The 7 Thunders of The Great Awakening

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➡ The speaker, Bedell, discusses a complex theory linking geological events like earthquakes to spiritual and cosmic phenomena. He suggests that the tectonic activity in California could be influenced by cosmic energies, possibly even manipulated by advanced technology. He also connects these events to prophecies and spiritual beliefs, including the return of ancient beings and a great awakening. Lastly, he speculates that these events could be part of a larger plan leading up to significant changes in the year 2030.
➡ This text discusses the idea that Northern California, specifically Mount Shasta, represents the root chakra of Earth, which is linked to sexual energy. It suggests that this energy can be misused, leading to negative activities in places like Hollywood. The text also talks about a ‘Great Awakening’ that could be either natural or manipulated by hidden powers. It ends by suggesting that we are all part of a larger system, like the chakras of the Earth, and that by understanding and preserving our energy, we can awaken our own potential, especially in the year 2025.
➡ The text discusses a spiritual interpretation of recent seismic events in Northern California, linking them to biblical prophecies and cosmic intelligence. It suggests that these earthquakes, particularly a significant 7.0 magnitude one, are connected to the ‘seven thunders’ and ‘seven seals’ of biblical prophecy, and the chakra system of the Earth. The text also relates these events to the ‘Ring of Fire’ solar eclipse and the judgement of America, symbolized as ‘Nineveh’ in the Bible. The author encourages understanding these events from a numerological perspective, suggesting they are not random but part of a larger cosmic plan.
➡ An earthquake off the coast of Eureka, California, triggered tsunami alerts due to its shallow depth. The earthquake’s impact could be significant due to its location near the San Andreas fault and the Cascadia subduction zone. The last major earthquake in this area was in 1906, causing significant damage. The text also discusses various theories and predictions about future earthquakes and their potential effects, including changes to the U.S. map and the possibility of a totalitarian state.
➡ The speaker warns of a significant earthquake predicted to hit California due to various cosmic and earthly changes. They believe the earth is “waking up,” causing natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanoes. The speaker urges people to prepare and awaken to these changes, suggesting that ignoring these signs could lead to suffering. They also connect these events to spiritual and cosmic cycles, suggesting a link between our bodies (referred to as temples) and the earth.
➡ The speaker believes that significant events like earthquakes and solar eclipses are connected to the spiritual energy of the Earth. They suggest that preserving personal energy and speaking truth can influence reality. They also discuss theories about underground civilizations, extraterrestrial life, and the potential for a major disaster in California. The speaker encourages unity and awakening to face these potential challenges.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-focus and spiritual growth, suggesting that challenges and changes in life are signs of needing to level up spiritually. They encourage tapping into internal energy and truth, and believe everyone has the potential to contribute to a better future. The speaker also expresses gratitude for their health, wisdom, and good memories, and urges listeners to learn from their mistakes and treat others as they wish to be treated. They end by acknowledging their struggles and hoping for divine assistance.


Yeah, I’m striving for greatness Trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness Trying to make it out we’re stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness Trying to make it out we’re stuck in the matrix yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Bedell. If you’re new to the channel, hit the like button, the share button, hit the subscribe button and hit that notification bell. In today’s discussion, I’m going to give a definitive synopsis about the disambiguation process of the timeline of eschatology that’s connected to the seven Thunders, that’s applied to the indignation process of earthquakes when you’re talking about California.

So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, we finna get straight to it, get those notes out. You already know what time it is, right? We finna break it all down today. We finna make everything make sense. Because when you study seismology, when you study seismology intuitively, right? When you study seismology intuitively, it basically demonstrates that there’s going to be a catastrophic event that’s going to be taking place in a geographical area of California, right? Because when you study the sedimentary rock formation is connected to the tectonic plates. And the tectonic plates is basically an amalgamation of the chakra points of planet Earth, right? That is activated by the Kundalini Cosmic serpent in the nine year of 2025, right? And I’m going to give a definitive presentation Talking about the nine year in the year 2025 in the cosmic serpent and how it’s applied to the seven Thunders, right? But for now we finna stick to this presentation, right? So for those who don’t understand the Dynamics of the Seven Thunders, which is basically equated to the seven plagues that was basically erected by Dr.

Malakazi York and his publication of holy tablets. So the seven thunders have been recorded in ancient times for thousands of years, recorded by the Hopis, right? So the Hopi prophecy, the Mansi prophecy, the Nawabian prophecies, and this is all connected to a form of Nibiru, right? Because Nibiru, when you understand the inception points of creation, right, Nibiru has a vortex energy that has the ability to basically separate different land masses, right? Because in the inception of time, Nibiru was in our solar system. That’s when you had the extraction of plutonium bombs that basically broke the planet off in Half right.

When you understand the Sumerian mythology that’s applied to the Anunnaki story, that is basically correlated to everything that’s taking place in real time right now, right? When you’re talking about mass calamity and all this desolation of abomination that’s going to be taking place on the planet. So the signs are the signs of the time recorded by the ancient Netsaroo, the Anunnaki of ancient Kemet, passed down through time. They are called the Thunders and the Plagues. So you got the first thunder, right? Which we’ve been through many different multitudes of affliction on the planet. So you got seven different thunders, but we finished.

Stick to the last two thunders because that’s where we at on this Great Awakening timeline. Right? So you got the fourth thunder, fifth thunder, sixth thunder, seven thunder, right? And it goes all the way down. That’s connected to a form of agenda for 2030 when you’re talking about the Sustainable Development Goals, right? So right now this is where we at. We at the fifth thunder. So four great people were perished. So I don’t know if this is all working in conjunction with the dematerialization of Hollywood. When you’re talking about these celebrities and these CEOs and these politicians going down.

So I don’t know if it’s. That’s basically insinuating, you know, something that’s applied to Jay Z, Donald Trump, P. Diddy, Elon Musk. That’s something critical to look at. So four great people will perish. Floods, lightning storms, tornadoes, landslides, hurricanes, hail from the summer forest fires and many different things called the El Nina, which is also applied to the El Neon weather, meaning that The El Nino 9 weather is an amalgamation of ether that hits a certain geographical area in the east and it collaborates with the west and it creates calamity. Then you have the six thunder changes occur.

