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➡ The text discusses the concept of love as a trap in the context of the Matrix, suggesting that love is the force that binds reality together and can lead to enslavement. It also explores the idea of the Architect, a figure who seeks to experience emotions through humans, and the concept of creating offspring as a way to perpetuate the game of life. The text further delves into numerology, astrology, and symbolism, suggesting a complex, coded reality. Lastly, it questions the origin of humans, suggesting a possible creation by aliens, and concludes with the idea that choice is an illusion.
➡ The text discusses a complex theory about the connection between numerology, the periodic table, and the Matrix movie. It suggests that the character of the Architect in the Matrix was intricately designed with specific numerology and elements from the periodic table in mind. The text also explores the idea of refusing to participate in the ‘Matrix’ or societal norms, and suggests that love and relationships can be seen as a trap. It ends by proposing that aliens might be controlling our reality.
➡ This text suggests that the moon and sun play a significant role in our lives, influencing our emotions and actions. It proposes that the moon, symbolizing a camera, watches over us, while the sun provides the light needed for the ‘camera’ to function. The text also links these celestial bodies to various elements, numbers, and concepts, suggesting a complex interconnectedness. It encourages us to question our reality and the forces that shape it.
➡ The text discusses the astrological chart of a man, emphasizing his strong Virgo influence, which symbolizes perfection and precision. However, the presence of Chiron in Virgo introduces a flaw or wound, symbolizing imperfection in his creation. The text suggests that this man’s life and actions are heavily influenced by his astrological chart, and that despite his efforts to create a flawless world, the inevitability of imperfection is introduced due to Chiron’s placement. The text also explores the concept of boredom and the need for evolution and change, suggesting that perfection cannot remain static.
➡ The text discusses the symbolic representation of various astrological signs and elements in the context of the Matrix. It suggests that Virgo energy, associated with order and analysis, combined with Neptune’s illusionary influence, creates a meticulously controlled reality that mimics free will. The presence of Saturn in Gemini symbolizes the illusion of free will within a predetermined structure, with every possible path already accounted for. The text concludes that the brilliance of the Matrix lies in its ability to make humans believe they’re making decisions, thus ensuring they remain within its control.
➡ The text discusses an astrology chart, likening it to the Matrix movie’s concept. The chart’s subject, like Neo, is seen as an anomaly but is actually inevitable. The chart suggests a detached, analytical approach to emotions, similar to a computer analyzing patterns. The text concludes that the chart’s subject, like the Matrix’s architect, creates an illusion of choice in an imperfect world, constantly adapting and rewriting the masterpiece he’s created.
➡ The speaker, Logan 4, believes in the concept of destiny and enjoys analyzing astrological charts. He discusses the layers of a man’s life who chose to be an ‘Architect’, but clarifies that he doesn’t know the man’s birth time, so he only discusses zodiac signs. He believes the man was destined to be the ‘Architect’ and invites listeners to share their thoughts in a respectful manner. Logan 4 signs off, promising to return with more insights.
You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which, despite my sincerest efforts, I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected and thus not beyond a measure of control which has led you, inexorably here. You haven’t answered my question. Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others. Others? How many others? The Matrix is older than you. I prefer counting. From the emergence of one integral anomaly to the emergence of the next. In which case, this is the sixth version. Five lies before me.
There are only two possible explanations. There were five ones before. Either no one told me or no one knows. Precisely. As you are undoubtedly gathering, the anomaly is systemic creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations. You can’t make me do anything like choice. The problem is choice. The first Matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect. It was a work of art. Flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure. The inevitability of its doom is apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being. Thus, I redesigned it based on your history to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature.
However, I was again frustrated by failure. I have since come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind. Or perhaps, a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection. Thus, the answer was stumbled upon by another an intuitive program initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche. If I am the father of the Matrix, she would undoubtedly be its mother. The Oracle? Please. As I was saying, she stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99% of all test subjects accepted the program as long as they were given a choice even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level.
While this sensor functioned, it was obviously fundamentally flawed thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly that if Left unchecked might threaten the system itself. Ergo, those that refused the program while a minority, if unchecked would constitute an escalating probability of disaster. This is about Zion. You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed. Its every living inhabitant terminated, its entire existence eradicated. Bullshit. Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it. And we have become exceedingly efficient at. Ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan.
I’m going to be your tour guide for this presentation on the topic. Architect of the Matrix decoded. As you can see, I have Ed Harris on the left, Kristoff the Truman show and the actual architect of the Matrix, Helmet Kaitis on the right. The actor. They chose to play the Matrix architect and he came on the scene, not in the first one in the Matrix Reloaded that came out on May 7th. I have an image of the moon in the background. This is very important. Ed Harris, Kristoff Truman show was on the moon. So is it possible that the architect of the Matrix is from the moon or on the moon? Or is the moon the architect of the Matrix? Well, I’m going to show you some things you’ve never seen before.
This one will leave you completely satisfied. Both mainstream esoterically. So let’s jump into this. I’m going to start here. The Matrix Reloaded. I’m re watching this again. And this was the follow up, the sequel. The importance of this is that this was The Matrix Part 2 and 2 is the Yin yang that’s on that moon. The moon has the 69 right on it. And part two means duality. This is the things that we need to start looking at to go deeper into how this reality is coded. And again, my final answer is we live in a predestined scripted reality.
So the Matrix Reloaded. This was number two. The numbers of this, you know, the numbers of Lucifer right there. I mean, I could go on and on. They’re just ridiculous once you have them memorized. But in this part two, you see it highlighted in yellow there in the middle. Neo meets the Architect for the first time. He has to find the key maker. They must go meet the Merovingian who’s obviously Hades slash Pluto with his wife Persephone. She ends up getting mad at him for the infidelity and gives the key maker over to Morpheus, Neo and Trinity so they can get to the source.
Well, at least Neo could, which he does. And so when he does meet him. The interesting part about his wardrobe is that he’s wearing all gray. And to me, the symbolism of gray is neutrality. Because this man was he when he’s talking to Neo, he’s very calculated, very strategic, non emotional. That is in the middle, that is being lukewarm. And this is why I feel gray was the choice of color worn by the Architect. Notice that at the bottom there, the architect equals 42. And you know, if this is a big word right here in decoding, right, the word the, in Spanish it’s L.
E L means the. And that, that’s a word for God. So anytime you attach the to the subject, it literally becomes the subject of God. L. That’s really how you break this down. And the word God is 14 in numerology, just like the word the. Okay, but the total is a 42. There’s that infamous 42. We can even say, you know, the architect 28. The word Lucifer is 28. We’re going to get into that in a big way as we move along in this presentation. But here’s the connecting point. Here is his birth certificate. Name this.
