. And then they were talking about alleged sightings. They said it was like a, you know, ape like creature between eight to 12ft tall, and it just kind of went on. But what’s interesting is it does mention. Well, yeah, and then the Department of Interior got involved as well. And in this document that they came out with, they mentioned that it is very possible that something like this could exist, even though we don’t see this.
So they use all these different examples. Like they said the giant gorilla and the giant panda were only legends until the 19th century, which kind of blew our minds when we were looking into the giant panda like pandas are thing. And we’re like, wait a minute, this is real, that they only were discovered in the 19th century? And I was like, what about all these chinese things? Right? And it’s true. There’s no mention of the panda prior to the 19th century. And it’s like, wait, they just come out of a portal or something like that. But it also goes into the Komodo dragon, which wasn’t discovered until 1912.
And then, you know, the Amazon has only, like, only 5% of the Amazon has been discovered. And the duck, Bill Platypus, was considered a cryptid until it was actually one was found. Yeah, exactly. So. And then also, it mentioned recently, which was, like, 1977, that the. There was a ship, a torpedo, like, instead of it. So they were looking for a torpedo. They thought it was a torpedo that was underwater. And so they went in, unlike, hauled up this, like, 15 foot, what they thought was a torpedo, but it turned out to be a dead shark that was never seen before.
So it was an enormous shark that had, um. They said it had over 400 and 484 vestigial teeth. So, anyway, they called it megamouth. Yeah. A megalodon, though, essentially. That’s what it is. Yeah. And, like. Yeah. And so the idea of a grill, a gorilla was. Was considered also a cryptid until literally, until finally one was actually discovered, you know, so they’re. They’re saying that there’s still a lot of things. So it’s. It’s quite possible that the Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot exists. So, anyway, you know, I just kind of wanted to bring this up because.
Yeah, and this is all back in the seventies and fifties right now. You don’t hear about these things, because most likely they already have all this stuff that they’re doing on these experiments and everything else. It was just that video, unfortunately, wasn’t true. But we’ve heard these stories that they have these things in certain facilities, and they’re doing all kinds of weird genetic studies and all kinds of weird things, but there’s no hard evidence to that. You know, it’s just people talking. A video pop up on my feed today that was, like, stalin’s ape experiments or something, and he, like, created a ape hybrid demon thing or something like that’s what it was.
Yeah. I mean, dude, they were doing so many experiments that were probably still off the books because, you know, even after all this time, because it’s quite possible they just don’t want us to know that these weird. That potentially these weird hybrid creatures, like, are real, you know? And one of the weirdest hybrid creatures that I’ve heard of is the klickitat ape cat. You’ve heard of that? No. What does this look like? You haven’t heard that? Click on their. All of these sightings apeze southern Washington in county. In the county of Klickitat. It’s a county southern, uh, Washington.
There are all of these sightings of a cat. Like, a big mountain lion cat with an ape face. Ben. No way. And it’s called the klickitat ape cat. Yeah. It’s a mysterious black panther like creature, but it has an ape for a face, like an ape face. And it’s like, if one person saw it, it would be kind of funny or weird, but it’s like, there’s a guy down there who owns a shop. John’s friends with him is the. The shop is called Margie’s something. Can’t remember. Anyway, he. He just, for fun, collects all of the, like, the sightings of the.
Click at that ape cat. And there’s, like, tons of. Tons of sightings. Is there any, like, legit, like, photo. Like a blurry photo of this thing or anything that I haven’t seen, but it’s fun to talk about because it’s so weird. Dude, that’s hilarious. That’s so funny. Huh? Wow. All right. I mean, if an ape cat can exist, then Bigfoot sounds like pretty normal thing. I know. Ape cat. I mean, and this could be from weird genetic experiments, you know? You never know, right? Yeah, no, I believe it is. I mean, there’s a lot of experience.
Experiments done all over the country on all kinds of things, you know? All right, all right. Time to get into exploding devices. Loading devices. So crazy. So I’m sure, like, you know, you guys all heard in the last, like, you know, few days, there’s been thousands of exploding devices and Hezbollah and specifically these walkie talkies, pagers. Now, like, I guess there’s, like, radios that have been exploding solar power systems and fingerprint devices, like, used for security identification purposes. They’ve, you know, imagine, like, you have one on your building or something, or your door just explodes, you know? So.
