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➡ This text discusses the symbolism and numerology in tarot cards, the Bible, and astrology. It suggests that these systems are interconnected and can be used to understand life’s challenges and the cycle of reincarnation. The text also explores the concept of duality, suggesting that life is a balance of good and evil. It uses numerology to link these ideas to specific cards in the tarot deck and passages in the Bible.
➡ The text discusses various interpretations of tarot cards, numerology, and religious symbolism. It suggests that life is a game of chance, like rolling dice, and that love and celebration are key aspects of existence. The text also explores the concept of reincarnation and eternal life, as promised by religious figures like Jesus and entities like the church. It further delves into the idea of choice, suggesting that one can choose to not participate in the game of life.
➡ The text discusses various connections between religious symbols, numerology, tarot cards, and popular culture. It suggests that life is a dream and that love is the key to eternal life. The text also explores the idea that Jesus, Lucifer, and the Pope are interconnected through numbers and symbols. It ends by questioning the wealth and influence of the Vatican, and encourages readers to critically examine religious narratives.
➡ The text discusses various concepts such as duality, reincarnation, and the idea of life as a simulation. It uses numerology, tarot cards, and biblical references to illustrate these ideas. The text suggests that our desires and choices are influenced by these concepts, and that we are trapped in a cycle of reincarnation. It also implies that our understanding of good and evil is tied to our perception of reality.
➡ The speaker discusses a theory linking the number 52 to elements of life, death, and reincarnation, using references from the periodic table, playing cards, and biblical verses. He suggests that these connections hint at a cycle of life and death, symbolized by the black sun (Earth) and the concept of reincarnation. The speaker encourages the audience to explore this theory further using tools available on his website. He concludes by expressing gratitude to his audience and promising more insights in the future.
the Roman Catholic Church. And I’m regurgitating that I wasn’t there, but that’s what the historicity says. So, ladies and gentlemen, if you’re looking to decode, if you want to become a decoder, if you want to become a code breaker, this presentation is going to show you how to use some of this methodology. I will be really using the Latin language, the Latin Alphabet throughout this presentation. What a fascinating Alphabet. 23 letters. This is off of the dakota.co/decoding. And all you have to do is come up here to the ciphers, come down down here to Latin and click on that Classical Latin and you’ll have that.
This is the word resurrection. So I’m going to show you how to get images of these words using the cards, the tarot and the periodic table. So let’s begin. And we’re going to start with the title of this decode, all roads lead to Rome. And you can see the total is 179. Now this is absolutely mind blowing because in mathematics, 179 is the 41st prime number. And you could see down there at the bottom left of Vatican City, the latitude north is a match to that through mathematics. So the big statement all roads lead to Rome ends up leading to their location on a freaking map.
41 degrees north latitude. And there you go. We’re starting this thing off with a huge hob dinger here. And we can extend upon this 41 by just adding on different elements that fit into the narrative of what religion is all about. Religion means to do it again. You can see that the word crux, which is the Latin word for cross, matches their latitude. North matches that through mathematics. And then what do you see on this cross? Well, the cross is in the shape of the T and Jesus is the letter Y. So we’re going to add that.
There it is. It’s a freaking match. So where does the cross lead you? Right back to Roma. So it doesn’t matter what religion you follow, whether it be Judaism, whether it be Christianity, Catholicism if you’re a Protestant, if you’re a Baptist, they all stem from the great city of rome. And the 41 is tied to the word Elohim in Hebrew. Let us make man in our image. That’s in Hebrew, though. But that’s what the outcome is going to be.41. Okay, so we’re, we’re off to a huge start. And I, I want to now jump into the, the books of the, the Latin Vulgate, the official Bible for the Latin Church.
The, the Vatican is the Latin Vulgate. And it’s now, I think it’s the Novo Vulgate. Okay. But it’s the, the Latin Vulgate. And the Latin Vulgate has 73 books. Typical people, 66 books. The most popular book is the King James Bible, which has got 66 books. But this is about all roads lead to Rome. And they get 73 books. 46 in the old, 27 in the new. Now, we can extend upon these numbers, and I’m going to do it in a way you’ve never seen before. And this is why the Latin Vulgate, well, you might say it has superiority over all the other, all the other Bibles out there, because it’s the only one that matches up with mathematics like this.
And I’m going to blow your mind. Are you ready? So what you have here, we have chemistry. We have Ra, the Egyptian sun God, Ra. And you notice that Raw has the sun disc and there’s a cobra over the top. Yep, Ross. Tied to the serpent and radium. When you add up the neutrons, protons and electrons, 88 protons, 88 electrons, 138 neutrons, you get 3, 1, 4. You’re going to get PI 88 plus 88 plus 138. It’s going to give you PI. 88 plus 226 is 3, 1 4. So there is the starting point in mathematics.