Well, at least this is the only thing I could find on this man. 42, which is life, the universe, everything. How about that? So we have a connecting point between the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy right here and the Architect of the Matrix. Now again, folks, when we put our thinking caps, how did they cast this man? What goes into casting? I know what goes into casting, but I don’t know everything that goes into casting. But just how do they select these people? And how does it get so precise with the code? It’s like a computer’s doing it before they select the person.
They just run it through the computer and it’s just got a computer. I mean, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, they made a series out of it on the BBC and they showed that it was a quantum computer. It was all green. The computer was. But so the connecting point to this movie and and book series was the date. This K. This was a book. It came out on October 12, 1979. And the October 12 card is the 10 of clubs. The 10, the binary system. If you watch the tower of Raw decoded, it’s tied to that.
These are the castles in chess that create the walls, the foundations. And then to get the image to go further into what it means, we go to the tarot. And there’s the 10 of wands. And this is card number 31. I mean 32. Excuse me 32. And this card means responsibilities and obligations and burdens. So what is the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy mean? Playing out a character and having a lot of obligations and drama. This is care. This is drama, man. It’s what it is. And the elements on the periodic table are sodium and vanadium.
Why sodium? Because it has the isotope 23. To match the 23rd card for 10-12-F when this book series came out. Sodium salt. Ye are salt of the earth. And then the 23rd ice element called vanadium, there’s that V and the 51. And area 51. Yeah, it’s tied right to area 51 and the underground aliens and all that kind of stuff. So as we move into the card system to show the precision of this, all I have to do is go to this, the master Spirit spread, because he’s the architect. So it’s coming from spirit right now.
This man was born on September 26. And the September 26 card is the Jack of hearts. This one right here, if I go to the chart, here it is. This man, helmet, was born on September 26. There it is, the Jack of Heart. September 26. This is the man chosen to play the. The architect. And ladies and gentlemen, this card. There’s a cross right here. And the. This sits in the dead center of that cross where the head of Jesus would sit. Yeah, that’s why it’s cut a J on it, because it’s Jesus. The architect of the matrix is Jesus.
That’s why it’s revered in religion. And it sits in the Venus line, going horizontally, which is love. Spirit into matter is the symbol of Venus, and it’s sitting in the vertical row of Jupiter. Jupiter Zeus. Jupiter is about expansion. Venus is love. Spirit into matter. So when you take love and expansion and you bring it together, that equals the matrix, because that’s what the matrix wants to do. It wants to incarnate into a human being. Spirit into matter. That’s why the cross is there. The circle means spirit. The cross is matter. And then Jupiter wants to expand expansion through love.
That is why love is the trap. That is my final answer. It will always be my final answer at this point. I’m not saying it’s bad. I’m saying love is the trap. You do whatever it is that you want to do with it. It pisses people off when I say that, because maybe you’re in love. It’s the trap, man. Love is the glue that binds this reality together. It’s called desire. When you desire another human Being you end up falling in love pretty much through lust and sex and desire. And then you get trapped. And now you become a slave.
That’s why Morpheus says you’re a slave to the Matrix, Neo. Yep. And what did he do? He was chasing ass. He was chasing Trinity to keep the game going. This is the Architect’s card, folks. The Jack of Hearts is the Knight of Cups. And this is about looking for love. That’s what the Architect is looking to do. See, it doesn’t have any emotions. It needs you as a human being. It needs us to experience emotions through human beings have emotions. And what’s so amazing about this positioning is that this is the Architect’s Phoenix card card number 13.
I just did a decode on. Let’s talk about how to find your twin flame. And this is one of the ways to look for that. Because there are 13 cards in your spread for everybody. You have 13. That’s the patterns of the sun tied to the Architect, the moon tied to the Architect, and the cosmos and the celestials. And this is why it’s 23.andMe 23 is tied to the word blood. And what’s sitting in that space is the 10 of wands. So the Phoenix card, the twin flame card for the Architect ends up becoming human beings, which is the card of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, which is the number 42.
And this man has a numerology of 42. You see how precise this code is? How could man ever coded at this level to include all of this detail? I mean when you listen to him, he said it was mathematically precise, it was perfect. The Matrix, the first one. And then you get into the elements and sodium is the salt that we have in our bodies. It’s essential. It is an essential thing for our livelihood and our well being. And then the V and vanadium and the visitors, the aliens. Yep. And it we be. It becomes a blood human.
The Architect does. That’s what this says. And this right here also sits in the Jupiter Venus line. How about that? It sits in the Venus Jupiter line just like this one. So more expansion through love. And that’s why I have said this is a card of creating offspring. So when you create a baby, you just made another player for the Architect to utilize to keep the game going, to harvest the emotions off of. And again, I want to be very clear. I’m not saying that’s bad. So some of you that think I’m being negative or I’m.
I’m not saying it’s bad. I’m just showing you how this reality operates through these systems. Whatever you end up get emotionally involved with, that’s on you, not me. So let’s keep going. This was off of the of a decode I had called Ready Player 23, exclusively on Patreon. Thank you everybody for all the support, all you donating members, players and blood. They all equal 23 and they’re four blood types. And only the women can make offspring. Men cannot do that. The word, the word. I’ll just go here to numerology. Woman 23. That’s why Eve was the first to fall in the story of Adam and Eve to create.
And she. And then it says right in theology. Well, now you’re going to have the pangs of distress, you’re going to feel labor pains, etc. Etc. Now you’re going to have to make offspring because they didn’t have any kids in the garden. Well, now you’re going to have to create offspring because now the game needs players in duality. This is, this right here, folks, is de Oxy. It’s right there, right on the card. It’s deoxyribonucleic acid right here, which means the moon. It’s the royal star of the lion. Tied right to it, the number 69 Yin Yang.
This is the Vesca Piscus. This is the all seeing eye. The NFL football’s in here. The miter hat that the Roman Catholic Church wears. I mean, it just gets ridiculous. All from that card. All from the Phoenix card of the Architect. They chose to be in the matrix. Wait till I get to his astrology chart. I’m going to break down his astrology chart at the end and I’m going to show you how ridiculously scripted this man was to play the character. Okay, so going back to. And this is again, just a couple previous decodes away, Area 51.
