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5G Danger


➡ The speaker discusses his theory about the connection between certain geographical locations in America and the four gas giant planets. He believes that these locations, which align with the planets, form a tetrahedron, a symbol of unity and balance. This tetrahedron, he suggests, will trigger a magnetic pole shift, causing significant changes on Earth, including shifts in tectonic plates and activation of Earth’s chakra points. He also mentions the potential impact of climate change and the role of coral reefs in mitigating its effects.
➡ The text discusses the concept of tetrahedrons, which are geometric shapes that make certain areas of the Earth highly magnetic. It suggests that the Earth’s vibration is increasing, which is causing changes in the planet’s energy and climate. The text also mentions a future event, referred to as the “rainbow event,” which will involve a shift in the Earth’s magnetic poles and the appearance of numerous rainbows worldwide. This event, expected to occur by 2025, is believed to signify the Earth returning to its original alignment and the activation of the planet’s chakra points.
➡ The text discusses a theory that connects various elements of nature, astrology, and ancient civilizations to the creation and destruction of the world. It suggests that the activation of certain energies, like the Kundalini energy and the energy of the four gas giant planets, can cause significant changes on Earth. The text also mentions a futuristic map of the United States, which predicts that many areas will be underwater due to these energy shifts. This map was reportedly seen by a man named Al Bielek during a time travel experience in the Montauk project.
➡ The text discusses various theories about the future, including the idea that the planet is going through a reset, causing more natural disasters and exposing hidden truths. It suggests that the United States is Atlantis and that extraterrestrial entities are altering our atmosphere. The text also predicts a ‘rapture’ where certain individuals will be saved by spaceships. Finally, it mentions a ‘rainbow event’ and suggests that the truth about these theories is being revealed through various sources.
➡ The text discusses ancient hieroglyphics and cuneiform language found in the Grand Canyon, believed to be linked to the Anunnaki. It also talks about the belief in extraterrestrial entities and the need for truth about them. The text mentions sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and a secret Pentagon program called Immaculate Constellation. It ends with a discussion about a device called the Ark of the Covenant, believed to have been created in ancient Babylon, which supposedly affected the human brain and speech abilities.
➡ The text discusses the belief that as we approach the year 2025, our world will transition into a higher, fifth-dimensional state. This shift is said to restore our neurological abilities, previously suppressed by negative forces, and allow us to see beyond physical limitations. The change is linked to the activation of the Earth’s magnetic field, causing a ‘rainbow event’ and a shift in time and space. The text suggests that this shift will expose hidden truths and urges us to prepare for these changes.
➡ This text expresses a person’s struggle and their hope for divine help. They acknowledge past mistakes and the challenges they face, including societal issues like crime. Despite the hardships, they remain hopeful, praying for assistance to improve their situation.


Yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Be Dell. If you’re new to this channel, hit the like button, Hit that share man, hit that subscribe button and hit that notification bell. But today I’m going to be breaking down how the etheric network sparks acceleration and expansion of dark matter energy that produces an influx of neutrinos, which are holy ghost particles that will ignite the magnetic pole shift that will manipulate the societal and geopolitical economic reset in the ninth hour of the cosmic serpent.

Now all this works is to be out of connection with the magnetic field being activated that streams down intelligence from the magnetosphere, that is tether connected to the Birkeland current. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, we finna get straight to it. Now one thing you gotta understand about when it comes to magnetic fields and rainbows and things of that nature, that is basically the personification of the 33rd Stargate. And the 33rd Stargate is basically the embodiment of DNA activation and ascension levels, right? So all this correlates to the ninth hour, which is basically the direction of propagation.

When you have the close of an age that transduces into a different cycle of time by way of the electrical energies in the magnetic fields shifting the timeline of events on the planet. Right? Because we shifting into the golden age, right? And we finna break that down and how it correlates to lemoria, the land of Moo in Atlantis. So what you got taking place right now? You know what happened at current Hurricane Milton. When you look at this radar that’s showing you the geographical areas of where to evacuate and it showed a place at the bottom right here called Jupiter, Florida.

Now remember I was talking about the four gas giant planets, the four gas giant planets that is connected to Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. So what I did was I found out that there’s four different cities that’s basically in alignment with the four gas giants, right? So this is what I did. I took, you know, you have, you have Neptune, Ohio, you have Uranus, Missouri, Saturn, Texas, Jupiter, Florida. And then I connected all the dots to these geographical areas and it created a tetrahedron, right? And a tetrahedron is basically the symbology of a fire triangle because it Produces an influx of gamma radiation or ether.

So when you look at a tetrahedron, a tetrahedron is a Platonic solid, one of the five sacred patterns that make up all matter of the universe. In sacred geometry, the tetrahedron is a part of the star to tetrahedron or the Merkaba, which is the symbol of unity, balance, interconnectedness of all things. The Merkaba is made up of two tetrahedrons that represents balance, spirit, matter, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth. Right? Because we live in cycles within cycles, as above, so below, by way of the law of polarity. Right. So a tetrahedron is basically known as the Fire tetrahedron, that is known as the Fire Triangle because it basically collaborates with the quintocyl alchemical element, the fifth element, ether, and it collaborates with these energies and it basically is connected to the mitochondrial of the planet Earth, the nanosuit of the tetrahedron.

So it’s going through a cycling process of a chain reaction of events that’s going to spark the metamorphosis of the magnetic pole shift. Right? Because one thing you got to understand about a tetrahedron, the tetrahedron basically embodies the symmetrical energy of spiritual evolution by way of the conservation of energy to where energy can’t be destroyed. It can only be transmuted and transmuted from the magnetosphere that is collaborated with the Birkeland current and the ionis ionized particles. Right? So one thing you gotta understand about these geographical areas that have this tetrahedron over it. You got Neptune, Ohio, then you got Uranus, Missouri, Saturn, Texas and then you got Jupiter, Florida.

