Spread the Truth




➡ Logan, the speaker, discusses the connection between the concept of Jesus Christ and the element gold. He uses numerology, alchemy, and theology to explain that the Greek word for gold, ‘Chrysos Christos’, is linked to the idea of Jesus Christ. He suggests that the ‘gold frequency’ represents fear and love emotions, and that understanding this can lead to clearer thinking. He also explores the idea that Jesus might be symbolized by the sun, and that the term ‘Son of God’ can be connected to gold through numerology and alchemy.
➡ The text discusses the symbolic and numerical connections between various elements, religious concepts, and the sun. It suggests that the sun, represented by the number 79 and 80, is linked to the concept of gold and the Greek word ‘chrysos’. The text also explores the connection between the sun and the element helium, which was the first element used to measure the sun. Lastly, it delves into the idea that the sun is the ‘voice in your head’, symbolized by the element xenon and the number 130.
➡ The text discusses the connections between numerology, chemistry, and theology. It suggests that numbers and elements like tungsten and hydrogen have spiritual significance, linking them to concepts like the soul and the sun. The text also connects these ideas to biblical figures like Jesus, David, and Abraham, suggesting that they are tied to elements and numbers. Finally, it discusses the astrological significance of these connections, linking them to the age of Aquarius and the concept of a new heaven and earth.
➡ The text discusses the connections between tarot, numerology, and theology, suggesting that they all point to the same universal truths. It highlights the significance of the number 19 and how it relates to various religious figures like Abraham, David, and Jesus, who are all symbolically tied to the sun. The text also explores the numerological significance of the founding date of the Society of Jesus and its connection to the tarot card, the 10 of Cups. Lastly, it delves into the symbolism of the sun and its connection to the element hydrogen, suggesting that all these elements are interconnected in a grand cosmic scheme.
➡ The text discusses the concept of life being a predestined script, drawing parallels between elements like hydrogen and the sun, and human existence. It suggests that we, like the sun, are born from a spark and become matter, needing to plan our actions. The text also connects this idea to religious figures like Jesus, suggesting that they too are part of this scripted reality. It concludes by encouraging respectful disagreement and discussion.


All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan, your tour guide, and this is Decode, your reality. And today we’re going to be doing a breakdown, a decode on the topic Gold Christos. Gold Christos, which is Chrysos. Christos, Something to that effect. I’m getting better at my Greek. This right here is the word for gold in Greek. Chrysos Christos. And you know, AI does a decent job with drawing some of these images, but some of these people are really disfigured. I just think it’s kind of funny. But the image that I wanted to present to all of you is what I feel is the true meaning of what Jesus Christ is all about.

The main foundation of the Christ, and it has so much to do with the element gold on the periodic table. And this is where we can bring in lead to gold. And I feel this is where you’re going to get the. The reincarnation aspect being harvested for your gold frequency, which is your fear and love emotions, casting your knights, your nets to the right side of the boat, which is your right hemisphere of your brain, which is your emotions. Okay? When you start to attack the emotions, we become vulnerable. But when we move away from the emotions, we have much more clear thinking.

But this presentation, ladies and gentlemen, will once again provide you much more clarity on what this character is all about on the world stage, how it’s tied into, you know, the mainstream. And of course, using all these methodologies that I’ve used, numerology, the cards, and especially alchemy. Alchemy is the big component here. So let’s begin on this Gold Christos decoded. And I’m going to start here, and I’m going to bring in some religion, some theology, because that’s the main proponent of Jesus Christ is religion theology. You know, and this is a big marketing tool for the world stage for source code to use.

Notice that it says here, if you follow along, it says the word Christos in Greek comes from the verb creole, and it means to annoy. This is where you’re going to get the word messiah in the conversion to Hebrew. So Christos means the anointed one. And this is where you’re going to get the pouring of the oil, which is the anointing, and that’s the pouring of the sun atop the crown. Okay? And this is where you’re going to get the kings and priests. So it’s come. The big takeaway is it comes from this, the verb creole.

That’s why it starts here. Christos, okay, that’s the big proponent here, is creole. So this is what we’re going to look at first and foremost. And I’m just going to simply take numerology using the language of the Greek, the ancient Greek, now not the modern, the ancient Greek. And we simply connect this to the periodic table to get the picture. And this is where it becomes very crystal clear because Creo becomes the 79, and that is the protons for the element gold or aurum in Latin, the sun. Okay, Jesus. Why Jesus walk on water? The sun, the Jesus character, rises from the dead.