The star people return. When you’re talking about the return of the Anunnaki. So this is why you have the congressional hearing about UFOs and things of that nature, even though it’s going to be a state psyop that works in tandem with Project Blue Beam. With the last transmission that I pull out now, the signs in the skies, new planets, new galaxies, meteorite storms, climatic accelerations, global warming, spiritual revivals, presence of divine feminine energy, which is basically the restoration of the matriarch of the restoration of the Republic, disregard respect for the present, for the world government’s leadership politics, and then the seven thunder is basically the in game frequency of finality of the Great Awakening period.

You have the end of the world as you know it in the year of 2030, right? So they got to do whatever, everything that this deep state shadow government has to do, they have to do it from the year of 2025 to 2030. Basically. That’s why they have the agenda for 2030 now. Moving on now. We just had an earthquake, right? We had an earthquake, you know, on the western seaboard. When you’re Talking about the 7.0 magnitude earthquake strikes, Northern California coast, Tsunami warning canceled, right? So one thing you got to understand is that one thing, there’s a dualistic energy when it comes to the energy extraction matrix.

Because everything is basically a paradox. And you have to see beyond the paradox with beyond the limitations of the two physical eyes. Like I said, use your heart and not your eyes. So with that being said, there’s a delineation process when it comes to calamity. A lot of this calamity is being activated by the direct energy weapons that I was talking about in my last transmission when I was talking about Project Blue beam, because the UFOs are not really UFOs, those are direct energy weapons that is projected to certain people in certain demographics and it’s projected to certain land masses to basically create earthquakes, to create tsunamis, right? That’s what these energies is for.

This a form of frequency modulation and frequency modification. And these frequencies is basically the epitome of frequency warfare because they’re trying to manipulate the system to basically engineer a great reset, right? So you got two different timelines, you got where they’re trying to engineer a great reset. And then you have a organic great reset that is activated by the perceptional circle of the equinox that works in tandem with the 80, 80 year cycle block theory that I put out in my one of my other transmissions, right? So one thing you gotta understand about a multitude of things that’s taking place on the geographical landmass of America and just all over the planet.

So a lot of these earthquakes are basically being engineered by direct energy weapons, right? Because it’s basically going to manipulate certain land masses in tectonic plates. Because energy beams, when it connects with a form of a tectonic plate, it basically speeds up the vibration of iron and it creates dynamos. Dynamos. When it speeds up in vibration, it makes the planet highly magnetic to create earthquakes with high Magna 2 magnetism that is extracted from the seven thunders or the seven arch royals that is applied to the seventh the, I mean, that is applied to the zodiac will basically I’m going to break it down and I’m going to make it all make sense as we get through the presentation because it’s connected to the royal arc houses and it’s also connected to our physiology.

When you’re talking about the endocrine system of the chakra system, and it’s also applied on a microcosmic level when you’re talking about God, right? When you study the same supreme mathematical sequence of the 5% nation. Because 7 is equated to God. So the, the energy of 7 is being extracted by the most house, who is basically Elliot, Elion L or the host, right? So as I was telling you before, when you study seismology, right? When you study seismology, you will know that the sedimentary rock formation is applied to the chakras of planet Earth because it works in conjunction with the tectonic plates, right? So this is basically a blueprint of what you see.

You got the seduction zone of earthquakes, right? Because you, especially in California, there’s a multitude of seduction zones that has the ability to manipulate things that’s taking place deep underground in our water systems, right? Which is where when they had the congressional hearing, they were talking about how intelligent life doesn’t come from the sky, comes from the ocean. So that is basically a synchronicity. How do we know that there’s not, you know, a war that’s taking place underwater with different entities that’s causing these earthquakes? Or like I said, it could be a direct energy weapon that’s basically manipulating the sedimentary rock formation in the tectonic plates that’s connected to that landmass of the seduction of the seduction zone in California right now.

Now this is pretty interesting. The great majority of the energy extraction when it comes to the earthquake came from Mount Shasta. Now when you look at this right here, this is basically a geographical area on the parts of Northern California, right? Now, when you look at the chakra system of planet Earth, it shows you Mount Shasta. The, the root chakra is basically an emulation of your sexual energy, right? Because your sexual energy, if it’s not in alignment with your higher self, it can be used in the form of sexual degradation. So that’s why California is basically the epitome of the root chakra, which is where you got Hollywood, where you have all the hedonistic activity, all the sexual gratification and the secret sexual degradation comes from that geographical area because it’s connected to a form of sacrifice that’s Coming from Babylonian principles that’s connected to democracy and the deep slate shadow government that works in tandem with certain celebrities that push out these parties in Hollywood, right? So the planet is being judged in a sense, basically.

So like I said, you got two different forms of a Great Awakening period. You have an organic great awakening, then you have one that’s basically being orchestrated by the black cats, who was a deep state shadow government, right, who was trying to manipulate everything in the system. So like I said, we in a time where it’s. It’s very critical right now, you know, I’m saying you got to see beyond the trick knowledge. There’s a lot of trickery that’s taking place right now because we got people that’s playing both sides. We got governments that’s playing both sides.

We got people, you got whistleblowers playing both sides. And then you also have those who control the demiurge basically playing both sides. When you’re talking about the archonic forces, right, Of Gnosticism, when you get into that context. So you got Mount Shasta in California, and then you had the great majority of the earthquakes that happened in California that came from Mount Shasta. When you looking at this geographical area in Northern California. So this is also applied to Solar Cycle 25, because when you have an amalgamation of gamma radiation that’s hitting the planet and it hits the sedimentary rock formation that is connected to the tectonic plates, which are basically the chakras of planet Earth, these energies is going to unravel the instruments of planet Earth, right? It’s going to unravel the endocrine system of planet Earth that’s connected to the global atmospheric circulation, which is basically the brain cells of planet Earth.