Now when it comes to Ohio, Ohio is known for the Anna seismic zone, which is basically comprised of an influx of, you know, radiation that sits at the bottom of that geographical landmass to where you’re going to have the shifting of tectonic plates. So this seismic zone is in connection with the New Madrid fault line that sits where Missouri is at, right? Where St. Louis and Little Egypt. When you talk about Southern Illinois and Carbondale or whatever. So now when you go to Uranus, Missouri. Right, Uranus, Missouri. And the seismic zone of Anna in, in Ohio is basically going to activate the Earth chakras, the chakra points of planet Earth.

When we in solar cycle 25, 2 + 5 equals 7, 7 is acclimated to the chevron chakra points of planet Earth. So one thing you gotta understand is that all these fault lines, all these seismic zones are basically in conjunction, which makes up the Fire Triangle or the Tetrahedron Right. So all this stuff is basically being activated by the four gas giant planets that works in synergy with the four gas giants on American soil. Right. And that is going to spark the rainbow event eventually. So that is, you know, all this is based on my independent research that I found.

You know, I’m saying you’re not going to find this in no book. It’s just something that I, you know, came across and I got a download on due to my own independent research. So the antisemitic zone is acclimated to the seismic zone in Neptune, Ohio. Right. Then you got the New Madrid fault line where you. Uranus, Missouri is that. And then you got Texas, where you have an influx of a lot of hurricanes. And then you got Florida, where you have a lot of hurricanes. So that creates a tetrahedron in the geographical area of. In the geographical area of America.

And then also you can’t negate the fact that Atlanta is basically at the 33rd parallel. And remember, remember I told you is that we’re going to have a rainbow event in. A rainbow is basically the embodiment of the 33rd Stargate that embodies metamorphosis and DNA activation. Right. So all these energies that’s coming in from the four gas giant planets that’s connected to the cities in America is what’s going to spark the magnetic pole shift in solar cycle 25. Right. So a tetrahedron’s nanosuit is connected to the mitochondria of planet Earth because it causes a chain reaction in the ecosystem that will basically manipulate the ecology of the planet.

Right, because it’s going to shift the tectonic plates, the Earth chakras, the chakra points of planet Earth. You got seven of them that is going to be activated in the solar cycle 25. And then you cannot negate the fact that the four horsemen of the Apocalypse is basically working in Synergy with the 24,000 year verification period of the processional circle of the equinox. That is basically in alignment with the four basic elements of air, water, fire and Earth. And it collaborates with these energies that is being emitted from the four gas giants that basically embodies gamma radiation and ether.

And that’s going to create a form of a wave of vibration in the Earth ceiling. When you talking about the dome or the firmament, right, because the firmament is basically the four layers or what? The firmament will be destroyed due to the activation of the four layers of Earth, water, air and fire when it’s collaborated with the wave of Vibration of energy, which is the ether. Right. So the same thing takes place when you’re talking about a tetrahedron because it also works in synergy with the tri, with the tri solar system of the trilateral connection of the three sons of utu, Apsu and Shamish that is in connected to the Hopi prophecy, which is I’m going to do a definitive breakdown on, right? Because all this stuff correlates.

So this is why they’re trying to basically cool off the planet by having breeding farms inside, you know, all these bodies of water. They have a coral reef farms, you know, at the bottom of all these oceans or whatever. Because coral reefs have the ability to cool off the atmosphere of the planet. But when you understand that the ecology of the planet, when you have the Fibonacci sequence of planet Earth being activated by way of the laws of nature, nature must take back the planet. So that’s why a lot of starfish have been eating the coral reefs.

So this is why they breeding coral reefs, you know, in a lot of these, in a lot of these bodies of water. The reason they doing that is because, like I said, the coral reefs, it basically helps combat the energy of climate change, right? But you have starfish. Starfish has the same genetical makeup as the carbonated man and woman because they have immortalized cell lines. If you cut a starfish in half, it’ll basically regenerate, right? Because it’s at its highest potential. When you’re talking about its genetical structure being connected to the mitochondrial DNA of planet Earth, we have those same capabilities.

When you have the fire triangle and these tetrahedrons being activated that are basically eradicate the geomancy geometrical structures of planet Earth that works in tandem with the firmament in the electrical grid. So everything that you see taking place right now, they’re trying to cool off the planet to combat climate change because the planet is speeding up in vibration. And when the planet speeds up in vibration, that creates the conservation of energy. Where you have geometrical shapes take up on things in nature, right. What you see right here, these are tetrahedrons. Tetrahedrons is basically makes the a certain geographical area highly magnetic.

And it operates on a form of dynamos. Dynamos produces an influx of iron that makes the, you know, certain land masses highly magnetic with electromagnetic radiation. Right. We’ve been to get into it today. Now, now when you’re talking about the magnetic pole shift, right, it is going to be in alignment with the rainbow event, because the rainbow was known as the 33rd Stargate, as I was telling you before. So the magnetic North Pole shifting, Atlantis rising from the oceans. So this is why you seeing a lot of land masses popping up, a lot of desolation being projected into certain land masses on planet Earth.

Now the verse is an extreme of importance. It describes which basically represents the balance and change of Atlantis, right? And you’re going to be seeing all this all the way up until the year of 2025. Because 2025 is the embodiment of the seventh seal being open in solar cycle 25. Two plus five equals seven, right? So this is going to project the rainbow event, because one thing you got to understand about magnetic fields, Magnetic fields are concentric interstellar vortex portals, right? And it’s going to create this rainbow event where you’re going to see rainbows all over the planet.

