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Spread the Truth

5G Danger


➡ The speaker discusses their journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, which led them to question mainstream beliefs and explore alternative knowledge. They believe that we are living in a matrix and our mission is to awaken and activate our godlike DNA. They suggest that the upcoming solar eclipse and transition into the year 2025 will bring significant changes, including the fall of current systems and the rise of new leaders. They encourage viewers to seek knowledge, practice rituals, and prepare for this transformative period.
➡ The text discusses the importance of understanding your natal chart and how it can guide you in life. It also delves into the significance of the number eight in numerology, which symbolizes power and karma. The text further explains the history and purpose of tarot cards, which were originally used to preserve knowledge during the Crusades. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of balance, karma, and duality, and how these principles are represented in tarot cards and numerology.
➡ The text discusses the spiritual journey of self-discovery and growth, using tarot cards as a guide. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting changes in life, such as shifts in interests, relationships, and personal identity. The text also suggests that these changes can lead to a higher level of consciousness and self-awareness. Lastly, it encourages embracing these transformations and making decisions that align with personal growth and spiritual elevation.
➡ The speaker encourages listeners to make decisions for their own benefit, focusing on solutions rather than problems. They invite listeners to join a full moon ritual to boost energy and promote awakening. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being aware of one’s surroundings and staying vigilant. They express gratitude for their health, good memories, and the courage to face each day, and they remind listeners to treat others as they wish to be treated.
➡ The text discusses the spiritual significance of various astrological and numerological events, suggesting that we are in a period of transformation and renewal. It emphasizes the importance of confronting and shedding our ‘shadow selves’ to achieve balance. The text also recommends two books, ‘The Gnostic Scriptures’ and ‘Numerology and the Divine Triangle’, for further understanding of these concepts. Lastly, it discusses the impact of celestial bodies on human behavior and physical cycles, particularly in women.
➡ The text discusses the influence of the sun and moon on human energy and mood, particularly in men. It suggests that morning is the best time for activities like sex due to the sun’s position. The text also warns about potential distractions and manipulations from the media and government, especially during times of celestial events like solar eclipses. It emphasizes the importance of staying aware and connected to our ancestral powers and rituals, and the potential for DNA activation during these times.
➡ The text discusses the belief that spiritual and astral events occur before they manifest physically. It suggests that there are wars happening in spiritual realms, in the sky, and under the Earth. The text also mentions strange occurrences in New York City, including unusual earthquakes and sightings of strange creatures in the city’s tunnel systems. It ends by discussing the idea that certain energies can unlock genetic codes and transform our neurological capacity.
➡ The text discusses the three parts of the brain: the reptilian brain, which controls basic survival instincts; the limbic brain, which manages emotions and intuition; and the neocortex, or higher mind, which allows for intellectualization and conceptualization. It emphasizes the importance of controlling emotions to elevate to the higher mind, which can lead to personal growth and evolution. The text also warns about the dangers of being stuck in fear and stress, which can prevent DNA expansion and personal evolution. It encourages taking control of one’s life, reprogramming the mind, and choosing the right path, even if it means letting go of people or situations that no longer serve you.
➡ We are currently going through a significant period of change, often referred to as a ‘great reset’. This involves reconnecting with spiritual practices and ancient knowledge that have been forgotten over time, such as communicating with ancestors, using hand gestures to activate energy in our brains, and tapping into spiritual powers. This shift is also linked to celestial alignments and changes in the Earth’s ecosystem, which are believed to be signs of the crumbling of oppressive systems. It’s important to discern truth from misinformation during this time, and to reclaim and use this ancient knowledge for good rather than harm.
➡ The text discusses the potential impact of ancient languages on brain activation and the development of psychic abilities. It also warns about the possible consequences of a strike at U.S. East Coast ports, which could lead to a severe fuel shortage and societal breakdown. The text also mentions the importance of the U.S. dollar as a global currency and the potential risks if it loses this status.
➡ The text discusses the idea that societal shifts, including economic and financial changes, are linked to cosmic events like eclipses. It suggests that these shifts are a wake-up call for people to realize that money isn’t everything and to reconsider their life choices. The text encourages people to think about what they would do if money didn’t exist and to find their true purpose beyond materialistic goals. It also warns that those who don’t adapt may face difficulties as the world changes.
➡ The speaker shares their personal journey of leaving a traditional job to follow their spiritual path. They encourage listeners to trust their intuition, even when it leads them away from societal norms. They also discuss the importance of meditation and connecting with higher powers for guidance. The speaker warns of potential envy from others as one elevates and grows, and emphasizes the power of collective rituals and the upcoming full moon in Aries.


Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it out? We’re stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? That? We’re stuck in the matrix? Ladies and gentlemen, today I got conjure queen. We got a divine feminine energy in the building, and we’re going to be talking about the metaphysics and the occultic knowledge of a solar eclipse on a new moon. So we’re going to dive into DNA activation, mind science, technology, and how it applies to us as we transition into the year of 2025.

And what it means it is during this time period, during the time of Libra. So introduce yourself. Peace, family. Conjure queen here. And it is definitely a pleasure to be on this platform. Thank you. Be dell now, family. I just want to say that just like you, I went down that rabbit hole and never wanted to come back. Okay? Like, I feel like my journey basically started with the illuminati videos, studying the symbology, learned about the deep state, learning about the conspiracies. And as I delved deeper into my practice, I felt like I had nobody to connect with, nobody to talk to.

So then I started to. Well, because my family was christian, right? Anybody else have christian families? Religious families? Like, I felt like I was the black sheep, the outcast. Like, I was always looking for answers. I was always looking up at the sky. I always felt like I wasn’t from here or that I was different. And then, lo and behold, I started to find YouTube videos that was talking about, like, anunnaki, talking about, like, starseeds. We come from different dimensions. And then as I started to, like, delve deeper into my ancestry, I started learning, like, wait a minute, like, this is our stuff.

These symbols, these occult things, like, come from us. And those empowers just took that from us, gave us these false religions and took out alchemy and magic and used that against us to keep the population asleep. So I vowed to make it my purpose. And spirit came to me and said, it is my purpose to awaken our people. And not only that, but to activate our godlike DNA. So that is my mission. That is why I’m here. And on our platform, we teach you practical methods to break the matrix, to break out of this system. This physical body is just an avatar.

The physical body is just a superhuman. It’s a supercomputer, and we have to deprogram it, just like computers get viruses. Some of us are the anomaly or the hack in this matrix that’s supposed to break it down. And so we do rituals, right? Like, we just don’t think about it and ponder on the problems like our purpose and our mission and what we talk about in our tribe and our community is to get solutions, practical solutions, through rituals and methods. And we’re going to tell you some of that in this video today. Family. So, yes, that is my story.

That’s how I have my YouTube platform. Is my platform to educate, to teach and enlighten our people. Just like be Dell is doing. Ashe, I appreciate that. And guys, make sure you stick around for the video because we got something, you know, special for you guys at the end of the video. Yes. So everything that you see taking place right now as we transition into the year of 2025, which is also the year of completion and finality, these everything that’s taking place right now is a transitional shift. So the solar eclipse is a multifaceted anomaly that’s taking place.

It represents rebirth, transformation. It represents balancement and things of that nature. So everything that’s taking place right now is going to be a part of the real awakening. So when you understand the great majority of ancient mythologies in many different omens, it says right here, verbatim, that the eclipses are an omen of misfortune. Many of the beliefs that in eclipse is a negative event stem from ancient folklore. Some examples include ancient Greeks who thought the eclipse was a sign from the gods, were displeased, and would bring misfortune upon humans. So what you think about that? Do you think that’s basically in alignment for what’s taking place right now? Because I understand that we live in a dualistic paradox, meaning that everything operates in polarity.

So in my opinion, I don’t think it’s only subjected to a negative frequency. There’s a positive aspect as well with it. Agree. And to add on to that, I definitely agree with you. There’s always a positive and a negative aspect in everything because this applies to the law of polarity, right? Because moralism is a human construct. Moralism is something that humans made the elite, made of good and bad just to keep the commoners or the average person in check. Right. But when we think about the eclipses, the reason why they said eclipses were bad omens, this is actually a newer saying, because if you do a little bit of digging into history, eclipses were really known to be a time of transformation and endings, but it was also represented by the ending of a certain reign or a kingdom, the time where one king reign was ending and a new king or a new ruler was rising up.

So when you think about who was the one that was saying it was a time of misfortune, right, a ruler didn’t want to give up their power, right? They didn’t want to lose their strength. So now what we’re seeing, because we’re moving into this eclipse, right? This eclipse, this new moon that’s in Libra, it deals with what? Libra deals with justice. Libra deals with the scales. Libra is maat, the kemetic goddess of justice, retribution. So this is also going to be applied on the macro cosmic level as well as the microcosmic level. So macro means that it’s happening on the cosmic sphere with the astrals, the heavens, the planetary alignments, everything that’s happening now, this entire month, me and B, Dell is going to get a lot deeper into it as we go into the video, so don’t go nowhere.

But we want to talk about what’s in store for this month as well, because the numerology of it, and I’m going to break down the tarot as well. I got my tarot cards here, family. We’re going to break down how this Libra, new moon and this solar eclipse is not only going to shift things as far as astrologically, but we’re going to see the fall of this matrix, the fall of the government, the fall of the educational system, the fall of the health industry, okay? There’s a change and shift even happening with the economy, okay? All stuff is happening for a reason, because we asked for this to happen.

We call forth this to happen. We’ve been saying for the longest, we tired of this matrix. We tired of those in power that don’t belong there to fall. So now we’re seeing it, right? But it’s going to be uncomfortable. Sometimes things get worse before it gets better. And if you look through history, right, like, every civilization that fell in America is like Rome, okay, like another new Rome, like that is falling now, and it’s falling for the real heirs, which is you, the chosen ones, divine royalty who had the DNA activations ready to go. This sun, okay, is this eclipse is going to activate your DNA and wake the true gods up, because we’re seeing these false leaders fall now, and it’s time for you to rise up for the true leaders and the true heirs to take their seat in their throne.