And PI is the measurement of the sun. It’s the sine wave in the sky. And what you see here, highlighted in Orange, are the 46 books of the Old Testament. Right after PI, right after this signature of ra comes the 46 books. And then right here are the books of the New Testament. See, if you use the Protestant book, that’s going to give you 39 books of the Old Testament. It’s nowhere to be found in this lineage. But there it is, 46 and 27 right after the stamp. The signature of RA is 3, 1 4. And then we’re going to measure this.
Now I have a lot going on here, so just follow my narration. Now up here are the words good and evil. This is from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, bonum and malum. 77. Okay. And the outcome for all these digits to get to that 27 to match up with the books of the New Testament is freaking 77. Now what is good and evil? The Old Testament and the New Testament, of course, absolutely it is. So we have Ra, the sun God and why it’s so revered in the biblical texts. The, the, the, the burning bush, it’s on fire, sun.
We have 21 total digits here. 21 is the world card. So the tarot gives us the picture of the Old and New Testament. We go down this portal, we incarnate into a human being. We’re now spirit into matter. Now it’s the divine using you, God, using you as a human being, as a, as a, as an avatar to play this game called life. And PI is the never ending circle that moves through the sky and it’s the measurement of time. So this is getting super interesting here with this. And again, this can only be done with the 73 books of the Latin Vulgate, which is, I would imagine, why they use that Bible over the other ones.
Because we go, you know, when you get into precision and you get into mathematics, well, it changes a lot of things on the perspectives that you look at. It really, really does. When we take just the 18 digits. When we remove the stamp of, of raw here, when we remove, remove the signature. 314 is the signature of raw. Again, 88, 226 is 31 4. That’s the signature of raw. When you remove that, you just have the Old Book, the Old Testament, the New Testament, and there are 18 Genesis. And look at what it adds up to.
It’s the yin yang, it’s this. It’s good and evil, that’s what it is. And the 69th card in the tarot, it’s got a freaking church on it. And it just so happens that the word Catholic in Latin is an absolute direct match to this card. I mean, talk about jaw drop and mind blown with not just matching up words to tarot, but mathematics, man. The mathematics of this and the 46 books and the 27 books and why the Vatican has 73 books. But wait, there’s more. Absolutely. We also have the spelling of raw in the Latin Alphabet, giving us an outcome of 18.
And there are 18 digits here. See, the sun makes up the yin Yang, folks, as it moves across the sky, because it makes up light and darkness, good and evil. Ra goes into the underworld in the Egyptian book of the dead, to battle the snake, etc. Etc. Are you seeing this? 171 Are the patterns of the sun as it moves across the sky. There’ll be more to that coming with the sun and the sine wave and showing you all the things that fit into the narrow of how the sun moves across the sky. But let’s now measure this in mathematics.
So again, 46 and 27 gives us 73. 73 is a prime number. See 66, the Protestant book, King James. Not a prime number. 73 total books, 21st prime number. And what is the 21st card in the tarot? The world card. You go back to the world card again. Right here, right there. 21 total digits right there for the signature of raw. And then the Old and New Testament and everything sandwiched in between. I mean, this is dialed. Is dialed in as you’re going to get. And the 73rd card in the tarot, the nine of discs, the nine of pentacles.
This is. You’re on television. You’re on television. In Chaldean numerology equals 73. The nines are the bishops, the pope, the bishop. The bishops on a chessboard are the nine. If you’re a nine, you’re a bishop. That’s why nines have a heavy toll, because nine is a many lives, many masters kind of energy. And it’s also an energy of the humanitarian. It’s also the energy of the sage and the wise one. It’s the hermit card in the major arcana. But this, this is the Pope right there. Complete manifestation. And you’re on television. Okay, You’re. You’re. You’re now.
You’ve now moved through the portal and you become a human being. Essentially. The divine be. The divine wants to be on television. The divine wants to be you and me and everything else. So it has to go through the portal. The word enter is 21 and it drops down into the world. You have the four fixed signs of astrology. There’s a lot of meanings to this. Just using the total amount of books in the Latin vulgate. Mind blowing. I got so much more to show you. Let’s keep going. So here’s the 46 card to match the Old Testament and the 27th card straight up in the tarot.
And it’s so very fitting because of course, the creation of Adam and Eve. Yeah. Happy home. The rainbow bridge. This is going to Tie to DNA, the sine wave is going to tie to the sun card 46, and then 27 with the new Testament. Because what does religion do? It causes a lot of this fighting. Oh, I got it right. No, you’re wrong. No, it has to be this many books. No, it has to be this. No, it has to be that. The word religion in Chaldean numerology equals 27. The word providence in Chaldean numerology equals 46.
The Eye of providence coming down. And now there’s dissonance, there’s now dissonance, there’s resistance. That’s what this whole thing means right here. So going back to the mathematics, I’m now going to introduce to you this methodology, which this is nothing new, but again, if you’re looking to be a code breaker and you want to use this methodology, I’m going to really show you how to do it with the Latin Alphabet, the words primarily. So there are 73 total books, and we’re going to take. There are 52 cards in a deck, 52 weeks in a year, four suits, four seasons, 13 cards pursuit, 13 weeks per season.