And it’s not going to be just subjected to a certain era. You’re going to be see rainbows everywhere. I’m talking about, you’re going to see thousands and hundreds of rainbows in your city. And whatever state you at, you’re going to see many different rainbows. Because that is basically the symbology of the fact that the planet is going back into an alignment and that the magnetic pole ship is about to be activated. That is going to be the last and final sign in the heavens, right? When you see the rainbow event being activated. So now I’m gonna show you this video.

So this is what’s going to happen, you know what I’m saying? You’re going to see an influx of radiation. Influx of radiation, right? Gamma radiation. That’s basically denoting the fact that the planet is going back into its original alignment, which is basically the Kundalini spirit that is connected to the 13th astrology sign of the energy of Ophiuchus, which is basically the embodiment of the black sun. Because the black sun moves inside the planet like a serpent and it basically activates the chakra points of planet Earth to where you have this rainbow event that’s going to be taking place that is activated by the magnetosphere that activates the magnetic field.

The magnetic field instead of connected to the Birkeland current when you stream down intelligence, because planet Earth is a living entity. Because one thing you got to understand about magnetic fields, magnetic fields are basically hidden portals within the firmament, because the firmament is being eradicated, because it was created by the Pleiadian light lock energy of the Van Allen Belt. So when you have the ozone layer being depleted, this is where you get the activation of the magnetic field that creates portals. It creates these interstellar vortex portals to where you have these energies all over the planet.

When you talking about a rainbow, a rainbow is a stargate. It’s a stargate of ascension. It’s a stargate of the metamorphosis of your DNA structure, right? That’s what that basically embodies, right? Because one thing you gotta understand about magnetic portals, Magnetic portals are also known as the personification of X points. A magnetic portal is an X point. Because one thing you gotta understand about X points, when you talking about the solar eclipse that took place on April 8, that was basically the black sun that was creating these cymatic frequencies of light that put an X over the planet, right? Or X over the geographical area of America.

So when you have the activation of the magnetic fields, like I said, it forms a portal. So that black sun took you to a different space in time. And now you have all these different energies on the planet. You talking about the four gas giants and these tetrahedrons that basically is putting in a Merkaba over planet Earth for ascension rights. So this is why they trying to cool off the planet, because the planet is speeding up in vibration, right? And I got another video to show you, right? Because all this correlates to the rainbow event. Up to a quadruple rainbow.

It’s kind of interesting. Two are fading away pretty back. This one’s lower, nice and bright and full, as you can see. Interesting restrain the Bay Area, California has had over a month down. We get four rainbows. Fantastic. So like I said, the rainbow event is going to be the last event on the planet. That basically denotes the fact that we’re about to have a geomagnetic pole shift, right? We’re going to have a magnetic reversal. Now, one thing you gotta understand about when it comes to a magnetic reversal, one thing you gotta understand about it is that, you know, when it comes to birds and animals and things of that nature, they know the mechanics of planet Earth to where it’s gonna have a magnetic potion.

Because their physiology and their effort cord is tether connected by way of migration and integration. So pay attention to the birds, because this is the land of Tahuti. So when you have a magnetic reversal of what you’re basically seeing right now, that basically denotes the fact that the planet is going back into its original alignment. And when it goes back into its original alignment, it basically depletes the magnetic field of the planet by 10%. And when it goes down by 10%, that basically denotes the fact that it’s going to go through an evolutionary process by way of the great purification where you have the eradication of certain electrical grid points and satellites, because the satellites is what basically controls and puts an encryption over your genetical structure.

So when you have these satellites falling from the sky that controls the electromagnetic grid and the firmament is going to upgrade your physiology, because like I said, when you have the magnetic field being activated, it creates a sigil of rainbows. Rainbows is basically the symbology of your, of your physiology being in alignment. And the chakras of planet Earth is about to be in alignment. And when those two things are basically in alignment, that is going to create the geomagnetic pole shift, right? But it has to happen in Solar Cycle 25, right? Solar Cycle 25 is when the sun is at solar maximum.

Now, going back to the presentation, so the pole shift is here. So this is why you see the water gushing through the sand dunes in the Sahara desert, right? Not a coincidence. Then you got another publication. Scientists have discovered a six ocean located 430 Niles beneath Earth surface. Right? Now we finna crack the code on this magnetic pole shift because when you understand neoclassical monolithic structures or whatever, they basically tell you what’s going to happen by way of transgressive art, right? So there’s a cathedral in New York City that was erected in 1892, right? And it’s basically showing you in the St.

Patrick’s Cathedral about the calamities that’s going to be taking place on planet Earth. Mind you, this was created in 1892, right? And then you see the Twin towers, and then you got these hurricanes, you got a tsunami hitting the geographical area of New York City. So you see in desolation. And also, if you notice, at the bottom right here, you see a scorpion. Because a scorpion represents a transformation of cycles, rebirth, balancement. You see, Then you got the Brooklyn Bridge at the top, right here, being eradicated. Like I said, this was created in 1892. So all this is basically the embodiment of the ninth hour, because the ninth hour embodies the end of a cycle or the end of a time, the end of an age, which is completion.

And the completion is due to the fact that you’re going to have to create this dynamic of a transformative cycle of death and rebirth. So scorpions have a great personality of magnetism, great powers, persuasion abilities. So everything is being transformed. So this is why you see the scorpion at the bottom right here, right? Understand their symbolism, because symbolism is going to be their downfall. And it also could denote the fact that all this can happen during the time of Scorpio from October 23rd to November 21st. And hurricane season is over in November 29th. So there’s a, you know, there’s a synchronicity there.

