What we do know is that these things are spreading out across the country. They’re being witnessed in Texas, Florida, Ohio, Kentucky, all over the place. So they’re not just coming in off the ocean and going back out. There’s something much larger at play here. But with this new news, I wanted to let folks know the situation here. You can see on their site they have several different reports, but this one specifically talks about in New Jersey, and it’s been going on here since the second. It could tie into what’s going on. It could not, but this is some of the latest.
I wanted to make sure everyone is in the loop. This device is missing still. They haven’t found it. And as I get more information, I’ll keep you guys posted. Make sure to follow me on X for breaking news and join me for the livestreams. Going live Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 p.m. Eastern, talking about this and a whole lot more in greater detail. Hope to see you guys there. Much love and eyes to the skies. [tr:trw].