The Pope Opening 5 Portals on Christmas: Jubilee Year 2025

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➡ The video discusses a theory about the Pope and the Vatican Church planning to open metaphysical portals on December 25th, based on a ritual to summon the energy of Lucifer. The speaker believes we’re at the peak of a Great Awakening period and that these rituals are part of a larger system of cycles and symbolism used by secret societies. He also suggests that these actions are an attempt to combat natural forces that are causing the current system to crumble. The video ends with a call to understand these events and prepare for changes.
➡ The text discusses the concept of cycles and patterns in life, particularly in relation to significant global events. It suggests that these patterns are connected to spiritual and cosmic energies, and that understanding them can help us predict and prepare for future events. The text also mentions the idea of a ‘jubilee year’, a time of significant change, and suggests that we are currently in a period of great transition and upheaval. It ends by discussing the idea of spiritual awakening and ascension, suggesting that we are moving towards a higher state of consciousness.
➡ The text discusses a belief that energy can create a balanced individual through whole brain thinking. It suggests that the Catholic Church, specifically Pope Francis and the Vatican, will open spiritual portals as part of rituals dating back to the 1300s. These rituals, which involve holy doors and are believed to summon the energy of Lucifer, occur every 25 years. The text also suggests that these rituals are an attempt to regain control over nature, which is currently fighting back against human exploitation.
➡ The speaker believes that significant events, possibly calamitous, will occur in California due to spiritual and cosmic energies. They suggest that these events are connected to the year 2025, the “year of the serpent” or “Kundalini energy”. They also discuss various symbols and their interpretations, including the Pope’s silver and golden keys, which they believe represent the opening of five spiritual doors. The speaker also mentions the Vatican’s necropolis, which they claim houses Lucifer’s tomb, and suggests that this is connected to upcoming events.
➡ The speaker believes that the Vatican and other spiritual entities are preparing for a significant spiritual event. They suggest that these entities are opening portals to another dimension, possibly linked to a figure known as Lucifer. The speaker also encourages listeners to seek truth and evolve spiritually, warning that those who remain attached to the physical world may suffer when a predicted spiritual shift occurs. They emphasize the importance of personal growth and self-realization in navigating these changes.
➡ This text is a heartfelt message about personal growth, learning from mistakes, and seeking divine guidance. The speaker acknowledges past wrongs, expresses gratitude for blessings, and hopes for help in their journey towards betterment. They also touch on societal issues like crime and the importance of unity. The speaker repeatedly calls out to a higher power for assistance, showing their faith and hope for a better future.


Holy. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness Trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness Trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness Trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Bedell. If you’re new to this channel, hit the like button, hit the share button, hit the subscribe button, hit that notification bell. In today’s segment, I’m going to be breaking down the metaphysical codex of the demonic interstellar vortex portals that’s going to be opened up by the Pope in the dark priesthood of the Vatican Church on December 25th.

That’s based on ritualistic necromancy to summon the energy of Lucifer. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, you already know what time it is because I’ve been displaying to you guys and showing many different demonstrations, many different, you know, exhibits telling you that we’re basically at the apex of the Great Awakening period. So this is basically the finality system of the 2025, which is basically equated to completion. Everything is basically operating from a second of a cycle. Everything is operating in increments. It’s a process that must take hand when you’re talking about the shifting process, right? Because you got to understand what portals are.

Portals are basically metaphysical doorways to other dimensions, right? It’s metaphysical doorways to other dimensional realities, basically, right? So it’s basically the glue in between the spiritual realm, the quantum realm, and the material realm at the same time and the mental plane. So first off, we’re going to get into what’s going on, right? Because everything that you see and taking place is basically a form of eschatology and it’s a form of prophetic divination. So this video, the basis of this video is basically talking about, you know, the five portals that’s going to be opened up on Christmas by the Pope.

Now, originally, it used to be four doors that used to be open four portals during this Jubilee ritual. And it operates on 25 year increments. So the last jubilee year that we had was in the year 2000 when they said that the world was going to end, basically, right? And I’m going to prove to you that everything in the simulation operates in increments of cycles, right? History repeats itself, because as I was telling you, it was basically connected to the 80 year cycle block that’s connected to the processional circle of the equinox. All this stuff Works in tandem.

When you look at the blueprint of all my videos, you will basically see that everything is basically working in conjunction. The synchronicities are basically syncing up, right? And I have the receipts to prove it. And the information that I found in this video is incredible because as I was telling you before, symbolism is going to be their downfall. Because symbolism, symbolism and deciduism that they propagate all throughout their secret rights, all throughout their, you know, secret societies. The symbolism denotes the fact that it’s a form of an esoteric codex, right? It’s a form of. It’s a form of communication for those who understand the arts, the arts of the occult, right? Everybody doesn’t have the metaphysical eye to understand and comprehend the sidiousism of.

