Spread the Truth




➡ Logan presents his views on Joe Rogan, arguing that Rogan’s life and career are predestined and scripted, based on astrology, numerology, and card reading. He suggests that Rogan’s birth cards, the two of diamonds and six of clubs, indicate his multitasking abilities, intuition, and success in diverse careers. Logan also connects Rogan’s numerology to the element Promethium, symbolizing wisdom and knowledge sharing, and the Tarot card, Page of Swords, representing inquisitiveness and freedom of speech. He concludes that these elements accurately represent Rogan’s life and career.
➡ The text discusses the numerology and astrology of Joe Rogan, a popular influencer. His name’s numerology reduces to the number 7, symbolizing a seeker of truth and a challenger of norms. His astrological chart, with Taurus rising and a Leo sun sign, suggests a strong, commanding presence and a talent for communication, which he uses to earn his living. His Mercury, Jupiter, and Sun in the third house of creativity highlight his emotional depth, curiosity, and ability to connect with audiences on a personal level.
➡ The person in question has a unique ability to captivate and inspire audiences due to his astrological placements, particularly the sun in Leo and Mercury in the third house. These placements give him confidence, charisma, and a knack for communication and creativity. His upbringing, marked by transformation and movement, has influenced his innovative approach to self-expression. His career success is attributed to his strong work ethic, precision, and his ability to form relationships, all of which are reflected in his astrological chart.
➡ The text discusses a person’s life and career through the lens of astrology. It suggests that his strong Scorpio and Ophiuchus influences lead to deep, transformative relationships and a focus on wisdom and knowledge. His career, tied to the philosophical and mystical, is successful due to his ability to share expansive ideas and provoke thought. The text also highlights his role in social media, where he provides healing and growth for his audience through diverse, enlightening discussions.
➡ Joe’s interest in mysticism and spirituality is driven by the current astrological positions, particularly Rahu in Pisces, which is causing a global increase in spiritual awakenings. His podcast is his tool for sharing these esoteric topics and awakening others. His astrological chart indicates he’s on a mystical journey, driven by the zodiac and planetary positions, and he’s committed to this path. Despite any criticism, he’s just doing his job, exploring and sharing these mystical themes.


Sa. What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, my name is Logan. I’m going to be your tour guide for this presentation on the breakdown of Joe Rogan, the great Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan decoded. And I don’t have a lot of slides for this one, folks, but I do have his astrological chart that will be the main focal point. And I want to show you how this man, as great as he is, doesn’t have a choice in what he’s doing.

Now, I know that’s going to piss some people off, right? Because a lot of you think you have choices. Well, I’m going to show you through the astrological breakdown, numerology, and this is how you decode yourself, that we don’t have the choices you think you have. And obviously, you know, this podcast really kind of separated him from so many people. Him having over 19 million subscribers and counting now, and, you know, the very colorful character that he is, a very, very colorful character that he is. But what I want to tell you here, and I’m gonna.

I’m gonna talk about this is I’m gonna back up here and I’m gonna tell you that we live inside of a reality that is predestined. We live in a scripted reality. And that is why when you look at your astrology chart and your cards and your numerology, you’re going to see that. Oh, my. Wow. Is this accurate? How is it so accurate? Because you’re living in a scripted reality. And the things that Joe Rogan is doing, from having children to doing the podcast, to doing all these things he does here, was part of his design. You know, this.

This man has so many talents. I mean, from the UFC to the. To the commentating over here, to being a fighter, you know, you go read his bio and he started fighting at a very early age. So it was like he said it was. I. I had this love for it. Yeah, it was part of your DNA, part of your destiny. From being on television and this wild show called Fear Factor to his stand up comedy, you know, and being a funny guy, I mean, the talent this man has is extraordinary. And then finally landing in that podcast position and really just kind of crushing it now, he’s been on, brought on so many different guests, and I’m going to show you why.