Facts. And that also coincides with Matthews 26 ten. The first shall be last. And the last shall be first. So all the, you know, the Bible thumpers out there, even though we don’t rock with monotheistic religion, but sometimes you got to give people that edification because it basically applies to everything as far as, like, divine intervention is taking place. Yes. When you look at this thing from a standpoint of numerology. So the solar eclipse is happening on October 2, 2024. So what I did was I took ten plus two plus 24, you get 36. Three plus six equals nine.

And nine is a representation that’s basically associated with planet Mars, and Mars is associated with war. So, like I said, nine is a representation of completion, spiritual growth, passion, ambition, protection, and justice. So all these things happening right now is basically prophetic. Like I said, it’s a transitional shift for those who was basically subjugated by the energy extraction matrix. It’s time for us to come forth, because like I said, we are the true chosen ones. The true chosen ones have to take black the planet by way of the restoration of the matriarch. So what you got to say about that as far as your numerology? Excellent points.

Now, numerology is an ancient science, okay? And they always tell us that we don’t come into this world with instructions, but we did, right? Like, you have your astrological natal chart that everybody that’s watching this needs to know and go and check it out. It’s free to find out your natal chart because this can guide you and teach you what’s your purpose, what’s your strengths, what’s your challenges, okay? And what supposed to do in this physical incarnation while you’re here serving life in the body, right? Because at the end of the day, when B. Dell is saying that this nine energy, right, to kind of add on to that, this is a universal eight year that we’re in.

How did I get that? Well, I added the 2024, right? So you add 20 plus 24, and then you break it down, you simplify it, and it adds up to an eight. Now, that eight number, what is that eight number? When you think about the eight number in numerology, it deals with power, okay? It deals with power. It deals with karma, also going back into justice. Now, one thing that I want to mention is, I don’t know if you can see the card be. Della, you able to pull up now so I can explain to people how numerology, astrology and tarot is all linked up? Perfect.

Thank you so much. So this is actually the justice card and the Nefertari deck. And if you look closely. Right. You understand that? You see the numeral numbers on the top? Yeah. Now, this is important because when you think about when you look at the different tarot systems, a lot of people follow the wrong system. That actually tells them that the justice card are represented by the number eleven. This is incorrect. Okay. The tarot. Many people don’t realize this, and a lot of tarot readers don’t realize this, but the tarot was never originally designed to be for fortune telling.

The truth is, when the Crusades was going around killing millions of people and they were killing the shamans, they were killing your ancestors. They was trying to kill the ancestors, the teachers, the real ears. Right. Basically, what they was trying to do was burn all of the libraries, and they took those books for themselves, and they hid it in a Vatican. And what they don’t tell you as well, right. I is that when it comes to numerology, when it comes to the science, the eight itself deals with power and exchange of power. So what’s happening right now, family? We’re seeing the wrong powers fall, and we’re seeing the rightful ears rise.

And the reason why they shifted the numbers is because Tarot was originally, back in the day, the Egyptians, right? That’s what they call them, the Egyptians, but they had a negative word for it. They called them gypsies. Now, gypsies, when they were. When the crusaders were going around killing people, the shamans had to get together. They said, all right, listen, we got to find a way where we can still spread this knowledge and information, because we can’t allow them to take this stuff and our descendants not know who they are and not get this information. So the mystics got together and they put their heads together and said, you know what? Let’s put them into cards.

People will never know. So that they got clever with it, and they put these rituals or tomes or tomes into these cards. And when they was going around traveling, people were thinking they were just telling fortunes or just playing cards. But that wasn’t true. They was being discreet. Just like our ancestors got creative during slavery, and they had to synchronize the saints, the catholic saints, with the haitian lua spirits. Right. Or the Orisha spirits, our indigenous spirits that we worked with. So our people are very creative, and we still found a way to adapt today. But the truth of the matter is, our ancestors, we are the ancestors.

Actually, we come back with all of this knowledge now because they put the tarot cards here to be information. You’re supposed to utilize this information to elevate yourself. This is higher principles, higher knowledge, higher information. It never was the power reading, but I mean, for psychic readings, but people use it that way now. But I wanted to bring this up because if you look at the picture here, ma’at, the woman is my eye. Now, they say in the egyptian or the kemetic mystery schools that when you pass on, right, that your soul or your body has to go through the underworld of duat, and it has to weigh your heart on the scales to see how have you been living? Is your life, is your heart heavier than a feather? Now, the person that you see there is Jehudi or thoth.

Now, y’all should have read the emerald tablets because Jehudi, and I’m pretty sure you speak about that, too, b though, right? Yeah, you emerald tablets. So, listen, this picture right here, it’s a reason why they say a picture says a thousand words, the principles of the emerald tablets in there, the principles of balance, of karma, of duality, of the universal principles and family. Listen, we, not me and B Dell. This is why I love Bdell’s content. Because unlike other people who just be spewing not nonsense and just regurgitating a TikTok or a reel that they saw, Bezell actually goes in and brings receipts.

And this is why we bring receipts. Today. I’m bringing receipts, too. Now, listen, the kybalion, if you don’t got this book, this should be your bible. You should know this book like the back of your hand and study the seven universal principles. Point blue, period. And you being a libra, too, right? Like, I want to just see that those who are going to be most affected at this time is going to be libras, aquariuses, capricorns, and Pisces. Because we are in an eight, eight year. The whole entire year was about karma. We’ve been seeing mass celebrities fall.

We’ve been seeing that list. Me and a few other conspiracy theorists been talking about a list for the longest, and everybody kept laughing and saying, oh, ain’t no list, y’all making this stuff up. And now, lo and behold, right be though, now everything’s coming out. Everything is coming out, every single thing. And I’m here for it. Now, as you were saying before, like, you know, the year 2024 is a representation of karmic retribution. And as you can see at the top right here, you have the number eight and the scale justice in the scales of Maya.

And then you got Tahuti. And you also got to understand that the sigil of Tahuti is also a representation, the Hexa alpha symbol. It’s a divine union of the divine feminine and the divine masculine. And it’s kind of the same thing as far as the doctrine of signatures that’s acclimated to the sun and the moon. So it’s kind of like the unification process that creates that restoration. So that’s why you see Tahuti on the scales of my yah, because he represents the energetic frequency of the soul that’s acclimated to the seven principles. So, you know, before we got interrupted, what’s your.

What’s your take on that? Well, you know, so before. So to add on to what you said, right, like what Yehudi represents, I was saying before the thing had cut that when you look at these tarot symbols, right, because they weren’t originally meant for fortune telling. They were meant for higher principles and understanding. They say that a picture has a thousand words. It’s a reason why they say that. Now, when we look into alchemy, like the science of the metaphysics and transforming yourself from base metal to gold, they wasn’t really talking about base. They was talking about transforming your low level, beast like self, right? Your human self, before you turn into consciousness.

And you turn on, when you turn on Lonnie, your powers, come on, you start going through the alchemical fires. You gotta purge yourself, because you can’t go and weigh your heart on the scales. If you still have that lead, which is the heaviest base metal, you gotta be light and turn into gold, the sun. Right? Now, when we look at this symbol, this is also alchemy. Now, mercury representing salt and then sulfur. The goddess here, ma’at, she represents the spiritual aspect of what’s happening. And they say that libra itself is correlated in alchemy, where mercury, which is Jehudi, representing the intellect, the mind, studying, communication, describe in record, record keeping, Juhuti represents mercury and maat represents sulfur.

Now, sulfur represents the soul or the spirit, the ka or the ba, and Yehudi represents the mind. Now, why do. What do we see in this picture here in the tarot card is basically saying that with this Libra energy, the eight energy we’re seeing the fusion of the mental or the logical self, the logical mind, the left brain, and the fusion of the spiritual self, the higher self, the higher spirit and the right brain, the physical, the physical and the spiritual, the intellectual and the intuitive, is happening right now. And so it’s blending together. And when we become whole, the masculine and feminine energies, the yin and yang, your darkness and light, right? Talking about that shadow work, becoming friends with your shadow instead of running from your shadow, that’s when you become complete.

And that nine energy that you was talking about be dell to add on to that, that nine energy is also represented by Mars, but also completion. Now in the tarot, right? In the tarot, when you talk about the nine number, when you talk about the different suits and when you talk about the cars that have nine on it, it talks about the ending of that cycle. We’re the cycle of the old paradigm. We already in a new timeline, okay? And the person that you thought that you were, you’re shedding. That’s why you probably going through these emotional imbalances.

Libra comes to help balance you. But before you could become balanced, whatever is hiding or in the subconscious, the shadow self, it has to come up to the surface because we can’t go through anything, overcome anything, until we face it and confront it. And we’re confronting our shadows now as we are in Libra season. Right before we go into the underworld like Persephone did, right? I’m going into the underworld or ra going into duat or the underworld through transformation to purify the soul, through the alchemical fires, going through the energy of my eye to rise up again and be renewed.

This is your story. They’re talking about you, the Bible, revelations. Because be Del was talking about the bible. Right. I just want to also say family, there’s a really good book that you should check out called the gnostic scriptures. Okay. The gnostic scriptures, they have several different copies. You can get it on Amazon family. I also put the link below. BW could probably just link it before, link it for you. So you have to check out the books. But all of this information is out there, but you have to seek it. Okay. The gnostic scriptures come pre date Christianity.

The gnostic teachings, this goes back to ancient Kemet, these mystery schools. So yes, we are in an eight year, but going into October, this is Hudo heritage month. This is a reason why they call this the spiritual month. And not only that, but this is the harvest season eight is synchronized as well with Saturn. That Saturn energy represented by the sickle. Okay? Also this, the sickle comes to also harvest. What is it harvesting is bringing for whatever seeds that you have planted. You’re starting to see it now. So if anybody did you wrong, anybody hurt you, we gonna start seeing exes coming back.

Okay? Y’all probably already seen people from the past trying to come back because they feel in that karma whoop their ass that’s what’s happening. Okay. They get in the first, being beat down by karma. My aunt herself, x is coming back issues from the past. But listen, you got to let go of that. If it ain’t serving you, let it go, boo boo. But go ahead. Oh, and one last thing. This is a good book called numerology and the divine Triangle. I would definitely recommend getting this book. If you’re thinking about learning about numerology, understanding the science between how astrology, numerology and the tarot all play into one thing, it’s going to take your spiritual elevation to a whole nother level.