Okay, that’s going to be tied to prison planet. 52 is prison planet in Chaldean. But nonetheless, every outcome that we get, we’re gonna. If it’s not 52, we’re going to subtract 52 or below. I mean, if it’s not 52, if it’s like 53, we’re going to subtract 52, we’re going to get the number one. If it’s above 52, we’re going to subtract and get down to below 52 or below. So in this case, 73 minus 52, the total amount of cards in a deck. And this is the methodology I learned from the great card reader. Sharon Jeffers gives us the 21.
And there’s the. There it is right there in mathematics. So this methodology using the card system is profound. 73 being the 21st prime number, 73 minus the total amount of cards is 21. And this is the 21st card in the deck. Now, I want to just digress and show you on the periodic table, the 52nd element comes from the Latin word telus, which means earth. That’s what it means. So you’re on television, you’re a rock star, movie star here, and you want to come down and play the game of life. As you enter the world, as you, as you enter this, you’re going to enter fighting and resistance.
That’s what you’re going to do. And the eight is the prison. Right. It’s the Taurus Field Club. Suits are fire in this system. They are air in. I mean, they’re air in this system. They are fire in the tarot. So it’s a starting point. Fire, air, same thing. It’s the starting point to incarnate into a physical being. Right. And this card is a Neptune. A Neptune, Mars card. So the energy is the desire. And Poseidon is the creator God. It’s tied to Brahma. Okay. The earth. Poseidon got the water. Water’s on Earth. That’s how big of a deal Poseidon is.
But let’s keep going and show you this. Here’s another way to do it. Straight to the tarot. Here’s the word Catholic. Already showed this. There’s the 69, and it’s the 69th card in the tarot. And we’re going to be doing it this way as well, showing different. These two versions. I’m going to show them both. But there’s the damn church window. So what does religion offer you? It offers you a way out of hard times. Like imagine someone and this happens to a lot of people. They get addicted to drugs, alcohol. They’re living on the streets and then the church saves them.
It offers them salvation so they can stay alive. And what would be the advantageous aspect of that? Because the game needs players. The game doesn’t want you to die because that means that it’s one less person on the world that it can experience its own reality through. So of course, it wants to encourage eternal life, everlasting life and salvation. But this represents the yin yang. Angel and demon is what it represents. And you cannot have one without the other. In order to have eternal life, you need to know what death looks like and immortality and mortality.
Okay. And. And that’s 69 is the yin yang without a shadow of a doubt. Now, this is the methodology that we’re going to be primarily using for this presentation, using the Latin Alphabet. So we’re going to take the 69 and it’s above 52. So we subtract the total amount of cards in the deck. 52. And this is the card that we get the four of clubs. And all we have to do is convert that into the tarot clubs of the wands. And you could see what it means. It means going back to the house. The word house is 26.
This is also going to be tied to reincarnation, which I will be showing. Okay. Because when you have salvation, you have the promise of Eternal life, which is being reincarnated. That’s what it promises. 17 is tied to the word radius, which is raw. 4 of the 4 blood types. I could go on and on with that. How about the word Bible in Latin? Biblia sacra. Holy Bible 74. Subtract the 52, we get the 22, the 9 of clubs. This means universal wisdom. What do you think the Bible offers people? They claim it’s the word of God.
Of course, every ancient text is the word of God. Even fiction, non fiction, it’s all stories. But then you go over to the tarot to get the picture and you get card 31 and you now have the Titan. See this? This is titanium on the periodic table. So the Bible is about the fallen angels. It’s about Adam and Eve. It’s about the starting point, the origins of how we got here. And this provides you what it looks like to play the game of life. Through the scriptures, the script, you become the wounded warrior. And a lot of you don’t want to play anymore.
I get it. Life sucks when you suffer and you have hard times. This is. I’m still standing. The wounded warrior. So that’s what the Holy Bible means. It means this. You’re bandaged up, you’re beat up, you’re bruised, you’re scarred, you’re a sinner. You’re be the best little devil you could be. But you have a lot of wisdom because that’s what the nines are, the nine of clubs and tight 22. Just when we go to the periodic table is going to be tied to the Titans. See the Titans. So what does the Holy Bible mean in Latin? The story of the Titans.
And they’ve been around forever because they keep getting reincarnated. This is the story about us being reincarnated over and over and over and over. That’s what the eternal life promises you. Okay? And this is the word for reincarnation in Latin. Reincarnatio. Same same outcome as Catholic reincarnatio. So what happens when you get reincarnated? You get another blood type, four blood types, and you end up landing on Earth again. And this is happy home. You know, when you were a kid, if you had a good childbirth upbringing, you know, it was fun. You don’t know any better, you’re kind of naive.