That’s connected to many different factions of the secret societies. That’s connected to the dark priesthood of the Vatican Church. So originally, you know, like I said, this happens in 25 year increments. And it just so happens that we’re actually in the year of 2025, basically going into the year 2025, right? So this is the time period, like I said, we must be on our. We must get our together, right? Because these rituals is basically taking place. They basically putting everything in your damn face. Now. They telling you they opening up portals. You got UFOs, you got drones.

That’s based on frequency modification and frequency modulation, right? To extract your energy with subatomic particles a microscopic ways. And it uploads it into a neuromorphic cybercloud that is based on a form of a technocracy for Elon Musk and this whole deep state system, right? They’ve been telling you about everything. Everything is basically syncing up all the chosen ones that’s basically been talking about, you know, conspiracy theories, talking about the metaphysical and esoteric information. We’ve been talking about this, you know, for many different years now. And now we’re at the apex of a system. The house of cars are basically starting to f.

You know, basically starting to crumble and fall, right? Everything, the whole system of patriarchy is starting to fall. Because I was telling you before, there is no such thing as democracy. And democracy is basically a derivative of patriarchy. So patriarchy in itself is a fallacy to nature. So that’s why nature must take back the planet. So that’s why they opening up these portals to basically do these rituals. They doing these rituals to combat the energy of the degradation that’s coming from the magnetosphere that’s basically going to destroy the system, right? Because they said that this is basically the five holy doors of salvation, right? And I’m going to break down the etymology of the word salvation and I’m going to give an opposite codex of what it really means of what they’re basically trying to do.

Because also, like I said, they’re trying to summon the energy of Lucifer, right? You cannot negate that energy. They’re trying to summon the energy of Lucifer to keep the sleep spell going. Basically the sleep spell of king goo. The sleep spell of king goo. That’s connected to the energy of the moon, right? And the energy of the moon is connected to the material plane, which is why your energy in motion, your emotions, is connected to inanimate objects that doesn’t have no type of intrinsic value. It only has a temporal power. So that means that everything connected to patriarchy is temporary, Right? I need you to understand that.

Now we finna get into the video. Me and my big mouth talking too much. But see, like I said, this is a real thing. This is in the New York Post, Pope Francis, to open up five sacred portals on Christmas Eve for a ritual that’s never been done before, right? Because they never open up five doors. It’s. It’s only been four, right? And I’m gonna tell you why they opening up five. I’m going to show you all the esoteric symbolism, the sigil system that basically is an alignment to everything that’s taking place within the presentation. Right? Now you got to understand the sigil system.

So there’s five doors that’s going to be opened up in Rome. So you got the, the San Callisto door, then you got the door in Vatican City, then you got a door in Rome, then you got another door that’s in Rome, and then you got another door that’s going to be opened up by San Beliso, right? And these five doors basically create the citrusism of Lucifer that is also an emulation of the sigil of Moloch. And the sigil of Moloch is also acclimated to the Kazarian Tamga, which is also known as the Ukrainian crest that’s connected to the Canaanite factions, which is also a derivative of the Black Nobility, right? So these interstellar vortex portals, these demonic portals that they’re basically trying to open up because as I was telling you before in one of my transmissions, I told you that when you have a no, there’s a no fly zone in Antarctica that creates the sigil schism of Lucifer, right? Which is basically an emulation of the Kazarian Tamga or the Sigil of Moloch.

So that means that they’re basically trying to create a ritual, a doorway that’s connected to Antarctica, because Antarctica is where Lucifer’s palace is at, right? This is why the Deep State shadow government, they was holding meetings in Antarctica, right? This is why everything is. You got to remember everything that basically transpired in between the times from 2017 all the way up until now, right? You got to go back and start paying attention to some of the stuff, the meetings and places that the, that the Plistocracy and these oligarchs were basically going, right? So the five doorways are basically the emulation of the sigil of Lucifer, right? So one thing you gotta understand that there’s basically a necropolis under the Vatican City, right? And the necropolis basically is a place where they do necromancy, which is a form of incantations and black magic to summon the energy of demonic spirits to get edification, premonitions and knowledge about the future, right? And to basically destabilize and neutralize the coming events.

But like I said, the energy of the Most High, which is equated to these gamma radiation particles hitting the planet, is going to destroy the illusion of Lucifer. The two physical eyes, which is based on the subatomic particles. Because as I was telling you before, that architecture is frozen music, which creates physical density, right? Because we’re going into the spiritual plane, right? That’s why you see, in the eradication process of everything in a physical world, celebrities falling, the system is falling. So this ritual is another resource for the Plistocracy to keep the illusion going. The two physical eyes, Lucifer.

Because also there’s a sigil system within your, your neurological faculties. Like I said, it’s connected to the eyes, right? Because the eyes is going to deceive you. Because it’s connected to a form of third density. We’re going into higher states of consciousness, meaning that everything on the planet is starting to speed up in vibration, meaning that it’s going to create a vaporized state to where you’re going to go back into your ethereal state, right? So the five doorways create the sigil system of Lucifer, right? Now they said that these five doorways are basically the doors of salvation.