That’s the sun rising in the morning time from the dead being in the tomb. This is what Christmas is all about. The rising of the sun during the winter solstice, when it dies. It’s the sun. It’s the sun. It’s the sun. That’s where all this comes, comes into play here. So we move into this, and I have a decode coming out specifically on this topic called Son of God. There are, you know, many big words on the world stage that we can spell out with the periodic table and this terminology, Son of God. And I know some of you are going to say, well, where’s the O? Well, you can, you can put another oxygen in there.

But you know, in the Hebrew faith, they. They use a lot of God as the gd they just G dash D. So it’s in here. And when you add up just the protons of this, 16 for sulfur, 92 for uranium, and so on the protons, the nucleus, this becomes another connection to gold. We get the 196, and that is the average isotope for the element gold. It’s called aurum in Latin. And there it is. Aurum is the number 19. And now we just simply add in another layer, which is the tarot, to get the picture. And we see that the 19 is the sun card.

The sun is gold. Gold is aurum. Aurum is where you’re going to get the word aura from. I like your aura. Right. This is all your light shining, your aura. 196. So let’s do something with this gold. Let’s go a little bit deeper, bring some more theology into this. And I’m going to use for the base here, Revelation 22, verses 16. This is where Jesus says that he is the root and offspring of David and the bright and morning star. Now a lot of people are going to say this is Venus and there are connections to Venus.

Absolutely. But if you’re the root offspring of David, what Is David. That’s the question. Is David serious and is Jesus the sun? Or is it Venus? Was Venus once a son? Maybe. Maybe Venus was the sun in our atmosphere at one time. That’s possible. But nevertheless, when we add up the Numerology for Revelation 22, verses 16, this is the original Greek now, and this is apocalypse of John. That’s the origination of this book. John having the visions, the apocalypse. So it’s the apocalypses of John of Johanna. Okay, that’s the origination of this. And we get the 276.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you take the neutrons, protons and electrons of gold, this is isotope 197, which is where you’re going to get this from. This is the measurement in science. And it’s going to round up. This is going to be isotope 197, and this is why I have it here. But if you take 79 and 197, looking over here to your left, using the trusty calculator, bam, there it is. It’s the 276 which matches the numerology of Revelation of John 22, verses 16. How about that? I mean, there are the direct connections without having to struggle mathematics, numerology, the science of numbers and alchemy combined in with theology.

And you could see that the bright and morning star is tied to gold. So the question is, what’s gold? Well, that’s why you have the big sun on here. But again, I postulate if Jesus was Venus at one time, was Venus a star in our atmosphere and it moved away? Maybe, I don’t know, neither do any of you, but it’s possible. But the sun that is in our atmosphere right now, that is also tied to the Christ, as is Lucifer. And I’m going to talk about Lucifer in a big way here in a little bit because Lucifer always shows up when I find Jesus.

It’s very coincidental that that happens. So when we get into the actual spelling of Jesus, the most popular is Jesus right here. Those of you that swear up and down, it’s Yeshua, well, you won’t find any miracles being performed in the Old Testament. That’s called Joshua. And Joshua is not Jesus. It’s not even close. Jesus is a New Testament character, not an Old Testament character. There’s not even close. The separation between the two is very distinct. There are no miracles that are done by Joshua at all. None. It is Jesus. And you can see the numerology of Jesus in the original Greek is the number 24.

This the source root number is the number 6 and it’s, you know, 666. 66 and all the way down to the single digit 6 and the 24. You just go right back to chemistry. And now we have a great picture here because we have this element called chromium. Chromium having 24 protons. We can also bring in magnesium here as well. But chromium is got an isotope of the number 52 which is tied to prison planet. And Jesus coming down here, follow me, put your salvation in me, etc. Etc. You can see that this chromium means color.

Excuse me, means color. It comes from the Greek word chroma. And what is color? Come from light. It comes from light. And I think that the icon here represents Jesus. Very great because 24 hours in a day, Kronos in the Greek is 24, that’s Father Time. You get 24 hours in a day and that’s why you have the wings with the skulls here, because you only have so much time and you will positively die here. This is how this reality works. Nothing lasts forever. But how do we connect chromium to gold? Well again, gold being the sun, the sun providing light, light providing color.

We also get these root words of chroma where you get chromatic and chromosome. And now you get into what it means to be a human being with the deoxyribonucleic acid and DNA and all that kind of stuff. But if we go into the golden ratio to bring another layer into this, the golden ratio, the 1.618033, that string of the numbers, well, we look to digit number 79 and 80. This is 79 and 80 digits right here highlighted in yellow. The number 2 is the 79th digit and the number 4 is the 80th digit. And of course that’s going to give us a total if we add them all up.

