MrMBB333 Something REALLY bizarre happened just HOURS after the eclipse!

Something Really Bizarre Happened Just Hours After The Eclipse -

Explore the cosmos from your couch with our latest video blog. Delve into recent astronomical phenomena, from solar eclipses to daytime Venus sightings. Witness a blazing Idaho meteor, an M class solar flare, seismic activities at Yellowstone, and the Schumann Resonance. Plus, enjoy stunning eclipse shadow images captured through tree branches. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Cyborgs ARE HERE (2023) The BEAST INSIDE!

Cyborgs Are Here 2023 The Beast Inside -

In a world rapidly advancing towards a fusion of man and machine, the military stands at the forefront of cyborg technology. Dive into an illuminating exploration of cutting-edge developments in brain, ear, and eye implants tailored for combat and strategic advantage. Unveiling the profound implications and possibilities of this tech, Nephtali1981 delivers a comprehensive analysis exclusively on This deep dive probes not only the innovations themselves but also the ethical, tactical, and future implications of such advancements. As the line between human capabilities and technological enhancements blurs, get an insider’s look into the future of warfare and defense.

“The Enigma Surrounding Princess Diana’s Demise and Memorial: Unveiling the Esoteric Significance”

Princess Diana

Tommy Truthful delves deep into the mysterious circumstances surrounding Princess Diana’s untimely demise, unveiling a potential tapestry of ritualistic intent. Drawing attention to the eerie coincidence of Diana’s fatal accident occurring near the 13th pillar in Paris, he connects this to ancient practices where offerings were made to Diana, the revered goddess. This poignant analysis suggests that Princess Diana’s fate might not have been a mere accident but a calculated sacrificial act by royal bloodlines, entangled with occult symbolism and traditions.


The Satanic Hip Hop Industry Exposed Follow Up Part 5 -

The underbelly of the hip-hop industry reveals startling truths, with evident connections to satanic influences that many remain oblivious to. A prevalent sign of this is the pervasive use of the ‘all-seeing eye’ symbolism, a motif that frequently appears in the imagery, videos, and even gestures of some of the industry’s biggest celebrities. Yebo, a valiant soldier in the Truth Mafia, has taken it upon himself to shine a light on these dark corners. His meticulous research and keen eye for detail expose the depths to which this symbolism infiltrates the industry, urging listeners and viewers to question the true intent behind these symbols and the power structures that perpetuate them.

“Unveiling the Cinematic Threads: Society-1989-movie Unexpected Connection to 9/11” Tommy Truthful & Paranoid American


In the latest riveting episode of the “Conspiracy Cinema” podcast, Tommy Truthful, the esteemed leader of the Truth Mafia, and Paranoid American delve deep into the nuances of the 1989 film, “Society”. This dynamic duo masterfully uncovers the film’s eerie connections to the events of 9/11, the controversial topic of mandatory vaccines, and the enigmatic presence of shape-shifting interdimensional entities. Their insights shine a light on the subtle art of predictive programming, the practice of ‘lesser magic’, and the ‘revelation of the method’ techniques used in cinematic storytelling. This episode stands as a testament to the power of movies in reflecting and perhaps even foretelling societal trajectories. A must-listen for those intrigued by the interplay between film, reality, and hidden truths.

The State of Female Rap

The State Of Female Rap -

Seethruthescript offers a compelling deep dive into the world of female rap, standing out as one of the foremost decoders within the truth mafia community. Employing the ancient art of gematria, Seethruthescript meticulously unravels the covert messages embedded within the entertainment and music industries. Through keen analysis, it becomes evident how certain aspects of female rap may inadvertently guide women towards adopting a ‘ratchet’ persona, encouraging them to resonate on lower vibrational frequencies. By highlighting these nuances, Seethruthescript challenges listeners to critically engage with the music, fostering awareness of its potential subconscious impacts.

Truth in Movies! #95 The Secret of NIMH

Truth In Movies 95 The Secret Of Nimh -

Jay Dreamerz offers an intriguing exploration into the depths of cinematic narratives, uncovering hidden truths that many overlook. Through his astute analyses, he reveals how movies subtly allude to the enigmatic plasma apocalypse, a cataclysmic event that has been given various names, from the pole shift to the Phoenix phenomenon. By connecting the dots between art and ancient prophecies, Jay Dreamerz invites viewers to delve beyond the screen and into a world where fiction and reality intertwine, shedding light on age-old mysteries that resonate with our collective consciousness.

Understanding Chaldean Numerology and its Origins

Chaldean Numerology

Tommy Truthful delves into the intricate world of Chaldean Gematria, tracing its ancient origins and the profound wisdom it encapsulates. He sheds light on the enigmatic number 666, elucidating its deep-seated connection to the very fabric of our DNA. With a critical lens, Tommy explores why global elites have historically gravitated towards the Chaldean cipher. Intriguingly, the Chaldean system embraces numbers one through eight, conspicuously leaving out the number nine. Tommy posits that this omission is not accidental; to the Chaldeans, the number nine held such divine significance that it stood apart, transcending mere numerical representation.

Israel’s Powerful Military: A Weapon Unleashed

Israel'S Powerful Military: A Weapon Unleashed

The Israeli army has decided to use the M270 MLRS long-range missile system against Hamas. This could be considered a surprising move, as it is a weapon that local military have not used for almost two decades. We remind you of its key features.