Now what is salvation? What is the opposite of salvation? Right? The opposite of salvation is damnation, downfall and destruction. So this is why salvation is basically similar to redemption, deliverance and saving. They doing this ritual to basically save the illusion of the system to keep us in a state of third Density, right? They want to create this totalitarian dystopia that’s based on a technocracy. That’s why they doing all the stuff that they’re basically doing, right. So this is why it’s imperative to understand that all these rituals that they’re basically doing are basically pagan rituals. These are Luciferian rituals.

This is nothing sacred. That’s basically coming from the Catholic Church, right? Because that’s where all the hedonistic concepts extract from. Because it’s basically a derivative of the Assyrian empire that’s connected to ancient Babylon, right? Your so called, you know, demo system that was connected to the secret treaty of Verona, right. So this, they said that the doorway is the holy door of salvation. So they’re doing this ritual, open up the five portals to basically save the system, right? Which is a form of reclamation. So the opposite of salvation is downfall. They trying to create. They don’t want the downfall to happen, they don’t want the reset to happen, right.

That’s why they scared because they know that they time is up. That’s why it propagates in the book of Revelations that it says that the beast man, the devil has a 6,000 year ring on the planet. As that is acclimated to the last moon cycle. As we transition into the Golden Age, which is the golden ratio, that opens up the Golden Gate that is connected to the Silver Key and the Golden Key, Jack and Boaz, the two pillars of masonry as you go through the halls of Amenti, which is basically equated to the incision processes by going from third density to fifth density, right? AKA New Heaven, New Earth.

Now this is happening during the jubilee year. It happens during the increments of 5. Now one thing you got to understand about the jubilee year, the last time we had a jubilee year was in the year 2000, right? And that was. And then like I said, everything operates on the second month of cycle. There’s a pattern, there’s a pattern within the simulation and it operates in quarters, right? So the last time we had a jubilee year was in the year of 2000. And we also before that was in 1975. And then during that time period in 1975, that’s when you had the year after, in 1976.

Because every time at the year after a jubilee year, what happens is there’s always some type of mass calamity. So in 1975 and you go to 1976, there was a big earthquake in China measuring between 7.8 and 8.2 on a Richter scale, destroyed The Chinese city of Tangsheng. So it said this is basically the toll of how many people were that were basically unive, 2000 and 2400, 242,000 persons were basically unless basically high as 655,000. And they said that at least 700,000 were basically injured, right? And property damage extensive, reaching even to Beijing. So. So in 1975, we had a Jubilee year, 1976, this earthquake happened because every time you have a jubilee year, you transition a year later.

That’s when the shift, the transition happens, right? That is the transition to basically create under a Hengelian dialectic principle, problem, reaction, solution. And the solution, a lot of times is basically diabolical because they basically have to operate the system in a form of control to where they can basically neutralize you. Now, the last time, like I said, everything, as I was telling you before, everything operates in cycles. The last time we had a jubilee year was in the year of 2000. And the next year after that, in 2001, we had 9, 11, right? You can’t make this up.

You got to pay attention to the patterns. Because when you pay attention to the patterns, you will know intuitively what the hell is going on. If you do not pay attention to the patterns, if you’re not good at understanding and comprehending simulations, right, One thing you understand, you got to understand their. The energy of, you know, their. The propagations of their psychological operations. Whether it’s being extracted from nature or if it’s something that’s coming from the deep state shadow government. One thing you got to understand is that everything, whether it’s through nature or if it’s being orchestrated, everything operates in cycles.

That’s how a simulation works. A simulation basically denotes the fact that everything is basically pixelated, which is a plank, which is this basically the smallest unit in the universe. We are basically living in a video game. Everything has structure, everything has a logistical order, everything has a cycle, right? So this is why the last jubilee year we had in 2000, when everybody thought the world was going to end, but it’s basically an end of a system or end of an ideology or end of an age. And then 2001 was the bait, was the big transitional period.

That was a big ritual. That was a gold heist that took place. Just like, you know, Rod Hayes was basically propagating about, right? Shout out to Rye Hayes and shout out to young Elder. Shout out to the. Shout out to my boys. But that’s why, like I said, it’s imperative to understand the time that we Live in. Because we’re due for mass calamity. This is why you gotta watch the last video I put out talking about the seven thunders, right? Because the seven thunders is going to be activated in the ninth year of the Jubilee year of 2025, right? The, the amount of information that I came across, you know, putting together this video is scary.

It’s very scary. And I ain’t trying to fear Monger. It’s so scary in a prophetic way because it’s like one of those things you come to a realization like, damn, I’m really living in this time. We are really in that seven year tribulation right now. I don’t care what you say. Like you could say you can cut, you know, you can create any, any type of defense mechanism all you want, but you cannot negate the fact that everything is, you know, taking place right now. None of this stuff has never been done before, right? None of this stuff has never been done before.