369. And now we have the keys to the universe. And also we have the right side of your calculator. If you open up your calculator or dial pad right now the 369 is on the right hand side. And that’s why in Jesus and the Apostle, the fishing of the with the apostles, Jesus says, cast your nets over to the right side of your boat. That’s the 369. That’s the emotions. That is going to be shalom. That is going to be the side that starts it all off again, the right side. Remember in Judaism the, the language is read from right to left and that’s because the sun rises and sets from east to west.

It’s right to left. The sun. It’s the sun. It’s the sun. It’s the sun. It’s gold creates color. This is where you get Jesus being chromium. Okay? This is where you get the chromium element here. Let’s keep going. So the Greek word for gold, because we have so much sun reference here, and the sun obviously is tied to gold and aurum, we get to this word called chrysos. Okay, See, we get the. The cry, croak, the ch. It’s right there. Chrysos or chrisos. Well, here it is in the Greek, reduced down to their single digits. And when you add it up, you get the number 22.

And it’s very interesting because Christos is also reduced down to the number 22. And this is not by coincidence or accident. This is the source code writing this reality. And it’s very fitting in mathematics that the 22nd prime is 79. Right? 79 is the 22nd prime number. And you just go right back to the periodic table and you can see how beautifully orchestrated this source code is. Now you know that 79 tied to the sun and gold and the anointing and the oil poured over the head, the head being the crown, the crown being the sun over your head that shines down on your head.

It’s light crystals, chrysos, the gold. And then when we reduce these down to the single digits, two plus two equals four. Well, the four is your four blood types, the four corners of the Earth, the four seasons that the sun causes north, southeast and west. I already mentioned those four. Right? Which is a very big number. In our reality, four is the heart space in the chakras, in between the 1 and the 7. And then you can easily bring it right back into chemistry. And now we can connect it to the isotope of the element helium.

And this element right here was the first element to measure the sun. This is where you’re going to get the word Elios from, or Helios, meaning the sun. Helios is tied to Jesus, which is the Christos, which is light, the sun, the Logos, the giver, the redeemer that rises every day to provide you warmth, to give you the gift of warmth, to give you the gift of power, to give you the gift of vitamin D, which is the most important vitamin for the body out of them all. Vitamin D, as in David, as in doorway. Right.

Vitamin D is the. I come from the. I am the root and offspring of David, Daleth, Delta Okay, Gold is helium. It’s the sun. This is so, so easy to see this right here. So here’s the lineup and if we go back to the full numerology of Christos, you’re gonna get the number 130. And you know, I’m just showing the breakdown here, that Christos has a root of the number 4, but it has the base of the, the 1, 3, 0. And Christos means gold and gold is the sun and helium is one of the components of the sun with hydrogen.

And I’m going to talk about that in a little bit. So, ladies and gentlemen, when we move forward with this, and we get into the 130 now going back to the original Greek in its double digit nature, we get the number 130, and that connects to the isotope that is provided by the element xenon. Notice that xenon starts with the letter X, just like the word Christos in the Greek, not by accident. Again, how much alchemy and the periodic table comes shining through, no pun intended, to provide the narration of how this reality works. And this is where you’re going to get the voice in your head.

This is one of the connections to this, because xenon comes from the word zenos, which means stranger. Xenon, I’m, I’m almost positive. Yeah, it’s a. Xenon is a 27, which is the same as golden, which is the same as currency, which is the same as religion, which is the same as vampire. Okay. Because the sun is the one that gives you life and takes life from you. Essentially what this is saying here in the narration is that the sun is the voice in your head, the stranger in your head. Of course, it uses mercury as well, the communicator between everything, as its best buddy, Hermes.

Okay. And this is the flash of creation right here, the lightning bolt. This is tied to Kabbalah. Absolutely it is. This has a root of the number nine. Okay, nine meaning endings and completions. You know, Jesus equals nine in its root. In Chaldean, Christ equals nine. If I just go here, back here and I show you that, see, Christ is the number 18, but 1 plus 8 is 9. So the root is 9, and so is the root for the 54, it’s a 9. So the markers here are very strong to provide the narration in multiple numerology ciphers having the same outcomes.

And the connections, the nine and the four, these numbers are also tied to Lucifer straight up. And I’m going to get into that in just a little bit. But when we bring A little mainstream into this. Could it be? Could it be, you know, in they John Carpenters they live, you know, John Carpenter has the jack of diamonds for his birth card, which is the 37th card in the deck. John Carpenter does. And the words I in the sky is 37. John Carpenter, who created they Live, has a jack of diamonds, which is card 37, eye in the sky.