I’m going to show you why he has had this colorful Career of all these different characters that he’s played out essentially through Joe Rogan. And I want to start with his two playing cards. Now, he was born on August 11, 1967. August 11th. When you go to the card charts, here, it is the boilerplate chart for what I call the cards of illumination. A typical deck of 52 playing cards. They are attached to our birthday. So here is August. All the months run across here, and the days run horizontally. So here is August 11th, right here, the two of diamonds.

That is his birth card. Okay, Joe Rogan’s birth cards, the two of diamonds. And it’s paired with his spirit card called the six of clubs. I’m not going to get into the. The nitty gritty on that stuff, but I want to talk about how the valuable these cards are in describing this amazing man, because the two of diamonds is a card of multitasking. And that is exactly what his entire career has been pinned along is doing multiple things. The two of diamonds is so powerful. The twos run in duality. And the diamonds means I want the.

The clubs is. I think, okay, I think. And I want. And there’s a lot of clues here. The 26, the 62, both of them add up to give us the number eight. But if we talk about the two of diamonds and six of clubs and blending these together, it’s going to give you extraordinary intuition. It’s going to give you a really high intelligence, which gave him the natural ability to succeed in these diverse careers that he’s had in the mma, in being a fighter, in going into commentary, in the podcasting world, in stand up comedy. You know, the two of diamonds is a very successful card when it comes to finances.

There are two big presidents on the world stage that have the two of diamonds. The Chinese president and Vladimir Putin, the Russian president. They both are two of diamonds. So this should tell you a thing or two about what this energy is all about. But the two of diamonds, amazing intuition, sound logic, a very instinctive knack for making money. It thrives in partnerships with the number two. It thrives in negotiations. It thrives in opportunities. It has strong organizational skills. And with the six of clubs, it’s going to have a strong drive to accomplish things, because six means perfection.

The last day of creation day. Number six, carbon six. Six. The first. First perfect number. So Joe is going to be happiest when he can be productive, when he can turn his quick thinking mind into tangible successes. And he’s done it in multiple careers. Not a lot of people can do this I mean, the six of clubs enhances him with a lot of visionary skills, a lot of visionary perception. It gives him a lot of artistic talents. So he has a lot of gifts in his life. And this, this man right here is guided with great intuition.

He has a lot of ambition, and he’s here to make a lasting impact across multiple fields. And that what is what he’s done. Sports, philosophy, religion, theology, I mean, all the comedy, you know, entertainment. You know, the guy has done so many different things. So that’s just his two birth cards, folks. Just these two. And there’s more to it than just that. But let’s get into some of the numerology, and then I’m gonna. I’m gonna wow you with the astrology. That’s the main focal point here. So James Joseph James Rogan. You know, it’s interesting. His first name is the father of Jesus.

Now, I’m not going to get religious on you, but I’m just saying how powerful that word is because of what has been laid down in our reality called life. He goes by Joe. And you see that it’s a 61. His total numerology is 61. And I’m instantly and automatically going to connect it to an element on the periodic table. And all of you can do this with your. This is his birth certificate name. Now, how fitting is this? How accurate is this when describing this man’s life? Is that his name numerology, which his parents gave him.

Now, you know, if you think this is all, like, people have choices. Well, his parents would have to be in on this big conspiracy, but his name is tied to Promethium. Prometheus, the Titan who stole, stole fire and gave it to the humans. What is he doing? What do you. What is he doing with his podcast? He’s providing in invaluable information through wisdom of bringing all these guests on and him having a high degree of intellect on top of it being that number 61. I mean, it’s so fitting that this man has that. And then we bring in the tarot to get the picture.

And another layer, the mighty Tarot cards. Can these describe us as human beings? Of course they can. So the 61st card in the tarot is the Page of Swords. And I have some keywords down there at the bottom. So if you’ll read from left to right. Inquisitive, mentally agile, bold, daring, intellectual, vigilant, freedom of speech. That is what the Page of Swords is all about. This page is the prince representing Prometheus. It’s not a King or a queen? It is a prince. And this page of swords is a writer man, writing the narration of what they’re coded to tell you.