So at least. There’s been at least confirmed 37 deaths. I think there’s a little bit more than that. Thousands have been injured. Everyone’s trying to figure out what’s going on, how this all happened. Yeah, one of the crazy things was that they were having a, like, after, and they all exploded simultaneously. So it was definitely a coordinated attack. You know, my first question wasn’t really, like, who did this? Or, you know, it’s kind of. I mean, in my mind, every area, like, oh, all this stuff is so crazy of what’s happening with the war over there, but it was more of a sense of, how could this even.
How can you even do this with pagers? It’s such an old system. Well. And it’s like an art. Is any of our devices potentially at risk? You know, that was my biggest question I have. Okay, yeah, maybe it’s an old system, but, yeah, it has been known for a long time that these Hezbollah guys don’t communicate with, like, cell phones the way that other people do. They actually have the beeper system, and that’s how they’ve been working. So they’ve known this for a while. So let’s say they’ve gotten updated beepers with. Because beepers are still made.
They’re made in different parts of the world. Either these were updated beepers that had been infiltrated by the Mozad or something like that, or they developed a technology to work with the internals of those specific beepers. Send a frequency that works with the battery to blow it up. It’s only right. And that’s kind of what they’re, you know, the other aspect. So, so after, like, I was really reading a lot of different aspects and, like, where the pagers were manufactured, all these different aspects. So it was. Most of them were a. Well, specifically, there was one brand name, which is.
I just had it here, Apollo. I think it’s Apollo gold or something like that, to confirm. Let’s see. Yeah. Anyway, there was the specific manufacturer. They were being manufactured in Taiwan, actually. And so what people. And then. And then there was. It’s also this chinese company. Yeah, gold Apollo. That’s it. Yeah. And it was a specific number of, you know, like, I don’t know, model 486. You know, I’m just. I’m just saying that, you know, I’m just making that up. But it was like, specific model number of which ones that were being specifically targeted. So the company came back and said, you know, we didn’t have, like, we have no idea what happened with these.
And also they use a third party to make them. So somewhere within the process, you know, order comes through this. This factory probably, you know, prepares everything gets sent out to, like, this manufacturer in India or something like that that’s making it looks like. I think it was. Those are taiwanese, dude. That company is taiwanese. They’re factors there. Okay, because, well, it’s. It says, what I read was, while supply chains and distribution channels are for higher margin and new products are tightly managed, that’s not the case for older electronics from Asia, where counterfeiting surplus inventories and complex contract manufacturing deals can sometimes make it possible or impossible to identify the source of a project or product.
Analysts and consultants say so in other words, is that sometimes third parties are also helping manufacture certain things, depending how old they are, how new they were, and it looks like they might have gotten intercepted at some point in time. But the question is, how long have they had these pagers in use? That there’s just a lot of information that’s missing. You know, it’s kind of, like, the media is asking the same question, but no one’s. No one’s really saying much now, of course, you know, the Hezbollah group has. Bolaegh group is saying, you know, Israel is at fault.
Um, the media has asked Israel to comment, and they have not made a comment as of yet. So, um, that it’s speculated to be an israeli operation and because of the conflict, of course it is. I mean, who else really, who else would it be worse? Who else would it be? I mean, sure, I know. That’s the thing. It really is, you know, so the big question is, what happen? And, um. But, yeah, that. My question was just like, could our phones be in danger? You know, appliances are blowing up, you know? So, um. And they said, because they asked the question, could this have happened with just like a lithium battery in your phone, for example? And they said, these explosions are not customary to.
To just having a lithium battery explosion. Meaning that there was something else in these devices that were added that when. When a signal went out, caused it to explode. So in other words, like, you couldn’t hack your phone and make it explode, that. That seems very, very unlikely that’s going to happen. But, you know, so lithium batteries can explode, and there are hacks that can do it, but they tend to flare out and not do like a concussive explosion. Right, right. Last more cave fire. Unless they figured something out. So the only other way is, of course, you get into the supply chain and you install a small charge next to the battery, then hack the battery to cause it to flare and then set off the charge.
Yeah, I guess the model that exploded, the pagers, um, were. Were the. They stopped making them over ten years ago, so they were older. So that’s what I don’t understand. You know, if. If was a new shipment coming in of these old pagers that were being distributed, or, you know, someone had a pager laying around for ten years ago, and all sudden it explodes like that. That’s what I, you know, and these are all, like, finding. I spent, like, a long time trying to, like, I had, like, four basic questions, and it’s like, why can’t I find answers to these basic questions? Yeah.