Where’s he’s getting his information from? Where’s he’s getting his ideas from? Well, the same place you’re getting yours from. And this was the news station that was broadcasting a hypnotic trance to keep you asleep, obey, consume. Where is this coming from? Well, the story is it’s from the reptilian agenda there, but. Well, could it be that this is all tied together? I mean, I think it’s very uncanny that it’s Cable 54 that was broadcasting the hypnotic trance. This is also tied to the element manganese, element number 25, that’s tied to the word fallen. And you get into the reptilian agenda.

And I’m. I could go on and on with all that kind of stuff, but. But let’s continue on with the matching up of this number 54. You see that the word doppelganger, you know, and again you think about what this means. The stranger in your head. There’s someone in my head, but it’s not me. That’s going to give you 131. I’ve gone over this so many times. Xenon having isotope 130, 131, 129, but it’s the 54 protons as the big takeaway. And the word doppelganger, which is you and the voice in your head. I know doppelganger means it’s you and your twin in this world, but it can also mean you and the voice in your head, meaning two.

Think about what this is saying here. Xenon meaning stranger, the stranger in your head. Okay, so when we get to the root numbers and we connect it to the tarot to give us a deeper meaning to this, we see Christos is 130. That’s the root of the number four. And the number four in the tarot is the emperor, the king. This is the king on the chessboard, the king. Now, a lot of people are going to tell you in the tarot, this is in Aries card because it has the rams head here and it has a red robe, but it’s card number four.

And this is a card that sits in the sign of Gemini and cancer. Okay, Gemini and Cancer. But of course it does fit in with Aries, because Aries is the rising of the sun. So we have the number four that can be connected to the number one and Aries due to Aries once at one point in time, not anymore. It’s now in the sign of Pisces. The rising of the spring equinox is in the sign of Pisces now, but it was once in Aries. So the emperor. And then we can go and look at the interesting aspect of another word for sun, which is soul.

And if you add a U in there, you’re going to get my soul. A lot of you say I have a soul, which is my spirit. Okay, the soul. Soul is 13. But it’s not just the outcome here. And the root being the number four matching with the 130. They’re just dropping that zero. But these both have a root number four. But it’s the individual numbers connected to the sol. It’s the 373 which is the 74th prime. And we go right back to chemistry and we have this element called tungsten. And tungsten is got a big fat W on there.

And that is going to be tied to the word wolfram, the wolf. And the icon chosen for this element is a light bulb. Because tungsten was used for light bulbs, it was made into the filaments, the old style light bulbs. And this is the so below sun, we create light through a light bulb. We put a dome over our bulb. Just like there’s a firmament over our reality. We put a firmament over this reality and we now have a light bulb that you can screw in. And they’ve changed obviously since then, but this is why the light bulb is there.

So we can see that the sun through numerology, soul from crystals means light. And that is tied to the sun and the moon of course too. We can’t leave that out. So going back to son of God and we do the numerology of these, these elements, these six elements, right? Remember the how big the six is. But we add them up and we get the 183. And that’s the average isotope of tungsten. Tungsten having several isotopes. This is isotope 184 because they’re going to round the 183.84 up. I just simply round it up automatically. This is what I’ve been using for more of the finer details of this reality.

But the average isotope that science is going to give you is 183.84, which is isotope 184. But you can see that, you know, it’s always going to encroach, these numbers, as I say, encroach. 182 encroaches into 183, which encroaches into 184. 73 encroaches into 74. 74 encroaches into 75. So as a decoder, when you’re looking at this stuff, you start to see that it’s not just that finite. It’s. It’s very broad, the numbers. But these are huge humdingers. And now this. What’s the son of God? It’s tungsten. The big W. If you watched my Superstar Part one and part two and part three, I showed how that’s tied to the big W.

The W. Okay. The W. So, ladies and gentlemen, we get into the number four. Now, from the root of Christos being the four, one plus three plus zero is four. The word soul is 13. One plus three is four. And then we get into the word four in the Greek tessera. This is where you’re going to get the tesseract from tessera. And you get the number 19. When you reduce it all the way down, you get the number 19. And then you just go back to the tarot. And once again, you see that we get the sun.

The sun, the sun, the sun. So we can go back up here, and we could see how Christos has a root of four, which is the emperor, which is the king. And then we go to the sun here, and the sun is the king. Right. Hail to the king. The logos, which provides birth, which is using you, which potentially is the voice in your head. I mean, it’s brought in with Mercury, and there’s other players in it involved as well, but the sun is the major contender here. Okay, and then we can reduce this all the way down to the number one.