None of this stuff has never been seen before. You got UFOs all over the place, congressional hearings about UFOs, talking about extraterrestrials are real people really have contact. And then you got these rituals going on, right? And then you got the third Temple in Jerusalem being built up. This is all prophecy, right? And it’s a form of prophetic divination that can also be orchestrated. Because one thing you got to understand about the Vatican, the Vatican also has a, a fifth dimensional technology. It’s called a Kronos Vassur. And the Kronos for sure has the ability to basically create a fractal interstellar vortex portal to take you to different dimensional realities, whether it’s the past, the present or the future.

And you can see the timeline and a lot of times it, that’s where they extract their information and they basically create this simulation that’s based on the holographic technology of the Chronos for sword, right? But back to, you know, you know, kind of got thrown off a little bit. But back to, like I said, everything operates in 25 year increments of on a jubilee year. So the last jubilee year that we had was in 2000. One year later you had 9, 11. So that was the transitional shift. And after that, that’s when you had that, that Great Depression.

Not the Great Depression, but we had a recession in 2008. Now like I said, now we in our jubilee year. So in between the times of 2025, because I told you that the year 2025 is the year of the cosmic Serpent, the cosmic serpent is the dark matter energy of the etheric network that’s connected to the 13 zodiac wheel of the energy of Ophiuchus, which is basically going to create this, the gateway of the gods that is basically amalgamated with the Orion star constellation and the Sirius A and B star constellation. Right. And that is going to create this form of a golden gate.

Because the energy of Ophiuchus is basically the epitome of your so called Christ walking on water. Right. And the Christ energy is the regeneration fire, the spinal fire that sits at the base of the spine and it travels up the 3rd, 33rd vertebrae and it hits the 34th ventricle to brain and then it activates the crown chakra of the hexadecimal number of the 144,000, which is basically an energy that creates a tetrahedron that to where you become a whole brain thinker. You activate right knowledge and you amalgamate it with left brain thinking to where you become a balanced individual.

So this is the time of my yacht. This is the time of balance me. So if your heart and your mind is not in sync, you’re not going to be able to get through the gateway of the gods because you don’t have the sigil of the most high on your forehead, which is basically a tetrahedron. Right. And that tetrahedron is an emerald energy, which is why I have on green we in that time period, this is the activation of the green ethereal energy, your ethyl state, because like I said, your ethyl state is connected to the spiritual state.

This is why you see in the house of cars starting to fall. So this is why it’s imperative to understand that the golden gate, this is the energy that’s going to be erected during this time period. We just had an earthquake in California in the ocean that almost created a tsunami because this is all going to line up to the big one. Because the golden gate is going to create this energy once they have this jubilee year. Right? Once we have the jubilee year. Right. So now back to this. Now the Pope, now Pope Francis and dark priesthood of the Vatican Church will open up five spiritual portals starting Christmas Eve that are a part of a Roman Catholic Church rituals day back to the 1300s.

So a lot of this stuff was erected during the time of Pope Sylvester. Right. That is also connected to the principles of the Papa Bull, which is basically a branch of necromancy. Right, we’re going to get into that also. So the jubilee year rituals which involve holy doors occur every 25 years. The doors are located in the Vatican in Rome. Now, the Catholic Church condemned necromancy as a form of demonic magic and heresy. Harshly punish those who practice it. Here are some of the Papa Bulls and other documents related to necromancy and witchcraft. Right? So you get, like I said, this is all connected because this ritual is trying to summon the energy of Lucifer to basically control the simulation.

They lost their control because nature’s taking back the planet, right? That you, you know, I’m saying you basically up the equi system and the ecology of the planet. You pulled all the resources and the minerals, and now you mad that nature’s basically fighting back. So this is why they doing all these damn rituals, right? So this is why they doing all these witches. That’s connected to the Papa bull in the third. In 1326, this bull described as a pest and a little plague spread by Christians who sacrificed the demons and made packs with hell, right? Which is a form of a fostering bargain, which is AKA selling your soul to the devil, right? Which is signing over your nature, your ethereal state to demonic forces or arconic forces, which are, say, are basically draconian, reptilian or cherubin, or the negative factions of the 200 fallen angels.

So this is why, like I said, it’s a form of foster bargain. So this is why you see the Pope politicking with a draconian. A contract, a brief, a covenant. A covenant is basically a pact that you made with a demonic entity, right? To basically have temporal control and power over a certain demographic or over a certain civilization. But they lost their power. So this is why they’re doing the incantation in a necropolis of the Vatican to summon the energy of Lucifer, right? To. To basically destabilize nature to get the power back. But it’s not going to work, right? It’s not gonna work.