And I think it’s either group, like, between the. Israel and the husband, Hezbollah, people, like, neither one want to cooperate with anything, right? So they’re both kind of, like, not really saying a whole lot. They’re just like, yeah, but Lindsay, you. You kind of have a little bit more. Um. Do you want. You want to explain, like, some of the stuff that you like some of the information that you. You understand and some of this information that came to you? Sure. Um, so there’s obviously a really long history of war in that kind of Middle east region, right? So there is.
I didn’t know that a year ago, Hamas, which is one terrorist group in Israel, were in a serious conflict, um, where Hamas attacked Israel. And now that it’s been a year, Hezbollah, which is in Lebanon, launched rockets into Israel. And then shortly after, Israel seemed to respond by blowing up Lebanon’s pagers, or, excuse me, Hezbollah’s pagers in Lebanon. So the question is, how did they manage to do that? And the explanation that people are getting right now is that Hezbollah, which is a terrorist organization, uses things like pagers because they’re not easy to hack. So they used old pager technology.
So how does a country like Israel hack something that’s so old tech? They intercepted the supply line, so they found out where Hezbollah was getting their pagers from, and in the middle of the shipping process, this is what’s kind of assumed. They intercepted the shipment, planted little explosives in it, and then when the time was right, they had all of them kind of explode around the same time period. So they could have, like, intercepted this like, a year ago, but just didn’t take any action until now. In other words, that’s what people think, because it was such a big, devastating attack a year ago that they probably mobilized pretty quickly and put this in place.
But personally, I kind of question why it took so long, because I don’t understand why they wouldn’t have kind of preemptively done this anyway, since there’s so much conflict in the region, and every single country has a secret kind of police or CIA or Mossad or Mi six or one of these things. So I don’t really know why it took a year for them to do that, except that the tensions are escalating a lot, but that’s kind of how it seems to have gone. Yeah. They tend to not reveal those technological secrets that they have in their back pocket, either.
So something must have been up for them to do this. Yeah, I mean. I mean, and like you said, I mean, this war, I feel like this has probably been going on ever since, like, you know, the crucifixion of Jesus. Not really. But, you know, there’s been a lot of conflicts over there for a very, very, very long time. And, you know, the thing that makes this so complicated is that you have, like, Hezbollah or whatever, they will put a rocket system on top of a school or a hospital, and then launch it over to Israel.
Israel has, like, you know, the best weapons defense system, anti weapons missile defense system, like, on the planet. However, then they just. Oh, okay, here’s where it was low. Here’s where they fired from. We’ll send a rocket back. Now all of a sudden, kids or whatever. Or a hospital. Yeah. And they’re just literally. Well, you know, they probably know what they’re doing it, you know, and this is why it’s so complicated, because you have both sides that are, you know, and then you have kind of massad in the middle of this, which no one brings up.
No media ever brings up massage. You know, they bring up, like. Sometimes. Yeah. Ever brings up the CIA, either. No, they’re just. Well, they don’t. This case, you know, it’s in the background. But anyway, that’s why I think this is, like, extremely complicated. And there’s really no, you know, I don’t know. Then you have, like, nefarious forces on both sides doing things. So behind the scenes, what were you gonna say, rob? Nothing. Nothing of importance. Okay. But, yeah, I. Again, once again, I think, you know, my first reaction is, like, damn. Does this mean, like, all of our devices are gonna start exploding? Like, is this possible? Well, what’s the stop of a MacBook pro from exploding or your tv from exploding? You know, other thing that makes pagers so interesting is the fact that they don’t connect to Wi Fi.
So, you know, their old technology prior to. Why? Like, I mean, yeah, but sending out a signal would be just as easy as. Especially if you already have something inside of it, you know? I mean, gosh, there’s movies like this all the time. Yeah. Where you have, like, you know, and that’s what. When this happened, I was like, dude, this sounds like a plot to a movie. Like, literally, like, I couldn’t even believe it. Like, this. This is really happening. Well, um. And then to add even more controversy and kind of conspiracy on this, allegedly, pagers were, um, like, kind of shifted over at the American University of Beirut, which is in.