From the commentary that he’s done in the mma, to fear Factor on television, to comedy, to making you laugh about the ridiculousness of our life, to talking about the very deep philosophical layers through these podcasts that he does. These words, I feel accurately, represent Joe Rogan. And, you know, what’s very fitting here, folks, is that, you know, I. I believe in a scripted reality, and my channel, my ch. I didn’t choose this name. This, these. The decoder reality chose me. It popped into my head, the voice in my head. This is the idea, and this is what I got.

And ladies and gentlemen, when I. When this title was chosen for my YouTube channel back in 2018, this is my second one. I wasn’t even doing the periodic table. I wasn’t even looking at it back then. Not at the start of my second YouTube channel on December 4, 2018. No. See, this chose me. Prometheus chose me. Prometheus being wisdom, the God of wisdom and the connection. And this is why I love watching some of his podcasts. Not all of them, but. And I like his commentary. I like how loud he is and bold and courageous and just, you know, he just pushes it out there and.

And he’s an influencer, and that’s. And decode your reality. What I’m doing, I’m being. I’m influencing, showing. Use code and doing the. Doing a lot of what he’s doing. So we’re tied together here, right? So the 61. The 61 reduces down and has a root of the number 7. Most numerologists are going to just take that 6 and 1 and add it up, and you’re going to get the number seven. And the number seven, folks, is the crown. It’s the crown chakra. So if you just go to my website, cosmic and you go to the numerology page, you could scroll down, you could do this with your name, numerology.

And you can look at the number that your name ends up reducing down to. And so 61 is the 7. So Joseph Rogan is the 7. And I mean, does this not describe him? I am the seeker of truth, journeying through mysteries to find wisdom I can critique. Is that not describing Joe Rogan? I have the assets and liabilities of this number. You can see the other one. I’m the spirit of contemplation, guiding the soul toward inner discovery. That’s what I’m all about with my channel. My channel. His name, Prometheus, the bold, daring one that wants to share wisdom.

And it’s sitting in the crown position, the crown chakra. And the crown chakra is the one that critiques life to seven. If you. It’s a path of a mystic, always challenging the norm, looking down below its creation, the seven. So that’s what the name numerology ends up being. The simplicity of it and the power and even the six and the one. Six is legacy, six is masterpiece, six is artistry, and one is leadership. So that’s what he’s doing. He’s taking his intellect. He’s using his masterpiece and legacy of life, and he’s doing it through leadership. And he’s working from the crown position, the crown position of the critiquer, the analyzer of life, the challenger of the norm.

Okay, that’s Joseph James Rogan. So easy to see this. So beautiful that it’s a scripted reality. So this is the last part, ladies and gentlemen, and I, I have, you know, some. Some big things to go over here with you, and I want to show you how Joe Rogan is scripted through astrology. Now, I’m using Mastering the Zodiac dot com. I just want to be clear on what, Zoe, because some of you may have never seen this before. Like, it’s all color coded. It’s easy to understand. This system is the only true map of the stars because it presents the zodiac signs with their respected sizes, not just 30 degrees.

You notice Virgo’s the largest. It can’t be the same size as Library or Scorpio or Aries. These can’t all be 30 degrees. And that’s why mastering the Zodiac is the site to go to Mastering the Zodiac Dot com. So they’re all color coded. I’m going to start over here with the Ascendant here with Joe Rogan. So this is how Joe Rogan is coded, folks, and why he’s this colorful character and why he has all these keywords right here. Okay, so let me just now go to the. The Photoshop because it’s going to be easier to do it here.

So I could drop and drag, but let’s talk about his Ascendant. The Ascendant paired with the sun sign his son is in. Leo will give you a very good idea of what someone looks like. Does he not look like a bull? He’s very, you know, like that. Tough, bold. And the lion. The lion and the ox together, blended together. Taurus rising. You can see it in his face. You can see the Determination. You can see that he probably has a lot of stubbornness to him, but this right here is the. The sign of structure. So he’s going to have a very grounded, steady presence, and that’s contributed to his enduring success in these diverse fields that he’s had.