We all know that we already won in the future, but like I said, we must get through. We must get through the ugly desolation process and we must face all these afflictions as we get to the, you know, the victory lap. Basically shout out to nipsey hussle. So now the Papa Bull is a type of a public decree, you know, a public, public service announcement that basically letters patented and chartered, right? So this is what you’re looking at, an emulation of, you know, the Papa. The Papa Bull document documents the, the military ordinances that’s connected to the seals of the Papa Bull, right? Now this is what I found very interesting about the Papa Bull, because as you can see, like I told you, the Golden Gate is basically the epitome of, of the lunar light lock frequency that’s connected to the silver key.

Silver key, golden key, physical plane, spiritual plane. So this is why you see the two keys. Because the keys are basically the golden gates. It’s the gate to other dimensional realities. Right? So this is why they doing witchcraft. Because the witchcraft in itself that’s connected to it is basically the epitome of the five Ps of Luciferianism which is based on the penile system, philosophy, psychology, polytheism and the blueprint of patriarchy, right? That’s what this, the Baphomet symbol that’s connected to the Vatican, that’s connected to the Knights of Templar. Right. Because Baphomet used to be called Moffame.

Moffame is connected to the energy of the moon, right. Which is basically connected to the material plane because Moffat became from came from Muhammadism, which is basically the blackamoor black nobility that gave the edification to the Knights of Templar that is also a branch of the Vatican Church in the dark priesthood of. Right. So this is why the 5P’s of Luciferianism is the penal system, philosophy, psychology, polytheism and patriarchy, right? So this is why you see the, the Pope standing next to that. Now there’s a traditional right to demolish the wall protecting a holy door held at St.

Petersburg. And this is basically like I said, it’s in Rome. And I’m gonna show you a video that basically demonstrates that. I’m gonna show the video now, so hold on for a second. I told you I got a new way how to show videos to you guys now. So bear with me. Okay, we’re going to share now. I’m gonna show the video. So this is basically going to show you everything that I basically just read. They breaking down that door, they already broke down the doorway to get basically get the key to unlock those so called portals.

They putting it right in your face and people still don’t believe it. UFOs flying all over the place. They doing rituals to basically save this three dimensional illusion to summon the energy of lose Lucifer to rock you right back to sleep, right? They want to rock you right back to sleep. So this is right, what you’re looking at right now is the opening of the holy door Jubilee in 1975. So this they’re also going to put, I think they’re supposed to be putting this on national television during a time period, you know, on Christmas Eve or whatever.

So this is what took place in 1975. Because back during that time period it was only four doors, it wasn’t five. And mind you, you know, you also, we also can’t negate. We also can’t negate. Hold on for a second. That they just found the, that Coca Cola truck. They just found all those kids on there, right? We can’t negate that. So back to the presentation because like I said, their system is basically falling, right? Everything is getting exposed. All those people that been, you know, stealing, you know, our little people, you know, shipping them out in these containers and things of that nature, you know, all this stuff is basically being you know, revealed for a reason.

We in that seven year tribulation. Now remember I told you. Now look at the keys right here. This is the keys on the Papa Bull, the document right now. Now when you’re talking about the St. Petersburg door to open up that doorway to basically some of the energy of Lucifer, you got the keys at the top right here. Silver key, golden key that creates the Golden Gate, right? So how you know that this ritual is not going to create a calamity in San Francisco? Got to be very critical. Like I said, Illuminati, I’m on to you.

I’m gonna find out your secrets every time. I’m gonna put together these receipts. That’s why it’s imperative for people to share this video, share all my videos and start screenshoting this stuff. Because like I said, I’m on your ass. I’m gonna find out. That’s one thing I’m gonna do. I’m find out and I’m gonna get the receipts lined up. Symbolism is going to be they downfall. So look at the keys. Silver key, golden key, right? This is one of the doors is going to be open. Silver key, golden key. Just like the one that was on the Papa Bull.

Now you look at this golden key, silver key that is connected to the galactical plane that opens up the galactic center for the Golden Gate. How you know this is not a ritual to create the big one, the earthquake in California, that’s going to make the Golden Gate bridge collapse. Because I told you the root chakra of planet Earth is in California, right? And that root chakra, when you activate the Kundalini serpent of the cosmic year of the, of 2025, that’s the year of the serpent, that’s the year of the Kundalini energy. So that means that the root chakra has to wake up first.

So height. So that basically denotes the fact that the the next big calamity after the jubilee year is going to be in California. That’s going to be the big one. That’s going to be the transitional period. That is going to be the next nine, 11, I guarantee it. That’s how I feel about it. That I’m, I’m that confident because I’m that confident. Just based on my independent research, right? Just based on my independent research. I’m that confident because like I said, I showed you that the seismologist, they said that within the next two years the big one’s going to happen.

