Sure Russia can see it, but there would have to be some talks happening on the back end for sure, and it seems like that’s the case. Ukraine wasn’t a thing under Trump last time, and it seems that the stage is set for the gentile messiah to go through all these peace processes, just like he just did with Israel and stopping the war that was ongoing there. If he can do this, it would be huge. If he could stop all the war fronts, what would that be? Do you know what many call this man? Yeah. The man has the people of red hats, the sea of people with red hats, as the Hopi prophecy calls it, behind him.
Well, we’ll see what happens here on the world stage, but he also mentions that it was because Russia helped us win the second world war that we won it. And they did, they kind of came out of nowhere, and together, no one can stop us. It’s always been seen that way. We are a juggernaut together, both red, white, and blue, predominantly Christian nations. They had to basically break us apart to be able to even have this whole war game exist on the planet. So as the curtain closes on one scene, it opens on another. This is some of the latest here.
We’ll see where it goes from here, but it seems likely here that things are going to come to a close in Ukraine. Just hope so anyway. Join me on the livestreams where I update on this and a whole lot more. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 p.m. Eastern, right here on Dapu77. Much love. [tr:trw].