The Holy War Origins of Friday the 13th

The Holy War Origins Of Friday The 13Th -

The date Friday the 13th has long been shrouded in superstition and mystery, but few realize its profound connection to the historical tensions between Israel and Palestine. This ominous date takes on added significance when we delve into the annals of the Holy War and the tragic fate of the Knights Templar. These Templars, once a potent force during the Crusades, established significant footholds in the Holy Land and played intricate roles in the religious and political landscapes. Their vast influence and wealth, however, made them a target. On a fateful Friday the 13th in 1307, many Templars met a gruesome end, accused of heresy and burned at the stake. This event not only solidified the date’s ill-reputed legacy but also served as a somber reminder of the intricate web of religion, power, and betrayal that continues to shape the Israeli-Palestinian conflict today.


Israel War: Black Swan Event

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict that erupted in 2023 was unmistakably a black swan event – an unpredictable occurrence with profound consequences. Intriguingly, several astute decoders, including Jordan from “Waters Above” and Tommy Truthful, the spearhead of the “Truth Mafia,” had foreseen this event. Their predictions resonated with eerie precision as the conflict aligned with the 322nd-year anniversary of the enigmatic Skull and Bones society on October 9th, 2023. Merely two days prior, the war had ostensibly commenced, adding layers of intrigue and speculation around the profound significance of these dates and their interconnected narratives.

9/11 Memorial Jumper 33-year-old man in a clear Saturn ritual!

Saturn Cube

NYC man, 33, leaps into North Pool at 9/11 Memorial, survives and is arrested In a clear Saturn ritual broke down by Tommy Truthful leader of the Truth Mafia.

Decode your Reality Gematria Decode – LETS TALK ABOUT THE WAR MOVIE

Lets Talk About The War Movie -

In a captivating analysis, Logan from “Decode Your Reality” delves into the mystical realm of Chaldean Gematria to unravel the deeper meanings behind current events. With tensions escalating globally, his aptly titled decode, “Palestine and Israel,” becomes even more poignant. Drawing parallels from the art of cinema, particularly war movies, Logan’s insights offer a fresh perspective on longstanding conflicts. His methodological approach, using ancient numerological systems, invites viewers to see beyond the surface and contemplate the cosmic interplay of numbers, names, and narratives. This decode is not just an exploration of a geopolitical crisis; it’s a journey into the intricate tapestry of history, destiny, and the unseen forces that shape our world.

Police Encounters with DEMONS | Demonic Sightings are Happening Worldwide 2023

Police Encounters With Demons Demonic Sightings Are Happening Worldwide 2023 -

“In the gripping documentary ‘Sling and Stone: Police Encounters with DEMONS,’ audiences are taken on a chilling journey into the most unexpected corners of law enforcement encounters. As 2023 witnesses a surge in unexplained phenomena, officers from around the globe share their harrowing experiences with entities that defy human understanding. These demonic sightings, captured on body cameras and surveillance footage, have sent shockwaves throughout the community. Narrated by the acclaimed creator of the ‘Video Sling and Stone’ series, this film delves into the spiritual, psychological, and societal implications of these supernatural confrontations. As the world grapples with these unsettling events, ‘Sling and Stone’ poses a question: What happens when the protectors of our physical realm come face-to-face with forces from the unknown?”


The Satanic Hip Hop Industry Exposed Follow Up Part 3 -

“Racio Sayez, Mark Gilly, Billy Corgan, and other luminaries have been spotted flaunting Freemasonry-inspired symbols and attire. This intriguing trend has sparked curiosity about their potential ties to the secretive world of Freemasonry. Is it mere fashion or a deeper connection?” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

MrMBB333 These PROBABLY werent supposed to be SEEN!


Explore atmospheric wonders in this video compilation featuring daytime and nighttime sky phenomena. Witness unusual sky portals, continuous lightning displays, a breathtaking supermoon in Maysville, Virginia, super lightning footage, vibrant skies, and mysterious stationary lights in Adelaide, Australia. A visual feast for those intrigued by the mysteries of our atmosphere. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Archaix Great Silk Road of Rome: Max and I Present with Photos this Most Startling Revelation

Great Silk Road Of Rome Max And I Present With Photos This Most Startling Revelation -

In a riveting exploration of historical curiosities, Jason Brashears challenges conventional beliefs about the Great Wall of China. Suggesting it aligns with the Silk Road, he proposes it may not have been solely a defensive structure. This perspective, based on architectural anomalies and construction patterns, hints at a bustling trade route, contradicting popular narratives. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

“Unveiling the Mysteries: Albert Pike’s Three World Wars, Black Magic in Hollywood, and Gilgamesh Resurrection Technology” Tommy Truthful Live 10-11-23

Three World Wars

Three World Wars by Tommy Truthful – Greg Reese – Numb3rs Dont Li3 10-11-23  Saturn Ritual! “TOMMY EXPOSES: Unmasking False Flag Events in Israel” In this extensive episode of the Truth Mafia podcast, we delve deep into the predictions of 33rd-degree Freemason Albert Pike regarding the Three World Wars. Join me, Tommy Truthful, your host, […]

Hollywood Demystified – Archetypal Transference and Metaphysical Mind Control

Hollywood Demystified Archetypal Transference And Metaphysical Mind Control -

“In the realm of hidden meanings, the ancient art of Gematria collides with Carl Jung’s groundbreaking insights on the collective unconscious. While Gematria unveils the numerological significance behind words, Jung’s archetypes reveal the universal patterns embedded in human psyche. Melded together, they form a fascinating tapestry of symbolic interpretations, especially evident in the mystique of Hollywood. Behind its glittering façade, Hollywood wields a powerful tool: Black Magic. A form of manipulation that arguably leans on archetypal resonance to control and influence the masses. It begs the question: in the nexus of Gematria, Jungian psychology, and cinematic sorcery, how much of what we see is genuine, and how much is a dance of shadows?”