One plus nine is ten, and you drop the zero and you’re going to get the number one. So now we go to chemistry again, and you could see how big deal this is, because hydrogen is about 74 of the sun, the sun being hydrogen and helium. About 74, 73. 74 is hydrogen. It’s got a big fat H on there. H is the eighth letter in the English Alphabet, and 19 is the eighth prime number. See, we just easily connect this if you have the memorization of these things. Again, H in the English A through Z, h is the eighth letter, and 19 is the eighth prime number in mathematics.

That’s how beautifully orchestrated this source code Is this. Hydrogen is a very big deal because it’s tied to the very first scripture in theology in the New Testament. Again, the Old Testament does not have any Jesus character in it. That is Joshua. That is not Jesus. Jesus is a New Testament character. And the very first time Jesus is mentioned is in the first book of the New Testament. It is the 40th book overall. In the Protestant Bible, it’s Matthew. And Matthew is the tax collector here to collect the tax. We’re. We’re being taxed. And it’s the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David.

Remember Jesus and Revelation 22 says, I am the root and offspring of David, and David is the son of Abraham. Abra abba. Okay? And when we look at the chapter and verse, it matches the protons and the weight, the isotope of hydrogen. Forget the.008. It’s one for its isotope. There’s the one and the one. There is the one and the one. This is a direct not. This is not way off. This is directly telling us what the theology is talking about. Jesus is the sun. This is the sun. 74 hydrogen. Tessa. The four. The sun. Ladies and gentlemen, the king.

Okay, when you look at Matthew, this is a really good. I’ll leave the link in the description. This is a really good video on the four main gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Matthew is Aquarius, the. The water bearer. Okay, Aqua Aquarius, water. This is where you get Jesus. Aquarius is an air sign, but it’s in the sea. It’s next to see seed is the whale and Pisces the fish. Right, it’s the water bearer. This is Matthew. Matthew is Aquarius, the tax collector. And we have moved into the age of Aquarius. It’s time to pay up the tax.

Okay, and this is where the Jesus Christ character comes on. And obviously I, I covered this in my crypto kingdom. These are some of the most important decodes I put out. Crypto Kingdom, part one and part two. And this is where Jesus is talking to the disciples, talking about following a man bearing a pitcher of water and talking about a city following into the house. This is all astrological. And the only man that bears a pitcher of water in astrology is Aquarius. This is why Jesus, when Jesus came in the story, he came during the age of Pisces.

And he said, my kingdom is no part of this world, meaning my kingdom is in the age of Aquarius. That’s why he’s telling you to follow him into the house with a man bearing a pitcher of water. And of course, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. This is the sign language of the letter U. And when you look at the numerology of Luke Lucas in the Original Greek, chapter 22 verses 10, that equals the number 51. You go to mathematics, you see that 233 is the 51st prime number, the 13th Fibonacci number 13 being the Sun. The sun is in Leo, directly across from Aquarius.

So these are forming a symbiotic relationship with one another. And this is where you’re going to have Uranus, uranium, okay? Heaven. That’s what uranium means, Uranium. This is also where you’re going to get Revelation 21, verses 1, where it says there will be a new heaven and a new earth. That’s what this all is alluding to. Jesus is tied to Matthew, who is a tied to Aquarius, the water bearer. Knowledge. Cryptocurrency, okay? Cryptocurrency. So when we go to the numerology now from the Greek codex, this is the numerology of this right here. This is the King James, of course the English, you can follow along if you don’t read Greek.

Biblios, right? It’s the word generation. Here is Jesus Christo. Okay? There’s David, there’s Abraham, all in the Greek. Abraham is a 37, ladies and gentlemen. See, see, Jesus says I am the root and offspring of David. Okay? And David’s the son of Abraham. Well, what is Abraham in the Greek? 37. Okay, cool. Well let’s go to Chaldean numerology. And we look and we see that I in the sky is 37. Now I know I’m mixing Chaldean, so all I’m going to do is go back to the Greek. We can see here’s Abraham. And I’m going to go back to the periodic table.

And we’re going to go to the 37th element. And what is the 37th element? Have a freaking eye on it. The all seeing eye. This is raw. Abraham is tied to Ra. That’s it. So is David. And now you know what Jesus has tied to Ra, which is the Egyptian sun God. Okay? It’s so easy to see this when you have the periodic table and the eyes to connect all these tools. So 586 is the total numerology for Matthew 1 verses 1 in the original Greek. And now we’re just going to do the numerology of the 5, the 8 and the 6.