We in that time period. But that’s going to be the big one and then the next one is going to be the new magic fault line. So please watch that video that I just put out four days, four or five days ago, right? Watch the last transmit transmission. It basically lines up with this one, right? So the silver key, golden key. Now this is very interesting. I, I stumbled across this as I was doing my research. You see the silver key and the golden key and this is the Pope, right? And he’s holding a staff with multiple cruise.

It’s a crucifix with multiple crosses on it, right? So the silver key and the golden key is basically denoting the fact that. And then you got the number five. So he’s supposed to be opening up five doors. So the, the hero font, which is basically the emulation of the Pope is also the fifth card. And he’s supposed to be opening five doors. Can’t make this up. You see the five at the top right here where my cursor is. You see the five and he’s supposed to be opening up five doors. You can’t make this up. Five sacred portals.

Like I said, the simulation is already mapped out. Everything is already premeditated, baby. It’s up to you to understand the symbolism in the Codex. Because the way I’m breaking this down, ain’t nobody gonna bring it to you. So that’s why it’s imperative to understand the symbolism. You got to understand sigil system. When you understand the symbols, you ain’t going to be tricked. You’re already gonna know what time it is. So this is why I tell people, get your ass up out of California, it’s time to go. So we’re gonna break down the codex of the card, the tarot card, right? So you got the sign of the Holy Trinity, which is basically that staff that looks like a Doucet logo, which is also why you’ve seen the fall of Jay Z.

That’s interesting. Now don’t this like you see where my curse is, you see the staff right here with the, the crucifix that represents the Holy Trinity. That looks like a Doucet bottle. So that’s why, like I said, everything is connected to the factions of the Plistocracy and the elite and the oligarchs, that’s connected to the dark priesthood of the Vatican. Everything is basically starting to fall. That’s why everything is getting exposed in real time. You got to pay attention to the signs, right? So you know, it basically represents. This car represents open knowledge, spiritual authority, change, which is a transitional period, which is an interface transition, a glitch within the simulation that’s going to be taking place.

Right. So this is the time, we live in it then. It basically is the emulation of the bridge between heaven and hell. That’s why I said New Heaven, New earth Revelations, chapter 21, verse 1. New heaven, new Earth. Right. We in that time period, the shift is here, right? And we ain’t just saying that then. You see the keys right here. The Holy Door, St. Peter’s Rome. Silver Key, golden key. I. You can’t make this up, baby. I got all the receipts. The pilgrimage to the holy doors is a central act of the Jubilee. Passing through them.

Holy Year symbolizes the entry to the new life in Christ. Christ consciousness. You can’t activate the Christ consciousness unless you activate the. The Kundalini serpent within you. Nine year Cosmic Serpent, which is the year 2025, which is basically the beginning journey of the conversion process of the cosmic convergence of the 144,000. Right? Which is basically a form of unity consciousness, which is basically going to take the three dimensional state to a mental state, the mental plane of the magnetosphere. Right? Which is why Magneto had the helmet on. That basically is basically a symbolism to denote the fact that, you know, higher states of consciousness basically denotes the fact that you’re in a fifth dimensional civilization.

This is why they want to use artificial intelligence to combat the energy with narrow link. Right? Because God is the highest extension of the models use the elements of math to express itself. And when you’re able to express yourself, you’re able to material materialize your reality that basically is detached from their system right now. This is like another thing. This is. These don’t have the keys, but this is another door that’s going to be open. I’m showing you some of the doors that’s going to be open. Now you’re looking at the Necropolis. This is Necropolis at the Vatican basement.

This is the blueprint in the layout right. Now you see my cursor right here. Moving. Now we’re going to go down here to you. When you see the letter U, it’s showing you Lucifer. This is where the great majority, this is where the first door is going to be at. When you’re talking about the five portals is supposed to be opened up. They supposed to be on the location of you where my cursor is right here. And that is the room of Lucifer where Lucifer is basically. They said his, he’s basically, you know, his body is basically there.

So they say. So tomb you of the necropolis is actually the entrance to Lucifer’s regime. Lucifer’s uh, area, basically. So tomb you was actually the tomb of tomb of Lucifer. So that’s why you look at the necropolis. It says it right here. So why would Lucifer be buried? That’s one thing you gotta pagan people, I keep telling y’all, step away from the religion. The Pope is a visceral of all religion, meaning that he controls the great majority of monotheistic religion. Because the monotheist religion is connected to a form of Freemasonry. So that’s why in Freemasonry it doesn’t matter what religion you follow, because all of it is a form of Luciferianism, right? So why does the Vatican have the tomb of Lucifer in the Vatican necropolis in the basement? Because a necropolis is where you do incantations, black magic, necromancy, to summon the energy of Lucifer.