And it’s going to wake up this energy the planet is waking up. So like I said, the deep state can be trying to engineer and wake up the planet themselves or can happen organically, right? So that’s where a lot of the confusion takes place, right? But you got to understand who’s on what side to basically, to basically decipher that energy. So you got maps out Shasta, right, which is the root chakra of planet Earth. So in the nine year, right? That is the year the serpent. The serpent is also connected to the chakra points. So that means that we’re basically a microcosm and a macrocosm.

We have a chakra system just like how the planet has a chakra system. So not only is the planet going to wake up in the nine year, in the year the Serpent of 2025. These Chakra points of planet Earth is going to activate in the year 2025, right? Because that’s going to be the energy of Ophiuchus of the zodiac wheel, which is basically the epitome of the black sun, right? So the black sun moves like a serpent inside the planet that hits every tectonic plate. When you have this magnetism that’s coming from the magnetosphere, right? Hitting the tectonic plates, right? This is where you’re going to have an unraveling of certain land masses, right? Because one thing you got to understand about Atlantis, Atlantis is connected to your doctrine of signatures of the brain stem, which is Atlas.

Atlas is applied to the seven islands of Turtle island and Atlantis. Basically. Basically the same areas, right? It’s applied to that. So the severest chakra system is basically applied to the seven islands of Atlantis. That is connected to the seven chakra points of planet Earth, right? We finna get to it today. Now, when you understand the lost key of masonry is basically the regeneration system of the spinal fire, which is basically the second coming of Christ, which is basically the epitome of a Christ consciousness that’s extracted from, right. Knowledge, right. Brain thinking, which is where you get your 90 of your cerebral capacity that basically hasn’t been activated.

Right? And we’re going to get into that because I’m going to demonstrate something to you guys that basically denotes the fact that we’re at the seven signs of the seven seals, other seven thunders that shows you that supernatural abilities is going to be taking place by way of the act activation of certain chakra points, right? Because as I was saying, we are a microcosm of the macrocosm. So if Mount Shasta is the root chakra of planet Earth in California, that is basically applied to our physiology, right? That’s basically applied to our physiology. Meaning that if you preserve your sexual energy, you’re going to wake up the regeneration process of the spinal fire where you have the kundalini energy strikes the pineal gland, that is the return of the cosmic serpent in the year 2025, right? So with that being said, this is also, like I said, it’s a.

It’s applied to Atlantis because one thing you got to understand about Atlantis, Atlas was the first king of Atlantis. Right? Because Atlantis is also apply to the seven chakra system. Because the seven islands of Atlantis represents your endocrine system. So that’s why I said we are microcosm of the macrocosm because that’s in connection with the four gates. When you had the seven thunders activated, right? When it goes through the two pillars of Jack and Boas, which is left brain thinking, right brain thinking, sun and the moon, right microcosm and macrocosm, all this stuff is basically applied.

So that’s why the great majority of people have to stop looking for certain things as far as a external solution, when everything is basically internal, right? We have to start looking for Atlantis because we are Atlantis because we are the original chosen people, right? The indigenous ones, the ones that got stripped away from their sovereign capacity. Now, what you gotta understand is, is that the Gate of the Gods is basically the gate of man. The Gate of the Gods is applied to the summer solstice, the winter solstice, the spring equinox and the autumn equinox. And this also works in conjunction with the royal arch of Heaven that is connected to Libra, Virgo, Leo, the summer solstice, then you have Taurus and then you have Aries.

So that is basically the epitome of equilibrium when you’re talking about God, right? Which is basically applied to go Maharashtra Bar or generator organizer, dispenser, right? Or generator organizer or destroyer, whatever you want to, Whatever acronym that you want to use that’s connected to that theory. Now, like I said, the seven thunderstorms is applied to the four gates, the four gates of man, the automobile equinox, the vernal equinox, winter solstice, that’s coming up on December 21st of this year. And the summer solstice, that is basically connected to the Virgin Mother, who is the goddess nut, right? When you study comedic spirituality, that basically puts an encapsulation over the firmament, right? When you understand the metaphysics of that theology.

Now, one thing you got to understand about the signs of the second coming, right? These are the seven signs. Here are the seven signs of the end times, the end time of eschatology A to being prepared for the most important day of our lives, for human history. So you got the age of technology. When you’re talking about Elon Musk, the gospel to the world. When you talking about one world religion, the environment, environmental crisis, that’s going to be applied to the big one, which is basically a catastrophic event that’s going to happen in California that is going to engineer the totalitarian regime of the deep state shadow government controlling everything.

As far as a police state because it’s going to activate martial law, the now of the second Coming, right? So that. That is basically. This is not to look at it from a biblical standpoint, this is the look at it as a frame of reference and context to understand that the second coming is basically the second coming of you connecting with your higher self, which is basically the epitome of your Zohar body that is connected to the five over selves. Right? So this is going to you going to have the rise of the false Christ while you’re going to have the rise of the true chosen ones that’s connected to the second coming of the Christ consciousness is going to tap into their spiritual abilities.

When you’re talking about psychometry, clairvoyance, intuition, telepathy, telekinesis, all these things is applied to the energies that’s coming from the four gates, Right? Because the four gates is applied to the chosen ones who are basically the sign of the Lamb. The sign of the Lamb. When you go to Revelations chapter 6, verse 1, and I saw when the Lamb had opened one of the seven seals and I heard one, four living ones speaking as the voice of thunder. Come and see. Right. Fourth, the seven thunders is applied to the seven seals and it’s connected to the prophecy of the Lamb.

The Lamb is applied to those who have the non ether genetical faculties. Right? That’s what the Lamb is. And it’s not talking about a certain animal. It’s talking about those who have the coily and kinky hair that is basically a form of a cosmic intelligence that creates a melanocyte. And the melanocyte is extracted from the brain essential nervous system, melanin that works in tandem with your fascia system, right. Which is basically the electrical force field that gives you the non ether properties. So this is why in the Bible they call you the Lamb, Right. This is why you got to understand who you are during the time period while we going through this desolation process, while the simulation is basically being destroyed.