Family facts. And like I said, you know, the number nine is the final single digit number and represents the end of a cycle. So it’s the year of completion. So we going through that great purification process. So there’s a time, like you said, it’s based upon shedding. Now, I did some historical context that’s acclimated to the solar eclipse. So you had in 1453 that you had the fall of Constantinople, when they had a solar eclipse during that time period. So like I said, you’re looking at a collapse of a system. You’re looking at the collapse of a demiurge.

The demiurge is being eradicated by these new energies that’s hitting the planet we just had. We have two moons in our solar system from September 29 to November 21 25th. Then you also have the four gas giant planets also be having a configuration around the planet from October 24 all the way up to April 5. So you got all these energies on the planet that’s basically exposing everything. So the bell is officially lifted. So all this stuff is when you talk about the roman occupational government, the ottoman empire, all these systems that was created by way of colonization, we in the eight year.

So America is also acclimated to that same energy. Everything that they built is bit, is based upon witchcraft, is based upon colonization, is based on destabilization. So now we in the eight year, everything has to, you know, revert back into its original balance. My yacht, like you said. So that’s why the solar eclipse, the annual solar eclipse at the ring of fire, it is basically the symbology of the restoration process is justice, karmic retribution. So I just wanted to, you know, look at, you know, give people the historical context and to show them that, you know, that’s basically in alignment with the fall of certain civilizations, definitely.

So, oh, then you also in this slide, as I was telling you before, the Hexa alpha symbol is basically the divine union of the lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse, that’s basically, you know, the basis on how. Basically the blueprint on how to basically ascend out of this plane. So, like I said, based upon the scales of my yah, if you got a way to heart, it has to be light as a feather. So it was one of those things where it’s acclimated to the celestial bodies. So it tells you right here, the lunar uncovering, which is hidden, revealing.

Yeah. Realizing that is which doesn’t serve you, increasing your intuitive awareness as well as divination and wisdom. And then you got the solar energy, new beginnings, which is transformation. All types taking initiatives, new jobs, new ideas, positive energy, change, luck, growth and abundance. So, like I said, we in that transitional shift, everything that this system was built upon was based upon fraud. Everything that basically subjugated the energy of the indigenous people, everything that they built on our system as. As far as the Pisa young age of darkness, everything that they basically built actually, you know, goes against the matriarch.

So we in that time right now, so all these energies, these celestial alignments, is acclimated to the timeline of eschatology. So you got the eclipses bring about changes, creates the potential for swift, swift and intense transformation and growth. So we in that time right now. So, like, like she said, kaja Queen, if you ain’t did your motherfucking shadow work, you’re gonna feel these energies. Like I said, we got two moons in our solar system. So it’s going to activate the over emotionalism. If you haven’t, have you, if you haven’t did your shadow work, basically, it’s basically exposed everything that you was basically hiding in the corner here.

That’s a fact. Everything that was hidden is coming to the light right now. And the fact that it’s on my mind while you’re talking about the moons and it’s up here, ladies, stand that eclipses is the time when your cycle, your moon cycle will be off balance. So there’s a lot of women who may get their cycle twice in one month, and there are people who might actually miss a cycle. So if your cycle is missing, ladies, don’t freak out. Don’t get scared, okay? Like, it’s really just the eclipse, the eclipse that’s altering your body, because this is also proof, too, right, b dell, where people be like, oh, astrology is just mysticism and superstition, but what people don’t understand is, like, astrology was literally a real science back in those days, right? Like, it’s a real actual science, and it shows that the movements of the stars, as above, so below, it affects us, our physical body, right? Not just women, but men as well.

Because women, we were known to be synchronized with the moon, the lunar energies, and everybody, most people know that, yes, women were synchronized with time and the moon, like certain months, we would change. And if you’re a cancer like myself, like for us, our moods can change every two to three days because. Because we’re synchronized with the moon. The moon changes into science every two to three days, right? So you got to also understand, too, that your cycle, women are ruled by the moon, and men also have cycles as well, just like women do. And this is not talked about, but men are actually more correlated with the solar cycles.

So we have the full moon, the new moon, the waning moon, the waxy moon, the different moon cycles, right? The lunar eclipse, the solar eclipse, and so forth. And then what men are actually, since this solar energy is being combined with this lunar energy is literally symbolic of the masculine, the masculine divine, the divine masculine and the divine feminine merging into one creation energy. And a lot of people are going to start to start feeling that now, men, if men notice, there’s a reason why when women make. When men wake up in the morning, they have what? Morning wood.

That is when a man’s energy is the most powerful. And honestly, this is the time when, you know, he’s up, he’s ready. Like, men are wired biologically different than women. This is why men can operate much more efficiently with less sleep. Right, because they’re being fueled by the power of the rays of the sun. So there’s different phases of the sun. And based upon what angle the sun is in the sky can determine the psychological, the physical and the energy, the energetic power of a mandev. So men have most of their energy between the hours of dawn, when the sun is just coming up, and noon.

Okay. And then he starts waning at night. So we never really was up. This is a side lid, though. But we never. People mostly make love at night. But you’re really supposed to be making love in the morning, right? Like, before you can go to work. Be, like, home on, baby. Let me just, you know, before you go to work, because that. That’s that creative energy. That’s when you guys can manifest the most powerful is right then and there. Just had to throw that out there because people may not know that men also get moody and their moods and their energies are affected, their productivity is affected based upon where the sun is in the sky.

So men are also going to be affected by the solar eclipse, some people may be feeling tired. Men may feel very tired at this time. That’s a fact. Because I’m glad you. As far as like tantric sex or whatever, that’s very important. As far as, like, manifestation, because when you have these gamma radiations that’s causing this connecting with the ionosphere, that is the time when you supposed to be manifesting, like you said, you say, people say that you’re supposed to be having sex at night. You really supposed to be doing it in the morning time. That’s the time of manifestation.

That’s the time to basically amalgamate your manifestations with the ethers to where they’re able to materialize in physical form. So well said. Oh, also, while he’s going to the next slide, I want to just mention, too that since we’re in this time of Libra and the new moon with this eclipse, be very cautious of drinking alcohol. Make sure that you’re hydrating your body. Some people may be feeling very thirsty or dehydrated because Libra also rules the kidneys. So be very careful of the governments or the media, social media, trying to pull at your emotions. The kidneys also deals with the sacral chakra.

Since you mentioned about sex. Right. Your sexual energy may be pulled at or your emotions. They may try to do a ritual. They always do rituals around this time, like trying to get black outrage by either some police brutality or killing a black man. And then people will go outrage on it or something with some type of celebrity drama to pull at your emotions and keep you distracted from getting these actual rays that’s coming in that’s going to activate our DNA and turn us into true superheroes. But I just wanted to mention that I’m glad you brought that up because like I said, that is all part of the destabilization process when you’re talking about the newer order because they had that chemical spill in Atlanta, I’m going to pull.

So you got this going on. So like you said, you know, it’s going to affect the air and it’s going to affect the water. So like I said, during this time period, you got to be very meticulous about all the semantics and the trichology that they’re going to propagate to, you know, the great majority of people. Because like she said, this is the time of DNA activation. So everything that they do is based on neutralizing and destabilizing. So you got to be very meticulous about what’s going on. So I’m going to play this video here to give you guys a, you know, a brief of what’s going on and how they’re basically trying to destabilize the awakening process that’s in Atlanta, Georgia, or, you know, on the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia.

So we in that time right now, you know, we’re going to get into the mind science, technology aspect of it when we’re talking about DNA activations, you know, later on in the presentation. But like I said, this is all they’re going to hit you with. Many different black swan events. They’re going to hit us with, you know, all types of afflictions to basically subjugate these energies is coming to the planet now. Sorry. Wasn’t it just a flood to in Atlanta or they had a hurricane Helena. Oh, my God. I think, like I said, we live in a energy extraction matrix, and it’s a form of harvesting the energy in the frequency and the vibration of humans on a planet.

Now, according to many different mythologies or whatever you look at it, you know, the moon is the representation of a material plane. So when you had the two moons in the atmosphere, that basically heightened the energy by pulling on the top the tides of the planet. So you had the hurricane Helen pretty much, you know, eradicated the great majority of North Carolina, and then it trickled down to Atlanta and then you have some parts of Florida. So, like I said, these energies is here. You got to be very meticulous and understand what’s going on right now.

So that is all a part of the destabilization process of the new world order system that’s going to be amplified by the United nations. Because, like I said, these energies is collapsing. The demiurge. The demiurge is basically comprised of the third dimension and the lower fourth dimension. So these energies is, like I said, is basically dematerializing the illusion. The veil is lifted. So they got to hit you with distraction after distraction, gossip. They got to hit you with from every which way calamities, you know? So be very meticulous about what’s going on, because as you can see in this picture, it’s all about a global governance, one world order.

So what you got is breaking. I was just about to add on to what you just said that, you know, going back into why they demonize our ancestral powers and our rituals and our magic, right? Like, the reason they did that was because just like our ancestors have rebelled and fought back, right? Like the Haitians fought back the French with their voodoo, and people don’t notice, but the indian wars that actually took place here in the 16 hundreds in the Americas in North America, actually predated the haitian revolution. And it was actually the Indians that was actually fighting here.

I’m from Brooklyn, New York, and this whole entire area is a war zone. Like, this is where the indian wars took place. This is the way the American Revolution took place. And it’s still, like, over 10,000 bodies, dead bodies. That’s, like, buried in Fort Green Park. A lot of people don’t even know about that. But basically, yeah, it’s a lot of crazy stuff going on. But basically, what I’m trying to say is that all of these frequencies, everything that’s happening right now, they know that people are waking up. They did a sleeping spell pretty much to keep everybody sleep.

The same magic and mysticism and stuff they told you was evil, to stay away from your ancestors, use this to fight them back. But we stopped tapping into our magic. We stopped tapping into our power. We stopped tapping into the tools that was allowing us to activate our DNA. Our power shut down. It’s just like when you don’t use a certain muscle, it what? It atrophies until you start working it out again. So that’s what’s happening. It’s like we haven’t been using that psychic muscle for thousands of years. And it’s like, now all of the information that our ancestors had planted, whether it was in the monuments, in the books, encrypted in our DNA, the information is in our DNA.

