We’re trapped in. There’s a lot of looters. Please stay safe. Stay inside. If you have a weapon, keep it on you, because there are people intentionally sabotaging stuff. So, over in I-40, there were some truckers coming in with supplies and medical stuff trying to help us. They started a truck stop to get some rest. When they woke up, their tires were slashed. Nothing was stolen. Just tires were slashed. The same thing is happening all over the place. People are intentionally just vandalizing stuff. Not stealing, just vandalizing. And then there’s looting happening in all the stores. I’ll come back with an update in about five or six hours.
Everyone stay safe. I’m completely helpless and stuck. I’m from the east coast of the state. Born there. That’s why my family’s there. And I go all the time. I was supposed to be going up again soon, and obviously, I don’t know when that’s going to be now. [tr:trw].