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LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND PART 2 Decode your reality 


Tommy Truthful: Decoding the Numerology of Popular Culture

In today’s post on TruthMafia.com, we delve into the fascinating world of numerology, popular culture, and the intriguing connections they share. Our focus is on a unique interpretation of the numerology associated with the iconic TV series “Friends,” its final episode, and how these elements intertwine with broader themes in culture and history.

The Numerological Significance of “Friends”

“Friends,” one of the most beloved TV series, concluded with its final episode on May 6, 2004. This date, numerologically significant as 5/6 (May 6), aligns with the number 56. In the world of numerology, numbers carry deep symbolic meanings. The final episode, comprising episodes 17 and 18, adds up to 35, a number often associated with concepts of completion and change.

The Power of 42 and 56 in Numerology

42 Is The Most Important Number In The Universe

In numerology, 42 is a powerful number often associated with completion and the cyclic nature of life. This aligns with the show’s journey, culminating in a sense of completion and new beginnings. The number 56, related to the final episode’s date, ties back to themes of transformation and rebirth.

Writers’ Influence: David Crane and Marta Kaufman

Exploring the backgrounds of “Friends” creators David Crane and Marta Kaufman reveals a connection to Jewish culture. Their influences may subtly reflect in the show’s themes and narratives, linking to broader cultural and spiritual concepts.

The Ending Episode: A Symbolic Conclusion

The choice of the final episode of “Friends” holds deeper meanings. Its airing date, combined with the episode numbers, creates a numerological framework that can be interpreted as symbolizing the end of an era and the onset of new beginnings. This aligns with the themes of death, transformation, and rebirth often found in various spiritual texts.

Cultural Impact and Broader Connections

“Friends,” through its numerology, connects to a larger tapestry of cultural and historical significance. The show’s ending coincides with a period of digital transformation, possibly symbolized by the transition to a new age of understanding and interaction.

Conclusion: The Legacy of “Friends” in Numerological Terms

In conclusion, “Friends” is not just a TV show but a cultural artifact deeply embedded in the fabric of numerology and symbolic interpretation. Its end signifies more than just the conclusion of a popular series; it represents a shift in cultural consciousness, a transition from the old to the new, and the continuous cycle of endings and beginnings.


➡ The text discusses a movie and book called “Leave the World Behind”. It talks about how the number 42, which signifies completion, is significant in the story. The text also mentions the importance of numerology, the study of numbers, and how it relates to the story. Lastly, it discusses the writers of the show, their backgrounds, and how their birth dates and other numbers associated with them tie into the story.
➡ This text talks about a complex system of symbols and meanings, connecting things like the King of Diamonds, the number 55, and the concept of destruction to a figure called Apollyon. It suggests that these symbols and their meanings might hint at big changes or events in the world. The text also mentions the idea of leaving something behind or walking away from something, possibly as a way to prepare for these changes. Finally, it discusses the potential significance of certain numbers and dates, suggesting they might be connected to these ideas as well.
➡ The text discusses a complex theory connecting various elements, such as a movie, a director named Sam, the periodic table, and tarot cards. The author believes that these elements are interconnected in a way that suggests a significant transition or change, possibly related to the end of physical money. The author also mentions a potential link to death, but it’s unclear whether this refers to the death of people or something else. The text ends with the author expressing gratitude to his audience.


Welcome out, everyone. All of you great decoders around the world, wherever you may be. Mail and female. My name is Logan, your tour guide, and this is decoder reality. And today we’re going to be doing part two of leave the world behind. That’s how much content was in this book and movie, and there were things, obviously, that I missed in the first go around. So let’s jump right into this, ladies and gentlemen, and start off with the ending scene for this movie.

And here is Rose, the character Rose, sitting in front of the tv, watching the last episode of Friends while the world implodes. She’s down in the bunker, and the title of the show is the last one. And clearly the funniness starts to come in. Not in the sense of the world’s collapsing and imploding, but the fact that this 42 means completion, and obviously it means the saga is about to end and it’s going to restart again, the 42.

So all of you should know where this 42 goes, but let’s continue to move forward and remind ourselves just how big this 42 is. With the world of numerology, the science of numbers, and even the mainstream bringing in Douglas Noel Adams, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, that notorious life, the universe, everything, which BBC ended up creating a radio show out of it, a television series. But you can see how big the 42 is.

