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5G Danger

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➡ The text discusses a complex theory that connects various elements like the Rhine River, the dragon symbol, the element Renium, and numerology to suggest a hidden meaning in our reality. The author uses numerology, chemistry, and mythology to draw connections between these elements, suggesting that they all point towards a ‘scripted reality’. The author also brings in the concept of the golden ratio and the periodic table to further support this theory. The text ends with the suggestion that these connections might indicate a link to a ‘dragon bloodline’ and a hidden truth about our origins.
➡ The text discusses a complex theory linking numerology, tarot cards, DNA, and ancient Greek mythology to suggest that our reality is predestined and scripted. It uses the number 8, the 32nd card in a deck, and the 75th digit in the golden ratio to symbolize DNA and life’s burdens. The text also connects the 15th tarot card, the devil, to the Greek letter Omicron and the O blood type, suggesting a link to human origins. Lastly, it mentions an X-Files episode that seemingly confirms these theories, reinforcing the idea of a predestined reality.


Please. Do not forget the punctuations! Please. Do not forget the punctuations! Please. Do not forget the punctuations! Please. Do not forget the punctuations! Please. Do not forget the punctuations! Please. Do not forget the punctuations! Please. Do not forget the punctations!- the Four of Spades. The Four of Spades converts into the Tarot and now we have the 54th card in the deck. This is tied to Zeus and then we convert the 54 into the periodic table and now we have Xenon, the stranger in my head, if you’ve been paying attention. And then we’re gonna be using some mathematics.

We’re gonna be bringing in the golden ratio for this presentation. So there you go, these are the methodologies. I’m gonna show you how to properly synchronize these and when I… this is gonna blow your mind, completely blow your mind folks, especially at the end. Wow, how I got this information. So let’s jump into this presentation, ladies and gentlemen. This is what started it for me. I just made this today. Now I found this a while ago. I just haven’t made a decode out of it. What you’re looking at is what’s called the Rhine River.

It starts here in Switzerland and it runs all the way through Germany up into the Netherlands and dumps into the North Sea. And upon looking at it years ago, this is how long I found it, what do you see there folks? What is it that river looks like? Well let me do an overlay here for you. How about now? What does that look like to you? Does that kind of look like a dragon? Does that not look like a dragon? I think it totally does. Now I’m gonna support that because you know how I roll.

I’m gonna support that this is a dragon and this is how scripted our reality is. The crazy scripted reality this is. The Rhine River. So at the bottom of your screen we have the word dragon. Now I’m using the New Testament. Where this came from really? Now I know dragons been around for a long time. I’m using it because and you’ll see why I’m using the Greek. The ancient Greek New Testament we’re now getting into the great dragon was hurled down. John 844 and I’m gonna show you that towards the latter part of this decode.

So the dragon in the Greek in the full ancient Greek is a number 75 and what we do is we just connect the dots. So from the 75 I can go to Hebrew, Gomatria. The full Hebrew, Gomatria. Where this whole practice came from and we can tie Isaiah 14 verses 12 and that scripture is the only scripture of its kind mentioning halo or hell which a lot of people converted into Lucifer. The light bringer. Lucifer tied to the dragon of course through the context in the story. So we have a connection between ancient Greek and the Hebrew and Aramaic in the Old Testament.

We have the New Testament connected with the Old with the New Testament. Okay now we’re gonna continue to go here to support this and why this Rhine River is tied to the dragon. So what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna bring chemistry into this now. So we go from numerology to alchemy chemistry. We’re made up of a lot of these elements and their clues their bridges they tell us a lot about how reality works and folks this is where it gets to me it gets funny because this element called Renium comes from the Rhine River.

Think about what I’m showing you here. This element which has the second highest melting point has 75 protons matching halo hell which is tied to Lucifer and dragon which is tied to Lucifer and it’s tied to the Rhine River which looks a lot like a dragon. Coincidence? Absolutely mind-blowing if you ask me but wait there’s more of course let’s continue to go. When you do the numerology of Renium the element’s name it gives you the number 28 which is just insanely crazy because so is Lucifer. Like a wow factor here folks 28 28 so we have a very strong connection between the Rhine River and that dragon shape that it makes.