And what people don’t even realize is that our ancestors used to use crystals as memory cards and store their information in the crystal and pass it down to their descendants, because they didn’t speak or write down the formulas and the magic, everything was orally passed down, telepathically passed down, or put it in a crystal. So to add on to that. Yes, be Dell. They are trying to keep us sleep. They are trying to keep us distracted. But more people are starting to wake up. And those people who are aware, what was the guys? I can’t even think of the guys.

I think it was Caesar or Seymour, but the guy in the matrix, who knew he was in the matrix, but he was like, you know what? I know this thing real, and, you know, but I want to go back into the Matrix. It’s going to be a lot of people like that, right? They’re going to be like, I don’t want to wake up. Like, I don’t want to shift. This is. This is what I believe in. They’re stuck in this cognitive dissonance. Where they’re. Their spirit knows this isn’t right, but their ego is still chasing behind this illusion.

And that illusion that split. Well, we kept talking about the earth is splitting. There’s going to be two earths, there’s two moons. All it is duality of twos splitting the balance of Ma dealing with the duality. Again, all of this is coming up to pretty much show you that the old powers are dead is done. We already won, right? Like everything that happens in the astral and the spiritual realms, it happens before we actually see it manifest in the physical. This is just a, you could say a replay or shadow effect of what we’re seeing because there’s wars happening.

I’m. Something’s hitting my spirit right now. Be that I got to say this. I’m channeling a message that there’s also wars that’s happening in the sky, in the spiritual realms as well as under Earth. People always look up in the sky looking for space, but they don’t even realize that right under the water there’s UFO’s, aliens, weird creatures, wars happening. That earthquake happened in New York. What was that? That was around the time of the eclipse. I think it was right before the eclipse or after the eclipse. We had a crazy earthquake here in New York City, and we never get earthquakes here.

And something was hitting my spirit saying, that wasn’t a regular earthquake there. There’s wars happening underneath our feet in a whole tunnel system. New York City has a whole bunch of tunnel systems and people that work in the NCAA. Some of my friends that I know personally told me that they seen some weird things down there that they can’t even talk about. And there’s a movie called Midnight Meat Train. I would definitely recommend everybody check out that movie because it talks about these creatures, these reptilian creatures that are ancient for years, sleeping underneath in the tunnels, hidden tunnels all around the world, but more specifically in New York City.

And the government knows about it, and they have to feed them. Those missing children, those missing people. Oh, yeah. They being fed to these creatures in these tunnels in New York City. And if they don’t feed them after a certain amount of time, they come up. So it’s an agreement that the government has a contractual agreement with these beings to keep them dormant and sleep. But during the pandemic, when all of that, well, the plan was happening, they weren’t being fed. And a lot of these creatures was coming up. That’s why a lot of people was talking about seeing these occurrences all around the world.

These strange creatures. Now all of these new animals and new sea creatures are emerging. Now people are seeing mermaids and stuff coming out of the sea. There’s going to be a lot of this stuff happening, more of it. So get ready, family, because it’s about to get real. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Well, I want to hear one of the stories, what they seen in the, in the tunnel systems. Oh, okay. Yeah. I don’t know what I could say on something. Okay. So, like, we just, you know, kind of keep it, you know, speaking code, basically.

I’ll try. But one of the things that they, they saw, they told me that, you know, sometimes in New York City, I ever. If anybody lives in New York City or you come to New York City, the train system is just the worst in the world, okay? It’s filthy, it’s disgusting. And all of the time, they have to close down certain tunnels. More specifically, in downtown Brooklyn, the same place I told you I’m from, where there’s all of these dead bodies and hauntings and ley lines. Well, in this cursed energy area, in Hoyt street, right, there’s a train station.

A train. The A and G train on Hoyt street. And everybody I know in Brooklyn, that’s a very weird, weird station. Weird people. People will be channeling, people be having possessions. And not only that, but they have a certain track that they always keep blocked off. And I used to always wonder, like, if you look down that track is very ominous. And it’s a reason why they don’t want certain people going in certain tunnels. My friends, certain people that work in NCAA, told me, like, they saw apparitions. Okay. Like, um, thing of being matter of fact, something that’s similar to that.

The situation that happened, was it earlier this year in Miami where, like these tall alien. That was this year, right? That happened. Yeah. It’s like the timelines are shifting so much, it feels like time is where now. It’s like, I don’t know if it’s this year, last year, but what I’m saying is it was something like that. It was like, he said, like a tall figure that looked like a humanoid, but it wasn’t. And it was like he seen it, but then it was like it disappeared. It was in a physical, but it was in the 3d.

It was like in between realms, but he could see it. And he was like, that wasn’t the first time he’s seen something like that in that station. And he was like, as a matter of fact, he asked to transfer out because he didn’t want to do that at night anymore. He was like, it’s too much creepy shit happening here. Like, at nighttime. That’s when it. That’s why I don’t like taking the trains at night in New York, because you see some shit. And me growing up here, I’ve seen a lot of weird stuff downtown Brooklyn. Hmm.

That kind of makes me think that they got that whole mythology of the Ninja Turtles. I wonder. They was talking about reptilians in those tunnels. You onto something, even though they even know it’s a turtle, but, you know, it’s still a form of a. It’s a reptile, I guess, right? So based upon, you know, the configuration of geomancy, like I said, you got certain parts of the planet that’s in alignment with certain lay line grid systems to where these entities, non corporeal entities, they have to live in certain parts of the planet to where they’re not exposed.

So as you were saying before, the elites, they have to, everything is transactional with these archonic forces. So, you know, that’s why I think those. Those people, they got caught in Brooklyn was a Brooklyn or Harlem or Manhattan when they people remember, they got caught with those tunnels in, I think was in. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I remember, I remember. That’s so that in alignment with what you basically talking about, like, because that tunnel system, like I said, everything. We all know who runs the planet. We know a certain demographic and faction who controls, you know, all, you know, the United nations and things of that nature.

We know who’s in control. That’s the curse seed. So they got to give. It’s an energy extraction. They got to do everything is basically transactional to keep some type of temporal power on the planet, but their time is basically ran out. Now we’re going to get into the DNA activation. Now, one thing you gotta understand is that a solar eclipse has the ability to take you to a different space and time. Now, when you go to the cuneiform language and you break down the word Bathari gland, the prefix of the word is Bara. Bara takes you to a different space and time, but the Bathari gland is acclimated to the hippocampus layer of the brain that’s connected to your four higher senses, which is sarcometry, clairvoyance, intuition, telepathy, telekinesis, and other abilities.

So during this time period, like I said, you should be purging yourself. You should be working out, getting some water in your body, going to the steam room, getting massages. So where you can get out, get all those energy blockages out to where your body is able to absorb these energies, to basically revitalize the DNA structure that was subjugated by these energies. Because I was telling people before on one of my transmissions that there’s a lot of people who don’t have the ability to think outside the box. And the box is the holonomic brain theory. It’s an encryption over the brain.

And that encryption in itself is basically subjugating, subjugating the aspect of you being aligned to unlock those genetical codes. And that energy is the vesicular monoman transporter two gene. It gives you the propensity to believing things outside of yourself. So these energies is coming in. You’re no longer going to believe the celebrity, the politician is going to force you to go within. So this is the time period where we supposed to be transforming our DNA sequence, and we should also, should be transforming our neurological capacity. Thanks. So. But yeah, you know, this is all, you know, connecting the esoteric aspects of it when you’re looking at religion.

Like I said, you know, you also have the trilateral connection of the triune brain, which is the hypothalamus gland, pineal gland and pituitary gland. And this is also connected to the brain essential nervous system, melanin, that activates the carbon and the neuroendocrine transducer. So this is the chemical key in order to unlock those energies. So everything, excuse me. All this stuff that’s happening right now, as she said, as above, so below, everything that’s taking place right now is to unlock those codons. And I want to just add up into what you. Go ahead. You was going to say something.

Go ahead, you can interject. I was going to add on. Can you put the image of the brain back up? Yes, ma’am. Okay, so it’s hitting my spirit. While you was also saying it made me think of something. Right? Like when we think about the brain of, there’s three different, there’s many different parts, but people should remember this, right? To simplify it, now, there is the reptilian brain, which deals with the basic survival instincts. Your fight, flight or freeze. How do you react? Everybody has this. This is like instinctual. And then after that is your limbic brain, right? The limbic part of the brain, which really deals with, like, your intuition or your emotions.

Okay? Like, this is what they try to keep you stuck either in your reptilian brain, in the root chakra, trying to survive, trying to pay bills, trying to just get up, go to work, and take care of the basic responsibilities without actually elevating and going to the next phase, which is number three, the higher mind, the intellectual mind, the neocortex. Okay? This is the mind. This is the part of the brain where you actually can conceptualize and intellectualize what it is that you’re feeling, okay? Because a lot of people, human beings, we got to realize that naturally, humans are animals that are like, they operate from the reptilian brain, instinctual or emotional creatures, right? Human beings are emotional creatures.

It takes practice and it takes intention for you to calm your emotions down. And once you’re able to control your emotions, that is when you are able to elevate to the higher mind, which is the cognitive mind, where you can put all of it together, your instincts, your intuition, your emotions, and your intellect together. So that way you can form higher knowledge and you can activate your DNA. Because if have you stuck in fear, fear, what does it do? Stress. It releases cortisol. When you have a whole bunch of cortisol going on throughout your body, the hormones won’t allow your DNA to expand and stretch, which leads actually to your evolvement, right? You have to evolve and grow into the God like body or goddess body that you are.

And that’s why they keep you on social media, scrolling nonstop with your emotions, pulling every which way. As soon as you wake up in the morning, you open your phone and your already being pulled when you really supposed to be setting your intention or what you want it to be today. Because best to believe the subconscious mind is always open and listening. And when you don’t program it, somebody else or something else is. And that’s what we always talk about. We talk about you taking control of your life, reprogramming your mind, and taking control of your reality.

Because the universe is mental. All is mine. And once you got control of your mind, you got control of the world. Baby facts and everything that she said basically displays the fact that it can cause DNA damage, right? So you have the reconfiguration process with immortalized cell lines that’s connected to the cytoplasm. So that’s when you get the repairment of the neural synapses that’s connected to the hippocampus layer of the brain to where you can activate the Bathari gland that’s connected to the four higher senses. As I was telling you before, the Bathari gland bar means to take you to a different space and time, the different space and time, which is based upon the transitional shift of the sun and the moon in all these celestial bodies, in these alignments.