Mma, comedy, podcasting. I mean, Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is all about I want, I want. So there’s a lot of persistence, there’s a lot of stability, and that there, there’s that physical presence that he has with the Taurus rising. He has a very relatable Persona, and that’s why he has a very appealing nature towards audiences worldwide. You know, this is rule. This is a Venus ruled energy. This Venus is down here in. In Leo. We’re going to talk about that. So the combination of Taurus’s reliability and then his son in the sign of Leo is going to give him this strong, commanding presence on the world stage.

And his physical, you could see his body, very muscular guy with his public image. That’s his rising sign. Now we come down to his house of money, the second house, which of course is tied to the first house. So his house of money is going to be tied to his leadership, and it’s through Gemini. So how is he going to earn his money? Through communication. And that doesn’t that what he does? His second house is through Gemini. Gemini is all about creation and communication and artistry, and he’s been all of that. So his income streams are heavily influenced by Gemini here in the second house.

And remember, Mercury is the ruler here. And his Mercury just pops down into the third house, which it naturally sits in. We’re going to get to that. So his ability to really articulate ideas, engage in meaningful conversations, doing that on his podcast and creating through multiple channels, the commentary, the podcasting, the mainstream television, the comedy, it really demonstrates his knack for turning his voice and intellect into wealth. That’s Gemini, Mercury and money, baby. Mercury’s influence really emphasizes his. His ability to adapt. Like this is. Like this is where his two of diamonds is gonna go. Whoops.

His two of diamonds is gonna fit right in that second house. And this is multitasking right here, folks. His career, this two of pentacles, multitasking. These are his careers. He’s juggling all the different careers from commentating mma, fighting, comedy, podcasting. That’s all multitasking. And this is why this is a very successful card. It can be the two of diamonds. Two representing duality. So his financial success is going to be tied to his verbal Talents, and that’s exactly what he’s been doing. His voice is where his money’s at for the main part of his reality. Now we come down to the third house, which is the house of communication, which is his house of creativity.

And he’s stacked here. He has Mercury, Jupiter, and Helios, the sun, Zeus, the Helios and Mercury all stacked in his third house of Korea of creativity. So this is going to pull back to the second house, and the second house is going to be influenced by the third house. You just look at the color code. You can see that, that yellow color there. And this is in Cancer through Leo. So Mercury here in his third house of creativity in his third house of communication. Remember, Mercury is the boss or the lord of this hotel. I call them hotels.

The third hotel, the third zodiac sign is ruled by Mercury. So Mercury is in a very heightened state here. And this is going to highlight his emotion, emotional depth, because it’s in Cancer. Cancer’s ruled by the moon. So now you get the way he thinks and the way he talks is going to get you emotionally involved. This is his emotional depth, his intuitive communication style. This placement allows him to connect with people like me and you and the audiences around the world on a very personal level because it’s in the sign of Cancer. And Cancer is very nurturing.

And it’s like, you know, people see him like family. He creates these engaging and heartfelt discussions. You. You feel at home when you get on the podcast. And the Gemini energy here or the Mercury energy in the third house of Gemini through Cancer gives him this natural curiosity. It’s. It’s. The curiosity is amplified by his. By his warmth, His. The. The warmth of Cancer here. So it helps him explore a wide range of topics which he’s done, from politics to conspiracy theories. And it’s going to be in a way that resonates deeply with listeners because this is romance, romancing you with the voice, okay? Very animated, very, very amazing with his voice.

Now you. You bring in the sun here, and you bring Jupiter in here, and you combine them with the Mercury energy. And when these three come together kind of in a conjunct, they’re all sitting at the table together and they’re. And when they come together, he’s. They give him the energy to really blend the intellectual curiosity of Mercury, the creativity and charisma of the sun, and the mighty wisdom and expansiveness of. Of Zeus. This is unparalleled here. So Zeus is going to expand and what is it going to expand his creativity? The way he speaks and Mercury’s right there.