Right? Now, when you look at this, you see this Kabbalah structure right here on the church, right? And it’s basically denoting the fact that when you look at the lightning fast of creation, the lightning flash of creation was basically connected to the book of Genesis. When you’re talking about the creation of the simulation, not the creation of the world, right, which is basically the epitome of 777 Zigzag, Zig. Then you have the serpent of wisdom, right, which is basically six electrons, six protons, six neutrons, which is the activation of a carbon body that goes into a crystalline state.

And crystallization is 616. Six protons, one neutron, six electrons, right? So that is basically the crystallized structure that goes in within your physiology that also works in tandem with planet Earth. Because inside the planet you have monolithic crystal structures that has a positive electrical frequency that works in synergy with the space time continuum along with the black sun, along with the magnetic field in the Birkeland current, right? So this is why you see this right here, because this, where you see my cursor, it represents the creation of the simulation. This represents the destruction of the simulation.

Because when you have the Kundalini energy activated, the energy of Ophiuchus, the 13th sign of the zodiac, will, the black sun. The black sun is what causes the movement of the tectonic plates, right? So that’s what, you know, that’s what that’s basically talking about, this destruction. That’s why you see the serpent right here. When you look at, on the left, right here, you see the serpent because the serpent is going to denote the fact that the energy is going to be increased. So you also, when you look at the monolithic structure right here on this pillar, is showing you the four Horsemen, right? Remember I told you the four Horsemen are basically the embodiment of the four gas giant planets that works in synergy with the four basic elements, Earth, air, water, fire, right? So this is also in conjunction with the four gas giants that creates the fire triangle that’s going to create this desolation on planet Earth from this energy that you see, right? The four gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus.

Because remember, a tetrahedron is connected to the mitochondria of planet Earth. The Nanosuit of that energy creates a fire triangle. A fire triangle is basically a form of gamma radiation, which is ether that collaborates with the four basic elements, that is your four horsemen. So that’s why when a planet speeds up in vibration, they trying to cool off the planet. Because they know we going through a magnetic reversal which will basically activate the magnetic field that is connected to the magnetosphere. And that creates a portal of energy that’s connected to the Birkeland current. So that is going to create the rainbow event to where it’s going to create this influx of energy to the heartbeat of planet Earth, right? Which is the Schumann resonance by going from 7.83 MHz frequency to 13.13 MHz frequency, which is the Queen Mother seed.

Right? Because magnetic fields are portals, portals to a other dimensional reality, a different space and time. And that space and time they showing you that there’s going to be an ancient, you know, cataclysm that’s going to be taking place because you just like you had the land of Moo, you know, at the close of an age, you had the land of Moo, you had Lemuria, you had Atlantis. All these ancient civilizations went through a process of desolation because it had to go through a shifting process to a basically eradicated the hedonistic concepts that was projected by westernized culture and these draconian reptilians under Draconian law.

Now one thing you understand, like we at the close of an age, we at the end of the Piscion age of darkness. So this is where you’re going to have the 12 portals of Enoch activated. One thing you gotta understand is that the map is flipped upside down. So this, what you see is three portals. You got four different gates and each gate has three portals. So you got 12 portals of Enoch. And one thing you gotta understand about Enoch, Enoch is another nomenclature title for Tahooti or Thoth. That’s the same entity. You just gotta understand the mythology.

So this also correlates to the last transmission I put out talking about the black sun and the emerald tablets of Tahuti. Now, right? So in the book of Enoch, the portals are openings of the firmament. Like I said, the magnetic field is being activated and it’s going to decrease by 10% when you have the lunar light, like energy that was connected to the lunar cycle being eradicated by these gamma radiation frequencies. So the openings in the firmament are basically portals that allow astronomical meteorological phenomenon to pass between heaven and Earth. Right? So when you go to chapter 76 in the book of Enoch, it’s telling you about the 12 portals.

You got a portal of desolation, you got a portal of prosperity, you have a portal of purification, and then you also have a portal that basically created this dynamic of the fact that we have, you know, this lunar frequency in our atmosphere, right? So this is where you know when these portals is going to be activated. That is going to be the seventh seal. But these portals is going to be activated during the time of Solar Cycle 25, because that’s when the sun is at solar maximum. When the sun is at solar maximum. This is where you get wars.

This is where you get desolation, the abomination of desolation. This is where you get people to start to glitch out and their neurological faculties start to be manipulated by the energies of the sun, right? Because these portals are also interconnected to the firmament. So when the portals are activated, these, these portals is basically going to eradicate the electrical grid system, solar cycle 25. So this is where you’re going to have, just like you had Lemuria was flooded, the land of Moo was flooded, Atlantis was flooded. The great majority of America is going to be flooded, right? You got to understand that because like I said, we live in cycles within cycles.

And these cycles at the close of an age have to go through a verification process. What goes around comes around. Because energy expands and returns to itself by way of the law of the conservation of energy. Because this energy that was on Atlantis, the energy that was on the land of Moo, the energy that was in Babylon, is still here, right? So it’s not a coincidence that, you know, one thing you got to understand about the prophetic map, when you have the post shift being activated in full spectrum, you got all these land masses, just like I was telling you about the, the ancestic zone that’s connected to the New Madrid fault line, where you see my cursor at, right? Then you got the great majority of Texas gone.

Remember these? All the, Everything that was connected to the four gas giant planets, and it was connected to the four gas giant cities. All these cities that was, that worked in synergy with the four gas giant planets are basically underwater, right? You got Saturn, Texas, you got Jupiter, Florida, Uranus, Missouri and Neptune, Ohio. All these places is basically underwater. When you look at the futuristic map of the futuristic map of the United States. So this is why you see billionaires buying land and other land in other places, right? Not a coincidence. You got all this area in California underwater Everything on the Eastern seaboard underwater.