We’re going to break it all the way down because this is a big number and that equals the number 19. And we just go right back to the tarot. I mean, how many more times do we need to see the connections here and how valuable the tarot is when it’s tied to theology? This is, of course, these cards are Jewish mysticism. But now I’m not using Judaism because I’m using a Greek Roman book, which is the Old, the New Testament. Okay? But it doesn’t matter because Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic, it doesn’t matter what language you use.

It’s a Ponzi scheme. It is all owned by the same boss. And you can see that Abraham is tied to the sun, as is David, as is Jesus. Make no mistake, it’s all here. Now we have the eyes to see this, okay? And if we go into double digits. Now, if we go into the double digits, we just bring down these words to the single digits. See, Biblios is a 62. That’s going to be a number eight. So we’re just going to reduce them all the way out on to single digits. 8 + 8 + 4, 6, 7, 5, 7 1.

Using the trusty calculator. 46. And I’m just gonna go right back to the tarot again. And we get the 10 of cups. Matter of fact, Jesus Christos in the original Greek is 46. Jesus is 24 and Christos is 22. That is 46. You see? And this is the. This is more of the sun. What creates a rainbow? The sun. The sun creates the rainbows. And this is the paradise. This is Jesus saying, you’ll be with me in paradise. Okay? The rainbow bridge. But what’s very fascinating about this card right here is that it is coined with.

It’s tied to the establishment of an organization who also uses Jesus. It’s the Society of Jesus. I’ve already done a decode on this organization. Their founding date, September 27, 1540. It is the 10 of Cups. The 10 of Hearts is. Let me just go here to the boilerplate chart. Here it is. For the cards of illumination, we’re going to go to the month of September and we’re going to come all the way down to the number 27. Here’s row number 27 right there. And we have the 10 of hearts. Just so we can be very, very transparent.

So is it just a coincidence that the founding date of the Society of Jesus, which has a big fat Jesus in the back end of it here, has the same card as the very first scripture that mentions the generation of Jesus Christ? Is that just a mere coincidence that this is all taking place? Remember that the number 27. When we go back to numerology, lad and gentlemen, you could see that it’s tied to currency. 27. It’s tied to the word golden. 27. Okay, this is. These are all big deals here. The rainbow bridge. The sun causing the rainbow bridge.

But wait, there’s more. How about. How about when we add up the numerology of this date? September 27th, 1540. You get the number 91. And 91, ladies and gentlemen, coincidentally, is tied to this man right here, Thomas John Ellis Hooper. Now, how many times do I have to continually bring in this guy’s guy? It doesn’t. He probably doesn’t even know I’m doing decodes like this and probably doesn’t even realize the uncanniness of the connections casted to play Lucifer, who’s known as the light bringer, the sun, the. And of course, there’s the fallen aspect. Well, when the sun goes away on a flat, flat earth, when the sun goes away and it becomes darkness, that’s when the sun goes into the underworld.

According to the Egyptians, you get the fall of the sun, Jesus and Lucifer, right? I mean, what are you. What are you going to tell me? This right here, the date is right there. 91. 91. So now you can see. And. And there’s a. There’s a episode or a couple episodes where G. Michael is Lucifer’s twin brother in the show, Archangel Michael. Okay? These connections are very, very uncanny here. And you can see how that is tied to this. The sun, folks. The sun. This is going to be right around the fall equinox, September 22, September 23, give or take.

That’s. This is the Fall equal the fall of man, The. The fall of Lucy, Lucifer. Think about what I’m showing you in the Tropic of Cancer where this organization was formed. September 22nd is when the sun starts to make its descent on the fall equinox, the Fall tight. Lucifer’s tied to the Fall, going in the underworld where the sun becomes black. It doesn’t mean it’s not the sun anymore. It goes under and then it’s resurrected by way of the Jesus Christ character. So what’s very fascinating about this organization is that from my research, they used all capital letters, you know, in Latin, especially the Church, especially the Vatican, they use all capital letters.

This vert, this Latinized aspect is all capital letters. So we go to the only cipher that can decode this, which is Francis Bacon. And this is what they go by right here in Latin. And this is the Jesus character. Right here in Latin, the 158. And this, this right here is tied to the 64th element. I just, I’ll just show you on the, on the fly. We go back here and we go to the 64th element, which is the God element, the GD element. And you can see going down to the oxidation states and isotopes. There is the 158 right there.

It’s the average isotope of gadolinium. The subtleties, 24.84%. Jesus is 20 freaking 4 right here. This is Jesus. The subtleties, the, like, these are clues as a decoder most people would just won’t even look at. But every number counts when you’re observing the code. And this is isotope 158. And there it is right there. And I’ve already shown the son of God and the GD element. And the GD element is right there. You’re on television. That’s exactly what all of us are. You’re Jesus Christ having the Jesus Christ superstar experience. Jesus, Lucifer, good cop, bad cop, black sun, white son, underworld, we have horse and set.

