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fentanyl decode your reality!

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➡ This text is about a drug called Fentanyl, which is causing a lot of deaths. The author, Logan, believes that the rise of this drug is not random, but part of a “scripted reality”. He uses numerology and references to the Bible to support his theory. He suggests that humans are not in control of their reality, but are just playing out a predetermined script.
➡ The text talks about the connection between the number 25, the word ‘lethal’, and the man who first made fentanyl, Paul Jansen. It suggests that the number 25, linked to Jansen’s birthday and the card ‘queen of clubs’, is tied to the deadly nature of fentanyl. The text also discusses the idea of ‘secret destroyers’, substances like fentanyl that are secretly added to other drugs, leading to overdoses and deaths. Lastly, it mentions the concept of population control, suggesting that the use of lethal substances like fentanyl could be a part of this.
➡ The text discusses the symbolism and numerology related to the drug Fentanyl, suggesting it’s part of a larger plan for population control. It connects the drug to various numbers, dates, and events, including the Hebrew language, tarot cards, and world wars. The author believes that these connections are not coincidences but are part of a predestined script. The text also mentions the concept of predator and prey in nature, suggesting that Fentanyl’s role is to “take out” people, similar to how predators control prey populations in nature.


What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting they’re possibilities for you to consider in which you can then come up with your own logical conclusions. Ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be. My name is Logan, your tour guide. And this is decode your reality. And today we’re going to be breaking down some pharmaceuticals. This will be fentanyl, decoded. And this drug, which is not new to the market, but it is killing people like crazy.

If you go look at fentanyl, you could see that it was first synthesized by Paul Jansen. And it was approved in 1968. It was first synthesized in 1959. I’m going to come back to these dates. I’m going to come back to these dates, 1959 and 1968. See, ladies and gentlemen, we live in a scripted reality. All right? My final answer is, mankind is being used, and we’re not in control of this reality.

So this pharmaceutical, this drug that came out, it came out, obviously, for various reasons, for pain. But, folks, why is it all of a sudden just having this massive surge on the world stage and taking people out? Because it’s time. It’s the right time for this drug to come out and start to do its acidic aspects. Okay, fentanyl decoded. Here we go, ladies and gentlemen. And again, this is for educational purposes only, but wait till I show you what it is.

Put your pair of headphones. Wait till I show you what this is. Decoded. I could have did scripted reality with this one. Insane. This pharmaceutical drug. So I’m going to start here. This is a picture by the DEA. I got it right off the fentanyl Wikipedia. And I didn’t even know this because I didn’t study this. But this is a picture from the DEA. It’s sitting on a piece of lead.

Lead, of course, being poisonous. I don’t know. I’m sure they didn’t do that on purpose. But of course, we’re living in a scripted reality. This dose is lethal. It’s insane how little it takes. And they’re lacing coke and heroin, and people are sniffing it, not knowing, and they’re overdosing and they’re die, killing. They’re killing themselves. And so what I wanted to do is, I wanted to introduce to you, this is not new, but I wanted to do some numerology.

And I’m doing the Chaldean reduced now, where you’re going to get the double digits, reduce it down to the single digits. And I’m also going to be using the word fentanyl it’s a three syllable word. I used to do this a lot, many, many years ago. This is how it rolls off your tongue. Fentanyl. Fentanyl. It’s a three syllable word. That’s why we have syllables in our language.

And the total, when you reduce it down, this is the 23, which is going to be the number five. Five fingers, five toes, five senses. But it is a nine. Five, nine fentanyl. Okay. That’s what we’re going to be doing. That’s what we’re going to be doing. Okay. And we’re going to now look at the aspects of the Holy Bible novel. So how does theology come into pharmaceuticals? A lot of people.

Oh, it’s the devil, man. The devil’s doing it. Okay, well, here you go. Here’s the devil, folks. See, Isaiah 45, verses seven, clearly shows you. It says the Lord saying, I make peace and create evil. I form the light and create darkness. I make peace and create evil. I, the Lord, do all these things. So I’ve done this. This is like biblical alchemy, mathematical alchemy. It’s where you take all the chapters and the verses and you stop at whatever verse it is and you add them up.

I showed this with my central intelligence agency, decoded why they use the truth will set you free and what that meant. And there are several ways you can do this. You can add up all the verses. It’s going to give you 9114, which is tied to the I am, which is tied to the pineal gland. And then when you add the 45 chapters, it’s going to give you 959.

