So, people shocked at what this FBI official refused to say in a little bit that he did say, and then I’m going to play some commentary here on top of it, but these drones, absolutely everywhere, they’re coming in from off the ocean, they’re definitely drones, people can hear them, they’re not being projected by some beam. It’s not an airplane or any other craft. It’s not an orb. It’s not a UAP. They can see the green and red lights clearly on them, which are on drones, and they can hear them when they’re above them. So, these things are widespread.
We’re finding out that they’ve been dealing with this for six years, but listen to what is said here in this back and forth. You’re telling me we don’t know what the hell these drones are in New Jersey are? Is that correct? That’s right. That’s madness that we don’t know what these drones are. I got an article right here, Mystery Drones Spotted Over New York, New Jersey, prompt calls for federal investigation. What can you tell us about what you guys do know? We do not know the particular specifics of what those drones are. Is there still a possibility of there being a threat? At the end of the day, that’s what my constituents want to know.
I’ve just mentioned it concerns me that we don’t know the answer to your question yet. Wow, that’s shocking. Our next guest who led that hearing warns we still have no way of stopping enemies like China from using drones to spy on us. GOP Congressman Carlos Jimenez joins us now. First of all, this affects me directly. I live there. I’ve seen the drones in front of my house multiple times. I’ve been able to record it at least once. They either belong to the U.S. government or they don’t. And if our military or FBI doesn’t know that, that’s a problem, right? Yeah, it is a huge problem.
And we as a nation are woefully unprepared for the challenges and the threats that these drones and other drones may pose to our facilities, but also to American citizens. Who specifically, which agency, which agency head would you say is most responsible for knowing this? Who should know this? Who should be on top of this and giving us information? It should be Alejandro Mallorca. This is a threat to the homeland. And so both him and also Department of Defense, these drones are buzzing around sensitive areas. And so those two are the ones that are mainly responsible.
And that’s part of the problem, too, is that we have agencies all over the place that have some money allocated to drone defense. It really should be focused so that we understand this threat. By the way, this threat is going to get worse and worse as these drones become more and more capable as AI is implemented and put into them. [tr:trw].