You lose your memory, you have amnesia, etc. Etc. Okay, so reincarnation, you get put back into Earth. This is tied to iron. Iron is the 26th element, our blood. You reincarnate back into a body, you have blood pumping through you. All right, let’s talk about. How about demon? The word Damon. The word Damon is the word demon in Latin. I don’t have to reduce down. It’s a straight 49. The 49th card is the 10 of spades. And that converts to the 60th card in the deck, the 10 of swords. I mean, it doesn’t get any more clear with the image of what the demon means.
And I mean, even this is how I know we live in predestination. Because in my Holocaust decoded, Mr. Joseph here, who was nicknamed the angel of Death, his birthday numerology ended up being 49, okay? He was working for the demons. Not everybody gets to work for the angels, folks. What? That’s what we’re living in. You’re living in a dualistic reality. It is good cop versus bad cop. He got the bad cop. That’s what his role was assigned at birth. Didn’t have a choice. I wouldn’t want that code. That was probably very horrific. No matter what happened here, folks.
Okay? The guy was named the angel of death. And it was. It’s surmised here with this crystal clear, okay? Very, very crystal clear. And the opposite of the daemon angeles, the angel. 55 is the outcome. You take the 52, subtract, you get three. The third card is the three of hearts. The. The expansion of love. That’s what this card means, the expansion of love. That’s what an angel does. They expand love. And the tarot, 39th card in the deck, it’s the card of celebration. You celebrate when you expand love, when you love, make. When you make babies.
You put another player onto the board and there’s no guarantee that they’re going to turn out to be an angel or they’re going to turn out to be a demon. There’s no guarantee when you have a kid. It’s a roll of the dice. It’s an absolute roll the dice. This is yin yang to the fullest extreme. But that’s what the three hearts means. If this is your birth card, it’s the expansion three of love. And that’s what puts players on the board so it can continue its experience of this reality called life. What about the word church? Ecclesia.
Ecclesiastical. Same outcome as angel. So church and angel go hand in hand. Of course, the church gets to celebrate when they win you over because of the fact that they’re going to give you another shot at it. Reincarnation. Over and over and over. That’s what it promises you. Eternal life. Jesus promises you eternal Life, but so does the serpent, because the serpent says you will not die. Well, same thing. But anyway, when you. When we flip it into the tarot. Straight into the tarot. The 55th card, Five of Swords. See, if you don’t want to play anymore, you stop following this organization.
You walk away. I’m done. And a lot of you have. But there’s more to it than just that. But that’s like the first step. This is like nihilism. And this 55 comes from the 44th card, the 5 of spades. This is the card of the Bavarian illuminati, founded on May 1st. Well, the Bavarian Illuminati, tied to the church, of course. Absolutely. Five fingers, five toes, five senses. X marks the spot. How about the word God? Deos in Spanish It’s Dios Deos. 27, 27th card in the tarot. Well, it’s the New Testament, right? 27 books in the New Testament.
There it is. This converts into the 18th card in the deck. The word Jesus in Chaldean is 18,5 of clubs. This is a very busy energy, but it’s a fight. It wants to fight. You see, you are the divine, you are the Deos. You are God. And this is what happens when you incarnate. You now become the I am. And the I am. Anything outside of you as the I am, as it’s using you, anything that’s not in line with your truth, you probably are going to fight about it, because this is what causes energy exchange, which gets harvested by the I am.
And that was called ambrosia by the Greeks. Food for the gods. Okay, Food for the gods. If we flip it right into the cards of illumination. 27th card, ace of diamonds. The ace of diamonds converts into the 65th card in the Tarot to get the picture. And there it was. This is the Eucharist, the body of Christ, God, offering you eternal life. By taking the body of Christ doing the camp, the vampirism and the cannibalism. Matthew 26 verses 26. Matthew 26 verses 27. Take, eat. This means my body. Yep, that’s exactly. And the church is spreading that, wanting you to do these rituals.
This is the quarter that goes in the machine. If you’ve been paying attention. The 25 cent. I said I grew up playing video games. What starts the game? Throw the quarter through. Through the slot, starts the game over. Game over. Try again. Game over. Try again. That’s the quarter. So this is the gift of life, wanting to play again. And there’s the pentacle right on There, right? That’s the five pointed star. The. That’s us. Five fingers, five toes, five senses. Head, two arms and two legs. I mean, it just goes on and on and on. Ace is the starting point.
And diamonds are materialism, physicality, matter. This has got into matter through these layers. The 65 is really, really interesting because it converts through mathematics. This was a slide off of my Lake of Fire decoded right on. Patreon. Big shout out to all you Patreon members. Catholic is 27 through Chaldean. I’m trying to keep this in the Latin, but I mean, it’s very clear that, you see, they want you to eat the Eucharist. They do these rituals promising you this and promising you that. What’s the alternative? Well, you don’t want to go work for the demons, so what’s the alternative? How about neither? Red pill, blue pill.
