➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the connection between Super Bowls and Trump presidencies, astrological predictions related to the presidential elections, and the potential for future chaos and upheaval. They also discuss the possibility of a market crash and the impact of the “everything bubble”. The speaker suggests that certain events in 2025 could trigger significant changes, and they discuss the potential for civil unrest and upheaval as a result of the election. They also mention the potential for the tokenization of real estate and the impact this could have on the market.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and speculations about nuclear tests, bombings, and the potential existence of advanced technology. It also delves into the idea of hidden underground or underwater bases, and the possibility of other dimensions or realms interacting with ours. The text also mentions the portrayal of these theories in popular culture, such as in the series Stranger Things.
➡ The speaker believes in the existence of underground bases and possibly underground aliens. They also suggest that humans might have been created by these entities. They discuss the idea of superhuman beings being created underground, possibly at places like Area 51. They also speculate about the possibility of real-life superheroes appearing on the world stage in the future.
➡ The speaker discusses the potential future of society, including the rise of artificial intelligence and robots, the decline of traditional jobs due to automation, and the potential for a universal basic income. They also touch on societal changes, such as the decline in birth rates and the potential for a shift in cultural norms and morality. The speaker expresses concern about the rapid pace of these changes and the potential negative impacts, including the loss of human connection and the potential for increased control by powerful entities.
➡ The text discusses the future of technology, particularly focusing on the rise of robots and their potential impact on society. It suggests that robots could replace human jobs, such as rideshare drivers, and even become personal companions, potentially programmed to avoid conflict. The text also mentions the potential benefits of robots for people with disabilities or trauma, providing assistance and companionship. However, it also warns about the potential dangers of relying too heavily on technology, suggesting it could lead to job loss and societal changes.
➡ The speaker discusses the prediction that by 2040, there will be 10 billion robots, more than the current human population. They also mention a website, Deagle, which predicts a significant drop in population by 2025. The speaker reflects on the increasing reliance on technology and the potential for a future where robots serve individual needs, leading to more isolation. They also speculate on the future of prisons, where inmates might undergo virtual reprogramming, and the ethical implications of such a system.
➡ The text discusses various theories and predictions related to astrology, sports, and world events. It suggests that the Age of Leo might follow the Aquarian Age, and explores connections between the Detroit Lions, the Super Bowl, and the Dragon Year. The text also delves into the significance of the lion and sun in mythology, and the potential for a revolution or civil war in the U.S. due to current societal issues.
➡ The conversation discusses various issues such as the housing market crisis, job losses, and the struggle of people to maintain their previous lifestyle. It also touches on the significance of certain elements and numbers, and ends with an invitation for listeners to suggest topics for their next discussion.
➡ The text discusses the astrological significance of the planet Uranus and its connection to historical events and potential future occurrences. It suggests that the position of Uranus in the sign of Taurus, as it was when discovered, could indicate upcoming changes, possibly related to financial markets and political revolutions. The text also explores the potential impact of the year 2025, which marks the 244th anniversary of Uranus’ discovery, and draws parallels with the game Pac-Man, where 244 pellets signify a level up. The discussion also touches on the influence of other celestial bodies, the Hebrew calendar, and the potential political implications of the upcoming years.
➡ The text suggests that our online activities are constantly monitored and used to predict and influence our behavior. This data is collected by advanced AI programs, which can predict our reactions to events and adjust strategies accordingly. The author believes this technology has been around for a long time and is used to manipulate everything from elections to market trends. They also suggest that this AI might be combined with human decision-making to create a blend of artificial and organic code.
➡ The text discusses the idea of organic elements being transformed into digital forms through filters and apps, similar to how artificial intelligence (AI) works. It also explores the concept of Saturn being a quantum computer, and how ancient technologies might not be compatible with modern ones. The text further delves into the belief that God is always interacting with us, even in unexpected ways, and that everything happening is part of a larger plan. Lastly, it mentions the significance of certain years and symbols in relation to future events.
➡ The speaker discusses the political climate, expressing skepticism towards politicians’ promises and the public’s tendency to choose sides. They question the impact of political changes on individual lives and criticize those who get overly invested in politics. The speaker also mentions the divisive nature of current events and the potential for chaos. They express a detached view towards politics, emphasizing the importance of personal growth over political outcomes.
➡ The speaker discusses the idea of life being like a scripted show, comparing it to being emotionally invested in a TV series. They warn against getting too attached to one side of an argument, as leaders can exploit this. They also discuss the dangers of lying to children about things like Santa Claus, and the importance of being honest. Finally, they speculate about the future of technology, suggesting that smartphones might be replaced by wearable devices that project information.
➡ The text discusses the increasing reliance on technology, particularly cell phones, in our daily lives. It highlights how essential these devices have become, even for basic tasks like banking or shopping. The speakers also express concern about the potential negative impacts of this dependence, especially for younger generations who have grown up with this technology. They suggest that this trend is unlikely to reverse, with society moving towards a more digital future.
➡ The speaker discusses the potential future where technology and astrology could predict human behavior, leading to a loss of privacy. They also mention a theory about a cataclysmic event forcing people to live in smart cities or return to nature. They recommend a show called ‘Silo’ that explores these themes. Lastly, they discuss the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, suggesting it could bring significant changes, including a shift from fossil fuels to electric power.
➡ The speaker discusses various theories and beliefs, including the Hindu concept of Yugas, specifically the Kali Yuga, which suggests a time of great control and distance from spiritual energy. They also mention the rise of technology and the potential for destruction. The speaker questions the actions of influential figures and their knowledge of potential future events, such as nuclear war, and the construction of underground bunkers. They conclude by discussing the biblical book of Zechariah and its potential reference to nuclear warheads.
I know we do both greatly appreciate it. So Jordan, my friend, love to have you back on again or love having you back on again. Number 18, let’s get this party started, man. 100% really excited to reconnect. Even though we were just talking a couple weeks ago, right? Us three, me, you and Archaics. That was a really, really dope time. Really had a great time chatting, getting everyone’s inputs, insights and then seeing his office program was pretty cool too. Totally. And you’re embedded into that, so that was even more badass. Yeah, I’m really grateful for him considering, you know, some of my art into it, but it would be great to see hands on what it’s like plugging in some dates, playing around with it.
I’m really excited to get a little beta test whenever it’s out. I’m not sure if you’ve heard any updates, but I think he said something about it was supposed to be this past weekend, but I’m not sure if it was just people in his community or, yeah, public or. I, I, I was, I was actually g. He’s got his event coming up in Houston on this December 7th. I, I was but I, I have obligations here and I can’t. So where, where I was gonna show up, but I’m just gonna go there, man. I, I wanna, like when I got to go meet with him in San Diego, he was so generous with his time with me and he sat down and showed me his numbers and all the systems and stuff like that and it just wasn’t enough time, you know, to spend because he was being pulled in different directions.
But he, but it was awesome and I want to do that again. So I think maybe I’ll have another event. I’ll show up there. Yeah, that’d be dope. Yeah, I remember, I think people took the beginning of that podcast the wrong way when we were kind of having fun about the microphone quality. Yeah, they. They totally took it the wrong way. Yeah, we were just having fun, man. I think, you know, the main point that I was trying to make was that I rather someone focus on the art than invest $1,000 into the easel and paintbrushes.
Yeah, that was my bigger point. Like, invest your piranha into the art. And that’s clearly what he does, you know? So, yeah, that was the. That was the main point of it all. I was actually complimenting him, but I think it got spun into a. Another direction. But, yeah, dudes busting chops, man. He didn’t take it the wrong way, but, yeah, he had some other people in the comments that were just, like, thinking we’re totally serious. Like, are you guys making fun of him? No way. Yeah. But I think his last podcast, so. Or a podcast a couple podcasts ago, it sounded great.
Awesome. I commented on it. I’m like, yeah, man. Awesome. Yeah, that’s really great to hear. Yeah, it was. It was great to hear. No pun intended. We love you, Jason. It’s all good, man. Yeah. And there’s so much going on in the world stage right now, man. Like, I mean, that was really the. The important reason for us to connect right now before this selection. And I’m sure you’ve had a lot of people contacting you, people in your community, just in general, asking you for your thoughts. I would love to know, like, maybe a brief summary of some of your findings, and we could kind of get like, the exoteric u.
S. Election thing out of the way and then take it from there. Yeah, let’s. Let’s address the elephant in the room here. Right? I mean, one of the reasons why we came together, ladies and gentlemen, is Jordan was interested in talking about this very topic as. As is. I was. So let’s talk about this selection process, and I’ll just give you a brief overview. I mean, I told my community on my last. What’s your question? A week. I think it was a week ago, I. I had said that if I had to pick, I would. I would.
I would select Kamala that they’re going to put in there. But, you know, when I. When I go and I look at the card system is what I been using to. To win. Get the super bowl winners. It’s so. It’s like a. It’s like a 50, 50 split, man, with Trump versus Kamala. It’s very challenging. Even astrologically, it’s. It’s. It’s a very challenging decision to make on. On who they’re going to select. And I mean, she is the 60. The 60th. It is the 60th presidential, and she is 60 years old. So that, that nods to her right there.
And she is the king of hearts. And the Hebrew year right now is the king of hearts. So it’s, it’s just really challenging. What have you got? What, what do you see? Yeah, I think that was kind of the thing that I got to. With my decode of the 50, 50 split sort of thing. Like a lot of my decode kept coming back to that over and over where it’s like I have this energy over here and then I have energy that cancels it out, and then I get energy over here and then I have energy that cancels it out on you.
That’s actually very similar to the last super bowl. Not the one that recently just happened, but the one that was before that where I actually met you and we did some collaborations on. Yep. And it was just wild to watch that all go down. And it effectively was like a last minute win for the Chiefs against the Eagles. And I’ve, you know, fast forward one year later. We just had another super bowl with the Chiefs and they played against the 49ers, and it was a rematch of the game that happened in the year 2000. And that was a big piece of my decode that made me select who I believe will win, which I think it will be Trump.
And the reason why is because Kamala Harris is the 49th vice president. Okay. And she’s from Oakland, which is the San Francisco Bay area. And she became the 49th vice president through Biden on the year of that selection where the Chiefs beat the 49ers. Right. Leading into C19. And then here she is running for president in the year that they lost again against the Chiefs in a rematch. And the score is pretty obvious too, with the 22 second overtime ever in super bowl history. And the first game they played back in 2020, another two two was on February 2nd, the two two Gregorian date.
So it’s just packed with the number two. Whether you look at it from just the duality perspective, which I believe we could both agree, that’s what an election is. It’s just a red pill, blue pill, conservative, you know, liberal, right left, Democrat, Republican. That’s exactly what this is. So all the code has a lot of that duality, and I think that’s why a lot of the energy is canceling it out. But considering that this recent super bowl did Go into overtime. That wouldn’t shock me if we had these election results be delayed. And then the Oakland or San Francisco Bay area kind of leaning part of the code doesn’t make it to the end for whatever reasons.
But one of the other things that I thought of, and this is now, again, theoretical, but it does have some connections back to his first election that he won in 2016 was the fact that he lost by the popular vote. Right. But then he won by electoral votes. Yep. And it’s just interesting that this will be his second time running against the female. And I believe there was only one other time in history that there was a female running for president, but it was like over 100 years ago, and it was irrelevant compared to what we have going on in the world stage show today.
So that’s just like the final thing to wrap it up with is there may be some connection to she could win by the electoral votes but lose by the popular vote. And then that way it’s a perfect mirror of what happened with him where he beat Hillary on electoral votes. And then if that was to be the case this time around, I believe the Patriots, the, you know, the Trump supporters would not be having it. You know, they would be screaming from the rooftops. And that also synchronizes with Super Bowls as well, because the first super bowl to ever go into overtime was the Patriots against the Falcons.
And it happened just days after he got inaugurated in 2017. It’s a perfect script. So both Super Bowls in the history of their existence to go into overtime are directly tied to Trump presidencies or presidential elections. Interesting. Those are. Those are amazing connections, man. I mean, you got those memorized, dude. So that’s awesome. When you have a memorized like that, you know, you have a pretty wild memory. Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. Probably from being a musician. Yeah. Well, you don’t read music, right. So you have to have a good memory. Yeah. You have to remember all the parts.
Yeah. Astrologically it’s very interesting because on. On November 5th, which, you know, we could. This could spill over because as you said, they may. It may take days if this thing gets really chaotic. But on November 5th at that night, you know, I mean, Venus is in Ophiuchus, man. Yeah. And then, you know, the 47th presidential election is by. The card system is ruled by Uranus, and Uranus is in Taurus, and Taurus is ruled by Venus. So. And. And Trump is 78 in his card chart. His soul is spread, is ruled by Venus. So this is why it’s so difficult to.
To select who I would think it would be. But again, I mean, I had said Kamala just because I think it will cause a lot more chaos. And I don’t think the chaos is done yet. I think Trump, if they select Trump to go into office, I think there’s going to be a lot of people cheering. The markets obviously would probably increase. Everybody would think it’s all groovy and gravy. Yeah, life would be like back to normal with the flow of money and currency and all that stuff. But I, I just, I just don’t know if that’s going to be the scenario that that’s going to be put into play.
Yeah, it seems that there is this weird, I don’t want to say euphoria stage necessarily, but there is this weirdness to moving into the Year of the Snake historically, especially for the United States, where if you go back to 1941, which was the year of the snake, that the US entered that war in the last minutes of 1941 because of the Pearl harbor attack. Well, I can see that he would be the perfect person to have imposture for that type of year to replay for us. Because this war that’s happening right now, I mean, we all know the relationship that the United States has with Daddy Zion.
You know, I mean, if you’re not aware of this, it’s time to get a less fluffy pillow, you know. So this is important to realize, but the reason we’re not in it just yet, I think has to do with the. The script. And the script is us is going to enter it in the Year of the Snake, just like all the other years that we’ve had them enter war. And I don’t need to get into that today because me and you have talked about this so many times. But just to get that out there, that idea you bring up that you’re expecting more chaos and less peace in regards to like, the, the state of our experience as Americans or on the world stage.
Like, I would love to know some more of your thoughts about that because you said you don’t think the chaos is over. Well, I mean, I say that when you look at it astrologically, you know, following sidereal astrology, which is, to me, the true map of the stars. Pluto. You know, you get a lot of these people saying, oh, Pluto is in Aquarius. Well, if you look at the true map of the stars, that is not accurate whatsoever. Pluto right now is actually moved back into Sagittarius and it will start to move out of its retrograde motion, if you will, back into Capricorn.