The 959. There it is. Nine, five, nine. Coincidence? Absolutely not. That’s my final answer. This is all scripted. It is not being ruled over by man. Man is an instrument being used to carry out the blueprint, the screenplay, the nine, five, nine. And there it was right there. And this is going to reduce down to the number five because any number you put next to the number nine is going to repeat it.

So nine plus nine is 18. You add the five, that’s 23. And that matches this right here. The total outcome of the Chaldean reduced. The full is going to be 32, which is a mirror of the 23. And I’m going to get to that. I’m going to get to that. So I wanted to talk about this. This right here. I’ve shown this so many times, the game of life being 59.

Contract with God. See, you have a contract with time. Time is 14. God is 14. And you’re not in control of your reality. You don’t have to agree with me on that. I have over 500 videos supporting that. You’re not in control of your reality. You’re just along for the ride figuring out what your code is. This is the most important thing you can do, I think. But this 59 is really big, because, remember, ladies and gentlemen, the 59 is the year that this drug, fentanyl, first synth, was first synthesized in 1959.

How about that? So I’m going to measure that using mathematics. Now I’m going to bring in the spoken word of numerology, the science of numbers. Now I’m going to create a bridge to give an extension on this source code, and I’m going to look at where that number 59, appears in the string of the golden ratio. It occupies digit 166 and 167. And then you go on and you have 168 and 169, because there’s that nine five nine right after the, like, literally bridged into the nine five nine.

Literally bridged into this. So you have the contract with God in the game of life, 59. And it’s bridged right into that nine five nine. And it occupies digit 166 through 169. And this is a big deal. This is a really, really big deal because of the fact that you see the total numerology in the original Hebrew language of Isaiah 45, verses seven is 167. Coincidence? No. So now you can see that this statement by God of the Bible is saying that it’s the maker of peace and creator of evil.

And you get this right here. So, ladies and gentlemen, what created this drug, man, was the instrument, but didn’t think of it because our minds are not our own. Again, think about this thing was first synthesized in 1959, and it got approved in 1968. Well, I mean, where the hell was it? Why is it all of a sudden surging on the world stage? Because it’s time. In the scheme of time, it’s now having its say on the world stage.

This is death. Yes. It can be used for pain medication, et cetera, et cetera. But, man, it’s knocking people off left and right, right there. You could start to see the connections creating evil. This is more evil. Mankind’s not in control of this reality, folks. We have a contract with time, contract with God. You’re just along for the ride. And that 167. And these are big humdingers here, because now you get into this element here called herbium on the periodic table.

On the periodic table. We go to the periodic table, and we look up the element herbium. Here it is right here. The average isotope is 167. That’s the 39th prime number tied to Lucifer, but it has multiple isotopes. When you come down here, here are the common ones. Okay, so this is the chart. And you can see that the stable isotopes is 162, 164, 166, 167, 168, and 170.

And then you have a synthetic one in here. And the reason why I’m showing the synthetic one here is the 169. Because remember this right here? Contract with God and the game of life. And the nine five nine, which is fentanyl, which is the. I create peace and evil with the biblical mathematical alchemy. Here is digit 166, 167, 168, 169. And there it is. Here it is. And the last one, the 169, is synthetic.

What do you think this stuff is? Synthetic? Not natural. Okay? It’s not natural. All right, so what about this herbium? Well, it’s the 68th element. 68. You go back to fentanyl here, and you see that it was first approved in 1968. Not a coincidence. Now, if you go up to numerology and you type in the word fentanyl, you’re going to get in the Chaldean, the full Chaldean. You’re going to get 32, which is the same as the word 68.

Coincidence? No. See, folks, this is your source code playing out. And mankind is not in control of this reality, not in the least bit. Okay? So the big standout here for the description of this two milligrams. Wow. Will shut you down and take you out, is a lethal amount for most people. Now, the word lethal is the big standout here. It means destruction. It means death. Lethal. And that’s the number 25, which is so fascinating because it’s absolutely tied to the guy who first synthesized it, Paul Jansen.

His birthday, the September. September 12 is the 25th card in the deck. The queen of clubs, the twelveth of September. So if we go to the boilerplate chart for the cards of illumination, here’s September. We come down to row number twelve. Here it is. And then he’s got the queen of clubs, row number twelve. There it is. By now, you guys all should have the charts. So he’s got the 25th card in the deck, tied to the word lethal.