And then I did the Area 51 Part 2 for all the Patreon members to extend upon that. And this was a show in 1983. The V, which stands for victory and visitors. The visitors come and I’m telling you, man, this, it’s tied right to. It’s right there. Blood tied right to Area 51. This is a red V as well. Why they have a red one? Yeah. So the question I want to throw at you, and I know this may set some of you off, you get pissed because it goes against your programming, because your programming is, oh, God created human beings, etc.
Etc. Well, there’s no way to prove that I’m not saying it’s not true. I’m just giving you something to think about. And the question is, were we created by aliens underground? Aliens? By, by the visitors, by the Nephilim, through the story. Well let’s, let’s continue on here. Let me support that. So the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy came out on October 12th through the common years. It’s the 286th day of the year and look at what the total numerology is for all eight known blood types. You’re going to be one of those 286. So you mean to tell me they this book series comes out on the 286th day of the year in common year and it matches the eight known blood types and it’s all about life, the universe, everything in 42.
And the Architect is 42. And the Matrix’s birth certificate name. Come on man. You know when I was doing this, when I was creating these slides, I was playing some music in the background and it was Megadeth, one of my favorite bands growing up. And this song came on as I was doing these slides. I kid you not, so I’m showing you this and look at when it was released on my freaking birthday. So I knew, See this was a sign. This is how I know I’m not in control of my reality. I’m a tour guide.
I’m showing you the operating system of how this reality works. It doesn’t matter what what you think about me and my work and you may not a lot of you don’t like me, that’s totally fine. I’m not here to be get likes. It doesn’t matter how you feel about me. I already know this is, this tells me that I’m on track. And if you’re willing to look at your reality, you’re going to notice that you’re on track with yours. And the Matrix will deliver to you everything to reinforce what your truth is all about. Make no mistake about it.
It will as you dive deeper. Well, let’s keep going. So this man, he was born on September 26th. There he is, right there. September 26th, 1944. Well it just so happens that the God of The Bible is 26, the yodeh vahe. Coincidence. Neo goes and visits the source. 26. He was born in the 26. And then his life path from the Gregorian is a 98 which is an 8 life path which is what these reduced down to. And how many blood types do we have? 8. See so when you were a code Breaker. And you go beyond just talking about things, looking at things, you’re going to see a whole different world that is completely scripted and we’re not in control.
That’s my final answer. And I know in this movie, they were. During this scene, they talked about choice. There is no choice. It’s an illusion. Choose door number one or door number two, there’s going to be an effect. Cause and effect. Causality, as the Maveringian talked about. No choice. I didn’t know that. Rubs people the wrong way. They get angry, they get pissed off. They don’t like me because of it. You’re just. You’re just. Your emotions are getting harvested. That’s totally fine. Anyway, let me show you more of the script with this man. So he’s got a name, numerology of 42.
And I go to the 42nd. Element, life, the universe, everything. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. And it’s molybdenum, which means lead to gold. Right? We become lead. Down here, matter equals lead. And he’s the Architect. And this is the most stable isotope there, isotope 98. And there it is right there, 24.3%. And the clue is in the percentage. What is 243? Go to the periodic table. Go to element number 95. And there it is. And what is the AM? It’s the I AM. It’s I. Because that’s what God says in Genesis or Exodus, 3 verses 14.
What should I tell the Israelites? Who you are. I am. I am. That I am. Well, there’s the 243 right there. See you just. Once you have it memorized, then it becomes much easier to go through this. This is how ridiculously scripted this man was to play the Architect, not having a choice in the matter. So, as I showed here, he’s connected to the Yod source. His life path is innate. He’s all reduced down to the number eight. Eight known blood types. Well, then this is a slide off of my Yodhevahe decoded. And when you take the Yod, the first letter, and the second letter, the Yod hey.
It becomes. This is the tenth letter. This is the fifth letter in Hebrew. Well, then you convert that into the periodic table. It’s neon and boron, but it’s 105. This is the tenth letter. This is the fifth letter. Yode. Hey. Well, it just so happens that molybdenum comes from the Greek word Molybdos, which is 105. 105. Coincidence that this man they casted to play. The Architect has a life path of eight, which is what the Yodeh Vahe reduces down to. And then I come here and Molybdos has a numerology of 105, and it’s 105 for the Yodheim coincidence.
And we know now because we’ve already done the presentation on the Tower of Raw and the Watchtower decoded that the Bible and the God of the Bible is Raw. So whatever Ra is goes by many different names, titles. It’s a Ponzi scheme. This ends up putting him as the Yod. Clearly the I am. He becomes the Architect, which is Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. And you see, what this means when you study the hieroglyphs is the Yod means an arm and the hay means the window. They have a little person here. So you see, what this is kind of insinuating is that God’s standing in front of a screen and it’s putting its hand on the joystick, controlling you.
Yod. Hey, that’s what it is. And when we go even further, this was off of another decode. This is off a Tron legacy. This is Jeff Bridges talking to his son who came down into the game either inside the game now they’re in the Matrix. That’s what they are. And his son comes to save him. And they have this scene here and Jeff Bridges say. Jeff Bridges says the only way to win is not to play. Oh, there it is. The 105. 105. The molybdenum not to play. See, in the Matrix, folks, there are people that become rogue programs.
They refuse the Matrix. That’s what they do. They end up refusing it. They’re called exiles. And then you get into the mirror of Indian. He becomes a rogue program. He becomes exiled. I’m not saying that’s true, but I’m saying is, is that there are a lot of you right now that are rejecting the Matrix and its programming. You don’t. You don’t want to play anymore. You just don’t. And palladium comes from Pallas, which is Zeus. And Athena goes back to Zeus again. And this is tied to the sons of God, as I showed in the fallen decoded and theological matrix decoded.
See, if you want to play, you’re going to chase this. You are going to become a slave to this because you will do everything in your power to get this. Because no one wants to have a shitty dumpy life. You’ll kick, scream and fight to have the rainbow bridge, to have the family, the, you know, the, the. The. The partner to live in romance. So you can use your partner for romance and they can use you for romance. That’s just the way romance is. And love. You use each other to get your oxytocin and dopamine and it’s an addiction.
And if it’s not going to be a person, it’s going to be something else that you’ll fall in love with to create. It’s inevitable. But is there such a thing as not playing the game? Well, I’ve come to the realization not playing the game is not having children, not getting into a romantic relationship, standing on the sidelines, not wanting to play anymore. Because there is suffering that comes with this Slavery, man. That’s what it is all it’s all about. That’s why the soul trap theory fits into this here. So let’s. Let’s go to some time stamps.