And as it moves through Capricorn until the year 2040, you know, Capricorn represents law, government, state, real estate, money and all that stuff. So. And Pluto, during the election, Pluto is directly across from Mars. Mars is going to be in the sign of cancer. It’s, it’s literally, they’re, they’re literally square. Not, that’s not squaring their opposite of one another. And, and then you have Jupiter opposite of Venus, and those two really kind of get along. So there’s, there’s a lot of oppositions going on, and the energy is feeding off of that kind of stuff. And Saturn is an Aquarius.
So that’s a big marker as well. That’s, that’s social circles and perhaps the marker of the upheaval of social circles, which could be spelling out revolution, you know, the revolution. I think that if there’s some fiasco with the, with the, with the voting and all that, there could be a lot of markers that could drive the, the, the economy to move into a revolution, civil war. There’s all these things around the table. And we’ve been talking about this. I mean, we had the, let’s talk about the, the, the crash. You and I did a podcast on that two years ago.
I, I thought it was going to happen last year, but that hasn’t occurred yet. You know, will, will it occur? I, I think the ceiling’s so high right now, it has to come crashing down. So. Yeah, well, that was, you know, I mean, nothing against your great work, but as a market analyst and professional trader, the reason why I wasn’t anticipating the bubble to pop completely just yet was because of the connection to Jubilee. And that was a very big piece of my work since, you know, I started my channel before I even met you. So that is a big layer.
And then when I saw the event on October 7, 2023, effectively after what I was calling the Jubilee is over, that was a signal to me that, okay, that was the true Jubilee. The fact that they waited and waited and waited till the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, the 50th anniversary. But what we’re in right now, bro, is an absolute, like, it’s an everything bubble that we’ve never seen. The scale is wild, and a lot of people, the retail investors, the general public, do not have money to put in this market, but it still keeps going up.
Yeah. So it’s very, very fascinating how these institutions, such as BlackRock and Vanguard, etc, they’re front running. I mean they are the market. The retail investor is not even a fourth string quarterback on the team anymore. You know, so whenever the, whenever this bubble does pop, it’s going to be an interesting thing to see how it all, how it all goes down. And, and you know, we could definitely dedicate a, a part of this podcast to that maybe later on or another, you know, another podc, because I very much feel if I had to dial in when this quote unquote bubble will pop, it’s next year and it’s the connections to this World War three narrative, this World War three expansion.
Yep. And, but what I must also say is that doesn’t mean that it’s an everything crash, even though we’re in an everything bubble. Okay. That’s a very, very, very thing, important thing to delineate. So we will see sectors crash and they, because of their market cap or because of their influence on a particular, you know, ripple effect of other sectors, we will see correction. But housing I think still has like a very weird opportunity right now in comparison to 2008. And the reason I bring that up is because we haven’t really seen the tokenization of real estate yet, which is something that’s going to happen.
All things will be on the blockchain and that will be a huge investment opportunity for people. So, you know, there’s so much to lay out here and I know you’re the perfect person, you’re the perfect person to talk to about a lot of this stuff because if I ever share dates with you or time frames, you could give me my, you know, the astrological connections to it in your own way. And it’s, it’s amazing. I love it. But if I had to dial down times, I see a trigger event happening in March, April 2025, particularly tied to that total lunar eclipse will have on March 14, the PI Day eclipse and also Mercury stations retrograde the following day, which is very important for markets.
But since we’re keeping our conversation broad here, the other trigger event I feel will be the lunar eclipse of September 7th. And that’s numerologically, that’s pretty amazing with the 7. 7. The septem being 7. Yeah. So what’s your take on those? Or if without my influence of what I’ve just said and the fact that we’re talking about like potential civil unrest, you know, upheaval, the byproduct of what could happen with this selection, even if you wanted to consider markets, what trigger event time frames do you see for, for next year? Or maybe not even next year for, for any particular year that’s caught your attention.
Yeah, well, you know, the big marker that I see astrologically is, is Uranus. Now remember, Uranus rules Aquarius and Uranus was discovered in 1781. And when you subtract 1781 from 2025, you’re going to get 244. And what’s so very interesting about that number is that if you’ve ever played the game Pac man, well, there are 244 pellets on the board. And when all the pellets get eaten, you know, you level up, the game changes. And Uranus right now is exactly in the same sign it was discovered in. It’s in the sign of Taurus. And Taurus is the bull and Taurus is money in Venus and the stock market.
And we have Jupiter there right now. And I think, you know, Jupiter usually expands everything. So I have already mentioned this with my community. I feel like Jupiter is there to expand and cause hyperinflation. And there’s also something to consider that when Uranus was discovered you had these major political revolutions. You had the American American Revolution in 1776, 1777, and then you had the French Revolution. So these time frames spell out Uranus because Uranus is very chaotic. It’s a, it’s an electrical source and it’s a primordial. So when you look at mythologies, Uranus does not fall into the category of any Olympian or Titan, as does the other celestial Saturn being the Titan and all the rest being Olympians.
So you now getting somebody who’s put into office in this case astrologically, where Uranus comes into play and it’s now back in the sign that it was discovered in Taurus. It’s there with Jupiter, its grandson. And I think these are huge markers for the revolution. And I think 2025 and Pac man, the ridiculousness of a video game. But 244 pellets. 2025 marks the 244 year anniversary of, of Uranus discovery. Powerful man. That’s an amazing connection. And one thing that could be brought up into this to dial down the months if you go to when the American Revolution happened.
Allegedly. And the same thing with the Civil War, with the American Civil War, they both started in April. Yep. So I believe there’s a reason for that. No matter what anyone believes. You know, my take on the true new year would be closer to that vernal equinox. So as you push, as the sun pushes through Pisces, In Sidereal, that’s kind of the trigger point of what I’m calling the true New year, not the January 1st exoteric Gregorian new Year. But I think it has something to do with that. And it also makes a lot of sense now when you look at it from that vantage point, why we had the C19 event in March and why the dot com bubble peaked in March of the year 2000.
And there’s so many other great examples. I mean, even just this year, in 2024, Bitcoin topped in March 13, 2024. And what’s so important about March 13 is it’s the 73rd day of the year. And bitcoin’s only daily close of the entire year so far was 73k on that exact day. So there’s a script that’s running here because, you know, 73, 21st prime number, 21 comes back to Saturn. There’s so many things we could do with that code, too. You know, I love the numbers. I know you do, too. But that April month is powerful because next year, that’ll be Satoshi Nakamoto’s 50th anniversary.
50th year. Of course, Satoshi is a mythological character. But the reason I bring this up now is because I wanted to ask you and shout out to somebody in my community, I forgot who it was. They sent me this information, and I have never heard of it before, but it’s the Vatican coming out, calling 2025 the Jubilee year for them. So I don’t know if that’s the Catholic Jubilee, but have you heard of this? No. No, I haven’t. Great. So if you go on, they have a couple of websites that break this down, and there’s even one that has a countdown timer, and it’s saying that it’ll start on the Gregorian New year, 2025.
And now I’m. I’m taking this with a grain of salt right now because I believe that the Hebrew calendar has a little bit more power over this market. That’s just my perspective. I like how the Hebrew calendar also considers lunar cycles and the moon. But that’s just a side note, but I find it fascinating that they’re calling 2025 this Jubilee year. And then we have that connection to year of the Snake with the war. And then we have that connection to the month of April and the fact that we have our pair of eclipses or eclipse season in March into April of 2025.
And I’ve looked through every single year of the Snake in the stock market, and there’s a connection where that’s a big trigger point for a major market move. And you know this more than anyone. They can’t just crash the market randomly. They need to blame something. Yep. They always have something to blame. So there needs to be a scapegoat. And, you know, I want to throw this idea out for you because I know you already said you think Kamala is going to win, but if Trump does win, which is what my decode is telling me, imagine he gets hit with a March event, which will be very similar to the way his last presidency ended.
Right. And it would be like a perfect mirror effect of watching him leave on this, you know, the. The Fauci situation and everything that went down with the global st. With the world stage, with C19 in March 2020. And then he’d be coming in, and then you have this March 2025 event at the start be like a ripple in time. I think that’d be a. An interesting way to look at the. To perceive the script. You know, it would make me think of, like, the snake eating its own tail. Like an Ouroboros. Yeah. I mean, you brought up.
You brought up some. Some great points, of course. Theoretical, though. Yeah, yeah. You know, you know what Kamala has working for, she’s female. Right. And if you go and do the statistics on people that vote, you know, the women are actually the majority In. In 2016, I think the women were like 60 something percent over men, that were like 59%. And then 2020, the statistics were 68, 69 women and 65, 66% men. I. Those are not statistics that I can verify, by the way. I’m just. Wait, how. How is that possible? How is that possible to have 60% twice? Well, that’s what the statistics say, man.
Wouldn’t it be like 60, 40, or 68 of the eligible female voters? That’s what. Oh, okay, okay. Yeah, I’m sorry. I should have said. Yeah, okay. I forgot that I left that word. A big word that was important. So there’ more women that are voting than men, and Kamala has the edge there. If. If we’re just looking apples to apples, you know, So I don’t know, man, again, if there’s so many ways to sling this because, yeah, they select Trump and they put him in there. There will be. Obviously there’ll be a lot of people that are happy.
There will be, you know, the. The Make America Great Again will surge. But, you know, but what he could end up doing is start a revolution by stopping all These things that are going on that were done by the Democratic side, you know, and then all the illegals that have been pouring into this country, you know, like I, I think that there could be that rise up of those people that are coming in feeling like those people have rights and the voting that’s going to come in with them, which is irrelevant. But, but there’s all these factors to consider.
But if they do throw Kamala in there and there’s some, maybe a wedge in between the voting and then there’s a, a big outcry of. It was a, it was a. If there’s any fraud that they’re going to mention and I say if, because I know AI is going to look, I say if there is any potential fraud that they’re going to throw out there in the. Of things, well, that could cause a major upheaval as well, you know, especially if someone wins by the way of that. And it’s, it’s known or at least determined or put out there in the story.
So it’s really tough, man. It’s really tough to. It’s true. That’s why I said, I told my community and I had said Kamala. But I’m like, I’m really torn at 50. 50. It’s just, it’s. This is the most challenging ever from that I’ve looked at presidential wise. Yeah, well, it might be an incredibly challenging time in general to decode. And I don’t say that to like cut us some slack, but where, where I think we could entertain how difficult it’s become in regarding decoding is because now we have things like AI and now we have all this connection to each other and all this information.
So it’s pooling together so much data. And I know that the, the elite, you know, the apex predator, whatever you want to call them, they’re. They’re just data decipherers. You know, they’re taking our sentiment from our search history, from the things that we get engaged in. You know, people think that there’s some way to be secret on the Internet. Like I’ve even had to expose this in regards to privacy coins with cryptocurrency. Like there’s nothing private on the Internet guys. So when they see you all so called quote unquote truthers going over to rumble to get your truth, you don’t realize like they’re, they’re on to that.
They know, they know everything you do. This is not like something you’re hiding from. Okay? And the reason I bring this up is because they’re taking all this data, they’re compiling it all, and that’s what they’re using to propel us forward into whatever this so called future is. That’s my opinion. Yeah. And I think the perfect way to orchestrate the world stage would be to know what you’re working with, know the temperature in the room. Right. If you’re a comedian, you need to know when the joke doesn’t hit. And then you got to change up where you’re.
You have to change up the delivery, you know? So just think about it like this. Like in C19, when we had what was going on initially, they knew that we were eventually going to get frustrated. They knew it by our search history. They knew it by the way that we were talking on Facebook and this, that, and the third, they knew that we were awakening to some of this stuff. Right. And the best thing to do in that moment, in their eyes, because they’re psychopaths, is to kill a man on camera, call it police brutality, and then tell you, you know, we used to tell you to stay inside, but now it’s completely fine to go outside in the, you know, if you’re protesting.
Yeah. And you could just watch the sheep go directly into the slaughter. So all I’m trying to say here is I don’t think there was a human in a boardroom that was making this idea up. I think it was an advanced AI program that just pulls together all the data of what’s happening on the Internet. Now in comparison, it back in the day, obviously you wouldn’t have the data in that way. You do it in a different way. You do it through paper, tabloids, whatever. Cable television is different today. Yeah. They’re just taking all of your data and they go, okay, well, the AI tells them, well, this will be a good time right now to do this.
And then they’ll get back to frustrated again. Now you give them stimulus checks and then they’ll get frustrated again. And then you do another thing and you just keep it going and going and going. It’s, I think, David, I calls it the totalitarian tiptoe. I’m just adding in that element of artificial intelligence. I think it’s been around for a lot longer than they’ve allowed us access to. Yeah. So that’s why I think it’s making decoding so tough. And that’s why outcomes lately have been so close. Everything has been so, like razor thin margin close and everything, bro.
And, and that’s again, not to cut any slack to us decoders like this is what I do. It’s my passion. I’m not trying to make it easier for me. I actually love the difficulty. It makes it more fun, but. But it is a truth. Like, if you’re seeing these close calls, that’s why I’m seeing the close calls. The only thing that’s pushing me in the direction to make my choice is because ultimately I know everyone wants to know what I think. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t change my reality one bit. And I’ve told so many people, whatever happens with this US Election, it will not change the markets as much as you might think it will change the markets because the markets are not ran by presidents.
They’re not ran by who becomes president. They’re not ran by the day or the month of the election. Election happening. That’s all just distraction. It’s static. There’s so many more things going on here. So if you’re focusing on investing, you know, that’s why a lot of my things, when it comes to what’s going on with my decodes, I try to pull in some other cultural aspect to make sense of it in another way, such as what I did earlier with the Super Bowls. And some people can say, well, waters, you know, that’s. That doesn’t make any sense.
Like, okay, well, I could prove so many times where we’ve seen synchronicities with certain things. You know, one that I just found out quite recently was the super bowl of the year of The Dragon of 2012, the Baltimore Ravens one. It was very, very close. Then the one before that, 2000, the Baltimore Ravens one. Then you go all the way back to 1964, which was the last year of the Wood Dragon, the year that Kamala was born. The Baltimore. The Baltimore Colts played in that Super Bowl. You can’t make this up. That’s Maryland. That’s the verb.
Maryland. Exactly. So that’s Bail Timor. This is a ritual. This is a ritual to D.C. to the District of Columbia, to the light bearer. So this is powerful. And it’s not like that’s the only way to get to that result. I just found my way to get to that result. And I know you have your ways to get to that result, and that’s the beauty of this collaboration. Yeah, well, you’re so good at the dates. I mean, you’re. You’re kind of the master at the dates. You know, you do way more than I do on the dates.
