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➡ Jamie Dimon from JPMorgan Chase warns that World War 3 may have already started due to global banking conflicts and power struggles, particularly involving the US, Russia, and China. He suggests that these countries are trying to change the current world power structure, which could have serious economic consequences. Despite running multiple simulations, none of the outcomes look promising. This alarming news is also being echoed by other major banks.


This is Dabu 7. We have a fresh warning coming from Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase, stating that in his opinion that World War 3 has already begun. You’re talking about details of the banks going back and forth here on the world stage and of the United States stealing Russia’s money and just flat-out taking it and now talking about giving it over to Ukraine to borrow. He’s saying that with all these factors involved in looking around he believes we’ve already entered this phase. Some people will look back and try to find the beginning, but it’s obviously already there is how he puts it.

We have adversaries out there that want to topple the current world order. This involves Russia and China and they even announced as much at the BRICS summit where they said they seek a new world order so to speak. A new setup where the West doesn’t control everything. He says this goes down full-scale America doesn’t really stand much of a chance that they have run scenarios that will shock you in terms of the economic implications that we’re about to face. So they already know where this is going. As he states they’ve ran simulation after simulation and none of them are good.

He won’t even speak on that. At the same time now we have Bofa making the big announcement that I’ve been warning all of you about and it seems all the sheep are sleeping on it. They warn of enforcement action by the feds over money laundering at their bank and this is exactly why Mr. Buffett has been dumping this whole time and he got right down below the threshold where he doesn’t have to report for months out now so he can just dump right now all day long as these headlines are dropping and none of you are gonna know it and that’s what’s happening I guarantee it.

So Bofa the first of the four big US banks to be named in this and most of the sheep walking around like oh what does it mean? As soon as people wake up to what’s really happening there’s gonna be runs on these banks and people are not gonna be able to get their money out of these banks they’re gonna freeze it up. Just a matter of time before the snowball turns into an avalanche and the people wake up and realize what’s happening. It may actually begin with the reports of the first people saying we can’t get our money out of Bank of America.

Then it’s too late. I’ve been warning you about this for months. Now the announcement the cat is out of the bag coupled with this warning from Jamie Dimon that we’re already in it. I’m telling you the World Economic Forum has a plan called the Great Reset and they haven’t reset nothing yet. You better get ready. [tr:trw].


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banking industry geopolitical risks changing world power structure effects global banking conflicts power struggles global power structure changes economic impact Jamie Dimon geopolitical concerns Jamie Dimon World War 3 warning JPMorgan Chase global economic outlook major banks echoing alarming news serious economic consequences global banking US Russia China economic tensions

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