So like I said, it’s based upon a configuration. Not only is our genetics is upgrading, the planet is upgrading as well. So I said, you know, we are microcosm of the macrocosm, right, people, Earth is alive. Like it’s a actual living being. It’s a rock floating through space. Most definitely. And then this time period, you know, this is where you’re going to have that great separation, is you’re going to have to pick a side because everything is pretty evident right now. We could see who’s, you know, what, you know, what the celebrities and the politicians are basically propagating.

We can see what they’re doing and we can see the types of people who are acclimated to that ideology. So it’s either red or blue pill. You got to pick a side because it’s going to be a dimensional split. You’re going to have to separate from family, family members, ex boyfriends, girlfriends. You have to separate from many different people because as this demi urge, this roman occupational government, this third density reality as is crumbling, a lot of people going to have an emotional attachment to it. And if you vibrate on the same frequency as them, they’re going to pull you down with the system.

So that’s why you. It’s imperative to understand that you got to pick a side. Pick the side of right knowledge. That’s a fact. And I want to just add on to what you said about relationships, right? Like picking a side with your family and exes. Now, remember, family Libra deals with relationships. It deals with that venusian energy. So this also means that you have to make a choice. And it’s not easy, right? Because sometimes, like Toni Morrison said, if you want to fly, you got to let go of the ish that weighs you down. And sometimes we get so comfortable with the people around us, that spirit is literally telling you to let this person go, let this job go, let the situation go, right? The people, places, possessions, let them go that don’t serve you anymore, but you want to still hold on.

And the longer you hold on to that person, place of possession or thing, the more is going to hurt. So you have to let it go. And listen, a lot of us are elevating. So you may outgrow your friends, you may outgrow your lover, even some people, a lot of people, my clients, they come to me and they tell me, Kanja queen, you know what? I’m going through the spiritual journey. I’m learning. I’m elevating. But my partner, they don’t want to grow. They don’t want to elevate with me. And they’ve probably been together for years, okay? And so they, they feel like they have a loyalty to this person.

But let me explain something to you. You was born into this world by yourself. You have to learn the art of detachment. This is what the Buddhists and all of the ancients was talking about. They was basically telling you, like, you got, it’s going to come a point in time. You got to remember, you had several incarnations. This is not your first time coming here, right? Like, you had several mothers, you had several fathers, you had several families, you had several relationships that you probably don’t even remember in other past lifetimes. So why is this one so significant? And that’s what, whenever I come back and I think about that, when I start getting too attached to something, I got to remember, like, I’m not taking this with me when I leave, because at the end of the day, what really matters here, you can’t take your money.

You can’t take none of these possession stuff. No. What matters is the knowledge that you acquire. And how much did you evolve your soul? Because what you did in past lives determine who and what you are now. And the fact that you watching this channel, you subscribe to watching this video, it says that you’re not just an average person. You’ve been doing this work for some time. And what I found is that a lot of us, we’ve known each other in a past life, and this is like us coming back together again. The old gods, the old shamans, the old teachers.

It’s like now we’re rising back up during this time of the end of the Kali yuga, which was the time of destruction and pestilence and war. And now it’s the golden era, where now the ones who are last is going to be first. The chosen ones, revelations was talking about us. The beast that’s rising out of the pit, they talking about. They were talking about you. The old gods coming up, the Bible was switched around. They demonized you. You. The demons that they afraid of you, the one that’s going to destroy their world to bring a new one.

Because I remember I was telling you over the phone, you know, we have to tap into our ancient languages. These tonal octave frequencies have the ability to manipulate the cosmic energy grid system to where it basically causes a interface transition. So the more the chosen ones speak truth to power, it will reverse the polarity. That’s what they afraid of. They afraid of the awakening processes, which is why they subjugated the energy of the hippocampus layer, the brain, where you get your four higher senses. So if you had those four abilities, you would be able to speak directly to your ancestors, like, in real time, literally.

But like I said, it’s kind of like, you know, the Bathari gland and the hippocampus layer, the brain, it is basically like the antenna to the cosmos. It’s kind of like, you know, if basically the great majority of people on the planet, when they was born, the hippocampus layer of the brain was pretty much compromised. You were spiritually cut off so that, you know, pretty much gave you the propensity to believe in certain things outside of yourself, because now you have a disconnection. So, like I said, we in that time right now, we going through a great reset.

And that reset, you know, is where you have the, you know, the ones that speak in truth to power. You got all the healers. Everybody’s coming back by way of the cosmic convergence, right? And you said something really interesting, be Dell, about having. Being able to communicate with your ancestors in real time. There are actually ways where we can still utilize certain modalities, mantras, certain mudras, right? Like, anybody in here watch anime? Like anime been teaching us all of the sciences. The Japanese, they know these occult sciences. Like the Mudras with your hands were pretty much teaching you how to utilize certain meridians, right? We have chakras in our hands, and so by doing certain hand gestures, like, we’re activating certain energies in our brain.

Because when you study palmistry, they tell you that certain points or PowerPoints, even in acupuncture, they say, like, certain parts of the body can activate certain meridians, certain powers, certain chi flows, and spiritual chakras. It opens up your spiritual gifts and powers. So you can use rituals and modalities. There are still ways to tap into these powers. It’s just knowledge that has been forgotten. And this is what I teach my family. I teach us how to use these practical rituals. So that way you can break out of this matrix, activate your mind, right? Like V Del is saying, you got to activate certain parts of your brain so you can be able to communicate with your ancestors in real time, because you can do it now.

You just forgot how to. It’s all about remembering because the knowledge is already there, right? It’s about bringing it into the conscious mind, merging the subconscious with the conscious, the physical with the spiritual facts. That’s why you got to activate that epicinetic body. So, like I said, you got all these celestial alignments. Then you have the. We had the lunar eclipse, I think. When was that? September 18 in the nineties. So that was basically the. The dematerialization of the age of the Piscay on age of darkness. So, like I said, we’re going through a transitional shift.

All these anomalies is happening on the planet is not. It’s not by accident, because, you know, the archonic forces, they control this energy extraction matrix with the seven deadly sins, which is less gluttony, greed, slow wrath, envy and pride. And the archons are basically the ones that create this tyrannical system that limits the agencies who rule over humanity and creation in order enhance their own self importance and glory. So, like I said, you live in a energy extraction system. This system is basically crumbling. The collapse of the demiurge is by way of the celestial alignments. It’s going to activate us.

And like she said, that’s what they afraid of. So it’s imperative to understand that, you know, during this time period, you also got the four gas giant planets. You got the four gas giants. I think it’s Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune. And it’s going to create a configuration around planet Earth where there’s going to have an influx of gamma radiation. So that gamma radiation is basically acclimated to the symbology of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. So when you had a gamma radiation merging in with the four basic elements, earth, air, water, fire, what you think is going to happen, more earthquakes, more floods, more calamity, is going to, you know, affect the ecology and the ecosystem of the planet Earth.

So these energies is not only, you know, going to destabilize their system is going to, you know, basically activate the planet, and it’s going to activate us because we’re basically by way of birthright. We have an ethereal cord that’s connected to the planet. So what’s your take on that? Because like I said, you know, as far as, like the black horse, as far as the four horsemen, the black horse is a representation of justice, balance. So when you look at the dark horse, it shows you the scales of my yacht. So you spoke about these horses is making me think of one really good book called behold a pale horse.

Oh, yeah, right. Like, it talks about how the pale horse basically represents death, and each horse represents a certain calamity that’s going to happen. And pretty much everything that you’re saying about all these different elementals, right? Like, when we deal with, um, when we deal with magic or we deal with alchemy, or we deal with these ancient sciences, and I want to just demystify when we say magic, right? Like, it’s not something scary or evil. Like, this is just natural energy that comes from the earth, the earth that is alive. And you can utilize these energies and harness these energies to do good, to heal.

So those who are empowered, they utilize these energies and the knowledge that our ancestors taught them for wickedness. This is why the science was sacred and not given to everybody. Because in giving in the wrong hands, look what they did to the world, okay? They ruined it. So now it’s like, we got to take back these energies. And yes, because the chosen ones are waking up, and because the system is crumbling, Earth is waking up. Earth is shifting. Earth. I keep telling, I’ve been saying this so long that Earth is waking up again. The volcanoes that have been dormant and sleep for thousands of years have been activating.

I’ve been seeing tons of videos going viral about all over the world. These volcanoes are opening. And didn’t they even say in the emerald tablets that the pyramids will activate again? Okay, the mounds, they’re finding what they found, like, over a thousand islands that popped up in Japan, like, about two or three years ago, right during the pandemic. It was like, islands is pop. Thousands of islands is popping up. And some even people say, like, that these islands, or certain land masses are like Lumeria and Atlantis and mu, and all of these ancient lands, it’s like part of them is floating back up again.

But this is symbolic because if these landmasses disappeared and disappeared and now they’re reappearing again, what is that symbolically talking about? It’s talking about the missing parts or the memories that have been lost is re merging or coming back again. Because remember just basically means to remember to put things back. We got to study etymology because spells is really just words, right? Word magic. And I to go, this is hitting my mind right now. Be dell to kind of go back what you was talking about, like, us changing our language, like, the english language being a bastard language and being weak.

When we talk about, like, Egypt and ancient Kim and the indigenous practices and languages, their vibration, the language that they had had a certain different vibration and frequency that they can speak things into existence, and it would just manifest. And they call this power, right? Like, they say that some people still have this gift, the gift of hakau, right? The hakau is the spoken word. Your ability to chant things into existence that’s why in ancient Kemet, they would say, may your hakau be ever blessed. May your hakau be ever in your favor, or something similar to that nature, saying, all.

May all of your manifestations and your words be sweet and pleasant. And that. And you had to go through certain levels of initiations, and you had to go through, like, they had to size you up. Anybody couldn’t just come on a platform and speak, right, because they knew how powerful it was. So you had to be scrutinized and cross referenced before you came on a platform and started talking about knowledge or truth and teaching people. Now we don’t even have that anymore where anybody who got a phone, we just come online and start screwing all of this misinformation.