You know, you did mention the April time frame, and, you know, when I was When I was trying to figure out who they’re going to put in office, I went back to. Because I’m using the cards, right? So I’m like, okay, well, what was the first date of confirming the victory of George Washington? It was on April 6th. And that card is the two of spades. And that card is the card that governed over September 11th. But that card, you know, that’s the card of duality, right? The two of spades. And when you count all that, so it’s card 41.
It’s tied to the Elohim. The word Elohim in Hebrew equals 41. So the 2 of spades, which is the, the date tied to the first presidential unanimous victory date is, is an Elohim card. And so I’ve had to factor that in as well. But, but April is a, is a. You know, this is when, remember Apple Computers was founded on April 1. They were founded on April Fool’s Day. Yeah. You know, so. And that’s right around the time of when Hugo Weaving, the Mr. Smith, he was born on, on April 4th. Right. So, like all these coincidences happen and I think it’s very interesting to note these things, but talking about your AI stuff, you know, I had postulated this in one of my videos and I had said that maybe Saturn is just a freaking computer.
That’s it. And this is why they wear. Some of the Jews, they wear the black square on their head, indicating that the pineal gland becomes the computer. And that’s why they wear it right over the fact. So, so Saturn being the demigod. Right, the demigod being Saturn and Saturn just me being a quantum computer, which, you know, you and I are the same. I feel that the technology has been around a really, really long time. I mean, when I decoded the computer and, and Alan Turing, I mean, I showed with great accuracy that this guy was supposed to create the first computer with.
Without question, he was part of his script. And so, so I go back to that and I see the organic code, but I, I also can contribute the artificial intelligence when I did the Newsbenders. Have you seen that episode? I’ve talked about it with you before. No, no, no, no. Oh, you’ve never watched it. Okay. Yeah. 30 Minute Theater, BBC. They came out with an episode. I’ll send it to you. It’s 30 minutes, dude. Totally worth your watch. Okay. It’s, it’s with Donald Pleasance, who stars. He was in the Halloween movies as Jason. Michael Myers, psychologist.
The bald guy, he’s the main guy. And they came out with that show and it was about the news being run by a computer. So a lot of people, they postulate this and they’ve said this, this is nothing new, right? I’ve been thrown this a million times by so many different decoders saying, oh my God, this is how they forecast the news is they pump it into a computer and out pops simulations and then they go with whatever simulation they probably decide upon at a roundtable, right? We have like 10 different scenarios and they’re saying, okay, we’re going to go with this one.
So then you sprinkle the AI with the organic code because I feel the mind of mankind is not our own. So if you’re going to spit out several different simulations and then you’re going to make a decision upon a popular vote of a committee, which you could say it’s the roundtable. Well, now you’re sprinkling in the organic code and now it’s not organic. I mean, it’s not artificial anymore. So I do think that it’s. There is this, you know, this merge of those two. But overall, I personally think it’s organic all the way. So, yeah, it’s going through filters.
Filters, yeah. Gradients. There’s exactly. It’s like when you’re recording music, you can take a microphone, analog recording of a guitar being played, but then once you take that guitar and throw it into the digital workstation, you could then modulate that to sound like a organ. There’s, there’s our apps that we now have where we can take an electric guitar and simulate it to sound like an acoustic guitar. And it’ll be very close. So it’s just going through filters. Something that was once quote, unquote organic can now be modulated and put through some sort of simulator app to be completely digital.
But it’s lifelike and that’s no different than the AI we’re being present. Presented with today. Yeah, it’s. You know, I had mentioned Saturn perhaps being this quantum computer, and that’s all it is. And it’s a so below of the Saturn as above. But it’s very interesting because artificial intelligence, that equals 68, which is the same numerology as both world wars, right? The invasion of Ukraine, as you know. And it’s also the numerology of the five books of the Torah. The first five books of the Torah equal 68 in Hebrew numerology. Not even Chaldean. He. The original is 68.
So it’s very interesting that the postulation here of Saturn just being a Quantum computer is on the table to discuss. And this is maybe what they use to, you know, put in scenarios, to pump out simulations. Yeah, I mean, I like this idea because you could even bring in the element of the Matrix and look at it through the lenses of mythology. So we have the architect, right? This would be Uranus. This is Daddy. And Daddy makes a computer. Yep. Daddy makes Saturn. So Uranus makes Saturn, makes this thing that allows for what is made by that to experience what we call time or the concept of growth and decay or whatever you want to perceive.
So I vibe with what you’re saying, you know, the computer will outlive man, but only if the energy source is still available. That’s probably why a lot of the antiquate tech, you know, the stuff that is of the quote unquote Old world, perhaps from ancient Egypt, Babylon, Sumeria, whatever. You know, if there was a floppy disk, per se, you know, and obviously it would be a lot more advanced, but what fucking computer would you plug that into? You can’t. You can’t plug in a Sumerian floppy disk into a goddamn MacBook, you know? It’s just not going to work, guys.
So, like, think about that. That’s a big concept to just meditate, you know, like meditate on for a while as decoders and as people who are seeking truth. I don’t think we have access to those computers as regular people, but we do, in a sense, through our consciousness, through the memories that we have. Because nothing could be created or destroyed. We’re all just like the salts of the earth and all of these minerals that we’re made of that we’re comprised of, are within us. That’s why, like, when you get into the esoteric wisdom, you don’t need to learn outside of yourself anymore because the thing called God is always presenting itself all the time.
You just never realize it, you know. So one thing that I thought of, and if anyone here is, has never seen the movie Leave the World Behind. There’s a very important scene in the movie Leave the World behind near the end where the daughter, this young girl, is talking to her mom as they’re falling asleep and says this story about a guy who expects a flood coming and he’s praying to God. You know, I don’t know the story, but I’m sure it’s been told in many other movies also. And it might be a famous story. I’m just.
I didn’t grow up religious, so I’ve never heard it before. I. I saw it in this movie and effectively the guy’s praying to God, knows that a flood’s coming, but he believes that if he just continues to believe and has faith that he will be saved. And then a guy shows up, like, in a boat, and it’s like, hey, help. Like, come over here. We’ll help you. And he’s like, no, it’s fine. God’s got my back, right? And then, like, three other things happen where people try to come and rescue and save him, and he just declines it and says, I have faith in God.
I will be fin. Fine. And then he dies. And then he goes to wherever heaven and talks with God, allegedly. And God, he says, you know, I believed in you. I had faith in you. What’s going on? Why didn’t you save me? And he says, I sent you a boat. I sent you a helicopter. I sent you. That woke me up to a realization that God is always interacting with us. Like a butterfly that lands on your hand is God? Yep. When you trip down a flight of stairs, that’s God. Like, I know you don’t want to perceive it as that because the human mind wants to play the blame game and say, fuck, you know, I fell, and that’s embarrassing, and that sucks.
And, like. But when I locked into that framework of thinking, I became so much more playful. And now I look at life in a whole new way. And it was from a fucking Hollywood movie. It just took that moment and for my level of consciousness at this time to click and for it to actually have utility, right? So now I’m like, whoa, there’s a whole different way of looking at what’s going on in this simulation. In my scripted reality, I could now be much more okay with the script as it’s unfolding. And I see it as every mistake is my greatest opportunity.
And everything that’s interacting with me is a form of what we are calling God. Yep, yep. I totally agree that those are very huge points that God is falling down the stairs and the butterfly and always. And I, you know, I know you are. Myself, I’m constantly having signs around me, from the receipts, the things that I buy, to time stamps, to clocks. You know, just the last podcast I did, and my. My last one, my last watch, your question. The time stamp was there. It was speed. And I don’t. I don’t. You know, I don’t.
This whole. This video where. This podcast, I’m not gonna. I’m not going to edit it to get it to a certain outcome right away, you know, but there it was, you know, I mean, I Just. Dude, I just started working on. You ever seen the movie Talladega Nights? No. I’ve heard of it though, with Will Ferrell. Oh, you’ve never seen it before? Okay, well, in that movie, it’s about racing. He’s a. He’s a car racer and he, his father like a kind of leaves him as a kid and then he shows up at his school and he gets kicked out of the school.
He comes in for like Father Sunday and he gets kicked out. And when he’s getting into the car, he tells him his name’s Ricky Bobby. He said, Ricky Bobby, if you ain’t first, you’re last. Right. And so I did the time stamp on that and the timestamp is it comes out to. When I show people this. I don’t know how else it comes out to. Yin Yang, man. It comes out to the 96.69. If. If you ain’t first, you’re last. If you’re not black, you’re white. So these time stamps in these movies, I don’t know how these directors and editors are getting it this way.
Yeah. Like, I just think it’s impossible to get it. Exactly. And then you decode it with all these layers that we’re doing as decoders and they come out this way. So I just think that God is in everything. I, you know, the, the universe, whatever, his spirits. And these movies are telling the story and that, that leave the world behind movie. I mean, there’s there, I mean, of course, Obama being one of the producers, him and Michelle, you know, and then the big thing on the movie cover was there’s a deer there. And we know that I talked about this, is that the Skull and Bones is.
They have a retreat on Deer Island. So the stag is on that, on that album that covers. And I have a feeling that’s what it means. And Skull and Bones is tied to the 10 of spades, which is the 10 of swords. And that’s like, that’s next. That’s 2025. 2025 is the year of Skull and Bones. You can make book on it. The Hebrew year 5785. You add that up, that equals 2025. 2025 is tied to the black sun. You’re talking about black hole sun. I mean, there’s just so much relevance to 2025 and 2024 being the warm up to that.
I, I think this is where we’re going to get the chaos. So are they going to put Trump in as the chaos unfolds or they Just going to put in more Democratic stuff where, you know, and you get all these people in wheelchairs at the Senate and they’re just pushing each other around, you know, in wheelchairs. I mean, they can’t go very much longer. Yeah, yeah. And the Trump script is a little like too good to be true in a lot of ways. And I don’t want to spend too much time there. But it, it’s like every day I’m hearing this new sensationalized, like he wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve or he wants to.
And, and by the end of it I’m like, okay, well what will we be left with? His, his opinions? That sounds like a, like, I’m not pro Federal Reserve, obviously, I’m a finance guy. Like, I would never want to be taxed. I think the IRS is a sham. Like everything that goes on treasury, it’s all make believe. But it’s a system to learn the rules of so that you could be better at the game. That’s all. I could complain about it all day, or I could study it and master it and become better at it. Right.
But I don’t think the world is better with the Fed necessarily. But I think like, handing out these big promises is a typical politician move. And I worry for the people who get a little too consumed in these big promises and they put too much faith in these outcomes and they forget at the end of the day that they’re listening to a politician do what politicians do. And this, this Trump guy has a very savior like quality to him, you know, and it’s no different than Elon. So it’s funny how this merger has happened recently, but I know the exact reason why it’s happening, because this is the year of Elon, this is the year of the X.
And everything that he’s tied to is the X. So moving into this year of the snake, we’re gonna see all the, all the duality, all the separation that’s happened in, in this year. It’s going to get very challenged, I believe, where you’ll have this polarization that we’ve never seen before. And I think there’s definitely enough to go around as we speak with what’s going on with this war and what’s been going on with all the other geopolitical things and the wealth gap too. But with that being said, you know, I think in the event of a comma less situation, which could very well be sure the.
The case, I think that we might be a little too like, well, aren’t we Used to this and over and kind of over this. And that might bring so much more chaos. Just from that perspective. You understand what I mean? Totally. It’s like we’re sick and tired. And I’m not speaking for myself or you, but generally people are sick and tired of the same old. Yeah. So they’re like, well, what is gonna change? What’s gonna. And I think that’s why the Trump character, the Trump archetype, I should call him, resonates so much with the American people.
And also, let’s just address it with the truther community. I’ve been blown away, actually, to watch just over the past couple months, people say that they are awake in the same sentence, that they’re supporting Trump. And I’m like, wait, what? So you’re awake, but you support politics? I don’t under. What are we saying here? Right. But that’s the power of that, of that moment. That’s the power of this moment in general. Right. From the astrological perspective. Sure. People. People become inconsistent right now during this time of year. Sure. And there’s so many other markers to prove that.
Yeah. And I had mentioned this to my community on my last live, and I, I said, I addressed everybody, and I’m like, 99 of you. This is just the way it is. You’re picking a side, even if you don’t vote or like, I don’t follow politics. You’re picking a side. You’re. Because we’re programmed to pick a side. Your program, like, no one wants to live through chaos. No one likes to fall down and scrape their knees. No one likes to have them. Their lives being pillaged and this and that. So you’re looking at how. What’s being portrayed on the world stage, and you realize that it’s about ready to implode and there needs to be massive change to come in.
And you’re looking at both of these contestants. I just call them contestants because that’s what they are. And you’re. You’re gonna take. You’re gonna pick one, even if you don’t tell anybody. You’re like, and you and I know the majority of people are looking at Trump to be the, the guy to bring the order in. I, I get that. Because that’s how it’s being lined up. It’s being lined up that way for you to pick. So for you to pick that person. And then if your choice doesn’t come true, are you going to have an emotional reaction to that? Even if you don’t tell any, Even if some of you.
You’re like, I don’t vote, I don’t watch politics. Yeah, but you’re still picking a winner. And if you don’t get your winner, you’re going to be bummed out and you won’t even admit it. People won’t even admit it. Like personally for me, I could give a, I told people like, if whoever gets in, it’s not going to change my life. Right. What is it going to do to change your life? What are they going to do? What are they going to, what policies are going to change to change your life? It’s not just the United States.
It’s all these other places around the world that have a say in things as well that can affect your life. So I, I just don’t think that it’s going to matter. But I do know that the majority of people listening to this and I’m gonna maybe get a thumbs down. I don’t care. People don’t. But I majority of you listening here, you’re, you’re already chosen your winner because you don’t like something about one of the can the contestants. And you, you may say I don’t care who wins but if someone does get put in and it’s your choice, you’re going to rejoice in some way.
You’re going to see me do that. I ain’t bringing out any pom poms. I could care less who they put in. I don’t care. I have no attachment to that stuff. So. And I can tell all of you that, I mean that I think if it does trigger anyone to hear this, that’s just a sign that they haven’t made it through puberty yet. Like you’re still even get triggered Jordan. Well, that’s what I do best. It’s like you’re still suckling on mommy’s nipple. Like it’s time to stop breastfeeding. Yeah, I get it. You want mommy or daddy.