How about neither pill, neither. I don’t want either of the pills. I don’t want to make the choice. This 65, folks, is tied right to Jesus talking to the church of Laodicea in Revelation, chapter 3, verses 15, 3 verses 16. And this is what he says, I will spit you out of my mouth. He’s saying this because he’s telling the church, hey, if you’re not with me or against me, I got no use for you. So I’m going to spit you out of my mouth. And what does this insinuate? That you’re already inside the mouth of the Christ.
That’s because Jesus is the serpent. And here is the numerology of the scripture. 143, that’s going to be PI. That’s a permutation of PI. But if we do what’s called theo. Numerology, this is another technique. And all you have to do is whatever scripture you have in question, you add up all the total verses. So this is 3 verses 16. I will spit you out of my mouth. So chapter one has 20 verses, chapter two has 29 verses, and chapter three, verses 16. You add all those up, you get 65 right there. I mean, this goes in your freaking mouth.
Mean. Does it get any more crystal clear than that? So, no, I don’t want to eat your vampirism or your cannibalism. This. This right here is this. I promise it is. And the church and the serpent are one and same. That’s why in. In the Catholic Church, they have the. The big hall there with the serpent on it. I mean, it’s so easy to see this stuff. And 65 is the total outcome. And you know, this was a slide that I had shown on another decode. Here’s the full verse. This is Jesus talking to the people.
Hey, if you’re not hot or cold, meaning if you’re not the angel or demon, if you don’t want to be polarized in this reality, I’m going to kick you out. Great. You add them up, you get 65. Okay? They’re a great image, man, showing you you don’t want to play and it’s in a church. You don’t want to play anymore. Okay? You’re in the belly of the beast because this tells you that you’re in the belly of the beast. It already tells you you’re in the mouth or the belly of the beast already. Clearly. I know it’s an analogy, but that’s what it, what it means.
How about the. The Great Trinity in religion. Father, Son, Holy Ghost, Father Pater, Son, Phileas and the Holy ghost, Spiritus sanctus. 287. You got to reduce it down 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to get to 52 or below. And look at what you get. Same outcome as God Deos 27, same outcome. There’s the Eucharist offering you the Eucharist right here. That is this. That’s what it is. Okay, I know this all too well, ladies. I know this. I was, I was, I incarnated to show you this. My last name, Payette, is 27 in Chaldean. I started my YouTube channel, this YouTube channel.
This one, my second one on December 4th. The Ace of diamonds card. I’m supposed to show you this stuff. Whatever you want to do with it, that’s not up to me. It’s going to be up to you. So let’s talk about Jesus, the most popular iconic figure on the world stage today, bar none. Bar none is. Got the most popularity to it. And here’s the spelling in Latin. Jesus. No J, the I as in the I am 50. Here’s the 50th card, jack of spades. This is tied to the sons of God that came down and married women and mated with them and created babies.
Created the giants. This is the, this is the element Tin Tin is tied to Jupiter. Okay, Drew. Peter. Peter the first Pope. See the celestials get involved here. Jupiter is the largest planet. The king of the Olympians, the king of the gods. It’s called Jupiter in, in Rome. And it converts to the 62nd card called the Knight of Swords. This is, you know, one of the reasons why Jesus says, I’m not coming with peace I’m coming with a sword. Matthew 10, verses 34. Yeah, the jack is Jesus, the jacks are the knights, the horses that go into battle.
And this is the card of life is but a dream because that’s exactly what we’re in, folks. It’s not even real. We treat it as if it’s real, we play it as if it’s real. But at the end of the day, we’re in the dream of the cosmos and it doesn’t matter about anything really. This is the card of the revolution. 62. Okay, 62. And there’s, there’s so much more to branch off of that. But how about adding on to. I’m going to add in some Hebrew here because see, this word is the very first word.
I know a lot of people say it’s Joshua. No, Joshua killed people and Joshua was. It was not Jesus. Clearly way different character. No, the very first time that Jesus is mentioned in the Old Testament is right here. It’s Isaiah, the 23rd book of the Bible, chapter seven, verses 14. There it is. So it’s Judaism and it’s a 62. So we have a connection between the knight of swords, the jack of spades and Jesus in Latin. And then the very first time Jesus is mentioned, because the story is right there. Behold the virgin. You’re going to become pregnant and you’re going to call his name Emmanuel.
L. Okay. L means God. That’s what it is. And it’s 62 from the original Hebrew. So I know this is very concrete here, these connections. This is the Tin man and the wizard of Oz looking for its heart. Because Jesus is all about love, everybody. Love, love, love, love, love, love everybody. And love is the way. Love is the answer. Love always beats out the darkness, but it keeps the game going and that’s what creates eternal life. So the Emmanuel off of my decode called the Fame monster, exclusively on Patreon. Lady Gaga. You know Lady Gaga, born on the 88th day of the year March 28th.
