A lot of this seems crafted, the timing of all this, because this has been ongoing for some time, and one of the big oil companies down there just put out a memo to all of its employees telling them to watch out, because these gangs are getting in water trucks, and they’re driving down the road into these sites, acting like they’re the official water truck, and they’re trying to steal oil. They’re stealing catalysts, they’re stealing copper wire, they’re stealing everything that they can get their hands on, diesel, oil, all of it. And they are armed and dangerous, and the exact warning on here is that they will not hesitate to use force.
That’s the feds putting out this warning. I’m not sure you’re going to hear this on your evening news or anywhere else, but these gangs are making moves all over the place. I suggest people get their stuff together. It was sleeping on this. Join me for the live streams Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 p.m. Eastern, where I’m talking about this in greater detail, what we can do to counter this. I hope to see you guys there. Much love. [tr:trw].