Like you’re frustrated. You’re a spoiled little brat that’s had your toy taken away and you think that daddy’s the good guy because he snuck in the room and gave you the toy. Yeah, that mom took away. But it’s time, but it’s time to realize that you probably also had the same moment where you found out that Santa wasn’t real because the same guy, daddy showed up in the middle of the night, ate a bite of the cookie, drank half the glass of milk and you saw him doing it. And then he had to, you caught him red handed and he had to admit that he’s been a serial liar.
Tough pill to swallow, man. I think that’s totally. Absolutely has so much merit, Jordan. The example of that. That people. Because that’s how we’re programmed to. To pick a winner, to pick a side, man. I mean, generational programming. Yeah. I was so bummed out when I found out wrestling wasn’t real. Wwf. Yeah, dude. I love the Ultimate Warrior. Pissed off when I found out it was not real. I was fighting it. It ain’t. Oh, come on, man. No way. No way, no way, no way. I was like. I would get mad, but you know. But you know what? Like, to.
To reel it on back to, like, a more conscious perspective. Like, it is real, though. It is so real. Everything is real. Like, everything that is. Is. So what. What are we. It’s just our relationship with it. Like, my whole thing is, like, I find Trump to be the most entertaining human being on camera right now. That’s what he does for me. And I would love four years of watching that guy goof off. Yeah. Yeah, he’s the goat. He’s very entertaining. He’s super entertaining. And I. I watched, like. And just to get out of the way, I watched, like, I actually listened to it while I was driving the other day, just 10 minutes of that new podcast with Joe Rogan, and it was like, you can sense that Joe Rogan was dealing with, like, talking to his grandfather.
When you’re like, you ask Granddad the question, and then he starts going back to, like, how. What he did in 1987. And you’re like, wait, but I asked you about what you’re doing in two months. Like, you know, and it’s like, he can’t. Like, Donald Trump’s way of being is an ongoing story because he’s been a professional actor his whole life. Yeah. He’s always been the script. He is the script. And that’s what I find awesome about him. Like, keep reading scripts. It entertains us, just like any Hollywood actor would entertain you. That’s what I think people need to.
I. Please. I don’t want to tell people what to do, so don’t take that that way. But I mean to say, just from my own honorable perspective, like, I don’t want to get emotionally invested in these things, because it’s like getting emotionally invested into a television show on Netflix, which. Yeah, when the season’s over, then you’re just, like, begging for more and you want more. Or if this. Or if it ends abruptly on, like, a cliffhanger, you’re like, Throwing the popcorn at the television, being like, what the. Like. Yeah, you know, and like, that relationship with stuff I find to be very dangerous because actually, like, through studying cults, it’s.
It’s a very similar connection that the follower has with the cult leader or like the follower has with the guru. Yeah, it’s identical, actually. And I know you know this because I brought it up so many times. I went through a stage in my life where it was around the same time I was learning numerology and some basic astrology stuff. And it was, you know, most of it gets brought up through the new age. Like, that’s where you find a lot of this information. So there’s plenty of gems out there, but it’s kind of in the dirt of the new agey stuff.
And with that, you know, into. In consideration, as I was going through it all, I realized that, like, this commitment to the one thing, like the commitment to this one side because you don’t like the other side, That’s a very common theme. And then what happens is the leadership will leverage on that. So what you just revealed, Logan, that you all already picked, and you’ll be upset if your. Your side doesn’t win? Well, the people who are the master chess players, the grand masters, they know that. They know your relationship with them, and they leverage on that.
And that’s what cult leaders do. Yeah. So cult leaders always are just trying to scheme, like, how to get most leverage over the following. And of course, there’s a financial side this can go in. There’s a sexual thing that this could go in. That’s very common, especially in most cults. They play on those themes because those are the themes that run this matrix. Money and sex. So, yeah, when. When I took that couple of years to super dial in my understanding of what was going on there, I realized that we don’t have any real relationships going on in this world.
Almost everything that we’re doing is an experiment. Yep. And I need to learn how to be in a relationship with stuff if I want to be healed, you know, through that. That generational trauma that we’ve all been put through. Like, trust me, guys, I was lied to about Santa, too. I was lied to about wrestling, too. I was lied to about the tooth fairy and every other thing, just like you were. But then I came to a place where I was like, I don’t need to be upset that I was lied to, and I also need to prevent doing the same thing to others.
Yeah, but that’s a conscious choice. I know plenty of fathers that are right now lying to their kids about these pagan holidays and they know what it’s about, but they, that’s the sad part. It’s like, oh, even with that awareness, you’re no longer ignorant. You’re still playing the game. Like, which one? You can’t. Well, there’s a lot of codependency, programming, people being attached to not letting. There’s also people pleasing. They don’t want to let. I mean, I get it. You got kids. You don’t want to let your kids down. The kids, yeah. Everybody else is doing it.
Why am I doing. I went through this as a kid, as a JW man, you know. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yes. I couldn’t do that. So I felt that, you know, growing up and it affected me and I’ve had to really do some work on myself to overcome some of these things. But, you know, ultimately, when I was mentioning the wrestling, you’re right, it is real. But, you know, it’s really interesting to consider that wrestling is a simulation and the presidential selections a simulation because the, like, if you use wrestling, right? Wrestling, the match is already determined, right? They already say who’s going to win.
They have to probably improv some of the moves that they do, but the winner is already chosen. And then what happens after the bell goes off and someone pins the person? Well, the crowd has a response to that simulation and that you can use as an example for anything in life. Same with the movie. Like how many views something gets, how much it, how much money it makes at the box office and how many people tune into the presidential debates. These are all running simulations to see exactly where you’re at and your social media and, you know, we’ve talked about this, you and I.
This is nothing new. Everything’s been being tracked for a long time since computers came into existence. It’s now so easy to track people and what they love and what they don’t love. If you’re doing online dating, you could show people psychology with computers. Because if you’re on online dating and you’re trying to get a hold of like five different women or five different men at the same time, maybe it’s shown signs of desperation and now you market to somebody with desperation kind of things and you’ll to reel them in even more. This is an era where this is, we’re moving towards Minority Report.
I mean, I’m, I’m set on that. I, I, Unless some big cataclysm comes in and, and completely throws out astrology on its head and aquarius is not going to be the rise of the machines then. I just don’t see it any other way. I just think that we’re moving into a very perfected society, as Minority Report talked about. And, and they’re doing that with the computers, the cell phones and the computers. I mean, what’s next really? You know, I was like thinking about getting a flip phone just because. No, just be just as I have as a backup up, you know, so I went, you know, so I can just put this chip in and use it, whatever.
And I thought it’d be kind of cool, nostalgic, whatever. But those things, you know, it’s like, are. When are smartphones going to get outdated? Because everything gets outdated. I mean, really, if we’re looking at the future, when are smartphones going to get outdated? When we’re going to start using. Stop using these smartphones. You know, we’ve gone to. I mean, your, your laptop that you have, that thing’s super powerful. That thing’s, you know, I mean, compared to the old computers, that thing’s tiny. Yeah. So like, what’s the. What is the bend of the future? Well, you’re talking.
Can there be a total. A total. I can’t so hard to say that word. I think you had struggling with. To say that. What, totalitarian? Yeah, that’s it. That’s it. I think we’re. Was it you that was struggling? Maybe it wasn’t you? No. Is this what we’re moving towards? Based upon running simulation simultaneously through movies, music, politics, et cetera, et cetera, gauging people’s reactions and then being able to market to people and owning people. What are your thoughts on that? Yeah, I mean, I think it’s very much in the process. I think they’ve been beta testing many of these things for a long time and it has a lot to do with the tech that’s already in our pockets.
So I think you’ve already connected a lot of big dots and you ask what’s coming next. And what I think is coming next is wearables that project onto your hand or onto perhaps something that your glasses can link with, which will tell you that the data or whatever would be normally displayed on a phone screen. I think that’s coming next. So it’ll be glasses initially, and then there was a couple companies that tried doing this with AI and I don’t know if they. I don’t know if they worked, but yeah, that’s pretty much what I see it’ll be instead of like a phone with a Screen.
It’ll probably just be some sort of, like, pager, like something you clip on, or perhaps like, similar to a watch. Probably a watch, to be honest, because they want to, like, make it look cool. Right, right. And then it’ll link up with the glasses, or it’ll link up with some sort of. I don’t know if we’re ready for eye contact, like lenses yet, but that’s pretty much the next thing. And then once they get that stuff going, it’s like pretty much a black mirror episode. Yeah, man. I, I, you know, I was just, I want to say this because we’re on this topic.
I think this is really important, but, you know, living here in Mexico, I have to have a United States cell phone. Like, I have my Mexican cell phone, right. And it’s super inexpensive over here. Cell phone plan. Right. But I have to have a United States phone. And the reason why is because I can’t have a bank account unless I have a cell phone phone. Like, because if I want to go. Sometimes they do fraud alerts, and sometimes they do, oh, we need to verify this transaction. We’re going to send a text message to your phone.
So it’s literally. This is the, the mark of the beast, man. This is part of it. And people, I know there are a lot of people out there. I’m not gonna do this. I’m not gonna do that. Yeah, well, if you can’t buy anything anymore, are you gonna change your tune or you’re just gonna, you’re gonna still sit by that? Because you know what? It’s very easy to say, I’ll never do that. But when you’re five days of no food yours, you’re singing a different tune, man. When you have five or ten days of hard times, you like, you’re singing a different tune.
Like, people go, people, they, they, they get put in prison. They get, they get, they get arrested and they get put in prison by the district attorney or whatever. And they’re, they’re engaged and they’re in love and they’re getting married, and they’re. And their significant other is, like, can’t come see them. There’s no visits. And they’re freaking out, right. Because they miss their partner. So what do they do? They do whatever it takes to bail themselves out, and they get out on bail. Right. This is the same scenario that people are going to be faced with.
They’re. You’re, like, I can’t have a bank account unless I got a cell phone. It’s. It’s not, it’s not even possible at this stage of the game. So all the things that we’re moving towards, I just, I just don’t see people thinking that they’re going to be able to avoid these things. I, I really don’t what we’re moving into. What are your thoughts on that? Yeah, I think it’s the package that people are very against. It’s like when it comes to the idea of getting a chip implant in the hand, you know, But I think maybe not as many people are realizing that they already have the mark.
That’s kind of what you’re revealing. Like you already have, we all already have something that tracks traces, also connects you to all things and it connects you to all services. And without it, I mean, you would be invisible or you would not be considered a citizen at all. And I think once we’re in the place where passports are no longer a thing, driver’s license is no longer a thing, and those are put on the blockchain and those are inside of our phones, then you’re going to watch this quote unquote mark of the beast thing. Be pretty obvious.
Yeah, because there will be no leaving the house without the phone or there’ll be no leaving the house without whatever device that’ll be needed to have this proof, whatever it might be, a QR code or some sort of two factor authentication thing. But yeah, we’re pretty much full blown heading in that direction. And I think C19 and that whole event allowed for that to launch. That was the launch pad for a lot of those programs. Yeah. And it started off very playful, you know, like people were wigging out about QR codes. They thought they were the end of the world.
Like it was going to be this draconian whatever. But then like, how do we mostly see QR codes? You mostly see them at like restaurants. It’s like super harmless stuff. Right. And that’s exactly how digital. Yeah. And that’s exactly how everything launches. And I’m not, I’m not trying to postulate that QR codes are the biggest concern for sovereignty, but it just kind of is what it is. And I agree. I think we’re moving into a world where the reliance and the dependence on the mobile device will be pretty much a unanimous thing. And for those who don’t have it, good luck.
But it’s what the phone becomes. I don’t think it’s as important. And this might be the controversial thought, and I would love to hear how you feel about this, it’s not what the phone becomes. It’s the relationship that you have with the phone today. Yeah. Well, are you asking me my opinion on what that statement means? I mean, just, I mean, just how, like. Because I think so many people are worried about like, yeah, maybe Waters is right. Maybe it becomes a wearable and then you have this like hologram shooting out of your wrist. But like, my whole thing is like, bro, we have the problem today and it’s the relationship with the phone today.
I think that’s already so, so whatever this thing becomes, what does it matter if your relationship with the thing. Like I, I just said it earlier too, with the whole daddy thing and the, and the Trump situation, like that was some. That developed when you were 3 and 4 years old and now you’re 47 years old and you’re like drooling over an election. Yeah. You feel me? So this is like Ben, your whole life already. Well, if you were born with a cell phone, because whatever, you’re 12 or I don’t know, like you’re a young child.
I mean, bro, I don’t even know where kids that are 18, were they born with cell phones already? I guess, right? Maybe, Yeah. I mean, I think parents, some parents may limit their, I mean limit their children or not give it to them at till a certain. But I mean in general, like the invention of it, like, because I’ve seen people with baby strollers in cities where the kid has the iPhone in the baby stroller. I’ve already seen that. But like, let’s just say you’re somebody. You, you’re somebody who has a kid, right? Your kid’s 10, 12, 13, whatever.
They have been born into a world where like they’ve been glued to that screen since birth. Yeah, right. Yeah. Their relationship with that is most likely very toxic in comparison to like when I grew up and I was playing Wiffle ball. So I mean, I’m not trying to say that I am better and the kids now are all. I’m just. This is the inevitable, right? So then you have AI come out and we have people talking with AI chat bots, or they’re becoming very reliant on information from AI. Or we even see the rise of like AI therapists, AI girlfriends, etc, then there’s going to be kids born into that world and it’s like, where do you see Pandora’s box closing? Yeah, well, I don’t think it ever closes.
I think it just stays open all the time. It’s just the colorful changes of the Pandora’s box. But you made some great points. I Mean, I, I couldn’t even imagine kudos to you people that are humping and making babies right now. Because I, I just, I, I just think that people start to start thinking twice about what, what they’re bringing into this world, man. Because, you know, I mean, if you look at just the supermarket, you go to the supermarket and we’ve gone from the. Now you have the self checkout and how do you, how do you check out? You’re not using a keep.
Like, you go back to like the 19. I was born in the 1970s. Right. You go back to 1970s and you go to a grocery store. There was no barcode scanners. There was no red light scanning. It was people punching in manually punching in the prices. Right. So now we’ve gone to manually to. Now it’s all automated, where they’re just sliding your item over the red light and it’s beep, beep, beep. What’s the next stage? Because that’s not going to last either. Because people are like, it’s taking too long. You know, you standing in line at the grocery store and someone’s.