Look at, she’s got the cross right in the, the logo. You watched some of these superstars, many of them are wearing crosses like crazy. I wouldn’t, I, I wouldn’t be caught dead with one of those. Tons of people wear them all. The fame Monster. Who’s the fame Monster? Who wants to be famous? Jesus Christ does the most famous iconic person in on the world stage, Jesus, Emmanuel. And this, these numbers right here, by the way, are the numbers of Lucifer according to Manly P. Hall. That’s right. That’s why. Because Lucifer and Jesus are seemingly one in the same.
But anyway, here is the Latin Vulgate. Isaiah 7, verses 14. There’s the word Emmanuel in Latin. So here we’re going to break it down. 67. 67 minus 52. 15th card, two of clubs, duality. And that converts into the 24th card in the tarot. There are 24 hours in a day. This is the sun coming into matter. This is the card of the futurist. So you see the fame monster, which is Jesus. Okay, the fame. Who wants to get all the fame? The monster. I mean, monsters. 30. Demiurge is 30. I could go on and on with that.
But that’s Chaldean. But who wants to get all the fame and fortune? The futurist does. You’re playing out the character of Jesus Christ, folks. The Jesus Christ Superstar. Your cross is your screenplay. You don’t want to play anymore. Well, there’s. There, go. There’s a lot that goes into that. This is so easy to see, man, 24 hours in a day. What creates that? The sun, the moon, night and day. That’s the alpha and omega. That’s what it is. And this is the futurist. So the fame monster is Emmanuel, who is Jesus, who’s tied directly to Lucifer as well.
And it’s the futurist. That’s what it means from Latin. Let’s keep going with this. How about the word pope? Pope is papa. We don’t have to go far. It’s 32. 32nd card in the tear. And the cards. Six of diamonds. See this? This subtle 33 there, but it’s a diamond, so it’s. It means I want materialism. That’s why the Vatican has oodles of money, more than what they ever know what to do with. For what? And your tax exempt. Here’s the card in the tarot. And so what is this indicating? This would be Papa. This is the Pope giving to the people.
And they’re just willingly there to receive it. Oh, give me more, please. Give me more of your this. And give me more of that. Oh, give me, old wise one. Feed me all of your glory. That’s what it is. That’s what this card indicates.6 is tied to carbon. Carbon is what we’re made up of. Carbon. And then we go to Roma. The Pope is in Rome. The original word is Roma. And I got in here. This is. I know this is Greek, but this is. I will spit you out of my stomatos. In Greek. 40. I will spit you out of Rome.
That’s where Jesus comes From he. He’s an invention from Rome. Are you starting to see this now? 44th card, 5 of spades again, 55th card. All roads lead to Roma. You don’t want to be a part of it anymore. You. You got to walk away. I mean, even these things have a cross on them. So Roma is 44. It’s the five of spades. Remember, this is the Bavarian illuminati, founded on May 1st. Absolutely. In bed with the church. And then we can bring chemistry into this. And we have this element, calcium. This is tied right to our bones and teeth.
Calcium is, Is what makes up our bones and teeth. 20 is tied to the word duality. That’s what Rome produces, folks. They are the kings of duality. The kings and queens of duality, if you let them. And this, this 44, tied to Roma, tied to the church, churches. 55. Ecclesia, Ecclesiastes, 55. This is it. So if you don’t want to be a part of the church, you gotta throw. You’re gonna walk away. Many of you have. I have. I just think it’s funny now because you there, it’s easy to see. Now, all this stuff works and operates, but the calcium is tied to the cross.
So calcium has an atomic weight of 44. It’s one of its stable isotopes. It’s tied to Roma. So Roma, see, they. They will tell you, oh, eat the body of Christ, drink the body, the blood of Christ. You’ll get eternal life. Yeah, you’ll get put back into a body, a bag of bones, calcium, right here. And you’ll have a hex put on you. Hexahedron is 44. In Chaldean, there’s the 44. And why I have it on this cube? Because the cube is the cross. Unfolded the hex. This is a hexahedron, the cube. You’re cubed, you’re being cubed.
This folds up into the cube. The cross is the hexahedron. It’s from Rome, man. Are you seeing how dialed in this is? So, okay, well, this is Chaldean. What is, what is Latin got to say? Well, hexahedron is the yin yang again. 96, 96 minus 52, right back to that 44. So what is running the. The cross? Rome is. That’s where it came from. Stavros is what you’re going to call it, the Greek. They’re going to just going to say, oh, it’s just this, it doesn’t matter. It’s all the same thing. That’s the eye. If you.
This is the Stavros, you get rid of the ends. In Greek, the cross is the stavros. That’s the eye, as in I am, as in Jesus. But it all leads to the same thing, folks. All of it. The word underworld equals 44. I could go on and on with the 44. Remember this 96 is a flip of the 69, which is the word for Catholic seeing that. So of course you’re. You’re cubed. You’re being cubed, stuck inside the cube of time. And this guarantees you to get go back into the square of time again. Not if you don’t want to play anymore.