And so when you kind of start to correlate this, is there really a way out of this reality, or do we just continually move back in after death? Well, time will tell, as I always say. Right. But the episode that they chose for the ending of this, the last one, it was premiered on May 6, 2004. And that’s the 56. May 6 is the 56. It’s very interesting because the episodes is 17 and 18, which, of course, that’s going to give you the number 35.

That’s going to be tied to simulation. But you can see how the 56 through the bridge of alchemy ends up leaning towards or linking towards the Phoenix and the 138, the pale horse, death, because this was the last show, so it meant death. Right. And then when you get into the directors or the writers of this show, you have these two people right here, David Crane and Marta Kaufman.

When you start to research their background, you will see that they both have a jewish background. I’m not going to go into what the details are on that, but when you can start to see that it points to the Torah and then Christianity and Judaism, well, you have more keys to the kingdom. Okay. But you can clearly see the ridiculousness of this code, automatically. This guy was born on August 13.

That’s the eight one three, which is a permutation of the 138, which brashiers from archaics has really brought to the limelight, back to the world. The Phoenix event, the 138 years he’s claiming to be. And there’s merit here, obviously, because now it’s continually tying into all these events and people, and you can start to see this. And then Marta, the co writer, born in 1956, which is going to be the protons of the 56th element, which is lights, camera, action.

She was born on September 21, which is the three of clubs card. He’s got the king of clubs, which is the same card as September 11, which is the new year for the egyptian calendar. She’s got the three of clubs. And the three of clubs is the 16th card in the deck, which is the tower card, et cetera, et cetera. But here is the display of the three of clubs and how it’s tied to the ending point through the New Testament.

Revelation six, verses eight, being tied to the pale horse. The 138. When we say three of clubs, we get 53. When we say pale horse through the original greek, chloros ippos is pale horse. And then when we do the numerology of revelation six, verses eight, we get the 53. See all the matches of the 53. And Marta being born on September 21, going to the cards of illumination.

Here’s September coming down to the 21st. There it is, row 21. She’s got the three of clubs. Is this a mere coincidence? Should we just throw this out and say, oh, that’s just coincidental? Here she is, the writer of this last show here, the last episode, and this is what they played at the end of this movie, leave the world behind, which obviously is a referencing point of change is coming.

Change is coming and you need death to bring in the change. The pale horse. So what is this going to look like? Of course, the guy that wrote leave the world behind, sam Eastmail, was the guy who wrote Mr. Robot, which was all about introducing the digital age of cryptocurrency. So referencing the 138. Once again, to remind all of you that the Old Testament through the Torah, this is Genesis 19, verses 24.

And this is the Sodom and Gomorrah story, reigning fire and brimstone. That’s going to give you the 94. This is using the original Hebrew language now. Fire and brimstone, 94 tied to plutonium. Shit. This is Pluto, but it’s Shiva’s element because Pluto is Shiva. Plutonium. The explosion, the death. And then you have the 56 with Genesis nine versus 24 being tied to the movie and being tied to that 138 Phoenix event.

These are all kind of tied together. So going back to the May 6 date for the last one, the friends, the last episode that they aired at the very end of leave the world behind, here is the card that’s linked to May 6. It’s the one eyed king, the king of diamonds. This, in the cards of illumination is a card of water. In the tarot, it’s going to be tied to money and currency.

So the 39 is tied to May 6, and we convert that into the tarot. And now we get the picture of the money, and we can start to see how the king of diamonds becomes the king of Pentacles, which is the king of money. And then you get the bridge of the introduction of cryptocurrency, because this is obviously referencing the very last ending and completion days for fiat currency.

Like, the world will never go back to how it once was. Using this as a bridge. Using leave the world behind as a bridge. And are we going to see this? Are we going to see cities burning? And maybe. I mean, I wouldn’t want to be living in a big city. That’s my own personal take. But you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be for your code. Right. But clearly the reference point is pretty in our face right here.

And again, being tied to that king of diamonds, which was the May 6 day for the last one, the episode. So this is all referencing death. It’s representing the pale horse and death and change coming for all of us to experience. And again, the reminder, the guy who wrote the book, leave the world behind, ruman Allen. His name is 19 and nine, which is the 199, and that’s where the 78 is found in the string of the golden ratio, which is what the total numerology is for his book title.