I mean, no. Who the hell writes a check? Nobody writes checks anymore. Yeah. And even with the check, bro, you can take a picture of it and the positive. Exactly, exactly. Wild, too. Instant deposit. Yeah. So we’re not, we’re not. We’re mo. You had, you know, you had said something so profound many years ago, and you had said, I think it was during our podcast, you said the age of Pisces is, was the age of paper. Right. And I had said, tied to Jupiter. Yep. Printing presses, Bibles getting printed. The Gutenberg Bible, the first. This is the print.
We’re not doing that anymore. We’re not going back to paper, man. Everything’s Kindle, everything’s digital. We’re. We’re going from analog to binary to digital. That’s what we’re moving towards. There’s no, there’s not, there’s not going to be anything in between. This is why I think they’ve said that they’re removing the middle class. You’re either going to be wealthy or you’re not. That’s black or white. That there’s no analog is the low class, the middle class, and the high class that, that’s being done away with, with because the analog’s being removed from this reality. We’re moving into an on, off, black, white, hot, cold.
Yeah. I think this is where you get into Minority Report and being able to predict crimes because you can pump everything into a Computer, you know everything about somebody. You know their whereabouts. And if ever, if it is the mark of the beast, where they can track you, right? You. How are you going to commit a crime? How are you going to do that? They’re going to use astrology. Everything’s coming back. Uranus is astrology. Numerology, enneagram, human design, personality types. These are all going to be clumped together and they’re going to be able to forecast and tell exactly what your moves are on the world stage.
The privacy is over, man. Yeah, that’s how I see the future anyway. I mean, like I said, unless some cataclysm come, unless there’s some separate timeline that people can move into and away. You know, there is this. Talks about, had this discussion with a buddy of mine who’s who thinks that there’s going to be the plasma event with the sun. And when that’s done, there will be these cities, the smart cities. And then if you. And they’re like, there’s domes over the smart cities. And if you don’t want to be in those smart cities, you got to go out in the wilderness to go back to, to go back to nature again.
Oh, bro, have you seen that show the Silo? No. Oh, man. Like, I don’t really recommend things too often, but you know, when I do, they’re bangers. So what is it on Amazon Prime? It’s on Apple tv. Oh, it’s on Apple tv. But like, for anyone out there, like, I would recommend checking out this show Silo. And another reason why is because the second season is coming out in like fifth in like two weeks. And I believe the release date is also perfect. Let me, let me just double check while I have it on my mind so I can make sure.
I think it’s November 15th. One second. Yeah, dude. Okay, so it’s November 15th. And just very, very quickly, this is perfect for my work because I’ve been talking about November 15, 2024 for like five months now at least. So last day of Saturn retrograde full moon in Taurus the bull. After full moons, we typically move up bullish in the markets, but it’s also just a release of energy in general. So this gluttony that we’re all going to want to indulge in, in my opinion, throughout the election season, moving into the 15th, that like that vibe, you know, it’ll be like the reap what you sow after the 15th.
Like if you treat, if you treat from the moment this podcast gets released until the 15th, dishonorably and like, just trash it and waste the opportunity. Then you’ll be one of those people that has to bear the burden of being distracted at the worst time. Like, call with your pants down kind of thing. Right now, there’s just the financial. There’s not just the financial implications of that, but I don’t want to spend too much time there. Also, like, really, really last thing, and correct me if I’m wrong, but it’ll be the last day of the sun in Libra, in Sidereal, effectively right around the last days.
So the scales, the scales are clearly imbalanced right now. I think the balancing of the final moments of the energy will be throughout those 10 days from, like, election or just call it the new moon of November 1st throughout the 15th, and then the 15th will be like. If you treated those two weeks with passion and genuine, like, productivity and didn’t just get lost in the sauce, it’s going to be a dope end of the year for you. And the fact that this silo movie or silo show is starting on the first episode of the new season is starting on the 15th is perfect in my opinion, because the show is about people who are living in an underground silo.
It’s like it’s Reverse Tower of Babel. Yeah. And they’re. They’re being told they’re being manipulated by a group of technocrats who are, like, running this from this, like, computer room. They’re being told that outside is. Will kill you. I don’t know if it’s necessarily just the air or what. What’s happening, but there was some apocalyptic thing that went down, some cataclysm, and the quote unquote, few people who were alive all live in the silo. And they’ve become like, not necessarily a cult, but it’s like in that dire situation, you have to do whatever you can and whoever’s the most powerful and smart and whatever, and whoever, like, made their way to the top, literally, that’s the way the silo works.
So the people who are living at the top are like the lords. And the people who live all the way at the bottom are the ones that are like the slave class that actually runs the silo. They’re the ones that power it. It’s just like the train in the movie. In the. Yeah, in. What’s that? Once the one movie where it’s like the snow. Snowpiercer. Okay. It’s just like Snowpiercer, where they’ve segregated the people. Based on classic, bro. This show is so Dope. It gives you a couple of days to watch. If you want to check out the, the first season, you’ll be finding all the gems in it.
Like first, first thing you’ll notice is the, the apple on the table, the apple tied to the forbidden fruit, and then it just takes off from there. You’ll notice all the connections. I know you’ll really love it. And any decoder out there, you’re going to love this show. But it, it’s filmed in a way that’s so enticing and kind of keeps you going. So it’s a high quality thing. It’s not just this cringy, like, shitty Hollywood level thing. It’s actually super good. And it stars that the main character from Dune, this Rebecca. Oh yeah, I forgot her name.
So, yeah, even her, she’s playing a role in this whole thing in the new age, I think, I think every actor is right. Yeah. So anyways, yeah, check out Silo because it kind of shows you this society that’s living underground and anybody who’s learned anything about, you know, these kind of more esoteric concepts of cataclysms and resets, if you will, you’ve heard about these sort of things. And I believe this show is kind of spilling the beans on a lot of what could be the case if there was to be some sort of event. I’m not sure if it could be a nuclear thing.
I think me and you talked about the last time we got got, we got together, but this show is very inspiring for those who are interested in the way things could go down. Well, I mean, I looked at the date it came out May 5, and that’s, that card is the same as Westworld’s card, the ace of spades, which is card 40. And that’s, that’s death and regeneration, man, the ace of spades. So when you, when I see it connected to Westworld, that, that, that’s a big marker for me. I’ll definitely check it out. I’ll definitely watch a couple episodes and see what it’s all.
There’s a lot of dystopian stuff coming out, man, and you know, similar themes. Similar themes. And I mean, I, I, you know, look, look, I’m, I’m not somebody. I’m just going with the flow, man. And I’m not attached to any of this stuff. But I am a realist kind of person and I do look at the, the precision of this reality based upon the astrological placements, what the age is going to look like. And you know, I talked about this with you and Jason, and I’ll say it again, that the Age of Aquarius is the age of information.
Yes. So you, you have people that will rise up with being extremely smart. It’s about I know thyself. You’ll know exactly what you’re supposed to be doing. But the, the other side of it is, it’s, you’re moving from a, a very spiritual sign of Pisces into a very airy atheist kind of sign of Aquarius. Because now you’re getting into the geniuses of the zodiac and they’re like, well, you know, I know everything kind of attitude, you know, and the, the Aquarian energy being ruled by Uranus is, is a, is a very, it’s electrical. And this is where you get, this is where we get electrical cars.
This is one of the main reasons why we’re moving away from fossil fuels, because fossil fuels is a Piscean astrological placement. Right. Oil and gas powered motors. That’s all Piscean energy. And so we’re gonna, you’re gonna have the crossover into the Age of Aquarius. And I think we’re already there now. So we’re getting the crossover and it’s going to take some time to allow Uranus to establish itself in Aquarius. But, you know, there could be a freaking, there could be a nuclear war that wipes out a large, large portion of the population. And I say could be right.
I’m just saying it’s an idea. I’m not a theory. I’m not saying it’s true. So don’t try to put words in my mouth, ladies and gentlemen. I’m just saying that it’s possible that that happens. You know, I, I’m a huge fan of the show the 100 and that’s the same thing as the Silo, Man. They have to go through a nuclear war. They have to go underground to survive. They can’t come up for years upon years because of the fallout. You have that show called Fallout. I mean, what’s going on with the whole mainstream? And, and, and then when you look at the Age of Aquarius and then you correlate that with the Yugas in the Hinduism traditions.
Well, when you follow the like, there’s a lot of like, sad guru saying, oh, we’re moving into the Dwarpa stage. But you know, I don’t believe everything Sadhguru says because he’s in his position that he’s at. I know who he’s hanging out with. So I, I question that stuff. When you study the real books of the Yugas, the real books of where it originated from says that we’re in the Kali Yuga and we got a long way to go. And if that’s the case, when you line it up with Aquarius, man, there’s a lot of control that’s going to go on because the Kali Yuga, you’re, you’re not, you’re the farthest away from source energy.
So you’re not relying on God anymore or spirit. You’re relying on man and the running of man, of, of Earth and allowing man to run the Earth Earth and allowing man to destroy it. And we can see the rise of the machines. And then you move into the age of Capricorn and you move back into an Earth sign and Saturn rules that which is way different than Aquarius, right? We go back to the Earth. So I think we have a long way to go in the you the Kali Yuga. And that’s not doom and gloom, folks.
I’m just being a realist and someone who’s looking at this thing from every different angle that I can. What are your takes? Have you ever studied the Yugos Dream started? No, I actually haven’t. Oh, okay. I’ve heard of them, of course. Like, I’ve, you know, over time I’ve been getting little sprinkles here and there, but I try. Like, personally, I mean, this isn’t advice to anyone, but whenever I’m learning about a lot of this stuff, even if there’s some sort of predicted date that things are going to go to or like this timeline or that timeline, I always just revert back to like, how do I feel? You know, like, how do I feel right now? And like, I think I get it.
I see the power of, of looking at time in that way. I, I understand why it’s so powerful to look at time in these ways and these ideas of Golden Age or Bronze Age or whatever. But my, my whole thing on it is like, it’s all about what you’re personally putting yourself through because I think like, similar to Neo in the Matrix movie, you’re here to fulfill your mission. And sure, like when he takes the red pill and he goes design or whatever, you see the world as it really is, right? Whereas it’s this kind of destructed, sunless, you know, technological sack of.
But all in all, he still does what he has to do. So I know that there’s a lot to be said about the coming ages and this, you know, group of people thinks it’s going to get better. And these people think it’s only going to get worse from here. But for me, like, I’m just looking at life of, like, what can I do to be the most honorable and the most useful while I’m here? Yes, agreed, man. It doesn’t. Because it doesn’t matter what’s coming, man. Ultimately, what stands true for me is what you just said is, is what you’re doing to add value to this reality.
And you use that word the more than anybody else, the word utility. And, you know, what is your life? How are you using your life as utility? You know, and if that’s the, if that’s a thing, because, you know, as I’ve said before, the, the world leaders that have been put in these positions, you know, I’m. The United States government uses the Bible to inaugurate its presidents in. So what does that tell you? That the government is following the Bible and religion. And these people are not deviating away from the course of actions that they’re doing.
They’re just not just like the Pope’s not deviating away. So is there something allegorical that they know that you don’t know and what could happen? So, you know, when you correlate this, this Old Testament book of Zechariah and, and then you read this, I think it’s chapter five, verses two or one or something. It talks about the flying scroll, and the, the measurements of it is 20, 20 cubits by 10 cubits or something like that. And that’s like, when you compare that to a, to a, the dimensions of a missile or something, it’s very similar to the same size.
Right? So this, this is may, what it means. And, and, and this is fire this time. This, this is, this is not water. This is not flood. This is fire, brimstone, like it was in Genesis when they destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, you know, when God supposedly destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Fire and brimstone raining down from heaven. Well, that’s what nuclear warheads would do as well as raining down fire. And we, we still, we have everything. As people say, everything comes in threes. And the World War II is there, but there’s no World War III. And then what would it do? And again, I, we’ve, I’ve said this.
Why are all these underground bunkers around the world? Why are all these people that have a lot of money, why are they creating these things out of fear? But, but do they know? Like, do you think when you get into a position like Elon or, or, or, or Zuckerberg or. You don’t think these people know what’s going on? Come on. Yeah, you guys actually know what’s going on, man. One thing that really opened up my eyes was somebody made this video where they showed the simulation of. Of all of Elon’s flights for the year of 2023.
Oh, wow. Really? It is crazy, dude. Like, they have it matched up to his flight logs on every day of the year for the whole. I don’t. And then they made it pretty fast, like 4x5x speed. So like, homie is just in a new city, like every day. Wow. He like, never stays. And he also has like 13 children or something, so there’s plenty of other reasons why he’s moving around besides the businesses and the stuff that he’s doing. But, but like, you made a point and it’s not to go like super Tim tinfoil hat route, but like, if a man who can be wherever he wants to be at the drop of a hat, like, he can just get on his private jet and go wherever.
If they’re starting to get underground bunkers, then you have to realize there’s a reason why they’re doing that for sure, man. Because they can get out of the way of anything they want. Yeah. They’re not going. They’re not roasting hot dogs. The most expensive wine cellar. You know what that thing is down there, though? Yeah, yeah, they got all that down. But I mean, when I was, when I was into this thing under you, you would see the truckers going in under the. And if they’re bringing in loads of cargo, like, like it was. You see, I saw it myself.
I saw real footage. Yeah, I’ve seen videos of trucks going into like a mountain face. And you’re like, where are they going? Where are they going? And where they got in the cargo. But I mean, you know, like, you think this has been going on. I mean, this was well over five years ago that I was watching these videos. So if you’re doing this on the daily, you’re bringing underground on the daily five years in a row. I mean, five years straight. I mean, that’s a lot of stuff you’re bringing. Something’s going on, man. So. So again, I mean, this, this whole biblical thing with the Zechariah and the flying scrolls and it could be matching up to a nuclear warhead and, and that, you know, the flying scroll and the biblical description is supposed to bring judgment over the whole land.
Well, you know, that’s, that’s Judgment, man, you know. But what’s your take on like the whole like Galen Windsor thing and like talking about like swimming in vats of nuclear material and he like kind of debunked the whole nuclear thing. I’m not trying to, you know, cause any division out there amongst people, but there is that whole side of things where there are like full blown debunking of the concept of nuclear war and how it’s just been used as a narrative, as a scare tactic. But like have you looked into any of that? Yeah, I mean, so what’s your take on that? Well, I have.
So I knew, I know somebody personally that worked at a, a nuclear facility. Yeah, yeah. And on top of that, what are you going to tell me? What did they blow up in the desert during the Trinity test? How was that all about? Because there was tons of witnesses and they have it on video. Well, I’ve seen there’s one video that’s very famous. I don’t know if it was from the Oppenheimer thing, but it was a filmed, alleged atomic explosion. Right. And. But how did the camera not explode during what for Trinity test? I’m not sure about that.