The great majority of everything on the east coast is underwater. It even looks like some parts of Atlanta is underwater. So it’s not a coincidence that all this stuff is taking place. But the inception in the mechanics of that map came from Alec Belik, al Beelik in 19, who was born in 1927. Now, he was the person that he discovered, you know, something in the Montauk project that led to the Philadelphia experiment, right? Now what during that process, he was exposing about the life of extraterrestrial life, and he was also exposing time travel. And one thing you understand about the futuristic map of.

The futuristic map of United States, it came from him because he said that when in a Montauk project, they made a ship disappear, but he also experienced time travel. And he was able to time travel into. Into the year of. Excuse me, into the year of 2025. And he said that this is the map that he’s seen. What you looking at right here? So the futuristic map of the United States is coming from this man named al Bielek in 1927. Right? He was born in 1927, but he put out this information in the 80s. So this is why the CIA map is in conjunction with his experience of what he’s seen in 2025.

Right? So all this stuff is connected. The four gas giant planets connected to the four cities that’s named after the four gas planets. All those cities were basically underwater. You can’t make this up because you have an ancestic zone in Ohio, and it’s. All this stuff is being activated by a chain of reaction from the frequencies of a tetrahedron, right? So this is why you gotta understand paleism. This is where you have geometrical shapes, take patterns that’s acclimated to forms of nature. So you got all these cities that was in the futuristic map of the United States underwater, and it created a tetrahedron over this landmass.

Also, you can’t negate the fact that the April 8 solar eclipse, the black sun went over the middle of this area where you see my cursor, where you. When you’re talking about the seismic zone of the New Madrid fault line in Little Egypt, in Carbon Dale, Illinois, notice you see the word carbon, dark matter energy, right? That is connected to the etheric network of the universe, right? You cannot make none of this stuff up. Now, getting back to the presentation. Now it’s talking about the, you know, the portals, when you’re gonna have locusts, desolation, purification. Because like I said, the planet has to go through a reset.

We in reset mode right now. That’s why, you know, everything is kind of like glitching out, everything is getting exposed. All these energies that’s on the planet right now is exposing the dualistic paradox of the energy extraction matrix. So you’re going to have wars, you’re going to see more desolation, more hurricanes, you’re going to have, you know, from land masses that’s outside of the firmament, coming into the firmament, right? It’s going to be a lot of stuff taking place. And it also tells you in the or Oriental freemasonry book that America is actually Atlantis, right? And one thing you gotta understand about Atlantis, it operated on frequencies of tetrahedrons because it connected to the space time continuum, these frequencies that was basically in alignment with all the pyramid structures that they had in those certain land masses by way of geomancy.

Now this is where we get into the, the extraterrestrial stuff. Now one thing you got to understand about this part is that these energies on the planet that’s conducive to the magnetic pole shift, they’re basically these, these, these drones or spaceships, these shams, these motherships, whatever you want to call them, all these spaceships in our atmosphere is basically terraforming the our atmosphere into a omnicron state, right? And omnicron, one thing you got to understand about the word omnicron, Omnicron is an energy, it’s a solar frequency, right? It’s a solar frequency that’s connected to the octave vibration of ether, right? Because one thing you gotta understand about spaceships, spaceships move off the vibration and oscillating signals of ether, right? That’s why when you visit the, the children of Zimbabwe, they said that when they saw spaceships in the air, they heard a flute noise.

A flute has a e energy to it, ether. So omnicron based atmosphere, they’re basically trying to make it conducive to, incompatible to their, to their shams and ships or whatever, these extraterrestrial entities. So I’m gonna show you a video that’s basically correlated to everything that I’m basically talking about. Because the more you have these solar frequen coming in these, these colossal corona mass ejections, the more you’re going to have an influx of energy hitting the magnetic field that is streamed down from the magnetosphere in the Birkeland current, the more you have these energies being activated in Solar Cycle 25.

This is where you’re going to have Full disclosure, because you cannot masquerade the illusion under, under the subatomic energy of the lunar light lock frequency in the age of the piscion, age of darkness, under the lunar cycle. Because one thing you got to understand is that gamma radiation, UV radiation, when you have the magnetic field activated in full spectrum, it basically crumbles the subatomic energy of the photon like spectrum. It basically eradicates it. So they won’t be able to, they won’t be able to hide these, the fact that the planet is going through a state of metamorphosis.

And once it reaches the apex of metamorphosis, this is when you’re going to start to see more and more spacious. Because the subatomic particles is what cloaks the illusion, right? That’s what creates the illusion, the illusion of third density. Basically everything that you see in third density is a form of. It’s a dual, It’s a, it’s a paradox, right? It’s a dualistic paradox, right, that is acclimated to the two physical eyes. So this is why in the year of 2025, they know that we’re going to have a lot of seers, right? And this is where they’re going to have another lockdown.

And when we have another lockdown, they’re going to try to create another form of a draconian juice to lock down your genetical structure to where you won’t be able to see beyond the illusion that’s basically getting eradicated in your face to where you start to see extraterrestrial entities and spaceships and things of that nature. Because we, in a time right now, full disclosure, we in divine alignment. The divine alignment is the symbology of the fact that, you know, you’re going to have the rainbow event. I’m gonna play these videos because I’m talking too much. First, first video I’m gonna play is this one.

Because a lot of people, they have a misconception and they’re in their perception of a rapture is misconstrued when you’re talking about a rapture. Just like during the times of desolation, when you talking about, you know, when you look inside the Grand Canyon, you know, the Grand Canyon shows you that there were basically areas where some of, some of the indigenous people went inside the subterranean kingdoms, inside planet Earth to escape the calamity from the flooding. Because you had many different floods before the flood of Noah, right? So the same thing is actually taking place in real time when it comes to this timeline.