Right. You have to understand who you are intuitively. Now before we get to. I don’t want to get too far. I know I got a video that I’m supposed to be showing you guys. So one thing, like I said, this is all applied to the seven Thunders. And the seven thunders is applied to the chakra system of planet Earth. Right. And the root chakra of planet Earth is connected to Mount Shasta, which is basically in Northern California where you had the earthquake at. Right. So I’m gonna show you a video for a second. Bear with me.

I got a new way to show videos now. So because I’m tired of the videos being real choppy, so I found a way to Basically demonstrate better videos to you guys to 7.0 earthquake has just hit off the coast of Northern California. Another earthquake as well, registering 5.0. It’s prompted a rare tsunami warning for coastal areas near the California Oregon state line, including the San Francisco Bay area. You see that map right there? All Those aftershocks over 10 have been reported so far. One of the strongest ones happened just about 10 minutes ago, a 5.0 just off the shoreline.

You see that larger orange circle well offshore? That’s that 7.0 that happened at 10:44 this morning. That was the large one. Now those aftershocks are slowly starting to creep closer to the San Andreas fault line, which is highlighted in that light red color along the California coast. So there are a lot of developments happening right now. This is Ferndale, so very close to the epicenter of the strongest quake that happened this morning. And then, of course, there were the subsequent aftershocks that we’ve been feeling. We’re getting a lot more of these quakes happening right at that very northern edge of the San Andreas fault.

Now, mind you that this all connects with that Pacific Rim, that Ring of Fire that goes all the way around the Pacific Ocean. Fire. So that’s also equated to the Ring of Fire solar eclipse, which is basically the reassurance of the black sun. So the great majority of all these celestial al anomalies that’s taking place is also applied to what’s taking place on our soil, on American soil. Because remember, Planet Earth has been judged. America has been judged. That’s why in Jonah, chapter, chapter three, verse four, it says that Nineveh shall be overthrown. Right? Nineveh is a nomenclature title for America.

So Nineveh, by way of the omen that’s coming from the black sun, or where you call a. A solar eclipse or whatever, that basically applies to the Ring of Fire solar eclipse that took place on my birthday, which is October 14th of 2023. That basically applies to the Ring of Fire, which is basically the Cascadian seduction zone, where you have all these magnitudes of these earthquakes that’s coming from the magnetosphere, because that’s an intelligence that’s coming down from the most high. Right? So I’m gonna keep playing a video Active seismic region. But we don’t quite often see them this strong.

So this happening this morning is a big significance here, as we are seeing the six and then quite a few happening after that. This actually happened off the coastline of Northern California. For a little bit of reference here, you have Redding, right Here, San Francisco, down to the south. And so this was off the coastline. This is a 7.0 earthquake. As of right now, we’re up to 60. Actually 61 for the one that’s not within this query box. But we have seen a lot of shaking offshore, and a few of them have been over land as well for Northern California.

And the reason why we see this as a very active tectonic area is because we have the meeting of all of these plates, from the North American plate to the Pacific plate, and we have that where all of the land comes together and creates some very active seismic regions for the area. So it’s a very significant earthquake. It’s been more than 30 years since we’ve seen an earthquake of this size in this region of Northern California. The first video. This is from the Victoria Inn in Ferndale. You can see that door has collapsed. The glass is shattered.

All the bar items and the drinks and the liquor that has all fallen down. This is in Ferndale. A still shot there. There is the video. Yeah. So that’s obviously sloshing around Kiana. And to an extent, that’s the concern that was. That could happen on a much broader scale in the Pacific Ocean. Exactly. And that’s why we did have those warnings. And this is a major earthquake. And I’m sure a lot of the times across the west coast, they do get these more frequent. But this is a big deal. Yes, this is. You said it up into the major category for an earthquake.

Thankfully, this was offshore. Not by a huge margin, but it was offshore. We’re just getting word from Dylan and Weather Command. There was a magnitude 5.0 aftershock being felt. Dylan, that was offshore as well. Okay. A 7.0 is exceptionally rare considering that across the entire world, we typically average only about 18 of these a year. So for California, relatively rare. Using the number seven. Like I said, everything that they do within the multimedia is a form of. It’s a form of sigil system. Right. It’s a form of Siddharthism that gives you some type of correlation and synchronicity about what’s taking place within the system of our simulation.

That’s connected to numerology and gematria. Right. So always look at certain stuff with a numerological standpoint. Right. Because these numbers are just not numbers for no reason. They’re applied to the simulation off the coastline. Just to give you a comparison about, you know, how unusual this is on our planet. Every year we only have 18 earthquakes this strong. And this one just happened just off the California coast. Here’s what we know saying the quake was centered off the coast of Eureka, California. That’s near the border with Oregon, not too far away from Portland. But it was felt as.

All right, as we’re covering some of their news coverage here, felt as far away as the San Francisco Bay area. And then there was a second 5.8 magnitude quake that struck just north of San Francisco. This is in Redway in Humboldt County. This was actually taken by the fire chief up there. You can see all the cans and all the goods have come down off the shelves. So you can only imagine what that earthquake must have felt like as that shaking was happening of a 7.0 earthquake. And the tsunami warning that’s been issued for Northern California coastline, the Oregon coastline.

This earthquake was on what we call a strike slip fault where plates are sliding past one another. It’s not the San Andreas. It was about 60km offshore. And so that helps because it’s further away from population centers and the sort of movement that we see is less likely to cause a major tsunami. But any earthquake of this size can trigger landslides beneath the ocean or landslides onshore that can cause localized tsunamis. Okay, Robert, you know, we’re talking about the damage and all. Back in 2022, the Humboldt, the Humboldt area also had an earthquake. 6.4 17 people died in that one.

I mean, so we are talking about big numbers here. Are you at all surprised that California got a 7.0 this time around? Can you tell me how seismically active that part of the US is, John? Yeah, it’s, it’s one of the most seismically active. It’s, it’s, as I mentioned, it’s not the San Andreas fault, but it’s, it’s the southern end of what we call the Cascadia Subduction zone where ocean plates are being pushed beneath Northern California, Oregon, Washington and here in southern British Columbia as well. So it’s a part of a very large plate tectonic system where ocean plates are moving towards the continent.