Now I’m going to show you again more ridiculousness. And again, how could the directors get it like this? And to. To think that they would actually sit down purposely and do it this way, to get it exactly like this is absurd. So the first time the architect shows his face is exactly at this moment. Here’s the screenshot right there. And look at the timestamp. The very first time they show this man for the matrix in part two, which is duality, is at one hour, 50 minute and 25 seconds. And I just add them up. 76. 76 is the numerology of bear, which is in the beginning.
76 is the numerology of Genesis, the first book of the Bible. 76 on the periodic table is tied to the protons of osmium, otherwise known as the wizard of Oz. You see the operating system. Yeah. The architect owning the operating system. And this is huge. So again folks, to get it like this man ain’t doing this. No way. Something beyond the physicality of mankind to get it exact. We’re being used. And this goes to this. So I fit this into the context of the Architect. And this is why I said are where we created from underground the aliens there.
This is the Nephilim. Now the Nephilim tithe of the book of Enoch, the fallen ones. 76. And this was a huge thing. Huge, huge, huge, huge, huge. I don’t know if you know who this guy is. Phil Schneider. He was a proclaimed. He was a jealous engineer. He was a UFO dude. Well, he went down into a cavern and this was his narrative. He says that he described these aliens. They were 8ft tall. He ended up shooting two of them and killed them. But they smelled really bad. Described him as having a particularly foul odor. They smelled worse than the worst garbage you can imagine.
It was right out of his own mouth. Well, how’s it tied to this? Well, look what it says for osmium. The Greek word from osmium is osmi, which means smell. So am I fudging anything here? Am I going crazy? Am I just trying to narrate this so I can fit into the context of this presentation? Or is there something to this? Because he doesn’t mention anything about the periodic table during his account, but he does says it was a nasty smell. And this number from the original Hebrew matches this number, which matches this number of the very first time this guy shows his face in the Matrix Reloaded.
Coincidence? I’ll let you be the judge of that. I’m not here to convince any of you. These are my opinions. In truth, just like the disclaimer is in the beginning of this video, you do whatever it is that you want to do with it. But as we continue moving forward, we also have this possibility that it’s not just the 76 tied to the protons of osmium. It’s also the isotope 76 for this element called selenium. And selenium comes from the Greek word selene, which means moon. So this is possibly saying that the nephilim, the fallen ones, are from the moon.
And this may be why Kristoff in the Truman show was on the moon. And when you look at this moon, folks, and you correlate it to what it means in your astrological chart, the moon runs your emotions. So you see, when you go on a honeymoon, you’re tapping into your moon. So when you look at your astrological chart, you’ll know. I will know how you are running your emotions, how you are emotionally coded. It is where your moon placement will be. And Kristoff was on the moon, and it runs your romance. This is why I have said that love is the trap.
And if there is such a thing, if the. If there are underground aliens that are operating this reality, and they are an advanced civilization that can read minds, can cast thoughts, and created human beings, the blood types. Well, then is it possible that they’re harvesting your emotions? Which is why the moon is going to tell you how you operate your emotions through how you get romantical, and why love is the trap. See, if love is the trap, as I have said, and you’re being harvested for your emotions, what’s harvesting your emotions? Well, you could say the nephilim the architect, all those screens, all of the scenarios playing out, they depict it that way.
But the tie ins to this and the postulation, and again, in astrology, that’s what the moon operates. Your emotions. How you romance people, how you like to be romanced without fault, man, to a T, it will tell you. And emotions is where you get oxytocin and dopamine, serotonin. And we’re addicted to these things. And it keeps you locked in this game. And love is the trap, man. It’s the glue that binds. It’s what keeps this game going. It’s how people have sex. They have chemistry and they pop out a kid and there comes another player on the board, and another player on the board.
And this is how we all got here. And it will never stop, right? Because that’s what’s needed for this game to keep going. So when we look deeper into this moon here, how big is it? You know, what is the moon, man? No one knows. Well, let’s do some decoding of it. You can actually spell out the word moon from the periodic table. There’s that molybdenum to start it off. There’s the architect right there with the 42. And these right here are the two that make up the air we breathe. Oxygen and nitrogen are the two main components of the air we breathe.
How about that? Coincidence? Nope. No such thing as coincidence. And when you add up the protons using the trusty calculator, you get 57. And I go right back to chemistry again because it’s all chemistry and it’s lanthanum and there’s that 138. Phoenix. If you’re a fan of Beshears, it’s tied to raw. The neutrons of radium 226 is 138 neutrons. We have Christ being 18. The moon card being the 18th card in the tarot, Kristoff being on the freaking moon. Jesus saying, I will take your sins away. The moon was the God of the sin. We can’t just ignore this, folks.
The moon running the water, John the Baptist and the baptism and you get baptized and dunk your head in water were made up of water, primarily. James Eugene Carey, the actor that played in the Truman show, is 57. He was in a reality television show which is 57. And Neo and Morpheus are 57. And Morpheus is the God of dreams. If you study the mythologies of it. And the moon is Dreamworks Pictures, you know that company, the little fishermen off the moon fishing for people 57. 57. 57. 57. 57. This adds up to 57. Are these just all mere coincidences and we should just dismiss this? Well, again, I’ll leave that up to you.
But let’s show you a little bit more. This is how big NASA is. And once you graduate and refine yourself and level up, you won’t get emotionally involved and get angry and pissed off. You just may get wowed and realize that this organization’s just doing their job. But now you know what they’re tied to? 138. 138. 138 is tied to the to element. Raw as well. Radium. This is the card of NASA. They were founded on July 29th. It’s the queen of hearts, the queen of Wonderland. That’s a 57. And then when you do the numerology of lanthanum from the original Greek of where it came from, that’s the number 80.
And one of selenium’s isotopes is 80. It’s not only 76, but also number 80. The word tree of life equals 80. Tree of life comes from the biblical aspect, which comes from the Torah, which where’s the architect comes from because he’s tied to the yode. And what’s so fascinating about lanthanum being tied to the moon is that the icon chosen for this element is a freaking camera lens. And this is what I want to talk about. Now, I could take this right here. Where am I going to go with this? Well, folks, let’s go to the Bible again, the theology, and we’re going to talk about Revelation 13, verses 1.
And it’s the big standout is I saw a beast. Yeah. Guess what? The beast is this. The beast is the moon. That’s going to make you get the mark. And so you can buy and sell the matrix cryptocurrency and the moon tied right to it through the lanthanum. Here’s the numerology of Revelation 13, verses 1. I’m going to the original Greek, the modern Greek of which it was written. Here’s the word revelation. Apocalypsis, 13, verses 1. There’s the 138. There’s the 138. The 57 is this. Protons. This adds up to 57. No coincidence there. So what is the great beast, folks? The moon.