Now, does this guy know that my answer would be absolutely freaking lootly. Not because mankind’s being used. They don’t have to observe it. It’s going to play out through all of us irregardless. So again, the king of diamonds being the 39th card in the deck, being tied to the May 6 date, which is the last episode of Friends, which is what they played at the end of the leave the world behind.

You can see it’s referencing Lucifer as well. It’s really interesting because the word computer equals 39. Is this what we’re living inside of? Are we being ruled over by a computer? Is it just this big computer ruling over all of our lives. It’s really fascinating. It’s really, really fascinating. Pale horse being 39, taught. Lucifer being 39, computer being 39. 39 is that king of diamonds. So the last episode, king of Diamonds, 39, this references the king of Pentacles, the last card in the tarot, the ending point.

And then the 39, the king of diamonds, is tied to the pale horse in revelation six, verses eight. This is not a coincidence, ladies and gentlemen. These are all beautiful synchronicities here. As this king of diamonds, the one eyed king, is going to execute what it needs to execute on the world stage. So we get into the New Testament now in the greek scriptures, Roman Greek, and this character called Apollyon, and you can see how it becomes.

And like I said, ladies and gentlemen, I just think it’s funny. I’m not going to be laughing when the shit hits the fan. No, but we got to laugh at this. What else are we going to do, take it so serious? You can see that change is coming. Apollo 39, the one eyed king, is 39. The ending show is 39. Apollyon that has the key to the abyss comes up from the abyss.

The scorpions come up. The whole thing is here. And if you reference the origination of it in the Hebrew, it’s going to be Abaddon. I’m going to get into that. But Apollo and Apollyon means destroyer. Destroyer to change the world into what it’s going to move into, et cetera, et cetera. So here is a Polyon 39 tied to the. Had the king of diamonds drawn up. And it’s the battle axe.

It’s the battle axe. He has the battle axe. You’re talking Ragnarok. The kings are the k. The k is the eleven. At the 1111 from eleven is tied to sodium. Sodium, as you know, through the decode of the 3. 144. It was sodium was the prison. Okay, the king of diamonds. And then it converts into the 78. And then you have the easy reference point here. Now, 39 and 78.

So it’s just really simple to see. So the. The king of diamonds being tied to Apollon, and he’s the destroyer to destroy the world here. So you can see all the referencing points of endings and completions here. So when we say the king of diamonds, we get the number 55, which is a match to the words secret destroyer. If you’ve watched my rat in a cage decoded part one, you would have saw that.

And so we go to solar spread, number 55, and we look for the king of diamonds. It’s sitting in space. Number two. Two is duality. And one thing that you can do as a decoder is always use the spirit spread as a referencing point when you’re looking up the cards in the solar spread. So I’m going to reference the boilerplate chart here. This is the master life configuration.

This is where your ego card sits. This is ground zero. But then over here is the never change. This never changes. It is the only master spirit configuration and that you just want to reference where that card sits and match it to the other side, as I’ve been showing over and over through this amazing system. So when you notice that the king of diamonds is sitting in that space, number two, and then you reference the spirit side, you’re going to get the five of spades.

And this is the storyteller. Right? Because then we can see another referencing point of leave the world behind. What are these people doing? They’re putting their swords down on the ground. They’re walking away. And this may be something that all of us, some of us have to move through and go through at some point of moving into the future, is that you’re going to have to walk away from, perhaps something that you have in your life that you’re attached to.

It could be an idea, it could be a hobby, it could be an activity, it could be a habit, it could be physicalness. Could be the place that you live at. It could be your bank account, it could be your crypto account, it could be anything. But the king of diamonds is Apollyon. And it’s clearly the message here is its job is to destroy. And when it does, it’s reminding you that you may have to.

So this is where you can get mentally prepared to walk away. And if you’ve been watching my spit you out kind of the series, this is tied to spitting you out of the game, like walking away. This is card number 55, folks, the five of swords. So this is a pretty big humdinger, right? You go to the tarot and you can see that the five of swords is card 55 and the 55 is tied to the 39 because the king of diamonds sits in that same spot and the king of diamonds do.

The numerology is 55. You see how amazing this system is on its own. It’s a very magical oracle based system. To get the picture, we bring the tarot into that five is your five fingers, five toes. This has a lot of meaning to what’s going on in our reality. Okay? A lot of meaning here. So now we look at the hebrew reference for Apollon. We get into Abaddon, which is the same meaning destruction, doom, whatever.