So it’s a lot happening right now, be Dell, where it’s like, there’s the agents, right? There’s a lot of agents rising up and implants in the conscious community that’s literally put here to drive you away from waking up, right. The whole new age Jesus movement. I did a video talking about that that went viral because it’s like you have these people that come into the conscious movement teaching and stuff, and then they tell you, oh, no, listen, don’t. Don’t do this stuff no more. I thought this was the right way, but no, you got to go this way of Jesus.

You gotta stop following this knowledge stuff. This is what they. It’s like. It’s conflict. It’s like conflicting information is confusing people, and now is the time. Like, be Del was saying, you gotta lose. You gotta use your discernment. Discernment is key right now. Who’s your real friends? Who’s your enemies? Who’s the agents? Okay? And on top of that, you know, be very meticulous of people within the conscious community telling you to go vote, especially vote for Kamala. Oh, that don’t. You know, I’m saying, like, you know, that’s like multiplying any number by zero. You know, I’m saying, as far as, you know, there’s no evolution in that, because we all know that.

Everything that’s acclimated to the Republic of a matriarch, everything that was based on oral tradition, basically. But, you know, we are living in that time right now. You got to separate from certain factions. You know, then going all the way back into you was talking about the language. That is, in my opinion, I think that’s going to be the precursor to the fact to where we basically reverse the polarity of everything. Because our ancient moabite language, ancient proto semitic language. It has an octave frequency that activates the olfactory nerve. The olfactory nerve in the brain is connected to the right brain.

The right brain is where you get 90% is the 90% that’s not activated. So that’s basically the spirit of Melchizedek, basically, which is also Tahoudi or thoth, whatever mythology that you basically following. So that’s another way to look at it. These. These energies of our, you know, ancient, you know, proto semitic languages. Like I said, it has a octave frequency, has an ethro energy. It has an ethro energy that can basically activate and stimulate parts of the brain. So that’s another way to tap into creating that type of energy to basically eradicate this whole process of this newer order system.

Do you think we’ll ever get to the level? Like, I know that language and, you know, it has a certain vibration that we have. Like you said, that has to be the first thing that we have to do to make the necessary changes. But I’m hoping that we can even get to the point where we’re past language and we can just telepathy, communicate with one another. I do. That’s something that, you know, we can possibly, I feel like that’s what we’re probably even going to lead towards, because a lot of people, I don’t know I’m speaking for myself, but like anybody else, you could comment below and let us know.

Like, have you noticed any of your psychic abilities or your intuition being strengthened? Like, there’s a lot of people that have been telling me, especially, like, in my community, they’ve been telling me, like, yo, my intuition is crazy. My dreams are crazy. I’m able to read people’s thoughts. I can feel when somebody’s about to call me, or I can. I could be sitting next to somebody and I can feel their feelings or hear what they’re thinking telepathically. So these telepathic abilities, some of y’all are telepathic and don’t even realize you’re telepathic. You could be hearing somebody say something.

You’ll turn around and be like, what you said, and they’d be like, I ain’t say nothing. Yeah, they probably was thinking some about you, and you picked up on that, and your spirit gave you that message you were supposed to hear that. Don’t know that. Your intuition is going to be strong right now, real strong. Oh, yeah, most definitely. We, in that time period right now where these, you know, that DNA activation is activating certain parts of the neuro snapses like a sun cycle is acclimated to right knowledge. You’re going to activate that right brain. That’s the Christ consciousness.

Like I said, these abilities is what you’re talking about is going to heighten. So don’t be scared of it. Don’t be scared of, and then start going to church. Embrace it. That’s a part of you, you know? Yeah. So you got all these afflictions that’s taking place in real time. So on October 1, it’s talking about how there’s going to be ship. Shippers scramble for workarounds ahead of looming United States east coast port strike. So they basically going on strike, and that’s basically going to destabilize the great majority of production and distribution all around the planet.

And these are the potential ports that you see. You got Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, you know, all these places going to be going on strike. So I’m gonna show you a video for a second, because these new energies, like I said, this, like I said, it’s another form of destabilization because the black hats, they got to create black swan events to put you in a state of emotionalism. Fight or flight on strike. The strike is set for October 1, so you better share this with everyone, because if our ports close, everything we depend on closes with it.

Let’s talk about what would happen within the month of October. On day one, international fuel shipments are the first to feel the impact. Crude oil tankers stuck offshore means no new fuel entering refineries. By the end of the day, concerns spread across industries as gas stations, trucking companies, and airlines brace for immediate shortages. Everything from fuel to imported goods is at risk. But fuel becomes the most critical loss. By day three, gas stations are starting to run dry, and rationing begins. Prices surge as demand skyrockets. Without fuel, trucks can’t deliver goods, and the first shortages show up in grocery stores.

Businesses relying on imported oil, like refineries, scramble to maintain operations with whatever reserves they have left. The ripple effect starts to hit home. No fuel means no transportation. And without transportation, the flow of goods stops. Day seven, the energy crisis takes hold. Within the first week, the impact of fuel shortage deepens. Trucks, trains, and ships that move essential supplies across the country slow to a halt. Agriculture and manufacturing are crippled. Unable to operate without fuel for machinery and transportation, airlines begin canceling fights, and public transportation services are cut. Gas prices hit all time highs as panic buying intensifies.

By week two, the power grid struggles and collapse looms. Power plants that rely on imported fuel start to struggle and blackout spread. As they ration what’s left, people begin hoarding fuel, and chaos erupts at the pumps, the stock market plummets as industries rely on global supply chains begin to crumble. The economy falters and unemployment skyrockets as factories close and businesses shutter. By week four, total breakdown of society. By the end of the month, the energy crisis and fuel shortages bring society to its knees. Cities erupt into fuel riots, and law enforcement is overwhelmed. With no fuel, food distribution collapses and starvation becomes a real threat.

Communities are left to fend for themselves as fuel reserves dry up completely, leaving transportation, emergency services, and the economy in ruins. Without ports, crude oil can’t get in. Without crude oil, fuel can’t be made. Without fuel, everything grinds to a halt. When the fuel stops, America stops. And just so we’re clear, this can all happen within the month of October. APM so everything we see right now is basically the blueprint for the October surprise. And like I said, it’s all acclimated to the cosmic energy grid system that works in tandem with the electrical grid. So if the grid goes down, that is basically going to be the precursor to your 90 days of darkness.

Ten days of darkness. This is why I, in my opinion, I don’t think it’s going to be an election. So all this stuff, these, you know, these celestial alignments is also acclimated to what’s taking place right now. Because when you go our way back into the April 8 solar eclipse, you know, it went through nine cities called Nineveh. And then you, when you go to Jonah, chapter three, verse four, says, nineveh shall be overthrown. Nineveh is another title for America. Jonah means dove. When you break down the etymology, and that dove represents an ascension process, ascending from the old patriarchal energies that subjugated the matriarch.

So everything that you see in taking place right now is a form of prophecy. Then you also got Donald Trump. He’s talking about, you know, the economic crisis. So my specific question is, would you strengthen or modify any of these economic sanctions programs, particularly Russia, including the pipeline you mentioned? Well, it’s a great question. The problem with what we have with sanctions, and I was a user of sanctions, but I put them on and take them off as quickly as possible, because ultimately it kills your dollar and it kills everything the dollar represents. And we have to continue to have that be the world currency.

I think it’s important, I think would be losing a war if we lost the dollar as the world currency. I think that would be the equivalent of losing a war that would make us a third world country, and we can’t let it happen. So I use sanctions very powerfully against countries that deserve it, and then I take them off because, look, you’re losing Iran, you’re losing Russia. China is out there trying to get their currency to be the dominant currency, as you know better than anybody. All of these things are happening. You’re losing so many countries because there’s so much conflict with all of these countries that you’re going to lose that.

And we can’t lose that. So I want to use sanctions as little as possible. Then we also just had 159 countries drop the american dollar. And then, you know, all throughout ancient history, you know, I think it was 182 fiat currencies that was created, and they all failed. And they all failed due to the falling of certain ancient civilizations. So that’s why, you know, the, the Greeks and the Romans, they always said they propagated the ideology that it was a bad omen because they knew that they. Time was up. All these other eclipses that takes, it’s all acclimated to the transitional shift of the economic infrastructure, the financial infrastructure, the geopolitical aspect of it.

It affects the ecology of the planet. Everything has to go back into his original state by the, you know, the laws of my eye, everything back into balance. Right? About those two videos. So to add on to what you just said, right, like, how the money is going to mean the. The economy, right? Like it deals with Venus. Like Libra is synchronized with Venus. Venus is synchronized with relationships, money, wealth, passions, pleasure. Now, listen, the money, the fact that this Libra new moon is also going to be an eclipse. Eclipse is talking about eclipsing what? Eclipsing the idea of money, eclipsing our relationship to money.

So those who, let’s say, people who just been living for money, we’ve heard, like, in several, you know, history repeats itself. If you don’t know your history, you’re going to be doomed to repeat it. And if we look at the history of America, right, like every so called every so and so years, like, there’s an economic shift, but it’s been building up to what’s happening now. What me and be Dell is saying is that this is not just going to be the regular recession or, you know, like they always been claiming all these years, this is actually going to be the big thing that shifts to everything.

Like, this is it. This is what all of the conspiracy theorists been talking about. Like, it’s finally here, right? We in that time. So now it’s like if you’ve been having money problems, it’s a reason why you’ve been having money problems. Because spirit is spirit. The universe, consciousness, the old whatever name you want to put on this almighty being right is making you realize that money is not everything. And if you put your life and your blood and hopes and tears into money and you live in just for that, you’re about to wake up to a rude awakening.

This is why a lot of people been also changing their jobs and occupations lately. People that’s been, let’s say, going to school to become a lawyer or a doctor. Just be like, you know what? I don’t want to do this. I want to be an actress. I want to be an artist. I want to be, you know, I want to talk about consciousness. Like people are waking up now and realizing that life is more than just going to school to get good grades, to get a good job and live your whole entire life in debt. It’s more to life than that.

And that’s what the end is, right? The end of that prison, of being trapped in this economy, this capitalistic society. Yes. Yep. Because you know, how you ever met somebody that made like their job their personality trait, you know, like people were hopping jobs. So if you one of those people, if your job is your personality trait because you make 200,000 a year, you know, you got to understand something. When we go through these transitional shifts, everything basically shuts down. It’s a form of destabilization. So what is your purpose if you’re not making that amount of money? Because your job don’t exist no more.