Now you know, which is keeping a watchful eye on you. And what’s the great dragon? The sun. Here’s Revelation 12, verses 3. A great red dragon. Yeah, that’s what happens when it’s at Sunrise, sunset, seven heads and ten horns. Just like this. Seven heads and ten horns. The sun and the moon, folks, are the dragon and the beast, as this has been shown over and over. Now, I did it in the Dragon 2.0, the Beast 2.0. So now you know what it is. The moon is the dragon. The sun is the beast. And let’s kind of narrow it all down now in this.
And we go back to lights, camera, action. Very, very big shout out to the great decoder Roland. Roland, many years ago gave me this. Lights, camera, action. And it’s just been a huge marker and everything that I’ve been doing decoding on spirit into matter equals 56. Lights, camera, action, 56. And what is the camera? The moon. The moon is the camera, obviously. The lights is the sun. The moon is the camera, and the earth is where all the action is. That’s why it’s the world card. And you see, this is the royal star of the lion.
And it’s. We’re going to go to soul spread 23 because the moon and blood both equal 23. And when I go and I locate the 23rd card in that 23rd card chart, it sits in space number 16, which is the numerology of camera, which is the moon. And this, remember, this is the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy. So the sun wants to become a human being. It goes through the portal of the moon, which takes an A camera. It’s the. It’s the great gig in the sky, what Pink Floyd says. And this is welcome to the machine, the whole thing.
So this is the great red dragon, this is the beast. And then this is the reality television show where all the action happens as being an actor or actress on the world stage actor starts with the act. You’re. You’re in an act. Action. A reality television show. The Truman Show. The Truman Show. Remember up here? The Truman Show. Even the, even that. Even this. Whoops. Even the Truman show is 57 right here. Kristoff was on the freaking moon, man. Moon, when you spell it out, is 57. It’s taking the image of the earth. It’s the camera.
That’s what it is. This is the camera. And it’s. It’s watching all of you. It’s watching all of us. And these, this is the. The two eyes. It’s not just the moon because you need light in order for the camera. The light needs to bounce. It bounces off the moon as well. That’s why the. The moon and the cycles of the moon have some Say, in the stock market and cryptocurrency and all that, because these right here are the dragon and the beast. Right here, the great red dragon is the sun, and the beast is the moon.
Make no mistake about it. That’s what all this stuff means. And you can see that space 16, which is where the camera is, where it sits, card number 23. Where you become a player sits in the Mars Venus line. Yeah, that’s testosterone and estrogen right there. Right there as you become a player. So if you don’t want to play anymore, folks, the way to win is not to play. It’s a tall order. It’s a tall order to do that. So the last slide here before I get into the astrology of the architect, to blow your mind with that, is that royal star, the lion, which is the verbiage that.
That is the number 23 in numerology. If you study numerology, you’re going to find out that 23 is the. Is called the luckiest number in numerology. No such thing as luck, but it’s the luckiest number. And this is why you have. It’s tied to our chromosomes. 23. Andme, you know that company, why the great. One of the greatest basketball players ever WORE the number 23. The movie 23 with Jim Carrey. Jim Carrey again. 23. Jim Carrey’s in the movie 23. He’s. He’s right here, folks. Now, you know how. How dialed in this guy is in the Truman Show.
Even this symbol right here, man, this is the Christ on the cross upside down. It’s the letter Y. There are so many symbols here that you can see. It’s so simple to see this, but the royal star of the line, and we know the 69 is right on the moon. Moon is 23. Blood is 23. And these are the two elements vanadium, which is the visitors and victory and the Reptilians, Area 51. I’m telling you, this is why I postulated. Are we from underground? Did we have our genetics created underground? And that’s how we get all these different cultures around the world.
Doesn’t make sense coming from two people. Sodium salt of the earth. These are. This is one of the three elements for the. For the philosopher’s stone, clearly. So how big this is? This is the. The great beast. Okay, so now. Now you know what that means. But let me get into and finish with this presentation for the architect of helmets astrology chart. Now, I want to be very clear here. If you go look up his astrology chart, they don’t. I don’t have a birth time. We only have the birth city. He was born in Poland. Don’t have a birth time.
So I guessed on the birthday, on the birth time. And I had it based on the sun setting because of the fact that he is a Virgo son. And Virgo’s over here, so I placed it over here. But I’m not going to reference the houses because I don’t have his birth time. We’re just going to reference the zodiac signs. Remember this man born on September 26, he’s got the, the, the jack of hearts card which is the center of the cross, sits in the Venus Jupiter line. So those are going to be big markers in his astrological chart.
And it’s looking for love. The architect not having emotions, right, but people have emotions. And being able to watch you on the screen through the camera, the lens of the moon and the sun. So his moon is up here, conjunct with K2, the south node of the moon. And then his son Helios is here in Virgo. And this is how scripted this guy’s chart is. And again, so this is. How can they cast a guy and get all of these things? Exactly what I’ve shown Beyond just this, the 42 and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, tied to blood.
And the time stamp of when he showed his face tied to the Nephilim and the Moon, how do they do it? Well, again, this is how valuable astrology is. So the architect of the, the matrix, he designed a flawless matrix, so he says, right? He was a master planner. He was the overseer of a grand system of order and logic. He didn’t have emotions. And this astrological chart right here, as you’re going to see, it reflects precision. It reflects intellect, control. There’s a heavy concentration in Virgo which is all about perfection and precision. The lovers card sits in the sign of Virgo.
He created Adam and Eve. I mean the ridiculousness of this man’s astrological chart. His son, Venus, Mars, Neptune, his Chiron, they’re all in Virgo. This right here, this cluster of energy, all in Virgo, which is the lover’s card. So think about what I’m showing you here. He’s dedicated to creating structure, refinement. This is a calculated reality. This is a masterpiece. That’s why is the word for Virgo is legacy. That’s what he created, that’s what he said. But because of the chiron placement, the wound, despite his efforts to engineer a Flawless world. The Chiron in Virgo throws the big wrench and everything.
And this is the wound of imperfection. And it introduced the inevitability of the flaw in his creation. And he says this in his narration of the movie. It’s unbelievably scripted, this thing with this guy. They chose to. I mean, you couldn’t have picked a better person. So let’s talk about this Helios. The sun, the spirit. Right? The lights. Lights, camera, action. The lights. The sun is tied to one breath, one spark. The sun becoming. You know that song by Tool Numa, Spirit. The soul represents spirit. He’s got it in Virgo. The sun is right behind the lovers card, right there.