He synthesizes fentanyl, whether or not it has multiple uses. Obviously, right now it’s being used for evil purposes. And an eight man running it. Okay, it’s just not, ladies and gentlemen. It’s just not. And you can see how the word graveyard. I did a really interesting short decode on the song the zoo by the scorpions, and I did a whole numerology and tarot. Go check that out. You’ll see the zoo decoded.

It was a short story. It was in there, the graveyard. So you can see lethal and graveyard are both 25. This thing will put you in the graveyard. Just that little amount. And they’re just stuffing it into cocaine and heroin, and people are sniffing it and just dying, overdosing, not knowing. Okay. They’re not knowing, doing. So this is where it gets super interesting. With his birthday, he was born on September 12.

It wasn’t a leap year. So it’s the 255th day of the year. And now I want to take that 255, and I want to measure it in mathematics to get another extension onto this guy’s birth. And you can be doing this with your birthday and the day on the calendar for you. So, 255 is not a prime number. Prime numbers are the big standouts, but this is a composite number.

And now what we want to do is we want to look to the next number that’s going to be the prime, which is the 257. So the 257 is the boss of the 255. It’s the boss of the 256. The 254, 253. You got to go down to the 251, and then that’s the next boss in line below. So, 257 is the boss of the 255, which is September twelveth, the day of the year.

And this is very interesting because 257, the boss of the 255, is the 55th prime number, which ties to these two words right here called secret destroyer. So think about what I’m showing you here, folks. This is a secret destroyer because people are lacing cocaine and heroin and other drugs, and people are just sniffing it, not knowing that it’s in there and it’s a secret and it’s destroying people, it’s killing people whether or not people use it, and they knowingly use it.

But when people are unaware, when it’s laced in the drug that they’re using, and they sniff it or snort it and whatever they do with it, and they die, ladies and gentlemen. And this 55 is very big. It’s tied to the word sun in Hebrew. The word sun in Hebrew equals the number 55. That should give you another indication of how this reality is connected to the logos.

The sun, the secret destroyer in the. As above. The. So below, obviously, is going to be a pharmaceutical here. So that’s what runs. And this guy, he didn’t create this product based upon coding his reality because he was born on September twelveth. Like, yeah, let me just fudge this. Let me just do it exactly this way, because I know that secret destroyer is 55 and no, too complex.

Mankind is being used, ladies and gentlemen. So how about this right here? The Chaldean reduced the fentanyl. It’s 32 and it’s full. It’s 23 and it’s reduced. It’s going to reduce down to the number five. Five is the big standout. Five is the five fingers, five toes, five senses. And then you get another rendition of the Yodhevahe, the most popular Yahweh. So this is Isaiah 45, verses seven.

I make peace and create evil. Yeah, sure. Because, you see, this is part of the pale horse right now. The pale horse coming riding in. This is why all these things are coming out on the world stage right now. Not 20 years ago, not 30, no, now, because it’s time. It’s part of the script. The script calls for a lot of death. And this is what you’re seeing right here, ladies and gentlemen.

This is exactly what you’re seeing right here. His full name, numerology. Paul Adrian Jan Janssen is the number 63. That’s going to reduce down to the number nine. I’m going to get into the number nine. I want to show you how crazy dialed in this is. In the golden ratio, 63 appears at digit 31. And this is not including the 1. 2 ways to look at this, it is digit 31 and 32.

31 and 32 is going to give you a total of 63, telling you a lot about how big this number is in the string of the golden ratio. And there’s the 32. There’s the 32 in the full chaldean numerology, folks. You see how dialed in this is? It’s massively dialed in. And you would think, like, yes. Do you think this guy just sat down and played with the numbers like, oh, I want to give it 63 because I’m going to name this product fentanyl, and it’s going to be found at the 31st and 32nd.

No, come on. Again, you can see this is a scripted reality. Paul Jansen was doing his job, just like you’re doing yours. Just like you’re doing yours. So this fentanyl 32 is going to be tied to this element right here, along with germanium, which comes from Germany. It’s all european, by the way. And this is sulfur. And sulfur is fire and brimstone. In Alice, in borderland, the game master was the 16th card in the deck, the three of clubs, which is tied to lucifer.