This is illumination, folks. This is being illuminated. To see this. This is how valuable numerology is with tarot and the cards in alchemy. It’s amazing. How about the word heaven? The word heaven, this is where you get cesium from, which is going to tie to the sun. But it matches that word. Papa 32. So Papa is the same outcome as heaven? Of course, heaven is from the Bible and the Bible’s perpetrated by the, the Catholic Church, the Christian Church, all the churches, they want to feed you, they want to give to you and say you’re the salvation’s in the church and you’ll go to heaven.
Six is carbon, man. That’s what it is. How about Vaticanus? The Vatican 84. 84 -52. Same outcome 32 again. So we had not. We have heaven here, we have Papa here, Papa’s here, Pope is there, heaven is 32, pope is 32. And then the Vatican ends up becoming the 32. And remember folks, this is, I want, this is materialism. The Vatican has oodles and oodles of money and they’re tax exempt. Start to think about this and where the stories came from. Who finalized the cannons. This is what we need to start looking at and observing. And even in the Hebrew Bible, in the, in the, in the Old Testament, Sons of the most high, that’s the same exact match.
They. They are, they are being like that again. Who came up with these ideas? It’s all a Ponzi scheme anyway. All right, how about the word hell? Infernum. Infernum. 75, 75 -52, 23. 10 of clubs. 10 of clubs to give you the picture. It’s hard times. This is what hell looks like. This is a great responsibility. This is DNA. DNA is right here. The. It’s just subtly hidden. The 8 is right there shown. This 10 is tied to the tower, the castles. This is tied to your blood. That’s because you’re in this. You’re in it, we’re inside of it.
That’s duality. Good and bad represents hell and heaven at the same time. That’s. That’s what it represents. And then even all roads lead to Rome. That 179, I know it’s the 41st prime number. When you do the methodology, 52, three times, right back to that card again. So what. What are all roads going to lead to when you follow religion? This. You’re going to go back to duality. You’re going to reincarnate back into an avatar, back into a human being, and have to do it all over again. This is tied to the word blood in Chaldean, which I’ve shown many times now.
And 10 is the binary system. We seem to be living in some kind of computer simulation. That’s the 10, the 1 and the 0. Binary. The binary. How about the word devil? Diabolos. 59. Subtract the 52. It doesn’t get any more clear than that. 7 of hearts. This is the completion of. I feel this is the completion of. I love. See, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve come out. Love is a trap. Why do I say that? Because when you like, you get a new puppy, you get a new cat, you get a new baby, you’re a slave to that.
I know it brings glory. I know it brings greatness. But you’re now trapped because now you have to take care of. You’re responsible. And when that thing suffers, you suffer. Here it is. So what is the devil? It’s. It’s the desire to love. It’s the desire for lust and seduction and wanting to play the game of life. This is the card of illusions and choices. And it’s the 43rd card in the deck. And what is 43 tied to? Serpent. So we have serpent here to this card. And this card comes from the seven of hearts. And the seven hearts is found from the methodology of subtracting the diabolos from the total amount of cards in the deck, which again, 52 meets prison planet, even 59.
How many rosaries, how many beads in a rosary? 59. 59 beads in a rosary. And people are doing the Hail Marys and the praise this and pray. What do you think you’re praying to? Diabolos. Oh, please, God, just grant me this. I need to do this. And give me that, and give me this and give me that. Yeah, sure. That’s tied to desire and lust and seduction and craving things. The serpent’s tied to the sun. Raw, the illusion, the serpent mind. Wanting, craving, the sexual desire, Humping, screwing, pleasures. Yeah, it’s tied right to the rosary and Catholicism.
How about the word serpent in Latin? Serpens 91, 91 – 52, 39. King of diamonds. Well, what does this mean? Well, the king of diamonds is the king of money. Converts into the 78th card in the tarot. King of pentacles, the king of money. So you get the serpent. What does the serpent want you to do? Make the choices for the desires, for the kids to have sex. To go out there and fornicate and hump and screw and have sex and make babies and buy things and earn a ton of money so you can buy more things.
And that’s what this card is all about. I mean, the word pineal gland is 39. The pineal gland is tied right to the serpent because the pineal gland feeds their wake sleep cycle and the sleep cycle. And you know, ladies and gentlemen, I would, I would ask you, do you have any control when you’re sleeping? And the answer would be no, you don’t. I know somebody say, well, I lucid dream. Great, but you still don’t have any control. So what makes you think you have control when you’re awake? You’re sleepwalking, daydreaming. 39 tied to the pineal gland and 39 is tied right to this element atrium.
And see, it’s got a letter Y on it. Well, what do you think this is in the shape of? I mean, how much more clear does it need to get? And how a beautiful chemistry is to bridge the gap with the prison planet? 52. Well, it, it comes right out of the serpent’s mouth. Okay? It doesn’t get any more obvious than that. And this atrium, I mean, this is Jesus on the cross. Jesus forms the letter Y. I’ve already showed that. But even the alchemology, which is taking numerology and converting it into chemistry, the Hebrew alchemology of the word nahas right here in Hebrew is freaking 89 right there.