So it is extremely active. We see magnitude 4 or 5 earthquakes on a regular basis along that fault zone where today’s earthquake occurred. The big magnitude sevens are not as common, but every 20, 30 years we see those larger offshore bridge quakes. Yes, Sandra, this was a big earthquake by any standard. 7.0 is a major earthquake. It was not far off the coast of Eureka, California. That is close to the border with Oregon. And it’s about 270 miles or so north of San Francisco. So a big distance so tsunami, anything generated by that earthquake would take some time to reach San Francisco.

So these tsunami alerts went out very quickly, as they tend to now on social media and straight to the text of a lot of residents in Northern California and in the southern portion of Oregon. There you’re just, as I mentioned, just south of the border with Oregon. Eureka. As you look at it right there, what is interesting about this earthquake, Sandra, as well is it was very shallow. What we were told originally from the USGS is it might have been as shallow as just about half a mile. And the shallowness of an earthquake is very significant in terms of the damage it does, the strength it delivers.

So that is significant here and that is why so many tsunami alerts have been put out for so many communities right now. Sandra. Okay, Jonathan Hunt, keep us posted as we continue to get these live pics out of California. Once again, we monitor the San Andreas fault here in parts of San Andreas fault line. Then you got the cascading seduction zone. Right. And I’m going to show you some pictures that’s basically in alignment to the April 8 solar eclipse and other solar eclipse that basically is alignment to this landmass that you’re looking at when you’re talking about the Ring of fire on the Western seaboard when you have the activation of those tectonic plates and things of that nature.

So the synchronicities is syncing up. Basically Bay Area that extends all the way up and down the coast because the last major earthquake we had was in 1906, and that was a 7.9. And we know that that caused a lot of destruction as well as casualties during that time. And at that time it was at about $400,000 of damage. So we talked earlier with Dave from the Tsunami Warning center who said that a 7 in the water is not that significant. It’s kind of on the lower end of what they warn for, for a tsunami. But if a 7 happened over land, that would be just devastating, especially since we haven’t seen anything like this happening anytime recently.

And mind you that there’s a, there’s a Earth, there’s a extraterrestrials in the water. Right. So now we’re going to get back to the presentation. I’m going show you another video here in a second. So like I said, this is also applied to the Royal Ark. The Royal Arc is basically applied to the zodiac will from Aries to Libra. Right. So that’s basically the Masonic secret because it’s connected to the Triple Tao. The Triple Tao is basically the embodiment of the Gate of Man. The Gate of Man is symbolically connected to the winter solstice, right? So that basically balances out the energies of Gomer Arj, the bar, which is God, which is equated to equilibrium.

Equilibrium is basically your trilateral connection of your holy Trinity, right? So now, like I said, when I was breaking down the 80 year cycle block, right, when I was breaking down the 80 year cycle block of the cyclum of a cycle, it’s all connected to the processional circle because everything has to happen in increments in a process of cycles. So just like you had the 1700 Cascadian earthquake, that energy is coming right back. And the reason I say that is because, you know, these are the two earthquakes that’s basically going to create destabilization. This is. These are the two earthquakes in the New Madrid fault line, right? The seismic zone in the Cascadian seduction zone.

These are the earthquakes that’s basically going to go off the Richter scale deck. Magnetism, Come defend the magnetosphere, is going to create a magnitude of a 9.0 in a 7.0. And that’s going to create the future map of the United States of America where everybody is going to be sectioned off in zones like we in the Hunger Games, basically, right? We in that time period. And that’s when they can use FEMA and martial law to destabilize the masses in a form of control and turn it into a totalitarian police state that is controlled by artificial intelligence and Elon Musk and Donald Trump.

Now, everything that you see taking place right now is a form of prophetic divination that’s connected to a form of biblical context. Because when you study the Paleo Hebrew tab, that is basically the personification of an X, which is a cross, which is basically the signification of a crucifix, which is a omen. In certain indigenous cultures, then you got the Paleo Hebrew Alf symbol, right? Which is basically the sigil, and in other cultures, the sigil of the Antichrist. Which is why the great majority of people that understand the sigil system of the ancient Hebrew Alf symbol, we know that it’s basically a omen, right? Because what you see right here, you had the solar eclipse from 2017, then you had the solar eclipse on October 14, which is the ring of fire, and then you had another solar eclipse right here, right? So all these solar eclipses is connected to the ancient Hebrew taf symbol, the out symbol, the symbol of the lamb, the symbol of the non ether.

Right, because the symbol of the non ether is the symbol of the Al symbol. The Al symbol is basically the epitome of the sigil of the Antichrist. And we all know what the so called Antichrist numerological standpoint is, which is basically 666, six electrons, six protons, six neutrons, 616, six electrons, one neutron, six protons. That is basically the crystallization process when you reach Christ consciousness, right? When you’re talking about Golgotha, the place of the skull that is activated by the Christ consciousness, that’s coming from right knowledge and right brain thinking, right? So like I said, this is all connected to a form of prophetic divination that you see taking place.

So the same areas that you see these earthquakes in, these are the land masses that’s being judged. But the great majority of it is going to be all judged anyway. Because we all know that the great majority of everything in the western world is connected to a frequency of Babylon, right? That’s why Jonah chapter 3, verse 4 said Nineveh shall be overthrown. Nineveh was connected to the Assyrian empire, that was connected to Babylon. Babylon in modern day times right now is America. So that means that Jonah chapter three, verse four, Nineveh, America shall be overthrown with these energies that’s coming from the black sun or the solar eclipse or like I said, these earthquakes can be orchestrated by direct energy weapons that is posing as so called UFOs.

Right? So there’s. I’m just giving you some things to think about. I’m not saying this is this and this is what you know, I’m saying I’m giving you many different things to think about. Because like I said, you live in a, a multi dimensional universe. So that means that it’s going to be a multifaceted simulation, right? This is why I said everything is based on asymmetrical hybrid conventional radiological biological warfare. Right? All this stuff is, you know, connected, right? All this stuff is working in collaboration. Now I’m gonna show you another video before my phone dies because I the way I do my videos now to show you, I need it.