So these are like hanging out and they’re best buddies. And the sun, of course, is very spiritual. It’s very bright. This, the, this alignment, folks, supports his role as a world renowned podcaster. And this is how he’s enabling people to see things that they normally wouldn’t see, because the sun is there, the sun is in Leo. He has the sun in Leo in its own sign. So he not only has Mercury in the third house of its own house, but he’s got the sun in Leo of its own sign. And these placements are very powerful and this is going to really give him thought provoking ideas and it’s going to captivate the audience, it’s going to inspire people.

19 million subscribers, folks. A lot of that is because of these placements. That’s exactly how all this stuff really kind of shines through with him here. Now, the sun here in the third house is it. This is. This enhances his charisma, this gives him a lot of confidence and it particularly gives him a lot of confidence in what the third house is all about, which is communication, being communicative here, being creative. This really gives him a natural flair for public speaking, comedy. Standing up in front of an audience, it gives him a creative edge. It makes him very shining in his podcasts and it makes him very bold and courageous because the sun in the lion, when it’s naturally there, you’re going to listen to what I got to say because I’m a lion and I got something to say and the lion’s the king of the jungle.

So when Joe roars, people listen. You know, Leo’s very bold. And because it’s in the third house of communication, he’s a masterful storyteller. He is capable of inspiring and entertaining so many different people, so many different people. He has great questions towards his guests and I, I think he’s really. I thought he brightened up the MMA through his commentary. I thought he was. Had the best commentary for MMA with Israeli. Wow. And just like when people go down and just. He’s explosive with his voice. This is what we see here with Helios there, right in its own sign of Leo in the third house.

Very explosive and, and just very diverse here. Very bold communication, this man, which is what made his colorful career so great, which is with these placements now we move on. We have this cluster of energy now in his fourth house, fourth house of structure, fourth house of home, fourth house of family, fourth, fourth house of roots. And you have a. Another Conjunction of Venus, Hades and Uranus, the primordial, the og, the grant, the granddaddy. So this is all in the sine of Leo. These are all conjunct in the sign of Leo. And this indicates a really deep connection to his roots and an emphasis on creativity and transformation within his own personal life.

You know, the Venus energy brings a lot of warmth and a love for family. He has children, obviously. And then Pluto really suggests the, the transformative experiences such as, like I read the bio and his father wasn’t really a father figure when he was growing up. I think at a young age he, he didn’t have a, after they didn’t have a father and he went into mma just so like that could have been a precursor for him to move into that. But the Pluto here in the family position, no dad growing up, that’s very transformative and that’s going to be a precursor to something with that placement.

Now the Uranus here really adds some unconventionality because Uranus being the og, it’s very electric. It’s, it’s a, it’s an outlaw energy. It doesn’t follow any of the leads of any of the Olympians or Titans because Uranus is like, hey, I created all of you so I don’t follow your rules and regulations. So it really adds this, this unorthodox energy here. Even with this. This can definitely, because this is in his house of family. This also can represent an unorthodox upbringing in a sense. A lot of moving around. He did Uranus, A lot of electricity, Pluto transformation, a lot of moving around, Massachusetts, California.

So the Uranus energy also brings in this really innovative approach to self expression. And that’s really evident in his career trajectory. It really, really is with this Uranus energy. And remember, Uranus is the ruler. Whoops, let me just get him out of the way here. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius up here. And that’s the house of social circles. That’s in his 10th house of his career. And what do you think he’s doing with his podcasting? See, he’s built a family house of family right across from his 10th house of career through social circles. He’s taken all of his transformation here and he’s moved it through his social circle and this is his house of his career.

And we’re going to talk about that. So let’s move on. We now have the, the mighty Celine here. We have Celine. Let me just, let me just lock him in place. We have Celine here in the fifth house through the sign of Virgo. Now, the key word on the outside is legacy. Why? Because Virgo represents perfection, the virgin. So we have the romancing of the moon here. It’s in the fifth house. The fifth house is the house of manifestation ruled by Helios. So his house of communication, which is where Helios is, is going to affect the fifth house, because Helios is the lord of the fifth house.