That’s why they, they holding all these portals. So tomb you is tomb Lucifer. Right? The tomb of Lucifer. And this is in a picture of it right here. That’s the tomb of Lucifer. They have a flag with Lucifer on it. He has the cherubim wings, right? Draconian wings, gargoyle wings. And he’s on the white horse, right? Behold a pale horse. Shout out to William Cooper. He was, you know, one of the best books I ever read. You know, that was one of the books that got me on my path. I was one of the first books that I actually read that sparked, you know, a little bit of my awakening.

I read that book when I was a senior in high school, right. And I always use that book as a reference point. Now you also, like I said, yes, Lucifer’s tomb is a heavily protected area in hell designed to, to imprison Lucifer encased in a special sarcophagus with seals that can only be broken by a specific event. And what’s that event? That’s that jubilee year, that jubilee year to Activate the five portals. The five portals, the demonic portals of Luciferianism. It’s believed to be located beneath the ninth circle of hell. There go that number. Nine, 2025 is the nine year.

The nine year of the cosmic circuit. The year of the activation of the nine ether energy, right? Gamma radiation particles manipulating the photon like spectrum. The illusion of Lucifer. Because they know during this time period we’re going to be seers, right? So don’t be, don’t see. This is why, how you know that this ritual is not going to create a form of pestilence, right? Because I did see something that said something about pestilence. Said something about pestilence. It’s a ritual, let me see. Because I know we’re on, we’re on the verge of another lockdown because they got to neutralize us in order to create that technocrat dystopia.

A police state. Yes, the Papa Bull. So the, this bull described a, a pestilential plague. Like I said, it’s a form of pestilence spray spread by the Christians who sacrifice the demons. So how you know that this is not, this ritual is not going to create a form of pestilence? Because I told you, the manipulation of the two physical eyes to rock you back to sleep, that is also your esoteric version of Lucifer, right? Because like I said, God is the highest essentially of the mind which use the elements and matter to express itself. They trying to rock you right back to sleep because they don’t want you to see.

Because Solar Shocker 25 is the apex of the spiritual plane, right? Because those gamma radiation particles is basically going to blur the lines between the third dimension and the fifth dimension, you’re going to start to see apparition. This is why the Vatican, when they came out with that article and they said that they’re prepared to see apparitions, they’re preparing us for this time period because they know that everything on the planet is starting to activate the Ethro energy, right? So like I said, it’s a place where they do necromancy. So you got to understand what a true necromancer is, right? Everything that they do within the factions of the Vatican and stuff like that.

Like I said, everything is a form of necromancy. So screenshot this for those who don’t understand the occult of the occult information and ideologies of necromancy, right? Because you got to understand that necromancers are basically like warlocks and wizards who study necromancy, observe nothing other than the facts of death and the mechanics of umbral energy, which is a form of Oregon energy in a realm that can basically use their advantage of mainly that they’re using the necrotic powers and the energies to basically summon demons to get edification power knowledge about the future. Right? So this is why the seven heads are the.

Are the seven hills, which is. Sits on the woman. The restoration of the matriarch. Now I’m going to go over, I’m gonna give a brief synopsis about everything for those coming in. I’m gonna give a real quick, you know, real quick brief synopsis about what’s going on. Now the. Now the Pope in the dark priesthood of the Vatican, they’re opening up five portals. It used to be four, but they’re opening up five because the five or basically the emulation of the sigil of Lucifer. Screenshot this, right? So these will you see the green marks? These are the five locations of where they’re going to have the doorways opened up, which creates the sidiousism of Lucifer, right? Which is also equated to the no fly zone in Antarctica, which creates the sigil system of Lucifer.

So that means that this sigil system, this doorway that’s going to be opened up by the Pope and the dark priest of the Vatican is basically going to unlock Lucifer and Lucifer’s palace in Antarctica, because that’s where Lucifer’s palace is basically at. Is in Antarctica. That’s why you have the emulation of the nose fly zone that creates the Kazarian tamga, which is also a form of a Ukrainian crest. That’s why the Canaanites are part of the factions of the, you know, the ones that was basically cursed with leprosy because they’re basically a derivative of the draconian entities, which is also known as your chairman of the Bible because they are basically fallen angels, right? They’re a derivative.

They’re cursed seed, right? And this is why they create the system to take away your privileges and your sovereign capacity, right? So they have temporal power. So this is why he’s doing these rituals. The rituals is basically to create the doorway of holy salvation in order to save the system. Because they know that their time is up. So this is why they fear destruction, other system now, like I said, salvation. And it’s happening during the jubilee year. And you got to understand something. Everything operates in increments. The last time in 1975, when you had a Jubilee year in 1975, in 1976.

The next year you had a big earthquake. In that earthquake unalive 242,000 people and at least 700, 700,000 people were basically injured. And then also the last jubilee year that we had in the year 2000, the next year after that you had 9, 11. So our Jubilee year is in 2025. So that means that this could possibly be the end of the Golden Gate Bridge or some type of event, which is the big one that FEMA is being preparing for. Which is why it’s not a coincidence that Donald Trump, he signed that national emergency declaration, Emerging Emergency act to where it gives full validity to Phena to activate martial law.

