AI Warns of EMP Detonated Over Kansas – 91 Percent of Surrounding Areas Would Perish

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➡ The text discusses a hypothetical scenario where an enemy could potentially cause massive destruction in America by detonating an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) bomb over Kansas. This would result in a catastrophic event, leaving the majority of the population to fend for themselves in a collapsed country with no functioning infrastructure. The only government facility predicted to remain operational would be NORAD in Colorado Springs. The text suggests that people would have a limited time to secure resources and that it would be difficult to identify the responsible enemy.


This is Dabu7. We have AI being asked an important question as to what would bring down America? What would be the one thing that would bring down America and kill the most people in a horrific event? And when asked what the most likely scenario would be, AI has responded by predicting that an enemy would create an EMP explosion over Kansas or over the middle of the country, resulting in 91% of Missouri’s population in the surrounding states there to perish. Now, this is new news to some, but this isn’t all too news to others. We’ve expected through kind of the same thought process here of what would be the most advantageous way for someone to take down America.

An EMP would be the way. Without firing a single shot besides the EMP, everyone would be left to fend for themselves inside of a country that has collapsed. No money, no gas stations, no nothing would work. And they say here in this that the enemy would detonate an EMP bomb 250 miles over Kansas. They say that NORAD in Colorado Springs would become the only government facility to maintain power and in operation. So a swipe away would be everything in DC and all the power there. It would finally move to the installation that’s been sitting there waiting for them for years in Colorado.

They say that people would only have 24 hours to grab non-perishable food items before the shelves empty out. And authorities would have no way to know which enemy was responsible. I don’t believe all that because I believe it’s a set up. I believe that this is a high probability. If you wanted to bring down America, AI is not wrong here. This would be the best way to do it. It gives all the reasons and examples. And basically you just sit back and let it all fall apart and you can send in cleanup teams six nine months down the road to clean up all the bodies.

And to bulldoze basically the whole place. There’s not going to be much left after that time frame, they say. After nine months to a year, it will be shrunk down to small pockets of people that have survived this. And they will be targeted by drones and other military aircraft that will pick them off rather easy if they’re above ground. This is where going underground is going to save lives and probably why so many in ancient times did so. So within one year, 91% of all those within the surrounding areas will likely die of starvation and violence.

And this is the answer that came back when AI was asked, what was the most likely way America would be attacked? I don’t think that is when America would survive. All planned, obviously. And mainly P. Hall wrote about the secret destiny of America. This place was supposed to come down by design. And unfortunately, you’re witnessing that. It’s like sinking and going down with the Titanic. This is it. I hope you all have a plan for this. I hope your EMP proofed or have some kind of a plan. Regardless, this is the latest. Leave comments below and join me for the live stream where I break this down into further detail Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 p.m.

Eastern. Much love, y’all. [tr:trw].


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