So his manifestations are going to be through his creative endeavors. And he’s got all this energy here to support this energy over here. So a Virgo moon is when it’s going to enhance his creativity and his precision in storytelling, because Virgo is precision. It’s also going to give him a lot of creativity in his humor. You know, Virgo being an Earth sign, being down to Earth, being able to tell these stories about how real life works, that’s how his comedy kind of is. And the Moon also indicates a disciplined emotional nature. And I would imagine that would.

That is what has contributed to his early dedication to martial arts and the ongoing focus of his personal growth and all the different variations that he’s talked about of the. Of the, you know, enlightenment he’s gotten with that. With that Celine placement there. Now we move on to his Spirituality of K2, the South Node of the Moon, paired with Mars and Poseidon, Neptune. They’re all that moves into the sixth house now through the guise of Libra and Virgo. And if we talk about Mars, his drive. Mars is your testosterone. Mars and Virgo in the sixth house.

This is where his work ethic comes into play. I mean, come on, having all these careers, you have to have a strong work ethic. Strong. And that’s what he has had. He’s had a lot of precision. Mars in Virgo, precision. Virgo is perfection. Mars is drive. Drive towards perfection, drive towards precision. So with us, with his colorful career, his drive of Mars is being able to have precision with perfection here. I think this is a very big, important placement for him. And obviously, Mars is the ruler of the first house over here. And we have Taurus, the bull here, which is, you know, a lot of structure and financial focus.

Okay, financial focus, obviously, very. Being a very successful person here. But what about his spirituality in. With K2 here, the south node of the Moon? What about that? You know, Ketu is not like Rahu over here. Rahu is your desire. Rahu’s the demon. K2 is the spiritual one. Ketu is like, I don’t really need anything, but it’s something that you’re really good at. So K2’s spiritual influence really pushes Joe to transcend mundane struggles because it blends the physical drive with a higher purpose. Virgo, it pushes him to move towards a higher purpose in life because the spirituality of K2 is going to want him to honor that.

And then you add in the Poseidon energy over here in the same house still, right in the same house of Virgo’s house, the sixth house. And Neptune being that very mystical one. I say Neptune. Poseidon is what runs our addictions. And I don’t mean bad addictions in the sense we say addictions. It can mean just what you’re addicted to. I’m addicted to decoding. He’s probably addicted to podcasting. Well, he has it in his relationship zodiac sign. So addiction to forming relationships with people. He probably has a million relationships. But Poseidon here really adds an intuitive and compassionate approach to, in this case, his work.

And it allows him to balance his, his analytical side with his creativity and his, his empathy. The way he communicates with, with the Cancerian energy here, especially in his content creation, especially in that. So he has an addiction, and I mean that in a good way, towards forming relationships with people. And the more relationships and more hands you shake, obviously, the bigger and better you can be in this reality comes with a lot of responsibility. But that’s what, what, what it comes down to here. Now you move up to the seventh house and it’s bare. There’s nothing here.

But you see it’s through Scorpio and Ophiuchus. And the key word is power because it represents occult and wisdom and knowledge and higher side of life and the higher meanings and the deeper meanings. And remember that Libra is down here. So the relationships that he’s addicted to, forming with people, shaking hands and doing all these podcasts, countless podcasts, countless commentary, all the people that he here in the seventh, that’s where he’s going to deliver and, and have his power right here. The, this Scorpio energy and Ophiuchus really indicates an affinity for deep, transformative partnerships. I would imagine that would it be for his wife through his partner.

They’re very deep and transformative because his seventh house is being occupied by Scorpio and Ophiuchus. And this is, this is trend. This is ruled by Hades and, and Mars. Very, very powerful and transformative and also in the partnerships and the hands that he shakes. So this is, this is evident in the, the mysterious topics that he explores with the podcasts and the guests that he has is right here. So the Partnerships and the people he has on. Every guest he brings on ends up fitting someone in this house because this house of partnership and the eighth house shared with Ophiuchus really shows the pursuit of wisdom and power through a higher octave of philosophical exploration.