Because one thing you understand Right before we have the divine alignment of the activation of the geomagnetic pole shift in full spectrum, what’s going to happen is you’re going to have a so called rapture. And a rapture is a basically a mass sacrifice that’s going to be taking place that is going to be engineered by these draconian reptilian, which is basically a form of a smorgasbord, a smorgasbord feast for those that are basically left behind during the time of the rapture. When you have the magnetic pole shift being activated and full spectrum, like I said, because the magnetic pole shift, this is where these shams, these, these spaceships is going to come down and start to save people, take them to different locations, take them to the subterranean kingdoms.

When you’re talking about the city of our Garth and Shambala or many different places, the Crystal City, they’re going to start removing certain individuals. That’s why in that movie, the Cosmic Slot, what he said, what the extraterrestrial said, they only wanted the black people, they only wanted indigenous people off the land mass. And then once they got everybody, I think the planet blew up. I believe so. Same thing actually takes place when you’re talking about a so called rapture. A rapture is a form of a raptor, which is a reptilian, right, that is connected to the Canaanite factions who control the world.

So I’m gonna play this video because like I said, we in a time of full disclosure, they cannot hide it because the subatomic particles is being eradicated by the magnetic field. Because the magnetic field is pulling down intelligence from the magnetosphere. That is the boat, the abode of the most high. I’mma play this video. Moses, Jesusism, Muhammadism, 165. Yet as revelations pointed out, when they return with the king of kings, lords of lords, they will come to, as verse 18 of Revelation 19 says, that you may eat the flesh of kings rulers and the flesh of captain leaders, and the flesh of mighty men, the sons of the sons of Elohim, as in Genesis chapter 6 verses 4 through 5.

The offspring of Adamites, women with extraterrestrial giants, and the flesh of horses, animals and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, people both free, Takasu and Bondi, both small, poor and great rich. 166. So they have no clue what the adverse is, what the adverse forces of 6 ether has planned for them with their unnatural ether energy. Those who follow Abraham. So like I said, we in that Time we in a. We’re in a time of full disclosure. We are in the time of full disclosure because solar cycle 25 is going to expose everything you got the four gas giant planets that’s going to be in our atmosphere, that’s going to create a configuration around planet Earth from October 24th all the way up until April 25th, I believe, right.

So the rainbow event is going to be happening. Right? So for those, you know, for those who say that a lot of stuff is a conspiracy if they put it in the publications, because like I said, we in a time to where, you know, by way of universal law, they got to give us the truth. But it’s up to you to basically discern and decipher the information. In the Daily Mail, Drones drone swarms targeting US military bases are operated by mothership UFO claims. Top Pentagon official. This is in the Daily Mail, right, Telling you, right here, take a screenshot of this publication.

You know, I’m saying senior ex Pentagon security officials Chris Mellon told Daily that the episode was part of a much larger pattern affecting numerous and national security installations. Right. So this is not a conspiracy. You, when you look at, you know, some of these, the hieroglyphics and, and they got cuneiform language all throughout the Grand Canyon, right? And it’s talking about the Anasi people or the Ant people, which are basically another nomenclature title for the Anunnaki, right? So I’m gonna play another video. So it’s not a conspiracy. So if you’re. How you gonna say everything is a conspiracy when your ancestors believe in these certain things.

So if you connected to your ancestors, that means that you should be in alignment with the same ideology when it comes to your ancestors, if you really trust them that much, because they left everything, you know, by way of hieroglyphics, transgressive art, neoclassical art, all these things is basically in the arts. But you got to understand the symbolism. I’m going to play some more videos that basically denotes the fact that we’re going through a metamorphosis. We’re going through a different change, we’re going through a different space and time. They have to give us the truth about these extraterrestrial entities.

You’re going to see more and more of these in our atmosphere. The more you’re going to have the eradication of the cosmic energy grid system. Because like I said, a magnetic field activated is a portal. Right? I’m play the video. Okay. I do not know what’s going on right now. I heard A noise. I come outside, there’s sirens blaring and I see this huge trail in the sky. Yes, it’s midnight right now and there’s this huge trail like something crash landed. What the heck is that? What is this? So we in that time right now, right? We in that.

We definitely in that time. So that’s why I say it’s got to be very meticulous about what’s going on. They putting the signs right in front of your face and it’s going to get weirder and weirder as we go through this great awakening process. It’s going to get weird. A lot of stuff that you’ve seen in movies is going to be coming to fruition. Another video, all this stuff came out in the past week. Lower report alleges existence of a secret Pentagon UAP and UFO program and it’s called Immaculate Constellation. The report turned over to Congress claims the government has high resolution pictures of UAPs.

In the latest episode of News Nation’s Reality Check, Ross Colthart sat down with Michael Schellenberger, the independent journalist bespoke to that whistleblower. I hope at some point it does become public. It’s a fascinating. There’s much more in it that I could than I could summarize in the article. But there’s just a fascinating description of different UAPS that we’ve all heard about. Orbs and Tic Tac and discs and triangles and boomerangs and all the different. You think about the Phoenix lights and so if you have some familiarity with the big UAP cases, it’s very striking to see that there is a database of UAPS captured apparently by the Defense Department and the intelligence community in a database that Congress, at a minimum, the gangster have access to.