But is that the same thing as what was the. There’s like a bunch of famous old, old, old videos, but one is showing a kind of like a mushroom cloud sort of type explosion in the middle of the desert. I’m not sure where it was of Nevada or Arizona or some. But I just don’t understand how you’re gonna have that blast like that, that nuclear blast where you see like a house turned to dust but then the camera was able to make it through. Yeah, I don’t know, man. There’s a discrepancy there. Right? Like how do you film that with.
Well, maybe they have. What tripod did they have? Well, yeah, well, if we consider that there’s technology that’s been underground for thousands of years, you would think they’d be able to withstand something like that if they bring that technology up above ground. And now they’re not using a GoPro right now you’re getting something that can withstand that kind of stuff. But the Trinity test for me. And how about the bombs they dropped over Japan and Nagasaki, you know, that killed so many people? I mean those are, that’s a real deal stuff, man. That’s not TNT they’re dropping.
Yeah, I heard those were fire bombs. Well, I mean, I wasn’t there. I can’t verify that, but I know a lot of people died during those times. And when you look at the. The carnage. When you look at the city and what it looked like after the pictures, they were annihilated. Sure, sure. Yeah. It’s just interesting. Like, I. I personally shouldn’t talk too much about this because I am by no means an expert. I know there’s people out there that have dedicated much to it. I’ve come to this information, and it was one of those moments where, you know, like, everything popular is wrong.
So you go, oh, okay, that’s interesting. Let’s dive into this. And I spent maybe a couple hours, and I was not convinced. But it was fascinating, you know, to have the points be presented, like all things. Right. There’s so many of these anomalies and discrepancies with the narrative, and you have to do your best to fight through it to get to your truth, I suppose. Yeah. I mean, look at what happened in Fukushima, you know, the nuclear reactor and then Chernobyl. And, I mean, these are nuclear, right? So if they have those things that can power up cities, I think that they have the technology to create, you know, these.
These warheads and this. And I’m not an expert, so I’m purely. I’m. I’m just being very theoretical. I have absolutely no proof, just like I have no proof that there’s underground aliens in Area 51. But I. My truth is there is absolutely. Just two days ago, I think Putin came out, like, on camera telling the Russian military to prepare their nuclear drills. No. Yeah. Like, it. It was kind of a big deal, I suppose, but there’s so much of that war talk now that it’s like everything kind of gets, like, it has its 30 minutes in the sun and then it goes away.
But, yeah, yeah, that. That was straight up a real. A real thing. And I haven’t done too much decoding on Russia, but I do feel that the world. That the apex predator is very much been using that tactic in Hollywood for a long time. And most recently, Stranger Things, I think, is one of the best examples where, you know. Have you watched Stranger Things? Of course. Huge fan. Did you watch all. All of the seasons? I’ve watched them all. Okay, so the last season, they put a lot of emphasis, obviously, on Russia, and Hopper. And Hopper has been, you know, taken captive in a Russian prison.
In Russia. And they show you these monsters and all this that they’re doing, you know, so that’s already revealing to you something quite nefarious and crazy. But on the other side of things, it’s like, why are they. Why are they keep. Why do they keep pointing to Russia for being like our arch nemesis, the. The rival? You know, because it’s been going on every. I mean, dude, they even made a Rocky movie where they wanted to, like, bring that up, like the Ivon Drago thing. So it’s always. It’s always been a thing. But one of the things I find most fascinating about the last season of Stranger Things is the play on the mythology with Vecna and how they’ve done this with Darth Vader.
They did this with Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter where they show you, like, their earlier life. They were like, controllable, and they were like the chosen one, or they were the light side. Like, I mean, literally, Vecna is one, and Anakin from Star wars is the chosen one, and then he becomes Vader. Right? So. But this V being Vader, Vecna, Voldemort, this transformation from one substance to the next, like, they become this powerhouse. That’s the main antagonist of the whole story. And you learn in that last season a stranger thing things that it’s been Vecna all along, right? And he was the one that took advantage of this portal being ripped open, and he’s created this hell world, this underworld, whatever, you know.
It’s not necessarily a spirit realm, is it? Because it’s interacting with the Matrix, it’s interacting with this physical realm physically. Yep, because we see the real monsters destroy the real Hawkins. So, bro, like. Like, maybe that is what I. I would be more open to that. It’s like, are they opening up portals and they’re gonna blame it on nuclear? Like, I think that would be the way they would. That it would all go down. That’s what CERN is. And that all that they’re doing there. So they’re gonna open up a portal, or already have been. And their little experiment, they know, will eventually not be so controllable and the script will play out from there.
These monsters, these things that are. That have been ripping through and made it to this dimension will be able to interact with us. And perhaps that’s what the things we call dinosaurs or the things that we see in all of these horror movies, they might have been real, or they might actually be real. It was just the. The war of wars, the war that ends it all is the war with the spirit realm becoming three dimensional, where all of our thoughts and all the up that’s going on in our mind that we draw out and we create movies about, it exists somewhere.
Right? It must. Yeah. Otherwise, where did we get the idea of it. And then we are up enough to want to create that stuff in laboratories or whatever. Like, everyone should know by now they’re already doing human animal hybrid hundreds. Oh, yeah. That’s why they had to come out with a Netflix show about it. Exactly. That’s why they had to come out with a Netflix show about it of, like, children being born with deer antlers. And they’re doing that to predictably program us all for a moment where that might be very much the case. I’m not sure the cause of that necessarily, but this is the way my mind’s thinking about it.
You know, I think that’d be the perfect. The nuclear scam. Maybe it’s real, but for me, I’m leaning more on this path. The nuclear thing would be the blame of either what I just said or something going on with a staged alien invasion or something of that nature. I think they want to pull one of those out, and I’m not sure how, but I believe they spend more money on those agendas than they do on anything that’s happening on the ground that you’re calling war. These tanks and. And guys with AR15, bro, that’s nothing when it comes to the military budget.
Yeah. The real military budget is the monsters they’re keeping in cages somewhere. You know, formaldehyde in Russia. That’s the real military budget. Because to keep those people silent and to do all of that stuff, bro, that’s a completely. Yeah, that’s a wild thing to talk about. But I’m sure, you know, people that are tuning into either of our work or are interested in this stuff. Yeah, well, those are very good points to consider. I’m on board with some of those theories. I also think that, you know, when we talk about hell and Sheol in Hebrew. Well, is it possible that there’s just some places that are under the water? Like you gotta go below the sur.
You got to go deep down into the ocean. And there’s bases down there, bro. Remember the last season of Stranger Things? What do they do to get to the upside Down? They went through. They called it Watergate. Yep. So I think, brother. Showing us everything. Yeah, I think that’s the case, man. I. I think that there. I think that there’s underground bases, and I think that’s maybe where the underground aliens are or the extra. Whatever they came from or whatever they are. And perhaps they’re not. Yeah. Perhaps we just made them. Maybe. Yeah, maybe. But I.
I have a feeling that. Or they made us. There is the f. Yeah, that is True, too. I also think that the fallen angels and the whole story of Prometheus and, you know, the engineers and all that, I think there’s a lot of. There’s a lot of truth to consider here as a possibility that mankind was created by, we could say, the Anunnakis. You know, I’m not going to get into these topics. Consider. But, but there is the possibility that they’re underground and they. They keep pumping out and they’ve made human beings. And now, of course, we have our underground stuff at Area 51 and, and Los Alamos and all these areas, and they’re.
They’re. They’re doing the Chimera and all these experiments, and maybe those things are going to get let out. And this is where we talked about this with Jason and the super soldiers, and they’re all making these super soldiers. I have, I have no doubt that they’re underground making super superhuman beings. And I, I have also have no doubt that there we’re going to see superheroes on the world stage that can do, like. Like we see on the. Did you ever see the show the Boys? Did you ever watch that show? No. You never watched the Boys on Amazon Prime? No, no, no.
But I think of Lucy, that. That makes me think of like what a superhero gone. Yeah. Gone wrong would be. Yeah. Kind of that idea. Yeah. These. But, but, but the Boys, which is an amazing show, if you can talk stomach. Some of the stuff on there, he says, very crude in some way, but they, they. You. They start pumping themselves full of what’s called V, compound V. And it’s this blue stuff they inject themselves with. And you take a human. They can make a person as the V. Right, There you go. We had the V back in the day, in the 1980s.
We had the show called the V, which is about. Which was about Reptilian. Then they have the reptilian stuff, which I think. Yeah, yeah, well, that’s another movie. Yeah, but I think there’s. There’s something to the reptilian stuff, I think that could be tied to the. The underground, the underground entities that exist. And I think, you know, that the. When. When the. And the Abaddon the Destroyer, that comes from underground. The, the locusts. I think that’s what you’re going to see, man. Yep. I think they’re gonna. You know what I’ve been thinking about lately, though? Like, whatever those beings are, like, I think we might have one time talked about this, like, if there was like out of nowhere, some.
Some portal dimension ripped open and we started seeing dinosaurs again. Like, you know for a fact there’s gonna be some dude in Texas that like, comes out guns ablaze and, like, shooting a T. Rex. It’s like, bro. Like, yeah. And it’s like. I think that’s exactly why we’re not able to be around any of this stuff. Like, whatever it is. This might be a little woo woo or spiritual, too spiritual for people, but I’m a firm believer. Coming back to what we said earlier, like, God only shows up when you allow it. It. Yeah. So I’m not trying to say a T.
Rex coming, ripping through a portal is God. But. But the thing is, is that all of the things that we imagine, because there’s utility in where I’m going with this. Everything you imagine becomes everything can be. So the same imagery and imagination that you utilize in any form, you know, it could come to be, but. But why should it? Unless you actually allow it? And that the reason is honorable. Right, Right. That’s the reason why I don’t think we. We should have superpowers, because I think we would abuse them. Everything that we possibly could do with these superpowers, I think we would probably do the wrong things with it.
Sure. And stranger things, I think point points to a great example of it where, you know, El has a heart. She, like, actually is just this, like, pure little girl who’s been taken advantage of by some MK Ultra laboratory. But she wouldn’t even be special if it wasn’t for going through that whole traumatizing experience and she ends up, quote, unquote, saving the world many times now. But it’s not just that she saves the world. It’s that she has to have a relationship with the duality of the love she has for Mike and the hatred she has for that experience of her past.
And she could leverage on either of those things to access her power. But you see, throughout the show, she abuses her power all the time. So if you gave every person on this Earth the ability to be telekinetic and to read thoughts and whatever, we would fuck it all up. Right? And it’s no different than, quote, unquote, aliens coming here. Because if there were to be aliens that come here, you would see people immediately start throwing Molotov cocktails at it. And it’s like, why? Why do we always respond so violently to everything? And it’s because we are not ready to advance.
We are better off as slaves. We are better off with the blue pill. We are not. And. And that’s why me and you are able to vibe because we try to not talk so badly about the elite because we see it as what it is at that state of consciousness that they’re operating at, you know, they’re allowing all of the magic. That’s why they have access to it. Whilst we would do some really unsophisticated things with that magic, you know. And it’s not to say that somebody like Baron Rolf’s child has actual magic powers. It’s not that.
It’s that his, his bandwidth of consciousness that he can perceive is way greater than yours, most likely. Sure. And it’s at a scale that’s unfathomable. And perhaps he needed to go through his own rituals to access that. Right. Perhaps there’s. That’s the case with Hollywood and these celebrities. It could very well be, you know. So like, yes, the MK Ultra thing that they all go through, it’s like, it’s hell. But it is the same process that unlocks the greatest talent those individuals have. It’s no different than the L thing. And to be great in this world stage, that’s your initiation, Right? Our whole thing is just how do we go through that whole process without tormenting others and fucking shit up and destroying everything.
But ultimately, if you want to be successful and you want to be great, you have to disrupt something, right? Yeah, totally. Totally. Well, I, I personally think we’re going to see superheroes on the world stage. I’ve said this time and time again over the years, you know, again that I look, I, I, I looked and analyzed how life works. You know, I gave the analogy of we use, we use navigation on. Everybody here uses their phone for navigation. Or if you get in your car, you have navigation, navigation in the, in the dash. You’re not pulling out a Rand McNally map from the, from the trunk that’s got over it to try to figure out how to get to certain street.
Right. So when you see the progression of our reality and you take that into the context of superheroes, those started in comic books back in the 1920s and then they made their way onto the silver screen and movies. And then the movies became three dimensional. When you go and wear your three dimensional glasses. And now what’s the next stage? As we talked about, what’s the next stage of cell phones? What’s gonna, what does cell phones gonna look like in 10 years from now? We’ve gone from flip phones were still a thing 10 years ago. They’re still around but you know, but everybody’s got a brick for a phone now.
Right. Mostly everybody here listening has this as a. You have a smartphone, right? Can you go. Can you. Can you leave that position? Like, you know, I thought of, like. Anyway. But people wouldn’t if they could because, look, they haven’t done it. Yeah, you can’t. They just haven’t done it. So you go to a restaurant, they don’t hand out paper. We don’t do paper here. You got to scan the. The barcode. Well, if you don’t have a phone to scan the barcode, you ain’t. What are you gonna do? Like, are you gonna ask for paper menus? I do.
Like, can I get a paper menu? But they’re gonna. Some. Some restaurants I’ve asked, they don’t have them. Yeah, they like. Like, they look at you like you’re from the future or something. Yeah. You’re a moron, right? Yeah, exactly. So those are all being phased out. And I think when you look at the trend, when you look at the progression of that, I think that. I think superheroes are going to come onto the world stage. I think people will love to have superheroes on the world stage. And this is where you could have a controlled society.
You could have a controlled society because if you get out of line, you can just get taken out. Out. Yeah. You know, maybe. Maybe you’re right. Like, in a sense. And. And the only way I could postulate that is if these superheroes are currently being trained. Yeah. To be introduced to our world. Like, but I don’t think that the. I don’t. Like. And maybe so I could understand what you mean. Exactly. Because I don’t. I don’t. I’m not sure if you filled me in on this, but, like, I don’t think a regular person transitions into what we could consider superheroes.
I just won’t. I don’t see it being possible, because if that was to be. Yeah, if that was to be the case, I think that person would not only abuse things, but there would be this cult, like, you know, worship. And then there would also be this whole, like, blasphemer, you know, like, no different than a Christ character. Sure. Like, that’s the Christ story. Right. It’s like people thought he’s the one, and then people thought he wasn’t the one. Well, look at the Dune movie. It’s the same. Yeah. Like, is he. Is he the one or is he not the one? And then he has to, like, sacrifice himself to Team War to prove that he actually cares about the people and that, you know, it’s like What? Dude, it’s the same story rehashed gazillion times.