Because telling you before is going to cause a destabilization within the factions of the trucking industry and there’s going to be a trickle down effect that’s going to take place. So a lot of businesses and companies is going to shut down. So if your purpose is for you to think that you’re supposed to be working a nine to five job, I’m sorry to say, because like I said, if this whole system shuts down, you’re going to be forced to go within, you’re going to be forced to tap into your purpose especially. And if you don’t have a purpose, this is where you’re going to go crazy.

You know, I’m saying. So that’s why I said that there’s delineation between chosen ones and those who are basically bots and NPC’s of the matrix. You got some people, they’re basically implants of chaos to carry out this illusion. They, you know, I’m saying they want to keep working. They want to work for 40, 50, 60 years and retire. I ain’t got time for that shit. You know, I’m saying there’s a, you know, there’s a higher purpose that’s beyond that, you know, that third dimensional reality. I totally agree with you. And, like, you know, I think you have put out a video that was saying that chosen ones are not meant to work.

A nine to five, right? Like, we’re not be stuck behind a cubicle or a computer sitting at a desk. Like, we’re not built for. You got to realize that you are a God. You are a generator operator and destroyer of your reality, right? Like, your mind creates this reality. They know how powerful you are. You have to tap into this. And when your DNA starts activating, I’m telling you, matter of fact, family, listen, you got to ask yourself this question, right? What would you do if money did not exist? If it did not matter, what would you be doing with your life? Y’all can comment below and let us know, but just ask this question, or ask, you know, your friends, your family.

Like, this is a conversation starter, so people can start to shift their mind around, what would I be doing if I didn’t worry about money? If money didn’t exist, what would I be doing? I remember I asked my Uber driver that. I always have the best conversation with my Uber drivers. Yo, I remember one time, I just asked him, I’m like, you know, what would you do if money didn’t exist? And he was like, yo, nobody ever asked me that question. I never thought about that. Like, an older dude, he was probably, like, in his fifties, and he was like, yo, you know, this really changed my mind.

He was like, now I’m really starting to think, like, what would I do? Do if money did not exist? It really changes your whole paradigm. So do that. Family, think about that for a moment. What would you be doing? Man, that’s crazy that you said that, because you really got people. They think that they purpose is to play basketball, play football, be a doctor, be a lawyer. All these is three dimensional ideologies that’s connected to the binary cosystem of the matrix. You know, they’re basically a number. They’re a number that’s there. An agent to carry out certain agendas that, you know, to keep the, you know, the illusion going.

Nice. So your purpose is basically, it’s like, it’s an artificial construct. It don’t really exist. Because the material plane in itself is an illusion. So, no, only, you know, during this time period, like, let’s just say the energy grid shuts down completely right now. The true speakers are the ones who have the, you know, a true purpose. Healers, herbalists, you know, people who’s able to tap into certain energies to basically revitalize, you know, a lot of people’s problems. You know, I’m saying, during the time period when everything is, you know, afflicted. So like I said, you know, we live in a time right now.

We have to tap into our true divine purpose. Your purpose is not to be, you know, making a hundred thousand a year at your job. You know, that don’t really mean nothing. So we live in a time right now. Like I said, you gotta, you know, be very serious, you know, with yourself and about, you know, in case certain things happen. Like, how is, you know, the universe gonna utilize me during a time, you know, when the planet is going through a transitional shift and everything is going through a state of chaos? How can I be utilized in the fourth quarter? It’s kind of like the same thing.

Like, if you ain’t. If I can’t utilize you in the fourth, in the fourth quarter, I’m going to have you on a bench, right, the same thing that the most high has chosen people, and he’s going to utilize them in the fourth quarter. We in that time period, we in the final stages of the Great Awakening period, the most important time, you’re going to get his vps, his most valuable players up there, right? That’s what we are. For real. Like to kind of talk a little bit more on the nine to five thing, right? Like, some of y’all are also going to realize that the universe or spirit will either move that job out of your life, especially if you too attached to it.

Like, you got to realize that some people, like B. Dell said, like, if you’re not meant to work a nine to five and you’re trying to force it, because we’re human beings, so we have free will, we can still do whatever we want, it doesn’t mean that you’re not going to be met with resistance, right? Because spirit just has a way, a higher self, a guardian angel, whatever name you want to put on it has a way of redirecting us if you keep getting blocked in a certain place, right. Sometimes the rejection is actually a blessing in disguise.

So whenever, let’s say, a job gets canceled, don’t think like, oh, somebody hexed me. Oh, the universe is against me. I’m having money problems. What’s going on? Like, in that moment, you just have to be still. Meditate, pray, or whatever it is that you want to do. Like, talk to your higher self. For me, what I do is when I’m overwhelmed, and I need to really just focus and hone in on my thoughts and connect with my guides, my ancestors. I go into a dark room. I turn off everything. So I don’t have any type of stimulation.

I get stimulated easily. I’m sensitive to energy. Turn off all electronics, and I tap in, and I ask spirit the question, and then the answer comes to me. So I’m just sharing that with y’all. You know? That may help you to come with answers, but just like, you, right? Like, I had a nine to five, too. I had a nine to five when I was in 2015. Had a good city job in New York. And for those who, you know, come from nothing, my family come from poverty, so all my family was happy. They, like, you made it.

You got a city job. You good. You just got to be there for, like, 2030 years, like B. Dell said, and you’ll be good. And I’m like, 30 years doing the same thing. I’m like, I don’t know. I’m a life path number five. I can’t. I don’t like that. I need change. I need travel and movement. I can’t be stuck in one place, you know? And so spirit moved me out of there. But listen, family, you got to be courageous enough to trust spirit and trust yourself to know that spirit will never let you fall or fail.

I had to trust my intuition and know that this job wasn’t for me. I woke up every morning crying because I didn’t want to go to work. That’s how it was. It was the same thing. It was like living the same day every day. Be Dell. And I felt like a drone. That’s how I felt. I felt like a drone, like everybody else felt like an NPC. And I looked around me one day in the office, and I’m like, yo, I looked at the other people working. I’m like, yo, I don’t want to be like that.

They look washed up, miserable, lifeless. That’s going to be me in 20 years? Hell, no. I looked over to my right. I told my homeboy, yo, I never coming back here again. He thought I was playing. Never. That was it. The last time I had a job in 2015. Ain’t have a job since. This is what I do full time. Spirit won’t let me get a job. Spirit is like, oh, you think you’re going to apply for a job? Absolutely not. This is your purpose. Stick to it. So I can’t do anything else, right? Like, be that.

Like this. This is our purpose. So spirit, it aligns for us. And this is why those who are meant to do this, when people try to come in your way or block you, spirit will handle them. There will be envy and jealousy when you’re elevating, because you’ve been doing the shadow work and the work and elevating your DNA. And when the drones, family members, friends start seeing you, elevate it, and you might be the black sheep of your family. Everybody slept on you, now you rising up. You was last, now you first. They’re gonna hate on you.

Be very careful and cautious, like, be Del said, make your choices, make your decision, choose your team. Because now it’s about to get crazy. Facts, man. But, yeah, we. What you said, man, it was very enlightening. I appreciate you. You know, I’m saying, giving that breakdown on that. And we, uh. We’re gonna do a cosmic convergence, intergalactic reading about the collective. She’s gonna. At the end. So, uh, we can get it. We can tap into that right now. Are you ready to do that? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, cool. So, you know, family, before we even do that, I want to just say that in 2020, before all of this stuff went down, right? Like me and a divine royalty family, we do our monthly rituals, and our rituals are powerful because one doing a ritual by yourself is powerful, but when you do it with a collective, it’s changing, life changing, and it shifts dimensions.

And I want to mention that in 2020, during the Aries moon, we actually did a ritual for protection of our families, right? Like divine royalty family, the chosen ones. And we also did a defensive magic spell to fight back these powers, the same powers that they use to keep you sleep and keep you in prison and keep you trapped and blocked, is the same power that we can tap into. Because energy is not bad. It’s not good. It’s just energy. Fire is not bad. It’s not good. Fire can burn down a village. Fire can cook a meal and keep feet, keep people warm when it’s cold.

So it’s all how you use it. So for those who are interested in being into something powerful, a powerful movement, just like we made shifts in 2020 after we did that, that’s when a lot of the celebrity stuff started coming up. That’s what it kind of, like, expedited the awakening. It expedited the fall of Babylon and the Matrix. So if you want to be a part of something powerful, we do have a powerful ritual coming up for the full moon in Aries. Going to be a super moon, by the way, in October. This is Hulu Heritage Month, the mystical month.

So if you want to be a part of this ritual family, make sure that you check out my link. Beta will give you the links and all of that. He’ll drop it below. But we do our monthly rituals, and if you guys want to stay tuned, you can subscribe to that. But we’re going to have a ritual around October 17 is the super, the super full moon, Aries moon. And we’re going to be protecting ourselves as well as fighting back against those who try to fight against us, and so that the true heirs can reign where they belong and take their seat on their throne.

Ashe. Okay. All right, Vidal, so we want to do this right. So first of all, family, I want to just say that I am an oracle. I am the channeler, and I do channel intergalactic beings as well as those who have passed on the realm of the dead as well as the higher realms in the celestial spheres. So for right now, we’re not going to be channeling the dead or the past on. We’re going to be channeling intergalactic higher beings to see what messages that they have for those who are tuned in right now, as far as the energies that’s hitting the planet.

And what can you do? Because we believe in solutions and not just focusing on the problems. Right, family, whatever we focus on, we amplify. So I give thanks to the great spirit. I give thanks to my ancestors. I give thanks to the Guardian spirits that are four winds and the four directions. May you protect us and shield us from all evil and harm. As we do this. Read and ashe. May the intergalactic family assist us. Major Hooty, open up the way and intellectual our minds so that we can tap into these higher frequencies. I shade. So I’m using tarot family.

Okay. And at this time, something is hitting my spirit and spirit is saying that this is the time we are going to have to become who you really are. You’re going to have to shed those layers. You’re going to have to shed the parts of you that doesn’t matter anymore. And it’s going to be painful, it’s going to hurt. But you have to let that side of you go. Oh my God. The two of swords. Is there a way you could blow up the make my thing bigger be though so they can actually see it, or no? If not, don’t worry about it, because I want them to see these.