The letter s is the number five. It looks just like a number five. This reduces down to the number five. Okay? That’s how alchemy and numerology are. So embed together and so tightly woven, it’s ridiculous. Sulfur fire. The word hell equals 16. This is hell right here. This will take you right out and wipe you out. Kill you quick, kill you quick. And this is what it looks like from a perspective of numerology using multiple languages.

This is the word kill or murder in Hebrew, 16. And you could see that the word nine is 16, and kill is nine in Chaldean. So the nine is so embed with the number 16, which is shiva, which is the tower card. Obviously. This is what happens. You take fentanyl, you overdose, bam, you get zapped. See you later, dead meat. Okay? Dead meat, ladies and gentlemen. This guy’s name reduces down to the number nine.

This is the nine with the nine, okay? The nine, folks. The nine is kill. These people didn’t know that, folks. That’s my final answer. They’re just creating products, trying to make money out of it, et cetera, et cetera. Okay? And it’s the game master. You can see. And of course, 32 is going to reduce down to the number. 532 is the engine. Five is the car. The car is the number five.

The engine under the hood of the car is the number 32. That runs the number five. It’s subordinate to the number five. Remember, this is the number five. The s is a hidden five right there. The five and s is the 19th letter tied to the sun. Okay? The sun has so much to do with this reality. Even his birthday to his death day. Jansen’s born on the 12 September, died on the November 11.

What’s twelve and 1123? 23. So you see how many connections I’m getting here, not just with the reduced, but the full with his name. Numerology. Okay? And you kind of could have decoded the Janssen pharmaceutical, which was bought out by Johnson and Johnson. I could have just kept going with this, with this, you know, this drug, this pharmaceutical drug, even though it is used for pain management and mainly for cancer patients that are in a lot of pain.

I get that. Right. But of course, the damage of what it does and what it can do, the scary part of it is that people are not aware. And I think it has a lot to do with this right here, which is population control. Absolutely. 81 is going to reduce down to the number nine. Population control. You can’t have life and no death. It just doesn’t work in this reality.

How are you going to maintain order in this reality? Population control is 31, folks, I go back up here. Control is 31. You see that right there? 63 is markers. 31 and 32, control. All right, this guy’s name is tied to control, which is tied to fentanyl. So crazily scripted right here, ladies and gentlemen. And how about this? I got a decode coming out on this. Thou shalt not kill.

And the original Hebrew, the original Hebrew is freaking 81. How about that? It’s Exodus 20, verses 13. Of course, the 13th card of the tarot is the death card. That’s the comedy. I’m not saying it’s fun about killing and murder, but it’s hilarious when you could see the tarot card lined right up with the Old Testament, the Torah, Exodus, the second book of the Bible, two meaning duality.

This is the kill. The murder. 68. This drug came out in. It got approved in 1968. I mean, talk about a contradiction. This is going to reduce down to the number 14, which is going to reduce down to the number five. Okay? The 81. There you go. Population control there has to be killing it. Predator. You need the predator with the prey. I mean, go look to nature.

It’s all predator, prey to keep the ecosystem in balance. That’s how this whole thing works. Like it or not, that’s just how this whole thing works. So I got this big decode coming out on this. You don’t want to miss this, by the way. Go check out what the 81st day of the year is. It’s March 22. That’s three, two, two. But you’ll be seeing that in the upcoming down, out shall not kill.

Decoded. So now let’s get into some chemistry. Let’s measure fentanyl through chemistry. And this is called the molar mass here. The molar mass is when you take the protons and the neutrons and you add them up. So carbon has six protons and six neutrons. Hydrogen has the one there. Nitrogen has seven protons and seven neutrons. And oxygen has eight protons and eight neutrons. And so you just add them up because you have.

This is the formula for it. It’s got 22 carbons, it’s got 28 hydrogens. It’s got two nitrogens, and it has one oxygen and the molar mass. And that’s what they call it in science is when you add them up, alchemy, and you get 336. 49. So now I want to measure this number to look like fentanyl in science is three three, six. Well, let’s measure it in mathematics and the source code.

What does that got to say? So, three three, six in mathematics, is it a big number? Not really. It’s a composite number. Not that it doesn’t have merit. Because if you look at the sine and cosine wave, that’s going to tell you a lot of stuff. Squared all these layers. But again, we’re going to do the same thing we did with the other example, and we’re going to look at the next prime number in line.