That would be something that’s on the latest episode of News Nation’s Reality Check. All you gotta do is just scan this QR code on your screen to watch that episode. Right now? Not right now, after I talk to Ross here. Joining me now I have News Nation special correspondent Ross Colehart. Ross, good morning to you. Give us more. What more do we know about the whistleblower and this Immaculate Constellation program? Well, good morning Mikey. And firstly it’s multiple whistleblowers that are backing. So like I said, it’s not a conspiracy no more. They put it right in your face.

They put it all in the television because like I said, it’s a part of the ascension process. Right. Another video showing you UFOs in the sky disappearing in midair. So this took place in Arizona, Tuckson, Arizona, on October 5th. You see them in the atmosphere, they disappear. Another time, it happened in Lafayette, Indiana, on October 13, the day before my birthday. The day before Indigenous People Day. And one thing you gotta understand about the last solar eclipse that we had, or the black sun, the reassurance of it, which it was the ring of fire, that on October 14th.

This is another one right here in New York City. October 14th. That was the last annual solar eclipse we had in, in last October. And now it’s Indigenous People Day. Well, it was Indigenous people Day on October 14th of this year. So many synchronicities. So it’s not coincidence that all this stuff is happening. You got another one over US Military airspace. Air Force official confirmed several unmanned drones flew over Langley Air Force Base in Virginia last December. It’s been brought up at a number of congressional hearings that even reached President Biden. The paragon is still not saying what officials think these things really are.

Joe Khalil is live for us at the Capitol. But, Joe, what are lawmakers telling you? Notice he said he’s seen a fleet of objects floating over the air base in Virginia. I’mma play it back. Which is the division within the Pentagon that investigates UAPs or UFOs or anomalous phenomena, things that we can’t really explain. Arrow was involved directly in this investigation right alongside the FBI and trying to figure out what these things were. Which means that the Pentagon at least had some consideration that this might be something we could explain with the knowledge that we have.

The cities that all this happened back in December of 2023. These things, whatever they are flying and hovering over land. Air Force Base in Virginia. It’s housing one of the DOD’s largest and most important military infrastructure and some of our most advanced fighter jets there. What you’re watching right now is exclusive video of these things that a person came forward to News Nation and gamers. This is a witness who lives in the area nearby. And he just watched seeing these drones. He estimated to be about the size of cars. And that is actually also corroborated. He said that the drones were the size of cars.

These are spaceships. Right? So with that being said, that means that denotes the fact that Dr. York was right the whole time. Officials, military officials, generals that have seen these things in person now say in the Wall Street Journal report that these things were about 20ft long, that they were about 100 miles an hour, going back speed or faster at an elevation of 3 to 4,000, 3,000, hovering at times over our very important Air Force Base and we stretch again. We don’t know what these lights are that you are seeing. The Pentagon has not clarified but one reason that there’s speculation that they may not be an adversary like China or Russia trying to spy is because they’re right there out the open.

There seems to be no effort to be low key or try to hide this, which is what you might expect when one government tries to spy on another government. So take a look to what Ryan Brains, former Air Force pilot told News Nation. He’s also now an advocate for other military pilots who have seen UAPs and are now coming forward and reporting them. This is what he said about that 2023 incident. We are seeing his objects blinking with white lights not in the, not the stroke pattern that one would expect due to FAA regulations, but patterns that don’t seem to meet any, anything that I’m aware of.

Additionally, the objects apparently have been lit up, the large number of them while they’re operating over the base itself. So it did not appear, at least from the information I received, that these objects were trying to conceal their location for their presence. I’ve talked to a number of senators, we still say they are not sure what these are. They speculate one reason or another. Who reached out to the Pentagon today for expert clarification. So far I’ve not. All right, Joe Kras there in Washington. Joe, thank you. Well back here in Chicago. So we in that time.

So be prepared for whatever, you know, everything is basically what is to come now. Now one thing you gotta understand about the mental curse on the planet. The mental curse were best was basically erected during the time of, you know, 3470 AD during the time of ancient Babylon, that is when you had the Luciferian Anunnaki. They created this device called, you know, they created the, the Ark of the Covenant. Right. So in three, in 3470 AD the arc of the Covenant was basically created. And during the time of ancient Babylon and the arcade, the Covenant basically created this frequency.

It was an inverted frequency that basically dematerialized and collapsed the mortar cortex gland of the brain that is in conducive with the monolithic structure of the Tower of Babel. Right. So the mortar cortex gland of the brain is also working in synergy with your ability to speak. Because during that time period it was a fifth dimensional civilization and we was able to have telepathic abilities. So this electrical capacitor basically put an encryption over the mind. So if you notice, if you look at the tips of the Wings is basically the cherubim. The cherubin are the negative factions of the Anunnaki, right.

That created the existence of this civil simulation, right? The archonic forces is what I’m talking about. So that’s why I said like now when you have the restoration of the python gland, the activation of the hippocampus layer of the brain, this is where you get these abilities back. That was connected to the motor cortex gland of the brain, right? So during this process, a lot of these entities that you don’t really see, you’re going to be start to see them in the future because your vibration is starting to, you know, rise up. Because the more your vibration rises up, that’s when you’re able to see beyond the illusion of the Piscion Age of darkness.

You’ll be able to see beyond the illusion of third density, meaning that you don’t have. You’re not subjugated by the limitations of the trivial and mundane aspects of, of the physical world. Because now we’re having a colliding of the physical and the spiritual world at the same time. Because we’re going to a, a transition of a fifth dimensional state. We almost there. We almost there. I feel, in my opinion, I think that fifth dimension ideology is going to come and materialize in the year of 2025. During that process, right now we’re kind of at the apex.