In Lebanon and Beirut. But. So there was a post that came out, and Lindsey Kinos showed this, and I’ll explain it from both perspectives. So this post came out, and the original post, the names, the address, everything’s very accurate. And what it’s saying is that basically, as of August 29, they’re going to switch over their pager systems, and I. The paging system go live is what they’re switching over to. And it’s talking about this. So everyone’s like, dude, they knew ahead of time that this was going to happen, which is why they switched over the pagers.
Now, the university, this. This American University of Beirut, they came out with a statement on their website saying that they never did post this. And, Lindsey, if you click on the next link there. Yeah, that right there. Wait, no, sorry. The notice to the university. Notice. Yeah, university notice. So this. So they came out saying, like, hey, they’re like, dear aub, community at a crucial time, blah, blah, blah, when, you know, we’re dealing with all these energy or injuries in the aftermath of all this, it’s saying that we did not post this, but it does say our paging system infrastructure was upgraded in April of 2024.
The go live for switching to the new system took place on August 29. So that is true. The scope of this upgrade was to enhance emergency and code communication as several devices and systems had been become obsolete. And it did say that the American University of Beirut Medical center has received over 160 serious injured individuals. Blah, blah, blah. You know, and just kind of those works, those were kill shots. Like, those explosions were, like, blowing holes in people’s abdomens. Dude. It’s insane. It really is. Yeah. Now, what’s weird, and again, I’m not really, like, trying to defend anything or whatever.
You know, I’m just kind of looking into, like, some of the weirdness of this. What is weird is that exactly five months ago, in April, the taiwanese company gold Apollo imported new pagers. Five months ago, in April, exactly what they said, which. Which lines up with the taiwanese president’s visit to deepen. I mean, she claims they want to deepen the part, a partnership with Israel and all these different things. So, anyway, there’s some people that are trying to make connections with all this stuff, you know, and it’s like, it is possible in some aspect, you know, and then not to mention the other aspect of this is China.
China and Hezbollah have been working very, very close together in recent times. Why am I not surprised? Yeah, so that’s. That’s one of the big things. And so, you know, one of the things was asking China, are you worried about, you know, possible threats, you know, like, terrorist threat? And they were kind of like, no, we’ll kind of get into that, but right now. So this is. This is what Lindsay is kind of pulling up here. The other thing that’s kind of weird is a few months ago, the Iran’s president and foreign minister was killed in a helicopter crash, and no one really knew exactly what happened.
And there was a photo taken just, it was either a week or days before the crash, and he has a pager on a desk. So some people are speculating that he probably. It was probably the pagerdeh, like an explosion. There he is right there with the pager. So, I mean, granted, this guy’s not really like a good guy or anything. I’m not condemning this or, you know, saying it was great, either perspective. I’m just. I’m just like, showing, like, whoa, this is kind of weird because this could have led to the explosion of, you know, so that’s, it’s all kind of like, really.
I mean, if this is all true, then, you know, there’s just like some really kind of some interesting tactics being played, like dirty stuff being played on both sides. That’s what’s so weird about this. So, I mean, it shows that, and if Lindsay’s right, that they did intercept these pagers, like, you know, a year ago, then they could have actually had some things detonated over the span of the year. But maybe just like one, if they knew, oh, this guy has a pagerde, we can make it explode in this helicopter, you know, and so it’s looks like an act.
I definitely think they screwed with the, you know, with the, you know, after Taiwan made it, they took it, added something or whatever, because, I mean, Taiwan would. I don’t. Taiwan wouldn’t do that, you know, and China. So China just the other day came out with a statement, and this was on the South China Morning Post saying that they were concerned that the incident may cause an escalation of tensions in the region. And they, you know, because they’re actually. So they been providing money and they were helping build a road in Lebanon. Actually, China was because the.
The US obviously wouldn’t help Hezbollah, you know, because they’re labeled as a terrorist organization. Well, China doesn’t have them listed as a terrorist organization. And now that the South China Morning Post is kind of, I don’t know. Are they? It’s like they’re operating out of Hong Kong, so they’re not 100% like CCP infiltrated, I want to say. But they’re the. I don’t know. I mean, they’re, most people that work there, I think, and the leaders and stuff there, the managers and whatnot, are more pro CCP, though, than anything else. But. And so Hezbollah has also said that China is ready to help Lebanon.