Which is what. Which is why the great majority of our police officers in a police state, they have secret United nations uniforms, right? A lot of people don’t know that. So you can activate martial law when a plate, when the planet is in a state of calamity. So they open it up, these doors, it’s connected to the Papa Bull. So the sigil system of the Golden Key and the Silver Key is all there, right? So for those like I said coming in, a lot of people watch this channel. Thanks for watching this channel. But you don’t subscribe to the channel, so subscribe to the channel.

Stop. Like I said, stop being a monitoring spirit and support people who is giving you authentic and true information. We just here trying to make sense for people. I mean, I’m not gonna have all the answers. So just use me as a pillar, you know, as a puzzle piece to collaborate with another puzzle piece. Because everybody is doing their own work. You got, you know, many different truth speakers. Everybody has a piece. Everybody is not. I see a lot of people in the conscious community, they try to create this like a, like a saber complex. It’s not that deep.

Everybody has a piece to the puzzle. Everybody, not everybody is chosen, but certain individuals are chosen to give the edification out to the masses. Right? We all smoke and we almost come together. We, you know, we all must Voltron together. You know, people have to stop all this hating and beefing and all this other stuff. It’s, it’s a low vibrational energy. And you know, this is why I, you know, anytime people trying to, you know, acclimate me to certain energies or whatever, I just kind of deviate from it because I’m a very reserved individual or whatever.

And you know, I didn’t come on this, you know, I’m saying, you know, don’t treat the conscious community like it’s like the rap industry, you know what I’m saying? It’s just we all here to, you know, Bring information. And the information is supposed to awaken the masses, right? That’s the only, you know, that’s the main criteria about everything. That’s the main criteria that should be, you know, the primary resource of our evolution. Everybody should just be, you know, speaking truth to power, right? Because like I said, over the course of time, the chosen ones, like I said, we’re gonna, we’re gonna awaken even more.

And this what’s going to take place in the year 2025, what’s going to be taking place in the year 2025 that is going to spark another awakening, right? If, because like I said, a lot of people went through an awakening period, but this is going to cause another awakening. It’s going to, it’s going to force you to evolve, it’s going to force you to adapt, right? And a lot of times you must face, you must face degradation and calamity in order to reach that apex and reach that reality. And because like I said, the transitional period of everything, because like I said, everything is a form of spiritual metamorphosis.

So if you cannot deviate and detach from everything that’s connected to a form of third density, what’s going to happen is when the, you know, the three dimensional world basically falls, you’re gonna fall with it because you have an emotional connection with it. That’s why you must create a emotional connection within yourself. Everything is basically internal. It’s in me, not on me, right? You’re supposed to use the Matrix in order to get out. You’re supposed to use the Matrix in order to evolve. That’s why everything on this planet is being used in a form of inexperience.

You’re supposed to experience certain things and then use it as an alchemical resource to evolve, to put you in a state of evolution to reach your higher self, your Zohar body. So that’s why you have many different, you know, afflictions within our simulation. It’s supposed to force you to do some type of self realization to where you tap in, you tap into your higher self. It’s supposed to force you, right? That’s why we live in this dualistic paradox. This is why you got good, you got evil, you got rich, you got poor. You know what I’m saying? Because true chosen people, a lot of times we face, you know, a lot of implications.

And the reason that is is because nothing never works out for us. Because we post to evolve. A lot of us, you know what I’m saying, we get stuck in cycles. But you’re supposed to evolve past that cycle. That’s why you go through so much trauma. That’s why you go through, you know, whether you’re losing a job, a house or anything. We. You go through that because it’s supposed to force an awakening. And once you awaken, that’s when you’re going to reap the benefits of everything that you deserve from the universe, basically. But you must awaken first and then you awaken to another state in another state.

So that’s where we at with the system. So for those watching this channel, you know, get the video out there. Share this video thanks for watching my channel. End of transmission 1014. We will put it into this madness so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land Karma’s gonna get to you and then you’ll have a chariot with only one friendless friend Now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies so thanks for the smell that I’m about to receive and thank you for my health and all the good memories thanks for the courage taken on another day When I used to not believe but now I know about grace Stay away from the fire cause the flames does burn Go with your gut feeling when it’s wrong you learn for everyone One step I take the Lord takes two and do unto others if you want it done unto you huh it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the this a completion the selfish proto Grecian and merindian Phoenician I’m the last of the Mohicans the bastard of the land the pear melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we was kings and queens of Atlanta for the avalanche seized it I live on turtle island with the rest of the diseased it better than the medicine for seven different treatments try to ride away but end up getting getting seasick to sleep can feel my words like brilliant they’re awakened with the penmanship akindu strip written in them vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the wrong with going left when you know it’s right.

Biting off more than I can chew. That’s an overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page. History. It’s me again, God, I know what. It’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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