And this aligns with his role as a communicator of, of high intelligence and deep insight. Being able to not only have it, but receive it from the guests that he brings on. The access that he has to power through wisdom and knowledge is profound. Forming these relationships, being able to create a legacy out of it with all this, with all this energy here. And then you come to the 8th House of Scorpio and it’s being occupied. Everything just kind of moved back. One digit here, one zodiac sign and you now have Sagittarius and you now have Wisdom there.

So it just backtracks and then you go to his as 9th house of his wisdom. And now his career moves in there. And this is where his midheaven position is. So you can see his career is going to be based on ninth house principles, which is what? Higher mind, philosophical information, theology, astrology, the occult, mystical arts. His career is based on his mind, his pursuit of his spirituality. So his career is tied to Zeus here because Zeus is the ruler of this position right here. And Zeus is down here. So of course the expansion will be through communication.

He’s going to take his higher mind in this philosophical information that’s coming in his brain and he’s going to present it to the world down here in his house of creativity. He’s going to push it out and that’s what he has done. So his career is heavily steeped in his higher mind, higher learning. He thrives in roles that allow him to share expansive ideas. I mean, he does it with discipline and structure. And his success as a world renowned podcaster reflects his ability to really bridge the intellectual curiosity with a global audience. That’s what he’s able, that’s what he’s been able to do.

And he’s inspired so many people over the course of his career because he provides thought provoking conversations. That’s all this right here with his career. This is the house of the hermit here folks, and the expansion of Zeus. Now you come over to his 10th house, which is the house of the career and it’s in social circles and I already had talked about this, this is his podcasting because YouTube, Spotify, all these platforms are social media platforms. So his career of using the philosophical ideas of his mind are over here. Now in the 10th House of the career.

And through these, all these social media platforms, Twitter, X, YouTube, Spotify, he’s been able to. So even social media with ufc, that’s all commentary. That’s, you know, doing it on these pay per view events. That’s all social, the social and the Aquarian age right here. It’s just so easy to see this, folks, how powerful and what this guy’s coded to do. So his career, and it will just continue to go on as long as he continues to go on through the social media outlets right there, through the House of Aquarius. This is an air sign, his communication air right here.

Okay. And then you come into the 11th House of the social circles. And now the social circle through the social media outlet going to be tied to his career is going to be involving a mystical ride. Because now the house of Pisces is in the 11th House of Aquarius, which is in the 10th House of the career. They’re all just color coded. It’s just so easy to see this. So now we have the mystical sign of Pisces here, and he’s got Saturn, Kronos, and he’s got Chiron. The wound here. And this is very interesting. The Chiron wound is a very interesting one because Chiron in Pisces reflects the wounds that are related to compassion, his, his role in larger communities.

Because it’s in the House of Aquarius, he’s going to be able to provide healing for people just by being somebody in social media. His podcasts have helped heal people because he’s providing. Him and his guests are providing information that is. That are very mystical to people around the world, that people are watching these, they’re being inspired and they’re. They’re having downloads and they’re healing. He’s giving humanitarian layers to this right here, folks. This is. His humanitarianism is through the mysticism of his life. That’s what the Chiron placement is. So his podcast serves as a platform for healing here.

It provides this open dialogue, it gives these diverse perspectives. And these ladies and gentlemen, they foster growth and understanding for people. I should say understanding for people. So it’s not just having a wound here, it’s also being a catalyst for people’s wounds. That’s what this whole Chiron placement is in the 11th house of social circles, social media, YouTube, Spotify, podcasts, martial arts, television, the mystical side of Pisces. And remember, Pisces is ruled by Poseidon. And his Poseidon is over here in his house, in his zodiac sign of relationships. So he’s forming relationships in Social media outlets, Spotify, YouTube, etc, and he’s providing people mystical information on his podcast.

From philosophy to politics to so many different topics, so diverse, because his career is wrapped around the ninth house of Zeus, which is down here in Leo. And the expansion of. You’re going to listen to what I have to say because I am the sun, I’m the light to show you it’s not everybody’s truth. Like he’s delivering it. You gotta, you know, use logic and discernment, but that’s what it is. And then you talk about Kronos here, folks. Kronos. Kronos’s presence in this house provides structure. It adds structure and discipline to his efforts in building these networks on social media platforms to provide these meaningful discussions and, and this structure, it gives him a lot of influence and it impacts a lot of people.