See the car, so they can see what’s happening here. Now. Perfect. Thank you so much. Now, look, it’s a little bit of a glare, but you guys can see it’s a two of swords. You see the two women facing each other now? Two of swords. That’s coming up. Swords represents intellect, the air, energy. Right? Libra represents air. Now, you have to be really careful, because this eclipse is going to create a lot of chaos, a lot of confusion, a lot of arguments with our family, with our friends, with those who are closest to us, because people are going to be losing their mind.

Remember, air, the source is synchronized with the mind and select the tongue and speech. So be very careful about what you’re saying. Don’t speak too quickly about your hopes and dreams. Okay? And try to keep your plans under wraps, because right now, during the dark moon cycle is not the time when you want to speak things into existence, but you want to plant the seed, right? Now, another card that comes up is the seven of swords family. Now, I want to just say, seven of swords is the omen about betrayal. Be very careful. Listen, chosen ones, as you are shining in your light and you are shining in your truth, you got to understand that your light will attract moths to a flame.

Just because you are shining bright and you are attractive doesn’t mean that you’re going to attract goodness to you. As you elevate your frequency, you’re going to attract all different types of energies and entities to you. And some entities may not necessarily be human. Some people may be getting contacted by their star family, intergalactic family that you come from. Okay. Oh, hold on. I’m bringing back up. Okay. I’m like, what just happened? Because the cars just popped out, you say you’re bringing it back up, or. Yeah. Okay. I’m gonna just leave it up. Oh, it’s up to you.

If you want to put it down. Did you want to put up the other thing? It’s up to you. No, go ahead. Okay. All righty. So the other card that comes out. Now, listen, I’m channeling cards. I’m channeling spirit, but cards is coming out to tell a story, right? So you guys can visually see what it is that I’m saying. Now, when it comes to the four of wands, right, spirit is saying, remember how me and be Dell? This whole entire lecture, we was talking about how this Libra energy is talking about relationships. Now, when we see this? We see what family, union, relationship.

The household four deals with foundations. So you got to be really cautious because, right, the foundation of your family, the foundation of your home, the foundation of your passions, and what you built it upon may be shifting right now. You might not have interest in things you once liked before because you’re growing and outgrowing that old person that you was. As we go through this portal of the solar eclipse, we’re literally going through the alchemical fire and is shedding the layers of who we used to be. It’s called a human sacrifice. You’re sacrificing your human like self to become a God again, to remember who you are.

You’re remembering your truth. Your subconscious mind is coming online. Confirmation. The high priestess comes up. The high priestess is an energy. Now, listen. High priestess represents or sex. Wisdom. The great spirit, the great mother, okay? The feminine energy. She’s coming with this lunar energy, okay? Because she’s coming right now to pretty much set the record straight to kill this toxic patriarchy that’s been going on. And there’s also some toxic, toxic feminine energy, too. So toxic femininity, toxic masculinity, all of this hate men against women, right? It’s a lot of divide that’s happening right now, and that goes back to our point of the two of swords.

So in order for us to let go of this divide, this shift is happening. The breaking down. This is the tower card. You see that tower falling? Well, guys, you can look this up yourself, right? Like, um, what I think I if you guys are interested in learning about tarot, there’s a really good book called 40 degrees of wisdom, 72 degrees of wisdom. I have the book next to me. I don’t know where it’s at, but anyway, the book is called the 70. Oh, here it goes, the 78 degrees of wisdom. If you want to learn about tarot, it breaks down the science of it and everything so you guys can learn.

Okay? For those who are interested in learning tarot, and I also teach tarot if you’re interested in learning about that. Now, family, listen, one thing I will say on the death card, don’t get scared, y’all. Y’all see Ampu the psychopath. Now, Ampu Anubis. He is known to help souls to transition and travel. So Ampu is an energy, you can say, right? Like these guardians that come in to help you to transition from this 3d dimension or the third dimension into the higher dimensions. As you’re going through these ascension symptoms, getting nauseous, going through mood swings, having headaches, having body aches, feeling tired all the time.

Just weird things that’s happening to you that you may not be able to understand. Going to the doctor and they can’t find out what’s happening. It’s a spiritual ascension. Symptoms. Your DNA is turning on. It takes a little bit of time for your physical body to catch up. But the soul and the spirit evolves first. As above, so below as within, so without. As you are changing inside, your physical body may start to show it. So you may start to be more attractive or start to be more confident in yourself. You might look in the mirror and be like, hold on, wait a minute.

You know, like, you might be feeling yourself. And that’s okay, because Libra deals with beauty, attraction, right? Soak in that energy. Pull in that energy. Harness that energy. Why not be more magnetic and charming and manifest. Manifest what you want to desire. Right? So, family, this is the energy now where you have the full power to be who you want to be. Like B. Dell said, make your choice. Whose side are you on? Karma is going to come now. And everything that you’ve been doing, if you’ve been helping people, healing people, now is the time where all of the good things is about to come.

You’re about to get your awards, you’re about to get your comp. Like, if you feel like you have been slept on and nobody has been acknowledging your efforts, you are about to be rewarded. The chosen ones are about to be rewarded. Understand? Oh, my God. Yeah. So the last card. The last card I’m gonna give you all is the lovers. The lovers is coming up. These are good cards. Now, I want to just say, the lovers is all about the choice. Now, people think it’s just about romance, but when you go deeper, right? Like, even though I said tarot is not for psychic readings, these are higher principal readings.

I want you guys to check it out. Y’all got homework? Y’all know I give y’all homework. Those who are my students, you know you got homework to do. Go and study what these cards mean, the cards that came out in this live. And I want you to see how they correlate. These higher principles correlate with you, your spiritual journey. That’s what the tarot was used for, to help you elevate, to activate your DNA. By studying and focusing on the symbols of these cards, you can activate certain meridians in your subconscious mind so that you can remember who you are, remember your purpose, remember why you’re here.

So it’s a beautiful time. The love is car is about union and coming together. So be prepared to start meeting other chosen ones and other conscious people. Some people might actually be in relationship for years and fall out of love with a partner. Be like, you know what? They not elevated, I’m not attracted to you anymore. Libra, those relationships, they might actually find their true partner in this time. I find that during these eclipses and even during this Libra, new moon, new beginnings, new relationships. So you might find your new divine masculine, your new divine feminine, your twin flame.

I don’t really like that term, but you’re, you’re the person who your life partner who is going to help you elevate. Because me personally, I don’t feel like I don’t believe in soul mates. I feel like we choose our partner and we can have several soul mates, but it’s ultimately, life is difficult. So who do you feel you want as your partner? Who’s going to make it worth it? Life is going to be hard anyway. So let’s go through this together. You know, we’re on the same frequency. We understand each other. We got similar mission, so we could work together.

So now with this decision being made, right, if you with somebody or in part of a tribe or whatever, and you feel like your mission and their goals or whatever is not in alignment by you lowering your frequency, right, this is them. This is you. Now, in order to meet them, you got to come down here, but that’s stopping you from where you need to go. You still got to go higher. So now you got to make the choice. Do I want to stay in this relationship? You know, just for this person, for the sake of saving face? What if our families think about this? Will my friends think about this? Now is the time you got to make your own decisions.

What do you think about this? What do you want in this, right? This relationship, this job or whatever, you might have to leave it, right? Some relationships going to go through some changes right now. So just be prepared for that family and don’t fight the energy. Right? Like, eclipses will show you. If it’s time to end something, it’s time to end something. If it’s time to end this relationship, it’s okay. If it’s time to end this job, it’s time to leave. If it’s time to move from this neighborhood, this area, it’s time to go. So I want to just say, family spirit is saying at this time, choose you make a decision, live for yourself, and remember, you have the tools and the power to tap into your magic.

To tap into your DNA. Don’t just sit there and focus on the problems. Take control of your life and act on solutions. That’s what we’re about. We’re always solution oriented. So once again, join us on the full moon as we do this ritual to kickstart this energy and expedite the great awakening. Ashe, Ashe, Ashe. This was fun. Thank you so much, be Dell, for having me on your channel. I appreciate it. Make sure y’all hit the queen’s cash app. Mandy, give him your cash. I’ll give you my links. I’ll give you my. Just a dollar sign.

Conjure queen. But I’ll put. I’ll give B. Dell the link so he can just put all of my links. And you guys can follow my YouTube as well. Conjure queen. And I’m on instagram as well. I am conjure queen. So, yeah, appreciate you. Yeah, it was nice connecting with you. You know, I’m saying, you know, we came together, the divine feminine, divine masculine, that this edification to bring clarity about the solar eclipse that’s taking place. So. Because everything that’s taking place right now is very important. So stay vigilant, be very meticulous, pay attention to your surroundings, be aware enough.

Transmission. Peace. Peace 1014. Okay. We will put an end to this madness. It’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. Karma’s gonna get to you. And then you’ll have a cherry. Yet with only one less friend. Now I had distant folks still look into my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies. So thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive. And thank you for my health and all the good memories.

Thanks for the courage taken on another day when I used to not believe. But now I know about grace. Stay away from the fire. Cause the flames does burn. Go with your gut feeling. When it’s wrong, you learn. For every one step I take, the lord takes two. And, um, do unto others if you want it done unto you. Huh? It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

It’s me again, God. I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the this is completion. The sophist, proto grecian, amerindian, Phoenician. I’m the last of the Mohicans, the bastard of the land, the pean melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of Atlanta but the avalanche seized it I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased better than the medicine for seven different treatments? Niggas try to ride away but end up getting seasick to sleep and feel my words like Breyland they’re awakened with the penmanship of hindu script written in them vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype.

Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Biting off more than I can chew. That’s a overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page history. It’s me again, God I know it’s been a long time since I left called you back on your line? So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again, God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts
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alternative knowledge exploration fall of current systems godlike DNA activation journey of self-discovery life guidance through astrology living in a matrix practicing rituals questioning mainstream beliefs rise of new leaders seeking knowledge significance of number eight in numer solar eclipse significance Spiritual Awakening transformative period preparation transition into 2025 understanding natal chart

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