Calls for breaking free from us rule. And this was posted just, I think it was like, posted a year ago. Like, the big war going on right now is between the US and China, and no one even knows it. Yeah, this was post. Get this. This was posted in 2020, like, right during COVID Yeah, that, like, this is the. You know, and honestly, there was another article because, you know, like, one of the things that I think that we kind of proprietary substance is the understanding of what’s really going on with China and China relations and.
And Taiwan and everything else. So the US is a little bit concerned with all these wars breaking out because they want to be able to defend Taiwan. And with all the wars and disputing of all their distributing of all of their, like, weapons systems and tanks and all kinds of stuff, they’re a little bit worried that they won’t be able to defend Taiwan against China if anything were to happen. So for the Chinese, they want more wars to happen to distract the US, to distract the world. So, because, I mean, their ultimate goal is to get Taiwan back to China.
They’re part of the CCP. I mean, that’s. That’s what they want to do. I don’t. That’s not ever going to really happen. I just don’t think they have the. Hopefully nothing. They just can’t do it. But, you know, so all of this, if anything kind of goes on in the world, you know, I. The CCP looks at everything from how. How they can benefit from whatever it is, you know, so with this whole thing, they’re immediately going to offer support, you know, and that’s to Hezbollah, you know, which. Which in return will give them access to different things, give them access more into the Middle east and, you know, and then against the US and everything else.
And that’s the thing that I’m a little bit worried about. So, anyway, I think that, you know, whatever. I mean, all of this stuff, all these wars, everything else, you know, my biggest concern through all of it has always been China and what’s happening over there. So, um, and how they’re going to be utilizing this stuff. So, anyway, um, and speaking of, like, hacking and everything else, I mean, that. That’s the other aspect of this. You know, could even things hack your brain. Well, kind of recently, there was this guy at the World Economic Forum who was essentially talking about this, and again, I was like, is this real? This is that they, like World Economic Forum, and this guy’s, like, talking about cybersecurity, things like hacking your brain.
So. And it’s real. That’s already hacking our brain. Yeah, I know. They’ve. They’ve been hacking our brain forever now. I don’t know if this specific thing right here. I tried to find evidence if this is actually part of the World Economic Forum, but what they, where, wherever this came from, the information came from, there was a forget, let me see, what was the gay’s name? Yuval Hari. He was, he was warning hackable humans and that’s where they got that information from, the World World Economic Forum. And he says DARPA is researching pre conscious brain signals to know what someone believes to be true or not.
So in other words, you know, the reason why this is so concerning is because, let’s say you have like a different view from, you know, what the government wants you to have or these organizations or the CIA or FBI or anything else. And it’s like, could, could they interpret brain signals now and understand what your beliefs are and where you are with these things? And that’s what he’s kind of talking about in this world economic forum. So, but he’s kind of relating it to like, not to like us citizens. You know, he says, just imagine North Korea in 20 years, where everybody has to wear a biometric bracelet which constantly monitors your blood pressure, your heart rate, your brain activity, 24 hours a day.
Well, the apple Watch kind of does that, honestly. But you listen to a speech on the radio by a great leader and they know what you actually feel. You can clap your hands and smile, but if you’re angry, they’ll know it and tomorrow you’ll be in the gulag. That’s the scary part of that. So it’s like if, if. Yeah, once again, you know, so I think, um, I think that in the far future, this is kind of where things would be heading if things don’t change. I don’t think that’s going to end up happening, especially in the US, you know, but I could see that happening in North Korea, for example, you know, and then some, slowly, they would try to, you know, probably through the World Economic Forum, would try to like, you know, bring that technology out here.
Um, we already know our phones are listening to us. You know, even though there’s articles saying like, no, they can’t listen to you. But then there are, there is articles out there talking about how your phones are listening to us. It’s like. And there’s, there’s this one article I found. It’s, your phone is listening to you. Here’s how to stop it. So anyway, it’s just funny. It’s not paranoia. They’re really listening. That’s what it says. But then we’re a little late for a trailer. Let’s do a trailer. Yep. Well, we got it. We got. We’re actually going to be jumping over to right or.