So, okay, so I think you go here, we’re gonna get back. There is an earthquake that has been predicted to devastate California, meaning skyscrapers are going to fall. The shape of the United States will change after that earthquake, but that won’t happen until after there’s a storm. A major storm is going to come to California. It’s either a hurricane of incredible force or it Is a storm of incredible force. But a great, a great. Mind you, this presentation was aired in like 2010 or 2011. And you notice you fast forward in 2024 they said something about a tsunami.

So this earthquake that just took place was basically the segue to the big one. This earthquake that we just had was your son to get your ass up out of California. This was the last sign, right? I’m showing you everything in real time. I got the receipts. I’m showing you where Mount Shasta is. Mount Shasta is where the root chakra of planet Earth is. 2025 is the year of the cosmic serpent, which is basically the year of the snake in Chinese New Years. And the year of the cosmic serpent is the activation of the non ether.

When you raise up in frequency of the seven chakra systems of planet Earth is being activated by the black sun. The energy of Ophiuchus, right? This is all connected to the solar eclipses which are basically the black sun. The black sun is inside the planet. When you activate those seven chakra points of planet Earth. I got the receipts for everything. So you just. Like I said, they said something about a potential storm that can basically hit the western seaboard that is activated by a form of an earthquake. We just. He said this in 2010. Now you know what I’m saying.

They talking about a tsunami that was supposed to hit but it got cancelled. So like I said, do not, you know, take this. Share this video please. This video is important because like I said, when you study ses, right, the seismatologist, they basically said that in two years the big one is gonna hit, right? And we at the apex of everything because Solar Cycle 25. Solar Cycle 25 is when the sun is at solar maximum. When the sun is at solar maximum, it basically unravels the lunar light lock frequency that was connected to the Van Allen belt.

The planet is starting to basically unravel itself. It’s starting to unthaw itself. Like you remember when your mom, she told you, hey, get that meat out and put it in in a sink so it can unthaw. The planet is starting to unthaw, right? We’re going back into the golden age. The golden age is for the sun cycle. The planet is heating up. The Kundalini awakening is heating up. Everything is starting to wake up, right? That is what they talking about, the great awakening. That’s going to cause the great reset, right? The chakras of Earth is waking up.

That’s causing these earthquakes and it’s going to cause volcanoes because volcanoes are basically the pimples of planet Earth, right? But I’m gonna keep playing this video hurricane, our incredible force is going to come to California. And the earthquake that destroys it will not happen till after that takes place. So there’s a way of saying, okay, I have time. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be an earthquake tomorrow of 7.5, you know, or, or next week or two weeks from now of some magnitude. But I’m talking the one that changes the shape of California, where everybody. You don’t want to live in California, anywhere in California when that happens, or perhaps even on most of the west coast, where an inland ocean is formed and Baja becomes an island and the mouth of the inland ocean forms between San Diego and Los Angeles.

That isn’t going to happen before that, that storm comes. And so that, that is a sign that God will give, is giving to the people. Don’t worry about that big one, because this, this sign will happen, will happen first. So there’s a lot of things going to get ready to happen. Did that answer and that, and that, that earthquake that we just had, that was the sign right there. That is your sign to get your ass up out of California. It’s time to wake up, ladies and gentlemen. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to wake up.

It’s time to wake up because we in that time, it is time to wake up because like I said, a lot of the NPCs, y’all gonna get left behind. Y’all gonna be, oh, you know, I want to stay in Cali because I like the palm trees and all this other stuff. Get up out of, you know, California, get off anywhere on the west coast, right? This is supposed to be your exodus point. But like I said, everybody is so subjected to external stimulation so much to the point where their emotions cloud their logic, right? This is where rationality takes a back seat to emotionalism.

Your emotions is connected to the simulation. This is why I said that people who have authenticity, right, they’re connected to the four elements of the soul, which is. Thank you. Reasoning, understanding, and real power. We understand what the is going on. We understand that when the timeline of the seven tribulation period, right? But a lot of y’all gonna suffer because, like I said, y’all look at certain stuff they coming out with, you know, they talking about UFOs and all this stuff. Y’all looking at this stuff and y’all brushing it off your shoulder like, this stuff ain’t happening, right? Because y’all getting high.

Y’all want to party all the time. Ain’t nothing wrong with going to get a drink every once in a while. But, you know, to each his own. But, you know, a lot of y’all looking for relationships, y’all looking for friendships, y’all looking for anything that’s basically trying to numb you to the fact that we’re going through the great awakening. Wake your ass up, right? Because it’s going to come a point in time, you’re gonna wish you was going to the gym, you’re going to wish you was working on yourself, you was. Wish that you was tapping into the energy of self realization to where you could tap into the spirit of male Chaz today, right? We in that time period now, we’re gonna see who was really doing the work, you know what I’m saying? We’re gonna see who was, you know, going out, seeking validation, wanting attention from people and stuff like that.

We’re gonna see. We’re gonna see because everything happens in cycles, right? As I told you before, you just had an earthquake. Same place where they had the reassurance of the black sun. I call it the black sun. But you know, some say for, you know, for contextual purposes, we’re going to say it’s a solar eclipse, right? So like I said, everything happens in cycles, right? Everything happens in cycles. So that’s why you got to be prepared for what is to come. We in that time period now. So let me get there now we’re going to get into a little bit of theological context that’s basically applied to everything that I’m saying.

So this is where you get into doctor yours, publication else holding in jail. Revelations 17:17 or 18, 6 or 18:5, right? So this is where you get into this. Says right here, verbatim, the angel took a sensor, filled it with fire altar, right? And a fire is a form of a tetrahedron, thunders and lightnings in an earthquake. Then this Elohim Melchizedek took the incest incense holder and filled it with fire from the heavenly altar, which is basically connected to the God. The gods of the gates cast it upon planet Earth, showing the fire will come down from the heaven.