This card sits in this constellation of Virgo. So the sun and Virgo represents the divine intelligence behind the creation. The moment where spirit manifests into form with precision and purpose. That’s exactly what this whole thing is. And this is the word becoming reality through the meticulous design. Remember in John 1, verse 1, it says God was the Word, and the Word was God speaking things into existence. Speaking things into existence. His Mercury is in Leo. Leo’s ruled by the sun, speaking things into existence. So Virgo, ladies and gentlemen, is zodiac sign number six. Even in this movie, in the Matrix Reloaded, he said, this is the sixth time I’m going to destroy Zion.
There have been five predecessors besides you, Neo. You’re the sixth one. This is this zodiac sign number six. Six is the first perfect number in mathematics. Six is the element carbon. Carbon is the lover’s car. This is Adam and Eve here. Do you see how dialed in this zodiac, this astrological chart is? So the Helios here in Virgo signifies the final step before completion, the moment where the perfection was crafted, where the order was established and where life was given the structure. This was supposed to be the flawless world because Virgo is the virgin, the last day of creation, the perfection.
It was supposed to be a paradise untouched by suffering or, or imperfection here. But because of Chiron, there. Well, there’s the wound. So it was doomed to fail man, as he had said, because perfection can’t remain static. It has to evolve. It has to evolve here. So Virgo’s divine spark of creation is precise and logical. Yes. It’s methodical. Yes. It brings forth a newly formed Earth and paradise. Yes. It’s a system that was completed in its mechanics and its inevitability of its own eventual undoing by way of that chiron aspect there. The wound of perfection. That’s what it Is so again, in the Matrix Reloaded, the architect says that his first version was perfect.
It was a paradise without suffering or struggle. That’s what he said. But it failed because the human emotion got bored with no confrontation or resistance. And they got restless and they disengaged. And there you have the biting of the apple, the seeking of knowing good and evil, like they did. They were naked in the story. That’s being naive, being asleep. And I know this postulates choice here because they do mention choice in the Matrix, but how do you break this all down and say that there’s free will in all this when I’ve showed you clearly that this man doesn’t have any free will, Especially with this.
So when Chiron gets introduced in this man’s chart, there it is, right? In Virgo, the perfection is an illusion. Chiron ensures that imperfection gets introduced here. It makes the paradise unstainable. So remember, in Tarot, Virgo is linked to this. It’s Adam and Eve, man. And when they became aware of their imperfection, which is boredom, bam. They move into the second tier of living. This is knowing good and evil, man. The serpent’s right on that tree. So the irony here, with Chiron’s placement right here, the irony of it is that it embodies the precise flaw of this man’s own ego.
Because he says that it was a mod. The. The. It was a. It was a. It was a precise creation, but it was a monumental failure. Yeah, the. And the Chiron wound here of. The architect says that, see, his own ego could. Could. It couldn’t accept the same perfected state as what his intention started off with. Because just like. Like as above, so below, folks, you get bored, man. You buy a brand new car, you get pride of ownership. It doesn’t last. You get bored, and now you’re on to the next thing. As above, so below.
So the. As above does the same thing. If he’s watching a movie, all those screens day in and day out, man, just. You watch the same movie over and over again, you’ll get so tired of it, you’ll get sick of. Eat the same food over and over, day after day, you’ll get sick of it. So if we’re created in the likeness of an image of the Creator or creators, because he had definitely postulated that we have. Have destroyed Zion. We be. We have become very efficient at it, very. Making it very obvious it was plural, not just him.
This is, folks, this is. This. We are entertainment, man. It’s so obvious. His. His. His Mars and Aphrodite. His Venus and Mars. The masculine and feminine are in Virgo. The masculine and feminine are in freaking Virgo as well. This is the divine balance of creation. This is Adam and Eve in the final moments of the sixth day. This is the union of desire and beauty, Mars and Venus. This forms a. A intricate masterpiece of existence. But the chiron wound clearly was the marker of removing that perfection. Virgo. Just remember, if you have a lot of Virgo energy, you’re an analyst, man.
You critique life. You may have ocd, you may hate to have spills on the floor, things out of order. You’re constantly critiquing the world around you and yourself, never satisfied. I would bet this man in his own personal life is exactly that way, just because of this stuff right here. But when we bring it into the architect of the matrix here, and you have Adam and Eve right there, Venus and Mars, it gets ridiculously scripted. The last day of creation, number six. The number six is carbon on the periodic table. That’s the building blocks of life.
So Venus and Virgo, which is Eve, it’s the love of perfection, the harmony of form. But Mars and Virgo is the will to refine and shape it into existence. This is the love trap. This is the. Love is the glue that binds. And it will always be that way. To start the game over, it will always be about this. Some of you don’t want to do this anymore. And this is the rogue programming. These become the exiles, the people that crash the system because they. They know that you’re being used for your emotions. It’s so insane that he’s got Mars and Venus in there, really.
And then you add Poseidon in Poseidon, literally sitting right on top of the sun. Poseidon. Poseidon, remember, is Brahma, the creator God. In the Greek mythologies, Poseidon is the creator God, got the waters, got the earth to create the paradise. Poseidon is Brahma. Brahma is the creator God in Hinduism. And Poseidon is all about illusions. This reinforces the illusion. Neptune and Virgo. This is deception. This is the disillusion of reality. When you place Poseidon, which is about illusion, it’s the mystic, but it’s the illusion, the fantasy. When you put it into Virgo right here, you’re talking about putting it in to a sign that is logical, orderly, systemic, meticulous.
And now you put an illusion in there, you can’t tell. So the presence of Neptune here is a confirmation that the matrix itself is a grand deception, a reality that is meticulously Built to mimic free will while remaining entirely controlled. Poseidon is the grand illusion here. Maya. Poseidon is one of the three that produces Maya, not knowing. So the Virgo energy is all about order and analysis. When you blend that with Neptune’s ability to obscure and manipulate the perception, it creates a world where humans, they’re asleep, they think they’re awake, but they’re trapped in a manufactured dreamscape here.
So this makes sure that even the people that resist the Matrix, they do so in a way that the system itself has already predicted and accounted for that. So you would say I’m a rebel, I’m an alcohol outcast, I’m an outlaw. I mean, that’s what, that’s how I feel. But I’m already accounted for. It’s already been predicted that I will do this. So we become necessary variables in the grand equation of crashing the system. That’s how I see it. That. That’s how I see it. So that, that, that’s all in freaking Virgo. The last day of creation.