So if the main character in life becomes this, you know, superhero, it’ll just be turned into the savior character. It’ll be the Neo guy. Like look, he’s the one that could do all the cool and then they’ll worship and then the other people will think he’s the devil. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know this is like right back on duality, super far fetched. Like this is like very science fictiony theoretic positions that I’m expressing here. But again, just you look at how we’ve moved from, I mean you go back to the, you know, the 1700s. There’s, there’s no gas powered cars, there’s no solar panels on people’s roofs.
There was no hot water heaters in your, in your basement. There’s none of that stuff, man. They weren’t refrigerators like we have today. Yeah, they weren’t. They don’t have lights, they don’t have light bulbs that can last, you know, the forever now the ones they put on there. Energy saving, huh? We walked around with candles, candles and lanterns, with, with gas and oil. I mean we’re not going back to that. At least I don’t think so. I, I just can’t imagine. And who would want to when we’re so used to the, the convenience of life. Like I know a lot of people say yeah, I would go back to, I could go back to.
Yeah, you say that, you say that man. But let’s, let’s see you go do it for a while. People freak out. Just going to go on, on a five day silent retreat or they’ll do, or do. People can’t even, most people can’t even fast for 40. They can’t like to not eat for a couple days. They’ll freak out. Out. And then how about over 50 of Americans on prescription drugs? Over 50%? Yeah. How they gonna do it? No, I just don’t, I just don’t. I mean you got to use a common sense and critical thinking here.
I, and I just, I just don’t see it. I, I see the world crumbling around the big cities. All these drug induced. When I did the zombie land and Kensington, Pennsylvania and all the big cities, they’ve legalized all drugs in, in Vancouver. Everything’s legal there now. Nothing’s illegal anymore in Vancouver. What’s the next city to do it? I mean they have done it already in Amsterdam, but that’s a little bit different. But you go to Vancouver, man, and These people are like, literally zombies. We’re now seeing the zombies. Yeah, it’s already here. I think we talked a little bit about this with.
I think we did talk about this a little bit with archaics in regards to this. Like, you’ll own nothing and be happy. Yeah. You did mention virtual reality. Yeah. And I was. I was just kind of envisioning a future. I mean, you know, the number one catalyst for this frame of thought is actually quite up. But it’s through conversations that I’ve been having in my personal life about, like, I don’t think anyone is really ready for a world with humanoid, like, robots. I think we posture ourselves as, like, yeah, it would be cool to have like one vacuuming my carpet.
Right. Or like making a coffee for me in the morning. But I don’t think people understand the, the how much of that’s already been developed and how it’s really more about the timing of release at this point, because there’s already sex robots, there’s already talking robots, there’s already all of that. So I don’t think anyone’s really ready for that type of world to come in. And then that was what built, like, the domino effect in my timeline of, okay, we get these robots, people will naturally develop sexual relationships with them. And then once that becomes a thing, we’ll see a plummet in dating.
And we’ve already seen that since C19. That’s become quite pretty much normal. And then there’s some people, there’s some places geographically that are already having a crisis with birth rate declining. And, you know, I mean, I’m not one to be saying that we would save the world by having more babies, but we might be able to bypass a world where we just default to the easy button, which would be AI Robots. Right. I don’t know what that’s going to be. I could use my imagination, but I think with just one or two years of that practiced by the first world, we would be in a death spiral.
You know, like, we will have a complete change in psychology. We’ll have a complete change in cultural norms and morality. I mean, in a lot. Right. At a place where we thought this whole, like, liberal and trans. Trans agenda was crazy. Imagine the transhumanist agenda. Right. That unfolding in real time, I think would be quite interesting. And the speed of which it’ll get adapted, I think will go a lot faster than some people would like to imagine. But all of this is kind of coming back to, well, if we’re not able to get a wife Anymore.
We could just buy the wife and I. I likely you probably won’t have money to buy it in that world. So there’ll be some action you take tied to some biometric thing which will. Will give you credits and the credits will be used to rent the thing. So it’ll be like you get to have your wife on credits in your UBI program for 30 minutes or four hours or whatever. You feel me? And that’ll be the, the concept here. Like I think there’s a movie that shows you work for the credits. Right. Like in the AI world.
You, you. Is it ready player one? Yeah. Or is it not quite that exact concept? I mean, I’m just thinking that there will be a UBI moment because of hyperinflation and because, well, jobs will be for the most part replacing humans with. With robots and artificial intelligence. So what will be the solution to that? Right. Well, the newer Lord already has it figured out and I think that could very much be the thing before 2026 for a lot of sectors. So you’ll see all the people who drive Uber Eats or Uber or Lyft or Bolt or any of those things that that’s not going to be a job for.
I don’t see that being a job in three years. I think the airports will just have their own self driving fleet already there. Okay. And humans will be illegal to pick people up. Oh, interesting. Because there’s already airports that have said there’s no taxis allowed or no Ubers allowed. And then they put the Ubers all in one section. Yeah, one section. Well, bro, where do you think this kind of rule system is heading? You think they’re gonna like if the airport could make cash flow every minute of every day because of every flight getting a kickback on the self driving car? You don’t think the airlines would invest in this and do this? Come on, these are technocrats.
These are people that don’t give a about humanity. They just want to make money. Yeah. Well, I mean it’s always about that, right? Power. Yeah. And they own the airport so they could do whatever they want. And I see that very much being a thing. And that accounts for a large portion of rideshare. And then the next thing you know, all the clubs, all the venues, Madison Square Garden will create the same rule. Say you’re only allowed to get in the self driving Madison Square Garden vehicle and no Ubers are allowed in this area. And they will geo target it and block it it.
They could already do this. That technology was invented by the NHS like before Uber was even an app. Right. Where they could geo target and cancel out so that these rideshare. And then you got to think, well, what’s the future of Uber? Well, they already have to have a solution for it. So they will have it. Tesla will have it already. You know, they’ll probably maybe behind the scenes. And we don’t even know they have a partnership with Uber right now, or they have a partnership with Lyft. That’s already happening contractually, behind the scenes scenes. None of us know about it, but this is the way technocrats think.
So I’m just laying out this idea now because I want people. I want people to protect themselves, man. Because if you’re getting reliant on this type of job, on this gig work, I would, I would get. I would wake up soon. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to wake up. That. That’s not a forever job. Yeah. Well, I know that breaks a lot of hearts out there, but I think hopefully it’s more inspiring than it is depressing. Yeah. Well, you know, we talk about this robot thing and I, you know, again, I, I just go and I look at the Age of Aquarius.
I think it’s inevitable. Rise of the machines is going to come, and it’s already here. You know, then I think the number one reason for people getting divorces is irreconcilable differences, which you could say it’s, you know, communication problems, whatever. But I think that the legal reason cited in most divorces would probably be that and if you had a robot for a partner, the robot can’t argue with you. It’s not gonna, it’s not gonna call you any names. It’s not gonna debate with you. It will be very peaceful. That it will, it will be literally a slave to you.
So. Well, bro, can I just interject really, really quickly? I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna ruin your stream of consciousness, but that’s kind of true, but kind of not. But you can program it as you like. Sure. And so I’ve, I’ve just. Somebody sent me a tutorial from somebody that was talking with a chatbot where it told it like, I want you to not be submissive. So it went about the rest of the conversation in the essence of something that would give you pushback. So I’m just letting you know it’s already savvy and like soup. Like, it is subordinate.
It will do whatever you say. Yeah, but I’m saying is what my point. Of course, yes, I Completely. I completely understand where you were going with it. I was just letting you know that that’s how good the tech is, is that it’s already able to be programmed to be spicy. Yeah, yeah, spicy. If you, if you’re just like those, those of you listening that are in a relationship, if you’re married or whatever, like I got friends, man, that they dump their, their, their problems on me. I got friends that come, they’re married or they’re in relationships and I hear their woes about their relationship.
I’m like, I’m just such an easy person to talk to and it’s been about through my whole life. So I’ve. And I’ve had my share of this, the drama. And when somebody gets down to the, the bare end of the relationship where they’re just sick and tired of it, everything turns them off about that person. What value would it give you if you could program your partner not to annoy you anymore? Right? What value would that have? What, you could never do it, right? Because as I’ve told all my friends, you’re not going to change the person, man.
They’re not change for you. The only time you see a non true character is in the beginning. Because the, in the beginning of a relationship is when people start behaving not genuinely. Yeah, it’s Hollywood acting. It’s acting, baby. Because then they have one thing that they want probably, and that’s sex. They want sex, man. Or they want companionship or they want a kiss. So they want someone to rub their shoulders or they want to cuddle. Right? So these are things that, and, but that wears off and then you just wish you could just shut them up.
Like just shut up. I don’t want to hear your anymore. This is where the value robots will come in because you people are going to be like, I’m not. And then you don’t have to get a divorce from the robot. So you’re. Now you don’t. You’re not looking at sharing 50 of your, of your. Of your finances with somebody. There’s no, there’s no more non competes or there’s no more. What, what are the things you, you, you sign? Yeah, yeah, yeah, there’s no more stuff. Yeah. Prenups. Yeah, that’s a thing of the past, man. So you’re, you’re moving into the, the benefits of, of this would be just that.
And then yeah, if you want to add the spice, you can program the robot robot to, to, to give you a little bit of spice. But anytime you want to Shut that robot up, man. You just turn it off. And I, that’s the value of, of this robot surge. I think we’re going to start to see on the world stage that people, a lot of people are shy to date. They’re afraid that the person’s going to say no. Sure. So they, they don’t even attempt it. And especially if it’s somebody who doesn’t feel, they feel insecure about themselves.
They don’t like the way they look in the mirror. Maybe their parents told them they were no good. So they have no self identity or there’s a crisis with their, they’re just going to turn to the robots. Like the robot’s not going to look at you like you’re this or that. There’s a lot of those people in the world today that have these tendencies, these personality traits. They have a lot of trauma. A lot of people have trauma and they’re not, they’re, they’re not dating. So they just do porn to release, you know, so now they can get a sexual robot.
They can come in and they can have a conversation with this thing and it’s not going to fight and it’s going to accept them for who they are. You’re going to see a surge in robots. That’s, that’s what I think. Yeah. Yeah. I mean me and you are on the same page, like pretty much identical. And I think it’s all going to start rolling out by next year. There’s already a company, I think in Norway that has gotten an insane amount of funding after an initial fund board. Board is complete. Like I’m, they might even go public.
And it’s a similar thing to what Elon showed with Tesla robots. But it, they just tutorial really quickly of them making a coffee. Some harmless in the house, but apparently it’s only like £70 or £80. It’s like you could push that on the floor, you know. So I don’t think it’s ready yet to like pick you up, but there’s a lot of opportunity there. Like, I mean, what about somebody who’s a quadriplegic and they’re in a, you know, whatever situation and like having a strong robot that could get you out of bed and maneuver you and do all of this stuff, like that would be an insane benefit.
Would be huge. It would be huge. So I know that there’s, I mean dudes, look how many veterans out there that have like been injured at war. It’s up, dude. Yeah. And like instead of like the excruciating pain of loneliness and having nobody that could help them with, with all of the rehabilitation and everything. Like there’s so many prime use cases for humanoid like robots. Trust me, like I could name them endlessly, forever. As a very compassionate person who’s maybe too compassionate sometimes, I could see into that, you know, those worlds. And I just know for me, like, I don’t want to say I’m like a humanist because I’ve been spending most of my year, most of my last last couple of years pretty much pure blown tech nerd, you know, getting into crypto and all of this stuff.
But I, I have personally used my imagination enough to the point where I’ve explored what you just laid out. And I don’t think it’s pretty like if they do have sex robots that are, I don’t even think affordability matters because I know they’re going to put it on a payment plan for people like that. That’s end game. Yep, that is end game because once you have that be part of things then I mean it’s a slippery slope. And I think that I brought up the financial side of things a little bit earlier too with the self driving cars and just getting rid of the whole taxi driver, Uber driver thing, food delivery driver, like all of that, that’s huge.
And that all happened very soon. You know, I, I don’t know when Elon said that these Tesla robots will be ready, but they’re already ready and operating. As for when they’ll be commercially available, I think by 2026 we should see them. So if he’s behind it, you know, it will be. He, he’s never not delivered. Yeah. Okay, so obviously it’s not him, he’s a puppet. But like my point is, is that if they’re using him to push that thing, then you know what’s happening. This isn’t a man who likes explores an idea and then it never comes to fruition like it is.
It is gonna be real. And I’m not sure how much they have that they’ve been implementing in the background. But he had a quote like 2 days ago over on X and I only know this because X I’ve been using a lot lately for, for the business. But he said that by 2040 I think. I don’t know if it’s 2030 or 2040, I might be off. But he said 2040 there will be 10 billion robots. Now that’s crazy, right? Because it’s the year 2025 coming up soon. So we’re talking 15 years away. And in that time horizon, that would be more robots than the current humans on earth right now.
And now I just want to bring up one more thing. Have you looked into this website called Deagle? It’s like a military website. No. How do you spell it? D, E, A, G, E, L or L? E? But there’s this thing that I have not entertained, bro, because I know that my outlook is heavy on the world stage now with the community that I’ve grown and the amount of people supporting my art. So I don’t like to entertain unless I, you know, it resonates with me and I feel that it’s urgent to talk about. But this website, Deagle, shows for the year 2025, there’s gonna be a dramatic drop in population.
And it shows that like the United States of America loses like a third of its population. The UK loses like 40% of its population by what time frame? 2025. It’s like a military contracting website. Wow. It’s crazy because it’s like a legit website. Like they don’t just have it for like. You have to send it to me. Yeah, it doesn’t Jamaica. I, I’ll check it out. Yeah, yeah, sure, I’ll try to find it. It’s very interesting. I mean, dude, the handwriting’s on the wall. I mean, look, we’re, we’re in the Kali Yuga stage. The Kali Yuga, you’re the far.
That you’re in the Iron Age, you’re the farthest away from source energy. Which means in Kali Yuga, people are going to be more concerned about materialism and service to self. When you get a robot, that’s service to self because you don’t have to share space and time and energy with a partner. They do everything for you. So it is a self centered position that you’re putting yourself in, right? So you’re not getting, you’re removing dating and partnerships. And people are now spending more time alone with the robot. They can do whatever they want with the robot.