Renium which is named after the Rhine River and we have dragon in the New Testament and Lucifer in the Old Testament all tied together bridging that with Renium insane connections insane connections what about the 28? Renium in 28 Lucifer 28 the word architect equals 28 28’s the second perfect number in mathematics well we connected to this element called nickel and nickel is called devil’s copper it’s called devil’s copper and we’re talking about the great dragon getting hurled down. Nickel’s tied to the Sun as well it absolutely is this is why I’ve been saying for a long time Lucifer’s tied to the Sun that’s why it’s called the light bringer and then we go to the from Renos or Renos and that’s a 22 which is interesting because so is dragon in 22 so you see the connections here how uncanny they are all found just from observing the overhead view of a river that runs from Switzerland all the way up into Amsterdam and dumps into the North Sea that looks like a freakin dragon so what does this mean what does all this stuff mean well the 22 where do we go to 22 we connected to chemistry again titanium now we have the story of the Titans that’s where this element came from the Titans right we go to the elements we go to the periodic table we go to titanium and there it is it’s named from the sons and daughters of Greek mythology how much mythology is it really is it more fact than mythology why would this be any different than theology why would mythology have any less of a bearing than theology so if you don’t think theology is a real thing then would you consider mythology being a real thing or you just think that it’s all just a big hoax well now we have nature embedded into this this 48s tied to the great red spot of Jupiter Zeus 48 is tied to looking for love if you’ve been paying attention spirit coming down looking for love 22 is the master builder number the dragon tied to the river so let’s bring some mathematics into this I’m gonna start at the top and I’m gonna use that dragon word in Greek and it’s 75 so I’m gonna go 75 digits into the string of the golden ratio and we’re gonna add them all up now I want to make a notation here there are two ways to look at these golden ratio digits also the string of pi one of them is not including the one point and the other is including the one point so 75 digits after the one point and you get a total of 353 look at what number is the 75th digit the number eight what is the number eight DNA it’s the tours field I’m gonna come back to this I hope I can come back and remember this what’s 353 it’s the lutetium what are those two first letters Lou as in what Lucifer you see how crazy scripted this is using mathematics tied with numerology tied with mathematics and chemistry what about the 71 is that a prime number absolutely it’s the 20th prime number and then it stops there cuz 20 is a composite number so what’s the 20th element on the periodic table calcium what is calcium it’s in our bones and teeth it’s in our bones and teeth so is this where our derived aspects are from is our origins from the dragon the dragon blood the great dragon got hurled down well Jesus in the Bible says your father is of the devil the calcium is in our bones and teeth the Titans the Titans of the earth is gonna you can get into the Anunnaki you can get into the Nephilim all that is all here absolutely is all here so ladies and gentlemen here’s another methodology that you can use for your decoding skills you take the total 75 and you want to use the playing cards now right well there’s not 75 playing cards there’s only 52 so you take any number that’s over 52 and you subtract the 52 total cards and you get an outcome so 75 for minus 52 gives you 23 and this is the 23rd card in the deck called the ten of clubs ten is the binary system ten means the binary system are we stuck in the binary system the the bet the beta I say we are what is this ten of clubs convert to the word blood because the ten of clubs is the 23rd card in the deck so now we have a connection between the great dragon being hurled down we have a connection of the theology of Jesus saying you’re of your father the devil and tied to the bloodline of that through this methodology tied to the Rhine River in Germany and this ten of clubs moves into the terror to get the picture and now we have the ten of wands card number 32 thirty-second element on the periodic table is also a German element Germanium the ten of wands is the 32nd card in the deck and you get Germanium here from Germany of course this is the 32nd card in the deck and what do you see here you see someone having a lot of responsibility indicating that when you when spirit comes down to play this game it takes on a heavy toll a heavy obligation a lot of burdens but there’s subliminals in here folks tied to our blood what is our blood our DNA how where’s the DNA here folks do you see the DNA on this card how about now see that double helix oh yeah here it is it’s right here you can just follow my cursor and it makes that number 8 see the number 8 right there when I move my cursor and I just go back up here what’s the 75th digit the 8 so you mean to tell me 75 digits into the string of the golden ratio the 75th digit after the one point is the 8 which is the Taurus field and there’s the number 8 right on that card which is right there the DNA the double helix DNA which is in our blood see how amazing this is this methodology it’s so amazing it’s bulletproof I’ve been using this for a long time it’s just getting easier and easier but it just becomes very clear that we live in a predestined scripted reality so there’s the DNA and if we bring the card spreads