Insanely coded. This man was that got selected to play the Architect. What about these right here? Mercury, Zeus, and we even have black moon Lilith. The dark side. They’re in Leo. Leo’s rule by the sun. So this, these three right here, even though they’re in Leo, they will play off Helios being in Virgo, they will become part of that. And this is 5 and 6 and 56 is lights, camera, action. And he’s slammed in 56. So what is Mercury the way you think? It’s the Architect’s way of thinking. Zeus is about expansion. Remember, his card is Jupiter and Venus.
Expansion, manifesting a legacy. That’s what he did. So when you have Mercury and Zeus in Leo, it signifies the commanding presence that he has, the intellectual superiority, because Leo’s the lion, the king of the jungle. He had like a dramatic method to his explanations. Mercury, the planet of communication. He wasn’t speaking to convince Neo. He was dictating. His conversation was layered with complexity. It was. He was arrogant, but he was precise. He was precise with his, with his conversation with Neo. So Leo plays out this, because Leo is very confident. The energy, the king of the jungle, Zeus, he’s playing the Zeus, Venus card.
So the Leo energy gives him the confidence of, like a godlike creator. The Zeus energy, the great Olympian explaining his choices as an authority, not as a negotiator. And I’m telling you, man, Leo, in theology, Leo is the same lion, because Leo’s the lion. The Same lion in Second Peter, 5 verses 8 where it says your adversary walks about like a roaring lion seeking to devour someone. That’s, that’s the pride, that’s the ego, that’s the desire to manifest. That’s what it is. And Mercury in Leo is the architect in his word that spoke things into existence.
Leo’s a fire sign. Fire is the origination. Fire is the spirit that molds matter. So Mercury and Jupiter and Leo is the essence of creation. Since this fifth zodiac sign is all about manifestations. And he’s got his little black moon left there which becomes very distorted. The dark side. He has the dark side of the manifestation, the dark side of the creation. Even his palace. Palace, which is remember, the way to win is not to play palace. Palladium is, was Zeus’s favorite. This is Athena right here. This is your, the thinking aspect inside the fifth zodiac sign of Leo.
Okay, we come down to Kronos, Saturn, Father Time. He’s got it in freaking Gemini. Remember, Gemini is the prison, the symbol of the prison. This is time being stuck in the prison of time. This is the third zodiac sign. Third three is expansion. It’s the Empress card in the tarot. The Empress is the most powerful card in the tarot in the major arcana because she gives birth to things, giving birth to time, creating the days of creation. So you place this in Gemini and it’s going to represent a paradox that this man has to entertain the balance between control Saturn and the illusion of free will.
Gemini logic and on unpredictability here. So because Gemini is a sign of duality, you have time, you have the timekeeper in duality, man to create the timelines. Gemini’s like structure and time. So Saturn forces the energy to consistently manage a system that’s that, that’s rigid with Kronos and adaptable. That’s Gemini. See, the Matrix has to have order, but it has to give you the illusion of choice and rebellion and chaos. And this ensures Neo’s repeated existence as part of this of the anomaly. Remember, he says, neil, you’re the sixth one. You’re the sixth one, man. I’m telling you, this is all scripted.
It’s so amazing. It’s so mathematically precise. It’s so astrology precise. Gemini’s the prison. Saturn is time. This is humankind stuck in the prison of time. That’s what this means right here. We even have Sirius here. The brightest star in the night sky right there in Gemini. So the Architect’s greatest achievement wasn’t just about designing the Matrix, but it engineered the illusion of Free will within a structure that is entirely predetermined. Saturn is about rules and restrictions and karmic lessons. So it ensures the duality of control and chaos is never broken. So the system, our reality, it may appear to allow for rebellion, like, I’m a rebel man, I’m an outlaw, but I’m scripted to be that way.
If you’re a rebel outlaw and you don’t follow the same normal programming as most people go along with, you’re supposed to be doing it that way. Because every path is already accounted for within the equation of what this whole thing means right here. And choice is the greatest illusion. It sustains the Matrix, but the inevitability is its foundation. The inevitability is the foundation of the Matrix. So no matter what you choose, whether you’re compliant or resistant, the outcome is already programmed to fit the grand design that this Architect created, already did that. The illusion of choice prevents absolute rejection of the system.
See, and it didn’t. It literally ensures that humans remain within the boundaries of its control because they believe they’re making decisions. And that’s the brilliance in this whole thing. The brilliance of the creation of this is recognizing that total control leads to rebellion and then allowing carefully structured variables like Neo coming back six times, he was supposed to come back six times and then he goes to the other door that the Architect thought he wasn’t going to go towards. But that was already calculated, that was already part of the plan. So it doesn’t matter if you’re.
If you’re going to go along with the plan or you’re a rebel, you’re already accounted for in this reality. Saturn is very restrictive, ladies and gentlemen. You put it in Gemini, it restricts through the construct of Gemini and Gemini, the. A lot of people say, oh, the lovers card, that’s a Gemini energy. It can be, because the sixth Nashaktra sits here called Arjra. And this is the sixth card. So you could see that Adam and Eve becomes stuck in time through Kronos here. And this is this man’s astrology chart. So crazy. So Neo comes in, he’s the sixth one, I would imagine.
He becomes the Chiron. Neo becomes the Chiron and they call him an anomaly, but he’s an inevitability. And the loop that he comes into, he’s got to play it out. And that’s so the Matrix can be recalibrated rather than destroyed. It will never be destroyed. There. Listen, ladies and gentlemen, here’s my final answer. There are no possibilities. There are just Inevitabilities. Inevitabilities is what creates this reality. The illusion of possibilities is what you’re after. That’s really what it’s. That’s really what it comes down to. So what about up here? Since the Moon is so big, right.
We had a big thing on the Moon sitting up there in the ninth zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is ruled by Zeus. So it’s going to play out down here in the manifest spot, which we already talked about. The desire, the pride to create the Matrix. Well, the way he feels about it is in the sign of Sagittarius. The wisdom to create the Matrix is right here. So the Moon being the great recorder, man, it’s recording all of this. The camera in the sky, it captures every emotional reaction, every subconscious impulse. So the Moon in Sagittarius sitting in the 9th house or the nodes 9 zodiac sign of wisdom, of philosophy.
This is the hermit card here. It makes this perception of emotion detached because when you get to that level of nine and you become a hermit, you become a detached. So he becomes more observational here. He becomes more analytical. He play. This is analytical here. This is precision here. This is being perfect. Well, having the Moon in the highest aspect of the chart here in Sagittarius, which is ruled by Zeus, Zeus rules the higher mind. It’s very clear what the emotions were tied to. He, this, this chart does not experience emotions like we would. It’s about studying, logging, calculating, calculating the impacts on the grand equation of the matrix.