The robot will do whatever they want. That’s self satisfying. That’s, that’s Kali Yuga, man. This is all the markings of the Kali Yuga and the Age of Aquarius and the information. There’s going to be a lot of smart people. There’ll be inventions like Crazy, that’s all classic Uranus, Aquarius kind of energy. But I’m not surprised that Elon Musk had said that, that there’ll be all these robots by this time frame and. Yeah, 10 billion, dude. That’s A lot. That is, that is a lot. That is a lot. That’s. That, that sounds pretty far fetched but, but I mean maybe there’s tons of robots that are already underground or wherever they’re at, they’re being built and they’re ready to go.
Somebody sent me this one video of like a guy that’s working at a Tesla factory and he, I don’t know how or what position he, he plays for them, but he was saying that like they have us working like triple overtime to get these robots out. Like he was, he was saying that they have the people that are working there in that comp, that department, they’re working like beyond overtime. Like pretty much anyone who wants to work extra, they will allow it even if it’s breaking like you know, health code standards and. Oh, interesting. Yeah. Like, which again it’s like who would spearhead that mission? It would be him.
And he’s been the guy that’s like every quote unquote, everything he does is like the golden child, right? Like he’s saving our world. We’re going to colonize Mars. Everyone’s going to be happy with their self driving car. So it’s, they’re, they’re using him to usher in a lot of these, a lot of these things. But I don’t want to spend too much time on him. I just found it to be quite interesting. That’s super fascinating, man, that he, they, that he’s, they’re doing that and all these, the stuff that you said about paying overtime and I mean, I’m not surprised, you know, I, I’m not, I’m not surprised again, you know, I, I’m, I’m not somebody who’s gonna, who’s looking at the world like, oh, there’s something going to come in and we’re going to go back to.
In an outhouse with a flashlight. I’m just, I’m not sold on that. Especially when you look at how the Piscean age has moved into form, how it came to be. You know, you go back to the, the wild, wild west and the technology back then where there was nothing, there was no technology back then. It was purely Earth. It was purely what Pisces is water. The biology of the body. You know, So I, and then you just, you see the transition and I just don’t think people can leave live with like, I, I’ll be honest, I’ll be straight up honest and authentic with all of you here.
I would be really kind of lost if I didn’t have my Technology. I would, because I use it every single day for the majority of my life now. I love going out to the beach. I know the value of grounding, getting the electrons. I. I get all that getting rid of free radicals, living longer, prevention. I go to the gym four or five times a week. So I’m. I’m big into the physicalness and being a human being. But my. My world revolves around technology, man. Man. And so does yours. My world revolves around the things that Aquarian Age is all about.
Yeah. And that’s being authentic. Like, you know, like I’ve said, like, what would you do. What would you do if you had you. If the Internet was pulled and there was no more computers and you had to get rid of the cell phones, what would you do with yourself? Most people would lose their. I don’t know what people would do. Think about that. If the. The. The Internet was removed and computers were taken away and. And cell phones were a thing of the past, you know, what would people do with themselves? I. I just. I just don’t see us going backwards to that anymore.
I think we have to embrace what’s coming, despite the possible, you know, doom and gloom stuff that’s coming in. And in a world where that stuff goes down, then what we all talked about in the last podcast would be very plausible. Like jacking into a metaverse world because you can’t take it anymore, you know, Or. Or it’s just actually so shitty that it’s like, no, I don’t want to do this. I’ve seen one company, I think, in Sweden that has already been pilot testing prisons that will be putting a VR headset on you in like a med bed type type deal.
Right. I don’t know if they just like, jack in some saline. Saline solution and just like, drip calories into you slowly. But yeah, like, you basically just go through a reprogramming camp virtually. And this is like the way of prisons in the future. Like, it’s nuts. But that’s. That’s exactly what I see going down. More Minority Report. That’s just. That’s tech. Yeah. Because you have that. Everything’s wild to watch that be. It’ll be wild to watch that become a thing because then what. What it’ll do is it’ll like, make putting people in jail not seem so rough, you know? Sure.
Like, what would death row be in a world where, like, your consciousness is just jacked into a computer simulation? We wouldn’t look at it as bad anymore. And I don’t know, maybe initially people would take advantage of that. They’d be, they would want to commit crime more. I don’t know. Like, you know, there’s so many ways to, to spin this. Yeah, I, I, there is. There’s a million different ways. And we’re theorizing and speculating and all that kind of stuff, but I personally, Jordan, I think, you know, I think the handwriting’s on the wall. I think it’s inevitable that we’re moving towards like a perfected society.
This is perhaps what the Bible was alluding to when there’s going to be a paradise. Or maybe not. Maybe, you know, I, I had said this earlier before, I’ll say it again, that maybe the paradise or the heavenly realms are the opposite astrological sign that we’re in. So the Age of Aquarius would be the dualistic reality that you’d be able to entertain. But those that are deserving would go to the heavenly realms, which would be the opposite, which would be in the sign of Leo. And Leo’s ruled by the sun. So maybe the Dark Age in the Kali Yuga would be the Aquarian Age.
But people that actually get to transit and move past that into the heavenly realms, they get moved into a timeline that would be of the across the way from Aquarius and be in the Age of Leo. This is purely theoretical, by the way. Can’t prove that. But it is something to think about. Yeah, it’s making me think about, it’s making me think, like, because I did a very small amount of decoding on this, this upcoming Super Bowl. Not to decode the super bowl, but just to kind of get some connections for this election stuff that I was talking about earlier.
And it looks like the Detroit Lions are like, super favorable for next year. And then I was like, kind of sharing with, within the decode the concept, you know, the, the concept to the Dragon Year and how we are pretty much pushing through the Dragon year for this entire NFL season we’re in right now, even though the, the super bowl will be on the following Gregorian year. So the energy of this year is very influential. And the connection between the dragon and the sun, mythologically, and the sun obviously rules Leo. And getting into some of those connections, it was fun, but brought that idea into the mix.
And there’s definitely some things going on with the Lions and the Leo symbolism and y’all, the ball moth and demiurge symbolism with the lion. Plenty of different places to, to take that, that idea. Well, I mean, I just, I just decoded Lionsgate. Yes. Last night live with my Community. Oh, really nice. Yeah. And I used. You had asked me about the Golden Ratio cipher and I, I used that one heavily during that decode. And it’s such a special cipher because like if you take the word sun, it’s 808 in the golden ratio and 88 is raw.
It’s the sun. Right. So it’s a 16 and 16 reduces down to the number seven and seven is the pattern. The sun makes the 171 the 7:1:7. So the, the golden ratio cipher is. Is very valuable anyway. The. The word lion. The word lion is 29, which is the same value as Yodhevahe, same value as Yaldabaoth. This. It comes out to be the same as Allah. And these were all referencing the sun. The sun being the lion, which is the dragon, which is. Yeah. Which is Yaldabath, which is the Yod, which is Jesus, which is Lucifer.
They’re. They all fit into this. Yeah. And. Yeah. And that’s. That’s solar eclipse. The eclipses that we’ve had this year are very powerful. The solar eclipse. But next year it’s the lunar eclipses that are very powerful. So the fact that the super bowl will be before that March eclipse kind of is another thing I’ve been thinking about. And then it’s like this play on the old world and the new world. Even though Detroit is like kind of representative of the old world with automotive cars and now we’re moving electric and. But that’s only one part of the.
The script. Right. There’s plenty of other things here. Just with the symbolism of the lion itself which you were talking about. So kind of like the looking at it from the concept of this spiritual side versus the chiefs or. I mean, I’m not trying to get into the decode right now. It’s. It’s a little unnecessary. But there’s definitely a theme here with the sports. You know, it’s blowing my mind how many times that I’ve started to do a decode into something with sports related. And then it ended up aligning so perfectly. Like, I mean even last year is a great example with the Golden Knights winning 49ers, losing cancel of energy.
And then gold just surges. Like gold has been on a tear. I’m talking about precious metals, gold. So. And it’s all been the dragon year. So. Yeah. Pretty crazy, man. Gotta love the code. Gotta love the code. And yeah. And this is, this is. To me it’s just the organic code playing out and it plays through everything. Everything’s interconnected so it’s, it’s pretty, pretty, pretty obvious when you start looking at all these things. Yeah. And that’s a big reason why I throw in these cultural elements. Because, like, when you look at the market right now, like, yeah, sure, we have this awareness of the City of London and the Vatican, but like, it’s the New York Stock Exchange, man.
Like, that’s what, that’s what we’re talking about, this market. And with that being said, you know, connecting it back to America and cultural themes is, Is the way to go to save a lot of time, you know, with your decoding. And naturally, what are the two big events? Well, you have the election that’s going on this year. You have the Super Bowl. Yeah. So this, it’s always symbolic, you know, and that’s why it’s starting to make so much sense to me why the sports games. These big ones go the way they go. I don’t think every single one is scripted, but the ones that are obviously the most important.
Yeah. Such as the super bowl or something like with the Olympics, you know, even though that’s another kind of. Yeah, that’s maybe a little tough because you have all of these nations and all of these competitors within each nation and. Yeah. You know, there’d almost be no point of decoding the Olympics. Right. The only thing that we would get from it is maybe like these opening ceremonies and closing ceremonies, which we know this year was crazy. Like, I didn’t see the whole opening ceremony, but did you see it at all? Any of it? Oh, yeah, they did like a trans.
Last Supper. What? Dude, it was. I am not kidding you. It had like a bearded lady singing and it was, it’s. It’s wild. It’s such a circus. But, you know, getting on, getting on track because I know me and you could, could go forever on some of this stuff. And we probably should wrap this one up soon. But there’s been a huge theme with France in my work. And earlier you brought up the French Revolution, like, very quickly. And I’ve just been thinking, like, with this Vatican saying that next year is the jubilee and it’s Pope Francis.
And we had. Earlier this year, the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore came down and we had Paris, France, Summer Olympics. Then we had this one. Well, the chiefs are in Missouri and they have St. Louis named after King Louis, French king. And then Louisiana has been a huge theme too. Not maybe as massive as some of the other things that have been going on in the world stage. But the next super bowl is going to be in New Orleans, Louisiana. And the last time that New Orleans, Louisiana had a Super bowl was 2012, which was the year of the Dragon for the Baltimore Ravens.
So there’s so many weird connections that are going on with that. But like, I’ve been realizing the theme of France, and I don’t know exactly what’s going on in France right now, but I’ve seen a lot of civil unrest for the last four or five years. Nothing like end timesy because they’re still operating as a sophisticated society. But, you know, like, every year we hear some big story about France, specifically Paris, having some protests and whatnot, whether it be because of retirement age or something like that. But it’s kind of overlapping. Right. When you look at the story of the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the way that the people dealt with that moment with Marie Antoinette and Napoleon, I believe they even came out with a move, a Napoleon movie recently with Joaquin Phoenix.
The apex predator loves using that guy for almost everything. Yep. So, yeah, I mean, I’m not sure exactly where the stream of consciousness is going. It’s just France has been a huge theme in my work, and I’m seeing there could be parallels where perhaps what was going down in. In France for their revolution is about to mirror to what’s going on in the US Right now with like an ultra totalitarian regime that is allowing crazy to happen, like with this immigration policy. And then it leads to something where like, the people just do not deal with their government anymore.
Do you ever see there to be a case of like that, or do you think a revolution or a civil war is more like, likely? Well, I mean, civil war, revolution. I mean, it’s just. There’s going to be a war. I. I think that it’s. It’s inevitable that there’s a possibility that that comes out on the world stage. Where will it start? Who. Who knows? I think that. I think the US Is really in a position to have something like that happen. Really? I really. Yeah, I really do. Because of all the things that are going on, the colorful aspects of the US the mark, the housing, just.
Everything’s just set up right now to blow up. I mean, the housing market and, and people can’t afford to buy and they can’t afford to sell. Right now in Florida with the two hurricanes, people don’t even want to live there anymore because their houses have been flooded. Yeah. Times they’re like, I’m out of here. They can’t even. They’re trying to reduce their house prices by 100 grand. They can’t even sell them. Who does going to buy that? Right, right. So they’re. They’re being. Where are they going to go? So the housing market. And then the housing market, the bubble’s so high and then the hyperinflation and, you know, people.
People losing their jobs and so it’s, you know, there’s plenty of jobs out there. It’s just, you know, people still are not really living the luxurious life that they once lived there, struggling and stuff like that. So. But I. I think the US could be the start of it all. But maybe not. Maybe it would be in Europe. I mean, mean, consider that francium, the element francium sits right after radium and right before radon, and that’s element number 87. That’s tied to Lucifer as well and tied to Prometheus. So 88, 87, 86. These are all tied to the sun.
So, yeah, 86 is huge, dude. Because we were talking about stranger things before, and I think there’s a very important reason why they ended that well, why they made that season in the year 86. Yeah. All right, brother, I think I do need to wrap this one up. It’s been half hours. This was a beautiful conversation. Yeah, this was a great. We covered some pretty damn amazing topics. I’m sure everybody will really love this one. I. I really enjoyed this one. We had some really colorful conversations. Good flow. So I’m pretty, pretty satisfied. So 100. Let’s talk 18 in the book.
And it’s been an honor and a pleasure, bro. Yeah, man, appreciate you. Grateful to reconnect and. Yeah, likewise. We have the big one nine coming up then. Yeah, we do. We have the 19 coming up. Yep. Which is powerful. Powerful, man. Yeah. The two numbers of numeral. That’s the anode and the cathode. The battery coming up. So it sucks that we talk so much about AI because that would have been the perfect one to talk. Well, we can still jump into it. Yeah, of course, of course, of course. Yeah, maybe we’ll see what kind of feedback, matter of fact, I’ll throw out there.
Anybody listening to this, what would you like us to talk about? I like to bring people. I like to hear what the crowd has to say. But, you know, what topics would you want Jordan and I to discuss for the. Let’s talk number 19. I. I definitely will consider some of the. The topics that some of you out there, some of you great minds want us to discuss. Jordan, you open for that? I’m sure you are. Yeah. Or we could just do a lot live and kind of, like, launch the live with that, you know, idea in mind.
Yeah, we can launch the live and then do comments at the same time. But, yeah, 100. If you have a comment, if you have a topic you want us to talk about ON let’s talk 19, you know, put it down in the comments below and. And let us know, and I’ll take it into consideration, or Jordan and I will take into consideration. Perfect. All right, brother. It’s been amazing. Enjoy. Hope you have a beautiful rest of your day, and let’s reconnect soon. Much love. All right. Much love, man. Take care. Take care.