This the Kronos here. So his deliverance of truth is being structured by Saturn here, Kronos. And remember, Kronos runs the 10th house. So it comes over here and now it goes right back to the social media. So, so this house is being affected by this house. So Pisces, the mystical ride that he’s on is being very structured in the social media outlets that he’s doing through Spotify, through YouTube, through all the other channels that he has. This is the code that this man got, folks. And you know, I can, I can say this with confidence and I already know this.

This man has saved lives. How does he save lives? Because he’s provided information on his channels that have allowed people to download the information and it has changed their life and he doesn’t even know it. You don’t need to talk somebody off a bridge to save their life. You could just save somebody’s life by getting them out of depression, by showing them certain parameters in life, by bringing a guest on. And that guest provides you information and Joe’s the platform to do it. So inadvertently, this guy has saved lives. I already know it to be true.

Which means that he’s a humanitarian. I mean, this is the house of the humanitarian right here. This is the house of Aquarius. He’s providing his ways of humanitarianism through social media outlets right here, through his house, of his career. And his career is based on his higher mind and his philosophical ideas and an enlightenment and going deep down and down the well that you possibly can go to form these relationships to spit out his legacy, I mean, it’s just really so easy to see. So the last part here, ladies and gentlemen, is the Rahu position, the ultimate Desire.

You know, Rahu right now is in the sign of Pisces, so Joe is having a transit position going on, even Chiron. Chiron right now is in the sign of Pisces for everybody, but it’s. It’s transiting. So Joe’s probably having, you know, a lot of amazing things going on right now because he’s got Chiron transiting that sign of Pisces right now as. As is Rahu now. And you know, Rahu really, when it comes into a very. The highest mystical sign of Pisces, it’s forced to focus on the spirituality of your life. This points to a karmic path of spiritual growth and surrender here.

It really emphasizes Joe’s drive to explore mysticism. This forces him. This has forced him to explore mysticism because Rahu is. Wants to. It wants to explode everything, meaning it wants to expand everything. It wants to blow everything out of proportion. And this is why we’re having a surge collectively in the world stage. If you’re listening to this on the 17th of January, 2025, Rahu right now is in Pisces. So there’s this surge in spirituality, people having these awakenings because Rahu is in Pisces right now, as is Chiron. So this is why Joe doesn’t have a choice, folks.

This placement aligns with his curiosity for deeper esoteric topics, his ability to bring these themes into the public view. And his podcast is the main thing that he’s using to. To awaken people. So this really marks his journey of transcending the routine and embracing a visionary approach to his. His career is having a very mystical. And it is in the 12th House of Pisces. So the. The first zodiac sign of Aries is here. So there’s a strong desire towards a mystical path for this man. He doesn’t have a choice, but he has to do it because of the fact that this zodiac wheel is what’s running our lives.

This is the great beast. And these zodiac signs, along with the planetary positions, they all work as a team, folks. This is a team effort. And when you get really good at reading your astrological chart and you can combine your cards and your tarot and you get the keywords and you know what it means, you then don’t have to try anymore. And this man’s not trying. He’s just. He’s a doer, you know, his Mars and Virgo, he’s a doer. Man gets it done. But this man’s on a very mystical ride here by way of these planetary positions.

Not having a choice in the matter. Not having a choice in the matter. All right, ladies and gentlemen. So that’s what I got for all of you. Joe Rogan, decoded. I hope you enjoyed this presentation. I had fun breaking this down. I’m gonna start doing more astrological charts of famous people, people that are very big influences on the world stage, because everybody’s doing their job. And I know there’s going to be people that say, oh, I don’t like Joe Rogan. Oh, he’s an agent. Or he’s. Do you know him? Stop assuming he’s just doing his job, folks.

That’s all she wrote. She’s he’s just doing his job. So, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan 4. Decode your reality until next time. We will see you later.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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