It’s all the same thing. Just playing your different role. But you can see the total numerology is 4,57. And that is the 88th prime number. And that’s tied to Ra, which is the sun God. That’s also tied to Isaiah 45 verses 7. 45 verses 7. This is the sun here. I form the light and create darkness. That’s the sun. When it gets dark out. The next time you look out, when you start to see the sun set or will go away from you, that’s forming the light and creating darkness. Isaiah 45 verses 7. I mean, these connections, you can’t miss this.

And again, the value of you. This again, the proper way to look at these, these languages. The. The proper way to use Francis Bacon, when the capital letters come into play using the Latinized aspect of it. Because this organization from my research uses the capital letters and the uncanniness. Now you can see it’s raw. It’s raw. It’s raw. It’s raw. It’s raw. It’s raw. Raw. How much more do we need to see here the connections to all of this? So we’re getting to the tail end of this now. And now all we have to do is add up all the digits and reduce them down into a single digit.

So we had the 46 here. From adding up the 8 and the 8 and the 4 and a 6 and 7 and 4 plus 6 is going to give us the number one. So there is the number one. There’s the number one. So ultimately, this scripture means one. This is one is the Neo character. One in the tarot is the magician. See, the reason why this card has a lot of yellow is it’s the sun. Why do you think this person right here is raising its hand? It’s calling for the energy of the sun. As above, so below.

Shalom sin. Right. The only other card in the tarot that has an individual having the same hand positions is the devil. The devil is the only one that has its right hand up and its left hand down. Go study the cards. The devil. The sun devil, ladies and gentlemen, already did a decode on the sun devil. If you haven’t watched it, you should go watch it. The sun devil. Right, so we know that the, the first card is tied to hydrogen. You can take all these tarot cards and tie them all to the elements. It’s beautiful.

Hydrogen. Hydrogen. We see the one and the one right there. We see the one and the one right there. The very first scripture mentioning Jesus Christ, the word, the name, the title. Abraham being the sun, the eye in the sky, David being the sun, Jesus Christ being the sun, the sun, the sun, the sun. Nothing new under the sun. So when we get into this hydrogen, like, what does hydrogen mean? Well, it comes from the Greek words hydro and genes. Hydrogen. It means water forming. What does the sun do, ladies and gentlemen? It evaporates, right? The sun evaporate.

It pulls the water back up. It takes the water. That’s what it does. It’s the house always wins. The h, the house. So when we get into this right here to kind of get to the tail end of this decode, hydrogenes, Here it is, in the original Greek hydrogenes is a 119. And what I’m going to do is now I want to do and find out what, what playing card is it? Well, there are not 119 playing cards. So we have to take the rules of the cards and we just take the total amount of cards in a deck, and that’s 52.

And we subtract it until we get to 52 or below. And you got to do that twice. And it’s going to give us a total of 15. There’s going to 119, minus 104 is going to give us the 15. There’s the 15th card in the deck. It’s the two of clubs. And now you get duality. You get deoxyribonucleic acid. Right? Hydrogenes. Now you get into you and I, we are in duality. And this is, I think the club suit is a thinking suit. Okay, you got to think about what you’re going to do. This will convert into the tarot over here.

And now you’re going to get into this card right here. The two of wands. This is the card of the futurist. Why is this so important? Because it’s the sun becoming tool saying about it in their amazing song called Pneuma. It’s the sun, hydrogen and helium becoming matter. We are born from one spark, the sun becoming. And when we become matter, we now have to figure out and plot and plan what we’re going to do down here. And we do that through the ideas that are coming into our brains. And that’s coming from something outside of this reality.

The ideas of mankind. Humankind, man, woman, child is not their own. So we become the futurist. The sun becomes the futurist in matter form. This is the 24th card in the deck. And this is the word for Jesus in the original Greek. It’s Jesus. Jesus is the two of wands, the futurist. You become this character. Whether or not you have this as your birth card is irrelevant. I will tell you that Elon Musk has this as his birth card. And Elon Musk is a big influencer and marketer on the world stage. Whether or not you like what his mission is all about.

He is a Jesus Christ character just like you and I are. But of course he’s directly in line because he’s got the two of clubs card tied to the genes of hydrogen. And we go back to that chromium card element and that’s the. The color. Chromium means color light slow down into physical matter. Okay? All found from the hydrogenes. And doing this methodology that I learned from Sharon a long time ago and I’ve done it now so many times I can’t even tell you can’t even count. This is not a one hit wonder. You can go do it yourself and you could start to pick up and use this methodology and see for yourself that we live inside of a scripted reality.

