Is There About To Be A Fake Alien Invasion?

Truthmafia-Is There About To Be A Fake Alien Invasion?

Brian Wilson reveals Wernher von Braun’s deathbed warning of an alien invasion staged by the United States government in light of bombshell claims from an intelligence official turned whistleblower. Red Pilled TV   The Las Vegas alien incidents connection to Satan! Click on Image to Enlarge.   Energy Harvest=167 CARTOONS PREDICTING THE 2023 ALIEN EVENT… […]

Mel Gibson: Hollywood Elite Trying To Kill Me for Exposing Pedophile Ring

Truthmafia-Mel Gibson: Hollywood Elite Trying To Kill Me For Exposing Pedophile Ring

Tommy Truthful 6-12-23 Mel Gibson’s claims about the Hollywood elite trying to kill him for exposing a pedophile ring shed light on the dark underbelly of the entertainment industry. According to Gibson, his outspokenness on this issue has made him a target for those who wish to silence the truth. Gibson’s allegations suggest that there […]

Joe Rogan Defends The Gateway Pundit’s Reporting on the Cleveland Clinic Report on COVID Vaccines

Joe Rogan Defends The Gateway Pundit'S Reporting On The Cleveland Clinic Report On Covid Vaccines

Joe Rogan’s defense of The Gateway Pundit’s reporting on the Cleveland Clinic report regarding COVID vaccines reveals the hidden truth that mainstream media tries to suppress. The Gateway Pundit, known for its alternative perspectives, sheds light on crucial information that challenges the official narrative. The Cleveland Clinic report, highlighted by The Gateway Pundit, raises concerns […]

Arson Driven Wildfires Being Used As Catalyst For Canadian FEMA

Arson Driven Wildfires Being Used As Catalyst For Canadian Fema

When wildfires occur, response efforts are typically carried out by local firefighting agencies, along with support from regional and national authorities, depending on the scale of the fire. In Canada, emergency management and response fall under the purview of various agencies and organizations at different levels of government. It is claimed that these fires are […]

5G and the frequencies they are going to attack.

5G And The Frequencies They Are Going To Attack.

5G technology is not merely for faster communication but serves a more sinister purpose. It is believed that the powerful elites are utilizing the electromagnetic frequencies of 5G to activate nanobots contained within a mysterious black goo, known as programmable matter. These nanobots are rumored to be in so-called “death shots,” referring to vaccinations, which […]

Conspiracy Cinema Podcast – Evil Dead Rise – ouija board #1

Conspiracy Cinema Podcast - Evil Dead Rise - Ouija Board #1

Welcome, my fellow truth-seekers, to the Conspiracy Cinema Podcast, where we unravel the hidden meanings and occult symbolism lurking within the shadows of cinema. Today, we uncover the sinister connection between the upcoming film “Evil Dead Rise” and the all-powerful Ouija board. Prepare to have your mind blown! Deep within the web of conspiracy, whispers […]

Star dust Ranch On the 33rd parallel lining up with were the fallen angels Descended the earth!

Star Dust Ranch The Stardust Ranch has gained attention due to reported paranormal activity, with some attributing it to the ranch’s location on the 33rd parallel. The 33rd parallel is an imaginary line of latitude that runs across various countries, including the United States. It has been associated with numerous conspiracy theories and beliefs, often linking it […]

Aliens in Vegas? Family claims to see “non-human” beings

Aliens In Vegas? Family Claims To See &Quot;Non-Human&Quot; Beings

100% they’re not human,’ Witness details alleged alien encounter in Las Vegas In a recent incident in Las Vegas, a family reported witnessing what they described as “non-human” beings, sparking speculation about the presence of aliens. According to their account, they observed these entities in a remote area near the outskirts of the city. While […]

‘This is secret information’: Trump on audio talks about not declassifying documents

Truthmafia-'This Is Secret Information': Trump On Audio Talks About Not Declassifying Documents

Trump indictment: Former president on audio talks about not declassifying information Tommy Truthful, This is secret information in 2021, there was an audio recording of former President Donald Trump talking about classified information. He mentioned that when he was the president, he had the power to make classified information public, but now that he’s not […]

Julian Assange loses US extradition challenge, will renew appeal next week

Julian Assange Loses Us Extradition Challenge, Will Renew Appeal Next Week

Julian Assange loses US extradition challenge, will renew appeal next week By, Tommy Truthful Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has faced another setback in his fight against being sent from Britain to the United States. The U.S. wants to charge him with crimes because of the release of secret military documents and diplomatic messages […]