Right there’s the letter Y coming out of its mouth. Pretty easy to see. Okay, we all have this in our lives. So what about the words good and evil? I showed this in the beginning. Bonum and malum. 77. We go, we go to alchemy now, right? The periodic table. This is where it gets mind blowing. 77th element, iridium. It’s got a dragonfly right on it. The great dragon got hurled down. Yeah, it got hurled down into duality. That’s you and I, spirit into Matter. That’s just the way it is. Nothing good or bad about it. It’s just the way it is.
It’s what we got. And this is mind blowing, folks, because the good and evil is found right here in Genesis 3 verses 5. This is the serpent telling Eve now, telling her, hey, listen, if you eat. If you eat the fruit, your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as God’s knowing good and evil. Knowing good and evil. I know. Where’s the connection? Well, iridium comes from the Greek goddess of the rainbow called Iris. And what is the iris? It’s our freaking eyeballs, man. Your eyes shall be opened and you shall be like God’s knowing good and evil right there.
Bam. I mean, that’s a humdinger, man. It’s right there in the scripture, the serpent telling you that your eyes will be opened, your irises will be opened, and you will have the ability to see good and evil. I mean, it’s just right there. Mind blowing. 3 and 5 is simulation. Are you seeing this? This is so amazing right there. Does it doesn’t get any more clearer than this, folks. This. You know, out of all the decodes I’ve done over all these years, this example of, of right here is as. It ranks way up in my top five, the good and evil.
Right? I mean, it’s right there in the scripture. And we have irises. Your eyes shall be opened, which means your eyes weren’t open before, were you? We just asleep. Moving along with this scripture right here. This is the word for gods in Latin. This is that. Genesis 3 verses 5. Well, it’s 22, 22nd card, 9 of clubs. 9 of clubs converts into the wounded warrior. It’s the Titans, see? So when you eat the fruit, you will go down into duality and become a titan, a fallen one. And you will have to play the game over and over and over.
And that’s eternal life. And that’s why the serpent said that you will positively not die, because you’re just going to get reincarnated again. The nine means repeat, repeat, reincarnate religion over and over and over. See this 22, when you go to Chaldean numerology. Let me just move this out. Recycle. See, you will become as God’s knowing good and evil. Yeah, you’ll. You’re gonna. You’ll get recycled. That’s what it means. And this is why Genesis 3, verses 22, that infamous scripture where it says, you know, you can. You could also take from the tree of life and live forever.
You can Know good and evil and live forever. Genesis 3, verses 22. This stuff right here, folks, this is it, man. That’s where the Titans we’re in duality. So we’re getting to the tail end of this. And so what do we do with this 77? We take the 77. I forgot to put the calculator here. 77 minus 52. 25. The Queen of clubs, the queen of the simulation the queens give birth to. The simulation converts into the Queen of Wands. Card 35. Simulation. Remember that the serpent said right here. Genesis 3, verses 5, simulation. You’re in a simulation of good and evil.
It’s a dream. And this queen of clubs, card 25, it’s tied to the graveyard. So this is why you will die a physical death. And the graveyard is this because the black sun is Earth? Earth does not give off any of its own light. It is the dark black sun. It’s the graveyard. And the graveyard is good and evil. Earth is good. Telus is prison planet. That’s why it’s prison planet. That’s why when you go and you type in prison planet and you get 52 and you go to the 52nd element of the periodic table, there’s Earth.
That’s why there’s 52 cards in a deck. That’s why they’re an oracle. You can measure everything against these cards. Then I. Graveyard in Latin. 94. 94 minus 52. 42. 42nd card, 3 of spades. To get the image death. You’ll die. See, Eve, every one of us here is going to face death. You will face this at one point in your life for sure. Because we’re mortal. 42. Life, the universe, everything. Yeah, it’s tied to the graveyard. It’s tied to the black sun. The black sun is Earth. So remember folks, reincarnatio. Reincarnatio puts you back into a character.
26. 26 is tied to what iron and iron is what is in our blood. Okay? When you get reincarnated, you will become a blood pumping human being. And that’s why Jesus In Matthew 26, verses 27 tells you to drink his blood so you can reincarnate back into a human being again. Why? Because the game needs players, that’s why. So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. All roads lead to Rome. Complete. I would love to hear your comments. Maybe you saw something that I didn’t see. This is a great methodology and a very easy methodology to use.
You just got to have all the tools. I do offer all the tools on the cosmic sugar website which has, you know, the, these, these graphics so you could start to the. The tarot card so you could start to work and do this methodology. To do this methodology. And I’m just getting warmed up. This is just the starting for the May do more with the Latin. But I think we got a really good indication of what all roads lead to Rome or Roma is all about. So, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for being here. I appreciate each and every one of you.
My name is logan40 code your reality until next time. We will see you.