And then we do the numerology of it from the original language, as we have done in the Greek with the Polyon, and we get the number 27. This is using the Hebrew called ordinal. This is Aleph through Tau, one through 22, and we get the 27. It’s so interesting. I didn’t even mention this to anybody, but I’m in Colombia right now, and Colombia is the Co. And that’s cobalt.

And cobalt is the 27. I’m staying right now in a room. Number two, seven. No joke. My last name equals 27. The sinks to my personal life are ridiculous. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, when you say the five awans, you get the 54, which is Zeus, and this is the 27th card in the tarot. And fighting. Fighting, mental fighting, physical fighting. But it’s preparation of the mind with fighting, conjuring up fighting and battling.

Leave the world behind. Think about what this is showing and what it is tied to so far. Abaddon, Apollyon, destruction, fighting, the necessary chaos. This is what is next on the world stage. Some big chaotic event. You’re going to have mini ones throughout as well. We need to, as human like, weave through these. But is Zeus. And it just continually, for me personally, keeps going back to Zeus.

Keeps going back to Zeus, keeps going back to Zeus. Ridiculous. My last name, it’s so insane for me. And then you can see through the roman spelling. It’s a match to Abaddon. So Jupiter, Zeus gets the nod towards the destroyer, and it just may run everything, whatever that looks like in the canopy, these ideas. So when you do the reduction of Zeus, you get 18. Jesus equals 18.

Christ equals 18. Jesus said, bitch, I ain’t coming back for peace. I’m coming back with a sword. And this is, you’re going to get the three of swords and the whole nine yards. And even when you reduce Abaddon down into the single digits for Hebrew, we get the 18. Of course it’s going to break down and it’s going to be the number nine. The number nine is going to be tied to 16 right there.

And 16 is the tower card. Okay? So think about this. This is a nine. This is a nine. This is a nine. The nine is the 16, and the 16 is the tower card, which is fire. This is what I feel. This is where the sun starts to do the plasma. It starts to shoot lightning bolts down. It may burn out. We may see some pretty insane things we’ve never seen before, right? Fire.

Even the word hell is 16. And so we know that this, the sin is the sine wave, which is through time, but it’s the sin wave, and that’s the number nine. And these all reduce down to the number nine. So this is telling us that the sin wave is about to be removed or demolished. And the sin wave is where you’re going to get the dollar bill sign from.

It’s going to do that zigzag. That’s the sin wave. The sine wave. The sine wave is the number nine, and the number nine is the number 16. And the 16 in the tarot is the tower card. So the sin wave, the sine wave, which is where you’re going to get the dollar bill symbol from. Money and currency, is about to change in a massive way through the lens of who’s going to be responsible for it.

And these ideas, Abaddon, Apollon, Zeus, Jupiter, Christ, all that stuff is here. Okay? And you know, the movie is going to change. This being the last episode on May 6, it’s the lights, camera, action. It’s the ending of the movie. These are obviously crystal clear. And the big humdinger for me anyway, was this barium 138. It’s going to be 137, the isotope, but it’s going to be 138.

But you can start to see how this is all part of the system here. May 6 being the 126th, 127th day of the year. That’s going to correlate to the 53rd element called iodine, one half of the Im. This is going to be isotope 127 to incorporate the common and leap year. So if you really look at this, you can see, and they’re both in the Jupiter. Zeus is the energy that rules over the.

Jupiter is said to be the fifth planet from the sun. You got five fingers and five toes. You have five senses. Jupiter’s got the all seeing eye on it. And Jupiter’s element is tin, the 50th element, then 51, then 52, then 53, then 54. 55, secret destroyer, 56. The movie. This is all referencing Jupiter Zeus. That’s all referencing Jupiter Zeus, one half of the I am. And that 53 again is tied to the pale horse.

Okay? It’s tied to the pale horse. It’s tied to Isaiah 45, verses seven, et cetera, et cetera. So what I thought was really interesting is leave the world behind. And the release dates, the premieres had three of them, May 12, November 22, December eigth. You add up 1222 and eight, you’re going to get 42. 42, right? And then they have the last one playing at the end of the movie.