And then K2, the south node of the Moon here is about detachment. It severs emotional attachments. This, this, I mean, even in real life with this guy, he has the ability to watch behavior around him without being affected by it. So from a architect of the Matrix position, this right here with the detachment of K2 and the motions of the Moon, it becomes super detached. It allows you to watch behavior without being affected by the behavior you’re looking at. I mean, it’s kind of like a computer. It’s like an advanced AI computer analyzing patterns rather than engaging in them.
It’s all calculated here. So this is like emotions that are like understanding that emotions are variables, like accounting for the emotions but not indulging in the emotions. This is like not feeling, but just observing. Being able to manipulate the system by having all this wisdom. This is the hermit card here. I mean it’s just so precise. It’s. It. This chart blew my mind, man. Of the guy they chose to play the architect, if you know astrology, man. And everything I’m saying here and everything I’m not and you know about it, it’s mind blowing. It really, really is.
I. So the, the detachment of K2 here, the wisdom of K2, this is, this is being able to see beyond like fleeting emotions. That’s really what it is. Like this, this is about looking at data points instead of getting emotionally involved with data points of what people are going to do, looking at all the screens, but not getting emotionally involved with the screens. And I mean we listen, whatever’s, whatever’s running this reality, it may just be creating another world based on our emotional reactions. It’s not getting emotionally involved with our reactions. It’s just calculating through data sets to create a better world or a different world.
That’s a possibility. And the way it learns is not through emotions, it’s through data sets and through, through, through calculations of precisions with mathematics, what you click on, what your likes are, etc. Etc. Now we come down here to the bottom half. We have, we have, we have Pluto, we have Hades and now Rahu. And Rahu is the desire, right? So the detachment here of the emotions. But now you have the desire. And it’s in Cancer, which cancers the moon. Remember this, this guy in the Truman show was on the freaking moon. So Rahu with the desire, man, this, I would love to look at Ed Harris’s chart.
I just, I didn’t do that. But Hades in Cancer and north node in Cancer. This is, this is, this is emotional unpredictability because Cancer represents the need for emotional fulfillment for like to, to belong. Something beyond logic here, right? Wanting to feel. When you got Rahu in Cancer, man, this is like wanting to be a family man. The desire of Rahu. I want to feel what human beings feel because I can’t because maybe I’m a computer. Yeah, maybe I have a computer. So the south node of the moon here, K2 represents in somebody, in someone’s chart.
It represents, it can represents past cycles. So the architect attempted to build a system based on higher ideals and philosophies. But Rahu, down here in Cancer, it demands an evolution towards understanding the emotional needs of the Adam and Eve character. Because they’re in Cancer. This is the home, right? The desire to create the home for human beings, but having a detachment with the emotions here. It’s so amazing. And I would imagine he, this is why he said the oracle’s the mother. He had to, they had to use another program because he couldn’t get his emotions, his non emotions.
He could not Understand the behavior of human beings. Because maybe the architect is just a computer. So it brings in another program which was the oracle, which was his opposite force obviously to bring the human element into the system that he can’t fully grasp. And maybe that’s what this is. He stays up here in the detachment, he brings in the oracle. Played by. Played by Gloria Foster, born on November 15th. She’s got the five of clubs card. I mean Hades and Cancer. This, this can mean a real detachment from emotions. Pluto in Cancer. Now the last thing I’ll discuss here before I give you my final conclusion of this is the.
The OG Uranus. Uranus for his guy’s chart is in Taurus. Taurus is the Taurus field. And this is possessions. Taurus is ruled by Venus. Venus is up here next to Adam. Possession, currency, money. This is the zodiac sign of how you earn your money. So you bring Uranus in here. Uranus is an electrical planet. It’s a planet of revolution. When you put it in the second house of money and material resources, it’s going to be about currency. With human energy, we become the currency. So Uranus becomes the original disruptor and cosmic architect here. And it redefines the wealth by turning human beings into currency, literally resources.
That’s why everybody in are connected to the pods. Because it’s a battery. That’s what it is, it’s a battery. Human beings become a harvesting station by way of our bioelectrical thermal energy, our emotional reactions. Remember, Venus rules this and Venus is up here in the creation. So yes, Taurus is a sign of value and stability in the physical world. The Taurus field, absolutely. But when Uranus comes in here, it becomes a medium that Uranus be ables can, can like extract energy here and literally transform people into a commodity. Just like the Matrix showed with the pods.
It really blows my mind. And even with Chinese, this is the ox, the bull. Is this just signifying that we just become cattle? Human beings become cattle? Venus rules that we become cattle. Is that what this signifies? Well, I’ll let you be the judge of that. But my final conclusions of this is that ultimately the architect’s role wasn’t to create a perfect world, but to create the illusion of choice within an imperfect one. That’s why when Adam and Eve got kicked out, there was already a world that was created for them. God didn’t have to create the world on the fly.
It was already predestined that they would go there. So his Chiron and Virgo was clearly. And this could be the Neo character right here. It was clearly ensuring that perfection will always be out of reach. It will force an endless cycle of creation and failure and adaptation. And this man that they chose to play, the Architect, I mean, this chart reveals like an intellectually superior energy here, but bound by the paradox that the masterpiece that he claims he created has to always be rewritten. And that’s why Neo came and he was the sixth one. So it will always be forever imperfect.
There will always be the anomaly there, the chiron wound. So the age of Virgo, the analytical mind, the legacy that it created there. The. The duality of Gemini being stuck in time, human beings being stuck in time. The lovers card can fit here through the Nashaktra of Ardra. That sits right into Ardra. Ardra is the sixth Nashatra. This is the sixth card there. I mean, yes, a master of his craft, absolutely. But the illusion of free will is my final answer here, folks. Just the destiny of what we were bound to be with this right here.
So. Whoo. That was a lot, a lot of information. Exciting, man. I love reading charts. This is, this is mind blowing to me that this man that chose to play the Architect has all of these layers like this. I hope you got something out of it. And I’m sure those of you that are fans of astrology have way more to add. You can look in that. And I just again, be clear. I don’t know his birth time. So we. That’s why I didn’t talk about the houses, could only talk about the zodiac signs. But that was easily enough to show that this man was the perfect man to put in as the Architect.
Born on the 26th source is 26 playing out the Architect. So I’d love to hear what you saw. Keep your comments coming. It’s all about loving here, so keep them cordial. But anyway, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan 4. Decode your reality until next time. We will see you later.