That something’s going on. It’s pretty obvious somebody is flying over these facilities. Now it’s your government or another government. It’s how I see it. Why would the government of the United States be doing this right now? When they could just go to any of these facilities? Why would they be flying over them? Huge red flags flying. I feel that people need to do more. Somebody hop in the car with the camera at night, follow these things to wherever they’re coming from, track them back. We get some kind of answers. If one comes down out of the sky, you know, see what it looks like, take pictures, all that.
Of course, there’s something not right about this. How can there be an incursion on our airspace to this magnitude following mystery orbs that were showing up over our military bases in Virginia just here in the past couple months? And this is a nightly thing. The police are on heightened alert and kind of freaking out like, hold on, these things are the size of a car, small car or dining room table. They’re just showing up wherever. They’re parking and observing wherever. And they seem to have the gas tank or the battery life to just fly for hours, which is unprecedented.
The fact that they’re not admitting that they know where these come from does not sit well with me. I think we’re going to get an answer sooner or later. It’s not going to be good. How can it be good? Either our government’s lying straight to our face or it’s somebody else. And I’m leaning that direction. They didn’t do nothing when those white balloons came over the U.S. It sat there and watched them. And it seems like they’re doing the same thing here. And it all seems mighty suspect to me. Again, if you’ve got information on this, let me know on Twitter or on X.
Email me Dabu7 at yahoo.com. Leave comments in the comment section below. If you guys are seeing anything like this, any activity, and I’ll update as I get more. This has been Dabu7. Eyes to the sky, y’all. [tr:trw].