And they caught the guy that you see here. The suspect identified as 40-year-old Brent Shariah fled the camp trail on foot but surrendered after a short pursuit here. So his prints in the snow got busted all in all and the fact that he was out there doing something people seen him. The man’s now in jail. There’s no word if there’s any connections to other individuals or just how deep this rabbit hole with this one goes. But he was charged with possession of a destructive device, which is a felony, possession of a controlled substance, which is a felony, and they didn’t say what kind of substance, and possession of paraphernalia, which was a misdemeanor, then also resisting and obstructing officers.
So, for what it’s worth, with everything popping off out there, all these events, and I expect to see a whole lot more from here, it’s stuff like this we’ve got to be paying attention to. And if you see something out there suspicious, you might want to get on top of it because these days, someone gets away with something like this, they’re taking out a train, and who knows what else goes with that. But this is the latest. I’ll leave links. Join me for the live streams going live Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 p.m. Eastern, right here on DAPU77.
Much love, y’all. [tr:trw].