That is basically gamma radiation coming from the heavens from the Orion star constellation, what you call Arenos, which is where you get the word seventh heaven. Because there’s seven star systems in the Orion star constellation. Seventh heavens, seven thunders. The seven thunders, the gamma radiation that’s coming from the heavens is hitting a planet and causing calamity hello, lightning, voices. Earthquake. The great earthquake of California that is to come. That is basically the blowing of the trumpets while Trump is in office. Now Els holy angel, Revelations 11:13, right? And in that hour a great earthquake, a tenth city will fall, split off and sink into the ocean.

This earthquake is a magnitude of the great earthquake of California to come, of the many earthquakes since March 29th of 1970, right? So it tells you right here, as I was telling you, gave glory to Theos where you get the term Thanos and marvels Theos of Uranos or the Orion Skies accepted truth. Uranos is another nomenclature title for Orion. Orion is a star constellation that is basically the magnetosphere, where you get your magnetism of the magnet tube from the earthquakes that’s coming from the most high. Right. Hope I’m not losing y’all. Now, when you understand the doctrine of signatures, everything is basically an emulation that’s applied to the physiology of the non ether genetical faculties.

Now what you’re looking at is basically a demonstration of the chakra system. The chakra system is connected to the tree of life and it’s connected to actual churches. And the reason I say that is because I’m not saying it’s our physiology is basically rooted and cemented to a form of, you know, biblical context or whatever. I’m just showing you the dynamics of what you know that’s connected to the blueprint of our chakra system. So the chakra system, when you’re talking about your body, is a temple, right? The house of the so called Lord is the temple that is your body.

That’s why by way of the doctrine of signatures, everything that’s basically connected to the construction of church is connected to the construction of the original man, right? Because the hexa alpha decimal decimal number is basically the 144,000 that’s connected to the crown chakra. So the chakra system is basically your temple and your temple is applied to planet Earth, right? So that basically means that the chakra system of planet Earth is going to amalgamate with the gamma radiation frequencies. Because one thing you got to understand about the frequencies, right, the frequencies that’s coming from the magnetosphere is gamma radiation.

Gamma radiation is ethereum. Ether is basically going to activate the seismic activity on planet Earth. When you’re talking about the Schumer resonance, because it contains a certain frequency, acoustic frequency, which is basically the music from the magnetosphere, the music from the heaven. So that means that music is basically liquid architecture and architecture is frozen music. So when the Planet unravel, unravels itself from the lunar lot like frequency. That’s when your physiology, your temple, your church is going to be in alignment with planet Earth chakra system, right? As the planet is going through a desolation period, so everything that’s taking place on an external level on the planet is happening inside.

You always remember that that’s how you’re going to know what’s, what time it is. The more you. Because like I said, that that earthquake that took place happened at the root chakra of planet Earth. The same place where you had the solar eclipse at. At the top. Left up here, right? Let me minimize my. At the top where my cursor is, that’s where that solar. We had a solar eclipse in 2017 that happened right here, right? And then you also just had the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that just happened right here by Mount Shasta in this area right here in the cascading seduction zone, mind you, right? Like I said, Mount Shasta is the root chakra of planet Earth.

How you know what time it is, is when you, when your sexual energy is going to get so intense. I’m talking about so much to the point where you’re not going to be able to control it, but you must tame that energy. You know what I’m saying? I’m going on. I don’t even. I lost count. It’s been so many days that I haven’t, you know, been laying around, I ain’t been sleeping with nobody. So it’s one of those things where I got to preserve my energy because my energy is going to help me reach the apex of my zohar body to where I’m able to speak truth.

And my truth is going to have the ability to manipulate the subatomic particles that create the simulation. The more you speak truth to power and the more you preserve your sexual energy, the more you’re going to create the shift organically. Because I told you, there’s two different shifts. You got a shift that’s being engineered and you got a shift that’s happening organically. Because one thing you got to understand about the acoustic frequencies of the truth, the truth travels on zero point energy fields, just like how UFOs do, right? We finna get straight to it now. That is a part of some of the theological context, right? So this is a first responder and he’s basically a whistleblower from female.

And I couldn’t show this video, so I took screenshots. So it tells you right here, the big one is coming and it’s far worse than people imagine. And the big one is basically hypothetically long overdue. And we in that time period, right? And it’s going to basically going to activate martial law. And that’s when Donald Trump is going to take over. And then you also have a radiation spike in the geographical area of California, right? That’s the same thing that the guy said. He said you’re going to see a spark of radiation, right? So it says right here in Diablo Cannon, the two nuclear PowerPoints in Diablo Cannon will also pull millions with radiation.

Now you fast forward to right here. This, this happened recently, this happened two days ago, radiation spike. So this video that I’m showing, that I screenshotted this, this what I’m showing you right now is from 2013. This is from two days ago. Hello, Hello. We that Topper. It’s time to wake up. When that time period, if you ain’t got your ass up out of California, this is the video. If you from California, you know somebody who lives in California, show them this video. This is a wake up call, right? Show them this video. Subscribe to the channel.

Get them to subscribe to the channel. Get this video out there. It’s important. Now this is also working in conjunction with the Rothschild mystery, when the guy who basically died in Hollywood. Because one thing you got to understand about the Great Awakening process, like I said, it’s basically operating on the doctrine of signatures, because everything is a microcosm of the macrocosm. So that essentially means that the fall of Hollywood is actually the fall of California. And the fall of California is also the fall of the simulation, because the simulation is being upheld by sexual gratification that’s coming from that region.

So that means that everything has to fall so that people who’s connected to Hollywood, the people who control Hollywood, they have to fall. This is why Jay Z is going down. This is why the Rothschilds is going down. This is why everything as far as the black cast, Deep State shuttle government, everything is going down. Right? Pay attention to the signs. So now this is also in alignment. This is just my due to my independent research. You have the underground catacombs where the same place where you had the earthquake at. Right. Because the underground catacombs basically denotes the fact that Los Angeles has a catacombs in the underground city of lizard people back from 5,000 years ago.