And then we correlate the 42 to the three of spades, the 42nd card in the deck, and that’s going to correlate into the three of swords, which is the 53rd card in the deck. And we just go right back here. 53. See how amazing this all synchronizes? All these things just synchronize. And now we have a massive amount of death, right? I mean, the pale horse, as I’ve been saying, is a big part of what’s been going on for the past three years.

Still going on the c 19 pale horse. And then this guy right here who wrote sorry. Directed leave the world behind, and Mr. Robot. Sam. And I showed this in my live. Let’s talk about Shiva. But I wanted to point out, this is a pretty big deal here. His name is Sam. Sam. And Sam is tied to this element called samarium. It’s got the Sam right in it.

Now, why I’m showing this is because when you take, I am the 53rd element, which is Jupiter’s element, and the 95th element, 53 and 95 is 148, which is the isotope for the 62nd element, tied right to it. So this guy and the connecting point blew my mind. Of course, his birthday is September 17. And when you go look up Leviticus, talking about throwing their gold and silver into the streets.

So interesting. But then when you look at the periodic table through the lens of this graphic that I created probably five years ago now, and when you look at row number six and then row number eight, you look at this like a bingo chart. The element that sits in space six and eight, which is tied to the pale horse, revelation six, verses eight, is samaria, which is tied to this guy’s name.

He’s all about the transition into the digital world. Of course, he and Mr. Robot, they want to burn it down. They want to try to burn it down, but of course, that didn’t happen. But nonetheless, you can see the connections to this. And this guy writes Mr. Robot, and leave the world behind or directed it. Excuse me. And it’s all about the, you know, you being the star of the show, et cetera, et cetera.

Okay, so to finish this decode, here, we go back to the ending scene of where Rose is in the bunker underground and the world’s imploding, and she pulls out the episode of Friends on a dvd here. Notice that this is subtle because a lot of words can equal the same thing, even when you start to cross reference different languages. Because this is subtle because friends in Chaldean is 28.

Well, this is the word death, right? It’s like, how would you correlate this there? Well, these are subtle layers, but clearly, the 28 being tied to thanatos, which is the greek word for death, and why they chose this episode and this whole scene here. And then the song, even the song that’s played as the standard introduction for friends. I’ll be there for you. That’s the 66. And when you go on this journey of looking at these cards, we start with the tarot, and we come down to the 66 card, and it’s the two of pentacles.

I’ll be there for you. Right? And then you go to the cards of illumination. And the 28th card, which means death, which is tied to death, is the two of diamonds, and two of diamonds is the two of pentacles. So the 66 is tied to the 28 straight up. And the word friends is 28. And leave the world behind is 60. I mean, I’ll be there for you is 66.

We’re talking about. The ending and completions of this show ran ten seasons, and why this was chosen for the end of the movie. I mean, how very fitting. But you want to see the humdinger of them all, folks, with this decode being the last one in the 42. This is it. So this is the actress Rose. That was her name in the movie. She’s the one to end this whole thing.

42. Why? Well, when you look at Farah Mackenzie, who also started in the show utopia, her birthday being on October 29, is the six of hearts, which is card number six, as in the third eye, as in carbon right here. But the humdinger of them all, folks, to end this part two of leave the world behind is the six of hearts converts into the six of cups, which is card number 40 freaking two.

And so she’s sitting there to end this movie, watching the episode. The last one, which is tied to. I’ll be there for you, 66, which is tied to the 28 and death. It’s so insane, these synchronicities. So insane. How do you get this exactly the way it is to get this? I mean, this actress choosing this actress, and I could have did her name. And I’ll leave that to all you great decoders.

I know you’re going to jump into this and start to decode this, but to get this exactly the way this is, and this is the six six six. Now, so the endings in completions is the 666, which is mankind. What is this indicating? A lot of death now? Is it mankind death? Is it people death? Well, it quite possibly could be, but also the death of something that we use called physical money, the fiat currency.

Is this the way we’re going? What does the phoenix rising mean? What does it mean? Well, it’s all the energy of the world and all the things that are going to die with it that rise up. And something’s getting that currency. And it ain’t mankind getting it. It ain’t humankind getting it. It’s not man or woman getting it. Something far beyond the physical aspects of our world. So go, ladies and gentlemen, leave the world behind, part two.

Appreciate each and every one of you for showing up here. Being a member of Patreon. I really appreciate each and every one of you sending you tons of love. That’s all I got for today. My name is Logan. For decode your reality. Until next time. We will see you later. .

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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