into this we bring the solar spreads right these cards are an Oracle in themselves we bring in solar spreads 75 these cards move around pretty much every year up till 90 they only go up to 90 charts this is chart 75 now I’m gonna locate that ten of clubs since dragon is 75 and that ten of clubs where does it what what space does it sit in the 30 second space which is tied to the 30 second card 32 is germanium Germany the ten of clubs absolutely mind-blowing ladies and gentlemen game master is 32 in numerology I could go on and on with all this so let’s get to the tail end of this this is kind of you know a big deal here so we bring theology into this and this is John chapter 8 verses 44 this is Jesus speaking now this is the original Greek so this is Johannes and this is Jesus saying you are of your father the devil it doesn’t say you are the father level you are of your father the devil okay and if you get a 145 in this 145 I can connect it right to Prometheus because Prometheus the 61st element has that 145 Prometheus is the Titan who stole fire and gave it to humans Prometheus is also known to mold men from claim he is said to have made human beings so that fits into the context of this that he made human beings and when you do the 145 the methodology right this is another methodology you can use I’m showing you a few methodologies look there’s only 26 letters in the ancient Greek alphabet 27 if you include on the additional piece of it but 26 like the English so all you have to do if you get it if you get a total in the Greek the ancient Greek higher than the 26 letters you just subtract the 26 letters like I did with the cards of illumination and you got to do that five times to get below 26 145 subtract 26 total letters of the alphabet five times and you get to the number 15 how big of a clue is this what’s the fifteenth card in the tarot folks the devil the devil the damn devil the boogeyman absolutely mind-blowing the devil right and of course this is phosphorus if I go to the periodic table again phosphorus phosphorus okay the light bringer okay what it says right here the bringer of light okay light slowed down into physical matter you become a little devil down here your father is of the devil you are of your father the devil right this is where all this stuff connects into and then when you go look at the 15th letter in the Greek it becomes omicron you remember that omicron you know what that was attached to right what was that attached to folks what variant had the omicron attached to it which was tied to what our blood now this is tied to the letter O right the omicron now to me O is the is the it’s the universal donor blood type I believe it is this very first blood type ever to be made in it for human beings oh always the the first blood type that’s my opinion and everything spun off from there where we just made in Germany maybe maybe this 15th letter the omicron the O and it comes from this Phoenician the O and you can go have gangbusters with the origin of the Phoenician and it comes from the A in in in in the Hebrew and that’s the eye the eye and to finish this up ladies and gentlemen I was working on this presentation and I decided to take a break and have some food and I’m like alright I want some clues I was looking for some clues so I put on Amazon Prime and I just happened to pick again I didn’t pick I should take that back I didn’t pick this I just decided to go to the show called X files and of course I’m like oh okay well let’s see the 15th card is the devil and it’s omicron it’s tied to our blood and your father the devil so I put on X files episode 15 so it would have to be season one and what’s in season one episode 15 a damn devil tattoo on the guy’s arm I mean are you kidding me I didn’t pick this and the episode was called Lazarus and that’s like rising from the dead resurrection rights and I have Christ energy in here how do they get risen from the dead Lazarus and then this was a screenshot halfway into the episode this was one of the main characters and this episode let me just go here to show you this episode was on my birthday it was released on my birthday folks how crazy is that and the main guy is Christopher Al allport who was agent Jack of course it’s Jack stuck in the box and this is all about the transference of spirit right here it says they come to believe that the injured man this guy gets shot has been possessed by the spirit of a dead bank robber and then it goes into this guy right here who is Christopher who now has a different possession inside of him and what is his birthday in the show February 23rd and what’s the February 23rd card the oh just the 28th card in the deck which is tied to Lucifer Renium you go back here which is what this whole thing started it this was at the very end of it after I took a break to eat what’s using my mind folks it’s not me doing this all found from nature observing nature and the Rhine River which is where this element gets its name from so there you have it the dragon the great dragon got hurled down yeah it’s in the form of a river in Germany so they have it folks complete the new format portrait style hope you liked it give me your feedback on that let me know what you saw maybe you saw something else maybe you want to check out this episode of the X-Files but there you have it ladies and gentlemen great dragon decoded that’s all I got for today my name is Logan for decoder reality until next time we will see

  • Decode Your Reality

    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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5G Danger

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