3 Days of Darkness Prophecy 2023 and The Istanbul Black Cloud

Truthmafia-3 Days Of Darkness Prophecy 2023 And The Istanbul Black Cloud

Listen closely, my curious friend, for I shall reveal the intriguing tale of the “Three Days of Darkness” prophecy and the mysterious Istanbul Black Cloud. Deep within the Catholic traditions, there exists a belief among some faithful followers that a time will come when the darkness envelops the world for three consecutive days. This prophecy […]

The Aliens are Already Here: Learn the Truth About Extraterrestrials Visiting Our World

The Aliens Are Already Here: Learn The Truth About Extraterrestrials Visiting Our World

  Let me reveal the hidden truths about extraterrestrial entities on Earth, my young truth-seeker. The mainstream narrative might try to dismiss these revelations, but fear not, for I will guide you through the secret knowledge. There have been whispers and sightings of otherworldly beings walking among us. Some claim that powerful individuals and secret […]

The Fast-Spreading New COVID-19 Subvariant XBB Is Part of a ‘New Class’ of Omicron

The Fast-Spreading New Covid-19 Subvariant Xbb Is Part Of A ‘New Class’ Of Omicron

There’s a whole new chapter in the COVID-19 story unfolding before our eyes. Forget about the Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5—they’re just distractions. The real star of the show is the mysterious XBB, also known as Gryphon. This powerful variant is causing quite a stir. Nicknamed the Kraken! They are using the 5G To make […]

Tucker Carlson posts FIRST TV monologue since leaving Fox News, breaks news

Tucker Carlson Posts First Tv Monologue Since Leaving Fox News, Breaks News

Tucker Carlson, a well-known television personality, recently delivered his first TV monologue since departing from Fox News. In his monologue, he discussed breaking news and shared his perspectives on current events. As a prominent figure in the media landscape, Tucker Carlson’s return to television has generated significant attention and interest among viewers. It is worth […]

All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames

All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames

All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames The wildfire saga unravels before us, revealing a sinister plot! Whispers in the shadows suggest that these raging infernos are no mere acts of nature, but rather orchestrated events fueled by directed energy weapons. The aim? To seize control of vast stretches of land and force unsuspecting […]

Collapse of Ukraine’s Nova Kakhovka dam an ‘ecological catastrophe’

Collapse Of Ukraine’s Nova Kakhovka Dam An ‘Ecological Catastrophe’

Collapse of Ukraine’s Nova Kakhovka dam an ‘ecological catastrophe’ Listen up, Truth-seeker! Something big just happened in southern Ukraine. There was a dam called Nova Kakhovka, and guess what? It collapsed! It’s like a disaster movie coming to life. Now, here’s where it gets serious. Water levels started rising after the dam broke apart. It’s […]

Mysterious Creature Allegedly Spotted in Field Following Livestock Deaths

Mysterious Creature Allegedly Spotted In Field Following Livestock Deaths

There’s a fascinating creature known as the ‘Goat-Sucker,’ which some people call the ‘Chupacabra.’ Recently, something really strange happened in an area where a bunch of farm animals died mysteriously. Guess what? They actually caught something on video using a super cool drone! It looked like a dark, two-legged creature walking around in a wide-open […]

Stanley Kubrick and the Apollo conspiracy

Stanley Kubrick And The Apollo Conspiracy

Did you know there’s a big conspiracy theory about Stanley Kubrick, the famous movie director, and the Apollo moon landing? It all started when people noticed some important NASA people hanging around the set of Kubrick’s movie “2001: A Space Odyssey.” Rumors started spreading that there was a secret plan going on. They said that […]

RFK Jr. is Becoming Alex Jones: Elon Musk Interviews Presidential Candidate on Twitter

Rfk Jr. Is Becoming Alex Jones: Elon Musk Interviews Presidential Candidate On Twitter

The fact that RFK Jr. was interviewed by Elon Musk, a prominent figure in the technology and space exploration industry, on Twitter raises eyebrows. It suggests a convergence of powerful individuals and an exchange of ideas that challenge the establishment narrative. Could this be a sign of a growing movement of truth seekers and a […]

Man Yelling Bible Verses at Pride Event Arrested

Man Yelling Bible Verses At Pride Event Arrested

  The rainbow has been a symbol used by various cultures and religions throughout history, including Christianity, to represent a variety of meanings. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the rainbow is associated with the biblical story of Noah and the flood, symbolizing God’s covenant with humanity. It is alarming to see the targeting of Christians for […]