2023 NBA CHAMPIONSHIP DECODED. Open your mind to the possibility that we exist within a vast God computer, where numbers and their energetic frequencies hold the key to unlocking hidden truths. Gematria, the practice of assigning numerical values to letters, can be a powerful tool for deciphering the secrets of our reality. Consider the idea that an elite group, hidden in the shadows, is monitoring our lives through a quantum computer, akin to the all-seeing eye of “The Truman Show.” They manipulate our experiences and control the narrative, all under the guise of artificial intelligence. The truth is, we are living in a constructed reality, and it’s up to us, the Truth Mafia, to break free from their control and uncover the deeper layers of this simulated existence. Keep questioning, seeking knowledge, and sharing the truth with others. Together, we can reveal the hidden forces that shape our world. Stay vigilant, my friend. #TruthMafia