But When Solar Cycle 25 hits, that’s when you’re going to see the restoration of all of the great majority of our neurological faculties that was eradicated by the arc of the Covenant, that was created by these negative factions of the Anunnaki, the Luciferian Anunnaki, the one who controls the Canaanites, right? Because one thing you got to understand is that the motor cortex gland of the brain, when the posoelectrical frequency, the negative frequencies from the Ark of the Covenant, it basically scrambled the brain and it basically put a damage encryption over your DNA structure because your DNA is also tether connected to your neurological faculties.

So these energies that’s being activated by the magnet magnetosphere in the magnetic field, that’s when you’re going to have the restoration of the rebirth of everything that was conducive to right knowledge on the right side of your brain, right? So I’m gonna do a quick rundown for those coming in, because when what you gotta understand is that the ninth hour of the energy of the cosmic serpent, of the rainbow energy over the planet. The rainbow event basically denotes the fact that it’s a Direction of propagation. When you have the close of an age and you shift in the cycle of time.

So when you shift in a different cycle of time, right, this is all being connected to the four gas giant planets. That works in synergy with the four cities that’s connected to those names. And those names create a tetrahedron over planet Earth or over the geographical landmass of America, it creates a tetrahedron. A tetrahedron is basically imbalanced with unity, balance, and interconnectedness of all things in the Fibonacci sequence of nature. That is basically a form of paleonism, which is where you have sacred geometrical shapes take up on things in nature, right? So that fire triangle is connected to the mitochondria of planet Earth.

And the nanosuit is going to create a chain of reaction that’s going to manipulate the ecosystem and the ecology of the planet. And it happens by way of the conservation of energy, which is a form of spiritual evolution. As you go through a karmic cycle where you have death and rebirth. And that death and rebirth is going to be the embodiment of the activation of the pole shift. When you have the chakras of planet Earth in alignment, when you have these energies from the four gas giant planets collaborating with the four basic elements, which are basically the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, that’s conducive to the processional circle of the equinox of a sun cycle and a moon cycle.

So these are the four layers that have a wave of vibration, and it creates a trilateral connection that’s connected to the three suns. And these energies is speeding up in vibration. When it speeds up in vibration, that’s when the planet heats up. Earth is a feminine planet. It’s a tropical planet. So this is why, you know, the factions of the Luciferian government, they are basically creating hybrid coral reef farms inside the bodies of water to basically cool off the planet. But like I said, when the planet is going through a different space and time, there’s a different eco system.

So where they were subjugating nature, nature actually fights back. So this is why the starfish are eating the coral reefs, right? Because like I said, anything that’s connected to the mitochondria of planet Earth is connected to the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is gonna cause an activation in nature where you have a magnetic pole shift. So that is going to be the unlocking of the seven seal and solar cycle 25. Two plus five equals seven. Seven is in alignment with the Chakra system. Of US and planet Earth, which is going to create the rainbow event of the magnetic field.

Because the magnetic field is basically a concentric interstellar vortex portal that takes you to a different space and time. So the space and time was being completed by the third dimension, but now it’s going to be finished in the fifth dimension. Tells you right here in the publication that a magnetic field are hidden portals, right? And then you go into the science of it, neoclassical art. They tell you about the pole ship that’s going to be taking place and things of that nature. And then I go into the book of enoch and the 12 portals and how it’s connected.

So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen. Hold on for a second. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, in order to. With that being said, ladies and gentlemen, in order to reverse the polarity and break the spell of the encryption of the lunar light lock energy, you got to tap back into your imagination, because your imagination is the app or the Google app store to your neurological faculties, right? And it’s all being activated by the magnetic field of the planet. That’s going to create a rainbow event. You’re going to see an amalgamation of many different rainbows on the planet.

And that is going to be the last sign to denote the fact that the planet is about to have a magnetic reversal, right? So that’s why I said you have to get your resources in order. Everything is starting to speed up in vibration. When things start to speed up in vibration, that basically creates time dilation. Time dilation to where time is no longer being subjugated by the entities that was controlling the simulation. Because the simulation is being eradicated by the magnetosphere in a magnetic field being activated that creates portals. All these portals is acclimated to the mythology of the book of Enoch.

When you’re Talking about the 12 portals, right, all these things is coming to pass in real time. So this is why they trying to give you full disclosure in the media about extraterrestrials, because you can no longer subjugate the. You can no longer hide the illusion. Everything is basically getting exposed. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, solar cycle 25 is when you’re going to have the activation of the chakra points of planet Earth. You’re going to have many different things, you know, activated. You’re going to have, you know, you got the four gas giant planets in our atmosphere until April 25th.

Pay attention to the signs. So with that said being said, ladies and gentlemen, get this video out there, 1014, we will put an End to this with only one less friend Now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from disguise so thanks for this Mercury that I’m about to receive and thank you for my health and all the good memories thanks for the courage taken on another day When I used to not believe but now I know about grace Stay away from the fire cause the flames does burn Go with your gut feeling when it’s wrong you learn for everyone Step I take the Lord takes two and do unto others if you want it done unto you huh it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the this is a completion the selfish proto Grecian Amerindian Phoenician I’m the last of the mojito the bastard of the land the pear melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of Atlanta for the avalanche seized it I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased better than the medicine for seven different treatments try to ride away but end up getting seasick to sleep and fill my words like braille and they’re awakened with the penmanship appendix strip written in them Vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the wrong with going left when you know it’s right Fighting off more than I can chew that’s an overbite black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all alone they was on the same page History it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me all the ladder to the land it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts
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climate change and coral reefs Earth's chakra points activation Earth's original alignment restoration Earth's vibration increase futuristic United States map gas giant planets and geographical locations Kundalini energy activation magnetic pole shift effects Montauk project time nature and astrology connections rainbow event prediction tectonic plate shifts tetrahedron symbol of unity

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