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I’m mind control. Yeah, you guys, you can find that once again over on our rise tv platform. Hmm. So which we’re going to be heading over to soon. Yeah, we will be pretty soon. Yeah. So um. Yeah, anyway, this whole thing with your phones listening is. Well it’s blowing up. You mean it’s not just listening anymore? They’re not just listening to people. I mean, now, do you think there’s any danger of people having that happen to them randomly or not? Do you mean listening aspect? No. Or exploding? Yeah, exploding. I don’t think over here, you know, now, especially after kind of learning, you know, what exactly happened.
And, you know, the whole conflict between them has been going on for so long anyway, I don’t see things like exploding over here. If they do, I think it kind of will be an isolated thing. I mean, it has happened though, people, people’s phones. There has been like exploding phones. You know, usually it’s like a battery issue where like the lithium battery, like exploded. However, one thing that was really weird that came out, Bloomberg magazine or Bloomberg News media, whatever, I remember they exposed this and I think it happened in 20, 1415 or 16, one of those years where.
And they weren’t like, Apple noticed that there was a chip in the iPhone that wasn’t in the original blueprint design. I put it in there. Yes. And they didn’t know what it was and they were trying to keep it quiet. They didn’t want to alert the public, but somebody told Bloomberg, Bloomberg Media, and this is it right here. And then they alerted the public. And so Apple was. Scroll down. Respond to it then. Yeah. They didn’t really say too much about it. They were just like kind of looking into it. But in other words, it looked like even when you’re like, so what is that chip? They never really did fully explain what the chip was.
Was it like when your phone is still, like, even if your phone is off, was it like some kind of battery? Was it listening? But, yeah. So in other words, China added that in, which is another reason why, you know, having everything being manufactured in China is a scary thing. Like, yeah, I mean, I have a really good friend who’s like, deep into it work. He was actually working as it for Facebook for a while. And he was like saying, you know, he was really concerned even about smart tvs. He’s like, you know, everything’s being manufactured in China.
He’s like, you can now get, you know, you can make cameras so small. And he’s like, you know, think about how big tvs are and how many components goes inside of tvs. Like, it’s so easy to, like, put a chip in there that companies would just overlook not even, I mean, how many companies are going to open up their tvs, you know, and see, like, if all the parts are in that they should be. If it’s, if it’s working fine, you’re just gonna be like, okay, cool. It works. Ship it out, you know, so. And if, even if they find something, they’re probably gonna not.
They probably wouldn’t even alert the media about it. You know, it’s just like, okay, this is an internal thing. We’re gonna have to. To deal with this, you know? And so he, he was, like, really concerned with that because he’s, he’s just like, you know, I truly, like, he really believed that there was, like, cameras and potential device. I mean, we already know, like, every camera on a computer can essentially be hacked. In fact, one hacker came out recently and they asked him what was, what’s some of the scariest websites that you have ever seen? And he’s like, some of the scariest sites actually are sites that you can go on and see thousands of, like, links that all have people’s access to their home cameras, their ring cameras.
Yes. And he’s like, you can just click on, like, hackers will just, if they are not even hackers, just people on the dark web that know these sites, they’ll just click on this. And it’s just like a reality tv. They just, like, sit back and just watch people’s lives in these, like, cameras. And so he’s like, it’s not a good idea to put a camera inside your home, you know, and he’s. And he’s like, you can check the model and see if it’s been, you know, and he was listing some models, but. Which were pretty common, but he’s like, you can check these and see.
But that was like, wow, it’s kind of freaky, you know? So, um. Yeah, I mean, essentially, in this digital world, like, like I said, anything that’s connected to the Internet, I don’t really think it has any way to be safe. 100% safe. Yeah, but, you know, and that’s why, like, tv monitors that aren’t, that have no white, like, my tv monitor, I feel safe with that because it doesn’t have a connect, but there. Yeah. Camera the size of salt captures clear, full color images. There you go. That’s crazy. You know, and so, I mean, like, why would they put a camera in your tv? Is a big question.
I mean, that was like, that’s what I said to, like, why? Well, you know, but then again, it’s like, it’s a certain, it’s the surveillance era surveyor surveillance marketing aspect, you know, seeing what you watch, how many, how long you watch tv for. Like, all of this could be compiled by using AI now and where you don’t even have to have humans watching this stuff, and the information can come back. And, like, baby monitors is a really, really big one, too. That was another thing he said was baby. I would never put one of those in, in the house if I had a baby.