So that is in conjunction with the reptilian story that is also applied to the Rothschilds because there was a guy who was a whistleblower, he went to, I Forgot what that place is called. He went to Bohemian Grove and during his retreat there, he had a room with one of the Rothschilds and he said that one of them shapeshifted into a draconian reptilian. Right. So that’s also working in conjunction with the Rothschild deception and how it’s applied to the draconian reptilian mythology or whatever and how you got the underground catacombs. So like I said, you just had a congressional hearing talking about UFOs and they said that the extraterrestrial life comes from underground in the water.

So how you know that there’s not a war that’s taking place with these lizard people? How you know it’s not a war that’s taking place that’s come, you know, going for the Rothschilds. Right. How you not know that? Right. So this is a map of the alleged 5,000 year old underground city of the lizard people. So all this stuff is working in conjunction. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to give a brief synopsis. I’m going to give a real quick rundown about everything that I basically told you. Right. So the Seven Thunders is not only applied to the doctrine of signatures that’s connected to the endocrine system of the original man, it’s applied to the chakra system of planet Earth.

Because the seven Thunders can’t activate until the chakra system of planet Earth is activated. This is where you’re going to get the sedimentary rock formation start to unravel itself and create the movement of tectonic plates, which are basically the chakras of planet Earth. That’s going to be activated by the energy of Ophiuchus, the 13 zodiac will, which is the Queen mother seat of the black Sun. The black sun is basically going to create the Kundalini serpent in the cosmic year of the 2025, the year to snake. So this is also working in conjunction with the regeneration process of the spinal fire, which is basically your sexual energy that sits at the base of the spine and it travels up the 33rd vertebrae, hits the 34th ventricle of the brain and it activates the hexadecimal number of the Christ consciousness, which is basically the epitome of the 144,000, which is basically the sigil of the Tetrahedron, which is basically an amalgamation of two triangles that have 180 degree angles and 180 degrees connect.

Two times two is 360 degrees of knowledge. Three plus six equals nine, not Ethereum. That is basically Your Christ consciousness right there, right? So you have a Christ consciousness being activated in you. You have a Christ consciousness that’s being activated in the planet, right? And it’s going to happen by way of the activation of the four gates with the autumn equinox, the vernal summer solstice. Winter solstice is coming up on December 21st, right? This is all connected to the Lamb. The Lamb was basically comprised of the demographic who have the carbon, who was able to crystallize as we going through the transition, as we’re going through the shift.

Chapter six of Revelations, right? Talks about the lamb and the opening of the seven seals, right? Because your nine ether in the N year is going to unlock all the seven seals. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, we in a time period right now, you know what I’m saying? Because the year 2025 is basically going to be orchestrated and characterized by volatile staged events. And these staged events is going to create that dynamic of the cosmic convergence by bringing everybody together in a form of unity. That’s why when you look at, you know, the picture of my video, right, when you look at the thumbnail, that is basically the accumulation process of everybody coming together, of unity consciousness.

Because that’s the only thing that’s going to create this great awakening. That’s the only thing that’s going to create the desolation, right? I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for it. You know, I’m saying some people be like, I’m scared of, you know, all the earthquakes. I want all the earthquakes to happen. I want all of them to happen all at one time. I’m just like that guy at the end of the movie of 2012 when he was at the top of the mountain. I cannot wait to this happens. I cannot wait until the desolation takes place.

I’ve been telling, you know, I’ve been telling my dad, I can’t wait for the world to end. Since I was a little kid, you know what I’m saying? Because I understood my purpose. Not intuitively, but so much to the point where I knew that I knew I was going to have my hand in it some shape or fashion, you know what I’m saying? And here we are on YouTube giving out this edification. So the synchronicity is there. So we’re in a time period, man, you gotta cut off dead ends. You got to start focus, focusing on yourself.

You got to tap into the energy of solitude. Because your solitude is your interstellar vortex portal to your level. Up. You have to spiritually level up in order to get to the next level, right? This is why certain things are starting to get harder for you. Friendships ain’t the same, food ain’t the same, Relationships ain’t the same. Ain’t nothing the same. So this is why you have to stop and deviate from external stimulation and tap into everything is internal, right? You are Atlantis. You are the Christ consciousness, right? You are the seven Thunders, right? If you have the indigenous genetical faculties.

Now, as far as a cosmic convergence, everybody has the ability to use the acoustic frequencies of truth in order to for it to collaborate with the ethers. The Ethers is manipulating everything in a simulation, right? Because it’s going to be used as a catalyst to bring us fully into the golden age, right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for watching this video. If you new to the channel, subscribe to the channel. And I appreciate you guys. We almost at 70,000 subscribers, you know, which is a, you know, a great thing. And we’re trying to hit a hundred thousand because I want the information to spread as much as possible.

I want these type of conversations to be, you know, regular. You know, I’m saying I don’t give a damn about, you know, you know, sports and, you know, women and all this other stuff. Nobody care about that no more. Don’t nobody care about that. You know what I’m saying? It’s okay to have, you know, people friends or whatever you kick it with or whatever, but the end goal is to be focusing on yourself, right? Focus on. Focus on yourself. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for watching this video. End of transmission, 1014. We will put an end to this man.

I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line. So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. Karma’s gonna get to you and then you’ll have a cherry yet with only one less friend Now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from disguise. So thanks for this mercury that I’m about to receive and thank you for my health and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage taken on another day When I used to not believe but now I know about grace Stay away from the fire Cause the flames does burn.

Go with your gut feeling. When it’s wrong, you learn for every one step I take, the Lord takes too. And do unto others if you want it done unto you, huh? It’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the this is completion the selfish proto Grecian, Amerindian, Phoenician I’m the last of the Mohican the bastard of the land the pear melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of Atlanta but the avalanche seized it I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased Better than the medicine for seven different treatments Try to ride away but end up getting seasick to sleep and feel my words like Breland they’re awakened with the penmanship of Hindu script written in them Vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Fighting off more than I can chew that’s an overbite Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page History it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I open I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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