We live in a predestined scripted reality. In theology. You think Jesus had a choice? No. He gave Judas the soft, the SAP. Judas didn’t have a choice. Jesus didn’t have a choice. You don’t have a choice. I don’t have a choice. You’re just following your script. So to get to the tail end of this completely, ladies and gentlemen, my third time saying that, I think we’re going to look at. Go back to Jesus saying that he’s the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star. David is the. The son of Abraham. Abraham’s the eye in the sky, which is the sun.

Well, It’s A. Revelation 22, verses 16. And when you break these things down, hydrogenes, right? Hydrogenia, into the single digits. Look at what you get. A. A complete direct match to the numerology of hydrogenes, which is where you get the word in English, hydrogen from. You see? So what is this saying here? Jesus is the bright and morning star, which is the sun, hydrogen. And he incarnates into a human being, just like you and I do, okay? And then when you reduce these down to their single digits, 7 and 4, right here, to give us another picture, we have a very huge thing that emerges.

74 is tied to RDN A because of this right here. Deoxyribonucleic acid contains hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus. Hydrogen being the sun, carbon being matter, nitrogen and oxygen being the two components of the air we breathe, phosphorus being Lucifer and light, okay? All wrapped up into becoming a deoxyribonuclear character on the world stage. And when you add up all the isotopes for these five elements, five fingers, five toes, five senses, there’s the number 74. So it’s very clear that Jesus is talking about becoming a human being, just like you and I. But he comes from the sun.

He comes from the sun. This is where we get deoxyribun, our DNA. We get the ribo to the deoxyribo, single strand to the double strand. So to finish up this decode. This is a big one, right? In John Matthew 5, verses 14, Jesus saying, I am the light of the world, right here. I am the light of the world. Well, that’s the sun. Hello. That’s easy to hear about. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness. Yeah, if you. If you follow the sun around, you’ll never be in darkness. Okay? The light of life, the sun gives you life.

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin to live. That’s from the sun, naturally. And what is the numerology of light of the world? From the original Greek, it’s the 226, which is the isotope of Ra, you see? So we have Jesus Christos. Jesus Christos. Jesus Christ being 226. And we have light of the world being the number 226. It’s raw. It’s tied to Isaiah 45, verses 7. It’s tied to the Society of Jesus they follow RA 226 even when you do the modern Greek, because I know the New Testament supposedly was written in coin Greek, which is the new modernized version of Greek.

The 24 letters of the Greek, you get another match which cements this is that Jesus Christos in the modern Greek goes to the number 88 and there are the protons for raw. This is time travel. Jesus absolutely being a time traveler, being iron man to talk about the Apocalypse. You ever, you ever study, Go study Geezer Butler and the song Iron man from Black Sabbath. He was raised The Catholic. Okay. 226. 226 88. These, these connections to end this decode are absolutely undeniable. And now you know what Christos means? It means cleo, which means light, which means being anointed.

And the reason why I have this image here is this ain’t no oil. This is the sun on your head, the sun forming the corona when you go outside and the sun is on your crown corona. That is what the pouring of the oil means through the scenario of what theology wants to tell you. Now, if you want to get into other things that Dr. Hillman talks about in his chemical muse and know, bringing into pharmacology and using the word into that kind of environment, the much different environment, but in theology, in the context of the anointing and the Messiah, this is all the sun on the top of your head.

And the oil represents the sun, the creole, the gold, being anointed. Okay, so that’s what I got for you, ladies and gentlemen. I would love to hear what you saw. Just, you know, again, keep your comments cordial. I promise you if you have any nasty comments, they will not make it on this channel and you will be blocked. I don’t. You don’t have to be nasty to not agree. Some of you just don’t get it. Like you just got to be a total. Because you don’t like what you see here. Well, I, I have no problem of people not agreeing, but have some a substance to your disagreement and you don’t have to be a jerk about it.

You could be cool about it. Like, hey, I don’t agree with your information. Information. Great. Don’t. Don’t expect me to reply or give you a thumbs up or thumbs down. I’m not even gonna do that anymore. I don’t need to defend this information. If you don’t like what you see, maybe this isn’t the right channel for you. All right? I’m just being very raw and visceral and I’m just giving you like it is. So I’d love to hear your comments. Keep them coming. That’s all I got for today. My name is Logan 4D culture reality. Until next time, we will see you.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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