337 is the boss of the 336. And what prime number it is, the freaking 68th. I mean, seriously. Yeah, seriously. They approved this in 1960. 819 is the sun, ladies and gentlemen. Okay? This is tied to Shiva. If you were on the Patreon, big shout out to all you Patreon members, you would have seen the shiva decoded. You would have seen the six and the eight, the 60 eight, which is tied to Jesus.

Oh, say it isn’t so. Oh, yeah, say it is so. Jesus says, I’m coming with a sword. What do you think? This is part of the sword. Oh, I know. Not your Jesus, though. The other one. Yeah. Okay. But anyway, the 68, there you go. And even this, the band slipped on 2008. They had an album called all hope is gone. This was off my gamatria decoded. And this was a song they have on the album Gamatria in parentheses.

The killing name. Look at the total 60 freaking eight. Coincidence? No, the total numerology for all the words. 60, 66. 68, ladies and gentlemen. 68. The killing name. What do you think it’s doing? The job of fentanyl is to take people out besides giving people pain relief. It’s on the world stage right now, and it’s making a massive surge because of its job. Its design is to take out people.

Okay, kill. Killing. Now you can see it, and it’s also the 68 is tied to. And I decoded this in my world. War. Decoded. Tied to the world wars. The 68, folks. The killing name. So if it ain’t a drug, it’s war. How many millions, countless people died during the wars. This is the numerology of World War I. On the 20 eigth of July, you add all these numbers up.

Seven plus 28 plus 19 plus 1468. World War II, September 1. One plus nine plus 19 plus 39. 68. And then the invasion of Ukraine, February 24, 2022-6868-6868-6868-6868-68. Okay, mankind is being used. You catch on to it. They did. You catch on to it, but mankind’s being used. Go read the lyrics of this. We’re going to burn your cities down, America. All this stuff is so, like, acidic.

Acidic. It’s acidic. Acid. Acid is what kills. It makes you decay. And it’s all about this element, herbium going to the periodic table, ladies and gentlemen, the herbium element. It was named after Iterbai, Sweden, the Swedes. To the latitude longitude for that place and go see some more clues to this thing right here. But again, ladies and gentlemen, herbium, the big takeaway here, the bridge. Herbium being the number 20.

In numerology, the word five is 20. In numerology, herbium is 68 protons. What is six plus 814? What is one plus four? Five. The word duality equals 20. This is going to reduce down to the number two. That’s what you’re in. Okay, 68. Six plus eight is 14. One plus four is five. Five fingers, five toes, five senses. The fifth house of astrology. Leo the lion. The ruler of Leo the lion.

The sun in Chinese. The dragon. Okay, the dragon. And just going to remind you, this is Isaiah 45, verses seven. Those of you that love this book swear up and down about this book. Well, now you know. See, you’re not in control of this reality, so I’m not going to tell you how to live your life, but I am standing firm that we live in a scripted, predestined reality and you’re not in control of your life.

This is the 167, the full numerology in its original language. This is going to reduce down to the number 14. Six plus seven is 13, plus one is 14. That’s the five. And this is one of the stable isotopes of the 68th element, herbium, which is tied to the wars, killing evil. It’s tied to this pharmaceutical drug. Okay? These are humdingers. And they are crystal clear with their expressions.

Crystal clear here. Crystal clear. And just reminding you that all the chapters and verses add up to the number 959, which is the exact syllable breakup of fentan. And lastly, ladies and gentlemen, if you weren’t really kind of like. Well, yeah, those are the interesting connections. How about this one? Isaiah 45, verses seven. Isaiah is the 23rd book of the Bible. 23 is called the royal star of the lion in numerology.

Now, you got to figure out what the lion is. It’s tied to the sun, tied to the moon, et cetera, et cetera. Tied to some stars, man. It ain’t mankind running this reality. It is supernatural. So, ladies and gentlemen, there you go. Fentanyl decoded. I hope you got something out of this. I thought this one was very important to take a look at again. Why is this coming out? And why is this surging on the world stage because it’s time in the script.

Population control, reduction in population. This is what’s going on here. We’re having a pale horse event. Pale horse. Pale horse is tied to all these things that are about population control and death and killing. Okay, so this is what I got, ladies and gentlemen. What did you see? Would love to have your observations put down in the comments. Leave your comment. Just keep it cordial. It’s all about love in here.

You don’t have to agree. I don’t want you to agree with me, but please, just be cordial with your comments. Okay. So anyway, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan. For decode your reality until next time. We will see you later. Bye. .

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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