Like, no way. Because you just think about that. Like, that’d be the craziest thing, you know? Mm hmm. Something like that. Hacked. Yeah, no, exactly. Exactly. And, and it’s like, what? I mean, I, again, like, you know, if it’s not connected to the Internet, it’s a little different. But it’s like, I was shocked. What? Like, I. There was something I like, I mean, there’s so many things that now connect with Bluetooth. And it’s like, why do I need my blender to connect with Bluetooth? It’s like, that’s stupid. Like, if I, I don’t need to, like, set my phone and be like, oh, blend my smoothie, you know? It’s like, that’s dumb.
Like, I appliance. I think, like, having appliances connected Bluetooth is so stupid. Like, I. Yeah, well, within reason, right? Like, if it’s your thermostat, it’s helpful. You can change in the house. Right. I agree. Okay. I have my thermostat. I do have a connect with Bluetooth because it’s like a blender. Like, yeah. Isn’t that the stupidest thing in the world? Like, why? You know, and there’s been reports where it’s just like, we’re blenders. Like, randomly turn. Or, like, random devices turn on, you know, because, like, they don’t have the. Damn it. It happened again. It made me another smoothie.
You know? But having, like, your thermostat, you know, there’s a little bit more level of security because it’s like, they have to. Right. With a blender, it’s like, oh, right on. It’s a blender. Who’s going to hack a blender? Who would want to hack a blender? There was something else, too, that I. Something I bought. And I’m like, dude, why is every single thing I buy have to be with Bluetooth now? And, like, some things, you can’t even use it without connecting your bluetooth. And I’m like, it’s kind of frustrating at times, but I understand the convenience of it.
But toasters was the other thing that was it. There was toasters. Yeah. I mean, soon I feel like everything, it just all depends on what’s connected to the Internet. The Internet, you know, without the Internet, things won’t, I mean, it’s like, if you know, the most secure, if you have something that is so secure, like on a computer, the best thing to do is not have that compute computer ever connect to the Internet, and then you’ll guarantee that it’s like 99.9% safe. But as soon as something is connected to the Internet, you know, that’s what a lot of, like, it people and security, cybersecurity people I talk with, they’re like, you know, some, like, some of the, like, some of the people that deal with super sensitive things will seriously have a laptop that never gets connected to the Internet.
So. And they’ll just take things from that computer. But then again, it’s like, you know, you have to also make sure if you’re having like a thumb drive, you know, but instant, it’s like it gets the level of security. It’s too much. Totally. Yeah. All right, we need to start heading over to rise tv, where we are going to get into our top ten weirder news of the weekend. I, as well as our live Q and a that we do the dig deep live Q and A that we do every single Friday. So we’re going to head over, we’re going to leave Rumble, Facebook, Gonjing World, Twitter, X, I mean, everywhere else we’re streaming head over to rise tv.
So join us once again for just $12.99 a month and support what we do. Also, don’t forget your delicious metaphysical bag of coffee that you can get if you want your mornings to be interstellar. It’s 100% Arabica coffee, GMO free, low acidity, medium body, medium richness, small batch, roasted, single origin, gluten free and vegan friendly for you vegans out there. Also, you can subscribe to our get our free alien races guide, a PDF of it. Just enter your email. So go to rise tv, alien races, and get put in your email and get our alien races guide that Rob drew himself.
Every single one of them he drew by hand, not even using a computer. So that’s, that’s what drawing is. Well, you can also draw things with a pen. You know, actually, I draw on the computer quite often. It’s a little bit of a different process. All right, well, you guys, we’re going to show this trailer and then we’ll see you over. All of you, we’ll see you at Rise TV. Yeah, for all of you guys watching on Rumble and anywhere else, thanks for being here and we’ll see you guys next time. And hopefully you come over and join us on Rise TV.
We’ll see you over there. Art ape art, human hybridization, cyborgs and Terminator technology already existing. Sentient robots becoming indistinguishable from people. No, it’s not the plot of the newest matrix movie. This is our reality, a transhumanist one. How does transcending humanism tie into eugenics, darwinism and even cloning? Is there any part of our world that transhumanism hasn’t as such? Is resistance futile? How can we rage against the machine? Monsters of the seas were long thought to be mince, but some magic hunters sought power for themselves, believing that old legends held secret truths. Why did the famous occultist Alistair Crowley make his home on Loch Ness, which later became famous for its illustration? Elusive creature.
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